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High School Department


SY: 2021-2022

QUARTER Second Quarter

LESSON TOPIC Figures of Speech, Writing and Delivery of Entertainment Speech and Japanese and Chinese Literature

TIME FRAME 5 to 7 weeks

This unit is about figures of speech, writing and delivery of entertainment speech and Japanese and Chinese Literature. In this unit, you will learn to:

• Compare and contrast the presentation of the same topic in different multimodal texts;

• Compare and contrast own opinions with those presented in familiar texts;

• Explain visual-verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs, and information maps found in expository texts;

• Use opinion-marking signals to share ideas;

• Recognize positive and negative messages conveyed in a text;

• Compose and deliver a brief and creative entertainment speech.

At the end, for your Performance Task, you will compose and deliver a brief and creative entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate grammatical
signals or expressions in topic development, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
High School Department


ENGAGE 1: “Kim and Kris”

Instruction: See the image and respond to the given questions.

Source: www.chinoy.tv

Discussion questions:

• What do you know about Chinese culture?

• What common background do they share?
• How did their ancestors come to live in this country?
• What unique Chinese practices are practiced in the Philippines?
• Is our connection to China historical?

ENGAGE 2: “Care to Share”

Instruction: The statement inside the box is from the analects of Confucius. What are your thoughts?
High School Department

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”

Is it possible to live in a morally upright society? How does symbolism enhance the meaning of life?

MELC 1-2: The learners should be able to
… EXPLORE 1: “Appreciating Chinese Literature”
Reading Activity
Directions: Closely read the text below and watch the supplemental video materials provided.
• Compare and contrast the
presentation of the same topic in A. The Chinese Literature
different multimodal texts; B. Determining the Tone and Mood of the Speaker or Characters in the Text Listened to
C. Writing Paragraph
• Compare and contrast own D. Identifying and Developing the Topic Sentence
opinions with those presented in E. Writing a Unified Paragraph
F. Developing the Topic Sentence
familiar texts;
Web links:
Learning Targets: • "Chinese History in 5 minutes - Literature"
• I can compare and contrast the
presentation of the same topic in • "Chinese Poem: "Thinking on a Quiet Night"- Learn Chinese Now" retrieved from
different multimodal texts; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82jcwYdKPTY

• I can compare and contrast own

opinions with those presented in EXPLORE 2: “Recognizing the Great Chinese Philosophers”
familiar texts; Reading Activity
Directions: Closely read the text below and watch the supplemental video materials provided.

A. The Great Chinese Philosophers

B. Language: Identifying Figures of Speech
C. Scanning Texts for Logical Connectors to Determine the Text Type
High School Department

D. Writing a Composition
E. Delivering an Entertainment Speech
F. Using Nonverbal Cues in an Entertaining Speech

Web links:

• "Eastern Philosophy - Confucius"


• "Eastern Philosophy - Lao Tzu"


• "Entertainment speech"

• “My Cellphone’s Death - an Entertainment/Entertaining Speech"


EXPLAIN 1: “Comprehension Check”

B. Determining the Tone and Mood of the Speaker or Characters in the Text Listened to / Read
Activity 5
Instruction: Write the tone or put an emoji after each sentence.

1. The door slowly moved backwards but no one was there. Winds blew and snuffed the only candlelight on the table, while the
dog outside barked an eerie bark.
2. Hurray, hurray, hurray! We won the game.
3. I’m ready. I’m ready to go. Take care of yourself. Tell mama I have forgiven her.
4. No! I say, no! Enough of this foolishness. We won't allow it anymore.
5. I feel sad about the ruthless killings everywhere in the name of religion. Can't we have peace at all?
High School Department

EXPLAIN 2: “Deepening my Thoughts”

Activity 2: Figures of Speech

Instruction: Think of three persons who exemplify the beautiful qualities of a superior man as described in the poem. On the table
below, write their names and your reasons for choosing them.

Superior Persons Reasons

Activity 3
Instruction: You are going to choose a partner, then answer the questions with your peer. Be ready to report.

1. What figure of speech is used in the line. “The best of men is like water"? Explain the figurative line.

2. What are the similarities and differences between simile and metaphor? Cite two examples of each to illustrate your answers.

3. When is hyperbole effectively used? Why do you say so? Give an example situation of the use of hyperbole and
explain why it was used effectively.

4. In the book of Jeremiah chapter 30 of the Bible, it says, "I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will make them
honored, and they shall not be small." What figure of speech is used in this verse? Explain its meaning.

A2. Chinese Philosophers (Confucius)

Activity 1B
Instruction: Use the Analects of Confucius as reference in responding to the given questions.

1. What is the greatest contribution of Confucius to the world?

2. Analect No.1: What is Confucius's message to businessmen in relation to wanting to earn money?
3. Analect No.2: If a man loves his soul, how must he act?
4. Analect No.3: What is the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and mistakes?
5. Analect No.4: Is there any person who knows everything? Why? Why not?
6. Analect No.5: Does popularity guarantee true friendship? Why? Why not?
7. Analect No.6: Why should a person correct his/her mistakes?
High School Department

8. Analect No.7: How important is learning by reading and thinking?

9. Analect No.8: What is the importance of ensuring that you and others live with dignity in the world? Why should greed and
selfishness not have a place in society?
10. Analect No.9: Do you agree that it is better to repay cruelty with kindness? Why is revenge not advisable?
11. Analect No.10: Why is a man who says beautiful things not always a genuinely nice person? Explain your answer.

B. Scanning Texts for Logical Connectors to Determine the Text Type

Activity 5
Instruction: Answer the questions. (Refer to EXPLORE- Scanning Texts for Logical Connectors to determine the text type)

1. What words show that this paragraph is a description of China? What makes it a comparison too?
2. What words show that this paragraph explains what China is and what it has?
3. Why is this an enumeration paragraph? What words and punctuation marks that signal the enumeration?
4. Why is this a definition paragraph?

• Asynchronous individual reading activity.

• Synchronous interactive discussion which will focus on the similarities/differences of Philippine and Chinese cultures as
depicted in the texts read; assertions of authors and their textual evidences; and the similarities and differences among the
poems relative to their themes.

• Google Meet synchronous session will be conducted to check on the acquired information, knowledge and literary
appreciation of the learners.
High School Department

Scaffold for Transfer

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Directed Prompt Open Prompt Guided Transfer Independent Transfer
Product & Performance:
Writing a Composition Performance Analysis Entertaining Speech Entertaining Speech
Writing Delivery
Compose an entertaining and As a well-known orator, you
Writing is based upon two Watch entertainment engaging speech titled have been invited to be a
things: what you want to say speeches online (other than “Fighting Covid-19” applying guest presenter in the Annual
and how you say it. First of all, what were shown already in everything that you have
Southeast Asian Orators'
you class). Observe how the learned from the preceding
must have something to say speakers execute the delivery. lessons. In addition, create a Convention with the theme
that is worth saying. Express Note how they used nonverbal brief plan on your delivery of "The Power of Public
your own thoughts, show cues in their delivery. Share the speech. Make sure that Speaking in Promoting
sincerity, and your insights based on your you are able to capture the Environmental Detriments
reveal a bit of yourself, and observations in written form. attention of the Awareness." The delegates
your writing will be a fairly viewers/listeners from the start are the best orators in their
good composition. Process Questions: and sustain it up until the end.
respective countries. The
Do you know how Robert
Louis Stevenson learned to 1. Is delivering an organizer has requested you
write? He was very fond of entertainment speech easy? to deliver a creative and
reading. He Why? Why not? entertaining speech to the
read a lot. Whenever he liked 2. Is there a secret to audience. The attendees are
the sound of a phrase or a delivering an engaging and instructed to pay close
sentence, he memorized it. He entertaining speech? What is attention to the speaker's self-
always it?
carried a notebook in which he 3. What are strengths and composed speech and speech
wrote down things he had weaknesses of the speakers presentation. The self-
observed about people, or the speeches? composed speech is expected
interesting bits of conversation 4. How will a specific piece to be relevant, well-developed,
he heard, description of and its delivery be further and persuasive. In the same
scenery that he liked. He also improved? manner, the speech delivery is
kept a diary in which he would
ought to be effective and
write, rewrite, and write some
more. engaging.
High School Department

Remember these pointers:

1. Choose a subject familiar or
interesting to you.
2. Have a definite purpose.
3. Make your composition
interesting to others.

Process Questions:
1. How does the habit of
reading help develop one's
ability to write?
2. If you read only the
newspaper and the comic
strips, will you learn to write
3. Do you think that a person
must be a good observer to
write well? Why?
4. How can you improve your
power of observation?
5. What other means of
learning to write well can you

Output: Write a three-

paragraph essay titled "Writing
with Power".
High School Department

MELC 3-5: The learners should be able to
… EXPLAIN 1: “Comprehension Check”
Activity 3
Instruction: Concisely respond to the given questions.
• Explain visual-verbal relationships
illustrated in tables, graphs, and A. Chinese Literature
information maps found in 1. State how related the Chinese spoken and written languages are. Is this the same with the English and Filipino languages?
expository texts; Why or why not?
• Use opinion-marking signals to 2. What are the five books of Chinese? Compare/contrast the early and modern Chinese literary periods.
share ideas; 3. a. Who are considered to be the greatest Chinese poets? Do you know of other Chinese writers? Describe them to your
• Recognize positive and negative
4. How did communism in China affect the writing if literature?
messages conveyed in a text; 5. Was censorship – the act of banning works that criticized the government – helpful in making Chinese literature more
productive? How can you relate this situation to the Philippine’s Martial Law era?
6. How does Chinese literature at present appear to be?
Learning Targets:

Activity 6
• I can explain visual-verbal
Instruction: Develop each sentence into a short paragraph of three or four sentences by answering the questions given after the
relationships illustrated in tables, sentence.
graphs, and information maps
found in expository texts; 1. I think I paid too much for this pen. (Where did you buy the pen? How much did it cost? What might you decide to do next time
• I can use opinion-marking signals you buy a pen?
to share ideas; 2. My brother enjoys making me cry. (What kind of a person is your brother? Why does he like to tease you? How did he make
you cry this time? What did you do with him?)
• I can recognize positive and
3. I certainly enjoyed the party. (Who gave the party? Who were the guests? What were the three things you enjoyed? Did you
negative messages conveyed in a meet anybody interesting?)
text; 4. I would travel if I had money. (What three places would you like to see? Why would you like to see each of them?)
5. When the teacher called on me, I couldn't recite. (Why were you not able to recite? Give three reasons.)

EXPLAIN 2: “Deepening my Thoughts”

Activity 1A
Instruction: Explain your answer to the given questions.
High School Department

A1. Chinese Philosophers (Lao Tzu)

1. To whom did Lao Tzu compare water? Why do you think he uses waters as the basis for comparison?
2. Based on the poem, what are the best qualities of a human being? Are these traits still seen in human beings? Why do you say
3. Do you agree with Lao Tzu’s description of the superior man? Why? Why not?

EXTEND 2: “Watch and Tell”

Activity 8
Instruction: Watch an entertainment show in the television: Observe how the hosts and/or comedians deliver their punch lines.
Note how they used nonverbal cues in the delivery of their jokes. In the box, write short insights based on your observations.

Activity 9
Instruction: Prepare at least five clean jokes. Practice telling your jokes with your friend or siblings. Practice the delivery in front of
the mirror and pay particular attention to your facial expressions and hand gestures as you deliver your Jokes. Your teacher will
divide you into small groups, where you will take turns sharing your jokes. Afterward, discuss your answers to these questions.
1. Is giving a joke easy? Why? Why not?
2. Is there a secret to delivering jokes? What is it?

• Values Integration (C.L.I.R.E.)

Guided Generalization

Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

EXPLORE 1: “Appreciating EXPLORE 2: “Recognizing

Chinese Literature” the Great Chinese
Essential Question: Answer: Answer: Answer:

Is it possible to live in a morally

upright society? How does
symbolism enhance the meaning
of life?
High School Department

Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts:

Reason: Reason: Reason:

Enduring Understanding: Common ideas in reasons:

MELC 6: The learners should be able to … Performance Task:

• Compose and deliver a brief and You are now ready to apply the things you learned to real-life situations. This performance-based task will enable you to demonstrate
creative entertainment speech. your critical understanding of essential concepts acquired.

As a well-known orator, you have been invited to be a guest presenter in the Annual Southeast Asian Orators' Convention with the
Target Goal: The students in their own theme "The Power of Public Speaking in Promoting Environmental Detriments Awareness." The delegates are the best orators in
and in the long run will be able to
their respective countries. The organizer has requested you to deliver a creative and entertaining speech to the audience. The
independently compose and deliver a
brief and creative entertainment attendees are instructed to pay close attention to the speaker's self-composed speech and speech presentation. The self-composed
High School Department

speech is expected to be relevant, well-developed, and persuasive. In the same manner, the speech delivery is ought to be effective
and engaging.

Your performance will be evaluated based on the rubric below:

Learning Targets:

• I can compose and deliver a brief

and creative entertainment speech. SELF-COMPOSED SPEECH Excellent Satisfactory Developing

(Criteria) 4 3 2

Relevant The written speech insightfully The written speech reflects the The written speech reflects
reflects the theme of the theme of the convention. The minimally the theme of the
convention. The speaker is able speaker is able to make vivid training. The speaker in some
to make vivid and varied real real-world connections and parts makes superficial real-
world connections and relate relate environmental action world connections and relates
environmental action plans. plans. environmental action plans.

Well-developed The written speech is clearly The written speech is organized The written speech shows
organized with an engaging with a sufficient introduction, a inconsistencies in organization
introduction, a logically logically sequenced body with and lack of sustained focus
sequenced body with appropriate transitions, and throughout the speech with
appropriate transitions, and adequate closure. inconsistent use of transitions.
strong and convincing closure.

Tone The speech maintains a The speech demonstrates a The speech lacks a consistent
consistent persuasive tone persuasive tone. persuasive tone.
throughout the piece.

SPEECH PRESENTATION Excellent Satisfactory Developing

High School Department

(Criteria) 4 3 2

Effective The speaker shows impressive The speaker shows performance The speaker shows little
and admirable performance of of the rudiments of public performance of the rudiments of
the rudiments of public speaking. speaking. He/She sustains public speaking. In some parts,
He/She has strong stage audience interest and achieves he/she captures audience
presence and maintains the purpose of the speech. interest, and achieves the
audience interest, and purpose of the speech.
effortlessly achieves the purpose
of the speech.

Delivery Dynamics The speaker confidently speaks The speaker speaks with clarity The speaker seldom speaks with
with clarity and has commanding and has adequate voice clarity and seldom projects voice
voice projection during entire projection during the entire during entire speech delivery. In
speech delivery. The speaker speech delivery. The speaker some parts, the speaker shows
uses speaker uses appropriate uses appropriate tone, pace, and problems in using the proper
tone, pace varied and interesting emphasis to enhance the overall tone, pace and emphasis for
and emphasis to enhance tones, speech performance. his/her speech performance.
pace and emphases to enhance
the overall speech performance.

Engaging The speaker with his or her The speaker maintains the The speaker in certain parts
enthusiasm effectively sustains attention of the audience all loses the attention of the
the attention of the audience all throughout the speech audience during the speech
throughout the speech presentation. presentation.

Prepared by:

Charlton B. Feliza
Subject Teacher
High School Department

Noted by:

Dr. Gemma L. Petallo

H.S. Principal

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