Ma 204 Sle 3
Ma 204 Sle 3
Ma 204 Sle 3
1. Determine the convergence factors {µ, η} for the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods for the system
4 0 2 x1 4
0 5 2 x2 = −3 .
5 4 10 x3 2
Further, for both the methods find the minimum number of iterations needed to obtain the approximate
solution correct up to 4 decimal places.
1 2 1
2. Use Gershgorin’s theorem to show that all the eigenvalues of the matrix 2 2 −1 lie within
1 −1 3
the interval [−2, 5].
−3 −5 −8
3. Find QR decomposition of the matrix A = 6 4 1 . Further use QR algorithm to find the
−6 2 5
first two approximations for the eigenvalues of the matrix A.
4. Use Power method to find the first two approximations to the eigen-pair corresponding to the eigenvalue
of maximum modulus of the matrix
3 4
A= ,
1 2
using the initial vector z = [1, 2]t and u = [1, 0]t . Also find an approximatation to the eigenvector of
the other eigenvalue.
1. Let the coefficient matrix A of the system Ax = b be invertible and x is an approximate solution to
the true solution x. Suppose γ = b − Ax. show that
1 kγk kx − xk kγk
≤ ≤ cond (A) .
cond (A) kbk kxk kbk
2. Let the coefficient matrix A in the system AX = b be non-singular and δA and δb be perturbations in
A and b respectively. If A + δA is non-singular and (A + δA)(X + δX) = b + δb, then show that
kδXk cond (A) kδAk kδbk
≤ + .
kXk kδAk kAk kbk
1 − cond (A)
kx(k) − xk ≤ kx(1) − x(0) k.
5. Let A and B be any two square matrices of order n × n. Show that if A is invertible and
kA − Bk < ,
kA−1 k