Trench Crusade Lore v1.0 Compressed 1
Trench Crusade Lore v1.0 Compressed 1
Trench Crusade Lore v1.0 Compressed 1
Lore sampler
Lore sampler
Created by
Mike Franchina
Game design
Tuomas Pirinen
James Sherriff
uring the First Crusade, the armies of the Church captured the Holy
City. Under the most holy of temples, the Knights Templar discovered
secret vaults and, within them, an ancient demonic artefact. The
Templars, blinded by greed and with weakness in their hearts, fell to
their knees. They had found a new lord.
Seeing the unholy wisdom of which the artefact spoke, they began trafficking with
devils and committing all manner of unspeakable rites. This was the First Heresy. The
armies of the Church retreated and Jerusalem became a depraved pit where Hell and
our mortal plane now bled into one.
For eight centuries the Church has waged its crusade to take back the Holy City.
The landscape has been utterly devastated, criss-crossed with thousands of miles of
mud, trenches and craters. The crusade is now waged with armies wielding terrifying
weaponry, and both sides conjure up supernatural beings of such immense power they
are nigh unstoppable. Even with such incalculable might, the armies are at a stalemate.
1099 – First Crusade captures Jerusalem. The Knights 1429 – Living Saint Jeanne d’Arc drives the Black
Templar commit the Act of Ultimate Heresy. The Gate Grail from mainland Europe.
of Hell is opened on Earth and Jerusalem is destroyed in
the cataclysm. 1477 – The City of Argos is taken by God and it is no
1101 – The Year of Three Battles. Heretics, reinforced
by the armies of the Third Circle of Hell, conquer most 1503 – War Prophet Angelos, guided by St. Elegius,
of the Levant. discovers the formula of Orichalcum Steel. Though
extremely costly to produce, the metal proves to be
1102 – The ancient city of Antioch is fortified and effective against all missile weapons and is still used to
becomes the focal point of resistance against the forces this day.
of Hell.
1545 – Antioch destroyed utterly by a mysterious
1106 – Cobar becomes the First Tyrant of the Sixty-six. infernal weapon.
1109 – The Great Sultanate of the Invincible Iron Wall 1573 – Sacred Order of the Dragon halts the heretic
of the Two Horns That Pierce the Sky is formed. In the advance after the destruction of Byzantium. A million
coming decades it unifies the Islamic factions. The Great heretics impaled in the hills of Wallachia.
Iron Wall of Iskandar re-emerges and is fortified against
the Heretics. 1595 – Walls of New Antioch completed.
1117 – The legendary Seventeen Martyrs travel to 1666 – The Year of Six Woes. In a surprise raid, the
the Earthly Domains of Hell to convert the Heretics. newly created Heretic fleet captures Gibraltar. The sea
Captured, tortured and kept in a perpetual state of fortress becomes the Heretic base of operations against
agony, they remain trapped within white-hot Brazen Europe. Forces of Hell gain access to the Atlantic.
Bulls to this day.
1670 – Due to the constant coastal raids by the Heretic
1165 – The Old Man in the Mountain and his Fleet the Crown of England begins the construction of
Hashashins defend the mountain fortress of Alamut. the Fortress of the White Cliffs.
The castle stands to this very day, despite being besieged
for hundreds of years. 1703 – Against all odds, a small force of Hebrew
Knights striking from their secret fortress destroy the
1215-1306 – The Wars of Triclavianism. The Church Templar stronghold at Acre.
is split and fights a fierce internal conflict. Heretic
domains extend as the faithful fight against each other. 1805 – Heretic fleet under the command of High
Millions perish by sword and fire. Captain Ranga defeats the fleet of England in the
Battle of the Bloodied Cliffs. Admiral Nelson is slain in
1346-1353 – Beelzebub unleashes the Black Grail. combat.
Tens of millions are infected, becoming metastatic
vessels in the worst plague in the history of mankind. 1866 – In the utmost secrecy Heretic scientists, aided
The Corpse Wars begin. by the Demon Marbas, construct the first modern
Armaments of
the Trench Crusade
fter raging for eight centuries, the Great and polearms, lead-tipped great maces and hell-forged
War has produced a bewildering variety swords are all used to deadly effect when storming enemy
of weaponry, equipment and armour, trenches. Enemies such as Heretic Anointed are often so
and due to the power of both Heaven and heavily armoured that only concentrated effort can bring
Hell taking active role on the battlefields, a one of these survivors of the Lake of Fire down, and even
warband participating in the Trench Crusade often has then, they often have to be finished off in brutal melee
a fascinating and exotic panoply of both ancient and combat with Misericordia daggers, looking for a chink in
modern weapons. their unholy armour.
It was the work of the followers of St. Eligius, the patron Those brave (or suicidal) enough wield anti-tank
saint of metalworkers, that allowed the weaponsmiths hammers: polearms with explosives powerful enough to
and armourers of the Holy See to produce steel alloys tear apart even the strongest of armour. Still, the humble
imbued with divine light, metals more malleable bolt action rifle is the workhorse of the battlefield, and
and harder than any normal steel. Though the cost is most yeoman soldiery as well as Heretic legionnaires
enormous, suits of armour can be wrought that are able carry it. Many other weapons, though rarer, are in
to withstand a hail of bullets. This excellence of the common use: machine guns, sniper rifles, grenades of
infantry field armour remains to this day, keeping abreast both shrapnel and gas variety, as well as experimental
with the advances of firearms and explosives. anti-materiel rifles, while the Heretic forces are equipped
with blades of eternally burning fire, living bullets that
Meanwhile the Heretic Legions have gained access to infect their targets and turn them into undead metastatic
hellish metals from the twisted crucibles of Tartarus, vessels, forever bound in servitude to the Devils, and
exceeding the strength of mundane steel though often at heavy flamethrowers forged in the Iron Pits of Dis,
a terrible cost, for carrying such weapons or donning an belching the flames of the Lake of Fire where damned
infernal suit of armour burns both the body and the soul, souls wither for all eternity.
leaving behind festering wounds that never heal.
With both Infernal and Divine Powers actively at work
Thanks to these advances in metallurgy, titanic artillery on Earth, holy icons, symbols, cursed trinkets and
pieces exceeding 300 feet are constructed in the unholy artefacts are carried by soldiery of all ranks.
foundries of New Antioch, while the forges of Hell Their power is undeniable and has turned the tide of
turn out truly colossal machines of death of their own many a battle. Martyrdom Pills are taken regularly by
– the largest known piece, the dreaded Mouth of Hell Trench Crusaders looking to take the enemies of God
measuring a staggering 666 feet in length and boasting down with them. They inure the faithful against pain
1666 millimetres in calibre! The massive artillery and exhaustion but extract a brutal toll after their effect
barrages pockmark no man’s land, creating a hellscape wanes. Many Trench Pilgrims wear iron capirotes that
on Earth between the Heretic and Faithful forces. It both shield their minds from the horror of the creatures
is over these pieces of land that the warbands of both of Hell, but also incorporate a gas mask in their design –
sides travel, scouring every inch for usable weapons, holy a useful feature on battlefields where the use of chlorine
objects of power, ammo, food, armour and more. and mustard gas, as well as more dire fumes created
by the twisted chemists in the Bolgias of Inferno, is
Due to the protection offered by modern armour, close commonplace.
quarter combat is frequent and brutal: trench clubs
The Principality of
New Antioch
From the Official and True annals of the Church history as told by Melchior Gessel, 1910 AD New Antioch
or three hundred years the Principality mighty towers, have never been breached. This is partly
of New Antioch has stood defiantly as the due to hundreds of anchorites, metallic battle shrines
focal point of the Church and the Faithful with devoted entombed within them, that are embedded
at the very edge of the shadow cast by into the walls, keeping a vigilant watch day and night.
the Gate of Hell. It is the Home of All Our
Hopes, the bulwark against Heretic forces and the first More than anything else, it is the volunteers who come
line of defence against the devil’s might. Should New to serve under the Banner of Christ that ensure the
Antioch fall, all the Levant will be lost. continuous existence of the Principality. Thus in the
streets of the city one can hear hundreds of languages
War has never left this corner of the world. The ancient and dialects. One might observe hussars of the Polish-
city of Antioch was destroyed by a mysterious demonic Lithuanian commonwealth brushing shoulders with
weapon in the year 1545, but the Faithful never gave up the last remnants of the Varangian Guard or hear the
their positions in the ruins. Despite the lethal demonic sermons of a street preacher from Eire extolling the
essence emanating from the crater that was left behind, soldiery of Ethiopia to lay down their lives for the cause.
the garrison held on, even as mighty Constantinople fell Perhaps they might even witness the Church Engineers
to the legions of Kimaris, Marquis of Hell. procession taking their latest invention to be tested on
the front lines.
Before it was destroyed, the ancient city of Antioch was
always the first line of defence to be put to test. Thus it This all happens under the watchful eyes of the Office
is no wonder that in the year 1559 the Sword Congress of the Propagation of Virtue that tirelessly patrol the
of Vienna agreed to rebuild and fortify the city, and streets. While they are quite happy to turn a blind eye
that a yearly tithe is to be sent to New Antioch by all to the revelries of soldiers, they ferociously persecute
the Faithful nations, though this levy is rarely in the even the slightest deviation from Church doctrine. The
form of coin. Instead, endless supply trains of foodstuffs, execution of heretics is a weekly spectacle that draws
tools, ammunition, weaponry, machinery and skilled immense crowds.
workers and engineers come from across Europa and the
Mediterranean Sea, as well as the African dominions. Factories spew black smoke as newly constructed tanks
roll out of the workshops. Foundries burn white-hot day
Keeping the supply routes open is a constant game of cat and night in order to keep the artillery battalions, the
and mouse, as Heretic infiltrators and raiders harry the pride and joy of New Antioch, at full strength. In the
caravans and ships that allow the Principality to exist to techno-laboratories of the city the Church toils away in
this day. creating the superhuman Communicants empowered by
the cloned flesh and blood of the Redeemer. Thousands
Since those days New Antioch has grown to be the most of workers give their lives in horrific accidents and
important fortress-city in the world, the Sword and overwork each year, and great statues celebrating their
the Shield of Europa and Africa. All the princes of the sacrifices stand around the city.
Church and heads of the various states and domains who
oppose Hell understand that it is better to fight their Despite all these preparations, it is a grim reality that
battles against the Heretics away from their heartlands. New Antioch could never withstand the full onslaught
To this day New Antioch has withstood eight great of the combined Heretic forces. It is only thanks to
sieges and its famed walls, with their seventy-seven the ferocious and bloody internal conflict amongst the
hen the need is great, the Synod of Though they master many weapons, the trench polearm
Strategic Prophecy sends their famed stands as the preferred choice for Observers. This tool
Observers to support the war effort. allows them to skilfully vault over barbed wire and drop
This order of warrior monks lives a life into enemy trenches with devastating force. Guided by
of absolute solitude, sharpening their the omniscient words of the Almighty, they possess the
minds and bodies to make themselves living weapons ability to evade nearly any strike. With proper focus,
in the Hand of God. Once a soldier joins the order, they foresee impending attacks within the crystal of
they very rarely leave the Temple of The Word – the the Eye of God that is incorporated into their helmet.
only exception being when they are summoned to the As such, enemies’ efforts to take them down are often
battlefield, a situation where their unique abilities can frustrated, since the Observer simply moves the
decisively shift the balance in favour of the faithful. Even minimum required to avoid any harm, knowing precisely
the slightest disturbance to their prayers or training will where the blow of the Heretic was going to land.
mean that they will not be able to commune with the
Lord of All Creation. Thus the days of the Observers are However, even the slightest slip in their concentration
spent in secluded, cloistered cells, when not practicing means that they might lose the Voice of God that guides
their martial or mental disciplines. them, rendering them just as vulnerable to death as any
other mortal soldier.
Observers wear a specially crafted Oculus Helmet
enabling them to attune to the Voice of God. This
remarkable connection grants them the capacity to
simultaneously perceive the immediate past, present
and future, to a degree. This allows them to perform
martial feats unrivalled, but a living human is not meant
to hear the Holy Words, so it comes at a cost. Since
the Voice of God never decays, they must concentrate
with superhuman focus to extricate the righteous
guidance amidst the narrative spanning from creation’s
inception to the present moment. The resonance of the
Divine Echo, ringing ceaselessly in their ears, renders
sleep impossible. Therefore they must resort to potent
sedatives and mind-altering drugs for them to endure
the heavy burden of their battlefield role for any length
of time.
ince the beginning of the Great War some denies such slander upon pain of death. Despite ceaseless
800 years ago, the Faithful have faced a efforts, the Holy Mendelist Order have been unable
problem that is seemingly impossible to to produce even a single new Paladin in the last three
overcome: they are unable to take the battle centuries.
to the enemy. For such is the supernatural
power of the open Gate to Hell, that even approaching It has proven just as difficult to replace their holy armour
within sight of it is impossible for all but the most and weaponry. Since the destruction of the Holy City
strong-willed and pious. Within the Inferno await of Jerusalem it has not been possible to harvest more
domains of the Lost and legions of devils. Golgothic tektites required for the machining process
for the Paladin’s armaments. Thus their elaborate suits
But in utmost secrecy the Church produced an answer of armour (despite the fastidious care of the Dicastery
to this quandary: The Paladin Program. Paladins are by of the Service of Church Militant disciples) are much
far the greatest creations of the Mendelist Order. They scarred, burned and corroded, and many pieces of
are near-perfect Communicants for in their veins flows armour have been slated to be reforged in a vain hope
the purest blood that the Meta-Christ program has that even the tiniest shard of the required materials
been able to produce. Paladins are warriors with such could be recovered. Thus each Paladin is forced to
physical stature and inner holiness that, not only can endure searing pain like no earthly suffering where their
they approach Jerusalem’s Vale of Tears, but also enter armour has weakened, relying on their unshakeable faith
the very Gates of Inferno and undertake missions within during their lonely crusades into Perdition.
Hell itself – and return to tell the tale. Each is said to
represent near-perfection of human form, both mind Each of the nine Circles of Hell has its own foul
and body, though much scarred and burned from the atmosphere and deadly environment from noxious
long centuries of war they have been forced to endure for fumes to burning heat or a bitter coldness below absolute
the sake of all in Creation. zero, requiring a specific suit of armour to withstand
the infernal elements. Thus when a Paladin enters the
Paladins reside in secluded cells within a secret wing Gates of Hell, they know they must succeed alone or die
of Castel Sant’Angelo until the hour comes and the trying: no help will be forthcoming, not even from one
Council of Saints sends them forth to do battle. In such within their own order.
time the Paladin emerges from their seclusion, they go to
their arming chamber and kneel at the centre upon the Paladins are used only under the orders of the Council of
mosaic of the Militant Christ the Lion. They are then Saints and even then, extremely sparingly. Each mission
armed and armoured by blinded and gelded serfs (for no they undertake must bring great and tangible benefits for
impure gaze or carnal desire is to fall upon the Paladin by the Church and the overall war effort, and its long-term
the servants of the Church) and briefed on their mission benefit must be determined by the Synod of Strategic
by one of the Cardinal-Generals. They are given the Prophecy. Paladins are tasked with missions such as
Last Rites prehumously should they fall, for there is no exterminating key nobles of Hell, destroying laboratories
mission more dangerous than war within Gehenna. creating some new devastating variant of the Black Grail
or interrogating devils with holy fire and the blood of the Pictured here is Gérin, Paladin of
Originally there were twelve Paladins, but now only nine Lamb until they give up their infernal plans. the 3rd Circle of Hell. He stands
remain. Two have fallen in battle, and it is rumoured some 17 feet tall when arrayed
one has turned traitor – though the Church vehemently for battle.
Trench Pilgrims
s the war rages against the minions of Sisters who manifest wounds to match those of the
Hell, strange visions torment the faithful Third Meta-Christ whom the nuns venerate. They excel
across the globe. Men and women touched in close quarters combat, for each bleeding wound that
by Heaven are granted visions, and they suffer makes them stronger, not weaker, as their
Revelations are made by the messengers of devotion to suffering as their Lord once did gives them
God. Sisters of the Holy Orders are marked by Stigmata strength and endurance not found on mere common
and take up sword and cross as instructed by the angels. mortals. Armed with swords and pistols, they cross No
Those who have transgressed seek to atone for their sins Man’s Land heedless of any danger, praying to sustain
by taking as many followers of the Devil with them to wounds for the Redeemer which in turn will transform
the afterlife. them into the very Vengeance of the Lord.
So they come, the mad and the maimed, the God- In front of the Trench Pilgrims are driven the Ecclesiastic
touched and the guilt-ridden, all gathering around Prisoners: either captured enemies of the True Faith
Prophets and Prophetesses, forming Trench Pilgrim forced to make a final act of contrition or volunteer
Processions, disorganised groups which arm themselves sinners seeking redemption. Each is strapped with
and follow the prophets of the Lord unto the front lines. high explosives which are detonated once they reach
They fight with unrivalled zeal, throwing themselves the enemy lines. They dash across the killing grounds,
against the Heretics and arming themselves with hoping to either miraculously survive the blast and
anything they can get their hands on, from the oldest escape, or take as many followers of Lucifer with them as
muskets to scourges and Molotov Cocktails. they can, depending on their convictions.
Pilgrims are not officially sanctioned by the Holy See, The most puissant of Pilgrim Processions will be
but the Church still blesses the crusades of the faithful. accompanied by a Shrine Anchorite: a metal behemoth
Thus the Pilgrim Processions are a common sight on some twelve feet tall, a living altar of war almost
the battlefields, often charging across No Man’s Land completely immune to any damage. The interior of
in suicidal assaults against the Heretics, directed by the Anchorite is covered in spikes and barbed hooks
the visions of the Prophets and Prophetesses who lead so that the Monk who controls this colossus is in a
them, and urged on by the whips of Castigators who are constant state of torment, rejoicing in the pain so they
charged with instilling the Fear of God in their troops. can suffer as their Lord once did. In combat they wield
Adamantine Catherine Wheels of massive proportions
The bulk of the Pilgrims are men and women with little which they use to crush the sinners and heretics into a
military training, but when they don the Iron Capirote pulp, and then string them upon the wheel as a warning
of a Trench Pilgrim, they can face even a demon from to others.
the deepest Bolgias of Hell unflinchingly. Nor is death
necessarily an end to their mission: sometimes the There is a bewildering number and variety of Trench
Seventh Meta-Christ will deem a fallen Pilgrim worthy Pilgrim Processions: The Penitents of Pious Revenge
and bring them back as Martyr-Penitents, warriors half- swear in the name of St. Olga and uses flamethrowers,
way between Heaven and Earth, able to fight once more burning grenades and incendiary ammunition to assail
and feel no pain from bullet or bayonet thrust. the Heretics. The Pilgrims of the Iron Path follow St.
Rita of Cascia and go to battle with hammers, mauls,
Rarer and more dangerous are the Stigmatic Nuns: Holy maces and cudgels, and hammer nails into their heads
Shrine Anchorite
hrine Anchorites are metal behemoths some it is a common practice for Trench Pilgrims or Stigmatic
twelve to fifteen feet tall, a living altar of Nuns volunteer to be broken on the wheel and serve in
war almost completely immune to any their final battle mounted upon this device of execution,
damage, with a diesel engine belching smoke as a sign of both their willingness to suffer for their sins,
and trumpets echoing with prayers. The and for the spiritual protection their sacrifice is said to
interior of the Anchorite is covered in spikes and barbed grant to the Anchorite. The Church frowns upon this
hooks so that the monk pilot is in a constant state of custom, but Pilgrims flock to their Anchorites on the
torment, rejoicing in their pain so they can suffer as their eve of any battle, hoping to be granted the honour of
Lord once did. The exterior is festooned with icons, holy perishing upon the wheel.
relics and devotional prayer scrolls, each according to the
traditions of the Pilgrim sect that the Anchorite serves.
Heretic Legion
shroud of darkness blankets the world. dedicated towards bringing down the very Throne of
Smoke and brimstone spews from the Heaven.
yawning gates of Inferno enveloping the
lands, where people have abandoned God Amongst the forsaken citizens that endure within the
and openly wage war against His Creation. earthly domains of Hell, the greatest status is afforded
It is a grim reality that a full third of humanity has to the soldiers fighting in the Great War. But joining
bent its knee before the idols of Hell. The main satanic the army of damnation is no easy task. Those who
military force on Earth are the Heretic Legions, raised wish to win a place amongst the Heretic Legions must
from amongst these citizens of the damned. make an unholy pilgrimage to the burning bronze gates
of Hell where, even from leagues away, the infernal
Spies are sent into Hell’s domains under special heat sears both flesh and spirit until the pain becomes
absolution by the Cardinal Protector. Most are caught, unbearable. In the Valley of Tears the great road that
never to be seen again, save for some who’s eternally leads to the gate, paved as it is with wailing souls and
screaming heads are returned to New Antioch, branded lamentations, is littered with endless mounds of charred
with bleeding runes that mock the Holy Trinity. bodies. Many are still half-alive, writhing in agony,
trapped in a grotesque twilight between life and death,
Yet some do make it back to the light, whispering of the their wickedness deemed insufficient. These discarded
horrors they have witnessed: of firstborn cast into the souls are doomed to writhe in agony until the Day of
mouths of the burning statues of Baal and human flesh Judgement.
sold by the pound in dreadful markets. They speak of the
great idols of the Golden Calf and rapturous men and Those who make it within sight of Hell’s Maw are
women who prostrate themselves before them, carving considered worthy and are initiated into the Legions,
layers of their own flesh in ecstatic offering. Inverted taking unbreakable vows that chain them into darkness
pyramids and towers plunge into the depths of these for all eternity, their bodies branded with the mark of
cities, built of iron and black stone. Within these pits the Devil Lord that has claimed them. Armouries of Hell
stand sacrificial altars where weeping captives are slowly then equip them for battle and Heretic Priests beckon
sliced to death over agonising days and weeks with forth new supplicants as dictated by the whispers of their
wicked knives made of infernal basalt. Cathedrals to the patron arch-devils. Thus a new Heretic Legionnaire is
Princes of Hell hang from great arches of volcanic stone, born. They hail Archdevils as their masters and are thus
while condemned are crucified on hundreds of upside- damned for all eternity.
down crosses.
Yet there are some who push further on: to the very
Accounts speak of sprawling factories made of mutilated Gate itself and beyond. Their very flesh ignites, never
flesh and metal, their forges yielding endless munitions to recover, but those with the blackest souls can enter
for the ongoing war. Guided by the teachings of Inferno itself. Amongst those the Anointed are especially
Tartarus’ smiths, alchemists toil over colossal weapons revered amongst the Legions. They are the paragons of
and armoured behemoths, wielding the forbidden unhinged brutality – men and women of colossal vigour
secrets of their patrons’ metallurgy to forge instruments and unyielding devotion. Having tread the accursed
of death and suffering beyond the grasp of any human path to the shores of the Lake of Eternal Flame, where
engineer. Once-proud cities of Earth, where churches the damned wither and contort in ceaseless torment,
have been toppled and entire populations are now the Anointed emerge forever scarred by the embrace
rom a very early age a select group of Heretic The tongues of the Death Commandos are ceremonially
youth are sent beyond the Gates of Hell to ripped out at the end of their training. They will
be raised as Death Commandos. Few are never speak of what they have learned and their
chosen, fewer return, but those who complete unnerving silence adds to their sinister reputation. They
their training stand amongst the most elite of communicate with each other with a complex system of
the Heretic Legions. inscrutable hand signals.
Heretic Chorister
rom a young age, all Heretics are taught of those unfortunate enough to hear the dire song
that god-tyrant YHWH demands obedience, of a Chorister. Their hymns are often the first thing
but there are always brave souls who chafe at a fresh recruit experiences on the battlefield, as their
the yoke of divine oppression. In their bitter unholy voice rolls across the trenches, proclaiming a
rage, these dauntless ones commit a form of never-ending prophecy of the final victory of Hell over
ritual suicide to spit in the despot’s eye, knowing they Heaven.
have not the strength to injure him, apart from this little
rebellion. The great Military hospice of New Antioch has a
separate wing for those who have never recovered from
Suicide is a Mortal Sin and sacrificing yourself to the hearing Chorister’s dirge, their minds forever lost in a
glory of Hell is a yet greater affront to God. Some vision of eternal damnation, tied to their iron-frame
Heretics born with a gift of sonorous voice but little beds, screaming of the world to come when all is covered
prospects of rising through the ranks. Those possessing a under the darkness lit only by eternal flames.
determination to excel nevertheless may pursue the dark
path of becoming a Chorister.
pidemics of typhus, malaria, typhoid, are infected by the Black Grail lurch to their feet, driven
smallpox, yellow-fever, pneumonia, trench by a demonic will. Not living, not dead, they become
fever, Markisian disease and countless vessels to spread the corruption of their master ever
others ravage the trenches and battlefields further, forming warbands that strive to find and infect
of the Great War, but they all pale in life of any kind. They also gather things that mortals
comparison to the most dreaded of them all: the Black value and bring this loot as well as grisly trophies to the
Grail. feet of the idols of Beelzebub they erect. Thus the Cult
of the Black Grail mocks the devotions of the Faithful
Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, stands apart from the other and their prayers.
lords of Hell, who act mainly through their mortal
followers. Instead, when he periodically gains supremacy At the head of such warbands stand the knights of the
in the bitter power struggles of the archfiends, he sends Order of the Fly: those most depraved men and women
forth his deadliest curse. who willingly embrace the Black Grail and whose
devotion Beelzebub finds sufficient. They are granted
Infused with demonic essence from the bowels of weapons, armour and equipment corrupted by the hand
the seventh layer of Hell, where the putrid fortress of of the Archfiend in exchange for sacrifices brought to
Beelzebub stands, spews forth a torrent of demonic the altars of Beelzebub, which these warbands build
hell-flies, scorpions, locusts and other infernal insects. wherever they go, objects of grisly horror constructed
The Hellgate opens and a veritable tidal wave of foulness from the remains of their victims shaped into the form
emerges, flowing across the land at startling speed, of monstrous flies.
consuming everything and leaving indescribable horror
in its wake. After nine days the insect swarm exhausts
itself, devouring its own in its insatiable hunger.
Heralds of
he polluting effect of the Black Grail is the
gift of Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. Spread
by the insects bred by his own hand in the
Seventh layer of Hell, it is a tidal wave of
his foulness in the form of demonic vermin,
septicaemia, tainted insects, plague and impurities that
pollute both body and soul.
Plague Knight
hen the tide of Black Grail comes, their lord come to their ears, and then the mightiest of
many mortals cry out to Beelzebub Plague Knights strike forth, following orders carried out
in their despair, hoping that the Lord by the deafening buzz of trillions of beating wings of
of the Flies would spare them in hell-flies.
exchange for worship and servitude.
But their prayers fall on deaf ears, for the Prince of
Gehenna hates all Creation and only wishes to warp it
into a form pleasing to him and hateful to God.
hen the Infidels opened the thrice- House of Wisdom unleashes its terrifying takwin
cursed Gate to Jahannam, releasing creations upon the foe, and if the need is desperate the
the Gog and Magog upon those who Sultan himself comes forth and his Janissaries march
believe, it seemed that all was lost and with him to do battle, carrying the green flag of the
Shaitan would emerge victorious over Prophet before them.
Dunya. But the Creator of the Universe came to the aid
of the Faithful, and as had been written, the great Iron Thus the protection of the Iron Wall has had an extensive
Wall of Dhu al-Qarnayn manifested itself in the lands influence on the Sultanate Way of war. The conscripted
ruled by the Sultan of Rûm. A call was sent to those who Azebs are experts at feigned flight and skirmish, while
believe righteously, and over the coming decades the the loping Lions of Jabir harass the enemy flanks. All
migration of all the Faithful, second in importance only the while the superb artillery of the Sultan bombards
to the Hijrah of the Prophet himself, took place across the enemy as they make their tortuous journey across
Europa, Asia and Africa. Millions perished on the road the battlefield littered with traps set by the skilled
and at the sea, for the Heretics and their Shaytan lords Sappers. When they reach the ranks of the faithful, the
swarmed them as locusts swarm fields of ripe sesame, Janissaries, Sultan’s elite household troops, close in and
devouring them and building vile monuments and finish the enemy with their devastating counter charge
statues from their limbs and heads, so they could not be led by their Iron-willed officers. Dreaded Assassins from
buried as is decreed in the Holy texts. But once all those Alamut prowl in the winds of time, striking the enemy
who survived the journey had come, the mighty Gates of elites and leaders, while the Alchemists of the House of
al-Qarnayn were closed, and the Great Sultanate of the Wisdom unleash devastating weapons made deadly by
Invincible Iron Wall of the Two Horns that pierce the their elemental mastery, capable of overcoming defences
Sky was formed. of virtually any foe.
The assaults of the slaves of Jahannam against the Beyond the Iron Wall forces of the Sultan operate in
Sultanate have never ceased since that day, and each day small, mobile companies, each with a particular mission
new martyrs are mourned as they defend the Wall and to accomplish. They hunt down apostates that have gone
confront the Heretics who have overcome its defences. to serve Shaytans, look for the relics from the time of
But within the walls, the lost knowledge flourishes and the Prophets, or seek to recover lost treasures and books
from mosques of white marble and gold the muezzin call of knowledge from the ruins of the fallen Caliphates.
the faithful to pray for the success of the Sultan’s army Though an understanding between the Church and the
as it struggles to protect the lands within the wall, and Sultanate on being co-belligerents against Jahannam
defend the caravan trails that provide the Sultanate with exists, the commanders of these expeditions will tolerate
vital trade goods. no interference and do not hesitate to crush those who
would hinder their mission. Resentment against the
The iron wall is the greatest defensive work in the world, infidels who unleashed Gog and Magog runs deep in
a mighty bulwark festooned with the famed artillery the Sultanate, and matters of honour are swiftly resolved
of the Sultan. Azeb sharpshooters stand at ready, ever with duels to the death. Woe to those who dare to hinder
watchful for surprise attacks, and the elite Janissary the mission of Those Who Believe.
regiments have barracks at set intervals near the wall
so they can react to any attack at speed. During a more
serious incursion a full muster of Azebs is called, the
he janissaries are the Sultanate’s elite
warriors, raised from childhood in the “Glory to the Great Sultan, the
arts of war. Captured during raids upon the
desolate northern and eastern marches Padishah of Rûm, Commander
beyond the Iron Wall, they are subjected
to rigorous martial training and indoctrination from of the Faithful, and Successor
an early age. Through spiritual and alchemical means,
bound by chains unseen, their minds are carefully to the Prophet of the Lord of
conditioned until they attain a complete and unwavering
loyalty to the Sultan, and to him alone. the Universe, Custodian of the
Their physical attributes are augmented by potent elixirs Invincible Iron Wall of the Two
created by the mystic Jabirean arts. Their ornate armour
is forged from the metallic formula that the alchemagi Horns that pierce the Sky which
of the Sultan gleaned from the very Iron Wall that
protects the Sultanate from their enemies. These soldiers protects us from the ravages of
are also protected by powerful talismans crafted by the
blind thaumaturgists from the School of the Meteoric Gog and Magog!”
Omen. Armed with jezail rifles, hand mortars, yataghan
blades and a devotion carved upon their very souls, the
janissaries are formidable opponents indeed.
Lion of Jabir
n the fabled Sultanate of the Iron Wall, deep In battle the Lions of Jabir are deadly threats and are
beneath the golden gardens of Damascus, used as a vanguard of the host of the Sultanate. The
through the Cavern of the Sleeper and past Sultan himself has a hunting pack of seventy-seven
the Seven Gates of Potentiality, are the enormous Lions of Jabir that guard him day and night,
vast laboratories and metaphysical factories of and accompany him on the battlefield. The speed and
the Alchemists. ferocity of the Lions is nearly unmatched, and some even
have strange powers granted by their alchemical birth.
Using the mysterious Jabirean process called takwin, the Many have armour melded with the flesh and fashioned
alchemists are able to create artificial life, and produce all from alchemical metals, etched with cryptic seals and
manner of strange, wondrous beasts and automatons to sigils, and richly embellished by the Alchemists to hide
delight the masses of the souk, and grace the gardens of the defects in their creations.
the Sultan.
Jabirean Alchemist
he Alchemists are the battlefield mystics The third and final test is opening their Third Eye, the
and artificers of the Great Sultanate of key to cosmic illumination which allows them to see the
the Iron Wall, schooled in the hidden building blocks of Creation and thus be able to ensure
knowledge of the legendary Smaragdine that the elements they use are in perfect balance. Those
Tablet within the House of Wisdom. that fail their final test are horribly changed. Their Third
Admission is open to any with will and intellect deemed Eye swells to nightmare proportions and melds with
sufficient, be they man or woman. their original pair, driving the aspirant mad during the
process of their deformation. They spend the rest of their
To become an Alchemist is no easy task: they undergo pitiful lives screaming of the unseen horrors all around
many trials on their path to mastery. First are the now revealed to them. Out of mercy, alchemists that fail
countless lessons of the newly initiated – studying in this way are often put down, but there are rumours
the Jabirean Corpus, translating the Keys of Solomon of cabals of these living failures kept alive for reasons
and learning all the Fundamental Disciplines of their unknown.
primaeval science. Only after seven years of study, under
the watchful and exacting eyes of the High Alchemagi, is An Alchemist that has passed all three trials is
an aspirant allowed to attempt the Three Trials required formidable indeed: a master of esoteric powers, able to
for full membership in the Order. control fire and ice, metal and liquid; capable of creating
intricate mechanical devices and artificial life as well
The first trial is to create a suit of Alchemist’s armour as weapons of calamitous potency. In exchange for the
which protects against harm. This is an essential tool of freedom to practise their arts, the Alchemists supply
their craft, festooned with the Seals of Solomon which the Sultanate with the peerless Jabirean battle lions,
enables them to bend the elements of Creation to their and serve on the front lines where their devastating
will and shields them even from the devices of Hell. alchemical compounds melt the flesh from the bones
of enemies of the Believers, dissolving through even the
Next, they must create a takwin servant, a Homunculus toughest armour.
creature of artificial life and intellect. If the candidate
manages to follow the complex formula, as well as the
intricate timing and temperature requirements, the
creature will emerge after forty days of toil. It will act as
the Alchemist’s living tool of creation, for their hands
have fine motor skills well beyond even the nimblest
craftsman. Vaguely shaped like a small human, it can
change the consistency of its body to an almost liquid-
like slime to squeeze into alchemical chambers to do
their master’s bidding in extreme temperatures and in
the fog of poisonous chemical fumes. Many aspirants fail
here and their creation emerges from its golden celestial
sphere a deformed monstrosity, filled with hatred
towards its creator. It burrows itself into the Alchemist’s
body to consume it from within, wearing its would-be
master as a skin.
Sultanate Assassin
hey go by many names: Ghost Wolves, depths of Alamut. These weapons are imbued with the
the Secret Knives, Subtle Vipers, the Supreme Poison: The Milk of Manat, also known as
Sultan’s Wrath. Whatever they are called, The Cup of Death. A simple touch of these blades upon
assassins of the sultanate instil terror in the unprotected flesh is certain death, as the body of the
hearts of even the most dauntless. victim turns black and rots from within over the course
of several excruciating seconds.
Assassins are a legendary order of mystic warriors,
notorious the world over for their esoteric arts and In Cthonic chambers deep below the surface,
ruthlessness. Atop a forbidding mountain broods the generations of young assassins are raised, where they
onyx fortress, Alamut the Unconquerable. Behind are fed an awful, bitter diet rich with strange toxins.
its shadowed walls great secrets are hoarded by the Generation by generation, their tolerance grows, until
ancient magi. Some say that the founder of the Order the blood of these willing vessels is drawn and then
of Assassins, Rashid ad-Din Sinan, best known as the smelted into a poisonous iron. The iron is forged into
Old man of the Mountain, still holds his court here. A wicked, curving blades and deadly spells of slaying are
preposterous rumour, naturally, since that would make layered into each fold of the toxic metal. Finally the
him close to eight centuries old. red-hot blades are quenched in the venom of the pale,
unnatural offspring of a basilisk and manticore. Thus the
Though the Isma’ili Sect of Assassins is seen as heretical blood of the first generation of Assassins still lives to this
by many within the lands of the Iron Wall, a pact forged day, growing more potent with each generation.
between Sultan and the Mountain ensures that the
warbands of the believers often include one of these
supreme killers in their service.
he lands of the Sultanate are vast, and Many Azebs meet a terrible end in the cruel wars in the
many armies can be raised from the Trenches, and other return broken in mind and body,
multitude of the provinces, where one but there are always new, hot-blooded recruits willing
household in twenty is required to arm to risk it all for the Sultan, a chance to kill the hated
and equip a soldier to serve the ruler of followers of Shaitan, and return to home as heroes with
those who believe. Most such soldiers are known as fabulous stories and glittering gold.
Azebs (meaning ‘unmarried’, as those with families
cannot become Azebs), who serve as the light infantry
on both land and the sea, as well as guarding the Great
Iron Wall against the Heretic assaults. When an elite
force is sent beyond the Wall to strike at the enemy or
look for holy artifacts, the recruiters of the Sultan call
for volunteers to join the leaders of such expeditions.
Though the missions into No Man’s Land are dangerous,
there are always plenty of Azeb who step forward:
there is fame to be won, and chance a-plenty to acquire
valuable loot.
Yüzbaşı Captain
ilitary expeditions over the Great Iron powers of Shaitan.
Wall into No Man’s Land carry many
risks, and their commanders are field Success brings Yüzbaşı the favour of the Sultan and along
officers known as Yüzbaşı. They are with it honour, splendid weaponry of Damascus steel,
expected to lead from the front and gold dinars aplenty and access to the wondrous devices
their selection is solely on merit, with no consideration and creatures created by the Jabirean alchemists in the
given to family pedigree or wealth. Many are promoted House of Wisdom. Hunting is a noble pursuit within
from the ranks of the Janissary corps. the ranks of the officer corps, and artificial birds of prey
and automaton hounds double as potent weapons of war
Their bodies are enhanced by the Jabirean alchemical and are brought along to the front to aid their masters
arts and their minds conditioned by the mystics, at war.
allowing them to face any foe unflinchingly. The
downside of the mystic mental hardening is their utter
disregard for pain and their cold ruthlessness on the
battlefield. Casualties, both their own and those of the
enemy, as well as those non-combatants who believe, are
purely utilitarian to Yüzbaşı. For is it not just to send
heretics to Jahannam, while the warriors who fall in
battle will wake in Paradise, as has been promised?
Brazen Bull
ue to the protection afforded by the Iron
Wall, the Sultanate has always maintained
excellence in artillery. However, the siege
guns and heavy mortars that defend Those
Who Believe on the ramparts of the Wall
are far too cumbersome for small expeditionary forces.
Thus in the year of the Hijrah 821, Sultan Bayezid III
commissioned a new creature of war to act as living field