Air Force Special Warfare forces conduct global special operations including strike, access, and recovery missions. Special Tactics Officers, Combat Rescue Officers, and Tactical Air Control Party Officers lead these operations and provide specialized capabilities in combat search and rescue, trauma care, and coordinating air support. Candidates undergo a rigorous selection and training process to join these special forces.
Air Force Special Warfare forces conduct global special operations including strike, access, and recovery missions. Special Tactics Officers, Combat Rescue Officers, and Tactical Air Control Party Officers lead these operations and provide specialized capabilities in combat search and rescue, trauma care, and coordinating air support. Candidates undergo a rigorous selection and training process to join these special forces.
Air Force Special Warfare forces conduct global special operations including strike, access, and recovery missions. Special Tactics Officers, Combat Rescue Officers, and Tactical Air Control Party Officers lead these operations and provide specialized capabilities in combat search and rescue, trauma care, and coordinating air support. Candidates undergo a rigorous selection and training process to join these special forces.
Air Force Special Warfare forces conduct global special operations including strike, access, and recovery missions. Special Tactics Officers, Combat Rescue Officers, and Tactical Air Control Party Officers lead these operations and provide specialized capabilities in combat search and rescue, trauma care, and coordinating air support. Candidates undergo a rigorous selection and training process to join these special forces.
(AFSPECWAR) Scout, recruit, develop & guide future warriors to their combat calling
SW Officer Career Fields (19Z)
Special Tactics Officer (STO) Combat Rescue Officer (CRO) Tactical Air Control Party Officer (TACPO)
Air Force Special Warfare er. Their responsibilities of trauma care, technical (AFSPECWAR) forces plan, include leading, mission rescue, the conduct of sup- lead, and execute operations planning, and managing day porting fires, and the evacu- around the globe to engage -to-day operations of their ation of isolated personnel. and destroy the enemies of teams. our country and rescue Tactical Air Control Party SW Operators rappel the flag friendly personnel anytime, Special Tactics Officers Officers (TACPO) pr ovide anyplace. (STO) lead, manage, and precision terminal attack support special operations guidance of US and coali- Special Warfare Airmen are missions. STOs deploy as tion aircraft, artillery, and ground combat forces that team leaders or mission gunfire. They establish, and deploy worldwide to project commanders in combat, maintain, C2 and advise American military power seize and control airstrips, ground commanders on the through Global Access, to conduct combat search and best use of air power. Most destroy the enemy through rescue, and guide airstrikes commonly, they serve as the Precision Strike, and to and fire support using air principal AF liaison element rescue friendly forces assets. to the Army by providing through Personnel Recovery. expertise on the planning A Developer works with SW The Airmen who make up Combat Rescue Officers and executing of air power. Air Force Special Warfare (CRO) provide command candidates on treading are the most specialized war- and control (C2) for GA AFSPECWAR Officers riors on the planet. teams to assault, secure, and are problem solvers across control the rescue objective the spectrum of conflict and AFSPECWAR Officers (19Z) command and lead area to provide a rapid re- sponse capability in all envi- crisis. They are assigned to Special Tactics units within CAREER FIELD ELIGIBILITY forces in strike, access, and ronments. CROs also con- AFSOC or to Rescue and 1. Clearance Requirements: Able to recovery missions to deliver trol terminal area operations Air Support Operations obtain SECRET, TOP SECRET air, space, and cyber power during mission execution, units within Air Combat attainable to the joint force command- including the coordination Command. 2. Retention: 6 yrs ADSC upon ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION SNAPSHOT— training completion ARE YOU SUITABLE, TRAINABLE, AND DURABLE? 3. Volunteer for Hazardous Duty -- Parachute Duty (JTAC/SL/MFF) You must be self-motivated. ments including a personal tions consisting of extensive -- Combat Dive Duty (SCUBA) The golden traits of success- narrative, resume, recom- psychological testing and ful candidates are 1) paying mendation letter, perfor- interviews, briefing and writ- 4. Outstanding resume/no negative attention to detail, 2) having mance reports, medical rec- ing skill evaluations, leader- personal history a sense of urgency, 3) putting ords and fitness test. The ship evaluations and problem the team before themselves. formal application, along solving events. There is also 5. Individual Special Warfare Airman with many other preparation a series of physically chal- (SWA) Physical Additional traits consistently resources can be found at lenging events such as ruck observed are: confidence, -- Requirements codified in AFI 48 marches, runs, extensive -123 optimism, resilience, grit, calisthenics, and water confi- enthusiasm, and integrity. TACPO’s and CRO’s attend -- Vision: Acuity, Color Vision, dence evaluations such as Depth Perception initial selection at separate underwater swim intervals, Phase I is the initial applica- Phase IIs (one week) while -- Must meet medical clearance tion process. This process mask/snorkel recovery, bud- STO’s attend A&S (26 days). dy-breathing, treading, and standards of required training consists of multiple require- Both are strenuous evalua- fulfilled by other joint schools drown-proofing.
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