2 Design - Guide - For - Composite - Bridges - en

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ECSC Steel RTD Programme

project carried out with a financial grant of the

European Coal and Steel Community

Composite Bridge Design

for Small and Medium Spans

Design Guide
with standard solutions documented in drawings and static analysis

Contract Number: 7210-PR/113

Institute of Steel Construction, RWTH Aachen (D) – Co-ordinator
Centre Technique Industrielle de Construction Metallique, Paris (F)
Division of Steel Structures, Luleå University of Technology (S)
Service Ponts et Carpentes, Université de Liège (B)
Institute for Steel and Composite Structures, BUGH Wuppertal (D)
ProfilARBED-Recherches, Esch-sur-Alzette (L)

Commencement Date: 01.07.1998

Completion Date: 31.12.2001

Design Guide Page 3
Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

REGISTER OF ILLUSTRATION .........................................................................................5

1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1-1

2 COMPOSITE BRIDGE CONCEPT........................................................................... 2-2

2.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................2-2

2.1.1 ECSC-Project: Composite bridge design for small and medium spans ...................................................2-2
2.1.2 Documents ...............................................................................................................................................2-4

2.2 Boundary Conditions ......................................................................................................................................2-4

2.2.1 Assumptions.............................................................................................................................................2-4
2.2.2 Standards..................................................................................................................................................2-4

2.3 Superstructure .................................................................................................................................................2-5

2.3.1 Static system ............................................................................................................................................2-5
2.3.2 Steel construction.....................................................................................................................................2-8
2.3.3 Shear connectors ......................................................................................................................................2-9
2.3.4 Slab ..........................................................................................................................................................2-9
2.3.5 Prefabricated elements .............................................................................................................................2-9
2.3.6 Cross girder and End-cross girder..........................................................................................................2-11

2.4 Design Charts.................................................................................................................................................2-12

2.4.1 Simple bridge with end supports pinned ................................................................................................2-13
2.4.2 Simple bridge with end supports clamped .............................................................................................2-16
2.4.3 Two-span bridge with end supports and the middle support pinned......................................................2-19
2.4.4 Two-span bridge with end supports clamped and the middle support pinned .......................................2-22

3 SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................... 3-25

4 ADVANCED STANDARD SOLUTIONS ................................................................ 4-28

4.1 Abutments ......................................................................................................................................................4-28
4.1.1 Abutments with expansion joints ...........................................................................................................4-28
4.1.2 Abutments without expansion joints......................................................................................................4-28
4.1.3 Prefabricated foundations ......................................................................................................................4-29
4.1.4 Integral abutments..................................................................................................................................4-30

4.2 Main Girder ...................................................................................................................................................4-32

4.2.1 Hybrid girder..........................................................................................................................................4-32
4.2.2 Studs as shear connectors.......................................................................................................................4-39
4.2.3 Dismountable shear connectors .............................................................................................................4-40
4.2.4 Bolted Connections of Girders in Span..................................................................................................4-43
4.2.5 Shear resistance of the girders ...............................................................................................................4-50
4.2.6 Lateral torsional buckling of the beams in service.................................................................................4-50
4.2.7 Detailing of the cross beams or cross braces .........................................................................................4-57

4.3 Concrete Deck................................................................................................................................................4-59

4.3.1 Joints in fully prefabricated slabs...........................................................................................................4-59
4.3.2 Concrete technology for prefabricated slabs and in situ concrete..........................................................4-61
4.3.3 Creep and shrinkage effects ...................................................................................................................4-66
4.3.4 Cracking of the joints and of the slabs ...................................................................................................4-67
4.3.5 Vibration of bridges ...............................................................................................................................4-67

4.4 Cross girder ...................................................................................................................................................4-68

4.4.1 Connection always in negative moment area.........................................................................................4-68
4.4.2 Connection in alternating moment area .................................................................................................4-68

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

4.4.3 Static design...........................................................................................................................................4-69

4.4.4 Fatigue design [EC 3.1.1 – 6.2] .............................................................................................................4-71
4.4.5 Example .................................................................................................................................................4-71
4.4.6 Recommendations..................................................................................................................................4-73

4.5 Fabrication and Erection ..............................................................................................................................4-75

4.5.1 Girder Type Composite Bridges ............................................................................................................4-75
4.5.2 Prestressed Composite Girders ..............................................................................................................4-84
4.5.3 Lateral torsional buckling of the beams during erection........................................................................4-86

5 EXAMPLES ............................................................................................................ 5-88

5.1 Composite Bridge with Partially Prefabricated Elements .........................................................................5-89

5.1.1 Static System..........................................................................................................................................5-89
5.1.2 Concrete Plate ........................................................................................................................................5-89
5.1.3 Hybrid Girder (inner beam) ...................................................................................................................5-90
5.1.4 Hybrid Girder (outer beam) ...................................................................................................................5-90
5.1.5 Shear Connectors ...................................................................................................................................5-91
5.1.6 Loads on the Structure ...........................................................................................................................5-91
5.1.7 Settings for the Calculation....................................................................................................................5-93
5.1.8 Design ..................................................................................................................................................5-105
5.1.9 Results of the Calculation (outer beam)...............................................................................................5-107
5.1.10 Design ..................................................................................................................................................5-110

5.2 Composite Bridge with Fully Prefabricated Elements .............................................................................5-112

5.2.1 Static System........................................................................................................................................5-112
5.2.2 Concrete Plate ......................................................................................................................................5-112
5.2.3 Girder in S 355.....................................................................................................................................5-113
5.2.4 Shear Connectors .................................................................................................................................5-113
5.2.5 Loads on the Structure .........................................................................................................................5-114
5.2.6 Settings for the Calculation..................................................................................................................5-115
5.2.7 Results of the Calculation ....................................................................................................................5-115
5.2.8 Design ..................................................................................................................................................5-124

ANNEX A: SOFTWARE CBD..............................................................................................1

ANNEX B: TENDER DRAWINGS .......................................................................................3

B.1 Two-span bridge using partially prefabricated elements................................................................................ 5

B.2 Simple bridge using fully prefabricated elements ........................................................................................... 7

B.2.1 Simple bridge using fully prefabricated elements (Drawing 1) .................................................................. 7
B.2.2 Simple bridge using fully prefabricated elements (Drawing 2) .................................................................. 9

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

FIGURE 2-1: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEA, B = 1.80 M, SUPPORTS PINNED .................................................2-13
FIGURE 2-2: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEB, B = 1.80 M, SUPPORTS PINNED .................................................2-13
FIGURE 2-3: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEM, B = 1.80 M, SUPPORTS PINNED ................................................2-14
FIGURE 2-4: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEA, B = 2.67 M, SUPPORTS PINNED .................................................2-14
FIGURE 2-5: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEB, B = 2.67 M, SUPPORTS PINNED .................................................2-15
FIGURE 2-6: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEM, B = 2.67 M, SUPPORTS PINNED ................................................2-15
FIGURE 2-7: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEA, B = 1.80 M, SUPPORTS CLAMPED .............................................2-16
FIGURE 2-8: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEB, B = 1.80 M, SUPPORTS CLAMPED .............................................2-16
FIGURE 2-9: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEM, B = 1.80 M, SUPPORTS CLAMPED.............................................2-17
FIGURE 2-10: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEA, B = 2.67 M, SUPPORTS CLAMPED .............................................2-17
FIGURE 2-11: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEB, B = 2.67 M, SUPPORTS CLAMPED .............................................2-18
FIGURE 2-12: DESIGN CHART: SIMPLE BRIDGE, HEM, B = 2.67 M, SUPPORTS CLAMPED.............................................2-18
FIGURE 2-13: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEA, B = 1.80 M, SUPPORTS PINNED ...........................................2-19
FIGURE 2-14: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEB, B = 1.80 M, SUPPORTS PINNED............................................2-19
FIGURE 2-15: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEM, B = 1.80 M, SUPPORTS PINNED ...........................................2-20
FIGURE 2-16: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEA, B = 2.67 M, SUPPORTS PINNED ...........................................2-20
FIGURE 2-17: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEB, B = 2.67 M, SUPPORTS PINNED............................................2-21
FIGURE 2-18: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEM, B = 2.67 M, SUPPORTS PINNED ...........................................2-21
FIGURE 2-19: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEA, B = 1.80 M, END SUPPORTS CLAMPED.................................2-22
FIGURE 2-20: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEB, B = 1.80 M, END SUPPORTS CLAMPED .................................2-22
FIGURE 2-21: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEM, B = 1.80 M, END SUPPORTS CLAMPED ................................2-23
FIGURE 2-22: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEA, B = 2.67 M, END SUPPORTS CLAMPED.................................2-23
FIGURE 2-23: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEB, B = 2.67 M, END SUPPORTS CLAMPED .................................2-24
FIGURE 2-24: DESIGN CHART: TWO-SPAN BRIDGE, HEM, B = 2.67 M, END SUPPORTS CLAMPED ................................2-24
FIGURE 3-1: PULL-DOWN MENUS OF THE MAIN MENU.................................................................................................3-25
FIGURE 4-2: PREFABRICATED PIERS USED TO MINIMISE THE CONSTRUCTION TIME .....................................................4-29
FIGURE 4-3: BRIDGE WITH INTEGRAL ABUTMENTS. ....................................................................................................4-30
180X24 MM CARRY THE VERTICAL LOAD..............................................................................................4-31
STRAIGHT LINE........................................................................................................................................4-31
FIGURE 4-9: COPE HOLES IN HYBRID GIRDERS ............................................................................................................4-37
FIGURE 4-10: CIRCULAR AND MOUTH SHAPED COPE HOLES .........................................................................................4-38
FIGURE 4-12: DISMOUNTABLE SHEAR CONNECTION .....................................................................................................4-40
FIGURE 4-13: MODEL FOR THE DETERMINATION OF LONGITUDINAL SHEAR RESISTANCE .............................................4-41
FIGURE 4-14: BOLTED CONNECTION OF TWO GIRDERS FOR MULTI-BEAM BRIDGES .......................................................4-43
FIGURE 4-15: POSITIVE RESISTANCE OF A BOLTED CONNECTION FOR ELASTIC DESIGN .................................................4-45
FIGURE 4-17: FAILURE ZONE OF THE WEB ....................................................................................................................4-46
FIGURE 4-18: SUGGESTED POSITION OF A BOLTED CONNECTION ..................................................................................4-49
FIGURE 4-19: TYPICAL MOMENT DISTRIBUTION OF BENDING MOMENT CLOSE TO A PIER. .............................................4-51
SECTION AND M IS ITS SHEAR CENTRE. ...................................................................................................4-51
FIGURE 4-21: DEFINITION OF ROTATIONAL RESTRAINT STIFFNESS Cζ ...........................................................................4-52
FIGURE 4-22: EFFECTIVE LENGTH FACTOR β. ...............................................................................................................4-54
FIGURE 4-23: CROSS-SECTION AND LOADING CONDITIONS ...........................................................................................4-55
FIGURE 4-24: CROSSBEAM MADE OUT OF HOT ROLLED UPE 300. ................................................................................4-58
FIGURE 4-25: CROSSBEAM USING UPE 300 AND L 100X100X10. ................................................................................4-58
CONCRETE TONGUES...............................................................................................................................4-59
FIGURE 4-27: TYPICAL SOLUTION OF ONE WAY TO REINFORCE THE CONCRETE TONGUES.............................................4-59
FIGURE 4-28: FULLY PREFABRICATED CONCRETE ELEMENT.........................................................................................4-60
FIGURE 4-29: SECTION OF ELEMENT AND STEEL BEAM. ................................................................................................4-60

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FIGURE 4-30: CONCRETE CROSS GIRDER WITH THICK CAP PLATES................................................................................4-68

FIGURE 4-32: DETERMINATION OF AREAS IN PARTIALLY LOADED AREAS .....................................................................4-69
FIGURE 4-33: CAP PLATE SOLUTION WITH FILLET WELDS .............................................................................................4-70
FIGURE 4-34: CAP PLATE SOLUTION WITH FULL PENETRATION WELDS .........................................................................4-70
FIGURE 4-35: THREE SPAN BRIDGE IN DIFFERDANGE ...................................................................................................4-72
FIGURE 4-36: MAIN GIRDERS WITH THICK CAP PLATES AND STUDS ..............................................................................4-72
FIGURE 4-37: PLAN OF THE CONNECTION SECTION ON SUPPORT ...................................................................................4-73
OF LUXEMBOURG) ..................................................................................................................................4-75
FIGURE 4-41: EXAMPLE OF PROTECTIVE TREATMENT FOR COMPOSITE DECKS ..............................................................4-77
RECESSES OF THE PREFABRICATED FORMWORK. .....................................................................................4-80
STRUCTURE AND ASSEMBLED FORMWORK..............................................................................................4-81
FIGURE 4-48: EXAMPLE OF FORMWORK SUPPORT FOR CANTILEVER PART OF SLAB. .....................................................4-82
FIGURE 4-49: PREFABRICATED SLAB. EXAMPLE OF TRANSVERSE JOINT DETAILING: ....................................................4-83
FIGURE 4-50: DECK UNITS BEFORE CONCRETING OF POCKETS AND JOINTS ...................................................................4-83
FIGURE 4-51: FABRICATION OF PRESTRESSED COMPOSITE GIRDER ...............................................................................4-84
FIGURE 4-52: TRANSPORTATION OF A PREFLEX BEAM .................................................................................................4-85
PRESTRESSED COMPOSITE GIRDERS OF " PREFLEX " TYPE. ......................................................................4-85
FIGURE 4-54: TYPICAL LOAD CASE DURING CASTING OF THE CONCRETE DECK. ...........................................................4-87
FIGURE 5-1: STATIC SYSTEM ......................................................................................................................................5-89
FIGURE 5-2: CONCRETE PLATE ...................................................................................................................................5-89
FIGURE 5-3: HYBRID GIRDER (INNER BEAM)...............................................................................................................5-90
FIGURE 5-4: HYBRID GIRDER (OUTER BEAM) ..............................................................................................................5-90
FIGURE 5-5: SHEAR CONNECTORS ..............................................................................................................................5-91
FIGURE 5-6: LOADS ON THE STRUCTURE.....................................................................................................................5-91
FIGURE 5-7: SETTINGS FOR THE CALCULATION...........................................................................................................5-93
FIGURE 5-8: RESULTS OF THE CALCULATION .............................................................................................................5-94
FIGURE 5-9: STATIC SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................................5-112
FIGURE 5-10: CONCRETE PLATE .................................................................................................................................5-112
FIGURE 5-11: GIRDER IN S 355...................................................................................................................................5-113
FIGURE 5-12: SHEAR CONNECTORS ............................................................................................................................5-113
FIGURE 5-13: LOADS ON THE STRUCTURE...................................................................................................................5-114
FIGURE 5-14: SETTINGS FOR THE CALCULATION.........................................................................................................5-115
FIGURE 5-15: RESULTS OF THE CALCULATION ...........................................................................................................5-115

Design Guide
Design Guide Page 1-1
Composite bridge design for small and medium spans


This Design Guide provides all necessary information about the construction and static calculation
of the superstructure of composite bridges for small and medium spans by using new innovative
standard solutions.
The Design Guide includes all main topics concerning erection, construction details and the static
analyses. Design charts are added to enable a fast forward pre-design.
This report is based on the ECSC-Project “Composite bridge design for small and medium spans”
which is shortly described later on. The results of the test programmes performed in this ECSC-
project are summarised in standard solutions in this Design Guide.
This Design Guide covers composite bridges with standard solutions by applying partially- and
fully prefabricated slabs as well as solid slabs up to a span of 50 m.
Furthermore a software has been developed to verify different kinds of constructions and enable a
very fast static calculation by the practical engineer.
Two examples of a single span bridge with fully prefabricated elements and a two span bridge with
partially prefabricated slab are attached as tender documents including the static analyses by using
the software and drawings with all details.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans


2.1 General

2.1.1 ECSC-Project: Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

This Design Guide has been developed in the frame of the ECSC-Project: “Composite bridge design
for small and medium spans” (ECSC Contract No. 7210 – PR 113).
The usual span lengths for composite bridges built so far have been in the range of 40 m to 80 m.
Bridges with a span lengths of 15 m to 30 m have been mostly built as concrete bridges due to the
fact that the superstructure only represents a small part of the total construction works for the main
contractor who usually deals with concrete foundations, -piers and –abutments and therefore tends
to maintain the building technique he is accustomed to.
The aim of the project has been achieved by developing composite bridge concepts with standard
solutions that are easily buildable and therefore attractive for being executed by the main contractor
without any problems on site.
The composite bridge concepts cover the span range of about 15 m to 50 m to link the traditional
span lengths of composite bridges – by that range they cover about 75 % of all span requirements
for road bridges.
Within the scope of the project an extensive test programme has been performed including
numerical simulations with parameter and sensibility studies. The test programme has covered:
- Serviceability and fatigue tests with hybrid girders
- Push-out tests with dismountable shear connectors and shear studs ∅ 25 mm
- Behaviour of joints of partially- and fully prefabricated slabs
- Fatigue tests on special joints of beams
- Plate buckling of stocky and slender webs
The results of these test programmes are summarised in standard solutions in this Design Guide.
Furthermore a software has been developed to verify different kinds of constructions and enable a
very fast static calculation by the practical engineer.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

The following partners have been involved in the project:

- Centre Technique Industriel de la Construction Métallique, Paris
- Service Ponts et Charpentes, Institut du Génie Civil, Université de Liège
- Division of Steel Structures, Luleå University of Technology
- Fachgebiet Stahlbau und Verbundkonstruktionen, BUG Wuppertal
- Profil ARBED-Research, Esch sur Alzette
- Scandiaconsult, Luleå
- Lehrstuhl für Stahlbau, RWTH Aachen (Co-ordinator)
The research partners hereby acknowledge the European Commission for the financial support and
the F6-Executive Committee for the accompaniment during the research period.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

2.1.2 Documents

This Design Guide includes technical drawings and static calculations for the superstructure which
have been elaborated in the ECSC-Project “Composite bridge design for small and medium spans”.
The main part of this Design Guide is the summary of standard solutions for the main girders,
connections in span or on support, shear connectors, the bridge deck and the cross girder.
Furthermore ways of fabrication and erection are shown.
Two examples are laid down in tender drawings:
1. Single span bridge (span length of 16.20 m) with fully prefabricated elements
2. Two span bridge (each span lengths 26 m) with partially prefabricated elements
The drawings for the steel construction which are described in detail are only for disposition and
therefore no workshop drawings have been made.
For the concrete deck all necessary formwork- and reinforcement drawings are given including the
details for the partially- and fully prefabricated elements as well as for the cap for the sidewalks.
Concrete foundations, piers and abutments are only secondary in this Design Guide.

2.2 Boundary Conditions

2.2.1 Assumptions

This Design Guide considers single and continues superstructures out of composite cross sections
whereas the main girder has been prefabricated in the workshop and the concrete slab is completed
on site using different techniques.
These standard solutions and examples have been designed for different widths of road profiles and
the load model 1 according to the EC 1, 4.3.2.

2.2.2 Standards

The Design is based on the following Eurocodes: Version:

EN 1991 Eurocode 1 Basis of design and actions on structures ENV 1991 : 1994
EN 1992 Eurocode 2 Design of concrete structures ENV 1992 : 1991
EN 1993 Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures ENV 1993 : 1997
EN 1994 Eurocode 4 Design of composite steel and concrete structures ENV 1994 : 1992

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

2.3 Superstructure

2.3.1 Static system

This Design Guide comprises single and continues composite bridges with different levels of
prefabrication for the concrete slab.
The concrete slab consists out of a solid slab or a partially- as well as fully prefabricated deck
elements. For the main girders rolled and welded) sections (including LP-plate sections) can be
used. The amount of the main girders is depending on the required road width or -class.
Solid slabs need a complete formwork before concreting the bridge deck. By using fully
prefabricated slabs the openings for the shear connectors in the elements (pockets or covered
channel) and the joints between the elements have to be filled with mortar. By pre-stressing the
fully prefabricated elements before grouting the joints between the elements can be closed up to a
Partially prefabricated elements are the formwork during casting and shall also be used later as a
part of the total slab height. The distance between the main girders can be determined by varying
the slab thickness and the used slab technique (e.g. partially prefabricated slab,
dSlab = 10 + 20 = 30 cm ⇒ max bGirder Distance ≈ 3,00 m).
An appealing design of the superstructure can be reached by a slenderness of about L / h = 25
(L = span length, h = total construction height).
After completion of the slab all main girders are connected in-between by the concrete slab. To
guarantee the stability of the main girders against torsional-flexural buckling the girders shall be
lateral stiffened by using cross girders in the main axes of the piers and abutments only. These cross
girders can be designed in steel or in concrete. The bearings can be placed under the cross girders or
directly under the webs of the main girder. Additional torsional stiffeners can be applied to obtain a
knuckle support in the moment zero point.
One main aspect of this design is the erection of the bridge without cost-intensive temporary
supports or proppings. Furthermore the casting sequences have to be considered for continues
The following Table 2-1 shows the construction sequences for an in-situ casted solid slab or a fully
pre-fabricated slab (example for a two-span bridge). The formwork for the in-situ casted slab is
placed in-between the main girders on the lower flange and is considered for the system 2 only.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Table 2-1: Construction Sequences for a solid- and fully prefabricated slab
Construction Description Load
System 1 Multi-beam bridges: Dead load
Steel beam with a hinge of the steel beam

System 2 Steel beam with Dead load of the solid

welded hinge slab or the fresh
concrete and
construction loads
System 4 Full composite action Infrequent and
considering cracks in concrete frequent load
in the hogging moment area

Table 2-2 shows the construction sequences for a bridge by using a partially prefabricated slab.
Table 2-2: Construction Sequences for a partially prefabricated slab

Construction Description Load

System 1 Multi-beam bridges: Dead load
Steel beam with a hinge of the steel beam

System 2 Steel beam with Dead load of the

Welded hinge partially prefabricated

System 3 Partial composite action Dead load of the fresh

concrete and
construction loads

System 4 Full composite action Infrequent and

considering cracks in concrete frequent load
in the hogging moment area

The steel girders are acting as simple beams during the first construction situation and are laterally
supported by the cross girders in the main axes. The dead load of the steel girders is carried by these
simple beams only (System 1).
After welding the hinge continues steel beams are obtained which have to carry the partially- or
fully prefabricated deck elements as well as the solid slab in the second construction situation
(System 2).
By using fully prefabricated elements or a solid slab this continues steel beams have to carry the
dead load of the solid slab or the fresh concrete and construction loads only (System 2).

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

By using partially prefabricated slabs in the construction situation 3 a partial composite action can
be achieved by grouting the joints and pockets in the elements. The supplement fresh concrete and
the construction loads are carried after the setting of the mortar by the partial composite cross
section (System 3). The partially prefabricated elements are now acting as one shell (e.g. for wind
loads). The static utilisation of the partial composite action provides a very economic and optimised
The last construction situation (System 4) is the continues and finished composite cross section
considering the cracked concrete in the area of the hogging moment (simplification). On this static
system infrequent (e.g. finished permanent loads like caps and guard-rails) and frequent (e.g.
traffic) loads are applied under considering the time dependent behaviour of the cross sections
(creep- and shrinkage effects).
The relevant forces for each construction phase are multiplied by safety- and combination factors
and summed up. With the load combinations and the estimated cross sections the following checks
for the ultimate limit state and the serviceability state are performed:
Ultimate limit state (ULS) of the steel girder (System 1 and 2):
- ultimate resistance against positive bending
- ultimate resistance against negative bending
- ultimate resistance against positive / negative bending taking interaction of shear in account
- ultimate resistance against shear
- ultimate resistance against torsional-flexural buckling
Ultimate limit state (ULS) of the composite beam (System 3 and 4):
- ultimate resistance against positive bending
- ultimate resistance against negative bending
- ultimate resistance against shear
- ultimate resistance against negative bending taking interaction of shear in account
- bonding strength of the shear connectors, number of shear connectors
- ultimate resistance against torsional-flexural buckling
Serviceability limit state (SLS) of the composite beam (System 3 and 4):
- stress analysis
- crack width limitation and check of minimum reinforcement
- deflection check
To complete the design of a structure, the following items have to be carried out, but are not
considered in the design guide:
- distribution of the shear connectors
- shear resistance of the concrete chord
- check of the contour area of the shear connector
- fatigue design
- vibration behaviour of the structure could be checked potentially (especially for slender
structures using HSS and HSC)

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

2.3.2 Steel construction

The main girders should be prefabricated and painted with protection against corrosion in the
workshop before arriving on site. By using welded plates for the girders the required cross sections
can be suited very well to the stress distribution. A cost optimised steel construction can be reached
by using hybrid girders with lower strength steel for the web and higher strength steel for the
flanges. The number of different cross sections of welded plate girder in longitudinal direction
should be minimised to obtain a small number of joints and different plate thickness. In the frame of
the ECSC-Project hybrid girders have been tested under fatigue loads. The results of these tests are
summarised in the chapter 4.2.
A further decrease of weight can be achieved by using LP-plates with a variable thickness in
longitudinal direction; these LP-plates are rolled by a few mills only.
The main girders are connected on support or in span by using welded as well as bolted connections
and temporary cams. In the area of welded connections the corrosion protection has to be removed
before the welding procedure and has to be completed after finishing the welding activities.
The usual steel grades for composite bridges are S235, S355 or S460. By using special steel, e.g.
HISTAR from Profil ARBED, a reduction of steel strength according to the steel thickness can be
Table 2-3: characteristic data of the steel

Steel grade thickness t

t ≤ 40 mm 40 mm < t
fy fy
[N/mm²] [N/mm²]
S 235 235 215
S 275 275 255
S 355 355 335
S 420 420 390
S 460 460 420

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

2.3.3 Shear connectors

In general headed shear studs are used as shear connectors. Studs with a diameter of 16, 19, 22 and
25 mm are commonly available on the market. Studs with a diameter of 25 mm are not considered
in the Codes up to now. In the frame of the ECSC-Project these studs have been tested under fatigue
loads. The results of these tests are summarised in the chapter 4.2.
By using partially prefabricated slabs with in situ concrete for the partial composite action in the
construction situation 3 double headed shear studs are used.
The tensile strength and the yield strength for headed shear studs is based on a cold pulled S235 –
the S460 has not been tested yet.
Besides the shear studs several alternative shear connectors, e.g. fixing slips, dismountable shear
connectors, etc. can be used.

2.3.4 Slab

In general three different kinds of slabs can be specified:

1. Solid slabs (casting with in situ concrete)
2. Partially prefabricated slabs
3. Fully prefabricated slabs
The following concrete strengths are possible:
Table 2-4: characteristic data of the concrete strength

C 20 / 25 C 25 / 30 C 30 / 37 C 35 / 45 C 40 / 50 C 45 / 55 C 50 / 60

fck [N/mm²] 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

fctm [N/mm²] 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.5 3.8 4.1

Ecm [kN/cm²] 2900 3050 3200 3350 3500 3600 3700

The concrete strength of C 40 / 50 for prefabricated elements and C 30 / 37 for in situ concrete are
usually used for composite bridges of small and medium spans. By using high strength steel for the
girders, e.g. S460, and high strength steel for concrete, e.g. C70/85, a high slenderness and bearing
capacity for the composite cross section can be reached.

2.3.5 Prefabricated elements

This Design Guide considers fully and partially prefabricated slabs.

Compared to concrete bridges one major advantage of composite bridges is that the steel girders can
carry the weight of the formwork (lost or used for the final stage), prefabricated elements and the
wet concrete making the need for temporary structures superfluous. Another advantage is the saving
of construction time by fast erections with a high grade of prefabrication which saves money for the

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contractor, but even more so for the road users, a fact that is commonly neglected when evaluating
alternative bridge designs.
The partially prefabricated slabs are used as formwork during casting and in the final state as a part
of the total slab depth (no lost formwork). The dimension of the elements should be suited to the
width of the superstructure. For a narrow bridge with only two lanes, small sidewalks and two main
girders and only one prefabricated element in transversal direction could be used. For bridges with
more than two main girders the prefabricated element on the outside should include the cantilever
area of the sidewalk. Therefore these prefabricated elements need pockets with small tolerances for
the shear connectors. The longitudinal and transversal reinforcement in these pockets has to be
suited to the local distribution of the shear studs. A simple pattern for the shear studs and the
reinforcement is commendable. The inner prefabricated elements should be used as simple span
slabs with a continues longitudinal joints on the steel beams due to the statically determined
The outside elements should be dimensioned with an edge acting as a face formwork (with a height
of 15 to 25 cm). Furthermore the cantilever elements shall be designed in a way that no further
support is necessary for the in-situ casting of the slab.
The completion reinforcement for the in-situ concrete should not be thread through the bars of the
prefabricated elements but lay on top of them. This requires special lattice girders with garlands
without top bars. The lattice girder of the prefabricated elements shall be designed for dynamic
loads (official approval based on test reports) to obtain a composite action of the full slab depth.
The in-situ concrete deck is casted on top of the partially prefabricated elements. In the area of the
end cross-girders conventional formwork is necessary for oblique-angled bridges. Furthermore
often more shear connectors are necessary over these critical areas which requires the whole width
of the top flange.
To prevent reaction of constrains all prefabricated slabs should be supported statically determined.
The steel beams are delivered on site with special supporting strips (heights of 10-30 mm) on top
out of synthetic elastomer to obtain:
- a sealing joint during casting between steel beam and prefabricated element
- a compensation for tolerances and superelevations of the steel beams (especially for oblique-
angled bridges)
- a waterproof joint between steel and concrete in the final state
- a compensation for the transverse slope
The supporting strips should be accurately defined according to the weight of the slab and the
geometrical boundary conditions (specified stress–deformation–behaviour). The market offers
homogenous and two-component systems.
The prefabricated elements are placed according to a laying drawing by considering sufficient
tolerances for the concrete and the reinforcement. To prevent flaking effects of the elements edges
are broken under an angle of 45°. The dimension of prefabricated slabs have to be suited to the
allowed sized of road haulage.
A further step to improve the competitiveness of composite bridges is the erection of fully
prefabricated concrete deck on site. The main advantages obtained by adopting this concept are
listed below.
- A shorter construction time.
- The deck elements are cast indoors, which is believed to result in improved quality.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

- An improved working environment for the workers while erecting the formwork, placing the
reinforcement bars and casting the concrete.
For instance in Sweden and France this concept has been used for many bridges, with reinforcement
splices in situ cast joints. Furthermore, a new concept with dry joints between match cast deck
elements has been realised. The composite action is achieved by injection of a shear stud channel in
the elements, leaving its top surface dry.

2.3.6 Cross girder and End-cross girder

In general cross girders out of concrete and steel can be applied.

For a competitive composite bridge cross girders should be only applied in the main axes of the
supports and not in span.
To reach a minimum amount of bearings the supports should be placed between the main girders.
Therefore the cross girders are loaded under bending and shear forces. Supporting points for jacks
can be considered directly under the main girder to exchange the bearings.
A very easy erection can be performed by placing twin-beams on site. The connections between
these twin-beams can act as cross girders later on. After placing the main girders the missing cross
girders between the twin-beams can be supplemented on site.
Chapter 4.3.4 offers some innovative solutions of connections between cross and main girders.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

2.4 Design Charts

The pre-design of a composite bridge is a time intensive procedure. Therefore design charts for
common cross sections with spans from 10 m upwards are given to easily get an estimation of the
necessary beam section for the composite structure.

The following design charts are based on the EC design rules and carried out with the software

The design is based on the assumption, that torsion of the main girders is negligible. Therefore main
girders are considered to be separately and plane in vertical direction. Investigation of rigid strips
for each steel girder is possible. Vertical loads are applied according to the lever principle over the
cross section.

The included bridge constructions are simple span and two-span bridges using prefabricated
elements. The indicated span of the diagrams for two-span bridges represent the span length of each
span. Consequently the total bridge span is twice the span length. The following parameters are kept
constant for all design charts:

- The total slab thickness is 300 mm

- The thickness of the prefabricated element is 100 mm
- BSt 500 S is applied as reinforcement
- C 35 / 45 is used as concrete
- The degree of longitudinal reinforcement in the field is 6 %
- The degree of longitudinal reinforcement at support is 11 %
- The degree of transversal reinforcement 0.5 %
- main beams in S 460
- 200 mm Shear studs with a diameter of 22 mm in S 460 are used
- The applied traffic loads are conform to EC1 Part 2
- All constructions situation are taken into account
- The bridge is unpropped during construction
- The maximal deflection is limited to L / 200
- Creep, shrinkage and moment distribution are taken into account
- The national safety factors of Germany are used

Varying parameters are:

- The span length

- The bay width of the cross section.

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2.4.1 Simple bridge with end supports pinned H-beams with a bay width of 1.80 m

H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000
800 800
600 550

500 450 450





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Span [m]

Figure 2-1: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEA, b = 1.80 m, supports pinned

H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000
800 800
700 650

500 450

400 340




10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Span [m]

Figure 2-2: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEB, b = 1.80 m, supports pinned

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H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000
800 800

700 650
600 550

500 450





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Span [m]

Figure 2-3: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEM, b = 1.80 m, supports pinned H-beams with a bay width of 2.67 m

H-beams [b = 2.67 m]




700 650

600 550






10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Span [m]

Figure 2-4: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEA, b = 2.67 m, supports pinned

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H-beams [b = 2.67 m]

900 900



700 650


500 450





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Span [m]

Figure 2-5: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEB, b = 2.67 m, supports pinned

H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
900 900
H 450
E 500

400 340



10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Figure 2-6: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEM, b = 2.67 m, supports pinned

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2.4.2 Simple bridge with end supports clamped H-beams with a bay width of 1.80 m

H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000 1000
900 900 900
800 800
700 650
600 550

500 450 450 450 450





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Span [m]

Figure 2-7: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEA, b = 1.80 m, supports clamped

H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000
900 900
800 800 800
700 650
600 550

500 450
400 340
320 320




10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Span [m]

Figure 2-8: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEB, b = 1.80 m, supports clamped

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H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000
900 900
800 800
700 650
600 550 550

500 450
400 340
280 280



10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Span [m]

Figure 2-9: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEM, b = 1.80 m, supports clamped H-beams with a bay width of 2.67 m

H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
1000 1000 1000
900 900
800 800
700 650

500 450 450 450 450





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Span [m]

Figure 2-10: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEA, b = 2.67 m, supports clamped

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H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
1000 1000
900 900
800 800
700 650
600 550

400 400
400 360




10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Span [m]

Figure 2-11: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEB, b = 2.67 m, supports clamped

H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
1000 1000
900 900
800 800
600 550

500 450
280 280 280



10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Span [m]

Figure 2-12: Design Chart: Simple Bridge, HEM, b = 2.67 m, supports clamped

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2.4.3 Two-span bridge with end supports and the middle support pinned H-beams with a bay width of 1.80 m

H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000
800 800
700 650
600 550

500 450 450





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Span [m]

Figure 2-13: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEA, b = 1.80 m, supports pinned

H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000
800 800
700 650
600 550

500 450

400 360




10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Span [m]

Figure 2-14: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEB, b = 1.80 m, supports pinned

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H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
900 900
800 800
600 550

500 450



10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Span [m]

Figure 2-15: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEM, b = 1.80 m, supports pinned H-beams with a bay width of 2.67 m

H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
1000 1000
800 800

700 650

600 550

500 450 450





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Span [m]

Figure 2-16: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEA, b = 2.67 m, supports pinned

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H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
900 900
700 650

600 550





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Span [m]

Figure 2-17: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEB, b = 2.67 m, supports pinned
H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
900 900





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Span [m]

Figure 2-18: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEM, b = 2.67 m, supports pinned

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2.4.4 Two-span bridge with end supports clamped and the middle support
pinned H-beams with a bay width of 1.80 m

H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
800 800
700 650 650

600 550 550 550


500 450 450 450 450 450





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Span [m]

Figure 2-19: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEA, b = 1.80 m, end supports clamped

H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000
900 900
800 800
700 650 650
600 550 550

400 400
340 340




10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Span [m]

Figure 2-20: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEB, b = 1.80 m, end supports clamped

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H-beams [b = 1.80 m]
1000 1000 10001000
900 900
700 650 650
600 600
600 550

500 450 450 450

300 300



10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Span [m]

Figure 2-21: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEM, b = 1.80 m, end supports clamped H-beams with a bay width of 2.67 m

H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

800 800 800

700 650 650

600 600
600 550 550
500 500 500






10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Span [m]

Figure 2-22: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEA, b = 2.67 m, end supports clamped

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H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
900 900 900

800 800


600 550 550
500 500
500 450 450 450





10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Span [m]

Figure 2-23: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEB, b = 2.67 m, end supports clamped

H-beams [b = 2.67 m]
1000 1000

800 800
700 700
700 650

600 550
500 500

500 450
300 300 300



10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Span [m]

Figure 2-24: Design Chart: Two-span Bridge, HEM, b = 2.67 m, end supports clamped

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In frame of the project a computer programme named CBD (Composite Bridge Design) has been
developed to pre-design composite bridges for small and medium spans. The design is based on the
The Software is enclosed in ANNEX A.
The calculable constructions are rectangular, simple or multispan composite bridges consisting of a
prefabricated steel beam and a concrete slab. The slab can be solid or constructed using
prefabricated elements. The longitudinal and transverse reinforcement is considered not to be pre-
The program is designed in three layers:
- The first layer of the program is the main menu. All main actions of the program are initialised
out of the main menu using pull-down menus.

Figure 3-1: Pull-down menus of the main menu

One action is to call user-friendly dialog boxes where input data of a bridge is entered. The user
is able to apply data for a complete new superstructure or edit a former specified bridge data
input file. Additionally it is possible to print input or output files out of the main menu. The
calculation is also started out of the main. Online-Help to the programme is available.
- The second layer of the program is represented by the dialog boxes, the user interface to apply
data for the superstructure. The user can choose between the pre-design of a simple, two-span or
multispan bridge with different support situations. The slab can be constructed as a solid slab or
with the help of partially or fully prefabricated elements. The cross section in the field is
differentiated from the cross section over the support. Rolled or welded steel girder sections are
implemented. Choosing a rolled section means, that the program determines the section,
increasing standard profile sections out of tables, until the checks for the ultimate limit state and
serviceability limit state of EC3 and EC 4 are satisfied in all construction and final situations.
For welded sections, the height of the profile is increased from 500 [mm] up to maximal 2500
[mm] in 10 [mm]-increments up to the point where the former specified limitations are satisfied.
Common materials are included in the program and additionally high-tensile steel and high-
strength concrete are implemented. Studs with a variable height, diameter and steel strength can
be chosen as shear connectors. The possibility to use an alternative shear connector with a user
specified bearing capacity is added. The distribution of the shear connectors is up to the user
and has to be checked additionally. The specification of the loads are differentiated between
their type, kind, place and temporary occurrence. The specification has an influence on safety
and combination factors in the checks. The self-weight of the steel girder, the concrete slab and
the actions due to creep and shrinkage at t = ∞ are estimated by the program itself. Permanent ,

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

traffic, temperature and breaking loads have to be added by the user. Generally loads have to be
determined considering their transversal distribution over the cross section of the bridge. All
checks are done for variable construction situation and final situations. Safety factors of
different nations can be chosen. It is up to the user, if creep, shrinkage, moment distribution and
a user specified deflection limit is taken into account.
- The third layer of the program is the calculation module. After opening an input file the pre-
design calculation referring to EC 3 and EC 4 is initialised. During the calculation design points
are defined at the quarter points and end points of each bridge span. All checks of the ultimate
limit state and serviceability limit state are carried out at these points. Starting with the
determination of the steel and composite cross sections for all construction and final situations,
differentiated between field sections and sections over the support, the loads are applied and the
inner forces are estimated.
Table 3-1: Construction Sequences for a solid- and fully prefabricated slab

Construction Description Load

System 1 Multispan bridges: Dead load
Steel beam with a hinge of the steel beam

System 2 Steel beam with Dead load of the solid slab

welded hinge or the fresh concrete and
construction loads

System 4 Full composite action Infrequent and frequent

considering cracks in load
concrete in the hogging
moment area

Table 3-2: Construction Sequences for a partially prefabricated slab

Construction Description Load

System 1 Multispan bridges: Dead load
Steel beam with a hinge of the steel beam

System 2 Steel beam with Dead load of the partially

welded hinge prefabricated slab

System 3 Partial composite action Dead load of the fresh

concrete and construction

System 4 Full composite action Infrequent and frequent

considering cracks in load
concrete in the hogging
moment area

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

The relevant forces for each construction phase are multiplied by safety and combination factors
and summed up. With the load combinations and the estimated cross sections the programme is
able to perform the following checks of the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state
Ultimate limit state of the steel girder referring to EC 3:
- ultimate resistance against positive bending
- ultimate resistance against negative bending
- ultimate resistance against positive bending moments taking interaction of shear into
- ultimate resistance against negative bending moments taking interaction of shear into
- ultimate resistance against shear
- ultimate resistance against torsional buckling

Ultimate limit state of the composite section referring to EC 4:

- ultimate resistance against positive bending
- ultimate resistance against shear
- ultimate resistance against negative bending moments taking interaction of shear into
- bonding strength of the shear connectors, number of shear connectors
- ultimate resistance against torsional buckling

Serviceability limit state referring to EC 4:

- stress analysis
- crack width limitation and check of the minimal reinforcement
- deflection check
The results of each iteration step of the calculation are written into a similar named output file
with the extension (.OUT). The last and relevant iteration step is summarised into a similar
named data file with the extension (.RTF). The output is arranged such as the user is able to
follow the result information easily. The check formats of the EC are included in the output file
INSTALL.bat installs the program in a former specified directory on the computer.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans


4.1 Abutments

4.1.1 Abutments with expansion joints

The most common way to arrange the end supports is using expansion joints which are supposed to
absorb the movements from temperature, as well as any horizontal movements of the supports.
These expansion joints often have to be replaced, due to leakage of the joints. Furthermore, they
lead to discomfort for the drivers and passengers of the vehicles over-passing them. In other words,
the bridge in many cases would be better of without any expansion joint.

4.1.2 Abutments without expansion joints

Instead of using expansion joints the movements from temperature changes can be absorbed in the
backfilling behind the backwalls, which are directly connected to the steel girders. The concept is
commonly used in Sweden for bridges up to some 50-70 m total length.

Figure 4-1: Prefabricated back-wall with side-wings, used for a composite bridge.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

4.1.3 Prefabricated foundations

When old bridges are being replaced, it is sometimes essential that the construction time is short. In
many cases the foundations can be prefabricated, and lifted out in their final position. The Figure
4-2 shows the prefabricated foundations of such a bridge, which contributed to a traffic disturbance
of only 30 hours.

Figure 4-2: Prefabricated piers used to minimise the construction time

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

4.1.4 Integral abutments

Experience from the U.S. shows that bridges with integral abutments are increasingly outclassing
the traditional bridges with joints, the former being not only less expensive to maintain, but also
more affordable to build. The concept is commonly used in USA, up to 120 m total length of the
Analysing the load bearing capacity of piles subjected to lateral movements is complex as it
contains two co-dependent elements; the flexural pile and the soil. To further complicate matters,
soils are often inhomogeneous.
Within a research project at Luleå University of Technology, a bridge was built in the northern
Sweden, completed in September 2000.

Figure 4-3: Bridge with integral abutments.

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Figure 4-4: Cross section of a bridge with integral abutments. Eight X-shaped steel piles 180x24
mm carry the vertical load.

Figure 4-5: Elevation of the bridge shown in Figure 3-5, where the steel piles are positioned in a
straight line.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

4.2 Main Girder

4.2.1 Hybrid girder

Hybrid plate girders may be used in steel and composite bridges provided the limitations and the
criteria for the resistance at the ultimate limit states, the serviceability limit states and fatigue, are
At the stage of drafting of this guide, the reference is the ENV’s versions of Eurocodes and
especially : ENV 1993-1-5 (November 1997), ENV 1993-1-1 (February 1992), ENV 1993-2
(October 1997) and ENV 1994-2 (December 1997). The designer should take any modification
adopted in the final EN version of these documents into account. Limitations Cross-section

This guide concerns the design of hybrid plate girders for small and medium span bridges. The
application of this guide covers the design of the main elements. The main elements can be
symmetrical or non-symmetrical I section girders or box girders without longitudinal stiffeners in
the flange. Yield strength ratio

The particular focus of this guide is towards hybrid plate girders which are built-up sections where
the flange plate yield strength fyf is greater than that of the web plate fyw.
According to ENV 1993-1-5, the use of hybrid girders is explicitly covered in Clause 2.2.2(6).
According to this clause hybrid girders may have a flange yield strength fyf up to 2 fyw. This
limitation is based on available tests in this field.
f yf
f yw ≤ f yf and ≤2 (4–1)
f yw Weld metal

The fabrication and erection should be in accordance with ENV 1993-2 Chapter 7.
For hybrid plate girders and at the web-to-flange junctions, the weld metal of the fillet weld should
match at least with the metal of the web in terms of the mechanical properties. Elsewhere, the
provisions of ENV 1993-1-1 Clause 6.6 and ENV 1993-2 Clause 6.5 should be applied. Ultimate limit states other than fatigue Classification of hybrid plate cross-section

For the classification of a hybrid plate cross-section, the basis given in ENV 1993-1-1 Clause 5.3
should be applied.

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a) Compression flange
The Table 5.3.1 of ENV 1993-1-1 should be used for the classification of the compression flange.
In addition, compression flanges connected to concrete flange according to ENV 1994-2 may be
classified as Class 1 sections.
b) Web
For the classification of the cross section the plastified zone in the web should be taken into
account. According ENV 1993-1-5 Clause 2.2.2 (6-b), the classification and the calculation of the
effective area of the web should be determined with fyf rather than fyw to consider the effect due to
the plastified zone in the web. Bending moment resistance

The increase of flange stresses caused by yielding of the web should be taken into account as
indicated in ENV 1993-1-5 Clause 2.2.2 (6-a).
Depending on the class of the cross section, the distribution of the stresses should be one of those
given in Figure 4-6 to Figure 4-8.
The effect of shear lag should be considered by the use of an effective width of the slab and of the
flanges if necessary.
a) Class 1 or 2 cross-sections
The bending moment resistance should be calculated (see Figure 4-6) from a plastic distribution of
the stresses in the gross cross-section according to ENV 1993-1-1 Clause for steel cross-
sections and ENV 1994-1-1 Clause 4.4 for composite cross-sections.
b) Class 3 cross-sections
The bending moment resistance should be calculated (see Figure 4-7) from an elastic distribution of
the stresses in the gross cross-section according to ENV 1993-1-1 Clause for steel cross-
sections and ENV 1994-1-1 Clause 4.4 for composite cross-sections.
c) Class 4 cross-sections
In this guide, Class 4 cross-section concerns only the web due to the limitation adopted in Figure
4-8. To calculate the effective area of the web, ENV 1993-1-5 Clause 2.2.2 (6-b) indicates the use
of fyf rather than fyw . The verification should be according to the expression (2-1) in Clause 2.2.1(2)
of ENV 1993-1-5. In Figure 4-8 are given some examples of possible stress distributions.

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Figure 4-6: bending moment resistance of a plastic section for a steel and composite beam

Figure 4-7: bending moment resistance of an elastic section for a class 3 steel and composite

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Figure 4-8: bending moment resistance of an elastic section for a class 4 steel and composite
section Shear resistance, shear buckling resistance and interaction between shear and

The shear resistance, shear buckling resistance and the interaction between shear and bending
should be calculated as for homogeneous girders according to ENV 1993-2 and ENV 1993-1-5
Clauses 2.2.1 and 4.3 respectively using fyf for flanges and fyw for webs. Resistance of webs to transverse forces and interaction

The resistance should be calculated according to ENV 1993-1-5 Clause 4.4.

The interaction between transverse force, bending moment and axial force should be verified
according to ENV 1993-1-5 Clause

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Serviceability limit state Stresses

At serviceability limit state, ENV 1993-2 Clause 4.3(1) should be applied for hybrid plate girders.
The nominal stresses in all elements of the bridge resulting from characteristic (rare) load
combinations σEd,ser and τEd,ser, should be limited as follows :
σ Ed , ser ≤ f y / γ M , ser (4–2)

τ Ed ,ser ≤ ( f y / 3 ) / γ M , ser (4–3)

And for the interaction

[(σ Ed , ser )
+ 3 (τ Ed , ser ) 2 ]
≤ f y / γ M , ser (4–4) Web breathing

Hybrid plate girders should be verified as homogeneous girders against web breathing. Reference
should be made to ENV 1993-2 Clause 4.4. Deformations (Deflections)

In general, the effect of the yielding in the web on the deflection is negligible and may be
disregarded in the calculation of the deflections of steel and composite bridges with hybrid plate
When accurate deflections are required, an analysis taken into account the plastified zone in the web
should be adopted.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Fatigue

This paragraph proposes some recommendations and guidelines concerning the fatigue assessment
of hybrid plate girders in steel and composite bridges with small and medium spans. By reference to
homogeneous girders the main difference is the effect of the plastified zone in the web and
particularly at the web-to-flange junction on the fatigue resistance of different details. Limitations

All nominal stresses in the flanges should be within the elastic limits of the material. The range of
the design values of such stresses shall not exceed 1.5 fyf /γMf for normal stresses or 1.5 fyw /( 3 γMf )
for shear stresses.
For hybrid plate girders, the stress ranges shall be determined by an elastic analysis of the structure
under fatigue loading (ENV 1993-1-1). Stress calculations should take into account the effect of
shear lag but normally without the effect of local plate buckling. For composite bridges the effect of
the cracking of the concrete should also be considered. Details

Figure 4-10 gives the main detail categories for hybrid plate girders for bridges.
Cope holes (see Figure 4-9 and Figure 4-10) can be adopted for hybrid plate girders. Fatigue
resistance of this detail may be enhanced by the execution of a mouth shape hole rather than a
circular one as indicated in Figure 4-10 and plugging the hole with weld.

Figure 4-9: Cope holes in hybrid girders

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Figure 4-10: Circular and mouth shaped cope holes

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4.2.2 Studs as shear connectors General

For the shear connection and concrete grades in accordance with ENV 1994-2:1997, headed studs
with diameters of 19,22 and 25 mm may be used. The design resistance for the ultimate limit state
and the limit state of fatigue should be determined according to and In case of
partially prefabricated elements or precast slabs the influence of appropriate infill around the studs
should be taken into account, if the infill around the studs is smaller than 25 mm. See Chapter Design resistance of headed studs in combination with precast slabs

The design resistance of headed studs, automatically welded in accordance with EN ISO 14555 and
EN ISO 13918 is given by equations (3-5) and (3-6) whichever is smaller.
 πd 2  1
PRd = κ p  0,8 fu (4–5)
 4  γ v

PRd = κ p 0,25 α d 2 (f ck E cm ) ) γ1 (4–6)

where :
γv = 1,25 is the nominal partial safety factor for the ultimate limit state ;
d is the diameter of the shank of the stud ;
fu is the specified ultimate tensile strength of the material of the stud but not
greater than 500 N/mm2 ;
fck is the characteristic cylinder strength of the concrete at the age considered ;
Ecm is the mean value of the secant modulus of the concrete in accordance
with EN 1992-1 for normal and for lightweight concrete ;
α = 0,2 [(hsc / d) + 1] for 3 ≤ hsc / d ≤ 4
α = 1 for hsc / d > 4
hsc is the overall nominal height of the stud,
κp is a reduction factor in case of use of precast slabs taking into account the influence
of the distance between the stud and the side faces of the precast element. The
reduction factor should be determined from Figure 4-11 where es ≥ 5 mm is the
distance between the outside of the shank of the stud and the side or front face of the
precast element.

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partially prefabricated slab precast slab with stud in groups


es es

1,0 es

es [mm]
10 25

Figure 4-11: Reduction factor κp in case of partially or totally prefabricated slabs

An inclination of the side faces of the openings in precast elements should be avoided. The design
resistance according to equations (3-5) and (3-6) should be reduced by 20%, if the side faces are
inclined according to Figure 4-11 and tanα ≤ 0,20. Fatigue verification

For solid slabs, partially prefabricated slab and precast elements with studs in groups, the fatigue
strength of headed studs should be determined in accordance with 6.3.8 of ENV 1994-2 but with a
characteristic fatigue strength ∆τc=90N/mm2

4.2.3 Dismountable shear connectors General

For temporary bridges and where during the design life an exchange of the concrete deck should be
considered, shear connection with headed studs in combination with an additional steel plate and
bolts of grade 10.9 can be provided (see Figure 4-12). The distance between the edge of the head of
the bolt and the edge of the steel plate should be not less than 20mm.

headed studs precast slab or in situ concrete

bolts of grade 10.9 e2 steel plate

Figure 4-12: Dismountable shear connection

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Design resistance for longitudinal shear

At ultimate limit states other than fatigue, the design resistance for longitudinal shear should be
determined from the resistance in the critical sections I-I and II- II according Figure 4-13.
In the critical section I-I the design resistance per unit length is given by:
VL, Rd, I − I = n s PRd,stud + n b Pcd, bolt (4–7)

PRd,stud is the shear resistance according to equations (3-5) and (3-6) with
κp= 1,0 in case of in situ solid concrete slabs and κp according to Figure 4-11 for
partially or fully prefabricated slabs,
Pc,bolt is the resistance of the heads of the bolts given by
Pcd, bolt = σc, Rd s b h hb with σc, Rd = β f ck / γ c (4–8)

sb and kb are the width and height of the head of the bolt and β is a factor taking into account
the effect of local stress concentration in front of the head of the bolt,
β factor to take into account effects of concentrated stresses which should be taken as
β=2,0 ,
ns and nb are the number of studs and bolts per unit length.

Vl,Rd hhb
I PRd,stud
PRd,stud Pcd,bolt I Fvs
PRd,stud + Pcd,bolt


Figure 4-13: Model for the determination of longitudinal shear resistance

The longitudinal shear resistance Vl,Rd,II-II in the critical section II – II is given by the shear
resistance of the bolts and should be determined in accordance with 6.5.5 of ENV 1993-1-1: 1:1992.
It should be verified that the longitudinal shear resistance in the critical sections I-I and II is in the
Vl, Rd, I − I
0,9 ≤ ≤ 1,1 (4–9)
Vl, Rd, II

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Fatigue verification

The fatigue resistance of headed studs for the critical section I-I should be verified according 4.2.3
for an equivalent constant shear stress range ∆τ∗E for 2 million cycles in accordance with ENV
1994-2: 1997, where ∆τ∗E is given by
∆VE ,l 1
∆τ∗E = 1,1 PRd,stud (4–10)
Vl, Rd, I − I π d2 / 4

PRd,stud is the design resistance of the headed stud according to,
Vl,Rd,I-I is the longitudinal shear resistance in the critical section II,
ns is the number of headed studs per unit length,
∆Vl,E is the equivalent longitudinal shear range at two million cycles, determined
with a slope m=8 of the fatigue strength curve,
d is the diameter of the shank of the stud.

The fatigue verification of bolts in the critical section II-II should follow Section 9 of ENV 1993-2:

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4.2.4 Bolted Connections of Girders in Span General

There are several positions to connect two girders of multi-beam bridges to each other with a bolted
connection in span: these positions are limited on the one hand by the zero crossover of the
maximum and on the other hand by the zero crossover of the minimum moment process (Figure

Figure 4-14: Bolted connection of two girders for multi-beam bridges Static design

If the connection is in the area of the positive moment distribution, the failure occurs in the bolts,
the cover plates or the web of the girder. If the connection is in the area of the negative moment
distribution, the failure occurs in the reinforcement of the concrete slab. Dimensioning of the Reinforcement

The static dimensioning of the reinforcement is described in [EC 2.1].

Only if a negative moment is acting in the connection section, the reinforcement takes up force. Dimensioning of the bolts Ultimate Limit State

The design resistance of the bolts is described in [EC 3.1.1 – 6.5.5].

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Serviceability Limit State

High strength bolts in slip-resistant connections are described in [EC 3.1.1 – 6.5.8].
The design slip resistance of a preloaded high-strength bolt is dependent of the slip factor :, which
itself dependent on the specified class of surface treatment as given in Reference Standard 8. The
high strength bolts, conform to Reference Standard 3, shall be controlled tightened, in conformity
with Reference Standard 8, to at least the specified minimum design preloading force Fp,Cd, which
results to
Fp ,Cd = 0.7 f ub As (4–11)

with: fub tensile strength of the bolt

As tensile stress area of the bolt

If other types of preloaded bolts or other types of preloaded fasteners were used, the design
preloading force Fp,Cd shall be agreed between the competent authority.
All tests have shown, that no slip has been occurred in the bolted connection during the calculated
lifetime. Positive Resistance Moment of the Bolted Connection for Elastic Design

In this category preloaded high strength bolts with controlled tightening shall be used. Slip shall not
occur at Serviceability Limit State (SLS). The serviceability shear design load should not exceed
the design slip resistance. Slip is accepted in the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). The design ultimate
shear load shall not exceed the design shear resistance nor the design bearing resistance.
The neutral axis of the connection section is the same as the neutral axis of the concrete-girder-cross
section (without cover plates and bolts) in the area of the connection section.
Because of the test results it is not necessary to calculate the plastic resistance of the bolted
The resistance results of the slip resistance of the bolts and the resistance of the concrete. The
maximum stress in the concrete must be lower than the design compressive strength of the concrete
fcd multiply with ".
Therefore the positive resistance moment results to

M Rd ,elast = ∑F s , Rd n y i + Fc y i (4–12)

with: n row of bolts

yi distance of each bolt or the force of the concrete to the neutral axis
Fs,Rd slip resistance of the bolts
Fc force of the concrete

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fcd design compressive strength of the concrete

" coefficient taking account of long term effects on the compressive strength and
unfavourable effects resulting from the way the load is applied

Figure 4-15: Positive resistance of a bolted connection for elastic design Negative Resistance Moment of the Bolted Connection for Elastic Design

In this category preloaded high strength bolts with controlled tightening shall be used. Slip shall not
occur at Serviceability Limit State (SLS). The serviceability shear design load should not exceed
the design slip resistance. Slip is accepted in the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). The design ultimate
shear load shall not exceed the design shear resistance nor the design bearing resistance.
The neutral axis of the connection section is the same as the neutral axis of the concrete-girder-cross
section (without cover plates and bolts) in the area of the connection section.
Because of the test results it is not necessary to calculate the plastic resistance of the bolted
The resistance results of the slip resistance of the bolts and the elastic resistance of the
reinforcement (the concrete is fully cracked). The maximum stress in the reinforcement must be
lower than the design strength of the reinforcement..
Therefore the negative resistance moment results to

M Rd ,elast = Fs , Rd n ∑ y i + Asi σ si ∑ yi (4–13)

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Figure 4-16: Resistance of a bolted connection for elastic design (negative moment)

with: n row of bolts at one girder

yi distance of each bolt to the neutral axis
Fs,Rd slip resistance of the bolts
Fs force in the reinforcement
As total area of the longitudinal reinforcement
fsd design strength of the reinforcement Critical Resistance Moment of the Web

Here the failure should be expected (following EC 3) in the web of the girder. Due to the test results
it is possible to neglect the holes in the web and to calculate the resistance of the web in a distance
of the thickness of the cover plate tcovpla plus half the diameter of the washer dwa (Figure 4-17).
Due to the results of the tests, for a positive action moment cracks have been detected in the cover
plates and for a negative action moment in the web of the girder. No slip occurred in both cases.

Figure 4-17: Failure zone of the web

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If it is necessary to raise the critical resistance of the web, than it is possible to elongate the cover
plates and to use more bolts. Resistance Moment of a Bolted Connection for Elastic Design

In calculation it could be supposed, that the neutral axis is located in the centre of the concrete slab.
So the resistance of the concrete could be neglected. This is an assumption to maximise the
thickness of the cover plate (
Therefore, if there is no slip, the resistance moment for elastic design for the full section results to

M Rd ,elast =
f yk ∑k A i yi

γM 0 ymax

with: k 1.0 in tension and 1/o3 in shear

yi distance of each bolt to the neutral axis
ymax max. distance of the bolts to the neutral axis
Ai area of the failure zone (Figure 4-17) Resistance Moment of a Bolted Connection for Plastic Design

In calculation it could be supposed, that the neutral axis is located at the level of the upper steel
reinforcement in the concrete slab. So the resistance of the concrete could be neglected. This is an
assumption to maximise the thickness of the cover plate (
Therefore, if there is slip, the resistance moment for plastic design for the net section results to
f yk
M Rd , plast =
γM 0
∑k A i yi (4–15)

with: k 1.0 in tension and 1/o3 in shear

yi distance of each bolt to the neutral axis
Ai area of the failure zone (Figure 4-17) Resistance of the Cover Plate

With the elastic resistance moment (, the thickness of the cover plate results to

M Rd , elast ymax γ M 0
t= (4–16)
 hcov pla 3 
n + hcov pla ycov pla ,1  f yk
 12 
 

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And with the plastic resistance moment (, the thickness of the cover plate results to

M Rd , plast γ M 0
t= (4–17)
n hcov pla , net f yk ycov pla , 2

with: hcovpla the height of the cover plate

hcovpla,net the height of the cover plate minus the hole of the bolts
ycovpla,1 distance of the centre of the cover plate to the centre of the concrete
ycovpla,2 distance of the centre of the cover plate to the upper steel reinforcement in
the concrete slab
ymax distance of the lower side of the cover plate to the centre of the concrete
n number of the cover plates

Finally the maximum of these values is the proper one. Fatigue design [EC 3.1.1 – 6.2]

The fatigue results of the tests are:

- the fatigue resistance of the connections has been much higher than calculated
- for a positive action moment cracks have been detected in the cover plates
- for a negative action moment cracks have been detected in the web of the girder
- no slip occurred in both cases

The fatigue resistance of the reinforcement is not relevant for bolted connections in span, because
the lower classified detail categories of the cover plate or the web of the girder failed first.
The fatigue detail category of the bolted connection is equal to 112 for preloaded high strength bolts
or preloaded injection bolts and 90 for fitted bolts or non preloaded injection bolts.
The fatigue detail category of the girder is equal to 160.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Position of the joints

The first step is to evaluate the positive and negative resistance moment of the connection
After this evaluation, it could be decided where to put the connection section. The possible
connection area is specified with A in Figure 4-18.
Because of the test results, that means that the lifetime of a bolted connection in span in the area of
the negative moment is much higher than in the area of the positive moment, the connection should
be performed in the area with a minimum possible positive moment.


min. distribution of the moment

min. distribution of the moment

M Rd,conn.,neg.M

[kNm] LA

M Rd,conn.,pos.

Figure 4-18: Suggested position of a bolted connection

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4.2.5 Shear resistance of the girders

The resistance according to vertical shear should be calculated according to EC 3-1-5 (4.3). From
the investigation on steel girders of high strength steel S420 and S460 it is stated that the
contribution from the web to shear buckling resistance can be expected to be as high as for steel
with lower nominal yield strength. The contribution factor χw may be taken from Table 4-1.
Table 4-1: Contribution from the web,χw , to shear buckling

χw , to shear buckling
Contribution from the web,χ

λw Rigid end post Non-rigid end post

<0,69 1,20 1,20

0,69≤ λw <1,08 0,83/ λw 0,83/ λw

≥1,08 1,37/(0,7+ λw ) 0,83/ λw

4.2.6 Lateral torsional buckling of the beams in service

When the composite bridge deck is in place it acts like a bracing of the top flange and consequently
prevents lateral deflection of the flange. This means for a simply supported beam that lateral
buckling cannot occur, taking into account that the cross bracings at the supports are sufficient. This
can be assumed to be the case if the cross braces are designed for horizontal loads from wind and
skew braking forces according to EC 1-2.
For a continuous bridge girder the bottom flange will be in compression close to the piers and hence
it may buckle laterally. The worst load case may be assumed to be that giving maximum hogging
moment at the considered support. Two different designs will be distinguished; girders with
intermediate cross braces and girders without cross braces other than at the supports. Girders with intermediate cross braces

A typical moment distribution is shown in Figure a. It can be approximated to a linear variation of

the bending moment without much error. A design procedure for this case is given in of
EC3-2 (ENV-version). This procedure makes it possible to consider also the rotational restraint
provided by the bridge deck. This leads to distortional buckling and the dominating flexibility is the
plate bending of the web. For welded girders the effect is not worth calculating but for rolled beams
the increase in lateral buckling resistance is noticeable.

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Figure 4-19: Typical moment distribution of bending moment close to a pier. Girders without cross braces other than at support

As suggested in of this report it is sometimes feasible to delete all intermediate cross braces.
This is only of interest for rolled beams due to the stability during erection, see 4.5.3. In this case
the lateral buckling of the bottom flange will cause lateral deflection of the whole bottom flange and
the critical hogging moment will depend on the whole moment distribution. The design procedure
in 5.5.2 of EC3-2 is applicable but it exclude any information about the critical moment. Solutions
for continuous girders with the top flange braced can be found in Nylander, 1964, Hanswille, 2000
and in Hanswille et al 1998. The former articles of Hanswille neglects the St. Venant torsional
stiffness. The latter articel takes the St. Venant torsional stiffness into account. A summary is given
The system is defined in Figure 4-20. The distribution of bending moments is characterised by M0,
which is the maximum sagging moment if the span is considered as simply supported, the largest
hogging moment α M0 and the smaller hogging moment ψ α M0, see Figure d. The rotational
restraint stiffness cζ is defined in Figure c and the critical hogging moment is expressed as follows.

Figure 4-20: Definition of system and notations. S is the centre of gravity of the structural steel
section and M is its shear centre.

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Cross section and notations

1 E a t 3w
Stiffness c ϑ,P due to deformations of the web c ϑ,P =
4 1 − ν a2 h s

( E Jc )II
Stiffness c ϑ,SL of the cracked concrete slab c ϑ,SL = k

a span length of the slab perpendicular to the axis of the beam

(EJc)II flexural stiffness of the cracked slab in transverse direction
k factor taking into account the supporting conditions of the slab
(k=2 for a simply supported and k=4 for a continuous slab)

1 1 1
Effective stiffness cϑ = +
cϑ c ϑ,P c ϑ,SL

Figure 4-21: Definition of rotational restraint stiffness cζ .

 ( z + z ) 2 + iP2  J
kz =  D M + 2 z D − rMz  ay
 ze  J st , y

1  π 2 E Jω D 
M cr =  ( β L )2 + GJ T ,eff 
kz  

(GJ T )eff = A(1, 5 − 0, 5ψ )GIT

η= cϑ L4 / ( E Jω D )

A parameter given in Figure d

Aa area of the structural steel section

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As area of reinforcement
E modulus of elasticity for structural steel section
G shear modulus for structural steel section
Jay second moment of area of the structural steel section about the y-axis
Jaz second moment of area of the structural steel section about the z-axis
JωD = Jaf,z hs2
Jaf,z second moment of area of the bottom flange of the steel section about the z-axis
Jst,y second moment of area of the composite section about the y-axis but neglecting concrete
JT St. Venant torsion section constant of the structural steel section
hs distance between the centroids of the flanges
ip2 = (Jay + Jaz)/Aa
ze = Jay/(zstAa)
zst = Aszs/(Aa + As)
zs coordinate of the reinforcement
zst coordinate of the centroidal axis of the composite section, but neglecting concrete
zD coordinate of lateral restraint related to the shear centre of the structural steel section
zM coordinate of shear centre
zpM coordinate of transverse load pz related to the shear centre

1 
rMz =  ∫ z ( y 2 + z 2 ) dA  −2 zM
I 
 y 
β effective length factor from Figure d
νa Poisson’s ratio for structural steel

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Figure 4-22: Effective length factor β.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans WORKED EXAMPLE

For the end span of a composite beam in Figure e the critical bending moment is determined based
on the presented method. The slab is continuous in transverse direction
Properties of the structural steel profile (HE 800 A):
Aa = 286 cm² Jay = 30,34 cm²m² Jaz = 1,26 cm²m²

Jaf,z = Jay/2= 0,63 cm2m2 JT = 0,0597 cm²m² = (30,34+1,26)/286 = 0,11 m2

Properties of the composite section neglecting concrete:

Ast = 286 +30 = 316 cm² zs = -(0,79/2 + 0,1) = 0,495 m
Jst,y = 30,34 + (286 ‚ 30 ‚ 0,495²) / 316 = 37 cm²m² zst= - 0,495 ⋅30/316= -0,047 m

Figure 4-23: Cross-section and loading conditions

With the flexural stiffness of the concrete slab (EJc)II = 4550 kNm2/m the effective stiffness of the
torsional restraint cϑ results from Figure c

1 Ea t3w 1 21000 1,53

c ϑ,P = = = 255,5 kNm / m
4 1 − ν a2 hs 4 1 − 0,32 76,2

(EJc )II 4 4550

c ϑ,Sl = k = = 3640 kNm / m
a 5

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1 1 1 1 1 1
= + = + =
c ϑ c ϑ,P c ϑ,Sl 255,5 3640 239

⇒ cϑ= 239 kNm/m

With zD = -0,381m and zM = 0 and rMz = 0 for the double-symmetrical structural steel section the
values ze and kz are given by:
Jay 30,34
ze = = = −2,26m
z st,a A a − 0,047 ⋅ 286

 z 2 + iP2  Iay  ( −0,381)² + 0,11²  30,34

kz =  D + 2 zD  = − 2 ⋅ ( −0,381) = −0,68 m
 z e  Ist,y  − 2,26  37,0

The warping constant JωD and the factor ηbecomes.

JωD= Jaf,zhs2 = 0,63*0,762² = 0,366 cm²m4

cϑ L4 239 ⋅ 204
η = = = 70,53
E Jω D 21000 ⋅ 0,366

The effective length factor β = 0,17 results from figure d with α = 1 and Ψ = 0. The effective St.
Venant torsional stiffness (GJT)eff and the elastic critical bending moment Mcr are given by

 
1  π 2 E JωD
Mcr = + GJ T, eff 
k z  ( β L )2 
 B 

1  π² 21000 ⋅ 0,366 
Mcr =  + 1,25 ⋅ 1,5 ⋅ 8100 ⋅ 0,0597  = − 10974 kNm
− 0,68  (0,17 ⋅ 20 )² 

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans REFERENCES

Nylander, H. Stability of continuous I beams with top flanges braced in a lateral direction, Bulletin
No. 50 of the Division of Building Stratics and Structural Engineering, Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm 1964
Hanswille, G. Lateral Torsional buckling of composite beams. Comparison of more accurate
methods with Eurocode 4, Procedings of the conference in Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 28-June 2,
2000. Volume 2.
Hanswille, G., Lindner, J., Münich, D. Lateral torsional buckling of composite beams. Stahlbau 67,

4.2.7 Detailing of the cross beams or cross braces

The crossbeams of I-girder bridges have several purposes. These are mainly:
1) to guarantee the stability during lifting, launching and casting
2) to guarantee the stability of the lower flange near support
3) to take up forces from torsional moments when the bridge is situated in a horizontal curve
4) to transfer horizontal forces from wind etc. from the steel girders to the concrete deck
5) at supports, the crossbeams serve as lifting points if the bearings have to be replaced
6) furthermore, the web stiffeners to which the crossbeams are connected will prevent the web
from buckling.
It is important that the detailing is adjusted for the workshop, with no expensive welding to be
performed at the site.
Three main types of crossbeams are:
- Trusses with rolled or welded profiles
- Welded crossbeams
- Hot-rolled crossbeams
The first alternative often offers a superior flexural rigidity, but the costs from welding or bolting
the truss can be high.
The second alternative can be very useful for crossbeams at support, where the horizontal forces
will be transferred to the piers. As indicated above, they are often designed to carry the dead load of
the bridge, in case the bearings will have to be replaced in the future.
The third alternative is commonly used in Sweden, with e g rolled U-profiles. For higher beams,
L-profiles used as diagonals can increase the flexural rigidity.

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Figure 4-24: Crossbeam made out of hot rolled UPE 300.

Figure 4-25: Crossbeam using UPE 300 and L 100x100x10.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

4.3 Concrete Deck

4.3.1 Joints in fully prefabricated slabs

One solution is to use prefabricated concrete slabs with dry joints. Hence the joints are dry, special
concern has to be taken into account concerning the vertical wheel load from a vehicle passing over
the joint. If there is no physical contact between the elements in the joint, then the elements will
move separately from each other in the vertical direction. The vertical movement will affect the
isolation and bitumen on top of the element in a negative way.
In order to prevent this vertical movement, a solution of overlapping concrete tongues has been
developed. In Figure 4-26 the overlapping concrete tongues are shown.

Figure 4-26: Scaled model of fully prefabricated concrete elements, showing the overlapping
concrete tongues.

Hence the concrete can not resist high-tension stress it is of great importance that the concrete
tongues will be properly reinforced in such a way that the reinforcement will be able to resist the
tension stress caused by the wheel load. Figure 4-27 shows a typical solution of one way to
reinforce the concrete tongues.

Figure 4-27: Typical solution of one way to reinforce the concrete tongues

The cover of reinforcement on the front of the concrete tongues may possibly be reduced due to the
fact that this surface is always protected from water. A reduction of the cover of reinforcement
would make it possible to place the reinforcement even further out in the concrete tongues. That
would be positive for the resistance. Or it would also be possible to reduce the size of the tongues,
which will make it easier to assemble the element on site. Figure 3.3-3 shows a fully prefabricated

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Figure 4-28: Fully prefabricated concrete element.

To achieve composite action between the steel and the concrete it is necessary to connect the
concrete to the steel beam. The method normally used is applying headed studs to achieve the
composite action. The shear connectors have to be embedded into the concrete slab. One solution,
that will keep the prefabrication rate high, is to make a void channel, a trough, on the underside of
the concrete slab. The trough in the element will surround the headed studs on the steel flange.
Several grout holes will be placed on top of the element to make it possible to fill the trough with
concrete on site. Several air holes between the grout holes should also be applied. The air holes are
important in order to prevent air pockets inside the trough after casting.
This method gives a dry surface that can be covered with isolation and bitumen immediately.
Therefore it is possible to cast a bridge in winter times. If the temperature drops under –20 °C the
deck can be heated by radiators. Additionally, due to the fact that the surface is dry, it is possible to
cut the construction time.
Inside the trough transverse rebars are placed in order to prevent a collapse of the console during
erection and to prevent the concrete to split around the studs. It is important that the spacing of the
transverse rebars in the trough and the spacing of the headed studs is co-ordinated to prevent
problem during erection. Figure 4-29 shows a section of the element and the steel beam.

Figure 4-29: Section of element and steel beam.

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The concept of prefabricated concrete elements with dry joints is applicable for simply supported
bridges when the joints are in compression. The concrete slabs will then act like a continuos
concrete slab if the fit between the concrete elements is good enough. According to tests and full
scale construction match-casting is satisfactory. When the concept is used for a multiple span bridge
the joint openings over intermediate supports have to be considered. The joints will open
horizontally because of the strains in the top flange. This in turn will increase the vertical movement
between adjacent elements when a wheel passes. The isolation and bitumen may suffer damage
from these movements. It is also of great importance to correctly estimate the forces on the headed
studs and to check their fatigue resistance. A full-scale test is the recommended next step in the
development of this concept.

4.3.2 Concrete technology for prefabricated slabs and in situ concrete

The competitiveness of composite bridges depends on several circumstances such as site conditions,
local costs of material and staff and the contractor’s experience. One major advantage compared to
concrete bridges is that the steel girders can carry the weight of the formwork and the wet concrete,
which means that there is no need for temporary structures. Another advantage are the savings in
construction time, which saves some money for the contractor but is even more comfortable for the
road users; a fact that is usually neglected when considering advantages and disadvantages of bridge
Different construction methods have been developed to improve either one or both of these
advantages. Generally the methods can be divided up into three main groups:
- the full in-situ concrete method: the whole slab is poured in place
- the full precast concrete method: the whole slab is a precast unit
- a combination of both: a precast unit is used as formwork and supplemented by an
in-situ concrete layer, so that a two parted slab is created
The above-mentioned methods are varied slightly regarding special properties in order to emphasise
certain advantages, so that they can be divided up into subgroups.
In the following unit the construction methods are described and their advantages and disadvantages
are mentioned. The full in-situ concrete method

The steel girders are laid over the gap that has to be bridged. There after the formwork for the
concrete slab is erected on the steel girders. If statically necessary the horizontal rigidity is
improved by integrating reinforcing braces. Now the shear connectors are welded onto the steel
girder and the reinforcement is installed. Thereafter the concrete is poured. After the time of after
treatment the surface is sealed. The formwork often makes a complicated static necessary that in
complexity might surpass the one of the bridge itself.
On the other hand it enables the architect to design forms that are not possible to build with precast
units. Except for the welding, which also can be done by the steel company, there is nothing to do
on site that requires especially skilled workers so that the work can be executed by a large number
of companies without a special preparation. At least for the customer this has the advantage, that a
great competition between the executing companies on the marked exists and so drops the prices
and makes it easy to find an adequate firm.
This construction method results in that the steel girders carry the whole dead load of the bridge’s
superstructure and in addition the weight of the formwork during construction time. So extra
horizontal reinforcing braces are almost essential and the steel girders must be dimensioned bigger.

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The total amount of steel is the highest of all methods. Due to the formwork the execution time is
very high and man-hours are numerous. The whole shrinkage of the concrete affects the bridge.
Fore the whole term of concreting it is essential that the environmental temperature is above 5°C
what makes a construction in winter terms impossible in colder tempered zones such as Northern
However, since the required techniques are quite easy to execute it has become the most popular
solution to set up a composite bridge.
Table 4-2 gives a brief summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the conventional
concreting method.
Table 4-2: Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the full in-situ concrete method

Advantages Disadvantages
- almost each design of the slab is possible - no composite action for dead load
- large number of capable firms cause - long construction time
competition and low prices - large amount of man-hours
- most popular method - large amount of steel is used
- impossible in winter terms with
temperatures below 5°C

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans The concrete slab as full precast unit

Precast units are laid on rolled steel joist with pre-mounted shear connectors. As it is not planed to
fix in mortar to the joints afterwards, a dry construction method has to be used. In order to receive a
good fit between the elements one finished element should be used as formwork for the next one
during production, what make a numeration of the elements necessary. The connection between the
elements should be made using special dowels. Within one day the units can be mounted and
afterwards the elements can be prestressed by tightening four M24 bolts at each end of the girders.
Thus the steel girders was used as tension bars. The construction can be made during winter down
to temperatures about –10°C but in this case the environmental temperature has to be increased by
at least 15K to concrete the connections between the slab and the girders. To achieve this raise in
temperature the bridge e.g. can be covered by plastic film and heated using gas heatings. As the
temperature rise to 5°C the concrete can be injected to the shear connectors through holes with a
diameter not smaller than 20mm in the precast units.
While using precast units has the advantage of high quality concrete and gives the opportunity of
surveillance it also requires a high accuracy producing the units. Obviously very exact working is
required producing the precast units and mounting the shear connectors so that later when
positioning the elements no problems occur due to shear connectors that get into conflict with the
reinforcement of the slab.
As said before one advantage of composite bridges is the possible short construction time. The most
favourable way of constructing composite bridges in order to save time is the above mentioned one.
In Sweden an investigation was carried out in order to determine the costs that might be saved by a
shorter construction phase. The investigation shows a possible time saving of about ten weeks not
yet considered the possible disturbance of cold weather when concreting is impossible. The possible
savings where calculated referring to a real carried out project and assuming that the time saving of
each road user, using the bridge, is 5 minutes, that daily 2000 cars pass the bridge and that one hour
values approximately 10 EURO for the road user. Due to that assumptions the sum of savings after
10 weeks is 117000 EURO. On the other hand, the problem is that no customer considers this fact
what is quite understandable as nobody who is concerned with the decision how to build the bridge
has to pay these expenses. So this argument might be a political question.
The following table gives the advantages and disadvantages of the use of fully prefabricated
concrete slabs in short:
Table 4-3: Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the concrete method using the
concrete slab as full precast unit

Advantages Disadvantages
- high and equal concrete quality - high technical know-how is necessary
- shortest construction time of all methods - this includes high costs
- best solution for the road users - limited design possibilities
- reduces man-hours due to work in - steel girders carry the whole dead load
fabrics - only very few precast unit factories are able to
- set-up is possible in freezing periods the job
- reduced forces from shrinkage as the - only few companies have experience with that
elements get to the site older method

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Precast units supplemented with in-situ concrete

This method has to be divided up into two major groups. It can be carried out so, that the precast
unit is just a permanent formwork. It is also possible to give the precast unit a static function in
longitudinal direction. This method was improved by the SSF company in Germany.
The basic idea using these precast units is to simplify the formwork. Prefabricated elements are laid
as formwork onto the steel girders that are mounted equal to the other construction methods. Next
the reinforcement is installed and the concrete is poured from the middle of the bridge to the ends.
The direction of concreting is quite important in order to avoid cracking. Starting in the middle lets
deflect the bridge first so that when concreting the locations with negative moments and deflections,
they already have their final forms. So the just poured concrete does not get subject to tension. To
ensure the transmission of shear stress, the shear connectors are so long that they pass through the
precast unit and enter into the in-situ concrete slab. Also shear garlands are mounted that connect
the precast unit and the in-situ concrete. This sequence of construction results in that the whole dead
load of the bridge is carried in longitudinal direction by the steel girders. As already mentioned
other ways of building have been developed in order to give the prefabricated elements also in
longitudinal direction a static function.
One possibility is to fix in mortar to the transverse joints before poring the in-situ concrete. This
however requires an extra work step and extra costs. The advantage is that the main dead load of the
bridge, the load of the reinforcement and the in-situ concrete, is carried by the partly composite
girder. The precast units act as compression boom and give the construction a better horizontal
stiffness while concreting. Horizontal braces are not a must. In every case the amount of
construction steel required is reduced.
Table 4-4 sums up the advantages and disadvantages of the above described concrete method.
Table 4-4: Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the concrete method using
precast elements as formwork

Advantages Disadvantages
- no additional formwork is needed - more complicate technique that is not
- short construction time executable for every company
- possibility of reducing effects from shrinkage - restricted design possibilities
- especially if composite action is activated - long transportation ways as only a few
first the amount of steel that is necessary is factories can produce the elements
reduced as the dead load is carried by the
composite girder

The SSF engineering society improved this method again. They developed a type of composite
girder that can be almost completely prefabricated in the factory. These have an upper boom which
acts as an economical cross section under compression, as a shell element for the bridge floor slab
and as a horizontal stabilisation. Constructing and tilting braces are not longer needed for
concreting the in-situ concrete plate. The amount of steel required is once again considerably
reduced, since this is determined by the amount needed in construction and not the amount
contained in the bridge structure. Simple connection rod links in the support area allow the girders
to be coupled in the construction phase, in order to achieve a continuous effect. After the
installation and reinforcing stages, the in-situ concrete can be pored continuously and therefore
more economically. The already executed projects include large bridges over valleys as well as
double-span bridges over motor ways and show that also this very special method which is only
supported by a few precast unit factories can be favoured by certain customers. However, it remains

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a very special solution and includes a very complicate transportation as the girders can not be piled
up. Due to the fact that only a few factories support the method, long transportation ways are almost
sure, this might be the most serious problem for this method to become more popular.
The advantages and disadvantages using this invention are given in Table 4-5.
Table 4-5: Summary of the advantages and disadvantages using the above mentioned

Advantages Disadvantages
- The high quality of the finished structure - The tall girder-slab composition is not pile
keeps maintenance costs low, due to the able and makes huge trucks necessary for
strong design with easily accessible steel transportation.
girders and a monolithic in-situ concrete slab - High costs due to low competition
- Extensive prefabrication of the girders - The rare available precast unit fabrics make
reduces the amount of work on the building far transportation necessary.
site, so that construction deployment is very
economical with efficient construction time
- The concrete flanges that form the upper
boom make buckling braces in the steel
girders unnecessary, considerably reduce the
amount of steel used in construction, since
the composite material is mounted in
advance, and increase the tilt resistance, i.e.
no assembly braces are needed.

Regarding all the mentioned arguments it is impossible to favour one of the above mentioned
construction methods. However it is obvious that the main disadvantage of the more developed
methods, which all include the use of precast units, is the required know-how. Another
disadvantage is that only a few precast unit fabrics are able to produce the required elements. If it
would be possible to raise political interest in the costs caused by traffic disturbance the fastest
method would always be the most favourable. Only the dry construction method as tested in
Sweden allows construction during freezing period. Since these arguments only apply to very few
bridges or to anyone, the use of pre-concreted elements as formwork seems to be the most
reasonable method. The very special solution of SSF’s VFT© is only reasonable for very few
opportunities since transportation costs can be too high.

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4.3.3 Creep and shrinkage effects

The long-term behaviour of concrete causes complicate processes in composite girders, especially if
the slab consists of two different concrete with different ages.
To estimate the creep and shrinkage effects, in the case that fully prefabricated concrete elements as
well as full in-situ concrete slabs were used, the so called ‘hole cross-section method’ according to
EC 4- part 2 can be used.
In the case that the slab consists of two different concrete with different ages three possibilities exist
for calculation:
- One possibility is the ‘hole cross-section method’ and the rather safesided assumptions that
firstly the prefabricated part is not taken into account calculating the stiffness of the cross
section and secondly the creep and shrinkage multiplier like for in-situ concrete are used. These
assumptions lead to perspicuously safesided results.
- The second possibility is the ‘hole cross-section method’ and more refined assumptions
mentioned below. It has the advantages of a manual calculation and also its disadvantages. In
the case of the above described construction method it requires the separation of the
construction process (three different static systems) and the separation of the load conditions (at
least three). Then the hyperstatic force has to be determined in an iteration process, while
cracking is still not considered. Considering cracking requires an assumption for the cracking
zone or an additional iteration process. If also tension stiffening should be considered the
calculation is not anymore accessible for manual calculation. But also neglecting tension
stiffening and cracking, it might be doubted that this possibility is really a solution. In every
case the determination of the creep multipliers is still necessary, what can be done using the
program ‘CASE’.
- The third possibility is the use of the program ‘CASE V2.2’ or other software. In the case of
‘CASE’ it can be said that no assumptions are made that are not allowed in the Eurocode. It
only executes the calculations explained in EC4-2 and considers the facts given there. It is easy
and comfortable to use and allows the control of the calculation.
The above mentioned program ‘CASE’ was developed in the frame of the ECSC research project
“Composite Bridge Design for Small and Medium Spans” and is written in Visual Basic 6.0® as
plug-in for Microsoft Excel 9.0® part of Microsoft Office2000®. A detailed description can be taken
from the final report, chapter 7.3.3 “The program ‘CASE’ (Creep and Shrinkage Effects)”. It has to
be remarked that for no input an error check is made. This means that entering wrong values results
in an error warning and the interruption of the running process or simply in wrong results. The
entering numbers must compromise with the system settings (i.e.1,5 or 1.5).
Therefore this program should only used by experts which are able to identify ‘wrong results’!

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4.3.4 Cracking of the joints and of the slabs

A comparison of 21 test results found in literature with the calculated values of the crack width
according four different calculation methods and the interpretation of this comparison was carried
out in the frame of the ECSC research project “Composite Bridge Design for Small and Medium
Spans”. From the that the following conclusion can be drawn:
- The calculation methods according to [1] and [2] work very well.
- The ENV 1994-2 : 1997 gives simplified design rules to avoid impermissible cracks, for
example values of minimum reinforcement, a table of maximum bar diameter and maximum bar
spacing are given.
- The simplified design rules given in ENV 1994-2 : 1997 are in a good accordance with the
results evaluated with the calculation methods according to [1].
In conclusion the simplified design rules are applicable to composite bridges in small and medium
spans made of normal or high strength steel and in-situ or prefabricated concrete slabs. Only the
influence of creep and shrinkage of partially prefabricated concrete slabs could not clarified so that
in this case safesided assumptions are recommended.
For a more refined calculation of the crack width by experts the calculation method according to [1]
should be used.

[1] ECSC-Research Project “Composite Bridge Design Improvement for High Speed Railways”
– Report 4. “Composite Behaviour at Intermediate Supports”, Agreement 7210-SA/128,
University of Wuppertal, March 1998
[2] Maurer, R.: “Grundlagen zur Bemessung des Betongurtes von Stahlverbundträgern”,
Dissertation, TH-Darmstadt, 1992

4.3.5 Vibration of bridges

The measurements on 7 composite bridges and their evaluation as well as an extensive parameter-
study carried out using the FE-Program DYNACS can be summarised as follows:
- For composite bridges in small and medium spans usually no adverse comments of pedestrian
crossing the bridge simultaneously with traffic occurred.
- Due to some strong perception of vibration occurred in one of the carried out measurements it
seems possible that the application of high strength steel and concrete slabs of low weight in
future result in vibration problems.
- If it is necessary composite bridges should be examined using VDI-Standard 2057.
- Finally it can be stated that the FE-Program DYNACS (developed from the Institute of Steel
Construction, RWTH Aachen) is useful to predict the dynamic behaviour of composite bridges
of small an medium spans under vehicle traffic.

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4.4 Cross girder

For the structural design of a concrete cross girder section, two general designs may be considered
in order to limit the stress in the concrete.

4.4.1 Connection always in negative moment area

If the connection is always in a negative moment area, the connection should be perform with a
concrete cross girder and thick cap plates (Figure 4-30).

Figure 4-30: Concrete cross girder with thick cap plates

The thickness of the welds results of ( and the thickness of the cap plates results of (
It is also possible to apply the studs only below the neutral axis (in the compression zone).

4.4.2 Connection in alternating moment area

If the connection is in a alternating moment area, the connection should be perform with a concrete
cross girder, thick cap plates and tension anchoring (Figure 4-31).

Figure 4-31: Concrete cross girder with thick cap plates and tension anchoring

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The thickness of the welds results of ( and Figure 4-34) and the thickness of the cap plates
results of (

4.4.3 Static design Dimensioning of the cap plate

For a uniform distribution of load on an area A0 (Figure 4-32) the concentrated resistance force may
be determined following [EC 2.1 – 6.7].
A0 tf θ ≤ arctan (0.5)


tc A1
Figure 4-32: Determination of areas in partially loaded areas

Therefore the thickness of the cap plate tcp results to the minimum of
t cp ≤ 2 t f and t cp ≤ 2 b (4–18)

with: tf and b of the flange of the steel girder

because the highest stress occurs in the lower flange of the steel girder. Dimensioning of the reinforcement

The dimensioning of the reinforcement is described in [EC 2.1]. Dimensioning of the welds

For welding the thick cap plates on the girder, there are two options. First it is possible to make a
fillet weld all around the profile (Figure 4-33)

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Figure 4-33: Cap plate solution with fillet welds

and it is also possible to make a full penetration weld (Figure 4-34).

Figure 4-34: Cap plate solution with full penetration welds

The fillet weld is the cheaper version but following EC 3 the expected fatigue life of the proper
lower flange-to-cap-plate-weld is less than the fatigue life of the full penetration weld version.
In the static case the thickness of the fillet welds [EC 3 – 6.6.5] results to

t 3
3 .0 ≤ a w ≥ (4–19)
2 2
with: t thickness of the flange or the web

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and the thickness of the full penetration welds [EC 3 – 6.6.5] at the outside of the flanges results to
aw ≥ (4–20)

and at the inside to

aw ≥ in the area of the web and
aw ≥ in the area of the flange.

In the centre of the full penetration welds in the web there is a gap of 2 mm.

4.4.4 Fatigue design [EC 3.1.1 – 6.2]

The fatigue results of the tests (only the fillet welded solution has been tested 2 times) are:
- the fatigue resistance of the connections has been much higher than calculated
- the fillet welds failed first, but in both cases no crack growth has been occurred
- the main cause of failure has been the failure of the reinforcement

The fatigue detail category of the fillet welded joint is equal to 36* and of the full penetration
welded joint 40 up to 80 in subject to the geometry of the jointed details.
The fatigue detail category of the reinforcement is 162.5 at 106 cycles [EC 2.1 - 6.8.4].
The fatigue detail category of the girder is equal to 160.

4.4.5 Example

For example of the cross girder solution in the following the three span bridge in Differdange
(South of Luxembourg) is shown (Figure 4-35).
The bridge carries the Differdange town centre bypass road over the 9 tracks of a main railway line.
Spans of the heavily skewed and curved 12.75 m wide bridge are 25 – 40 – 25 m long. The 6 main
girders are 1 m deep rolled beams (HL 1000 M / W40x277) in high strength Fe E 460 – HISTAR
QST steel grade.

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Figure 4-35: Three span bridge in Differdange

Figure 4-36: Main girders with thick cap plates and studs

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Figure 4-37: Plan of the connection section on support

4.4.6 Recommendations

If the connection is always in a negative moment area, the connection should be perform with a
concrete cross girder and thick cap plates Figure 4-30. The using of a fillet weld is the better
solution to weld the profile on the cap plate, because of the advantages of the simple installation of
the bending-, shear- and splitting-tensile reinforcement, the less reinforcement and no welding
activities for the additional compression plates necessary. Additionally the fillet weld is the cheaper
Furthermore it has been proved, that the fillet weld solution reaches a fatigue life which has been
higher as for the full penetration weld has been calculated.
If the connection is in a alternating moment area, the connection should be perform with a concrete
cross girder, thick cap plates and tension anchoring Figure 4-31. In this case the using of a full
penetration weld is the better solution to weld the profile on the cap plate.
To calculate the stress range for the fatigue analysis a linear strain distribution over the whole
section could be assumed. This means, that a continuous steel girder without a joint could be
According to the DIN-Fachbericht 104 the following principles of design shall be considered:
The shear reaction forces in the connection between the concrete cross girder and the main girder
have to be transmitted through a concentrated arrangement of studs at the end of the girder. In the
case of a positive moment over the support the tension force of the lower flange of the steel girder
has to be transmitted through adequate force transmission constructions and with reinforcement into
the concrete.
In the area of the lower flange of the steel girder a splitting tensile reinforcement is necessary
(Figure 4-31). Splitting tensile reinforcement resulting from other loadings can not take into

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To avoid the change of the reinforcement a continuous thick cap plate shall be provided (Figure
4-31). The thickness of the plate results of
For short spans the cross girders and the concrete slab have to be concreted in one procedure with
retarding admixture. The concrete cross girders have to be compacted.
If it is not possible to concrete bridges with longer spans in one procedure the sections in span have
to be preliminarly concreted and after that, the support sections with the concrete cross girders have
to be concreted.
If the abutments will be pre-concreted, a working joint has to be arranged horizontally between the
cross girder and the slab.

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4.5 Fabrication and Erection

4.5.1 Girder Type Composite Bridges Principle & Applications

Composite deck construction consists of steel girders, which support a reinforced concrete slab.
Composite action is achieved by connecting both materials by means of shear studs. Transverse
bracing over supports provides lateral restraint.

Figure 4-38: Example of twin girder arrangement (cross section of A16 over-bridge)

Figure 4-39: Example of a 6 girder arrangement (cross section of road bridge, by-pass for the
town of Luxembourg)

Composite deck construction is recommended wherever construction depth is not, or only slightly,
restricted. Feasible spans for road bridges range up to about 35 m for simply supported spans and up
to about 40 m for continuous spans.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Static system

For a narrow deck, two main girders are required. When the deck is wider or when construction
depth is restricted, more than two girders will be needed.
Girders of single span bridges are simply supported on the abutments. Multiple span bridges are
designed either as successive simply supported or as continuous structures.
Continuous girders are statically better suited: bending moments are lower and deflections are
smaller. In addition they offer a major constructional advantage: the number of bearings and
expansion joints, which cause high costs by the need for regular maintenance, is reduced.
Depending on the overall bridge length and transport conditions the beams may be erected as
unspliced pieces (delivered ex works in lengths up to 34 m or in exceptional cases up to 45 m) or
site splicing will be necessary. In the latter base both splicing by butt-welding and by bolting (high
strength friction grip bolts) have proved successful. A newly developed method consists in
connecting the beams to a concrete cross girder through end plates and additional slab.

Figure 4-40: Railway bridge over the A23 motorway in Fretin, France. Four-span bridge with
spans of 16,9 - 21,9 -23,0 - 17,8. The two continuous main girders and the bracings
within spans are rolled beams; the cross beams at supports are made of reinforced

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Cambering and bending of main girders

Girders are cambered to compensate for deflections under permanent loads. Additional bending
may be required to form the girders to the shape of the longitudinal profile. If the bridge is horizon-
tally curved bending along the weak axis may be necessary. Both cambering and bending are
carried out in the rolling mill on a press. Surface Treatment

In addition to the significant aesthetic function surface treatment has to provide an effective
protection against corrosion.
The following are conditions for a durable protection:
- careful surface preparation
- controlled application of the protective coating
- regular inspection during the life of the bridge and immediate repair of any damage.
Over the last few years, much progress has been made with respect to paint formulations, their
application, their durability and their environmental friendliness. In general, modern coating
systems last for at least 20 years before major maintenance.

Figure 4-41: Example of protective treatment for composite decks

The choice of a suitable system and the correct application are essential for effectiveness and
durability. The available protective systems include the following:
- painting
- metal spraying
- hot-dip galvanizing
- galvanizing + painting (duplex system)
A number of aspects have to be considered for the choice of the appropriate system: type and
expected life of the bridge, local climate and other environmental site conditions, constraints

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relating to maintenance, possibilities of surface preparation and painting, metal spaying or

galvanizing at workshop, and feasibility of applying the final coating on site.
Steel components which are encased in concrete do not require coating. However transition zones
must be carefully designed.
It is recommended to carry out as much of the surface treatment as possible in the controlled
environment of a workshop. Usually only the finishing coat is applied after erection on site. Here,
rolled beams can offer the advantage of already being coated with the required systems in the
rolling mill. Steel grades

Steel with a yield strength of 355 N/mm2 (S 355) and more recently of 460 N/mm2 (S 460), are
used primarily. With the latter type, special attention should be paid to the stiffness requirements.
The use of S 460 high-strength steel in place of the more traditional S 355 results in a substantial
reduction in weight and corresponding savings in material costs. Fabrication costs are also lower,
with a full butt joint, for example, the weld volume is considerably reduced.
The use of fine grain structural steel is particularly advantageous: for example, grade S 355 M or
grade S 460 M in accordance with EN 10113-3.
Shapes made from these low alloy fine-grained steel are produced using a thermo-mechanical
rolling process with an increased cooling rate and subsequent self-tempering. These grades
demonstrate excellent toughness at low temperatures and are characterised by their outstanding
weldability. Due to the low carbon equivalent value, pre-heating is not required before flame cutting
and welding.

Figure 4-42: Composite road bridges. Structural steel weight per square meter of deck area.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Transverse bracing at supports

At supports, bracing is required to transfer horizontal loads to the bearings and to provide lateral
and torsional restraint to the girders. Bracing is often designed to carry additional jacking loads in
case of replacement of bearings.
Bracing consists of:
- either steel beams which are rigidly connected to the main girders by bolting or welding
- or reinforced concrete cross beams, where the reinforcing steel passes through holes in the web
of the longitudinal girders.

Figure 4-43: Concrete connection of main girders. - Cross section through bracing (schematic)

Reinforced concrete bracing over intermediate supports of multiple span bridges may be designed
as splices of longitudinal girders. This construction method combines the following advantages:
- the longitudinal girders are erected as single-span girders;
- there is no need for welded or bolted splices.
Continuity is achieved by the use of vertical end plates and additional reinforcing bars in the deck
slab. During concreting loads due to the dead weight of steel girders, formwork and wet concrete
are carried by simply supported beams. After the concrete has hardened, moment resistance is
provided at splices and subsequent loads are supported by continuous girders. Thus hogging
bending is produced at supports only by super-imposed dead loads and variable actions. Forces are
transmitted as follows:
The compressive force is directed through the end plate from the lower flange to the concrete, by
using a thin end plate with a load distribution plate or a thick end plate. The tensile force flows from
the upper beam flange through the shear studs into the longitudinal slab reinforcement. Studs
welded to the vertical end plates transfer the shear force from the steel beams to the concrete

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Figure 4-44: Concrete connection of main girders. - A pair of girders are lifted by crane into the
recesses of the prefabricated formwork. Intermediate transverse bracing

Vertical loads are laterally distributed by the means of the deck slab. Bracing within the span is
needed to stabilise the girders, but does not participate in load distribution.
During construction, bracing prevents girders from lateral torsional buckling in sagging moment
regions. After hardening of the concrete, the slab takes over this stabilizing action and bracing may
be removed. With continuous girders, lateral buckling of the lower compression flange in hogging
moment regions must be avoided. This is achieved using the bracing at the supports and, if needed,
additional intermediate permanent bracing.

Figure 4-45: New public transport system in Oberhausen, Germany. –Crossing the DB railway
line. Deck slab

The deck consists of a non prestressed concrete slab with longitudinal and transverse reinforcement.
Longitudinal reinforcement of continuous decks must be specially designed for crack width control.
Hogging moments of two and three span bridges may be reduced by lowering the structure at inter-
mediate supports after concrete hardening.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Bearings and supports

In general, simple elastomeric bearing pads are used with composite bridges. The advantage of the
low construction weight of composite construction results in smaller dimensions for the sub-
structure, including abutments, piers and foundations (in particular, pile foundations). The resulting
savings in construction costs are characteristic for this construction method. Fabrication, transport and erection

Fabrication consists of the finishing of the rolled beams, i.e. cutting to length, drilling, cambering or
bending about the strong axis and, if required, about the weak axis, welding of shear studs and
bearing plates, surface preparation and application of a corrosion protection system. These
operations can be carried out at the rolling mill's finishing department in a both cost effective and
time-saving process. Alternatively the work can also be carried out fully or partially in a steel
fabricators' workshop.
The ready-to-erect girders are transported to the construction site by rail or by lorry. The single
components are relatively light and therefore only low capacity lifting equipment is required on site.

Figure 4-46: Railway bridge over the A23 motorway in Fretin, France. –Launching of the steel
structure and assembled formwork.

The girders are often pre-assembled in pairs in order to get erection units with increased stability.
The girders or pairs of girders are lifted into final position by mobile cranes. Alternatively elements
are assembled in a nearly area and subsequently launched.
The low masses of steel components enable rapid assembly of the structure. In most cases, there is
no need for temporary supports. When the routes crossed are in service, disruption to traffic can be
kept to a minimum, especially if works are scheduled during off-peak hours.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans In-situ Concrete Slab

The concrete slab can be cast in situ either on reusable formwork, or on precast concrete planks or
profiled steel sheeting.

Figure 4-47: Precast reinforced concrete panels used for permanent formwork.

If certain conditions relating to construction and reinforcement are complied with, the precast
planks contribute to carrying loads in the transverse direction, together with in situ concrete. For
cantilever parts, traditional formwork is generally used, with supports attached to the edge beams.

Figure 4-48: Example of formwork support for cantilever part of slab. Prefabricated Slab

As an alternative to in-site concreting, precast deck elements can be used. The main advantage of
this method consist in the reduction of the number of site operations and a substantial saving in the
construction time.
With twin girder - type bridges, the precast elements span the full width of the bridge as a single
component. To allow connection with steel girders, slab elements have pockets for shear studs.
The prefabricated elements are placed in a mortar bedding on the girder flanges. Alternatively
support may be designed with a small gap between flange and slab which is later filled in with

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Figure 4-49: Prefabricated slab. Example of transverse joint detailing:

Figure 4-50: Deck units before concreting of pockets and joints

Consequently transverse joints and pockets are filled with concrete to connect the slab to the steel
Hogging moments in continuous span girders can be reduced by lowering (jacking) the structure or
intermediate supports after hardening of the concrete. The slab is prestressed longitudinally.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

4.5.2 Prestressed Composite Girders Principle & Applications

When a rolled beam is bent the tension flange is elastically stressed. In this state it is encased in
concrete. Shear connections are provided for composite action.
After hardening of the concrete, bending is released. The concrete part is thus compressed –it is
After erection on site the other flange is connected to the concrete slab. By this procedure double
composite action is given.

Figure 4-51: Fabrication of prestressed composite girder

A two-fold aim is achieved:

- the concrete slab increases the bending capacity and stiffness of the girder;
- under service load pre-compression stress in the concrete of the lower flange is reduced, but not
totally. Thus no cracking occurs; concrete of the lower flange increases the flexural stiffness and
reduces deflection.

Prestressed composite girders have:

- a very high moment capacity; they are suited to the construction of bridges carrying heavy loads,
in particular railway bridges;
- a very high stiffness; deflections under service loading are small.
Due to these properties, prestressed girders are particularly suited to structures when the available
construction depth is highly restricted. The slenderness ratio value (ratio of the span divided by the
structural depth) may reach 45 for road bridges.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Fabrication and Erection

Beams are cambered at the rolling mill.

At the fabrication shop shear connectors and additional cover plates (if any) are welded to the
flanges. Then elastic bending, encasing of lower flange with concrete and prestressing are carried
out as described above.

Figure 4-52: Transportation of a Preflex beam

Figure 4-53: Single span bridge in Kerpen Horrem, Germany. - 41,25 m long HE 1000 A beams
used for prestressed composite girders of " Preflex " type.

Most prestressed composite girders are simply supported beams. Sometimes girders are spliced at
supports for continuous action.
After erection of the prefabricated girders formwork elements are placed on the lower flanges. They
are specially shaped for casting of the slab and simultaneous encasing of the steel webs. Thus a
protective treatment against corrosion is not necessary.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

If particularly high loads are to be carried (for example railway loads) prestressed composite girders
may be arranged side by side. No formwork is needed. By encasing in concrete girders are
integrated into a massive slab.

4.5.3 Lateral torsional buckling of the beams during erection

The erection phase may involve very different procedures. The recommendations below are limited
to the stage of casting the concrete slab. It is assumed that the formwork does not provide lateral
restraint for the top flange. If the formwork is designed to brace the top flange the recommendations
in 3.2.6 are applicable.
For continuous bridges the concrete is usually cast in stages. The first stage is usually casting the
sagging region of an end span, see Figure 3-14. This creates a high sagging bending moment while
the top flange is still unsupported, which may be critical for lateral torsional buckling. Next stage
will be casting the sagging region of the adjacent span. If the beam is symmetric this stage is less
critical than the previous but if there is no symmetry also this stage may need to be checked. The
third stage would be to cast the remaining part over the pier. This stage creates the maximum
hogging bending during erection but this is not likely to be critical. Worse cases will occur during
operation. Girders with intermediate cross braces

The cross braces will prevent twisting of the beams. Although the lateral displacement is not
prevented the only possible lateral buckling mode is one with nodes at the locations of the cross
braces. For this case the recommendations in of EC3-2 are applicable. During casting it is
usually the top flange that has to be checked. The bottom flange will normally be no problem. Girders without cross braces other than at support

The beam will be free to buckle laterally over the whole length. It is a load case that gives
maximum sagging moment that will be critical, like that in Figure 3-14. Unless the possible
rotational restraint from the formwork is investigated it is recommended to assume the load to be
applied at the top flange. For simple cases critical loads can be found in StBk-K2 (Swedish
handbook, English or German to be added). It covers simply supported and continuous beams with
uniform load. Usually it is assumed that the flanges are simply supported for lateral bending at the
support in such solutions. In this case it may be worth considering the continuity also in lateral
direction. The best recommendation for finding the critical load is to use a computer simulation.
Having found the critical load, the design according to 5.5.2 of EC3-2 is straightforward.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Figure 4-54: Typical load case during casting of the concrete deck.

Reference: Kommentarer till Stålbyggnadsnorm 70, StBK-K2. Bulletin nr. 100. 1973. Division of
Building Statics and Structural Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stocholm, Sweden

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

In this chapter two examples are carried out:
- 5.1 Two-span bridge using partially prefabricated elements
- 5.2 Simple bridge using fully prefabricated elements

The design examples are performed using the ANNEX A: Software CBD.

Therefore the user interfaces and a list of input data are added.

Tender drawings to the examples are added in ANNEX B: Tender Drawings.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.1 Composite Bridge with Partially Prefabricated Elements

5.1.1 Static System

Figure 5-1: Static system

5.1.2 Concrete Plate

Figure 5-2: Concrete Plate

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.1.3 Hybrid Girder (inner beam)

Figure 5-3: Hybrid girder (inner beam)

5.1.4 Hybrid Girder (outer beam)

Figure 5-4: Hybrid girder (outer beam)

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.1.5 Shear Connectors

Figure 5-5: Shear connectors

5.1.6 Loads on the Structure

Figure 5-6: Loads on the structure

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Loads on an Inner Beam

Table 5-1: Loads on the inner beam

Loads Distributed Start point End point Point Load Place Moment Place dT [To > Tu]
[kN/m] [m] [m] [kN] [m] [kNm] [m] [K]
Casting Loads 2,00 0,00 52,00 - - - - -
2,00 8,90 11,90 - - - - -
Permanent Loads 6,46 0,00 52,00 - - - - -
max Traffic Loads - - - 228,00 9,80 - - -
- - - 228,00 11,00 - - -
1,00 0,00 52,00 - - - - -
min Traffic Loads - - - 228,00 14,22 - - -
- - - 228,00 15,42 - - -
1,00 0,00 52,00 - - - - -
Breaking Loads - - - 900,00 52,00 419,00 26,00 -
Temperature Loads - - - - - - - 10,00
Temperature Loads - - - - - - - -7,00 Loads on an Outer Beam

Table 5-2: Loads on the outer beam

Loads Distributed Start point End point Point Load Place Moment Place dT [To > Tu]
[kN/m] [m] [m] [kN] [m] [kNm] [m] [K]
Casting Loads 1,00 0,00 52,00 - - - - -
1,00 8,90 11,90 - - - - -
Permanent Loads 16,03 0,00 52,00 - - - - -
max Traffic Loads - - - 138,00 9,80 - - -
- - - 138,00 11,00 - - -
0,60 0,00 52,00 - - - - -
min Traffic Loads - - - 138,00 14,22 - - -
- - - 138,00 15,42 - - -
0,60 0,00 52,00 - - - - -
Breaking Loads - - - 900,00 52,00 419,00 26,00 -
Temperature Loads - - - - - - - 10,00
Temperature Loads - - - - - - - -7,00

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.1.7 Settings for the Calculation

Figure 5-7: Settings for the calculation

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Results of the Calculation (inner beam)

Figure 5-8: Results of the Calculation List of Input data

Table 5-3: List of Input data: example 1

Dialog Designation Value Unit Specification

Static System L1 26.0 [m] Length of span 1

L2 26.0 [m] Length of span 2
L3 00.0 [m] Length of span 3
Enter support 1 √ Specification of support
Enter support 2 Specification of support
Enter support 3 Specification of support
b 2.67 [m] Enter bay width

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Concrete hc 300 [mm] Height of concrete plate

Plate hp 100 [mm] Height of pre-fabricated
As, lat / Ac 0.5 % Degree of lateral reinforcement
As1 (field) 187 cm²/m Upper reinforcement area of
field section
zs1 (field) 110 [mm] Distance of upper reinforcement
from the top of the concrete
As2 (field) 0 cm²/m Lower reinforcement area of
field section
zs2 (field) 0 [mm] Distance of lower reinforcement
from the top of the concrete
As1 (support) 333 cm²/m Upper reinforcement area of
support section
zs1 (support) 96 [mm] Distance of upper reinforcement
from the top of the concrete
As2 (support) 0 cm²/m Lower reinforcement area of
support section
zs2 (support) 0 [mm] Distance of lower reinforcement
from the top of the concrete
Concrete class C 40 / 50
Reinforcement BSt 500 S

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Girder Kind of fabrication Plate section Rolled section or plate section

Kind of profile - Specify the rolled profile type
Steel girder strength - Specify the steel strength of
rolled profile
Plate section hybrid Enter kind of plate layout
Steel strength flange S 460 Steel strength of the flange
Steel strength web S 355 Steel strength of the web
Reduction of steel √ Reduction of steel strength
strength according to the thickness of the
s 9 [mm] Web thickness
b1 (field) 300 [mm] Upper flange width of field
b2 (field) 400 [mm] Lower flange width of field
t1 (field) 21 [mm] Upper flange thickness of field
t2 (field) 34 [mm] Lower flange thickness of field
b1 (support) 300 [mm] Upper flange width of support
b2 (support) 400 [mm] Lower flange width of support
t1 (support) 21 [mm] Upper flange thickness of
support section
t2 (support) 34 [mm] Lower flange thickness of
support section

Connectors Studs active Select studs as shear connectors

S 235 Use S 235 for studs
S 460 √ Use S 460 for studs
CUSTOM Use a customised material for
fu - [N/mm²] Ultimate strain
fy - [N/mm²] Yield strength
Diameter d = 16 mm Diameter of studs
Diameter d = 19 mm Diameter of studs
Diameter d = 22 mm Diameter of studs
Diameter d = 25 mm √ Diameter of studs
height h = 200 [mm] Height of studs
alternative shear select Use an alternative shear
connectors connector
PRd [kN/m] Bearing resistance of the
alternative shear connector

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Loads Load cases Casting Select load case

x [1] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of point load 1 – 8
from left support
F [1] – [8] 0 [kN] Magnitude of point load 1 - 8
x0 [1] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 1 from left
q0 [1] 2 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 1 at starting point
x1 [1] 52 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 1 from left
q1 [1] 2 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 1
at end point
x0 [2] 8.9 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 2 from left
q0 [2] 2 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 2 at starting point
x1 [2] 11.9 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 2 from left
q1 [2] 2 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 2
at end point
x0 [3], [4] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 3, 4 from left
q0 [3], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 3, 4 at starting point
x1 [3], [4] 0 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 3, 4 from left
q1 [3], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 3,
4 at end point

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Loads Load cases Permanent Select load case

x [1] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of point load 1 - 8
from left support
F [1] – [8] 0 [kN] Magnitude of point load 1 - 8
x0 [1] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 1 from left
q0 [1] 6.46 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 1 at starting point
x1 [1] 52 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 1 from left
q1 [1] 6.46 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 1
at end point
x0 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q0 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 2, 3& 4 at starting point
x1 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q1 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 2,
3 & 4 at end point

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Loads Load cases Traffic [max] Select load case

x [1] 9.8 [m] Distance of point load 1 from
left support
F [1] 228 [kN] Magnitude of point load 1
x [2] 11.0 [m] Distance of point load 2 from
left support
F [2] 228 [kN] Magnitude of point load 2
x [3] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of point load 3 – 8
from left support
F [3] – [8] 0 [kN] Magnitude of point load 3 - 8
x0 [1] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 1 from left
q0 [1] 1.0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 1 at starting point
x1 [1] 52 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 1 from left
q1 [1] 1.0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 1
at end point
x0 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q0 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 2, 3& 4 at starting point
x1 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q1 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 2,
3 & 4 at end point

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Loads Load cases Traffic [min] Select load case

x [1] 14.22 [m] Distance of point load 1 from
left support
F [1] 228 [kN] Magnitude of point load 1
x [2] 15.42 [m] Distance of point load 2 from
left support
F [2] 228 [kN] Magnitude of point load 2
x [3] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of point load 3 – 8
from left support
F [3] – [8] 0 [kN] Magnitude of point load 3 - 8
x0 [1] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 1 from left
q0 [1] 1.0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 1 at starting point
x1 [1] 52 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 1 from left
q1 [1] 1.0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 1
at end point
x0 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q0 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 2, 3& 4 at starting point
x1 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q1 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 2,
3 & 4 at end point

Loads Load cases Breaking Select load case

x [1] 26.0 [m] Distance of moment 1 from left
F [1] 419 [kNm] Magnitude of moment 1
x [2] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of moment 2 – 4 from
left support
F [2] – [8] 0 [kNm] Magnitude of moment 2 - 4
Hx 0 [kN] Horizontal load due to breaking
or acceleration

Loads Load cases Temperature Select load case

dT [ To > Tu ] 10 [K] Top of concrete warmer than
bottom concrete
dT [ Tu > To ] 7 [K] Top of concrete colder than
bottom concrete

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Settings Constr. Sit. 1 Take construction situation 1

into account
x 15 %L Distance of the hinge in
construction sit. 1
Right side of support Place of the hinge referring to
the column
Left side of support √ Place of the hinge referring to
the column
Constr. Sit. 2 √ Take construction situation 2
into account
Constr. Sit. 3 √ Take construction situation 3
into account
Constr. Sit. 4 √ Take construction situation 4
into account
Max deflection √ Perform deflection check
L/ 200 Deflection limit
Moment distribution √ Take moment distribution into
Creep √ Take creep into account
Shrinkage √ Take shrinkage into account
Safety factors Germany Specify set of combination
factors for various countries

Combination ψ (Casting) 1.0 Combination factor for casting

factors (ULS) loads (ULS)
ψ (Traffic TS) 1.0 Combination factor for single
traffic loads (ULS)
ψ (Traffic UDL) 0.4 Combination factor for
uniformly distributed traffic
loads (ULS)
ψ (Breaking) 0.7 Combination factor for breaking
loads (ULS)
ψ (Temperature) 0.6 Combination factor for
temperature loads (ULS)

Combination ψ (Casting) 1.0 Combination factor for casting

factors (SLS) loads (SLS)
ψ (Traffic TS) 1.0 Combination factor for single
traffic loads (SLS)
ψ (Traffic UDL) 0.4 Combination factor for
uniformly distributed traffic
loads (SLS)
ψ (Breaking) 0.7 Combination factor for breaking
loads (SLS)
ψ (Temperature) 0.6 Combination factor for
temperature loads (SLS)

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Partial safety factors [NAD]

Table 5-4: Partial safety factors

µg µq µM0 µM1 νvec µc µs µv

1.35 1.50 1.10 1.10 0.80 1.50 1.15 1.25

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Cross Section Cross Section over support

Section Units Value

Steel beam Iyy [cm4] 236492
Wc,o [cm³] 0
Wc,u [cm³] 0
Wst,o [cm³] - 5213
Wst,u [cm³] 8879
Partially composite slab
Short term Iyy [cm4] 982197
W0,c,o [cm³] -250536
W0,c,u [cm³] -435813
W0,st,o [cm³] -72636
W0,st,u [cm³] 16796
Long term Iyy [cm4] 753360
Wb,c,o [cm³] -506032
Wb,c,u [cm³] -565653
Wb,st,o [cm³] -24445
Wb,st,u [cm³] 18293
Shrinkage Iyy [cm4] 843296
Ws,c,o [cm³] -354499
Ws,c,u [cm³] -478000
Ws,st,o [cm³] -35142
Ws,st,u [cm³] 17568
Fully composite slab
Short term Iyy [cm4] 1332023
W0,c,o [cm³] -473156
W0,c,u [cm³] 609675
W0,st,o [cm³] 101613
W0,st,u [cm³] 15651
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1182758
Wb,c,o [cm³] -1105768
Wb,c,u [cm³] -30137254
Wb,st,o [cm³] 155419
Wb,st,u [cm³] 14857
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1241473
Ws,c,o [cm³] -598816
Ws,c,u [cm³] 3109858
Ws,st,o [cm³] 132595
Ws,st,u [cm³] 15259

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Cross Section in the field

Section Units Value

Steel beam Iyy [cm4] 236492
Wc,o [cm³] 0
Wc,u [cm³] 0
Wst,o [cm³] - 5213
Wst,u [cm³] 8879
Partially composite slab
Short term Iyy [cm4] 863940
W0,c,o [cm³] -220372
W0,c,u [cm³] -383341
W0,st,o [cm³] -63890
W0,st,u [cm³] 14774
Long term Iyy [cm4] 638070
Wb,c,o [cm³] -422298
Wb,c,u [cm³] -471327
Wb,st,o [cm³] -20859
Wb,st,u [cm³] 15409
Shrinkage Iyy [cm4] 725756
Ws,c,o [cm³] -304395
Ws,c,u [cm³] -410159
Ws,st,o [cm³] -30313
Ws,st,u [cm³] 15102
Fully composite slab
Short term Iyy [cm4] 1270879
W0,c,o [cm³] -395312
W0,c,u [cm³] 711928
W0,st,o [cm³] 118655
W0,st,u [cm³] 15365
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1089774
Wb,c,o [cm³] -848025
Wb,c,u [cm³] -4462591
Wb,st,o [cm³] 236949
Wb,st,u [cm³] 14227
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1163055
Ws,c,o [cm³] -511810
Ws,c,u [cm³] 5718311
Ws,st,o [cm³] 159917
Ws,st,u [cm³] 14672

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5.1.8 Design

The effective width of the concrete plate beff = 2.67 [m]

The beam is rated into class 2 therefore the checks can be carried out plastically. Bearing Resistance in the negative moment area

Steel beam: Vsd = 941.9 [kN]

Msd = 2688.4 [kNm]
The beam has to be restrained against torsional buckling during construction.
Fully Composite beam [t = 28d]: Vsd = 947.8 [kN]
Msd = 6464.0 [kNm]
Fully Composite beam [t = ∞d]: Vsd = 947.8 [kN]
Msd = 6039.5 [kNm] Bearing Resistance in the positive moment area

Steel beam: Vsd = 941.9 [kN]

Msd = 2688.4 [kNm]
The beam has to be restrained against torsional buckling during construction.
Partially Composite beam: Vsd = 947.8 [kN]
Msd = 5115.0 [kNm]
Fully Composite beam [t = 28d]: Vsd = 947.8 [kN]
Msd = 6718.2 [kNm]
Fully Composite beam [t = ∞d]: Vsd = 947.8 [kN]
Msd = 6718.2 [kNm]

Design Guide
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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Further Design Checks

The reinforcement diameter has to be smaller than 44 [mm] or the maximal distance between the
reinforcement bars has to be smaller than 25 [cm] to satisfy the crack width design checks of the
The shear connectors have got a design resistance of Prd = 172 [kN].
The following criteria for the studs have to be satisfied:
- average welded bead diameter: dw > 1.25 d = 31.25 [mm]
- average welded bead height: hwm > 0.2 d = 5.00 [mm]
- minimum welded bead height: hw,min > 0.15 d = 3.75 [mm]
- minimum distance in direction of shear: emin >5d = 125.00 [mm]
- minimum distance vertical to direction of shear: emin > 2.5 d = 62.50 [mm]
If studs are not placed directly over the web, the diameter of the studs should be less than
22.5 [mm]
The following number of shear connectors have to be applied:
- 63 between support 1 and Mmax in span 1
- 148 between Mmax in span 1 and support 2
- 148 between support 2 and Mmax in span 2
- 64 between Mmax in span 2 and support 3
The deflection checks are satisfied for all spans.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.1.9 Results of the Calculation (outer beam) Partial safety factors [NAD]

Table 5-5: Partial safety factors, example 1

µg Μq µM0 µM1 νvec µc µs µv

1.35 1.50 1.10 1.10 0.80 1.50 1.15 1.25

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Cross Section Cross Section over support

Section Units Value

Steel beam Iyy [cm4] 244539
Wc,o [cm³] 0
Wc,u [cm³] 0
Wst,o [cm³] - 5247
Wst,u [cm³] 9631
Partially composite slab
Short term Iyy [cm4] 1049331
W0,c,o [cm³] -255950
W0,c,u [cm³] -431275
W0,st,o [cm³] -71879
W0,st,u [cm³] 18281
Long term Iyy [cm4] 797238
Wb,c,o [cm³] -517760
Wb,c,u [cm³] -576490
Wb,st,o [cm³] -24691
Wb,st,u [cm³] 20076
Shrinkage Iyy [cm4] 895554
Ws,c,o [cm³] -361878
Ws,c,u [cm³] -481440
Ws,st,o [cm³] -35302
Ws,st,u [cm³] 19205
Fully composite slab
Short term Iyy [cm4] 1426104
W0,c,o [cm³] -492491
W0,c,u [cm³] 677709
W0,st,o [cm³] 112952
W0,st,u [cm³] 16852
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1267461
Wb,c,o [cm³] -1149753
Wb,c,u [cm³] -16658990
Wb,st,o [cm³] 183827
Wb,st,u [cm³] 16065
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1330145
Ws,c,o [cm³] -625557
Ws,c,u [cm³] 3858264
Ws,st,o [cm³] 152129
Ws,st,u [cm³] 16474

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Cross Section in the field

Section Units Value

Steel beam Iyy [cm4] 244539
Wc,o [cm³] 0
Wc,u [cm³] 0
Wst,o [cm³] - 5247
Wst,u [cm³] 9631
Partially composite slab
Short term Iyy [cm4] 918828
W0,c,o [cm³] -224118
W0,c,u [cm³] -377638
W0,st,o [cm³] -62940
W0,st,u [cm³] 16007
Long term Iyy [cm4] 670225
Wb,c,o [cm³] -428194
Wb,c,u [cm³] -475974
Wb,st,o [cm³] -20918
Wb,st,u [cm³] 16772
Shrinkage Iyy [cm4] 765904
Ws,c,o [cm³] -308705
Ws,c,u [cm³] -410398
Ws,st,o [cm³] -30264
Ws,st,u [cm³] 16403
Fully composite slab
Short term Iyy [cm4] 1359545
W0,c,o [cm³] -411283
W0,c,u [cm³] 802386
W0,st,o [cm³] 133731
W0,st,u [cm³] 16546
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1165103
Wb,c,o [cm³] -876617
Wb,c,u [cm³] -3982746
Wb,st,o [cm³] 312471
Wb,st,u [cm³] 15385
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1244101
Ws,c,o [cm³] -532437
Ws,c,u [cm³] 9027632
Ws,st,o [cm³] 190309
Ws,st,u [cm³] 15841

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.1.10 Design

The effective width of the concrete plate beff = 2.67 [m]

The beam is rated into class 2 therefore the checks can be carried out plastically. Bearing Resistance in the negative moment area

Steel beam: Vsd = 941.6 [kN]

Msd = 2635.0 [kNm]
The beam has to be restrained against torsional buckling during construction.
Fully Composite beam [t = 28d]: Vsd = 945.2 [kN]
Msd = 6014.3 [kNm]
Fully Composite beam [t = ∞d]: Vsd = 945.2 [kN]
Msd = 5642.0 [kNm] Bearing Resistance in the positive moment area

Steel beam: Vsd = 941.6 [kN]

Msd = 2635.0 [kNm]
The beam has to be restrained against torsional buckling during construction.
Partially Composite beam: Vsd = 945.2 [kN]
Msd = 5424.8 [kNm]
Fully Composite beam [t = 28d]: Vsd = 945.2 [kN]
Msd = 7087.0 [kNm]
Fully Composite beam [t = ∞d]: Vsd = 945.2 [kN]
Msd = 7087.0 [kNm]

Design Guide
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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Further Design Checks

The reinforcement diameter has to be smaller than 44 [mm] or the maximal distance between the
reinforcement bars has to be smaller than 25 [cm] to satisfy the crack width design checks of the
The shear connectors have a design resistance of Prd = 172 [kN].
The following criteria for the studs have to be satisfied:
- average welded bead diameter: dw > 1.25 d = 31.25 [mm]
- average welded bead height: hwm > 0.2 d = 5.00 [mm]
- minimum welded bead height: hw,min > 0.15 d = 3.75 [mm]
- minimum distance in direction of shear: emin >5d = 125.00 [mm]
- minimum distance vertical to direction of shear: emin > 2.5 d = 62.50 [mm]
If studs are not placed directly over the web, the diameter of the studs should be less
than 22.5 [mm]
The following number of shear connectors have to be applied:
- 66 between support 1 and Mmax in span 1
- 151 between Mmax in span 1 and support 2
- 151 between support 2 and Mmax in span 2
- 66 between Mmax in span 2 and support 3
The deflection checks are satisfied for all spans.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.2 Composite Bridge with Fully Prefabricated Elements

5.2.1 Static System

Figure 5-9: Static system

5.2.2 Concrete Plate

Figure 5-10: Concrete plate

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.2.3 Girder in S 355

Figure 5-11: Girder in S 355

5.2.4 Shear Connectors

Figure 5-12: Shear connectors

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.2.5 Loads on the Structure

Figure 5-13: Loads on the structure Loads on Beam

Table 5-6: Loads on beam

Loads Distributed Start point End point Point Load Place Moment Place dT [To > Tu]
[kN/m] [m] [m] [kN] [m] [kNm] [m] [K]
Casting Loads 2,90 0,00 16,20 - - - - -
2,90 6,60 9,60 - - - - -
Permanent Loads 30,80 0,00 16,20 - - - - -
max Traffic Loads - - - 315,00 7,10 - - -
- - - 315,00 9,10 - - -
1,20 0,00 16,20 - - - - -
min Traffic Loads - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
1,20 0,00 16,20 - - - - -
Breaking Loads - - - 900,00 16,20 419,00 26,00 -
Temperature Loads - - - - - - - 10,00
Temperature Loads - - - - - - - -7,00

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.2.6 Settings for the Calculation

Figure 5-14: Settings for the calculation

5.2.7 Results of the Calculation

Figure 5-15: Results of the Calculation

Design Guide
Design Guide Page 5-116
Composite bridge design for small and medium spans List of Input data

Table 5-7: List of Input data: example 1

Dialog Designation Value Unit Specification

Static System L1 16.2 [m] Length of span 1

L2 00.0 [m] Length of span 2
L3 00.0 [m] Length of span 3
Enter support 1 √ Specification of support
Enter support 2 Specification of support
Enter support 3 Specification of support
b 3.83 [m] Enter bay width

Concrete hc 260 [mm] Height of concrete plate

Plate hp [mm] Height of pre-fabricated
As, lat / Ac 0.5 % Degree of lateral reinforcement
As1 (field) 100 cm²/m Upper reinforcement area of
field section
zs1 (field) 30 [mm] Distance of upper reinforcement
from the top of the concrete
As2 (field) 100 cm²/m Lower reinforcement area of
field section
zs2 (field) 230 [mm] Distance of lower reinforcement
from the top of the concrete
As1 (support) 100 cm²/m Upper reinforcement area of
support section
zs1 (support) 30 [mm] Distance of upper reinforcement
from the top of the concrete
As2 (support) 100 cm²/m Lower reinforcement area of
support section
zs2 (support) 230 [mm] Distance of lower reinforcement
from the top of the concrete
Concrete class C 40 / 50
Reinforcement BSt 500 S

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Girder Kind of fabrication Plate section Rolled section or plate section

Kind of profile - Specify the rolled profile type
Steel girder strength - Specify the steel strength of
rolled profile
Plate section non-hybrid Enter kind of plate layout
Steel girder strength S 355 Steel strength of the beam
Reduction of steel √ Reduction of steel strength
strength according to the thickness of the
s 12 [mm] Web thickness
b1 (field) 420 [mm] Upper flange width of field
b2 (field) 500 [mm] Lower flange width of field
t1 (field) 26 [mm] Upper flange thickness of field
t2 (field) 30 [mm] Lower flange thickness of field
b1 (support) 420 [mm] Upper flange width of support
b2 (support) 500 [mm] Lower flange width of support
t1 (support) 26 [mm] Upper flange thickness of
support section
t2 (support) 30 [mm] Lower flange thickness of
support section

Connectors Studs active Select studs as shear connectors

S 235 Use S 235 for studs
S 460 √ Use S 460 for studs
CUSTOM Use a customised material for
fu - [N/mm²] Ultimate strain
fy - [N/mm²] Yield strength
Diameter d = 16 mm Diameter of studs
Diameter d = 19 mm Diameter of studs
Diameter d = 22 mm √ Diameter of studs
Diameter d = 25 mm Diameter of studs
height h = 125 [mm] Height of studs
alternative shear select Use an alternative shear
connectors connector
PRd [kN/m] Bearing resistance of the
alternative shear connector

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Loads Load cases Casting Select load case

x [1] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of point load 1 – 8
from left support
F [1] – [8] 0 [kN] Magnitude of point load 1 - 8
x0 [1] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 1 from left
q0 [1] 2.90 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 1 at starting point
x1 [1] 16.20 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 1 from left
q1 [1] 2.90 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 1
at end point
x0 [2] 6.60 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 2 from left
q0 [2] 2.90 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 2 at starting point
x1 [2] 9.60 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 2 from left
q1 [2] 2.90 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 2
at end point
x0 [3], [4] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 3, 4 from left
q0 [3], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 3, 4 at starting point
x1 [3], [4] 0 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 3, 4 from left
q1 [3], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 3,
4 at end point

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Loads Load cases Permanent Select load case

x [1] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of point load 1 - 8
from left support
F [1] – [8] 0 [kN] Magnitude of point load 1 - 8
x0 [1] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 1 from left
q0 [1] 30.80 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 1 at starting point
x1 [1] 16.20 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 1 from left
q1 [1] 30.80 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 1
at end point
x0 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q0 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 2, 3& 4 at starting point
x1 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q1 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 2,
3 & 4 at end point

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Loads Load cases Traffic [max] Select load case

x [1] 7.10 [m] Distance of point load 1 from
left support
F [1] 315 [kN] Magnitude of point load 1
x [2] 9.10 [m] Distance of point load 2 from
left support
F [2] 315 [kN] Magnitude of point load 2
x [3] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of point load 3 – 8
from left support
F [3] – [8] 0 [kN] Magnitude of point load 3 - 8
x0 [1] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 1 from left
q0 [1] 1.20 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 1 at starting point
x1 [1] 16.20 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 1 from left
q1 [1] 1.20 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 1
at end point
x0 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q0 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 2, 3& 4 at starting point
x1 [2], [4] 0 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q1 [2], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 2,
3 & 4 at end point

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Loads Load cases Traffic [min] Select load case

x [1] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of point load 3 – 8
from left support
F [1] – [8] 0 [kN] Magnitude of point load 3 - 8
x0 [1], [4] 0 [m] Distance starting point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q0 [1], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of the distributed
load 2, 3& 4 at starting point
x1 [1], [4] 0 [m] Distance end point of
distributed load 2, 3& 4 from
left support
q1 [1], [4] 0 [kN/m] Magnitude of distributed load 2,
3 & 4 at end point

Loads Load cases Breaking Select load case

x [1] – [8] 0 [m] Distance of moment 2 – 4 from
left support
F [1] – [8] 0 [kNm] Magnitude of moment 2 - 4
Hx 900 [kN] Horizontal load due to breaking
or acceleration

Loads Load cases Temperature Select load case

dT [ To > Tu ] 10 [K] Top of concrete warmer than
bottom concrete
dT [ Tu > To ] 7 [K] Top of concrete colder than
bottom concrete

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Settings Constr. Sit. 1 √ Take construction situation 1

into account
Constr. Sit. 2 √ Take construction situation 2
into account
Max deflection √ Perform deflection check
L/ 200 Deflection limit
Moment distribution √ Take moment distribution into
Creep √ Take creep into account
Shrinkage √ Take shrinkage into account
Safety factors Germany Specify set of combination
factors for various countries

Combination ψ (Casting) 1.0 Combination factor for casting

factors (ULS) loads (ULS)
ψ (Traffic TS) 1.0 Combination factor for single
traffic loads (ULS)
ψ (Traffic UDL) 0.4 Combination factor for
uniformly distributed traffic
loads (ULS)
ψ (Breaking) 0.7 Combination factor for breaking
loads (ULS)
ψ (Temperature) 0.6 Combination factor for
temperature loads (ULS)

Combination ψ (Casting) 1.0 Combination factor for casting

factors (SLS) loads (SLS)
ψ (Traffic TS) 1.0 Combination factor for single
traffic loads (SLS)
ψ (Traffic UDL) 0.4 Combination factor for
uniformly distributed traffic
loads (SLS)
ψ (Breaking) 0.7 Combination factor for breaking
loads (SLS)
ψ (Temperature) 0.6 Combination factor for
temperature loads (SLS) Partial safety factors [NAD]

Table 5-8: Partial safety factors, example 2

µg µq µM0 µM1 νvec µc µs µv

1.35 1.50 1.10 1.10 0.80 1.50 1.15 1.25

Design Guide
Design Guide Page 5-123
Composite bridge design for small and medium spans Cross Section Cross Section

Section Units Value

Steel beam Iyy [cm4] 294703
Wc,o [cm³] 0
Wc,u [cm³] 0
Wst,o [cm³] - 7784
Wst,u [cm³] 9778
Fully composite slab
Short term Iyy [cm4] 1219257
W0,c,o [cm³] -376017
W0,c,u [cm³] 1117786
W0,st,o [cm³] 186298
W0,st,u [cm³] 16356
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1070452
Wb,c,o [cm³] -1075968
Wb,c,u [cm³] -9888418
Wb,st,o [cm³] 494769
Wb,st,u [cm³] 15257
Long term Iyy [cm4] 1129775
Ws,c,o [cm³] -611655
Ws,c,u [cm³] 3928389
Ws,st,o [cm³] 277575
Ws,st,u [cm³] 15676

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

5.2.8 Design

The effective width of the concrete plate beff = 3.83 [m]

The beam is rated into class 2 therefore the checks can be carried out plastically. Bearing Resistance

Steel beam: Vsd = 1395 [kN]

Msd = 2993 [kNm]
The beam has to be restrained against torsional buckling during construction.
Fully Composite beam [t = ∞d]: Vsd = 1395 [kN]
Msd = 6216 [kNm] Further Design Checks

The reinforcement diameter has to be smaller than 44 [mm] or the maximal distance between the
reinforcement bars has to be smaller than 25 [cm] to satisfy the crack width design checks of the
The shear connectors have a design resistance of Prd = 133 [kN].
The following criteria for the studs have to be satisfied:
- average welded bead diameter: dw > 1.25 d = 27.50 [mm]
- average welded bead height: hwm > 0.2 d = 4.40 [mm]
- minimum welded bead height: hw,min > 0.15 d = 3.30 [mm]
- minimum distance in direction of shear: emin >5d = 110.00 [mm]
- minimum distance vertical to direction of shear: emin > 2.5 d = 55.00 [mm]
If studs are not placed directly over the web, the diameter of the studs should be less than 30 [mm]
The following number of shear connectors have to be applied:
- 81 between support 1 and Mmax
- 147 between Mmax and support 2
The deflection checks are satisfied for all spans.

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans


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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans


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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

B.1 Two-span bridge using partially prefabricated elements

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

Design Guide
Design Guide Page 7
Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

B.2 Simple bridge using fully prefabricated elements

B.2.1 Simple bridge using fully prefabricated elements (Drawing 1)

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

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Composite bridge design for small and medium spans

B.2.2 Simple bridge using fully prefabricated elements (Drawing 2)

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