Corrections To Off-Axis Data Recorders: Measurements From Event

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Corrections to Off-Axis ∆𝒗 Measurements from Event

Data Recorders
Bob Scurlock, Ph.D., ACTAR, Andrew Rich, BSME, ACTAR, and Kyle Poe

Introduction Velocity of Points in a Moving Reference Frame contribution due to the frame 𝑂′ time-dependent
orientation with respect to frame 𝑂.
In this article, we derive a mathematical transformation Taking the time derivative of (1), we can calculate the
which corrects ∆𝑣 measurements from event data linear velocity of point P in the inertial frame. This is For an infinitesimal rotation in frame O about an
recorders at arbitrary positions in a vehicle to the given by: ̅ , a vector of fixed magnitude, 𝜆̅ , is
arbitrary axis 𝛿Θ
equivalent values at the center-of-gravity. The method transformed to:
𝑅̅̇ 𝑃 = 𝑣̅𝑃,𝑂 = 𝑉̅ 𝑂 + 𝑟̅̇ 𝑃

is illustrated using staged collision data. We also (2)
demonstrate the method’s consistency with simulation. 𝜆̅ → 𝜆̅ + 𝛿𝜆̅ (5)
where 𝑣̅𝑃,𝑂 indicates the linear velocity of point P
Use of EDR Data evaluated in the inertial reference frame 𝑂 , and the where,
linear velocity of frame 𝑂′ with respect to frame 𝑂 is
It has become increasingly common for event data
given by 𝑉̅ 𝑂 = 𝑅̅̇ 𝑂 .
′ ′
𝛿𝜆̅ = 𝛿Θ
̅ × 𝜆̅ (6)
recorders (EDRs) to play a central role in accident
reconstruction analyses. Both pre-crash speed data as This implies:
Suppose we know the position of point P with respect
well as acceleration and change-in-velocity (CG) data
to frame 𝑂′, given by 𝑟̅ 𝑃 . That is, we can write:
can provide extremely valuable constraints for the 𝛿𝜆̅ 𝛿Θ̅
analyst’s calculations and corresponding opinions. = × 𝜆̅ (7)
𝑟̅ 𝑃 = 𝑟𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂ ′ + 𝑟𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂ ′ + 𝑟𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂ ′ (3) 𝛿𝑡 𝛿𝑡
Though it is common for event data recorders to be
located very near a vehicle’s CG, this is not always the or in the limit, 𝛿𝑡 → 0,
case. The analyst must be aware of how an EDR’s where 𝑥̂ ′ , 𝑦̂ ′ , and 𝑧̂ ′ are the ortho-normal basis vectors
distance from a vehicle’s CG can cause inaccuracies to for the moving frame 𝑂′, whose orientations can change
be introduced into an analysis if not properly corrected with time with respect to frame 𝑂, and 𝑟𝑥𝑃′ , 𝑟𝑦𝑃′ , and 𝑟𝑧𝑃′ 𝜆̇ ̅ = 𝜔
̅ × 𝜆̅ (8)
for [1,2]. Even when near or at the center-of-gravity, it are the time-dependent components along those basis
is important for the analyst to be aware of how EDR- With (8), we can now evaluate the time derivatives of
based results may be affected by issues such as large the frame 𝑂′ basis vectors:
rotational velocities. Below, we develop a mathematical The components of 𝑟̅ 𝑃 in frame 𝑂′ can be related to the
transformation to correct for EDR displacement from components in frame 𝑂 by a 3×3 rotation matrix M: 𝑥̂̇ ′ = 𝜔̅ × 𝑥̂ ′
the CG. 𝑦̂̇ ′ = 𝜔̅ × 𝑦̂ ′
̇𝑧̂ ′ = 𝜔
̅ × 𝑧̂ ′
𝑟𝑥𝑃 𝑟𝑥𝑃′ (9)
Mathematical Development of Transformation 𝑃 𝑃
Equations (𝑟𝑦 ) = 𝐌 ∙ (𝑟𝑦′ ) where 𝜔 ̅ is the instantaneous angular velocity vector of
𝑟𝑧 𝑟𝑧𝑃′ the reference frame 𝑂′ as measured in frame 𝑂.
We begin with a rigorous derivation of the equations
needed for our inverse transformation from EDR where 𝑟̅ 𝑃 can be expressed with respect to frame 𝑂 as: Thus,
measured ∆𝑣̅ to equivalent ∆𝑣̅ at the center-of-gravity
based on classical mechanics. For a thorough review of 𝑟̅ 𝑃 = 𝑟𝑥𝑃 𝑥̂ + 𝑟𝑦𝑃 𝑦̂ + 𝑟𝑧𝑃 𝑧̂ 𝑟𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂̇ ′ + 𝑟𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂̇ ′ + 𝑟𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂̇ ′ =
classical mechanics, we refer the reader to reference [3]. ̅ × (𝑟𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂ ′ + 𝑟𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂ ′ + 𝑟𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂ ′ )
𝜔 (10)
Here 𝑥̂, 𝑦̂, and 𝑧̂ are the ortho-normal basis vectors for
Position of Points in a Moving Reference Frame the inertial frame 𝑂, whose orientations we take as fixed We can now rewrite (4) as:
(time-independent), and 𝑟𝑥𝑃 , 𝑟𝑦𝑃 , and 𝑟𝑧𝑃 are the time-
The position of an arbitrary point, P, can be specified dependent components along those basis vectors. The ′
with respect to an inertial frame (Earth frame), 𝑂, as the 𝑟̅̇ 𝑃 = 𝑣̅𝑃,𝑂 + 𝜔
̅ × 𝑟̅ 𝑃 (11)
rotation matrix is given by the direction cosines:
vector sum of P’s position with respect to a moving ′
reference frame, 𝑂′, and the position of the moving Here 𝑣̅𝑃,𝑂 is the linear velocity of point P whose
𝑥̂ ′ ∙ 𝑥̂ 𝑦̂ ′ ∙ 𝑥̂ 𝑧̂ ′ ∙ 𝑥̂
reference frame’s origin with respect to the inertial components are evaluated in the moving reference
𝐌 = (𝑥̂ ′ ∙ 𝑦̂ 𝑦̂ ′ ∙ 𝑦̂ 𝑧̂ ′ ∙ 𝑦̂) frame, 𝑂′ :
frame. That is,
𝑥̂ ′ ∙ 𝑧̂ 𝑦̂ ′ ∙ 𝑧̂ 𝑧̂ ′ ∙ 𝑧̂

𝑅̅ 𝑃 = 𝑅̅ 𝑂 + 𝑟̅ 𝑃 (1) 𝑣̅𝑃,𝑂 = 𝑟̇𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂ ′ (12)
Taking the derivative of both sides of (3) with respect
′ to time, and applying the product rule, we have:
where 𝑅̅ 𝑂 is the position vector of the moving reference Finally, combining (2) and (11), we have our final
frame’s origin with respect to the inertial frame, 𝑟̅ 𝑃 is ̇𝑃
𝑟̅ = (𝑟̇𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂ ′ )
expression for the linear velocity vector of point P with
the position of point P with respect to the moving respect to the inertial frame 𝑂:
reference frame, and 𝑅̅ 𝑃 is the position of point P with +( 𝑟𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂̇ ′ + 𝑟𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂̇ ′ + 𝑟𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂̇ ′ ) (4)
′ ′
respect to the inertial frame (Figure 1). 𝑣̅𝑃,𝑂 = 𝑉̅ 𝑂 + 𝑣̅𝑃,𝑂 + 𝜔
̅ × 𝑟̅ 𝑃 (13)
where the term in the first set of parentheses represents
the contribution to the time rate of change of vector 𝑟̅ 𝑃
due to time-dependent components evaluated with
respect to frame 𝑂′, and the second term represents the
Acceleration of Points in a Moving Reference Frame accelerometer’s position with the superscript A. ̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡)
Suppose that the accelerometer is sufficiently far away = |𝜔 ̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ (𝑧̂ × 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡))
Taking the time derivative of (13), we can now find an from the volume of crush damage, that we can regard = |𝜔 ̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) (31)
expression for the acceleration of point P. This is given its position as fixed and stationary with respect to the
by: vehicle’s reference frame. That is, we have: ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 ) by:
We can re-express (𝜔
𝑎̅𝑃,𝑂 = 𝑣̅̇ 𝑃,𝑂 = 𝑉̅̇ 𝑂 + 𝑣̅̇𝑃,𝑂
′ ′

𝑑 𝑎̅ =0 ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴
+ (𝜔 ̅ × 𝑟̅ 𝑃 ) ′
𝑑𝑡 (14) 𝑣̅ 𝐴,𝑂 = 0 (22) = |𝜔 ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ (𝑧̂ × 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡))
= |𝜔 ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) (32)
The first term is simply the linear acceleration of the Using (21), we can now write an expression for the
moving reference frame 𝑂′ with respect to the inertial expected linear acceleration at the accelerometer The second cross-product in (23) is therefore:
frame 𝑂: position as a function of time, in the inertial frame 𝑂:
̅ 𝑘 (𝑡) × (𝜔
𝜔 ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 )
𝑉̅̇ 𝑂 = 𝑎̅𝑂
′ ′
(15) ̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴
𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) = 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡) + 𝜔
+𝜔̅𝑘 (𝑡) × ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 )
(𝜔 (23) = |𝜔 ̅𝑘 (𝑡)|2
∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ (𝑧̂ × 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡))
For the second term, we have: = −|𝜔 ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)|2 ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) (33)
We can re-express the vectors 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 and 𝜔
̅ 𝑘 in cylindrical
′ 𝑑 𝑃 ′ coordinates by: We can now write (23) as:
𝑣̅̇𝑃,𝑂 = (𝑟̇ ′ 𝑥̂ + 𝑟̇𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂ ′ )
𝑑𝑡 𝑥
= 𝑟̈𝑥′ 𝑥̂ + 𝑟̈𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂ ′ + 𝑟̈𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂ ′
𝑃 ′
𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 = |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) (24) 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) = 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡)
+ 𝑟̇𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂̇ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂̇ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂̇ ′ +|𝜔̅̇𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡)
and −|𝜔̅𝑘 (𝑡)|2 ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) (34)
where 𝑟̈𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂ ′ + 𝑟̈𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂ ′ + 𝑟̈𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂ ′ is the linear acceleration of

̅ 𝑘 (𝑡) = |𝜔
𝜔 ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ 𝜔
̂(𝑡) (25) With this, we can now relate the acceleration at the CG
point P in frame 𝑂′ , which we denote 𝑎̅𝑃,𝑂 . Using (9), to the measured acceleration at the accelerometer
the second term in (16) becomes where we define an instantaneous right-handed position.
cylindrical coordinate system whose axes are centered
𝑟̇𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂̇ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂̇ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂̇ ′ = at the accelerometer, where the unit vector 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) points ∆𝒗 in Continuous Time
̅ × (𝑟̇𝑥𝑃′ 𝑥̂ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑦𝑃′ 𝑦̂ ′ + 𝑟̇𝑧𝑃′ 𝑧̂ ′ )
𝜔 (17) from the CG to accelerometer position, 𝜔 ̂(𝑡) defines the
̅ × 𝑣̅ 𝑃,𝑂
′ axis of rotation, and 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) points in the direction of Let us now take the dot-product of (34) with an arbitrary
rotation (Figure 2). unit-vector, 𝑐̂ , which we define as time-independent in
the inertial frame, and calculate the time integral of both
We can thus rewrite (16) as:
Next, let’s redefine 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 in terms of its components sides from the start of the crash pulse at time = 0 to the
parallel and perpendicular to the unit vector 𝜔 ̂(𝑡) end of the crash pulse at time = ∆𝑡:
̇ 𝑃,𝑂′
𝑣̅ = 𝑎̅ 𝑃,𝑂′
̅ × 𝑣̅ 𝑃,𝑂′ (18)
(Figure 2). That is,
The final term in (14) is: ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂
𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 = |𝑟̅𝑘,⊥
𝐴 𝐴 (𝑡)
| ∙ 𝑟̂𝑘,⊥ 𝐴
+ |𝑟̅𝑘,∥ |∙𝜔
̂(𝑡) (26) 0
𝑑 = ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂
(𝜔 ̅̇ × 𝑟̅ 𝑃 + 𝜔
̅ × 𝑟̅ 𝑃 ) = 𝜔 ̅ × 𝑟̅̇ 𝑃 (19) This of course implies:
𝑑𝑡 0

where 𝜔̅̇ is the angular acceleration of reference 𝑂′ 𝜔

̂(𝑡) × 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) =𝜔
̂(𝑡) × 𝐴 (𝑡)
𝑟̂𝑘,⊥ ̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂
+ ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ |𝜔
(27) 0
frame as measured in 𝑂. ∆𝑡
Let’s now examine the special case where (1) rotation ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)|2 ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂
− ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ |𝜔 (35)
Using (11), we can rewrite the second term in (19) as: occurs only about the inertial frame’s 𝑧̂ axis and (2) 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 0
lies on the 𝑥̂ ′ − 𝑦̂ ′ plane, thereby reducing our model to
̅ × 𝑟̅̇ 𝑃 = 𝜔
𝜔 ̅ × (𝑣̅ 𝑃,𝑂 + 𝜔

̅ × 𝑟̅ 𝑃 ) two dimensions (Figure 3). Note, (1) ensures 𝜔 ̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡) and Note, the projections of 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) , 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡) , 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) , and
𝑃,𝑂′ ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡) are both aligned with the 𝑧̂ axis and (2) ensures
𝜔 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) along the 𝑐̂ axis are all changing as a function of
=𝜔̅ × 𝑣̅ +𝜔̅ × (𝜔 ̅ × 𝑟̅ 𝑃 ) (20) 𝐴 time, and therefore the dot-products cannot simply be
𝑟̅𝑘,∥ = 0. 2 With these simplifying assumptions, we
have: factored outside of the time-integrals. Let’s now
Putting this together, we can rewrite (14) as1: simplify (35).
′ ′ ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡) = |𝜔
𝜔 ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ 𝑧̂ (28)
𝑎̅𝑃,𝑂 = 𝑎̅𝑂 + 𝑎̅𝑃,𝑂 We first want to evaluate the second integral using
+𝜔̅̇ × 𝑟̅ 𝑃 + 𝜔 ̅ × 𝑟̅ 𝑃 )
̅ × (𝜔 integration by parts:
𝑃,𝑂′ and the angular acceleration becomes:
+2𝜔̅ × 𝑣̅ (21)
̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡) = |𝜔
𝜔 ̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ 𝑧̂ (29) ̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂
∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ |𝜔 (36)
Acceleration of Accelerometers in a Moving Reference
Frame Our cross products are thus given by:
Let us define the function 𝑢(𝑡) by:
Let us now suppose we have two vehicles undergoing a
𝜔̂ × 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) = 𝑧̂ × 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) = 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡)
collision. We can assign to each vehicle its own moving
𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) × 𝜔 ̂ = 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) × 𝑧̂ = 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) 𝑢(𝑡) = |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ (37)
reference frame 𝑂𝑘′ , where 𝑘 is an index used to label
the vehicle, and each vehicle frame origin is placed at 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) × 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) = 𝜔
̂ = 𝑧̂ (30)
We can thus express 𝑑𝑢 as:
the CG. Let us also suppose, at a given point P, vehicle
k has an accelerometer. Let’s now denote the We can now re-express the first cross-product in (23):
𝑑𝑢 = 𝑑𝑡 ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝜃̂̇𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ (38)

1 2
For a thorough derivation of these equations, see Note, typically this vector points from the vehicle CG presented in the rest of this work, simply ignore the z
chapter 10 of reference [3]. to accelerometer (or EDR), which in general can have component, using only the projection on the vehicle’s
a non-zero z-component. To use the formalism local x-y plane to define this vector.
Using (8), we know: With (48), we can now write our equations to estimate Note, because we are assuming ∆𝑡 → 0 (the
∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 components in the inertial frame. These are given instantaneous collision condition), this will result in
𝜃̂̇𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) = 𝜔̅(𝑡) × 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) by: some inaccuracies because this approximation assumes
there is no component rotation in 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 during vehicle
= ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ (𝜔̂ × 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡)) (39) ∆𝑡
contact. For collision events in which there are large
∆𝑣̅𝑘,𝑥 = ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑥̂ rotations as forces are being exchanged, this assumption
Using (30), (39) becomes: 0
∆𝑡 may lead to large inaccuracies.
= ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑥̂
𝜃̂̇𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) = 𝜔
̅(𝑡) × 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) 0
Equation (55) gives us a convenient way to transform
̅𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡)
= −|𝜔 (40) −(𝜔
̅𝑘,𝑓 × 𝑟̅𝑘,𝑓 −𝜔
̅ 𝑘,𝑖 × 𝑟̅𝑘,𝑖 ) ∙ 𝑥̂ (49) between ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐴 and ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 ; however, this transformation
requires knowledge of ∆𝜔 ̅ 𝑘 . One can model expected
With this, we can rewrite (38): and ∆𝜔̅ 𝑘 with the aid of computer simulation, but this isn’t
necessary. Below we complete the development of our
𝑑𝑢 = −𝑑𝑡 ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ |𝜔
̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ (41) 𝐶𝐺 mathematical transformation between ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐴 and ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺
∆𝑣̅𝑘,𝑦 = ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑦̂
0 that is independent of ∆𝜔̅ 𝑘 through the use of a closed-
Let us now define the function ∆𝑡 form impulse-based collision model.
= ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑦̂
𝑔(𝑡) = |𝜔
̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)| (42) 𝐴 𝐴 Impulse
̅𝑘,𝑓 × 𝑟̅𝑘,𝑓 −𝜔
̅ 𝑘,𝑖 × 𝑟̅𝑘,𝑖 ) ∙ 𝑦̂ (50)
and its differential: Let us define the total impulse imparted to vehicle k by:
where the i and f subscripts denote initial and final
̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡)|
𝑑𝑔 = 𝑑𝑡 ∙ |𝜔 (43) values. Note, the dot products in the time integrals ∆𝑡
∆𝑡 ∆𝑡
∫0 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑥̂ and ∫0 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑦̂ must be 𝐽𝑘̅ = ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝐹̅𝑘 (56)
Using integration by parts, we have: evaluated time-step by time-step as the acceleration
vector at the accelerometer position, 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡), will likely where 𝐹̅𝑘 is the total force versus time acting on vehicle
rotate as the collision unfolds. Also, recall 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) is the k during the duration ∆𝑡. Using Newton’s 2nd Law, we
∫ 𝑢(𝑡)𝑑𝑔 acceleration measured at the accelerometer position in
0 can rewrite (56) as:
∆𝑡 ∆𝑡 the vehicle. 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) itself is, of course, the acceleration at
= ∫ 𝑑(𝑢(𝑡) ∙ 𝑔(𝑡)) − ∫ 𝑔(𝑡)𝑑𝑢 the accelerometer position, evaluated in the inertial ∆𝑡
0 0 (44) 𝐽𝑘̅ = ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ [ (𝑚𝑘 𝑣̅𝑘 )]
frame. This means to properly evaluate (49) and (50),
0 𝑑𝑡
one must first transform the acceleration vector (57)
Using the above, we can rewrite (36) as: = 𝑚𝑘 ∙ ∆𝑣̅𝑘 = ∆𝑝̅𝑘
components, typically given in the moving vehicle
∆𝑡 frame of reference, to the Earth-fixed inertial frame.
̅̇ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂
∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ |𝜔 This transformation typically requires vehicle yaw
0 angle versus time data which defines the vehicle frame
𝑥̂ ′ (𝑡) and 𝑦̂ ′ (𝑡) behavior with respect to the inertial We can write an expression for the total torque on
̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ )
= ∫ 𝑑(|𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ |𝜔 vehicle k caused by the application of force 𝐹̅𝑘 :
+ ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ |𝜔
̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)|2 ∙ 𝑟̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ (45) ∆𝒗 in the Instantaneous Limit 𝛤̅𝑘 = 𝐼𝑘 𝛼̅𝑘 = 𝑟̅𝑘 × 𝐹̅𝑘 (58)

Let us now approximate the collision as occurring where 𝛼̅𝑘 = 𝑑𝜔 ̅ 𝑘 /𝑑𝑡 is the angular acceleration about
Here we see the last term in (45) is equal and opposite the center-of-gravity of object k, and 𝑟̅𝑘 is the lever-arm
instantly in time, thus in the limit ∆𝑡 → 0. With this, our
to the last term in (35). (35) therefore simplifies to: extending from the CG to the point of contact, and 𝐼𝑘 is
integrals become:
the moment-of-inertia for rotation about the Γ̂𝑘 axis.
∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂
∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ = ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 ∙ 𝑐̂ (51) Taking the time integral of the total torque over
∆𝑡 0 interaction duration ∆𝑡, we have:
= ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂
0 and ∆𝑡 ∆𝑡
+∫ 𝑑(|𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 | ∙ ̅ 𝑘 (𝑡)| ∙
|𝜔 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ ) ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ Γ̅𝑘 = ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ (𝐼𝑘 𝛼̅𝑘 )
(46) ∆𝑡
0 0
∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ = ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐴 ∙ 𝑐̂ (52) ∆𝑡
0 = ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ [𝐼𝑘 ]
or 0 𝑑𝑡
Our cross-products become: ̅ 𝑘 = 𝛥𝐿̅𝑘
= 𝐼𝑘 ∆𝜔 (59)
∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ 𝐴 𝐴
0 ̅ 𝑘,𝑓 × 𝑟̅𝑘,𝑓
(𝜔 −𝜔 ̅ 𝑘,𝑖 × 𝑟̅𝑘,𝑖 ) ∙ 𝑐̂ Therefore, the torque delivered over time ∆𝑡 is
= (∆𝜔 ̅ 𝑘 × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 ) ∙ 𝑐̂ (53) associated with a change in angular momentum Δ𝐿𝑘 ,
= ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ where the angular momentum is given by 𝐿̅𝑘 = 𝐼𝑘 𝜔
̅𝑘 .
̅ 𝑘 (∆𝑡)| ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (∆𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 |
+(|𝜔 We can therefore rewrite (52) as:
(47) Therefore using (58) and (59), we have:
̅ 𝑘 (0)| ∙ 𝜃̂𝑘𝐴 (0) ∙ 𝑐̂ ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 |)
− |𝜔 ∆𝑡
∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ → ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐴 ∙ 𝑐̂ ∆𝑡
Using (32), (47) can also be written in the equivalent 0 𝛥𝐿̅𝑘 = 𝐼𝑘 ∆𝜔
̅ 𝑘 = ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ (𝑟̅𝑘 × 𝐹̅𝑘 )
form: = ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 ∙ 𝑐̂ + (∆𝜔
̅𝑘 × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 ) ∙ 𝑐̂ (54) 0
= 𝑟̅𝑘 × ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝐹̅𝑘
∆𝑡 ∆𝑡 Because there is no rotation in the instantaneous limit, 0
∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐴 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ = ∫ 𝑑𝑡 ∙ 𝑎̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (𝑡) ∙ 𝑐̂ we can now factor out our dot-product, and simplify = 𝑟̅𝑘 × 𝐽𝑘̅ = 𝑚𝑘 ∙ (𝑟̅𝑘 × ∆𝑣̅𝑘 ) (60)
0 0 (52) by:
+(𝜔 ̅𝑘 (∆𝑡) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 (∆𝑡)
̅ 𝑘 (0) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 (0)) ∙ 𝑐̂
−𝜔 (48) ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐴 = ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 + (∆𝜔
̅𝑘 × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 ) (55)
Change in Angular Velocity
Using (80), we obtain our final form for ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 :
Using (60), we can now write an expression for ∆𝜔
̅ 𝑘 in (1 +
𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑦
) (
−𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑦
terms of ∆𝑣̅𝑘 : ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 𝑘𝑘2 𝑘𝑘2 ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 1
( 𝐴 )=
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 𝐴
−𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 𝐴
𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑥
( 𝐶𝐺 )
(70) 𝐶𝐺
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 = 𝐴
∙ (𝑑 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 𝐴
− 𝑏 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 ) (81)
( ) (1 + ) |𝑹|
𝑘𝑘2 𝑘𝑘2
𝑟̅𝑘 × 𝐽𝑘̅ (𝑟̅𝑘 × ∆𝑣̅𝑘 ) ( )
1 𝐴 𝐴
̅𝑘 = = (61) ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 = ∙ (−𝑐 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 + 𝑎 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 ) (82)
𝐼𝑘 𝑘𝑘2 Where our rotation matrix, 𝐑, is given by:
where we express the yaw moment of inertia in terms of 𝐴
𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 𝐴
−𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑦
Note, because 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 , 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 , 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 , 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 are all signed values, it
vehicle k’s radius of gyration 𝐼𝑘 = 𝑚𝑘 𝑘𝑘2 . (1 +
) (
) is possible to obtain some combinations of these values
𝐑= 𝐴 𝐴 (71) which makes 𝐑 singular (|𝐑| = 0). From basic linear
−𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑥
Solving for ∆𝒗 at the CG ( ) (1 + ) algebra, we know there is a unique solution for ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 if
( 𝑘𝑘2 𝑘𝑘2 ) and only if R is non-singular. We will explore the
Let’s write our accelerometer position in Earth-fixed implications of this further below.
inertial frame coordinates: Rewriting (70), we have:
𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 = 𝑟𝑘,𝑥
𝑥̂ + 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 𝑦̂ (62) ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐴 = 𝐑 ∙ ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 (72)
With (57), we know by obtaining an estimate of ∆𝑣𝑘𝐶𝐺 ,
We can thus write our cross-product by: So long as 𝐑 is not singular, we can find its inverse, 𝐑−𝟏 , we also obtain an estimate of 𝐽𝑘̅ – that is, the principal
such that we can obtain ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 by: direction of force:
𝑥̂ 𝑦̂ 𝑧̂
∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 = 𝐑−𝟏 ∙ ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐴 (73) 𝑚𝑘
̅ 𝑘 × 𝑟̅𝑘𝐴 = ( 0
∆𝜔 0 ∆𝜔𝑘 ) 𝐽𝑘,𝑥 = 𝐴
∙ (𝑑 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 𝐴
− 𝑏 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 )
𝑟𝑘,𝑥 𝐴
𝑟𝑘,𝑦 0 |𝑹|
Next, we define four new variables, 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐, and 𝑑 given 𝑚𝑘 𝐴 𝐴
𝐽𝑘,𝑦 = ∙ (−𝑐 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 + 𝑎 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 ) (83)
by: |𝑹|
= 𝑥̂(−𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ ∆𝜔𝑘 ) − 𝑦̂(−𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ ∆𝜔𝑘 )
= ∆𝜔𝑘 ∙ (−𝑟𝑘,𝑦 𝑥̂ + 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 𝑦̂) (63) 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟𝐴𝑘,𝑦 where the direction of the impulse is given by:
𝑎 =1+
With this, (55) becomes: −𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟𝐴𝑘,𝑦
𝐽𝑘,𝑥 𝑥̂ + 𝐽𝑘,𝑦 𝑦̂
𝑏= 𝐽̂𝑘 =
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 𝐶𝐺
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 𝐴
− ∆𝜔𝑘 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 𝑘2𝑘 2
√𝐽𝑘,𝑥 2
+ 𝐽𝑘,𝑦
( 𝐴 ) = ( 𝐶𝐺 𝐴 ) (64) −𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟𝐴𝑘,𝑥
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 + ∆𝜔𝑘 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 𝑐=
𝑘2𝑘 The Lever-Arm
Let’s now express the impulse centroid position in the 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟𝐴𝑘,𝑥
𝑑 =1+
Earth-fixed inertial frame: 𝑘2𝑘 The lever-arm, ℎ𝑘 , is given by the component of the
vector 𝑟̅𝑘 perpendicular to the impulse direction 𝐽̂𝑘 , and
𝑟̅𝑘 = 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 𝑥̂ + 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 𝑦̂ (65) With (74), we can rewrite our rotation matrix: is given by:

With this, we can evaluate the cross-product in (61): 𝐑=(

𝑎 𝑏
) (75) ℎ𝑘 = |𝑟̅𝑘 × 𝐽̂𝑘 | = |𝑟̅𝑘 × ∆𝑣̂𝑘 | (85)
𝑐 𝑑
𝑥̂ 𝑦̂ 𝑧̂ Using (66), this becomes:
With this, (72) becomes:
𝑟̅𝑘 × ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 = ( 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 0)
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 𝐶𝐺
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 0 𝐴 𝐶𝐺 𝐶𝐺 |𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 − 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 |
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 = 𝑎 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 + 𝑏 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 (76) ℎ𝑘 = (86)
= 𝑧̂ (𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 − 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 ) (66) 𝐴 𝐶𝐺 𝐶𝐺 |∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 |
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 = 𝑐 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 + 𝑑 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 (77)
We can now rewrite (61) by: The Closing-Velocity at the Point-of-Contact
The inverse, 𝐑−𝟏 , is given by:
𝐶𝐺 𝐶𝐺 From (55), we know the velocity change at point P,
(𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 − 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 ) 𝟏 𝒅
̅𝑘 = 𝑧̂ (67) −𝒃
𝑘𝑘 𝐑−𝟏 = ( ) (78) fixed within the vehicle k frame, can be written as:
|𝐑| −𝒄 𝒂
∆𝑣̅𝑘𝑃 = ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 + (∆𝜔
̅𝑘 × 𝑟̅𝑘𝑃 ) (87)
Using (67), (64) becomes: Where the determinate, |𝐑|, is:
(𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 𝐶𝐺
− 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 ) 𝐴
Using (61), we can write this as:
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 − ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 |𝐑| = 𝑎𝑑 − 𝑏𝑐
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 𝑘𝑘2 𝐴
( 𝐴 )= (68) 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟𝐴𝑘,𝑦 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 (79) 1
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 𝐶𝐺 𝐶𝐺
(𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 − 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 ) 𝐴 =1+ + 2 ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝑃 = ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 + ((𝑟̅ 𝑃 × ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 ) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝑃 ) (88)
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 +
∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑥 𝑘𝑘 𝑘𝑘2 𝑘
( )

With (78), (73) now becomes: 1

or Taking the dot-product of
((𝑟̅𝑘𝑃 × ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 ) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝑃 ) with
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 1 𝑑 −𝑏 𝐴
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 ∆𝑣̂𝑘𝐶𝐺 , and using the scalar triple product, and (85), we
( 𝐴 )
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 ( 𝐶𝐺 ) = ( )∙( 𝐴 ) have:
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 |𝑹| −𝑐 𝑎 ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦
𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 −𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟𝑘,𝑦 𝐴 𝐴
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 ∙ (1 + 𝐶𝐺
) + ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 ∙( ) 1 𝑑 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 − 𝑏 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦
𝑘𝑘2 𝑘𝑘2 (69) = ∙( 𝐴 𝐴 ) (80) ((𝑟̅𝑘𝑃 × ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 ) × 𝑟̅𝑘𝑃 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂𝑘𝐶𝐺
−𝑟𝑘,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟 𝐴
𝑘,𝑥 𝐶𝐺
𝑟𝑘,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟 𝐴
𝑘,𝑥 |𝑹| −𝑐 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 + 𝑎 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 = (𝑟̅𝑘𝑃 × ∆𝑣̂𝑘𝐶𝐺 ) ∙ (𝑟̅𝑘𝑃 × ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 )
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 ∙( ) + ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 ∙ (1 + )
𝑘𝑘2 𝑘𝑘2
( ) = |∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 | ∙ |𝑟̅𝑘𝑃 × ∆𝑣̂𝑘𝐶𝐺 |2 = |∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 | ∙ ℎ𝑘2 (89)

(69) can be re-expressed as an equation that takes vector

∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 and rotates it to obtain ∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐴 :
Thus, taking the dot-product of (88) with ∆𝑣̂𝑘𝐶𝐺 , we We can thus solve for the magnitude of the closing-
(∆𝑣̅1𝑃 − ∆𝑣̅2𝑃 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 = (𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑓 𝑃
have: − 𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 (97) velocity vector component parallel with the PDOF axis
ℎ𝑘 Let’s define the coefficient-of-restitution by3:
∆𝑣̅𝑘𝑃 ∙ ∆𝑣̂𝑘𝐶𝐺 = |∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 | + |∆𝑣𝑘 |∙ 𝑃
|𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 |
2 𝑃
𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑓 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 1 𝐶𝐺
1 1 (105)
ℎ𝑘 𝜀=− (98) = ∙ (𝑚1 ∙ |∆𝑣̅1 | ∙ [ + ])
= |∆𝑣̅𝑘𝐶𝐺 | ∙ (1 + ) (90) 𝑃
𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 1+𝜀 𝛾1𝑚1 𝛾2 𝑚2

Thus, the differences in final and initial relative velocity With our mathematical formalism on firm footing, we
With (90), we now have a way to express the change- now demonstrate the method using staged collision data.
can be re-expressed by:
in-velocity component along the impulse direction, at
the point of contact. 𝑃 𝑃 Demonstration of Method
(𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑓 − 𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 =
𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑓 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 − 𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 =
Let’s now look at the difference in value for two 𝑃 𝑃 Above, we derived the corrections needed to transform
−𝜀 ∙ 𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 − 𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 =
vehicles: 𝑃 ∆𝑣̅ estimates based on data from accelerometers
−(1 + 𝜀) ∙ (𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ) (99)
positioned away from the CG, to the equivalent values
ℎ1 at the CG. Ideally, this method is tested using staged
(∆𝑣̅1𝑃 − ∆𝑣̅2𝑃 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 = |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | ∙ (1 + ) With (93), (97), and (99), we finally have:
𝑘12 collisions where the test vehicles are instrumented with
2 (91) perfectly accurate accelerometers distributed at various
ℎ2 |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | |∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 |
+|∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 | ∙ (1 + ) 𝑃
−(1 + 𝜀) ∙ (𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ) = + (100) locations within the test vehicles. In what follows below,
𝑘22 𝛾1 𝛾2
we present the results of applying our transformation to
EDR-based ∆𝑣̅ estimates from four EDRs distributed
Note ∆𝑣̅2𝑃 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 is negative since ∆𝑣̅2𝑃 is exactly Note, because we defined the closing velocity vector as
throughout a test vehicle subjected to a staged collision
antiparallel with ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 from Newton’s 3rd Law; therefore, 𝑣̅1,𝑖 − 𝑣̅2,𝑖 , we expect 𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 < 0, and therefore event. Though the soundness of the transformation
we know: −(1 + 𝜀) ∙ (𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1 ) > 0. method is demonstrated, using EDR data for this
purpose comes with its own challenges related potential
(∆𝑣̅1𝑃 − ∆𝑣̅2𝑃 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ≥ 0 We can thus solve for the magnitude of the closing- errors in the EDR-based ∆𝑣̅ values themselves. The
velocity vector component parallel with the PDOF axis tangential but important issue of accounting for
Let’s define a new parameter: by4: potential EDR-based ∆𝑣̅ errors when such
𝑘𝑘2 transformations are applied is also discussed below.
𝛾𝑘 = (92) 𝑃 1 |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | |∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 |
𝑘𝑘2 + ℎ𝑘
2 |𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 | = ∙( + ) (101)
1+𝜀 𝛾1 𝛾2 2018 IPTM Crash Test 3
(91) can therefore be rewritten: With Knowledge of Only One ∆𝒗 Experimental Set-up
|∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | |∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 | From Newton’s 3rd Law, we know (again, neglecting A crash test was performed on May 21, 2018 in Orlando,
(∆𝑣̅1𝑃 − ∆𝑣̅2𝑃 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 = + (93)
𝛾1 𝛾2 any external forces): Florida. The crash test was crash test number 3 from
IPTM’s Symposium on Traffic Safety. The crash
Let’s now write out the difference: 𝑚1 ∙ ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 = −𝑚2 ∙ ∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 (102) configuration was of the T-bone type. The bullet vehicle
struck the target vehicle behind the rear axle.
(∆𝑣̅1𝑃 − ∆𝑣̅2𝑃 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 = Therefore, (91) can be written:
((𝑣̅1,𝑓 − 𝑣̅1,𝑖 ) − (𝑣̅2,𝑓 − 𝑣̅2,𝑖 )) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 = The target vehicle was a 1998 Chevrolet Malibu LS 4-
((𝑣̅1,𝑓 𝑃
− 𝑣̅2,𝑓 𝑃
) − (𝑣̅1,𝑖 𝑃
− 𝑣̅2,𝑖 )) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 (94) ℎ1 door bearing VIN 1G1NE52M3W6XXXXXX (see
(∆𝑣̅1𝑃 − ∆𝑣̅2𝑃 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂𝑘𝐶𝐺 = |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | ∙ (1 + 2)
𝑘1 Figure 4). Note, we will use the index “1”, “vehicle 1”,
2 “Chevy”, and “target vehicle” interchangeably below.
The difference 𝑚1 ℎ2
+ |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | ∙ (1 + 2 ) The Chevy was stationary at impact. Its weight was
𝑚2 𝑘2
𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 𝑃
= 𝑣̅1,𝑖 𝑃
− 𝑣̅2,𝑖
obtained with Rebco 1200-pound scales. The weight on
(95) 2
ℎ1 𝑚1 ℎ2
the front axle was 1806 pounds and the weight on the
= |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | ∙ [(1 + ) +
∙ (1 + 2 )]
𝑘12 𝑚2 𝑘2 rear axle was 1026 pounds, for a total weight of 2832
is simply the initial relative velocity of vehicle 1 with
1 𝑚1 1 pounds.
respect to vehicle 2 at the moment just prior to impact 𝐶𝐺
= |∆𝑣̅1 | ∙ [ + ∙ ]
(the “closing-velocity”). 𝛾1 𝑚2 𝛾2
1 1 The bullet vehicle was a 2002 Buick LeSabre Custom
= 𝑚1 ∙ |∆𝑣̅1 | ∙ [ + ] (103)
𝛾1 𝑚1 𝛾2 𝑚2 4-door bearing VIN 1G4HP54K72UXXXXXX (see
The difference
Figure 5). Note, we will use the index “2”, “vehicle 2”,
𝑃 𝑃 𝑃 Using (97) and (99), this becomes: Buick, and “bullet vehicle” interchangeably below. The
𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑓 = 𝑣̅1,𝑓 − 𝑣̅2,𝑓 (96)
bullet was driven into impact at 27 MPH by a volunteer
−(1 + 𝜀) ∙ (𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ) driver. The impact speed was obtained with a VBox
is simply the final relative velocity of vehicle 1 with 1 1 (104)
= 𝑚1 ∙ |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | ∙ [ + ]
Sport. The Vbox Sport measures speed with a 20 Hz
respect to vehicle 2 at the moment just after impact (the 𝛾1 𝑚1 𝛾2 𝑚2 GPS engine. The Buick and its driver were weighed
with Rebco 1200-pound scales. The weight on the front
axle was 2334 pounds and the weight on the rear axle
With the relative velocities defined, we can rewrite
was 1421 pounds for a total weight for the vehicle and

Note, in this model, where ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 is approximately generally applicable formalism, where ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 is impact mechanics). This topic will be considered in a
aligned with the direction of crush, we define restitution represented in a normal “crush axis” and tangent future article.
as the point of contact negative ratio of separation- “friction axis” basis, and where restitution is defined as
velocity to closing-velocity vector components directed the point of contact negative ratio of separation-velocity See Appendix 1 for discussion on solving for pre-
along the ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 axis. In cases where frictional effects to closing-velocity vector components directed along impact ground speeds.
are non-negligible, one may wish to use the more the normal axis (see for example, R. Brach’s planar
driver of 3755 pounds. The impact configuration is then integrated to get cumulative ∆𝑣. Figure 9 shows Crush Damage
shown in Figure 6. the longitudinal, lateral acceleration, and yaw rate
graphs from the laboratory-grade instruments. The The damage profile of the Chevy was documented by
The Chevy was instrumented with 2 laboratory-grade black lines show the acceleration values with a 60 CFC hand measurements as well as a Carlson total station.
+/-250G accelerometers and 1 laboratory-grade +/-600 Butterworth filter applied to the acceleration data. Two separate sets of measurements were taken by hand.
deg/sec rate gyro. The rate gyro was a Summit Figure 10 shows the corresponding longitudinal and One set of measurements included the induced damage,
Instruments model 31206B and the two accelerometers lateral ∆𝑣 graphs, as well as the change-in-yaw, which and one set of measurements included only the contact
were Measurement Specialties model 34208A (see were obtained by numerically integrating the damage. The hand measurements are shown in Table 2.
Figures 7 and 8). One accelerometer was mounted at the accelerometer and rate gyro data. From this data, we In the analysis that follows, the impulse centroid was
CG and the rate gyro was mounted just behind the CG taken at the point of maximum crush on the direct
estimate that the cumulative local ∆𝑣̅Chevy =
accelerometer mounted at the CG. The second (1.04 mph, −6.30 mph) . Correcting for vehicle contact damage only crush profile of the Chevy.
accelerometer was mounted on the firewall, inside the coordinate axis rotation (see “∆𝒗 in Continuous Time”
engine compartment. The measured locations of the section above) using yaw versus time, the global frame ∆𝑣𝑥 and ∆𝑣𝑦 Estimates
accelerometers are documented in Table 1. The position CG
values are ∆𝑣̅Chevy = (1.31 mph, −6.14 mph). Note,
of the rate gyro was not documented because angular 𝐶𝐺
the analyst will typically need global frame ∆𝑣̅ CG , and Using equations (81) and (82), the transformed ∆𝑣̅𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦
rate is constant within a rigid body. values were obtained. Because all parameters were not
therefore global frame ∆𝑣̅ A , for various calculations;
however, because yaw rate data often isn’t available in well controlled in the experiment, we used a Monte
The data acquisition equipment used for the laboratory- Carlo analysis script written for ROOT to obtain best-
grade equipment were two Vericom Computers EDR data, the analyst will not be able to precisely
calculate global frame ∆𝑣̅ A since the exact yaw versus estimates, as well as upper and lower limits for our
VC4000DAQs. The VC4000s were set to sample data 𝐶𝐺
∆𝑣̅𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦 values. The inputs used in the Monte Carlo
at 1000 Hz. One of the VC4000s was used to record time behavior is unknown. In the results that follow
below, the true ∆𝑣̅Chevy values from our accelerometer script are shown in Table 3. In our first round of results,
longitudinal and lateral acceleration data at the CG as we assumed no uncertainty on our EDR-based estimates
well as the yaw rate. The other VC4000 recorded at the CG are obtained by applying rotational
corrections to the components of 𝑎̅𝐶𝐺 (𝑡). We make no of ∆𝑣𝑥𝐴 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐴 . In the sections that follow, we explore
longitudinal and lateral acceleration at the firewall.
attempts to apply similar corrections to ∆𝑣̅Chevy in order the issue of EDR inaccuracies. Uniform probability
Acceleration along the z-axis was not recorded. All data
distributions were used for all inputs. The best-estimate
was stored as voltage, which was later post-processed to approximate the real-world scenario encountered by 𝐶𝐺
in ROOT [4] into accelerations and yaw rate. ∆𝑣̅𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦 and closing-speed were obtained by using the
many analysts.
best-estimate input values. The minimum and
Seven “ride-along” EDRs were installed in the Chevy Note, the 250 G accelerometers mounted at the firewall maximum values were obtained directly by finding the
(see Figure 7). A ride-along EDR is an airbag control did not record a crash pulse. endpoints of the resulting output distributions. The
module that is attached to the structure of a vehicle for accelerometer-based ∆𝑣̅ at the CG is shown in Table 4.
capturing the crash pulse. The EDRs used in this crash Rate Gyro Measurement The EDR-based results are shown in Table 5. The
test were GM sensing and diagnostic modules (SDM) differences between best-estimate EDR-based results
that were used in the 2005 to 2009 Chevrolet Trailblazer The rate gyro showed an average peak rate of 204.5 and results estimated from the accelerometer are shown
and GMC Envoys (Bosch cable 3293). Ride-along deg/sec and a rotation of 12.3° during the ~100 ms crash in Table 6. The average of the differences shown in this
EDRs are not connected to the vehicle’s CAN bus, so pulse. The integrated total rotation from impact to final table for both components is 0.25 mph.
no pre-crash data may be obtained. The ride-along rest was 134.6° (see Figure 11). Hand measurements
EDRs are powered by a small external battery back. In determined that the total rotation was 135° and that the The results from Tables 4, 5, and 6 are shown in Figure
the subject collision, four of the seven ride-along EDRs Chevy’s CG translated 15.3 feet to final rest. 17. The red line illustrates the accelerometer-based ∆𝑣𝑥
recorded an event. Two of the four ride-along EDRs and ∆𝑣𝑦 estimates. The gray boxes illustrate the
were installed in the trunk of the Chevy, close to the EDR Measurements uncorrected EDR-based ∆𝑣𝑥 and ∆𝑣𝑦 values. The black
impulse-centroid. One EDR was installed on the center dots represent the best-estimate EDR-based ∆𝑣𝑥 and
tunnel just behind the center-of-gravity, and two were Figure 12 depicts the location of the four EDRs used in ∆𝑣𝑦 values at the CG. The upper and lower bound
installed on the front passenger floor pan, to the right this analysis. corrected EDR values are illustrated by the black lines.
and ahead of the center-of-gravity. The two ride-along These results illustrate that the correction method
EDRs in the trunk were installed with their longitudinal EDR A was placed in the trunk, toward the rear, at properly brackets the accelerometer-based ∆𝑣𝑥 and ∆𝑣𝑦
axes aligned with the negative y-axis of the Chevy. The position (-7.8 ft, -1.5 ft) in the Chevy’s reference frame. estimates. Note, the shaded region about the red line
two ride-along EDRs in the passenger compartment The data obtained from EDR A is shown in Figure 13. indicates the minimum and maximum accelerometer-
were installed with their longitudinal axes aligned with EDRA
From this data, we estimate ∆𝑣̅Chevy = based ∆𝑣𝑥 and ∆𝑣𝑦 . The upper and lower bound
the positive y-axis of the Chevy. The measured (5.09 mph, −24.19 mph). estimates are based on randomly sampling the pre-
locations of the ride-along EDRs are documented in impact acceleration bias of the accelerometer, which
Table 1. EDR B was placed in the trunk, toward the front, at was estimated by examining data during a 10 second
position (-6.98 ft, -1.5 ft) in the Chevy’s reference frame. window before impact.
The crash test was documented with several video The data obtained from EDR B is shown in Figure 14.
cameras including one high-speed camera running at From this data, we EDRB
estimate ∆𝑣̅Chevy = Closing-speed Estimates
240 fps and one unmanned aerial system (UAS).
(5.09 mph, −21.01 mph).
Photographs were taken of both vehicles before and Table 7 shows the EDR-based closing speed estimates
after the crash test. The scene was photographed after for each EDR, along with the corresponding
EDR C was placed in the occupant cabin, behind the
the test and it was also documented with a Riegl 3-D uncertainties obtained using our Monte Carlo script.
center-of-gravity, at position (-0.67 ft, 0.0 ft) in the
laser scanner. The final rest positions of both vehicles
Chevy’s reference frame. The data obtained from EDR Table 8 shows the difference between the best-estimate
were documented with hand measurements, as well as EDR-based value closing-speed and the true value. The
C is shown in Figure 15. From this data, we estimate
the Riegl scanner and the UAS. EDRC average of the differences is approximately -2.7 mph.
∆𝑣̅Chevy = (0.64 mph, −6.37 mph).
Accelerometer Measurements Figure 18 illustrates the EDR-based closing-speed
EDR D was placed in the occupant cabin, in front of the
center-of-gravity, at position (0.3 ft, 0.73 ft) in the estimates versus source of EDR data. The black dots
Table 1 shows the location and the cumulative ∆𝑣 from represent the best-estimate. The lines represent the
the instruments and the ride-along EDRs. Locations are Chevy’s reference frame. The data obtained from EDR
D is shown in Figure 16. From this data, we estimate upper and lower-bound estimates. We see in
given with respect to the CGxy using SAE conventions. comparison to the true closing-speed, our EDR-based
The instrumentation-grade accelerometers were post- ∆𝑣̅Chevy = (0.0 mph, −5.73 mph).
estimates properly bracket the true results.
processed in ROOT from voltage to acceleration and
An example end-to-end calculation is provided in the sources such as those listed above will naturally study involving 2012 GM EDRs indicates that
Appendix 2. propagate to our estimates of ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 , as well as uncertainty in lateral ∆𝑣 component may be symmetric
to closing-speed. In some cases, the errors propagated about 0 and less than 10% [18]; however, such an
Uncertainty Due to EDR Inaccuracy and the ∆𝑣 to the final ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 estimates can be quite large experiment is likely less sensitive to clipping effects
Corridor due to delicate numerical cancelations between since the acceleration pulse used by the test apparatus is
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 𝐴
and ∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 and the inverse proportionality to |𝐑|. well controlled without large fluctuations. Another
In the above presented results, we assumed no This important issue is explored in more detail below. recent study on lateral ∆𝑣 EDR accuracy using vehicles
uncertainty on EDR-based estimates of ∆𝑣𝑥𝐴 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐴 ; from 2010 – 2012 model years (including GMs) that
however, inaccuracies on these input values can have In order to account for potential sources of error such as were subjected to side-impact tests as a part of the
important consequences for one’s minimum and those enumerated above, we examined EDR-based National Highway Safety Administration Side-Impact
maximum uncertainty range on ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 and versus accelerometer-based ∆𝑣 values for GM models New Car Assessment Program showed EDRs tended to
closing-speed. This is explored below. ranging from 2002 to 2009 production years from underestimate lateral ∆𝑣 [19].
references [5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. Using this data, a
The accuracy of ∆𝑣 estimates from EDRs has been the representative “ ∆𝑣 corridor” was constructed as a Figure 21 and Figure 22 illustrate ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 , ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 , and
subject of numerous studies [5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. Indeed, function of EDR ∆𝑣 (Figure 19 and Figure 20). Ideally, closing-speed applying the same corridor for both
the authors of reference [12] delineate a helpful such a corridor is defined based on bench test lateral and longitudinal components of the EDR ∆𝑣
checklist of potential error sources which can cause experiments where the orientation of a given EDR can values. For all three values, the uncertainty windows
inaccuracies in EDR-reported speed-change data. The be precisely controlled, and the input true ∆𝑣̅ at the have widened due to accounting for worst-case
reader is strongly encouraged to review this reference. accelerometer is known to a high degree of accuracy. potential EDR-based ∆𝑣 inaccuracies. How the analyst
We briefly summarize those error sources here: Unfortunately, such tests are rare, and therefore our can try to reduce the effect of such inaccuracies is
corridor relies on data mostly from staged collisions. discussed below.
1. Internal acceleration thresholds: Algorithm While staged collision data is quite useful for the
enable acceleration trigger threshold. researcher, using EDR data from staged collisions Mitigation of Uncertainties
Trigger threshold typically in range of 1g makes it difficult to disentangle ∆𝑣 inaccuracies due to
to 2g. physical effects such as vehicle rotation during impact Reduction of Input Uncertainties
2. Short EDR time-window: EDR time- versus inaccuracies due to underlying algorithm design
window for recording ∆𝑣 too short to and accelerometer performance characteristics. The usefulness of speed and change-in-speed estimates
capture full acceleration pulse. Can be Therefore, the corridor depicted in Figure 19 is meant can directly depend on the uncertainty of those
ruled out by examining if ∆𝑣 reaches to represent a worst-case potential minimum/maximum estimates. Though the uncertainties illustrated in Figure
maximum value and possibly decreases range for true ∆𝑣 as a function of our subject EDR ∆𝑣. 21 and Figure 22 appear formidable, they are primarily
prior to end of window. The corridor is defined as follows. For component j, we driven by only a few factors. For the ∆𝑣𝑥 and ∆𝑣𝑦
3. Long EDR time-window: Recording have for the lower-bound of the corridor: estimates, the most important contributor to uncertainty
window may be too long, which may cause is the a priori unknown EDR accuracy. This source of
post-impact ground-contact tire forces to ∆𝑣𝑗𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒,𝐿𝑜𝑤 = sign(∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 ) ∙ (1 − 10%)|∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 | uncertainty can be reduced if one has data from tests
contribute to ∆𝑣 over-estimates. This can conducted on the EDR of same year, make, and model
be ruled out by examining the EDR data for as the subject vehicle. Ideally, the tests would be
For the upper-bound, we have the piecewise continuous
a local ∆𝑣 maximum, possibly followed by function: conducted over a wide spectrum of ∆𝑣 values.
decrease, then an upward drift.
4. “Clipping”: The true acceleration at the 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒,𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ
∆𝑣𝑗 = The second largest contributor to uncertainty is related
EDR may exceed the EDR accelerometer’s to the physical location of the accelerometer onboard
minimum or maximum limit. This can sign(∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 ) ∙ (4.4 kph), for |∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 | ≤ 1.5 kph the EDR circuit board. This can be easily addressed by
cause a truncation of the true peak removing the EDR housing and visually locating and
2.9 kph
acceleration and therefore a corresponding sign(∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 ) ∙ (|∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 | + 2.9 kph), for 1.5 kph < |∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 | ≤
17% measuring the accelerometer with respect to the EDR’s
underestimate of ∆𝑣 . This may be geometrical center.
2.9 kph
discerned by looking for a flattened portion sign(∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 ) ∙ (1 + 17%) ∙ |∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 |, for |∆𝑣𝑗𝐸𝐷𝑅 | >
of the EDR’s acceleration curve if possible. Finally, the coefficient of restitution contributes to large
5. Off-axis: The EDR may be away from the Thus, for high ∆𝑣, the oft quoted ±10% uncertainty on uncertainties in closing-speed. Though a large range
vehicle CG. This is the subject of this paper. ∆𝑣, typically attributed to finite accelerometer accuracy (from 5% to 25%) was used in this analysis, based on
6. Vehicle crush: The EDR is located in the [13], becomes a +17% upper-bound uncertainty and data from staged collisions of similar severity
direct region of crush. This can cause an −10% lower-bound uncertainty. Thus, our uncertainty [15,16,17], using reasonable exemplar vehicles could
overestimate of ∆𝑣 since the crushed on ∆𝑣 is asymmetric. help narrow this range of restitution values.
region will undergo accelerations
exceeding that of the vehicle CG. This can For low ∆𝑣, the behavior is more complex due to both Use of Additional Constraints
also result in underestimates if the EDR threshold effects and offset effects (see Figure 20). The
orientation changes during the collision. threshold effects cause ∆𝑣 𝐸𝐷𝑅 = 0 for ∆𝑣 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 < Additional evidence collected during scene and vehicle
For example, material crushing could cause ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 , whereas for ∆𝑣 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 ≥ ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 , we inspections such as crush damage, departure angles, and
the EDR’s local x-axis to rotate into the have ∆𝑣 𝐸𝐷𝑅 = ∆𝑣 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 − ∆𝑣 𝑂𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑒𝑡 . This behavior can
post-impact trajectory lengths can be used to provide
vehicle’s x-y plane thereby causing the additional constraints on both closing-speed and ∆𝑣̅ 𝐶𝐺 .
be attributed to error type (1) and is explored in great
EDR to lose sensitivity to longitudinal 3D computer simulation applications can be used to
depth in reference [6]. For our ∆𝑣 corridor, we have
vehicle acceleration. quickly simulate post-impact trajectories over scene
∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 = 4.4 kph and ∆𝑣 𝑂𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑒𝑡 = 2.9 kph. A
7. EDR power loss: The EDR may lose power data. Such simulations can provide further constraints.
non-zero ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 implies, without any other
before completely recording ∆𝑣. This will This is explored in the next section.
knowledge, that ∆𝑣 = 0 may actually imply ∆𝑣 =
result in an underestimate of ∆𝑣.
∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 in the worst-case. This has important Full Virtual CRASH 4 Simulation
Depending on model year, the EDR report
consequences that are explored further below.
may indicate if an event’s recording is
complete. We performed a simulation of the 2018 IPTM Crash
With our ∆𝑣 corridor defined, we can now better Test 3 using Virtual CRASH 4 [20]. Virtual CRASH 4
understand our uncertainty ranges for ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 .
Because our formalism to obtain ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 relies is a software application for accident reconstruction
Note, the corridor described above was defined based
on ∆𝑣𝑥𝐴 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐴 as inputs, EDR errors introduced by which includes the ability to simulate motor vehicle
on tests related to longitudinal ∆𝑣. A recent bench test collisions using an impulse-momentum based model.
Starting with point cloud data created with the Pix4D non-homogenous condition ∆𝑣̅1𝐴 ≠ 0̅. We can describe 𝐴
∆𝑣1,𝑥 𝐶𝐺
∆𝑣1,𝑥 ∙ 𝑘12
𝐴 𝑟1,𝑦 = = 𝐶𝐺 𝐶𝐺
application [21] using drone photographs taken after the the 𝑅0 line as a function of 𝑟1,𝑥 : ∆𝜔1 𝑟1,𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 − 𝑟1,𝑦 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥
crash test, the data was automatically aligned using the
output .tfw file. A 3D surface mesh was created in
𝑘12 𝑟1,𝑥 𝐴
which implies:
Virtual CRASH 4 on top of which the simulated 𝑟1,𝑦 =− − ( ) ∙ 𝑟1,𝑥 (107)
𝑟1,𝑦 𝑟1,𝑦
vehicles were placed (Figure 23). The goal of the 𝐶𝐺
∆𝑣1,𝑦 𝐴
analysis was to determine if, primarily using knowledge − 𝐶𝐺 = 𝐴 (115)
Along the 𝑅0 line, we have for a: ∆𝑣1,𝑥 𝑟1,𝑦
of the post-impact motion of the vehicles and the crush
damage on the vehicles, we could use the simulation 𝐴
𝑟1,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑦 Therefore the 𝑅0 point must sit on a line going through
engine to find estimates for the Buick’s pre-impact 𝑎 =1+
ground speed. 𝑘12 the center-of-gravity that is also perpendicular to ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 .
𝑟1,𝑦 𝑘12 𝑟1,𝑥 𝐴
= 1 + 2 ∙ (− − ( ) ∙ 𝑟1,𝑥 ) 𝐴
Solving for 𝑟1,𝑥 in (115), then substituting into (107),
Focus on Post-Impact Motion 𝑘1 𝑟1,𝑦 𝑟1,𝑦 (108)
𝐴 we have:
𝑟1,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑥
In our subject crash, simply focusing on the post-impact = =1−𝑑
𝑘12 𝑘12 𝑟1,𝑥 𝐶𝐺
trajectory using the Virtual CRASH simulation model 𝐴 𝐴
𝑟1,𝑦 =− − ( ) ∙ (− 𝐶𝐺 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑦 ) (116)
can provide useful constraints on the |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 |,|∆𝜔
̅1 |, and 𝑟1,𝑦 𝑟1,𝑦 ∆𝑣1,𝑥
for b:
|∆𝜔̅ 2 | . Using the real-time feedback given by the
Virtual CRASH simulation engine, it is easy to probe, 𝐴
𝑟1,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑦 Solving the above for 𝑟1,𝑦 gives:
as initial conditions to the simulation, various 𝑏=− 2
combinations of ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 and ∆𝜔 ̅1 that simultaneously 𝑘1 𝐶𝐺
−∆𝑣1,𝑥 ∙ 𝑘12
satisfy (67) and the correct post-impact motion for the 𝑟1,𝑥 𝑘12 𝑟1,𝑥 𝐴
𝑟1,𝑦 = (117)
= − 2 ∙ (− − ( ) ∙ 𝑟1,𝑥 ) (109)
𝑟1,𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 − 𝑟1,𝑦 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥
Chevy as loose conditions. Using such an approach, we 𝑘1 𝑟1,𝑦 𝑟1,𝑦
can place rough upper and lower bounds on |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | and 𝑟1,𝑥
= ∙𝑑 Thus, comparing (117) to (114) confirms that the 𝑅0
|∆𝜔̅1 |, which can be included into our Monte Carlo 𝑟1,𝑦
script as selection cuts to eliminate Monte Carlo trials point must be a point on the 𝑅0 line. Much like the
that exceed those bounds. Using this same simulation ground contact point of an ideal (rigid) rolling wheel
and for c:
approach, we can also place constraints on |∆𝜔 ̅ 2 | by that is in motion with no slip, the 𝑅0 point can be
searching for upper bound values beyond which the 𝐴 thought of as the post-impact instantaneous center of
𝑟1,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑥
Buick’s post-impact heading is directed too far from its 𝑐=− rotation for all points within the vehicle. We can
𝑘12 (110) confirm this by defining a radial vector, 𝐿̅1 , originating
documented area of rest. The results of applying these 𝑟1,𝑦
simulation-based selection cuts to our Monte Carlo = ∙ (1 − 𝑑) from the 𝑅0 point and pointing to some point in the
𝑟1,𝑥 vehicle frame P (𝑟̅1𝑃 ). This vector is given by:
analysis are illustrated in Figure 24 and Figure 25. The
reduction in uncertainty for ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 and closing-speed is
Therefore, for an accelerometer on the 𝑅0 line, we have: ∆𝑣𝐶𝐺 ∆𝑣𝐶𝐺
evident. 𝐿̅1 = (𝑟1,𝑥
1,𝑦 𝑃
) 𝑥̂ + (𝑟1,𝑦 −
) 𝑦̂ (118)
𝑟1,𝑥 ∆𝜔1 ∆𝜔1
Simulation Optimization of Full Event ∆𝑣1,𝑥 = (1 − 𝑑) ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 + ∙ 𝑑 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦
𝑟1,𝑦 The change in velocity at this point is given by:
∆𝑣1,𝑦 = 𝐶𝐺
∙ (1 − 𝑑) ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 𝐶𝐺
+ 𝑑 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 (111)
In addition to using simulation for post-impact motion
studies, we also simulated the full collision event. Using ∆𝑣̅1𝑃 = (∆𝑣1,𝑥
− ∆𝜔1 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑦 )𝑥̂
the post-impact motion path of the Chevy and point of 𝐶𝐺 𝑃 (119)
which implies the components of ∆𝑣̅1𝐴 must be related +(∆𝑣1,𝑦 + ∆𝜔1 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑥 )𝑦̂
maximum crush as primary constraints, we obtained a
pre-crash ground speed of 28.9 mph for the Buick, in by:
Using (118) and (119), it is easy to show that 𝐿̅1 ∙ ∆𝑣̅1𝑃 =
good agreement with the known pre-impact speed. The 𝐴
∆𝑣1,𝑦 𝑟1,𝑦 0 and 𝐿̅1 × ∆𝜔̅ = ∆𝑣̅1𝑃 for any point P. This implies that
resulting simulated change-in-velocity for the Chevy is
𝐶𝐺 𝐴 = (112) the 𝑅0 point acts as the effective instantaneous center of
𝑣̅𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦 = (0.74 mph, 5.65 mph). This is also in good ∆𝑣1,𝑥 𝑟1,𝑥
rotation in the Earth frame for any point within vehicle
agreement with the values obtained from the
accelerometer-based estimate. The simulated motion This interesting result indicates that if an accelerometer
sequence can be seen in Figure 26. happens to sit on the 𝑅0 line, ∆𝑣̅1𝐴 will point either
Uncertainty Near the 𝑅0 Line
parallel or anti-parallel to the vector pointing from the
As demonstrated above, the uncertainties on ∆𝑣 center-of-gravity to the impulse-centroid. Comparing
Recall (81) and (82) tell us how to relate the true
corrections presented above can be sensitive to both this to the slope of the 𝑅0 line (equation (107)), the
change-in-velocity at the accelerometer position to the
EDR position and EDR inaccuracies. In the section vector ∆𝑣̅1𝐴 must be perpendicular to the 𝑅0 line.
true change-in-velocity at the CG. Let’s assume we
below we explore these dependencies in more detail. have perfect knowledge of our geometry parameters a,
With the condition |𝐑| = 0 , for the homogeneous
b, c, and d with no uncertainties. What effect does EDR
Implications of a Singular 𝐑 condition, ∆𝑣̅1𝐴 = 0̅ , we know we cannot solve for a measurement uncertainty have on our estimates of
unique ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 . We can, however, solve for the point change-in-velocity at the center-of-gravity? Suppose
Point of Zero Motion along the 𝑅0 line (the 𝑅0 point), which remains in its our accelerometer-based change-in-velocity estimates
pre-impact velocity state immediately after impact, by at A differ from the true values by a simple scale factor
Let’s examine the case where the impulse centroid and solving: (remember, we do not have access to the “true” value,
accelerometer can be at any arbitrary position within the but only the experimentally determined estimate). To
Chevy (vehicle 1). The condition |𝐑| = 0 implies: 𝐶𝐺 𝐴
0 ∆𝑣1,𝑥 − ∆𝜔1 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑦 simplify the analysis, let’s suppose the scale factor is
( ) = ( 𝐶𝐺 𝐴 ) (113)
0 ∆𝑣1,𝑦 + ∆𝜔1 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑥 the same for both components. That is:
𝑟1,𝑦 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑦 𝑟1,𝑥 ∙ 𝑟1,𝑥
1+ + =0 (106)
𝑘12 𝑘12 𝐴
for 𝑟1,𝑥 𝐴
and 𝑟1,𝑦 . This gives: 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
∆𝑣1,𝑥 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
= 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥
𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 (120)
∆𝑣1,𝑦 = 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦
Thus, there is an imaginary line (the 𝑅0 line) along 𝐶𝐺
∆𝑣1,𝑦 𝐶𝐺
−∆𝑣1,𝑦 ∙ 𝑘12
which we cannot solve for a unique ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 given the 𝑟1,𝑥 =− = (114)
∆𝜔1 𝐶𝐺
𝑟1,𝑥 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 𝐶𝐺
− 𝑟1,𝑦 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 For example, we may have 𝛽 = 1/(1 + 17%) as
shown in the above discussion on the ∆𝑣 corridor.
∆𝑣̅𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦 , this same pattern is observed in our closing- The intersection of these two zero-corridors defines a
With this, our change-in-velocity estimates at the CG speed results. “zero box” whose sides are given by 2 ∙ ∆𝑣𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 /∆𝜔1.
become: Within this box, we are guaranteed to have both
𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
Threshold Effects ∆𝑣1,𝑥 = 0 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 = 0 which implies our
1 𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡
𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑥 =
𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
∙ (𝑑 ∙ 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
− 𝑏 ∙ 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 ) calculations must yield ∆𝑣1,𝑥 = 0 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 =0
(121) We can gain more insight into the effects of the 𝑅0 line for EDRs within this box.
𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡
1 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
and 𝑅0 point using a forward evaluation calculation
∆𝑣𝑘,𝑦 = ∙ (−𝑐 ∙ 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 + 𝑎 ∙ 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 )
|𝑹| C++ script written for ROOT. In this script, we tested Figure 29 shows ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 assuming the
or: all possible EDR (x,y) positions within the Chevy. With 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
∆𝑣1,𝑥 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 values were adjusted to follow the
the script, we can assume a known ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 , as well as upper bound of the ∆𝑣 corridor ( ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 =
𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
∆𝑣1,𝑥 = 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 impulse centroid location. With the known (true)
𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 (122) 4.4 kph) and no corrections applied. Because of the
∆𝑣1,𝑦 = 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 impulse as an input, we can then use equations (76) and
𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 threshold, the ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 values are
(77) to simulate the exact ∆𝑣1,𝑥 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 values
dependent on position. All points within the white box,
Thus implying, if our change-in-velocity estimates expected at a given point within the vehicle. Starting
𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 including the 𝑅0 point, have ∆𝑣𝑥𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 = 0 and
obtained from our accelerometer differ from the true with these expected true ∆𝑣1,𝑥 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 , we can ∆𝑣𝑦𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 = 0; this yields the trivial solution: ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 =
value by a simple scale factor, we can expect our probe the effects introduced by EDR measurement error
change-in-velocity estimates at the center-of-gravity to 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 0 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 = 0. For this plot, we assume
by modifying them such that ∆𝑣1,𝑥 → ∆𝑣1,𝑥 and 𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
differ by the same scale factor with respect to the true 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 ∆𝑣1,𝑥 = 1.31 mph and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 = −6.14 mph.
∆𝑣1,𝑦 → ∆𝑣1,𝑦 , where our modifications are based
on behavior observed in staged collision data (see
𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 Figure 30 shows ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 assuming the
Figure 19). The ∆𝑣1,𝑥 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 values can then be 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
Now suppose instead, our accelerometer-based change- ∆𝑣1,𝑥 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 values were adjusted to follow the
used to calculate ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 . This is done for each point
in-velocity values at A differ from the true values by upper bound of the ∆𝑣 corridor ( ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 =
within the vehicle. Using this framework, we can also
(see reference [6] for examples): 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 4.4 kph) and corrections applied. Because ∆𝑣𝑥𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 → 0
study the effect of adding corrections back to ∆𝑣1,𝑥
𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 and ∆𝑣𝑦𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 → 0 for values below 4.4 kph, the
and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 to account for thresholding effects and
𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
correction applied in this region takes 0 kph →
∆𝑣1,𝑥 = 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 +𝛿 offsets. After adding corrections, we can then apply
(123) 2.9 kph.
𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
∆𝑣1,𝑦 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
= 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 +𝛿 equations (81) and (82) to obtain our estimates for
𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡
∆𝑣1,𝑥 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 as a function of EDR position.
𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
It is evident from Figure 27, Figure 29, and Figure 30
where 𝛿 may be due to an acceleration threshold effect. The results introduced below assume: ∆𝑣1,𝑥 = that near the 𝑅0 line, ∆𝑣̅ 𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 is extremely sensitive to
𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
1.04 mph and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 = −6.3 mph. measurement inaccuracies of ∆𝑣̅ 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 introduced by the
In this case, we have: measuring device. Even in cases where the exact
𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡
Figure 27 shows ∆𝑣1,𝑥 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 assuming no correction is known, threshold effects, which cause low
1 𝐴
𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡
∆𝑣1,𝑥 = 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
∙ (𝑑 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
− 𝑏 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 ) modifications to ∆𝑣̅1 and with no corrections applied. ∆𝑣𝑥𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 → 0 and low ∆𝑣𝑦𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 → 0, when corrected for,
|𝑹| As expected, the ∆𝑣1,𝑥 𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡
and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 values are
1 will still yield problematic regions near the 𝑅0 line
𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
∙ (𝑑 ∙ 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 − 𝑏 ∙ 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 ) constant and independent of position, except at the 𝑅0 where |∆𝑣̅ 𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 | can tend toward extremely large
𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
1 point where ∆𝑣1,𝑥 = 0 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 = 0 . Note, the values, and thus will greatly increase estimate
+ ∙ (𝑑 ∙ 𝛿 − 𝑏 ∙ 𝛿)
|𝑹| impulse centroid (“IC”) and impulse unit vector are also uncertainties. This is an irreducible effect that the
𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
1 (124) depicted in the figure. analyst should be aware of.
= 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 +𝛿∙ ∙ (𝑑 − 𝑏)
In low-speed tests of EDR performance, it has been In a recent study on combined EDR lateral and
and demonstrated that for a given EDR, there is a minimum longitudinal ∆𝑣 accuracy, it was demonstrated that for
𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
∆𝑣1,𝑗 value, ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 , below which we expect the 2012 EDRs tested, lateral ∆𝑣 error was symmetric
𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡
∆𝑣1,𝑦 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 about 0 and less than 10% [18]. Figure 31 illustrates the
∆𝑣1,𝑗 → 0 for component j. ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 is both EDR
1 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 combined effect of reducing longitudinal ∆𝑣 (using our
= ∙ (−𝑐 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 + 𝑎 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 ) dependent as well as dependent on peak acceleration
|𝑹| corridor) while leaving lateral ∆𝑣 unchanged.
1 and pulse width [4]. The upper-bound ∆𝑣 corridor line
𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝐴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
= ∙ (−𝑐 ∙ 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑥 + 𝑎 ∙ 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 ) shown in Figure 19 is constructed assuming a worst-
|𝑹| Finally, to illustrate the dependence on PDOF, Figure
1 case scenario ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 = 4.4 kph. It is easy to solve
+ ∙ (−𝑐 ∙ 𝛿 + 𝑎 ∙ 𝛿) 32 illustrates the changing behavior of ∆𝑣𝑥𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 and
|𝑹| for “zero-corridors” within the x-y plane where either
1 (125) 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 ∆𝑣𝑦𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 versus various PDOFs assuming |∆𝑣̅ | = 5 mph.
𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
= 𝛽 ∙ ∆𝑣1,𝑦 +𝛿∙ ∙ (𝑎 − 𝑐)
∆𝑣1,𝑥 or ∆𝑣1,𝑦 will always equal 0 (assuming the
|𝑹| worst-case scenario in both lateral and longitudinal
𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 Conclusions
𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐶𝐺 𝐸𝑠𝑡
directions). The ∆𝑣1,𝑦 zero-corridor is defined along
Thus, here we see the ∆𝑣1,𝑥 and ∆𝑣1,𝑦 values will the x-axis by:
differ from the true values by terms dependent on 1/|𝑹|. Using a 2D rigid-body dynamics approach, we have
This can have important consequences for one’s 𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 created a mathematical model which allows one to
−𝑣1,𝑦 − ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
−∆𝑣1,𝑦 + ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑
uncertainty analysis. That is, if our accelerometer is 𝐴
≤ 𝑟1,𝑥 ≤ transform change-in-velocity estimates at any position
∆𝜔1 ∆𝜔1 within a vehicle to the center-of-gravity equivalent
moved closer to the 𝑅0 line, we can expect our
uncertainty on ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 to increase if ∆𝑣̅1𝐴 differs from the 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴
value. We have demonstrated the method by
Within this corridor, ∆𝑣1,𝑦 = 0 for any 𝑟1,𝑦 . Similarly, reproducing experimentally measured change-in-
true value by a linear constant. This means, when 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡
the ∆𝑣𝑥 zero-corridor is given by:
conducting an error analysis, we should expect to see velocity values from a staged collision. We have also
larger error bars for EDRs near the 𝑅0 line. This is 𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒
demonstrated the possibility of reconstructing pre-
𝑣1,𝑥 − ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 ∆𝑣 𝐶𝐺 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 + ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 impact ground speeds with the Virtual CRASH
indeed what we see in our data. For our subject crash, 𝐴
≤ 𝑟1,𝑦 ≤ 1,𝑥
∆𝜔1 ∆𝜔1 simulation.
we estimate the 𝑅0 line to intersect with the center-line
of the Chevy about 9 inches behind the front axle. In our 𝐴 𝐸𝑠𝑡 𝐴
Within this corridor, ∆𝑣1,𝑥 = 0 for any 𝑟1,𝑥 . About the Authors
results presented above, it is observed that the
uncertainty range in ∆𝑣̅𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦 increases as the EDR Figure 28 illustrates zero corridors using the upper- Bob Scurlock, Ph.D., ACTAR, is a Research Associate
position gets closer to the front axle. Since closing- bound ∆𝑣 corridor line condition where ∆𝑣 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 = at the University of Florida, Department of Physics. He
speed is directly proportional to the magnitude of 4.4 kph. is also the owner Scurlock Scientific Services, LLC, an
accident reconstruction consulting firm based out of
Gainesville, Florida, USA. He is also the CEO of [12] N. Rose, W. Bortles, and N. Carter, “Motorcycle
Virtual CRASH, LLC. He can be reached at Accident Reconstruction: Applicable Error Rates for Struck Vehicle EDR-Reported Delta-V”, Collision
Andrew Rich, BSME, ACTAR, is the owner of Rich Magazine Volume 12, Issue 1, 2019.
Consulting LLC, an accident reconstruction consulting
firm based out of Fairlawn, Ohio, USA. He can be [13] A. Childester et al., “Recording Automotive Crash
reached at: Event Data”, International Symposium on
Transportation Recorders, Arlington VA, 1999.
Kyle Poe is an undergraduate research assistant in
Physics at the University of Florida. [14] D. MacInnis, W. Cliff, and K. Ising, “A
Comparison of Moment of Inertia Estimation
Acknowledgements Techniques for Vehicle Dynamics Simulation”, Society
of Automotive Engineers, 970951.
The authors thank the 2018 IPTM crash team for their
hard work putting together this crash test. They would [15] B. Scurlock, “Reconstruction of 60-degree Front-
also like to thank Jeremy Daily, Ph.D. for the use of his to-Side Staged Collisions with the Virtual CRASH
instrumentation. Software Application”, VC White Paper,
[16] M. Bailey et al., “Data from Five Staged Car to Car
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[2] M. Marine and S. Werner, “Delta-V Analysis from Staged Collisions with PC-Crash’s Optimizer”, Society
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Particles and Systems, Fifth Edition”, Harcourt College 1448.
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[19] A. Tsoi, N. Johnson, and H. Gabler, “Validation of
[4] B. Scurlock, “Use of ROOT in Vehicular Accident Event Data Recorders in Side-Impact Crash Test”,
Reconstruction”, Accident Reconstruction Journal, Vol. Society of Automotive Engineers, 2014-01-0503.
21, No. 3, 2011, Cornell University Library
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[5] W. Bortles et al., “A Compendium of Passenger [21]

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[7] A. Tsoi et al., “Validation of Event Data Recorders

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[8] C. Gabler, C. Thor, and J. Hinch, “Preliminary

Evaluation of Advanced Air Bag Field Performance
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[9] P. Niehoff et al., “Evaluation of Event Data

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[10] J. Comeau, A. German, and D. Dalmotas, “Crash

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Instrument X (ft) Y (ft) Δvx (mph) vy (mph) Remarks
250G Accel. 0.00 0.00 1.29 -3.94 At CGxy position
250G Accel. 2.83 0.31 N/A N/A In engine compartment
EDR A -7.80 -1.50 5.09 -24.19 In trunk near impulse
EDR B -6.98 -1.50 5.09 -21.01 In trunk near impulse
EDR C -0.67 0.00 0.64 -6.37 Just behind CGxy
EDR D 0.30 0.73 0.0 5.73 Passenger-front floor pan
Table 1: Location of instruments and cumulative ∆𝒗 values.

Measurement Contact Damage Only (in) Contact and Induced

Damage (in)
Indentation Length (L) 23.0 38.0
Offset (D) -91.5 -84.0
C1 13.0 13.0
C2 16.5 16.5
C3 15.5 13.0
C4 14.0 12.0
C5 12.0 3.0
C6 8.0 0.0
Calculated Damage Centroid
-92.4 -89.2
Longitudinal Position
Calculated Damage Centroid
27.0 27.5
Lateral Position
Table 2: Chevy damage profile hand measurements
Input Parameter Best Estimate Uncertainty Uncertainty Basis
LeSabre Pre-impact Heading -90 degrees ±5 degrees Video analysis
𝐼𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦 1836.7 slug-ft2 ±4.8% [14]
𝐼𝐵𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘 2683.3 slug-ft2 ±4.8% [14]
(𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑥 , 𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑦 ) in Chevy frame (−7.8 ft , −1.5 ft) (±4 in , ±2 in) Geometrical size of EDR
(𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑥 , 𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑦 ) in Chevy frame (−6.98 ft , −1.5 ft) (±4 in , ±2 in) Geometrical size of EDR
(𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑥 , 𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑦 ) in Chevy frame (−0.67 ft , 0 ft) (±4 in , ±2 in) Geometrical size of EDR
(𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑥 , 𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑦 ) in Chevy frame (0.3 ft , 0.73 ft) (±4 in , ±2 in) Geometrical size of EDR
Sampling distance /
(𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑥 , 𝑟𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑦 ) in Chevy frame (−8.2 ft , 1.46 ft) (±4.6 in , ± 1 in)
Measuring uncertainty
(𝑟𝐵𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘,𝑥 , 𝑟𝐵𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘,𝑦 ) in Buick frame (7.05 ft , 1.3 ft) (Range = −1 ft to 0 ft , 0 ft) Measuring uncertainty
𝜀 15% ±10% [15,16,17]
(∆𝑣𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑥 , ∆𝑣𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑦 ) in Chevy frame (5.09 mph , −24.19 mph) See discussion in text. See discussion in text.
(∆𝑣𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑥 , ∆𝑣𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑦 ) in Chevy frame (5.09 mph , −21.01 mph) See discussion in text. See discussion in text.
(∆𝑣𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑥 , ∆𝑣𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑦 ) in Chevy frame (0.64 mph , −6.37 mph) See discussion in text. See discussion in text.
(∆𝑣𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑥 , ∆𝑣𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑣𝑦,𝑦 ) in Chevy frame (0.0 mph , −5.73 mph) See discussion in text. See discussion in text.

Table 3: Inputs to Monte Carlo script.

Source ∆𝒗𝑪𝑮 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆
𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒗𝒚,𝒙 ∆𝒗𝑪𝑮 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆

Accelerometer (local) 1.04+0.28

−0.28 mph −6.3+0.25
−0.25 mph
Accelerometer (global) 1.31+0.27
−0.27 mph −6.14+0.27
−0.27 mph

Table 4: EDR-based ∆𝒗 estimates at Chevy CG (Equations 81 and 82).

Source ∆𝒗𝑪𝑮 𝑬𝒔𝒕

𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒗𝒚,𝒙 ∆𝒗𝑪𝑮 𝑬𝒔𝒕

EDR A 1.62+0.90
−0.97 mph −6.17+0.62
−0.67 mph

EDR B 1.83+0.55
−0.61 mph −5.85+0.62
−0.67 mph

EDR C 0.64+0.39
−0.40 mph −5.07+0.61
−0.64 mph

EDR D 1.76+1.05
−0.66 mph −6.45+0.80
−1.32 mph

Table 5: EDR-based local ∆𝒗 estimates at Chevy CG (Equations 81 and 82).

Source 𝜹∆𝒗𝑪𝑮,𝑩𝒆𝒔𝒕
𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒗𝒚,𝒙 𝜹∆𝒗𝑪𝑮,𝑩𝒆𝒔𝒕
EDR A 0.31 mph 0.03 mph
EDR B 0.52 mph 0.29 mph
EDR C −0.67 mph 1.07 mph
EDR D 0.45 mph −0.31 mph

Table 6: Difference between best estimate ∆𝒗 and accelerometer value.

Source Closing-speed
EDR A 25.82+7.21
−3.57 mph

EDR B 24.56+6.70
−3.89 mph

EDR C 21.44+8.51
−4.94 mph
EDR D +15.38
27.07−7.48 mph

Table 7: EDR-based closing-speed estimates.

Best Closing-
speed Difference
EDR A −1.18 mph
EDR B −2.44 mph
EDR C −5.56 mph
EDR D 0.02 mph
Table 8: Difference between best EDR-based closing-speed estimates and true value.
Figure 1: Illustration of point P position vector in inertial and moving frames.
Figure 2: Illustration of instantaneous cylindrical coordinate unit vectors at accelerometer position A.
Figure 3: Illustration of instantaneous cylindrical coordinate unit vectors at accelerometer position A in simplified
model. Here the angular velocity vector is aligned with the global z-axis and 𝒓̅𝑨𝒌 lies in the 𝒙
̂′ − 𝒚
̂′ plane
Figure 4: Photograph of 1998 Chevy Malibu in its pre-impact configuration (target

Figure 5: Photograph of 2002 Buick LeSabre (bullet vehicle).



Figure 6: Impact configuration

Summit Instruments accelerometer and rate gyro

“Ride along” EDR

“Ride along” EDR (“EDR D”)

Figure 7: Photograph showing accelerometer and two "ride along" ACMs inside Chevy Malibu cabin.
Summit Instruments accelerometer Summit Instruments rate gyro

Figure 8: Close-up view of accelerometer and rate gryo.

Figure 9: Longitudinal (top) and lateral (middle) acceleration graphs from accelerometer as well as yaw rate (bottom). Black
lines illustrate acceleration with CFC60 Butterworth filter applied, while gray shows unfiltered data.
Figure 10: Cumulative longitudinal (top) and lateral (middle) change-in-velocity graphs, as well as
change-in-yaw (bottom).
Figure 11: Yaw rate versus time reported by rate gyro. Gray shows unfiltered data and black
shows 60CFC Butterworth filter applied.
Figure 12: Positions of EDRs A, B, C, and D.
Figure 13: Data from EDR A obtained using CDR kit. Upper graph and table show longitudinal change-in-velocity
(in EDR A's frame). The bottom graph and table show lateral change-in-velocity (in EDR A's frame).
Figure 14: Data from EDR B obtained using CDR kit. Upper graph and table show longitudinal change-in-velocity (in
EDR B's frame). The bottom graph and table show lateral change-in-velocity (in EDR B's frame).
Figure 15: Data from EDR C obtained using CDR kit. Upper graph and table show longitudinal change-in-velocity
(in EDR C's frame). The bottom graph and table show lateral change-in-velocity (in EDR C's frame).
Figure 16: Data from EDR D obtained using CDR kit. Upper graph and table show longitudinal change-in-velocity
(in EDR D's frame). The bottom graph and table show lateral change-in-velocity (in EDR D's frame).
Figure 17: Longitudinal (top) and lateral (bottom) ∆𝒗 displayed for each EDR. In red we show the accelerometer
measured ∆𝒗 values. Gray dots represent the EDR ∆𝒗 values without correction. Black dots represent the best-
estimate ∆𝒗 values based on correcting EDR data, along with minimum and maximum estimates. Here no
uncertainties for EDR ∆𝒗 input values are accounted for.
Figure 18: In red we show the true closing-speed for the test. Black dots represent the best-estimate closing-speed values based on correcting
EDR data, along with minimum and maximum estimates. Here no uncertainties for EDR ∆𝒗 input values are accounted for.
Figure 19: ∆𝒗 corridor defining the upper and lower true ∆𝒗 versus EDR ∆𝒗.
Figure 20: ∆𝒗 corridor defining the upper and lower true ∆𝒗 versus EDR ∆𝒗. Here we focus on low EDR ∆𝒗
Figure 21: Longitudinal (top) and lateral (bottom) ∆𝒗 displayed for each EDR. In red we show the accelerometer measured ∆𝒗 values.
Gray dots represent the EDR ∆𝒗 values without correction. Black dots represent the best-estimate ∆𝒗 values based on correcting EDR
data, along with minimum and maximum estimates. Here we apply the same ∆𝒗 corridor to both lateral and longitudinal components.
Figure 22: In red we show the true closing-speed for the test. Black dots represent the best-estimate closing-speed values based on correcting
EDR data, along with minimum and maximum estimates. Here no uncertainties for EDR ∆𝒗 input values are accounted for. Here we apply the
same ∆𝒗 corridor to both lateral and longitudinal components.
Figure 23: 3D simulation environment created in Virtual CRASH 4 using point cloud data.
Figure 24: Longitudinal (top) and lateral (bottom) ∆𝒗 displayed for each EDR. In red we show the accelerometer measured ∆𝒗
values. Gray dots represent the EDR ∆𝒗 values without correction. Black dots represent the best-estimate ∆𝒗 values based on
correcting EDR data, along with minimum and maximum estimates. Here we apply the same ∆𝒗 corridor to both lateral and
longitudinal components. Monte Carlo selection cuts based on post-impact motion studies conducted with Virtual CRASH 4 are used
to reduce the uncertainty range.
Figure 25: In red we show the true closing-speed for the test. Black dots represent the best-estimate closing-speed values based on correcting
EDR data, along with minimum and maximum estimates. Here no uncertainties for EDR ∆𝒗 input values are accounted for. Here we apply the
same ∆𝒗 corridor to both lateral and longitudinal components. Monte Carlo selection cuts based on post-impact motion studies conducted with
Virtual CRASH 4 are used to reduce the uncertainty range.
Figure 26: Diagram showing Virtual CRASH 4 simulation sequence.
No adjustments with no correction

Figure 27: (Top) Estimated |∆𝒗𝒙 | at the center-of gravity as a function of EDR position, assuming no thresholds or corrections are applied.
(Bottom) Estimated |∆𝒗𝒚 | at the center-of gravity as a function of EDR position, assuming no thresholds or corrections are applied. Note, view is
from below vehicle looking up.
Figure 28: Zero-corridors shown in yellow highlighted areas for ∆𝒗𝑨𝟏,𝒙𝑬𝒔𝒕 (top) and ∆𝒗𝑨𝟏,𝒚𝑬𝒔𝒕 (bottom) assuming ∆𝒗𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅 = 𝟒. 𝟒 𝐤𝐩𝐡. Note, view is from
below vehicle looking up.
Adjustment applied with ∆𝒗𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅 = 𝟒. 𝟒 𝐤𝐩𝐡, no correction

Figure 29: (Top) Estimated |∆𝒗𝒙 | at the center-of gravity as a function of EDR position. (Bottom) Estimated |∆𝒗𝒚 | at the center-of gravity as a
function of EDR position. In both cases, ∆𝒗𝑨𝒙 𝑬𝒔𝒕 and ∆𝒗𝑨𝒚 𝑬𝒔𝒕 were adjusted values following upper limit of the ∆v corridor. No corrections were
applied. An EDR within the white box will result in ∆𝒗𝑨𝒙 𝑬𝒔𝒕 = 𝟎 and ∆𝒗𝑨𝒚 𝑬𝒔𝒕 = 𝟎. Note, view is from below vehicle looking up.
Adjustment applied with ∆𝒗𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅 = 𝟒. 𝟒 𝐤𝐩𝐡, with correction

Figure 30: (Top) Estimated |∆𝒗𝒙 | at the center-of gravity as a function of EDR position. (Bottom) Estimated |∆𝒗𝒚 | at the center-of gravity as a
function of EDR position. In both cases, ∆𝒗𝑨𝒙 𝑬𝒔𝒕 and ∆𝒗𝑨𝒚 𝑬𝒔𝒕 were adjusted values following upper limit of the ∆v corridor. Corrections were
applied. An EDR within the white box will result in ∆𝒗𝑨𝒙 𝑬𝒔𝒕 = 𝟐. 𝟗 𝐤𝐩𝐡 and ∆𝒗𝑨𝒚 𝑬𝒔𝒕 = 𝟐. 𝟗 𝐤𝐩𝐡. Note, view is from below vehicle looking up.


Figure 31: Estimated |∆𝒗𝒙 | and |∆𝒗𝒚 | at the center-of gravity as a function of EDR position given: (a) longitudinal ∆𝒗 reduced using corridor
and unmodified lateral ∆𝒗, (b) longitudinal ∆𝒗 reduced using corridor followed by inverse correction and unmodified lateral ∆𝒗.
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 32: Estimated |∆𝒗𝒙 | and |∆𝒗𝒚 | at the center-of-gravity as a function of EDR position given for |∆𝒗
̅| = 5 mph: (a) impulse at -90 degrees,
unmodified longitudinal ∆𝒗 and unmodified lateral ∆𝒗, (b) impulse at -90 degrees, longitudinal ∆𝒗 reduced using corridor and unmodified
lateral ∆𝒗, (c) impulse at -135 degrees, longitudinal ∆𝒗 reduced using corridor and unmodified lateral ∆𝒗, (d) impulse at -45 degrees,
longitudinal ∆𝒗 reduced using corridor and unmodified lateral ∆𝒗.
Appendix 1

The closing-velocity ambiguity problem

where A, B, and C are known: With known vehicle 1 departure angle, thus giving 𝑣̂1,𝑓 ,
Typically, the analyst would like to use EDR ∆𝑣 to we then also have 𝜃1𝑖 and 𝛽1𝑖 . This implies we can
arrive at some estimates of pre-impact ground speeds 𝐴 = −𝑣̂1,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 = 𝑣̂1,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂2𝐶𝐺 𝐶𝐺
solve for both |𝑣̅1,𝑓 𝐶𝐺
| and |𝑣̅1,𝑖 | using the law of sines
for the interacting vehicles; however, our key result, above. With this, x is given by:
given by (101), does not yield ground speeds, but rather 𝐵 = 𝑣̂2,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 = −𝑣̂2,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂2𝐶𝐺
the projection of the closing-velocity vector onto the |sin(𝛽1𝑖 )|
axis given by the impulse vector for vehicle 1, thus 1 |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | |∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 | 𝑥 = |𝑣̅1,𝑖 | = |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | ∙
𝐶= ∙( + ) |sin(𝜃1𝑖 )|
leaving the component tangent to the vehicle 1 impulse
1+𝜀 𝛾1 𝛾2
vector axis undetermined. It is possible, in some cases,
to resolve this ambiguity problem by either using more Thus, we can now easily solve for 𝑦:
information, such as departure angles, or using a and x and y are unknown:
simplified system where one vehicle is initially at rest. 𝐶𝐺 𝑦 = |𝑣̅2,𝑖 |= − 𝑥
Resolving the ambiguity problem is explored in this 𝑥 = |𝑣̅1,𝑖 | 𝐵 𝐵
appendix 5 . Note, in the presentation below, it is
assumed that the orientations at impact are known for
𝑦 = |𝑣̅2,𝑖 | If, on the other hand, the vehicle 2 departure angle is
the vehicles. Impact orientation is needed in order to use known, this implies we have 𝑣̂2,𝑓 , and therefore 𝜃2𝑖 and
much of the formalism presented in this paper. Here, 𝑥 and 𝑦 are free parameters, thus causing an 𝛽2𝑖 . In this case, we know y:
ambiguity in 𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 . This ambiguity can be solved if one
Starting with (100): |sin(𝛽2𝑖 )|
vehicle is initially at rest; however, if both vehicles are 𝐶𝐺
𝑦 = |𝑣̅2,𝑖 | = |∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 | ∙
initially in motion, the ambiguity can be solved if a |sin(𝜃2𝑖 )|
|∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | |∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 | departure angle is known for one of the vehicles.
−(1 + 𝜀) ∙ (𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ) = +
𝛾1 𝛾2 Thus, we can now easily solve for 𝑥:
From the law of sines, we know:
From this we have: 𝐶𝐺
𝑥 = |𝑣̅1,𝑖 |= − 𝑦
|∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | |𝑣̅1,𝑓 | 𝐶𝐺
|𝑣̅1,𝑖 | 𝐴 𝐴
1 |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | |∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 | = =
−𝑣̅𝑅𝑒𝑙,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 = ∙( + ) |sin(𝜃1𝑖 )| |sin(𝛼1𝑖 )| |sin(𝛽1𝑖 )|
1+𝜀 𝛾1 𝛾2 Solving for non-zero initial speed when other vehicle is
initially at rest
Next, we distribute dot product:
If one vehicle is initially at rest, no departure angles are
|∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 | |𝑣̅2,𝑓 | |𝑣̅2,𝑖 | needed to resolve the closing-velocity ambiguity
−(𝑣̅1,𝑖 − 𝑣̅2,𝑖 ) ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 = =
|sin(𝜃2𝑖 )| |sin(𝛼2𝑖 )| |sin(𝛽2𝑖 )| problem. Suppose we know vehicle 2 is initially at rest.
= −𝑣̅1,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 + 𝑣̅2,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺
With 𝑦 = 0, in this case, our above equation reduces to:
1 |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | |∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 |
= ∙( + )
1+𝜀 𝛾1 𝛾2 where, 𝐶𝐺
𝑥 = |𝑣̅1,𝑖 |=
Factoring out the magnitude of 𝑣̅1,𝑖 and 𝑣̅2,𝑖 gives: 𝜃1𝑖 = cos −1 |𝑣̂1,𝑖 ∙ 𝑣̂1,𝑓 |
−1 𝐶𝐺
𝛼1𝑖 = cos |𝑣̂1,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 | If, on the other hand, vehicle 1 is initially at rest, we
−𝑣̅1,𝑖 𝑃
∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 + 𝑣̅2,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 𝐶𝐺 have 𝑥 = 0, and therefore:
𝛽1𝑖 = cos−1 |𝑣̂1,𝑓 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 |
= −(𝑣̂1,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1 ) ∙ |𝑣̅1,𝑖 | + (𝑣̂2,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ) ∙ |𝑣̅2,𝑖 |
and 𝑦 = |𝑣̅2,𝑖 |=
Therefore, we have: 𝐵
𝜃2𝑖 = cos−1 |𝑣̂2,𝑖 ∙ 𝑣̂2,𝑓 |
−(𝑣̂1,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ) ∙ |𝑣̅1,𝑖 | + (𝑣̂2,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ) ∙ |𝑣̅2,𝑖 | −1 𝐶𝐺
𝛼2𝑖 = cos |𝑣̂2,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂2𝐶𝐺 |
1 |∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 | |∆𝑣̅2𝐶𝐺 | 𝐶𝐺
𝛽2𝑖 = cos −1 |𝑣̂2,𝑓 ∙ ∆𝑣̂2𝐶𝐺 |
= ∙( + )
1+𝜀 𝛾1 𝛾2
Note, in the special case where, at the moment of impact,
Let us assume the special case that for each vehicle, the 𝐶𝐺
𝑣̂1,𝑖 𝐶𝐺
is aligned with vehicle 1’s local x axis and 𝑣̂2,𝑖 is
initial velocity vector at the effective point of contact, aligned with vehicle 2’s local x axis, 𝛼1𝑖 and 𝛼2𝑖 are
P, is the same as at the CG. Therefore: equivalent to each vehicle’s principal direction of force
−(𝑣̂1,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ) ∙ |𝑣̅1,𝑖 | + (𝑣̂2,𝑖 ∙ ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 ) ∙ |𝑣̅2,𝑖 |
|∆𝑣̅ 𝐶𝐺 | |∆𝑣̅ 𝐶𝐺 |
1 1 2 Again, we assume the vehicle orientations at impact are
= ∙( + )
1+𝜀 𝛾1 𝛾2 known. This implies that 𝛼1𝑖 and 𝛼2𝑖 are known. We
are now ready to examine some special cases that help
The above is in the form: resolve the closing-velocity ambiguity problem.

𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑦 = 𝐶 Known vehicle departure angle

Note, in this model, where ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 is approximately generally applicable formalism, where ∆𝑣̅1𝐶𝐺 is impact mechanics). This topic will be considered in a
aligned with the direction of crush, we define restitution represented in a normal “crush axis” and tangent future article.
as the point of contact negative ratio of separation- “friction axis” basis, and where restitution is defined as
velocity to closing-velocity vector components directed the point of contact negative ratio of separation-velocity
along the ∆𝑣̂1𝐶𝐺 axis. In cases where frictional effects to closing-velocity vector components directed along
are non-negligible, one may wish to use the more the normal axis (see for example, R. Brach’s planar
Appendix 2

Example calculation using data from EDR A.

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