PR2 Rja
PR2 Rja
PR2 Rja
General Academic Strand (GAS)-12
November, 202
Certificate of Originality
This is to certify that this study contains no material which had been
accepted for the award of any other higher degree in any tertiary institution
period. To the best of the researchers’ knowledge and belief, this research
Joey L. Bahian
appreciation to the people who shared their assistance and support at the
School for allowing the researchers to conduct the study in the school.
To all the Grade-12 GAS and TVL students from Lilingayon National
High School who served as the respondents of this study and patiently
To Mr. Kris Joy Dela Pina and Mr. Rolf Jairuh Inductivo, the advisers of
the respondents, for allowing the researchers to conduct the study in their
advisory class.
Grade 12, for allowing the researchers to obtain the Personal Development
in the study.
struggles and hard time with, on the process of making this study.
To the parents and family of the researchers, for the love and
Above all, to our Almighty God, who provide the researchers sufficient
knowledge, courage and guidance to make this research work truly and
Joey L. Bahian
Table of Contents
Certificate of Originality......................................................................................i
Abstract............................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1..........................................................................................................2
The Problem..................................................................................................2
Introduction................................................................................................... 2
Statement of the Problem.............................................................................3
Objective of the Study...................................................................................3
Significance of the Study...............................................................................4
Scope and Delimitation.................................................................................5
Definition of Terms........................................................................................5
Chapter 2..........................................................................................................5
Theoretical Framework................................................................................. 5
Review of Related Literature.........................................................................5
Family Background....................................................................................5
Support System.........................................................................................6
Theoritical Framework...................................................................................6
IPO MODEL..................................................................................................7
Research Paradigm...................................................................................... 7
Hypothesis.................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 3..........................................................................................................9
Research Design...........................................................................................9
Locale of the Study....................................................................................... 9
Respondents of the Study...........................................................................11
Research Instrument...................................................................................11
Data Gathering Procedures.........................................................................11
Statistical Techniques.................................................................................12
Chapter 4........................................................................................................14
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data......................................14
Chapter 5........................................................................................................21
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation.............................................21
a supportive approach that respects the learner’s individual needs. This study
National High School for school year 2023-2024. The method of research
used in the conduct of the study was the correlational method. It was used to
was used in gathering the data. It was first submitted to the Practical
the content before it was administered to the respondents. The findings of the
Chapter 1
The Problem
beneficial for the learners and parents of the learners. This research will be
parent occupation and income impact these opinions on overall benefit to high
school learner.
2. What are the academic performance of the grade 12 GAS and TVL
utilize the findings and the recommendation presented. This study will also
To the community, it will let them know that they are also one of the
supporting and the uplifting foundation of a student life. In addition, it will help
To the school, the result of this study will help them know the situation
will help them adjust to a better and refreshing environment for the learners.
To the teachers, it will help them realize that not all students have good
environment in home and understanding. It will also help them have a better
To the parents, it will help them have a better insight and have a better
addition, it will help them build a strong and healthy relationship between them
To the future researchers, for them to have a new idea based on the
result of this study if they plan to make research about Relationship between
The scope of this study is confined to 60 General Academic Strand
Valencia City, for the school year spanning from 2023-2024. The data
Definition of Terms
especially of a family.
Chapter 2
Theoretical Framework
This study deals with the review of related literature and studies which
framework, the research paradigm, and the hypothesis of the study to sum up
ideas and concepts that will help the researcher in conceptualizing the
A number of studies have been carried out to identify and analyze the
academic performance.
Family Background
found that the parents educational background had a consistent, direct impact
Porumbu and Necsoi (2023) disclosed that when a child was eight years old,
This is not only affected their performance but at the same time negatively
record when they have supportive parents who help them prepare them for
their homework and submitting it on time because of the help and assistance
behavior, get better grades, show better social skills and adjust better to
Bunijevac (2017), also states that the trust and respect between the home,
school and community should be mutual. Also, the school needs to have a
Theoretical Framework
The theory that the researchers used in this study is the Social
children learn by observing and imitating the behaviors of those around them,
IPO Model
Research Paradigm
Figure 2: Research Paradigm
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the methods used in the study. It includes the
procedure and statistical techniques used in the study that will utilized in the
Research Design
(10) kilometers away from barangay Bagontaas, the nearest barangay from
occupied by one (1) school head, six hundred seven (607) learners, twenty-
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 GAS and TVL learners
from Lilingayon National High School (LiNHS). The researchers used simple
random sampling which simply means that all respondents are chosen in a
Research Instrument
honest answers. Then, the researchers did the simple random sampling in
which a subject of individuals are chosen randomly, all the same probability. It
school head permitting that this study was for academic purposes only and
will not impose any negative effect to the school premises. After the approval,
Statistical Techniques
The data obtained from the survey is organized using SPSS program.
The researchers used the Likert scale method to correlate the relationship
School (SHS).
Chapter 4
number 1 shows that most of the students agreed that their parents does not
care whether they do good or bad at school because of the mean= 3.2 and
standard deviation SD= .68. A mean tells what is the average value while
mean, and high standard deviation indicates data are more spread out.
(M=3.02, SD=.79).
It shows that most of them is encourage by their parents to do well in
school with the highest mean 3.43 and the lowest is the indicator statement 6
10(16.67) of them has lower middle income, and 1(1.6%) of them has an
14(23.3%) are laborer, 44(73.3) are farmer, and 2(3.3%) are civil servant. In
school level, 9(15%) graduated in high school, 12(20%) are on college level,
Table 2: Academic Performance of the Learners
75-79% 0 0% Expectation
Total 60 100%
Sample *N=60
Grade Scale Descriptor Remarks
Table 2 shows the learners academic performance. It can be seen that
performance while the other 10% got below the outstanding performance.
Support System Performance
Support System Pearson
1 .188
Sig. (2-tailed) .151
N 60 60
Academic Pearson
.188 1
Performance Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .151
N 60 60
Table 3.0: The Correlation Between Support System and Academic
As shown in the table 3.0 support system has no significant relationship with
Table 3.1 shows the correlation between income and academic performance.
and .902 which is higher than 0.05 that signifies to reject the alternative
This means that all the variables has no significant relationship with the
Cheung et. al., (2012), states that parental support and learner’s academic
Chapter 5
The summary of the findings was investigated on the relationship
their first midterm grade of the School Year 2023-2024, the relationship
are some of the respondents who did not agree that parental involvement can
The respondents are aware that parental involvement can affect their
(SHS) learners.
the researchers would like to recommend that in order for the learners to have
a high academic success rate, their parents really need to work hard on
supporting them physically and mentally so that their children will have a
brighter future.
Roy, M., (2019). The role of parental involvement and social, emotional skills