Class-VI SST Notes-21 New Empires and Kingdoms
Class-VI SST Notes-21 New Empires and Kingdoms
Class-VI SST Notes-21 New Empires and Kingdoms
General Instructions:
1. Read the NCERT History book Ch 10- ‘New Empires and Kingdoms’.
2. Take printout of the Question Answers given below and save them in a file.
Q4. What were the new administrative arrangements during this period?
Ans. a) Kings adopted a number of steps to win the support of men who were powerful either economically or
socially or because of their political and military strengths.
b) Some important administrative posts were now hereditary.
c) Sometimes one person held many offices. Example: besides a maha-danda- nayaka, Harishena was a
kumar-amatya, means an important minister.
d) Some important men had a say in local administration. These included chief bankers or merchants of the
city. Leaders of merchant caravans, chief craftsmen and the head of the scribes.
Q5. Describe Samudragupta’s Prashastis.
Ans. Samudragupta’s Prashastis was along inscription actually a poem in Sanskrit was composed by his court
poet, Harishena nearly 1700 years ago.
i. The poet praised the king as a warrior, as a king who won victories in battle, who was learned and the
best of poets.
ii. He is described as equal to the gods.
iii. The Prashasti was composed in very long sentences.
iv. He is stated as a learned man and the best of poets.
a) Inscription of Samudragupta- Prayaga (the old name for Allahabad – Capital of UP)
b) Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) and Pataliputra (the old name for Patna)