Learning Episode 12

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Field Study 1


Activity 12.1 Observing Assessment FOR Learning Practices

(Formative Assessment)

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: _______ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: ___________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: _____________


1. Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find out f
the students understood the lesson while teaching-learning is in progress.

What Teacher Said Tally Total

Do you understand class? IIIIIIIII 9

Do you have any question? IIIIIII 7

Can you explain base on your opinion? IIIIII 6

Give m Reflect the topic to our daily life e IIII 4


What Teacher Did Tally Total

Varying types of question IIIIIIIII 9

Calling non – volunteers IIIIIII 7

Asking open- ended questions IIIII 5

Direct Collaboration IIIIII 6

Sequencing logically III 3

2. Did the teacher ask the class “Did you understand”? If he did, what
was the class’ response?

Yes most of the time she ask this kind of question for clarification
and to ensure that her student truly did learned something from the lesson
sometimes she would ask if there’s a question in the subjection
or part of the lesson they didn’t understand and eventually the
class they would response that with a positive reaction yes ma’am
we understood the lessons.

3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not
understand the lesson or a part of the lesson? How?

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

Yes, I observed that if the students didn’t or can’t answer the

teachers’ questions theteachers knew that the students did not understand
what she discussed or saying

4. If they did, how did the teacher respond?

The teacher asked the students which part of the topic/ lesson that
they didn’t catchup or understand. Then, he discussed it again in a way
that the students will understand it easily and state some examples for
better understanding.

5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for

clarification? How was this done?

Well every time at the very end point of the discussion the teacher
always ask question to the students if theirs need for clarification
something they didn’t understand or for something that they want to
know and further comprehend the discussion.

6. If he found out that her/his lesson was not clearly understood,

what did teacher do? Did yo observe any of these activities? Please

_____ Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by the teacher to teach one or
two classmates
__✔_ Each one-teach-one (Students paired with one another)
____ Teacher gave a Module for more exercises for lesson mastery
_✔_ Teacher did re-teaching

Others please specify Teacher would ask question to each individual


7. If he engaged himself/herself in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did

he/she use the same teaching strategy? Describe.

The teacher re-teaches the material and used a different teaching

technique; he focused on the topic's essential components and provided
concrete examples from her own experiences to help the students better
understand the lesson.

8. While re-teaching by himself/herself and/ or with other students-

turned tutors, did teacher check on students’ progress? If yes, how?

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

Yes, The teacher gives a task/ activity to the students to check the
students’ progress


1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson

while teaching is in progress? It is not better to do a once-and-for all
assessment at the completion of the entire lesson?

It is very important that the teacher will know that her students are
follows what he discusses and understand what he says on the
discussion, so that the teaching/learning process will be successful for
both students and teacher.

2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask ”Did you understand,

class?” when he/she intends to check on learners’ progress?

It is because a simple question is not enough to know if there is

truly a learning in progress in the students cognitive level that’s
why we need assessment this is for us teacher to find out if there’s an
effect on the skills and abilities of the students from the learning that
occurred during the discussion of the lessons.

3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading

purposes? Why or why not?

If it’s for the grading purpose to get the answer if the learning
outcomes or even the objectives of the lesson is achieve than that’s the
very reason why formative assessment is being recorded in the first place

4. Based on your observations, what formative assessment practice


Well the practice of asking question individually calling names to

give them of they have learned in the topic or even ask identify a certain
author or terms give the meaning or in their perspective reflect of what
they have learned all this is ask during the discussion which students
and teacher interact.

5. For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class

sometimes seen to be more effective than teacher himself/herself
doing the re-teaching or tutoring?
Peer tutoring promotes higher rates of student participation and
feedback, which boosts academic performance. Additionally, it gives

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

students additional chances to put particular abilities into practice, which

improves retention. By instructing another student on a subject, the
student tutor develops their own understanding of the subject.

6. Could an unreasonable number of failures at the end of he

term/grading period be attributed to the non-application of formative
assessment? Why or why not?

Yes, as it indicates that the students were unable to comprehend

the lesson and that the teaching methods employed were either
monotonous or completely ineffective.


 Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect

on this and write your reflections.

When we cook, we usually taste the food we are cooking to ensure

that it will taste better. By tasting it, we may determine what ingredients
are needed to complete the dish or what will be added to create a
delicious meal. This is similar to a formative assessment because when
we are learning, we constantly question whether our efforts are sufficient
or if more work is necessary to produce a great outcome. We should be
aware of where we are lacking or experience difficulty so that we can
solve it, discover solutions, and determine the best course of action for
getting over it and achieving outstanding results

 Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why


For me yes because if a certain failures keeps on rising even without

the application of formative assessment if this consistently continue
sly rise of failures than theirs is something even wrong on the
lesson plan itself because formative assessment can be a means of a
process for you to understand and monitor if the students have already
learned something is your objective or their learning outcomes
have achieve is your procedure or teaching strategies are effective this is
the reason why formative assessment can sometimes be a must to
implication for us to monitor and balance the learning levels of the
students to avoid such a high amount of failures.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet


Indicators of Assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning
Resource Teachers: Mr. Gregorio T. Posada
School: Colongulo National High School Date: November 11, 2021
Grade/Year Level: Grade 12 Subject Area: OAP 12

Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Learning Assessment Of Learning

Write observed teacher Write observed teacher and Write observed teacher
activities that manifest student activities that activities that manifest
assessment For learning. manifest assessment AS assessment OF learning.
(Assessment while teacher learning. (Self-assessment) (Assessment at the end of
teaches. Conduct of pre- teaching).
test and post-test are

Generally, inside their After class, students fill Tests were given to the
class contains a question box up a learning log. A learning students based on the lesson
wherein students drop log consists of essays or they’ve discussed. There are
subject-related questions simply a diary like different varieties of how the
before a certain time end, assessment where they write teacher assess her students.
written in a piece of paper. what they have learned, what Example of these are oral
Simply asking questions they are expecting to learn recitation, group presentation of
during discussion/before the next day in their subject given tasks, paper-and-pencil
starting was often done inside and how they are going to tests.
the classroom. In that way, use what they have learned
the students will be more in the real world.
open to other possible
learning and can share their
ideas as well.

2. My Analysis

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

Assessment for the purpose of improving student learning is best

understood as an ongoing process that arises out of the interaction
between teaching and learning. It involves the focused and timely
gathering, analysis, interpretation, and use of information that can
provide evidence of student progress.

Is an approach to teaching and learning that creates

feedback which is then used to improve students' performance?
Students become more involved in the learning process and from this gain
confidence in what they are expected to learn and to what standard.

3. My Reflection

Is about students becoming aware of their own thinking processes,

and being able to make those transparent to others. It enables
assessment of the "why" and "how" of the learning, and what needs to be
done as a result. Reflection readily follows on from self or peer

4. Snapshots of peer tutoring or other activities that show formative

assessment in practice.

Formative Assessment in Practice

Activity 12.2 Observing Assessment AS Learning Practices (Self


Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: _______ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: ___________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: _____________

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 Demonstrate knowledge of the design and use of self-assessment;

 Explain the importance of self-assessment

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

 Assessment as learning means assessment is a way of learning.

 It is the use of an ongoing self-assessment by the learners order to
monitor their own learning.
 This is manifested when learners reflect on their own learning and
make necessary adjustments so that they achieve deeper
 Assessment as learning encourages students to take responsibility for
their own learning.
 It requires students to ask questions about their learning.
 It provides ways for students to use formal and informal feedback and
self-assessment to help them understand the next steps in Learning.
 It encourages self-assessment and reflection.


Observe a class and find out practices that reflect assessment as

learning. Record your observations.

Teacher My Observation
1. Did teacher provide Yes base on my observation sometimes the
opportunities for the learners teacher would tend to tell the students to
to monitor and reflection their share on what have they learned in the
own learning? discussion base on their understanding and
would often time ask them to construct an
essay of reflecting on the lesson that they
2. What are proofs that Well first is that they were often times
students were engaged in self- understand and reflect on the lesson that they
reflection, self-monitoring and learned and then monitor them self to what
self-adjustment? they have learned in order for their skills to
develop even adjust on a certain part to level theirs
abilities and skills for a much complex knowledge
3. Did students record and For me they recorded the lesson that was
report their own learning? being discuss in the session for their reference and
further clarification of the topic in support on their

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

4. Did teacher create criteria Yes every time there is a discussion or a

with the students for tasks to meeting session that was going to commence
be completed or skill to there’s always a post of instruction every week by
learned? the teacher in the GCR that includes the steps of
instructions including the objectives the learning
outcomes and the activities of the students to be


1. If the student is at the heart of all assessment, then all

assessment should support student learning. Do you agree?
Why or why not?

I agree for like every assessment is design to observe if

there is an impact in learning skills of the students to which it
determines the skills and abilities that the students have the
potential to attain or improve a certain terms for them to
engaged in a much complex knowledge and experience.

2. Does assessment as learning have the same ultimate purpose

as assessment for learning?

Assessment as learning encourages and promotes students'

metacognitive abilities as they study. This type of assessment is
essential for fostering students' lifelong learning. While assessment
for learning aids students in understanding their goals and the steps
necessary to reach it.


The primary purpose of assessment is not to measure but to

further learning. Reflect on your personal experiences of assessment
in school. Were you given opportunities for self-assessment? If yes,
what was its impact on your learning?

Yes, I was given the chance to conduct a self-assessment, and it

greatly improved my learning process. It has helped me to better
understand how to learn and what I can do to enhance my learning results.
Additionally, it gives me insight into my strengths and weaknesses and
increases my self-confidence.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet
2. My Analysis

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

The Difference between a Self-Assessment and a Self-Evaluation. ...

By this logic, a self-assessment is an early step in self-evaluation, where
you assess your own work. The insights you gain about yourself through
an assessment helps you see the root of any issues or weaknesses you
discover during a self-evaluation.

Self-assessment can provide insight into students' true comprehension

and can help to identify gaps in students' knowledge.
Encouraging students to examine their own learning and levels of
understanding can also be an important 'wake-up call', identifying
areas that require improvement

Assessment is a key component of learning because it helps students

learn. When students are able to see how they are doing in a class, they
are able to determine whether or not they understand course material.
Assessment can also help motivate students.

My reflection

My lifelong strategy has been one of improving myself as much as

possible in anyway possible. I have found this to be very
satisfying and has helped achieve lifelong balance and happiness in
my entire life. As my surroundings and I change my challenge will be to
maintain the balance and happiness for myself and by applying
evolution and growth principles in all and every aspect of my life. It is as
simple as that. It is always based on those guidelines that I try to function
and evaluate my overall high level performance as a person. When I know
that I did well, I feel good and that makes me feel happy. My overall goal in
life in general is to maintain a very good balance and happiness for myself
and my family. I think I can guarantee that level of happiness by staying on
and maintaining this continued path of personal growth and improvement. .
In order to properly assess myself I need to first clearly identify where I
am, and where I want to be. Knowing where I came from and how I got
here helps me evaluate whether or not I am going in the right path. Once I
have that defined I need to try to visualize my path to where I am.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: _______ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: ___________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: _____________

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

4 3 2 Improvement







Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 3.50 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

____________________________________ ____________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

LINK Theory to Practice

1. The primary purpose of assessment is to ensure learning. Which

assessments are referred to?

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

I. Assessment as Learning
II. Assessment for Learning
III.Assessment of Learning

A. I, II, and III C. I and II

B. I and III D. II and III

2. Research shows that when students help develop questions for an

assessment, and have a deeper understanding of what they are
expected to learn before they rake the assessment, they take a
greater responsibility of their own learning. Which assessment is
referred to?
A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment for Learning
B. Assessment of Learning D. Assessment in Learning

3. DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 states, “Assessment is a process that

is used to keep track of learners’ progress in relation to learning
standards..., to promote self-reflection and personal accountability
among students about their own learning.

Which assessment are referred to by the DepEd memo?

I. Assessment as Learning
II. Assessment for Learning
III. Assessment of Learning
A. I only C. I and II
B. II and III D. I, II and III

4. You check for understanding in the midst of your lesson. In which

form/s of assessment are you engaged?
A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment of Learning
B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment of and for Learning

5. Assessment FOR Learning is ongoing assessment that allows

teachers to monitor students on a day-to-day basis and modify their
teaching based on what the students need to be successful. Is this
statement TRUE?
A. Yes C. Somewhat
B. No D. TRUE except the clause after and

6. It develops and supports students’ metacognitive skills. Which is

referred to?
A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment of Learning
B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning

7. Which form of assessment is crucial min helping students become

lifelong learners?
A. Assessment of Learning C. Assessment as Learning
B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning

Learning Episode 12
Field Study 1

8. Which is characterized by students reflecting on their own learning

and making adjustments so that they achieve deeper
A. Assessment of Learning C. Assessment as Learning
B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning

9. Which practices are required for assessment as learning to be

I. Dis cuss the learning outcomes with the students
II. Create criteria with the students for the various tasks that need
to be completed and/or skills that need to be learned or
III. Provide feedback to students as they learn and ask them
guiding questions to help them monitor their own learning.
IV. Help them set goals to extend or support their learning as
needed in order to meet or fully meet the expectations.
V. Provide reference points and examples for the learning
A. I, II and III C. III, IV and V
B. I, III, IV and V D. I, II, III, IV and V

10. In which type of assessment are students expected to go beyond

completing the tasks assigned to them by their teacher and so
students and so students move from the passive learners to active
owners of their own learning?
A. Assessment of Learning C. Assessment as Learning
B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning

Learning Episode 12

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