Lec 48
Lec 48
Lec 48
Lecture – 48
3 Phase Circuits (Contd.)
Suppose this is the example is taken this example . So, in the line 5 - j 2 Ω one
impedance is connected, this is * connected, this is * connected, load 10 + j 8 10 + j 8 Ω
and this is * connected source 110 angle 0 110 angle - 120 110 - 240. And in the line
each line 5 - j 2 Ω, 5 - j 2 Ω and 5 - j 2 Ω impedance connected and currentIa Ib Ic
already given . So, now, Z * if, that means, what can do is that, should not be confused
with this what can do is this all are same. This 5 - j 2 Ω, 10 + j 8 add together make it as
a Z * that is the idea.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:11)
Similarly I c =Ia angle - 240o, so 6.81 angle - 21.8, this we have got here 21.8o - 240o. So,
this one will be I c = 6.81 but actually, there should not be any doubt or anything.
Actually, I this one Ia = this one; that means, 6. 8 1 angle - 21.8o * this angle - 120o
because, * 1 in to 1 this one.
So, this 2 are added, so that is why this thing is there , similarly here . So, I c = will get
6.81, 98.2o, why this is - 240 - 2 21.8o is there, just other way add 360o with this, just
the way show vb va that vc lagging - 240o. So, add 360o other way should lagging then
(Refer Time: 2:50) so, other way it is leading So, add 360o with these, so 360 - 240, -
21.8, will get 98.2o ampere.
Therefore we know Vab = therefore, this also derived, Vab = √ 3 Vp angle 30o and VL =
writing √ 3 Vp. So, VL angle 30o. Vbc is √ 3 Vp angle - 90o that also we have done. So,
that will be VL angle - 90o, √ 3 Vp = VL. And Vca =√√ 3 Vp angle - 210o that is VL angle -
210o. This all this things in the phasor diagram we have made it, , all this things are there
that what call Vab this one, Vbc this one and Vca is this one with respect to Van . That is
the from this am not going to the phasor diagram.
I mean from this phasor diagram, again I have to go on top just hold on here, here from
this phasor diagram. With respect to that this is angle 30o, with respect to Van it is 90o
and with respect to Van this is - 210o . So, so, that is what call that Vab, Vbc and Vca .
Now, if make divide Vab/ Vbc, if make Vab/ Vbc, it is VL angle 30/ VL angle - 90
therefore, Vbc =, it is it will go up it will be 120o, so Vbc = Vab - 120o . Similarly Vab/Vca
if make, will get VL angle 30, while VL angle - 210o, will get Vca = Vab angle - 250 40o
or add 360 with that other way Vca = Vab angle 120o , this is the relationship.
Now, balanced * connection next will come to source *, but load is ∆ connection.
So, this is my source * and this is my ∆ connection . Now, question is that just if, reduce
the this thing it will be first for explanation. So, if look * this or this circuit that this is
my Van, this is my V bn and this is my V cn and this is my ∆ connector load Z ∆, Z ∆, Z
∆ So, this is a line currentIa this is line current Ib and this is line current I c and in the
load phase current this is ICA pital AB, ICA pital A to B, this is A to B ICA pital B to C and
ICA pital C to A , this is my what call my phase current and this is my line current, this
is my line phase current. Now, if apply for example, we will come to that, but am telling
if apply KCL let this current is coming in coming.
So, this current is I a, this ICA current it also coming here, so + ICA and this current is
what we call it is leaving, so it is - IAB = 0; that means, myIa = IAB - ICA . So, similarly
have to apply KCL here, have to apply KCL here. So, in this case line current is not =
phase current because, this is the line current after that this is the phase current and this is
the line current so, we have to find out some relationships between the line current and
this is the line current and phase current this is the line current .
So, this is ∆, so in this case in this case, so let me let me let me eh just increase the zoom.
So, so this is the circuit I told .
(Refer Slide Time: 06:53)
Now, for balanced * ∆, so Van again * case eh angle 0o, V bn angle - 20o and V cn gives
angle 120o. And we also know Vab = Vab √ 3 Vp 30o. If look * the circuit, if look * the
circuit is what we call that Vab = this one, just let me go up that here it is Vab V small ab
= Vcapital AB. (Refer Slide Time: 07:25)
It is very simple because if this is this is b and this is a , so if it is if this is Vab , this is Vab
and this same because no anyway nothing is connected here and this. is B, so nothing is
connected here So, Vab = Vab , similarly for B cc a . So, let me clear it, so that means, my
Vab = Vcapital AB √ 3 angle 30o, same thing Vbc also same thing, Vp angle - 90o, Vca also
Vca √ 3 Vp angle - 210o.
Now, IAB = Vab/Z ∆ because, this is my circuit; that means, this voltage this voltage that
Vab that is my Vab, this voltage A to B and = Vab , same voltage impedance and this is my
Z ∆ IAB . So, IAB = Vab/Z ∆ , for this phase . So, same thing here, we are writing same
thing we are writing IAB is equal Vab/Z ∆, IBC = Vbc/Z ∆, ICA = Vca/Z ∆ all .
So, now another way to get this phase current is to apply KVL, for example, applying
KVL around loop.
I mean if do so, if apply what call KVL then, what call we do is what we can do is we
apply KVL in this loop, we apply KVL in this loop in this case, what will happen am
coming like this term. So, Z ∆ * IAB then, encounter is + terminal first, + V bn then, -
Van = 0 . That means, my IAB = Van - V bn/Z ∆ and we got now Van - V bn = √ 3 angle
30o got it now, same way we will get it. So, that is why IAB can write like this,
similarly for the other otherwise also we can do this. This is for one similar other two we
can do it .
So, that means, here that is why are writing this one IAB = Van - Z ∆ s nd that is actually
nothing, but Vab we got it the phasor diagram/ Z ∆ that is Vcapital AB/Z ∆. Similarly for
bcc we will get it. So, line currents are obtained from the phase current/ applying KCL at
nodes IBC. I showed at node A if applyIa will be IAB - ICA . Ib will be IBC - IAB .
I showed one, here is all these all these here at node A node B node C apply KCL and
will get this equation, will get this equation. Similarly I c = ICA - IBC. Now IAB/ICA,
IAB = Vab/Z Z ∆ and ICA = Vca/Z ∆. If do so IAB or ICA will be area/integer/ Z ∆ * Z
∆/CA. So, Z ∆ Z ∆ will be cancelled. So, IAB /ICA actually is Vab/Vca, it is proportional to
their IAB phase current and ICA it is just a same thing at the line voltage Vab/Vca .
(Refer Slide Time: 10:57)
So, IAB /ICA = Vab write and Vca = know Vab angle - 240o substitute. So, so Vab Vab will
be cancelled therefore, ICA will be equal to IAB angle - 24 240o; that means, also IBC
similarly will get IAB angle - 120o. please do it for in take what call IAB/IBC, will get
same relationship - 120o. This is very simple nothing is there, just just put in there and
step/ step will do will get it . Therefore, will get IBC also IAB - 120o it is balanced.
So, in this case therefore, we know Ia = IAB - ICA . So, IAB keep, but ICA = IAB angle -
240o. put here ICA = - IAB angle - 240o. If simplify will getIa = √ 3 IAB angle - 30o.
That means, line current = √ 3 times the phase current and angle is - 30o and magnitude
wise line current =Ia Ib I c that is line current magnitude. And phase current I p = mod
IAB , mod IBC , mod ICA = phase current . So, in this case this is my phase current, so IL
actually line current = √ 3 time phase current for ∆ connection shown.
So, line current earlier we saw * connection line will what call line voltage = √ 3 line
phase voltage and for ∆ connector, volt line current = what call going to that that is, √ 3
times phase current. So, IL L = √ 3 times phase current .
So, this is just from one relationship we will get it, rest take that is 120o apart . So, even
if do it just see the balance so, will see that it will be just 120o apart . So, if draw the
phasor diagram, this is my IAB , this is my IBC this is my ICA , this is my phase current
and this is when Ia is lagging Ia is lagging from this phase current angle - 30o, that is why
this is Ia 30o then, Ib 30 then I c. Similarly draw just 120o part between among what we
call between line current as well as when draw the phase current these are all this phase
current 120o apart . So, this is figure 15, so this is my phasor diagram . Therefore, Ia = √
3 angle IAB - 30o, Ib =Ia angle - 120o and I c =Ia angle 120o .
(Refer Slide Time: 13:35)
So, this is actually our relationship that is line to voltage. So, there should not be any
confusion any confusion .
Now, if see this equivalent circuit like a single phase, so this is Van, this is Ia and Zy = Z
∆/ 3 . A simple a see as if it is a single phase balanced, so represented/ only phase a . So,
this allows to calculate only the line currents , so * ∆ transformation at ∆ *
transformation both are possible, if fill can convert it to ∆ to * * to ∆.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:55)
So, take an small example a balanced abc sequence that is * connected source with Van =
100 angle 10o. Voltage connected to a ∆ connected balanced load that is 8 + j 4 Ω per
phase. Calculate the phase and line currents look, Z ∆ is given 8 + j 4, that is 8.944 angle
If the phase voltage Van is 100 angle 10o volt , in the line voltage will be Vab = V capital
AB √ 3 Van just now we have seen it is √ 3 Van angle 30o.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:33)
And Vab = √ 3 then, it is 100 angle Van = 100 angle 10o, so √ 300 angle 10 + 30. So,
173.2 angle 40o volt . Therefore, IAB that is the phase current Vab/Z ∆, so substitute all
this values will get 19.36 angle 13.43o ampere, the rest are shifting one 20o . So, IBC will
be IAB angle - 120o it will be 19.36. So, 13.43 - 120, so, it will be angle = current
dimension - once under 6.5o ampere.
Similarly I C = IAB angle - 240o = IAB angle 120o + it is - 240, so making it as 120o. So,
we that is 19.36, 13.43 + 120 so 19.36 angle 133.43o, actually this things are very simple
just little bit go through this book and just listen what have been discussed here and
nothing to be worried about this thing it seems very simple 3 phase . So, this is ampere.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:43)
So, line current we know Ia = just now we have derived √ 3 IAB - angle - 30o. So,
substitute all these things, IAB substitute, so IAB is 19.36 angle was 13.43o - 30o. So, it
isIa = this one .
Similarly Ib =Ia angle - 120o, substitute Ia value, so Ib will be this much. Currents are
same magnitude balance 33. Angle is just r, what call if take the difference of between
these two angles find the - 120o , it is a ampere. Similarly I c = I angle 120o, will get I c
= 33.53 angle, 103.43o ampere . So, this is what call this that example know exercise.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:31)
So, this is r, what call this exercise is given to solve it. That single one line means single
line one line voltage, one line voltage I mean one is * connected source is given this . If
the source is connected to a ∆ connected load of this much of impedance, 20 angle 40o
we have to find out the phase and line current assuming abc sequence. This is an exercise
for that answer is not given . So, we will do it.
Now, next is balanced ∆ connection . So, in that case of balance ∆ ∆ connection, in the
case of ∆ load angle ∆ source. So, in that case line voltage and phase voltage remains
same . So, if it is a ∆ ∆ ∆ connection this is whatever are Vab will be in phase across this
. Similarly Vcapital AB same because from a ∆ connection line voltage and phase
voltage remains same . So, here it is both ∆ both ∆ . So, this is balanced ∆ load is ∆ and
source is also ∆ and series of impedance remains same So, Z ∆ Z ∆ is given .
So, and this is the line current I a, Ib , I c, this is the line current but both are ∆ and these
are the phase current Ib Ib Ic. So, for ∆ ∆ what call line voltage = phase voltage we see
that we see that.
So, our goal is to obtain the phase and line currents . So, for ∆ connected source or load
line voltage = phase voltage because, both are ∆ ∆, there is no question neutral no an bn
cn these all line to line. So, line voltage = phase voltage..
(Refer Slide Time: 19:15)
So, it is line voltage = phase voltage. So, Vab know Vp angle 0, Vbc Vp angle - 120o and
Vca Vp angle 120o, that line voltage and phase voltage both are same. So, VL = here it is
written here, Vp = here I have written here Vp = VL therefore, VL angle 0o this one = VL
angle - 120o and this angle 120o here, both are same. So, Vab = Vcapital AB, Vbc = capital
BC, Vca = Vcapital CA. here it is same thing here it is capital A, capital B, capital A,
capital B nothing is there in the line, so V small ab = Vcapital ABC similarly for Vbc
angle VCL .
So, hence the phase currents are simply IAB = Vab/Z ∆, if come to the circuit if come to
this circuit A AB = Vab/Z ∆ here. So similarly r, IBC and ICA this is IBC , Vbc/Z ∆ ICA =
Vca/Z ∆ .
Therefore, applying KCL at nodes ABC, similar same as before, if apply at node ABC
KVL KCL will getIa = IAB - ICA , Ib = IBC it is just when do this one just draw that
circuit diagram first then, we will just listen to this video lecture . I then do of own and
Ib = IBC - IAB and I c = ICA - IBC .
So, it is already shown earlier , each line current lags the corresponding phase current/
30o. This already we have shown it previous example. So, the magnitude IL of the line
current it is √ 3 times the magnitude of the phase current. Because, it is line current and
then it is ∆ connected load, So, line current = √ 3 times phase current that we have done
it and IL = √ 3 * I p .
So, take another small example; a balanced ∆ connected load having an impedance 20 - j
15 Ω is connected to a ∆ connected source the voltage is 330 angle 0o that is Vab is given.
Calculate that phase currents of the load angle and the line currents .
(Refer Slide Time: 21:37)
So, in this case Z ∆ = 20 - j 15, So 25 angle - 36.87o Ω. Since Vab = Vab the phase
currents are IAB = Vab/Z ∆. So, know Vab, so put Z, will get this is the current 13.2,
36.87o ampere .
Similarly, IBC know that relationship Ib angle - 120o. This IAB substitute here
substitute here, will get this one 13.2 angle - 83.13 ampere. Similarly ICA will get IAB
120o, so will get 13.2, 156.87o ampere. And we know IL ine current to √ 3 current and
phase current angle - these all we have derived, little bit have to keep it in mind little bit
practice is necessary. So, if do so will get value of I a, Ib , I c, magnitude same angles
also substituted angle dependence will be again 120o . Magnitude are 22.86o 8 6 ampere
and these are the angle , so this is ampere ampere. Another one is balanced ∆ Y
So, in this case what we call that source is ∆, but load is *. So, when loading this * in this
case, line current = phase current because same current is what we call, the same current
i is going entering here . So, line current = phase current so, but e what call this is
voltage source, what we call and this is at ∆ source is ∆.
So, in here also same philosophy will be there that, phase voltage line voltage is √ 3
times phase voltage. And this current I a, Ib , I c and this is capital N and this is Zy , Zy ,
Zy , source is ∆ and load is *. But here line current = phase current so, but here line r,
what we call here, phase voltage = line voltage/ √ 3 because, line voltage = √ 3 times
phase voltage . Race 2 remains same, so this is the circuit diagram and all polarity as
instantaneous polarity I told how to mark it.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:55)
So, that means, Vab = same thing we have done Vp angle 0o, Vbc Vp angle - 120o and Vca
= Vp angle 120o. So, VL angle 0o, VL angle - 120o VL angle 12[0]
So, if apply K KM lining this one if apply this here if apply KVL here, if apply KVL
here, it will beIa * Zy . So and current this isIa flowing this, but this current is going this
way. So, it will be - Ib * Zy and it is encountering - tabular first, so - ab = 0 .
This way we can write that, that equation we have written here that equation we have
written here;Ia Zy - Ib Zy - Vab = 0, that means,Ia - Ib = Vab/Zy. So, thisIa - Ib = Vp
angle 0 because, Vab Vp angle 0 zy = VL angle 0/ Zy . So, here it is given that Vab = Vp
angle 0 = line voltage we write VL angle zero. So, this is/Zy Ia - Ib .
ButIa lags Ib / 120o, we know that, but Ib lags 120o, simply substitute Ib =Ia - 120o, put
it here and simplify, if simplify will get,Ia = Vp/√ 3 divided/ angle - 30o/ Zy .
So, line voltage Vp as what call it is that that can be written as, VL/√ 3 angle - 30o/Zy .
Here we have written here we have written that Vab = VL angle zero, VL angle - 120o, VL
angle - sorry + 120o . So, similarly here also write VL/ √ 3, angle - 30/Zy Z * or Zy , that
means, similarly Ib =Ia angle - 120, these I substitute here, this I substitute here will
get VL √ 3 angle - 150/ Z y.
Similarly, I c = one angle I 20o put Ia = here will get Vp/√ 3 angle Z divided/ Zy and
angle 90o.
So, VL/√ 3 angle 90o/Zy . So, this all the thing is that have to remember nothing to be
this thing very simple it is because, if phase difference is that 120o lagging or leading
and just have to simplify. And here we have repeat phase voltage what call for ∆
source, phase voltage and line voltage remain same for ∆ source and in if it is a ∆ source
is phase are lined same. So, phase voltage = line voltage for the ∆ source .
So, source is ∆, line voltage = phase voltage, that is why here it is taken line voltage =
phase voltage. That is why all these thing is replaced/ phase voltage because source is ∆ ,
so line voltage = phase voltage. This certain things have to keep it in mind So, I mean if
try to represent this/ what call whatever have got say for phase a for phase a if see that
Ia = VL/√ 3 angle - 30/Zy .
So, if represent it/ Vab/√ 3 angle - 30, this one is nothing, but VL/√ 3 - 30o and this is Zy ,
this is the current flowing I a. So, Ia will be simply VL/√ 3 Zy angle - 30. are this = this
one and because Vab is nothing, but the VL. So, this is represented/ only one phase . So,
this we also can represent.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:55)
So, similarly if draw the phasor diagram, this is Vab, this is Vbc, this is vca. So, if try to
find out if try to find out this thing, what call if try to make this ∆, so, this is my Vab
this all 120o, 120 this is my Vca, so this my Vbc no, so just let me clear it.
This diagram actually it will be like this, this is my Vbc, so this is my Vbc this is drawn
for here, this is Vbc and this is my Vca, so this is my Vca this one, so this is my Vca and
this is my Vbc and this b. That is why this is my Vbc whatever is here that is my Vab and
this is my Vca just make competitive this triangle and if, join all it will be same actually
this is my same some something is marked this as a m .
So, this is figure 20 one and if do so, if do so, this angle is 30o and Van, what call Van is
nothing, but Vp V bn also Vp we solved that here what we call all these magnitude.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:09)
So, that means, this one this Vab , Vab this is actually this portion actually Vab/ 2 it is half
it is equilateral triangle. So, Vab/ 2 = this is Van, this is actually Vp because, this is the
magnitude Van, so this is Van = Vp . So, it is Vp then, cos 30o here = = Vp cos 30o .
That means, that means, this one actually Van cos 30o = Vangle to magnitude only . So,
Vp/ 2 = VL/ 2. From this diagram only magnitude u 2 so; that means, what we call mod
val = VL/√ 3 cos here what we call √ cos 30 = 3/ 2. So, what call that phase voltage =
VL/ √ 3 = VL line voltage/ √ 3. Otherwise line voltage = √ 3 times phase voltage.
Therefore, we can write Van = VL/√ 3 angle - 30o . So, eh so that means, this is that
means, this is my Van .
So, it is in this direction Van, that means, this is my say just as a reference am putting,
this is Van, if i make it because this is this direction, so Van will lag from V b/ - 30o So,
that is why that is why Van = VL/√ 3 angle - 50. So, Vp/√ 3 angle - 30o.
Similarly for V bn and similarly for V cn, that means, if plot it here, so mean this is my
what call Van, V bn, V cn if plot it here, so in this case it will be what call Van . So, this
is my Van same was before same as before . Earlier it was shifting 30o, but wrote it like
30o this Van , same as before So, this is then V bn = Vp/√ 3 angle - 150 50 and V cn will
be an Vpn √ 3 angle 90o .
So, this is r, what we call and Van = rIa * Zy. That is VL/√ 3 angle - 30, = Vp/√ 3 angle -
30o. Because, line source are ∆ correction source line voltage = phase voltage. So, we
know V BN = Van angle because angle - 120o because, it lags/ 120o, just relationship we
have to use. And if put Van here and this V CN = Van 120o. So, this is what we call if
substitute Van = Vp/ √ 3 here it will be Vp/ √ 3 angle - 150o and if make it here Van =
Vp/√ 3 angle - 30 it will be Vp/√ 30 angle 90o .