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Project Report on

“Role of Online Education in Modern ERA”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of the degree of


Under the Guidance of: Submitted By:

Dr. Sugandh Rawal Archit Kedia
Associate Professor B. Com. (H) 4th Semester
DSPSR 00821788822

Session 2022-2025

Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research

(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi)

This is to certify that the project titled “(ROLE OF ONLINE EDUCATION IN MODERN ERA)” is an
academic work done by (Mr. ARCHIT KEDIA) submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of degree of Bachelor of Commerce Honours at Delhi School of Professional Studies and
Research, New Delhi under my guidance and direction.

(Mr. ARCHIT KEDIA) has given an undertaking that the information presented in the project has not been
submitted earlier.

(Signature of Faculty)

Dr. Sugandh Rawal

(Associate Professor)


I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide Dr. Sugandh Rawal
for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this project.
The blessing, help and guidance given by her time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on
which I am about to embark.

Last but not least, my sincere thanks to my parents and friends for their wholehearted support and

I also hereby declare that the project work entitled “Role of Online Education in Modern Era” under the
guidance of “Dr. Sugandh Rawal” in my original work and it has not been submitted earlier in any other
university or institution.

Archit Kedia

B. Com. (Hons.) - (4A)


Table of Contents
OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY..................................................................................................................................... 9
REVIEW OF LITERATURE.......................................................................................................................................10
RESEARCH METHDOLOGY....................................................................................................................................14
Research Design.......................................................................................................................................................14
LIMITAIONS OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................................................16
Profile of the Organization...........................................................................................................................................17
Brief of the Company (Details)................................................................................................................................17
Online education and Customer Acquisition............................................................................................................19
Online Education .....................................................................................................................................................19
Push.......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Online education Trends...........................................................................................................................................19
Social media.............................................................................................................................................................20
Time Saving……………………………………………………………………………………………………….20
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION......................................................................................................................26
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMANDATION...........................................................................................................33


The modern world is undergoing a fundamental transformation as the industrial society of the
twentieth century rapidly gives way to the information society of the twenty-first century. This
dynamic process promises a fundamental change in all aspects of our lives, including knowledge
dissemination, social interaction, business practices, political engagement, media, education,
health, leisure and entertainment (Sehrt, 2003).
Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of
a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or
research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be
autodidactic. Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be
educational . The process of learning and teaching has improved with the use
of technology.
Birkenholz, 1999 defined “Learning as a change in behavior, which is demonstrated by people
implementing knowledge, skills, or practices derived from education.”
Education can be transformed by incorporating the technology in our classrooms, and use it to its
full potential, with the help of various tools like digital boards, LCD Projectors, etc.

What is Online Education & Why is it Important?

Online-learning has been used very effectively in university teaching for enhancing the traditional forms of
teaching and administration. The lecture notes and digital resources which are used to support the studies can
be accessed by students via websites. They can also join discussion forums with their class or group, and this
new kind of access gives them much greater flexibility of study. E-learning makes a significant impact on how
learners learn, how quickly they master a skill, how easy it is to study; and, equally important, how much they
enjoy learning. Such a complex set of technologies will make it.

Why it’s important for Modern Era : -

Education is the most important part of our life.
Today there is such an easy way to get an education that we do not need to go anywhere to get an education.
To take education, we can get education from the teacher just sitting at home from the online mood.
In today’s time, facilities like the internet are available in all the homes. Online education is proving to be very
effective in the time of Corona. Nowadays online education is becoming very prevalent everywhere whether it
is village or city.
Now the biggest question arises that how students get education? Many big organizations have found only one
solution for this, which is online education. The effect of which can be seen everywhere. Online education is
being achieved through computers in a way with the facility of the internet. Which is right or not, depends on
the effect of the situation in each way. As many of us know that e-learning is a form of distance education.
Where the teacher sits far away, whether that place is at home or outside the house, they can provide education
to their students. Through this, teachers and students are exchanging their ideas, which is a good way to
understand education. Online education also has many benefits:

Advantages of Online Education:

Technology changes education:
In the changing environment, there have been many changes in technology and its use is also big. Many
changes have also been seen in the way of taking education due to technology. Today, the teaching-related
material used in online education can be sent from one place to another through technology online.
No matter where we are in the world, we can get the learning material delivered to another place in no time.
Like any link, any video related to education, any file. All these types make online education even more

Option to fall on any subject or from any teacher:

One of the benefits of online education is that we have options. In online education, we get the option of which
teacher or which subject we want to study. We can decide it according to we. Along with choosing the topic,
you can discuss that topic with your teacher by selecting the topic.

Don’t be afraid to make notes:

In online education, we do not have to fear like a classroom that we have to be alert and make notes with the
teacher. In online education, we can pause our video and watch it again. Instead of making notes in this way,
we can also memorize them.

Online education convenient:

Online education is very convenient. In this, the student can sit anywhere and take education. For this, no one
place is fixed and the student gets relief even in the weather like summer. Students do not have to go outside
the house in this scorching heat and they get education while sitting at home.

Technology knowledge through online education:

As we all know that online education of children is going on at this time. And because of this, many children
have taught new technology like video chatting and are doing their studies.
With such online classes continuously, children are learning a new way of reading from their teachers and are
also taking interest in reading. The changing environment of studies has also made studies fun and exciting.
While going to school and being in touch with the teachers, they find this study boring and exhausting.

Apart from finding it fun to know about technology, children are finding it more interesting and comfortable to
teach while staying at home.

Disadvantages of Online Education

 Internet abuse: - The biggest disadvantage of online is that even if parents go against their financial
condition, they should provide facilities like mobile, laptop, computer to the children. But whether the
children are taking proper education from them, they remain unaware of these things. And children take
the wrong advantage of this and start playing games in it. Or open the wrong things, which are not right
for them.
 Lack of harmony between teacher and student: - Another disadvantage of online education is the lack
of harmony between the teacher and the children. If this education was in the traditional form, then if the
student does not understand, then they discuss that topic with the teacher in the class at the same time.
But in online education, in this way teachers are not able to explain to the students and the student also
cannot understand and remain compatible as both the subjects. The kind of environment that is not
created in online education, the kind of environment that should be in a class room.
 Physical harm of online education: - Both teachers and students are facing physical problems due to
the use of online education. When a student takes online education for 6-8 hours continuously, then the
light of the screen of a computer, laptop has a bad effect on their eyes. Due to which their skin and body
are getting dull, which is physically very harmful.
 Lack of focus in online education: - When a student is not able to pay proper attention to his/her studies by going
to school, then where will he/she be able to pay attention in online education. He /She does not have that fear which
remains in the student while studying in school. In online education, the student leaves his/her lesson in the middle by
making many excuses, which is wrong.
 Difficult to make online education available to all: - Online education may not be available to
everyone. A person who unites day and night only for two times of bread, from where can he provide
facilities like computer, mobile and laptop for his children. Due to which the education of the children of
poor families is not able to progress further and they are forced to stay at home.

Online Education Vs Offline Education What’s the difference?

What is Online Education?

Online education is the form of learning that happens on the internet. But how advanced online education came
to the scene is not a secret. The online class phenomenon is not new; it has gained popularity after the Covid-19
pandemic. Online education came as a boon when the entire world was clueless about the present and future of
learning. It is a flexible teaching method where virtual conference software help teachers and students interact.

If you are a teacher, grab a cup of coffee, sit on your couch and start teaching your students. And if you are a
student, just grab your laptop and get the online reading material from the comfort of your home. Location is
never a barrier in online courses. All you need is a high-tech internet connection is all you need. And what’s
more exciting than learning from experts dispersed in various parts of the world.

What is Offline Education?

Offline education is the traditional way of learning in brick-and-mortar classes. In offline courses, students have
face-to-face interaction with their teachers and classmates. Teachers can easily observe their students’
behaviors and responses in a physical environment. Students and teachers are more used to learning in a
classroom, so their support tilts towards offline education a bit more. Defining online and offline education to
make a choice doesn’t justify the debate. So, let’s dig a little deeper and examine the difference between online
classes vs. offline classes.


1) To understand the Online Education effectiveness in practical approach.

2) To understand how digital platform works on the Education through internet campaigns.

3) To understand how different institution helps in Online Education .

4) To analyze whether there is an importance of Online Education in Modern Era with new generation.

1. Dede, Christopher (2023):
- Dede's work focuses on the intersection of technology and education, particularly in the context of online
and blended learning.
- His research explores the potential of immersive technologies, such as virtual reality and augmented reality,
in transforming the online learning experience.
- Dede's contributions highlight the importance of designing online learning environments that foster
collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking skills.

2. Anderson, Terry (2020):

- Anderson's research emphasizes the theory and practice of online distance education.
- He is known for his work on the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, which explores the role of social,
cognitive, and teaching presence in facilitating meaningful online learning experiences.
- Anderson's contributions have informed instructional design principles and pedagogical strategies for online

3. Garrison, Randy (2021):

- Garrison's scholarship focuses on the theoretical foundations and practical applications of online education.
- He is a co-developer of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, which has been widely used to study
and improve online learning environments.
- Garrison's work emphasizes the importance of learner engagement, interaction, and reflective discourse in
online educational contexts.

4. Siemens, George (2015):

- Siemens is a leading proponent of connectivism, a learning theory that emphasizes the role of networks and
digital technologies in knowledge creation and dissemination.
- His research explores the implications of connectivist principles for online education, including the use of
social media, open educational resources, and networked learning environments.
- Siemens' contributions have influenced the design of online courses and the development of digital literacies
for the 21st century.

5. Palloff, Rena M., & Pratt, Keith (2019):

- Palloff and Pratt are pioneers in the field of online teaching and learning.
- Their work focuses on the practical aspects of designing and facilitating effective online courses, including
strategies for building community, fostering collaboration, and promoting student engagement.

- Palloff and Pratt's books and articles are widely used as resources for online educators seeking guidance on
best practices and pedagogical approaches.
Finally, e-learning highly boosts students' autonomy since this education system asks pupils to become fully
responsible for their own learning process when fulfilling tasks without synchronic guidance. Learners feel
more enthusiastic about learning things they can relate to (McCombs & Whistler, 1997). Moreover, as
technology improves students' attitude towards learning, they will not feel achieving
their academic duties as an obligation, but as an enjoyable experience (Aaronsohn),
1996, as cited in Zhong, 2018). Dealing with technology-based environments requires learners' autonomy in
order to reach successful outcomes.
In conclusion, though there are certain disadvantages to online learning, it is a fruitful way of acquiring
knowledge which has brought a positive impact on students and teachers' lives. This virtual teaching-learning
modality contributes with numerous benefits to individuals. In a globalized world where the internet is the main
source of information, it is crucial to be digitally proficient. Besides, combining meaning technologies and
teaching approaches can facilitate student's understanding as well as encourage teachers to try new instructional
methods. Finally, online education has a focus on the learner-centered approach which helps students to become
protagonists of their own training process.
In an increasingly connected world, online learning is the future of modern education. With online learning, you
are in control of your education. In an increasingly connected world, online learning is the future of modern
education. With online learning, you are in control of your education. You can tailor your studies to your
interests and goals, and choose from various courses and online programs. You can also study part-time or full-
time, and fit your studies around other commitments. But is online education really the best way to go? This
blog will look at why online learning is the future of education, and how you can ensure you are not left behind.
There is a lot of debate questioning ‘why online learning is effective?
While some people argue that it is not as effective as traditional face-to-face learning, others argue that it is
more effective. However, the reality is that online learning can be both effective and ineffective, depending on
the individual student. Some students thrive in online learning environments, while others find them to be a
challenge. There are a number of factors that can affect a student's learning success in an online environment.
First, the student's learning style is important. If a student is a visual learner, they may struggle with an online
learning environment that is primarily text-based. Similarly, if a student is a hands-on learner, they may find it
difficult to engage with online learning materials.
In today's increasingly connected world, distance education enabled by e-learning is at the forefront of
university participation. Anyone thinking of getting back to learning in today's time has myriad choices. The
first choice, however, to be made by a student is between an online program and on-campus program. If you are
one such student planning to get back to studies, you might just assume that learning in a traditional classroom
setting is always more fun and engaging as compared to online learning. There are, however, many limitations
that come with this conventional structure of learning. It might not be feasible for you to attend classes at a

certain time every week when there are added demands of job and family in your life.

And that is exactly where the role of online education comes into play. The limitations posed by a traditional
method of learning are encouraging more and more students to opt for online learning programs. Because the
classroom learning requires that students must be physically present, it implies that students must leave
everything else to pursue further education. Be it ‘a job or be it one's family, everything has to be left behind.
This is something that is certainly not called for especially in today's world where almost everything can be
done with the click of a button.

Perminder Singh, Founder & Director DLP India

In today's increasingly connected world, distance education enabled by e-learning is at the forefront of
university participation. Anyone thinking of getting back to learning in today's time has myriad choices. The
first choice, however, to be made by a student is between an online program and on-campus program. If you are
one such student planning to get back to studies, you might just assume that learning in a traditional classroom
setting is always more fun and engaging as compared to online learning. There are, however, many limitations
that come with this conventional structure of learning. It might not be feasible for you to attend classes at a
certain time every week when there are added demands of job and family in your life.

And that is exactly where the role of online education comes into play. The limitations posed by a traditional
method of learning are encouraging more and more students to opt for online learning programs. Because the
classroom learning requires that students must be physically present, it implies that students must leave
everything else to pursue further education. Be it ‘a job or be it one's family, everything has to be left behind.
This is something that is certainly not called for especially in today's world where almost everything can be
done with the click of a button.

The internet and technology have indeed made it possible for students to continue their education in any part of
the world without any geographical constraints being imposed

Online Education and the Advent of Technology

Not only there are abundant choices available for the courses and programs but also there is a lot of flexibility
offered to online learners. The students get the freedom to pursue their studies at their own pace and time.
Another reason for which online learning has transformed the system of education in the modern world is the

location independence that it is offered by it. The students are no longer required to leave everything and pack
their bags in order to relocate to their study destination.

The internet and technology have indeed made it possible for students to continue their education in any part of
the world without any geographical constraints being imposed. Thus, online learning fits into the busy lives of
students, thereby, making it easier for them to continue their further education. Furthermore, the students are no
longer required to accumulate a lot of money or sacrifice their dream of acquiring a world-class education just
because of shortage of funds. This is because online education is easily affordable and can easily meet the
demands and needs of every student.


Research methodology is simple framework or plan for the study that is as guide in collection and analyzing
the data. It is the blue print that is followed in completes the study. Thus, good research methodology
ensures the completion of the project efficiency and effectively since there are many aspects of research
methodology, the line of action has to be chosen from the variety of the alternative, to choose the suitable
method through the assessment of various alternatives.

Research methodology gives the researcher and opportunity to put forward his argument for having opted
for certain alternatives and also at the same time he can justify his ruling out some other possibility likes.
Why research study has been under taken, how the research problem has been formulated what data has
been collect what particular technique if analyzing the data has been used and lot of similar type questions
are usually answered when we talk of research problem in study.

Research Design
A research design is a simply the frame work or plan for a study that is used as a guide in collecting and
analyzing the data. It is blue print that is followed in completing a study. in this study descriptive cum
diagnostic research has been used.

Sample Design

Sample Design is a process, techniques by which find the sample. Sample is a result of sampling. Sampling
is significant because it saves time and money etc.
 Non-Probability Sampling
The non-probability sampling is each and every unit have doesn’t equal chance to including the
 Convenience Method

Sample Size
The sample size means total number of sample unit includes in the sample size and gathering information to
another people. Our sample size is of 60 respondents (Youth).
Sample Unit
All those unit, which are under the study for providing constitution that is sampling unit. Our Sampling units
are people from localities in places like Keshav Puram, Kanhaiya Nagar & Ashok Vihar.

Methods of Data Collection:

Primary data may be described as those data that have been observed and recorded by the researcher for
the first time their knowledge. It is called primary data. The primary study was conducted in various
suburbs of Delhi, capital city of India. The sample of 50 youth has been randomly selected from
localities in places like Keshav Puram, Kanhaiya Nagar & Ashok Vihar. In order to obtain the required
information, a well-designed close ended questionnaire was administered to potential respondents
through Online media.
 Collection Of Primary Data
• Questionnaire Method
Secondary Data are statistics not gathered for the immediate study at hand but for some other
purpose they may be describing as those data have been compiled by some other agencies other than
user. The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which
have already been passed through the statistical process.
 Collection Of Secondary Data
• Websites, Journals, Articles, Newspapers, Reports
Statistical Tools
The tools used for this research are initiated by data collection and interpreted through various tables, pie-
charts and graphs. Illustrative modes of narration are used for comprehensive declarations.

Sample Technique Random Sampling Method

Sample Size 60

Sampling Areas Delhi

Sampling Unit Candidates and Clients

Primary Data Responses Through Questionnaire

Secondary Data Websites

Statistical Analysis Tables, Pie Charts and Bar Graph


There are many limitations which obstructed the smooth follow of the study. Following are some of them let

1. Study covers only the region of Delhi and NCR so it becomes difficult to approach candidates from
remaining parts of India which might have better skills and knowledge which would prove to boost the
growth of the company further.

2. Lack of knowledge about the online structure.

3. Another issue that was faced that it was a work from home so it lacked interaction which could have been
better in an offline model.

4. Students studying were also facing the same issue of lack of interaction due to the online model . Due to
this it was observed that students were not comfortable in filling the questionnaire.

5. Due to lack of time availability students were not able to fill the questionnaire.

6. Conflict over biased views and personal issues.

Profile of the Organization
There are various company that aims to offer affordable online learning to students. At Physics wallah
they deliver one of the best online education structures at present in India Their programs put extensive
focus on next generation education which gives you the edge in ever competitive employment opportunities.

Brief of the Company (Details)



ROC Roc- Delhi







PW App
PW Vidyapeeth
PW Pathshala

A-13/5 , SECTOR 62 , NOIDA , INDIA

FOUNDER Alakh Pandey

 To aim for Equity and inclusivity in Education ,
 To reach learners in every corner of the country
 To build a business sustainability


 To democratize education at scale in India.

 To ensure every child has access to quality education at the most affordable costs.
 To allow every child to realize his/her dream, live up to their true potential and be their
lifelong learning partner.

Online education and Customer Acquisition
Online learning involves courses offered by primary institutions that are 100% virtual. Online learning, or
virtual classes offered over the internet, is contrasted with traditional courses taken in a brick-and-mortar
school building. It is a development in distance education that expanded in the 1990s with the spread of the
commercial Internet and the World Wide Web. The learner experience is typically asynchronous but may also
incorporate synchronous elements. The vast majority of institutions utilize a learning management system for
the administration of online courses. As theories of distance education evolve, digital technologies to support
learning and pedagogy continue to transform as well.
Physics Wallah Private Limited (commonly known as Physics Wallah; or simply PW) is an Indian
multinational educational technology company headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The company was
founded by Alakh Pandey in 2018 as a YouTube channel aimed at teaching the physics curriculum for the Joint
Entrance Examinations (JEE). In 2020, Pandey, along with his cofounder Prateek Maheshwari created the
Physics Wallah app, which allowed students to access courses related to the National Eligibility cum Entrance
Test (NEET) and Joint Entrance Exam (JEE). In June 2022, after raising $100 million during its initial funding
round, the company reached a valuation of $1.1 billion, becoming a unicorn company.

Push learning is a technique we typically associate with traditional instructor-led learning, where learners are
informed of what to learn and by when. Most of us have experience with push learning from the early years of
education, where information is delivered in classroom sessions. However, it can also happen in an online
learning environment. For instance, scheduled sessions of online learning and mandatory training content sent
to learners on a learning management system (LMS) are a form of push learning. Regardless of the training
delivery method, push learning follows a set cycle. Learners work through an assigned mandatory module and
typically take an assessment to test their knowledge. They’re then pushed the next piece of content and
continue on their journey.

As you might expect, pull learning is the opposite of push learning. It puts learners in control of what they
learn and when they learn it. Learners actively look for information where it exists. As such, it’s a type of just-
in-time learning where the experience is tailored to each learner’s needs. This is extremely useful in today’s
on-demand environment. Pull learning encourages autonomy and allows learners to take ownership of their
training. They can access information at the point of need and focus on topics that can help them tackle their
specific skills gaps.
Online Education Trends
The organization is employing a variety of digital platforms in order to engage clients in a more customized
manner. Organizations are quickly adopting Online education techniques.

According to a recent Business Insider analysis, one in every five persons in the world possesses a
smartphone, and one in every 17 owns a tablet. That is an almost 1.3 billion smartphone growth in the
previous four years. As a result of an expanding user base accessing the internet through smartphone, many
educational institutions have been encouraged to optimize their educational content for mobile devices.

Social media
Organizations are emphasizing social media engagement with students in order to provide real-time
interactions. Social media allows them to reach out to a large number of potential consumers by providing
them with medical and campaign-related information. For example, Pw app or vedantu website

The increased use of smart mobile devices has resulted in an increase in location-based social activities such
as experience sharing. Social media review reading and the growth of global positioning systems are
assisting institution in using social-local-mobile marketing initiatives.

The online education provides students the freedom of setting and maintaining the training time as per their
regular study/work schedule. Most of the people opt online mode of learning to manage their learning time
with the existing projects.

Online education gives students the opportunity to socialize with the people over the world.
They can collaborate with other individuals working on the same project and can get exposure to their cultures.

Time Saving
The online education system saves all the learning content and information in an online database.
It provides an easy and fast access to the documents and thus saves the valuable time.

The company is working in field to develop its brand value. with the help data gather from the questionary
provided to the relevant people to know the basic question of the role of the Online education in

The date collected from the source is presented with the help of the different types of the Diagrams and after
its analysis it is also presented with some on the interpretation on to it.

The process by which sense and meaning are made of the data gathered in qualitative research, and by which
the emergent knowledge is applied to clients' problems. This data often takes the form of records of group
discussions and interviews, but is not limited to this. Through processes of revisiting and immersion in the
data, and through complex activities of structuring, re-framing or otherwise exploring it, the researcher looks
for patterns and insights relevant to the key research issues and uses these to address the client's brief.


17% 20%



Between 10-15 Between 16-20 Between 21-25 Between 26-30


BETWEEN 10-15 YEARS 10 17
BETWEEN 16-20 YEARS 30 50
BETWEEN 21-25 YEARS 08 13
BETWEEN 26-30 YEARS 12 20

From the above question we collected the data of their age as it will help us to see the engagement to people
of different age group and their preferences. For now, we are only analyzing the reach of our questionnaire.

It clearly represents that our maximum responses are from 16 – 20 years of age group which mostly are
students or we can say that they are from teenage group. Further we will discuss about their mindset
regarding the Online Education or using online mode of education.





MALE 34 57
FEMALE 26 43


This question is just to check the response for the knowledge of Online education on the basis of the gender.
But we can clearly see that we got almost equal responses on the basis gender.






YES 56 93
NO 04 07


From this question we can clearly state that almost everyone is aware of Online education in current
scenario. Or we can also see that only a few are unaware about Online education.






RARELY 02 03
MOSTLY 58 97


This question highlights the interaction of respondents towards social media. Here we can see that they use
social media platforms frequently.


15% 10%





In this chart the data represented showed positive as well as the popularity of the following media platform.

Data gather from the people shows Instagram is the most effective and active platform for the user. The
reason as same above may be.

WhatsApp also perform good as it basically focusses on the business sector or area. Facebook is similar to
Instagram. X is most contrasting data which represent it is effective some active one.

How know about Online education

3% 8%
Pre Covid 19
During Covid 19
Post covid 19



PRE COVID 19 05 09
POST COVID 19 02 03


This question is to see whether the people are aware about using online method of education . This data clearly
shows us that most people know about it during covid 19 pandemic .


13% MAY BE



YES 46 77
NO 06 10
MAYBE 08 13


By this Question we tried to grab the perception towards the scope of Online education in future. We can see
that 77% of people says that it has scope in future perspective.

Have you ever tried online education




YES 57 95
NO 03 05


From the above diagram we can see that 95% of people have used online platform for any kind of Online

1 02 04
2 02 04
3 03 06
4 16 32
5 27 54


According to our previous question we asked that what was their experience out of 5. To which 57% rated 5/5,
32% rated 4/5, 6% rated 3/5, 4% rated 2/5, 4% rated 1/5.

YES 15 24
NO 13 22


This is the last question which I asked on advertisements on online platforms. We can see above that 54% get
annoyed sometimes, 24% get always annoyed, and 22% never get annoyed.


• From the above question we collected the data of their age as it will help us to see the engagement to
people of different age group and their preferences. For now, we are only analyzing the reach of our
questionnaire. It clearly represents that our maximum responses are from 16 – 25 years of age group
which mostly are students or we can say that they are from teenage group. Further we will discuss about
their mindset regarding the Online education.
• This question is just to check the response for the knowledge of Online education on the basis of the
gender. But we can clearly see that we got almost equal responses on the basis gender.
• In the above data we can see that according to the responders think Online education is helpful in
effective communication for an entity.
• In the above data we can see that according to the responders think Online education is helpful in
effective communication for an entity.
• This question highlights the interaction of respondents towards social media. Here we can see that they
use social media platforms frequently.
• In this chart the data represented showed positive as well as the popularity of the following media
platform. Data gather from the people shows Instagram is the most effective and active platform for the
user. The reason as same above may be. LinkedIn also perform good as it basically focusses on the
business sector or area. Facebook is similar to Instagram. Twitter is most contrasting data which
represent it is effective but not the active one.
• This question is to see whether the people are aware about using the tools to create ads and all. But we
can see that nearly 76% of people are not much aware about the tools.
• This question if to see what is the respondent’s perception towards the use of Online education for
promoting Goods and Services. We can see in the presentation that 98% people said ‘Yes’ for the same.
• By this Question we tried to grab the perception towards the scope of Online education in future. We
can see that 94% of people says that it has scope in future perspective.
• From the above diagram we can see that 90% of people have used online platform for any kind of
product or service.
• According to our previous question we asked that what was their experience out of 5. To which 57%
rated 5/5, 32% rated 4/5, 6% rated 3/5, 4% rated 2/5, 4% rated 1/5.
• This is the last question which I asked on advertisements on online platforms. We can see above that
54% get annoyed sometimes, 24% get always annoyed, and 22% never get annoyed.
In the modern era, online education has become increasingly popular due to its accessibility,
flexibility, and technological advancements. Some key findings for your project could include:

1. Access to Education Online education has expanded access to education for people around
the world, breaking down barriers such as geographic location, time constraints, and physical

2. Flexibility: Learners have the flexibility to study at their own pace and schedule, allowing
them to balance education with work, family, and other commitments.

3. Diverse Learning Resources: Online platforms offer a wide range of learning resources,
including interactive multimedia materials, virtual simulations, and access to experts from
various fields.

4. Personalized Learning: Adaptive learning technologies and algorithms can tailor

educational content to individual learning styles and preferences, enhancing the learning
experience and improving outcomes.

5. Global Collaboration: Online education facilitates collaboration and networking among

students and educators from different countries and cultures, fostering a global learning

6. Affordability: Online courses are often more affordable than traditional education, as they
eliminate costs associated with commuting, accommodation, and physical materials.

7. Emergence of EdTech: The rise of educational technology (EdTech) has led to innovations
such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and gamification, transforming the way education
is delivered and experienced.

8. Challenges and Considerations: Despite its benefits, online education also faces challenges
such as digital divide, concerns about quality and accreditation, and the need for effective online
teaching pedagogies.


From the Interpretation of the relevant data gather from outside in the perceptive and regarding of the role
Online education in the field of communication.

The questionnaire questions were entirely focused on gathering ideas and data produced material to illustrate
the function of Online education. As everyone is aware, Online education is critical in terms of interacting
with the target audience in order to obtain what we want and what they want.

As the college of the firm Tutorage India attempted to engage the student for enrollment into their college, it
was critical for them to interact with the students using the medium of social media such as Instagram,
Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and many others that are prominent in the market.

As the data has been shown with different types of the charts like bar and many more. These figures help lot
to easily trace or to come on the point to whether really and importance of the Online education is it or not.

According to the data, Instagram and LinkedIn are the most popular platforms among users, and it is simple
for organizations to interact with them. Displaying the administration's operation and overall
accomplishments. You Tube and Instagram may be quite valuable in terms of data delivered and understood.

As users contribute some of their time to digital platforms, regardless of the circumstances, it can be
concluded that in today's technological age, not every, but almost all, students utilize it. And 60-70%
exclusively utilize it to communicate with some kind of official work, whether it's college, a website, or a
form filling. And the other will completely refute the claim that they receive the same information or alert
from the same platform.

So, with data analysis properly it can be said with the proper stats that yes, Online education plays very
high role with communication the user’s irrespective their type of industry and medium. Existence in the
platform is next to necessary if they want users always connected with it. Or increase their market and
brand name in the competitive market.


After working in the Online education field in Tutorage India for the college. And observing this, I have
come up with the following recommendation.

1. More Investment on Online education: In order for the College to more growth, they need to put
in more money in this sector so that agency ideas are not hampered due to budget restriction.

2. Mobile user-friendly Website Interface: They needs to improve their website for the mobile
users, so that who those are mostly use their smartphones than desktops or laptop.

3. Digital presence on all platforms: In today’s world, it is true that an effective Instagram page is
very important to create a digital presence. But Facebook is not the only platform out there. Website content,
you tube channels, Twitter is many more too.


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