The role of milk in nature is to nourish and provide immunological protection for the mammalian young.
Milk has been a food source for humans since prehistoric times; from human, goat, buffalo, sheep, yak,
to the focus of this section – domesticated cow milk (genus Bos). Milk and honey are the only articles of
diet whose sole function in nature is food. It is not surprising, therefore, that the nutritional value of
milk is high. Milk is also a very complex food with over 100,000 different molecular species found. There
are many factors that can affect milk composition such as breed variations (see introduction), cow to
cow variations, herd to herd variations – including management and feed considerations, seasonal
variations, and geographic variations. With all this in mind, only an approximate composition of milk can
be given:
lactose 4.6%
minerals 0.65% – Ca, P, citrate, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Cl, Fe, Cu, sulfate, bicarbonate, many others
Not only is the composition important in determining the properties of milk, but the physical structure
must also be examined. Due to its role in nature, milk is in a liquid form. This may seem curious if one
takes into consideration the fact that milk has less water than most fruits and vegetables. Milk can be
described as:
an oil-in-water emulsion with the fat globules dispersed in the continuous serum phase
a colloid suspension of casein micelles, globular proteins and lipoprotein particles
a solution of lactose, soluble proteins, minerals, vitamins other components.
Looking at milk under a microscope, at low magnification (5X) a uniform but turbid liquid is observed. At
500X magnification, spherical droplets of fat, known as fat globules, can be seen. At even higher
magnification (50,000X), the casein micelles can be observed. The main structural components of milk,
fat globules and casein micelles, will be examined in more detail later.
Nutrients in milk
Milk and milk products have a good balance of protein , fat and carbohydrate and are a very important
source of essential nutrients, including:
vitamins A and B12
Milk products also have ‘high-quality proteins’ that are well suited to human needs. For example, having
milk (or yoghurt) with cereal can provide amino acids that may be lacking in the cereal product
There are many myths about the negative impacts of milk on health. Changing how much milk you drink
because of these myths may mean you are unnecessarily restricting this highly nutritious drink.
Australians often restrict dairy foods when they try to lose weight, believing them to be fattening. While
dairy products naturally contain fat, there are many reduced fat products available.
Dairy foods like milk, yoghurt and cheese (particularly reduced-fat products) are not a threat to good he
Cardiovascular health – there may be a protective effect of milk for stroke risk. The Heart
Foundation says that unless you already have coronary heart disease or elevated cholesterol,
full fat milk, yoghurt and cheeses are unlikely to increase your risk of heart disease when
consumed as part of a healthy eating pattern.
Osteoporosis – if milk and milk products are removed from the diet, it can lead to an inadequate
intake of calcium. This is especially a concern for women over the age of 50 and the elderly, who
have high calcium needs. Calcium deficiency may lead to conditions like osteoporosis (a disease
that results in loss of bone).
Colorectal cancer (also known as bowel cancer) – according to the World Cancer Research Fund,
people who regularly eat more than one serve of dairy products each day (particularly milk)
have a reduced risk of developing colon cancer.
Blood pressure – having milk and dairy products is associated with lowered blood pressure. And,
when low-fat dairy foods are combined with a high intake of fruits and vegetables, blood
pressure is lowered more than by just having fruits and vegetables.
Type 2 diabetes – dairy products in general, particularly those that are low-fat, are protective
against developing type 2 diabetes.alth if had as part of a well-balanced nutritious diet.
Many people in Australia believe that nasal stuffiness or increased mucous is related, in part, to how
much milk you drink. However, there is no evidence to support this theory. Milk doesn’t encourage
extra mucous production.
Flavoured milk
Milk is an important source of nutrients for children. A glass of milk with a small amount of
flavouring (such as one level teaspoon of chocolate powder) is a healthier option for children than
other sugar-sweetened drinks such as soft drinks, flavoured waters, fruit drinks and cordials.
However, if you choose to give your child flavoured milk, this should be in moderation.
As children move into their teenage years, the time when they need the most calcium, they tend to
drink less milk and more sugary soft drinks. As milk is a healthier choice, it’s worth encouraging
teenagers to drink reduced-fat flavoured milk rather than soft drinks.
Water and plain milk are the best drinks for children and teenagers.
Milk and milk products are thought to protect against tooth decay. Eating cheese and other dairy
Most milk on the market is pasteurised (heat treated then cooled). While pasteurisation reduces the
amount of some vitamins, such as vitamin C, it also kills bacteria.
Never drink unpasteurised or raw milk, as you have an increased risk of gastrointestinal illness from
pathogens (bugs, germs, bacteria).
Full cream – full-cream milk contains around 4% fat. For children up to the age of 2 years, full-
cream milk is recommended.
Reduced fat – expect around half as much fat in reduced-fat milk as full-cream. Children over
the age of 2 years can drink reduced-fat milk.
Skim milk – has a maximum of 0.15% fat. There are some brands of reduced-fat and skim milk
that have vitamin A and D added to replace the naturally occurring vitamins that are reduced
when the fat is removed.
Calcium enriched – a 250 ml glass of calcium-enriched milk contains 408–500 mg of calcium.
A2 milk – milks labelled as ‘A2’ primarily consist of a form of β-casein protein called A2 and
generally lack the A1 form. It is thought that the A2 form of β-casein protein is more easily
digested by some people than the A1 form.
Lactose-free – these milks are the same as regular milks but have had the lactose (sugar)
removed to make it easier to digest for people who have difficulty digesting lactose.
Flavoured – these milks can either be full cream or reduced fat. However, most varieties contain
added sugar and should be consumed only sometimes.
UHT (ultra-high temperature-treated) milk – is treated with very high heat to allow milk to be
stored for long periods.
What is permeate?
When shopping for milk, you might have seen the word ‘permeate’ on the label. Permeate is the term
used in the dairy industry that refers to the lactose, vitamin and mineral content that has been extracted
from milk using ultrafiltration – it is not an addition of anything to milk that was not already there.
The quality and composition of milk varies between different breeds of cows, different farms and at
different times of the year. Because of this, sometimes manufacturers use permeate to ‘standardise’ the
milk, to ensure a consistent product is produced year-round.
An allergy to cow’s milk and related dairy products affects one in 50 babies and is different to lactose
intolerance. Very few adults are allergic to cow’s milk. People who are allergic to cow’s milk can also be
allergic to milk from other animals such as goats, sheep and buffalo.
If a person has an allergic sensitivity, it’s usually because of one or more of the proteins in milk. The
proteins in goat’s milk are closely related to those in cow’s milk, so replacing one type of milk with the
other usually doesn’t help.
Milk allergies are more common in very young children and most tend to grow out of them or build up a
tolerance to milk.
Lactose intolerance
Lactose is a type of carbohydrate or sugar that naturally occurs in milk from any mammal, including
humans. Normally, an enzyme in the small intestine called lactase breaks down lactose so it can be
absorbed into the bloodstream.
Some people don’t produce enough lactase. When they drink milk, undigested lactose is broken up by
the bacteria in their large intestine causing gas, bloating, pain and diarrhoea. This condition is called
‘lactose intolerance’.
You can be born lactose intolerant or develop it later in life. If you think you may be lactose intolerant,
see your doctor.
Milk and milk products are highly nutritious, so people who are lactose intolerant should not give them
up entirely. If you have been diagnosed with lactose intolerance, try using lactose-free milk, or continue
to have standard milk but in lower quantities.
Most people with lactose intolerance can handle small amounts of lactose such as a glass of milk, which
contains 8 to 10 grams of lactose. Natural yoghurts are usually well tolerated because the bacteria have
their own lactase that breaks down the lactose in the milk.
Some dairy foods contain less lactose than others and may be better for people who have lactose
intolerance. For example:
Fresh cheeses such as cottage and ricotta tend to have very low levels of lactose and are usually
well tolerated in small amounts, for example, 3/4 of a cup.
Fermented milk products, including kefir, some yoghurts, mature cheeses (like cheddar cheese,
fetta and mozzarella) and butter, generally pose no tolerance problems. (However, butter is high
in saturated fat and is not recommended for good heart health).
Heated milk products, such as evaporated milk, seem to be better tolerated than unheated
foods, because the heating process breaks down some of the lactose.
Foods that contain lactose are better tolerated if eaten with other foods or spread out over the day,
rather than being eaten in large amounts all at once.
There are many plant-based milks and plant-based milk products (such as custard, cheese and yoghurts)
available to buy. These include soy, rice, oat, coconut and nut milks such as almond and macadamia.
These ‘milks’ are all lactose-free and suitable for people following vegan diets. However, they don’t all
provide the same nutrient types and amounts as regular cows’ milk, so it is important that you read their
labels closely.
If choosing plant-based milk and plant-based milk products over dairy milk and dairy milk products,
make sure you choose products that are fortified with calcium, and are unsweetened.