Spe 1199 0030 JPT
Spe 1199 0030 JPT
Spe 1199 0030 JPT
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drilled formations, and more than 70% fluid transport. by use of seawater bentonite muds, saturat-
of borehole problems are caused by • Swelling pressure is caused by interac- ed salt polymers, KCl or NaCl polymer, or
shale instability. Shale is destabilized tion of water with clay charged particles. freshwater calcium-treated muds. A new
when drilling fluid penetrates existing • Pressure changes near the wellbore as type of drilling fluid based on a substituted
fissures, fractures, and weak bedding drilling fluid compresses pore fluid and dif- sugar, methyl gluocide, is being examined
planes. Drilling fluids cause shale fuses a pressure front into the formation. currently because of its ability to form low-
instability by altering pore pressure or Shale-swelling pressure and behavior is activity muds with high membrane efficien-
effective-stress state and strength related directly to the type and amount of cy. In oil-based muds (OBM’s), the dis-
through shale/fluid interaction. clay in a given shale. Two types of swelling persed water phase usually is treated with
observed in clays are intercrystalline and CaCl2 to reduce drilling-fluid activity.
SUBSURFACE SHALE osmotic swelling. • Fluid-transport and pressure-diffusion
The term shale is used for an entire class of Pressure diffusion causes pressure rates can be reduced by increasing fluid vis-
fine-grained sedimentary rocks that contain changes with time as the wellbore pressure cosity and reducing shale permeability. One
substantial amounts of clay minerals. For contacts and compresses pore fluid at the way to reduce permeability is to form a per-
the oil industry, distinguishing shale fea- wellbore wall. The pressure away from the meability barrier at the shale surface or with-
tures include clay content, low permeability wall varies with time until a steady-state in microfractures. In OBM’s, water has to dif-
caused by poor pore connectivity through pressure distribution between near and far- fuse through a continuous oil phase to reach
narrow pore throats, and the large difference away pore pressure is established. If the shale. Cationic polymers, which are
in coefficient of thermal expansion between drilling fluid cannot penetrate the shale, strongly adsorbing, also reduce permeability.
water and shale-matrix constituents. the pore pressure near the wellbore wall is Work is underway currently to formulate
The amount and type of clay content the original pore pressure and remains the drilling fluids containing cesium for shale
determine shale affinity for water. Shale same. However, if the mud interacts with stabilization. While this fluid would be very
containing smectite has a greater affinity for the shale, the drilling fluid at wellbore expensive, increased stability and rate of
water than shale containing illite or kaolin- pressure will diffuse through shale and penetration could compensate for this cost.
ite. Shale-formation properties that are pore pressures near the wall will increase • Cuttings dispersion can be limited by
important for shale/fluid interaction and with time. binding the clay particles together if shale
shale stability are determined by past com- failure or erosion is initiated. Polymers with
paction history and current in-situ stresses IMPROVING SHALE STABILITY short, flexible chains can limit shale-cut-
and temperature. Some general principles for improving tings dispersion by adsorbing onto clay
shale stability have been developed on platelet surfaces.
INTERACTION MECHANISMS the basis of current understanding of
Analysis of available experimental data shale-/fluid-interaction mechanisms. CONCLUSIONS
clearly shows that shale strength and pore • For shales with fractures, fissures, or Continuous monitoring and control of
pressure near the borehole are affected by weak bedding planes, use of effective seal- drilling-mud additives are critical for suc-
shale/fluid interaction. The shale-/fluid- ing agents, thixotropic drilling fluid, and cessful shale drilling. Because of shale-
interaction mechanisms causing shale lower mud weights minimizes fluid pene- instability costs, it is important to under-
instability include the following. tration into fractures. stand shale behavior and its interaction
• Mechanical stress changes as drilling • Increasing capillary pressure for water- with different fluids. Quantification of
fluid replaces shale in the hole. wet shale has been used successfully to pre- fluid-invasion effects on effective stresses
• Capillary pressure changes as drilling vent drilling-fluid invasion into shale by and shale strength near the wellbore is crit-
fluid contacts native pore fluid at narrow use of oil-based and synthetic-based mud ical for shale-stability-analysis models.
pore throats. containing esters, polyalphaolefins, or Simple and realistic shale-testing proce-
other organic low-polarity fluids. Increas- dures are required to achieve practical
This article is a synopsis of paper SPE ing interfacial tension and contact angle assessment of wellbore-stability risks.
54356, “Shale Stability: Drilling-Fluid can increase capillary pressure for a given
Interaction and Shale Strength,” by shale-pore-throat radius.
Manohar Lal, SPE, BP Amoco, origi- • Reduce the total pressure for shale/fluid Please read the full-length paper for
nally presented at the 1999 SPE Latin interaction. Net hydraulic pressure causes additional detail, illustrations, and ref-
American and Caribbean Petroleum changes in the near-wellbore pore pressure erences. The paper from which the
Engineering Conference, Caracas, through pressure diffusion or transmittal synopsis has been taken has not been
21–23 April. and fluid transport into or out of the shale. peer reviewed.
30 NOVEMBER 1999 •