Buckney, David
Buckney, David
Buckney, David
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in Mechanical Engineering
August 2017
Table of Contents
List of Tables.................................................................................................................................. xv
Acknowledgements................................................................................................................... xvii
Notation ........................................................................................................................................... xx
Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 1
1.4.2 Clearance Influences and Behaviour ......................................................... 14
4.2.2 Casing Surfaces ................................................................................................... 54
5.4.2 Local Distortions ............................................................................................. 119
6.4.5 WCVTA510 Clearance Presentation........................................................ 152
B.1 Chamber Model Details ......................................................................................... 210
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Compressor operation.......................................................................................... 2
Figure 1-2: Meshing rotors highlighting single compression chamber.................... 4
Figure 1-3: Oil free compressor ............................................................................................... 5
Figure 1-4: Howden WRV range (courtesy of Howden Compressors Ltd.) ............ 7
Figure 1-5: Comparison of rotors with different basic geometry parameters ...... 9
Figure 1-6: SRM standard rotor geometry. Equal diameters; 4/6 lobes; L/D =
1.65; wrap angle = 300°. ........................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1-7: Rotor profile on transverse view ................................................................... 11
Figure 1-8: Rotor clearance gaps ........................................................................................... 12
Figure 1-9: Rotor retrofit test results with different clearances............................... 14
Figure 1-10: Location of proximity probe .......................................................................... 15
Figure 1-11: Measured relationship between operating temperature and
clearance reduction .................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 1-12: How rotor thermal growth and casing thermal growth affect
clearances ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2-1: Transverse profiles showing terminology ................................................. 22
Figure 2-2- Photo comparing symmetric and N-rotor profile rotors ...................... 23
Figure 2-3: ‘N’ rotor rack generation ................................................................................... 24
Figure 2-4- Clearance distribution on a rack projection .............................................. 27
Figure 2-5: Defining discrete leakage paths ...................................................................... 30
Figure 2-6: Leakage flow from chamber volume ............................................................ 31
Figure 2-7: Volume and area curves .................................................................................... 34
Figure 3-1: GEOM program integration with SCORPATH ............................................ 47
Figure 4-1: Compressor and rotor co-ordinate systems .............................................. 51
Figure 4-2: Parameters for surface definition .................................................................. 52
Figure 4-3: Exploded view of casing surfaces .................................................................. 54
Figure 4-4: Transverse profiles defined at LP plane ...................................................... 56
Figure 4-5: Full main rotor surface....................................................................................... 56
Figure 4-6: Rotor surface arrays............................................................................................ 57
Figure 4-7: Rotor home position ........................................................................................... 59
Figure 4-8: Rotor segments ..................................................................................................... 59
Figure 4-9: Moving rotors to the start of the compression cycle ............................. 61
Figure 4-10: Single chamber projected onto casing surfaces .................................... 63
Figure 4-11: Cycle angle mapped onto casing bore surfaces ..................................... 66
Figure 4-12: Position of rotor chambers in the transverse plane ............................ 67
Figure 4-13: Notation used on boundary map ................................................................ 70
Figure 4-14: Local transverse rotor offset angle, λ, at given axial position, γ. .... 71
Figure 4-15: Zero blow-hole rotor profile ......................................................................... 73
Figure 4-16: Zero BH rotor boundary map for main rotor ......................................... 74
Figure 4-17: Zero BH rotor boundary map for gate rotor........................................... 75
Figure 4-18: Zero BH rotor boundary points (λ = 0) ..................................................... 76
Figure 4-19: Zero BH rotor boundary points on main rotor surface (λ = 0) ........ 77
Figure 4-20: Zero BH rotor boundary points on gate rotor surface (λ = 0) ......... 77
Figure 4-21: Zero BH rotor boundary points (λ = -φc1) ............................................... 78
Figure 4-22: Zero BH rotor boundary points on main rotor surface (λ = -φc1) .. 79
Figure 4-23 Zero BH rotor boundary points on gate rotor surface (λ = -φc1) ..... 79
Figure 4-24: Symmetric (circular) rotor profile ............................................................. 80
Figure 4-25: Symmetric rotor boundary points (λ = -φC1) ......................................... 81
Figure 4-26: Symmetric rotor boundary points (-φC1 < λ < 0)................................... 81
Figure 4-27: Symmetric rotor boundary points (λ = 0) ............................................... 82
Figure 4-28: Symmetric rotor boundary points on main rotor ................................ 83
Figure 4-29: Symmetric rotor boundary map for main rotor with new
boundaries ..................................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 4-30: Symmetric rotor boundary points on gate rotor .................................. 84
Figure 4-31: Symmetric boundary map for gate rotor with new boundaries ..... 84
Figure 4-32: Asymmetric rotor profile (hybrid of zero BH and symmetric) ....... 86
Figure 4-33: Asymmetric rotor boundary map for main rotor ................................. 87
Figure 4-34: Asymmetric rotor boundary map for gate rotor................................... 87
Figure 4-35: Asymmetric rotor boundary map for gate rotor with adjusted
radial SL .......................................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 4-36: N-profile rotors .................................................................................................. 90
Figure 4-37: N-profile boundary map for main rotor ................................................... 91
Figure 4-38: N-profile boundary map for gate rotor..................................................... 91
Figure 4-39: Full rotor surfaces (3D domain) .................................................................. 93
Figure 4-40: Main rotor chamber offsets ........................................................................... 95
Figure 4-41: Gate rotor chamber offsets ............................................................................ 96
Figure 4-42: Full rotor surfaces with surface contour plot of local cycle angle .. 98
Figure 4-43: Thermodynamic results from chamber model ...................................... 99
Figure 4-44: Instantaneous gas temperature at rotor surface................................ 100
Figure 4-45: Time averaged gas temperature at rotor surface .............................. 101
Figure 5-1: Average fluid temperature at casing surfaces ........................................ 104
Figure 5-2: Average fluid temperature at casing surfaces in 3D ............................ 105
Figure 5-3: Instantaneous boundary temperature at rotor surfaces ................... 106
Figure 5-4: Instantaneous temperature at main rotor surface at different cycle
angles............................................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 5-5: Time-averaged boundary temperature at rotor surfaces ................. 108
Figure 5-6: Time averaged boundary temperature on main rotor ....................... 109
Figure 5-7: Planar averaged boundary temperature on rotor surfaces .............. 110
Figure 5-8: Planar averaged temperature distribution on rotors ......................... 110
Figure 5-9: Side projection of interlobe sealing line ................................................... 111
Figure 5-10: Transverse planes at suction and discharge of casing ..................... 113
Figure 5-11: Transverse analysis of interlobe gap ...................................................... 114
Figure 5-12: Pressure angle intersecting with pitch point ....................................... 115
Figure 5-13: Angles on transverse section ..................................................................... 116
Figure 5-14: Radial sealing points on main and gate rotors .................................... 118
Figure 5-15: Radial sealing lines......................................................................................... 119
Figure 5-16: Flow chart for performance calculation with operational clearances
.......................................................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 6-1: DRUM127 air compressor ............................................................................. 129
Figure 6-2: Rotor boundary temperatures ..................................................................... 131
Figure 6-3: Averaged boundary temperatures used for thermal analysis ......... 131
Figure 6-4: Rotor temperature distribution .................................................................. 132
Figure 6-5: Comparison of rotor models with different lobe combinations ..... 133
Figure 6-6: Rotor temperature distributions with different lobe combinations
.......................................................................................................................................................... 134
Figure 6-7: Comparison of rotor models with different wrap angles .................. 135
Figure 6-8: Rotor temperature distributions with different wrap angles .......... 136
Figure 6-9: Modelled temperature during cycle with different volume index . 137
Figure 6-10: Comparison of rotor models with different volume index ............. 137
Figure 6-11: Rotor temperature distributions with different volume index ..... 139
Figure 6-12: Comparison of casing temperatures with different volume index
.......................................................................................................................................................... 139
Figure 6-13: DRUM127 schematic ..................................................................................... 142
Figure 6-14: Interlobe clearance distribution corrected for thermal
deformations............................................................................................................................... 143
Figure 6-15: Variation of leakage areas throughout compression cycle ............. 145
Figure 6-16: Compressor performance from test and model .................................. 146
Figure 6-17: WCVTA510 compressor ............................................................................... 148
Figure 6-18: WRV range compressor vertical section ................................................ 148
Figure 6-19: WRVTA compressor on test stand............................................................ 150
Figure 6-20: Instantaneous and averaged fluid boundary temperature. Line AB
highlights the interlobe sealing line for a single compression chamber. ............ 151
Figure 6-21: Transverse cross section of rotors showing interlobe clearance
distribution of rotor surfaces ............................................................................................... 153
Figure 6-22: Comparison of example interlobe clearance distributions along
rack projection of rotors ........................................................................................................ 154
Figure 6-23: Original design clearance variations ....................................................... 155
Figure 6-24: Revised design clearance variations ....................................................... 156
Figure 6-25: Evidence of rotor rooting on main rotor of WCVTA510 .................. 157
Figure 6-26: Horizontal section of HS204 compressor .............................................. 159
Figure 6-27: Rotor profiles and design data ................................................................... 160
Figure 6-28: Interlobe clearance design data ................................................................ 161
Figure 6-29: HS204 on test stand ....................................................................................... 162
Figure 6-30: HS204 instrumentation schematic ........................................................... 162
Figure 6-31: Position of radial proximity probes in the test compressor........... 164
Figure 6-32: Proximity probe location ............................................................................. 164
Figure 6-33: HS204 volumetric efficiency with unmodified model clearances 167
Figure 6-34: HS204 discharge temperature with unmodified model clearances
.......................................................................................................................................................... 167
Figure 6-35: HS204 volumetric efficiency with modelled rotor thermal
distortion ..................................................................................................................................... 169
Figure 6-36: HS204 discharge temperature with modelled rotor thermal
distortion ..................................................................................................................................... 169
Figure 6-37: HS204 volumetric efficiency with modelled rotor and casing
thermal distortion .................................................................................................................... 171
Figure 6-38: HS204 discharge temperature with rotor and casing thermal
distortion ..................................................................................................................................... 171
Figure 6-39: HS204 volumetric efficiency at 6000rpm with and without jacket
cooling ........................................................................................................................................... 174
Figure 6-40: HS204 discharge temperature at 6000rpm with and without jacket
cooling ........................................................................................................................................... 174
Figure 6-41: Measured and modelled radial gap on MAIN rotor bore ................ 177
Figure 6-42: Measured and modelled radial gap on GATE rotor bore................. 177
Figure 6-43: Local temperatures at MAIN rotor bore radial gap ........................... 178
Figure 6-44: Local temperatures at GATE rotor bore radial gap ........................... 178
Figure 6-45: Example of overall casing displacement due to thermal loading
(courtesy of Howden Compressors Limited.) with approximate rotor body and
proximity probe location superimposed ......................................................................... 182
Figure A-1: Basic rotor dimensions ................................................................................... 195
Figure A-2: Helix angle calculation .................................................................................... 196
Figure A-3: Angles to casing cusp ....................................................................................... 198
Figure A-4: Meshing condition ............................................................................................ 200
Figure A-5: Solving for meshing angle.............................................................................. 201
Figure A-6: Interlobe sealing line and normal projection......................................... 202
Figure A-7: Cross sectional area calculation using trapezoidal rule..................... 203
Figure A-8: Area integration limits for volume ............................................................. 204
Figure A-9: Designated port names ................................................................................... 205
Figure A-10: Blow-hole leakage area ................................................................................ 206
Figure A-11: Interlobe sealing line .................................................................................... 207
Figure A-12: Interlobe leakage area curves ................................................................... 208
Figure B-1: Chamber model setup ..................................................................................... 210
Figure B-2: Uniform 2D thermal distortion .................................................................... 212
Figure B-3: 2D rotor and casing distortion ..................................................................... 213
Figure B-4: DRUM127 casing temperature exposure ................................................. 214
Figure B-5: DRUM127 axial casing temperature variation....................................... 215
Figure C-1: Compressor boundaries for performance evaluation ......................... 217
Figure C-2: Comparison of model indicated PV curve and polytropic curve ..... 221
List of Tables
Table 1-1: Commonly grouped constraints ......................................................................... 8
Table 4-1: Compressor orientation ...................................................................................... 50
Table 4-2: Casing surface parameters ................................................................................. 55
Table 4-3: Local cycle angle corrections on main rotor ............................................... 95
Table 4-4: Local cycle angle corrections on gate rotor ................................................. 97
Table 6-1: Air ideal gas properties..................................................................................... 128
Table 6-2: Basic compressor details ................................................................................. 129
Table 6-3: Air duty ................................................................................................................... 130
Table 6-4: Model parameters for thermal analysis ..................................................... 130
Table 6-5: Temperatures at specific locations .............................................................. 132
Table 6-6: Temperatures with different lobe combinations ................................... 134
Table 6-7: Temperatures with different wrap angles ................................................ 136
Table 6-8: Temperatures with different volume index ............................................. 139
Table 6-9: DRUM127 instrumentation ............................................................................. 142
Table 6-10: Modelled clearance adjustments ................................................................ 143
Table 6-11: Basic compressor details ............................................................................... 149
Table 6-12: Air test for contract duty ............................................................................... 149
Table 6-13: Air test for high temperature ....................................................................... 149
Table 6-14: WRVTA510 instrumentation ....................................................................... 150
Table 6-15: Average fluid boundary temperature across outlet plane ............... 151
Table 6-16: Key Clearance Locations ................................................................................ 154
Table 6-17: Performance penalty with revised interlobe clearance .................... 156
Table 6-18: Basic compressor details ............................................................................... 160
Table 6-19: Air test duty ........................................................................................................ 161
Table 6-20: HS204 instrumentation ................................................................................. 163
Table 6-21: HS204 additional hardware ......................................................................... 163
Table 6-22: HS204 performance test results ................................................................. 166
Table 6-23: HS204 interpolated performance test results....................................... 166
Table 6-24: HS204 model performance results with unmodified clearances .. 168
Table 6-25: HS204 model performance results with rotor thermal distortion 170
Table 6-26: HS204 model performance results with rotor and casing thermal
distortion ...................................................................................................................................... 172
Table 6-27: HS204 performance test results at 6000rpm with and without
jacket cooling .............................................................................................................................. 173
Table 6-28: HS204 interpolated performance test results at 6000rpm with and
without jacket cooling ............................................................................................................. 173
Table 6-29: HS204 ‘MODEL R’ performance results at 6000rpm with rotor
thermal expansion .................................................................................................................... 175
Table 6-30: HS204 ‘MODEL RC’ performance results at 6000rpm with rotor and
casing thermal expansion ...................................................................................................... 176
This work was made possible through collaboration between my employer -
Howden Compressors in Glasgow, and the Centre for Positive Displacement
Compressor Technology at City, University of London; where I enrolled as an
external student in 2010. Thanks must go to the management team in Howden
for the continuing support of this work in light of ongoing business pressures.
Thank you to Prof. Ahmed Kovacevic, Jim Fairbairn and Graeme Cook, among
others, for having the vision to initiate this work. I am indebted to many other
colleagues who have been supportive of this work over the years. Dr. Manoj
Heiyantuduwa and Dr. Maria Wilson have provided valuable advice about their
own postgraduate study experience and are great examples to me of how PhD
graduates can play a valuable leading role in a commercial research
Regularly visiting and working with the staff and students of the Compressor
Centre has been a fantastic opportunity - thank you to City, University of
London and all those involved in making my role as an external student
possible. It’s been a privilege to share in the vast knowledge and experience of
the Compressor Centre. My first supervisor – Prof. Ahmed Kovacevic - has been
instrumental in this work and has always generously dedicated time and energy
to helping me. I’m grateful to have received both the patient encouragement I
needed and the less patient encouragement when required. My meetings with
my second supervisor – Prof. Nikola Stosic – were less frequent but always
inspiring and have had a significant influence on the direction of this work.
Thanks must also go to Professor Ian Smith for kindly proof reading and
suggesting improvements.
Finally, thank you to my family who have helped get me to this point,
particularly my wife Kirsteen who has supported me throughout my studies
while we also embarked on other adventures together including finding a home,
planning a wedding, and most recently, bringing up our daughter, Erin.
David Buckney
I confirm that this work is my own except where indicated by reference in the
David Buckney
Although the performance of twin screw compressors is heavily dependent on
the rotor clearances within them, chamber models, used as design aids, allow
for the specification of their magnitude and distribution but do not account for
how these may vary during operation, as a result of internal temperature
changes caused by the compression process.
A program for calculation of leakage area curves has been adapted to support
locally calculated variations in clearances. These updated area curves can then
be fed back into the chamber model in an iterative procedure to simulate
performance with thermally distorted clearances.
Symbol Units Description
p [Bara] pressure
Q [kW] heat
S [-] co-ordinate system
μC [°C-1] coefficient of thermal expansion for casing
Additional Subscripts
rotor / inlet
rotor / outlet
l, t leading, trailing
a, b, c misc. labels
1D 1-dimensional
2D 2-dimensional
3D 3-dimensional
BH blow hole
HP high pressure
LP low pressure
OD outer diameter
SL sealing line
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1
Twin screw compressors are widely used in the refrigeration and gas
processing industries. They have increased in popularity over the decades and
have replaced reciprocating compressors in many applications (Ohama, Kurioka
et al. 2006). As a consequence of their widespread use, achieving modest gains
in performance can result in a significant reduction in global energy
consumption. One possible way to increase performance is to match the screw
compressor to the application, i.e. the properties of the working fluid and the
operating duty, by using uniquely optimised rotors as suggested by Singh et al.
(Singh, Onuschak 1984) and demonstrated by Stosic et al. (Stosic, Smith et al.
2003). This has not traditionally been attempted by screw compressor
manufacturers due to the specialised nature of designing the rotor profile
geometry and the expense and lead time associated with modifying or
procuring tooling to manufacture bespoke rotors. With the current availability
of modern flexible profile generation tools (Stosic, Hanjalic 1997) and advanced
manufacturing techniques (Holmes 2008), tailoring rotor designs for specific
applications is more feasible. However there are still considerable challenges
that need to be addressed in order to achieve this.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1-1 shows a representation of the rotors in mesh at various stages of the
compression cycle. These rotors are enclosed within a closely fitting casing,
resulting in the cavities that become the working chambers of the compressor.
As the rotors turn these cavities translate axially and change in volume due to
the helical form of the rotors. At the suction end new cavities are formed which
increase in volume. At the discharge end these cavities decrease in volume and
Chapter 1: Introduction
eventually disappear. The rotor on the right, with 4 lobes in this example, will
be referred to as the ‘main’ rotor and the rotor on the left, with 6 lobes, as the
‘gate’ rotor.
It is vital that clearances are maintained where close interaction between the
rotors and casing exists. As these clearances define part of the boundary for a
given chamber they are also referred to as the sealing lines. The clearances
along these sealing lines introduce leakage paths which need to be controlled
for efficient operation. The area of the leakage path depends on the length of the
sealing line and on the size of the clearance gap. Minimising the effect of leakage
paths is one of the main aims when designing twin screw compressors
(Fleming, Tang 1995).
Chapter 1: Introduction
Radial Port
The volume index, or ‘Vi’, is the ratio of the inlet and outlet chamber volumes:
V1/V2. The compressor should be designed to match the internal and external
pressure increase so the target volume index is dependent on the compression
ratio and gas properties. Systems have been introduced that allow the size of
the ports to be altered, allowing a variable volume index. Ideally the port shapes
should be as large as possible to minimise flow velocity and consequent losses.
Depending on the casing design, the suction and discharge ports may only
consist of an axial or a radial opening.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Twin screw compressors can be ‘oil injected’ or ‘oil free’ (O'Neill 1966). Figure
1-3 shows a sectional view of an oil free compressor highlighting some of the
main components in different colours. The radial and axial bearings are
highlighted in red; the seals are highlighted in yellow; and the timing gears are
highlighted in green. With oil injected compressors the gate rotor is typically
driven directly from the main rotor along a contact band on the rotors,
eliminating the need for expensive timing gears. Another advantage of oil
injected machines is that oil can drain directly into the compression chamber
from the bearings eliminating the need for internal mechanical seals. Oil
injected twin-screw compressors are capable of achieving higher compression
ratios due to the presence of liquid in the clearance gaps and cooling of the
compression gas by the liquid. However the viscous losses associated with oil
injection limit the operational speed and therefore the capacity compared to an
oil free compressor. Oil injected machines are dominant in refrigeration and air
compression whereas oil free machines are common in gas processing
applications in which contamination of the gas stream is not acceptable.
Chapter 1: Introduction
These applications cover a wide range of operating duties in terms of: capacity;
suction pressure and temperature; and pressure ratio. Typical process gases
handled (Howden Compressors Ltd. 2008) include: Carbon dioxide; Helium;
Hydrogen; Ammonia; Butane; Chlorine; Coke oven gas; Sour hydrocarbons;
Ethane; Propane; Town gas; Natural gas; Steam; and Refrigerants. Different
operating fluids can result in significantly different discharge temperatures and
internal leakages depending on their specific heat ratio and molecular weight.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Using a standard rotor profile for a range of compressors is a far cry from early
predictions (Singh, Onuschak 1984) and more recent examples in the literature
of rotor profile optimisation (Stosic, Smith et al. 2003). This work initially set
out to apply well documented rotor profile optimisation methods to small
batches of industrial compressors in a commercially viable way. Research based
on this remit identified some practical and design challenges without clear
solutions, namely, precisely how to design optimum clearances that safely
accommodate duty dependent distortions during operation and how to capture
the impact of clearance distortions during modelling. Tackling these challenges
Chapter 1: Introduction
A thorough overview of screw compressor optimisation was presented by
Stosic (Stosic, Smith et al. 2003). This describes target functions; identification
of suitable optimisation parameters and constraints; and application of a
method to find local minima. Using a number of case studies, Stosic shows that
different rotor designs are optimal for different applications, this depends on
whether they are oil-injected or oil-free and on the working fluid and operating
conditions. Other optimisation methods have also been demonstrated to be
successful (Stosic 2005, Wu, Fong 2009, Hauser, Brummer et al. 2008). The
advent of accurate thread grinding (Holmes 2008) brings flexibility, as changes
can more readily be made to the form of the tool, making the possibility of
optimising smaller batches of rotors more realistic and economical.
The design and optimisation of twin screw compressors can be broken down
into three areas, namely: ‘General Design’, ‘Profile Design’ and ‘Clearance
Design’. The group of design variables that fall within each of these areas are
often constrained together such that different levels of optimisation can be
broadly described as shown in Table 1-1. These different areas will be
elaborated on in the following sections.
Chapter 1: Introduction
A small lobe number combination, such as on the 3/5 lobe rotors shown in
Figure 1-5a, results in a compressor well suited to high flow applications. This
type of rotor geometry is often seen in applications such as engine
superchargers where the inlet air is ‘boosted’ to increase mass flow with only a
modest pressure increase.
The 5/7 lobe rotors shown in Figure 1-5b result in more working chambers but
the compressor will have a smaller net capacity for a given rotor diameter. This
larger number of lobes is well suited to higher pressure applications as the
differential pressure between working chambers will be smaller. The rotors in
Figure 1-5b also feature a smaller L/D ratio which when combined with the
larger root diameter for the 5/7 lobe combination, results in very rigid rotors
that can accommodate large bearings for high pressure operation.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Increasing the wrap angle of the rotors increases the ports areas and decreases
the rate of filling and discharge due to a slightly longer cycle time. These factors
both help reduce dynamic losses. However, the slower cycle time that reduces
the flow rate in the ports also has the negative consequence of increasing the
time over which leakage can occur.
Figure 1-6: SRM standard rotor geometry. Equal diameters; 4/6 lobes; L/D = 1.65;
wrap angle = 300°.
The need to optimise the general rotor arrangement is most applicable when
designing a new range of compressors. When retrofitting rotors or designing
rotors for a range of standard machines with finite casing geometry variations,
it is common for the general rotor arrangement to be mostly constrained.
Figure 1-6 shows the commonly used general rotor parameters used in the
most popular compressor ranges in Howden Compressors. This design was
based on experimental work and reports produced by SRM (SRM 1952) and
provides good performance over a wide range of duties.
Chapter 1: Introduction
The rotor profile is defined using a rotor generation procedure that is usually
patented; if publically disclosed. Rotor generation procedures commonly
describe the profile on either the rotor or rack using various explicit curves
with known derivatives that allow analytical calculation of the profile
conjugates. Each rotor generation procedure has its own unique set of
parameters that define the component curves of the profile. Modern generation
procedures such as ‘N’ profile generation (Stosic, Hanjalic 1997, Stosic 2001),
used in this research, provide a high degree of flexibility to the profile design
while generating robust, reliable profiles. Rotor generation procedures will be
discussed in more detail in the next chapter.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Suction Flow (m^3/min)
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Pressure Ratio
Figure 1-9 shows results from a Howden HS408165, oil free compressor. The
compressor was retrofitted with newly designed N profile rotors (N_T1); these
results are shown in red. Unfortunately, this rotor pair encountered serious
rotor contact issues and testing was stopped. After conservatively relaxing the
clearances, a second rotor pair was manufactured and tested (N_T2) with
results shown in green. This performed well in terms of reliability however the
flow was impaired as shown.
Chapter 1: Introduction
• Manufacturing tolerance
• Assembly tolerance
• Bearing clearances
• Pressure distortions
• Thermal distortions
This is supported by test results where the radial gap between the rotor and the
casing was directly measured using a proximity probe at the location shown in
Figure 1-10. These test results are later utilised in the last case study in chapter
Chapter 1: Introduction
6 where more detail will be provided. Figure 1-11 shows the measured radial
gap plotted against the ‘temperature increase’ across the compressor; i.e. the
difference between the discharge temperature and the suction temperature
where in this case the suction temperature is the same as ambient. Different
temperatures were achieved by testing the compressor over a range of
compression ratios. The nominal gap size in this case is 0.150mm. The radial
clearance can be seen to reduce at higher temperatures. This is only a limited
sample of data but it does show a fairly linear relationship between gap
distortion and operating temperature.
y = -0.6957x + 145.9
Radial Gap (μm)
R² = 0.9782
0 25 50 75 100 125
Temperature Increase (°C)
Thermal distortions have been analysed in detail in the literature by Sauls et al.
(Sauls, Powell et al. 2007) and by Kovacevic et al. (Kovacevic, Stosic et al.
2002a) who showed that this is the dominant cause of operational deflections
for oil free compressors. Assuming a simplified 2D cross-section with uniform
rotor and casing temperatures, it is easy to visualise how clearances are
affected. The left hand side of Figure 1-12 represents the effect of rotor thermal
growth assuming no change in the casing geometry, including the rotor centre
distance, A. With uniform heating of the rotors, the measured gap ‘GapR’ will
Chapter 1: Introduction
decrease in a very predictable manner. The change in the rotor overlap from H
to H’ represents the reduction in the horizontal, transverse component of the
interlobe clearance.
A A’
Figure 1-12: How rotor thermal growth and casing thermal growth affect
The right hand side of Figure 1-12 shows the scenario of the casing thermal
expansion without any deformations of the rotors. In this case the bearing
centres will move apart, due to thermal expansion of the casing that houses the
bearings. Due to this increase in centre distance from A to A’ the interlobe
clearance gap will increase. Additionally, the casing thermal growth will
increase the measured radial gap ‘GapR’.
In short, heating of the rotors acts to decrease clearances and heating of the
casing acts to increase clearances. With a uniform temperature increase over
the entire compressor where the rotors and casing are at the same temperature,
the change in clearance gaps would be negligible since all dimensions would
scale uniformly.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter covers the motivation behind this research, introduces the reader
to some twin screw compressor basics and to the concept of optimising the
compressor rotors for specific applications. In summary this chapter discusses
the importance of clearance analysis and design to the rotor optimisation
process and highlights this as an area that would benefit from additional
This chapter draws on literature to set out details of twin screw compressor
rotor geometry generation and analysis that are important foundations of this
research. Some of the established geometry calculations used will be described
here or referred to in appendices. This chapter continues to discuss established
compressor models that will be used. Limitations in applying these current
tools to clearance analysis are discussed.
Within this chapter the research goals are set out along with specific details of
the expected contribution.
This chapter describes work to map the fluid properties from a chamber model
to the rotor and casing geometry.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter presents case studies in which the methods outlined in Chapters 4
and 5 can be applied to the design and analysis of clearances for oil free and oil
injected compressors.
Finally, this chapter will conclude this thesis and identify any future work.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2
Background Theory and
Literature Review
This chapter draws on available literature to: describe the work that the current
research is based on, introducing relevant theory as necessary; and clarify
exactly where new contributions are required. The generation of rotor profiles
is a necessary starting point for this research so this will be discussed first. This
is followed by a review of how the clearances are designed. Once the rotor
geometry has been generated the task of fully evaluating the geometry
characteristics of the assembled rotor and casing is considerable. So this is also
covered. Modelling of twin screw compressors is then reviewed; considering
both performance prediction and thermal analysis methods.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Stosic’s N-profile improved the rack definition of the straight flank, and thus
reduced the blowhole area. This was achieved by generating the straight
portion of the rack from two small radii defined on the main and gate rotors
(Stosic 2001), similar to the SRM ‘D’ profile (Astberg 1984). The use of small
fillet radii rather than singular points is beneficial when designing a practical
profile that requires carefully controlled clearances. The N-profile rotors in
Figure 2-3 show a meshing rotor pair on the right and on the left the transverse
rack from which they were generated. The letters identify the extents of the
individual curve segments used to define the profile.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
There are other interesting rack generation methods that have been proposed
such as using a number of discrete points connected using a spline (Sundt
1997) rather than the traditionally used set of explicit curves. Furthermore, it is
possible to derive meshing profiles using the Boolean operations built into
modern CAD packages (Stosic, Mujic et al. 2008) without the need to calculate
the meshing conditions. These types of approach are likely to gain more favour
among profile designers, due to the freedom they bring, providing numerical
errors are within acceptable limits.
The patented ‘N’ profile procedure (Stosic 2001, Stosic, Hanjalic 1997) draws
together the strengths of previous profiles: such as the asymmetry of the A and
D profiles; and the involute curves at the pitch circle used in the Rinder rack;
while bringing new benefits, due to the novel rack generation method which
provides far more flexibility in the form of the remaining curves. This
generation method is accessible to rotor design engineers as part of a
commercially available design suite (Mujic, Kovacevic et al. 2010) and was used
for all new rotors designed during this research.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
components. The radial and axial clearances that occur between the rotors and
the casing are fairly straightforward to implement; for example by designing the
rotors to a slightly smaller diameter than the casing bore diameter. The
interlobe clearance is introduced by removing material from one or both of the
generated profiles. Fleming (Tang, Fleming 1994) investigated suitable
practises to introduce interlobe clearances with tooling offsets however
modern rotor design tools such as for the ‘N’ profile generation allow a high
degree of control over the clearance distribution when designing the profiles.
Clearance distributions usually vary around the profile and can be significantly
different in local areas. Figure 2-4 shows a transverse rack view with clearances
mapped onto it. Clearances are represented by magnified vectors
perpendicular to the rotor rack curve. The point numbers, e.g. ‘#01’, on this
figure represent inspection points where the designed clearances may have
different values. The number that follows is the normal clearance gap
(measured perpendicular to the surface) in microns, e.g. ‘+90’. In this figure the
clearances are smaller on the round flank, on the left hand side, because this is
the side where contact normally occurs. The larger clearances on the straight
flank, on the right hand side, allow for rotor ‘backlash’ which is a necessary
design feature of any practical gear system.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
In one sense the clearances in oil injected machines are easier to manage than
in oil free machines, because the temperatures are usually kept within much
lower limits. However the lack of timing gears and the direct rotor to rotor
drive adds more complexity to clearance analysis. Rotor contact is necessary for
one rotor to drive the other; the objective is to control precisely where contact
is to occur. Best practice for direct drive clearance design ensures only rolling
contact at the pitch radius of each rotor as presented by Stosic et al (Stosic,
Smith et al. 2005). Deviations from nominal design clearances, whether due to
manufacturing and assembly variations or due to operational distortions, can
result in a shift in the relative rotation between the main and gate rotors (Sauls,
Powell et al. 2007): this further distorts the interlobe clearance distribution and
must be considered in clearance evaluation for direct drive, oil injected
The discontinuities at each side, on the top and at the bottom of the clearance
distribution in Figure 2-4, are introduced by ‘tip seals’, or ‘wear strips’ located
at the outer diameter of each rotor. These narrow bands of protruding metal are
a compromise that slightly increases the total interlobe leakage area but they
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Literature Review
As the helical rotors rotate within the compressor casing the actual volume of
trapped gas within any one of the compressor chambers is continuously
changing in shape, size and position. Each compression chamber is comprised
of one main rotor and one gate rotor flute. These are the individual channels
threading their way around the rotors. As the compression volume moves
through the compressor it interacts with fixed ports (refer back to Figure 1-2)
in the casing, resulting in port areas that continually vary and exist for only a
certain portion of the cycle. Due to the necessity for clearances, leakage paths
also exist at the sealing boundaries. Again these are continuously changing in
shape, size and position throughout the compression cycle. Calculating these
geometric characteristics of the twin screw machine, that are relevant to its
performance, can become very complex depending on the level of realism and
accuracy required.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Of the leakage paths shown in Figure 2-5, the radial gap and interlobe gap are
directly related to the design clearances. The discharge end face gap - also called
the axial gap, is an assembly feature while the blow-hole area is an inherent
feature of the rotor profile geometry. Not all leakages paths are present for the
entire duration of a compression cycle and the size and shape of the leakage
path will vary. Defining each of the leakage areas as a function of the cycle angle
sufficiently captures the most important leakage characteristics in a very
efficient manner. This efficiency comes at the cost of losing details such as how
the area evolves along the path of the leakage flow. When describing leakage
areas with non-dimensional area curves the simple objective is to calculate the
minimum instantaneous area along each flow path as accurately as possible.
Interlobe Leakage
The radial leakage path for outflow can be visualised as the flow along the
curved arrows shown in Figure 2-6. For a given rotor position the length of this
sealing line is easily calculated as it follows two helical paths that terminate at
Chapter 2: Literature Review
the casing cusp where the main and the gate rotors meet, or at one of the axial
end faces. If the radial clearance gap is constant, then the leakage area is the
product of the sealing line length and the clearance gap. This simple
representation of the clearance gap is common and has shown to be sufficiently
accurate for many models in predicting the general performance metrics of
Chapter 2: Literature Review
to accept rotor co-ordinates, of any type and from any source, for
calculation, allowing flexibility and independent rotor comparisons
The last point that is underlined was introduced during the course of this
research to allow specific analyses of the clearances. An example of some of the
typical results obtained is shown in Figure 2-7.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
3.0E+6 3.0E+6
Volume (mm^3)
Volume (mm^3)
Area (mm^2)
Area (mm^2)
2.0E+6 2.0E+6
60000 60
1.5E+6 1.5E+6
40000 40
1.0E+6 1.0E+6
20000 20
5.0E+5 5.0E+5
0 0.0E+0 0 0.0E+0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
Main Rotor Angle (degrees) Main Rotor Angle (degrees)
a. port areas b. leakage areas
The port areas are shown in Figure 2-7a while the smaller leakage path areas
are shown in Figure 2-7b, from which it can be seen that different leakage paths
exist during different phases of the compressor cycle and for a particular
working chamber there can potentially be two of each type of leakage path: one
for in-flow from the previous chamber or from discharge; and one for out-flow
to the next chamber or to suction. Details on the calculation of the volume curve
and selected areas are included in Appendix A.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Hanjalic, Stosic 1997, Seshaiah, Ghosh et al. 2007, Stosic, Hanjalic et al. 1986,
Fujiwara, Kasuya et al. 1984, Sauls 1996).
The model used in this research is that described by Hanjalic and Stosic
(Hanjalic, Stosic 1997). Here the compression process is described as a classic
open thermodynamic system using the non-steady flow energy equation with
internal energy as the derived function from which all other properties such as
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The fluid flow in the model is assumed to be quasi 1D i.e. only 1D flow
through ports and leakage paths is considered while the chamber in non-
This assumes that kinetic energy changes of the working fluid within the
working chamber are negligible compared to internal energy changes
Gas or gas-liquid inflow to and outflow from the compressor ports is
assumed to be isentropic
Leakage flow of the fluid through the clearances is assumed to be
Each term in equation (1) describes the rate of energy change within the
working chamber. On the right hand side the enthalpy of suction, discharge,
leakage to and leakage from the chamber are all described with a mass flow
balance (other fluids such as oil are included in this total enthalpy). The final
terms are the rate of heat transfer and the compression work. Once the
compressor has reached a steady operating temperature, the heat transfer, Q,
describing the heat flux between the working fluid and the compressor and
surroundings, is relatively small compared to the overall compression power
and can therefore be neglected in terms of its effect of the thermodynamic
process (Stosic, 2015). Therefore, in this work, Q has been set to zero so that the
compressor surfaces are adiabatic. Note that this does not mean the
compression cycle is adiabatic as heat is transported via leakage paths and to
cooling liquid, if present, which have a far more significant impact on the
thermodynamic process.
Each mass flow is calculated using orifice or nozzle flow theory and continuity.
The areas used are those calculated from the rotor geometry which varies as a
function of the compressor angle, θ. Similarly, the last term ωp dV/dθ which
Chapter 2: Literature Review
In the current model, the flow through the ports is assumed to be isentropic,
corrected using an orifice flow coefficient. In other models the flow through the
leakage paths is also often calculated as isentropic (Fujiwara, Mori et al. 1974,
Sauls 1996, Seshaiah, Ghosh et al. 2007), if applicable, by using the critical
pressure ratio for choked flow. Sachs (Sachs 2002) has confirmed
experimentally that supersonic leakage flow can occur. These models neglect
the effect of friction resulting in the need for correction factors. Bell (Bell, Groll
et al. 2012) presents a numerical leakage model that uses a Fanning friction
factor. Results from this model are compared against an isentropic nozzle flow,
highlighting the large difference. In the currently used leakage model (Stosic,
Smith et al. 2005) the leaking gas velocity is derived from the momentum
equation, which accounts for the fluid-wall friction. The mass flow is found by
integrating along a gap from the high pressure to the low pressure side so that
the flow can be defined as adiabatic Fanno flow. This flow has been described in
detail elsewhere (Stosic, Smith et al. 2005); a brief description has been
included in B.1.2 Adiabatic Fanno Flow.
What value this average gap size should take is unclear. Assuming nominal
values for all manufacturing and assembly tolerances it is possible to calculate
what is sometimes described as the ‘cold clearance’, which is what the gap
would be when the compressor is at ambient temperature and stationary. It is
Chapter 2: Literature Review
known that the operational clearances can vary significantly when the
compressor is running (Sauls, Powell et al. 2007). Fleming dealt with this by
using empirically derived flow coefficients to correct the flows predicted using
the cold clearances (Fleming, Tang et al. 1998b); this approach is less suitable
for a model which must be accurate over a wide range of operation duties and
working fluids. If the temperature distribution of the rotors and casing is
known, operational clearances can be predicted by considering thermal
expansion. In a series of papers (Sauls, Powell et al. 2006a, Weathers, Sauls et al.
2006, Powell, Weathers et al. 2006) Sauls et al accurately predicted the rotor
and casing temperature distribution of an oil injected compressor by applying
boundary conditions from a chamber model to a finite element model. This
analysis deals with duty dependent clearance sensitivities and provided
excellent insight into the rotor and casing temperature distributions which can
be fed back into a chamber model. However, it would be difficult to run such a
detailed simulation for numerous rotors, requiring geometry updates; and for
different applications, requiring re-calculation of boundary conditions.
This describes the approach taken by Hsiao et al (Hsiao, Wu et al. 2012) to show
how certain non-uniform clearance distributions can indeed have an effect on
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 2: Literature Review
hot to the cold end of the rotors is actually said to be due to the larger heat flux
from the discharge bearing, rather than the gas temperature distribution.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
the opposite is true. This paper also considers deformation due to the pressure
distribution but notes that this is negligible compared to the temperature
deformation. Kovacevic et al apply a solid-fluid interaction analysis to a novel
screw compressor-expander (Kovacevic, Stosic et al. 2006a). This analysis is
built on in (Kovacevic, Stosic et al. 2006b) which estimates clearance gap
distortions using the gas discharge temperature by mapping numerical and
experimental results. Both Kovacevic and Gao discuss the need to consider the
rotor and casing material properties and how this influences gap distortion
during operation.
Chamber models are well established tools that have been shown to be accurate
for general performance prediction, with this in mind it can sometimes be
counter-productive to introduce additional complexity since the model
efficiency may be reduced without an overall improvement in accuracy due to
Chapter 2: Literature Review
other inherent assumptions such as the way in which leakage flow is calculated.
However in certain specific analyses, adapting existing chamber models can
provide valuable new insights with minimum decrease in model efficiency. For
example, when Mujic (Mujic 2009) replaced approximated sine curves with port
area curves derived from actual rotor and casing geometry, he enabled the
investigation of pressure pulsations due to subtly different port area curves.
Chapter 3: Research Objectives, Methods and Expected Contribution
Chapter 3
Research Objectives, Methods
and Expected Contribution
The aim of this research is to develop and validate procedures which will enable
analysis, design and optimisation of the operational clearances in industrial twin
screw compressors in order to improve their performance and reliability.
A key output of this research will be validated tools and procedures that can be
readily applied to the design and optimisation of twin screw compressors for
specific applications.
Chapter 3: Research Objectives, Methods and Expected Contribution
Develop a boundary mapping procedure to fully describe exposure of
compression chambers to rotor and casing surfaces, thus allowing
temperatures and pressures calculated by thermodynamic model to be mapped.
Validate the developed procedure for different oil free and oil injected
compressors by the use of experimental results.
Study the geometric characteristics of oil free and oil injected rotor profiles.
Generation of Rotor Profiles:
For the purposes of this research rotor profiles will be generated using
existing methods such as those used for the N-Profile
Chapter 3: Research Objectives, Methods and Expected Contribution
Calculate Performance:
The geometry calculation program will provide the input to the chamber
model that will calculate the performance of the compressor. The basic
integration of the new program is shown in Figure 3-1
Verify performance predictions with available test data
Investigate how operational clearances vary at operational temperatures
and pressures and quantify the impact this has on predicted
The clearance areas and thermodynamics will be solved iteratively to
include operational effects where possible. This should improve the
accuracy of performance prediction and form a basis for optimum
clearance design for specific applications
Study geometry characteristics of rotor profile using a new program suite
Validate predicted results and compressor reliability with test results
Utilise test results to refine models / procedures
Chapter 3: Research Objectives, Methods and Expected Contribution
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Chapter 4
Boundary Map for Rotor and
Casing Surfaces
Chamber models simulate compressor performance efficiently by assuming a
non-dimensional control volume. This control volume varies in size throughout
the compression cycle as a function of the main rotor angle, or cycle angle. At
discrete cycle angles the fluid properties within the control volume are
calculated thus the fluid properties are described throughout the compression
process. From this data, critical performance characteristics such as indicated
power are easily derived without the need to represent actual 3D flow domains.
However, in order to calculate some performance characteristics such as rotor
torque it is necessary to perform additional analysis of the compressor
geometry (Stosic, Smith et al. 2005). Taking this analysis further it is possible to
establish the instantaneous fluid properties at any local point on the rotor or
casing compression surfaces. This allows for more detailed investigation of the
inner workings of the compressor.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Any location on the compressor rotors or casing can be described using the
global Cartesian co-ordinate system S(X,Y,Z) defined in Figure 4-1. This is
located on the high pressure (HP) plane with the z-axis aligned with the main
rotor axis. The x-axis is co-incident with the centre line formed between each
rotor axis on the HP plane. Additional co-ordinate systems have been defined on
the low pressure (LP) plane: S1(x1,y1,z1) and S2(x2,y2,z2). These co-ordinate
systems are also fixed to the compressor casing and are simply offset from the
global origin, S. Any point on these local co-ordinate systems can be related
back to the global system, S(X,Y,Z), using the equations (5) to (7). ‘L’ is the
nominal rotor length between the LP and HP plane, and ‘A’ is the nominal rotor
centre distance between the rotor axes:
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
With the cylindrical form of the rotor bores and the rotational movement of the
rotors it will be more convenient to define points using a cylindrical co-ordinate
systems located at the origins S1 and S2. In the standard convention for a polar
co-ordinate system, (r,θ,z), the angle θ is measured counter-clockwise from the
x-axis and z is in the direction already defined. To simplify later equations it is
preferable to define less conventional angle parameters that are aligned with
the direction of rotation of each respective rotor. In addition, it is easier to use
an axial length parameter that is aligned from the compressor inlet to outlet.
Parameters ‘r’, ‘β’ and ‘l’ have been defined on each co-ordinate system S1 and S2
as shown in Figure 4-2. These parameters effectively describe a non standard
cylindrical co-ordinate systems where r is the local radius, β is the angle
(measured in the same direction as the rotor rotates) and l is a measure of the
axial position from inlet.
The rotors on twin screw compressors feature a helical twist along the axis
therefore the position along the axis that has been defined by parameter, l, can
alternatively be defined by using a new angular parameter, γ; this describes the
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
local wrap angle measured from the inlet (LP) plane. For the case of rotors with
constant pitch helix the relationship is as shown in equation (8) where φw1 is
the main rotor wrap angle over the rotor length, L. The parameter γ will always
be defined using the main rotor wrap angle, whether measured on the main
rotor side or on the gate rotor side. It is convenient to describe the axial
position in terms of the wrap angle on the main rotor for later calculations.
The internal geometry of the compressor will be broken down into a number of
discrete surfaces which are exposed to various compression chambers. These
surfaces are: casing inlet plane, casing outlet plane, casing bore and rotor
section (ridge or flute). Each of these surfaces is repeated for the main rotor and
gate rotor sides of the compressor resulting in a total of eight surfaces. A 2D
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
computational array can then be defined for each surface in order to efficiently
describe any point on each respective surface. The transformation between the
3D spatial domain and the 2D computational domain will be done by utilising
the co-ordinate systems and parameters that have been defined. These surfaces
will now be defined in more detail.
The static casing will be considered first. The six casing surfaces are labelled in
Figure 4-3 which shows an exploded view of the inner surfaces of the
compressor casing. The vertices A, B, C and D are also shown on Figure 4-1 for
reference. This view is formed by cutting along the line AB on the low pressure
cusp. To explain Figure 4-3 in reference to Figure 4-1 – imagine lying inside the
compressor looking upwards with your head towards the HP plane – this is why
the main rotor bore now shown on the right hand side.
This figure shows how the parameters r, β and γ align to these ‘unwrapped’ 2D
surfaces. Table 4-2 summarises how the location on each of the surfaces can be
defined using only two of the three parameters.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
It is worth clarifying that these casing surfaces, described using parameters ‘r’,
‘β’ and ‘γ’, are representations of idealised casing surfaces that would exist with
perfect rotor alignment and zero clearances. This would be inappropriate for
other full 3D analysis using FEA or CFD where the clearances would be derived
from actual component surface dimensions. The planned analysis will of course
use local clearance data however the local clearances will be handled as scalar
values only; this vastly simplifies the problem while still providing insight into
the 3D clearance distributions.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
The full 3D surface of the rotors (see Figure 4-5) can be derived using the
transverse rotor co-ordinates that are extruded along a helical path.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Each rotor lobe is geometrically equivalent and therefore the surface of each
lobe can be generated from another by indexing the cycle angle, θ, through
2π/z1, where z1 is always the number of lobes on the main rotor - rotating the
rotor pair by cycle angle θ = 2π/z1 will index the gate rotor by an angle
corrected for the gear ratio: (z1/z2)2π/z1, in other words by: 2π/z2
In Figure 4-6 the length of a curve, s1, between points A and B is:
The parameter, ε, is defined as the relative position along the line, s, of the
transverse rotor profile curve such that 0 ≤ ε ≤ 1. This is defined separately for
the main and gate rotor segments as shown in Figure 4-6. This allows the rotor
surface to be presented two dimensionally and independently of the rotor
The rotor segments are in this case a main rotor ridge (or lobe) and a gate rotor
flute (or interlobe) section. It is later assumed that the limits of ε2 on the gate
rotor form the boundary between adjacent rotor chambers on that rotor so it is
important that this point is located approximately central on the gate rotor OD
or at the tip seal protrusion, if applicable.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
compressor. This convention has been adopted from the N-Profile generated
rotors, example coordinates of which are shown in Figure 4-8.
Any rotor position can now be defined by the offset angle of the main rotor tip
from this home position. To relate this 2D rotor position at the LP plane to an
instant during the compressor cycle it must be explicitly stated whether the
referenced tip is on the leading or trailing lobe of the control volume.
undercut area
The transverse profile co-ordinates for a single main rotor ridge and its
corresponding gate rotor flute are plotted with respect to their local co-ordinate
systems in Figure 4-8.
y01, y02
x01, x02
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Before defining the rotor position at the start of the compression cycle (when θ
= 0°) it is necessary to explain a little about the cycle duration and the various
steps that must be considered in its calculation:
1. Full rotation of main rotor – this is the obvious minimum travel before
the cycle would repeat
2. Transfer from leading main lobe to trailing main lobe – the interlobe area
which defines the volume is initially created by the leading main lobe but
will not disappear until the trailing main rotor lobe has advanced to the
position of the leading lobe, thus adding 360/z1° to the cycle duration.
3. Wrap angle lag – the wrap angle of the main rotor introduces a lag
during which the chamber advances axially along the rotors, thus adding
the main rotor wrap angle, γ1, to the cycle duration.
4. Undercut area – all asymmetric rotors will have non-zero area on the
trailing flank of the main rotor when in the home position as shown in
Figure 4-7. Depending on the rotor profile this requires the rotors to be
reversed by approximately 30° before this area, and consequently the
chamber volume, is zero. This adds to the cycle duration.
5. Idling gate rotor lobe offset – if z2 – z1 is greater than or equal to 2 then
the area formed within a particular main rotor interlobe area and gate
rotor interlobe area will not finish with the same gate rotor interlobe.
The area formed in the gate rotor interlobe will idle for one additional
lobe pass when z2 – z1 = 2, adding 360/z1° to the total cycle duration.
The last item listed is often omitted in chamber models. Since the offset of the
idling gate interlobe volume would generally by added at the filling stage it is
not important for the chamber model accuracy. However in order to represent
the net volume accurately for all chambers, at a given instant, this item is
important. Likewise, it is necessary for mapping results from a chamber model
onto the actual rotor geometry where the full duration of all gate rotor lobes
must be described.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Figure 4-9 breaks down how the rotor start position (when θ = 0°) is defined in
order to preserve the correct cycle duration. Steps A) to D) of Figure 4-9 show
the transverse rotors at the LP plane:
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
This rotor offset is not an obvious concept to understand and might be slightly
better illustrated later in Figure 4-12: Position of rotor chambers in the
transverse plane.
The start angle, φs1, has been defined graphically in Figure 4-9. This angle can
be derived from the sealing line because the rotor position in Figure 4-9C is also
the maximum rotor reversal before the contact point at the tip of the main rotor
is broken off. φs1 equals the meshing angle, θM, at the upper limit of the sealing
line ySL_MAX. The calculation of the meshing angle and sealing line co-ordinates is
explained in Appendix A.
Once both rotors are adjusted for φs1 and the main rotor is adjusted by φoff, if
applicable, the rotors will be in the start position as shown in Figure 4-9D. With
reference to this start condition the rotor positions for any cycle angle, θ, can
now be described.
With the assumption that the compressor is operating at steady state conditions
the problem is cyclic in nature and therefore only one chamber has to be
considered. For a point on the casing the cycle repeats for every passing lobe of
the compressor rotors – therefore only seeing a limited range of the full cycle
duration. For a point on the rotors, the cycle repeats for every full rotation of
the particular rotor on which the point is located – again only being exposed to
a limited range of the overall cycle. The overall compression cycle is distinct
from these local exposure cycles because it follows a single control volume as it
passes through the compressor.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
The following paragraphs detail how to calculate the cycle limits that are ‘seen’
by a fixed point on the static rotor casing. A similar procedure was presented by
Sauls et al. (Sauls, Powell et al. 2006b) and describes the cycle limits for a static
point on the casing bore by considering the cycle angle at the moment the
leading and trailing tip of the rotor pass by.
Consider the rotors in the start position defined in Figure 4-9D. At this position
the rotor cycle angle θ = 0. The position of the leading tip on the main rotor can
be described using the parameter, β, as described in section 4.2.1 to be positive
in the forward direction of rotation for a compressor. Moving the rotors
through the angles φs1 and φoff, as defined in Figure 4-9, would result in a
backward rotation. At the start of the cycle at the leading tip on the main rotor
(subscript sl1) the parameter β can be calculated as:
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
At the trailing tip (subscript st1); where z1 is the number lobes, or gear teeth,
on the main rotor:
Referring to the rotor ‘home position’ defined in Figure 4-9-A: at the start of the
cycle at the leading tip on the gate rotor (subscript sl2) the rotor is already
offset from the rotor centreline by the angle φgate. The only further adjustment
to the gate rotor rotation corresponds to the reverse rotation of the main rotor
by the angle φs1 which is adjusted by the gear ratio z1/z2:
Consider a fixed point on the main rotor bore, B1, described by the parameters
β1 and γ. When the leading tip of the main rotor intercepts this point
corresponds to one rotor position and cycle angle. When the trailing tip of the
main rotor intercepts the same point this corresponds to a different rotor
position and thus a different cycle angle. For clarity the corresponding cycle
angles will be labelled θl and θt respectively.
The distance that the main rotor must travel through, i.e. the cycle angle, θ, until
the leading tip of the active chamber meets the point on the casing is the
difference between β1 and βsl1. When moving away from the inlet plane the
effect of the wrap angle along the length introduces a lag which is accounted for
by the parameter γ:
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
The cycle angle at which the trailing tip of the main rotor passes the same point
θl and θt represent the limits of the compression cycle that the point on the
casing (β1,γ) is exposed to.
The calculation of the cycle limits for a point on the gate bore surface is similar;
differences are due to the fact that the cycle angle is always referenced from the
main rotor position.
At every location on any of the static casing surfaces the limits of cycle exposure
defined by θl and θt can be calculated. From these values a single ‘average’ cycle
angle can be calculated at each location:
Figure 4-11 was generated to show the average cycle angle using a surface
colour contour plot. The colour represents the local average cycle angle
calculated using the appropriate values of either β1 and γ or β2 and γ. These
same surface parameters are then fed into equation (8) to (14) in order to
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
calculate the position in the global co-ordinates (X,Y,Z) at each location (these
co-ordinates are as defined in Figure 4-1).
This surface plot has been smoothed and only serves to show visually how
different parts of the casing are exposed to different parts of the cycle. In
practice, surfaces B1 and B2 of each rotor bore are discretized using a finite
number of points defined by β and γ. The explicit calculations are repeated at
each point or node and the number of points has no bearing on the accuracy at a
given node.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
the instantaneous boundary conditions on the rotor surface at any given rotor
Figure 4-12 shows a transverse cross section of the compressor at the inlet
plane. This shows the rotor to casing and rotor to rotor interactions that result
in separate compression chambers as highlighted with different colours. The
key on the right hand side gives the cycle angle that defines each compression
chamber. For most chamber cross-sections the entire rotor flute (or interlobe
area) is exposed to the same chamber which is separated from its adjacent
chambers by the radial rotor to casing sealing points. During rotor to rotor
‘contact’, typically up to three sealing points will be formed between the rotors.
When this transverse section is extended to form the full 3D rotors these sealing
points will all fall on the same 3D sealing line.
Considering one meshing rotor segment on the main rotor, identified by the
white lines forming a ‘slice’ of the rotor, it can be seen that the surface of this
particular rotor segment is simultaneously exposed to four different
compression chambers labelled: blue, green, red and yellow. A procedure is
needed to identify the location of the boundaries and the chamber exposure for
any given rotor angle.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
It can be observed from Figure 4-12 that the adjacent blue and red chambers at
the low pressure cusp are not separated – this is not due to any conventionally
defined leakage path such as the low pressure blow-hole area and this flow path
between chambers is in fact just a consequence of the 4/6 lobe combination. If
the gate rotor instead had 5 lobes then the matching chamber sections
highlighted in blue would be formed together at suction. This is the rationale
behind the rotor offset term previously described in equation (16). This
necessary offset is applied at the low pressure side where both chambers will
be exposed to the low pressure port anyway. Hence, the interaction between
these chambers is not significant. However, neglecting this offset term will
result in incorrect cycle duration on the gate rotor side and it must be included
in order to relate the compression cycle to the rotor and casing geometry
Due to the complexity of the chamber boundaries on the rotor surface, work to
investigate the cycle exposure led to the development of a rotor surface
boundary map which will now be discussed in more depth.
For a given rotor profile the radius, r, varies only as a function of the rotor
surface parameter, ε. In practise the value of the corresponding radius can be
saved in an array that can be looked up.
The original profile co-ordinates were defined on the systems S01(x01,y01) and
S02(x02,y02) as shown in Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-8. Each of these points can be
described using the corresponding polar co-ordinates (r01,φ01) and (r02,φ02) for
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
the main and the gate rotor respectively. As was the case for the local radius, the
local profile angle is a profile constant that can be described as a function of the
rotor surface parameter ε. Again, in practice, the value of the corresponding
local angle can be saved in a look up array.
Recall that the actual instantaneous geometry of the rotors at any point during
the cycle can be represented by the parameters r,β,γ, set out in Figure 4-2. The
angle parameters, β1 and β2, for a point on the main or gate rotors are
The term λ has been defined below by subtracting the terms for the local profile
angle from β; this new parameter more generally describes the movement of
the rotor pair rather than individual points on either rotor:
These equations will be used to relate the local transverse profile rotation, λ, to
the cycle angle, θ, for the main and gate rotors respectively; as the cycle angle is
referenced against the main rotor rotation, λ is also referenced against the main
rotor. The subscripts define whether λ refers to the main or gate rotor
boundary map. The only difference between these λ values is due to the main
rotor offset term, φoff; for rotors with a 5/6 lobe combination it would be the
case that λ1 = λ2. In the special case of the point located at the tip of the main
rotor, φ01 = 0 and therefore λ 1 = β1. At the corresponding point at the root of the
gate rotor, φ02 = 180° and therefore λ2 = β2(z2/z1). Going forward it will be
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
clarified whether the boundary map is for the main rotor or the gate rotor so
these subscripts can be dropped.
The parameter λ has been shown in Figure 4-13 – note that it is only referenced
to the rotation of the main rotor but describes the motion of both rotors. Also
note the convention where a negative rotation of the rotors from the ‘home
position’ results in a negative value for λ. The angles to the casing cusp, φc1 and
φc1, are also defined in this figure, which will be used to define the limit of
interaction between the rotor and the casing.
The bottom part of Figure 4-14 shows the rotor surface, R1, on which a single
transverse section (γ = constant) has been highlighted. The top part of the
figure shows the ‘Boundary Map’ with the rotor surface parameter, ε1,
represented on the horizontal axis. The vertical axis represents the local
transverse rotor offset angle, λ1.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Boundary Map
Figure 4-14: Local transverse rotor offset angle, λ, at given axial position, γ.
Because λ is adjusted for the parameter, γ, the Boundary Map is common all
along the length of rotor, whatever the value of γ.
This ‘Boundary Map’ will be used to plot the transverse rotor boundary
interactions. A key advantage of this generalised boundary map is that both
interlobe and radial boundaries can be plotted. This will allow the analysis of
different boundary interactions with the aim to fully define distinct
compression chambers on the rotor surface.
The boundaries on this map are created by plotting the radial and interlobe
sealing lines with respect to ε and λ. ε represents the local position on the
transverse rotor profile while λ defines the relative rotation of the profile. This
shows at precisely what rotor position the different boundaries come into play.
There will be a unique boundary map for the main and the gate rotors.
The interlobe sealing line boundary is plotted onto the boundary map by setting
λ to equal the local meshing angle, θM:
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
The meshing angle is calculated at each location along the rotor profile curve
from ε = 0 to 1. The parameter λ is equal to the interlobe meshing angle, θM,
with the specific condition that λ = θM = 0 at the tip of the main rotor (as is the
case when the meshing angle is calculated when the rotors originate in the
‘home position’). The theory for calculation of the meshing angle is provided in
Appendix ‘A.2 Meshing Conditions for Conjugate Profile’.
The rotor to casing boundary will always occur at the same position on the
profile, i.e. at the tip of the rotor. The limits of this boundary depend on the
casing geometry. This will be explained in more detail in the following
examples. These examples will look at the boundary maps produced for
different profiles and how these boundary maps relate to sealing points
identified on transverse rotors for various rotor positions. The examples
illustrate how the full boundary interactions, which would otherwise need to be
presented in 3D or on numerous transverse rotor plots, can be captured in a
single 2D boundary map efficiently. The section that follows on from these
examples will then pick up on the theory of how to apply the boundary map to
analysis of a full 3D rotor.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Because of its limited number of component curves and the fact the interlobe
sealing line connects to the radial sealing line it is well suited to analyse the
interaction of these various sealing lines and how they form distinct
compression chambers. In Figure 4-16, the interlobe SL (sealing line) and radial
SL have been plotted onto the main rotor boundary map.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
C3 C4
Local transverse rotor offset, λ (deg)
Interlobe SL
-15 Radial SL
C1 C2
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
The Radial SL occurs at a fixed region on the rotor profile. In the case of this
profile the main rotor radial SL is a single point at the tip of the main profile that
occurs when parameter ε = 0.5; hence the radial SL will fall along a vertical line.
The radial SL on the main rotor does not come into play until the rotor has
rotated through the main rotor cusp angle, φc1. Calculation of the cusp angles is
explained in Appendix A.
The Interlobe sealing line is calculated at each location along the rotor profile
curve from ε = 0 to 1. The values of the parameter λ for the interlobe SL cover a
range equal to 360°/z1. All examples presented in this chapter have 4 lobes on
the main rotor so the range is 360°/4 or 90°, in this case from -45° to +45° since
the profile is symmetrical. The scale on the y-axis from -60° to +60° degrees
allows the important details to be captured for asymmetric rotors. The pattern
of the SL boundaries will repeat when λ is offset by 360° therefore it is not
necessary to extend the scale any further as simple corrections can be applied
for larger values of λ. In this region of interest 4 distinct chambers have been
created by the interaction of the interlobe SL and radial SL boundaries. These
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
chambers have been identified as chambers C1, C2, C3 and C4 in Figure 4-16. At
this stage the objective is to clearly identify the boundaries that distinguish
these chambers and not what each ‘local’ chamber cycle angle is.
Local transverse rotor offset, λ (deg)
C3 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
In Figure 4-17 a similar map has been produced for the gate rotor. Recall from
Figure 4-6, in which the rotor surface arrays are defined, that the limits of
parameter ε2 correspond to the tip of the gate rotor. Since the gate rotor tip is
formed by a cylindrical line of constant outer diameter (OD) for this rotor the
parameter ε has been set to zero at the mid-point of this OD line.
On the gate rotor the radial SL can occur for any location on the profile that
comes into ‘contact’ with the casing. The radial SL will come into effect for a
given value, ε, at a value of λ which can be derived using the interlobe SL: The
lower and upper parallel lines that bound chamber C3 are the interlobe and
radial SLs respectively. These lines are offset by a constant related to the gate
rotor cusp angle, φc2. The interlobe contact occurs along the centre line between
rotors for a cylindrical curve so that point must then rotate by φc2 to reach the
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
In Figure 4-18 a section of the profile has been highlighted from points A to B on
both the main and gate rotors. ‘A’ corresponds to ε = 0 and ‘B’ corresponds to
ε=1. For this given rotation (λ=0), the boundary points, G, have been
highlighted. The first subscript identifies the type of boundary which is either
interlobe - I, or radial – R. The lower case letter in the subscript is a unique
identifier to distinguish between each point.
The points identified in Figure 4-18 are then plotted on Figure 4-19 and Figure
4-20 in order to highlight the line AB which occurs when λ = 0. This illustrates
how for any given rotation angle, λ, the rotor surface boundary map can be used
to identify what chamber a given point on the surface is exposed to. For
example: a point within the region, GIa < ε < GIb, will be exposed to the chamber,
C1, when λ = 0.
C2 B2
B1 C4
A1 C1
C3 A2
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
0 Interlobe SL
A1 GIa GIb GIc B1 Radial SL
Line AB
C1 C2
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
0 Interlobe SL
A2 GIa GIb GIc B2 Radial SL
Line AB
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
A second rotor position is presented in Figure 4-21, Figure 4-22 and Figure
4-23. The profiles have been rotated backwards until the tip of the main rotor
meets the HP cusp. In these figures line AB has now moved down to the
appropriate value of λ = -φC1.
At the tip of the main rotor the interlobe boundary, GIb, has been identified. At
this point the main rotor and gate rotor also both meet the cusp of the casing
therefore this point could equally have been identified by the radial boundaries
since: GIb = GR1 = GR2. This is confirmed on the rotor surface maps that show GIb
is located at the intersection of the interlobe SL and radial SL for both main and
gate rotor surfaces.
Between point GIb and B2 on the gate rotor it can be observed that the rotor
surface is not exposed to any rotor chambers for this rotor angle.
B1 B2
-λ C1
A1 A2
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
0 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
Line AB
-30 B1
-45 GIa GIb
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Figure 4-22: Zero BH rotor boundary points on main rotor surface (λ = -φc1)
0 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
A2 Line AB
-45 GIa GIb
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Figure 4-23 Zero BH rotor boundary points on gate rotor surface (λ = -φc1)
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
C2 GR2’
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
C2 GIb’’ C2
C3 GIa’’
At rotor position λ = -φc1 (as in Figure 4-25), chambers C1 and C2 are separated
by the boundary point GR1. As the rotor angle λ increases this point disappears
and a connection is formed between the chambers, known as the BH leakage
path. This connection does not actually disappear until the boundary point G Ib’’
is formed when λ = 0 (as in Figure 4-27). At this point the chamber C1 has
reduced to zero cross-sectional area.
The points identified in the previous rotor figures have been plotted on the
newly generated symmetric rotor boundary map for the main rotor in Figure
4-28. In this map the four chambers are not fully separated. Figure 4-25 shows
that when λ = -φc1, (the line through GIaGR1 on Figure 4-28 ) the range of the
rotor surface when ε > GR1 is certainly only exposed to chamber C2. By assessing
Figure 4-27, when λ = 0, it is reasonable to state that just before this, when λ < 0,
the range of the rotor surface GIa’’ < ε < GIb’’ will be exposed to chamber C1.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
GIa’’ GIb’’
Interlobe SL
-15 Radial SL
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
C3 C4
Local transverse rotor offset, λ (deg)
0 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
New Boundary
C1 C2
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Figure 4-29: Symmetric rotor boundary map for main rotor with new boundaries
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
GIa’’ GIb’’
Interlobe SL
-15 Radial SL
GIa’ GR2’
-45 GIa
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Local transverse rotor offset, λ (deg)
15 C2
0 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
-15 C3 New Boundary
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Figure 4-31: Symmetric boundary map for gate rotor with new boundaries
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
The boundary points have also been plotted on the symmetric rotor boundary
map for the gate rotor in Figure 4-30. Following a similar procedure as for the
main rotor, new boundaries have been generated and plotted in Figure 4-31.
From Figure 4-25 it can be stated that between the points GIa and GR2 the gate
rotor surface is exposed to C1 so it follows that this is true along this horizontal
line between these points on Figure 4-30. Similarly from Figure 4-27 it can be
stated that when ε > G’’Ib this part of the surface is exposed to C2. These facts can
be stated with some degree of certainty based on this reasoning.
Between these two states no boundary exists and the surfaces between the
rotors and casing combine to form a complex 3D flow channel. This area on the
boundary map has been highlighted by the blue box. A considerable amount of
time was spent trying to define the most appropriate curve to define this
boundary on the gate rotor boundary map – the orange curve on Figure 4-30
actually approximates a transformation of the curve formed by the blow hole
definition in Appendix ‘A.3.3 Blow Hole Area’. Ultimately, any curve relies on an
assumed boundary surface in the region of what is a non homogeneous flow in
terms of pressure and temperature distributions. It was finally decided to avoid
unnecessary, unjustifiable complexity and to stick to linearly interpolating
between the two explicit states resulting in the boundaries added to Figure
These new boundaries can be referred to as the blowhole boundaries. The new
boundary on the left hand side of the boundary map, where the values of ε are
smaller, is on the leading flank of the main rotor and forms the LP blowhole.
Conversely, on the right hand side which is the trailing flank of the main rotor,
the new boundary forms the more important HP blowhole.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
By combining the simple features of the zero BH profile and the symmetric
(circular) profile it is possible to approximate a more typical asymmetric profile
as shown in Figure 4-32. This example shows how the boundary map
generation procedure and the rules defined for creating new boundaries can be
applied to any typical profile. Due to the asymmetry of the profile, the tip of the
main rotor is now located at a position ε > 0.5, rather than at the mid-point.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
0 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
New Boundary
C1 C2
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Local transverse rotor offset, λ (deg)
0 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
C3 New Boundary
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
It can now be observed that with this asymmetric profile the length of the new
boundary line required to bridge the gap that forms the blow hole leakage path
is considerably smaller on the HP blowhole on the right hand side, particularly
on the main rotor boundary map.
When considering the boundary map generated by the gate rotor in all of these
examples the most notable difference from the main rotor maps is the greyed
out area bounded by the radial SL, within which the rotor surface is not exposed
to any chambers. This is certainly true for a theoretical compressor with zero
clearances however in practise fluid will exist between the rotor and the casing
due to the radial clearance gap. Assessing the fluid properties along the length
of this leakage path is somewhat beyond the capabilities of the thermodynamic
chamber model currently used. A reasonable compromise for this procedure is
to define an arbitrary boundary at the mid-point of the arc that lies on the gate
rotor OD. This approach is certainly appropriate if a tip sealing strip is located
at this point. This modified boundary map for the gate rotor presented in Figure
4-35 allows boundary conditions to be mapped onto the full surface of the gate
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
0 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
-15 C3 New Boundary
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Figure 4-35: Asymmetric rotor boundary map for gate rotor with adjusted radial
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Figure 4-36 shows a pair of N-profile rotors that are representative of the type
of profile used in modern screw compressors. This shares many of the basic
features of the asymmetric profile shown in Figure 4-32 but there is much more
control over a range of additional design parameters. For example: the flank
angles can be adjusted in the vicinity of the pitch circle where involute curves
ensure good torque transmission when required; the radius of all curves can be
adjusted; and undercutting generation from one rotor to another uses a small
radius on the generating profile instead of a single point.
The corresponding rotor boundary maps for this profile are shown in Figure
4-37 and Figure 4-38. These profiles will be used in exemplary figures in the
next section which addresses how the four chambers, C1 to C4, relate to the
more numerous chambers that actually exist within a twin screw compressor at
any instant.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
0 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
New Boundary
C1 C2
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Local transverse rotor offset, λ (deg)
0 C3 C2 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
New Boundary
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
In order to build up the full 3D surface, the surface at cycle angle θ is written to
memory then the cycle angle is advanced by 2π/z1 and the next surface is
written to memory until all lobes have been generated.
Due to the way the respective rotor parameters, r, β and γ, have been defined
for R1 and R2 with respect to a reference cycle angle , θ, the rotors would be
displayed in mesh once related back to the global Cartesian compressor co-
ordinate system, S0. However, in order to show the detail along the meshing
line the rotors have been plotted separately and are viewed as if from the other
The current objective is to set out the procedure by which the instantaneous
cycle angle for the local compression chamber at any point on the surfaces
displayed in Figure 4-39 can be retrieved. The required parameter is the ‘local
cycle angle’, θlocal; this is based on θ which is effectively a ‘reference cycle angle’
because it only defines the cycle angle for a single ‘reference compression
chamber’ that is used to define the rotor position.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
The first step to finding the local cycle angle, θlocal, is to identify where the
surface point lies on the rotor boundary map in order to establish what chamber
offset is required. This requires the rotor surface parameter ε; and the local
transverse rotor offset λ. The latter is a function of the axial position parameter,
γ; and the reference cycle angle, θ, as set out previously and summarised below:
In order to use the rotor chamber boundary map the offset should lie in the
range: -180 < λ1 < 180. In the case of the gate rotor: -180(z2/z1) < λ1 <
180(z2/z1). To ensure the parameter λ is within this range a correction must
be applied:
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Once known, λ is used along with the rotor surface parameter, ε1 or ε2, for the
main and gate, to identify the relevant rotor chamber as C1, C2, C3 or C4 by using
the rotor boundary maps of Figure 4-37 and Figure 4-38 for the main and gate
rotors respectively.
Figure 4-40 has been created based on the same boundary map of Figure 4-37
in order to illustrate how the local cycle angle needs to be adjusted for each of
the four chambers. Chamber C4 has been set as the reference chamber. By
assuming that -180 < λ < 180, no adjustment of λ is required and the local cycle
angle in chamber C4 will equal the reference angle θ. Crossing the radial SL from
C4 to C3 advances the local cycle angle by 360/z1. Crossing the interlobe SL from
C4 to C2 advances the local cycle angle by 360. Crossing the radial SL again from
C2 to C1 results in a total offset of 360 + 360/z1.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
C3 C4
0 Interlobe SL
Radial SL
New Boundary
C1 C2
-60 θ + 360 + 360/z1 θ + 360
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
Figure 4-41 shows the chamber offsets for the gate rotor boundary map. The
boundaries and chambers on this map are the same as those on the main rotor
boundary map, albeit with different topography, so it may come as a surprise to
see that the equations describing the chamber offsets are slightly different
across the interlobe sealing line. The new term highlighted in blue is required to
account for any rotor lobe offset that occurs if the difference between z2 and z1
is greater than 1.
Local transverse rotor offset, λ (deg)
C3 C2
0 Interlobe SL
θ + 360((z2-1)/z1)
θ + 360/z1
Radial SL
C1 New Boundary
θ + 360((z2-1)/z1) + 360/z1
0 1
Rotor surface parameter, ε
Equations (31), (33) and (36) all include the rotor lobe offset angle, φoff, which
was defined in equation (16). When used in conjunction with the offsets defined
above, these equations ensure that the cycle angle calculated for surfaces on
each rotor, when exposed to the same chamber near the end of the cycle, is the
same. Inevitably this means that the cycle angle will be different for surfaces on
each rotor, when exposed to a chamber near the start of the cycle; when the
difference between z2 and z1 is greater than 1. The general equations for
calculation of the local cycle angles for each chamber on the gate rotor are given
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
in Table 4-4. The other additional terms highlighted in yellow are due to the
difference between equations (38) and (39).
In one sense it is a fairly trivial task to correct chamber offset across the main
interlobe and radial boundaries. However only by analysing the rotor boundary
maps can the subtle complexity of the problem be appreciated. All of the rotor
profile examples show that along at least some portion of the interlobe SL, the
chamber C1 is adjacent to C4 due to the discontinuity of the radial SL so the
offset across this portion of the interlobe SL is 2π + 2π/z1. Referring back to
Figure 4-12 in which the sealing boundaries are shown as boundary points, the
adjacent chambers in green and red around meshing lobes of the main rotor are
equivalent to C1 and C4.
The rotor surfaces have been re-plotted in Figure 4-42 with the local cycle
angle, θlocal, represented by the colour contours. Areas that are the same colour
can be easily identified as individual compression chambers. In order to build
up the full rotor the procedure was repeated after advancing the reference cycle
angle θ for each lobe:
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
On the gate rotor on the right hand side of Figure 4-42 two white dashed lines
have been added. These are the newly defined boundaries that were introduced
in Figure 4-38 to form a boundary across the blow-hole leakage paths – the
more important HP blowhole is the smaller dashed line on the left. The fact that
these seem to separate the chambers in a sensible manner provides some
degree of validation regarding the boundary definition.
Figure 4-42: Full rotor surfaces with surface contour plot of local cycle angle
In the region of the boundaries some of the tiles used to produce this plot
suggest a transition region across the boundary however this is an artefact
introduced by the averaging across nodes that fall in different chambers. All
computations are done at the nodal positions therefore the calculated values
will only fall within the specified local cycle angles.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
With these results, and knowing the local cycle angle at any particular point on
the rotor and casing surfaces it is a matter of referencing the appropriate fluid
properties from the thermodynamic results.
Figure 4-44 shows the instantaneous, homogeneous gas temperature from the
chamber model results mapped onto the main and gate rotor surfaces. This
output will vary depending on the reference cycle angle θ, which controls the
rotor positions, however once the cycle has gone through 360°/z1 the result
presented would repeat.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
In Figure 4-45 the time-varying fluid properties have been averaged over the
full rotor cycle (360°) for each location on the rotor surface in order to
approximate steady state boundary conditions. Averaged boundary conditions
would greatly simplify any thermal analysis.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
The temperature results mapped onto the rotors are mapped onto the casing
surfaces in the same way using the calculated local casing cycle exposure. The
averaging of casing and rotor temperatures is discussed in more detail in the
next chapter.
Chapter 4: Boundary Map for Rotor and Casing Surfaces
This will be used as the basis for an initial estimate of the actual temperature of
the rotor metal in the next chapter, without using FEA. This will allow fast,
efficient estimation of thermal distortions during rotor design for a specific
operating duty.
Other future work that has been identified is the use of the pressure and
temperature results for 3D FEA analyses. Another potential use of this kind of
result would be to use the instantaneous, homogeneous fluid properties at a
fixed rotor position as the initial boundary conditions for CFD simulation.
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Chapter 5
Operational Clearance
The boundary conditions calculated in the previous chapter can be used for
estimation of the surface temperature distribution on the rotors and casing. It is
then possible to estimate thermal displacements of individual components and
ultimately how this affects the operational clearances.
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
In Figure 5-1 the average local temperature has been plotted onto the surfaces
B1 and B2 as a colour contour which shows the temperature distribution with
respect to the surface parameters β and γ.
Outlet End
γ γ
β2 Inlet End β1
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Location of
Main rotor bore
discharge port
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
The parameters ε and γ describe the location on the surface, while θ describes
the cycle angle. An example of the instantaneous boundary temperature
distribution is plotted on the surfaces R1 and R2 as shown in Figure 5-3
R1 R2
γ γ
Inlet End ε1 ε2 Inlet End
Figure 5-3 shows similar chamber boundaries to those that can be observed in
the rotor chamber boundary maps of Figure 4-40 and Figure 4-41 in the
previous chapter (albeit with different orientation). The subtle difference is that
rotor boundary maps were defined using a parameter λ that meant they were
independent of the cycle angle. In this case the vertical axis is now represented
by the axial parameter γ; as the cycle advances, the chambers appear to
translate as shown in Figure 5-4.
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Outlet End
R1 R1
At cycle angle θ At cycle angle θ + 60°
γ γ
Inlet End ε1 ε1
The local temperature will cycle every time θ is incremented by 360°. This
means that for even a large slow compressor running at 1500rpm, the
temperature will cycle every 0.04 seconds. ‘Steady state’ conditions can be
approximated by taking time averaged values that will now only vary as a
function of the surface parameters:
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
R1 R2
γ γ
Inlet End ε1 ε2 Inlet End
Surfaces R1 and R2 have been re-plotted in Figure 5-5 with the colour contour
representing the time averaged surface boundary temperature. The colour
contours representing temperature have been plotted on the same scale as used
in Figure 5-3 which highlights how much lower the peak temperature is after
In Figure 5-6, the time averaged boundary temperatures have been plotted on
the 3D main rotor surface. This is an accurate representation of the main body
of the rotor however it is still a simplification of the actual geometry as the
details of the rotor shafts that extend from this rotor body are not known. These
shafts would of course have an effect of the thermal behaviour of the rotors.
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
As was the case for the casing representation, there is a limit to the scope for
thermal analysis that can be done without defining the full 3D rotor bodies
including all shaft dimensions. To facilitate analysis the following assumption is
made: there is no heat conduction in the axial direction along the length of the
rotors. This assumes no heat flux from the hot to the cold end of the rotors and
no heat flux from the rotor body to the rotor shafts and bearings. Neglecting
axial conduction results in the peak transverse temperatures and temperature
gradients along the axis of the rotors. This allows the problem to be reduced to
a 2D problem for each transverse cross section of the rotors. However, this
would still require a numerical solution to determine the 2D temperature
distribution due to surface heat transfer and conduction within the rotor.
Averaging the boundary temperature over the transverse cross section of each
respective rotor using equations (44) and (45) yields the rotor ‘planar averaged’
temperatures; these are plotted in Figure 5-7:
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
R1 R2
γ γ
Inlet End ε1 ε2 Inlet End
As this temperature only varies with axial location the axial temperature
distribution for both rotors can be directly compared on a single plot as in
Figure 5-8. The reason the discharge end temperature is hotter on the main
rotor is because it is exposed to the 4 hottest chambers over a full rotation
(since z1 = 4) while the gate rotor is exposed to these same 4 chambers for only
4/6 (z1/z2) of a rotation and the remaining time it is exposed to 2 cooler
Temperature (°C)
Main Rotor
40 Gate Rotor
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Axial parameter, γ (deg)
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Figure 5-9 shows the entire length of the interlobe sealing line from a side
projection (viewed along the negative X direction of Figure 4-1). The sealing
line between the rotors exists between the limits of the low pressure (LP) and
high pressure (HP) cusps. As the rotors turn, this sealing line translates from
the suction face (LP plane), at the left hand side, to the discharge face (HP
plane), at the right hand side.
Over the course of the compression cycle, every location on surfaces R1 and R2
will be in mesh at some point. During steady state operation, the local interlobe
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
gap, GI, and, just as importantly, the change in the gap, ΔGI, will remain constant
when defined with respect to a fixed point on each of the rotor surfaces. For this
reason it is appropriate to define the local interlobe gap with respect to its
corresponding location on the main rotor surface, R1: GI(ε1,γ). Note that this is
an equivalent alternative to equation (4) in Chapter 2.4.1, which described the
local interlobe gap as a function of the position along the interlobe sealing line
and the cycle angle GI(l1,θ).
The local radius, r, is known at any location for a given rotor profile and can be
identified with respect to the surface parameter, ε: r1(ε1)
μR, is the coefficient of thermal expansion for the rotor material which is
assumed to be common for the main and gate rotors.
The ambient temperature, Ta, is the temperature at which the design clearances
are defined. The planar averaged temperature of the rotor varies as a function
of the axial surface parameter, γ (see Figure 5-8): TRP1(γ)
Therefore, for a given rotor pair running at a steady state duty, the local thermal
distortion on each rotor can be approximated in such a way that it can be
described in terms of its position of the rotor surface: Δr1(ε1,γ); Δr2(ε2,γ).
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
A, suction
A, discharge
Where the centre line of each rotor bore intersects with one of these planes the
distance, A, has been identified. The averaged temperature on each respective
plane will be used to estimate ΔA at each end, resulting in non-parallel axes.
The 2D thermal analysis is similar to what was done for the rotors. A uniform
casing temperature is estimated on each plane using the casing planar averaged
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Assuming that each rotor axis intersects with the appropriate casing bore axis
at these planes; and that rotor deflection due to rotor bending is negligible; the
rotor centre distance can be defined at any axial position, γ, by interpolating
between the end planes:
The dimensions r1, r2, and A have been plotted on Figure 5-11. In order to relate
these dimensions to the transverse interlobe gap, GIT, the horizontal and vertical
components have been defined. The relationship between the horizontal
components is:
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
For the interlobe gap highlighted in Figure 5-11 the relationship between the
vertical components is:
However, the above is only true when |y2| > |y1| AND when y1 and y2 are
positive. In the magnified gap in Figure 5-11, the body of the gate rotor is
‘above’ the body of the main rotor; this is related to the surface normal. For
conjugate rotors, the line of the surface normal at any location, currently in
mesh, must intersect with the rotor pitch point. This behaviour can be used to
set out general rules as illustrated in Figure 5-12. An axial projection of an
arbitrary sealing line is shown in red; this is representative of the sealing line
path for any profile with an addendum and dedendum. The line of the surface
normal will always radiate from the pitch point as shown. Where this line
intersects the meshing point between rotors, the rotor closer to the pitch point
will be ‘smaller’ in the y direction. This behaviour was used to construct
equation (52) and (53).
+y y1
y1 y2
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
The change in the transverse interlobe gap can now be calculated as:
The pressure angle, ψPA, is defined in Figure 5-13 and is the angle between the x
axis and the surface normal line at a meshing point. This angle is measured on
the global compressor co-ordinate system and is common for both rotors.
θM is the meshing angle that describes the rotation of the main rotor. ψ01 can be
described as the ‘home pressure angle’ (Holmes 1990); this is the normal to the
profile curve measured relative to the profile co-ordinate system S01. Details for
calculation of θM and ψ01 and provided in appendix ‘A.2 Meshing Conditions for
Conjugate Profile’.
The minimum gap between the surfaces of the main and gate rotors is the
distance along a line normal to the rotor surfaces – the normal gap. In the case
of rotors with no helix angle this gap would be the same as the transverse gap,
GIT. When a helix angle is introduced the normal gap will be smaller than the
transverse gap. The degree to which the normal gap is reduced due to the local
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
rotor helix also depends on the local steepness of the rotor flank. Holmes
(Holmes 1990) provides a derivation of the following equation used to convert
from a transverse to a normal gap:
ψH1 is the local helix angle on the main rotor, this increases with an increase in
the local radius according to the equation below, where h1 is the lead length
that describes the main rotor helix:
αF1 is described by Holmes as the polar flank angle, which is measured from a
radial line that intersects the meshing point, to the line of pressure. This is
included in Figure 5-13 and can be defined as below; where φ01 is the local
profile angle measured from the profile co-ordinate system:
Since GI will typically be many orders of magnitude smaller than the profile
dimensions, the following approximations would result in negligible errors. In
practical terms this allows the calculations to be performed using only the main
rotor profile co-ordinates.
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
A single compression chamber will be enclosed by one radial sealing line on the
leading tip of each rotor and one on the trailing tip of each rotor. For the
purposes of thermal analysis of the radial gap only one of these sealing lines
needs to be considered since one is just an offset of the other. Each of these
sealing lines is made up of one helical curve on the main rotor and another on
the gate rotor. These sealing lines have been projected onto the casing bore
surfaces in Figure 5-15.
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
On the main rotor on the right hand side of Figure 5-15, the angular position of
the radial sealing lines have been identified with β1l and β1t for the leading and
trailing tip respectively. These angles have been measured at γ = 0, on the inlet
(LP) plane. Due to the overlap of the rotor bores the surfaces B1 and B2 only
extend from one cusp to the other therefore the radial sealing line can only exist
in this region where: φc1 < β1 < (360 – φc1)
During steady state operation, the local radial gap, GR, and the change in the gap,
ΔGR, will remain constant when defined with respect to a fixed point on the
casing surface. For this reason it is appropriate to identify the local radial gap
with respect to its corresponding location on the casing surfaces surface, B1 or
B2 respectively: GR1(β1,γ) and GR2(β2,γ)
The outer radius is a constant along the full length of the radial sealing line for
each rotor. The planar averaged temperature, TRP, will vary with respect to the
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
The intuitive datum for analysing displacements in the full casing due to
thermal distortion would generally be where the casing is secured to its base. In
this instance the only distortion of interest is along the lines that radiate from
the common axis of the rotor and casing bore. For this reason, two datum
locations have been defined on the casing - one on the main rotor axis and one
on the gate rotor axis; this assumption is discussed in more detail in ‘Appendix
B.2.2 Datum for Relative Clearance Distortion’. Axial distortions will have a
negligible effect on the radial gap therefore these will be neglected. This
essentially allows the analysis of the radial gap to be treated as a 1D problem.
The rotor distortion has already been discussed so the remaining unknown is
the radial distortion on the casing bore, relative to the centre axis of that bore:
Δrc1(β1,γ) and Δrc2(β1,γ)
As for the rotors, the realistic thermal distortion of the casing simply cannot be
calculated without taking into account geometrical features and how these
interact with temperature gradients to cause thermal stresses. If the casing
temperature was approximately uniform over a transverse cross section of the
rotors it would be possible to perform a similar analysis as for the rotors since
there are zero thermal stresses over a section with uniform temperature
(neglecting stresses transferred from adjacent planar cross sections).
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Providing casing thermal gradients are not very severe; and that the
compressor casing has been sensibly designed in such a way that the thermal
expansion of the bore will not be restricted; the expectation is that an overall
approximation of casing thermal distortion can be achieved; this will be an
improvement over completely neglecting casing thermal expansion and in no
way attempts to provide a fully realistic thermal analysis of the casing.
The analysis of the local radial gap, normal to the surface of the casing bore, is
considerably easier to calculate than for the interlobe gap:
The minimum requirement for calculation of the leakage area through a sealing
line gap is the instantaneous length of that sealing line and the average gap
through the sealing line. With non-uniform clearance distributions around the
surface of the rotor profile it is necessary to integrate the local gap along the
path of the sealing line:
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
For a designed clearance distribution the local gap, GI, varies along the length of
the sealing line. Assuming there is no rotor taper or axis offset towards one end
of the rotors, a point fixed on this sealing line, as shown previously in Figure
5-9, would have a constant local gap by design such that the gap could be
described as a function of the position on the rotor surface: GI(ε1). In this
situation only the limits of integration for the active sealing line are required.
When considering distortions due to local rotor and casing temperature, the
position of the sealing line within the compressor must also be calculated since
the local distortion depends on the surface location: ΔGI(ε1,γ). The local gap
corrected for operational distortions is therefore a function that varies with
respect to: GI*(ε1,γ).
The procedure is similar when calculating the corrected radial gap so that:
GR1*(β1,γ) and GR2*(β2,γ).
The leakage area for the radial gap is the sum of the area on the main and gate
rotors; where ‘s’ is the length along the relevant curve:
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Map boundary
Existing Procedures
Figure 5-16: Flow chart for performance calculation with operational clearances
The boxes in Figure 5-16 represent the operations that are performed while the
parallelograms represent the data that is input and output from each program.
More specifically, this data includes:
Clearance corrections:
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Chapter 5: Operational Clearance Distortions
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Chapter 6
Case Studies
Procedures for the analysis of the thermal deformation of clearances have been
described in the Chapters 4 and 5. These have been integrated with a well
established twin screw compressor modelling procedure, detailed in Chapter 2.
The resulting model enables investigation of localised clearance distortions and
quantification of how these changes affect the compressor performance. In this
chapter, case studies are presented in order to show the capabilities of this
model and to assess how accurate and applicable the model is when used in the
practical context of designing screw compressors for industrial applications.
The first case covers Model Sensitivity to Rotor Parameters. The objectives of
this case study were to validate that surface boundary conditions were
produced as expected, with sensibly bounded chambers that are consistent with
known compressor behaviour. The results were used to assess how these
boundary conditions are affected by changes to the rotor geometry to ensure
the calculation procedures are robust. This initial validation was only
concerned with the distribution of temperature.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
All tests were performed with atmospheric air. This fluid has been represented
in all models as an ideal gas with the properties provided in Table 6-1. All test
results presented in this chapter have flows calculated in accordance with the
standard ISO 5167-2:2003 (International Organization for Standardization b)
and have been corrected to a standard suction pressure of 1 Bar absolute using
the corrections described in ISO 1217:2009 (International Organization for
Standardization a). The measured flow was also corrected to account for
deviations in the actual speed achieved on test; within the acceptable deviations
set out in this standard.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Assessment of the model sensitivity to rotor parameters was based on an oil
free machine compressing air. The modelled temperature throughout the
compression process was mapped onto the rotor and casing surfaces. The
resulting instantaneous and averaged surface temperature distributions are
presented. These are compared with the temperature of the compression fluid
at various locations within the compressor. The compressor model was based
on the ‘DRUM127’ test compressor but different rotor geometry was generated
and modelled to evaluate how this changed the temperature distribution when
running at a similar duty.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
The DRUM127, shown in Figure 6-1, is a twin screw compressor which features
timing gears but has no oil or water cooling within the chamber. The analysis
was based on the following operating conditions and assumed machine
The model was set up with a uniform interlobe clearance distribution – this is a
reasonable assumption for this kind of oil free, N-profile rotor, which mainly
features a uniform clearance distribution that only reduces slightly in the pitch
areas. Thermal expansion coefficients aren’t used at this stage but have been
included here as this DRUM127 test case is used later to investigate thermal
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3 show various fluid temperature distributions over the
rotor and casing surfaces. The planar averaged temperature on the rotors from
Figure 6-3 a) is used to generate a 2D plot in Figure 6-4, which shows how the
main rotor is exposed to a higher average temperature than the gate rotor
towards the outlet end of the rotors. These rotor results are also tabulated in
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Table 6-5. The averaged rotor temperature exposure is not as extreme as the
minimum and maximum fluid temperatures. However, on the static casing, the
time averaged temperature exposure limits are very similar to the minimum
and maximum fluid temperatures.
Temperature (°C)
Fluid Main Rotor Gate Rotor Casing
Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Min Max
25 161 37 122 35 98 24 160
0 50 100 150 200
Distance from inlet end (mm)
Chapter 6: Case Studies
New rotors were generated with a 3/4 lobe combination. The new rotors are
shown next to the original 3/5 rotor geometry in Figure 6-5. The length to
diameter ratio and wrap angle on the main rotor is the same for each rotor pair.
The results, given in Table 6-6 and Figure 6-6 show that reducing the number of
lobes on the gate rotor from 5 to 4 has increased the average temperature at the
outlet so that the main and gate rotor outlet temperatures are similar. An
additional case with 4/5 rotor geometry was run and added to Table 6-6; this
supports the theory that the larger lobe difference between the 3/5 rotors is
what causes the temperature difference.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Temperature (°C)
Fluid Main Rotor Gate Rotor
Comb. Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
3/5 25 161 37 122 35 98
3/4 25 156 35 118 36 114
4/5 25 172 37 130 38 124
0 50 100 150 200
Distance from inlet end (mm)
Chapter 6: Case Studies
a) model with 255° wrap angle b) model with 315° wrap angle
Figure 6-7: Comparison of rotor models with different wrap angles
Figure 6-7 shows an example of rotors with different wrap angles. In this case
the length to diameter ratio and lobe combinations are preserved. It is shown in
Figure 6-8 and Table 6-7 that, with increased wrap angle, there is a modest
decrease in the rotor temperature at the inlet and an increase in the rotor
temperature at the outlet. This is as expected, since if the rotors had a wrap
angle of zero, as is the case for roots blowers, then the temperature exposure
would be the same along the full length of the rotors.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Temperature (°C)
Fluid Main Rotor Gate Rotor
Angle Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
255 25 159 38 117 37 94
285 25 161 37 122 35 98
315 25 163 35 129 34 104
0 50 100 150 200
Distance from inlet end (mm)
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Vi = 1.5 Vi = 2.0
Fluid Temperature (°C) 160
0 50 100 150 200 250
Cycle angle - from begining of compression (degrees)
Figure 6-9: Modelled temperature during cycle with different volume index
In this case the rotor geometry in unchanged but the casing has been modified.
In fact this ‘casing geometry’ modification was simply achieved by changing the
timing of the port opening in the thermodynamic model, resulting in a different
temperature curve as shown in Figure 6-9. In Figure 6-10 the chambers
highlighted with the red ellipse show the instantaneous fluid temperature
immediately prior to opening of the discharge port. With Vi = 1.5 the
temperature is less than discharge in this chamber but once open to discharge
will be exposed to a higher temperature earlier in the cycle. With Vi = 2.0 the
Chapter 6: Case Studies
The most notable difference in the surface temperature distribution was on the
casing bores, as shown in Figure 6-12. The minimum and maximum time
averaged temperatures are similar. However, with Vi = 1.5, a larger area of the
casing bores is exposed to the higher temperatures.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Temperature (°C)
Fluid Main Rotor Gate Rotor
Index Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
1.5 25 161 37 122 35 98
2 25 159 36 122 35 98
0 50 100 150 200
Distance from inlet end (mm)
Chapter 6: Case Studies
These results confirm that surface boundary conditions have been mapped as
expected. Testing with different rotor geometry has confirmed that the
procedures outlined in Chapter 4 are sufficiently robust and furthermore have
been correctly implemented.
This exercise demonstrates how the procedures developed in this work can be
readily applied to the evaluation of rotor designs at a very early stage in the
design process. Further case studies, in this thesis, utilise these temperature
distributions in order to investigate operational clearances due to thermal
Chapter 6: Case Studies
The estimated thermodynamic performance is compared with experimental
results. The aim of this exercise was to evaluate the sensitivity of the model
performance to predicted operational clearance variations.
A torque meter was installed on the motor shaft while the digital encoder for
the speed measurement was mounted on the male rotor shaft. The pressure and
temperature of the gas were measured at the inlet, the discharge, and upstream
of the orifice plate. The air flow through the compressor was measured by use
of an orifice plate installed in the discharge line of the system. The discharge
line contained a control valve for regulation of the discharge pressure. A
simplified schematic of the test setup is shown in Figure 6-13 and a list of
instrumentation used in provided in Table 6-9.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Air Inlet
Motor Drive
T2 Throttle
Torque Valve
Air Outlet
Tu pu
Instrument Description
shaft speed Shaft Encoder. (BHG 16.25W.3600- 360 TTL pulses per revolution.
Data acquisition and logging was done using a National Instrument Compact-
RIO (CRIO-9022) Real-Time with an 8 slots chassis CRIO-9114. Programming
Chapter 6: Case Studies
was done using LabVIEW FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) which is
suitable for high frequency data acquisition.
In Figure 6-14, the local interlobe clearance gap is plotted against the relative
position along the interlobe sealing line for a single compression chamber. In
Figure 6-14 the location of the rotor root and tip is annotated and the local rotor
radius is plotted on the secondary axis, to provide an indication of the local
clearance positions.
0.10 100
0.08 90
0.06 70
0.04 50
0.02 40
0.00 20
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
s, relative position along sealing line
Chapter 6: Case Studies
In Case A the local clearance gap has been taken to be constant with a value of
0.1mm. With the introduction of the rotor thermal expansion in Case B,
significant clearance reduction will occur with some local areas more affected
than others. The location of the biggest clearance reduction is at the root of the
main rotor. This indicates the location where rotor contact is most likely to
occur. The thermal expansion of the casing in Case C mitigates the rotor
expansion, as would be expected. However, there is still a slight net decrease in
the interlobe clearances for this case.
The results shown in Figure 6-14 are for a specific instant in the compression
cycle when the interlobe sealing line is fully developed i.e. the full length of the
sealing line is an active leakage path. The instantaneous interlobe leakage area
is taken as the area under the relevant curve (corrected for the actual sealing
line length). As the cycle progresses, the length and position of the sealing lines
change and the local clearance deformations need to be re-evaluated based on
the new location. The changing history of two leakage areas is shown in Figure
6-15, beginning at the start of compression (in this case when θ = 0°). The
interlobe leakage area curve is shown on the left graph of Figure 6-15. This is
related to the clearance distribution of Figure 6-14. The combined leakage area
curve for all out-flow radial clearances is shown in the right hand graph. It is
interesting to note that for Case C, with both rotor and casing expansion
included, a net increase in the radial gap is predicted in the latter stages of the
compression cycle due to the local hot spot on the compressor casing. The
radial leakage area is greater than the interlobe leakage area. Note the different
scales used on each y-axis. However, the cycle offset and consequently the
pressure difference across the radial leakage area is significantly smaller than
across the interlobe gap which determines the relative significance of how these
flow areas affect the thermodynamic performance. Note that a similar radial in-
flow leakage area would feed some mass flow back into the rotor chamber from
the previous chamber, though this is not shown.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
2.5E-05 7.0E-05
2.5E-05 5.0E-05
Area (m
Leakage 2) 2.0E-05
1.5E-05 4.0E-05
5.0E-06 2.0E-05
Interlobe Leakage
0.0E+00 1.0E-05
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
0.0E+00 Cycle Angle, θ (degrees)
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Cycle Angle, θ (degrees) Cycle Angle, θ (degrees)
Chapter 6: Case Studies
12.0 190
11.5 180
Temperature ( C)
Flow (m3/min) 11.5
Flow (m3/min)
11.0 160
10.5 150Measured
10.0 Measured
10.0 9.5 140Model - Case A Model - Case A
9.5 8.5 130Model - Case B Model - Case B
9.0 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 120 Model - Case
2.3 2.4 C 2.5 2.6 Model - Case C
8.5 pressure ratio
8.0 100
1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
pressure ratio pressure ratio
The results of the model running Case B - with interlobe and radial clearances
corrected for rotor thermal growth only - show a significant increase in flow
compared to the results of Case A. Case B also has a smaller drop off in flow with
increased pressure ratios (flatter gradient) that is closer to the measured
gradient than Case A. The results of the model running Case C, with interlobe
and radial clearances corrected for rotor and casing thermal growth, show an
improvement in the absolute flow values. However there is a deviation from the
measured gradient. The modelled temperature, shown in the right hand
diagram in Figure 6-16 is closer to the measured results in terms of absolute
values and gradient (with respect to pressure ratio) for both cases with
clearance corrections. For temperature comparison the measured discharge
temperature (T2 in Figure 6-13) directly downstream from the compressor is
used; the equivalent model temperature is used as discussed in Appendix B.1.1.
Results show that the modelled flow is highly sensitive to changes in the
operational clearances. The largest deviation in predicted performance is
between Case A – with no clearance modification and Case B – with clearances
adjusted due to rotor distortion only. These are the two extreme cases for
clearance values and it’s a reasonable assumption that actual operational
clearances will be somewhere in between.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
In the case presented, the model accuracy improved with the introduction of
local clearance corrections used to calculate leakage areas iteratively. However
care must be taken when drawing conclusions, based on absolute test values,
because it is difficult to know, with absolute certainty, that the unmodified
model clearances are representative of the actual assembled clearances; which
are subject to a complex array of manufacturing and assembly tolerances.
The predictions shown in Case C are closest to the test results, in terms of flow
prediction. However the predicted temperature shown in the results of Case B
was closer. Put another way, the modelled discharge temperature is slightly
high for a given flow compared to test results. It is difficult to say if this is the
result of something inherent to the chamber model used; or if the relative size
of the various clearances during set-up is not representative of the actual
assembled clearances; or if the relative adjustment for operational distortions is
This case focuses on the impact of thermal distortions on the interlobe
clearance distribution. As before, the predicted operational interlobe clearances
are presented for different combinations of rotor and casing distortion in order
to assess how sensitive the calculated clearances are to each.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Chapter 6: Case Studies
*Due to power restrictions on the testing of this large compressor, the speed
was reduced from the contract speed of 1400rpm to 750rpm during the
overload testing. It is this overload testing at higher discharge temperature
which was of interest for clearance analysis.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Chapter 6: Case Studies
As before, the fluid temperature from the compression cycle was mapped onto
the surfaces of the rotors and the casing bores. The temperature of the fluid
boundary on the main and gate rotor surfaces is shown in Figure 6-20 . The left
image shows the instantaneous fluid temperature for a particular rotor
position. In the right hand image these instantaneous temperatures has been
averaged over one full rotation and over each transverse plane of the rotors.
The peak temperatures occur at the outlet plane of the rotors. Therefore the
analysis presented in this work was based on the average fluid boundary
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Chapter 6: Case Studies
The compromise that has been taken is to plot the local clearances on the axis of
a rack projection along which the rack would translate. Thus, the magnitude of
the local clearances can be simply graphed and superimposed against the
somewhat familiar shape of the rack as presented in Figure 6-22. Rather than
putting numerical values on the horizontal axis, vertical lines have been added
to identify key points along the length of this sealing line projection, details of
which are provided in Table 6-16.
Line AB represents the conjugate rack, common to both rotors. The limits of this
rack segment, points A and B, are shown in Figure 6-20 where it can be
observed that these points occur on the boundary between different
compression chambers. This point is important as the distortions over this
specific section of the interlobe sealing line are used when calculating the
interlobe leakage area for that chamber at that moment.
The original and revised clearance distributions are both presented in Figure
6-22. In all cases the relative rotation between the rotors has been adjusted in
order to provide zero clearance at location 3: the pitch radius on the round side
of the rotors. This is where the driving force is transferred from the main to the
gate rotor. In the revised clearance design the main difference is that the
clearance in the main rotor root has been increased and to a lesser extent also
Chapter 6: Case Studies
at the main rotor tip. Notice that the clearance on the round, or drive, flank of
the rotors (between locations 3 and 4) has actually been decreased in the
revised clearance design – this clearance will not significantly reduce during
operation because the gap is maintained due to the nearby contact at the pitch
point (location 3, where the main rotor drives the gate rotor), therefore this
clearance was deemed to be unnecessarily large. Conversely, on the opposite
flank (from 4 to B, and from A to 1) the gap is adversely affected by thermal
distortions at location 3 which are transferred over to the non-drive flank.
Therefore it was necessary to increase the clearances on the non-drive flank.
To quantify how these clearance changes impact the leakage area through the
interlobe gap, the local clearances were integrated over the length of the 3D
sealing line. The total leakage area is 108.5mm2 for the original design and
142.7mm2 for the revised design, an increase of 31.5%.
Original Clearance
1.6 0.9
Relative 'Radius'
1.2 0.8
Revised Clearance
0.8 0.7
Rack Projection
0.4 0.6
0.0 0.5
Relative Position on Rack Projection
Chapter 6: Case Studies
A second case has also been presented where the rotors do not move apart due
to casing thermal expansion. This case is quite possible in the event that sudden
temperature changes cause the rotors to heat up faster than the casing, or,
alternatively the outlet end bearings might be situated remotely from the rotor
outlet plane in a location where the casing temperature is much lower than
estimated in Table 6-15. Unfortunately the distance between the two dashed
curves for the different operational scenarios results in a large band of
uncertainty but it does serve to highlight 1) where rotor contact is most likely to
occur for a given clearance design, and 2) where clearances can be further
reduced without compromising reliability.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
This analysis supports the suitability of the revised clearance design. The
results show that at the root of the main rotor, contact cannot now occur due to
thermal distortion alone. The chance of contact at the tip of the main rotor has
been significantly reduced but the analysis suggests contact is still possible
there under extreme circumstances.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
The difference between the model result and the test result suggests that the
model is slightly underestimating the effect of leakages through the interlobe
gap. Unfortunately as the test results were obtained using two completely
different compressors the effect of other manufacturing and assembly
tolerances cannot be ruled out for the test results.
Importantly, the resulting change in flow on test was small enough for the
performance of both compressors to still be within normal operating
tolerances. With the reduced flow there was a similar reduction in shaft power
so there was very little change in overall efficiency.
The type of contact observed and the fact that this standard compressor had not
presented any problems, while operating within normal temperature limits,
points to thermal distortion of the rotors being the most likely cause of this
Chapter 6: Case Studies
rotor contact. This tear down also indicated that some rotor to casing contact
had occurred as well as some localised interlobe contact around the tip of the
main rotor.
Local variations in the interlobe clearance distribution, due to thermal
distortions, have been approximated. This provides valuable data at an early
design stage about where and when, in the compression process, clearances are
not adequate for a given compression application. Integrating this information
into the rotor design process will allow a more optimised balance between
reliability and compressor performance.
For validation purposes, the analysis was repeated for two interlobe clearance
designs, when operating at an elevated rotor discharge temperature of 120°C in
an oil injected compressor, with direct rotor drive. While there is a fairly large
uncertainty on the predicted clearance deviations, the modelled results are in
agreement with the available experimental findings because they predicted a
high likelihood of rotor contact at the main rotor root on the original clearance
Chapter 6: Case Studies
This case study draws on extensive test results obtained from an oil free HS204
compressor, operating over a wide range of temperatures and speeds. This
allows a more comprehensive comparison of modelled and measured
compressor behaviour than provided in the previous case studies.
In addition to performance results from the tests, these results include real time
measurement of the radial clearance gap which was used for more direct
verification of the predicted clearance deformations.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
of the interlobe clearance distribution are shown in Figure 6-28. The radial
clearance gap for this compressor is nominally 0.150mm – this was the initial
value used in the models.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Point Normal Clearance [microns] MALEROTOR
1 143 173 HELIX = RI
2 139 169 WRAPANGLE = 30
3 106 135 ROTORLENGTH = 33
4 105 135 LEAD = 40
5 105 135 Pitch HELIXANGLEAT PCD = 44
6 116 146 LEADANGLEAT PCD = 45
7 126 156
9 116 146 NUMBEROF LOBES =6
10 107 137 HELIX = LE
11 96 126 Pitch WRAPANGLE = 20
12 96 126 ROTORLENGTH = 33
13 143 173 LEAD = 60
14 143 173 HELIXANGLEAT PCD = 44
15 145 174
The compressor was tested over a range of speeds and pressures as detailed
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Air Inlet Air Outlet
Tu pu
p1 T2
Motor Drive
Torque GapR
Chapter 6: Case Studies
speed, torque Torquemeters ET2350 Torque meter and readout unit
Proximity probes were used to measure the radial gap, GapR, on both the main
and gate rotors. The probes situated in the bores of the casing at the bottom,
30mm from the discharge end face, as shown in Figure 6-31. Note that the
probes are situated opposite the discharge port which is located on the top of
the casing.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Rotor lobe
The proximity probe is slightly recessed into the casing bore as shown in Figure
6-32. The measured gap ‘b’ is therefore slightly bigger than the radial gap ‘a’.
While the compressor was running the gap obviously varies due to passing of
the rotor lobe and the objective here was to record the minimum value.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Due to the nature of this set-up, the static gap could not be measured and
instead the value of ‘b’ was recorded immediately after start-up to provide a
reference un-deformed measurement. Once thermally stable at each operating
point the change in the value of ‘b’ was used to assess gap distortion.
Graphs that compare the model results against the test results are shown in
Figure 6-33 and Figure 6-34. In this case the model is based on nominal design
clearances that are unmodified. These model results are denoted ‘MODEL’. The
relative error of the model across the range of operating points is tabulated in
Table 6-24.
Similar results for a model that predicts clearance distortion due to rotor
thermal expansion only, denoted by ‘MODEL R’, are given in Figure 6-35 and
Figure 6-36 and Table 6-25.
The same set of results, produced by a model that predicts clearance distortion
due to both rotor AND casing thermal expansion, denoted ‘MODEL RC, are
shown in Figure 6-37 Figure 6-38 and Table 6-26 .
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Speed Pressure
(rpm) Ratio Volumetric efficiency T2 (K)
1.63 78.3% 349.2
1.79 77.3% 361.3
1.97 76.3% 373.2
2.07 75.8% 379.7
1.63 81.8% 354.3
1.81 80.9% 364.3
2.00 80.1% 375.5
2.10 79.5% 381.5
1.65 84.2% 355.6
1.84 83.4% 367.5
2.01 82.9% 376.9
2.11 82.5% 381.9
1.69 85.7% 363.1
1.88 85.1% 371.3
2.06 84.5% 380.6
2.16 84.3% 386.7
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Volumetric Efficiency
TEST, 6000rpm
MODEL, 4000rpm
MODEL, 5000rpm
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 MODEL, 7000rpm
Pressure Ratio
TEST, 4000rpm
TEST, 5000rpm
Discharge Temperature, T2 (K)
TEST, 6000rpm
MODEL, 4000rpm
MODEL, 5000rpm
MODEL, 6000rpm
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 MODEL, 7000rpm
Pressure Ratio
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Chapter 6: Case Studies
TEST, 4000rpm
TEST, 6000rpm
Volumetric Efficiency
TEST, 7000rpm
MODEL R, 5000rpm
MODEL R, 7000rpm
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6
Pressure Ratio
Figure 6-35: HS204 volumetric efficiency with modelled rotor thermal distortion
TEST, 4000rpm
TEST, 5000rpm
Discharge Temperature, T2 (K)
TEST, 6000rpm
MODEL R, 4000rpm
MODEL R, 5000rpm
MODEL R, 6000rpm
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 MODEL R, 7000rpm
Pressure Ratio
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Table 6-25: HS204 model performance results with rotor thermal distortion
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Volumetric Efficiency
TEST, 6000rpm
MODEL RC, 4000rpm
MODEL RC, 5000rpm
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 MODEL RC, 7000rpm
Pressure Ratio
Figure 6-37: HS204 volumetric efficiency with modelled rotor and casing thermal
TEST, 4000rpm
TEST, 5000rpm
Discharge Temperature, T2 (K)
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 MODEL RC, 7000rpm
Pressure Ratio
Figure 6-38: HS204 discharge temperature with rotor and casing thermal
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Table 6-26: HS204 model performance results with rotor and casing thermal
Chapter 6: Case Studies
In Table 6-27 the test results with and without jacket cooling are summarised
and as before these have been adjusted, through linear interpolation, to
produce the results in Table 6-28 at specific pressure ratios.
Table 6-27: HS204 performance test results at 6000rpm with and without jacket
Test Ratio Volumetric efficiency T2 (K)
1.65 84.2% 355.6
1.84 83.4% 367.5
jacket cooling
2.01 82.9% 376.9
2.11 82.5% 381.9
1.57 78.4% 355.6
1.80 77.5% 365.3
no jacket cooling
2.09 76.2% 385.1
2.60 73.8% 412.1
Table 6-28: HS204 interpolated performance test results at 6000rpm with and
without jacket cooling
Test Ratio Volumetric efficiency T2 (K)
1.50 84.7% 347.7
1.75 83.8% 361.8
jacket cooling 2.00 82.9% 376.0
2.25 82.0% 390.2
2.50 81.1% 404.4
1.50 78.8% 350.5
1.75 77.7% 364.5
no jacket cooling 2.00 76.6% 378.5
2.25 75.4% 392.5
2.50 74.3% 406.5
Chapter 6: Case Studies
TEST: jacket cooling
Volumetric Efficiency
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Pressure Ratio
Figure 6-39: HS204 volumetric efficiency at 6000rpm with and without jacket
TEST: no jacket
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Pressure Ratio
Figure 6-40: HS204 discharge temperature at 6000rpm with and without jacket
Chapter 6: Case Studies
The results from MODEL R and MODEL RC are given in Figure 6-39 and Figure
6-40 for testing with and without jacket cooling. MODEL R is more closely
aligned to the test results with jacket cooling and MODEL RC is more closely
aligned to the test results without jacket cooling. These results are presented in
Table 6-29 which compares MODEL R against each test case. Then in Table
6-30, MODEL RC is compared with the same test cases.
Table 6-29: HS204 ‘MODEL R’ performance results at 6000rpm with rotor thermal
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Table 6-30: HS204 ‘MODEL RC’ performance results at 6000rpm with rotor and
casing thermal expansion
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Local Radial Gap (μm)
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
T2 - Tamb (K)
Figure 6-41: Measured and modelled radial gap on MAIN rotor bore
Local Radial Gap (μm)
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
T2 - Tamb (K)
Figure 6-42: Measured and modelled radial gap on GATE rotor bore
Chapter 6: Case Studies
Temperature (deg C)
75 ΔRC
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
T2 - Tamb (K)
MODEL R: local casing temp, T_B1 MODEL RC: local casing temp, T_B1
MODEL R: local rotor temp, T_RP1 MODEL RC: local rotor temp, T_RP1
Temperature (deg C)
50 ΔRC
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
T2 - Tamb (K)
MODEL R: local casing temp, T_B2 MODEL RC: local casing temp, T_B2
MODEL R: local rotor temp, T_RP2 MODEL RC: local rotor temp, T_RP2
Chapter 6: Case Studies
All test results indicate that the volumetric efficiency and temperature vary
more or less linearly with the pressure ratio and suggest that there is a limiting
volumetric efficiency that will not be exceeded regardless of how low the
external pressure ratio is; this is due to the internal compression that occurs
within the compressor. In contrast, the model results do show some
nonlinearity, particularly at lower pressure ratios where the rate of change in
volumetric efficiency is higher. When operating at higher, more realistic
pressure ratios for the designed volume index, the model shows a more linear
relationship between volumetric efficiency and pressure ratio. The discrepancy
at lower pressures merits further investigation and possible refinement to the
setup of the chamber model used. However it should not impede the current
investigations significantly.
Assuming no heat transfer from the gas to the compressor and surroundings
prior to measurement of the outlet temperature, T2, on test, the adiabatic
efficiencies were calculated to range from 70.6% (at the lowest speed and
highest pressure ratio) to 83.2% (at the highest speed and lowest pressure
ratio). These efficiencies are in the expected range which supports the
assumption that heat transfer from the gas can be neglected up to the point of
measurement. The same assumption is made in the compressor model to
ensure that the temperature comparisons presented are appropriate. More
discussion on the calculation of T2 is included in appendix ‘B.1.1 Model
Discharge Temperature’. More detail on the measurement of T2 and how this is
used to calculate efficiency is provided in appendix ‘C.1 Compressor
Boundaries’ and ‘C.4 Adiabatic Efficiency’.
Initial results with the first model that uses unmodified nominal design
clearances (labelled MODEL), underestimate flow and overestimate the
discharge temperature. In addition, the range of modelled volumetric efficiency
and temperature over both speed and pressure ratio is greater than that
measured on test.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
The second set of modelled results, with clearances corrected for rotor thermal
distortion (MODEL R) show a considerably smaller error against the test results
over the full range of operating points.
The third set of modelled results, with clearances corrected for rotor and casing
thermal distortion (MODEL RC) show the largest deviations from the test
For the results shown in Figure 6-33 to Figure 6-38, where the test compressor
casing jacket is water cooled, the most accurate performance predictions were
achieved using Model R, based on nominal design clearances that are modified
to estimate rotor thermal distortion only. The fact that this model, which
resulted in the closest match to the measured flow, shown in Table 6-25, also
resulted in the closest match to the measured temperature, provides some
validation of the model assumptions.
Figure 6-41 shows good agreement between the measured radial gap on the
MAIN rotor bore when tested with jacket cooling and the MODEL R results. On
the GATE rotor bore (Figure 6-42) these results are not as good and the
measured radial gap is smaller than predicted by MODEL R. Figure 6-43 and
Figure 6-44 help illustrate how the modelled gaps are calculated - the modelled
change in radial gap (from the nominal 0.150mm) is proportional to the
difference between the rotor and casing temperatures for each respective
model. In MODEL R the casing is constant at 20 deg C and the bigger reduction
in the main rotor is simply due to that rotor being hotter in the model (based on
the transverse plane average temperature). The measured clearances have
Chapter 6: Case Studies
actually reduced more on the GATE rotor bore with jacket cooling; it is not
possible to say whether this is due to the gate rotor actually being hotter
because the actual temperature distribution and distortion of the casing are
unknown. Considering the simple nature of the thermal assumptions used in
each model, the overall agreement between the jacket cooled radial gap
measurements and the MODEL R predictions are fairly reasonable.
For MODEL RC the modelled clearance reduction is less than for MODEL R
because the local casing expansion mitigates the local rotor expansion to some
extent. This ties in with the modelled performance results as the bigger radial
clearances reduce volumetric efficiency. Based on this theory, the hypothesis
was that the measured radial gap without jacket cooling would be bigger than
with jacket cooling however the results from the proximity probes on the MAIN
and GATE rotor bores show the opposite case to be true. This seems to
contradict the performance results without jacket cooling which suggest a net
clearance increase had occurred. The logical conclusion is that the measured
radial clearance reduction is a localised phenomenon.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
With the opposing movement of the bearings at each end and the position of the
constraints at the feet of the compressor, it is easier to understand how it could
be possible for the local radial gap to be reduced with a hotter casing
Effectively, the compressor is hotter on top than it is on the bottom due to the
location of the high pressure discharge port on top. The temperature difference
causes the entire compressor to bow downwards at each end so that the
relative position of the proximity probe is higher, resulting in reduced clearance
to the rotor. This would be accompanied by a larger than anticipated increase of
the radial clearance at the top of the compressor and it is likely that the net
radial leakage area does increase, as predicted.
Chapter 6: Case Studies
In the case of the HS204 oil free case study, in addition to performance results, a
direct measurement of the radial gap between the rotors and casing was
utilised to assess the model. This showed that while an appropriate thermal
distortion model could improve performance results for a specific operating
duty and cooling regime, it was not an appropriate tool for detailed thermal
analysis of localised rotor to casing clearances which are too dependent on the
full casing geometry and this is not represented by this model.
Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future Work
Chapter 7
Conclusions and Future Work
This research was carried out while working full time in the R&D department at
Howden Compressors Ltd; working on various projects but primarily in the
design of new retrofit rotors for an existing range of compressors. From this it
soon became clear that, from an industrial viewpoint a major problem in
optimising performance was to be able to evaluate how internal clearances
could be minimised, without the risk of failure as a result of distortion due to
thermal effects during operation. A detailed literature survey showed very little
published in this area and clearance design was found to be mostly dependent
on empirical data and historical experience. It was clear that this was the single
most critical area of rotor design and manufacture in terms of performance and
reliability. This is particularly true for Howden whose products serve a wide
range of applications and operating duties.
Case studies show that this work is useful and applicable in the design and
review of interlobe clearance distributions for specific applications; in terms of
Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future Work
predicting the likelihood of rotor to rotor contact; and predicting where contact
is most likely to occur. Mapping thermodynamic results from the chamber
model on to the rotor geometry has provided useful insight into rotor
temperature exposure, how this varies between the main and gate rotors, and
how it’s affected by other rotor parameters. Wrap angle and lobe combination
are two examples of parameters that have been shown to change rotor
temperature exposure. Calculated local rotor temperature exposure was used in
an analytical clearance correction procedure which was shown to predict the
same interlobe clearance behaviour evident from tear down inspection of an oil
injected compressor.
A useful outcome of developing this mapping procedure was the novel Rotor
Boundary Map which provides a unique way of visualising and comparing the
key geometrical properties of different profiles such as the length of the sealing
lines and how the sealing lines are related to the formation of the blow hole
leakage area.
Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future Work
In the absence of more extensive test results it would be useful to compare the
thermal distortions predicted by this model against FEA results for the same
case. Similarly it would be useful to compare the performance sensitivity to
clearances against CFD results for the same case.
In very high pressure applications rotor movement and deflection will become
more significant and may be worth including in duty dependent operational
clearance distortions, in the same way that temperature distribution on the
rotor and casing surfaces has been utilised in this work. It follows that there is
Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future Work
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Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
Appendix A
Geometry Calculations
There are a number of general rotor profile features that are common for all
twin screw compressor rotors. The rotor pair always comprises of a main and a
gate rotor. The main rotor has a smaller number of lobes than the gate resulting
in a gear ratio that reduces the speed of rotation of the gate. Despite having
fewer teeth the main rotor is often close or equal to the gate rotor in diameter,
this is because the main rotor has protruding rounded lobes which mesh with
scalloped recesses in the gate rotor known as flutes. This arrangement results in
rotors with an interlobe sealing line that extends most of the way between the
two cusps on the casing thus reducing the leakage area between the rotors and
the casing.
H1 H2
D1 D2
Figure A-1: Basic rotor dimensions, shows the cross section of a 4-6 rotor
combination in the transverse plane (perpendicular to the rotor axis).
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
The relationship between the main pitch radius, rw1, and the helix angle at this
particular radius is described geometrically in Figure A-2 which is a triangle of
the unwrapped helix where the horizontal line is parallel with the rotor axis. In
this figure the larger of the similar triangles represents the helix for a full 360°,
the parameter h is known as the ‘lead length’. The smaller triangle is truncated
to the actual rotor length, L. The parameter φw1 is the wrap angle and is
proportional to the rotor length for a given helix angle, ψ. The lead angle, λ, is
defined as the complement of the helix angle. The wrap angle is typically about
300° for the main rotor but can vary. The helix angle defined at the pitch point
is common for the main and gate rotors so that ψw1 = ψw2. The actual rotor
length is usually defined by the ratio L/D and similarly the main addendum and
dedendum are sometimes defined as a proportion of the rotor diameter, D, this
makes for easier scaling of rotors and provides a more intuitive feel for how the
parameters affect the profile geometry. The following equations are commonly
used in rotor geometry calculations:
Pitch circles:
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
The L/D is defined for the main rotor therefore the main rotor outer diameter is
used to find the length:
The lead per unit angle (usually degrees) for the main and gate rotors are:
( 10 )
The lobe offset angles are useful for adjusting the rotor profiles therefore these
are defined:
( 11 )
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
( 12 )
r1o r2o
α1cp α2cp
The position of the casing cusp (neglecting clearances) is calculated using the
outer radii of each rotor and the rotor centre distance by applying the Cosine
Rule (see Figure A-3: Angles to casing cusp):
( 13 )
( 14 )
( 15 )
( 16 )
These cusp angles define the limiting values for the parameter β that describes
the angular position on the casing bore surfaces:
( 17 )
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
( 18 )
Note that when there is interlobe clearance between the rotors and other
geometrical features such as sealing strips are present the actual rotors are not
necessarily an exact conjugate pair and calculating the sealing line in this way
can potentially introduce errors.
The meshing angle, θm, for a given point, n, is defined as the angle through
which the main rotor must be rotated so that meshing line contact occurs at
that point. The follow steps describe how this meshing angle is calculated.
The pressure angle defined on the local rotor co-ordinate system is calculated
as the inverse tan of the main rotor surface normal:
( 19 )
As the gradient of the surface normal does not give the direction of the
transverse surface vector the angle, ψ01, must be corrected based on the
quadrant in which the point lies and the known orientation of the main rotor
The local profile angle is the polar angle, φ01, calculated from the Cartesian rotor
co-ordinates, x01 and y01.
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
Meshing angle, θm
The meshing angle, θm, is defined in Figure A-4 as the angle of rotation of the
local profile co-ordinate system, x01y01, measured relative to a static co-ordinate
system, X1Y1. The angles φ01 and ψ01 are defined relative to the local profile
system, x01y01. For conjugate meshing, the line of pressure (normal to the rotor
surface) at the meshing point, M, will always intersect the pitch point, P. Thus,
the meshing angle, θm, can be defined geometrically. This meshing angle is the
same whether the main rotor profile shown is meshing with a rack or any gate
rotor defined on this transverse plane.
1 M
In Figure A-5, two right angle triangles are defined, the angles identified can be
related to the common opposite length, a, as given in equation ( 20 ).
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
(θ011 – φ
ψ101) )
r1w X1
(ψ 1 ++θθmm))
( 20 )
( 21 )
The x and y sealing line co-ordinates are found by rotating each co-ordinate on
the main rotor by its respective meshing angle:
( 22 )
( 23 )
The axial co-ordinate, z, is directly related to the meshing angle using the unit
lead, p:
( 24 )
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
The sealing line co-ordinates xSL, ySL, zSL can be calculated for a
number of discrete points around the rotors in order to generate
the full interlobe sealing line as presented in Figure A-6; the
interlobe sealing has been superimposed onto the main rotor
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
The maximum theoretical chamber volume is achieved when the both the main
and gate cross sectional areas are fully formed. In this case the volume is the
sum of the cross sectional area multiplied by the rotor length. In practise, the
chamber cross section is not always fully formed along the full length of the
rotor and the maximum volume is therefore reduced. For this reason it is far
more reliable to determine the volume curve by integrating the area curve
between limits that are defined by the cycle angle. This is described by equation
(25) with the limits of integration shown in Figure A-8. This figure includes a
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
( 25 )
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
SP1r SP2r
SP1a SP2a
Suction Port
DP2a DP1a
r DP1r
Discharge Port
The shape of the suction and discharge ports is defined by the rotor profile
shape and helix at the rotor tips. The size of the discharge port is defined by the
rotor position at which the required volume index, V1/V2, has been achieved.
The ports highlighted in Figure A-9 are the full port windows; the effective port
areas, for a given compression chamber, depends how the rotors interact with
these port windows. The areas through the main suction and discharge ports as
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
the rotors interact with the casing are calculated using a similar procedure to
that used with the chamber cross sectional areas.
The blowhole area is formed between the tip of the main, the tip of the gate and
the cusp of the casing where the rotors meet. For most practical rotor designs
the main rotor, gate rotor and casing cusp will not coincide at the same point
resulting in the leakage area highlighted in Figure A-10. The area is solely
defined by the transverse rotor profiles (highlighted in green) and the rotor
helix. This leakage area is handled with its own subroutine that calculates the
area between lines 1-2 and 1-3 in Figure A-10b.
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
Figure A-11 shows the interlobe sealing line - the blue line shows where the
main rotor is in closest proximity to the gate rotor when the rotors are in mesh.
The part of the line highlighted in red represents the interlobe sealing line for a
single compression volume therefore it is the leakage area through this segment
that is of interest. Calculation of the sealing lines co-ordinates was explained
previously. The length of the sealing line through a discrete number of sealing
lines points can be numerically approximated:
( 26 )
In order to calculate the sealing line length for a given compression chamber, it
is necessary to check that the sealing line is within the limits of the rotor length.
At the rotor position shown in Figure A-11 the interlobe sealing line highlighted
in red is fully formed within the limits of the rotor so the leakage area is
maximum. As point A moves beyond the discharge face on the LHS of the figure
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
the sealing line length and consequently the leakage area will reduce until point
C reaches the same discharge face and the leakage area has reduced to zero.
The interlobe area curve shown in blue in Figure A-12 assumes a constant,
uniform interlobe clearance distribution. By introducing a relative rotation
between the rotors the clearance distribution was altered and the resulting area
curve was plotted in green. This serves to demonstrate how changing the
clearance distribution, whether by design, due to rotation, reduced centres or
some other manufacturing or assembly variation can change both the
magnitude and the shape of the interlobe leakage area.
Interlobe leakage area
Area (m^2)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Cycle Angle (degrees)
uniform gap flat side contact
It is evident in Figure A-12 that there is a region, when the sealing line is fully
formed, where the leakage area is constant. This would not be the case if
clearances vary along the length of the rotors due to non-parallel rotors or
operational distortions caused by high pressures or temperatures. In order to
investigate these scenarios the GEOM program was modified to allow the
clearance distribution to vary along 2 dimensions: around the transverse rotor
profile; and along the length of the rotors. In other words – the surface of the
rotor lobe under investigation is divided up using a 2 dimensional grid where
the local clearance at each node is unique. The same approach was applied for
Appendix A: Geometry Calculations
the radial sealing line – the local radial clearance at any position on the casing
bore can be uniquely defined.
Appendix B: Compressor Modelling
Appendix B
Compressor Modelling
Chamber properties
pc-1, Tc-1
ṁ1h1 ṁ2h2
pin, Tin p c, T c pout, Tout
pc+1, Tc+1
Prior to running the cycle convergence loop, Tout is initially calculated as the
adiabatic discharge temperature based on the pressure ratio. This initial Tout is
Appendix B: Compressor Modelling
used to calculate the initial specific enthalpy at discharge which is in turn used
to calculate the isentropic flow through the discharge port. Knowing the flow
rate to the outlet and the specific enthalpies in the chamber or outlet
(depending on flow direction) at any given time, the total enthalpy change to
outlet can be integrated over the cycle duration. The average specific enthalpy
of the gas to outlet is calculated as the total enthalpy to outlet divided by the
total mass to outlet – this specific enthalpy is then used as the outlet boundary
enthalpy in the next iteration for flow calculation. For an ideal gas, the average
temperature, Tout, at the outlet boundary can be calculated as the average
specific enthalpy divided by the specific heat, Cp.
In the version of the chamber model used in this research, the outlet
temperature, T2, was taken to be the value of the temperature in the
compression chamber, TC, at the end of the compression process. In this single
chamber model, the instantaneous TC value at the end of compression is similar
to the averaged boundary temperature, Tout, providing there isn’t significant
over or under compression.
( 27 )
Appendix B: Compressor Modelling
x A’
AB = x
αB rA
A’B’ = x + Δx
Appendix B: Compressor Modelling
each respective rotor axes, on the main and gate rotor bores respectively, as a
common datum so that only radial distortions in the rotors and casing are
In Figure 1-1 two casing distortion scenarios have been presented. The outer
dashed line shows the distorted casing bores where the centres of the bores are
also marked as dashed lines. In the first scenario the solid circles that represent
the rotors are positioned in the undistorted centre distance, A. This kind of
scenario could occur in a compressor where the casing is relatively cooler in the
vicinity of the bearings than the cross section being analysed, thus resulting in
rotors that are not concentric to the casing bore. As a consequence of this the
radial clearance will be non uniform so that near the cusp Gap1 would be
reduced while Gap2 would be increased.
Appendix B: Compressor Modelling
In the second scenario the rotor positions are represented by the circles with
dashed lines that have been adjusted to the same distorted centre distance as
the casing at that particular plane. This results in rotors that are concentric to
the casing bore and in this case with uniform rotor and casing temperatures
across the plane the radial gap is constant so that Gap1’ = Gap2’.
Obviously, if the distorted centre distance of the casing is different from the
centre distance of the rotors this should ideally be accounted for by using a
single common datum for both rotors and casing and calculating the resulting
non-uniformity of the radial gap due to the non-concentric rotors. In the current
procedure which simplifies the calculations by defining a datum on each axis,
the rotors are assumed to be concentric to the casing.
In the current model the distortion of the rotor axis is based on the distortion of
the casing centre distance, A, at the inlet and outlet end planes, as described in
‘5.3.3 Local Casing Distortion’. So by definition each rotor will be concentric to
the casing bore at the inlet and outlet plane. Between these end planes the rotor
centre distance will vary linearly since the rotor axes are taken to be straight.
However, the axial variation in the average temperature of each casing cross
section is not necessarily linear and there is likely to be some deviation between
Appendix B: Compressor Modelling
the rotor and casing centre distances. In order to quantify this effect, results
from the DRUM127 compressor model are used; the casing exposure is shown
in Figure B-4 where the temperature ranges from 25°C to 160°C. The
temperature exposure was averaged at each transverse plane in order to
estimate the average 2D casing temperature at that plane. The variation in the
casing temperature, which describes distortion of the casing centre distortion,
is compared against the interpolated temperature, which describes the rotor
centre distortion, in Figure B-5. Note that the temperature shown in this figure
is actually the ΔT, which is the different between the absolute temperature and
the reference ambient temperature which has been taken as 20°C.
Average Planar ΔT (deg C)
50 casing ΔT
casing ΔT linear
0 100 200 300
Axial Plane Position / γ (deg)
The maximum variance between the casing ΔT and the interpolated ΔT is 8.4°C.
When applied to the centre distance for this compressor, where A = 0.093m, for
cast iron, this equates to an error of less than 10μm. This results in a
concentricity error of less than 5μm on each rotor. The nominal radial clearance
for this compressor is 100 μm therefore the maximum relative error due to
non-concentricity (along a limited region of the axial length) is +/- 5%. Recall
from the example presented in Figure B-3 that the non-concentric rotor results
in opposing changes between Gap1 and Gap2 which further mitigates this error
in terms of the net radial leakage area used for performance calculation. In
Appendix B: Compressor Modelling
conclusion the assumption of using each rotor axis as a datum in justified for
the current model.
Appendix C: Definition of Performance Characteristics
Appendix C
Definition of Performance
In order to evaluate the compressor performance the metrics used must be
clearly defined. The compressor can be considered to be a ‘black box’ that can
be dropped into any system and described by only its inputs and outputs. The
inputs will be defined at the inlet flange, the outputs at the outlet flange and the
work in for a compressor is defined at the drive shaft – this has been shown in
Figure C-1.
V 1 2 - OUTLET
τ V 2
For a full energy balance of the compressor there would be additional inputs
and outputs to describe heat rejection to surroundings or oil. However, for an
evaluation of the compressor performance it is usually sufficient to measure the
useful work done on the gas by considering these described inputs and outputs.
Appendix C: Definition of Performance Characteristics
( 28 )
The shaft power, PSHAFT, is simply calculated as the product of the measured
speed and torque. This shaft power is often referred to as the ‘total power’ as it
is the sum of the power supplied to the compression fluid and the power lost to
all other inefficiencies including mechanical losses incurred in the bearings,
shaft seals and timing gears, if applicable. The focus of this research was on the
thermodynamic model of the compression process therefore the shaft power
was not used for model evaluation because of the uncertainty in the proportion
of work acting on the gas.
Appendix C: Definition of Performance Characteristics
( 29 )
The theoretical volume flow rate is calculated using the volume displacement
constant; this is expressed as the displaced volume per revolution of the drive
shaft and is a geometric feature of the compressor.
( 30 )
However, as discussed previously the shaft power was not investigated in this
research - instead the adiabatic efficiency can be described using the indicated
power from the thermodynamic compression process – this includes the effect
of any heat transfer during compression but neglects any mechanical losses:
( 31 )
( 32 )
Appendix C: Definition of Performance Characteristics
( 33 )
( 34 )
( 35 )
In practise for an oil free compressor, the measured outlet temperature, T2, is
higher than the adiabatic outlet temperature, T2_ADI, resulting in a polytropic
exponent: n > k. This implies that there is heat transfer to the compression gas
which reduces efficiency. In reality, this heat is primarily supplied due to a net
enthalpy increase introduced through leakage flows into the control volume.
Both specific enthalpies changes in equations (33) and (34) are calculated
assuming a system with constant mass. This is ok for the adiabatic process
curve as that represents the ideal compression process however the polytropic
process curve is intended to approximate an open system with net leakage
losses therefore the specific enthalpy change calculated in equation (34) is not
representative of the actual process. To compensate for the difference in
specific enthalpy change caused by the theoretical and the actual delivered
mass flow the volumetric efficiency was included in equation (32).
Appendix C: Definition of Performance Characteristics
Pressure (Bar)
model indicated
0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020
Volume (m3)