Analysis of Financial Performance: A Comparative Study Between Private Commercial Conventional & Islamic Banks in Bangladesh
Analysis of Financial Performance: A Comparative Study Between Private Commercial Conventional & Islamic Banks in Bangladesh
Analysis of Financial Performance: A Comparative Study Between Private Commercial Conventional & Islamic Banks in Bangladesh
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2 authors, including:
Meshkat Mahbub
International Islamic University Malaysia
All content following this page was uploaded by Meshkat Mahbub on 21 December 2016.
Abstract: Now a day's most of the depositor, Muslim or Non-Muslim both are interested in the Islamic bank.
The rationales of the study for this report are analyzed financial performance of both types of banks, find out
differences between deposit management process of these two banks, and investment policy which these two
types of banks are following and what is the main objective & achievement of these two banks and overall
financial health of these two types of banks as they operate their banking business based on two different
principles. The study would focus on the area of financial analysis, performance analysis of private
conventional and Islamic banks in Bangladesh. This paper covers profitability analysis, operational efficiency
analysis, soundness of management and contribution to society. Each of the above areas would be critically
analyzed. For the bindings of security, all the data could not be enclosed in this paper.
Keywords: Conventional, Depositors, Islamic, NCB, Performance
I. Introduction
Performance demonstrates success or failure of any association. By breaking down money related
execution we can choose the similar position. In this paper, we will attempt to make a relative investigation of
budgetary execution between Private Conventional and Islamic Banks in Bangladesh. Managing an accounting
framework is the lifeblood of the entire economy. Banks are the exceptionally old type of money related
establishment that channel abundance stores from surplus unit to deficiency unit with regards to a cost called
Interest. Saving money business certainly settled on a relationship of Debtor-Creditor between the surplus unit
called investors and the bank and between the shortage unit called borrowers and the bank. Our Banking
framework is partitioned into various fragments like Islamic keeping money, Conventional banking. Islamic
managing an account having particular methods of operations when contrasted with customary banks has been
beginning in the 1970s to address the issue of Riba. The committed and clever people, proficient financiers,
Islamic business analysts and religious scholars are credited to be a pioneer of Islamic saving money. Its
theories and standards are, however, not new having been sketched out in the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of
Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) over 1,400 years prior. The rise of Islamic managing an account is regularly
identified with the restoration of Islamic money related framework which is absolutely usury (Riba) free. There
was no underlying working model to follow up on, with the exception of the possibility that premium based
keeping money may be supplanted by betting on the premise of benefit and-misfortune sharing. The essential
reason for without Riba money related framework was the end of all premium based exchanges. Exertion for the
foundation of this framework occurred when the money related framework everywhere, as additionally the
administrative environment, was Riba-based. Islamic managing an account is in operation in Bangladesh from
the year 1983. There are 30 private business banks out of which just 7 banks are working on the standards laid
by the Islamic Shariah and other 23 banks are customary (premium based) banks. The development of Islamic
saving money merits watching. Islamic banks and the others opening Islamic keeping money wing is
demonstrating that there is the business opportunity worth taking. The intensity of Islamic manages an account
with the routine bank gives the activity to look at the benefit between these two extraordinary frameworks of
saving money. The motivation behind this paper is to research which sort of keeping money is more productive
and what are the conceivable explanations behind predominance for the specific sort. The Islamic Banking
industry has as of late become colossally and has extended broadly, mirroring an expanding enthusiasm for
Sharia-consistent items and administrations. Similar execution examination of Private customary and Islamic
saving money framework is my primary target. In spite of the fact that we have a place with the Muslim nation
yet, ordinary banks are expanding step by step in contrast with Islamic banks. In any case, it is an awesome
matter that both ordinary and Islamic managing an account frameworks are making a huge commitment to our
3. Newly established 9 banks are also excluded because of lack of sufficient data.
The only secondary source of information has been consulted to make a comparative study between the Private
Conventional and Islamic banks in Bangladesh.
Secondary sources: Secondary information was collected from following ways:
1. Scheduled bank statistics.
2. Website of Southeast Bank Limited.
3. The Web sites of scheduled banks.
4. Scheduled Bank Statistics.
5. Annual Reports of Bangladesh Bank.
6. Financial Information of all financial institutions by Bangladesh Bank.
7. Bangladesh Bank Bulletin.
Hypothesis Testing: The hypothesis testing method was used to analyze the data and after analyzing the study
we tried to find out whether the hypothesis that given here were right or wrong. Here we also used Regression
Dependent Variable: Net Profit
Independent Variable: Deposit, Loan, Investment
Figure no: 01
Average Deposit per bank measures the amount of deposit collected by each bank. The formula is (Total
Amount of Deposit collected by all banks)/ Total number of banks.
Table no. 02 Average Deposit per bank by types of banks (Tk. In Million)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
PCCBs 47079 60064.9 73307.9 89481.8 108720 152285
IBS 55474.9 72037 87147.3 110828 142910 161995
Figure no. 02
Table 02 indicates average amount of deposit collected by per bank from 2008 to 2013 for PCCBs and
IBs in Bangladesh. For the bar chart we can say that average deposit collected by IBs is higher than PCCBs
throughout the years though the total amount of deposit collected by PCCBs is higher. And the increasing trend
of deposit of Islamic banks is the clients' interest and acceptance for interest-free banking.
The growth rate of Deposit measures the percentage at which amount of deposit increase or decrease by next
year. The formula is (Current year's deposit – Previous year's deposit)/ Previous year's deposit.
Figure no. 03
Table 03 indicates that the growth rate of deposit of the IBs was higher than Private conventional
banks. The trend of a growth rate of deposit fluctuates throughout the years for both types of banks and almost
same but Private conventional banks achieved the highest growth rate (40.07%) in 2013. This is a clear
indication of how trustworthy the Islamic banks are to the depositors of the country. In this connection, it is
worth mentioning that the growth of deposits of conventional banks relates to both primary deposits and
derivative deposits while the growth of deposits in Islamic banks is based mostly on primary deposits. While
conventional banks expand their deposits by sanctioning loans and advances, Islamic banks for investment
purpose depends mostly on trading mode which creates little scope for creating derivative deposits.
The productivity of Employee to Deposit refers to the amount of deposit collected by each employee. We get the
following value by using following formula, (Total Deposit/ Number of Employees)
Figure no. 04
The productivity of Employee in a case of Deposit refers to the amount of deposit collected by each
employee. Figure 04 shows the productivity of employees for both types of banks. In the case of productivity of
employees of deposit of both types of banking systems are showing increasing trend. But in the year of 2013,
employee productivity of deposit was higher for PCCBs. So we can say that Private conventional and Islamic
banks are running in the same line. The productivity of Branch in terms of Deposit refers to the amount of
deposit generated by each branch. We get it by (Amount of deposit/ Number of Branches).
Figure no. 05
The productivity of Branch in terms of Deposit refers to the amount of deposit collected by each
branch. Figure 05 shows the productivity of branches for both types of banks. In the case of productivity of
branches both of the banking systems are showing increasing trend, which is a good sign. From the bar chart,
we can see that Islamic banks are in better position than Private conventional banks as the productivity of
branch to deposit is higher for Islamic banks.
Table no. 06 Total Amount of Loan & Advance/Investment by Types of Banks (Tk. in Millions)
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
PCCBs 1064962 1141095 1495286 1757239 2000138 2197671
IBs 321580 442044 574254 701445 904325 1039598
Source: Bangladesh Bank, Scheduled Bank Statistics, (2007-2013)
Multiple Regression Analysis of Private Commercial Conventional Banks (Deposit, Loan, Investment,
&Net income)
Null Hypothesis (Ho): Net Profit is not related to total Deposit, Loan.
Alternative hypothesis (H1): Net Profit is related with total Deposit, Loan, and Investment.
Here, Dependent variable = Net Profit (Y)
Independent Variables = Total Deposit, Loan, Investment
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
1 .967a .935 .836 61917.58159
a. Predictors: (Constant), Investment, Deposit, Loan
Interpretation of R square
Here the value of R square comes .935meaning that 93.5% changes in the dependent variable, Net Profits
happening for the changes of the independent variables (Deposit, Loan, Investment). And the least part (1 -
.935) = .065 is changed by other factors which are not considered.
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1.095E11 3 3.651E10 9.522 .097a
Residual 7.668E9 2 3.834E9
Total 1.172E11 5
a. Predictors: (Constant), Investment, Deposit, Loan
b. Dependent Variable: Profit
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 93367.278 181291.632 .515 .658
Deposit -.267 .121 -1.527 -2.210 .158
Loan .183 .250 .546 .730 .541
Investment .044 .604 .057 .073 .948
a. Dependent Variable: Profit
Variables Entered/Removedb
Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method
1 Investment, Loan, . Enter
a. All requested variables entered.
b. Dependent Variable: Profit
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .992a .985 .962 5673.18833
a. Predictors: (Constant), Investment, Loan, Deposit
Interpretation of R square
Here the value of R square comes .985meaning that 98.5% changes in the dependent variable, Net
Profit is happening for the changes of the independent variables. And the least part (1 - .985) = .015 is changed
by other factors which are not considered.
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 4.165E9 3 1.388E9 43.131 .023a
Residual 6.437E7 2 3.219E7
Total 4.229E9 5
a. Predictors: (Constant), Investment, Loan, Deposit
b. Dependent Variable: Profit
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 17999.284 8500.314 2.117 .168
Deposit -.004 .166 -.037 -.022 .984
Loan .109 .176 1.028 .621 .598
Investment .011 .034 .029 .313 .784
a. Dependent Variable: Profit
V. Findings
From our study we have found following outputs, which help to analyze the performance of Private
conventional and Islamic banks in Bangladesh:
o The acceptance of interest-free Islamic banking system is increasing gradually which is depicted by positive
and increasing growth rate of net income as the net income of Islamic banks is increasing throughout the
o From the analysis, we find that, in the case of investment, Private conventional banking systems maintain a
positive trend while the trend of investment shows a fluctuating trend for Islamic banks. As reason, we can
mention that Islamic banks face some restriction in case of investment.
o There is the steady growth of the total deposit for both conventional and Islamic banks. The possible reason
for aggregate Deposit of Private conventional banks to be higher than IB was its vast network and a huge
number of branches. And the increasing trend of deposit of Islamic banks is the clients' interest and
acceptance for interest-free banking.
o In the case of managing Nonperforming Loan, the conventional banking system is showing efficiency, as a
growth rate of NPL and NPL to loan ratio are decreasing and lower than Islamic banks.
o The main motive of a Private conventional bank is to show high return to investors. But in a case of Islamic
banks, their main purpose is not to give high return to the investor. From our analysis, we find that ROE of
Islamic banks is lower and decreasing throughout the years
o From comparative performance analysis we also find that though the no. of branches and employee of
Islamic banks are lower than Private conventional banks the productivity of both branches and employee
for both Net profit and investment of Islamic banks are higher than Private conventional banks. This proves
the efficiency of management of Islamic Banks.
o From our analysis, we find a decreasing trend of expenditure to income ratio for Islamic banks which
represents operational efficiency. But in the case of Private conventional banks, this ratio fluctuates
throughout the years. The reason behind high EI ratio is mainly because of loan loss provision, high
administrative and overhead expenses, interest suspense for a classified loan.
o ROI, which measures the return earned on the investment. Performance analysis shows the ROI of Private
DOI: 10.9790/487X-1812025866 64 | Page
Analysis of Financial Performance: A Comparative Study between Private Commercial ..
conventional banks through fluctuates but more stable throughout the years while the ROI of Islamic banks
were unstable but higher, which represents the efficiency of banks' management in investment.
o The productivity of employee of Profit of IBs is lower than PCCBs as in Shariah there is a restriction on
making an unlimited profit.
o From our analysis, we have found that productivity of NPI by both Employee and Branch of IBs are higher
than PCCBs. So IBs should emphasis on proper evaluation, monitoring and follow-up of investment.
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