Eberron For Beginners

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Adventures in Eberron

Khorvaire is not a land of magic and fantasy down MacGuffins for glamorous women,
like Faerûn in the Forgotten Realms, where halfling barbarians ride dinosaurs across the
one of the world’s most powerful wizards has plains, frontier towns are defended by lone
dated the literal goddess of magic. It’s a world wandslingers and pirates sail the seas, while
where the techniques of low level magic have wrongly accused mercenaries help where no
been mastered and commercialised, recovering one else can help, a handsome crime writer
from a devastating century-long war, where teams up with the city watch to apprehend a
lightning trains traverse the continent and murderer, young scions of feuding houses have
airships made of soarwood take to the skies, ill-fated romances, and students at a magical
blacksmiths learn mending, innkeepers purify university fight legendary monsters in the sub
food and drink to keep their guests healthy, basements, all described by a Draconic
street lamps use continual flame, public toilets Prophecy that is only understood in fragments
provide a cleansing stone and glamerweave by even the oldest undying elven wizards.
clothing incorporates a minor illusion.
Most adventures in the world of Eberron begin
In Eberron, adventurers raid ancient tombs for on the continent of Khorvaire, often in the
mysterious artefacts, weary inquisitors track southern port city of Sharn.

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destroy the giants. Some stories even say that
A Brief History the Sovereign Host and the Dark Six cursed
At the dawn of time, three dragons created the planes Xen’drik so that another civilisation can never
of existence. But Khyber desired to rule over the new arise on the continent.
reality, and struck Siberys without warning, tearing From 15,000 to 5,000 years ago, Khorvaire was
him apart. Eberron and Khyber fought, but neither dominated by the goblinoid Dhakaani Empire.
sister could defeat the other, until Eberron bound This empire fell to an invasion of the daelkyr
Khyber in her coils, becoming a living prison that and their aberrations from the plane of Xoriat,
would forever contain Khyber’s evil. but the black dragon Vvarakk had seen this in
Siberys, the Dragon Above, created dragons, the prophecies, and had taught the orcs druidic
and his body forms a planetary ring of valuable magic which they used to seal the gates to
golden dragonshards that fall near the equator. Xoriat and imprison the daelkyr in Khyber.
Eberron created natural life, and her body is Humans arrived in Khorvaire from Sarlona, and
the surface world. Khyber, the Dragon Below, quickly spread across the continent, building
created all manner of fiends, and her body is their cities on the ruins of the goblinoid
the Underdark. empire. A thousand years ago, Galifar
There are many stories about the first ages of ir’Wynarn united the five nations of Khorvaire
the world, but all of them tell of an Age of into the Kingdom of Galifar. But his
Demons when the archfiends known as descendant King Jarot ir’Wynarn, troubled by
Overlords ruled with their army of rakshasa and dreams of invaders, started secret military
lesser fiends. In some of these stories, the research projects and built up standing armies
Overlords are eventually overthrown by the in each nation. When he died in 894 YK, the
combined might of dragons and couatls, with succession of his eldest daughter Princess
the couatls sacrificing themselves to form the Mishann ir’Wynarn was supported by Prince
Silver Flame and bind the fiends forever. Other Wrogar but rejected by Prince Thalin, Prince
stories say that it was the gods of the Sovereign Kaius and Princess Wroann, and the nations
Host that defeated the first children of Khyber. began what reporters from the Korranberg
Whatever the truth, if the rakshasa called the Chronicle optimistically came to call the Last
Lords of Dust should free the Overlords then War.
the consequences would be catastrophic.

Many great civilisations have risen and fallen

through the ages. The giants perfected their
magics in great cities on the continent of
Xen’drik, but enslaved the elves to serve them,
then created the drow when the elves rebelled.
Legends tell of Cul’sir, the greatest of the
giants, who pulled a moon down from the sky
to end an invasion from Dal Quor, and would
have pulled down the remaining twelve had the
dragons of Argonessen not stepped in to

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supplying weapons and armour to all the
The Last War nations. In 965 YK, they went even further, as
The hundred year long war1 between the their artificers used technology recovered from
nations of Aundair, Breland, Cyre, Karrnath Xen’drik to create the warforged, sentient
and Thrane was marked by shifting borders and soldiers built of metal and stone, leather, wood
alliances, great battles and tense stalemates, and plant fibre.
atrocities and selfless heroism. In the last days of the war, House Cannith sold
As the war went on, it took its toll on the their greatest weapon to Cyre, who desperately
countries and their people. When trade needed to reverse their fortunes: the warforged
collapsed in the early days of the war, and the colossus, an iron giant standing up to ninety
country of Karrnath was beset by famine and metres tall that could devastate enemy armies.
plagues, King Kaius ir’Wynarn I turned to the Only a few were ever deployed, though.
Blood of Vol to provide undead soldiers. In
914 YK, Thrane lost confidence in its The Mourning
monarchy, and became a theocracy under the
Four years ago, on 20 Olarune 994, a cataclysm
Church of the Silver Flame.
occurred in Cyre. Some say it started it the
Cyre used elven mercenaries from the south capital of Metrol, while others say it started on
east to bolster in their armies, but in 956 YK a battlefield, or from the forges of House
they annexed south east Cyre to create Valenar. Cannith. Wherever it started, a wall of dense,
The farmers of western Aundair, neglected by grey mist spread rapidly across Cyre, killing or
their rulers, seceded in 958 YK to form the transforming all it touched, and by the end of
Eldeen Reaches with the druidic sect of the the day Cyre was no more.
Wardens of the Wood, under the guidance of
A million Cyrans died that day, along with the
the great druid Oalian. In 969 YK, a hobgoblin
soldiers and officers of invading armies. The
mercenary from the Seawall Mountains realised
only survivors were soldiers fighting outside
that his was the strongest military force in what
the borders, and anyone able to outrun the
remained of southern Cyre, and annexed the
mists or escape by magical means. Queen
region to form the new goblinoid nation of
Dannel and much of the royal family are
Darguun. And three hags, the daughters of
presumed dead, leaving Cyre’s ambassador to
Sora Kell, settled the barren lands in the west
Breland, Prince Oargev, as the last survivor of
of Breland with a force of monsters including
the family and the de facto leader of the Cyran
trolls2, ogres, medusas, minotaurs, harpies,
tieflings and gnolls, and established the nation
of Droaam in 986 YK while Breland was Not knowing the cause of the Mourning, and
distracted by the war. fearful that it could happen to them, the
nations came to an uneasy ceasefire. King Kaius
Of all the dragonmarked houses, House
III brought the other leaders of the remaining
Cannith did especially well from the war,
countries together in 996 YK to sign the Treaty
1 Like the Hundred Years’ War between England and of Thronehold, bringing the war to an end,
France, officially started by questions over the
recognising new nations, and banning the
succession of Isabella of France.
2 “But Mum, I don’t like troll sausage.” creation of any new warforged.

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bearers find work as rangers, bounty hunters
Dragonmarks and prospectors. House Tharashk is the only
Starting a little more than 3,000 years ago, a house to employ monsters from Droaam, and
small number of people in the mortal races of acts as an intermediary between them and the
Eberron have developed a magical mark other nations.
resembling draconic script on their skin as they The Mark of Handling gives the humans of
grow up. These “dragon” marks give their House Vadalis the skill and magic to tame, train
bearers improved mundane abilities, innate and breed mundane animals like dogs, cattle
magic, and extra spells if they are a magic user. and horses, as well as more exotic beasts like
The chance to manifest a dragonmark is griffons and hippogriffs. For when even the
inherited, and the families bearing the marks bulette ranch is not exciting enough, House
have used their gifts to form dragonmarked Vadalis works on magebreeding superior
houses with monopolies over the types of magical creatures.
business enhanced by their mark. The Mark of Healing forms the basis of the
Players can choose to play as a dragonmarked halfling healing empire of House Jorasco. They
character, or as a member of a dragonmarked sell magical healing to those who can afford it,
family without a mark. Either way, you’ll need mundane care to those who can afford less, and
to think about your character’s relationship those without money rely on the goodwill of
with their house. clerics of the Silver Flame and Sovereign Host.
They are also the only source of potions of
The Mark of Death appeared in Aerenal and was
healing, which may help explain the price.
used by necromancers of the House of Vol in
their manipulation of negative energy. Two and There are disturbing rumours that House
a half millennia ago, the entire bloodline was Jorasco worked with House Vadalis during the
killed by elves and dragons to prevent a disaster war to develop biological weapons and mage-
they had seen in the Prophecy, and the mark is bred soldiers.
believed to be extinct. The Mark of Hospitality helped the halflings of
The Mark of Detection appears on half-elves and House Ghallanda establish the largest chains of
was first identified, and House Medani formed, inns and taverns in Khorvaire, and their blink
during the War of the Mark. It enhances dog emblem shows that even an unaffiliated
investigative skills, and gives even its lowest establishment meets their standards for
level bearers the ability to detect poisons and cleanliness and quality. Innkeepers from House
the use of magic. Medani heirs are often found Ghallanda make connections, collect favours,
helping their communities and local law and support their communities.
enforcement, while the Warning Guild The Mark of Making appears on the humans of
specializes in solving complex mysteries. House Cannith, and has made them the leading
The Mark of Finding began to appear just 100 provider of both mass-produced and unique
years ago on half-orcs and humans in the magic items that other houses rely on. Their
Shadow Marches, and the clans bearing it are artificers in R&D are always working on ways
still only loosely aligned as House Tharashk. Its to push magical technology forward.

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Following the destruction of their headquarters
in Cyre, and the death of Starrin d’Cannith, the
house has split into three divisions; Cannith
East is based in Karrnath, Cannith West is
based in Aundair with strong ties to the Eldeen
Reaches, and Cannith South is based in Sharn.

The Mark of Passage appears on the humans of

House Orien, and gives the house its control over The Mark of Storm gives the half-elves of House
land transport. This includes couriers and Lyrandar power over wind and water. While
teamsters, but for travel across the continent always having used this to control river and sea
they provide the lightning rail, which only trading by having the fastest, safest ships, in
dragonmarked engineers can operate. For the the last decade they have taken to the skies in
right price, they can provide teleportation, but Lyrandan airships. This has brought them into
this is incredibly rare and expensive. conflict with the House Orien lightning rail,
especially since the Mourning split the rail in
The Mark of Scribing is the only mark that
half, while Lyrandar can bypass Cyre.
appears on gnomes, and gives House Sivis the
ability to magically translate languages, and to In addition to transportation, the Raincallers’
use speaking stones to send short messages Guild of House Lyrandar controls weather for
anywhere they have an office. They also provide their clients.
many other services that deal with the spoken Finally, the Mark of Warding lies behind the
or written word, including notaries, barristers, banks, security consultants and correctional
cartographers, scribes and bookbinders. facilities provided by the dwarves of House
The Mark of Sentinel enhances the marshal Kundarak. The integrity and security of the
prowess of the mercenaries of House Deneith. Banking Guild are legendary. The house is
The dragonmarked humans of the house notable for its opposition to any dealings with
provide their elite warriors and bodyguards, the daelkyr being uncovered deep beneath the
and the Sentinel Marshals that provide law Mror Holds.
enforcement across the continent. But the
house also employs a wide range of other Aberrant Dragonmarks
mercenaries, including goblins and Valenar
Distinctly different in colour and style from the
elves, bringing them into conflict with House
dragonmarks described above, aberrant marks
do not follow any pattern in the powers that
The Mark of Shadow gives the elves of House they provide. They were relatively common
Phiarlan exceptional skill with illusion. Publicly until the War of the Mark 1,600 years ago,
they use these skills for entertainment, but for when the dragonmarked houses started a
select clients they use their skills and access as campaign to eliminate the perceived threat
entertainers for espionage instead. Toward the from the proliferation of aberrant marks. This
end of the war, House Thuranni split off, and is culminated in the destruction of Sharn, and
more likely to deal in assassinations than in aberrant dragonmarks have been rare and weak
breaking and entering. until recently.

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Onatar represents fire and forge. He guides
Faith in Eberron smiths and artificers in acts of creation.

The Silver Flame The Dark Six

Tira Miron was a paladin of Dol Arrah when Many monsters view the Host as weak, and
she was enlisted by a couatl to serve the Silver instead worship one of the Six. Other races fear
Flame in the battle against the Overlord Bel them, like sailors placating the Devourer.
Shalor. She sacrificed herself to bind the demon
once again, her soul joining with the Flame. The Devourer governs the destructive, brutish
The pillar of radiance where she gave her life is and savage power of nature.
still present in the Cathedral of the Silver The Keeper represents greed, and snatches souls
Flame, in Flamekeep, the capital of Thrane. before the reach Dolurrh.
Followers of the Church see Tira as the voice
The Fury represents passion and despair. She
of the Flame, that the Purified can follow.
offers revenge, but it leads to further suffering.
But Bel Shalor is only bound, not destroyed,
The Mockery governs deception, terror and
and there is a Shadow in the Flame.
treachery, guiding warriors and assassins.

The Sovereign Host The Shadow is Aureon’s shadow given life, as the
dark side of magic and ambition.
There is no central authority and no need for a
temple to worship the Host, but followers are The Traveler is a trickster representing change.
united by their belief. A cleric’s power comes His gifts often have unforeseen consequences.
from faith in the Host, not directly from one of
the Sovereigns. Other faiths
Arawai represents life and love, and she is the The Blood of Vol believes that death is oblivion,
patron of fertility and nature. and we must unlock the divinity within, seeing
nothing wrong with reusing bodies after death.
Aureon was the first wizard, and he represents
law and lore. The elves of Valenar revere their ancestors, and
seek to emulate them, while the elves of
Balinor represents both the hunter and the
Aerenal sustain their greatest leaders in
hunted, and the edge of civilisation.
undeath with the power of their devotion.
Dol Arrah drives away the darkness. She stands
The druids look after the natural world, but in
for wisdom, honour, justice and sacrifice.
sects ranging from the Wardens of the Wood, to
Dol Dorn represents courage, strength and skill the Gatekeepers who keep aberrations
in battle, making him the patron of the soldier. imprisoned in Khyber, to the Ashbound who
Kol Korran helps travellers and traders, and violently oppose civilisation.
stands for fair negotiation. And a multitude of Cults of the Dragon Below
Olladra grants joy and good fortune to continue to appear, often being used by
entertainers and gamblers. overlords and daelkyr in their evil plans.

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Northedge connects to Tavick’s Landing in the
Sharn east of the city, where Travellers arrive in and
Sharn, the City of Towers, the City of Knives, the City leave Sharn via Lower Tavick’s Landing, and
of a Thousand Eyes, the gateway to Xen’drik, the city the Watch is at its least corrupt and most
that never sleeps. If you can make it here, you can make helpful. The Terminus Station for the lightning
it anywhere! rail is here, while the Old Road ends at
Wroann’s Gate. Middle Tavick’s Landing
A port city on the Hilt of the Dagger River in
features inns and taverns to cater to these
the south of Breland, built on ancient ruins
travellers, and its market sells fresh fruit and
from the goblin empire and the War of the
vegetables from local farmers. Upper Tavick’s
Mark, the towers of Sharn reach a mile into the
Landing was fortified during the war and
sky. The cliffs surrounding the city make it
provides a city within a city for the nobles that
hard to expand, so its builders have taken
live there, with additional security provided by
advantage of its manifest zone to Syrania to
House Deneith. Many of the Last War’s
build up instead. More than half a million
refugees have ended up in Lower Tavick’s
people live here, from the slums of Lower Dura
Landing, crowded into the High Walls district.
to the riches of Central Plateau and the
mansions in the floating towers of Skyway, Tavick’s Landing wraps around the city to the
literally in the clouds above. south, where it connects to Dura. Although it
can lay claim to being the oldest, original part
In the middle of Sharn is Central Plateau,
of Sharn, Dura is significantly more run down,
where power and money live and work. The
and while the Watch is still present, their views
city government and Kundarak Bank are based
on what’s best for Sharn may include being
in Upper Central, with Lyrandar Tower giving
somewhere else when Daask or the Boromar
easy access to airships for the elite. The
clan is around. Still, Upper Dura is prosperous,
Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame and the
popular with adventurers, and the location of
Pavilion of the Host are both found in Middle
House Vadalis’ Pegasus Spire. Middle Dura is
Central, along with the Citadel, headquarters
home to the working class, and you can find
for Breland’s elite military and intelligence
anything at the bazaar, if you’re not too
services. The Sharn Watch is competent and
concerned about how its previous owners feel
plentiful throughout the district.
about its sale. Outside of its sky docks and
Central Plateau has bridges to Menthis to the cranes, though, Lower Dura is full of slums and
South, and Northedge, a quiet residential area, tenements, gangs and crime lords, and the
to the north east. It’s an unremarkable area, neighbourhoods in and around its central
although High Northedge includes Shae Lias, towers are full of damp, decaying streets and
where you can experience Aerenal in Breland, buildings that never see the light of day.
and some of Sharn’s finest restaurants in the
With connections to Dura, Tavick’s Landing
Oaks. Middle Northedge is the home of many
and Central, Menthis Plateau includes Sharn’s
of Sharn’s dwarves, and while its temples to the
entertainment and university districts. Upper
Sovereign Host and the Silver Flame are not as
and Middle Menthis are the locations of all the
impressive as in Central Plateau, you’ll find the
best known theatres in Sharn, and perhaps
most dedicated priests here.

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Breland, while Lower Menthis provides cheap
entertainment for the masses. Upper Menthis is
also notable for Morgrave University, and its
associated shops, restaurants and homes for
University staff. While not the most prestigious
university in Khorvaire, it’s the place to go if
you’re interested in Xen’drik, and definitely
has the most ancient artefacts disappear from
its vaults only to mysteriously turn up for sale
in the nearby shops.

Skyway floats above Sharn, between Central

and Menthis Plateau, and can only be reached
by skycoach or a flying mount. Cloudpool Park
in Skyway is one of the wonders of Khorvaire,
being made out of cloud, and only the richest
families can afford to maintain an estate here.

Beneath the sewers, and the sealed off ruins of

Old Sharn, are the industrial districts of the
Cogs. Fernian lava powers great Cannith
forges, and many warforged have found
employment down here. Khyber’s Gate is
found beyond the Cogs, built in the old ruins
of Ja’Shaarat, and inhabited by goblins and
immigrants from Droaam.

Sharn is a very large city, and there is rarely a

direct route from place to place. If you’re
walking, it may take half an hour to get from
one place to another in a ward, or up to an hour
to get from one end of Tavick’s Landing or
Dura to the other, if you can find your way
along the roads, bridges, stairs, passageways,
lifts and paternosters.

Carriages can be rented from House Orien to

get from place to place in half the time, but the
fastest way to get around is to fly. Skycoaches
are most common, but pterosaurs, griffons,
giant owls and other flying mounts can be hired
if you’re in a hurry or need to make an

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The souls of the dead travel to Dolurrh where
Other Locations their memories are leached from them until
The Demon Wastes in the north west of their dissolution. The same fate awaits mortals
Khorvaire are the remains of the empire of who travel to the plane, if they stay too long.
fiends that ruled the continent. The mountain Fernia is the plane of elemental fire and change,
ranges and canyons that separate the Wastes and many creatures aligned with fire are found
from the rest of Khorvaire are magically there.
warded, and guarded by the Ghaash’kala orcs.
Irian is the Eternal Dawn, the source of positive
The north of Eberron was once the homeland energy, light, hope and fertility.
of the dwarves, but is now covered by the
Frostfell. Do the dwarves still live under the Kythri embodies chaos, the opposite of Daanvi.
ice, or were they wiped out in whatever Githzerai monks build monasteries on islands
cataclysm froze their homes? of earth with the minds, and various slaadi
thrive in the ever-changing landscape.
In the south, Everice is the demesne of an
archfey, the Queen of Winter, who commands The raw power of nature and the elements are
beasts and knights carved from living ice, and found in Lamannia, with great beasts, primeval
dwells in a frozen palace. It goes without saying forest, endless seas and elemental spirits.
that she has an amazing singing voice. Opposing Irian is Mabar, source of negative
Everice is also the refuge of frost giants who energy, hunger and loss. Most necromancers
escaped the fall of Xen’drik. draw on the negative energy of the endless
night to animate undead.

Planes Risia is an endless plain of ice, opposite to

Fernia. It represents not just cold, but stasis
Eberron is in the material plane, but there are
and lack of change or advancement.
thirteen other planes that “orbit” it, coming
closer and moving further away in a complex Shavarath is the plane of war, home to eternal
cycle. battles between fiends and celestials, where
storms of whirling blades cross the battlefields.
Where some strange geometry results in an
overlap between Eberron and another plane, a Syrania is a plane of peace and commerce,
manifest zone forms where effects related to where tall castles float across the sky and angels
the plane appear, regardless of its distance. devote their time to contemplation, and is
home to the Immeasurable Market.
The plane of Daanvi embodies order and the
lawful alignments of D&D, and devils and Thelanis is home to the fey, a realm where space
modrons make their homes there. and time are malleable and shaped by story.
Dal Quor is the plane where mortal races’ spirits Xoriat is a plane of madness, source of
go when they dream. The connection to Dal aberrations like the terrible daelkyr, which are
Quor was severed when Cul’sir ripped Crya kept away from Eberron by the wards of the
from the sky, and it has no manifest zones. Gatekeeper druids.

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Eberron needs adventurers!
Many of the greatest heroes of Eberron were of the daelkyr utterly, while others have
killed during the last war, and the remaining embraced the aberrant technology.
high level non-player characters are tied to
In the Five Nations, dwarves have transferred
specific locations. For example, the high druid
the clan loyalty into fierce patriotism. They
Oalian is at least 4,000 years old and leader of
have fought in the armies and helped build the
the Wardens of the Wood, but he never leaves
cities of their adopted countries.
the Towering Wood in the Eldeen Reaches; the
leader of the Church of the Silver Flame is the Elves in Eberron may be isolationist high elves
high level cleric Jaela Daran, but if she leaves who live on the island of Aerenal, a land of
the Cathedral of the Silver Flame she’s just an dense jungles, stepped pyramids and ancient
eleven year old girl; Mordain the Fleshweaver civilisation, protected from the dragons by the
cannot leave his wizard’s tower, Blackroot, Undying Court.
located somewhere in Droaam where well- Alternatively, the Tairnadal are wood elves,
meaning adventurers won’t interfere with his who see themselves as an occupying military
terrible experiments; and the Undying Court force in Valenar. Each of the Tairnadal seeks to
remain in Shae Mordai where they are emulate a patron ancestor, communing with
sustained by the positive energies from the their spirit during trance.
manifest zone of Irian.
A small number of elves of have become part of
Someone with the potential for greatness like the civilisation of the Five Nations, whether by
player characters stands out from the crowd in choice or following exile. Many of them have
Eberron, and if they make it to a high level become wizards or artisans of great renown.
then their name and exploits will be legendary.
In their homeland, halflings live in nomadic
tribes that ride domesticated dinosaurs across
Races the Talenta Plains. When they leave the plains
they retain a connection to their dinosaurs, and
Dwarves across Khorvaire come from an ancient
look out of place in civilisation.
underground civilisation, where they mined for
riches and fought the goblinoid Empire of Other halflings have lived in the Five Nations
Dhakaan. Their ancestors were driven from for generations, not just in the dragonmarked
their homes by the daelkyr and their families, but using their natural talents as
abominations. politicians, merchants, grifters and thieves; the
halfling Boromar clan is the most powerful
Those that remained in the Mror Holds have
criminal enterprise in Breland.
strong clan loyalties. As they have excavated
their old ruins, they’ve uncovered old weapons Humans across Khorvaire are extremely diverse,
and armour, symbionts that draw from their settling across the continent after leaving
host’s life force. Some clans reject these tools Sarlona as refugees from ongoing wars.
They’ve built new nations on the ruins of a

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goblin empire, and some of those ruins weren’t and wards, and battling fiends in the Demon
even there before the humans arrived. Wastes. More insular clans can be found in the
Ironroot Mountains, having been driven from
Dragonborn are rarely seen in wider Khorvaire,
the ancestral homes by the dwarves.
normally keeping to themselves in Q’barra
where they battle the evil Poison Dusk, and are Although there is a common perception of orcs
confused for lizardfolk. as dumb brutes from the swamps, they can be as
accomplished as much as any other race.
For the gnomes of Zilargo, intrigue and
scheming come to them as easily as breathing, A small number of tieflings are born in Eberron,
and they find honesty unreliable. Despite this, in the Demon Wastes or in areas affected by the
they are loyal to their family before anyone manifest zone of a fiendish plane. They may be
else, and the Trust are extremely effective at seen as curiosities, but not necessarily evil.
enforcing the law.
Changelings change their appearance to resemble
Outside of Zilargo, gnomes seem to fit in another humanoid of the same size with a
anywhere. Intrigue may not be so important, thought, whether someone they’ve seen, a form
but they still place family and community first. they’ve invented for themselves, or a persona
shared amongst other changelings. They
The goblinoid races used to rule Khorvaire. The
typically worship the Traveler who gave them
empire of hobgoblins, goblins and bugbears
this gift.
lasted for millennia, until conflict with the
daelkyr weakened the empire, and their Although it may seem that changelings would
madness tore it apart. have a major advantage as criminals, the people
of Khorvaire are used to this, and have many
When humans arrived, they enslaved the
defences against changelings and the magic of
goblinoid races, until King Galifar abolished
the Mark of Shadow.
slavery and freed them. Hobgoblins and
goblins can be found in all professions, The ancestors of the kalashtar were humans who
anywhere in Khorvaire, though bugbears fused with quori, renegade spirits of light from
gravitate to the fringes of society. Dal Quor. This connection makes them look
fabulous, and gives them minor psionic
Half-elves are born to parents who are human
abilities. When they feel strong enough
and elven, or when either or both parents are
emotions, you might even say they glow.
half-elven. Many prefer to call themselves
Khoravar, Children of Khorvaire, and form strong Kalashtar are opposed by a mysterious, evil
bonds with other Khoravar. conspiracy called the Dreaming Dark, which
seek to eliminate the kalashtar directly, or by
Although usually excluded from pure elven
manipulating others.
communities, they fit in well in human cities
and settlements, and often act as diplomats and Shifters are humanoids with a strong inner bond
mediators between cultures and races. to a particular beast that develops in childhood.
They look a lot like humans, but with faces that
Half-orcs and orcs are found in mixed clans of
resemble animals, and fur over most of their
themselves and humans in the Shadow Marches,
often as Gatekeepers maintaining ancient seals

Carey Evans / 1.9 11

For a short time, a shifter can take on more Artificers
features of their beast. For example, a
The artificer is a class unique to Eberron, a
swiftstride shifter, while already having feline
magic user who has learnt how magic works,
facial features and pointed ears, can grow even
and how to cast it through objects, rather than
more graceful, dextrous and flighty.
waving their hands around and speaking arcane
The warforged were created by Merrix nonsense.
d’Cannith to fight in the Last War, and given
Alchemists specialise in creating magical elixirs
life by his son Aaren. Although manufactured,
that duplicate the effects of arcane and divine
they are living creatures who can experience
emotions and feel pain like any other being.
Artillerists specialise in blowing things up from
After being granted freedom by the Treaty of
a safe distance. They build eldritch cannons,
Thronehold, warforged have struggled to find
and use special carvings on wands, staffs and
a place in a world without war. Some have
rods to enhance their damage potential.
turned to philosophy or art, while many seek to
extend their military service as mercenaries or Battle smiths
adventurers. And in the Mournland, the Lord work as
of Blades gathers fellow warforged into an protectors
army that will conquer Khorvaire. and medics.
Most battle
While initially issued serial numbers, most of
smiths are
the warforged have adopted the nicknames
given to them by their unit, or chosen their
by a steel defender of their own design, a
own human name.
medium-sized construct, often in the shape of
an animal, that fights for them and their
Classes compatriots.

Any D&D class has a place in Eberron,

although you’ll find more of them in some Calendar
places than others. Aundair has a tradition of
The usual date to start adventures on is shortly
wizards and sages, with a worrying number of
after the winter solstice, on Sul, 1st Zarantyr 998
warlocks, while most druids are found in the
YK. The Eberron year is conveniently exactly
Eldeen Reaches. Thrane favours divine magic,
48 weeks long, divided into twelve months. The
especially clerics. Breland has always had a
week and year always begins with Sul, followed
relaxed relationship with the law, attracting
by Mol, Zol, Wir, Zor, Far and Sar. Following
rogues and criminals. Karrnath has a strong
Zarantyr, the months are Olarune, Therendor,
martial tradition, specialising in all kinds of
Eyre, Dravago, Nymm, Lharvion, Barrakas,
fighters, while Cyre was the land of bards.
Rhaan, Sypheros, Aryth and Vult.

12 Carey Evans / 1.9

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