Major Project Final Banana Fiber Report

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“Low velocity impact analysis of natural fibre composites”

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of



Jason Herman Alfi ENG20ME0008

Kunal Singh Virdi ENG20ME0010

Mishika Shah ENG20AM0039

Adhitya Sagar K S ENG20CS0010

Under the Guidance of

Dr.Rammohan B

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Kudlu Gate, Hosur Main Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068
May - 2024

Department of Mechanical Engineering

This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled
“Low velocity impact analysis of natural fibre composites”
submitted by Jason Herman Alfi, Kunal Singh Virdi, Mishika Shah,
Adhitya Sagar K S, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award
of the degree Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering is a
bonafide record of the work carried out at School of Engineering,
Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru, during the period of January -
May 2024. The project report has been approved as it satisfies the
academic requirements for the project prescribed for the B. Tech degree

……………… ……………………. …………………….

Dr.Rammohan B Dr. Vinayak Hemadri Dr. Uday Kumar Reddy K

Guide Chairman, ME Dean, SoE, DSU


We, Jason Herman Alfi, Kunal Singh Virdi, Mishika Shah, Adhitya
Sagar K S, hereby declare that the project entitled “Low velocity impact
analysis of natural fibre composites” submitted to Dayananda Sagar
University, Bengaluru, is a bonafide record of the work carried out under
the guidance of Dr.Rammohan B Professor, School of Engineering,
Dayananda Sagar University, and this work is submitted in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Mechanical Engineering. We further declare that the results
embodied in this project work have not been submitted to any other
University or Institute for the award of any degree.

Jason Herman Alfi ENG20ME0008

Kunal Singh Virdi ENG20ME0010
Mishika Shah ENG20AM0039
Adhitya Sagar K S ENG20CS0010

Place: Bangalore
Date: ……………………………

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who are playing a
pivotal role in the execution of the Banana Fiber Project. This endeavor would not
have been possible without the invaluable support and collaboration of numerous
individuals and entities.

First and foremost, we extend my deepest thanks to Dr. Rammohan B for his
unwavering guidance, expertise, and encouragement throughout every phase of this
project. Their insights have been instrumental in shaping the direction and
outcomes of our work.

We also would like to extend our heartiest thanks to Dr.Vinayak Hemadri and
prof.Viswanathan R for their support and encouragement.

We are also indebted to the dedicated team members who tirelessly contributed
their time and effort to the project. Their commitment and enthusiasm were
essential in overcoming challenges and achieving our objectives.

This project stands as a testament to the collective effort and collaboration of all
those involved, and we are truly grateful for the contributions of each and every

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites


This study explores the unique mechanical characteristics of banana fiber

composites under low impact velocities. Banana fiber, a sustainable and abundant
natural resource, has shown promise in various applications due to its remarkable
tensile strength and lightweight properties.

Preliminary findings indicate that banana fiber composites exhibit notable

resilience and energy-dissipating capabilities even under low-speed impacts. The
unique fiber morphology and composition contribute to the material's ability to
absorb and distribute impact energy efficiently.

The implications of this study extend to the development of eco-friendly and

high-performance materials for applications requiring low impact resistance.
Understanding the behavior of banana fiber composites at different velocities
contributes to the broader field of sustainable materials science, opening avenues
for innovation in engineering and manufacturing.

In addition to this,the scope of AIML is to be implemented helping it to propose a

model which can predict the future outcomes of the material like the drop
test,strength of the structure etc.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Table of contents

Acknowledgment / 4

Abstract / 5

1. Introduction / 11

2. Literature survey / 12
2.1 Neural Ordinary Differential Equations / 12
2.2 Low-velocity impact studies on GFRP and hybrid composite structures / 13
2.3 A review on mechanical and thermal properties of banana fiber based hybrid composites /14
2.4 Retting of banana pseudostem fiber using Bacillus strains to get excellent mechanical
properties as biomaterial in textile & fiber industry / 15
2.5 Strength study on Comparative of Banana Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Normal Concrete
/ 16

3. Problem statement / 17
3.1 Clarity / 17
3.2 Relevance / 17
3.3 Specificity / 17
3.4 Impact / 17
3.5 Scope / 17

4. Design and Methodology / 18

4.1 Design / 18
4.1.1 Fiber Reinforcement / 18
4.1.2 Layered Structure / 18
4.1.3 Impact - Absorbing Material / 18
4.1.4 Variable Density Design / 18
4.1.5 Surface Treatment / 18

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

4.1.6 Engineering for Specific Application / 18

4.1.7 Computational Modeling / 19
4.1.8 Prototyping and testing / 19
4.1.9 Collaboration and Expert Input / 19
4.1.10 Sustainable Practises / 19
4.2 Methodology / 19
4.2.1 Material preparation / 19
4.2.2 Specimen Fabrication / 20
4.2.3 Instrumentation / 20
4.2.4 Testing conditions / 21
4.2.5 Test setup / 21
4.2.6 Data Collection pre-impact / 22
4.2.7 Pre-Impact Examination / 23
4.2.8 Test Execution / 23
4.2.9 Post-impact Examination / 24
4.2.10 Data collection post-impact / 25

5. Project Enhancer (AIML) / 26

6. Polynomial and Linear Regression Model / 29

6.1 Samples from IISc / 29

6.1.1 Comparison of sample 1 / 29
6.1.2 Comparison of sample 2 / 30
6.1.3 Comparison of sample 3 / 31
6.1.4 Comparison of all 3 Datasets / 32
6.2 Samples for Polynomial regression model / 33
6.2.1 Polynomial regression model input angle (30, 60) / 33
6.2.2 Polynomial regression model input angle (45, 60) / 36

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

7. Results and analysis of the Project / 39

7.1 Outcomes of Polynomial Regression model / 39
7.2 Area under the Curve (energy absorption) / 40
7.3 Analysis / 44
7.3.1 Impact / 44
7.3.2 Heat / 45
7.3.3 Microwave / 46
7.3.4 Hydro test / 47

8. GANTT chart / 48

9. Discussions / 49
9.1 Future aspects of the Project / 49
9.2 Applications / 50
9.3 Participation in various events / 51

Conclusions / 52

References / 53

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

List of Figures

Fig 4.1/19 Fig 6.1/33 Fig 7.1/44

Fig 4.2/20 Fig 6.2/33 Fig 7.2/45
Fig 4.3/20 Fig 6.3/33 Fig 7.3/45
Fig 4.4/21 Fig 6.4/36 Fig 7.4/46
Fig 4.5/21 Fig 6.5/36 Fig 7.5/46
Fig 4.6/23 Fig 6.6/36
Fig 4.7/23
Fig 4.8/24
Fig 4.9/24
Fig 4.10/25
Fig 4.11/25
Fig 4.12/25

List of Tables

Table 4.1/22
Table 4.2/22

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

List of Graphs

Graph 6.1/29 Graph 7.1/40

Graph 6.2/29 Graph 7.2/40
Graph 6.3/30 Graph 7.3/41
Graph 6.4/30 Graph 7.4/41
Graph 6.5/31 Graph 7.5/41
Graph 6.6/31 Graph 7.6/42
Graph 6.7/32 Graph 7.7/42
Graph 6.8/34 Graph 7.8/42
Graph 6.9/34 Graph 7.9/43
Graph 6.10/34
Graph 6.11/35
Graph 6.12/37
Graph 6.13/37
Graph 6.14/37
Graph 6.15/38

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Chapter 1 : Introduction

In the pursuit of sustainable and eco-friendly materials, natural fibers have

emerged as promising alternatives to traditional reinforcements in composite
materials. Among these, banana fiber stands out for its exceptional tensile strength,
light weight, and abundance, making it an attractive candidate for various
applications. While the mechanical properties of banana fiber composites have
been investigated in diverse contexts, there exists a notable gap in our
understanding of their behavior under low impact velocities.

The demand for materials capable of withstanding low-speed impacts is prevalent

in industries such as automotive, sports equipment, and construction. In these
applications, resistance to minor collisions, drops, and impacts is crucial for
ensuring the longevity and safety of the products. Banana fiber, with its inherent
strength and flexibility, presents a compelling opportunity to explore its
performance in scenarios characterized by low impact velocities.

This study seeks to delve into the dynamic response of banana fiber composites
when subjected to controlled low-speed impacts. By doing so, we aim to unravel
the material's unique ability to absorb and dissipate energy under conditions
relevant to real-world scenarios. Understanding the intricate interplay between
banana fiber composites and low impact velocities holds significant implications
for the development of sustainable materials tailored for specific engineering

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Chapter 2 : Literature Survey

2.1 Neural Ordinary Differential Equations:

Author’s Conference Technology/ Results What you

Name/Paper /Journal Design Infer
title Name
1).Neural Ordinary Springer Journal: New family of variables Understanding the
Differential Received: 25 June deep neural formula, and criteria of
Equations. 2021 / Revised: network models. developed selection of a new
Ricky T. Q. Chen*, 20 October 2022 / Instead of continuous-time model with time
Yulia Rubanova*, Accepted: 27 specifying a normalizing series
Jesse Bettencourt*, January 2023 / discrete sequence flows, which can modeling,supervis
David Duvenaud Published online: of hidden layers, scale to large ed learning and
University of 21 March 2023 we parameterize layer sizes. We density estimation.
Toronto, Vector the derivative of investigated the
Institute the hidden state use of black-box
using a neural ODE solvers as
network.Allows a model
end-to-end training component,
of ODEs within developing new
larger models. models for
learning, and
These models
are evaluated
adaptively, and
allow explicit
control of the
tradeoff between
speed and

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

2.2 Low-velocity impact studies on GFRP and hybrid composite structures.

Author’s Conference/ Technology Results What you

Name/Paper Journal /Design Infer
title Name
2).Low-velocity Springer LS-DYNA The How low velocity
impact studies on Accepted: 8 Hybrid laminates low-velocity of the object can
GFRP and hybrid January 2021 / Polycarbonate impact behavior be valued and
composite structures. Published online: 4 Low-velocity is performed by estimate the
Harshavardhan February 2021 impact Absorbed dropping an response through
Shetty,D. Sethuram, energy impactor from the numerical
B.Rammohan,P. R. various analysis.
Budarapu. predefined
heights, and the
absor- bed
energy in each
case is
behavior of
GFRP and
laminates is
numerical and
analysis. The
analysis is
using explicit
finite element
software LS-

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

2.3 A review on mechanical and thermal properties of banana fiber based

hybrid composites.

Author’s Conference/ Technology Results What you

Name/Paper Journal /Design Infer
title Name
3).A brief review on Springer A hybrid It is clearly Natural fiber has
mechanical and Accepted: 14 composite of evident that the a high moisture
thermal properties of January 2021 / banana fibre has banana fiber absorption
banana fiber based Published online: two or more reinforced capability and
hybrid composites. 22 January 2021 different types of composites in the banana fiber is
P. Sivaranjani & fibers combined polymer medium not an exception
V. Arumuga Prabu together in a shows an from that. The
common matrix. excellent addition of
improvement in banana fiber
the mechanical with polymers
properties such as produces an
Tensile, Flexural excellent
and Impact moisture
strength. An resistance
approximate 50% property. Based
increase in the on this review it
strength has been was noted that
observed in all further intense
the mechanical studies on the
properties during thermal
the review. properties of the
banana fiber
composites were

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

2.4 Retting of banana pseudostem fiber using Bacillus strains to get excellent
mechanical properties as biomaterial in textile & fiber industry.

Author’s Conference/ Technology Results What you

Name/Paper Journal /Design Infer
title Name
4).Retting of banana Heliyon, The major Banana fiber
pseudostem fiber Volume 8, Issue 9, *Biological purpose of this has huge
using Bacillus September 2022, treatment study was to see if potential for
of banana stem fiber
strains to get e10652. banana use as the
might be used in
excellent fiber.*Chemical primary
the textile and
mechanical treatment of fiber industries as
component in
properties as banana fiber a source of the
biomaterial in Linear density lignocellulosic manufacture of
textile & fiber (ASTM D 1577) fibers. The sanitary pads,
industry. *Moisture regains proportion of which are now
Binal Y. Patel, (%) or lignin in untreated composed of
Hiren K. Patel Hygroscopicity Banana fibers plastic and are
(15.98%) was significant
higher in fibers polluters
treated with 5N because of their
NaOH (10.75%),
5N HCl (8.73%),
absorption and
aryabhattai strength
(11.4%), Bacillus qualities.
licheniformis Banana fiber
(12.54%), and can therefore
Bacillus subtilis be a
(13.56%). cost-effective
Tenacity (g/tex) of and
microbial treated environmentall
(Bacillus y beneficial
licheniformis) (7
substitute for
days) fiber was
higher, at 6.33,
although average fibers.
peak elongation
(%) of (Bacillus
subtilis) was
higher, at 8.2.
Compared to raw
banana fiber.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

2.5 Strength study on Comparative of Banana Fibre Reinforced Concrete with

Normal Concrete.

Author’s Conference/ Technology Results What you

Name/Paper Journal /Design Infer
title Name
5).Strength study on IJRASET, Drinking water A. The Banana fiber is
Comparative of Publish Date : used in the compressive a very good
Banana Fibre 2022-08-24 laboratory was strength of replacement for
Reinforced Concrete used for mixing normal concrete synthetic
with Normal the concrete and at 28, 56 and 90 fibre.Musa
Concrete. curing the days is 40.80, acuminate
J. Sree Naga specimens. 44.40 and 47.72 (banana) fiber
Chaitanya, Dr. K. Preparation of N/mm2. in various
Chandramouli, Dr. Musa acuminate B. The split ratios and ages
D. Vijaya Kumar, P. (banana) fibers. tensile strength was used to test
Dileep of normal the concrete's
concrete at 28, split tensile and
56 and 90 days compressive
is 4.03, 4.39 and strengths.
4.71 N/mm2. It provides
C. The resistance to
compressive suddenly
strength results applied
of 3% of banana stresses,
fiber for 28, 56 reduces
and 90 days are shrinkage
55.10, 59.75 and cracks, and
64.32 N/mm2. decreases water
D. The split bleeding by
tensile strength increasing
results of 3% of permeability.
banana fiber for
28, 56 and 90
days are 5.87,
6.39 and 6.86

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Chapter 3 : Problem Statement

3.1 Clarity
In recent years, the utilization of banana fiber has gained prominence as a
sustainable and eco-friendly alternative in various applications. However, a
critical challenge that hinders its optimal performance is the observed low
impact velocity resilience.
3.2 Relevance
The current state of banana fiber applications, reveal that the material
exhibits suboptimal resistance to impact forces at varying velocities. This
limitation poses a significant obstacle in achieving the desired durability and
reliability standards required for [specific applications such as manufacturing
components, packaging, etc.
3.3 Specificity

The low impact velocity of banana fiber manifests in specific issues, e.g.,
increased wear and tear, reduced structural integrity, etc., thereby
compromising the overall effectiveness and longevity of products
incorporating this sustainable material.

3.4 Impact

Addressing the challenge of low impact velocity is paramount not only for
enhancing the performance of banana fiber in helmets but also for promoting
its widespread adoption as a viable and eco-conscious alternative.

3.5 Scope

This project aims to investigate, analyze, and devise innovative solutions to

elevate the impact velocity resilience of banana fiber.By addressing this
critical issue, we aspire to unlock the full potential of banana fiber and
contribute to the sustainable evolution of it.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Chapter 4 : Design and Methodology

4.1 Design

4.1.1 Fiber Reinforcement

Explore methods to reinforce the banana fiber structure, possibly through weaving
techniques or combining it with other materials that enhance impact resistance.

4.1.2 Layered Structure

Design a layered structure that distributes impact forces efficiently across the
banana fiber matrix, minimizing localized stress points.

4.1.3 Impact - Absorbing Material

Integrate impact-absorbing materials strategically within the design to dissipate

energy upon impact, reducing the strain on the banana fiber.

4.1.4 Variable Density Design

Experiment with variable density designs to create regions of higher and lower
fiber concentration, optimizing for impact absorption while maintaining overall
structural integrity.

4.1.5 Surface Treatment

Investigate surface treatments or coatings that enhance the durability and impact
resistance of banana fibers, protecting them from abrasion and wear during

4.1.6 Engineering for Specific Application

Tailor the design based on the specific application. Consider the unique impact
profiles relevant to the industry or product where banana fiber is utilized.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

4.1.7 Computational Modeling

Employ computational tools for finite element analysis to simulate and optimize
the design under various impact scenarios. This can aid in identifying potential
weak points and refining the design accordingly.

4.1.8 Prototyping and testing

Develop prototypes incorporating the designed features and subject them to

rigorous testing under controlled impact conditions. Use the results to iterate and
refine the design.

4.1.9 Collaboration and Expert Input

Collaborate with experts in material science, engineering, and related fields to gain
insights and perspectives that can contribute to an effective design.

4.1.10 Sustainable Practises

Ensure that the design aligns with sustainable practices, maintaining the
eco-friendly nature of banana fiber. Consider the entire life cycle of the product,
from raw material extraction to disposal.

4.2 Methodology

4.2.1 Material preparation

Obtaining banana fibers and processing them into a composite material from
banana stems,generally by combining them with a matrix material like epoxy
resin(Lapox L-12)and Hardener K-6.
This is then converted into a mold and the required quantity of Lapox L-12 (epoxy)
& Hardener K-6 is weighed in the 10:1 ratio for 4 Kg of the banana fiber.

(Fig 4.1) epoxy resin(Lapox L-12)and Hardener K-6

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

4.2.2 Specimen Fabrication

Granite material is used for the fabrication of specimens. (1500X1500X5) mm was

used to prepare a composite laminate of 4 mm thickness of
composites.90,45,90,45,90 ply layers are used to laminate the specimen to make 4
mm thickness to make sure there is uniformity in specimen preparation.

(Fig 4.2) SEM

4.2.3 Instrumentation
Steel roll press was used on the plate for leveling the matrix material in the mold.
Water jet cutting machine was utilized to obtain 6 identical
specimens(150X100)mm. Using the same instrument,8 more identical specimens
were acquired of sizes (0.75X0.75)mm for SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope).

(Fig 4.3) Water Jet Cutting

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

(Fig 4.4) Fiber specimens

4.2.4 Testing conditions

The temperature maintained was 26°C and the humidity recorded was 30%.
These conditions were continued throughout the process to ensure they remain
constant throughout the testing process.

4.2.5 Test setup

The impact experiments are performed using custom-built pneumatic assisted
drop-weight impact testing set-up. The low-velocity impact experiments are
performed according to the ASTM D7136 standards.
a. Specimen Placement:Securely place the specimen in the testing machine,
ensuring proper alignment and stability.
b. Positioning of the Impactor: Position the impactor at the specified height to
achieve the desired impact velocity.

(Fig 4.5) Impact test Apparatus

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

4.2.6 Data Collection pre-impact

a. Calibration:Calibrate the instrumentation and the testing machine before
conducting the actual test.
b. Data Recording:Set up the data acquisition system to record force-time and
displacement-time curves during and after impact.

(Table 4.1) Impact test Data

(Table 4.2) Property of Fiber

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

4.2.7 Pre-Impact Examination

a. Visual Inspection: Perform a visual inspection of the specimen to ensure there
are no visible defects or irregularities.
b. Functional Check: Verify that all components of the testing machine are
functioning correctly.

4.2.8 Test Execution

a. Initiate the Test:Start the test and allow the impactor to strike the specimen at
the predetermined velocity.
b. Record Data: Capture and record data throughout the impact event.

(Fig 4.6) impact result (Fig 4.7) specimen 2

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

4.2.9 Post-impact Examination

The data collected from IISC is plotted in three different graphs, force vs time,
force vs displacement, displacement vs time to show the aftermath of the fibers

(Fig 4.8) sample 1

(Fig 4.9) sample 2

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

4.2.10 Data collection post-impact

(Fig 4.10) Sample 1 (Fig 4.11) Sample 2

(Fig 4.12) Sample 3

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Chapter 5 : Project Enhancer (AIML)

Since the data analysis in a manual way would be a very tedious process,opting for
the AI & ML model emerged.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques can play a
significant role in analyzing low-velocity impact scenarios, including those
involving materials like banana fiber.

● Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition:

AIML algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data related to low-velocity
impacts, including material properties, impact velocities, and resulting
damage. By recognizing patterns in this data, AI models can identify factors
contributing to low impact resilience and predict how different variables
affect impact performance.

● Predictive Modeling:
Machine learning models can be trained using data from low-velocity impact
tests to develop predictive models. These models can simulate impact
scenarios and predict the behavior of materials like banana fiber under
various conditions, helping researchers understand how different factors
influence impact resilience.

● Optimization:
AI techniques, such as genetic algorithms or reinforcement learning, can
optimize material properties or structural designs to improve impact
resilience. By iteratively adjusting parameters and evaluating performance
through simulations, AIML can identify optimal solutions that enhance the
material's ability to withstand low-velocity impacts.

● Material Characterization:
Machine learning algorithms can analyze the microstructure and mechanical
properties of materials like banana fiber to better understand their behavior
during low-velocity impacts. This information can help researchers tailor
material compositions or processing techniques to improve impact

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

● Fault Detection and Diagnostics:

AI algorithms can analyze sensor data from impact tests to detect and
diagnose damage in materials or structures. By identifying subtle changes in
vibration patterns or acoustic signatures, AIML systems can detect damage
early and provide insights into the underlying mechanisms of low-velocity
impact failure.

● Knowledge Discovery:
AI techniques, such as unsupervised learning, can uncover hidden patterns
or correlations in large datasets related to low-velocity impacts. By
discovering previously unknown relationships between material properties,
environmental conditions, and impact performance, AIML can provide
valuable insights for optimizing material design and manufacturing

● Simulation and Virtual Testing:

AI-powered simulation tools can replicate low-velocity impact scenarios in a
virtual environment. By combining physics-based models with machine
learning algorithms, these simulations can accurately predict material
responses to different impact conditions, allowing for rapid and
cost-effective analysis of impact performance.

● Anomaly Detection:
Machine learning algorithms can be trained to identify anomalies or
deviations from expected behavior during low-velocity impact tests. By
flagging unexpected results or outliers, AI systems can help researchers
identify potential weaknesses in materials or test setups that require further

● Adaptive Control Systems:

AI-based control systems can adjust experimental parameters in real-time
based on feedback from low-velocity impact tests. By continuously
optimizing test conditions such as impact velocity or loading rate, these
adaptive systems can enhance testing efficiency and accuracy, leading to
more reliable results.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

● Failure Mode Analysis:

AI techniques, such as image recognition and natural language processing,
can analyze visual and textual data to classify different failure modes
observed during low-velocity impact tests. By categorizing damage patterns
and associating them with specific loading conditions, AIML systems can
provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of material failure.

● Transfer Learning:
AI models trained on data from other industries or applications can be
adapted to low-velocity impact analysis in materials like banana fiber. By
leveraging knowledge and insights from related fields, transfer learning can
accelerate the development of predictive models and optimization strategies
tailored to specific material properties and impact scenarios.

● Decision Support Systems:

AI-driven decision support systems can integrate data from multiple sources,
including experimental tests, simulations, and literature reviews, to assist
researchers in making informed decisions about material design and testing
protocols. By aggregating and analyzing diverse information, these systems
can guide research efforts towards the most promising avenues for
improving impact resilience in banana fiber and similar materials.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Chapter 6 : Polynomial and Linear Regression Model

6.1 Samples from IISc

6.1.1 Comparison of sample 1

(Graph 6.1) Linear Regression

#Function: F = 1.48 * disp. + 667.04

(Graph 6.2) Polynomial Regression

#Function:F = 216.05 * Displacement^2 + 0.00 * Displacement + -187.06
6.1.2 Comparison of sample 2

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

(Graph 6.3) Linear regression

#Function: F = 14.56 * Disp. + 557.48

(Graph 6.4) Polynomial regression

#Function: F = 292.76 * Displacement^2 + 0.00 * Displacement + 76.32

6.1.3 Comparison of sample 3

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

(Graph 6.5) Linear regression

#Function: F = 0.49 * Disp. + 468.07

(Graph 6.6) Polynomial Regression

#Function: F = 226.49 * Displacement^2 + 0.00 * Displacement + 40.47

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

6.1.4 Comparison of all 3 Datasets

(Graph 6.7) Polynomial Regression

# Function: F = 188.18 * Displacement^2 + 0.00 * Displacement + 103.08

6.2 Samples for Polynomial regression model

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

6.2.1 Polynomial regression model input angle (30, 60)

(Fig 6.1) Sample 1 (Fig 6.2) Sample 2

(Fig 6.3) Sample 3

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Building Polynomial regression models based on the samples, we get graphs

with maximum accurate results compared to the experimental values.

(Graph 6.8) sample 1

(Graph 6.9) sample 2

(Graph 6.10) sample 3

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Comparison of all the Samples 1,2 and 3 we get,

(Graph 6.11) Polynomial regression of all 3 combined sets

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

6.2.2 Polynomial regression model input angle (45, 60)

(Fig 6.4) Sample 1 (Fig 6.5) Sample 2

(Fig 6.6) Sample 3

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Building Polynomial regression models based on the samples, we get graphs

with maximum accurate results compared to the experimental values.

(Graph 6.12) sample 1

(Graph 6.13) sample 2

(Graph 6.14) sample 3

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Comparison of all the Samples 1,2 and 3 we get,

(Graph 6.15) Polynomial regression of all 3 combined sets

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Chapter 7 : Results and analysis of the Project

7.1 Outcomes of Polynomial Regression model

● Model Coefficients:
Polynomial regression involves fitting a polynomial equation to the data,
which includes coefficients for each term in the polynomial equation.

● Removing noise from the graph:

The outliers from the linear regression seemed to be eliminated hence
leading to higher accuracy.

● Enhanced accuracy:
Polynomial regression has proven to show higher accuracy compared to
linear regression. It was a spike of around 20% in accuracy.

● Model Predictions:
Using the polynomial regression model, predictions can be made for new or
unseen data points. These predictions estimate the value of the response
variable based on the values of the predictor variables.

● Model Visualization:
Visualizations such as scatter plots with the regression line (or curve for
polynomial regression) and residual plots can provide insights into the
relationship between the predictor variables and the response variable and
help evaluate the model's performance visually.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

7.2 Area under the Curve (energy absorption)

Area Under the curve of a given Force vs Displacement graph gives the energy
absorption of the material or fiber.

Comparing the various Graphs and datasets from the experiment using the given

we get:

(Graph 7.1) Impact Test sample 1 (90,45)

Area under the curve = 7663.07 N-mm

(Graph 7.2) Impact Test sample 2 (90,45)

Area under the curve = 9518.65 N-mm

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

(Graph 7.3) Impact Test sample 3 (90,45)

Area under the curve = 12397.19 N-mm

(Graph 7.4) Regression model S1 (30,60)

Area under the curve = 4188.11 N-mm

(Graph 7.5) Regression model S2 (30,60)

Area under the curve = 3384.89 N-mm

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

(Graph 7.6) Regression model S3 (30,60)

Area under the curve = 5418.30 N-mm

(Graph 7.7) Regression model S1 (45,60)

Area under the curve = 8262.38 N-mm

(Graph 7.8) Regression model S2 (45,60)

Area under the curve = 6343.71 N-mm

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

(Graph 7.9) Regression model S3 (45,60)

Area under the curve = 5107.70 N-mm

Specimen Area under the curve Mean Average

(N-mm) (N-mm)
Impact test S1 (90,45) 7663.07
Impact test S2 (90,45) 9518.65 13283.97
Impact test S3 (90,45) 12397.19
Regression model (30,60) 4188.11
Regression model (30,60) 3384.89 4330.43
Regression model (30,60) 5418.30
Regression model (45,60) 8262.38
Regression model (45,60) 6343.71 6571.26
Regression model (45,60) 5107.70

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

7.3 Analysis


For sample 1,with mass 20 kg dropped from a height of 1.8m,it was observed that
the terminal velocity before impact was recorded to be 6m/s.

For sample 2,with mass 20 kg dropped from a height of 0.8m,it was observed that
the terminal velocity before impact was recorded to be 4m/s.

For sample 3,with mass 20 kg dropped from a height of 0.2m,it was observed that
the terminal velocity before impact was recorded to be 2m/s.

(Fig 7.1) A specimen post test

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

7.3.2 HEAT TEST:

After conducting a few trials,it was observed that the edges of the sample 1 took
approx 4.81s to burn.
While sample 2 was observed to be burnt on the face side and the time taken was
When cigarette ashes were dusted on the sample there was no damage recorded.
The soot particles of the soot could be dusted off.
Another major observation was there were formation of lumps on the samples.

(Fig 7.2) specimen 1 (Fig 7.3) Specimen 2

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites


For sample 1,at 800W for a time duration of 1 minute it was noted that the fiber
has been bent with air bubbles observed from the heat test.
Also the temperature of the fiber isn’t reducing its very hot and remained in that
state for about 7-8 minutes.

For sample 2,at 800W for a time duration of 2 minutes.

The fiber has been bent with air bubbles observed from the heat test.
Also the temperature of the fiber isn’t reducing its very hot and remained in that
state for much longer time than sample 1.

(Fig 7.4) Air bubbles (Fig 7.5) 2 specimen comparison

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites


The samples were kept in the freezer for approx 8 hours and the door wasn’t
opened until 8 hours which can be considered as untouched and undisturbed
environment.It was seen that the lumps which were formed due to heat test got
tightly packed and it got rigid than its usual state.
Another instance considered was dipping the samples in water for around 10 mins
and then refrigerating again for around 8-10 hours the same analysis was

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Chapter 8 : GANTT chart

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

Chapter 9 : Discussions

9.1 Future aspects of the Project

The future of the banana fiber project holds several promising aspects:

● Sustainable Material: As awareness about environmental conservation

grows, banana fiber's eco-friendly nature positions it as a viable alternative
to synthetic fibers. The project can contribute to reducing reliance on
non-renewable resources.

● Diverse Applications: Continued research and development can uncover

new applications for banana fiber across industries such as textiles,
automotive, construction, and packaging. This diversification enhances
market potential and economic viability.

● Technological Advancements: Advancements in processing techniques,

such as enzymatic treatments and nanotechnology, can improve fiber quality,
strength, and versatility. These innovations expand the range of potential
applications for banana fiber products.

● Community Development: Banana cultivation and fiber extraction often

involve rural communities. The project can contribute to socio-economic
development by providing employment opportunities and improving
livelihoods in these areas.

● Waste Reduction: Banana plants produce significant agricultural waste,

which can be utilized for fiber extraction. This process helps in waste
reduction and promotes a circular economy approach by transforming waste
into valuable resources.

● Market Growth: With increasing demand for sustainable and natural

materials, the market for banana fiber products is expected to grow. The
project can capitalize on this trend by offering innovative and high-quality
fiber-based solutions.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

● Collaborative Partnerships: Collaborations with academia, industry

stakeholders, and government agencies can foster research, innovation, and
market penetration. These partnerships facilitate knowledge exchange and
resource sharing to propel the project forward.

● Quality Standards: Establishing and adhering to quality standards ensures

consistency and reliability of banana fiber products. Certification and
accreditation enhance consumer confidence and market acceptance.

● Global Reach: Expanding the reach of banana fiber products to

international markets opens up opportunities for export and global trade.
Strategic marketing efforts can showcase the benefits and unique properties
of banana fiber to a wider audience.

● Innovation and Adaptation: Continuous innovation and adaptation to

changing market dynamics, consumer preferences, and technological
advancements are key to the long-term success and sustainability of the
banana fiber project. Flexibility and agility in response to emerging trends
will drive future growth and competitiveness.

9.2 Applications

● Textiles: Banana fiber is commonly used in textile production to create

eco-friendly fabrics. It can be blended with other natural fibers like cotton or
silk to enhance durability and texture. Fabrics made from banana fiber are
used in clothing, home furnishings, and accessories.

● Paper and Packaging: Banana fiber pulp can be used to produce paper
products such as stationery, bags, and packaging materials. Its strength and
flexibility make it a sustainable alternative to traditional paper made from
wood pulp.

● Automotive and Aerospace: Banana fiber composites are utilized in the

automotive and aerospace industries for manufacturing interior components,
panels, and insulation materials. These composites offer lightweight,
high-strength solutions with reduced environmental impact.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites

● Construction: Banana fiber reinforced composites are increasingly being

explored for construction applications. They can be used in the production of
eco-friendly building materials such as boards, panels, and roofing tiles,
offering strength and insulation properties.

● Handicrafts and Artisans: Banana fiber is popular among artisans for

creating various handicrafts such as baskets, mats, rugs, and decorative
items. Its natural texture and aesthetic appeal make it ideal for artistic and
decorative purposes.

9.3 Participation in various events

● NITK,Surathkal for innovative project pitching.

● GYTI, a program by the Government of India to encourage young minds

with unique project proposals.

● PROTATVA - 2024 State Level Inter Collegiate Project Exhibition

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites


In conclusion, the Banana Fiber Project has been a journey of exploration,

innovation, and discovery, aiming to harness the full potential of banana
fiber.Through the ongoing rigorous research, experimentation, and collaboration,
several key findings and achievements have emerged.

The project addresses the initial challenge of low impact velocity resilience in
banana fiber by making the tests.These interventions have not only improved the
material's ability to withstand varying impact forces but also paved the way for its
more robust integration.

It was observed that during the fire test, the edges started to burn at 4.81secs.
Whereas at the centre it was recorded to a higher time compared to the edges.

When tested with ash from the cigarette, no damage was observed to the sample.

When Tested under Microwaves the sample tends to burn first near the edges,
concluding that the edges of the sample burn first due to the open surface contact
with the surrounding.

Results were delivered from IISc recently of the impact test and with the help of
the data we attempted to plot a force vs displacement graph of 3 samples and hence
we concluded on using a linear regression model and Polynomial regression model
to obtain the function of the graph. This will help us to understand the pattern of
the graph and help us build a machine learning model for the same.

Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites


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Low velocity impact analysis of natural fiber composites


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