Top Notch 2b Workbook Answer Key - Third Edition

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Exercise 1
1. false 2. true 3. false 4. false 5. false 6. true

Exercise 2
1. You should eat 6–11 servings of bread and grain.
3. Breads, grains, and pasta are part of a healthy
plate. 4. Dairy products are not a good source of
fiber. 5. You should eat fruit for vitamins and fiber.

Exercise 3
1. I’m watching my weight 2. I’d better pass
3. I couldn’t resist 4. I have no idea 5. I have to admit

Exercise 4
Answers will vary but may include some of the
2. I love ice cream 3. I don’t care for pasta. 4. I’m a
big chocolate eater. 5. I’m a fruit addict. 6. I can’t
stand sushi.

Exercise 5
1. used to eat 2. used to have 3. didn’t use to like
4. used to be 5. didn’t use to take

Exercise 6
1. b 2. d 3. e 4. c 5. a

Exercise 7
Answers will vary.

Exercise 8
is on a diet; is a vegetarian; is avoiding; doesn’t
care for; is allergic to

Exercise 9
2. Don’t you eat . . . 3. Isn’t David’s mother. . .
4. Wasn’t it. . . 5. Don’t you want. . . 6. Haven’t you
been to. . .

Exercise 10
American eating habits: Struggle with their weight;
eat quickly; buy canned and frozen food
French eating habits: Stop eating when they feel full;
walk to small shops and markets

Exercise 11
1. The French see eating as an important part of their
lifestyle. Americans see eating as something to do
quickly. 2. Americans have lost the ability to sense
when they are full. 3. The French have started to eat
fast food.

Exercise 13
1. habits 2. struggle 3. successful 4. “baby step”
5. realistic 6. challenging

Unit 6
Exercise 14 Exercise B
Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

Exercise 15 Exercise C
1. looked 2. looked 3. smelled 4. looked 5. tasted Answers will vary.

Exercise 16
Answers will vary but may include some of the
1. Spicy: hot peppers, garlic, kimchee 2. Crunchy:
carrots, potato chips, chapulines 3. Sweet: candy, Exercise 1
strawberries, corn, grapes 4. Sour: lemon, pickles, 1. black 2. white 3. blue 4. red
kiwis 5. Hard: peanuts, cheese, chocolate
6. Chewy: mochi, steak, cho dofu 7. Salty: vegemite, Exercise 2
fish sauce, soy sauce 1. e 2. a 3. g 4. b 5. c 6. f 7. d

Exercise 17 Exercise 3
Answers will vary. Answers will vary.


1. can’t stand looking 2. decided to repaint
Exercise A 3. discuss making 4. suggested taking 5. practice
2. Scott used to make dinner every night. 3. Paul painting 6. need to learn 7. don’t mind trying
didn’t use to get up early. 4. Cindy didn’t use to like 8. chose to give 9. didn’t seem to like 10. enjoys
vegetables. 5. Judy used to eat meat. 6. Peter used painting 11. plan to paint 12. ‘d like to paint
to smoke. 7. Pamela and Ed didn’t use to have a car.
Exercise 5
Exercise B 1. to get, relaxing 2. to miss, exciting 3. to
2. Did people use to read the news online? 3. Did go, boring 4. tapping, annoying 5. watching,
breakfast use to be free at the Windfield Inn? depressing 6. exercising, enjoyable
4. Did foods use to have labels? 5. Did you use to
live closer to work? 6. Did cars use to use more gas? Exercise 6
7. Did you use to drive a van?
Answers will vary.
Exercise C
Exercise 7
1. ‘s used to, isn’t used to 2. isn’t used to 3. ‘m not
2. bored with doing 3. sad about spending
used to 4. ‘m used to 5. ‘s used to
4. complained about working 5. afraid of making
6. apologize for finishing 7. talking about giving
Exercise D
Answers will vary.
Exercise 8
Exercise E Answers will vary.
1. Don’t; No, I don’t 2. Aren’t; Yes, I am. 3. Doesn’t;
Exercise 9
No, he doesn’t 4. Aren’t; Yes, there are 5. Isn’t; No,
1. They are cheerful and calm and able to
she isn’t.
cope with difficulties easily. 2. They are
Exercise F more emotional experiencing higher highs
1. Why don’t we 2. Why doesn’t he 3. Why doesn’t
and lower lows. 3. There’s no way to put
she 4. Why don’t you people in a lab and watch them develop.
4. Experts believe our personalities come from
environment and genes. 5. Answers will vary.
Exercise 10
Exercise A
1. E 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B
1. because 2. if 3. even though 4. unless 5. Since
6. Although 7. because 8. Unless 9. If 10. Though

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 7

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Answers will vary.
Exercise A
1. c 2. a 3. b or c 4. b 5. a 6. c
Exercise 12
1. Astrology teaches us that the day you were born
Exercise B
influences your personality. 2. Aries, Gemini,
Answers will vary.
Virgo, Taurus, Libra 3. Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo,
Aquarius 4. Answers will vary. 5. Answers will vary.
Exercise C
Answers will vary.
Exercise A
1. to do / doing 2. to play / playing 3. to study
/ studying 4. to ride 5. cooking 6. to watch / UNIT 8
watching 7. drinking Exercise 1
1. false 2. true 3. true 4. true 5. false 6. false
Exercise B
1. B: He hates to leave his friends. 2. A: I refuse to Exercise 2
make dinner tonight. B: I don’t mind going out to 1. + 2. + 3. + 4. + 5. − 6. − 7. + 8. −
eat. 3. A: Have you and Peter discussed buying a
house? B: We would like to find something bigger. Exercise 3
4. A: I didn’t expect to see you tonight. B: I decided
to come at the last minute. Greene Paek
Sophie’s opinion quite good; depressing;
Exercise C interesting, doesn’t like
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. b exciting dark colors
Gerald’s opinion weird; makes interesting;
Exercise D him nervous loves her work

Usually I don’t mind studying, but last night I was so Exercise 4

ing Answers will vary.
sick of do homework that I decided to go out with
ing Exercise 5
Amy. She felt like go to the movies. I suggested a new
1. A 2. P 3. P 4. P 5. A 6. P 7. P 8. A
romantic comedy that I’m excited about to see. But
Exercise 6
Amy said she can’t stand romantic movies and 2. Active: Joan Miró painted Vines and Olive Trees in
watching 1919, Passive: Vines and Olive Trees was painted by
suggested to watch an action movie instead. To me,
ing Joan Miró in 1919. 3. Active: Bill Reid created The
watch violence is not appealing. So, finally, we agreed Raven and the First Men in 1994. Passive: The Raven
to try and the First Men was created by Bill Reid in 1994.
trying an animated film from Japan. We both found it 4. Active: Orson Welles made Citizen Kane in 1941.
to Passive: Citizen Kane was made by Orson Welles in
really enjoyable. We’re planning rent some other anime
1941. 5. Active: Dorothea Lange took Waterfront
films to watch this weekend. Demonstration in 1934. Passive: Waterfront
Demonstration was taken by Dorothea Lange in

Exercise E Exercise 7
1. exercising 2. not having 3. working 4. using 1. to visit the Rodin Museum 2. Rodin’s The Thinker
5. not buying 6. not telling 7. painting, not looking is kept there 3. have over 6,600 sculptures, a
8. not spending 9. not eating drawing collection, and an impressive garden
4. love it

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 8

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Exercise 8 Exercise B
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. e 5. a 1. c 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. a

Exercise 9 Exercise C
1. Where were those wood chairs built? 2. What are 1. French is spoken in Quebec, Canada.
those bowls made of? 3. Were those wood figures 2. The Taj Mahal was built around 1631.
painted by hand? 4. When was that mural painted? 3. A new art museum will be opened next year.
5. Was this gold jewelry made in Thailand? 6. What 4. Many products are made in China.
are these cloth bags used for? 5. “Imagine” was written by John Lennon.
6. Your DVD player is being repaired now.
Exercise 10 7. The Mona Lisa has been seen by millions of people
Answers will vary but may include the following: since it was painted.
2. The bag is made of cloth. It’s weird. 3. The figure
is made of stone. It’s impressive. 4. The rocking Exercise D
chair is made of wood. It’s practical. 5. The balalaika
guitar is made of wood. It’s beautiful. 6. The vase is
made of glass. It’s wonderful. The Frick Collection
was built
Exercise 11 The mansion of Henry Clay Frick builded in 1914
1. c 2. b 3. d at the corner of Fifth Avenue and East 70th Street in
Exercise 12 New York City. It was later open to the public. Several
1. Paragraph 4 2. Paragraph 5 3. Paragraph 2 been
improvements have made over the years. Works of

Exercise 13 Manet, El Greco, Bernini, Degas, Vermeer, and many

Answers will vary. can be
other artists found throughout the mansion. Some
Exercise 14 is
of the museum’s large collection of art displayed at
1. was inspired 2. was influenced 3. was interested
4. was fascinated 5. was moved temporary exhibitions around the world.

Exercise 15
1. During this time, he made his first trip to Paris,
where the artwork of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Exercise E
inspired him. 2. In Paris, all the poverty he saw 1. This wood figure was carved in Guatemala.
influenced Picasso. 3. Matisse’s style interested 2. These plates are painted in France. 3. A lot
Picasso, but he did not imitate it. 4. Braque’s and of bright colors are being shown this season by
Miró’s work fascinated Picasso. 5. The violence of Valentino. 4. Her jewelry is going to be sold
the Spanish Civil War moved Picasso.
everywhere. 5. The world’s best watches are still
made by Swiss companies. 6. King Lear was written
Exercise 16
by Shakespeare.
Answers will vary.
Exercise F
GRAMMAR BOOSTER 2. Are these plates painted in France? 3. Are a
lot of bright colors being shown by Valentino
Exercise A this season? 4. Is her jewelry going to be sold
1. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci everywhere? 5. Are the world’s best watches still
in the 16th century. 2. died (intransitive) 3. Simple made by Swiss companies? 6. Was King Lear written
lines and strong colors were used by Paul Klee in his by Shakespeare?
many paintings. 4. seems (intransitive) 5. arrives
(intransitive) 6. Marc Jacobs’ spring collection will
be shown at New York Fashion Week. 7. walked

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 8

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Answers will vary.
Exercise A
Exercise 5
1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a
I have been to museums in countries all over the

world, but my favorite painting is in a museum close Exercise 6

1. print 2. cut 3. paste
to my home. I am a real fan of The Master’s Bedroom by
Exercise 7
Andrew Wyeth because I find it very peaceful. Andrew
1. save 2. print 3. select 4. paste 5. click on
Wyeth died in 2009 at the age of 91. The painting 6. toolbar 7. scroll down 8. cut

shows a dog curled up on a bed, taking an afternoon Exercise 8

nap. Sunlight is coming in through the window and 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. b

warming the dog. The painting makes me feel relaxed Exercise 9

1. He enrolled in an electronics course to learn how
because the dog and the bed look so comfortable. The
to repair computers.
bedroom is very simple and the colors in the painting 2. She went to the electronics store to buy a printer.
3. I bought speakers to listen to music on the
are soft and neutral, making the scene seem really computer.
4. He turned on the television to watch the news.
calm. Wyeth’s most famous painting is Christina’s
5. She bought a smart phone to be more organized.
World, which is at the Museum of Modern Art in New
Exercise 10
York City. 1. I was wondering if you could help me with
something. 2. Of course. What’s up? 3. Well, I’m
thinking about buying a new mouse, but I’m not
sure which one to get. 4. Why don’t you get an
Exercise B OptiMouse? I have one and I really like it. 5. I like
Answers will vary. the OptiMouse, but it’s a little expensive. 6. Then
how about the UltraClick? It’s nearly as easy to use as
Exercise C the OptiMouse, but it doesn’t cost quite as much.
Answers will vary. 7. Sounds good. I’ll have to check it out.

Exercise D Exercise 11
Answers will vary. 2. almost a expensive as 3. nearly as easy to use as
4. almost as fast as 5. just as good as 6. nearly as
light as 7. quite as large as

Exercise 12
UNIT 9 Answers will vary.
Exercise 1 Exercise 13
1. When she tries to log on to her e-mail, nothing
1. join an online group 2. send instant messages
happens. 2. She suggests rebooting the computer. 3. download music files 4. upload photos
5. surf the Internet
Exercise 2
1. Ron attached some photos to an e-mail message, Exercise 14
but he can’t send the message. 2. Deb suggests Answers will vary.
sending the photos one at a time.
Exercise 15
Exercise 3
1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a
Answers will vary.

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 9

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Exercise 16 Exercise G
1. People post a lot of personal information online. 2. better than 3. more interesting than 4. less
For example, they post information on their profile violent than 5. easier to play than 6. slower than
pages on social networking sites. 2. Posting 7. less expensive than
embarrassing or offensive posts or photos can
hurt an applicant’s chances of getting a job. Exercise H
3. Use privacy controls wisely. For example, set 2. Top Game is the most expensive. 3. Top Game
your privacy controls so that only friends can view is the fastest. 4. Game Plan is the easiest to play.
your information. 4. Type your name and e-mail 5. Game Plan is the most interesting. 6. A-1 is the
address into a search engine if you want to see what most violent.
information is available about you online.


Answers will vary. Exercise A

Topic Ideas
GRAMMAR BOOSTER 1. communicating PROS It ’s a great way to keep in
Exercise A with family and touch with friends and
Underlined sentences: No, I’m staying late to finish family all over the world.
this report. I’m going to stop at Big Box to buy a CONS Your friends may post
new printer. Then I’m going to ComputerWorld photos or comments
to get something else on sale. But the kids use you’d rather not have
it to surf the Internet all the time. They use the others see.
computer to check e-mail, download music, chat 2. getting back PROS You can find old friends
with their friends, and play games. in touch with old and people you’ve lost
touch with.
Exercise B CONS People you don’t want to
1. I’m staying late in order to finish this report. keep in touch with may
2. I’m going to stop at Big Box in order to buy a new ask to be your friend.
printer. 3. Then I’m going to ComputerWorld in 3. is entertaining PROS Social networking is
order to get something else on sale. 4. But the entertaining—and on
kids use it in order to surf the Internet all the time. some sites, you can also
5. They use the computer in order to check e-mail, play games and take fun
download music, chat with their friends, and play quizzes
games. CONS It may be too entertaining
—it ’s easy to waste a
Exercise C lot of time on social
They use the computer for checking e-mail, networking sites
downloading music, chatting with their friends, and
playing games. Exercise B
Answers will vary.
Exercise D
1. for 2. to 3. for 4. to 5. to Exercise C
Answers will vary.
Exercise E
Answers will vary.

Exercise F
1. easier 2. louder 3. quietest 4. most romantic
5. impressive 6. badly 7. bigger 8. bad 9. more Exercise 1
exciting 10. most poorly Answers will vary.

Exercise 2
Answers will vary.

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 10

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Exercise 3 Exercise 13
2. If you want to e-mail old photos to friends, you 1. Kim threw her wallet away with her lunch.
have to scan them first. 3. If you want to make 2. The homeless man gave her wallet to someone
friends on the Internet, you can join an online group. who worked nearby. 3. Cameron Hollopeter had
4. If your computer crashes all the time, you’d better a seizure and fell on the tracks. 4. Wesley Autrey
find out what’s wrong. rolled Hollopeter into a gap between the rails and
covered him with his body. 5. The screener made an
Exercise 4 announcement on the next flight to Mumbai.
1. If we went to Russia, I’d learn Russian. 2. If she
had time, she’d study more. 3. If I needed to lose Exercise 14
weight, I’d avoid fatty foods. 4. If he were late, he 1. Hayes used two different golf balls in the
wouldn’t get a seat. tournament. 2. He used a new type of ball that
was not approved for the tournament. 3. No, no
Exercise 5 one saw. 4. Hayes was given a penalty of two shots.
1. f 2. b 3. e 4. g 5. h 6. c 7. a 8. d 5. He was disqualified and was not allowed to play
full time on the next PGA tour.
Exercise 6
Answers will vary. Exercise 15
Answers will vary.
Exercise 7
1. undercharged, didn’t charge 2. too much change
Exercise 8 Exercise A
1. B: Your, mine 2. A: our B: ours 3. A: yours B: mine 2. I always fly 3. If I drink coffee after dinner 4. The
4. A: Whose, His, hers B: theirs 5. A: Who, mine schools close 5. If I watch horror movies before bed
B: Your, My
Exercise B
Exercise 9 2. If I have to travel long distances, I always fly.
2. The hair spray is hers. 3. The toothbrushes are 3. I can’t fall asleep at night if I drink coffee after dinner.
theirs. 4. The razors are his. 5. The shampoo is 4. If it snows more than an inch, the schools close.
theirs. Or The shampoo is ours. 5. I can’t get to sleep if I watch horror movies before
Exercise 10
1. yours, his 2. yours, mine, her 3. yours, her Exercise C
4. hers, hers, mine 1. like, will see 2. watches, laughs 3. buy, will help
4. don’t, get 5. Will you, needs 6. wear, want
Exercise 11 7. won’t get, tell 8. ask, will say 9. travel, fly
Answers will vary but may include the following:
I think James is sexist. He thinks men are better Exercise D
managers than women. 1. waiter’s 2. Lucas’s 3. Browns’ 4. women’s
Dina is modest. She doesn’t like to wear clothes that 5. Tom and Audrey’s 6. Lucy’s 7. parents’
show her body. 8. cousin’s
Tessa thinks older people shouldn’t get their bodies
pierced, but piercing is OK for younger people. Exercise E
That’s a double-standard. 2. Yes, he’s going to tell him. 3. No, he didn’t charge
Hazel seems old-fashioned. She thinks people should them for them. 4. Yes, he or she returned it to them.
dress more formally, as they used to in the past. 5. No, he didn’t keep it. 6. No, he didn’t know him.
7. Yes, he gave it back to him or her.
Exercise 12
Answers will vary.
Exercise A
Answers will vary.

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 10

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Exercise B
Answers will vary.

Exercise C
Answer will vary.

Exercise D
Answers will vary.

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 10

Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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