Excel Unit 3
Excel Unit 3
Excel Unit 3
“ Microsoft Excel provides several functions to calculate these measures quickly and easily.
Here's how you can apply measures of central tendency using MS Excel:”
1. Median:
To calculate the median of a dataset in Excel, you can use the MEDIAN function. Similar to
calculating the mean, enter the formula =MEDIAN(A1:A10) in a cell if your data is in cells
A1 to A10.
You can also use the MEDIAN function directly from the Formulas tab in Excel.
2. Mode:
Excel does not have a built-in function specifically for calculating the mode. However, you can
use an array formula with the MODE.MULT function to find multiple modes if they exist.
For example, to find the mode of a dataset in cells A1 to A10, you can enter the formula
{=MODE.MULT(A1:A10)} as an array formula (press Ctrl+Shift+Enter after typing the
3. Mean:
you can use the AVERAGE function directly from the Formulas tab in Excel. Select the range
of cells containing your data, then click on the AutoSum dropdown menu and choose
Frequency Distribution
“ It provides a summary of the distribution of values in a dataset and is useful for understanding
the pattern, shape, and spread of the data.”
you can create various types of graphs to visually represent your data.Some of them are
Column Chart:
A column chart represents data using vertical bars, with each bar representing a category or
1. You can customize the appearance of the columns, including their color, width, and gap
2. You can add data labels to display the exact values of the data points.
3. Excel provides options to adjust the axis scales, titles, and gridlines.
4. You can add trendlines, error bars, and other additional elements to enhance the chart.
Bar Chart:
A bar chart is similar to a column chart but displays data with horizontal bars instead of vertical
1. You can customize the appearance of the bars, including their color, height, and gap
2. Excel offers options to add data labels, adjust axis scales, and customize axis titles.
3. You can modify the orientation of the chart and switch the axes if needed.
4. Like column charts, you can add trendlines, error bars, and other elements to the chart.
Line Chart:
A line chart displays data using lines connecting data points, making it suitable for showing
trends over time or continuous variables.
2. Excel provides options to add markers at data points, adjust axis scales, and customize
axis titles.
3. You can add data labels to display the exact values of the data points.
4. Trendlines, error bars, and other elements can be added to the chart for additional
Pie Chart:
A pie chart represents data as slices of a circular pie, with each slice representing a proportion of
the whole.
1. You can customize the appearance of the slices, including their colors and sizes.
2. Excel offers options to explode or emphasize specific slices, as well as rotate the pie
3. You can add data labels to display the percentage or value of each slice.
4. Title, legend, and other elements can be added and formatted according to your
Scatter Plot:
A scatter plot displays individual data points as dots on a two-dimensional coordinate system,
making it suitable for visualizing relationships between two variables.
1. You can customize the appearance of the data points, including their shape, size, and
3. Excel provides options to add trendlines
Measures of Dispersion
Measures of dispersion quantify the spread or variability of data points in a dataset.
Microsoft Excel provides several functions to calculate measures of dispersion easily. Here's
how you can calculate and visualize measures of dispersion using Excel:
I) The range is the simplest measure of dispersion and is calculated as the difference
between the maximum and minimum values in a dataset.
II) To calculate the range in Excel, subtract the minimum value from the maximum value.
You can use the MAX and MIN functions to find the maximum and minimum values in
your dataset.
I) To calculate the variance in Excel, you can use the VAR function for a sample variance
or the VAR.S function for a population variance.
II) These functions return the sample variance and population variance, respectively.
Standard Deviation:
I) Standard deviation measures the average deviation of each data point from the mean of
the dataset. It is the square root of the variance.
II) To calculate the standard deviation in Excel, you can use the STDEV function for a
sample standard deviation or the STDEV.S function for a population standard deviation.
Data Tables:
2. To create a Data Table, set up your formula or model in Excel, with one or
more input cells that you want to vary. Then, select the range of cells where
you want to display the results of the analysis.
3. Excel will calculate the formula or model for each combination of input
values and display the results in the Data Table, allowing you to analyze
how changes in input values affect the output.
1. Scenarios allow you to create and compare different sets of input values (scenarios) for a
formula or model in Excel.
2. To create a Scenario, set up your formula or model in Excel with one or more input cells
that you want to vary. Go to the Data tab, click on What-If Analysis, and choose Scenario
3. Once you've created scenarios, you can switch between them to compare the resulting
outputs and analyze how changes in input values affect the outcomes of your model.
2. Goal Seek:
1. Goal Seek allows you to find the input value(s) needed to achieve a desired output value
in a formula or model.
2. To use Goal Seek, set up your formula or model in Excel with one output cell that you
want to target. Go to the Data tab, click on What-If Analysis, and choose Goal Seek.
3. Excel will calculate the input value needed to achieve the target output value by
iteratively adjusting the input value until the output value matches the target.
1. Correlation Analysis:
1. To calculate correlation in Excel, you can use the CORREL function. This function
calculates the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between two sets of data.
2. For example, suppose you have two sets of data in columns A and B. To calculate the
correlation coefficient between these two variables, you can enter the formula
=CORREL(A1:A10, B1:B10) in a cell. This will give you the correlation coefficient (r)
between the two variables.
2. Regression Analysis:
1. To perform regression analysis in Excel, you can use the LINEST function. This
function returns an array of statistics, including the slope (m) and y-intercept (b) of the
regression line.
2. For example, suppose you have two sets of data in columns A and B, where A represents
the independent variable and B represents the dependent variable. To perform simple
linear regression, you can enter the formula =LINEST(B1:B10, A1:A10, TRUE,
TRUE) in a range of cells. This will return the slope (m) and y-intercept (b) of the
regression line.
By using correlation and regression analysis in Excel, you can quantify and predict relationships
between variables in your dataset. These techniques are valuable tools for making predictions,
identifying trends, and understanding the underlying patterns in your data.