CWS Scholarships Form
CWS Scholarships Form
CWS Scholarships Form
Passport size
photograph in
1. Name in full :
3. Particulars of father:-
(Guardian if father not alive)
(a) Name in full :
7. Particulars of School/College/Institutions
last attended:-
(a) Name of Institution :
(b) Date of entry :
(c) Date of leaving :
(d) Last examination passed :
with the name of Board/University :
(e) Roll No. total marks, marks obtained,
Class/division and percentage of marks
In the aggregate
8. Details of any other scholarship being received:
with amount and date of receipt
(a) A certificate true copy of marks sheet for the qualifying examination.
(b) Attested copies of NCC certificate, if any
(c) Certificate from the Associate NCC Officer regarding studentship in recent
class and continuance in NCC.
(d) Income Declaration.
(e) Attested photocopy of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled/Tribe/OBC
certificate issued by the State Govt authority.
2. It is certified that the applicant has undergone training in NCC for 2 years and
details of year wise training attendance are as under:-
(To be completed by the CO Unit)
2. The conditions laid down for award of scholarship have been fulfilled and grant
of scholarship to cadet ___________________________ is recommended.
1. The conditions laid down for award of scholarship have been fulfilled and grant
of scholarship to Cadet________________________ recommended.
(To be signed by the ANO of the School presently being attended by the applicant)
1. Kumari __________________________D/O______________________ is a
bonafide student of Class_____________________ of the School/College
2. The School/ College provide NCC coverage and the above named student is a
Cadet of the NCC in this institution since___________________.
1. Shri/Smt______________________Son/daughter of __________________ at
present residing at _________________________________declare/say as follows.
3. That my Annual income in the preceding year ending the 31st March 2017 was
Rs._____ ________ as per details furnished in the schedules here-under written. I
also declare that particulars of property held by me are as shown in the schedule and
that I have correctly indicated the amount on various counts.
II. Property held and income per annum (Houses,shop,buildling house sites etc.,)
IV. Salaries drawn by father and mother per annum. (Other benefit like house rent
allowance, Free house and perquisites).
1. The term “Ordinary residence” used where will have the meaning as in
section 20 of the representation of the People Act 1950.
(d) Sub-Divisional Officer of the are where the candidate and/or his family
normally reside.