The Role Product Influencer Congruence

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Southeast Asian Business Review

Original Research Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023

The role of product-influencer congruence, influencer

credibility, and attitude toward advertising on purchase
*Nadia Ramadhani Nugroho Putri, Tanti Handriana
Department of Management. Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Address: Jl. Airlangga No.4 Surabaya 60286, Indonesia | e-mail:

This study examines the effect of product-influencer congruence on influencer credibility and
attitude toward advertising and how it impacts purchase intention. This study examines the
suitability of Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence products and influencer Refal Hady,
the star of advertisements uploaded via Instagram reels. By employing a quantitative
approach, this research analyses data through SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) techniques
based on Partial Least Square (PLS) and uses the SmartPLS 3 application. Respondents in this
study are Instagram users who have watched the Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence
advertisement starring Refal Hady but have never bought the product, over 18 years old,
resulting in 175 respondents who have fulfilled the screening. The results of this study indicate
that product-influencer congruence has a positive influence on influencer credibility and
attitude toward advertising and has an impact on purchase intention, and attitude toward
advertising has a positive influence on purchase intention. However, influencer credibility
does not influence purchase intention.
Keywords: Product-influencer congruence, Influencer credibility, Attitude toward advertising,
Purchase intention
JEL Classification: M30, M31, M37

Copyright © 2023, The Author(s).

Published by Universitas Airlangga, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business.
This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) International License. The full terms of this
license may be seen at:
2 | Southeast Asian Business Review | Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023 | Putri & Handriana

1. Introduction
Currently, Instagram is more frequently used by companies to market their products or
services (, 2015). This can be seen from the increase in business accounts on
Instagram, which reached around 200 million businesses on Instagram by 2022 (Mohsin, 2022;, 2022). Instagram also has approximately one million advertisers per
month, indicating that Instagram has the potential to be a popular advertising platform for
marketers (Perdana, J. on, 2017), and many marketers currently use
influencer marketing strategies to promote their products or services (, 2017).
As much as 92% of marketers believe that influencer marketing is more effective and widely
used on Instagram compared to other social media platforms (, 2017;,
2018). This makes influencers an opportunity for businesses that want to stay at the forefront
of Instagram culture (, 2022). An influencer is someone who has a
large or significant number of followers on social media and can influence their behavior
(Hariyanti and Wirapraja, 2018). The selection of influencers for advertising is often based on
their abilities, expertise, level of popularity, and reputation (Hariyanti and Wirapraja, 2018).
Influencers can play a significant role in promoting products, as social media users use social
media to obtain information and make purchasing decisions based on reviews or testimonials
from people who have bought or used the products (Arini, et al., 2019). Therefore, influencers
appear to be effective advertising instruments, and current research is increasingly identifying
factors that contribute to the success of influencers.
Advertising on Instagram is often done by beauty product marketers using influencers as their
advertising models (Yulistara, A. on, 2018). Influencers who model beauty
product advertisements are usually associated with femininity and tend to be female because
society has always focused on beauty standards that are considered ideal for women, using
models who are perceived as perfect (Yu, et al., 2011). According to Yu, et al. (2011), the use
of ideal models is always done by beauty product marketers because it is considered more
effective. 94% of brands are aware that using influencers can be more effective in advertising,
but the effectiveness depends on selecting the right influencers (, 2018;,
2018). The right influencer is one who is relevant or suitable for the product (,
2016). Nowadays, consumers not only trust the number of followers an influencer has but
also the message conveyed by the influencer that aligns with the promoted product (,
2017). If individuals perceive a congruence between the image of the product and the
influencer promoting it, then the influencer can be seen as congruent with the product (Xu Xu
and Pratt, 2018).
Products that are congruent with influencers can provide credible recommendations for
consumers (Roy and Jain, 2017). The greater the congruence between the product and the
influencer, the information source will be perceived as more credible and effective in
persuading consumers (Pradhan, et al., 2014). The congruence between the product and the
influencer can lead to more positive attitudes toward the advertised product (Kim and Na,
2007; Lee and Koo, 2015), and subsequently, it can generate purchase intentions for the
promoted product (Lee and Koo, 2015; Xu Xu and Pratt, 2018; Pradhan, et al., 2014).
Consumers will assess the credibility of the source advertising the product based on the
perceived congruence between the product and the influencer (Pradhan et al., 2014). High
credibility will result in more positive attitudes toward the advertisement and the product,
ultimately leading to a greater purchase intention (Choi and Rifon, 2012). Therefore, it is
3 | Southeast Asian Business Review | Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023 | Putri & Handriana

important for marketers to choose the right influencer who possesses characteristics or an
image that aligns with their product (, 2016). However, currently, many
product marketers overlook the aspect of congruence when collaborating with influencers.
An example of a beauty product advertisement on Instagram where the influencer promoting
the product has low perceived congruence with the product is an advertisement by Avoskin
(, 2022). Avoskin is known as a beauty product that is primarily
used by women. However, Avoskin recently collaborated with a male influencer to spread the
message that Avoskin is not only for women but can also be used by men. This can blur the
image of Avoskin, as their mission is to educate and empower women (Wulan, A. on, 2021).
The congruence between the product and the influencer in this study is visualized through the
example of influencer marketing strategy employed by Avoskin. Avoskin, while expanding its
market, partnered with influencers on different social media platforms, featuring male
endorsers, unlike traditional beauty product advertisements that heavily feature women or
femininity. The collaboration aimed to convey the advertising message that the product is
suitable for both women and men, and it can increase Avoskin's revenue (Rustaviani, E. on, 2022).
Although there have been studies examining the factors of product-influencer congruence and
credibility towards attitude toward advertising, attitude toward the product, and purchase
intention using experimental techniques (Naderer, 2021), there is still limited research that
explores and investigates the impact of product-influencer congruence on influencer
credibility, attitude toward advertising, and its effect on purchase intention, particularly
concerning male endorsers promoting beauty products using survey techniques. This study
aims to offer novelty to marketing literature, specifically regarding the effective use of
influencer marketing strategies and understanding the crucial aspect of congruence between
the product and the influencer in advertising effectiveness. The findings of this research are
expected to contribute to knowledge, insights, and literature reviews as a consideration or
reference, as well as contribute to further research to expand the understanding in the field
of marketing, particularly in the topic of influencer marketing in advertising. The results of this
study are expected to provide new knowledge and insights for influencers and marketers,
enabling them to pay more attention to the marketing strategy of the advertising content
uploaded on the Instagram social media platform with influencers promoting their products
in order to enhance the sales of local products in Indonesia, particularly the Avoskin brand.

2. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development

Integrated Marketing Communication
Currently, marketers are implementing strategies to introduce their products through
advertising on social media. Advertising is a form of activity that can communicate, attract
attention, and persuade some or all of the public to take action in response to the ideas,
goods, or services displayed (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Advertising can be defined as a form of
non-personal communication where it identifies a sponsor who can inform the audience
about a product. Therefore, advertising aims to promote goods, services, and ideas through
clear sponsors. One of the strategies used by marketers in social media advertising is
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influencer marketing. Influencer marketing involves brands collaborating with influencers to

market their products or services. Some brands collaborate with influencers to increase brand
awareness (, 2022). Influencer marketing is also a marketing
strategy that can trigger virality because it relates to the formation of consumer attitudes
through tweets, posts, blogs, or other communication formats on social media (Ferguson,
2008; McGaughey and Freberg, 2011).
Source Credibility Theory
Source credibility theory, discovered by Hovland et al. (1953), explains that individuals are
more easily persuaded if the source of persuasion is sufficiently credible. Source credibility
theory has three dimensions possessed by a source: attractiveness, expertise, and
trustworthiness (Yuan et al., 2016). Attractiveness refers to someone who is considered
visually appealing or physically attractive, and consumers adopt behaviors, attitudes, or
preferences from influencers or preferred sources when they find something attractive about
the influencer (Shimp, 2007). Expertise is the ability to provide accurate information and serve
as a valid source based on experience, education, skills, and competencies (Spry et al., 2011;
Thomas and Johnson, 2017). Trustworthiness refers to the honesty, integrity, and self-
confidence of a message source (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Until now, research on the
effectiveness of using endorsers or influencers in advertisements has focused more on the
quality of the influencer or the credibility of the source, as people tend to trust advertisements
with credible and suitable influencers (Choi and Rifon, 2012). According to the credibility of
the source and the effectiveness of influencers theory, an influencer can have a significant
impact on consumer attitude changes (Keel and Nataraajan, 2012) towards a brand,
advertisement, and desire or intention to purchase the product, which is important for the
effectiveness of an advertisement (La Ferle and Choi, 2005).
Product-Influencer Congruence
Product-influencer congruence refers to the alignment, suitability, similarity, relevance,
consistency of image, or association between an influencer and a product (Kamins and Gupta,
1994; Choi and Rifon, 2012; Xu and Pratt, 2018). According to Schouten et al. (2020),
congruence may be even more important for supporting influencers than traditional
celebrities. Congruence refers to the match between specific characteristics of the influencer
and the supported product (Erdogan, 1999; Kamins and Gupta, 1994). Recent studies indicate
that in the context of influencer endorsement, consumers evaluate the product or brand more
positively and show greater interest in purchasing when the influencer's characteristics align
with the supported product (Breves et al., 2019; Kim and Kim, 2021; Schouten et al., 2020;
Torres et al., 2019). According to Gaid and Rached (2015), if there is congruence between the
product and the influencer, consumers will evaluate the product positively. Conversely, if there
is no congruence between the product and the influencer, the product will be perceived as
not good or unattractive. The concept of congruence in advertising is also important to apply
when there is alignment between the product and the influencer because influencers can
influence consumer behavior in evaluating a product (Gaid and Rached, 2015). According to
Kirmani and Shiv (1998), congruence can be defined as the level of fit between a brand or
endorsed product and an influencer. The alignment between a product and an influencer
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focuses on the attributes or characteristics of the product that align with the influencer
(Siemens et al., 2008).

Influencer Credibility
Influencer credibility is an important factor in measuring the effectiveness of message delivery
through the role of an endorser. Hamouda (2018) revealed that influencer credibility is the
ability of an influencer to present content that is honest, trustworthy, and aligned with
consumer preferences. According to Stafford et al. (2002), credibility can be defined as the
receiver's perception of an individual's ability in a specific field that can be trusted. Influencers
are defined as individuals who actively participate in thoughts and activities that can influence
networks and environments (Keller and Berry, 2003). Loeper et al. (2014) define influencers
as individuals who actively use social media accounts, frequently engage in specific topics, and
regularly share new information on their social media accounts. Influencers often create
content on social media platforms like Instagram, promoting specific brands or products to
gain followers and recognition from various brands (Okuah et al., 2019). According to
Goldsmith et al. (2000), consumers generally perceive influencers as credible individuals who
can effectively deliver messages. However, if an influencer is considered less credible and not
trustworthy, consumers tend to ignore or even reject the messages conveyed by them
(Friedman and Friedman, 1979 as cited in Hunt, 2000).

Attitude Toward Advertising

Attitude toward advertising is generally defined as a consistent favorable or unfavorable
response tendency toward advertising in general (Lutz, 1985). Attitude toward advertising can
also be defined as the audience's affective reaction to advertising (Can and Kaya, 2016). Lee
et al. (2016) state that consumers' attitudes toward advertising include their views on the
advertising itself, not just the promoted product or brand. According to Assael (2001), attitude
toward advertising is defined as an attitude that makes consumers judge an ad as good or bad.
Consumer attitudes toward advertising are as important as attitudes toward the brand
featured in the advertisement, as explained by Mowen and Minor (2002). Mowen and Minor
(2002) also explain that attitude toward advertising can be defined as the consumer's
favorable or unfavorable response to a particular advertisement as long as the consumer is
exposed to it. The Hierarchy of Effects theory depicts several stages that influence consumer
attitudes toward advertising and purchase behavior, including three dimensions: cognitive,
affective, and behavioral (Smith et al., 2008). The cognitive dimension refers to perceptions
(e.g., credibility) about a specific object (e.g., the advertisement); the affective dimension
refers to feelings toward the object (e.g., pleasure); and the behavioral dimension relates to
the actions individuals intend to take in relation to the object (e.g., purchase intention) (Falcão
et al., 2020).
Purchase Intention
In the marketing context, purchase intention can be defined as the desire or willingness of
consumers to buy or engage in purchasing actions toward a specific product or brand.
According to Assael (2004), this can be measured by the level of likelihood for consumers to
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make such a purchase. Grewal et al. (1998) describe purchase intention as the likelihood of an
individual to purchase a particular product. Purchase intention can also be defined as the
consumer's likelihood to choose to purchase a specific product in the future when they
perceive a need that should be fulfilled (Bashir, 2019). According to Kotler and Keller (2016),
the primary goal of marketing activities is to influence consumers to be willing to purchase
products or services from a company when they need them. If individuals feel satisfied, it will
increase their intention to purchase in the future. Conversely, if individuals are dissatisfied,
they may postpone or even avoid future purchases (Solomon, 2014).
The Influence of Product-Influencer Congruence on Purchase Intention
In the influencer domain, recent studies by Breve et al. (2019), De Cicco et al. (2021), and
Schouten et al. (2020) have shown that influencers who support products that align with their
image (e.g., food influencers promoting stand mixers) are perceived as more trustworthy and
knowledgeable compared to influencers who endorse unrelated products. Recent studies
have indicated that consumers evaluate products or brands more positively and exhibit a
greater intention to purchase when the characteristics of the influencer align with the
endorsed product (Breves et al., 2019; Kim and Kim, 2021; Schouten et al., 2020; Torres et al.,
2019). If there is congruence between the product and the influencer, consumers tend to
evaluate the product positively and develop an intention to purchase. Conversely, if there is a
lack of congruence, the product may be perceived as less favorable or unappealing (Gaid and
Rached, 2015). Therefore, this study proposes the following hypothesis:
H1: Product-influencer congruence influences purchase intention.

The Influence of Product-Influencer Congruence on Influencer Credibility

High congruence between the influencer and the promoted product leads to the source being
perceived as more credible (Schouten et al., 2020; Yoo and Jim, 2015). Conversely, when there
is a lack of fit between the product and the brand, it results in a reduction in source credibility,
conceptualized as source derogation. When a source is easily perceived as biased, individuals
tend to devalue specific influencers due to negative emotions (e.g., disappointment),
disregarding their expertise and showing little respect for their intelligence (Wright, 1979).
Similarly, products promoted by a source or influencer with incongruent images will not elicit
responses from individuals to devalue or ignore the influencer's expertise (Jacks and Cameron,
2003). Thus, it can be expected that followers of the influencer will perceive the influencer's
congruent product content as fitting and consistent with the content regularly published on
the influencer's account, resulting in the development of higher perceptions of credibility.
Therefore, this study proposes the following hypothesis:
H2: Product-influencer congruence influences influencer credibility.
The Influence of Product-Influencer Congruence on Attitude Toward Advertising
According to Choi and Rifon (2012), when an influencer's image aligns with consumers' image
of a brand, it can influence their attitude toward the influencer's advertisements and the
products being advertised. Homer and Kahle (1990) argue that an influencer who aligns with
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the promoted product can have a positive impact on the attitude toward the advertisement
for that product. Kamins and Gupta (1994) also state that the congruence between the
influencer and the endorsed product can significantly influence the response or attitude
toward the advertisement. Choi and Rifon (2012) further suggest that the congruence
between the influencer and the product can have a direct positive relationship with the
attitude toward the advertisement. When individuals perceive a congruence between the
product and the influencer featured in the advertisement, they tend to have a positive attitude
or response toward the advertisement because it exposes them to both the product and the
influencer with congruent images. A study by Said and Napi (2015) found that the congruence
between the influencer and the product can affect the attitude toward the advertisement.
Therefore, this study proposes the following hypothesis:
H3: Product-influencer congruence influences attitude toward advertising.

The Influence of Influencer Credibility on Attitude Toward Advertising

Influencer credibility has a positive impact on consumers' attitudes toward advertising (Lee
and Koo, 2016), and using popular celebrities as endorsers can help enhance the ad's subject
ratings (Rashid et al., 2002). The attractiveness associated with ads featuring influencers leads
to increased brain activity related to memory, as reported in fMRI studies on influencer
advertising by Chang et al. (2016). Influencer endorsements not only result in positive ad
ratings but also lead to better product evaluations (Cooper, 1984; Dean and Biswas, 2001).
Product evaluations can indirectly influence promotional effectiveness through the construct
of endorser credibility (Munnukka et al., 2016). Ads featuring consistently credible influencers
can have a greater positive impact than those featuring non-influencers (Amos et al., 2008).
This not only makes endorsements lively, appealing, and attention-grabbing but also attracts
attention (Kamins, 1989). One of the main reasons for using influencer endorsements is that
influencers make ads more credible and strengthen consumer perceptions (Friedman and
Friedman, 1979). Therefore, it can be suggested that endorsements featuring influencers with
higher credibility can lead to favorable consumer attitudes toward the advertisement. Hence,
this study proposes the following hypothesis:
H4: Influencer credibility influences attitude toward advertising.

The Influence of Influencer Credibility on Purchase Intention

The presence of an influencer in an advertisement leads to higher purchase intentions
(Daneshvary and Schwer, 2000; Friedman et al., 1977; Kamins, 1990; Knight and Young Kim,
2007; Pradhan et al., 2016). Lafferty and Goldsmith (1999) argue that consumers have a
greater desire to purchase a product when the influencer or endorser exhibits high credibility.
If consumers perceive an advertisement using a credible source or influencer, it can influence
their attitudes and/or behaviors, leading them to accept accurate information and
subsequently convert it into purchase intentions (Pornpitakpan, 2004). Positive brand
personalities can ensure increased purchase intentions (Freling and Forbes, 2013) and serve
8 | Southeast Asian Business Review | Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023 | Putri & Handriana

as a basis for product differentiation (Aaker, 1996). Therefore, this study proposes the
following hypothesis:
H5: Influencer credibility influences purchase intention.

The Influence of Attitude Toward Advertising on Purchase Intention

Advertising is a core element of the marketing mix and is effective in generating sales
(Herington and Henley, 2000). Advertising leads to positive attitudes toward specific products,
and it is expected that these attitudes will result in corresponding positive behaviors (Herr and
Fazio, 1993). Whittler (1991) notes that advertising can enhance persuasion in scenarios
where there is similarity between consumers and elements of the ad (e.g., influencer
endorser). Previous research has shown that source credibility significantly contributes to the
formation of individuals' attitudes toward advertising and enhances ad effectiveness (Lafferty
et al., 2002). This can increase individuals' purchase intentions, ultimately leading to increased
sales (Wang et al., 2013). According to Wang et al. (2013), influencer endorsements,
advertising effectiveness, and ad attractiveness have a positive influence on purchase
intentions. Marketers can use influencer endorsements to leverage better information storage
in consumers' minds. Consequently, consumers can recall information well when making a
purchase decision, and consumers' positive attitudes toward advertising can lead to purchase
intentions. Therefore, this study proposes the following hypothesis:
H6: Attitude toward advertising influences purchase intention.
3. Data and Methodology
This study aims to examine the influence of product-influencer congruence on influencer
credibility and attitude toward advertising, as well as its impact on purchase intention for
Avoskin advertisements. The exogenous variables in this study are product-influencer
congruence, while the endogenous variables are influencer credibility, attitude toward
advertising, and purchase intention. The population used in this research consists of Instagram
users. The sample for this study includes Instagram users who have watched the Avoskin Your
Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence advertisement, featuring Refal Hady on Instagram reels, but
have not yet purchased the product. These individuals have filled out a questionnaire
distributed through Google Forms. The sampling technique employed is purposive sampling.
According to Cooper and Schindler (2014), purposive sampling is a technique for selecting
samples from a population that possess specific considerations or characteristics. The sample
size used in this study is 175 respondents. Data analysis is performed using Partial Least
Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS 3.0 software. This is because
the objective of this study is theory development, which aligns with the purpose of PLS-SEM,
which is to build theory or variance-based analysis (Hair et al., 2014).
4. Results and Discussion
The total mean value of all respondents' answers regarding the product-influencer
congruence variable is 3.62, indicating that the majority of respondents perceive a
congruence between the image of Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence product and
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influencer Refal Hady. The total mean value of all respondents' answers regarding the
influencer credibility variable is 3.88, indicating that the majority of respondents consider
Refal Hady to be a credible influencer. The total mean value of all respondents' answers
regarding the attitude toward advertising variable is 3.86, indicating that the majority of
respondents show a favorable response to the Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence
advertisement endorsed by influencer Refal Hady. The total mean value of all respondents'
answers regarding the purchase intention variable is 3.43, suggesting that, on average, the
majority of respondents have a tendency to make a purchase of Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield
of Sun Essence product advertised by Refal Hady.

Source: Ramadhani & Tanti (2023)

Figure 1. Model Analysis Result of Outer Model Diagram

Table 1. Convergent Validity Result

Variable Indicator Loading Factors Explanation
PIC1 0.847 Valid
Product-Influencer Congruence PIC2 0.902 Valid
PIC3 0.891 Valid
IC1 0.741 Valid
IC2 0.839 Valid
Influencer Credibility IC3 0.662 Valid
IC4 0.820 Valid
IC5 0.776 Valid
AA1 0.825 Valid
AA2 0.862 Valid
Attitude Toward Advertising
AA3 0.884 Valid
AA4 0.783 Valid
PI1 0.820 Valid
PI2 0.728 Valid
Purchase Intention PI3 0.886 Valid
PI4 0.888 Valid
PI5 0.890 Valid
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Based on table 1 it can be concluded that the loading factor value of each construct is worth
more than 0.5, so that the loading factor value meets the requirements of convergent validity
and each indicator can be said to be a valid indicator.
Table 2. Cross Loading Value

PIC1 0.847 0.475 0.418 0.443

PIC2 0.902 0.523 0.494 0.470

PIC3 0.881 0.481 0.401 0.403

IC1 0.528 0.741 0.463 0.386

IC2 0.449 0.839 0.553 0.417

IC3 0.312 0.662 0.456 0.380

IC4 0.492 0.820 0.553 0.510

IC5 0.371 0.776 0.557 0.508

AA1 0.438 0.664 0.825 0.515

AA2 0.393 0.594 0.862 0.524

AA3 0.440 0.585 0.884 0.576

AA4 0.412 0.388 0.783 0.553

PI1 0.421 0.441 0.496 0.820

PI2 0.344 0.481 0.568 0.728

PI3 0.420 0.491 0.536 0.886

PI4 0.460 0.513 0.588 0.888

PI5 0.467 0.495 0.525 0.890

According to Table 2, it can be concluded that each cross-loading value of each construct is
higher than the indicators on other constructs, indicating that the cross-loading values meet
the criteria for discriminant validity.

Table 3. Composite Reliability Result

Variable Composite Reliability Explanation
Product-Influencer Congruence 0.850 0.909 Reliable
Influencer Credibility 0.826 0.879 Reliable
Attitude Toward Advertising 0.860 0.905 Reliable
Purchase Intention 0.898 0.925 Reliable
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According to the Table 3, it can be observed that each variable has a composite reliability and
Cronbach's alpha value above 0.7, indicating that each variable can be considered reliable.

Inner Model Testing

Source: Ramadhani & Handriana (2023)

Figure 2. Model Analysis Result of Outer Model Diagram

Table 4. R-Square Value

Variable R-Square
Influencer Credibility 0.317
Attitude Toward Advertising 0.474
Purchase Intention 0.474

Based on Table 4, it is known that the influencer credibility variable has an R-square value of
0.317 (31.7%), indicating that 31.7% of the influencer credibility variable can be explained by
the product-influencer congruence variable. The remaining 68.3% is explained by other
variables not included in this research analysis. Furthermore, the attitude toward advertising
variable has an R-square value of 0.474 (47.4%), meaning that 47.4% of the attitude toward
advertising variable can be explained by the product-influencer congruence variable, while
the remaining 52.6% is explained by other variables outside the model of analysis. Similarly,
the purchase intention variable has an R-square value of 0.474 (47.4%), indicating that 47.4%
of the purchase intention variable can be explained by the influencer credibility and attitude
toward advertising variables, while the remaining 52.6% is explained by other variables not
included in this research analysis.
Table 5. Path Coefficient
Original T P
Sample Statistic Values
Product-Influencer Congruence
0.183 2.174 0.000 Significant
-> Purchase Intention
Product-Influencer Congruence
0.563 8.642 0.000 Significant
-> Influencer Credibility
Product-Influencer Congruence
0.180 2.181 0.030 Significant
-> Attitude Toward Advertising
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Influencer Credibility -> Attitude

0.571 8.807 0.000 Significant
Toward Advertising
Influencer Credibility -> Not
0.184 1.528 0.114
Purchase Intention Significant
Attitude Toward Advertising ->
0.429 3.985 0.000 Significant
Purchase Intention

Based on the Table 5, there are 6 hypotheses, namely H1, H2, H3, H4, and H6, that are
accepted, and 1 hypothesis, H5, that is rejected. This result is based on the coefficient value
test, where there is no significant effect on the t-statistic value of 1.528 as it is smaller than
1.96. Furthermore, there is no significant effect indicated by the p-value of 0.114, which is
greater than 0.05.

Hypothesis 1 (H1) states that product-influencer congruence influences purchase intention.

The statistical test results from this study indicate that the product-influencer congruence
variable has a positive effect on purchase intention, thus H1 is accepted. This finding aligns
with the study by Kim and Kim (2021), which states that consumers evaluate products or
brands more positively and show a greater intention to purchase when there is a match
between the influencer and the supported or promoted product.

Hypothesis 2 (H2) states that product-influencer congruence influences influencer credibility.

The statistical test results from this study show that the product-influencer congruence
variable has a positive effect on influencer credibility, thus H2 is accepted. This result is
consistent with the research by Janssen et al. (2022), which states that the supported product
should align with the influencer's self-brand image, perception, and identification in order to
have a positive effect and serve as an important driver for the influencer support effect.
Additionally, this study's findings are supported by research by Schouten et al. (2020), which
suggests that high congruence between the influencer and the promoted product can
enhance the perceived source credibility.

Hypothesis 3 (H3) states that product-influencer congruence influences attitude toward

advertising. The statistical test results from this study show that the product-influencer
congruence variable has a positive effect on attitude toward advertising, thus H3 is accepted.
This finding aligns with the study by Choi and Rifon (2012), which suggests that when an
influencer's image matches consumers' perceptions of a brand or product, it can influence
their attitudes toward the ad and the product endorsed by the influencer. Additionally, the
congruence between the influencer and the product or brand can have a direct and positive
relationship with attitude toward advertising. According to the study conducted by Said and
Napi (2015), the congruence between the influencer and the product affects attitudes toward
the advertising.

Hypothesis 4 (H4) states that influencer credibility influences attitude toward advertising. The
statistical test results from this study show that the influencer credibility variable has a
positive effect on attitude toward advertising, thus H4 is accepted. This finding is consistent
with the research by Singh and Banerjee (2018), which states that the presence of a celebrity
endorser in an advertisement can enhance attitudes toward the ad and the brand.
Furthermore, the study by Lee and Koo (2016) suggests that influencer credibility has a
positive impact on consumers' attitudes toward advertising, and using popular celebrities as
13 | Southeast Asian Business Review | Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023 | Putri & Handriana

endorsers can help improve the ad's rating. Product evaluation can indirectly influence
promotional effectiveness through the construct of endorser credibility (Munnukka et al.,

Hypothesis 5 (H5) states that influencer credibility influences purchase intention. The
statistical test results from this study show that the influencer credibility variable does not
have a significant effect on purchase intention, thus H5 is rejected. This is because according
to the research by Alfarraj et al. (2020), the attractiveness of influencers is not the main
motivator supporting willingness to purchase a product. Some individuals prioritize the
quality, value, and benefits of a product or service over physical attributes, and they do not
solely rely on well-known public figures endorsing the product or service. Although influencer
Refal Hady, who is the spokesperson for Avoskin products, has credibility, if individuals rely
more on products they frequently use and do not require the advertised product, the
influencer's credibility will not affect consumers' purchase intentions in the future.

Hypothesis 6 (H6) states that attitude toward advertising influences purchase intention. The
statistical test results from this study show that the attitude toward advertising variable has
a positive effect on purchase intention, thus H6 is accepted. This finding is in line with the
research by Singh and Banerjee (2018), which indicates that a positive attitude toward the ad
can stimulate consumers' purchase intentions. Additionally, this study is consistent with the
research by Wang et al. (2013), which suggests that the effectiveness and attractiveness of
ads can have a positive impact on purchase intention.

5. Conclusion
Based on the above analysis and discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1)
Product-influencer congruence has a positive effect on purchase intention for Avoskin Your
Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence product advertised by Refal Hady. (2) Product-influencer
congruence has a positive effect on influencer credibility for Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield of
Sun Essence product advertised by Refal Hady. (3) Product-influencer congruence has a
positive effect on attitude toward advertising for Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence
product advertised by Refal Hady. (4) Influencer credibility has a positive effect on attitude
toward advertising for Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence product advertised by
Refal Hady. (5) Influencer credibility does not have an impact on purchase intention for
Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence product advertised by Refal Hady. (6) Attitude
toward advertising has a positive effect on purchase intention for Avoskin Your Skin Bae Shield
of Sun Essence product advertised by Refal Hady.

The researcher suggests that academics should further investigate the influence of product-
influencer congruence on influencer credibility and attitude toward advertising, and observe
its impact on purchase intention in industries other than the beauty industry, such as fashion
or food and beverage, with a focus on green concepts or marketing strategies that prioritize
environmental sustainability. This presents a relatively new strategic opportunity in the
marketing world and offers benefits to both businesses and consumers (Hanifah et al., 2016).
Similarly, for marketers, it is important to select the appropriate endorser for the advertised
product, as consumers are more likely to be interested in purchasing a product when they see
an advertisement featuring an influencer who is aligned with the product. Additionally,
marketers should consider the quality of the promoted product, as consumers not only rely
14 | Southeast Asian Business Review | Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023 | Putri & Handriana

on the celebrity or influencer endorsing the product but also consider the product's quality.
This study is not without limitations and shortcomings, and therefore cannot be considered
perfect, requiring further improvements in the future. The findings of this study indicate that
there is no influence of Refal Hady's credibility as an influencer endorsing Avoskin Your Skin
Bae Shield of Sun Essence product on consumers' purchase intentions. This could be due to
the study only using the dimensions of expertise and trustworthiness to measure influencer
credibility, without considering attractiveness, which is particularly relevant in the case of
Refal Hady. Future researchers can explore this further by incorporating attractiveness as a
dimension to measure influencer credibility in their studies.

This study did not specifically target a particular age group as its sample. Since the study
focuses on the context of Instagram reels, future researchers can investigate Avoskin Your
Skin Bae Shield of Sun Essence advertisements featuring Refal Hady on Instagram reels,
particularly targeting Generation Z, aged 11-26 years, to determine whether the product has
a positive or negative impact on this generation. Given the advancements in technology,
consumers in Generation Z are more inclined to purchase products and share their
experiences through social media.

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