Aquaponics Pro
Aquaponics Pro
Aquaponics Pro
Aquaponics is cooperation between plants and fish and the term originates from the two words
aquaculture (the growing of fish in a closed environment) and hydroponics (the growing of plants usually
in a soil-less environment).
According to a joint report from the Food and Agriculture Organization and Smart Fish, aquaponics is the
cultivation of plants and aquatic animals in a recirculation environment. Aquaponic systems come in
various sizes from small indoor units to large commercial units. And they can be either freshwater
systems or contain salt or brackish water. In other words, according to the Aquaponics Gardening
Community, aquaponics is the cultivation of fish and plants together in a constructed, recirculation
ecosystem utilizing natural bacterial cycles to convert fish waste to plant nutrition. This is an
environmentally friendly, natural food-growing method that harnesses the best attributes of
aquaculture and hydroponics without the need to discard any water or filtrate or add chemical
According to the National Ocean Service, as the demand for seafood has increased, technology has
made it possible to grow food in coastal marine waters and the open ocean. Aquaculture is a method
used to produce food and other commercial products, restore habitat and replenish wild stocks, and
rebuild populations of threatened and endangered
There are other ways of growing food rather than directly from the soil. Taking a look at a transcript
from a FAO report, they speak of soil-less cultures as a way of growing agricultural crops without the use
of soil. Instead of soil, various inert growing media, also called substrates, are used. These media provide
plant support and moisture retention. Irrigation systems are integrated within these media, thereby
introducing a nutrient solution to the plants’ root zones.
Aquaponics integrates aquaculture and hydroponics into one production system. Aquaponics relies on
the food introduced for fish, which works as the system’s input. As fish eat this food and process it, they
transform it into urine and fecal matter, both rich in ammonia, which in sufficient quantities can be toxic
to plants and fish.
Afterward, the water (now ammonia-rich) flows, together with un-eaten food
and decaying plant matter, from the fish tank into a biofilter. Afterward,
inside this biofilter, bacteria break everything down into organic nutrient
solutions (nitrogen-rich) for growing vegetables.
It encompasses two agricultural products (fish and vegetables) being produced from one nitrogen
source (fish food).Also is an extremely water-efficient system. In fact, Nelson and Pade say aquaponics
only needs 1/6th of the water to grow 8 times more food per acre compared to traditional agriculture. It
doesn’t require soil and therefore it’s not susceptible to soil-borne diseases.
1. Air temperature.
2. Water temperature.
3. The concentration of macro and micronutrients.
4. Dissolved oxygen in air and water – which depends on the filtration method used.
5. CO2 concentrations in air and in the water.
6. pH.
7. Light.
The more “perfect” these parameters are, the higher is the system’s productivity. Paying attention to
these details can help prevent insects, diseases and other types of pollution. Moreover, maintaining an
appropriate balance between fish waste and vegetable nutrient
demand, while ensuring an adequate surface area to grow a bacterial
colony in order to convert all the fish wastes.
This is a fish tank of around 1000 liters of water and a 3m2 growing space, ideal for domestic
This means looking at a commercial system in which there aren’t many players in the market yet due to
large start up costs.
As aquaponics systems work anywhere in the world, they can be used as pilots in developing countries
to meet the food security needs of local people
My Sincere efforts have made me to accomplish the task
Of completing this project. I have taken effort in this
Project. However, it would not have been possible
Without the kind support and help of many individuals.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my
Principal Mr. SUBRAT RANJAN PATHI and the school
For providing me with facilities required to do my
I am highly indebted to my Biology Teacher
Mr. RAMAKANTA BISWAL for her valuable guidance
This has promoted my efforts in all the stages of this
Project work. My thanks and appreciation go to my
Classmates and laboratory. Assistant in developing my
Project and to the people who have willingly helped me
Out with their abilities.
Finally, words are not sufficient to express gratitude my
Cherished family members for supporting me without
Their encouragement and support I would have not
Reached this stage.