Paython Papers
Paython Papers
Paython Papers
Seat No.________________
B. C. A. (Sem. VI) (CBCS) (W.E.F. 2019) Examination
April - 2023
Programming in Python : CS-33
HB-003-2036003 ] 1 [ Contd...
(c) Attempt the following : (any one) 3
(1) Explain Hash Table with example.
(2) Explain Bubble sort in python.
(d) Attempt the following : (any one) 5
(1) What is inheritance ? Explain any two with example.
(2) Explain Handling Exception in python.
HB-003-2036003 ] 2 [ Contd...
5 (a) Attempt the following : 4
(1) SQL stand for _______.
(2) Which package used to connect Mysql database in python
code ?
(3) List out connection () function parameters.
(4) Which method of cursor class is used to fetch only one
row from the table ?
HB-003-2036003 ] 3 [ 3220 / 89 - 55 ]