Learning Episode 12
Learning Episode 12
Learning Episode 12
1. Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find out f
the students understood the lesson while teaching-learning is in progress.
2. Did the teacher ask the class “Did you understand”? If he did, what
was the class’ response?
Yes most of the time she ask this kind of question for clarification
and to ensure that her student truly did learned something from the lesson
sometimes she would ask if there’s a question in the subjection
or part of the lesson they didn’t understand and eventually the
class they would response that with a positive reaction yes ma’am
we understood the lessons.
3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not
understand the lesson or a part of the lesson? How?
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
The teacher asked the students which part of the topic/ lesson that
they didn’t catchup or understand. Then, he discussed it again in a way
that the students will understand it easily and state some examples for
better understanding.
Well every time at the very end point of the discussion the teacher
always ask question to the students if theirs need for clarification
something they didn’t understand or for something that they want to
know and further comprehend the discussion.
_____ Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by the teacher to teach one or
two classmates
__✔_ Each one-teach-one (Students paired with one another)
____ Teacher gave a Module for more exercises for lesson mastery
_✔_ Teacher did re-teaching
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
Yes, The teacher gives a task/ activity to the students to check the
students’ progress
It is very important that the teacher will know that her students are
follows what he discusses and understand what he says on the
discussion, so that the teaching/learning process will be successful for
both students and teacher.
If it’s for the grading purpose to get the answer if the learning
outcomes or even the objectives of the lesson is achieve than that’s the
very reason why formative assessment is being recorded in the first place
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
Write observed teacher Write observed teacher and Write observed teacher
activities that manifest student activities that activities that manifest
assessment For learning. manifest assessment AS assessment OF learning.
(Assessment while teacher learning. (Self-assessment) (Assessment at the end of
teaches. Conduct of pre- teaching).
test and post-test are
Generally, inside their After class, students fill Tests were given to the
class contains a question box up a learning log. A learning students based on the lesson
wherein students drop log consists of essays or they’ve discussed. There are
subject-related questions simply a diary like different varieties of how the
before a certain time end, assessment where they write teacher assess her students.
written in a piece of paper. what they have learned, what Example of these are oral
Simply asking questions they are expecting to learn recitation, group presentation of
during discussion/before the next day in their subject given tasks, paper-and-pencil
starting was often done inside and how they are going to tests.
the classroom. In that way, use what they have learned
the students will be more in the real world.
open to other possible
learning and can share their
ideas as well.
2. My Analysis
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
3. My Reflection
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
Teacher My Observation
1. Did teacher provide Yes base on my observation sometimes the
opportunities for the learners teacher would tend to tell the students to
to monitor and reflection their share on what have they learned in the
own learning? discussion base on their understanding and
would often time ask them to construct an
essay of reflecting on the lesson that they
2. What are proofs that Well first is that they were often times
students were engaged in self- understand and reflect on the lesson that they
reflection, self-monitoring and learned and then monitor them self to what
self-adjustment? they have learned in order for their skills to
develop even adjust on a certain part to level theirs
abilities and skills for a much complex knowledge
3. Did students record and For me they recorded the lesson that was
report their own learning? being discuss in the session for their reference and
further clarification of the topic in support on their
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
My reflection
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 3.50 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below
____________________________________ ____________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
I. Assessment as Learning
II. Assessment for Learning
III.Assessment of Learning
I. Assessment as Learning
II. Assessment for Learning
III. Assessment of Learning
A. I only C. I and II
B. II and III D. I, II and III
Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1
Learning Episode 12
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