2.2 HRIT Requirements Questionnaire
2.2 HRIT Requirements Questionnaire
2.2 HRIT Requirements Questionnaire
What it does:
This questionnaire allows organizations to validate high-level requirements with business sponsors using a well-defined
set of criteria to select the best vendor that meets organization’s business needs and solves practical problems. Use
these questions to ascertain company HRIT requirements under 6 major categories:
Business objectives
Future needs
System users
Current problems
Criteria for success
Assumptions and open issues
Send this questionnaire to business sponsors and key stakeholders in the HRIT process.
Business sponsors and key stakeholders should return completed questionnaire to HR or meet to discuss
specific questions in greater detail.
Synthesize and document results and revisit this information during the RFI, RFP, and vendor selection steps.
1. What are the current problems you face without the system today?
2. What problems should this system solve?
3. Do you have to do things manually that you would like to automate?
4. Do you have performance problems that need to change?
5. Do you have functional limitations that you would like to change?
6. Are you using packages that force you to constrain your business functionality to the
boundaries of the package?
7. Which reports do you currently use? What data on the report are important?
8. How do you use the information?
9. Are there specific bottlenecks to getting at information?
10. How do you analyze the information you currently receive? What types of data are used?
How do you currently get the data? How often do you get new data?
11. What type of ad hoc analysis do you typically perform? Who requests ad hoc information?
What do you do with the information?
1. List assumptions.
2. List open issues, responsible parties, and resolution date.