Comparative Study of Profitability and Liquidity Analysis of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh
Comparative Study of Profitability and Liquidity Analysis of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh
Comparative Study of Profitability and Liquidity Analysis of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh
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In this depressed world financial scenario, Islamic banking has emerged as
a strong alternate financial system. Its growth is not restricted to the
Muslim societies but Islamic financial products are also gaining popularity
among non-Muslim countries. The objective of this paper is to scrutinize
and compare the liquidity and profitability performances of five Islamic
banks in Bangladesh in between the period 2005 and 2011. In order to scan
the performances, this study highlights on different standards of liquidity
and profitability measurements logical to Islamic philosophy; such as
liquidity and profitability ratios, liquidity reserves by the banks, net
liquidity gap, profit creation from different sectors of the banks, etc.
Multiple correlations among liquidity and profitability ratios are shown
here. The results of all these measurements are quite apparent. In
particular, among all the independent variables, at 90% confidence level
only investment to total assets is found to be significantly affecting Return
on Assets (a measurement of profitability ratio) for Islami Bank Bangladesh
Ltd., Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. and EXIM Bank Ltd., whereas with Return
on Equity for only Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. However, multicollinearity
has been found to be a great issue when considering liquidity impact on
profitability for Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., EXIM Bank Ltd. and Social
Islami Bank Ltd. Overall P-values suggest that at 95% confidence level
liquidity model proves significant on ROA for Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
and Social Islami Bank Ltd., while on ROE for Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
and Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd.
Islamic banking system has been expanding so rapidly over the past few years. In addition,
it has been developing significantly around the world including Middle Eastern countries,
Southeast Asian countries, European countries and even in North American countries. It is
Islamic Banking System is defined as those banks that claim to follow Shari‟a (Islamic law) in
their business transactions, Shari‟a requires these transactions to be in lawful (Halal) form and
prohibits transactions that involving interest (Riba) (Maali, Casson, and Napier, 2006). The core
concept of Islamic banking is to provide services to its customers free from interest and the
giving and taking of interest (riba) is prohibited in all transactions (Lewis and Algaoud, 2001).
Prohibition of interest (riba) makes Islamic banking system differ from conventional banking
system. In other words, the main difference between Islamic and conventional banks is the use
of money. In conventional banks, money is used as a commodity that is bought and sold
through the interest‟s usage according to Alkassim (2005).
Rejection of interest‟s usage raises the question of the alternatives of interest mechanism
adopted in Islamic system. If dealing with interest rate is prohibited, how Islamic banking
works? Here Profit-Loss Sharing System (PLS) takes the place as a method of resource
allocation; it will be explained deeply in the following section. Beside the absence of interest
in all financial transactions, there are religious rules or principles should each Islamic
financial institution applies in investment behavior to achieve Islamic norms. There are four
main areas where the Islamic banks find it difficult to finance under profit-loss sharing (PLS)
scheme: a) participating in long-term low yield projects, b) financing the small businessman,
c) granting non-participating loans to running businesses and , d) financing government
borrowing (Ali and Howlader, 2005).
A study by Haron (2004) found that liquidity, total expenditures, funds invested in Islamic
securities, and the percentage of the profit-sharing ratio between the bank and the borrower
of funds are highly correlated with the level of total income received by the Islamic banks.
Similar effects are also found for external factors such as interest rates, market share and size
of the banks. Other determinants such as funds deposited into current accounts, total capital
The banks are compared in this study based on multiple liquidity and profitability variables.
Banks‟ liquidity position is compared through examining the liquidity reserves kept by the
banks, performance of liquidity ratios and the results of net liquidity gap. Profitability of banks is
compared through scanning the ability of creating profits from different sectors, as well as
through performance of profitability ratios. Coefficient of variation (CV) is defined as the ratio of
the standard deviation to the mean. To compare the influence of Islamic bank‟s liquidity on
profitability using multiple regression analysis, variables were assigned into two sections :
Dependent Variables (Profitability Ratios)
Return on Assets (ROA) = Net Income after Taxes/ Total Assets
Return on Equity (ROE) = Net Income after Taxes/ Total Equity Capital Account
Independent Variables (Liquidity Ratios)
Cash & Due from Banks to Total Assets = Cash & Due from Banks/ Total Assets
Cash & Due from Banks to Deposits = Cash & Due from Banks/ Total Deposits
Investment (Loans & Advances) to Total Assets = Investment/ Total Assets
Investment (Loans & Advances) to Deposits = Investment/ Total Deposits
To do the analysis following two hypotheses were designed:
There is an insignificant relationship between liquidity and profitability; (null hypothesis)
There is a significant relationship between liquidity and profitability; (alternative hypothesis)
1 Other two Islamic banks have been excluded from this study as because their history is not that
long as the selected banks.
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**Throughout this study the banks‟ names are presented according to their Dhaka Stock Exchange
(DSE) Trading Code.
Different financial and statistical tools and techniques, namely average, standard deviation,
coefficient of variation, Pearson‟s correlation coefficients (correlation matrix), multiple
regressions etc. have been used here to analyze the collected data and make the comparison.
In addition descriptive analyses of all statistical findings are also included in this study.
2As per section 25 & 33 of the Bank Company Act 1991, the requirement for Islamic banks‟ CRR is
6.00% and SLR is 11.50% (including 6.00% CRR), dated 15.12.2010. However, till the financial year
2009, the requirement of CRR & SLR was 5.00% and 10.00% respectively.
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From the above two tables (Table 1.1 & Table 1.2) it is certain that all the banks meet their
CRR and SLR requirements quite successfully from the year 2005 to 2011, except that one
deficit in CRR by ALARABANK in 2010. Banks‟ average3 values are telling the similar
stories also. By varying CRR, the central bank can either broaden the monetary base or
curtail part of the commercial banks‟ money creating powers. Among all, ISLAMIBANK‟s
CRR tells the best story, except the year 2007, when EXIMBANK has the best performance.
Actually, CRR is only a portion of SLR (a prescribed percentage of deposits in eligible
securities), which the banks need to maintain in cash with central bank4. This is in fact,
closely related to short-term liquidity requirements. Because vault cash needs are
determined by customer preferences, according to their variation in payment pattern and
need of the bank‟s customers and local businesses. However, there are all surplus results in
maintenance of SLR by the banks. Here, also ISLAMIBANK is representing the best
performance; for some years, far beyond the requirements.
1.2 Analysis of Liquidity Ratios of Islamic Banks
Liquidity ratios indicate the ability of the firm to meet recurring financial obligations.
Actually, through liquidity ratios, we can measure the degree of banks‟ access to meet the
liquidity through a quick response to immediate cash need.
Table 1.3: Year-wise Liquidity Ratio Performance (2005-2011)
Cash and Due from Banks to Total Assets Ratio
2005 16.44% 21.83% 20.15% 13.75% 20.49%
2006 16.54% 23.24% 13.02% 11.34% 15.01%
2007 11.02% 21.27% 15.58% 11.47% 25.68%
2008 16.01% 20.36% 15.46% 12.83% 22.63%
2009 16.23% 17.82% 15.32% 12.90% 23.48%
2010 13.83% 16.11% 17.58% 10.14% 21.03%
2011 14.44% 16.58% 17.74% 15.54% 20.21%
Average 14.93% 19.60% 16.41% 12.57% 21.22%
CV 12.51% 13.09% 12.92% 13.13% 14.59%
Cash and Due from Banks to Deposit Ratio
2005 18.74% 25.84% 26.54% 16.37% 24.73%
Average values have been calculated here, considering two different periods (2005-2009 &
2010-2011), because of the differences of requirements for Islamic bank‟s CRR & SLR by the
Central Bank.
Dated 01 December, 2010, as per Bangladesh Bank MPD Circular No. 04 & 05, Islamic
banks‟ CRR should not be less than 5.50% in any day. This requirement was 4.00% till 2009.
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In the above (Table 1.3) four liquidity ratios have been calculated, considering banks‟ last
seven years performance. Here, as per variation in percentages (CV), ISLAMIBANK is
showing the best performance in almost all the cases except in their cash and due from banks
to total deposits ratio, where SHAHJABANK is representing the best result. Below, we will
see another liquidity determinant of Islamic bank, seven year‟s liquid assets5 of the banks in
amount (Table 1.4), and the percentage of those liquid assets to total assets.
Table 1.4: Liquid Assets of the Banks During 2005-2011
(Amount in Million Taka)
2005 23,730.70 3,353.41 3,090.76 6,135.74 4,670.83
2006 28,382.08 5,459.00 2,781.90 6,738.55 3,456.53
5 Liquid assets are defined as cash, interbank deposits and government-issued and insured
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Highest percentage of liquid assets goes for ISLAMIBANK as per their last seven years‟
performance in comparison to others (Table 1.4). In fact, their coefficient of variation in
maintaining those assets also reflects least fluctuation. But, the result instantly changes when
we measure the proportion of liquid assets to total assets. Here, SIBL represents the best
performance, if we ignore the year 2006. In 2006 SHAHJABANK experiences the best
percentage of liquid assets to total assets.
1.3 Analysis of Net Liquidity Gap of Islamic Banks
In this section, we have analyzed the banks‟ last seven years net liquidity gap6 (Table 1.5).
Table 1.5: Year-wise Net Liquidity Gap (NLG) During 2005-
2011 (Amount in Million Taka)
2005 8,216 742 1,220 1,912 923
2006 10,007 1,205 1,690 3,112 981
2007 11,220 2,788 2,037 4,043 1,665
2008 14,060 3,605 2,706 4,989 1,867
2009 20,106 4,927 3,565 6,717 3,556
2010 23,494 6,748 7,821 12,475 4,199
2011 27,800 7,917 9,593 14,484 9,412
Average 16,415 3,990 4,090 6,819 3,229
CV 0.42 0.63 0.74 0.65 0.86
Source: Calculating values using Bangladesh Bank Annual Report, 2005-2011
To overcome volatile liability, ISLAMIBANK generates most excess value in their assets
among all the banks (Table 1.5). ISLAMIBANK‟s NLG experiences little variation in between
the selected years, concerning the coefficient of variation. If we take a closer look at the
individual banks‟ growth rate of NLG (year by year), then it is clear that there are lots of ups
and downs in performance by all the banks. However, among all, perhaps the best growth
rate can be found in the year of 2006-2007 by SHAHJABANK; climbing top up the line
leaving all other banks behind them.
2 Profitability Performance Analyses of Islamic BankS
In Islam, profit is simply a reward of taking risk. So, it should be a natural outcome of the
fair play of the twin forces of demand and supply in the market. Most probably, this unique
feature leads them to do well even in financial crisis. But have they all been maintaining a
6The term Net Liquidity Gap (NLG), often called the net liquid assets of a firm, is the excess
value of the firm's liquid assets over its volatile liabilities.
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continuous improvement in profit making performance over the last seven years? That we
will see in next two sub-sections.
2.1 Analysis of Profit Creation and Allocation from Different Sectors of the Banks
Profit, the decisive goal of Islamic bank, is an important signal, not only to the entrepreneurs
or shareholders but also to other providers of finance to a bank. Profits may generate from
different sectors of the bank. Bank‟s return on investment is shown under (Table 2.1).
Table 2.1: Profit Receipt on Investment During 2005-2011
(Amount in Million Taka)
2005 8,336 1,351 1,118 2,461 1,678
2006 11,158 2,145 1,701 3,808 1,899
2007 14,572 2,973 2,243 4,943 2,093
2008 19,544 4,236 3,502 6,575 2,732
2009 21,371 5,531 4,005 8,147 3,079
2010 24,766 6,417 4,244 9,606 3,886
2011 32,020 10,108 8,975 13,123 6,922
Average 18,824 4,680 3,684 6,952 3,184
CV 0.40 0.59 0.66 0.49 0.53
Source: Calculating values using Bangladesh Bank Annual Report, 2005-2011
ISLAMIBANK has most receipt and least variation on investment over the seven years'
study period, in comparison to other banks. On the other hand, the fluctuation in profit on
investment is greater for ALARABANK. Each year, a portion of each Islamic bank‟s profit
must go for deposit amount (Table 2.2).
Table 2.2: Profit Paid on Deposits During 2005-2011
(Amount in Million Taka)
2005 5,885 944 551 1,822 1,400
2006 8,019 1,491 820 2,954 1,597
2007 9,411 1,960 1,629 3,588 1,705
2008 12,162 2,962 2,220 4,807 2,071
2009 13,077 4,200 2,667 5,943 2,064
2010 14,472 4,658 3,134 6,020 2,435
2011 18,401 7,376 5,543 9,358 4,541
Average 11,632 3,370 2,366 4,927 2,259
CV 0.34 0.61 0.66 0.47 0.44
Source: Calculating values using Bangladesh Bank Annual Report, 2005-2011
On an average ISLAMIBANK is subject to high payment of profit on deposits, while SIBL is
just showing the reverse performance. Profit may also be generated from bank‟s operating
activities, referred to as operating profit (Table 2.3) 7.
7 Operating profit is calculated by deducting the total operating expenses from total
operating income.
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Here, SIBL‟s operating profit fluctuates so much over the years, resulting in the lowest
amount on an average among all. In contrast, ISLAMIBANK is indicating the best result on
an average, as well as in variation over the years. However, all the earnings of a bank are
subject to taxation before calculating the final net profit (Table 2.4).
Table 2.4: Provision for Taxation During 2005-2011
(Amount in Million Taka)
2005 1,037 210 215 508 40
2006 1,508 324 385 549 63
2007 2,353 569 236 688 118
2008 3,673 748 591 893 153
2009 3,114 725 730 1,108 295
2010 3,991 888 870 1,833 494
2011 5,506 1,219 1,520 1,466 818
Average 3,026 669 650 1,006 283
CV 0.47 0.47 0.65 0.46 0.93
Source: Calculating values using Bangladesh Bank Annual Report, 2005-2011
Tax imposed on Islamic bank is against its philosophy and poses the greatest difficulty.
Profit, which is an earned income, are taxed twice, once from seller to bank and then from
bank to buyer in trade financing. Here, on an average provision for taxation is highest for
ISLAMIBANK and lowest for SIBL. The variation in tax provision among all is lowest for
EXIMBANK. Now we will take a look at the net profit after taxation, the amount determines
the banks‟ ultimate value to all partners related to the bank (Table 2.5).
Table 2.5: Net Profit after Taxation During 2005-2011
(Amount in Million Taka)
2005 1,126 256 263 555 14
In spite of the controversy regarding tax laws on Islamic banks‟ profit, all the banks have
been maintaining attractive amount, if we disregard some bad performances in early years.
It is clear from the above table that ISLAMIBANK generates more profit in all selected years
in respect to all other banks. The fluctuation in generating net profit after tax is greater for
SIBL, reflecting greater risk for partners of the bank.
2.2 Analysis of Profitability Ratios of Islamic Banks
Profitability ratios are the greater indicators to measure banks‟ access over controlling
expenses and generating profit (Table 2.6).
Table 2.6: Year-wise Profitability Ratio Performance
Net Operating Margin (NOM)8
2005 2.33% 3.47% 3.57% 3.49% 1.05%
2006 2.21% 3.96% 4.54% 3.30% 1.50%
2007 2.70% 4.64% 2.51% 3.71% 1.96%
2008 3.44% 4.00% 3.90% 3.68% 2.64%
2009 2.80% 3.46% 3.57% 3.82% 2.66%
2010 2.89% 4.48% 4.19% 5.21% 2.97%
2011 3.27% 2.80% 3.53% 3.05% 3.28%
Average 2.81% 3.83% 3.69% 3.75% 2.29%
CV 14.91% 15.45% 16.13% 17.22% 32.84%
Net Profit Margin (NPM)9
2005 23.94% 37.81% 29.15% 34.46% 2.67%
2006 23.27% 43.20% 34.74% 32.29% 9.12%
2007 17.22% 39.72% 26.17% 33.00% 16.62%
2008 22.16% 35.20% 30.84% 30.90% 15.64%
2009 27.61% 36.70% 32.56% 38.15% 25.12%
2010 28.51% 42.72% 42.77% 45.12% 24.42%
2011 24.21% 25.23% 34.58% 31.18% 26.13%
Average 23.85% 37.23% 32.97% 35.01% 17.10%
8 NOM is calculated by using the formula, Total Operating Profit / Total Assets.
9 NPM is calculated by using the formula, Net Income after Taxes / Total Operating Income.
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Profitability ratios indicate how much profit is produced in terms of income and capital
generated from different sectors of the bank (Table 2.6). Here, on an average, NOM is higher
for SHAHJABANK among all, showing highest operating profit against total assets. The
smallest fluctuation (CV) exists in ISLAMIBANK‟s NOM. For NPM, the best performance
also goes to SHAHJABANK as per their average performance over seven year‟s period. But
during the same period, EXIMBANK‟s NPM is showing the lowest variation in percentage
over the years. ROD can be a great concern for potential depositors. This ratio shows
10 ROD is calculated by using the formula, Net Income after Taxes / Total Deposits.
11 ROA is calculated by using the formula, Net Income after Taxes / Total Assets.
ROE is calculated by using the formula, Net Income after Taxes / Total Shareholders’
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percentage return of each taka of customers‟ deposits. Here, the depositors‟ choice may
either SHAHJABANK or ALARABANK, having the highest percentage return on deposits
among all the banks. ISLAMIBANK has least variation in ROD over the study period.
Actually ROD indicates how effectively the management of a bank is able to turn deposits
into net earnings. Generally, the higher the ROA, the higher should be the ROD and vice
versa. That is why as the case in ROD; SHAHJABANK is also showing the best performance
on an average in percentage return on assets (ROA). As expected, the slightest rise and fall
over the study period reflects in ISLAMIBANK‟s ROA. A higher positive percentage in ROA
proves greater efficiency of financial instructions by the banks‟ management. Like ROA,
ROE is another indicator for managerial efficiency. As in earlier cases, here also
SHAHJABANK carries highest average percentage return on equity (ROE), while
ISLAMIBANK has little fluctuation in ROE in comparison to other banks.
This study dealt with multiple liquidity and profitability indicators of Islamic banks
throughout the performance assessment. It also tries to focus on each bank‟s liquidity
strength and its relationship to profitability based on correlation matrix. After overall
comparison it is clear that for most cases of liquidity and profitability measurements Islami
Bank Bangladesh Ltd.‟s performance beats all, as they show least fluctuation in performance
over the study period. However, all the Islamic banks selected for this paper, are very much
alert of meeting their liquidity reserve with Central Bank as reflected in their CRR and SLR
maintenance over the study period.
Depositors are always in favour of higher SLR, which not only improves the risk factor but
also provides safety to the depositors‟ money; facilitate comfort ability when they keep
deposits in an Islamic bank. While, discussing about the depositors‟ need, the short-term
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liquidity requirement, banks should not ignore long-term liquidity planning also. A bank‟s
long-term liquidity planning includes forecasting funds needs over the coming year and
beyond if necessary. Here, a bank‟s liquidity performance may be viewed to the extent to
which it ensures appropriate use of funds, which illustrates bank‟s ability to satisfying
depositors‟ demand while accommodating legitimate investment requests. To support their
depositors‟ demand, banks need money, or in other sense the power to create money. That‟s
why Akkas (1982, p.127) suggested that commercial banks should be compelled to keep
reserves up to the full amount of their deposits, a reserve of 100 percent. But in doing so,
they cannot ignore their potential investment opportunities.
Central bank provides a range to all commercial banks including Islamic banks, in the form of
CRR and SLR, which each bank must maintain to meet both short-term and long-term liquidity
crisis. Though Islamic banking and its products are totally interest free, aiming to create a non-
inflationary economy, the performance on average over the last 7 (seven) years for all selected
Islamic banks, reflect their success in liquidity maintenance with Bangladesh (Central) Bank.
A lower profitability may arise due to the lack of control over the expenses (Maheshwari and
Maheshwari, 2002, p.38). If we summarise the profitability performance in accordance with
the ratios that are evaluated in this study, then the best result goes to Shahjalal Islami Bank.
According to multiple regression results overall liquidity variables are found most
significant with Return on Assets (ROA) of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. and Return on
Equity (ROE) of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. among all. At the mean time none of Al-Arafah
Islami Bank Ltd.‟s liquidity (independent) variables is found significant to any of the two
dependent (ROA/ROE) variables. At 90% confidence level liquidity variable investment to
total asset results in only statistically significant independent variable with ROA for Islami
Bank Bangladesh Ltd., Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. and EXIM Bank Ltd., while with ROE for
only Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. among all the liquidity variables used in the analysis.
It should be addressed that this paper marks an introductory attempt to empirically make
the comparison among Islamic banks in Bangladesh. In interpreting all the results, this study
uses a reduced model (liquidity and profitability with only 7 year‟s data). However, in any
affair, current study serves as initial movement, leaving spaces for future researches to
enhance and enrich its outlook.
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