The Power of Manifestation-PDFdrive
The Power of Manifestation-PDFdrive
The Power of Manifestation-PDFdrive
If you are struggling at the moment, things are not working out and just not
happening. If you are at a point where you are willing to try something
alternative to what you have tried before as you know there has to be more to
life and you are ready to receive abundance on all levels, as that is our
birthright. And if you are curious about the hype around manifestation and
how it can help you turn your dreams and goals into reality, then you have
come to the right place!
Understanding Manifestation
According to Rhonda Byrne’s book and movie, the secret “We are what we
think, consciously and unconsciously. In other words what we attract into our
lives reflects the contents of our minds”.
Or as Shannon Kaiser puts it “We are all like magnets, both reflecting and
attracting what we hold in our thoughts.”
In other words, negativity will reflect back into your life if you have a negative
mindset, and vice versa for a positive mindset. As an example, if we focus on
scarcity, then we will receive that same energy back into our lives.
The Law of Attraction is one of 12 universal laws which focus on shifting your
thoughts and mindset resulting in a shift that ripples into the life you live. By
changing your thoughts, you can change what shows up in your life. In short -
“Thoughts become things.” So, every action or behaviour, emotion and choice,
is a result of a thought, and once your thoughts are aligned with a positive
vibration and state of being, you are better equipped to make choices aligned
with what you are wanting to manifest.
The Manifestation Process
Set a clear intention of what you want, so by asking exactly what it is that you
want, you are basically communicating it into existence through your choice of
a variety of practices such as journaling, visualization, meditation, prayer,
affirmations, writing it down or creating a vision board.
There needs to be action, you need to work towards your goals and put your
energy into achieving your goals.
Let go of all fears and negative thoughts or beliefs around whatever it is that
you want to manifest - where your attention goes your energy flows.
You want to ultimately lift your vibration, your energy, in order to attract that
which you desire - fears, limiting beliefs, guilt, and shame will lower your
vibrations whereas gratitude will increase your vibration.
Fully trust in the process - believe that that which you are asking for will be
manifest into reality.
Some misconceptions:
What you want will show up exactly how you want it - this is simply not the
case - I have seen it over and over in my own life when I asked for something,
but was given something very different, but much better.
Manifestation is not foolproof - for example if what we are asking for is not for
the greater good of mankind, or, if what we want is not aligned with your
subconscious beliefs.
Thoughts are not the only requirement, we cannot simply think things into
existence. It is a process, and it can take time and patience,
but it is well worth it.
In any event, the concept of time does not exist in the universe, time is man-
made - we often have much more time than we anticipate we have
Techniques you can use to get started
Not every technique will work for you, find the techniques that appeal to you.
And remember some techniques take time to learn - you are after all training
your brain to start doing something new and your brain is a muscle. But with
constant training, you will get there.
I remember a couple of years ago when I was first introduced to the concept of
manifestation - I started with writing down the story of a day in my life - in my
future - 3 years down the line - but although I easily wrote the story, I could
initially, for the life of me, not picture it.
Write down a day in your life, as did I, in your future 2 or 3 years from now,
what will you be doing, whom will you be doing it with, where will you be,
what job will you do, what car do you drive.
Write it down in the finest detail. You will be reading through your day
every day - in fact, I recorded myself reading it, with excitement and
passion, and listened to it every day, sometimes twice a day.
While you listen to it visualize it, and bring all 5 of your senses into it -
what do you taste, what do you see, what do you smell, when you touch
something how does that feel, and most importantly, how are you
Journal - write down every day what your goals are, what you are doing
towards your goals, what went well and what didn't, and become aware of
your progress.
Create a vision board - where you find pictures of what it is that you want
to manifest and save it as a screensaver, or if you believe in physical things
put it up against your wall where you constantly see it.
I cannot wait to hear about the amazing things you are going to manifest into
your life - please share your stories in our community!!
The world is your playground, whatever it is that you desire can be achieved.
Apart from your own limiting beliefs, there is no difference between you and
anyone who has already achieved that thing that you want to achieve.
It doesn't matter how huge or minuscule your goal is. I live in Curacao as an
expatriate, and I was under pressure to obtain certain documents required for
my renewal applications.
Time was running out and I just had to get this one document. I decided to,
instead of making a call, drive to the offices, and beg, if I needed to, but I just
had to get this document. I probably looked a bit crazy, because I kept
repeating over and over, out loud, that I was on my way to go and pick up the
documents, and I was going to the other offices where I needed to hand them
in. Out loud, over and over all the way.
By the time I got there, I was so hyped up, full of positive energy, like a balloon
ready to explode, vibrating higher than a kite. I walked in confidently,
introduced myself, and told the lady I was there to pick up the document.
Remember I had no idea whether it was ready, and in fact, all the odds were
against me, but hey, I have convinced myself. And low and behold it was ready.
That was the power of manifestation and if I can do it, so can you.
I have to add to this story, that if you had told me many years ago, I would be
sharing stories like this I would tell you that you are out of your mind.
I am an analytical and critical thinker and believe in woo-hoo things like laws
and powers that you cannot see seems "out of character".
However, I have seen enough evidence over the years to know for a fact that it
Remember that whatever you do, consistency is key. You need to believe in
the future you want to create and the probability that it can become a reality.
Bring all five of your senses in, let go of limiting beliefs that contradict your
desired future, lift your vibration, and live in gratitude.
Finally - if you want to create a peaceful life, start living a peaceful life, if you
want to create happiness, then become happy.
I cannot wait to read your stories!!! So please share them! I would also love to
hear which techniques worked for you!