9867-Article Text-53325-1-10-20211129
9867-Article Text-53325-1-10-20211129
9867-Article Text-53325-1-10-20211129
Abstract. Windarsih G, Utami DW, Yuriyah S. 2021. Morphological characteristics of Zingiberaceae in Serang District, Banten,
Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 5507-5529. Zingiberaceae, known as ginger family, is a family of monocotyledon belonging to the
Zingiberales order. This family is widely used its rhizome for various purposes, especially as medicinal plant. The morphological
characters can be used to help the identification of species in the field of plant taxonomy. The aim of study was to characterize the
morphological traits, both vegetative and generative organs, of Zingiberaceae from Serang District, Banten. Plant specimens were
collected from Serang District, Banten, including in Pabuaran, Gunungsari, and Ciomas sub-district using purposive sampling. The
examination of morphological characters data was conducted through observation and documentation. There were 13 species/varieties
of Zingiberaceae collected from the studied area, i.e. Amomum compactum, Alpinia purpurata, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, C. longa, C.
heyneana, C. mangga, C. aeruginosa, Kaempferia rotunda, Etlingera elatior, Zingiber zerumbet, Z. officinale, Zingiber officinale var.
rubrum, and Z. cassumunar, in which the generative organs were found only in eight species/cultivars of them. Based on the
morphological characters of vegetative organs, thirteen species/cultivars had a similarity distance coefficient from 37% to 94%; while
based on the morphological characters of both vegetative and generative organs, the eight species/cultivars had a similarity distance
coefficient from 31% to 94%. The results showed that using the characters of vegetative organs data were still able to provide consistent
grouping results with the generative organs.
Picture 1. The location of sample collection of Zingiberaceae in Serang District area, Banten. A. Pabuaran, B. Gunungsari, C. Ciomas
WINDARSIH et al. – Morphological characters of Zingiberaceae 5509
Table 1. Morphological characters of Zingiberaceae from Serang District, Banten, Indonesia examined and the scoring method used in
this study
Data analysis sheaths wrap around the true stem to form a pseudo-stem.
The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The The detailed characters of each species is described below.
morphological characters were converted to binary data,
and analyzed with Unweighted Pair Group Method with Alpinia purpurata (K. Schum.)
Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) by NTSYs version 2.02 Red galangal [Alpinia purpurata (K. Schum.)] has a
program (Rohlf 1997) to determine the level of similarity semi-erect plant growth direction, number of pseudo-stems
among species/cultivars. The determination of mean and 106 stems, plant height 157.7-198.4 cm (174.84±16.99
standard deviation for quantitative data was conducted cm); pseudo-stem is spherical, diameter 17.6-20.9 cm
using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. (18.58±1.11 cm), the base colour is reddish. Leaf consists
of blade, sheath, and short-petiole; leaf shape is lanceolate,
leaf apex is acute, leaf base is acute, leaf blade is green,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION leaf margin is entire, leaf venation is pinnate (penninervis),
the midrib is prominent on the abaxial surface; petiole
The exploration conducted in this study recorded 13 shape is triangular. Number of leaves 14-17 blades
species/varieties of Zingiberaceae from Serang District, (15.50±0.85 blades), length of blade 39.6-49.4 cm
Banten, including turmeric, yellow turmeric, temu giring, (43.13±3.11 cm), leaf blade width 9.6-11.7 cm (10.92±0.61
kunyit putih, torch ginger, ginger, red ginger, javanese cm), length of leaf sheath 79.0-93.9 cm (84.76±4.82 cm),
cardamom, bangle, lempuyang gajah, mango ginger, black length of ligule 4.5-5.0 mm (4.9±0.2 mm), length of petiole
turmeric, and red galangal (Table 2). 0.8-1.1 cm (0.89±0.10 cm). True stem has a height of 87.5-
128.7 cm (101.49±13.91 cm), segmented into nodes and
Morphological characters internodes with an internode length of 10.7-12.3 cm
Based on the results, the thirteen species of (11.42±0.57 cm). Rhizome shape is spherical or elliptical,
Zingiberaceae found in the studied area are perennial, has diameter 3.07-4.24 cm (3.52±0.35 cm), rhizome surface is
fibrous root system, rhizomes that grow creeping smooth and reddish-white or reddish (altrose, RAL 3014)
horizontally in the soil, roots usually emerging from the in colour, rhizome flesh is reddish-white or reddish (RAL
surface of rhizomes; single leaf, symmetrical leaf blade, 3014-altrose, 3015-hellrosa), anthocyanin colour of bud of
leaves arranged alternately in two opposite rows, there is a rhizome is reddish. In this study, the generative organs
ligule at the junction between the leaf blade and the leaf were not found (Figure 2).
sheath or between the petiole and the leaf sheath; leaf
5510 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 22 (12): 5507-5529, December 2021
Figure 2. Morphological characters of vegetative organs in red galangal (Alpinia purpurata) collected from Serang District, Banten. A.
Plant performance, B. adaxial surface of leaf blade, C. abaxial surface of leaf blade, D-E. ligule, F. transverse section of petiole, G.
transverse section of pseudo-stem, H. rhizome in the soil, I. bud of rhizome, J. longitudinal section of mature rhizome, K. transverse
section of mature rhizome, L. longitudinal section of younger rhizome, M. transverse section of younger rhizome
Amomum compactum Sol. ex. Maton cm (1.03±0.15 cm), rhizome flesh is yellowish-white
Javanese cardamom (Amomum compactum Sol. ex. (beige, RAL 1001); rhizome surface is smooth and white
Maton) has a semi-erect plant growth direction, plant height (perlweib, RAL 1013), while rhizome appearing above the
118.9-132.5 cm (123.85±3.87 cm), diameter of pseudo-stem ground is dark-red (purpurrot, RAL 3004); anthocyanin color
12.3-14.3 mm (13.22±0.97 mm), pseudo-stem base colour of bud of rhizome is red (purpurrot, RAL 3004) (Figure 3).
is red (purpurrot, RAL 3004). Leaf consists of blade and Inflorescence emerges from rhizome in the soil. A total
sheath, no petiole (sessile); leaf blade shape is lanceolate, height of inflorescence reaches 5.6 cm; the growth direction of
green, leaf apex is acuminate, leaf base is acute, leaf peduncle is humifusus, length of peduncle 2.9-3.7 cm
venation is pinnate (penninervis), the midrib is prominent (3.30±0.57 cm), diameter of peduncle 0.37-0.50 cm
on the lower surface, leaf margin is undulate. Number of (0.44±0.09 cm). Bracts on peduncle 3, length 1.1-1.9 cm
leaves 13-18 blades (15.60±1.58 blades), length of leaf (1.52±0.32 cm), width 0.89-1.18 cm (1.08±0.17 cm).
sheath 44.7-58.8 cm (50.22±3.93 cm), length of ligule 0.5- Bracts on rachis of inflorescence are yellowish-white, 32-
0.6 cm (0.59±0.03 cm), length of leaf blade 34.1-39.4 cm 35 blades (33.33±1.53 blades), length 1.0-2.5 cm (2.11±032
(36.08±1.67 cm), leaf blade width 9.2-9.7 cm (9.39±0.23 cm). Length of rachis 3.4 cm, diameter 0.47 cm (Figure 4).
cm), leaf apex is acuminate, leaf base is acute. True stem Flower is protected by a bracteole; bracteole has a
has a height of 68.5-79.4 cm (72.19±3.23 cm), segmented length of 1.3-1.7 cm (1.53±0.17 cm), tubular with a tube
into nodes and internodes, length of internode 6.8-7.9 cm length of 0.7-1.0 cm (0.88±0.13 cm). Flower has a length
(7.12±0.33 cm). Rhizome is spherical, diameter 0.66-1.25 of 3.4-3.6 cm (3.50±0.14 cm). Calyx has a total length of
WINDARSIH et al. – Morphological characters of Zingiberaceae 5511
1.8-2.2 cm (2.00±0.16 cm), white, brownish-white tip; white, length 2.23-2.80 cm (2.61±0.22 cm); stigma is cup-
gamosepalous, tubular with a tube length of 1.5-1.7 cm shaped, white, length 0.18-0.24 cm (0.21±0.02 cm),
(1.6±0.1 cm). Corolla is gamopetalous, tubular with a diameter 0.15-0.23 cm (0.20±0.04 cm). Ovary has a length
length of 1.4-2.2 cm (1.74±0.30 cm); has 2 blades, of 0.30-0.43 cm (0.35±0.05 cm), diameter 0.21-0.26 cm
actinomorphic, length 0.7-1.1 cm (0.91±0.10 cm), width (0.24±0.03 cm), surface of ovary is golden-hairy, 3 lobes,
0.4 cm, white. Staminodes has 2 blades, zygomorphic, each lobe contains many ovules (Figure 5).
bilabiate; one of blades is lateral staminodes, white blade
colour with yellowish-tip, smaller, boat-shaped, length 1.0- Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.
1.5 cm (1.20±0.18 cm), width 0.40-0.43 cm (0.41±0.01 Black turmeric (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.) has an
cm), while the others is labellum, white blade colour with 1 erect plant growth direction, plant height 145.8-176.0 cm
yellow band in median blade and 2 purple bands on the (164.021±10.91 cm), diameter of pseudo-stem 25.7-40.3
outside, boat-shaped, length 1.4-1.8 cm (1.52±0.16 cm), mm (34.28±5.81 mm), pseudo-stem base colour is green.
width 1.1-1.6 cm (1.30±0.26 cm). Fertile stamen 1, height Leaf consists of blade, sheath, and petiole; leaf blade is
0.25-0.33 cm (0.30±0.03 cm). Sterile stamens 2, length 0.3- green, leaf margin is entire; leaf shape is lanceolate, leaf
0.4 cm (0.33±0.04 cm), flattened, yellow. Pistil has a total
length of 2.44-3.00 cm (2.82±0.22 cm); style colour is
Figure 3. Morphological characters of vegetative organs in javanese cardamom (Amomum compactum) collected from Serang District,
Banten. A. Plant performance, B. adaxial surface of leaf blade, C. abaxial surface of leaf blade, D-E. ligule, F. transverse section of
pseudo-stem, G. bud of rhizome, H. rhizome in the soil, I. longitudinal section of rhizome, J. transverse section of rhizome
Figure 4. Morphological characters of inflorescence in javanese cardamom (Amomum compactum) collected from Serang District,
Banten. A-B. Inflorescence, C. bracts of peduncle, D. bracts on rachis of inflorescence, E. rachis
5512 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 22 (12): 5507-5529, December 2021
Figure 5. Flower parts of javanese cardamom (Amomum compactum) collected from Serang District, Banten. A. Flower with a bracteole
and calyx, B. flower without bracteole and calyx, C. longitudinal section of flower, D. corolla tube, E= corolla, F.labellum (left) and
lateral staminodes, G-K. reproductive organ parts, H. stigma, I. fertile stamen, J. sterile stamen, K. transverse section of ovary with 3
lobes that each lobe contains ovules; 1. calyx, 2. bracteole, 3. style, 4. ovary
apex is acuminate, leaf base is acuminate, leaf venation is blade width 18.2-20.6 cm (19.25±0.81 cm), leaf apex is
pinnate (penninervis), the midrib is prominent on the acuminate, leaf base is acute or acuminate. True stem has a
abaxial surface; petiole is long, has semi-circle form, height of 5.4 cm, segmented into nodes and internodes with
grooves deeply on adaxial surface. In a juvenile phase, the an internode length of 1.2 cm. The rhizome is spherical,
parts to the right and left of midrib on the adaxial surface of diameter 2.8-5.63 cm (3.65±0.89 cm), rhizome flesh is blue
first leaf blade have a firm red-brown (weinrot, RAL 3005) (pastellblau, RAL 5024), rhizome surface is rough and
colour, but progressively fades upward until finally the yellowish-white (sandgelb, RAL 1002), anthocyanin color
mature leaves are full green. Number of leaves 5-8 blades of bud of rhizome is pink. Roots emerge from the surface
(6.60±0.97 blades), length of leaf sheath 55.7-67.4 cm of rhizome, root tip forms a tuber with a diameter of 2.18-
(60.86±3.81 cm), length of ligule 0.20-0.25 cm (0,21±0.02 3.23 cm (2.50±0.34 cm) and a length of 5.48-11.87 cm
cm), length of petiole 25.6-33.7 cm (29.46±2.67 cm), (7.79±2.23 cm). Generative organs were not found in this
length of leaf blade 76.8-85.9 cm (81.85±3.80 cm), leaf study (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Morphological characters of vegetatives organ in black turmeric (Curcuma aeruginosa) collected from Serang District,
Banten. A-B. Plant performance, C. adaxial surface of juvenile leaf with the brownis-red part to the right and left of midrib on the
adaxial surface of leaf blade, D. adaxial surface of mature leaf blade, E. abaxial surface of mature leaf blade, F-G. ligule, H. transverse
section of pseudo-stem, I. transverse section of petiole, J. true stem covered by leaf sheats, K. rhizome in the soil, L. rhizome with tubers
in root ends, M. longitudinal section of tuber, N. transverse section of tuber, O. longitudinal section of main rhizome, P. transverse
section of main rhizome, Q. longitudinal section of rhizome branch, R. transverse section of rhizome branch, S. bud of rhizome
WINDARSIH et al. – Morphological characters of Zingiberaceae 5513
Curcuma heyneana Valeton & Zijp. length of bract 1.5-7.4 cm (5.51±1.04 cm), the bract base
Temu giring (Curcuma heyneana Valeton & Zijp.) has attaches to the rachis by 0.8-2.8 cm (2.24±0.47 cm); bract
an erect plant growth direction, plant height 159.2-197.7 tip is apart from each other, purplish-pink, length 0.6-5.5
cm (176.51±15.50 cm), pseudo-stem diameter 2.49-4.11 cm (3.27±1.11 cm), width 0.5-4.1 cm (3.12±0.65 cm). Each
cm (3.05±0.46 cm), pseudo-stem base is green. Leaf bract supports up to 3 flowers that blooming alternately.
consists of blade, sheath, and petiole; leaf shape is The terminal bracts form a sterile cluster with longer blade
lanceolate, leaf apex is acuminate, leaf base is acuminate, and brightly coloured. Inflorescence type is racemose
leaf margin is entire, leaf venation is pinnate (penninervis), (Figure 8).
leaf blade colour is green, the midrib is prominent on the The flower is protected by a bracteole; bracteole has a
abaxial surface; petiole is long, has semi-circle form, length of 1.7-2.3 cm (1.98±0.23 cm) and a width of 0.8-1.0
grooves deeply on the adaxial surface. Leaves number 6-8 cm (0.90±0.07 cm). A total length of flower reaches 5.4
blades (6.90±0.88 blades), length of leaf sheath 51.9-86.5 cm. Calyx is translucent-white and has a length of 0.7-1.1
cm (65.18±11.11 cm), length of ligule 0.1-0.2 cm cm (0.85±0.10 cm). Corolla is gamopetalous, tubular with a
(0.14±0.04 cm), length of petiole 36.4-51.9 cm (43.14±5.58 tube length of 3.6 cm; has 3 blades, zygomorphic, white,
cm), length of leaf blade 63.4-96.8 cm (76.34±10.24 cm), length 1.0-1.8 cm (1.37±0.31 cm), width 0.6-1.4 cm
leaf blade width 16.5-20.8 cm (18.80±1.55 cm), leaf apex (0.96±0.32 cm); one of blades is dorsal corolla, has a white
is acuminate, leaf base is acute or acuminate. Rhizome is horn-tip with a length of horn 0.2 cm; the other two blades
spherical, diameter 2.1-4.6 cm (2.74±0.54 cm), the colour are lateral corolla without horn-tip. Staminodes have 3
of surface and flesh of young rhizomes are yellow blades, zygomorphic; one of blades is labellum, larger with
(schwefelgelb, RAL 1016), the colour of mature rhizome a length of 1.7-2.0 cm (1.85±0.21 cm) and a width of 1.6-
flesh is orange (RAL 1023-verkehrsgelb, 1007- 1.7 cm (1.65±0.07 cm), has dark-yellow band in medium
narzissengelb), the colour of mature rhizome surface is blade, while the other two blades are lateral staminodes,
orange (RAL 1006-maisgelb), rhizome surface is rough, have a length of 1.4-1.6 cm (1.53±0.10 cm) and a width of
anthocyanin color of bud of rhizome is white (Figure 7). 0.8 cm, pale yellow. Sterile stamens 2, tubular, yellow,
Inflorescence emerges from the shoot, the length of length 0.40-0.45 cm (0.42±0.03 cm); fertile stamen 1,
inflorescence is 14.2-15.5 cm (14.85±0.92 cm); the growth length 0.30-0.45 cm (0.38±0.06 cm), the tip has 2 white-
direction of inflorescence stalk (peduncle) is erect, horns. A total length of pistil is 4.1-4.7 cm (4.40±0.42 cm);
diameter of peduncle is 0.99-1.00 cm (0.99±0.01 cm). The stigma is lobed, white; ovary has a length of 0.2-0.4 cm
bracts on rachis of inflorescence that covering flowers (0.28±0.07 cm), diameter 0.25 cm, the surface of ovary is
range between 21-23 blades (22.00±1.41 blades), a total hairy (Figure 8).
Figure 7. Morphological characters of vegetative organs in temu giring (Curcuma heyneana) from Serang District, Banten. A-B. Plant
performance, C. adaxial surface of leaf blade, D. abaxial surface of leaf blade, E. transverse section of pseudo-stem, F. transverse
section of petiole, G-H. ligule, I. bud of rhizome, J. rhizome, K. young rhizome, L. main rhizome, M. longitudinal and transverse
sections of rhizome branches
5514 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 22 (12): 5507-5529, December 2021
Figure 8. The parts of temu giring (Curcuma heyneana) flower from Serang District, Banten. A-C. Inflorescence, D. fertile bract on
rachis of inflorescence, E-H. flower, I. lateral staminodes (front side) and labellum (back side), J. lateral corolla (left and right) and
dorsal corolla (middle), K.calyx, L. stigma and fertile stamen with two horns, M. ovary with 3 chambers which contains many ovules in
each chamber
4.5 cm (4.40±0.14 cm), length of style 4.40-4.55 cm (penninervis), the midrib is prominent on the abaxial
(4.48±0.08 cm); stigma is lobed, white, length 0.05-0.08 surface of leaf blade; petiole has semi-circle form, grooves
cm (0.06±0.02 cm), diameter 0.10-0.12 cm (0.11±0.01 cm); deeply on the adaxial surface. Number of leaves 7-9 blades
ovary has a length of 0.2-0.5 cm (0.33±0.11 cm), diameter (7.2±0.63 blades), length of leaf sheath 65.4-78.5 cm
0.25-0.30 cm (0.27±0.02 cm), 3 chambers, each chamber (69.95±4.94 cm), length of ligule 0.2-0.3 cm (0.23±0.04
contains many ovules (Figure 11). cm), length of petiole 29.3-39.9 cm (33.32±3.66 cm),
length of leaf blade 72.3-84.5 cm (77.28±4.22 cm), width
Curcuma mangga Val. of leaf blade 15.8-19.1 cm (17.34±1.18 cm), leaf apex is
Mango ginger (Curcuma mango L.) has an erect plant acuminate, leaf base is acuminate. Rhizome is spherical,
growth direction, plant height 161.5-194.0 cm diameter 2.02-3.25 cm (2.41±0.30 cm), rhizome surface is
(174.62±9.99 cm), pseudo-stem diameter 29.2-45.0 mm rough and yellow (schwefelgelb, RAL 1016), rhizome flesh
(32.58±4.57 mm), pseudo-stem base colour is green. Leaf is yellow (schwefelgelb, RAL 1016), anthocyanin color of
consists of blade, sheath, and long-petiole; leaf shape is bud of rhizome is white. Generative organs were not found
lanceolate, leaf apex is acuminate, leaf base is acuminate, in this study (Figure 12).
green, leaf margin is entire, leaf venation is pinnate
Figure 9. Morphological characters of vegetative organs in yellow turmeric (Curcuma longa) collected from Serang District, Banten. A.
Plant performance, B. adaxial surface of leaf blade, C. abaxial surface of leaf blade, D-E. ligule, F. transverse section of petiole, G.
transverse section of pseudo-stem, H. rhizome, I-1. longitudinal section of rhizome, I-2. transverse section of rhizome, J. bud of rhizome
Figure 10. Morphological characters of inflorescence in yellow turmeric (Curcuma longa) collected from Serang District, Banten. A.
Inflorescence emerging from the shoot, B-C. inflorescence, D. sterile bracts that the base attaches peduncle, E. fertile bracts that the base
attaches rachis and support the flowers, F. rachis
5516 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 22 (12): 5507-5529, December 2021
Figure 11. The parts of yellow turmeric (Curcuma longa) flower collected from Serang District, Banten. A-C. Flower, D. longitudinal
section of flower, E. upper view of flower, F. calyx, G. dorsal corolla (left) and lateral corolla (middle and right), H. lateral staminodes
(left and middle) and labellum (right), I. lateral staminodes, J. fertile stamen with 2 horns, K. sterile stamen, L. ovary, M. stigma, N.
transverse section of ovary, O. style of pistil
Figure 12. Morphology of vegetative organs in mango ginger (Curcuma mangga) collected from Serang District, Banten. A. Plant
performance, B. adaxial surface of leaf blade, C. abaxial surface of leaf blade, D-E. ligule, F. transverse section of pseudo-stem, G.
transverse section of petiole, H. rhizome, I. longitudinal sections of rhizome, J. transverse sections of rhizome; K. bud of rhizome
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. (weinrot, RAL 3005) colour, but progressively fades
Turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) has an erect upward until finally the mature leaves are full-green. The
plant growth direction, plant height ranges between 197.7- number of leaves 4-9 blades (5.9±1.85 blades), length of
213.7 cm (206.03±6.51 cm), pseudo-stem diameter 3.54- leaf sheath 76.5-85.0 cm (80.10±2.49 cm), length of ligule
5.99 cm (4.39±0.87 cm), pseudo-stem base is green. Leaf 0.3-0.5 cm (0.38±0.08 cm), length of petiole 35.2-43.0 cm
consists of blade, sheath, and petiole; leaf shape is (37.58±2.32 cm), length of leaf blade 87.5-97.4 cm
lanceolate, leaf apex is acuminate, leaf base is acuminate, (92.34±3.59 cm), leaf blade width 20.1-24.7 cm
colour of mature leaf is green, leaf margin is entire, leaf (21.53±1.44 cm). Rhizome is spherical-shaped, diameter
venation is pinnate (penninervis), midrib is prominent on 2.76-6.22 cm (4.13±1.08 cm), rhizome surface is rough and
the abaxial surface; petiole is long, has a semi-circle form, yellowish-white to orange, rhizome flesh colour is orange
grooves deeply on the adaxial surface. In a juvenile phase, (hellrotorange, RAL 2008), anthocyanin color on bud of
the midrib and the blade parts to the right and left of midrib rhizome is yellowish-white (Figure 13).
on adaxial surface of first leaf have a firm brownish-red
WINDARSIH et al. – Morphological characters of Zingiberaceae 5517
Inflorescence appears from rhizomes in the soil with a and attaches on the ovary; the tips are apart from each other
total inflorescence height of 38.1-50.7 cm (44.4±8.91 cm), with 3 pink-blades, length 0.1 cm. Corolla is gamopetalous,
length of inflorescence 21.5-28.9 cm (25.2±5.23 cm), tubular with a length of tube 3.5-3.6 (3.58±0.05 cm); has 3
inflorescence diameter reaches 16.9 cm; the growth blades, zygomorphic, pink (hellrosa, RAL 3015), length
direction of inflorescence stalk (peduncle) is erect, length 1.4-1.8 cm (1.63±0.14 cm), width 1.4-1.9 cm (1.58±0.22
of peduncle is 16.6-24.5 cm (20.55±5.59 cm), diameter of cm); one of blades is dorsal corolla with acute-horn tip,
peduncle is 1.89-2.53 cm (2.21±0.45 cm). The bracts of white, length 0.3 cm; other two blades are lateral corolla
peduncle have 5-7 blades (6±1.41 blades), length 2.8-23.2 without horn-tip. Staminodes have 3 blades, zygomorphic;
cm (11.93±6.37 cm), green. The bracts on rachis of one of blades is labellum, larger with a length of 1.7-1.8 cm
inflorescence have 23-52 blades, bract base attaches to (1.75±0.06 cm), width 2.0-2.1 cm (2.03±0.06 cm), has
rachis with a length of 0.3-3.0 cm (2.22±0.5 cm); the bract dark-yellow (hellrosa, RAL 3015) band in median blade;
tip is separated from each other with a length of 2.7-7.3 cm the others are lateral staminodes, smaller with a length of
(4.68±1.49 cm), widht 1.0-5.3 (4.19±0.87 cm), light-green 1.2-1.3 cm (1.23±0.05 cm) and a width of 1.0-1.2
to purplish-pink (apex part = bordeauxviolett-RAL 4004; (1.10±0.05 cm), translucent-white with yellowish-pink tips;
center part = verkehrhornpur-RAL 4006) colour, obtuse or the base unites in a length of 0.3-0.4 cm (0.33±0.05 cm).
acute; each bract can protect up to 6 flowers. The terminal Fertile stamen 1, length 0.5 cm, apex part has 2 white-
bracts form a sterile cluster with longer blade and brightly horns. Sterile stamens 2, length 0.50-0.55 cm (0.53±0.03
coloured. Inflorescence type is racemose (Figure 14). cm), yellow, tubular. The pistil has a length of 4.8-5.0 cm
Each flower is protected by a bracteole. Bracteole is (4.93±0.10 cm), length of style 4.82-4.93 cm (4.89±0.06
translucent-white, the base part attaches to rachis of cm); stigma is lobed, white, length 0.7-0.8 mm (0.76±0.06
inflorescence, the margin is separated from each other. mm), diameter 1.8-1.9 mm (1.82±0.05 mm); the ovary has
Flower has a total length of 5.7-6 cm (5.87±0.15 cm). a length of 0.44-0.53 cm (0.47±0.04 cm), diameter 0.34-
Calyx is translucent-white, length 1.1-1.2 cm (1.18±0.05 0.38 cm (0.36±0.02 cm), consists of 3 chambers, each
cm); gamosepalous, the base part has a tube form, hairy, chamber contains many ovules (Figure 15).
Figure 13. Morphological characters of vegetative organs in turmeric (C. xanthorrhiza) from Serang District, Banten. A. Plant performance, B.
mature leaf blade, C. adaxial surface of juvenile leaf blade, D. abaxial surface of juvenile leaf blade, E-F. ligule, G. transverse section of
pseudo-stem, H. transverse section of petiole, I. rhizome, J. transverse and longitudinal sections of rhizome, K. bud of rhizome
Figure 14. Morphological characters of inflorescence in turmeric (C. xanthorrhiza) from Serang District, Banten. A-C. inflorescence, D.
fertile bract supporting flower, E. bracts on rachis of inflorescence, F. bracts of peduncle, I. rachis and peduncle
5518 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 22 (12): 5507-5529, December 2021
Figure 15. The parts of turmeric (C. xanthorrhiza) flower. A. Flower, B. bracteole, C. calyx, D. flower parts, E. longitudinal section of
flower, F. dorsal corolla (left) and lateral corolla (middle and right), G. lateral staminodes (left) and labellum (right), H. stigma, I. fertile
stamen, J. sterile stamen, K. ovary, L. transverse section of ovary, M. longitudinal section of ovary
Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm. length of internode 0.7-6.6 cm (3.72±1.74 cm). Bracts on
Torch ginger [Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm.] has a rachis of inflorescence are pink (rose, RAL 3017) or
semi-erect plant growth direction, plant height 149.2-288.3 younger, can be divided into sterile bracts (not supporting
cm (254.34±45.11 cm), pseudo-stem diameter 3.05-3.82 flowers) and fertile bracts (supporting flowers). Sterile
cm (3.47±0.31 cm), pseudo-stem base has green colour. bracts are arranged in outer rings of inflorescence, bract
Leaf consists of blade, sheath, and petiole; leaf blade shape base is separated from each other, 16 blades, length 6.6-9.0
is lanceolate, green, thick, stiff, leaf apex is acuminate, leaf cm (7.71±0.73 cm), widht 1.9-4.4 cm (3.15±0.75 cm), bract
base is obtuse or emarginate, the adaxial surface of leaf apex is acute, obtuse, or rounded, bract apex has a horn
blade is shiny and greener than the abaxial surface, leaf with a length of 0.1-0.5 cm (0.30±0.13 cm). Fertile bracts
margin is undulate, leaf venation is pinnate (penninervis), are arranged in inner rings to the center of inflorescence,
midrib is prominent on the abaxial surface; petiole is short. each bract is separated from each other, length 0.6-6.7 cm
Number of leaves 16-22 blades (19.25±2.49 blades), length (3.45±1.05 cm), widht 0.2-2.2 cm (0.73±0.28 cm), bract
of leaf sheath 103.9-142.7 cm (121.10±14.61 cm), length apex is rounded, acute, or obtuse. Number of fertile bracts
of ligule 1.2-1.5 cm (1.35±0.09 cm), length of petiole 1.2- reaches 248 blades, each bract protects one flower, number
1.4 cm (1.34± 0.08 cm), length of leaf blade 51.5-61.5 cm of flower bud reaches 244 flowers. Inflorescence type is
(56.73±3.97 cm), leaf blade width 9.9-16.2 cm (13.01±2.30 racemose, flower blooms from the outer rings to the center
cm). True stem has a height of 106.4-179.5 cm of inflorescence. Rachis has a height of 3.7 cm and a
(150.56±30.21 cm), segmented into nodes and internodes, diameter of 1.16 cm (Figure 17).
length of internode 11.0-13.9 cm (12.26±1.08 cm). Flower has a length of 4.7-4.9 cm (4.78±0.10 cm). Each
Rhizome is spherical, diameter 2.84-3.67 cm (3.20±0.32 flower is protected by a bracteole; bracteole is translucent-
cm), rhizome flesh is yellowish-white (elfenbein, RAL white and slightly reddish, length 1.8-2.4 cm (2.05±0.30
1014); rhizome surface is smooth, soft, yellowish-white cm), the base unites to form a tube in a length of 2.1-2.3 cm
(elfenbein, RAL 1014), hairy, scale leaf is smooth and (2.20±0.14 cm), the free-apex forms 2 blades with a length
yellowish-white in colour (elfenbein, RAL 1015); of 0.1-0.2 cm (0.13±0.05 cm). Calyx has a length of 3.2-3.5
anthocyanin colour of bud of rhizome is pink (Figure 16). cm (3.35±0.13 cm), gamosepalous, the base unites to form
Inflorescence emerges from rhizome in the soil, total a tube with a length of 3 cm, the free-apex forms 2-3 blades
height of inflorescence 40.4-42.8 cm (41.6±1.70 cm); with a length of 0.05-0.30 cm (0.16±0.07 cm), red
inflorescence stalk (peduncle) has an erect growth (orientrot, RAL 3031). Corolla is gamopetalous, tubular
direction, length 33.3-34.5 cm (33.90±0.85 cm), spherical, with a tube length of 2.4-2.5 cm (2.45±0.06 cm), white; has
diameter 1.67 cm; length of inflorescence 7.1-8.3 cm 3 blades, red, zygomorphic; one of blades is shorter than
(7.70±0.85 cm), diameter of inflorescence 14.39 cm. Bracts others with a length of 2.1-2.2 cm (2.18±0.05 cm) and a
number on peduncle 8-9 blades (8.50±0.71 blades), length width of 0.4-0.5 cm (0.47±0.06 cm), while the other two
of bract blade 3.5-11.2 cm (8.36±2.31 cm), yellowish-light blades have a length of 2.5-2.7 cm (2.56±0.07 cm) and a
green in color, length of horn on bract tip 0.05-0.40 cm width of 0.20-0.35 cm (0.30±0.05 cm). Lip/labellum has 1
(0.14±0.13 cm); segmented into nodes and internodes with blade with a length of 1.8-2.0 cm (1.93±0.10 cm), width
WINDARSIH et al. – Morphological characters of Zingiberaceae 5519
1.6-1.7 cm (1.68±0.05 cm), red (orientrot, RAL 3031) with cm (3.63±0.10 cm), length of pistil stalk (style) 3.4-3.5 cm
yellow-edges, rhombus-shaped with the blade edges (3.43±0.06 cm); stigma shape is club, black, length 0.10-
folding to cover pistil and stamen. Fertile stamen 1 with a 0.18 cm (0.15±0.04 cm), diameter 0.23-0.30 cm (0.27±0.03
length of 0.6 cm. Sterile stamens 2, flat-shaped, length cm); ovary has a length of 0.27 cm and a diameter of 0.2
0.25-0.33 cm (0.29±0.04 cm), width 0.18-0.21 cm cm, 3 lobes, each lobe contains many ovules (Figure 18).
(0.19±0.01 cm), yellow. Pistil has a total length of 3.5-3.7
Figure 16. Morphological characters of vegetative organs in torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) from Serang District, Banten. A. Plant
performance, B. adaxial surface of leaf blade, C. abaxial surface of leaf blade, D. ligule, E. transverse section of petiole, F. transverse
section of pseudo-stem, G. rhizome, H. transverse and longitudinal sections of rhizome, I. bud of rhizome
Figure 17. Morphological characters of inflorescence in torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) from Serang District, Banten. A-C.
Inflorescence, D. bracts of peduncle, E. sterile bracts on rachis of inflorescence that not supporting flowers, F. fertile bracts on rachis of
inflorescence that supporting flowers, G. bud of flowers, H. rachis
5520 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 22 (12): 5507-5529, December 2021
Figure 18. Parts of flower in torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) from Serang District, Banten. A. Parts of flower, B. fertile stamen, C.
stigma, D. sterile stamen, E. transverse section of ovary; 1. fertile bract that supporting flower, 2. bracteole, 3. calyx, 4. corolla, 5.
Figure 19. Morphological characters of vegetative organs in kunyit putih (Kaempferia rotunda) collected from Serang District, Banten.
A-C. Plant performance, D. adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) surfaces of leaf blade, E. transverse section of petiole, F-G. ligule, H.
transverse section of pseudo-stem, I. rhizome and tuber in the soil, J. tuber in root ends, K. bud of rhizome, L. true stem, M. rhizomes,
N. longitudinal section of rhizome, O. transverse section of rhizome
Figure 20. Morphological characters of generative organs in kunyit putih (Kaempferia rotunda) from Serang District, Banten. A.
Inflorescence, B. flower, C. bracts of peduncle, D. bracts of rachis, E. bracteole, F. calyx, G. transverse section of flower, H. corolla, I.
tube corolla (left), labellum (middle), and lateral staminodes (right), J. transverse section of ovary with 3 chambers containing many
ovules in each chamber, K. sterile stamen, L. ovary, M. stigma with style in a groove of fertile stamen
Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. mm (16.62 ±0.77 mm), the base of pseudo-stem is reddish.
Bangle [Zingiber cassumunar Roxb., synonym of Leaf consists of blade, sheath, and petiole; leaf blade shape
Zingiber montanum (J. Koenig) Link ex A. Dietr] has a is narrow-lanceolate, green, leaf apex is acute, leaf base is
semi-erect plant growth direction, plant height 171.5-202.5 acute, leaf margin is entire, leaf venation is parallel
cm (183.01±9.47 cm), diameter of pseudo-stem 15.8-18.1 (rectinervis), midrib is prominent on the abaxial surface.
5522 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 22 (12): 5507-5529, December 2021
Number of leaves 46-57 blades (50.10±3.63 blades), length inflorescence by 22.5-34.9 cm (28.64±4.36 cm), the growth
of sheath 26.0-29.4 cm (27.39±1.04 cm), length of ligule direction of inflorescence stalk (peduncle) is erect, length
0.3-1.0 cm (0.41±0.21 cm), length of leaf blade 35.7-38.3 of peduncle 16.6-27.3 cm (22.09±4.03 cm), length of
cm (36.81±0.79 cm), leaf blade width 5.0-5.6 cm inflorescence 5.7-8.1 cm (6.84±0.75 cm), diameter of
(5.25±0.22 cm), leaf tip is acute, leaf base is acute; petiole inflorescence 2.00-2.37 cm (2.18±0.11 cm). Number of
is short, length 0.8-1.0 cm (0.89±0.06 cm), grooves on the bracts on peduncle reaches 5 blades. Bract on rachis of
adaxial surface. True stem has a height of 147.0-175.8 cm inflorescence is green, bract apex is yellow, 22-32 blades
(158.36±11.20 cm), segmented into nodes and internodes (26.33±3.11 blades), length 0.3-3.2 cm (2.33±0.21 cm),
with a length of internode of 5.7-9.8 cm (7.36±1.27 cm). width 0.2-2.7 cm (2.02±0.27 cm), each bract supports one
Rhizome is spherical, diameter 3.27-4.50 cm (3.79±0.39 flower (Figure 22C-F).
cm), rhizome surface is rough and brownish-yellow, A total length of flower ranges between 4.0-4.7 cm
rhizome flesh colour is dark-yellow (ginstergelb, RAL (4.36±0.19 cm). Each flower is protected by a bracteole;
1032), anthocyanin colour of bud of rhizome is pink. bracteole has a length of 2.4-2.6 cm (2.51±0.08 cm), width
Generative organs were not found in this study (Figure 21). 1.30-1.9 cm (1.47±0.16 cm), translucent-white, the apex is
green, the edges are free, the base attaches on rachis. Calyx
Zingiber officinale Roscoe is gamosepalous, has a total length of 0.7-1.0 cm
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) has a semi-erect (0.84±0.07 cm), translucent-white, the base is tubular to
plant growth direction, plant height 109.7-121.6 cm form a tube, attaches on ovary. Corolla is gamopetalous,
(112.83±3.42 cm), pseudo-stem diameter 10.2-13.0 mm tubular with a tube length of 1.9-2.8 cm (2.29±0.29 cm);
(11.14±0.93 mm), pseudo-stem base colour is red. Leaf has 3 blades, zygomorphic, yellow; one of blades is dorsal
consists of blade, sheath, and short-petiole; leaf blade shape corolla, larger with a length of 1.6-2.1 cm (1.76±0.12 cm)
is narrow-lanceolate, leaf apex is acute, leaf base is acute, and a width of 0.55-0.70 cm (0.66±0.05 cm), while the
leaf margin is entire, leaf venation is parallel (rectinervis). other two blades are lateral corolla, have a length of 1.2-1.7
Number of leaves 31-34 blades (32.90±0.99 blades), length cm (1.45±0.12 cm) and a widht of 0.30-0.35 cm (0.31±0.02
of ligule 0.4-0.7 cm (0.51±0.07 cm), length of petiole 0.8 cm). Staminodes have 3 blades, zygomorphic, yellow with
cm, length of leaf blade 27.7-29.1 cm (28.03±0.48 cm), red edges; one of blades is labellum, larger with a length of
leaf blade width 3.1-3.4 cm (3.22±0.09 cm). Rhizome 1.2-1.5 cm (1.39±0.09 cm) and a width of 0.8-1.4 cm
shape is elliptical, diameter 2.47-2.80 cm (2.62±0.10 cm), (1.19±0.19 cm), while the other two blades are lateral
rhizome flesh is yellowish-white (sandgelb, RAL 1002), staminodes, have a length of 0.5-0.8 cm (0.60±0.09 cm)
rhizome surface is rough and has yellowish-white (beige, and a width of 0.3-0.5 cm (0.36±0.05 cm). Fertile stamen 1,
RAL 1001) colour, anthocyanin color of bud of rhizome is length 0.8-0.9 cm (0.86±0.05 cm), yellow, the apex has a
yellowish-white (Figure 22). black horn; sterile stamens 2, tubular, white, length 0.5-0.8
Inflorescence emerges from pseudo-stem shoot or cm (0.61±0.08 cm). Pistil has a total length of 3.8-5.5 cm
rhizome in the soil. A total height of plant producing (4.65±1.20 cm); the stigma is truncate-shaped, white; ovary
inflorescence from pseudo-stem shoot ranges from 37.1- has a length of 0.2-0.3 cm (0.25±0.04 cm), diameter 0.23-
50.8 cm (43.95±9.69 cm). Meanwhile, inflorescence that 0.28 cm (0.26±0.01 cm), 3 lobes, each lobe contains many
emerging from rhizome in the soil, has a total height of ovules (Figure 23).
Figure 21. Morphological characters of vegetative organs in bangle (Zingiber cassumunar) collected from Serang District, Banten. A. Plant
performance, B. adaxial surface of leaf blade, C. abaxial surface of leaf blade, D. transverse section of pseudo-stem, E. transverse section of
petiole, F-G. ligule, H-I. rhizome in the soil, J. longitudinal section of rhizome, K. transverse section of rhizome, L. bud of rhizome
WINDARSIH et al. – Morphological characters of Zingiberaceae 5523
Figure 22. Morphological characters of vegetative organ and inflorescence in ginger (Zingiber officinale) from Serang District, Banten.
A. Plant performance, B. leaf blade, C-E. inflorescence emerging from rhizome in the soil, F. bracts on rachis of inflorescence, G. pseudo-stem base
having red colour, H. bud of rhizome, I. rhizome; 1. longitudinal section of rhizome, 2. transverse section of rhizome
Figure 23. Flower of ginger (Zingiber officinale) from Serang District, Banten. A. Parts of flower, B. performance of flower from upper
view, C. bract on rachis of inflorescence, D. calyx, E.lateral corolla (left and right) and dorsal corolla (middle), F. lateral staminodes
(left and right) and labellum (middle), G. sterile stamen, H. ovary, I. longitudinal section of ovary, J. transverse section of ovary with 3
lobes containing ovules, K. stigma, L. black-horn of fertile stamen, M. fertile stamen, N. style of pistil
Inflorescence emerges from pseudo-stem shoot or length of tube 1.9-2.6 cm (2.09±0.23 cm); has 3 blades,
rhizome in the soil. Inflorescence emerging from rhizome zygomorphic, yellow; one of blades is dorsal corolla, larger
in the soil, has a total height of inflorescence by 36.10 cm; with a length of 1.6-1.9 cm (1.79±0.08 cm) and a width of
the growth direction of inflorescence stalk (peduncle) is 0.7-0.9 cm (0.8±0.06 cm), while the other two blades are
erect, length of peduncle 23 cm, diameter of peduncle 0.76 lateral corolla, have a length of 1.4-1.8 cm (1.59±0.10 cm)
cm; length of inflorescence 11.7-19.0 cm (15.35±5.16 cm), and a width of 0.35-0.50 cm (0.4±0.04 cm). Staminodes
diameter of inflorescence 2.67-2.90 cm (2.79±0.16 cm). have 3 blades, zygomorphic, yellow with red-edges; one of
Number of bracts on peduncle 9 blades, green, length 3.1- blades is labellum, larger with a length of 1.2-1.5 cm
6.8 cm (4.94±1.45 cm), width 1.6-3.6 cm (2.53±0.78 cm). (1.34±0.11 cm) and a width of 0.9-1.2 cm (1.03±0.09 cm);
Number of bracts on rachis of inflorescence 37-53 blades the other two blades are lateral staminodes, have a length
(45±11.31 blades), length 2.5-3.8 cm (2.92±0.18 cm), of 0.5-0.7 cm (0.63±0.07 cm) and a width of 0.4-0.6 cm
width 1.6-3.3 cm (2.82±0.32 cm), green, white-bract base, (0.47±0.06 cm). Fertile stamen 1, length 0.9-1.0 cm
the apex is reddish-yellow (Figure 25). (0.98±0.04 cm), the tip has a black horn; sterile stamens 2,
Flower is protected by a bracteole; bracteole is white tubular, white, length 0.50-0.85 cm (0.72±0.08 cm). Pistil
with a yellowish-green tip, length 2.6-3.0 cm (2.84±0.12 has a length of 3.8-4.7 cm (4.09±0.25 cm); stigma is
cm), width 1.5-2.0 cm (1.80±0.14 cm). Flower has a total truncate-shaped, white. Ovary has a length of 0.2-0.3 cm
length of 4.1-4.8 cm (4.43±0.27 cm). Calyx is translucent- (0.23±0.04 cm), diameter 0.27-0.34 cm (0.30±0.03 cm), 3
white, gamosepalous, tubular, total length of calyx 1.0-1.2 lobes, each lobe contains many ovules (Figure 25).
cm (1.13±0.07 cm). Corolla is gamopetalous, tubular, with
Figure 24. Morphological characters of vegetative organ in red ginger (Z. officinale var. rubrum) collected from Serang District,
Banten. A. Plant performance, B. adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) surfaces of leaf blade, C. transverse section of pseudo-stem, D. ligule,
E. transverse section of leaf petiole, F. arrangement of rhizomes in the soil, G. longitudinal section of rhizome, H. transverse section of
rhizome, I. rhizome surface, J. buds of rhizome
Figure 25. Morphological characters of generative organs in red ginger (Z. officinale var. rubrum) collected from Serang District,
Banten. A. Inflorescence, B. bracts of peduncle, C-D. bracts on rachis of inflorescence, E. flower, F. parts of flower; 1. bracteole, 2.
calyx, 3. dorsal corolla (left) and lateral corolla (middle and right), 4. labellum (left) and lateral staminodes (middle and right), 5-11.
reproductive organ parts, 5. fertile stamen, 6. horn of fertile stamen, 8. stigma, 9. style, 10. sterile stamen, 11. ovary
WINDARSIH et al. – Morphological characters of Zingiberaceae 5525
Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Roscoe ex Sm. E. elatior, A. compactum, Z. zerumbet, and A. purpurata,
Lempuyang gajah [Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Roscoe ex while group II includes Z. officinale, Z. officinale var.
Sm.] has a semi-erect plant growth direction, plant height rubrum, dan Z. cassumunar. Group I was divided into two
136.2-164.1 cm (152.77±8.01 cm), pseudo-stem diameter small groups; sub-group A includes C. xanthorrhiza, C.
11.6-20.8 mm (15.81±2.97 mm), pseudo-stem base colour longa, C. heyneana, C. mangga, C. aeruginosa, and K.
is reddish. Leaf consists of blade, sheath, and short-petiole; rotunda, while sub-group B includes E. elatior, A.
leaf shape is lanceolate, leaf apex is acuminate, leaf base is compactum, Z. zerumbet, and A. purpurata. The species of
acute or obtuse, leaf blade is green, leaf margin is entire, C. xanthorrhiza, C. heyneana, and C. longa had the highest
leaf venation is pinnate (penninervis). Number of leaves similarity (94%), as well as between Z. officinale and Z.
18-31 blades (23.10±3.98 blades), length of leaf sheath officinale var. rubrum (94%).
29.6-35.2 cm (31.91±1.96 cm), length of ligule 2.4-3.1 cm In this study, the generative organs were only found in
(2.71±0.23 cm), length of petiole 1.1-1.5 cm (1.25±0.14 eight species/cultivars of Zingiberaceae, i.e. C.
cm), length of leaf blade 27.5-32.4 cm (29.56±1.73 cm), xanthorrhiza, C. heyneana, C. longa, K. rotunda, E.
leaf blade width 7.9-10.8 cm (9.04±0.85 cm). The leaf apex elatior, A. compactum, Z. officinale and Z. officinale var.
is acute or acuminate, the base of leaf is obtuse, acute, or rubrum. The similarity distance based on morphological
rounded. True stem has a height of 97.7-122.6 cm characters of vegetative and generative organs showed a
(114.21±7.06 cm), segmented into nodes and internodes kinship relationship among those eight species/cultivars
with length of internode by 5.6-11.8 cm (8.24±1.97 cm). Zingiberaceae from Serang District, Banten. Based on the
Rhizome is spherical or elliptical in shape, diameter 2.85- analysis of UPGMA using Program NTSYs version 2.02,
4.87 cm (3.75±0.58 cm), rhizome surface is rough and the result showed a high diversity among eight
yellowish-white (beige, RAL 1001), rhizome flesh is species/cultivars based on vegetative and generative
yellowish (perweib-schwefelgelb, RAL 1013-1016), organs. From the dendogram as presented in Figure 28, it
anthocyanin color of bud of rhizome is white. Generative can be seen that the eight species/cultivars had a similarity
organs were not found in this study (Figure 26). distance coefficient from 31% to 94%. Those eight
Relationship analysis species/cultivars were divided into two main groups; group
Based on the analysis of UPGMA using Program I includes C. xanthorrhiza, C. heyneana, C. longa, K.
NTSYs version 2.02, the result showed the morphological rotunda, E. elatior, and A. compactum, while group II
characters of vegetative organs gave a high diversity includes Z. officinale and Z. officinale var. rubrum. Group I
among the thirteen species/cultivars. From the dendogram was divided into two sub-groups, i.e. sub-group A (C.
as presented in Figure 27, it can be seen that the thirteen xanthorrhiza, C. heyneana, C. longa, K. rotunda) and sub-
species/cultivars had a similarity distance coefficient from group B (E. elatior, A. compactum). The species of C.
37% to 94%. The thirteen species/cultivars were divided xanthorrhiza and C. heyneana showed the highest
into two main groups; group I includes C. xanthorrhiza, C. similarity (94%), as well as between Z. officinale and Z.
longa, C. heyneana, C. mangga, C. aeruginosa, K. rotunda, officinale var. rubrum (94%).
Figure 26. Morphological characters of vegetative organs in lempuyang gajah (Zingiber zerumbet) collected from Serang District,
Banten. A. Plant performance, B. reddish-pseudo-stem base, C. bud of rhizome, D. rhizomes; 1. main rhizome, 2. primary rhizome, 3.
secondary rhizome, 4. tertiary rhizome, 5. longitudinal section of rhizome, 6. transverse section of rhizome
5526 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 22 (12): 5507-5529, December 2021
C xanthorrhiza
C longa
C heyneana
C mangga
C aeruginosa
K rotunda
Z_officinale_rubMW E elatior
A compactum
Z zerumbet
A purpurata
Z officinale
Z officinale rub
Z cassumunar
Figure 27. Dendogram of 13 species/cultivars collected from Serang District, Banten based on morphological characters of vegetative
C xanthorrhiza
C heyneana
C longa
K rotunda
E elatior
A compactum
Z officinale
Z officinale rub
Figure 28. Dendogram of 8 species/cultivars collected from Serang District, Banten based on morphological characteristics of
vegetative and generative organs.
The results of previous studies reported that the colour Standard, can be one of solutions to avoid the subjectivity
of rhizome flesh is deep orange-yellow (Abdel-Lateef et al. in colour perspective among botanist to determine the
2016) or yellowish-orange (Setiawan et al. 2018), while the colour of plant morphological characters.
result of this study is orange (RAL 1023-verkehrsgelb or The use of morphological characters of vegetative
1007-narzissengelb). In other study by Setiawan (2018), organs can help taxonomical works, especially when the
the colour of rhizome flesh of red ginger is brightly plant generative organs are not available. In this study, 13
yellowish-grey, while in this study it has yellowish-white species/cultivars of Zingiberaceae were observed for the
(hellelfenbein, RAL 1015) colour. The use of international morphological characters of vegetative organs, however
standard colour, such as RAL K7 Classic International only 8 species/cultivars were available to have vegetative
5528 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 22 (12): 5507-5529, December 2021
and generative organs. Based on the morphological selection for landscape use. Ornam Hortic 24 (3): 255-260. DOI:
characters of vegetative organs, K. rotunda is separated Hassemer G, Prado J, Baldini RM. 2020. Diagnoses and descriptions in
from genus Curcuma in sub-group A, while in group II Z. plant taxonomy: are we making proper use of them?. Taxon 69 (1): 1-
cassumunar is separated from Z. officinale and Z. officinale 4. DOI: 10.1002/tax.12200
var. rubrum. The separation of Z. zerumbet from the Hutasuhut MA, Tambunan EPS. 2018. Inventarisasi jenis-jenis
Zingiberaceae di Hutan Telagah Taman Nasional Gunung Lauser
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