Sweet Potato SEM Indonesia

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B IOD I V E R S I TA S ISSN: 1412-033X

Volume 20, Number 9, September 2019 E-ISSN: 2085-4722

Pages: 2511-2518 DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d200912

Evidence of pollen features and peroxidase isozymes in their

morphological complexity of ten local cultivars of sweet potato from


1Program of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java,
Indonesia. Tel./fax.: +62-271-663375, ♥email: surantoak@yahoo.com
2Program of Bioscience, Graduate Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A Kentingan, Surakarta, 57126, Central Java, Indonesia
3Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata. Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No. 65, Kota Kediri 64114, East Java, Indonesia
4Departement of Agrotechnology, Faculty ofAgriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia

Manuscript received: 24 May 2019. Revision accepted: 15 August 2019.

Abstract. Suranto, Wahyuni D, Edy Purwanto E. 2019. Evidence of pollen features and peroxidase isozymes in their morphological
complexity of ten local cultivars of sweet potato from Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20: 2511-2518. Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam) has
been recorded to have many cultivars and variations in the morphological characters not only for the leaves but also for the tubers.
Sweet potatoes had economically significant role, especially as an additional food due to its high content of carbohydrate and other
nutrient values. In order to test whether the morphological variation in this species was also expressed at the micro character; such as
pollen morphology and enzyme activity, ten sweet potato cultivars were used in this study. The morphological characters such as shape
and structure of the pollen features were examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Accordingly, Polyacrylamide Gel
Electrophoresis (PAGE) was used to look-at the banding pattern of peroxidase isozymes. Morphological characters of leaves, flowers,
and tuber were observed qualitatively both for the typical shape and colors. More detail of flower shapes was drown manually especially
their petal edges. The results showed that there was variation among the ten sweet potato cultivars confirmed not only on their
morphological characters but also the isozyme banding patterns of ten cultivars tested. At least, two cultivar Antin 3 and Papua Solossa
had uniques characters especially the purple stem and yellow tuber and dark skin on the tuber, respectively. In addition, the structural
analysis of pollen showed that Beta 1 cultivar has very large pollen; 116,50 μm (axis polar) and the contour surface of exine pollen was
concave with the aperture shape and ornamentation were prolate spheroidal and echinate respectively. This unique character was also
shown by its peroxidase isozyme bands. Eleven bands of leaf and 13 bands of stem samples were detected respectively. The typical Rf
values of 0.31, 0.48 and 0.41 were detected for the leaf, while for stem samples were 0.14, 0.20 and 0.26. The Beta 1 cultivar showed
very thick bands in between Rf values of 0.13 and 0.26. Meanwhile, the unique band pattern of Papua Salosa was the absence of band at 0.38.

Keywords: Cultivar, Ipomoea batatas, peroxidase, pollen features

INTRODUCTION 2000; Supadmi 2009; Kim et al. 2010; Jamshidi and Samira
2011; Ginting et al. 2012; Wahyuni and Wargiono 2013;
Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L) had been recorded Diao et al. 2014).
as one of the very potential cultivated plant because of the Meanwhile, characterization of pollen morphology in
usefulness of this plant to the human consumption, sweet potato cultivars at our laboratory was at the first
especially as the functional food (Maurigue et al. 2007; time, but other species of Convolvulvaceae plants had been
Ginting et al. 2012). I. batatas is one out of 1650 species in conducted intensively, for example, (Kodela (2006) who
the family Convolvulaceae and these species of plants were worked with some rainforest taxa in New South Wales-
grouped under 58 genera (Cheng et al. 1995). These sweet Australia, Solanum (Solanaceae) (Lashin 2011) and
potatoes were planted widely not only on the tropical area, Bauhinia (Caesalpiniaceae) (Tidkel et al. 2012). Other
but also on the temperate environments such as Japan and studies using pollen samples employing SEM were
South Korea. The diversity of sweet potatoes cultivars was conducted by Rajukar et al. (2011). They found that three
found evident not only on the leaf and flower characters but species of Ipomoea showed blunt spine and only I.palmata
also on their tuber and nutrient content (Away et al. 2013). reveals pointed spine. It was interesting to note that, when
In addition, Suda et al. (1992) noted that morphological the number of spine increases, the aperture size tend to
variation on the stem, such as color and diameters as well reduce (I. aquatica and I. triloba). This study suggests that
as the length of internodes were documented. Accordingly, successive form of evolutionary pollen pattern had
the flower is interesting to be intensively studied because occurred from tricolpate to pantoporate. Similar work using
of the very attractive color and shape as well as the pollen I. aquatica shows that this plant has aperture of periporate
feature. Study about plant morphology as well as or pantofreme in arrangement (Adekansi 2009). At least,
peroxidase activity of sweet potatoes had been widely some pollen characters such as size and apertures and polar
conducted (Wilson 1988; Mudnan 1999; Suratman et al. axis, as well as equatorial and diametre of pollen were
2512 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 20 (9): 2511-2518, September 2019

quite often useful in assisting taxonomists making decision color and shapes of I. batatas tubers. Ten individual plants
whether certain cultivars should be grouped at the same of each cultivar were used in this experiment.
genus or species (Veasey et al. 2007). Confirmation about
the status of plant cultivars within certain species usually Morphological observation
even better when more data of genetic and secondary To look at the morphological variations of each cultivar
metabolism were used (Li et al. 2009; Troung, et al. 2007; the leaves, flowers, and tubers were used. We only choose
Widiyanti et al. 2008; Purnobasuki et al. 2014; Hadiati and these characters, due to fact that most of these species
Sukmadjaja 2002). features were very easily recognized and characterized by
The activity of an enzyme will result in very specific their morphological appearances. Although, several other
isozyme banding patterns. Twelve (12) bands of esterase traits (e.g; stem and seeds) may quite be important to be
isozymes with Rf values ranged from 0.08 to 0.95 were employed, but in this time being we prefer the only those
detected by Pitoyo et al (2018) in taro (Colocasia traits used due to the common attractive outer features of
esculenta) accessions from southeastern part of Central this species, and this in order to make sure that more data
Java. Meanwhile 8 bands of peroxidase isozymes detected would still be available for the near future experiments.
with Rf values from 0.08 to 0.13. Both enzyme systems Total of ten individual plants of each cultivar was observed
showed 20 banding patterns. It is considered that these and the type of each morphological features was presented
isozymes data were recorded to be one of the most often at Figure 1. For the ornamentation of petal appearances
used in conjunction with group of plant differentiation hand drawing of each flower was conducted to have a look
among taro accession (Smith and Balamarugar (2014) and whether any difference between them; and these pictures
Kumar et al. 2015). Similar studies using the same two were put below the pictures of real flower. Accordingly, to
enzyme systems were also conducted by Hidayati et al look at the different color of ten cultivar tubers, two to
(2018) employing the leaf samples of Cucurbita moschata. three tubers of each cultivar was crossed cut and the skin
They recorded 10 bands of peroxidase isozyme and 8 color of each cultivar tuber was recorded. All the above
isozymes banding pattern of esterase. The 10 Rf values morphological characters were analyzed qualitatively.
were in between 0.050 and 0.458. Accordingly, 8 bands These morphological features particularly the leaves were
were noted in which the position of those bands ranging further examined their leaf apices, leaf shape, leaf margins,
from 0.015 to 0.600. In this study, peroxidase isozyme leaf bases, and leaf color. Meanwhile, for the flower traits
band was chosen to prove whether ten cultivars of sweet were color, shape and petal margins. All of the above
potatoes have the same banding pattern or difference. character were descriptively recorded.
Another reason for using this enzyme is due to the fact
that this approach was very easy and simple to do as well Pollen observation
as it is quite cheap in running this experiment. Besides, this This experiment was conducted at Universitas Negeri
oxidase enzyme had been recorded to have very high Malang (UM), Malang from April to May 2014. The
intensity on the plant organ especially during wounding procedures for preparing pollen for observation in this
time (Agrios 2005; Yanti 2011). This occurrence may have experiment was conducted according to Arrijani (2003).
been correlation with defense mechanism of the plant, For each individual sample of ten sweet potato cultivars
particularly when they grow under unfavorable have been selected from every single fresh flower aged 4-5
environmental condition. This phenomenon was partly months. The harvested pollens were then put in every
explained by Suranto et al. (2017) in detecting rice infected single vial bottle containing 70% alcohol. The pollen of
virus. These studies were conducted to have a look at each ten cultivars was then picked up using needle and
whether variation of morphological character of ten local placed on specimen holder (1:1 cm in high and diameter)
sweet potatoes would be shown also on their appearance of by using double-sided carbon tape, and then the pollen's
pollen morphology and also the isozyme banding patterns holder was put on spatter coater for further gold-palladium
of peroxidase. coated treatment. The pollen features such as spina length
were examined under SEM (Merk FEI type Inspect S50),
employing magnificent of 2500 times according to the
MATERIALS AND METHODS procedures of manufacture’s recommendation.

Sample collection Electrophoresis of peroxidase isozymes

Plant samples of ten cultivars were kindly provided by Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was used to
Yudi Widodo of the Research Centre of Horticultural examine the activity of peroxidase isozyme. The isozyme
Plants (RHCP) from Kendalpayak of Malang District, East sample was taken from the third leaf of each ten cultivars
Java, Indonesia. In order to make sure that all samples used tested during anthesis and the stem samples were also taken
in this experiment were in the same maturity and from third internodes from the top. The lamina leaves and
development, the observation and examination on the shape stems were examined separately. Procedures of preparing
of leaves and flowers as well as the pollen morphology buffer solution, gel preparation, leaf and stem samples
were conducted during anthesis. Accordingly, the tubers of extraction, electrophoresis condition as well as the staining
all ten cultivated were also harvested at the same condition solution of peroxidase were conducted according to Mill
namely at the end of planting time, to have a look at the and Crowden (1968) and Suranto (2001) with a bit of
modification; particularly the amount of samples and the
SURANTO et al. – Characteristic of local cultivars of sweet potato from Indonesia 2513

volume of extraction buffer. We used 25 mg of sample attached each other and pale white was found as the type of
instead of 10 mg, and 500 μL of extraction buffer solution sweet potato flowers. The variants numbers 4 and 6 had
instead of 200 μL. The resulted peroxidase isozymes deeper notched petals as compared to others which usually
banding pattern were then calculated for their Rf values only have mild notched petals. The appearance of flower
using formula of Todaria et al. (1983). All activities of color and shapes were in contrast with the tuber characters.
electrophoretic isozyme of peroxidase were run at our This species of Convolvulaceae can be recognized by their
laboratory of molecular biology-FMIPA UNS, from June to funnel-shaped radially symmetrical corolla with floral
August 2014. The data obtained were then analyzed formula for the family has 5 sepals, 5 fused petals, 5
descriptively by looking at the presence or absence of the epipetalous stamens and a 2 part syncarpous and superior
bands for the samples tested. Zymyrans of peroxidase gynoecium (Sahu and Gupta 2015). Despite the fact that
isozymes were constructed based on the resulted Rf values flower features were not only the petal, therefore it may be
of each cultivar sampled. The typical bands and very crucial to consider that this character particularly the flower
unique band of each cultivar were described qualitatively. color would be significantly important in understanding of
speciation of this species (Smith et al. 2010). By looking at
the flower color, studying of occurring transition of blue to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION red flower could be conducted intensively (Eserman et al.
2014). In addition, they argued that the occurrence of
Morphological characters transition of blue/purple color of petals to the red could be
Variation of leaves, tubers and petal shapes of sweet due to drastically reduction of in production of anthocyanin
potato (Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam) as seen in Figure 1, biosynthetic pathway F3'H.
variation of lamina leaves was recorded. At last three There were three different basic colors recorded. The
groups of lamina were observed. Three cultivars of Antin light to dark purples was found from 1, 3 and 2 cultivars,
(1= Antin 1; 2= Antin 2; 3= Antin 3) were to have similar respectively. Meanwhile, the basic yellow colors ranging
lamina shape of three foliate typical lamina as the first from pale yellow to orange were observed on the cultivars;
group, meanwhile for the second group; 4 (Beta 1), 6 9, 8, 6, 5, 7 and 4. And the only white tuber was recorded
(Kidal), 9 (Sawentar) were characterized by the oblate for cultivar number 10. These varied tuber colors were also
leaves. In addition, the third group consisted of, three shown in their tuber skins. Another tuber feature which is
cultivars 5 (Beta 2), 7 (Papua Salosa) and 8 (Sari) were interested to be recorded was the tuber form. At least two
detected to have pentalobus leaves. The remaining cultivars basic forms were identified. The round and long shapes
of Sukuh (10) tended to have very similar features as the were recorded, although in between that shapes were also
second group, but in certain cases the size usually a bit noted. The real long shapes were only found for Antin 3
longer and the venal branches were more clear. and Beta 1. Meanwhile, the intermediate shapes were
In general, the basic lamina shape of sweet potato was observed at Antin 1 & 2 and Papua Salosa. The divers
cordatus, with flat at leaf edges and the leaf tip was forms of tubers of sweet potato were also shown but these
attenuates but notched leaf was found at the bottom. These forms are usually not attractive to be studied if compared to
could be seen at variants number 4, 6, 9 and 10. The deeper the tuber colors. (Rose and Vasanthakaalam 2011,
notched leaves at the bottom were found at number 9 and Tsakama et al. 2010).
10 respectively. This basic variation of lamina leaves of
sweet potatoes was confirmed particularly at the edged Pollen morphology
leaves. These variations were observed at variants number SEM showed that the ten sweet potato cultivars had
1 and 3 in which their leaf edges were trilobus, meanwhile, variation in their spina length. Antin 1 had the longest
the pentalobus have occurred at number 2, 5, 7 and 8. spina (ranging from 7.60 μm to 10.98 μm), while the
Furthermore, deeper notched leaf edge was found at no 7 shortest one (5.04 μm) was shown by “Sawentar” cultivar.
which tend to be palmatus leaves. The total pollen volume of all the cultivars could be
These qualitative morphological character has been classified as large pollen, except the Beta 1 cultivar had
considered by Aguoru et al. 2015 would be more useful in very large one. The P/E index of these sweet potato
helping taxonomists to make decision when further detail cultivars varied between 1.00 and 1.14 in which the prolate
of crossed section leaves such as epidermal characters e.g: spheroidal was the common shape. In addition, the total
stomatal types, stomatal index, and number of epidermal number of aperture was recorded as "polyapertures" with
cells were also employed. Besides, other characters such as "porate type" and the position was "ponto".
stem diameters, root size, and plant height were also could The detailed morphology of pollen shown on the
be used to support the taxonomist data. By using all the ornamentation and radical symmetry of the exin was
above morphological appearances, it may be interesting to Ekinat. It is interesting to note that spina shape of the ten
note that ten varieties of Ipomea batatas studied could sweet potatoes cultivars was bottle shape with rounded
contribute to understanding evolutionary relationships shape on the top and getting wider at the middle part and
among this species (Eserman et al 2014). These leaf rounded at the bottom part. Beta 1 had the volume as the
variations were in accordance with the petal shapes. longest of polar axis (P) 116.5 μm and the contour of exine
The corolla of sweet potato flower was usually to have was concave when observed equatorially. This unique
trumpet shaped, with corolla tube at lateral parts and purple picture was not only observed once. A number of trials
in the middle one. Total number of five petals with conducted to convince the abnormality of the exine surface
2514 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 20 (9): 2511-2518, September 2019

yielded the same results. This little phenomenon of pollen cultivars had been classified as ‘large size', except for Beta
distinctiveness of Beta 1 cultivar was quite crucial to be 1 cultivar that was classified as very large. The variation of
tested further in order to make sure whether this would P/E Index with the range between 1.00 and 1.13, with the
have influence in its morphological traits. shape of pollen was prolate spheroidal. In addition, the
In general, the ten sweet potato cultivars had varied total number of aperture was poly, and the type of pollen
spina length ranging from 5.04 to 10.98 μm. The longest was porate with the ponto position, semi radial and exine
was recorded at the Antin 1 cultivar (9.76-10.9 μm), while ornamentation were echinate. Especially Beta 1. their size
the shortest (5.04-6.95 μm) was found in Sawentar. It is of the pollen were found to be very large one, and only this
interesting to find that pollen of all ten sweet potato cultivar to have that size compared to other 9 cultivars.

Table 1. Pollen morphological characters of ten sweet potato cultivars

Length (µm) Equatorial Aperturer

P/E Ornamen-
Cultivars Polar Size Diameter Shape
Spine Index Total Type Position tation
axis (P) (E) (µm)
Antin 1 9.76-0.98 92.90 Large 81.60 1.13 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porate Panto Echinate
Antin 2 7.35-8.90 95.20 Large 84.86 1.12 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porate Panto Echinate
Antin 3 6.42-8.65 93.38 Large 92.79 1.00 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porat Panto Echinate
Beta 1 7.34-8.37 116.50 Very large 103.90 1.12 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porat Panto Ekinat
Beta 2 5.87-7.56 89.16 Large 78.51 1.14 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porate Panto Echinate
Kidal 5.60-7.03 88.84 Large 83.65 1.06 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porate Panto Echinate
Papua solossa 5.16-6.98 91.84 Large 81.32 1.13 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porate Panto Echinate
Sari 7.26-8.23 98.33 Large 93.48 1.05 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porate Panto Echinate
Sawentar 5.04-6.95 85.39 Large 83.15 1.03 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porate Panto Echinate
Sukuh 6.57-7.21 90.55 Large 85.65 1.06 Prolate spheroidal Poly Porate Panto Echinate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 1. Morphological appearances of ten cultivars of sweet potatoes; tubers, leaves, and flowers. Number 1 to 10 indicate the local
cultivar names: 1. Antin 1, 2. Antin 2, 3. Antin 3, 4. Beta 1, 5. Beta 2, 6. Kidal, 7. Papua Salosa, 8. Sari, 9. Sawentar, 10. Sukuh
SURANTO et al. – Characteristic of local cultivars of sweet potato from Indonesia 2515

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Figure 2. Pollen morphology (A) and spina shapes (B) under SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). Sweet potato cultivars: 1. Antin 1,
2. Antin 2, 3. Antin 3, 4. Beta 1, 5. Beta 2, 6. Kidal, 7. Papua Salosa, 8. Sari, 9. Sawentar, 10. Sukuh

Another interesting feature of these cultivars was shown Ipomea was typical features of this varietal I.batatas.
by Papua Salosa, in which the species length was only Although the above is true, it is quite unique appearances
5.16-6.98 μm, and this was recorded as the shortest. But of the pollen shape especially the contour which was
their composition of polar axis (91.84 μm) and equatorial observed in the Beta 1. In all ten pollen cultivar had the
diameter (81.32 μm) yielded index of P/E to be the same as pollen contour of circular, but only this Beta 1 had the
shown by Antin 1 which was recorded as the longest spine concave one. This unique feature of this cultivar of Beta 1
of these 10 cultivars. Despite the above facts, we recorded had been the target of further examination using
that the biggest index of P/E was Beta 2 (1.14 μm) and electrophoretic isozyme.
conversely, the smallest was found from Antin 3 cultivar
(1.00μm). Peroxidase isozyme
The examination of pollen aperture of ten cultivars Peroxidase has been classified in the oxidoreductase
tested show the same pictures; all variants to have total and this enzyme can be detected easily due to its high
number of apertures was poly, with porate aperture type stability and ability to use a number of substrate as
and panto position and the ornamentation was echinate. hydrogen donor (Cahyarini et al. 2004). As seen in Figure
This result was in accordance with Agashe and Caulton 3, thirteen bands of peroxidase isozymes have been
(2009) and Edtman (1952), and also confirmed by produced. All the 13Rf values were 0; 0.08; 0.14; 0.20;
Purnobasuki et.al. (2014) and Widiyanti et.al. (2008) in 0.26; 0.38; 0.43; 0.45; 0.48; 0.51; 0.65; 0.74; and 0.77.
which the shape of pollen features within one species Based on the appearance of the bands, Beta 1 and Beta 2,
usually to have the same characters. In addition, Esermen as well as Papua Salosa cultivars, were qualitatively having
et al (2014) noted that spiny pollen of species within different bands and total number of 6,10 and 9 bands were
2516 B I OD I V E R S I TA S 20 (9): 2511-2518, September 2019

respectively produced, compared to the other seven 0.95.The very thick bands of 0;0.17 and 0.22 were recorded
cultivars. The undetected band of Rf 0.38 at cultivars Beta to be the characteristic of Beta 1 cultivar, meanwhile, the
1 and Papua Salosa indicated that these two sweet potato Kidal cultivar has been characterized by the presence of
cultivars were very unique, although the other cultivars bands values at Rf 0.22 and Sukuh cultivar (0),
usually had those bands. respectively. The unique bands of this leaf sample were
The uniqueness of Papua Salosa cultivar had been again shown by Papua Salosa cultivar, which showed no
shown by the absence of band at 0.38 and the presence of band at Rf: 0.13. This very specific characters of
band at Rf value of 0.43, respectively (Figure 3). Another peroxidase isozyme were also supported by morphological
uniqueness of this for Beta 2 cultivar was recorded because appearances. Nandariyah (2008) recorded that the
this cultivar had band at Rf 0.45 in which the other 9 (nine) appearance of Salacca edulis cultivar in their
cultivars didn't have any. The thickness of bands of Beta 1 morphological character was also in accordance with their
(Rf: 0.14 and 0.20) and Beta 2 (Rf 0.0) indicated that genetic data. In addition, Budoyo (2010), reported that
enzyme activity at both cultivars was high. Conversely, more bands were observed at sweet potato cultivars which
very thin bands at position of 0.51, 0.65, 0.74 and 0.75 of usually had higher carbohydrate contents. Although,
Papua Salosa had been implicated to have very weak Budoyo's (2010) finding was not exactly the same this our
enzyme activity. This enzyme activity had been recorded experiment, it is interesting to note that both samples
by Hengky (1995) in which, the thicks band had been an collected from the leaves and stems had relatively number
indication of very active enzyme, meanwhile the thin band of bands of the peroxidase isozymes; 13 and 11 bands
had been recorded as very weak activity of the enzyme. respectively. This means that using this enzyme activity,
Alnopri et al. (2009) assumed that the thick bands produced ten local sweet potatoes can be distinguished. Recent
by certain cultivars had been implemented to have high studies dealing with peroxidase isozyme had been
degree of resistance to diseases. This phenomenon had conducted by Suranto et al. (2017), who noted that not only
been shown by Souza et al. (2003) in corn plants inoculated the total number of isozyme bands was useful in
with maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV). The high activity distinguishing the difference between the healthy and the
of peroxidase had been considered very useful in virus-infected plants, but this enzyme activity on both
preventing the virus spread to the cell wall. Accordingly, samples was also able to compare, especially through their
the very thin bands on the Papua Salosa had been assumed band thickness, between the healthy and the diseased
to indicate this cultivar's susceptibility to the sweet potato plants. Other interesting results of the above two isozymes
weevil, Cylas formicarius (Balitkabi 2012). were reported by Hidayati et al (2018) dealing with
The resulted bands produced by electrophoretic Cucurbita moschata at different altitudes. They note that
isozymes of peroxidase employing the leaf samples were 10 of peroxidase isozymes and 8 of esterase isozymes were
not much different compared to those from stem samples. recorded. The thickness band of peroxidase isozymes was
The eleven (11) bands were detected as Rf values of: 0; found at higher altitudes rather than the lower ones. This
0.13; 0.17; 0.22; 0.26; 0.31; 0.35; 0.40; 0.41; 0.57 and phenomenon was also recorded at the isozymes of esterase.


Figure 3. Zymograms of peroxidase isozymes of ten sweet potato cultivars tested: stem samples (A) and leaf samples (B). The Rf value
of each sample was presented on the left side of each zymogram. Number 1 to 10 indicates the name of the cultivar: 1. Antin 1, 2. Antin
2, 3. Antin 3, 4. Beta 1, 5. Beta 2, 6. Kidal, 7. Papua Salosa, 8. Sari, 9. Sawentar, 10. Sukuh
SURANTO et al. – Characteristic of local cultivars of sweet potato from Indonesia 2517

Taxonomic significance of pollen morphological characters of ten sweet potato

Studies about the use of pollen features especially those cultivars tested, but Beta 1 cultivar was found to have
dealing with about 170 species belonging to the 30 genera unique character, more particularly its very large pollen
of Convolvulaceae from India had been investigated size, and concave contour of the exine pollen. Moreover,
comprehensively by Sengupta (1972). This family was peroxidase isozymes confirmed that the morphological
characterized by number and distribution of aperture of the complexity was also expressed by the presence of common
pollen type. The basic type of pollen features of this family bands of each cultivar and unique bands were only
to be the tricolpate type. This type of specialization further expressed at certain cultivars such as Beta 1, Beta 2 and
resulted in other apertural types such as pentacolpate, Papua Salosa. This preliminary evidence suggests that
hexacolpate and eventually the pantoporate type. isozymes data were in accordance with that of
Accordingly, Martin (2001) found that most species studied morphological complexity particularly for the lower level
based on fossil and modern pollen features in the family taxonomy, but may not suitable for lower level of
Convolvulaceae in Australia, produced similar appearance taxonomy such as variety of plants when the dealing with
of pictures. Further examination of exine structure also pollen features. This pollen features may be best to be
confirmed that tricolpate type was recorded to have applied for higher level of taxonomy such as family/genera
spherical to prolate grain. Meanwhile, the size of pollen plant levels.
grain was also recorded to have a big size similar to our
The morphological complexity of ten Ipomea batatas ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
cultivars particularly the leaf and tuber features were not
shown by the pollen morphology. This pollen characters We would like to thank the Head of Research Centre of
could not be used to explain why do morphological Horticultural Plants, Malang, Indonesia for providing the
variations of sweet potatoes were not in accordance with sweet potato cultivars. Many thanks also go to Atik and
the pollen features. This may be one to the fact that not all Nina (Molecular Biology Laboratory, Faculty of
pollen features were considered to be relevant in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas
taxonomies point of view (Telleria and Daners 2003). The Maret, Surakarta, Indonesian) and technicians of
only exine structure and sculpture were noted to have Universitas Negeri Malang (UM), Indonesia for their truly
uniform features particularly in the genera levels of help during electrophoretic experiment of peroxidase
Convolaceae (Azzay 2011; Gunes 2012). Thus, it was not isozyme assay. We also highly appreciated all technicians
surprising that this study did not become apparent, because of scanning Electron Microscopy at UM for their friendly
the plant samples were in the variety level. The only support during pollen observation.
possible reason for the size and aperture variation may be
caused by both environmental and genetic influences
(Thanikaimoni 1986; Zhao et al. 2016). Therefore, the REFERENCE
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