Lec 8

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Power System Analysis

Prof. Debapriya Das

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture - 08
Resistance & Inductance (Contd.)

(Refer Slide Time: 00:23)

So, just have a look on this that flux linkages for phase a, phase b, phase c, λ a, λ b is
equal to 0.4605 into this whole matrix right into I a, I b, I c this is equation 63.
Therefore, symmetrical inductance matrix L is given by right. So, just hold on by this by
this expression L is equal to 0.4605 then put them in the matrix form in the milli Henry
per kilometre.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:52)

Now, for balance 3 phase currents with I a as reference, this I a as reference I a I b I c

they are 120 degree phase shift difference. So, alpha is 1 angle 120 degree hence alpha
square will be 1 angle 240 and alpha cube is equal to 1 right. You know this therefore,
we can write that I c is equal to right actually it is leading I by 120 degree. So, I c is
equal to alpha I a that this one right and I b actually leading Ia by 240 degree that is your
alpha square therefore, I b is equal to alpha square into I a this is equation 65 right.

So, this expression for I b I c right if you substitute here, if you substitute in this equation
just hold on if you substitute here I b expression for I b I c are in equation 63 right Then
what we will get that is we are writing using equation 63 and 65. So, what we will get we
will get L a is equal to λ a upon I a 0.4605 log 1 upon r' plus alpha square log 1 upon D
ab plus alpha log 1 upon D ca this is equation 66.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:09)

Similarly, λ b is equal to L b rather L b is equal to λ b upon I b is equal to 0.4605 then

into alpha log 1 upon D ab plus log 1 upon r' plus alpha square log 1 upon D bc this is
equation 67. Then Lc is equal to λ c upon I c is equal to 0.4605 into alpha square log 1
upon D ca plus alpha log 1 upon D bc plus log 1 upon r' this is equation 68.

So, equation 66 67 68 it shows this show that this inductance L a L b L c are not real
quantity right that that are not equal, then first thing they are not equal due to mutual
inductances they contain because they contain imaginary parts. So, these are not real
quantities right. So, that means that means all L a L b L c they will be different.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:46)

So, to make the inductance of phase a phase b phase c more or less same right we go for
a methodology for transmission line that is called transpose transmission line right. So, in
that case suppose you have a conductor suppose this is this way triangular configuration
is taken say this is a, this is b and this is c phase current in conductor phase a that is I a
phase b it is I b and phase c that current is I c at distance phase a and b as usual it is D ab,
between phase b and c it is D bc and between a and c we were writing D ca. Right.

Now, this is that transmission cycle, cycle of 3 phase line this is section 1, this is section
2 and this is section 3. Now what will happen that you take for example, you take first
this is conductor a, this is conductor b, conductor c. So, consider the section 1 first. So,
this is conductor a, conductor b and conductor c as usual, current through conductor I a
through conductor b I b and through conductor c I c.

Now what will happen? This is the first of section 1 say now in the next section what we
make it section 2 that it will be in cyclic order right; that means, conductor a was
suppose to be here, but instead of that it is occupying the position of conductor b. Right.
So, it is coming here conductor a right and and similarly if we do not take transposition
conductor a should have been here also in section 3, but ultimately it is taking the
position of conductor c.
So, conductor a conductor a; that means, in 3 different section that means 1 cycle that
because 3 phases. So, therefore, it is changing it is in (Refer Time: 05:36) position of the
conductor is being changed.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:47)

So, it is a b c, now if you take like this that your suppose it is a, it is b and it is your it is
your c. So, this is your this is a b c this is a this is b this is c. Right, Now in the next
section the conductor position actually is changed; that means, what that it will be again I
am drawing it for you. So, say this is here now now you rotate it in clockwise. So, this is
c that initially it was c, c is occupying position of a. So, it is coming here c, a is
occupying position b. So, it is going to here and b is occupying its position your what
you call c’s position. So, here it is b. So that means, here you take in clockwise direction
in clockwise direction right clockwise direction.

Therefore, next section it is coming c a b, c a b right. Similarly for the last one again you
rotate it this is your conductor like this 3 conductors. So, b will occupy the position of
here it is coming to b will be here c was here now c will be here, now a was here now a
will take the position of b in the next; that means, it will be again in clockwise a b you
what you call b c a right here it was c a b it starting from here it is b c a look at that, it is
b c a. Right.

So, from a b c this is start from here a b c a b c next just be c is occupying position of a, a
is occupying its position at b, b is occupying its position at you are what you call that c’s
position b is coming here that starting from here only c a b, c a b similarly third one also
it is b c a right. So, this is this is actually is called what you call the transposition of that
your what you call conductor and that is and if you say that is at regular interval in
reality if it is regular interval then average inductance will be more or less same.

Now, what is happening that asymmetrical spacing gives complex values of phase
inductance. So, which we have seen just now right which makes the study of power
system no difficult; however, one way to remain region symmetry in good measure and
obtain a per phase model by exchanging the position of the conductors at the regular
intervals along the lines such that these conductors occupies the your original position of
every other conductor right. So, this way we will go for transposition such that that
means 1 cycle; that means, 3 section this one, this one and this one. Right.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:41)

So, in that case what will happen that such exchange of the conductor position is called
the transposition right. So, transposition is usually carried out at switching stations when;
that means, its substation right. So, a complete cycle is shown in figure 9, figure 9 means
this one, this one this is your this is figure 9 figure 9, just now I explained this is figure 9.

So, this this arrangement causes each conductor to have the same average inductance
over the transposition cycle because we have conductors every in 3 sections or
conductors they are position is getting change. So, expected that average inductance will
remain same for all the 3 phases right therefore, to get the average inductance will make
L is equal to one-third then L a plus L b plus L c right this is equation 69. Right, So, or L
is equal to 0.4605 log D m upon D s millihenry per kilometre this is equation 70 where
all this things we have defined before where D m is equal to D ab into D bc into D ca to
the power one-third and D s here is equal to just r' that fictitious radius. Right.

So, this will be more or less you are what you call all the phases inductance will remain
as L. So, that is the advantage of transposition. Right.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:18)

So, next one is next one is inductance of 3 phase a double circuit line right. So, in this
case that again its section 1, section 2 and section 3 right. So, here it is a b c I mean it is
actually double circuits line; that means, in each phase there are 2 conductors right. So, a
b c here also other conductors in phase a' then b' then c' right. So, and distance this ac' is
d1; that means, bb' is also d1, cc' is also c a c to a' is also d1. Right.

Similarly, your a to b' is equal to d2. That means, b to a' is also its d2 because from
symmetry right and a to a' is d3. That means, c' to c is also d3 right and between a and b
distance between phase a and phase this conductor a and conductor b it is D similarly
conductor c' b' right and b to c it is D and a to c it will be D plus D, so 2 D. Right.

Now, same as before same as before if we if we change this, what you call this is that
section 1, this is section 1 right now in this section 2 it is c a b, c a b. So, here also it is
change that c a b. So, c to c', a to a' and b to b' right. So, this is c a b here also c a b, but 2
conductors are there in each phase that is why c to c to c', a to a' and your b to b'. Right.

Similarly, in the section 3 it is b c a right, just now we explain this, therefore, here also b
c a. So, b to b' then a to a' and c to c'; that means, if it is a double circuit line also then
section 1, section 2 and section 3 this will be the configuration. Right, So, this is actually
figure 10 the arrangement of conductors in a double circuit 3 phase line. Now a 3 phase
double circuit line consist of 2 parallel conductors for each phase, I told you that a and a'
there are 2 conductors they in parallel similarly in b b' similarly for c and c'. Right

(Refer Slide Time: 12:55)

Generally, it is a common practice right to build double circuit 3 phase lines of greater
reliability and higher transmission capacity because in each phase if you have a 2
conductors in parallel right first thing is for they are, there is they have to show the
resistance will be half in each phase that is the thing. Second thing is that inductance
means the reactance, so 2 parallel conductors in each phase means the reactance
inductance will be half hence the reactance also will be the half right. Therefore, to end
that means, if it is so that it actually it increase the maximum transmission capability.

So, to enhance the maximum transmission capability it is it is desirable to have a

configuration which results in minimum inductance per phase we want inductance
should be minimum because for transmission system resistance is quite low I mean very
low compared to the your reactance therefore, we want that inductance should be less
hence the reactance also will be less. Right

So, this is possible if mutual GMD is low and self GMD is high we have seen no, just
just I am taking only that term, that whenever that expression is coming that log of
function of log of D m by D s right.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:10)

If you can reduce D m right and if you can increase D s, so it is D m is D m is low and at
the denominator is D s D s is high means it is a, it is a 1 upon it is your what you call. So,
overall D s is high D m is low D s is high then overall this D m by D s ratio will be much
low hence this quantity will be lower. Right

So, that if you make, so inductance will be less that is why if mutual GMD is low and
self GMD is high then only it is possible right therefore,. So, that figure 10 I showed you
the 3 sections of the transmission cycle of a double circuits 3 phase line. Right, Now to
calculate the inductance it is necessary to determine D eq or geometric mean distance
GMD first you have to find out right and then self GMD both the things you have to find
it out right first GMD and then self GMD.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:27)

Now, to do this I have to go to this figure again. Right, Now you know earlier also we
have seen that D eq will be D ab into D bc into D ca to the power one-third that is, so
will say equation 71. Right So, D ab; that means, that mutual GMD between phase a and
b of section 1 on the transposition cycle. So, if you if you see that D ab that is your a to b
right, so it will be your what you call that first you take taking in between ab and ab'
right basically it will be in between phase a or D ab means phase a and phase b. So, only
you have to consider your a ab and a' b'.

So, Dab Dab is D right and then your what you call Dab' actually it will be something
like this if I explain it will be clear just hold on, right just hold on. Suppose suppose your
D just one I am showing you suppose you have that you want to find out Dab. Right.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:33)

Dab is equal to right. So, is equal to your I am making in my way Dab is equal to first
you take a to b, say it say I am giving you this is your small d suffix a b right, then into d
a to b' so d a to b' into. Right, Again this one is coming da'b because it will be in phase a
and b only phase a two conductors phase b two conductors right.

So, it will da'b and into it will be da'b'. Right, Now this dab your dab is equal to D this
distance is D therefore, it will be capital D rather capital D right and your dab', dab' is
equal to small d2. So, it is d2 right, then da'b. So, da'b again it is D, da'b, so again it is D
and da'b'and here it will be power should be 1 upon 4 because 1 2 3 4, so it will be your 1
by 4 right. And D and da'b' da' your da' b while it as gone da'b, da'b is equal to d2 sorry
da'b, da'b this one, this is a b' and a'b they are same symmetrical right they are same a'b.

So, should be is equal to your d2 right and da'b' a' b'; that means, this is equal to D to the
power 1 by 4. That means, it is coming that is your D into D, D square and d2 square to
the power 1 by 4 is equal to D; Dd 2 half right. That means, your if you have you do not
should not have any confusion things are simple that is your dab actually dab is equal to
capital D then your dab' dab' is equal to it is D 2, then your da'b d da'b that is equal to
your a'b that is equal to your d2 right and da'b' da'b', right a'b' that is also equal to capital
D. Right.

So, see how many how many mutual possibilities are there 1 2 3 4. So, it will be 1 upon
4. So, ultimately it is coming D d 2 to the power half right; that means, that is why I have
written here that your D d 2 into 1 by 4 is equal to D d 2 to the power half. So, D ab, so
D ab and D bc they will remain as same thing because a a and b happening here, b and c
a and b happening in this region only in this region, similarly your b and c b and c it is
happening in this region. So, same symmetrical therefore, D bc, D ab is equal to D bc,
D d 2 this two are same, this two are same.

Now, when you think about D ca that is that; that means, here it is a D ca right a c' a'c, D
ca in that case it will be something like this now you take your D ca right. So, in that
case what will happen that that your D ca, capital D ca is equal to look at this one right.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:12)

So, it is first I have to take your dac dac right, then your d your what you call a c', dac'
then your d your while it as gone ha ac see here then dca' right and next is next one is
your a 2 a 2 dac, then dac', then dca same thing right and your dca'. Right.

So, in that case your same thing it will be dac is equal to your 2 D, d a c will be 2 D this
total distance dac' will be d1, d your c here it is dcac and dc'a' right. Then dca, dca ca' d
where it has gone ca' it is also d1 and it is also 2 D right to the power 1 by 4 to the power
1 by 4.

So, ultimately it will be 2 D into d1 right to the power half. So, here also it is coming 2
D d 1 to the power half right so; that means, this way I mean when you will compute all
this things right that D ab D bc D ca there are should not be any confusion right, just you
consider all the possibilities b to in if a conductors in 2 phases.

So, ultimately D ca will be 2 D d 1 to the power half right therefore, this D ab D bc D ca

all this expressions all this expressions you put in equation 71. Right.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:32)

So, in this case if you put it will be D eq is equal to D d 2 to the power half into D d 2 to
the power half into 2 2 D capital D d 1 to the power half whole to the power 1 upon 3.
Right, So, after simplification D eq will 2 to the power 1 by 6 then D to the power half
then d2 to the power one-third and d1 to the power 1 6, this is equation 72. Right, So, So,
all the cycles only in all the cycles that conductor actually changing their position, so D
eq will remain same for other 2 sections also I mean this 2 sections also that D eq will
remain same. So, even after transposition D eq will not change it will remain same as
section 1 right. So, section 2 Deq and section 3 Deq they will remain same.

Now, after this one has to find out the equivalent self GMD, D s, so it can be given as D
s is equal as D sa self GMD for phase a, D sb means self GMD for phase b and D sc
means self GMD for phase c to the power one-third this is equation 73. So, I have written
here for phase a, D sa is equal to self GMD in section 1 of phase a, that is that
conductors a and a' only. Right.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:10)

So, in that case in that case D sa, if you look into look into this, right, if you look into
this one right for it is it is your only for phase a. So, in that case one will come I mean if
you write like this D sa if you write like this, so one will I am putting it this way say daa
then daa' right into your daa' into your your daa into daa' then da'a put this way da'a into
d your a' da' right to the power 1 by 4.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:25)

Now, assuming this conductors all this phases they have the same radius they have the
they have the same radius; that means, the daa will be your r' right then daa', d a to a' it
will be your d3 then da'a, da'a again it will be d3 and again da'a'. That means, again r' to
the power 1 by 4. That means, this one will be r' r' means r' square and d3 d3, d3 square;
that means, this one actually will become r'd3 right to the power half. Right. So, this
way you will find out your self GMD of phase a. Right .

Similarly, for phase b also same thing will come r'd1 to the power half and similarly
when we will find D sc in the similar way right it will become your r'd3 all that in 4
possibilities will come, but it will become r' square d3 square. So, ultimately r'd3 to the
power half. So, D sa, D sb and D sc all these are 3 self GMD you have got right and then
you substitute that that expression D s is equal to that, you are in this expression that you
substitute here in this expression equation 73 you substitute D sa D sb and D sc to the
power one-third here you substitute; if you substitute then you will get this expression D
s is equal to write everything whole thing to the power one-third and then simplify.

So, D s is equal to r' to the power half then d1 to the power 1 upon 6 and d3 to the power
1 upon third this is equation 74. Right, D s also remains same in each transposition cycle
because that position change, but there will be no change of D s also right D m and D s
there will be not change in other cycle right, so over the transposition cycle. So, they will
remain same. So, you need not calculate your D m and D s for other 2 cycles. Right.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:17)

So, once you got D m and D s so that means, after that that inductance per phase the
formula you know L is equal to 0.4605 log D eq, D eq upon D s millihenry per
kilometre. So, D eq and D s you substitute here you substitute here and it will be
millihenry per kilometre. Right So, upon simplification it is 0.4605 log 2 to the power 1
upon 6 then D upon r' whole to the power half into d2 upon d3 to the power one-third
millihenry per kilometre.

Further simplification 0.4605 log 2 to the power one-third into D upon r' into d2 upon d3
whole to the power 2 by third then overall to the whole to the power again half. So, this
is log, so this half will come this side right. So, half in bracket we are putting 0.4605 log
of 2 to the power one-third into D upon r' plus 0.4605 log d2 upon d3 two-third to the
power two-third millihenry per kilometre.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:07)

So, this one is equal to again can be written as L is equal to half in bracket Ls minus M
this is equation 75. Right , This way this expression we are writing half Ls minus M right
minus M we are writing. That means, this part is Ls right half this part is Ls, Ls is equal
to 0.4605 log 2 to the power one-third into capital D by r' this is your Ls and this mutual
it is minus taken M. So, M will be 0.4605 log it will be then d3 by d2, because this minus
sign is here. So, it will be d3 by d2 to the power two-third millihenry per kilometre.

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