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Business Procedure

Emergency Response Framework

Document Number – HSE-ERP-13

This document applies to the following sites:

All Sites

Rockhampton Office Brisbane Office Tarong Site

Barron Gorge Hydro PS Kareeya Hydro PS Mica Creek PS

Koombooloomba Hydro PS Swanbank PS Mackay Gas Turbine

Wivenhoe Small Hydro PS Stanwell PS Meandu Mine

Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose...................................................................................................................................2
2.0 Scope......................................................................................................................................2
3.0 Actions.....................................................................................................................................3
3.1 General.................................................................................................................................3
3.2 Identification of Potential Accidents and Emergencies.........................................................3
3.3 Emergency Response Plan..................................................................................................4
3.4 Emergency Coordination, Notification & Communication.....................................................4
3.5 Emergency Response Personnel.........................................................................................4
3.6 Training and Drills.................................................................................................................5
3.7 Emergency Equipment Locations.........................................................................................5
3.8 Inspection and Maintenance.................................................................................................5
3.9 Post Emergency Activities.....................................................................................................6
3.10 Risk Management...............................................................................................................6
3.11 Audit and Review................................................................................................................6
4.0 Occupational Health and Safety Requirements......................................................................6
5.0 Environmental Requirements..................................................................................................6
6.0 Review and Consultation (Prior to Approval)...........................................................................6
7.0 Communication Plan (After Approval).....................................................................................6
8.0 References (Including Information Services)..........................................................................7
9.0 Definitions................................................................................................................................8
10.0 Revision History....................................................................................................................8
11.0 Appendices............................................................................................................................8
WRITTEN BY: .................................. ENDORSED/CHECKED BY: .............................. APPROVED BY: ....................................
DATE: ........
NAME: Chris Shackleton NAME: Michael Joy NAME: Trevor Hooper
Doc No:HSE-ERP-13 Revision No: 0 Revision Date: 21.01.2014 Page: 1 of 8


1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to describe the emergency response framework
Stanwell Corporation Limited (Stanwell) shall use to ensure it identifies, plans for, and
responds effectively to emergency situations involving either our people, operations or
the environment.

2.0 Scope
This ‘Emergency Response Framework’ applies to all company controlled sites, both
operational and corporate offices and includes contractor facilities within principal
premises (‘facilities’). This structure sits within the Business Continuity Management
framework GOV-PROC-18 as represented in Table 1: “Business Continuity Structure”


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Table 1: Business Continuity Structure
3.0 Actions
3.1 General
An emergency plan should be developed and maintained for each facility. The
emergency plan should document the requirements and procedures relating to the
response and management of emergencies and shall include, but not be limited to, the
• Emergency preparedness
• Emergency process
• Training and maintenance
• Evacuation strategies for occupants with a disability
• Roles and responsibilities of emergency response persons


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3.2 Identification of Potential Accidents and Emergencies
Stanwell shall systematically identify and analyse potential emergencies likely to impact
on the site, this shall determine which events require consideration as emergencies in
the emergency plan. Site Risk Processes (eg. site risk register) and assessments can
be used for this identification and for reference in required prevention, preparedness,
response and recovery capabilities.
This risk identification should be incorporated into the risk review processes (in
accordance with Stanwell’s Risk Management Framework (GOV-PROC-37), Risk
Evaluation Matrix (GOV-STD-11) and to align with the Business Continuity Management
Framework (GOV-PROC-18) and Security Framework (in development)).
Consideration should be given to the geographic location of potential events, proximity
to populated areas and sensitive ecosystems, any concerned stakeholders, available
external emergency services and internal and external communication channels.
Potential emergencies that may affect Stanwell business continuity will vary dependent
on, the nature of the hazards at the workplace, the nature of the workplace i.e. power
station or corporate office, the size and location of the workplace and the number of
workers and other persons at the workplace. Potential emergency situations shall be
reviewed and identified. These shall include, but not be limited to;
• Fires (including equipment, building, bush, explosives, etc.)
• Medical treatment, personal injury and assistance
• Bomb threats, armed holdups
• Security breaches or civil disobedience
• Environmental impact
• Radiation release
• Force Majeure events (including flood, cyclone and seismic)
• Vehicle Accidents
• Gas / Major chemical, hazmat release or hydrocarbon release
• Evacuation
• Dam related emergency
• Electricity / Electrical
In identifying potential emergencies and developing and maintaining the emergency
plan, both the size and complexity of the site and the number and nature of occupants
should be taken into consideration.
3.3 Emergency Response Plan
Each Stanwell controlled site should ensure a current and controlled copy of the
Emergency Response Plan has been distributed to appropriate internal and external
stakeholders. Each plan shall detail the requirements for operational and area based
emergency situations to be implemented in the event of an emergency.
Periodic review (including testing) of the Emergency Response Plan should be
conducted to maximise the operation or facility’s preparedness for emergency situations
and ensure the continued effectiveness of the plan.
Taking into account their response capabilities and Stanwell`s legal and regulatory
obligation requirements, local authorities shall be engaged in the development and
testing of Emergency Response Plans (where appropriate).
The site specific emergency response plan should include the below overarching
essential elements;
• Clear and straightforward instructions
• Specific arrangements and means for the appropriate response to each


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• Recovery, clean up and remediation procedures in particular for
materials that pose a significant risk to the health and safety of employees,
environment and the community
• Internal and external communication channels
• The arrangements for alert or alarm situation (who should be notified and how)
• Evacuation signs/plans compliant with Australian Standard AS 3745:2010 Planning
for emergencies in facilities, and containing as a minimum; o site layout with
location and availability of emergency equipment o Emergency contact names and
phone numbers (internal and external) o Clear and concise evacuation procedures
(what to do in the event…)
Comprehensive requirements are listed in the Emergency Response Framework Audit
form T-2411

3.4 Emergency Coordination, Notification & Communication

The Emergency Response Plan shall clearly define the actions required to manage and
control significant risk situations, how to notify and activate relevant internal emergency
services and how to liaise with other relevant stakeholders in the event of an
In the first instance all internal communications shall be managed through the site
specific ‘Incident Management Plan’ and where relevant the corporate Crisis
Leadership Plan and Incident Management process. All external communications i.e.
notifying emergency services, media relations or Next of Kin shall be managed through
the site specific ‘Incident Management Plan’ or if relevant the corporate ‘Crisis
Leadership Plan’.

3.5 Emergency Response Personnel

Where identified as being required, Emergency Response Personnel should be trained
to a skill level commensurate with the identified operational risks and hazards, and as a
minimum adhere to mandated training standards.
3.6 Training and Drills
Stanwell should test emergency response capability at predetermined and documented
intervals (WHS Regulations 2011 Chapter 3, Part 3.2) and shall include all legislative
emergency drill requirements. Where practicable evacuation drills shall be spread
across all work areas, dependant on risk outcomes some areas may require more
frequent drills than others. These drills ensure nominated emergency response
personnel are adequately trained and competent to deploy the capabilities required to
manage the diversity of potential emergency situations that may arise and are prepared
for these emergency events in real and potentially threatening situations. Emergency
response personnel should be familiar with the locations of emergency equipment, their
correct method of use, maintenance and testing requirements.
Training should be developed as per the risk profile and include where relevant for the
specific site emergency scenarios including;
• fire
• confined space
• hazmat chemical / hydrocarbon release
• explosion
• vehicle accident
• working at heights
• bomb threat
• security threat
The drills shall be recorded and debriefing at the conclusion of the exercise shall
include the review and rectification of corrective actions.
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3.7 Emergency Equipment Locations
Stanwell will ensure required emergency equipment is provided, strategically located
and fully maintained, as required by legislation.
Emergency equipment should be located in easily accessible locations and within a
reasonable distance from the identified source of potential hazard. Such locations shall
be sign-posted, including directions from areas where they cannot be seen and clearly
marked on current evacuation drawings.
In accordance with legal and regulatory requirements detection, alarm, and warning
devices such as lights, sirens, bells, etc., and emergency evacuation lighting should be
installed in locations where personnel need to be warned of a hazard or evacuated in
the event of an emergency.
Appropriate ‘muster/assembly’ points shall be identified, equipped for use if required, be
a sufficient distance from the potential threats and allow for further movement away
from the emergency if required.

3.8 Inspection and Maintenance

Emergency equipment, alarms, lighting, warning systems, shelters and refuges should
be regularly inspected in accordance with a defined schedule and maintained as fit for
Inspections should be carried out by qualified or competent personnel. Formal records
of inspection and testing shall be maintained at all operations.
A formal review of inspection records and testing results should be conducted in
accordance with the Regulations and/or apparatus requiring inspection.
Deficiencies identified during inspections and maintenance programs should see the
apparatus removed from service until verified ‘serviceable’.
3.9 Post Emergency Activities
To minimise ongoing disruption, protect the environment and resume standard business
operations, recovery procedures defined in Emergency Response Plans should be
implemented as soon as practicable after emergency events.
After any emergency or emergency response exercise a debriefing should be held and
report documented. The documented report shall identify all found deficiencies in the
processes and recommendations to rectify such occurrences. Rectification may include
emergency response plans and procedures being revised and updated, corrective
actions shall be raised to manage such rectifications. Learning’s shall be communicated
to the wider work force as appropriate.

3.10 Risk Management

The Stanwell Risk Processes shall be reviewed on a periodic basis to ensure that the
risk controls have achieved, and are continuing to achieve, the intended risk reduction
and to ensure all significant risks to people, plant or environment have been taken into
account and where possible eliminated and if not able to be eliminated, controlled to as
low as reasonably practicable.

3.11 Audit and Review

The Emergency Planning Audit contextualises the mandatory requirements for inclusion
in each site specific Emergency Control and Incident Management Plan, forming an
integral element. Each plan should be audited at regular intervals.
T-2411 shall be used to audit the site specific Incident Management Plans.


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4.0 Occupational Health and Safety Requirements
This procedure conforms to the requirements of the Queensland Work Health and Safety
Regulations 2011 Chapter 3 Division 4 Section 43.
In accordance with the state WHS Regulations 2011 Section 347 (3) SCL shall keep an
up to date, compliant manifest of all dangerous goods stored on SCL operational site(s);
• in a place determined in agreement with the primary emergency service
• available for inspection
• readily accessible to the emergency service organisation.

5.0 Environmental Requirements

Environmental Protection Act 1994 and Regulation 2008 and any site specific
environmental authority or permit requirements related to emergency response .shall be
adhered to. Environmental regulator notification requirements associated with incidents
are detailed in the procedure Event Management HSEQ Document Number –

6.0 Review and Consultation (Prior to Approval)

This Document shall be reviewed as a minimum every 5 years or in response to any
material changes.

7.0 Communication Plan (After Approval)

This procedure will be published in TRIM, and available to all employees.
All personnel involved in the response to managing site/operational/office emergencies
and process and/or procedure relating to these shall be made aware of the business
continuity framework and subsidiary procedures.
8.0 References (Including Information Services)
Work Health Safety Act 2011
Work Health Safety Regulations 2011
AS 3745:2010 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities
Environmental Protection Act 1994 and Regulation 2008
AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management systems – Specification and
guidance for use
AS/NZS 4801: 2001 Occupational health and safety management systems –
Specification and guidance for use
Stanwell Power Station – Emergency Response Plan (Red Folder)
Tarong (and North) Power Stations – Emergency Response Plan (TAR-MAN-08)
Mica Creek – Emergency Response Plan (Red Folder)
Swanbank – Emergency Response Plan (Red Folder)
Barron Gorge Hydro – Emergency Response Plan
Kareeya Hydro – Emergency Response Plan
Koombooloomba Hydro – Emergency Response Plan
Fire and Evacuation (Building) Plan AM60 (externally procedure)
AM60 – Emergency Evacuation Fire Warden
Rocky Office – Emergency Response Folder
T-2411 Emergency Response Framework Audit


Doc No: HSE-ERP-13 Rev: 0 Rev Date: 21.01.2014 Page 7 of 8
9.0 Definitions
Term Definition
Competent Possessing the necessary reasoning abilities or legal
qualifications; qualified; capable; sufficient.
Able to act in the circumstances, including the ability to perform
a job or occupation, or to reason or make decisions.
Emergency An event that arises internally, or from external sources,
which may adversely effect the occupants or visitors in a
facility, and which requires an immediate response
Emergency Response Actions taken at the site of a major incident, to preserve
lives, the environment and property, including the
management of these actions
Emergency Response Comprehensive document that plans for probable
Plan emergencies which could occur at each site and
appropriate responses to take in the event that such an
emergency takes place
Evacuation The orderly movement of people from a place of danger
Event An event is defined as one or multiple occurrences or
changes of a particular set of circumstances, a Stanwell
event has three classifications, hazard, near hit and
Hazard A situation that left uncontrolled has the potential to harm
people, environment or could have a negative financial
impact (including damage to plant) and/or reputation
Incident An event that results in harm to people, environment or
results in a negative financial impact (including damage to
plant) and/or reputation damage
Muster Point / Assembly The designated place or places where people assemble
Area during the course of an evacuation
Near Hit A situation or condition that has occurred that could have
resulted in harm to people, impact on the environment,
have a negative financial impact (including damage to
plant) and/or reputation damage.
Preparedness Activities implemented prior to an incident that may be
used to support and enhance mitigation of, response to,
and recovery from disruptions
Shall Indicates a statement is mandatory
Should Indicates a recommendation
10.0 Revision History
Rev. Rev. Date Revision Description Author Endorse/Check Approved. By
0 21.01.2014 New Document Chris Shackleton Michael Joy Trevor Hooper

11.0 Appendices


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