Value Crisis
Value Crisis
Value Crisis
Value crisis is when the practice of members of the society starts deviating from the values
we hold dear. When there is a general acceptance of corrupt practices and unethical activities,
then the society as a whole is in value crisis. It creates a new normal of acceptance of
dishonesty, lies and immoral behavior.
In the contemporary world, there has been gradual deterioration of moral and ethical moors.
Things are being justified in terms of ends and opportunities. In India, we have started
accepting retail corruption as normal and in fact justifying it.
Strategies to control value crisis in the contemporary world are as follows:
1. Parents should be made aware of the importance of raising children with right values
and that they should themselves become role models for their children.
2. Schools should have value lessons embedded in syllabus.
3. Code of ethics for organizations. Right ethical conduct should be rewarded.
4. The cost of unethical behavior should be made high by increasing punishment. Just
increasing the punishment will not do. Implementation should also be proper.
5. People who are generally the victims in the society should be made aware of their
rights. Dalits and women should made aware of their rights and ways to register complaints
and get justice.
6. Popular leaders should use their appeal to inculcate good values in the society.
The downward spiraling ethical stock of the society need to be stopped and ethical standards
should be raised. A prosperous society with no ethics is no good for anybody.
Value crisis is being observed at various levels such as-
Individual level
Societal Level
Intellectual Level
Cultural Level
For instance, at the very individual level, a person is running behind to attain success at any
cost. The ‘any cost’ factor has led to erosion of values. Quest for worldly success, acquisition
of money, power and prestige are some reasons which are eroding an individuals’ values.
Therefore, life values which give meaning, worth and fullness to human existence, appear as
roadblocks to ones success.
This leads to a situation of value crisis.
To counter this situation of value crisis, some the few strategies which can be applied are-
1) Good parenting.
2) Value Education at all levels – primary, secondary and university.
3) Code of Ethics and morality be imbibed at workplace through ways such as seminars,
4) Awareness through mass media.
1. material values
2. social values
3. aesthetic values
4. physiological values
5. ethical values
6. spiritual values
7. ethical values
The above seven values are known as the spectrum of good life.
Good Life:
Physiological/Material Values:
Societal Values:
on one hand it means people getting their rightful dues,
reward, recognition, respect for rights, liberties, meeting valid
demands, on the other hand the area of law, legal justice is a formal
procedure followed by courts adjucating conflicting claims of
Rules of Law
Psychological Values:
Integrated Personality
Aesthetic Values:
Spiritual Values:
Human values are the virtues that guide us to take into
we aim to give to other human beings. These human values give the effect of bonding,
comforting and reassuring.
Value guides the selection or evaluate policies, people and events. That is, values some as
standard or criteria.
At Individual Level:
1. Personal Success & Selfish Individualism.
2. Following “Higher the quantity of consumption,
At Societal Level:
1. Group oriented society but limited to caste, clan &
village community.
related to society.
3. No attention on social problems like poverty,
At Intellectual Level:
1. Value Climate is linked with society's intellectual
other intellectuals.
focused specialists.
At Cultural Level:
1. Due to socio economy cond. & copying western modes,
towards culture.
is partly true.