Nikita Kumari Munda
Nikita Kumari Munda
Nikita Kumari Munda
Dr.Amrit Kumar Jha
(Associate Dean, TMAC, Godda)
Dr.Mukesh Kumar Singh Nikita Kumari Munda
(Educational Tour Coordinator) Roll No :- 04
Dr.M Ranjana Devi Semester -4th
(Educational Tour Coordinator)
Dr.Abhijeet Satpathy
(Educational Tour Coordinator)
Effective learning from real world experience.
Better chance for exchange of ideas personal development.
Enhanced prespective of the world around.
Better networking skills.
Day 0
• The detector measures the quantity of the components that exit the column.
• To measure a sample with an unknown concentration, a standard sample with a known concentration is
injected into the instrument.
• The standard sample peak retention time (appearance time) and area are compared to the test sample to
calculate theconcentration.
Model no.-TRACE 1300 Series Model no.-GCMS
Gas Chromatography Machine
Biofertilizer Production Unit-
The Biofertilizer Unit produces exceptionally effective and potent fertilisers such as
Azotobacter, Rhizobium, Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Azospirillum. It also imparts
continuous extensive training programs to build awareness and capacity on how to
use fertiliser and technology for the highestbenefit.
NRRI Museum-
Rice Gene Bank
Medium term storage
On field –The cauliflower was planted in different rows with different types of
resources used by the manipulation with soil.
Vermicompost Unit-Vermicomposting is a natural process whereby earthworms
convert waste material with rigid structures into compost. The compost produced in
this green process is traditionally and popularly used as a natural fertilizer for
enhancing plant growth.
Entomology lab-
• Beneficial Insect-Lac insect, Silkworm etc..
• Trichogrammacard prepration-
Pathology lab-
Mushroom unit-
On field(Cabbage) Vermicompost unit Pathology lab Tricho cards
By-S.K PatnayakSir By-S.K PatnayakSir
Mushroom unit
Entomology lab
By-Shashank Sir
Centre of Tropical Mushroom Research And Training
Groundnut unit-
By-Tarini Sir
Visit 04-Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Orissa
Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Aiginia, Bhubaneswar a regional station of ICAR -Indian
Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore was established on 6th November 1992. The Station is
located in Aiginiawhich was founded and inaugurated by Dr. Balram Jakhar, Union Minister of
Agriculture and Co-operation, Govt. of India and President, Indian Council of Agriculture Research.
The station has approximately 40 hectare area. Ever since the station has progressed substanciallyin
achieving its missionandmandates.
The station is also working on many externally aided projects to bridge the identified gap in
achieving the objectives. The Station has developed different varieties and technologies to
suit the agro-climatic conditions of the eastern region and propagated them in best possible
mechanisms available to different parts of the State of Orissa and other parts of Eastern
India as per the mission.
Day- 05
Visit 05-Central Research Institute for Jute and AliedFibers (CRIJAF), Nilganj, Barrackpur,
West Bengal.
ICAR-CRIJAF is a premier institute on jute & allied fibercrops of ICAR under Crop Science is
situated at Nilganj, Barrackpore (6.0 Km from Barrackpore railway station) and about 20 Km
from Dum Dum Airport (NSC Bose International Airport). The institute mainly deals with 6
natural fibercrops viz., Jute, Sisal, Ramie, Sunnhemp, Mesta, and Flax. The institute has four
Research Stations viz., SunnhempResearch Station, Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh; Ramie
Research Station, Sorbhog, Assam; Sisal Research Station, Bamra, Odisha and Central Seed
Research Station for JAF, Budbud, West Bengal. It has two KVK's under the administrative
control of ICAR-CRIJAF, one is located at Budbudin Burdwan district and one at the CRIJAF
campus of Barrackpore,WestBengal.
Day- 06
Visit 06-Regional Research Station, Gayeshpur
By-Smt. Kiran Mary KandirMam