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OpenVMS SystemManagerManual Essentials VOL I

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System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1:


Document Number: DO-DSYMV1-01A

Publication Date: June 2020

Revision Update Information: This is a new manual.

Operating System and Version: VSI OpenVMS Integrity Version 8.4-1H1

VSI OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4-2L1

VMS Software, Inc. (VSI)

Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

Copyright © 2019 VMS Software, Inc. (VSI), Bolton, Massachusetts, USA

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The VSI OpenVMS documentation set is available on DVD.

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

Preface ................................................................................................................................... xv
1. About VSI .................................................................................................................... xv
2. Intended Audience ........................................................................................................ xv
3. Document Structure ...................................................................................................... xv
4. Related Documents ....................................................................................................... xv
5. VSI Encourages Your Comments .................................................................................. xvi
6. Conventions ................................................................................................................. xvi
Chapter 1. Overview of This Manual .................................................................................. 1
1.1. Using the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual ..................................................... 1
1.2. How This Manual Relates to Other System Management Documentation ......................... 2
1.3. Finding Information About Managing Complex Environments ........................................ 2
1.4. Finding Information About Managing Small Systems ..................................................... 2
Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools ............................. 5
2.1. Understanding OpenVMS System Management Tools .................................................... 6
2.1.1. OpenVMS Management Station ......................................................................... 6
2.1.2. DCL Commands ............................................................................................... 8
2.1.3. System Messages .............................................................................................. 9
2.1.4. DCL Command Procedures ................................................................................ 9
2.1.5. System Management Utilities ........................................................................... 11
2.1.6. MGRMENU.COM Command Procedure .......................................................... 13
2.2. Logging In to the SYSTEM Account .......................................................................... 14
2.3. Using SYSMAN to Centralize System Management ..................................................... 15
2.3.1. Understanding SYSMAN ................................................................................. 15
2.3.2. Enabling a Remote System to Execute SYSMAN Commands ............................ 17
2.3.3. Understanding a SYSMAN Management Environment ...................................... 17
2.3.4. Defining the SYSMAN Management Environment ............................................ 18
2.3.5. Understanding Your SYSMAN Profile .............................................................. 21
2.3.6. Adjusting Your SYSMAN Profile ..................................................................... 21
2.3.7. Setting DCL Verification .................................................................................. 22
2.3.8. Executing DCL Commands from SYSMAN ..................................................... 23
2.3.9. Creating SYSMAN Command Procedures ........................................................ 23
2.3.10. Setting Up SYSMAN with an Initialization File .............................................. 24
2.4. Using OPCOM to Communicate with System Users .................................................... 24
2.4.1. Understanding OPCOM ................................................................................... 24
2.4.2. Starting OPCOM ............................................................................................. 26
2.4.3. Sending Messages to Users .............................................................................. 26
2.4.4. Controlling the Use of OPA0: as an Operator Terminal ...................................... 27
2.4.5. Designating Operator Terminals ....................................................................... 28
2.4.6. Sending Requests to an Operator ...................................................................... 29
2.4.7. Replying to Operator Requests ......................................................................... 30
2.5. Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Modify a System Disk ................................................... 31
2.5.1. Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Build a New System Disk ................................... 32
2.5.2. Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Copy System Files to an Existing Disk ................. 35
2.5.3. Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Add an Alternate System Root Directory .............. 36
Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software ............................................. 39
3.1. Installing or Upgrading Layered Products .................................................................... 39
3.2. Preparing Your System to Run VMSINSTAL.COM ..................................................... 40
3.2.1. Performing Preliminary Operations ................................................................... 40
3.2.2. Registering and Loading Licenses .................................................................... 41
3.2.3. Preventing Nodes from Sharing PAKs .............................................................. 42

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

3.3. Running VMSINSTAL.COM ...................................................................................... 42

3.3.1. Selecting a Product List ................................................................................... 43
3.3.2. Selecting the Source ........................................................................................ 45
3.3.3. Selecting Options ............................................................................................ 45
3.3.4. Selecting the Destination .................................................................................. 46
3.3.5. Verifying, Logging, and Confirming the Operation ............................................ 47
3.3.6. Completing the Installation .............................................................................. 47
3.4. Recovering from a System Failure .............................................................................. 47
3.5. Selecting VMSINSTAL.COM Options in Detail .......................................................... 47
3.5.1. Using the Autoanswer Option (A) (Layered Products Only) ............................... 48
3.5.2. Using the Alternate Working Device Option (AWD=) ........................................ 48
3.5.3. Using the Get Save Set Option (G) (Layered Products Only) .............................. 49
3.5.4. Using the File Log Option (L) ......................................................................... 51
3.5.5. Using the Release Notes Option (N) ................................................................. 51
3.5.6. Using the Alternate Root Option (R) ................................................................ 52
3.6. Using the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility ................................................. 52
3.6.1. Product Files and Databases ............................................................................. 54
3.6.2. Format of Software Product Kits ...................................................................... 55
3.6.3. Software Product Name Conventions ................................................................ 55
3.6.4. Creating a Product Configuration File (PCF) ..................................................... 58
3.6.5. Using a Product Database ................................................................................ 61
3.6.6. Understanding Recovery Data Sets ................................................................... 62
3.7. Installing with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility ..................................... 63
3.7.1. Performing Preliminary Steps ........................................................................... 64
3.7.2. Extracting a Product's Release Notes ................................................................ 65
3.7.3. Installing a Product .......................................................................................... 65
3.7.4. Responding to Installation Questions ................................................................ 66
3.7.5. Confirming Your Answers ............................................................................... 67
3.7.6. Performing the Installation as a Batch Job ........................................................ 68
3.7.7. Installing a Patch Kit to Allow for its Removal ................................................. 69
3.8. Performing Other Operations on Installed Software Products Using the
POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility ...................................................................... 69
3.8.1. Reconfiguring an Installed Product ................................................................... 70
3.8.2. Recording a Change in Volume Label in the Product Database ........................... 70
3.8.3. Copying a Software Kit to a New Location ....................................................... 70
3.8.4. Converting a Software Kit from One Format to Another .................................... 70
3.8.5. Retrieving Product Information ........................................................................ 71
3.8.6. Retrieving Patch Recovery Information ............................................................. 71
3.8.7. Deleting Patch Recovery Data .......................................................................... 72
3.8.8. Removing Installed Software Products and Kits ................................................ 72
3.8.9. Uninstalling Patch Kits .................................................................................... 72
Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System .................................................. 75
4.1. Understanding Booting and System Startup ................................................................. 76
4.1.1. Booting and Startup Processes .......................................................................... 76
4.1.2. Deferring Memory Testing on AlphaServer 4100 Computers .............................. 77
4.1.3. Types of Booting Operations ............................................................................ 78
4.1.4. System Startup and STARTUP.COM ................................................................ 79
4.1.5. Messages Indicating Booting and Startup Progress ............................................ 80
4.2. Booting with Modified System Parameter Values ......................................................... 80
4.2.1. Booting After Showing or Modifying Individual System Parameter Values .......... 81
4.2.2. Booting with an Alternate System Parameter File .............................................. 82
4.3. Assigning Port Allocation Classes with SYSBOOT ...................................................... 82

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

4.4. Booting in an Emergency ........................................................................................... 83

4.4.1. Booting with Default System Parameters .......................................................... 83
4.4.2. Booting Without Startup and Login Procedures ................................................. 84
4.4.3. Booting Without the User Authorization File .................................................... 86
4.5. Booting with Controlled Startup .................................................................................. 88
4.5.1. Booting with an Alternate Site-Independent Startup Procedure ........................... 88
4.5.2. Specifying an Alternate Default Startup Command Procedure ............................ 89
4.5.3. Booting with Minimum Startup ........................................................................ 90
4.5.4. Booting While Displaying Startup Procedure Commands ................................... 91
4.5.5. Displaying Startup Procedure Commands with SYSMAN .................................. 92
4.6. Solving Booting Problems .......................................................................................... 93
4.7. Writing a New Boot Block on the System Disk ........................................................... 94
4.8. Shutting Down the System ......................................................................................... 98
4.8.1. Performing an Orderly Shutdown with SHUTDOWN.COM ............................... 98
4.8.2. Understanding the Order of Shutdown Events ................................................. 103
4.8.3. Customizing SHUTDOWN.COM to Perform Site-Specific Operations .............. 104
4.8.4. Performing an Orderly Shutdown with SYSMAN ............................................ 107
4.8.5. Performing an Emergency Shutdown with the OPCCRASH.EXE Program ........ 108
4.8.6. Performing an Emergency Shutdown Using Console Commands ...................... 110
4.9. Reconfiguring Devices on OpenVMS I64 Systems ..................................................... 110
4.9.1. Understanding the OpenVMS I64 Boot Manager Utility, BOOT_OPTIONS.
COM ...................................................................................................................... 111
4.9.2. Starting to Use BOOT_OPTIONS.COM ......................................................... 111
4.9.3. Using BOOT_OPTIONS Configuration Menu Options .................................... 113
Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System .............................................................. 119
5.1. Adding and Deleting Optional Files .......................................................................... 119
5.2. Modifying Site-Specific Startup Command Procedures ............................................... 120
5.2.1. Understanding Site-Specific Startup Command Procedures ............................... 120
5.2.2. Understanding the Order of Startup Events ...................................................... 122
5.2.3. Modifying SYPAGSWPFILES.COM to Install Page and Swap Files ................. 124
5.2.4. Modifying SYCONFIG.COM to Configure Devices ........................................ 125
5.2.5. Modifying SYLOGICALS.COM to Define Systemwide Logical Names ............ 126
5.2.6. Modifying SYSECURITY.COM to Set Up Security Auditing ........................... 128
5.2.7. Modifying SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to Perform General Operations ............... 128
5.3. Modifying Login Command Procedures to Customize User Environments ................... 135
5.4. Customizing Startup Databases with SYSMAN .......................................................... 136
5.4.1. Understanding Startup Databases .................................................................... 137
5.4.2. Understanding the Layered Product Startup Database ....................................... 137
5.4.3. Specifying the Current Startup Database ......................................................... 138
5.4.4. Showing the Name of the Target Startup Database ........................................... 139
5.4.5. Showing the Contents of a Startup Database ................................................... 139
5.4.6. Adding Startup Files to a Startup Database ..................................................... 139
5.4.7. Changing Information Associated with a Startup File ....................................... 139
5.4.8. Deleting a Record from a Startup Database ..................................................... 140
5.4.9. Preventing a Startup File from Executing ........................................................ 140
5.4.10. Allowing a Previously Disabled Startup File to Execute ................................. 141
5.5. Registering Images that Have System Version Dependencies ....................................... 141
5.5.1. Understanding System Version Dependency and the Image Registry ................. 142
5.5.2. Using the Image Registry Facility ................................................................... 143
5.6. Customizing the Help Message Database ................................................................... 143
5.6.1. Accessing $STATUS Values for Uninstalled Messages ..................................... 144
5.6.2. Creating System-Level Database Search Paths ................................................. 146

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

5.6.3. Deleting VSI-supplied Messages from the Database ......................................... 147

5.6.4. Adding Comments to VSI-supplied Messages ................................................. 149
5.6.5. Changing VSI-supplied Data .......................................................................... 150
5.6.6. Adding Messages to VSI-supplied Database Files ............................................ 151
5.7. Customizing Mail ..................................................................................................... 151
5.8. Setting Up the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) Utility .......................... 153
5.8.1. Defining a Foreign Command ........................................................................ 153
5.9. Saving Your Customization ....................................................................................... 153
Chapter 6. Setting System Time ....................................................................................... 155
6.1. Setting Correct Time Zone Information on Your System ............................................. 155
6.1.1. Distributed Time Synchronization Service (DTSS) ........................................... 156
6.1.2. Understanding Time-Setting Concepts ............................................................. 156
6.2. Setting Time Zone Information on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and Later .................. 159
6.2.1. Displaying Time Zone Information ................................................................. 160
6.2.2. Setting Time Zone Information ....................................................................... 160
6.3. Setting Time Zone Information on OpenVMS VAX Systems ....................................... 165
6.3.1. Setting the Time Zone on Your System ........................................................... 166
6.3.2. Setting the TDF on Your System .................................................................... 167
6.4. Setting Time in an OpenVMS Cluster Environment .................................................... 168
6.5. Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time .......................................................................... 169
6.5.1. Automatically Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time (OpenVMS Alpha Version
7.3 and Later, OpenVMS I64) ................................................................................. 169
6.5.2. Manually Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time (OpenVMS Version 7.3 and
Later Systems, I64 Systems) .................................................................................... 170
6.5.3. Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time on OpenVMS Version 7.2 ......................... 171
6.6. Setting Time Using the Battery-Backed Watch (BBW) (Alpha Only) ........................... 172
6.7. Choosing Languages, and Date and Time Formats ...................................................... 173
6.7.1. Specifying Languages Other Than English ...................................................... 174
6.7.2. Invoking LIB$DT_STARTUP.COM ................................................................ 174
6.7.3. Defining System Default Date and Time Formats ............................................ 175
6.7.4. User Definitions of Language, and Date and Time Formats .............................. 179
6.8. Saving Your Customization ....................................................................................... 179
6.9. Using SYSMAN to Manage System Time ................................................................. 179
6.9.1. Modifying the System Time ........................................................................... 179
Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts ............................................................................... 183
7.1. Understanding the User Authorization File ................................................................ 183
7.1.1. Priority .......................................................................................................... 184
7.1.2. Limits and Quotas ......................................................................................... 184
7.1.3. Privileges ...................................................................................................... 185
7.2. Understanding the Protection of Authorization Files ................................................... 186
7.3. Understanding UAF Login Checks ............................................................................ 187
7.4. Managing System-Supplied UAF Accounts ................................................................ 188
7.4.1. Understanding System-Supplied UAF Accounts .............................................. 188
7.4.2. Creating Accounts On Alpha and I64 systems (Alpha and I64 Systems) ............ 190
7.4.3. Maintaining System-Supplied Accounts (VAX Only) ....................................... 191
7.4.4. Using the SYSTEM Account .......................................................................... 192
7.4.5. Using AUTHORIZE to Maintain UAF Accounts ............................................. 193
7.5. Preparing to Add User Accounts ............................................................................... 194
7.5.1. Choosing an Account Type ............................................................................ 194
7.5.2. Performing Additional Tasks .......................................................................... 195
7.5.3. Understanding Account Security ..................................................................... 198

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

7.6. Adding User Accounts .............................................................................................. 199

7.6.1. Adding a User Account with AUTHORIZE .................................................... 199
7.6.2. Adding a User Account with a Command Procedure ........................................ 200
7.7. Maintaining User Accounts ....................................................................................... 201
7.7.1. Using Command Procedures for Interactive Accounts ...................................... 201
7.7.2. Modifying a User Account ............................................................................. 205
7.7.3. Listing User Accounts .................................................................................... 205
7.7.4. Maintaining the User Environment ................................................................. 206
7.7.5. Deleting a User Account ................................................................................ 207
7.7.6. Using BACKUP to Remove User Files ........................................................... 208
7.7.7. Disabling a User Account .............................................................................. 208
7.8. Restricting the Use of Accounts ................................................................................ 209
7.8.1. Setting Day Types ......................................................................................... 209
7.8.2. Restricting Logins to Specific Times ............................................................... 210
7.8.3. Restricting CPU Time .................................................................................... 210
7.8.4. Restricting Login Functions ............................................................................ 212
7.8.5. Using Login Command Procedures for Restricted or Captive Accounts ............. 213
7.8.6. Setting Priorities for User Processes ............................................................... 215
7.9. Setting Up Special Accounts ..................................................................................... 215
7.9.1. Setting Up an Automatic Login Account with SYSMAN ................................. 215
7.9.2. Setting Up a Project Account with ACL Identifiers .......................................... 216
7.9.3. Understanding Network Proxy Accounts ......................................................... 218
7.9.4. Creating Network Proxy Authorization Files ................................................... 218
7.9.5. Adding Proxy Accounts ................................................................................. 219
7.9.6. Removing Proxy Accounts ............................................................................. 220
7.9.7. Displaying Proxy Accounts ............................................................................ 221
7.9.8. Controlling Proxy Logins ............................................................................... 221
7.10. Managing Mail ....................................................................................................... 221
7.10.1. Modifying a User Record ............................................................................. 222
7.10.2. Removing a User Record ............................................................................. 222
7.10.3. AUTHORIZE Flags and Mail ....................................................................... 222
7.11. Managing System Resources ................................................................................... 222
7.11.1. Understanding Pages and Pagelets ................................................................ 222
7.11.2. Setting Limits on System Resources .............................................................. 223
Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices ....................................................................... 229
8.1. Understanding Device Names ................................................................................... 229
8.2. Names of Add-on I/O Adapters and Consoles ............................................................ 230
8.3. Getting Information About Devices on the System ..................................................... 230
8.3.1. Determining If Volumes Need Rebuilding ....................................................... 233
8.3.2. Getting Information About ISO 9660-Formatted Devices ................................. 234
8.4. Setting Security Protection Characteristics on Devices ................................................ 235
8.4.1. Granting Access to a Specific Device ............................................................. 235
8.4.2. Granting Access to All Devices ...................................................................... 236
8.5. Connecting Devices and Loading Device Drivers ....................................................... 236
8.5.1. Manually Connecting Devices and Loading Device Drivers (VAX Only) ........... 237
8.5.2. Manually Connecting Devices and Loading Device Drivers (Alpha and I64) ...... 239
8.5.3. Suppressing the Autoconfiguration of Devices ................................................. 240
8.6. Automatically Configuring Devices for OpenVMS Alpha Systems .............................. 240
8.6.1. Understanding Device Configuration .............................................................. 241
8.6.2. Using File-Based Autoconfiguration ............................................................... 241
8.6.3. Supported Buses for User Devices .................................................................. 246
8.6.4. SYS$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG. DAT Unsupported ....................................... 247

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

8.7. Managing Terminals ................................................................................................. 251

8.7.1. Setting Terminal Characteristics ...................................................................... 251
8.7.2. Managing Virtual Terminals ........................................................................... 252
8.8. Managing Modems ................................................................................................... 254
8.8.1. Understanding Modems .................................................................................. 255
8.8.2. Setting Up Modems ....................................................................................... 257
8.8.3. Troubleshooting Modems ............................................................................... 263
8.9. Managing Printers .................................................................................................... 265
8.9.1. Setting Printer Characteristics ......................................................................... 265
8.9.2. Using Spooled Printers ................................................................................... 266
8.10. Managing Tape Drives ............................................................................................ 268
8.10.1. Getting Magnetic Tape Device Information ................................................... 268
8.10.2. Modifying Magnetic Tape Device Characteristics .......................................... 268
8.11. Managing a Card Reader (VAX Only) ..................................................................... 269
8.11.1. Distinguishing the Type of Card Deck (VAX Only) ........................................ 269
8.11.2. Running the Input Symbiont Interactively (VAX Only) ................................... 271
Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media .............................................................................. 273
9.1. Understanding Storage Media Concepts ..................................................................... 274
9.1.1. Disk and CD–ROM Concepts ......................................................................... 274
9.1.2. Extended File Specifications on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems ................... 280
9.1.3. Tape Concepts ............................................................................................... 282
9.1.4. Public and Private Disk Volumes .................................................................... 285
9.2. Allocating and Deallocating Drives ........................................................................... 286
9.2.1. Allocating Drives ........................................................................................... 287
9.2.2. Deallocating Drives ....................................................................................... 287
9.3. Initializing Volumes .................................................................................................. 288
9.3.1. Using the INITIALIZE Command .................................................................. 289
9.3.2. Using INITIALIZE Command Qualifiers ........................................................ 290
9.3.3. Initializing a New Volume with ODS-5 Format ............................................... 292
9.3.4. Assisting Users in Accessing and Initializing Volumes ..................................... 292
9.4. Protecting Volumes ................................................................................................... 293
9.4.1. Protecting Disk Volumes ................................................................................ 294
9.4.2. Protecting Tape Volumes ................................................................................ 297
9.4.3. Auditing Volume Access ................................................................................ 299
9.5. Mounting Volumes ................................................................................................... 299
9.5.1. Using MOUNT Command Qualifiers When You Mount Disks ......................... 301
9.5.2. Using MOUNT Command Qualifiers When You Mount Tapes ......................... 304
9.5.3. Assisting Users in Mounting Volumes ............................................................. 307
9.5.4. Mounting a Volume with Protected Subsystems ............................................... 309
9.5.5. Converting an Existing Volume from One ODS Format to Another ................... 310
9.5.6. Modifying Disk Volume Characteristics .......................................................... 315
9.5.7. Speeding Up Disk Mounting .......................................................................... 316
9.6. Setting Up Disk Volume Sets .................................................................................... 316
9.6.1. Understanding Disk Volume Sets .................................................................... 316
9.6.2. Creating a Disk Volume Set from New Volumes .............................................. 318
9.6.3. Creating a Shadowed Disk Volume Set ........................................................... 319
9.6.4. Creating a Disk Volume Set from an Existing Volume and a New Volume .......... 319
9.6.5. Adding Volumes to an Existing Disk Volume Set ............................................. 320
9.7. Expanding Volumes Dynamically .............................................................................. 321
9.7.1. Reserving Additional Bitmap Space ................................................................ 321
9.7.2. Enlarging Storage Containers ......................................................................... 322
9.8. Mounting ISO 9660 Volume Sets and Groups ............................................................ 323

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

9.8.1. Mounting ISO 9660 Volume Sets ................................................................... 323

9.8.2. Mounting ISO 9660 Volume Groups ............................................................... 323
9.8.3. Handling Partially Mounted ISO 9660 Volume Sets ......................................... 324
9.8.4. Mounting ISO 9660 Volumes Using SVDs ...................................................... 324
9.8.5. Handling ISO 9660 Restrictions ..................................................................... 325
9.9. Mounting Tape Volume Sets ..................................................................................... 326
9.9.1. Creating a Tape Volume Set ........................................................................... 327
9.9.2. Mounting Continuation Volumes in a Tape Volume Set .................................... 328
9.9.3. Modifying Magnetic Tape Characteristics ........................................................ 332
9.10. Dismounting Volumes and Volume Sets ................................................................... 332
9.10.1. Dismounting a Single Volume ...................................................................... 334
9.10.2. Dismounting a Volume Set ........................................................................... 335
9.10.3. Dismounting Foreign Volumes ...................................................................... 336
9.10.4. Dismounting a Volume in an OpenVMS Cluster System ................................. 336
9.11. Using Command Procedures for Media Setup .......................................................... 336
9.11.1. Sample Command Procedure for Setting Up Disk Volumes ............................. 336
9.11.2. Sample Command Procedure for Setting Up Tape Volumes ............................ 337
9.12. Managing Disk Space ............................................................................................. 339
9.12.1. Understanding Disk Quotas .......................................................................... 339
9.12.2. Establishing Disk Quotas .............................................................................. 341
9.12.3. Purging Files ............................................................................................... 343
9.12.4. Setting Version Limits on Files ..................................................................... 344
9.12.5. Setting File Expiration Dates ........................................................................ 344
9.13. Using the Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility to Check and Repair Disks ......................... 346
9.13.1. Reporting Errors .......................................................................................... 347
9.13.2. Reporting and Repairing Errors .................................................................... 347
9.13.3. Recovering Lost Files .................................................................................. 348
9.13.4. Erasing Old Home Blocks ............................................................................ 349
9.13.5. Creating a Disk Usage File ........................................................................... 349
9.14. Using Mount Verification for Recovery ................................................................... 349
9.14.1. Understanding Mount Verification ................................................................ 350
9.14.2. Using Mount Verification ............................................................................. 351
9.15. Using Interrupt Priority Level C (IPC) ..................................................................... 354
9.15.1. Recalculating Quorum .................................................................................. 355
9.15.2. Canceling Mount Verification ....................................................................... 356
9.15.3. Entering the Debugger ................................................................................. 357
9.16. Using the Bad Block Locator Utility to Detect Media Errors ..................................... 357
Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories ......................................................................... 359
10.1. Understanding Extended File Specifications Features ................................................ 359
10.1.1. Using Extended File Specifications ............................................................... 360
10.1.2. Setting Users' Expectations of Extended File Specifications ............................ 363
10.2. Considerations Before Enabling ODS-5 Volumes ..................................................... 369
10.2.1. Considerations for System Management ........................................................ 369
10.2.2. Considerations for Users .............................................................................. 370
10.2.3. Considerations for Applications .................................................................... 370
10.3. Guidelines for Using Extended File Specifications on OpenVMS Applications ........... 371
10.3.1. Levels of Support for Extended File Specifications ........................................ 372
10.4. Controlling Access to ODS-5 Volumes .................................................................... 374
10.4.1. Preventing VAX Users from Accessing an ODS-5 Volume ............................. 374
10.4.2. Preventing an Untested Application from Accessing an ODS-5 Volume ........... 375
10.5. Using DCL Commands with Files ........................................................................... 376
10.6. Getting File Information ......................................................................................... 376

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

10.6.1. Displaying Access Dates .............................................................................. 378

10.7. Protecting Files ....................................................................................................... 379
10.7.1. Understanding File Protection Concepts ........................................................ 379
10.7.2. Displaying File Ownership and Protection ..................................................... 380
10.7.3. Protecting Disk Files .................................................................................... 381
10.7.4. Protecting Disk Directories ........................................................................... 386
10.7.5. Protecting Magnetic Tape Files ..................................................................... 388
10.8. Accessing Disk Files .............................................................................................. 388
10.9. Accessing Tape Files .............................................................................................. 389
10.9.1. Understanding Tape File Names ................................................................... 390
10.9.2. Locating Standard-Labeled Tape Files ........................................................... 390
10.9.3. Using Wildcard Characters with Tape Volumes .............................................. 391
10.9.4. Reading Files on Tape Volumes .................................................................... 392
10.9.5. Writing Files to Tape Volumes ...................................................................... 393
10.10. Copying and Transferring Files ............................................................................. 394
10.10.1. Copying Files to Disk Volumes ................................................................... 395
10.10.2. Copying Files to Tape Volumes .................................................................. 397
10.10.3. Continuing to Copy at the End of a Tape ..................................................... 399
10.10.4. Using the Exchange Utility (EXCHANGE) ................................................. 400
10.10.5. Using the EXCHANGE/NETWORK Command .......................................... 400
10.11. Creating a CD-ROM ............................................................................................. 401
10.11.1. Preparation ................................................................................................. 402
10.11.2. Setting Up a Logical Disk and Container File .............................................. 402
10.11.3. Populating the Logical Disk ........................................................................ 403
10.11.4. Writing to a CD-R Disk ............................................................................. 403
10.11.5. Verifying a Write Operation ........................................................................ 404
10.11.6. Reusing a Container File ............................................................................ 405
10.11.7. CDRECORD Command Summary .............................................................. 405
10.12. Understanding Hard Links ..................................................................................... 407
10.12.1. Hard Link Examples (INIT and SET VOLUME) ......................................... 408
Chapter 11. Using BACKUP ............................................................................................ 411
11.1. Overview of BACKUP Tasks .................................................................................. 411
11.2. Understanding Types of Backups ............................................................................. 412
11.3. Formulating a Backup Strategy ................................................................................ 413
11.4. Understanding the Backup Interfaces ....................................................................... 415
11.4.1. The BACKUP Command Line ..................................................................... 415
11.4.2. The Backup Manager ................................................................................... 416
11.5. Understanding Save Sets ......................................................................................... 417
11.5.1. Magnetic Tape Save Sets .............................................................................. 417
11.5.2. Files–11 Disk Save Sets ............................................................................... 418
11.5.3. Network Save Sets ....................................................................................... 418
11.5.4. Sequential-Disk Save Sets ............................................................................ 418
11.6. Understanding BACKUP File Formats ..................................................................... 419
11.7. Setting Software Parameters for Efficient Backups ................................................... 420
11.8. Using Disks and Tapes ............................................................................................ 426
11.8.1. Understanding Volume Initialization .............................................................. 427
11.8.2. Mounting a Volume ...................................................................................... 429
11.8.3. Dismounting a Volume ................................................................................. 430
11.9. Understanding OPCOM and Volumes ...................................................................... 431
11.9.1. Requesting Operator Assistance .................................................................... 431
11.10. Listing the Contents of a BACKUP Save Set ......................................................... 432
11.11. Understanding Multivolume BACKUP Operations .................................................. 434

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

11.11.1. Multivolume Tape Labeling ........................................................................ 434

11.11.2. MOUNT Messages When Backing Up Tapes ............................................... 435
11.12. Understanding BACKUP Tape Label Processing .................................................... 435
11.13. Backing Up Files and Directories .......................................................................... 437
11.13.1. Copying Files to Other Files ....................................................................... 437
11.13.2. Backing Up Files and Directories to a Save Set ............................................ 438
11.13.3. Comparing Files ......................................................................................... 440
11.13.4. Creating and Listing BACKUP Journal Files ............................................... 441
11.14. Restoring Files and Directories .............................................................................. 442
11.14.1. Accessing Files in Deep Directory Structures ............................................... 444
11.15. Backing Up User Disks ......................................................................................... 445
11.15.1. Preparing to Back Up User Disks ................................................................ 445
11.15.2. Performing Image Backups to Tape ............................................................. 446
11.15.3. Performing Image Backups to Disk ............................................................. 447
11.15.4. Performing Incremental Backups to Tape ..................................................... 448
11.15.5. Performing Incremental Backups to Disk ..................................................... 449
11.15.6. Performing Incremental Backups Using PATHWORKS for OpenVMS
Servers .................................................................................................................... 451
11.15.7. Backing Up Your Workstation Disk ............................................................. 452
11.15.8. Backing Up Volume Shadow Sets ............................................................... 456
11.16. Restoring User Disks ............................................................................................ 458
11.16.1. Restoring Image Backups ........................................................................... 458
11.16.2. Restoring Incremental Backups ................................................................... 460
11.16.3. Restoring Volume Shadow Sets ................................................................... 463
11.17. Backing Up and Restoring the System Disk ........................................................... 463
11.17.1. Starting the Menu System ........................................................................... 464
11.17.2. Understanding Standalone BACKUP (VAX Only) ........................................ 466
11.17.3. Backing Up the System Disk to Tape .......................................................... 471
11.17.4. Restoring the System Disk from Tape ......................................................... 473
11.17.5. Backing Up the System Disk to a Disk ........................................................ 475
11.17.6. Using InfoServer Tapes to Back Up and Restore System Disks ...................... 477
11.18. Ensuring Data Integrity ......................................................................................... 478
11.18.1. /CRC Qualifier ........................................................................................... 478
11.18.2. /GROUP_SIZE Qualifier ............................................................................ 479
11.18.3. /IGNORE Qualifier ..................................................................................... 479
11.18.4. /LOG Qualifier ........................................................................................... 479
11.18.5. /VERIFY Qualifier ..................................................................................... 480
11.19. Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 480
11.19.1. BACKUP Fatal Error Options ..................................................................... 481
11.19.2. Tape Label Errors ....................................................................................... 482
11.19.3. VMS$COMMON.DIR File Restore Problems .............................................. 482
Chapter 12. Security Considerations ............................................................................... 485
12.1. Understanding Security Management ....................................................................... 485
12.2. Managing Passwords .............................................................................................. 486
12.2.1. Initial Passwords .......................................................................................... 486
12.2.2. System Passwords ........................................................................................ 487
12.2.3. Primary and Secondary Passwords ................................................................ 488
12.2.4. Enforcing Minimum Password Standards ...................................................... 488
12.2.5. Guidelines for Protecting Passwords ............................................................. 489
12.2.6. Password History ......................................................................................... 489
12.3. Using Intrusion Detection Mechanisms .................................................................... 490
12.4. Understanding Ways to Protect Objects .................................................................... 491

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

12.4.1. Interpreting a User Identification Code .......................................................... 491

12.4.2. Understanding Protection Codes ................................................................... 491
12.5. Creating Intra-Cluster Communications Security Objects .......................................... 493
12.6. Creating Access Control Lists ................................................................................. 493
12.6.1. Kinds of Entries in an ACL .......................................................................... 493
12.6.2. Types of Identifiers ...................................................................................... 495
12.7. Assigning ACLs ..................................................................................................... 495
12.8. Using the ACL Editor ............................................................................................. 496
12.8.1. Adding an Identifier ACE ............................................................................ 496
12.8.2. Setting a Default Protection Code ................................................................. 497
12.8.3. Generating Security Alarms and Audits ......................................................... 497
12.9. Auditing Security-Relevant Events .......................................................................... 497
12.9.1. Enabling Classes of Security Alarms ............................................................. 497
12.10. Analyzing Audit Log Files .................................................................................... 498
Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database ............................... 501
13.1. Understanding the Queue Manager .......................................................................... 501
13.2. Understanding the Queue Database .......................................................................... 503
13.3. Specifying the Location of the Queue Database ........................................................ 504
13.3.1. Specifying the Location of the Queue Master File .......................................... 505
13.3.2. Specifying the Location of Queue and Journal Files ....................................... 506
13.4. Displaying Information About Queue Managers ....................................................... 506
13.5. Starting the Queue Manager and Creating a Queue Database ..................................... 507
13.6. Customizing Queue Manager Failover ..................................................................... 509
13.7. Stopping and Restarting the Queue Manager ............................................................ 509
13.7.1. Stopping the Queue Manager ........................................................................ 509
13.7.2. Restarting the Queue Manager ...................................................................... 510
13.8. Using Multiple Queue Managers ............................................................................. 510
13.8.1. Understanding Multiple Queue Managers ...................................................... 511
13.8.2. Creating Additional Queue Managers ............................................................ 511
13.9. Saving and Restoring the Queue Database ............................................................... 514
13.9.1. Saving Queue Database Files ........................................................................ 514
13.9.2. Restoring Queue Database Files .................................................................... 515
13.10. Maximizing Queuing System Performance ............................................................. 516
13.11. Solving Queue Manager Problems ......................................................................... 517
13.11.1. Avoiding Common Problems: A Troubleshooting Checklist .......................... 517
13.11.2. If the Queue Manager Does Not Start .......................................................... 517
13.11.3. If the Queuing System Stops or the Queue Manager Does Not Run on
Specific Nodes ........................................................................................................ 519
13.11.4. If the Queue Manager Becomes Unavailable ................................................ 520
13.11.5. If the Queuing System Does Not Work on a Specific OpenVMS Cluster
Node ....................................................................................................................... 521
13.11.6. If You See Inconsistent Queuing Behavior on Different OpenVMS Cluster
Nodes ..................................................................................................................... 522
13.12. Reporting a Queuing System Problem to VSI ......................................................... 523
Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues .......................................................... 527
14.1. Understanding Queuing ........................................................................................... 528
14.1.1. Managing Queues on Small Systems ............................................................. 528
14.1.2. Understanding Classes and Types of Queues ................................................. 528
14.1.3. Understanding Autostart Queues ................................................................... 530
14.2. Designing Queue Environments ............................................................................... 530
14.2.1. Designing a Batch Queue Environment ......................................................... 531

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials

14.2.2. Designing an Output Queue Environment ...................................................... 533

14.3. Planning Your Queue Setup .................................................................................... 539
14.3.1. Setting Up Output Devices ........................................................................... 540
14.4. Creating and Starting Queues .................................................................................. 541
14.4.1. Creating and Starting Autostart Execution Queues ......................................... 541
14.4.2. Creating and Starting Nonautostart Execution Queues .................................... 544
14.4.3. Creating and Starting Generic Queues ........................................................... 545
14.5. Restarting Execution Queues on Reboot .................................................................. 546
14.6. Using Queue Options .............................................................................................. 546
14.6.1. Controlling Access to Queues ....................................................................... 550
14.6.2. Using Job Retention Options ........................................................................ 554
14.6.3. Specifying Queue Characteristics .................................................................. 557
14.6.4. Specifying Batch Processing Options ............................................................ 560
14.6.5. Specifying Job Scheduling Options ............................................................... 564
14.6.6. Using Banner Pages ..................................................................................... 566
14.6.7. Using and Creating Forms ............................................................................ 573
14.6.8. Using Device Control Libraries .................................................................... 579
14.7. Maintaining Queues ................................................................................................ 583
14.7.1. Using Queue Management Commands .......................................................... 584
14.7.2. Managing Jobs in Queues ............................................................................. 592
14.8. Solving Queue Problems ......................................................................................... 600
14.8.1. Determining the Cause of General Printer Problems ....................................... 600
14.8.2. Making Pending Jobs Eligible for Scheduling ................................................ 601
14.8.3. Fixing a Stalled Output Queue ...................................................................... 603
14.8.4. Determining Why an Autostart Queue Does Not Start .................................... 604
14.8.5. Solving Problems Deleting a Queue, Form, or Characteristic .......................... 604
14.8.6. Solving Problems Deleting Files ................................................................... 606
14.8.7. Adding or Deleting a Device Control Library Module .................................... 606
14.8.8. Fixing a Disabled Queue .............................................................................. 607
14.8.9. Reporting Queue Problems to VSI ................................................................ 607

System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials


1. About VSI
The VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials is Volume 1 of the VSI
OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual two-volume set.

2. Intended Audience
This guide is intended for VSI OpenVMS system managers.

3. Document Structure
VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials consists of the following chapters:

• Chapter 1: Overview of This Manual

• Chapter 2: Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

• Chapter 3: Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

• Chapter 4: Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

• Chapter 5: Customizing the Operating System

• Chapter 6: Setting System Time

• Chapter 7: Managing User Accounts

• Chapter 8: Managing Peripheral Devices

• Chapter 9: Managing Storage Media

• Chapter 10: Using Files and Directories

• Chapter 11: Using BACKUP

• Chapter 12: Security Considerations

• Chapter 13: Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

• Chapter 14: Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

For more information about the structure of VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1:
Essentials, see Section 1.1.

4. Related Documents
• VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

• OpenVMS User’s Manual


• OpenVMS Software Overview (this manual has been archived)

• The current version of the Upgrade and Installation Manual for your system

• VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security

• OpenVMS Performance Management

• OpenVMS Cluster Systems and Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations

• VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration

• VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management

• VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command Reference

• VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Tuning and Troubleshooting

• DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Introduction and User’s Guide

• DECnet-Plus Planning Guide

• DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration

• DECnet-Plus Network Control Language Reference

For additional information about VSI OpenVMS products and services, see:


5. VSI Encourages Your Comments

You may send comments or suggestions regarding this manual or any VSI document by sending
electronic mail to the following Internet address: <docinfo@vmssoftware.com>. Users who
have OpenVMS support contracts through VSI can contact <support@vmssoftware.com> for
help with this product. Users who have OpenVMS support contracts through HPE should contact their
HPE Support channel for assistance.

6. Conventions
The following conventions may be used in this manual:

Convention Meaning
Ctrl/x A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled
Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button.
PF1 x A sequence such as PF1 x indicates that you must first press and release the key
labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device button.
... A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the following possibilities:

• Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted.

• The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times.

• Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered.


Convention Meaning
. A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example or
. command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the
. topic being discussed.
() In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the
options in parentheses if you choose more than one.
[] In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional choices. You can
choose one or more items or no items. Do not type the brackets on the command
line. However, you must include the brackets in the syntax for OpenVMS
directory specifications and for a substring specification in an assignment
[ |] In command format descriptions, vertical bars separate choices within brackets
or braces. Within brackets, the choices are options; within braces, at least one
choice is required. Do not type the vertical bars on the command line.
{} In command format descriptions, braces indicate required choices; you must
choose at least one of the items listed. Do not type the braces on the command
bold text This typeface represents the introduction of a new term. It also represents the
name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason.
italic text Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or
variables. Variables include information that varies in system output (Internal
error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER= name), and in command
parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type).
UPPERCASE Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file,
TEXT or the abbreviation for a system privilege.
Monospace Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays.
In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following
elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions
and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced
in an example.
- A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code
line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line.
numbers All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted.
Nondecimal radixes—binary, octal, or hexadecimal—are explicitly indicated.


Chapter 1. Overview of This Manual
Together, the two parts of this manual explain tasks and concepts related to managing a VSI
OpenVMS system. This chapter describes this manual and how to use it.

The VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual explains system management tasks for new and
experienced system managers. However, before performing these tasks, you should be familiar with
the following items:

• User-level tasks such as creating and editing files and command procedures. For more
information, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

• DIGITAL Command Language (DCL) commands. For more information, refer to the VSI
OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:
Task Section
Using the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual Section 1.1
Finding information about managing complex environments Section 1.3
Finding information about managing small systems Section 1.4

This chapter explains the following concept:

Concept Section
How this manual relates to other system management documentation Section 1.2

1.1. Using the VSI OpenVMS System

Manager's Manual
The VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual is made up of two parts:

• This book, VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 1: Essentials.

• A second book, VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and
Complex Systems.

Use these two books to get step-by-step instructions for general system management tasks.

The first page of each chapter in these books provides two tables to help you find information within
the chapter.

The Task Table

The first table lists the major tasks described in the chapter. If you need to perform a task quickly,
go directly to the section that explains that task. For example, in this chapter the task table lists the
following tasks:
Task Section
Using the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual Section 1.1

Chapter 1. Overview of This Manual

Task Section
Finding information about managing complex environments Section 1.3
Finding information about managing small systems Section 1.4

The Concept Table

The second table lists the major concepts explained in the chapter. If you want to learn more about
an underlying concept, go to the appropriate concept section. For example, the concept table in this
chapter lists the following concept:

Concept Section
How this manual relates to other system management documentation Section 1.2

1.2. How This Manual Relates to Other

System Management Documentation
This manual is intended to be used as a companion to other OpenVMS system management manuals.
The Preface of this manual lists the books you should be prepared to use along with the VSI
OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

1.3. Finding Information About Managing

Complex Environments
If you are managing large or complex configurations,you will need additional specialized information.
Table 1.1 lists some typical environments and OpenVMS manuals containing specialized information
for managing those environments.

Table 1.1. Documentation for Managing Complex Environments

Task Manual
Networked environments VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network
OpenVMS Cluster environments OpenVMS Cluster Systems and Guidelines for
OpenVMS Cluster Configurations
Migrating from VAX to Alpha environment Migrating an Environment from OpenVMS VAX
to OpenVMS Alphaa
Performance management OpenVMS Performance Management
System security VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security
This manual has been archived but is available on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM.

1.4. Finding Information About Managing

Small Systems
If you are managing a small standalone system – for example, a desktop workstation – you probably
need to perform only basic system management tasks.

Chapter 1. Overview of This Manual

Table 1.2 lists the tasks you are likely to perform, and where to find instructions for performing these

Table 1.2. Documentation for Managing Small Standalone Systems

Task Chapter, Section, or Other Manual
Installing and upgrading the operating system The current Upgrade and Installation Manual
Installing layered products Section 3.1
Loading software licenses Section 3.2.2
Booting the system Section
Shutting down the system Section 4.8.1
Using VMSTAILOR to remove files from the Section 5.1
system disk
Modifying site-specific startup command Section 5.2
Modifying login command procedures Section 5.3
Setting up user accounts Chapter 7
Backing up workstation disks Section 11.15.7
Backing up and restoring the system disk Section 11.17
Starting the queue manager and creating the Section 13.5
queue database
Setting up and starting simple queues Section 14.1.1
Setting system parameters with AUTOGEN VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual,
Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex
Tuning the system VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual,
Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex
VAX specific

Chapter 1. Overview of This Manual

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System
Management Utilities and Tools
This chapter provides general information about system management utilities and tools that are
provided with the VSI OpenVMS Operating System.

Procedures for using utilities and tools to perform specific tasks are provided in the respective
chapters that describe those tasks. For example, this chapter contains a general description of the
System Management utility (SYSMAN). Section 9.12.2 describes how to use SYSMAN to manage
disk quotas. VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex
Systems describes how to use SYSMAN to manage system parameters.

To use system management tools, you can also refer to the following documentation:

• Online help for online information about commands and qualifiers for DCL and system
management utilities

• The VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for detailed information
about commands and qualifiers for system management utilities

• The VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for detailed information about DCL commands and

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Logging in to the SYSTEM account Section 2.2
Using SYSMAN to centralize system management Section 2.3
Using OPCOM to communicate with system users Section 2.4
Using VMSKITBLD.COM to modify a system disk Section 2.5

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
OpenVMS system management tools Section 2.1
DCL commands for system management Section 2.1.2
System messages Section 2.1.3
DCL command procedures for system management Section 2.1.4
System management utilities Section 2.1.5
MGRMENU.COM command procedure Section 2.1.6
System Management utility (SYSMAN) Section 2.3.1
Understanding a SYSMAN management environment Section 2.3.3
Understanding a SYSMAN profile Section 2.3.5
Understanding OPCOM Section 2.4.1

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

2.1. Understanding OpenVMS System

Management Tools
VSI supplies the following software tools to monitor and control system operations and resources:

Tool For More

OpenVMS Management Station Section 2.1.1
DIGITAL Command Language (DCL) commands; for example, COPY and Section 2.1.2
System messages Section 2.1.3
Command procedures; for example, AUTOGEN.COM and STARTUP.COM Section 2.1.4
System management utilities; for example, the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) Section 2.1.5
and the Backup utility (BACKUP)
MGRMENU.COM command procedure Section 2.1.6
OPCOM Section 2.4

2.1.1. OpenVMS Management Station

The OpenVMS Management Station is a powerful, Microsoft Windows based management tool
for system managers and others who perform account management tasks on OpenVMS systems.
OpenVMS Management Station software provides a comprehensive user interface to OpenVMS
account management across multiple systems. You can manage multiple systems from a single source.

OpenVMS Management Station software coexists with all of the existing OpenVMS system
management utilities. Figure 2.1 shows a sample OpenVMS Management Station screen.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Figure 2.1. Sample OpenVMS Management Station Screen

OpenVMS Management Station addresses the problem of having to use multiple utilities to manage
accounts. For example, creating an account usually involves the following steps:

1. Add a UAF entry

2. Grant rights identifiers

3. Create a directory

4. Create disk quotas

5. Grant network proxies

These steps require that you use DCL, the Authorize utility, and the DISKQUOTA component of the
SYSMAN utility. OpenVMS Management Station provides an easy-to-use interface to this process.

The OpenVMS Management Station consists of two components:

• The client. This is Microsoft Windows based software that you install on a PC and use to perform
management operations.

• The server. This software must be installed on all OpenVMS systems to be managed. You do not
interact directly with the server, the client does that.

Documentation for the OpenVMS Management Station

The Microsoft Windows help files completely describe features, functions, instructions, and examples
of using the OpenVMS Management Station. The OpenVMS Management Station Overview and

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Release Notes document provides an over view of OpenVMS Management Station and describes how
to get started using the software.

Information about installing the OpenVMS Management Station on your Alpha or I64 computer and
your PC is located in the following manual:

• VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual Managing Resources

OpenVMS Management Station allows you to organize the systems you need to manage in ways
that are meaningful to you and your environment, and allows you to manage user accounts on those

You can easily manage user accounts across multiple OpenVMS systems, depending on your needs.
The systems might be some of the clusters in a network, all of the systems on one floor of a building,
a mix of clusters and nonclustered nodes, and so forth.

You can use OpenVMS Management Station to manage OpenVMS user accounts in a convenient,
easy manner. For example, when creating an account on multiple systems, OpenVMS Management
Station can add a user authorization file (UAF) entry, grant rights identifiers, create an OpenVMS
directory, set a disk quota, set up OpenVMS Mail characteristics, and so forth, for each instance of the

OpenVMS Management Station manages the following OpenVMS resources:

• The SYSUAF.DAT user authorization file

• The RIGHTSLIST.DAT user rights file

• The network proxy database

• Account login-directory trees

• User account disk quotas

• The OpenVMS Mail VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA file Managing Operations

The OpenVMS Management Station supports the following account management operations:

• Creating user accounts

• Modifying user accounts (any aspect)

• Deleting user accounts

• Renaming user accounts

• Displaying user account attributes

2.1.2. DCL Commands

You perform many system management tasks by entering DCL (DIGITAL Command Language)
commands. For example, enter the DCL command MOUNT to make disks and tapes available to the

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

system. Most of the DCL commands used by system managers require special privileges (such as
OPER privilege).

The general format of a DCL command is as follows:

command-name[/qualifier[, ...]] [parameter[, ...]] [/qualifier[, ...]]

Because a command can be continued on more than one line, the term command string is used to
define the entire command. A command string is the complete specification of a command, including
the command name, command qualifiers, parameters, and parameter qualifiers.

For complete descriptions of each DCL command, refer to online DCL help or the VSI OpenVMS
DCL Dictionary. If you are not familiar with DCL command syntax, refer to the OpenVMS User’s

2.1.3. System Messages

When you enter commands in DCL or in utilities, the system returns messages to help you understand
the result of each command. System messages can indicate the following information:

• Successful completion of a command

• Information about the effect of the command

• Warning about the effect of the command

• Failure to successfully complete the command

At times, you might need to interpret a system message, for example, to find out how to recover from
a warning or failure. The Help Message utility allows you and system users to quickly access online
descriptions of system messages from the DCL prompt.

For more information about the Help Message utility, refer to the OpenVMS System Messages:
Companion Guide for Help Message Users. In addition, the OpenVMS System Messages and
Recovery Procedures Reference Manual provides detailed descriptions of system messages.

2.1.4. DCL Command Procedures

You can use command procedures to efficiently perform routine tasks. A command procedure is
a file containing DCL commands and, optionally, data used by those DCL commands. When you
execute a command procedure, the system reads the file and executes the commands it contains. This
eliminates the need for you to enter each command interactively. You can create command procedures
to automate some of the routine system management tasks specific to your site.

A simple command procedure can contain a sequence of commands that you use frequently.
For example, you could include the following commands in a command procedure called

When you execute this command procedure with the command @GO_WORK, you set your default
directory to [PERRY.WORK] and display a list of files in that directory.

With complex command procedures, you can use DCL instead of a high-level programming language.
For more information about creating command procedures, refer to the OpenVMS User’s Manual.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools Executing Command Procedures in Batch Mode

You can execute command procedures in batch modeby submitting the procedure to a batch queue.
When resources are available, the system creates a batch process to execute the commands in the
procedure. Usually, processes running in batch mode execute at a lower process priority to avoid
competing with interactive users for system resources.

You might execute a command procedure in batch mode for the following reasons:

• To automate a task

• To process work at a lower scheduling priority, so as not to compete with interactive users for
system resources

• To perform a task during off hours, such as at night or on weekends

• To allow an operation to continue without having a terminal logged in, thereby increasing the
security of the system

A batch-oriented command procedure can include a command to resubmit itself to a batch queue,
thereby repetitively performing the task with no user intervention. For example, you might create
a batch-oriented command procedure to run the Analyze/Disk_Structure utility (ANALYZE/
DISK_STRUCTURE) to report disk errors. If you include a command to resubmit the procedure
to a batch queue, the procedure will automatically execute when scheduled, unless errors cause
the procedure to fail. The following example is a simple command procedure, named SYSTEM-
$! Resubmit this procedure to run again tomorrow.
$! Purge the log files
$! Analyze public disks
$! Print listings
$ EXIT Using VSI-Supplied Command Procedures for System

VSI provides several command procedures for managing a system. Table 2.1 lists some commonly
used command procedures.

Table 2.1. System Management Command Procedures

Command Procedure Function
SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM The system uses this command procedure to
automatically perform certain tasks that are

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Command Procedure Function

required to start up an OpenVMS system. This
procedure is executed when the system boots. Do
not modify this command procedure.
when the system boots. Add commands to this
procedure to perform site-specific tasks each time
the system boots.
SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM Use to shut down the system in an orderly
SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM Use to automatically set system parameters
and page, swap, and dump file sizes to values
appropriate for the system configuration and work
SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL.COM Use to install software on a running system.

2.1.5. System Management Utilities

With the operating system, VSI supplies a number of system management utilities to help perform
system management tasks. A system management utility is a program that performs a set of related
operations. For example, the Mount utility (MOUNT) makes disks and tapes available to the system,
and the Backup utility (BACKUP) saves and restores files.

Most system management utilities require special privileges. Generally, you run these utilities from
the SYSTEM account, which has all privileges by default. Section 2.2 describes logging in to the
SYSTEM account.

You invoke some utilities using the following command format:

RUN SYS$SYSTEM:utility_name

To invoke other utilities, such as MOUNT and ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE, enter a DCL

command. For example:

Table 2.2 lists the system management utilities and their purposes. This manual describes how to use
most of these utilities. For detailed information about utility commands and qualifiers, refer to the VSI
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

Table 2.2. System Management Utilities and Tools

Utility Purpose
Accounting utility (ACCOUNTING) To produce reports of resource use.
ACL editor (access control list editor) To create and maintain ACLs.
Analyze/Disk_Structure utility (ANALYZE/ To check the validity of Files–11 Structure Levels
DISK_STRUCTURE) 1, 2, and 5 disk volumes, and to report errors
and inconsistencies. Also used to repair these
Audit Analysis utility (ANALYZE/AUDIT) To produce reports and summaries of security
events from the system security audit log file.
Use this utility to interpret the large amounts

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Utility Purpose
of auditing information that the system might
Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) To add and modify records in the existing user
authorization and network authorization files, or
to create new files. Also used to add and modify
records in the rights database.
Backup utility (BACKUP) To copy or save files and disk volumes. Also used
to restore saved files and volumes.
Bad Block Locator utility (BAD) To analyze block-addressable devices and record
the location of blocks that cannot reliably store
Crash Log Utility Extractor (CLUE) On VAX systems, to obtain information about
crash dumps.
On Alpha and I64 systems, some commands
in the System Dump Analyzer facility (SDA)
contain CLUE functionality.
DECevent Event Management utility To produce ASCII reports derived from entries in
system event log files.
Error Log utility (ERROR LOG) To report the contents of a system error log file.
Exchange utility (EXCHANGE) To transfer data to and from mass storage
volumes that are written in formats other than
standard formats recognized by the operating
Help Message utility (MSGHLP) To quickly access information about system
messages returned by DCL commands.
Install utility (INSTALL) To improve performance or enhance privileges of
LAT Control Program utility (LATCP) To set up and control the LAT software on
OpenVMS host systems. LAT software allows
you to connect terminals and printers to multiple
remote systems.
Log Manager Control Program utility (LMCP) To create and manage the transaction logs used by
DECdtm services.
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension utility To read and compose MIME-encoded mail
(MIME) messages on OpenVMS system.
Monitor utility (MONITOR) To monitor systemwide performance.
Mount utility (MOUNT) To make a disk or magnetic tape volume available
for processing.
Network Control Program (NCP) To set up, control, monitor, and test a DECnet
Network Control Language (NCL) To set up, control, monitor, and test a DECnet-
Plus network.
Operator Communication Manager (OPCOM) To communicate with system users.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Utility Purpose
System Generation utility (SYSGEN) To create and install page, swap, and dump files
and to manage system parameters.
On VAX systems, to load and connect device
System Management utility (SYSMAN) To centralize system management. Allows
you to perform system management tasks
simultaneously on one or more nodes.
On Alpha and I64 systems, to load and connect
device drivers.
TCP/IP Services management control interfaces To configure and manage TCP/IP Services.
VAX specific
Alpha and I64 specific

This manual does not describe the following utilities in detail:

Utility For More Information

Bad Block Locator utility (BAD) OpenVMS Bad Block Locator Utility Manual,
Online help
Exchange utility (EXCHANGE) OpenVMS Exchange Utility Manual, Online help
LASTCP and LADCP utilities InfoServer Client for OpenVMS LASTCP and
LADCP Utilities Manual
Network Control Program utility (NCP) DECnet for OpenVMS Network Management
Utilities, Online help
Network Control Language utility (NCL) DECnet-Plus Network Control Language
TCP/IP Services management control interfaces VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management

2.1.6. MGRMENU.COM Command Procedure

To help you perform basic system management tasks, VSI provides a command procedure named
SYS$EXAMPLES:MGRMENU.COM. This procedure displays a menu that you can use to perform
the following tasks:

• Add a user account

• Build a standalone BACKUP kit

• Shut down your system

You can use this command procedure as is, or modify it to serve your own site-specific needs. If
you modify this procedure, VSI recommends you first copy the procedure to another directory (for
example, SYS$MANAGER), so that an original version of MGRMENU.COM is always available in
the SYS$EXAMPLES directory.

To see and use the menu, enter the following command:


Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

2.2. Logging In to the SYSTEM Account

VSI recommends that you change the password for the SYSTEM account frequently to maintain
system security. Because the SYSTEM account has full privileges by default, exercise caution when
using it.

If your site has strong security requirements, VSI recommends that you disable all but batch use
of the SYSTEM account and set up separate privileged accounts for individuals who must perform
privileged activities on the system. This will allow you to more closely account for privileged activity
on the system.

How to Perform This Task

1. Press Return on the console terminal.

2. At the Username prompt, enter SYSTEM.

3. At the Password prompt, enter the password that you chose for the SYSTEM account when you
installed or upgraded the operating system, or the current password if you changed it since then.

4. The system displays a welcome message on the console terminal. If you have logged in
previously, the system also prints the time of your last login. When the dollar sign ($) prompt
appears, login is complete and you can enter commands.

On VAX systems:

Username: SYSTEM
Welcome to OpenVMS VAX Version n.n on node x
Last interactive login on Thursday, 20-FEB-2000 16:41
Last non-interactive login on Friday, 21-FEB-20000 17:06

On Alpha systems:

Username: SYSTEM
Welcome to OpenVMS Alpha (TM) Operating System, Version n.n on node
Last interactive login on Thursday, 20-FEB-2000 16:41
Last non-interactive login on Friday, 21-FEB-2000 17:06

On I64 systems:

Username: SYSTEM
Welcome to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard I64 Operating System,
Version n.n on node x
Last interactive login on Thursday, 20-FEB-2004 16:41

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Last non-interactive login on Friday, 21-FEB-2004 17:06

2.3. Using SYSMAN to Centralize System

If you manage more than one computer, you can use the System Management (SYSMAN) utility to
centralize system management.

The following table lists some major SYSMAN features and points to sections in this chapter that
contain more information.

Function For More

Enable a system to execute SYSMAN commands from remote nodes Section 2.3.2
Define your SYSMAN management environment Section 2.3.4
Adjust your SYSMAN profile to set privileges, default device and directory, and Section 2.3.6
DCL verification
Execute DCL commands from SYSMAN Section 2.3.8
Create SYSMAN command procedures Section 2.3.9
Set up SYSMAN with an initialization file Section 2.3.10

2.3.1. Understanding SYSMAN

SYSMAN centralizes system management, so that you, as system manager, can manage nodes
or clusters from one location. Rather than logging in to individual nodes and repeating a set of
management tasks, SYSMAN enables you to define your management environment to be a particular
node, a group of nodes, or an OpenVMS Cluster environment. With a management environment
defined, you can perform traditional system management tasks from your local node; SYSMAN
executes these tasks on all nodes in the target environment. Privileges Required

You must have the following to run SYSMAN:

• OPER and TMPMBX privileges

• A separate account with no more than 125 rights, or enough identifiers removed from the current
account so the total number of rights falls within the appropriate range.

The rights limitation of 125 includes a minimum of three identifiers that are granted during login
when the process rights list is created:

• A UIC identifier

• A system identifier

• At least one environmental identifier, depending upon the environment in which the process is

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools Usage Restriction

If you run SYSMAN from an account with more than 125 rights identifiers, and the environment is set
to a remote node, the following error message is displayed:

SMI-E-RIGHTSLIM, Rights limit exceeded.

Note that this rights identifier limitation includes a minimum of three identifiers besides the rights
identifiers that are associated with a user authorization record:

• A UIC identifier

• A system identifier

• Depending upon the environment in which the process is operating, at least one environmental

To run SYSMAN, you must have either of the following:

• A separate account with no more than 125 rights identifiers

• Enough identifiers removed from your current account so that the total number of rights falls
within the appropriate range Tools and Commands

SYSMAN uses many of the same software tools that you traditionally use to manage a system. It can
process most DCL commands, such as MOUNT and INITIALIZE. It can also execute many system
management utilities and command procedures, such as AUTHORIZE and AUTOGEN.

SYSMAN also includes its own commands that let you perform the following tasks:

Command Task For More Information

ALF (automatic login facility) Associate a terminal or port with Section 3.2.2
a user name
CONFIGURATION Inspect or modify OpenVMS VSI OpenVMS System
Cluster parameters Manager’s Manual, Volume
2: Tuning, Monitoring, and
Complex Systems
DISKQUOTA Control and monitor disk usage Section 9.12.2
IO (Alpha specific) Control and display the I/O Section 8.5.1
configuration of an Alpha
LICENSE Load and unload licenses Section 3.2.2
PARAMETERS Inspect and modify system VSI OpenVMS System
parameters Manager’s Manual, Volume
2: Tuning, Monitoring, and
Complex Systems
STARTUP Customize startup databases Section 5.4
by inspecting and modifying
software startup components

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

2.3.2. Enabling a Remote System to Execute SYSMAN

The SMISERVER process must be running on a remote node for SYSMAN commands to execute on
that node. SMISERVER is the detached process responsible for executing SYSMAN commands on
remote nodes.

Any node that is part of an OpenVMS Cluster system normally starts the SMISERVER process in the
system startup procedure SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM. (The system parameter CLUSTER on the
node must have a value of 1 or more.)

To start the SMISERVER process on a workstation that is not part of an OpenVMS Cluster
system, include the following command line in the site-specific startup command procedure


For more information about SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, see Section 5.2.7.

You can also enter this command interactively to restart the SMISERVER process without rebooting
the system.

2.3.3. Understanding a SYSMAN Management

When you use SYSMAN, you must define the management environment you will be working in. The
management environment is the node or nodes on which subsequent commands will execute.

By default, the management environment is the local node (the node from which you execute
SYSMAN). To execute commands on one or more other nodes, you can redefine the management
environment to be any of the following:

• Your own OpenVMS Cluster system

• A subset of nodes in your OpenVMS Cluster system

• A nonclustered node available through DECnet

• Another OpenVMS Cluster system

• A subset of nodes in another OpenVMS Cluster system

• Any group of individual nodes

Refer to Figure 2.2 during the following discussion of management environments.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Figure 2.2. Sample SYSMAN Management Environment

You can use NODE21 as the management environment, or you can define the environment to be any
node, group of nodes, or cluster shown in Figure 2.2.

If you execute SYSMAN from NODE21, then NODE21 is the local node; it is the management
environment when SYSMAN starts. All other nodes are remote nodes.

2.3.4. Defining the SYSMAN Management Environment

To define the management environment, use the SYSMAN command SET ENVIRONMENT.
Whenever you redefine an environment, SYSMAN displays the new context. You can always verify
the current environment with the SHOW ENVIRONMENT command.

When you are not working on your local node or within your own cluster, your environment is a
nonlocal environment. SYSMAN makes this distinction for security reasons; when you are defining a
nonlocal environment, such as a different cluster, SYSMAN prompts for a password. SYSMAN also
prompts for a password when you attempt to manage a system under a different user name. You can
change your user name by using the /USERNAME qualifier with SET ENVIRONMENT.

A SYSMAN environment remains in effect until you change it or exit from SYSMAN. Defining Another Node as the Environment

You can define a management environment to be any node available through DECnet. To define
one or more nodes to be your management environment, use the SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE

For the following examples, refer to Figure 2.2; assume you are logged in to NODE 21.


%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
Individual nodes: NODE22

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes

The SET ENVIRONMENT command in this example defines the management environment to be
NODE22. (The command does not, however, set the environment to be Cluster 1.)


Remote Password:
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current Command Environment:
Individual nodes: NODE23, NODE24, NODE25
At least one node is not in local cluster
Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes

The SET ENVIRONMENT command in this example defines the management environment to be
a group of nodes --- NODE23, NODE24, and NODE25 --- that are in two separate clusters.


Remote Password:
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
Clusterwide on remote cluster NODE24
Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE24
13-AUG-1996 13:07:54
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE25
13-AUG-1996 13:10:28

The SET ENVIRONMENT command in this example defines the management environment to be
a cluster that includes NODE24---that is, Cluster 2. Using Logical Names to Organize Management

If you want to organize the nodes in your cluster according to specific categories (for example, all
CI-based nodes or all nodes with C installed), you can define logical names to use with the SET
ENVIRONMENT/NODE command, as follows:

1. Create the logical name table SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE by putting the following command into
the file SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM, which is executed during system startup:


2. Define one or more logical names to be a node or list of nodes by putting a command similar to
the following into SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM:


3. When you set your SYSMAN environment from the DCL level, specify one of the logical names
you created for this purpose. For example:


Remote Password:

%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:

Individual nodes: NODE21, NODE22, NODE23
At least one node is not in the local cluster.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Username SYSTEM will be used on nonlocal nodes.

You can also define logical names for VAX and Alpha nodes in a dual-architecture OpenVMS Cluster
system, as explained in VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring,
and Complex Systems.


The following example demonstrates how you can define multiple logical names to organize several
management environments:

Remote Password:

%SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:

Individual nodes: NODE21, NODE22, NODE23, NODE18, SYS2, SYS8
At least one node is not in the local cluster.
Username SYSTEM will be used on nonlocal nodes. Defining an OpenVMS Cluster Environment

To define your management environment to be an OpenVMS Cluster system, use the SET

In SYSMAN, OpenVMS Cluster environments can be one of two types:

OpenVMS Cluster Definition

Local Cluster from which you are using SYSMAN
Nonlocal Any cluster other than the one from which you are executing SYSMAN

To expand the management environment in Figure 2.2 from NODE21 to Cluster 1, enter the following
command from NODE21:


%SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current Command Environment:
Clusterwide on local cluster
Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes

In the OpenVMS Cluster environment shown in Figure 2.2, SYSMAN executes commands on all
nodes in Cluster 1, namely NODE21, NODE22, and NODE23.

To manage a nonlocal cluster with SYSMAN, use the /NODE qualifier to identify the cluster. If you
define an OpenVMS Cluster alias, the /NODE qualifier can use the alias rather than the node name.

If you use the /CLUSTER and /NODE qualifiers together, the environment becomes the OpenVMS
Cluster system where the given node is a member. For example, to perform management tasks on
Cluster 2 in Figure 2.2, enter SET ENVIRONMENT with the /CLUSTER qualifier and name one
node within Cluster 2 using the /NODE qualifier:


Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Remote Password:
%SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current Command Environment:
Clusterwide on remote node NODE24
Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes

For information about using SYSMAN to manage an OpenVMS Cluster system that contains
both Alpha and VAX nodes, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

2.3.5. Understanding Your SYSMAN Profile

When you use SYSMAN across OpenVMS Cluster systems, SYSMAN establishes a profile that
contains your rights, privileges, and defaults, and verifies that you are an authorized user. If you
encounter privilege problems when using SYSMAN, it helps to know how SYSMAN determines your

SYSMAN looks for three possible scenarios when determining your profile:

• If the environment is an OpenVMS Cluster system that has common SYSUAF and RIGHTSLIST
databases, SYSMAN assigns the profile in effect on the local node to the SMISERVER process on
the target node or nodes. This profile includes both authorized and current privileges.

• If the environment is an OpenVMS Cluster system and does not have common SYSUAF and
RIGHTSLIST databases, SYSMAN checks the SYSUAF on the target nodes to see if you are an
authorized user. If you are an authorized user, SYSMAN copies your profile from the SYSUAF on
the target nodes to the SMISERVER process on the target nodes.

• If the environment has nodes that are not part of your local cluster, or if you have recently changed
your user name, SYSMAN prompts you for a password before it checks the SYSUAF on the
target node. If you enter the correct password and the SYSUAF shows that you are an authorized
user, SYSMAN copies your profile from the SYSUAF on the target nodes to the SMISERVER
process on the target nodes.

The profile does not include symbolic names, logical names, preset terminal characteristics, or key
definitions established through a login command procedure. The only environment that has the
attributes defined in a login command procedure is the local node from which you are executing

2.3.6. Adjusting Your SYSMAN Profile

Use the SYSMAN command SET PROFILE to change your SYSMAN management profile. The
qualifiers /PRIVILEGES, /DEFAULT, and /VERIFY enable you to change the following attributes of
the SMISERVER process:

Attribute Qualifier For More

Current privileges /PRIVILEGES Section
Default device and directory /DEFAULT Section
DCL verification of DO commands /VERIFY Section 2.3.7

This profile is in effect until you change it with SET PROFILE, reset the environment (which may
change your profile automatically), or exit from SYSMAN.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

The SET PROFILE command temporarily changes the attributes of your current local process.
However, when you exit from SYSMAN, all attributes are restored to the values that were current
when SYSMAN was invoked. Changing Your Current Privileges

The SYSMAN command SET PROFILE/PRIVILEGES temporarily changes your current privileges
in an environment.

Frequently, system management commands require special privileges. You might need to add
privileges before you execute certain commands in an environment. System managers usually have
the same privileges on all nodes; if you do not have the required privileges on a node, SYSMAN
cannot execute the command and returns an error message.


The following example makes SYSPRV one of your current privileges:

%SYSMAN-I-DEFDIR, Default directory on node NODE21 -- WORK1:[MAEW]
%SYSMAN-I-DEFPRIV, Process privileges on node NODE21 --
SYSPRV Changing Your Default Device and Directory

Use the SET PROFILE/DEFAULT command to reset the default device and directory specification
for your process and all server processes in the environment.

Most often, the default device and directory specified in your UAF record is a first-level directory
in which you create and maintain files and subdirectories. SYSMAN uses this default device and
directory name when resolving file specifications. It also assigns the default device and directory
name to any files that you create during a session.

In some cases, you might need to change the default device and directory in your SYSMAN profile.
For example, you might have a directory containing command procedures as well as some system
management utilities that require the default directory to be SYS$SYSTEM.


The following example sets the default device and directory to DMA1:[SMITH.COM]:

2.3.7. Setting DCL Verification

Use the SET PROFILE/VERIFY command to turn on DCL verification, which displays DCL
command lines and data lines as they execute.

SYSMAN can execute DCL commands using the DO command. By default, SYSMAN DCL
verification is turned off.


Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools


2.3.8. Executing DCL Commands from SYSMAN

The SYSMAN command DO executes DCL command procedures and SYSMAN command
procedures on all nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. In an OpenVMS Cluster environment
or in any environment with multiple nodes, you enter a set of commands once, and SYSMAN
executes the commands sequentially on every node in the environment. SYSMAN displays the name
of each node as it executes commands, or an error message if the command fails.

If a node does not respond within a given timeout period, SYSMAN displays a message before
proceeding to the next node in the environment. You can specify a timeout period with the SET
TIMEOUT command.

Each DO command executes as an independent subprocess, so no process context is retained between

DO commands. For this reason, you must express all DCL commands in a single command string, and
you cannot run a procedure that requires input.

In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, SYSMAN executes DO commands sequentially on all nodes in

the cluster. After a command completes or times out on one node, SYSMAN sends it to the next node
in the environment. Any node that is unable to execute a command returns an error message.

For more information about using the DO command to manage an OpenVMS Cluster system, see
VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.
You can also refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for a complete
description of the SYSMAN command DO.


In the following example, SYSMAN runs the INSTALL utility and makes a file known on all nodes in
the cluster when you enter the commands from the local node:
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, Command execution on node NODE21
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, Command execution on node NODE22

2.3.9. Creating SYSMAN Command Procedures

The SYSMAN execute procedure (@) command executes SYSMAN command procedures on each
node in the environment.


The following example creates and executes a SYSMAN command procedure to display the current
date and system time for each OpenVMS Cluster node:

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

%SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment:
Clusterwide on local cluster
Username SYSTEM will be used on nonlocal nodes
System time on node NODE21: 19-JUN-1996 13:32:19.45
System time on node NODE22: 19-JUN-1996 13:32:27.79
System time on node NODE23: 19-JUN-1996 13:32:58.66

2.3.10. Setting Up SYSMAN with an Initialization File

You can create an initialization file that is used each time you invoke SYSMAN. In the initialization
file, you can perform tasks such as defining keys and setting up your environment.

The default file specification for the SYSMAN initialization file is SYS$LOGIN:SYSMANINI.INI.
If you want your SYSMAN initialization file to have a different file specification, you must define the
logical name SYSMANINI to point to the location of the file. The following is a sample initialization
file that defines several keys:

2.4. Using OPCOM to Communicate with

System Users
The operator communication manager (OPCOM) is a tool for communicating with users and
operators on the system. OPCOM allows you to perform the following functions:

Function For More

To broadcast messages to users who are logged in Section 2.4.3
To control the use of OPA0: as an operator terminal Section 2.4.4
To designate terminals as operator terminals, enabling them to display messages Section 2.4.5
broadcast by OPCOM
To record messages broadcast by OPCOM in a log file VSI OpenVMS
System Manager’s
Manual, Volume
2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and
Complex Systems
To send requests to an operator 1 Section 2.4.6
To reply to operator requests 1 Section 2.4.7
These functions are used in sites where operators are assigned to help users mount disk or tape volumes and printer forms.

2.4.1. Understanding OPCOM

Figure 2.3 illustrates the function of OPCOM.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Figure 2.3. Operator Communication Manager (OPCOM)

OPCOM Components
OPCOM uses the following components:

Component Description For More

OPCOM process The system process that manages OPCOM operations. Section 2.4.2
Unless you disable it, the OPCOM process starts
automatically at system startup time.
Operator terminals Terminals designated to display messages broadcast by Section 2.4.5
OPCOM. Usually, the console terminal (with the device
name OPA0:) is the operator terminal. However, you can
designate any user terminal as an operator terminal.
Operator log file A file that records messages broadcast by OPCOM. The file VSI OpenVMS
is named SYS$MANAGER:OPERATOR.LOG. System Manager’s
Manual, Volume
2: Tuning,
and Complex
OPCOM messages Messages broadcast by OPCOM. These messages are VSI OpenVMS
displayed on operator terminals and written to the operator System Manager’s
log file. The messages might be general messages sent by Manual, Volume
you, user requests, operator replies, or system events. 2: Tuning,

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Component Description For More

Monitoring, and
Complex Systems
REPLY and DCL commands that allow you to use and control OPCOM. Section 2.4.3,
REQUEST Section 2.4.6, and
commands Section 2.4.7

OPCOM Defaults
OPCOM uses the following defaults:

• OPCOM is started by default on all systems.

• Except for workstations in an OpenVMS Cluster environment, OPCOM logs messages

to OPA0:, which is enabled by default as an operator terminal. The log file SYS
$MANAGER:OPERATOR.LOG is opened, and all OPCOM classes are enabled on both the
operator terminal and the log file.

Section 2.4.4 explains how to control the use of OPA0: as an operator terminal. The VSI
OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems
explains how to specify the default state of operator log files.

OPCOM Requirements
OPCOM has the following requirements:

• To execute a REPLY command, OPCOM must be running, and you must enter REPLY from a
terminal device designated as an operator terminal.

• The REPLY command requires at least OPER privilege. You must have SHARE privilege if
another process is logged in to the designated operator terminal. To enable or disable the security
class, you must have SECURITY privilege.

• To designate an operator terminal in batch or SYSTARTUP, you must assign SYS$COMMAND

to a valid terminal device.

2.4.2. Starting OPCOM

The OPCOM process starts automatically during system startup, unless it is disabled. You might need
to start OPCOM interactively if a software problem causes the process to fail and prevents OPCOM
from restarting automatically.

To start OPCOM, enter the following command from the system manager's account (SYSTEM):

If a software problem causes OPCOM to fail, contact your VSI support representative. Be sure to keep
the process dump file named SYS$SYSTEM:OPCOM.DMP. (When OPCOM fails, it creates this

2.4.3. Sending Messages to Users

To broadcast a message to users, enter the DCL command REPLY as follows:

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

REPLY [/qualifier...] ["message-text"]

For example:
$ REPLY/ALL/BELL "Please log off"

Use the following qualifiers to control OPCOM messages:

Qualifier Description
/ALL Broadcasts a message to all terminals that are
attached to the system or cluster. These terminals
must be turned on and have broadcast-message
reception enabled.
/BELL Rings a bell at the terminal receiving a message
when entered with the /ALL, /TERMINAL, or /
USERNAME qualifier; two bells when entered
with the /URGENT qualifier; and three bells
when entered with the /SHUTDOWN qualifier.
/NODE[=( node-name[, ...]) Broadcasts a message to the local cluster node
only, or to a node or nodes you specify.
/SHUTDOWN Sends a message beginning “SHUTDOWN...”; if
used with the /BELL qualifier, rings three bells at
terminals receiving the message.
/TERMINAL=( terminal-name[, ..]) Broadcasts the message to the specified terminals.
/URGENT Broadcasts a message beginning “URGENT...”; if
used with the /BELL qualifier, rings two bells at
terminals receiving the message.
/USERNAME=( username[, ...]) Broadcasts a message to all terminals at which
users are logged in to the system (or cluster), or
only to the terminals of the specified users.

For more information, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

The REPLY command in the following example sends a message to all users logged in to node
WLDWND. When the message is displayed, a bell rings at the terminal.

The REPLY command in the following example sends a message to the user logged in at terminal
TTC1. When the message is displayed, a bell rings at that terminal.
$ REPLY/BELL/TERMINAL=TTC1: "Your file has completed printing"

2.4.4. Controlling the Use of OPA0: as an Operator

By default, OPCOM enables OPA0: as an operator terminal except on workstations in clusters
(unless the workstation is the first system into the cluster). OPCOM determines whether a system is a
workstation by testing the system for a graphics device. Specifically, this test is:

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

You can control the use of OPA0: as an operator terminal, whether or not the node
is part of an OpenVMS Cluster system, by defining the following logicals in SYS

Logical Name Function

OPC$OPA0_ENABLE Defined as True or False; if True, specifies that OPA0: is to be enabled as
an operator terminal.
OPC$OPA0_CLASSES Specifies the operator classes that are enabled for OPA0. The logical
name can be a search list of the allowed classes, a comma-separated list,
or a combination of the two. If you specify an invalid class, all classes
are enabled, and a message similar to the following is displayed on the
console at system startup and logged to the OPERATOR.LOG file:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 18-MAY-2000 13:28:33.12 %%%%%%%%%%%

“BADCLASS” is not a valid class name in OPC

See Section 2.4.5 for a description of the valid operator classes.

The logicals take effect the next time you boot the system.

2.4.5. Designating Operator Terminals

Normally, the console terminal (with the device name OPA0:) is automatically an operator terminal
except for workstations in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. However, you can designate any
terminal as an operator terminal. You can also disable a previously designated operator terminal.

Enabling Operator Terminals

To designate a terminal as an operator terminal, enter the REPLY/ENABLE command at the terminal.
For example:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-JUL-2000 11:30:30.56 %%%%%%%%%%%
Operator _BHAK$FTA20: has been enabled, username SYSTEM

To designate an operator's terminal in batch or in startup command procedures, SYS$COMMAND

must be assigned to a valid terminal device.

If your facility is large, there may be several operators, each of whom is assigned to specific tasks. If
this is the case, you can specify the classes of messages the operator terminal receives and responds to
when you enable the operator terminal, as follows:

REPLY/ENABLE=(keyword[, ...])

The following table describes each keyword:

Keyword Description
CARDS Displays messages sent to the card readers.
CENTRAL Displays messages sent to the central system operator.
CLUSTER Displays messages from the connection manager pertaining to OpenVMS
Cluster system state changes.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Keyword Description
DEVICES Displays messages pertaining to mounting disks.
DISKS Displays messages pertaining to mounting and dismounting disk volumes.
LICENSE Displays messages pertaining to software licenses.
NETWORK Displays messages pertaining to networks; the keyword CENTRAL must also be
specified to inhibit network messages.
OPER1 to Displays messages sent to operators identified as OPER1 to OPER12.
PRINTER Displays messages pertaining to print requests.
SECURITY Allows messages pertaining to security events; requires SECURITY privilege.
TAPES Allows messages pertaining to mounting and dismounting tape volumes.

For example:


Disabling Operator Terminals

A terminal that you designate as an operator's terminal remains enabled even when the operator logs
out. To return the terminal to normal (nonoperator) status, enter the REPLY/DISABLE command
from the terminal.

The following example designates terminal TTA3 as an operator terminal, enabling it to receive
messages concerning printers, magnetic tapes and disks, and messages intended for the central
operator. Later, it relinquishes terminal TTA3's ability to receive messages concerning tapes. The
terminal still receives and can respond to messages about disks and printers and messages directed to


%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-JUL-2000 11:37:09.52 %%%%%%%%%%%
Operator TTA3 has been enabled, username SYSTEM

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-JUL-2000 11:37:09.53 %%%%%%%%%%%
Operator status for operator TTA3
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-JUL-2000 11:37:09.53 %%%%%%%%%%%
Operator status for operator TTA3
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-JUL-2000 11:38:50.68 %%%%%%%%%%%
Operator TTA3 has been disabled, username SYSTEM

2.4.6. Sending Requests to an Operator

In sites where operators are assigned to assist users by mounting volumes and changing printer forms,
users can communicate with operators by entering the DCL command REQUEST and the following

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Qualifier Description
/REPLY Sends a request and requests a reply to the
message. Requests sent with this command are
issued a unique identification number to which
the operator sends the response. The user cannot
enter any commands until the operator responds.
/TO=(operator[, ...]) If your facility is large, there may be several
operators, each of whom has specific tasks. The /
TO qualifier lets users send requests to a specific
operator. Options are as follows: CARDS,

The DCL commands MOUNT/ASSIST and BACKUP/ASSIST also request operator assistance. For
more information, see the following sections:

• For MOUNT requests, see Section 9.5.3.

• For BACKUP requests, see Section 11.9.1.

An operator is monitoring an operator terminal enabled for the PRINTER class. The following PRINT
command submits an output job that requires a special print form (/FORM=LETTER).The REQUEST
command sends a message to the operator. After completing the request, the operator would send a
reply, as explained in Section 2.4.7.

Job REPORT (queue LQA1, entry 401) pending
_$ "Have queued job 401 as FORM=LETTER; can you print it?"
%OPCOM-S-OPRNOTIF, operator notified, waiting...10:42:16.10
19-APR-2000 10:25:32.40, request 3 completed by operator OPA0

2.4.7. Replying to Operator Requests

In sites where operators are assigned to assist users by mounting volumes and changing printer stock,
operators can reply to user requests using the DCL command REPLY and the following qualifiers:

Qualifier Description
/ABORT= identification-number Replies to the request specified by the
identification number and cancels the request.
/PENDING= identification-number Replies to the request specified by the
identification number and prevents the user
from entering other commands until the operator
fulfills or aborts the request. The current terminal
must be enabled as an operator terminal.
/STATUS Reports which classes are enabled, and all
outstanding user requests for the terminal from

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Qualifier Description
which this command was entered. The current
terminal must be enabled as an operator terminal.
/TO= identification-number Replies to the request specified by the
identification number and completes the request.
The current terminal must be enabled as an
operator terminal.

Note that you can also use a variation of the

REPLY/TO command in response to a MOUNT/
For more information, see Section 9.5.3 and
Section 11.9.1.

An operator working with magnetic tapes would also use additional REPLY qualifiers specific to
magnetic tape operations. For more information, see Section For detailed information about
the REPLY command and its qualifiers, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

In the following example, the REPLY/TO command replies to operator request number 5, issued by
user ROBINSON. The MOUNT device is switched to DUA4, and the user is notified.
%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 19-APR-2000 10:20:50.39 %%%%%%%%%%%
request 5 from user ROBINSON
Please mount volume GRAPHIC_FILES in device _DUA11:
Shelf 4 - slot B

2.5. Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Modify a

System Disk
On VAX systems, the command procedure SYS$UPDATE:VMSKITBLD.COM allows you to
duplicate system files from an existing system disk on another disk.

The procedure offers the following options:

Option Description For More

BUILD Builds a new common system disk after destroying all Section 2.5.1
existing files on the disk.
COPY Copies the operating system files to an existing disk without Section 2.5.2
destroying nonsystem files that are currently on the disk.
ADD Adds a new system root directory to an existing system Section 2.5.3

VMSKITBLD uses two disks:

Disk Description
Source disk The disk from which you copy system files. The source disk must be an existing
system disk.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Disk Description
Target disk The disk to which you move the system files.

Do not attempt to use VMSKITBLD with the current system disk as the target disk.
VMSKITBLD.COM deletes files that are required for a running system.

2.5.1. Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Build a New System

At some point, you might want to create a new system disk. For example, suppose that your existing
system disk is an RA81 disk. If you purchase a larger RA90 disk and want to use it as your system
disk, you could use the VMSKITBLD BUILD option to build a new system disk on the RA90 disk.

The existing system disk is the source disk. The new disk is the target disk.

The VMSKITBLD BUILD option initializes the target disk, deleting all of its previous contents. For
information about copying files to an existing system disk without destroying files, see Section 2.5.2.

If you want to build your operating system on another disk and you are not concerned about losing the
current contents of the target disk, use the BUILD option as described in the following procedure.

How to Perform This Task

1. If the source disk is not the current booted system disk, boot the operating system from the source

2. Log in to the SYSTEM account.

3. Make sure the disk is spun up and on line. If you are using a removable disk, you must also place
the disk into the appropriate drive.

4. Enter the following command to invoke VMSKITBLD:


VMSKITBLD prompts you to choose one of the following options:

* Operation [BUILD, ADD, COPY]?

5. Enter BUILD and press Return. VMSKITBLD displays messages that either prompt you for
information needed to complete the operation or inform you of the procedure's status.

a. In response to the following prompt, enter the name of the source disk:

* Enter mounted SOURCE disk name (ddcu:):

b. In response to the following prompt, enter the top-level system directory for the source disk:

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

* Enter SOURCE disk top-level system directory [default = SYS0]:

In most cases, you can choose the default value [SYS0].

c. In response to the following prompt, enter the name of the target disk:

* Enter TARGET disk name (ddcu:):

d. In response to the following prompt, enter the volume label of the target disk:

* Enter the TARGET disk's label [default = VAXVMSRL5]:

e. In response to the following prompt, enter the top-level system directory:

* Enter TARGET disk top-level system directory [default = SYS0]:

In most cases, you can choose the default value [SYS0].

f. The procedure displays the following message to warn you that the target disk will be
initialized and to allow you to stop the procedure:

The target disk will be initialized.

* Target disk, _DUA0:, ready to be initialized? (Y/N): Y

Make sure it is safe to destroy the contents of the target disk, and enter Y to continue.

When the system displays the dollar sign ($) prompt, the system disk is built. VMSKITBLD
automatically dismounts the target disk. At this point, the target disk contains all the operating
system files required for a complete system.

6. Complete the system disk by creating a rights database and network proxy database and
configuring the system with appropriate system parameters. For instructions, see Section

7. To use the new system disk, reboot the system with the new system disk.

The following example runs VMSKITBLD.COM to build a new system disk. It copies the files on the
current system disk to create a new system disk on the DUA0: disk.

* Enter mounted SOURCE disk name (ddcu:): SYS$SYSDEVICE:

* Enter SOURCE disk top level system directory [default = SYS0]:
* Enter TARGET disk name (ddcu:): DUA0:
* Enter the TARGET disk's label [default = VAXVMSRL5]:
* Enter TARGET disk top level system directory [default = SYS0]:
The target disk will be initialized.
* Target disk, _DUA0:, ready to be initialized? (Y/N): Y
Target disk, _DUA0:, has been initialized.
Creating system specific directories ...
Creating cluster common directories ...
Creating SYSGEN files ...
Copying files from source disk ...
Copying DECwindows file from source disk ...

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

Writing a boot block ...

System disk complete.
$ Completing a System Disk Built with VMSKITBLD.COM

After you create a new system disk using the VMSKITBLD BUILD option, use the following
procedure to complete the new system disk:

1. Boot the new system disk using a conversational boot. For instructions, refer to the upgrade and
installation supplement for your computer.

2. When the SYSBOOT> prompt appears, enter the USE DEFAULT command to boot with default
values for all system parameters.

3. To avoid starting all layered products on a system that is not tuned for them, possibly causing the
system to hang, enter SET STARTUP_P1 "MIN" after the SYSBOOT> prompt.

4. Enter the CONTINUE command to continue booting.

5. After the system boots, log in to the SYSTEM account. The password for the system account will
be the default password, MANAGER. Make sure you change this password.

6. Use the Authorize utility to create a rights database and a network proxy database. For more
information, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

7. Run AUTOGEN from the SAVPARAMS phase to set appropriate values for system parameters.
Be sure to specify the CHECK_FEEDBACK option. See VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s
Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems and the AUTOGEN section of the
VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual> for detailed information about
running AUTOGEN.

To reboot from the former system disk, specify REBOOT as the end phase when invoking

To reboot the system from the new system disk, specify SHUTDOWN as the end phase and reboot
manually, specifying the new system disk.




Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

2.5.2. Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Copy System Files to

an Existing Disk
You can use VMSKITBLD to copy the operating system files to a target disk without deleting the files
already existing on the target disk. For example, if you accidentally delete a large number of system
files from a system disk, you can use VMSKITBLD to copy the system files from another system

To do this, the operating system must be running and the source disk that you intend to copy from
must be mounted.

When you use the COPY option of VMSKITBLD.COM, the user-modified files (including
SYSUAF.DAT and site-specific command files) are notcopied from the source disk; VMSKITBLD
uses the unaltered TEMPLATE versions of these files. In addition, the procedure does not create the
system-specific files SWAPFILE.SYS, PAGEFILE.SYS, or SYSDUMP.DMP.

Before VMSKITBLD copies each new system file, it deletes the older version of the file from the
target disk.

How to Perform This Task

1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.

2. Place the target disk into the appropriate drive.

3. Note the device name of the target disk.

4. Enter the following command to invoke VMSKITBLD:


VMSKITBLD prompts you to choose one of the following options:

Operation [BUILD, ADD, COPY]?

5. Enter COPY and press Return. VMSKITBLD displays messages that either prompt you for
information needed to complete the copy operation or inform you of the procedure's status.

a. In response to the following prompt, enter the name of the source disk.
* Enter mounted SOURCE disk name (ddcu:):

b. In response to the following prompt, enter the top-level system directory for the source disk:
* Enter SOURCE disk top level system directory [default = SYS0]:

In most cases, you can choose the default value [SYS0].

c. In response to the following prompt, enter the name of the target disk:
* Enter TARGET disk name (ddcu:):

d. In response to the following prompt, enter the top-level system directory:

* Enter TARGET disk top level system directory [default = SYS0]:

In most cases, you can choose the default value [SYS0].

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

When the system displays the dollar sign ($) prompt, the files have been copied and the system
disk is complete. VMSKITBLD automatically dismounts the target disk.

* Enter mounted SOURCE disk name (ddcu:): SYS$SYSDEVICE:
* Enter SOURCE top level system directory [default = SYS0]:
* Enter TARGET disk name (ddcu:): DUA0:
* Enter TARGET disk top level system directory [default = SYS0]: SYSA
%DCL-I-ALLOC, _DUA0: allocated
Copying files from source disk ...
Copying DECwindows files from source disk ...
Writing a boot block ...
System disk complete.

2.5.3. Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Add an Alternate

System Root Directory
Use the ADD option to create an alternate system root directory on a target system disk. You might
use this option to create a test environment where you can test software without interfering with the
current version of the system.

The system disk that you are adding to cannot be in use.

Do not use the ADD option to create a system root to add a new system to an OpenVMS Cluster
environment. Instead, use the SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM procedure.

The ADD option creates only new specific root directories. The current common directory is linked to
the new root.

How to Perform This Task

1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.

2. Check the number of free blocks on the system disk to make sure you have adequate space for the
new files, including SWAPFILE.SYS, PAGEFILE.SYS, and SYSDUMP.DMP. The sizes of these
files are determined by the type of computer you use. For information about calculating size for
page, swap, and dump files, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

3. Make sure the target system disk is dismounted and on line.

4. Enter the following command to invoke VMSKITBLD:


VMSKITBLD prompts you to choose one of the following options:

Operation [BUILD, ADD, COPY]?

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

5. Enter ADD and press Return. VMSKITBLD displays messages that either prompt you for
information needed to complete the operation or inform you of the procedure's status.

a. In response to the following prompt, enter SYS$SYSDEVICE and press Return:

* Enter mounted SOURCE disk name (ddcu:):

b. In response to the following prompt, press Return to choose the default:

* Enter SOURCE disk top level system directory [default = SYS0]:

c. In response to the following prompt, enter the name of the target disk:

* Enter TARGET disk name (ddcu:):

d. In response to the following prompt, enter the new root directory specification:

* Enter TARGET disk top level system directory [default = SYS0]:

Do not specify directories SYSE or SYSF:

• SYSE is reserved for storing standalone BACKUP.

• SYSF is reserved for VSI use.

When the system displays the dollar sign ($) prompt, the target system directory contains the new
system root directory. VMSKITBLD automatically dismounts the target disk.

6. Configure the new system root by booting the target disk and running AUTOGEN. For
instructions, see Section

The following example adds an alternate system root directory named SYSA on the target disk

* Enter mounted SOURCE disk name (ddcu:): SYS$SYSDEVICE:

* Enter SOURCE top level system directory [default = SYS0]:
* Enter TARGET disk name (ddcu:): SHEMP$DUA5:
* Enter TARGET disk top level system directory [default = SYS0]:
%DCL-I-ALLOC, _SHEMP$DUA5: allocated
Creating system specific directories ...
Creating SYSGEN files ...
System disk complete.
$ Configuring a System Root Added with VMSKITBLD

After you use VMSKITBLD to add an alternate system root directory to a system disk, you must
configure system parameters for the new root. Perform the following steps:

1. Shut down the system and halt your computer. For instructions on shutting down your system, see
Section 4.8.1.

Chapter 2. Using OpenVMS System Management Utilities and Tools

2. Perform a conversational boot, as described in the upgrade and installation supplement for your

3. When the conversational boot prompt (SYSBOOT>) appears, enter the following commands:



4. After the system boots, log in to the SYSTEM account and execute AUTOGEN from the
SAVPARAMS phase to set appropriate values for system parameters.

To reboot from the former root, specify REBOOT as the end phase when invoking AUTOGEN.

To reboot from the new root directory, specify SHUTDOWN as the AUTOGEN end phase, and
reboot manually. See VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring,
and Complex Systems and the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual
(AUTOGEN) for detailed information about AUTOGEN.


Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and
Updating Software
This chapter describes the concepts related to installing, upgrading, and updating OpenVMS layered

Instructions for installing, upgrading, and updating the OpenVMS operating system software are in
the current OpenVMS Upgrade and Installation Manual for VAX, Alpha, or I64 systems.

Two methods are available for installing or upgrading layered-product software:

• The VMSINSTAL.COM command procedure

• The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility

Each layered product is packaged to use one of these. Refer to the layered product's documentation for
information about which to use.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Installing layered product software Section 3.1
Using VMSINSTAL.COM to install layered software Section 3.2
Section 3.5
Using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility Section 3.5
Section 3.8.8

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
POLYCENTER Software Installation utility Section 3.6

3.1. Installing or Upgrading Layered Products

If you are installing or upgrading a layered product using VMSINSTAL.COM, review the information
in the following sections:

Task Section
Preparing your system to run VMSINSTAL.COM Section 3.2

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Task Section
Running VMSINSTAL.COM Section 3.3
Recovering from a system failure Section 3.4
Selecting VMSINSTAL.COM options Section 3.5

Note that these sections do not describe specific VMSINSTAL.COM procedures. The examples used
are for illustration only. For details of a particular product, refer to the installation documentation for
the specific product.

If you are installing or upgrading a layered product using the POLYCENTER Software Installation
utility, refer to Section 3.6 and to the layered product installation documentation.

Task Section
Using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility Section 3.6
Installing software Section 3.7
Performing operations on installed software Section 3.8
Removing installed software Section 3.8.8

3.2. Preparing Your System to Run

This section provides guidelines for preparing your system for using VMSINSTAL.COM. Note that
each software product that you install might not require you to follow all of the guidelines listed in
this section.

3.2.1. Performing Preliminary Operations

Before you use VMSINSTAL.COM, perform the following operations (not necessarily in the order

• Back up your system disk, as described in Section 11.17. Use the backup copy as a working copy
for the installation.

VMSINSTAL.COM might delete the older version of the product before it installs the newer
version. If the system fails during installation, you might have to make a new working copy of the
system disk and restart the installation.

• Log in to the SYSTEM account at the console terminal.

• Be sure all users have logged out and all batch jobs have completed by using, respectively, the
SHOW USERS and SHOW SYSTEM/BATCH commands. Keep users off the system until
VMSINSTAL.COM completes by using the following command:


If you cannot log off all users during the installation of a layered product that updates the DCL help
library, note that the help files for that layered product will not be installed if a user on the system is

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

accessing DCL help. The installation procedure generates warning messages and stores the help files
in a working directory.

• Shut down network software.

• Check system parameters. (GBLPAGES, GBLSECTIONS and NPAGEDYN often need to be

adjusted.) Read the documentation supplied with each layered product to be installed, and find out
if the product has any specific resource requirements.

If you must change parameter values, increase the values by adding ADD_ parameter-name
symbols to MODPARAMS.DAT. (See VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2:
Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.)

Use AUTOGEN with feedback to size the system resources properly. (See VSI OpenVMS System
Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.)

• Make sure the limits in the SYSTEM account authorization record are equal to or greater than the
recommended limits.

To check these limits, run the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to display the current limits of the
SYSTEM account's user authorization file.

To run AUTHORIZE, enter the following commands:



At the UAF prompt (UAF>), enter the following command:


See Section 7.1.2 for details.

• If necessary, use the Authorize utility to modify the SYSTEM account limits. Changes you make
do not take effect until you log out and log in again.

For example, to increase the DIOLM limit to 100, enter the following command:


See Section 7.1.2 for details.

• Physically mount the first distribution media that contains the software product. See Section 9.5
for details.

• Register and load licenses, as explained in the next section.

3.2.2. Registering and Loading Licenses

A license refers to the authorization you have to use a product. The License Management Facility
(LMF) enables you to register, manage, and track software licenses on line.

A Product Authorization Key (PAK) contains information that is provided for many VSI products.
The data provided in the PAK allows you to register a software license in the license database on a

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

If you did not register and load your operating system license during the installation of the OpenVMS
operating system, you must perform that task (and register other licenses, if necessary) before you
install other software products, as explained in the following steps:

1. Log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM.

2. Register the license in one of two ways:

• Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for

information, respond with data listed on your operating system PAK. (You can register other
software product licenses at this time as well.)

• At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers
that correspond to License PAK information.

3. Use either of the following utilities to load a license:

• License Management Facility (LMF), which loads the PAK only on the local node.

• System Management utility (SYSMAN), which allows you to load the PAK throughout an
entire cluster. (SYSMAN LICENSE commands are a subset of LMF commands.)

Only the local node requires the installation of a license before you use VMSINSTAL.COM.

For more information about loading licenses, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility

3.2.3. Preventing Nodes from Sharing PAKs

The /NO_SHARE qualifier for the LICENSE MODIFY command lets you add the NO_SHARE
option to a PAK registered in a license database (LDB). NO_SHARE PAKs are assigned to a single
node in an OpenVMS Cluster system. A NO_SHARE PAK cannot be shared with other OpenVMS
Cluster nodes.

This qualifier remedies problems that occasionally occur when you attempt to use the PAK of a
software product for which you already have other PAKs in your LDB. The PAK does not combine
with the other PAKs for the same software product, resulting in LICENSE-W-NOCOMB warnings.
Often, the license is not loaded on the nodes on which you want it loaded.

To remedy this problem, perform the following actions:

1. Add the NO_SHARE option to the PAK or PAKs causing the NOCOMB warnings.

2. Assign each PAK to a specific OpenVMS Cluster node.

3.3. Running VMSINSTAL.COM

Before you run VMSINSTAL.COM, note the following points:

• Read the installation instructions for the specific product or update. If you need assistance during
an installation, enter a question mark (?) for an explanation of possible responses.

• When you first start VMSINSTAL.COM, the procedure displays several prompts and messages
that direct and explain the installation. These prompts and messages differ, depending on the
software product that you are installing.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

• When the procedure asks if you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, back up your
system disk before continuing with the installation if you do not have a recent backup of your
system disk.

• If you do not satisfy all conditions required to start VMSINSTAL.COM, the procedure displays
a warning message explaining the problem and asks you if you want to continue. VSI strongly
recommends that you satisfy these conditions before you try to start VMSINSTAL.COM again.

If you continue the procedure without making the required corrections, VSI cannot guarantee that the
installation will be supported.

How to Perform This Task

To run VMSINSTAL.COM, enter a command in the following format:

@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL product-list source: [OPTIONS option-list]

[destination] [qualifiers]


The command in this example installs the product CALENDAR, from save sets named
CALENDAR020, on a magnetic tape on the MUA0: drive. (This command shows the simplest case,
in which you use no options or qualifiers.)

The following sections explain required and optional parameters in the VMSINSTAL.COM command

Parameter Section
Product list Section 3.3.1
Source Section 3.3.2
Options Section 3.3.3
Destination Section 3.3.4
Backup qualifiers Section 3.3.5 and

Section 3.3.6 explains how to complete an installation.

3.3.1. Selecting a Product List

Products are stored in a save set, which is a specially formatted file that contains a group of files.
Installation and upgrade procedures move the files from the save set to your system disk.

The product-list parameter lists the products that you want to install. You can use this parameter
when you install layered products or update the operating system. (When you perform an upgrade
procedure, you can list only one product, VMSvvu.)

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Do not use the wildcard character (*) if you are installing layered products and updating the operating
system at the same time. In this case, update the system first. If you use the wildcard character,
VMSINSTAL sorts the product list in alphabetical order; the operating system would probably not be
installed first.

If you want to specify more than one item in the product-list parameter, separate the items using
commas and no intervening spaces. Use the following format to specify the product list:


Table 3.1 explains the format of facvvu. Using this format, you can install a specific version and
update of a product from distribution media containing several versions and updates. If you do not
include a version and update number, all versions and updates to the specified product from the source
are installed in alphabetical order.

Table 3.1. Format of facvvu Save-Set File Name

fac The product name code (1 to 36 alphanumeric characters)

vv The major version number (2 digits)
u The minor version number (1 digit), also known as update number

If you are installing from a distribution kit, the list of products on your distribution media is included
with the bill of materials for the distribution kit. If the list is not available, you can obtain one by
using the DIRECTORY command; the distribution media then finds and displays the products that are

How to Perform This Task

To obtain the product list, enter commands in the following format:

MOUNT/OVERRIDE=ID device: DIRECTORY device:[0,0]

where device is the drive that holds the distribution media.

If you are installing from a disk directory, obtain the product list by entering DIRECTORY and
specifying the disk directory in the following format:

DIRECTORY node::device:[directory]

mounted on _MUA0:

The DIRECTORY command in this example directs the distribution media to find the products
included on the MUA0: drive; for example:

Directory MUA0:[000,000]

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software


DECW071.D;1 DECW071.E;1 DECW071.F;1 INDEXF.SYS;1
VMS071.B;1 VMS071.C;1 VMS071.D;1 VMS071.E;1

Total of 22 files.


The DIRECTORY command in this example directs the distribution media to find the products on
the node BRAVO, which is on the DUA1: device.

To access a remote node, you must have read and execute access (R,E) to the directory.

3.3.2. Selecting the Source

The source parameter identifies the source of the optional software product as one of the following

• A drive that holds the distribution media; for example, a TK50 drive designated as the MUA0:

• A disk directory to which the product save set has been transferred from the distribution media for
later installation.

You specify a disk directory as the source when you select the Get Save Set option. For more
information about this option, see Section 3.5.3

• A disk directory on another node.

You can also use a logical name to specify the source. If you do not specify the source,
VMSINSTAL.COM asks you for it, as follows:

* Where will the distribution volumes be mounted:

3.3.3. Selecting Options

The VMSINSTAL.COM command procedure permits the use of six options. Table 3.2 briefly
describes each option. Section 3.5 contains a detailed description of each option.

Table 3.2. VMSINSTAL.COM Options

Letter Choice Option Description
A Autoanswer Makes it easier to reinstall a product after an upgrade by
providing responses to the questions and prompts during
the reinstallation. (Specify this option only when installing
layered products.)
AWD= Alternate Working Lets you specify an alternate working device for the
Device temporary working directory. (You can specify this option
when installing layered products or applying updates.)

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Letter Choice Option Description

G Get Save Set Saves you time by allowing you to store product save
sets temporarily on a magnetic tape or in a disk directory.
(Specify this option only when installing layered products.)
L File Log Logs all file activity to the terminal during installation.
N Release Notes Displays or prints the online release notes file supplied by
the layered product.
R Alternate Root Lets you install the product on a system disk other than that
of the running system.

You specify each option by entering the appropriate option letter after the keyword OPTIONS in the
command that starts VMSINSTAL.COM. The OPTIONS keyword is optional. However, if you have
an option list, you must enter OPTIONS before it. If you enter an option list without the OPTIONS
keyword, VMSINSTAL.COM displays an informational error message and the installation ends. (The
option-list parameter lists the options requested.)

How to Perform This Task

To specify each option:

1. Invoke the VMSINSTAL.COM procedure, entering appropriate option letters after the keyword

2. Press Return.

If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas. Do not separate the options
with spaces.


3.3.4. Selecting the Destination

The destination parameter is optional. By default, VMSINSTAL.COM assumes that the product is to
be installed in the system common directory SYS$COMMON on the system disk. However, you must
use this parameter in the following two instances:

• To install the product in an alternate root. The product is installed on a system disk other than that
on which the target system is running. Specify the alternate system root in the following format:



device The device on which the alternate root resides

SYSn. The top-level directory of the alternate system root

You can also specify a previously defined logical name for the alternate root.

• To copy the product kit save sets into a storage directory for later installation. For more
information about the Get Save Set option, see Section 3.5.3.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Specify the destination directory in the following format:



device The destination disk device

directory Usually a directory dedicated to product save sets on the specified disk

3.3.5. Verifying, Logging, and Confirming the

The VMSINSTAL.COM command procedure includes a BACKUP command that copies the save
sets to the destination directory. You can verify, log, and confirm the copy operation by specifying
BACKUP qualifiers with the VMSINSTAL.COM Get Save Set option. See Section 3.5.3 for more

3.3.6. Completing the Installation

When the installation is complete, VMSINSTAL.COM performs one of the following actions,
depending on the requirements of the product you have installed:

• Performs an automatic shutdown of the system; you might be instructed to reboot manually.

• Returns you to the system prompt.

When the product is installed, back up the updated system disk. For instructions, see Section 11.17.

3.4. Recovering from a System Failure

If the system fails during installation of an update or optional software product, VMSINSTAL.COM
attempts to continue the installation upon rebooting. Depending on when the system failed, one of
three conditions exists:

• The system disk was not altered before the system failure. In this case, VMSINSTAL.COM
instructs you to restart the installation.

• The system disk or a library used by the installation was corrupted. In this case,
VMSINSTAL.COM instructs you to restore either the system disk or the corrupted library from
the backup copy and to restart the installation.

• VMSINSTAL.COM continues the installation. In this case, the procedure performs most of the
installation. In addition, VMSINSTAL.COM might tell you that you must perform some tasks
manually to complete the installation.

3.5. Selecting VMSINSTAL.COM Options in

When you use VMSINSTAL.COM, the command procedure allows you to select up to six options
(summarized previously in Table 3.2.) The following sections describe those VMSINSTAL.COM
options in detail.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

3.5.1. Using the Autoanswer Option (A) (Layered

Products Only)
The Autoanswer option makes it easier to reinstall a product by providing responses to
VMSINSTAL.COM questions and prompts during the reinstallation. You use the Autoanswer option
most often to reinstall products after an upgrade.

If you specify the Autoanswer option when you install a product initially, an answer file is created in
the form product.ANS in the SYS$UPDATE directory, where product is the product name parameter
that you provide when you start VMSINSTAL.COM.

The answer file contains a record of your responses to questions and prompts from
VMSINSTAL.COM. For example, if you install the product NEWAID010 with the Autoanswer
option, VMSINSTAL.COM creates an answer file called NEWAID010.ANS.

When you reinstall the product and specify the Autoanswer option (typically after upgrading your
operating system), VMSINSTAL.COM reads the answer file instead of asking you questions.

If you want to create a new answer file when you reinstall a product, you must first delete the existing
answer file.

To use the Autoanswer option, specify the following command:


You can then examine the file:

* Do you want to install the entire kit [Y]? \
* Are these selections correct [Y]? \
* Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? \Y
* Will you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed [YES]? \
* How many minutes for system shutdown [0]: \
* Do you want to do an automatic system reboot [YES]? \

3.5.2. Using the Alternate Working Device Option

Before using this option, check with the product's installation guide to be sure this option is supported
by that product.

You can use the Alternate Working Device option to specify an alternate working device for the
temporary working directory (defined as the logical name VMI$KWD). This option allows you to
perform an installation with fewer free blocks on the system disk than are otherwise required.

If you do not specify this option, VMSINSTAL.COM creates the temporary working directory in the
following location:

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software


Table 3.1 explains the format of facvvu.

How to Perform This Task

Use the following format to specify this option:



dev Specifies the alternate working device

dir Specifies the directory under which the facvvu subdirectory will be created

Specifying a directory is optional. If you do not specify a directory, VMSINSTAL.COM creates the
working directory on the specified device with the following directory specification: [000000. facvvu].
If you specify a directory, VMSINSTAL.COM creates the working directory as a subdirectory within
the directory that you specify (for example, [WORK. facvvu]). If the directory that you specify does
not exist, VMSINSTAL.COM does not create it.

To use the working directory [INSTALL] on the alternate device DUA2:, issue the following


3.5.3. Using the Get Save Set Option (G) (Layered

Products Only)
You cannot use this option to copy operating system kits.

Installing products either from a distribution tape or from console media directly onto your system
disk is time-consuming. The Get Save Set option saves you time by allowing you to copy product
save sets and store them temporarily while you do other work; you can then perform an update more
quickly at a time that is convenient for you.

You might consider dedicating a user disk on a node that other licensed system users can access. You
can store product save sets on this dedicated user disk to give other licensed system users fast access
to the product save-set directory. Storing a Product Save Set

To store a product save set on a disk directory using the Get Save Set option, enter a command using
the following syntax:

@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL.COM product-list source OPTIONS G device:[directory]

The directory you specify must exist, and the device must be mounted.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software


If you specify just one option, enter the disk directory name immediately after the OPTIONS G
parameter, leaving a space between G and the disk directory. For example, if you are storing save sets
for a product named NEWAID010 from the console drive into disk directory USER1:[PRODUCTS],
enter the following command:


If you specify more than one option, place the disk directory name after the last option, leaving a
space between the last option and the disk directory name. For example:


VMSINSTAL.COM creates one or more files to store the product save set in the disk directory. The
save-set file name has the following format:


Table 3.1 explains the format of facvvu. The format of the file type ( x) is:

x A literal file type that identifies save-set files, where A is the first save set, B the
second, and so forth Installing a Product

To install the product on your system, enter a command in the following format:

@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL product-list device:[directory]


For the product NEWAID010, enter this command:


VMSINSTAL.COM installs the NEWAID product on your system disk. Specifying Backup Qualifiers

When you use the Get Save Set option, you can specify three BACKUP command qualifiers: /
VERIFY, /LOG, and /CONFIRM. The qualifiers must be enclosed in quotation marks because they
are passed as a parameter of the Get Save Set option (G). VMSINSTAL passes the parameter to the
BACKUP command within VMSINSTAL. The following example includes the Get Save Set option
and BACKUP qualifiers:



The following table contains explanations of the qualifiers shown in the example:

Qualifier Explanation
/VERIFY Compares the contents of the output specifier with the contents of the input
specifier after a save, restore, or copy operation completes. If a file does not
compare successfully, an error message reporting this fact is displayed.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Qualifier Explanation
/LOG Causes the file specification of each file processed to be displayed at the
terminal during the operation. The default is /NOLOG.
/CONFIRM Displays a prompt on your terminal before each file is processed. To process the
file, enter Y or YES and press the Return key. The system interprets any other
response, including simply pressing the Return key, as NO.

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information
about the BACKUP command and its qualifiers.

3.5.4. Using the File Log Option (L)

The File Log option logs all file activity to the terminal during installation. File activity as any action
that alters the disposition of a file, such as creating a new file, updating a library, or deleting a file.

3.5.5. Using the Release Notes Option (N)

Use the Release Notes option to display or print the online release notes file supplied by a layered
product and by the update procedure.

Not all layered products provide online release notes.

The release notes file receives the file name facvvu. release_notes, where facvvu
represents the product name code, version, and update numbers (see Table 3.1); for example,

How to Perform This Task

If release notes are available and you specify option N, VMSINSTAL.COM asks you the following
questions. (The default answers are indicated in brackets.)
Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP.

Additional Release Notes Options:

1. Display release notes
2. Print release notes
3. Both 1 and 2
4. None of the above.
*Select option [2]:
*Queue name [SYS$PRINT]:
*Do you want to continue the installation [N]:

The following list contains explanations that correspond to the numbered entries in the example:

This prompt allows you to choose options 1 through 4.

This prompt is displayed only if you select option 2 or option 3. If you enter the name of a
print queue, the system displays a message saying that the release notes have been queued
successfully to the printer. If you do not specify a print queue, the release notes are sent to SYS
$PRINT by default.
This prompt allows you either to continue or to end the installation. The default is to end the

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

If the product does not supply release notes, VMSINSTAL.COM displays two error messages. It
also asks whether you want to continue or to end the installation, as follows:
%VMSINSTAL.COM-W-NOFILE, New File facvvu.RELEASE_NOTES does not exist.
%VMSINSTAL.COM-W-NORELNOTE, unable to locate release notes.
*Do you want to continue the installation [N]:

To continue the installation (whether or not release notes are available), enter Y (for YES) and
press Return.

3.5.6. Using the Alternate Root Option (R)

You can use the Alternate Root option to install the product on a system disk other than that of the
running system. You might use this option to test a layered product without disturbing the running

The operating system in the alternate root must be complete and have the same version or update level
as the running system. All files and software products that the product installation refers to must be
present in the alternate root.

Not all optional software products allow you to install a product on an alternate root. Consult the
documentation of the specific product to determine whether you can install the product on an alternate

Also, VSI does not support the installation of a product on an alternate root on the existing system

If you specify option R, the product is installed on the alternate root. However, you cannot create
accounts or request a system reboot on an alternate root.

3.6. Using the POLYCENTER Software

Installation Utility
The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility is used to install, remove, and manage layered
software products on Alpha or VAX systems. It can also save information about software products
such as system requirements, installation options, and your answers to questions asked during the
product installation procedure.

Perform POLYCENTER Software Installation utility operations from the DCL prompt. Use the
following command format to invoke each operation:
$ PRODUCT subcommand product-name[/qualifier1,...]

For example, to install COBOL Version 2.2 and the latest version of Fortran, enter the following
The following products have been selected:
DEC AXPVMS COBOL V2.2 Layered Product

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

DEC AXPVMS FORTRAN V7.0 Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

Section 3.7 describes installation.

You can enter PRODUCT commands at the DCL prompt ($) or in a DCL command procedure. See
the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for subcommand syntax information.

To run the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility as a batch job, see Section 3.7.6.

Table 3.3 lists DCL commands the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility can perform and
describes each of them.

Table 3.3. DCL Commands and Descriptions

DCL Command Description
PRODUCT CONFIGURE Create a product configuration file (PCF)
PRODUCT COPY Copy a software product kit or convert it to
another format
PRODUCT EXTRACT FILE Retrieve a specified file or files from a software
product kit packaged in sequential format
PRODUCT EXTRACT PDF Retrieve the product description file (PDF) from
a software product kit packaged in sequential
PRODUCT EXTRACT PTF Retrieve the product text file (PTF) from a
software product kit packaged in sequential
PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES Retrieve the release notes for a selected product
PRODUCT FIND Display the name of product kits found in a
specified directory
PRODUCT INSTALL Install one or more software products and updates
the product database
PRODUCT LIST List a file or files contained in a specified product
kit that is packaged in sequential format
PRODUCT PACKAGE Create a software product kit.
PRODUCT RECONFIGURE Modify the configuration choices for an installed
product and update the product database
PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT Record product information in the product
PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME Record a volume label change of the volume
containing the installed products
PRODUCT REMOVE Remove a product from the system and from the
product database
PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY Display in chronological order the operations
performed on software products
PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT Display information about objects created during
software product installation
PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT Display information about installed products

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

DCL Command Description

PRODUCT SHOW UTILITY Display information about the POLYCENTER
Software Installation utility

Privileges required
The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility requires specific privileges to perform certain
operations, as shown in the following table:

Operations Privileges Required


Some commands might also require BYPASS or NETMBX privileges.

The execution of command procedures from the kit you are installing might require additional
privileges. Check the installation guides that you receive with product kits for these privileges.

3.6.1. Product Files and Databases

The following files are used by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility:

• The product description file (PDF), is provided by the software manufacturer. It contains all the
information the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility needs for installing either a software
product or a set of software products. The PDF includes a list of configuration choices the product
offers, default choices, and product requirements (such as minimum hardware configurations and
system parameter values).

• A product text file (PTF), is optionally supplied by the software manufacturer. It provides
information about the product. The information includes product name, producer, configuration
choice descriptions, and message text used during product installation.

• A product configuration file (PCF), is optional. It may be supplied by software manufacturer, or

you can create it by using the CONFIGURE operation. A PCF contains responses to some or all
of the installation questions for a product. It can provide default or required choices, which may
differ from the default choices provided in the PDF.

• The product database (PDB), is created automatically by the POLYCENTER Software Installation
utility. When products are installed, the files and other objects that make up the product, such
as directories and accounts, are recorded in the PDB. The configuration choices made during
installation are also recorded.

You can access the PDB to show what products are installed and the dependencies between them.
You can also list the files and other objects that make up each product, or the history of installation
and upgrade activity.

• Patch recovery data sets are created automatically by the POLYCENTER Software Installation
utility. When products are installed in recovery mode or when patch kits are installed with

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

a request to save recovery data, the files and other objects that are displaced by the current
installation are saved in a specially designated directory tree for future use.

You can display information about recovery data sets and learn which patch kits can be uninstalled
using the SHOW RECOVERY_DATA operation.

3.6.2. Format of Software Product Kits

Software products compliant with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility are distributed in
one of three formats:

• Compressed format. In this form, a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential
kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type.

• Sequential format. In this form, the PDF, the PTF, and all files that comprise the product are
packaged in a single container file. This container file can be placed either on a random-access
device, such as a compact disc, or on a sequential access device, such as a magnetic tape. Most
layered products are distributed in sequential format.

• Reference format. In this form, the PDF, the PTF, and all files that comprise the product are placed
in a directory tree on a random-access device. OpenVMS is distributed in reference copy format
on CD-ROM.

3.6.3. Software Product Name Conventions

A software product kit packaged in sequential copy format has a container file named in the following

A software product kit packaged in reference copy format has a product description file in the root
directory named in the following format:

Each subfield is separated by a hyphen and is defined as follows:

• producer is the legal owner of the software product (for example, DEC)

• base is the base system that specifies the hardware and software platform on which the product
runs (for example, AXPVMS, VAXVMS, or I64VMS).

• product is the name of the software product.

• version identifies the version according to the format tmmnn-ue.

• kit_type identifies a kit type specified as a value from 1 through 7, as shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. PDF Kit Types and Values

Value Type Description
1 Full Application software.
2 Operating system Operating system software.
3 Partial An update for the operating system or for a
product that is currently installed.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Value Type Description

4 Patch A correction to existing software.
5 Platform A software system that has more than one
6 Transition A kit that is intended to register a product
that was not installed by the POLYCENTER
Software Installation utility. Transition kits
include only a product definition file and
(optionally) a product text file.
7 Mandatory update A required update, which produces
functionally updated software that has the
same version number. Version Identification Format

The version of the software product kit is in the format tmmnn-ue. This format is described in the
Table 3.5.

Table 3.5. Format of tmmnn-ue Version Identification

t The type of version (a single uppercase alphabetic character).
mm The major version number (decimal integer 01 through 99).
nn The minor version number (decimal integer 00 through 99).
- The hyphen is required in all cases. When both update level (u) and maintenance edit
level (e) are omitted, the version will end with a hyphen and the file name will have a
double hyphen (- -) preceding the kit type.
u The update level (decimal integer 1 through 999). The level is optional.
e The maintenance edit level (one or more alphanumeric characters beginning with an
alphabetic character). This level is optional.

The following table of examples shows how to use the format:

Example Description
V6.1 In this example:

• Version type: V

• Major release: 06

• Minor release: 01

• Update level: 0 (implicit)

• No edit level
V6.1-1H2 In this example:

• Version type: V

• Major release: 06

• Minor release: 01

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Example Description
• Update level: 1

• Edit level: H2
T6.2-FT2 In this example:

• Version type: T

• Major release: 06

• Minor release: 02

• Update level: 0 (implicit)

• Edit level: FT2 Software Product Name Examples

The following examples show how the format is used for one sequential and two reference copy
format kits:

• A sequential format kit for DEC Softwindows for OpenVMS VAX that requires a double hyphen
has the following format:


This format shows that the producer is DEC (Digital), the base is VAXVMS (OpenVMS VAX),
the product is SOFTWIN, and the version is V1.1. The type of version is V, the major and minor
version numbers are each 1. There are no update or maintenance edit levels. The kit_type is 1

• A product description file in a reference copy format kit for OpenVMS Alpha has the following


This format shows that the producer is DEC (Digital), the base is AXPVMS (OpenVMS Alpha),
the product is OpenVMS, and the version is V6.1-1H2. The type of version is V, the major version
number is 6, the minor version number 1, the update level is 1, and the maintenance edit level is
H2. The kit_type is 2 (operating system).

• A product description file in a reference format kit for a field test version of OpenVMS Alpha has
the following format:


This format shows that the producer is DEC (Digital), the base is AXPVMS (OpenVMS Alpha),
the product is OpenVMS, and the version is V7.0-FT2. The type of version is T, the major
version number is 7, and the minor version number is 0. There is no update level because the first
character after the hyphen is not a digit. The maintenance edit level is FT2 and the kit_type is 2
(operating system).

• A compressed kit for VSI Kerberos has the following format:


Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

This format shows that the producer is VSI, the base is AXPVMS (OpenVMS Alpha), the product
is KERBEROS, and the version is V2.0-6. The type of version is V, the major version number is 2,
the minor version number is 0, and the update level is 6. There is no maintenance edit level. The
kit_type is 1 (full).

3.6.4. Creating a Product Configuration File (PCF)

You can create a PCF before or during an installation. You can also create more than one PCF for each
product, thereby helping you to customize software installations for unique hardware situations or for
different usage patterns within a group.

If a PCF is present and it contains a response for a configuration choice, the default for that choice
comes from the PCF. The PCF specifies whether the choice can be changed or whether it is required.

If a PCF is not present or does not contain a response for a configuration choice, the default choice
comes from one of two places:

• If the product database (PDB) contains an entry for the choice that was made in a previous
installation, then the PDB entry becomes the default configuration choice. It can be changed.

• If the PDB does not contain an entry for the choice, either because the product was not previously
installed or because this is a new choice, then the default configuration choice comes from the
PDF. It can be changed. Configuration Options

Some options available for customizing the PCF are:

• Saving your answer. You can specify that your response to a question (rather than the current
default value) be stored in the PCF.

• Not saving your answer. When creating a PCF during an installation, you can answer a question
without recording your answer in the PCF. This is useful for responding to questions that are
specific to a single system or installation.

• Deferring a question so that it is asked again during a future installation. For example, you might
want an installer to verify that a particular response is still valid for the systems on which each
installation is being performed.

• Preventing a question from being asked again. If you do not defer a question when you create
a PCF, the response recorded in the PCF is used during future installations. The installer is not
prompted for the information. This reduces the length and complexity of the actual installation
procedure. Configuration Commands

To create a PCF, use the PRODUCT CONFIGURE command. For example:


The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility creates a PCF in your current default directory. The
default PCF is named DEFAULT.PCSI$CONFIGURATION. To override the default file name or
directory, use the /CONFIGURATION=OUTPUT qualifier. Refer to the sample procedure in the next

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software Recording Configuration Choices

After defining the PCF, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility prompts you with questions
about the product. Determine how and whether your responses are recorded in the PCF by responding
to the questions and using two predefined function keys. The following table shows how your
responses configure the PCF:

Key Action by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility

Return Accepts the default or explicitly entered choice for the current operation and for entry
into the PCF, and then moves to the next choice.

If the Defer option is in effect, this entry can be changed when the PCF is used for
future installations or upgrades.

If the Defer option is not in effect, this entry cannot be changed when the PCF is used
for future installations or upgrades.

If the Write option is in effect, this entry, including the Defer option, is written into the
PCF and used when the PCF is used for future installations or upgrades.

If the Write option is not in effect, this entry, including the Defer option, is not written
into the PCF and is not used when the PCF is used for future installations or upgrades.
In this case, the default for the future installation or upgrade will come from the PDF or
F17 Toggles the Defer option. By default, the Defer option is not in effect.
F18 Toggles the Write option. By default, the Write option is in effect.

Press the Return key after each response.

Example 3.1 shows how to use keys F17 and F18 in the PCF. Note that this is an example only and
does not necessarily represent an actual PCF for a product. A description of the callouts follows the

Example 3.1. Example 3-1 Sample Procedure for Creating a PCF

The following product has been selected:
DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.1 [Available]
Do you want to continue [YES] [Return]
Configuration phase starting ...
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency
*** DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.1: OpenVMS Operating System
Copyright © 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation
Digital Equipment Corporation
Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] N [Return] (1)
Accounting Log Report Generator Utility [YES] [F17] (2)
%PCSIUI-I-DEFER, that item has been deferred; please set the default value
Accounting Log Report Generator Utility [YES] [F17] (3)
%PCSIUI-I-UNDEFER, that item is no longer deferred; please set the value
Accounting Log Report Generator Utility [YES] [F17] (3)
%PCSIUI-I-DEFER, that item has been deferred; please set the default value.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Accounting Log Report Generator Utility [YES] [Return] (4)

Access Control List Utilities [YES] [F18] (5)
%PCSIUI-I-UNWRITE, that item will not be written to configuration file;
please set the value.
Access Control List Utilities [YES] [Return] (6)
Print and Batch Queue Utilities [YES] NO (7)
DECdtm Distributed Transaction Manager [YES] [Return] (8)
Do you want the defaults for all suboptions? [YES] NO
Programming Support [YES] [Return]
Do you want the defaults for all suboptions? [YES] NO

Do you want to review the options ?[NO] [Return] (9)
%PCSI-I-WRICON, writing configuration file
%PCSIUI-I-SUCCONFIG, CONFIGURE operation completed successfully

The callouts in the example mark the following actions:

1. Chooses to select values for individual options instead of accepting default values for all of the

2. Requests (by using the defer key, F17) that the installer be given the choice of whether or not to
install the optional example files.

3. Toggles the defer option (twice to illustrate the toggle effect).

4. Records the default response [Yes] in the PCF. Because the defer option was in effect, when
the PCF is used during a future installation, the installer can select the Accounting Log Report
Generator utility by default, or can choose not to select it.

5. Requests the nowrite option key (F18) so that this choice will not be written to the PCF.

6. Chooses not to install the Access Control List utilities. Because the nowrite option is in effect, this
choice is not written to the PCF.

7. Chooses not to install the Print and Batch Queue utilities. Because the nowrite option is not in
effect (by default) and the defer option is in effect (by default), this choice is written to the PCF
and the question is not asked again when the PCF is used during a future installation.

8. Accepts the default to install the DECdtm Distributed Transaction Manager. Because the nowrite
option is not in effect (by default) and the defer option is in effect (by default), this choice is
written to the PCF, and the question is not asked again.

9. Requests that the configuration options be displayed.

10. Displays the name of the PCF that has been created, MYPCF.PCSI$CONFIGURATION. The
POLYCENTER Software Installation utility displays this message only when you enable message
logging by using /LOG with PRODUCT CONFIGURE.

When you use a single DCL command to install or configure more than one product and write the
responses to a PCF, the information for all the products that are installed or configured is in a single

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

PCF. Use separate operations to install or configure a set of products when you want to keep each
product's configuration values in its own PCF. Modifying an Existing PCF

You can use DCL to modify an existing file. Specify the name of the PCF to be modified and the
name of the PCF to be created. Include both the INPUT and the OUTPUT keywords with the /
CONFIGURATION qualifier on the PRODUCT CONFIGURE command line. For example, read the
default values in the file PRODUCTA_REV1.DAT, make changes to the file, and save the changes to
PRODUCTA_REV2.DAT, the output file:

3.6.5. Using a Product Database

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility automatically stores information about product
installation, configuration choices, and objects, such as files and directories, that make up the product
in the product database. The product database is useful for recalling information about products
installed on your system and for detecting and tracking product dependencies. Adding Information to the Database

Although the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility stores product information for you
automatically, you can also add your own information. When you perform a task, you can include a
remark---a comment to be recorded in the product database---along with the other information about
the task being performed.

To add a remark to the product database, use the /REMARK qualifier with any of the following DCL





See the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for information about this
command and the /REMARK qualifier. Registering a Noncompliant Product

To register a product that was installed with a tool other than the POLYCENTER Software Installation
utility, enter PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT. This command records information that a PDF
provides. For example:

If you do not have a PDF for a product you want to register, enter the following command:

This procedure prompts you for the product name, version, and producer. For example, the producer
for Digital products is DEC. The procedure uses this information to create a temporary, minimal PDF.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

It then executes the PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT command to register the product, and deletes
the temporary PDF.

Because PCSI$REGISTER_PRODUCT.COM creates only a minimal PDF, it cannot register with the
POLYCENTER Software Installation utility database all the information about the product. For this
reason, if a PDF for the product is available, use it.

Although a transition PDF is intended specifically for PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT, you can
also register full and operating system PDFs. Detecting and Tracking Software Dependencies

Some software products depend on other software products to work correctly. For example, a
product might work only when a specific version of another product is installed on the system. The
POLYCENTER Software Installation utility detects and tracks the dependencies of the products
that you install. The utility also attempts to satisfy the requirements of multiple products. In some
instances, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility is unable to resolve product dependency
issues. In such instances, the utility provides feedback on the nature of the conflict and asks you to
decide how to proceed.

3.6.6. Understanding Recovery Data Sets

You can use recovery data sets in the following circumstances:

• When the installation of a patch kit fails

• When you want to undo (or uninstall) one of more patch kits that have been installed using the
POLYCENTER Software Installation utility

A recovery data set is, in a sense, an extension of the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility
product database. A recovery data set consists of the following types of files:

• Saved product files

• Supplementary data files that catalog actions that reverse the effect of installing a patch kit

• Database files as they were at the beginning of the installation of the patch kit

A recovery data set is, in other words, a combination of the directories and files that are replaced by
newer ones when a patch kit is installed. Recovery data set files are saved in a designated directory for
possible future use. The data files that describe the replaced files and directories and their contexts are
also saved.

Recovery data sets are stored in the following directory tree on the same system disk as the product
database files, where nnn is the recovery data set number:

The two major uses of recovery data sets are discussed in the next two sections. Recovering from a Failed Installation of a Patch Kit

To be able to recover completely from a failed installation of a patch kit, you must install the kit using
the following command:

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

When you enter this command, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility installs the patch kit
in what is called recovery mode. When you install a kit in recovery mode, the files that the installation
modifies or replaces are saved; they make up a recovery data set. If an error condition interrupts the
installation or if you intentionally terminate the installation, the POLYCENTER Software Installation
utility can use the recovery data set to roll back the original files. This action restores the product
environment that existed prior to the interrupted installation.

Once the rollback completes, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility destroys the recovery
data set. The utility also destroys the recovery data set at the end of a successful product installation
or reconfiguration. You can, however, prevent the deletion of the recovery data set by using the /
SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier with the PRODUCT INSTALL command. The next section
explains how to do this. Undoing One or More Patch Kit Installations

You can create a recovery data set when you install a patch kit, and, at the same time, explicitly
request the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to save recovery data. You do this by entering
the following command:

When you enter this command, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility permanently saves
the files that the installation of the patch has removed. You can subsequently use the recovery data
set to uninstall the patch product; you enter the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command to do this.
However, once you use the recovery data set to uninstall the patch product, the POLYCENTER
Software Installation utility deletes it, and you cannot use recovery data set files again.

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility also destroys the recovery data set when you enter
any of the following (unrelated) DCL commands:
$ PRODUCT INSTALL (without the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier)
$ PRODUCT REMOVE Using Other Recovery Data Set Commands

You can use the following PRODUCT commands to view and delete recovery data sets:

• To view information in a recovery data set, enter the following command:


• To delete selected recovery sets (if you are concerned that the recovery data takes up too much
space), enter the following command:

By deleting one or more recovery data sets, you do not disturb your current product environment.
However, you cannot uninstall the patch products that correspond to the recovery data that you delete.

3.7. Installing with the POLYCENTER

Software Installation utility
The basic steps for installing a software product are:

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

1. Perform the preliminary steps.

2. Review the product's release notes and installation information.

3. Start the installation.

4. Respond to installation questions about product options. The product is not installed on your
system until you confirm your selections.

5. Confirm your selections to install the product.

3.7.1. Performing Preliminary Steps

Before installing software, follow these steps:

1. Back up your system disk.

2. Optionally identify source and destination locations.

3. Install prerequisite software.

Note that the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility will perform this automatically if the
kits are available.

4. Identify post-installation procedures. Specifying Locations

For many operations, you must specify a location where the software kit resides and a location where
you want to install the software. Two methods are available for identifying these locations:

• Define logical names

• Specify /SOURCE and /DESTINATION qualifiers on the command line.

You can also define logical names, and then override them by using the /SOURCE and /
DESTINATION qualifiers on the PRODUCT command.

If you do not deassign logical names after they are used, they can cause unexpected results in future
operations of the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. Digital recommends that you use the /
SOURCE and /DESTINATION qualifiers.

Logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines the location of the software kits you want to install. Logical
name PCSI$DESTINATION defines the location where you want to install the software. For example,
if the software is located in DISK1:[KITS] and you want to install it in DISK2:[APPLICATIONS],
use the following commands:



You can override the logical name definitions by using /SOURCE and /DESTINATION qualifiers on
the PRODUCT command to specify a different source and destination.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

If you do not define PCSI$DESTINATION, the utility installs the software product in SYS
$COMMON:[VMS$COMMON] and directories under it. Installing Prerequisite Software

Install any prerequisite software or perform any prerequisite tasks. This information should be in the
software product's installation instructions or release notes.

Note that the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility will perform this automatically if the kits
are available. Identifying Post-installation Procedures

Note any post-installation procedures. This information should also be in the software product's
installation instructions or release notes.

3.7.2. Extracting a Product's Release Notes

To read a product's release notes, extract the notes to a file. For example, use either of the following
commands to copy the CMS product release notes to a text file:



If you do not specify a file name, the release notes are written to a file in the current directory. The
name specified in the kit is used. It is not necessary to install a software product before you use the
POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to extract its release notes.

3.7.3. Installing a Product

To start an installation, enter the PRODUCT INSTALL command. For example:


To install more than one product at a time, enter a list of product names separated by commas. You
can use asterisk (*) wildcard characters in the product names. For example:


Table 3.6 lists some of the features you can control with command qualifiers. A complete list is in the
VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual and in online help.

Table 3.6. Features You Can Request During an Installation

Feature Qualifier
Supply answers from a PCF /CONFIGURATION=INPUT=pcf-name
Create a new PCF /CONFIGURATION=OUTPUT=pcf-namea
Specify where to install the files /DESTINATION=location
Display full descriptions of all product /HELP
installation options and information
Display log messages on your terminal /LOG

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Feature Qualifier
Include a remark in the product database /REMARK
Specify where the distribution kit is located /SOURCE
Specify configuration variables /CONFIGURATION=keywordb
Specify a work area for temporary files /WORK=device
The F17 (defer) and F18 (write) keys have no effect when you use the PRODUCT INSTALL command.
Can be either current or producer. For details, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: M-Z. Using an Existing PCF

Chapter 3 describes how to create a PCF before installing a product. To use this existing PCF during
the installation, use the /CONFIGURATION=INPUT qualifier with PRODUCT INSTALL. For
example, to install CMS and use configuration choices recorded in the PCF named DEC-VAXVMS-

_$ CMS/VERSION=3.4 Creating a New PCF During the Installation

If you did not create a PCF before the installation, you can create one during the installation. Use the /
CONFIGURATION=OUTPUT=pcf-name qualifier with PRODUCT INSTALL. For example:


As you respond to questions about the options for CMS Version 3.0, your responses are recorded in
the PCF named CMSV3.DAT in your current default directory.

For more information about product configuration files, see Section 3.8.4 and Section 3.8.1.

3.7.4. Responding to Installation Questions

During an installation, you can request a full description of product options or an explanation to any
single question. You can also accept the default value to any single question or to an entire subset of
questions. Requesting an Explanation to Questions

To request a full description of all product options and information, use the /HELP qualifier with
PRODUCT INSTALL. To request help about an individual question, press the Help key or PF2 in
response to the question. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility displays a description (if
one is available) and a summary of disk and memory requirements for the option.

The following example uses the Help key:


Optional example files may be installed... [YES] [Help]
The example files include client server programming examples.
Block Size - Total: 507 Optional: 0 Required: 507
Global Pages - Total: 0 Optional: 0 Required: 0

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Global Sections - Total: 0 Optional: 0 Required: 0

Optional example files may be installed... [YES]

The amount of information varies; some products provide more information than others, and some
products provide no information. Accepting Default Answers

Default answers come from one of three places:

• A product configuration file (PCF), if one is supplied

• The product database (PDB), for upgrades of previously installed products

• The product description file (PDF)

If you specify an input PCF and it contains an answer for an option, the default answer from the PCF
is used. Depending on the entry in the PCF, the default answer may or may not be allowed to change.

If no input PCF exists, or if the input PCF does not contain an answer for an option, the default
answer comes from either the PDB or the PDF. If the PDB is present and contains the option, then
the default answer comes from the PDB. If the PDB is not present (a new installation) or does not
contain the option (a new option), then the default comes from the PDF. Default answers that come
from either the PDB or PDF may be changed.

To answer an option, either press Return to accept the default answer, or supply your own answer and
then press Return.

Some products contain a subset of questions or options. During an installation procedure, you can
accept the default values for an entire subset or you can answer each option in the subset.

When you select an option that has suboptions, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility will

Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]

If you answer YES, you will not be asked about the subitems. Instead, the utility will use the defaults
for the subitems. If you answer NO, the utility asks you about each subitem.

3.7.5. Confirming Your Answers

After you respond to questions about product options, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility
can display a summary of your answers. For example:

Do you want to review the options? [YES]

DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Optional example files may be installed...: NO
Optional NFS files may be installed...: NO
Optional applications may be installed...: YES

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility then asks:

Are you satisfied with these options? [YES]

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

If you are not, answer NO to this question. You can then either enter your answers again or exit the
installation procedure:
Do you want to change any options? [YES] NO

%PCSIUI-I-USERABORT, operation terminated by user

By answering NO to this question, you can end the installation procedure. The product is not installed;
your system remains unchanged. Updating DCL Help Text

When you install a layered product that updates DCL Help text, the PRODUCT INSTALL command
requires exclusive access to the DCL Help library file, SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB. For example,
if a user is accessing HELP while an installation is trying to update the help library, you see several
messages and are asked to respond to several questions. These messages and questions appear in the
following order:

1. The system displays the following messages if the PRODUCT INSTALL command fails to obtain
exclusive access to the help library after waiting for two minutes:
%PCSI-I-PRCOUTPUT, output from subprocess follows ...
%LIBRAR-F-OPENIN, error opening disk:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.]
-RMS-E-FLK, file currently locked by another user

%PCSI-E-MODREPLFLK1, error replacing module module-name in

-PCSI-E-MODREPLFLK2, library update failed because it is
currently accessed by one or more users
-PCSI-E-MODREPLFLK3, after the file is closed, answer YES
at the prompt to retry the update

2. Either retry the library update operation or terminate the installation:

• To retry the library update, ask users to exit HELP. Then answer YES to the following
Do you want to take this action? [YES] YES

If users do not exit HELP within two minutes, the question is repeated.

• To terminate the installation, answer NO to the following two questions:

Do you want to take this action? [YES] NO
Do you want to continue? [YES] NO
%PCSI-E-CANCEL_WIP, termination resulted in an incomplete
modification to the system

The last message indicates that some files might have been moved to their target directories,
but the product has not been completely installed. Installation of the product at a later time will
delete the files from the aborted installation and will then perform a full installation.

3.7.6. Performing the Installation as a Batch Job

To run the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility as a batch job, include PRODUCT commands
in a command procedure file and then submit the file to a batch queue. In the command procedure,

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

include the /CONFIGURATION qualifier to specify an existing PCF so the POLYCENTER Software
Installation utility can respond to questions about product options and configuration choices. If you do
not specify /CONFIGURATION, the defaults are used.

Example 3.2 shows how a product might be installed using a command procedure. The example sets
and restores VERIFY, and times the installation.

Example 3.2. Example 3-2 Sample Command Procedure for Installing a Product
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " --------------------------------"
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " --------------------------------"

3.7.7. Installing a Patch Kit to Allow for its Removal

A patch kit is not like common software products that you can easily remove from the system using
the PRODUCT REMOVE command after the product is installed. In most cases, a patch kit is simply
a subset of the full product you apply it to and usually does not force a change in the version number
of the product.

Because of these characteristics, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility treats patch kits in a
special way. If you want to be able to uninstall a patch kit that turns out to be defective, for example,
you first need to install the patch kit with the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier. This qualifier
forces all the files and modules that the installation modifies or replaces to be saved in a specially
designated area on the system disk. These files include the product database of the utility and special
data files that describe the saved environment. Together, they form a recovery data set.

Later, if you decide to uninstall the patch kit using the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command, the
patch kit objects are deleted and the saved recovery data set is used to reinstate the displaced files
along with the database.

3.8. Performing Other Operations on Installed

Software Products Using the POLYCENTER
Software Installation Utility
You can perform other operations on installed software products – for example, reconfiguring choices
made during the installation, recording changes in volume label, or copying the software to a new
location or to different media. You might also want to convert a kit to a new format, display product

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

information, display recovery details to see which patch kits can be uninstalled, delete recovery data
sets to save disk space, display the contents of a sequentially packaged product kit, or extract any file
from a sequentially packaged kit.

3.8.1. Reconfiguring an Installed Product

After you install a product, you can change the configuration choices made during the installation.
This is called reconfiguration. You choose the options you want; the POLYCENTER Software
Installation utility makes all the necessary changes.

To change the configuration choices for an installed product, use the PRODUCT RECONFIGURE
command. The product kit must be present in the user's default directory or specified by the /
SOURCE qualifier or by the PCSI$SOURCE logical name.

3.8.2. Recording a Change in Volume Label in the

Product Database
To record a changed volume label in the product database, enter the PRODUCT REGISTER
VOLUME command. You will be prompted for the old volume label and the name of the device
where the volume is mounted.

This command replaces all occurrences of the old volume label with the new volume label. (The
POLYCENTER Software Installation utility reads the new label from the disk.)

Note that PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME changes the information in the product database
only; it does not change the label on the volume. To rename a volume, use the DCL command SET
VOLUME. Then use PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME to record the new name.

You can also use the PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME command to record a change in the physical
or logical device name.

3.8.3. Copying a Software Kit to a New Location

You can use the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to copy product distribution kits from
one location to another. If you transfer a kit from tape to disk, you can change the format from a
sequential copy to a reference copy.

To copy a software kit from one location to another, use the PRODUCT COPY command. Specify the
current location with the /SOURCE qualifier and the new location with the /DESTINATION qualifier.
For example:

3.8.4. Converting a Software Kit from One Format to

You can convert a software kit from reference format (on disk or CD-ROM) to sequential format,
from sequential format to reference format, or from sequential format to compressed format by using
the /FORMAT qualifier with PRODUCT COPY.

For example, to convert CMS from sequential format to reference format, enter the following

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

_$ CMS

3.8.5. Retrieving Product Information

All of the information stored by the product database (PDB) can be accessed by using the SHOW
OBJECT, SHOW PRODUCT, and SHOW HISTORY commands. This section describes how to use
these commands to retrieve information from the PDB. Displaying Information About Objects

To display information about the managed objects (for example, files, accounts, and directories)
associated with the products installed on your system, use the SHOW OBJECT command. Table 3-8
lists questions that can be answered with SHOW OBJECT.

Table 3.7. SHOW OBJECT Command: Displaying Managed Object Information

Question Command
What files or other objects did this product PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT * /
create? PRODUCT=product-name
What product created this file or other object? PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT object-name/FULL Displaying Information About the Products

You can obtain information about products installed on your system with the SHOW PRODUCT and
SHOW HISTORY commands. Table 3-9 lists some of the questions that can be answered with these

Table 3.8. SHOW PRODUCT and SHOW HISTORY Commands

Question Command
Which products have been installed? PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY * /


Product interdependencies: Is product A PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT A /FULL
referenced by product B?
Which user installed a product? PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY product-name /
Which products were installed before March 31, PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY * /BEFORE=31-
2000? MAR-2000
Were any software patches applied to a product? PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT product-name /

3.8.6. Retrieving Patch Recovery Information

You can access certain information in the patch recovery data set by using the SHOW
RECOVERY_DATA command. Table 3-10 lists questions that this command can answer.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Table 3.9. SHOW RECOVERY_DATA Command: Displaying Patch Recovery

Question Command
How many recovery data sets have been saved? PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA

Which patch kits can you uninstall?

What is the total size of objects saved in recovery PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA /FULL
data sets?
Which three newest patches can be uninstalled? PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA /
Which two oldest recovery data sets can be PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA /
deleted? OLDEST=2
Are there any patches installed after 12- PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA /
DEC-2002 that can be uninstalled? SINCE=13-DEC-2002
Are there any recovery data sets saved before 01- PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA /
DEC-2002? BEFORE=01-DEC-2002

3.8.7. Deleting Patch Recovery Data

You might discover that you are running low on free system disk space and, at the same time, have
a stable software product environment after installation of a number of patches. To increase the size
of the free disk space, you might want to consider deleting some patch recovery data that you do not
expect to use. The PRODUCT DELETE RECOVERY_DATA command allows you to do this. Table
3-11 lists options that are available with this command.

Table 3.10. DELETE RECOVERY_DATA Command: Displaying Delete Options

Option Command
To delete all recovery data sets PRODUCT DELETE RECOVERY_DATA


To delete the oldest three recovery data sets PRODUCT DELETE RECOVERY_DATA/
To delete all recovery data sets save before 01- PRODUCT DELETE RECOVERY_DATA/
DEC-2002 BEFORE=01-DEC-2002

3.8.8. Removing Installed Software Products and Kits

When you use the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to remove an installed product, all
of the files, accounts, and other objects that were created for the product when it was installed are
removed from your system and from the product database.

To remove an installed product, enter PRODUCT REMOVE. For example:


3.8.9. Uninstalling Patch Kits

To uninstall patch kits, you can use the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command. However, this
command works only if you have installed the kits with the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Also, the saved recovery data must be available on the system, which is possible only if, after
installing the patch kits, you did not perform another operation that deleted the patch recovery data.
Operations that automatically destroy recovery data sets are the following:






After using the PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA command to verify that patch recovery data
is available, you can perform the uninstall operation using the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command.
This command allows for some flexibility:

• By default, if you do not use any qualifiers, only the latest installed patch kit or kits are removed.

• If you want to uninstall all patch kits to the extent that recovery data allows, use the /ALL

• To limit the number of patch kits to be uninstalled, specify the /NEWEST=n qualifier, where n is
the number of the newest recovery sets.

• To uninstall patch kits that have been installed after a certain date, use the /SINCE=date qualifier.

Chapter 3. Installing, Upgrading, and Updating Software

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting
Down the System
This chapter describes various ways to start up and shut down your system.

To initiate startup of your system, you boot it. Many systems have unique booting commands. For
detailed booting instructions for your system, refer to the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent version of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and Installation
Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade and
Installation Manual.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks

Task Section
Deferring memory testing on AlphaServer 4100 computers Section 4.1.2
Booting with modified system parameter values Section 4.2
Assigning port allocation classes with SYSBOOT Section 4.3
Booting in an emergency Section 4.4
Booting with controlled startup Section 4.5
Solving booting problems Section 4.6
Writing a new boot block on the system disk Section 4.7
Performing an orderly shutdown with SHUTDOWN.COM Section 4.8.1
Customizing SHUTDOWN.COM to perform site-specific operations Section 4.8.3
Performing an orderly shutdown with SYSMAN Section 4.8.4
Performing an emergency shutdown with the OPCCRASH.EXE program Section 4.8.5
Performing an emergency shutdown using console commands Section 4.8.6
Using the Boot Manager Utility, BOOT_OPTIONS, to reconfigure devices on Section 4.9.3
OpenVMS I64 systems

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
Booting and startup processes Section 4.1.1
Nonstop boot: the most common booting operation Section
Conversational boot: for special booting functions Section
System startup and STARTUP.COM Section 4.1.4
System shutdown procedures Section 4.8
The order of shutdown events Section 4.8.2

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Concept Section
Reconfiguration of boot, dump, and debug devices on OpenVMS I64 systems Section 4.9

4.1. Understanding Booting and System

Booting is the process of loading system software from the system disk into processor memory. When
you boot your system, it automatically performs a series of tasks to start up your system. These tasks
are collectively known as system startup.

You must have installed the operating system before you boot the system for the first time.

Booting procedures vary for different computers. For example, computers with console storage
devices use a boot command procedure. You can copy and edit this command procedure to specify the
location of the system disk. Other computers have an internal memory device that provides the name
of the system disk.

On Alpha and I64 systems, you cannot boot from a magnetic tape device.

4.1.1. Booting and Startup Processes

Together, the booting and startup processes comprise the following steps:

1. You enter the BOOT command. The boot block, a fixed location on disk, points to the primary
bootstrap image, which is loaded from disk into main memory.

On VAX systems, the primary bootstrap image is VMB.EXE.

On Alpha systems, the primary bootstrap image is APB.EXE.

On I64 systems, the primary bootstrap image is IPB.EXE.

The primary bootstrap image allows access to the system disk by finding the secondary bootstrap
image, SYS$SYSTEM:SYSBOOT.EXE, and loading it into memory.

2. SYSBOOT.EXE loads the system parameters stored in the default parameter file into memory.
(For more information about the default parameter file and loading of system parameters at boot
time, see Section 4.2.)

If you are performing a conversational boot, the procedure stops and displays the SYSBOOT>
prompt. (For information about conversational booting, see Section Otherwise,
SYSBOOT.EXE loads the operating system executive into memory and transfers control to the

3. When the executive finishes, it executes the SWAPPER process.

4. The SWAPPER creates the SYSINIT process.

5. Among other actions it performs, SYSINIT creates the STARTUP process.

6. STARTUP executes SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM (unless you indicated another file using

SYSMAN, SYSGEN, or conversational boot). STARTUP.COM executes a series of other startup
command procedures, including SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. (For more information about

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

STARTUP.COM, see Section 4.1.4. For more information about other startup procedures, see
Section 5.2.1.)

The current values of system parameters are written back to the default parameter file.

7. The boot process finishes, and you can log in to the operating system.

On VAX and Alpha systems, you can reconfigure boot and dump devices only by shutting down the
system and entering commands from the console.

On I64 systems, you can reconfigure boot and dump devices either before you shut down the system
or after you shut it down. These methods are explained in Section 4.9.

4.1.2. Deferring Memory Testing on AlphaServer 4100

To speed up the time between system power-on and user login, you can now defer a portion of
memory testing on AlphaServer 4100 computers. When you choose this option, the console tests a
minimum amount of memory and leaves the rest for the operating system to test.

To use this new feature, you need to specify a value for the MEMORY_TEST environment variable at
the console before booting. The values for MEMORY_TEST are the following:

Value Description
FULL (off) The console does all the testing.
NONE 32 MB of memory are tested before booting.
PARTIAL 256 MB of memory are tested before booting.

If you set MEMORY_TEST to NONE or PARTIAL, OpenVMS tests any remaining untested memory
on an as-needed basis at either or both of the following times:

• While the operating system is booting

• In the scheduler idle loop when no processes are available to run

When you change the value of MEMORY_TEST, you must issue the INIT console command before
the new value takes effect. Therefore, you need to follow these steps from the console before booting:

1. Change the value of MEMORY_TEST (if desired).

2. Issue the INIT command from the console.

3. Boot the operating system.

OpenVMS also gives you more control over when memory is actually tested. Bit 2 in the system
parameter MMG_CTLFLAGS controls deferred memory testing:

• If the bit is clear (the default), OpenVMS tests memory in the background and not necessarily
before the bootstrap process has completed.

• If you set the bit, OpenVMS guarantees that all memory will be tested by the end of EXEC_INIT
in the system bootstrap process; that is, before IPL is lowered from 31.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

4.1.3. Types of Booting Operations

You can perform the following types of booting operations:

Type Purpose For More

Nonstop boot To boot without stopping to perform special operations. Use Section
this kind of boot in most cases.
Conversational To perform special boot operations—for example, to change Section
boot system parameters before booting. Nonstop Boot: The Most Common Booting Operation

The most common boot operation is a nonstop boot from the system disk. You perform a nonstop
boot after changing certain system parameters or installing certain layered products, or after a
standalone backup.

Follow the instructions for a nonstop boot in either of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade and Installation Manual. Conversational Boot: For Special Booting Functions

A conversational boot is used in programming research and development environments where you
must alter operating conditions for experimentation, testing, and debugging. Use a conversational boot
to perform the following operations:

Operation For More

Boot after showing or modifying individual system parameter values.1 Section 4.2.1
Boot using system parameter values from an alternate parameter file. Section 4.2.2
Boot with default values for system parameters; for example, when modified Section 4.4.1
system parameter values have caused the system to become unbootable. 1
Boot without running startup or login procedures; for example, when modified Section 4.4.2
startup or login procedures have caused the system to become unbootable.
Boot without the user authorization file; for example, when the user Section 4.4.3
authorization file has been modified so that you cannot log in.
Boot with an alternate site-independent startup procedure. Section 4.5.1
Boot with a minimum startup. Section 4.5.3
Display startup procedure commands while booting. Section 4.5.4
In most cases, VSI recommends that you use AUTOGEN to modify system parameters. In special cases, however, you can use a
conversational boot to modify a parameter value temporarily. To change a parameter value permanently, you must edit MODPARAMS.DAT
and run AUTOGEN. For instructions, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex

To boot your system conversationally, follow the instructions for a conversational boot in either of the
following manuals:

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade and Installation Manual.

4.1.4. System Startup and STARTUP.COM

Immediately after your system boots, it runs the site-independent command procedure SYS
$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM to start up the system and control the sequence of startup events. This
section describes STARTUP.COM.

Do not modify SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM. This file is deleted and replaced each time you
upgrade your system to the next version of the operating system. Leaving STARTUP.COM intact
prevents you from inadvertently altering any commands in the file, which in turn could cause the
startup procedure to fail.

Although you should not modify STARTUP.COM, sometimes you may want to control site-
independent startup when booting your system. For information, see Section 4.5.

STARTUP.COM uses a series of command procedures, executable images, and database files to
perform the following startup tasks:

• Define systemwide logical names required for the symbolic debugger, language processors, linker,
image activator, and help processor.

• Start processes that control error logging, SMISERVER (the system management server), the job
controller, the operator log file, and security auditing.

• Connect devices that are physically attached to the system by invoking the SYCONFIG.COM
procedure. Configure devices and load their I/O drivers.

STARTUP.COM creates the CONFIGURE process only on a full boot. If external devices are
needed on any other boot (such as a minimum or an upgrade boot), add the following line to SYS

• Install known images to reduce I/O overhead in activating the most commonly run images or to
identify images that must have special privileges.

STARTUP.COM executes the following site-specific startup command procedures in this order:






Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

For information about site-specific startup command procedures, see Section 5.2.

4.1.5. Messages Indicating Booting and Startup

When you successfully boot a system, it prints a banner, followed by messages similar to the
following message:

1. The following message indicates that the system is executing the command procedure SYS

The OpenVMS system is now executing the system startup procedure.

This procedure configures and initializes the system and executes several site-specific command
procedures. For more information, see Section 4.1.4.

2. A short time later (up to a few minutes), the system displays a message similar to the following

The OpenVMS system is now executing the site-specific system startup


This message indicates that the system is executing SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. You can modify
this file to perform various operations at startup time. For more information, see Section 5.2.7.

3. Finally, the procedure displays informational messages and accounting information. For example:

%SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit=64, current interactive value = 0

19-APR-2000 15:00:00.00
SYSTEM job terminated at 19-APR-2000 15:00:00.00

Accounting information:
Buffered I/O count: 133 Peak working set size: 401
Direct I/O count: 12 Peak pagefile size: 2379
Page faults: 325 Mounted volumes: 0
Charged CPU time: 0 00:00:55.23 Elapsed time: 0 00:01:31.24

After the system displays this information, you can log in.

4.2. Booting with Modified System Parameter

Using a conversational boot, you can modify system parameter values as follows:

Task For More

Boot after showing or modifying individual system parameter values Section 4.2.1
Boot with an alternate system parameter file Section 4.2.2
Boot with default values for system parameters Section 4.4.1

Before using a conversational boot to show or modify system parameter values, you must be familiar
with the following terms:

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Term Definition
Active values System parameter values stored in memory and
used by the active system.
Current values System parameter values stored in the default
parameter file. When the system boots, it sets
active values for system parameters using the
current values.
On VAX systems, the default system parameter
On Alpha systems, the default system parameter
On I64 systems, the default system parameter
files is IA64VMSSYS.PAR.3
Default values System parameter values stored in the default list
and used by default.
VAX specific
Alpha specific
I64 specific

For more information about system parameters, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual,
Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

4.2.1. Booting After Showing or Modifying Individual

System Parameter Values
In a conversational boot operation, you can show and modify values for individual parameters1. The
system modifies the values both in memory and in the system parameter file.

How to Perform This Task

1. Follow the instructions for performing a conversational boot in one of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade
and Installation Manual.

2. At the SYSBOOT> prompt, enter SHOW and SET commands to show and change the value of
system parameters. For example:


For information about SET and SHOW commands, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s
Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems (SYSGEN).

3. Enter the CONTINUE command to continue booting:

In most cases, VSI recommends that you use AUTOGEN to modify system parameters. In special cases, however, you can use a
conversational boot to modify a parameter value temporarily. To change a parameter value permanently, you must edit MODPARAMS.DAT
and run AUTOGEN. For instructions, see the VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System



Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit

-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
UAFALTERNATE 0 0 0 1 Boolean

4.2.2. Booting with an Alternate System Parameter File

In programming research and development environments where you must alter operating conditions
for experimentation, testing, and debugging, you might want to temporarily boot your system
using system parameter values stored in a parameter file other than the default parameter file. The
conversational boot operation lets you reset active values using a different parameter file.

How to Perform This Task

1. Follow the instructions for performing a conversational boot in one of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade and Installation

2. At the SYSBOOT> prompt, enter a command in the following format:

USE file-spec

where file-spec specifies the file name and type of the alternate parameter file. The file must
be in SYS$SYSTEM. You cannot specify a device name. For example:

3. Enter the CONTINUE command to continue booting:



4.3. Assigning Port Allocation Classes with

VSI recommends that you use the CLUSTER_CONFIG procedure to define port allocation classes. If
this is not possible (for example, if you are booting a private system disk into an existing cluster), you
can use the SYSBOOT SET/CLASS command to assign port allocation classes to shared SCSI ports.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

For example, if port PKB is connected to a SCSI bus that another node has assigned port allocation
class 152, you would enter the following command:

Be sure that the DEVICE_NAMING parameter is set to 1 to enable new device-naming; for example:

To deassign a port allocation class, enter the port name without a class number; for example:

4.4. Booting in an Emergency

If a system problem prevents your system from booting, you might need to perform an emergency
boot operation. describes these emergency boot operations.

Table 4.1. Emergency Boot Procedures

Operation Use For More
Booting with default system parameters When parameter values in the Section 4.4.1
parameter file have been modified so
that the system is unbootable
Booting without startup and login If an error in the startup or login Section 4.4.2
procedures procedures prevents you from logging
Booting without the user authorization If you have forgotten the password and Section 4.4.3
file cannot log in to a privileged account

4.4.1. Booting with Default System Parameters

If the current values stored in the parameter file have been incorrectly modified, these incorrect values
might cause the system to become unbootable. With a conversational boot operation, you can reset the
active values for all system parameters to the default value.

Note that in most cases, VSI recommends that you use AUTOGEN to modify system parameters. In
special cases, however, you can use a conversational boot to modify a parameter value temporarily.
To change a parameter value permanently, you must edit MODPARAMS.DAT and run AUTOGEN.
For instructions, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and
Complex Systems.

How to Perform This Task

1. Perform a conversational boot by following the instructions in one of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade
and Installation Manual.

2. At the SYSBOOT> prompt, enter the following command:

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System


This command specifies that default values should be used for all parameters.

3. Enter the following command to ensure that the operating system does not record the
STARTUP_P1 parameter change made in Step 2 for subsequent reboots:

4. To avoid starting all layered products on a system that is not tuned for them, possibly causing the
system to hang, set the STARTUP_P1 system parameter as follows:

5. Enter the CONTINUE command to continue booting:


6. When the system finishes booting, determine which changed parameter caused the problem,
and reset the parameter value. If you specified the value for the parameter in the AUTOGEN
parameter file MODPARAMS.DAT, fix the value in that file and run AUTOGEN. For more
information, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and
Complex Systems.

7. Shut down and reboot the system.

Username: SYSTEM

[Insert the following line in MODPARAMS.DAT:]

MIN_NPAGEDYN = 2999808


4.4.2. Booting Without Startup and Login Procedures

If the system does not complete the startup procedures or does not allow you to log in, bypass the
startup and login procedures. The startup and login procedures provided by VSI should always
work. However, if you introduce an error when modifying the startup or login procedures, you can
accidentally lock yourself out of the system. The following instructions tell you what to do in such a

How to Perform This Task

1. Perform a conversational boot operation by following the instructions in one of the following

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade
and Installation Manual.

2. Enter the following command at the SYSBOOT> prompt:


3. Enter the following command to ensure that the operating system does not record the
STARTUP_P1 parameter change made in Step 2 for subsequent reboots:


4. Enter the CONTINUE command to continue booting:


5. When the system is booted, the operator console displays the DCL command prompt ($). You are
logged in.

6. Enter the following DCL command:


This command directs the operating system to ignore any errors that might occur. If you do not
enter this command and you invoke an error, the system will log you out.

7. Correct the error condition that caused the login failure. That is, make the necessary repairs to the
startup or login procedures, or to the UAF.

Invoke a text editor to correct the file. Note that some system consoles might not supply a screen-
mode editor. You can also copy a corrected file and delete the incorrect version by using the
RENAME and DELETE commands.

8. Invoke SYSMAN and enter the following commands to reset the startup procedure:


9. Perform a normal startup by entering the following command:



Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System



4.4.3. Booting Without the User Authorization File

Ordinarily, the startup and login procedures provided by VSI always work;however, certain user
interventions can cause them to fail. A very simple way to lock yourself out of the system is to set
passwords to login accounts and forget them. In such an emergency, you can use the alternate user
authorization file rather than the standard user authorization file.

You can use this method only to log in to the system from the console terminal; you cannot use other
terminal lines.

Setting the system parameter UAFALTERNATE defines the logical name SYSUAF to refer to the file
SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAFALT.DAT. If this file is found during a normal login, the system uses it to
validate the account and prompts you for the user name and password.

If it cannot find this file, the system assumes that the UAF is corrupt and accepts any user name and
any two passwords to log you in to the system from the system console. Logins are prohibited from all
other terminal lines.

When you perform this procedure, the system assigns the following values to your user account:

Field Value
Name User name
UIC [001, 004]
Command interpreter DCL
Login flags None
Priority Value of the system parameter DEFPRI
Resources Values of the PQL system parameters
Privileges All

The process name is usually set to the name of the device on which you logged in (for example,

How to Perform This Task

1. Perform a conversational boot by following the instructions in one of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade
and Installation Manual.

2. At the SYSBOOT> prompt, enter the following command:

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System


3. If your system is running DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS systems, you must also disable the
windowing system by entering the following command:

4. Enter the CONTINUE command to continue booting:


5. When the startup procedure completes, log in on the console terminal by entering any user name
and any two passwords in response to the Username: and Password: prompts.

6. Enter the following command to use the default UAF:


7. Use the Authorize utility to fix the problem that caused you to be locked out of the system (for
example, a forgotten password). Enter HELP MODIFY at the UAF> prompt for information about
modifying passwords. For more details, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities
Reference Manual.

8. Enter the following commands to invoke SYSMAN and clear the UAFALTERNATE system
parameter you set in step 2:

In most cases, VSI recommends that you use AUTOGEN to modify system parameters. However,
since this parameter is being changed only temporarily, you can use SYSMAN or SYSGEN to
change it back.

9. If you disabled the windowing system in step 3, re-enable it by entering the following command:

10. Enter the following command to save the changed system parameter values:

11. Shut down and reboot the system.

Username: [Return]
Password: [Return]
Password: [Return]

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System



4.5. Booting with Controlled Startup

Section 4.1.4 explains the site-independent startup command procedure, SYS
$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM. By default, when your system boots, it automatically executes
STARTUP.COM to execute startup events. Under special circumstances, you might want to control
site-independent startup when you boot the system. For example, you might want to perform one of
the following tasks:

Task For More

Boot with an alternate site-independent startup procedure Section 4.5.1
Boot with an alternate site-independent startup command procedure by default Section 4.5.2
Boot with minimum startup Section 4.5.3
Display startup procedure commands as they execute Section 4.5.4

Do not modify STARTUP.COM. The system requires this procedure to correctly start up the system.
For information about modifying site-specific startup procedures to perform site-specific operations,
see Section 5.2.

4.5.1. Booting with an Alternate Site-Independent

Startup Procedure
The default system startup procedure is SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM. VSI recommends you
do not modify STARTUP.COM. However, in special environments, you might want the system
to perform special startup commands. The conversational boot lets you specify that the system
temporarily use an alternate startup procedure.

You can also perform site-specific startup events by adding commands to the site-specific startup
command procedures. For more information, see Section 5.2.

How to Perform This Task

1. Follow the instructions for performing a conversational boot in one of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade
and Installation Manual.

2. Enter the following command to show the current startup file:


Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

3. Enter a command in the following format to specify the alternate site-independent startup
command procedure:

SET/STARTUP file-spec

where file-spec specifies the entire file specification for the startup file to be used, including the
device and directory. For example:


If the startup file specified as file-spec does not exist, the system displays the following message:

Error opening primary input file SYS$INPUTFile not found

Check the file name you entered. Make sure you specified it correctly.

4. Enter the following command to verify the change:


5. Enter the following command to continue booting:


To make your alternate site-independent startup procedure the default startup procedure, see
Section 4.5.2.

Startup command file = SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM
Startup command file = SYS$SYSTEM:XSTARTUP.COM

4.5.2. Specifying an Alternate Default Startup

Command Procedure
The default system startup procedure is SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM. However, in special
environments, you might want the system to perform special startup commands. If you frequently
require a startup command procedure other than SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM, you can specify
that the alternate procedure be used by default.

How to Perform This Task

1. Edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT. AUTOGEN uses this file to modify

2. Add a line to MODPARAMS.DAT assigning the name of your alternate procedure to the symbol
STARTUP. For example:


3. At a convenient time, invoke AUTOGEN. When the system reboots, the procedure specified in
step 2 becomes the default startup command procedure.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

[Insert the following line in MODPARAMS.DAT:]

4.5.3. Booting with Minimum Startup

In special cases, you might want to boot your system without performing the full sequence of startup
events. For example, if a startup event prevents you from logging in, you might want to boot the
system without executing the startup, so that you can log in and fix the problem.

When you boot with minimum startup, the system starts only the components that are absolutely
required to run the system. These tasks can vary between different releases of the operating system.

When you boot with minimum startup, the CONFIGURE process is not created. If external devices
are needed on this boot, add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM:


How to Perform This Task

1. Follow the instructions for performing a conversational boot in one of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade
and Installation Manual.

2. At the SYSBOOT> prompt, enter the following command:


3. Enter the following command to continue booting:


4. After the system boots, log in and enter the following commands to invoke SYSMAN and clear
the STARTUP_P1 parameter you set in step 2:


Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

[perform a conversational boot]
[system completes booting]
Username: [Return]
Password: [Return]

If you boot with minimum startup with the VAXCLUSTER system parameter set to 0, the only HSC
or DSSI devices that will be accessible will be the boot device and then only if the boot device is
controlled by an HSC or a DSSI controller.

To make HSC and DSSI devices accessible, perform one of the following actions:

• Use this command:


This makes the devices accessible without rebooting the system.

• Reboot the system setting the STARTUP_P1 system parameter to "".

• Reboot the system with the VAXCLUSTER system parameter set to 1 or 2.

4.5.4. Booting While Displaying Startup Procedure

In some cases—for example, when you are trying to test a startup command procedure, or when
troubleshooting startup problems—it is helpful to display the startup commands as they are executed.

How to Perform This Task

1. Follow the instructions for performing a conversational boot in one of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade
and Installation Manual.

2. At the SYSBOOT> prompt, enter the following command:


3. Enter the following command to continue booting:


Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

4. After the system boots, log in and enter the following commands to invoke SYSMAN and clear
the STARTUP_P2 parameter you set in step 2:

[perform a conversational boot]
[system completes booting]
Username: [Return]
Password: [Return]

4.5.5. Displaying Startup Procedure Commands with

In addition to performing a conversational boot to display startup procedures, you can use SYSMAN
to display startup status with the STARTUP SET OPTIONS command. The advantage of using
SYSMAN is that you can obtain verification and logging for multiple nodes at a time.

SYSMAN startup logging redefines STARTUP_P2 to specify:

• The amount of debugging information STARTUP.COM displays

• Whether to keep a log of the startup

The STARTUP SET OPTIONS command provides the options shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2. Startup Logging Options

Option Function
/VERIFY=FULL Displays every line of DCL executed by component startup procedures
/VERIFY=PARTIAL Displays every line of DCL executed by component startup procedures,
but does not display DCL executed by STARTUP.COM.
all of the output generated by startup procedures. Alternatively, you can
/OUTPUT=CONSOLE display the output on the console.
/CHECKPOINTING Displays informational messages describing the time and status of each
startup phase and component file.

How to Perform This Task

1. At the DCL prompt ($), enter the following command:

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

2. At the SYSMAN> prompt, enter the following command:


Qualifiers can be any of the options specified in Table 4.2. These options take effect the next time
you boot the system.


This example requests startup logging with:

• Full verification

• Output to the STARTUP.LOG file

• Checkpointing

To show the current startup options, enter the following command:


For more information, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

4.6. Solving Booting Problems

A hardware or software malfunction can prevent the operating system from booting when you enter
the BOOT command.

Hardware Problems
A read error on a disk drive or console medium, or a machine check error, might indicate a hardware
malfunction. When a hardware problem occurs, a question mark (?) usually precedes the error
message that is displayed on the system console terminal. You should then perform one or both of the
following actions:

• Consult the hardware manual for your computer.

• Contact your VSI support representative.

Software Problems
If the operating system is loaded into memory but the STARTUP.COM command procedure does not
execute, a software malfunction has probably occurred. Suspect this condition if a message similar to
following message does not appear:
The OpenVMS system is now executing the system startup procedure.

Perform one or both of the following actions to correct the situation:

• Try again, by repeating the boot procedure. For instructions, refer to one of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the most recent version of the OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade
and Installation Manual.

If you have a removable system disk, replace it with a backup copy of the system disk. Try to boot
the system again.

• Leave the system disk in the original drive. Restore a backup copy of the system disk. For
instructions, see Section 11.17.Try to boot the system again.

4.7. Writing a New Boot Block on the System

Block 0 on a system disk is the boot block. It contains the size and location of the primary bootstrap
image, which is used to boot the system.

On VAX systems, the primary bootstrap image is VMB.EXE.

On Alpha systems, the primary bootstrap image is APB.EXE.

On I64 systems, the primary bootstrap image is IPB.EXE.

Certain processors must read the boot block to obtain the location of the primary bootstrap image.
Processors that read a boot block include the following ones:

• VAX–11/750

• VAX 8200, 8250, 8300, and 8350

• VAX 6000–200, 6000–300, 6000–400, 6000–500, and 6000–600

• VAX 7000 and VAX 10000

• All Alpha and I64 systems (subject to change for future systems)

To determine if your system reads the boot block, check one of the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade and
Installation Manual.

If you suspect that the boot block on the system disk is invalid, you can write a new boot block using
the Writeboot utility (WRITEBOOT).The following actions might cause a boot block to become

• Modifying the primary bootstrap image with the SET FILE/MOVE command or the $MOVEFILE
system service.

• Restoring a backup of the system disk created without the /IMAGE qualifier.

• Adding a new version of the primary bootstrap image, for example, during an operating system
upgrade. (When the upgrade procedure adds a new version of the primary bootstrap image, it
automatically uses WRITEBOOT to write a new boot block.)

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

• Adding a new version of the primary bootstrap image that is not contiguous on disk. (Use the
DIRECTORY/FULL command to determine this.)

Instructions for using the WRITEBOOT utility are somewhat different on VAX and Alpha systems.
Instructions for performing this task on VAX and Alpha systems follow. You must have LOG_IO
privilege to use WRITEBOOT.

On I64 systems, you use SETBOOT to write a boot block. Instructions for performing this task are
also in this section.

How to Perform This Task

On VAX systems, follow these steps to use the Writeboot utility:

1. To start the Writeboot utility, enter the following command:


2. The procedure displays the following message:

Target system device (and boot file if not VMB.EXE):?

On VAX systems, VMB.EXE is the default bootstrap image. Enter a response in the following


Use the device name format described in the upgrade and installation documentation for your
processor. If you want to boot using a bootstrap image other than the default, you must specify the
full file specification of the image, including device and directory.

3. The procedure displays the following message:

Enter VBN of boot file code (default is one):

Ordinarily, the boot code is located at virtual block number (VBN) 1of the bootstrap image. Press
Return to accept the default value of 1.

4. The procedure displays the following message:

Enter load address of primary bootstrap in HEX (default is 200):

The load address is the location in memory (specified in hexadecimal notation) to which the
system loads the bootstrap image. Ordinarily you copy the bootstrap image to address 200. Press
Return to accept the default value of 200.

5. The Writeboot utility writes the information you specified to the boot block (block 0)on the
system disk.

On VAX systems, the Writeboot utility might display one or more of the following error messages:

• “You lack LOG_IO privilege.”

This message means you do not have the correct privilege to use the Writeboot utility.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

• “You lack READ and/or WRITE access to TARGET DEVICE. DISMOUNT and reMOUNT it.”

This message means that access to the target device is limited. Check the WRITE PROTECT
button on the disk drive.

• “Boot file is not contiguous.”

This message means that the primary bootstrap image, VMB.EXE, is not contiguous on disk.
Enter the following command:


Rewrite the boot block for the new image by running WRITEBOOT again.

• “VBN must be >= 1.”

This message means you cannot specify a 0 as the virtual block number (VBN).


On VAX systems, the following example writes a boot block on a system disk:

Target system device (and boot file if not VMB.EXE):?
Enter VBN of boot file code (default is one):[Return]
Enter load address of primary bootstrap in HEX (default is 200):

How to Perform This Task on Alpha Systems

On Alpha systems, follow these steps to use the Writeboot utility:

1. To start the Writeboot utility, enter the following command:


The procedure asks you whether you want to write the VAX portion of the boot block:

Update VAX portion of boot block (default is Y):

2. Enter NO.

3. The utility displays the following prompt:

Update Alpha portion of boot block (default is Y):

Press Return to accept the default value of Y.

4. The utility prompts you for the Alpha bootstrap image:

Enter Alpha boot file:

On Alpha systems, APB.EXE is the default bootstrap image. Enter a response in the following


Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

where device specifies the device name of the system disk.

5. The Writeboot utility writes the information you specified to the boot block (block 0) on the
system disk.

On Alpha systems, the Writeboot utility might display one or more of the following error messages:

• “You lack LOG_IO privilege.”

This message means you do not have the correct privilege to use the Writeboot utility.

• “You lack READ and/or WRITE access to TARGET DEVICE. DISMOUNT and reMOUNT it.”

This message means that access to the target device is limited. Check the WRITE PROTECT
button on the disk drive.

• “Boot file is not contiguous.”

This message means that the primary bootstrap image, APB.EXE, is not contiguous on disk. Enter
the following command:


Rewrite the boot block for the new image by running WRITEBOOT again.


On Alpha systems, the following example writes a boot block on a system disk:

Update VAX portion of boot block (default is Y): N
Update Alpha portion of boot block (default is Y): [Return]
Enter Alpha boot file: DUA0:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]APB.EXE;

How to Perform This Task on I64 Systems

To write a boot block for OpenVMS I64 systems, HP provides the DCL SET BOOTBLOCK
command, which functions similarly to the Writeboot utility (WRITEBOOT.EXE) used on
OpenVMS Alpha systems. (Do not use the Writeboot utility on OpenVMS I64 systems.)

SET BOOTBLOCK allows you to create a bootable OpenVMS Alpha system disk from one that
was originally created by one of the following methods:

• A nonimage backup of an OpenVMS I64 system disk (possibly corrupting the boot block)

• A nonimage restore of an OpenVMS I64 system disk from an image save set

The SET BOOTBLOCK command also allows you to rewrite the boot block of an OpenVMS I64
system disk to point to a new version of the OpenVMS I64 primary bootstrap file (SYS$EFI.SYS)
that you have previously copied to the disk. (Note that the file must be contiguous.)

To write a boot block onto a disk, enter the following command:

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

You can specify a boot file with the command. By default, the command creates the bootfile SYS
$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON.SYS$LDR]SYS$EFI.SYS. The boot file must be contiguous.
If it is not contiguous, use the DCL COPY/CONTIGUOUS command or similar to recreate a
contiguous version of the boot file. In addition, the boot file must also be marked NOMOVE (use
the DCL SET FILE/NOMOVE command) to avoid bootstrap failures that could otherwise arise
from the normal and expected operations of disk defragmentation tools.

Alternatively, you can write a boot block by entering the following command:


The utility prompts you for the required input (as does the OpenVMS Alpha Writeboot utility).

4.8. Shutting Down the System

The operating system provides the following shutdown procedures:

Procedure Purpose For More

SHUTDOWN.COM An orderly shutdown procedure. This Section 4.8.1
procedure shuts down the system
while performing housekeeping
functions such as disabling future
logins, stopping the batch and output
queues, dismounting mounted volumes,
and stopping user processes.
OPCCRASH.EXE An emergency shutdown program. Section 4.8.5
Run the OPCCRASH emergency
shutdown program if you are unable
to perform an orderly shutdown with
Shutdown using console commands Emergency shutdown commands. Use Section 4.8.6
these console shutdown commands
only if OPCCRASH.EXE fails.

4.8.1. Performing an Orderly Shutdown with

Use SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM to shut down the system in an orderly fashion. See
Section 4.8.2 for the order of shutdown events.

Do not modify SHUTDOWN.COM. To perform site-specific operations during shutdown, see

Section 4.8.3.

Ordinarily, you shut down the system from the SYSTEM account, which includes all privileges by
default. To execute SHUTDOWN.COM, you must have either the SETPRV privilege or all of the
following privileges:


Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System


You can cancel a shutdown without any side effects by pressing Ctrl/Y before SHUTDOWN.COM
displays the following message:

%SHUTDOWN-I-SITESHUT, The site-specific shutdown procedure will now be


If you press Ctrl/Y after this display, certain system components might have already been shut down,
and you will need to recover manually. For example, you might have to manually restart processes,
mount disks, or reboot the system.

How to Perform This Task

1. Log in to the system manager's account (SYSTEM), or any privileged account, and enter the
following command:


This command invokes the orderly shutdown procedure. The procedure prompts you with a series
of questions and messages. The default responses appear in brackets at the end of each question.
Press Return to select the default response.

2. The system displays the following question:

How many minutes until final shutdown [0]?

Enter an integer. If you have defined the system logical name SHUTDOWN
$MINIMUM_MINUTES, its integer value is the minimum value that you can enter. For example,
if the logical name is defined as 10, you must specify at least 10 minutes to final shutdown or an
error message is returned. If you do not enter a value, SHUTDOWN.COM uses the logical name

The default is 0 minutes. If you have not defined the logical name SHUTDOWN
$MINIMUM_MINUTES, and you do not enter a value, the system will beshut down immediately
after you answer the last question.

3. The system displays the following question:

Reason for shutdown [standalone]:

Enter a one-line reason for shutting down the system. For example, “Monthly preventive

4. The system displays the following question:

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Do you want to spin down the disk volumes [No]?

Enter YES or NO (Y or N). Note, however, that you cannot spin down the system disk. Also,
many disks, particularly SCSI disks, do not spin down in response to this option.

5. The system displays the following question:

Do you want to invoke the site-specific shutdown procedure [Yes]?

If you have entered site-specific commands in SYSHUTDWN.COM, press Return to accept the
default answer, YES. For more information, see Section

6. The system displays the following question:

Should an automatic system reboot be performed [No]?

By default, the system does not automatically reboot. However, if you respond YES, the system
attempts to reboot automatically when the shutdown is complete. For example, you would specify
YES if you are rebooting the system after modifying values for nondynamic system parameters
with SYSMAN or SYSGEN. (When you change nondynamic system parameters, you must reboot
the system for the new values to take effect.)

7. The system displays a question similar to the following one:

When will the system be rebooted [later]?

If you entered YES in step 6, the default answer to this question is “[shortly via automatic

Press Return to take the default, or enter the expected reboot time in the format you want users
to see. For example, you could specify IMMEDIATELY, or IN 10MINUTES, or a time such as 2
P.M. or 14:00. If you do not know when the system will be available again, press Return to specify
“later” as the time when the system will reboot.

8. The procedure prompts you to specify one or more shutdown options, as follows (if your
system is not a member of an OpenVMS Cluster environment, the procedure lists only the
Shutdown options (enter as a comma-separated list):
REMOVE_NODE Remaining nodes in the cluster should adjust quorum
CLUSTER_SHUTDOWN Entire cluster is shutting down
REBOOT_CHECK Check existence of basic system files
SAVE_FEEDBACK Save AUTOGEN feedback information from this boot
DISABLE_AUTOSTART Disable autostart queues
Shutdown options [NONE]

Specify the options you want to use. Choose from the options in the following table:
Option Description
REMOVE_NODE Causes other nodes in the cluster to decrease
the value of the EXPECTED_VOTES system
parameter. (This parameter is automatically
increased each time a node joins the
cluster.)Specifying REMOVE_NODE will not
decrease the EXPECTED_VOTES below the
quorum value.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Option Description
Use this option if the node you are shutting down
will be out of the cluster a considerable period of

When you use this option, all locally attached

disks are dismounted clusterwide. Therefore,
you must shut down applications on other nodes
that have open files on the locally attached disks.
Failure to do so might cause mount verify timeout
problems as well as application problems.
CLUSTER_SHUTDOWN Synchronizes the shutdown of a cluster; only
when the shutdown of each node has progressed
to a certain point will the shutdown be completed.

Use this option on each node in the cluster to

synchronize the shutdown.
REBOOT_CHECK Verifies the presence of files necessary to reboot
the system after shutdown completes.

The procedure checks for the necessary files and

notifies you if any are missing. Replace missing
files before proceeding.
SAVE_FEEDBACK Records feedback data collected from the system
since it was last booted and creates a new version
of the AUTOGEN feedback data file, which
AUTOGEN can use the next time it runs.

For detailed information about using the

AUTOGEN feedback mechanism, see VSI
OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2:
Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.
DISABLE_AUTOSTART Specifies the time interval between the DISABLE
system shutdown. For more information, see


SHUTDOWN – Perform an Orderly System Shutdown

How many minutes until final shutdown [0]: 10
Reason for shutdown: [Standalone] MONTHLY PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE
Do you want to spin down the disk volumes [No]?
Do you want to invoke the site-specific shutdown procedure [Yes]?
Should an automatic system reboot be performed [No]?
When will the system be rebooted [later]? 12:30
Shutdown options (enter as a comma-separated list):
REMOVE_NODE Remaining nodes in the cluster should adjust quorum
CLUSTER_SHUTDOWN Entire cluster is shutting down

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

REBOOT_CHECK Check existence of basic system files

SAVE_FEEDBACK Save AUTOGEN feedback information from this boot
DISABLE_AUTOSTART Disable autostart queues
Shutdown options [NONE]

SHUTDOWN message on AVALON, from user SYSTEM at _AVALON$OPA0: 12:00:00.20

AVALON will shut down in 10 minutes; back up 12:30. Please log off node

%SHUTDOWN-I-OPERATOR, This terminal is now an operator's console.

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 16-MAY-2000 12:01:00.15 %%%%%%%%%%%
Operator status for operator _AVALON$OPA0:

%SHUTDOWN-I-DISLOGINS, Interactive logins will now be disabled.

%SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 0 current interactive value = 17
%SHUTDOWN-I-SHUTNET, The DECnet network will now be shut down.

SHUTDOWN message on AVALON, from user SYSTEM at _AVALON$OPA0: 12:05:00.20

AVALON will shut down in 5 minutes; back up 12:30. Please log off node

17 terminals have been notified on AVALON.

SHUTDOWN message on AVALON from user SYSTEM at

_AVALON$OPA0: 12:06:55.28
AVALON will shut down in 3 minutes; back up 12:30. Please log off node

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 16-MAY-2000 12:07:12.30 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user DECnet on AVALON
DECnet event 2.0, local node state change
From node 2.161 (AVALON), 16-MAY-2000 12:07:22.26
Operator command, Old state = On, New state = Shut
SHUTDOWN message on AVALON user SYSTEM at
_AVALON$OPA0: 12:08:12.56
AVALON will shut down in 2 minutes; back up 12:30. Please log off node

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 16-MAY-2000 12:08:12:30 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on AVALON-SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, normal successful

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 16-MAY-2000 12:08:42.30 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user DECNET on AVALONDECnet shutting down

%SYSTEM-I-STOPQUEUES, The queues on this node will now be stopped.

SHUTDOWN message on AVALON from user SYSTEM at
_AVALON$OPA0: 12:09:12.56

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

AVALON will shut down in 1 minute; back up 12:30. Please log off node

SHUTDOWN message on AVALON, from user SYSTEM at

_AVALON$OPA0: 12:10:00.20
AVALON will shut down in 0 minutes; back up 12:30. Please log off node

17 terminals have been notified on AVALON

%SHUTDOWN-I-SITESHUT, The site-specific shutdown procedure will now be
%SHUTDOWN-I-STOPUSER, All user processes will now be stopped.
%SHUTDOWN-I-REMOVE, All installed images will now be removed.
%SHUTDOWN-I-DISMOUNT, All volumes will now be dismounted.
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 16-MAY-2000 12:09:42.30 %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user System on AVALON_AVALON$OPA0:, AVALON shutdown was
requested by the operator.

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 16-MAY-2000 12:10:02.44 %%%%%%%%%%%

Logfile was closed by operator _AVALON$OPA0:Logfile was SYS$SYSROOT:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 16-MAY-2000 12:10:32.20 %%%%%%%%%%%

Operator _AVALON$OPA0: has been disabled, username SYSTEM


On VAX systems, the following message is also displayed:


Halt the system after you see this message.

4.8.2. Understanding the Order of Shutdown Events

The following events occur as the shutdown proceeds. The procedure displays the corresponding
messages on the terminal.

1. At decreasing time intervals, SHUTDOWN.COM broadcasts, to all users on the system, a

message requesting users to log out.

2. SHUTDOWN.COM defines the system logical name SHUTDOWN$TIME to be the absolute

time of shutdown. For example, if you execute SHUTDOWN.COM, and at 12:00 you specify the
value 10 in response to the first question, SHUTDOWN defines the logical name to be 12:10 on
that day. To see if a shutdown is in progress or to determine the actual time of shutdown, you can
enter the command SHOW LOGICAL SHUTDOWN$TIME. This feature is useful if you miss a
shutdown broadcast message.

3. At 6 minutes or less before system shutdown, the terminal from which you invoked SHUTDOWN
becomes an operator's console. SHUTDOWN disables all future non-operator logins and shuts
down the DECnet network if it is running. At this point, users logged in to the system with the
SET HOST command lose their sessions.

4. One minute before shutdown, SHUTDOWN.COM stops batch and output execution queues and
stops the queue manager.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

5. At the absolute time of shutdown, SHUTDOWN.COM invokes the site-specific shutdown

command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM, if you requested it.

6. SHUTDOWN.COM stops all remaining user processes; however, system processes continue.
Ancillary control processes (ACPs)might delete themselves when their mounted volumes are
finally dismounted.

7. On multiprocessor systems, SHUTDOWN.COM stops the secondary processors.

8. SHUTDOWN.COM removes all installed images.

9. SHUTDOWN.COM dismounts all mounted volumes and, if you requested it, spins down the
disks. If you defined SHUTDOWN$VERBOSE, the procedure lists each disk as it is dismounted.

The procedure does not spin down the system disk, nor does it dismount or spin down the quorum
disk (if one exists on your system).

10. SHUTDOWN.COM closes the operator log file.

11. SHUTDOWN.COM runs the program SYS$SYSTEM:OPCCRASH.EXE to shut down the


12. If you requested an automatic reboot, the system reboots, provided you set the necessary controls.
You requested an automatic reboot if you answered YES to the following question:

Should an automatic system reboot be performed [No]?

If you did not request an automatic reboot, a message similar to the following one appears on the
system console:


On VAX systems, the following message is also displayed:


Halt the system after you see this message.

4.8.3. Customizing SHUTDOWN.COM to Perform Site-

Specific Operations
In addition to choosing shutdown options when you execute SHUTDOWN.COM, you can customize
SHUTDOWN.COM to meet the needs of your site in the following ways.

Method For More

Defining logical names Section
Modifying the site-specific shutdown command procedure Section Defining Logical Names

Before executing SHUTDOWN.COM, you can define the following logical names to control the
operations of the command procedure:

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Logical Name Description

SHUTDOWN$DECNET_MINUTES Defines the number of minutes remaining before
DECnet is shut down; must be defined with the /
SYSTEM qualifier. The default is 6 minutes.
SHUTDOWN$DISABLE_AUTOSTART Specifies the number of minutes between the time
autostart is disabled for queues and the time the
system is shut down; must be defined with the /
SYSTEM qualifier. For more information, see
SHUTDOWN$INFORM_NODES Specifies a list of OpenVMS Cluster nodes to be
notified when the system is shutting down. This
logical name is described in detail in this section.
SHUTDOWN$MINIMUM_MINUTES Defines the minimum number of minutes you can
specify as number of minutes to shutdown. For
example, if your users require 30 minutes' notice
before a system shutdown, define this logical
name to be 30. This logical must be defined with
the /SYSTEM qualifier.
SHUTDOWN$QUEUE_MINUTES Defines the number of minutes remaining before
shutdown when queues are shut down; must be
defined with the /SYSTEM qualifier. The default
is 1 minute.
SHUTDOWN$TIME Defines the absolute time of the shutdown; must
be defined with the /SYSTEM qualifier.
SHUTDOWN$VERBOSE If defined to any string, specifies that the
shutdown command procedure is to list each disk
as it is dismounted.

If you plan to use an option every time you use SHUTDOWN.COM, define the logical name in
the site-specific startup command procedure SYLOGICALS.COM. For more information, see
Section 5.2.5.

Specifying a List of Nodes to Be Notified When the System Is Shutting Down

You can define the logical name SHUTDOWN$INFORM_NODES to be a list of OpenVMS

Cluster nodes that are notified when the system is shut down. You must define SHUTDOWN

To define SHUTDOWN$INFORM_NODES, enter a command in the following format:


where node-list specifies the list of nodes to be informed. For example:


If you plan to inform the same nodes every time you shut down the system, add the command to
the site-specific startup command procedure SYLOGICALS.COM. For more information, see
Section 5.2.5.

If you define SHUTDOWN$INFORM_NODES, all member nodes included in the list are notified
when you execute SHUTDOWN.COM. Users on the node that is being shut down are always notified,

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

regardless of whether you define SHUTDOWN$INFORM_NODES. If you omit the name of the
node that is being shut down from the list specified in the DEFINE command, SHUTDOWN.COM
automatically adds the name to the list.

The information in Table 4.3 indicates which nodes are notified at different phases of the shutdown
sequence, depending on whether SHUTDOWN$INFORM_NODES is defined.

Table 4.3. Node Notification During Shutdown


First shutdown notification Notify all terminals on all nodes Notify all terminals on all listed
Between first shutdown Notify all terminals logged in to Notify all users logged in on all
notification and 2minutes before the node that is shutting down listed nodes
final shutdown
Between 2 minutes before final Notify all users logged in on all Notify all users logged in on all
shutdown notification until final nodes listed nodes
Shutdown canceled Notify all terminals on all nodes Notify all terminals on all listed
nodes Modifying the Site-Specific Shutdown Command

You can add site-specific commands to the site-specific shutdown procedure SYS
$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM. An empty SYSHUTDWN.COM file is included in your
distribution kit.

SHUTDOWN.COM prompts you to indicate if you want to execute the site-specific procedure

Do you want to invoke the site-specific shutdown procedure [Yes]?

Press Return to accept the default answer YES. Using the SYSHUTDWN_0010.TEMPLATE Procedure

Some applications use batch queues and print queues heavily to meet the application
requirements. In these heavy use environments, it is recommended to run the optional procedure
SYSHUTDWN_0010.COM to stop all the application activity prior to the SYSHUTDWN.COM
procedure terminating queue operations.

The file SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN_0010.TEMPLATE illustrates three different functions a

system administrator might want to perform before shutting down the queue system.

1. The RESET_QUEUES function checks for queues and jobs that could hang or significantly delay
shutdown and cleans them off the system.

2. The QMAN_CHECKPOINT function requests the queue manager shrink the queue journal file,
file type .QMAN$JOURNAL, to the smallest possible size.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

3. The KILL_SYMBIONTS function searches for any symbiont processes that are not stopping and
kills them. Some symbionts may have long wait times to connect to devices over a WAN and
refuse to stop until a network response is received.

Rename SYSHUTDWN_0010.TEMPLATE to SYSHUTDWN_0010.COM and the procedure will be

executed at the next system shutdown. Dismounting Shadow Sets in Site-Specific Shutdown

The default SHUTDOWN.COM procedure that ships with the operating system performs a
DISMOUNT/ABORT/OVERRIDE=CHECKS operation on all mounted volumes. If files are left open
on any mounted shadow sets, a merge operation is required for these shadow sets when the system is

To prevent such unnecessary merge operations, VSI recommends that you modify each site-specific
SYSHUTDWN.COM command procedure to dismount the shadow sets without using the /ABORT/
OVERRIDE=CHECKS command qualifiers. If you find open files, close them.

4.8.4. Performing an Orderly Shutdown with SYSMAN

The advantage of using the System Management Utility (SYSMAN) for shutdown is that you can shut
down a group of nodes quickly. SYSMAN enables you to enter all of the shutdown parameters in one
command line, rather than responding to the interactive dialog in SHUTDOWN.COM. SYSMAN
does not wait for the nodes to shut down before you can use other SYSMAN commands; the interface
returns immediately.

How to Perform This Task

1. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt ($):


2. At the SYSMAN> prompt, enter the following command:


Qualifiers can be any of the following options:

Qualifier Function
MINUTES_TO_SHUTDOWN Indicates the number of minutes until shutdown
REASON Indicates the reason for the shutdown.
REBOOT_TIME Indicates the time you expect to reboot the
system, such as LATER, 2 P.M., or 14:00. This
time is displayed in the shutdown message to
[NO]SPIN_DOWN_DISKS Spins down disks. The default is NO. You cannot
spin down the system disk.
[NO]INVOKE_SYSHUTDOWN Invokes the site-specific shutdown procedure.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Qualifier Function
[NO]AUTOMATIC_REBOOT Reboots the system automatically when the
shutdown is complete. The default is NO.
[NO]REBOOT_CHECK Checks for basic operating system files and
notifies you if any are missing. The default is NO.
[NO]CLUSTER_SHUTDOWN Shuts down the entire OpenVMS Cluster system.
The default is NO.
[NO]REMOVE_NODE Removes the node from the active cluster
quorum; use this when you do not expect the
shut-down node to rejoin the cluster for an
extended period. The default is NO.
[NO]SAVE_FEEDBACK Records feedback data from the system since it
was last booted and creates a new version of the
AUTOGEN feedback data file, which you can use
the next time you run AUTOGEN. The default is



If you enter this command example on NODE21, it requests a shutdown on NODE21 with:

• A message to users on all the cluster nodes, specifying:

SHUTDOWN message on node NODE21, from user SYSTEM at _NODE21$0PA0:

12:00:00:20. NODE21 will shut down in 10 minutes; back up later.

• A check for any missing operating system files and notification any are missing

• Creation of a new AUTOGEN feedback data file based on the feedback data collected since the
system was last booted

For more information, see the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

4.8.5. Performing an Emergency Shutdown with the

Ordinarily, you shut down the system using the orderly shutdown procedure SHUTDOWN.COM.
After SHUTDOWN.COM performs orderly housekeeping tasks, it invokes the program SYS
$SYSTEM:OPCCRASH.EXE to shut down the system. OPCCRASH.EXE performs only the
following minimal housekeeping functions:

• Writes the modified page list back to disk. This ensures that all writable section files are updated
to their correct state before the system crashes and all in-memory data is lost.

• Unless the logical name OPC$NODUMP is defined, creates a crash dump by writing physical
memory to the system dump file. For more information about the system dump file, see VSI
OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

In an emergency, if you cannot invoke SHUTDOWN.COM, you can run the OPCCRASH.EXE
program to shut down your system immediately without performing any of the housekeeping
functions that ensure an orderly shutdown.

Run the OPCCRASH.EXE program directly only if SHUTDOWN.COM fails.

How to Perform This Task

To run the OPCCRASH.EXE program directly, you must have the CMKRNL privilege. You can enter
the commands from any terminal and any privileged account. Follow these steps:

1. Log in to any privileged account.

2. Enter the following command:


3. If the system fails to respond after a few minutes, use the CRASH procedure or, if your system
does not have a CRASH procedure, enter the emergency shutdown commands described in one of
the following manuals:

• On VAX systems, refer to the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and
Installation Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade
and Installation Manual.

4. A message similar to the following one is displayed at the console:


On VAX systems, the following message is also displayed:


Halt the system when you see this message.

The following example runs the OPCCRASH program to force a system crash, and halts the system:


HALTED AT 8000708A

On VAX systems, the following message is also displayed:


Halt the system when you see this message.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

4.8.6. Performing an Emergency Shutdown Using

Console Commands
Certain computer consoles have an additional emergency CRASH command. If your computer has
the CRASH command, it is located on the console media; you can execute it only from the console
prompt on the console terminal. For example:

P00>>> CRASH

If the CRASH command does not exist on your console, you can shut down the system manually from
the console.

Use CRASH commands from the console only if the OPCCRASH.EXE program fails.

On VAX systems, enter the following commands:

P00>>> D PSL 041F0000

P00>>> CON

On Alpha systems, enter the following commands:

P00>>> D PS 1F00
P00>>> CON

On I64 systems, you can do either of the following:

• Enter Ctrl/P. The system then prompts you to Crash if the XDELTA boot flag is not set.

• Go to the MP console and type TC (Take Crash) from the Command Menu.

See one of the following manuals for a description of the CRASH command or for equivalent
commands to use to force an abrupt emergency shutdown:

• On VAX systems, see the most recent versions of the OpenVMS VAX Upgrade and Installation
Manual and the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade and
Installation Manual.

4.9. Reconfiguring Devices on OpenVMS I64

You can reconfigure boot and dump devices on I64 systems at either of two times:

• After you shut down the system following an installation – but before the system is booted. To use
this method, you issue EFI Utilities for OpenVMS commands starting at the EFI Shell> option of
the EFI Boot Manager.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

This method is explained in Appendix B of the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 Upgrade and
Installation Manual. The EFI utilities commands are explained in the “EFI Utilities for
OpenVMS” chapter in the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L.

• Before you shut down the system following installation and initial booting. For this method, you
enter DCL commands from the DCL command prompt and select options from the OpenVMS I64
Boot Manager Utility, BOOT_OPTIONS.COM, menu. Using the BOOT_OPTIONS command
procedure, you can reconfigure boot, dump, or debug devices before you shut down the system
prior to rebooting.

4.9.1. Understanding the OpenVMS I64 Boot Manager

The OpenVMS I64 Boot Manager Utility is a command procedure called BOOT_OPTIONS.COM,
which displays menus from which you can select options to manipulate the entries on the following
lists that are maintained on OpenVMS I64 systems:

• Boot device list

• Dump device list

• Debug device list

After selecting the list you want to modify, you can add, display, and remove entries from the list and
change the position of an entry on the list. On the boot device list, you can also validate and correct

4.9.2. Starting to Use BOOT_OPTIONS.COM

After installing an OpenVMS system using Option 1 of the operating system menu, the system
displays an operating system menu that contains eight options. (The steps prior to this are explained in
more detail in the VSI OpenVMS Version 8.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual.)

On the operating system menu, select Option 7, Execute DCL commands and procedures. Enter the
following from the DCL prompt:

The system then displays the BOOT_OPTIONS main configuration menu shown in Example 4.1.

Example 4.1. Default BOOT_OPTIONS Configuration Menu

OpenVMS I64 Boot Manager Boot Options List Management Utility

(1) ADD an entry to the Boot Options list

(2) DISPLAY the Boot Options list
(3) REMOVE an entry from the Boot Options list
(4) MOVE the position of an entry on the Boot Options list
(5) VALIDATE Boot Options and fix them as necessary
(6) Modify the Boot Options TIMEOUT setting
(B) Set to operate on the Boot Device Options list
(D) Set to operate on the Dump Device List
(G) Set to operate on the Debug Device List
(E) EXIT configuration procedure
You can also enter CTRL/Y at any time to abort this utility

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Enter your choice:

Table 4.4 explains the options in Example 4.1 in more detail.

Table 4.4. Options on the BOOT_OPTIONS Configuration Menu

Option Description
1 ADD Add an entry to the option list you have selected.
2 DISPLAY Display the contents of the option list you have selected.
3 REMOVE Remove an entry from the option list you have selected.
4 MOVE Change the position of an entry in the option list you have
5 VALIDATE Verify an entry in a selected option list and correct entries in
the list, as necessary.
6 TIMEOUT Modify the timeout value.
B BOOT Select the Boot (Device) Options List. (Default)
D DUMP Select the Dump Device List.
G DEBUG Select the Dubug Device List.
E EXIT Return to the DCL prompt.

The BOOT_OPTIONS Configuration menu contains the following types of lists:

• Boot (Device) Options list

This list contains devices that are available for the EFI Boot Manager to boot from. The list is also
used by some EFI drivers for selective configuration of boot devices. For example, the VSI 2Port
2Gb Fibre Channel Adapter EFI driver searches the boot device options list for entries that contain
the adapter path for the fibre channel device. Any matching entries on the SAN Name Server are
logged in and reported to the EFI Shell.

• Dump Device Options list

This list is used specifically for configuring Dump Off the System Disk (DOSD). For instructions,
refer to VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex

• Debug Device Options list

This list is specifically used for configuring the Debug Device for the System Code Debugger.
This option is currently not supported in this release.

The name of the currently selected option list is displayed in the banner of the BOOT_OPTIONS
configuration menu, shown in Example 4.1. The configuration menu displays only those commands
that are available with the type of list you have selected. The default selection option list when you
first execute the command procedure is the Boot (Device) Options List.

To change the selected option list, enter one of the following:

B or BOOT for the Boot (Device) Options list

D or DUMP for the Dump Device List

G or DEBUG for the Debug Device List

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

4.9.3. Using BOOT_OPTIONS Configuration Menu

The following sections show how to use BOOT_OPTIONS Configuration Menu options to perform
these operations:

• Add an entry to the Boot (Device) Options list

• Display the Boot (Device) Options list

• Remove an entry from an options list

• Change the position of an entry on an options list

• Validate an entry of the Boot (Device) Options list

• Modifying the timeout period on the Boot (Device) Options list

• Add an entry to the Dump Device Options list

As the list indicates, you can use some operations for more than one option list; others apply to only
one; and, in the case of Adding an entry, the instructions for adding an entry to the Boot (Device)
Options list are different from adding an entry to the Dump Device Options list. Adding an Entry to the Boot (Device) Options List

Select 1 on the default Boot Options Configuration Menu (see Example 4.1) to add an entry to the
Boot (Device) Options list.

This list requires several inputs to add an entry to the Boot (Device) Options list. Table 4.5 indicates
the inputs that are required.

Table 4.5. Required Inputs to Add an Entry to the Boot (Device) Options List
Option Input Description
Position # Hex position of the entry to be added to the list. The
default value is 1, which places the entry at the top of
the list.
? Display the current contents of the Boot (Device)
Option list.
Device Dxy#: Device Name of the System Disk

The device must fulfill the following requirements:

• Must be a bootable OpenVMS Integrity System

(I64) disk

• Must be initially mounted prior to running the


? Display all available disks.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Option Input Description

Boot Flags x, y OpenVMS Boot flags

The default value is NULL, which is the same as -fl

Description “any string” String description of the Boot (Device) entry The
default value is the device name string.

For a Fibre device, the Port Name and WWID of

the target Fibre disk are appended at the end of the
Description string.

For a SCSI device, the Port Name of the SCSI disk is

appended at the end of the Description string.

For a multipath Fibre Channel device, the

automatically adds all possible paths to a given

Sample output for adding an entry to the Boot (Device) Options list is in Example 4.2.

Example 4.2. Output from Adding an Entry to the Boot (Device) Options List
Enter the device name (Enter “?” for a list of devices): $1$DGA1
Enter the desired position number (1,2,3,,,) of the entry.
To display the Boot Options list, enter “?” and press Return.
Position [1]:
Enter the value for VMS_FLAGS in the form n,n.
Enter a short description (do not include quotation marks).
Descrition [“$1$DGA1”]:
efi$bcfg: $1!dga1: {Boot0002) Option successfully added
efi$bcfg: $1$dga1: (Boot0003) Option successfully added
efi$bcfg: $1$dga1: (Boot0004) Option successfully added Displaying the Boot (Device) Options List

Select 2 on the default Boot Options Configuration Menu (see Example 4.1) to display entries on the
Boot (Device) Options list. You can do one of the following:

• Display all entries

• Enter the number of entry you want to display

• Enter the device name of the entries you want to display

You can select one of these options on any one of the options. Depending on which type of options list
you have selected, the system displays one of the following:

• The Boot (Device) Option list displays the entry number, the device name, the PCI address, the
characteristics of the device, the string description of the entry, and the optional OpenVMS boot

• The Dump and Debug Device Options List displays the entry number, the device name, the PCI
address, and the characteristics of the device.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Sample output from displaying entries in the Boot (Device) Options list is in Example 4.3.

Example 4.3. Output from Displaying Entries in the Boot (Device) Options List
To display all entries in the Boot Options list, press Return,
To display specific entries, enter the entry number or device name.
(Enter "?" for a list of devices):
EFI Boot Options list: Timeout = 10 secs.
01. $1$DGA1 PCI(0|60|1|1) Fibre(50001FE10011B158,LunE000000000000)
"OpenVMS V8.2 FGD0.5000-1FE1-0011-B158" OPT -fl 0,0
02. $1$DGA1 PCI(0|60|1|0) Fibre(50001FE10011B15C,LunE000000000000)
"OpenVMS V8.2 FGC0.5000-1FE1-0011-B15C" OPT -fl 0,0
03. $1$DGA1 PCI(0|40|1|1) Fibre(50001FE10011B15D,LunE000000000000)
"OpenVMS V8.2 FGB0.5000-1FE1-0011-B15D" OPT -fl 0,0
04. VenHw(d65a6b8c-71e5-4df0-d2f009a9) "EFI Shell [Built-in]"
4 entries found. Removing an Entry from an Options List

Select 3 on the default Boot Options Configuration Menu (see Example 4.1) to remove entries on the
one of the options lists. You can do either of the following:

• • Remove all entries from the options list

If you decide to remove all entries, the Options list creates an entry for the EFI Shell.

• Enter the number of the entry you want to remove

If you select an entry for removal, the Options list displays the selected entry and asks that you
confirm a removal before it proceeds.

Sample output from removing an entry from the Boot (Device) Options list is in Example 4.4.

Example 4.4. Sample Output from Removing an Entry from the Boot (Device) Options
Enter the entry number to delete.
To clear the Boot Options list, enter "ALL".
(Enter "?" to display Boot Options list): 1
EFI Boot Options list: Timeout = 10 secs.
01. $1$DGA1 PCI(0|60|1|1) Fibre(50001FE10011B158,LunE000000000000)
"OpenVMS V8.2 FGD0.5000-1FE1-0011-B158" OPT -fl 0,0
1 entries found.
Do you really want to delete this option? (Yes/No) y
efi$bcfg: Entry 5 Boot0005 removed. Changing the Position of an Entry on an Options List

Select 4 on the default Boot Options Configuration Menu (see Example 4.1) to change the position of
entries on one of the options lists.

The system prompts you to enter the number of the entry you want to move. You can enter either that
entry number or "?" to display the list of options. You are then asked to enter the destination number
of the entry you want to move.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Sample output of moving entry 4 to position 1 from the Boot Options list is in Example 4.5. (You can
also change the position of entries on the Dump and Debug Options lists as well.) In the example,
Entry 4 becomes the top-most selection on the Boot (Device) Options List.

Example 4.5. Moving an Entry on the Boot (Device) Options List

Enter the entry number to move.
(Enter "?" to display the Boot Options list): 2
Enter the position to which this entry will be moved: 1
efi$bcfg: Option moved from 2 to 1 Validating Entries on the Boot (Device) Options List

This option is available only for the Boot (Device) Options list (see Example 4.1).

This option allows you to verify that the entries on the Boot (Device) Options list are acceptable. You
would usually do this if you wanted to re-use an entry after an OpenVMS installation or upgrade, or,
under certain circumstances, when the Disk Partition Table has changed.

Select 5 on the Boot Options Configuration Menu (see Example 4.1) to validate the entries on the
Boot (Device) Option list. Selecting this option also corrects problems when necessary. You can
perform any of the following operations:

• Validate all entries.

• Enter the number of entry you want to validate.

• Enter the device name of the entries you want to validate.

After the validation operation, boot entries that have been validated display the following message on
the console:

efi$bcfg: Option Validated. Success.

If the utility determines that a boot entry needs to be corrected, it automatically updates the boot entry
to become valid.

Sample output of validating entries in the Boot (Device) Options list is in Example 4.6.

Example 4.6. Validating All Entries in the Boot (Device) Options List
To validate all entries in the Boot Options list, press Return.
To validate specific entries, enter the entry number or device name.
(Enter "?" to display Boot Options list): Return
Do you really want to validate all list entries? (Yes/No) Yes
Validate EFI Boot Options list: Timeout = 100 secs.
01. $1$DGA1 PCI(0|60|1|1) Fibre(50001FE10011B158,LunE000000000000)
"OpenVMS V8.2 FGD0.5000-1FE1-0011-B158" OPT -fl 0,0
efi$bcfg: Option Validated. Success.
02. $1$DGA1 PCI(0|60|1|0) Fibre(50001FE10011B15C,LunE000000000000)
"OpenVMS V8.2 FGC0.5000-1FE1-0011-B15C" OPT -fl 0,0
efi$bcfg: Option Validated. Success.
03. $1$DGA1 PCI(0|40|1|1) Fibre(50001FE10011B15D,LunE000000000000)
OpenVMS V8.2 FGB0.5000-1FE1-0011-B15D" OPT -fl 0,0
efi$bcfg: Option Validated. Success.
04. VenHw(d65a6b8c-71e5-4df0-d2f009a9) "EFI Shell [Built-in]"

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

efi$bcfg: Option Validated. Success.

05. DQA0 PCI(0|0|2|0) ATA(Primary,Master) "DVD-ROM "
efi$bcfg: Option Validated. Success.
06. EWA0 PCI(0|20|2|0) Mac(00306e3967a5) "GigB Ethernet "
efi$bcfg: Option Validated. Success.
07. DKB0 PCI(0|20|1|1) Scsi(Pun0,Lun0) "dkb0: PKB0.0"
efi$bcfg: Option Failed. Fixing Boot Entry automatically.
efi$bcfg: Boot0007 removed 7
efi$bcfg: DKB0 PCI(0|20|1|1) Scsi(Pun0,Lun0) (Boot0007) Option
successfully added
7 entries validated.

In this example, entry 07 failed and a Boot Entry correction was performed. Modifying the Timeout Period

This option is available only for the Boot (Device) Options list (see Example 4.1).

The TIMEOUT option allows users to modify the timeout period, in seconds, before the EFI Boot
Manager tries to boot each entry on the Boot (Device) Options List. A value of 0 disables the timer.

Select 6 (Modify Boot Options TIMEOUT setting) on the BOOT_OPTIONS main Configuration
Manual to modify the timeout.

Sample output for modifying the timeout period to be 20 seconds is in Example 4.7.

Example 4.7. Modify the Timeout Period in the Boot (Device) Options List
Enter your choice: 6
efi$bcfg: Boot Timeout period is 10 secs
Would you like to modify the Timeout value? (Yes/No) [NO] Y
Please enter the Timeout value in seconds: 20
efi$bcfg: Boot Timeout period is 20 secs Adding an Entry to the Dump Device Options List

Enter D for DUMP on the default Boot Options Configuration Menu (see Example 4.1) to select the
Dump Device Options list. The system then displays the Dump Device Options Menu.

The instructions for adding the Dump Device Options List is discussed further in Chapter 2 of VSI
OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

Chapter 4. Starting Up and Shutting Down the System

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating
After you install the operating system, you can customize it for site-specific requirements.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Adding and deleting optional files Section 5.1
Modifying site-specific startup command procedures Section 5.2
Modifying login command procedures Section 5.3
Customizing startup databases Section 5.4
Registering images that have system version dependencies Section 5.5
Customizing the Help Message database Section 5.6
Customizing Mail Section 5.7
Setting up the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME)utility Section 5.8
Saving your customization Section 5.9
VAX specific

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
Site-specific startup command procedures Section 5.2.1
The order of startup events Section 5.2.2
Startup databases Section 5.4.1
The layered product startup database Section 5.4.2

5.1. Adding and Deleting Optional Files

OpenVMS lets you customize the size of the operating system by deleting or adding optional system
files, including support for DECwindows. This is particularly valuable for small systems or systems
with limited disk space.

For example, if your system is a MicroVAX II computer with an RD54 system disk and you will
not use system programming features such as the Delta/XDelta Debugger (DELTA/XDELTA) or the
System Dump Analyzer utility (SDA), you might remove these files from the system disk.

Depending on the system you are using, you can add or delete files in one of the following ways:

• On VAX systems, you can use the OpenVMS Tailoring utilities, VMSTAILOR and DECW

• VMSTAILOR – applies to optional system files

• DECW$TAILOR – applies to support for DECwindows

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

Delete files from and add files to the system disk by identifying classes and subclasses of
operating system files that you want to add or delete. You might delete or add an entire class or
selected subclasses of files within a class.

If you delete files, you can add them again at any time using VMSTAILOR or DECW$TAILOR
and your operating system distribution media.

Refer to the Upgrade and Installation Manual for more information about VMSTAILOR and

• On Alpha and I64 systems, you can use the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to add or
delete optional system files. Add or delete files by selecting or deselecting options and suboptions.

To invoke the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility for this purpose, you can use either of
the following methods:


• Use the DECwindows Motif interface from the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility
and select the Reconfigure option on the Mode menu.

For more information about using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, see
Section 3.6.

5.2. Modifying Site-Specific Startup

Command Procedures
An important part of customizing your system is to create or modify site-specific startup command
procedures. Adding commands to these procedures ensures that the commands are executed each time
the system reboots.

5.2.1. Understanding Site-Specific Startup Command

You should understand the following terms:

Term Definition
Startup command procedure A command procedure that executes when the
system starts up.
Site-independent startup command procedure A startup command procedure that is
required for and provided with all OpenVMS
systems, regardless of site-specific
requirements. This procedure is named SYS
$SYSTEM:STARTUP.COM. Do not modify this

When your system boots, it automatically

executes STARTUP.COM. For more information,
see Section 4.1.4.
Site-specific startup command procedures Startup command procedures that you can modify
to perform operations specific to your site. Use

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

Term Definition
any text editor to add or modify commands in
these procedures.

STARTUP.COM executes several site-specific

startup command procedures that VSI provides.
These procedures are listed in Table 5.1.

You can also create your own procedures and

execute them from SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

Table 5.1 lists and describes the site-specific startup command procedures provided by VSI, in the
order in which they execute. These procedures are located in the system directory with the logical

Table 5.1. Site-Specific Startup Command Procedures

Order Command Procedure Function
1 SYCONFIG.COM A file to which you add commands for
site-specific device configuration. For
more information, see Section 5.2.4.
2 SYLOGICALS.COM A file to which you add commands
to define your site-specific system
logical names. For more information,
see Section 5.2.5.
3 SYPAGSWPFILES.COM A file to which you add commands
to install page and swap files (other
than the primary page and swap files
in SYS$SYSTEM, which are installed
automatically).For more information,
see Section 5.2.3.
4 SYSECURITY.COM A file to which you add commands to
define the location of security auditing
and security archive files before
starting the security auditing server. For
more information, see Section 5.2.6.
5 SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM A general-purpose command procedure
to which you add commands to
perform miscellaneous operations
for setting up your site. For example,
you might mount public disks in
information, see Section 5.2.7. Using Template Files

Your distribution kit provides two versions of each site-specific command procedure in the directory

• An executable version with the file type .COM(for example, SYS

$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM).The system executes files with the file type .COM; you can
edit .COM files (except for STARTUP.COM) to meet your site-specific needs.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

• A backup version with the file type .TEMPLATE(for example, SYS


Do not modify or delete the VSI-supplied template command files with the .TEMPLATE file type.
The VMSKITBLD.COM procedure uses these files to create a new system disk. If you must use
the .TEMPLATE version of the file because your .COM version is damaged,copy the .TEMPLATE
file to a file with the .COM file type, and edit the copy. Rules for Modifying Startup Command Procedures

When modifying site-specific startup command procedures,be sure to follow these rules:

• Conform to the rules of command procedures, as described in the OpenVMS User’s Manual.

• Keep the files in the SYS$MANAGER directory.

• Keep the file names given to the command procedures.

• Modify only the executable version of the files (with the file type .COM), not the template version
(with the file type .TEMPLATE).

• Do not modify the site-independent startup command procedure STARTUP.COM.

• Before modifying command procedures, understand the order of startup events. For information,
see Section 5.2.2.

The startup procedures provided by VSI should always work. However, if you introduce an error in
the startup or login procedures, you can accidentally lock yourself out of the system. Section 4.4.2
describes a boot procedure you can use in such an emergency.

5.2.2. Understanding the Order of Startup Events

Before modifying the site-specific startup command procedures, you should understand the order of
system startup events.

A database file named VMS$PHASES.DAT determines the order of the phases of the startup
procedure. It is a sequential list of the phases that STARTUP.COM starts. It includes a series of four
basic phases (INITIAL, CONFIGURE,DEVICE, and BASEENVIRON) that start the operating
system, followed by a series of phases for layered products.

Do not modify VMS$PHASES.DAT. To start up correctly, the system requires that the contents of this
file remain intact.

At startup, a system performs tasks in the following order:

1. Starts the CLUSTER_SERVER process.

2. Defines logical names needed for basic operations, and installs images listed in SYS

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

3. Executes SYCONFIG.COM.

4. Adds any new drivers by executing one of the following commands:

• On VAX systems, the SYSGEN command AUTOCONFIGURE ALL. This command

automatically configures the device driver database, locates all standard devices attached to
the system, and loads and connects their device drivers.

• On Alpha and I64 systems, the SYSMAN command IO AUTOCONFIGURE. This command
automatically configures the device driver database, locates all standard devices attached to
the system, and loads and connects their device drivers.

If the symbol STARTUP$AUTOCONFIGURE_ALL is defined as 0 or FALSE by SYS

$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM, this step is not performed.

5. Installs the primary swap file, if the file is present.

6. Starts the CONFIGURE process (swappable). If the system parameter NOAUTOCONFIG is set to
1, the CONFIGURE process is not started. If the symbol STARTUP$AUTOCONFIGURE_ALL is
defined as 0 or FALSE by SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM, this step is not performed.

7. Executes SYLOGICALS.COM. At this point, all devices have been made available through the
AUTOCONFIGURE ALL command (step 4) or will be made available by the CONFIGURE
process (started in step 6).

8. If the system is a satellite node in a VAX cluster or an OpenVMS Cluster environment,

executes SATELLITE_PAGE.COM to install page and swap files on a local disk.
SATELLITE_PAGE.COM is created when you execute the CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM


10. Performs the following steps in no specified order:

• Installs required images

• Starts various operating system processes (OPCOM, CACHE_SERVER, ERRFMT, JOBCTL)

• Executes SYSECURITY.COM and starts the AUDIT_SERVER process

• On VAX systems, starts the security server, SECURITY_SERVER, which manages the proxy
database and intrusion database

• Starts LMF (License Management Facility) and loads all appropriate Product Authorization
Keys (PAKs) from the LMF database

11. Performs the following steps in no specified order:

• Enables operator consoles and the operator log files

• Starts the SMISERVER process

The order of events within system startup might change in future releases of the operating system.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

5.2.3. Modifying SYPAGSWPFILES.COM to Install Page

and Swap Files
When the system boots, it automatically installs the primary page and swap files, if they are present
in the SYS$SYSTEM directory. If the page and swap files are not in SYS$SYSTEM, or if secondary
page and swap files are located on a disk other than the system disk, you must install these files each
time the system boots. To install these files, add commands to SYPAGSWPFILES.COM.

Before performing this task, you should understand page and swap files and why you might want to
move them. For more information, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

The SYPAGSWPFILES.COM file can also include commands other than INSTALL commands,
such as SYSGEN CREATE commands and the DCL commands INITIALIZE and MOUNT,to set up
the page and swap files.Note that, at the time STARTUP.COM invokes SYPAGSWPFILES.COM,
only the system disk is mounted. Therefore, you might need to add MOUNT commands to
SYPAGSWPFILES.COM to mount the disks that hold the page and swap files.

The system must have installed at least one page file before SYPAGSWPFILES.COM exits.
Otherwise, STARTUP.COM displays the following error message:
%STARTUP-E-NOPAGFIL, no page files have been successfully installed.

If a system dump file with the name SYSDUMP.DMP does not exist in the SYS$SPECIFIC:
[SYSEXE] directory, the primary page file PAGEFILE.SYS must exist in SYS$SPECIFIC:
[SYSEXE]PAGEFILE.SYS for writing crash dumps. If neither SYSDUMP.DMP nor PAGEFILE.SYS
is located in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE], no crash dump file is produced.

You can also use SATELLITE_PAGE.COM to install page and swap files on a satellite node's local
disk. SATELLITE_PAGE.COM is created when you run CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM. For more
information about installing page and swap files on a satellite node's local disk, refer to OpenVMS
Cluster Systems.

How to Perform This Task

1. Enter SYSGEN CREATE commands in the following format to create secondary system files in
the desired locations:
CREATE file-spec/SIZE=block-count

For example:

The CREATE command creates or extends files that can be used as a page, swap, or dump file.
You create these files only once.

For more information about creating page and swap files, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s
Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems. For more information about
the SYSGEN command CREATE, refer to the SYSGEN section of the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

2. Invoke any editor to edit SYS$MANAGER:SYPAGSWPFILES.COM.

3. If necessary, add a MOUNT command to mount the disk or disks that are to hold the secondary
page and swap files. Disks other than the system disk are not yet mounted at the time
SYPAGSWPFILES.COM is invoked. For information about the MOUNT command, refer to the
MOUNT section of the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

4. Add the following command to make it easier to invoke SYSGEN:


5. Add commands in the following format to SYPAGSWPFILES.COM to install the secondary files
each time the system boots.

For page files, use the following format:


For swap files, use the following format:


The INSTALL command activates secondary page and swap files. Page and swap files not located
in SYS$SYSTEM must be installed each time the system boots.

The following commands in SYPAGSWPFILES.COM install secondary page and swap files on the
device DUA10: with the logical name PAGE_SWAP:


$ if $status then write sys$output "Installed page file PAGEFILE1.SYS"
$ if $status then write sys$output "Installed swap file swapfile1.sys"

5.2.4. Modifying SYCONFIG.COM to Configure Devices

You can add commands to SYCONFIG.COM to perform site-specific device configuration,including
connecting nonstandard devices and suppressing autoconfiguration. Connecting Nonstandard Devices

Standard devices are automatically connected and configured by STARTUP.COM each time the
system boots. Nonstandard devices (devices not supplied by VSI) are not automatically connected and
configured; you must connect and configure these devices manually by entering certain commands.
To execute these commands each time the system starts up, add the commands to SYCONFIG.COM.

On VAX systems, add SYSGEN CONNECT commands. For more information about connecting
devices, see Section 8.5. For more information about the SYSGEN CONNECT command, refer to the
SYSGEN section of the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

On Alpha and I64 systems, add SYSMAN IO CONNECT commands. For more information about
connecting devices, see Section 8.5. For more information about the SYSMAN IO CONNECT

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

command, refer to the SYSMAN section of the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities
Reference Manual.


To connect a nonstandard device called the QQ device, add the following commands to

$ SYSGEN CONNECT QQA0 Suppressing Autoconfiguration of Devices

You might want to suppress autoconfiguration for various reasons, including the following ones:

• To customize the order in which you configure devices

• To troubleshoot booting problems

• To allow Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) based workstations to use devices on another
workstation's SCSI bus without causing conflicts during boot time

You can define a symbol in SYCONFIG.COM to suppress autoconfiguration. For more information,
see Section 8.5.3.

5.2.5. Modifying SYLOGICALS.COM to Define

Systemwide Logical Names
A systemwide logical name applies to the entire system. It is defined in the system logical name table
and can be used by any process in the system. A clusterwide system logical name applies to every
node in the cluster at a system level. It is defined in the clusterwide system logical name table of every
node and can be used by any process in the system.

In general, system managers edit the SYLOGICALS.COM command procedure to define site-
specific logical names that take effect at system startup. However, this is not the appropriate command
procedure for defining clusterwide logical names, which is, rather, SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. Refer
to "Preparing a Shared Environment" in OpenVMS Cluster Systems for more information.

As supplied by VSI, SYLOGICALS.COM contains commands that assign systemwide logical names
on a MicroVAX system that is not in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. If your system is not a
standalone MicroVAX system, you can ignore the procedure at the beginning of the template file and
add systemwide logical name assignments to the end of the file.

You can add commands to create your own site-specific systemwide logical names. In addition, if
you want to change default definitions for the following system logical names, you can include the
definitions in SYLOGICALS.COM. Table 5.2 lists some commonly defined logical names.

Table 5.2. Commonly Defined System Logical Names

Logical Name For More Information

CLUE$DOSD_DEVICE VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and Complex Systems

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

Logical Name For More Information

LMF$LICENSE OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual
MAIL Section 5.7
NETNODE_REMOTE DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual
NETPROXY VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security
NET$PROXY VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security
QMAN$MASTER Section 13.3
RIGHTSLIST VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security
SYS$ERRORLOG VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and Complex Systems
SYS$MONITOR VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and Complex Systems
SYSUAF VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security
Alpha and I64 specific

VSI recommends that you define logical names for system components (for example, public disks
and directories) in executive mode, using the /EXECUTIVE_MODE qualifier with the ASSIGN or
DEFINE command. This type of logical name, known as a trusted logical name, is available during
system operations such as the activation of privileged mode images (LOGINOUT, Mail, and so on).

For detailed information about logical name assignments and the privilege modes (executive, kernel,
supervisor, and user), refer to the OpenVMS User’s Manual.

How to Perform This Task

1. Invoke any editor to edit the file SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM.

2. Add logical name definitions in the following format to the end of the file, immediately preceding
the EXIT command:

DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE/NOLOG logical-name equivalence-name

For example:


For more information about the DEFINE command, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

3. Exit the editor to create a new version of the file. The highest version will automatically be
invoked by STARTUP.COM each time the system boots.


In this example, any user on the system (and any program running on the system) could use the name
FINANCE_DISK (the logical name) in place of DRAC$DRA2: (the physical device name). Similarly,
you can refer to the system disk (SYS$SYSDEVICE:) as SYSDSK.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

5.2.6. Modifying SYSECURITY.COM to Set Up Security

SYSECURITY.COM runs prior to starting the security audit server process. You can add commands
to this file to mount or define any disks that you want to hold security auditing log files or local
security archive files. For more information about security auditing, see VSI OpenVMS System
Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

Ordinarily, the system turns on auditing in VMS$LPBEGIN just before SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM

executes. However, you can change this behavior by redefining the logical name SYS

To inhibit the automatic startup of auditing, edit the SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM

command procedure to add the following line:


Then you can initiate auditing during another phase of system startup, perhaps at the end of
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, by editing the command file to add the following line:


For information about editing SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, see Section 5.2.7.

5.2.7. Modifying SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to Perform

General Operations
To perform any site-specific command not performed by another startup command procedure,
you can add or modify commands in the general-purpose, site-specific startup command

VSI recommends that you edit this procedure to modify or add commands that perform tasks such as
the following ones:

Task For More

Mounting public disks Section
Setting the characteristics of terminals and printer devices Section
Starting queues and enabling autostart for queues Section
Installing known images Section
Installing resident images Section
Setting up the OpenVMS InfoServer Client software Section
Running the System Dump Analyzer Section
Purging the operator's log file Section
Submitting batch jobs that are run at system startup time Section
Creating systemwide announcements Section
Starting up the LAT protocol software Section
Starting a DECnet or TCP/IP network Section

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

Task For More

Starting up the DIBOL Message Manager Section
Defining the number of interactive users Section
Alpha specific

How to Perform This Task

To modify SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, perform the following steps:

1. Invoke any editor to edit the file.

2. To prevent the command procedure from exiting if it invokes an error,include the DCL command
SET NOON at the beginning of the file. This command disables error checking after the execution
of each command in the procedure. For more information about error checking, refer to the
OpenVMS User’s Manual.

3. Add commands to perform site-specific operations. Sections to describe

operations that are typically performed by this command procedure.

4. Exit the editor to create a new version of the file. The highest version will automatically be
invoked by STARTUP.COM each time the system boots. Mounting Public Disks

A public volume is a disk that any process on the system can access. To make disks available for
public use, you must perform the following tasks:

• Physically load and spin up the disk.

• If the disk is new, initialize it.

• Mount the disk for systemwide access using the DCL command MOUNT. (Using the MOUNT
command for the system disk is not necessary – the system disk is already mounted when the
system starts.)

How to Perform This Task

Add MOUNT commands in the following format to the command procedure:
MOUNT/SYSTEM device-name: volume_label logical_name


• device-name is the physical device name (including a colon immediately after the device name).
For information about physical device names,see Section 8.1.

• volume_label is an alphanumeric identification that you assign with the INITIALIZE command.

• logical_name is the logical name that you want to assign to the device. Consider the advantages
of using logical volume names to conceal the physical device names. If you and the users
consistently use the logical volume name, it is not necessary to know on which physical drive
the volume is mounted. Thus, you can avoid including physical device names in programs and
command procedures.

The /SYSTEM qualifier makes the disk available for systemwide access.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

Note that, by default, the system creates the following logical name when you use the MOUNT


In many cases, using the default logical name will meet your needs.

When mounting disks in a startup command procedure, do not specify the /CLUSTER qualifier, even
in a VAXcluster or an OpenVMS Cluster environment. Each node executes its own startup command
procedure, so each node mounts disks for itself.

When SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM executes (and only then), the MOUNT command default includes
the /NOASSIST qualifier. This qualifier means that operator-assisted mounts are disabled. To enable
this feature during SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, specify /ASSIST with each MOUNT command.

For a DSA disk, you must also insert a WAIT statement in the command procedure prior to the
first MOUNT statement. The wait time is controller-dependent. If you omit a WAIT statement,the
MOUNT request might fail with a “no such device” status. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS I/O User’s
Reference Manual for more information.

For more information about public volumes, see Section 9.1.4 and Section 9.5. For more information
about the MOUNT command, refer to the MOUNT section of the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual. Mounting Disks That Must Be Available Early in Startup

If you have any disks that must be mounted early in startup, you can add MOUNT commands
to SYCONFIG.COM. For example, your site might require that certain files be available before
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM executes. For more information about SYCONFIG.COM, see
Section 5.2.4. Setting Terminal and Printer Characteristics

To establish the device characteristics of the terminals and printers on the system, use a series of SET
commands in your startup command procedure. For more information about the commands you use to
set up devices, see Section 8.7.1 and Section 8.9.1.

If your configuration is simple, you can add the commands to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. If your
configuration requires a large number of commands, create a separate command procedure (for
example, DEVICE_SETUP.COM) and execute it from SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. When the device
setup command procedure finishes executing, control returns to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. Starting Queues and Enabling Autostart for Queues

You should add commands to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to perform the following tasks:

• Enable autostart for queues

• Start non-autostart execution queues

If your configuration is simple, you can add these commands to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. On

systems with a large number of queues, you might want to include the commands in a separate file

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

named, for example, STARTQ.COM, and include a command in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to invoke

the queue startup command procedure. The autostart feature simplifies queue startup, and allows you
to start queues with fewer commands. VSI recommends you use autostart queues whenever possible
to simplify queue startup. For more information about autostart queues,see Section 14.1.3.

For more information about starting queues and enabling autostart for queues in system startup, see
Section 14.4.1. Installing Known Images

You can install commonly used programs as known images to reduce the I/O overhead in activating
those images and to assign attributes or privileges to the images. Use the Install utility (INSTALL) to
install known images,which you must reinstall each time the system boots.

STARTUP.COM includes a series of INSTALL commands that install certain system

programs as known images. You should include any site-specific INSTALL commands in
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to install images each time the system boots.

For information about installing known images, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual,
Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.


The following example shows a command sequence you might include in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM
for installing additional known images:

EXIT Installing Resident Images (Alpha Only)

Resident images must be installed each time the system boots. You can add commands to
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to automatically perform this task. VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s
Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems explains how you can use the Install
utility (INSTALL) to install resident images on Alpha and I64 systems. Setting Up the OpenVMS InfoServer Client Software

If you use the InfoServer system, you will probably perform some setup tasks in
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. For example, you can add commands to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to:

• Start the InfoServer Client for OpenVMS software

• Make remote compact discs available on your system each time the system boots

VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems
explains the InfoServer system and its uses. Running the System Dump Analyzer

You run the System Dump Analyzer utility (SDA) each time the system boots to analyze the system
crash dump in case the system failed the last time it was running. You can do this by adding command

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

For details, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and
Complex Systems and the OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Manual and the OpenVMS
Programming Environment.

If you use the page file for the crash dump file, you must enter the SDA command COPY when the
system reboots, to copy the dump from the page file to another file suitable for analysis.

If you fail to perform the copy operation, pages used to save the crash dump information are not
released for paging, and your system might hang because it has insufficient paging space. For more
information, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and
Complex Systems.


The following commands, executed in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, invoke SDA, save and analyze the
crash dump, and print a listing file:

SET OUTPUT DISK1:SYSDUMP.LIS ! Create listing file
READ/EXECUTIVE ! Read in symbols for kernel
SHOW CRASH ! Display crash information
SHOW STACK ! Show current stack
SHOW SUMMARY ! List all active processes
SHOW PROCESS/PCB/PHD/REGISTERS ! Display current process
EXIT Purging the Operator Log File

Each time you reboot the system, you create a new version of the operator log file, OPERATOR.LOG.
You should devise a plan for regular maintenance of the versions of this file. Add the following
command to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to purge all but the last two versions of the operator log file:


For more information about the operator log file, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual,
Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems. Submitting Batch Jobs to Run at Startup Time

Your site might have batch jobs that you want to submit at system startup time. To submit such batch
jobs, add SUBMIT commands in the following format to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:

$ SUBMIT [/qualifier,...] SYS$MANAGER:file-spec


The following example submits a batch job to run a command procedure each time the system boots.
The job is submitted at a high priority to make sure the job is scheduled before any batch jobs users
might submit. If possible, submit startup batch jobs at high priority in this way before you start the
batch queue.


Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

See Section for information about scheduling of jobs. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL
Dictionary for information about the SUBMIT command. Creating Systemwide Announcements

Usually, the last command in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM announces to all terminals that the system is
up and running:
$ REPLY/ALL/BELL "OpenVMS Operating System at ANDROMEDA, INC. ready for

Before the procedure exits, you can provide site-specific definitions for one or both of the logical
names SYS$ANNOUNCE and SYS$WELCOME. Whenever a user logs in, the user's terminal screen
displays the messages associated with SYS$ANNOUNCE and SYS$WELCOME.

You can define SYS$ANNOUNCE to print an announcement at the beginning of the login procedure
for each user. The text prints immediately after a successful dial-in, Ctrl/Y, or carriage return is
received. It also prints on LAT terminals when a user connects to a service using the CONNECT
command. The text can contain up to 63 characters. For longer messages, precede the name of a text-
containing file with an at sign(@) so that the login command procedure prints the entire file as an

For example, you could include the following command in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:


Or you might prefer to print a file by including the following command:


If you do not define SYS$ANNOUNCE, the system does not display an announcement.

Sites requiring moderate or high security should restrict the amount of information displayed in
system announcements.

You can define SYS$WELCOME to display a welcome message whenever a user logs in. The text
prints immediately after the user enters the correct password. The text can contain up to 63 characters.
For longer messages,precede the name of a text-containing file with an at sign (@) so that the login
command procedure displays the entire file as a welcoming announcement.

For example, you could include a command like the following one in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:

If you prefer to display the contents of a file containing a message, you could use the following line in
the procedure:

If you do not explicitly define SYS$WELCOME, the terminal displays a standard welcome message
similar to the following one:

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

Welcome to OpenVMS Version n.n

You can add the DECnet node name to this message by including a translation of the logical name
SYS$NODE. When DECnet starts, it creates the logical name assignment for SYS$NODE.

SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, supplied as a template with your distribution kit, includes additional

command examples for SYS$ANNOUNCE and SYS$WELCOME. Starting Up and Customizing the LAT Protocol Software

To set up your node as a LAT service node and start the LAT protocol software on your system each
time the system boots, add the SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:


When the procedure executes this command, it invokes LAT$STARTUP.COM,which in turn invokes
the LAT$CONFIG and LAT$SYSTARTUP command procedures. For more information, see VSI
OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems. Starting a DECnet or TCP/IP Network

Before starting the network, you must register your DECnet license and configure your network. See
VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems for
information about setting up DECnet network.

If your system participates in a DECnet network, you might need to start the DECnet software each
time your system boots:

• If you are running DECnet for OpenVMS on your system,edit SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to delete
the exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the following command line:


• If you are running DECnet-Plus on your system, DECnet is started automatically each time you
boot your system.

If you are running a different network, you must run the appropriate startup files for the particular
network protocol. For example, three common net stack startups are:


@SYS$STARTUP:STARTNET ! DECnet Phase IV Starting the DIBOL Message Manager

(VAX and Alpha)
Each node that will execute DIBOL programs must contain a line in SYS
$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM that executes the command procedure SYS
$STARTUP:DBLSTRTUP.COM. This command procedure starts the DIBOL Message Manager, used
by DIBOL programs as an intermediary in passing messages.


SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM should contain a line as follows:

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

$ @SYS$STARTUP:DBLSTRTUP.COM Defining the Number of Interactive Users

By default, when the system starts up, it limits to 64 the number of interactive users allowed to log in.

To change the default value for the number of interactive users that you permit to log in to your
system at one time,define the symbol STARTUP$INTERACTIVE_LOGINS to be the maximum
number of users in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM as follows:


where n specifies the maximum number of interactive users that can log in at one time.

The number of interactive users is determined by the value authorized by your VAX, Alpha or I64
computer license. Therefore, setting the number higher than the license limit has no effect.

The maximum number of interactive users influences the service rating that the LAT software assigns
to a service node. The LAT software uses a ratio of current users to maximum users in calculating
a rating. An artificially high user limit results in a high service rating, indicating—erroneously—
that the service node is more able to provide services. For information about LAT software, see VSI
OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.


5.3. Modifying Login Command Procedures

to Customize User Environments
In addition to modifying site-specific startup command procedures,you can add commands to login
command procedures to perform operations each time a user logs in.

Note that although the examples in this section are for DCL (.COM) command procedures, you can
substitute other file types to denote other interfaces such as POSIX.

Command Procedure Description

SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM A file to which you can add common commands
to execute whenever any user logs in. If SYS
$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM exists and the
logical name SYS$SYLOGIN points to this file,
SYLOGIN.COM automatically executes when
any user logs in.
SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM A file to which you or users can add commands
that are to be executed only when individual
users log in to their accounts. If a file named
LOGIN.COM exists in a user's SYS$LOGIN
directory, it automatically executes when the user
logs in.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

If you introduce an error in login procedures, you can accidentally lock yourself out of the system.
Section 4.4.2 describes a boot procedure you can use in such an emergency.

As system manager, you create and maintain SYLOGIN.COM. This file is supplied on your
distribution kit as a template, and contains commands that you can modify and add to as the needs of
your site dictate.

The template for SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM includes the following command line that assigns the
logical name SYS$SYLOGIN to SYLOGIN.COM:


If SYLOGIN.COM exits with an error, the user's login command procedure is not executed. If this
occurs while the user is logging in to a captive account, the process is terminated because the system
environment might not have been set up properly.

If you expect SYLOGIN.COM to cause an error, you must use either SET NOON or ON ERROR
commands, and explicitly exit the command procedure with a successful status so that the user's login
command procedure can be executed.

LOGIN.COM Procedures
Each user creates and maintains a personal copy of the login command procedure LOGIN.COM. This
file must be in the top-level directory for the user's account. You might need to help users set up a
personal copy of LOGIN.COM.

See Section 7.7.1 for a sample SYLOGIN command file and a sample LOGIN.COM procedure. Refer
to the OpenVMS User’s Manual for sample LOGIN.COM procedures.

5.4. Customizing Startup Databases with

Startup databases contain information used to start up system software. For example, STARTUP.COM
uses information in a startup database named STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS to start the OpenVMS
operating system. It uses information in a startup database named STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED
to start layered products. For more information about startup databases, see Section 5.4.1.

You can use the STARTUP command of the System Management utility (SYSMAN) to customize
startup databases as follows:

• Display information in any startup database.

• Create a site-specific startup database.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

• Add, modify, or remove elements in the layered product database or site-specific database.
(Digital recommends that you do not modify the OpenVMS startup database.)

The following sections describe these tasks.

Before performing these tasks, it helps to understand SYSMAN. For more information about
SYSMAN, see Section 2.3.1. You should also understand startup databases, in particular, the layered
product startup database. For information, see Section 5.4.1 and Section 5.4.2.

5.4.1. Understanding Startup Databases

Three startup database files are provided with the operating system, in the location defined by the
logical name SYS$STARTUP:

File Description
VMS$PHASES.DAT Determines the order of the phases of startup in a sequential list. This file
includes a series of four basic phases (INITIAL, CONFIGURE, DEVICE,
and BASEENVIRON) needed to bring the operating system up to a basic
working environment, followed by a series of phases for layered products.
STARTUP.COM uses this list of phases for startup. Do not modify this
VMS$VMS.DAT Equivalent to the logical name STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS. This file
contains information about the files used to start the base operating
system environment during system startup. Do not modify this file.

STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS is provided for your information only. Use

SYSMAN to display information in this file. For more information, see
Section 5.4.5.
VMS$LAYERED.DAT Equivalent to the logical name STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED. This
file contains information about files that start site-specific products and
layered products. The system uses the information in this file to start
layered products during system startup.

Section 5.4.2 provides more information about this file.

Use SYSMAN to modify this file so that it contains information about all
the layered product startup files you want to execute on your system.

If you have site-specific software that you want to manage separately from your layered products, you
can use SYSMAN to create an additional startup database.

5.4.2. Understanding the Layered Product Startup

The layered product startup database file (referred to by the logical name STARTUP
$STARTUP_LAYERED) lists the files and command procedures that start site-specific products and
layered products. It contains the following characteristics of each startup file:

• Name of the component file to be run. The file type must be either .EXE or .COM.

• Phase in which the component file is to run. Each phase describes a minimum environment that
exists at that point in the startup process, as follows:

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

1. BASEENVIRON – Startup tasks execute here. These must be performed before the site-
specific startup command procedure, SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, executes.

2. LPBEGIN – SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, the site-specific startup command procedure,

executes here, as do any other files that prepare an environment necessary for layered

3. LPMAIN – The majority of layered products execute here. This phase is the default.

4. LPBETA – Layered products that have a dependency on previously installed products execute

5. END – Products that are dependent on layered products execute here.

Each phase must meet the prerequisites of the following phase; therefore, the order of the
phases is extremely important. Components that occur in a phase cannot have dependencies on
components that are in the same phase or in subsequent phases. When installing layered products
using SYSMAN, be sure that all requisite components occur in a previous phase.

• Mode (or method) by which the component file is to run. Choose one of the following modes:

• DIRECT (the default, where the command procedure or image is executed immediately)

• BATCH (valid only for command procedures)


• Node restrictions for the component. This is either the node or nodes on which the component file
should be run, or the node or nodes on which the component file should not be run.

• Parameters passed to the component file for execution. You can pass up to eight parameters, using
the following format:

You can omit the parentheses if you pass only a single parameter.

5.4.3. Specifying the Current Startup Database

With SYSMAN, the current database is the one that will be the target for the SYSMAN commands.

You can display or modify STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED or database files that you create. You
can display STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS, but you should not modify it.

By default, the layered product database is the current database. To perform commands on another
database, specify it as the current database by entering the STARTUP SET DATABASE command in
the following format:

where database specifies the name of the database.


Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

%SYSMAN-I-NEWCOMPFIL, current component file is now STARTUP$STARTUP_LOCAL

5.4.4. Showing the Name of the Target Startup

To display which database is the target database, enter the STARTUP SHOW DATABASE command.


5.4.5. Showing the Contents of a Startup Database

To display the contents of the current database, enter the STARTUP SHOW FILE command. You can
specify various qualifiers for this command to control the amount of information displayed. For more
information, see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.


5.4.6. Adding Startup Files to a Startup Database

To add a file to the layered product startup database, use the STARTUP ADD command. The /MODE
qualifier specifies the mode of execution for the file. The /PHASE qualifier specifies the phase within
system startup when the file is to be executed. For information on the layered product startup phases,
see Section 5.4.2.

Do not use this command to modify STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS; this command procedure starts the
operating system. The STARTUP MODIFY command requires read and write access to the startup

When adding layered product startup files using SYSMAN, be sure that all requisite components
occur in a previous phase.

Enter the STARTUP ADD command with appropriate qualifiers. For information on the valid
qualifiers, see the SYSMAN section of the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference


5.4.7. Changing Information Associated with a Startup

Once a file is included in the layered product startup database, you can modify the information
associated with the file by entering the STARTUP MODIFY command. (The command requires read
and write access to the startup database.)

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System


You can specify any of the following qualifiers to specify the information that is to be changed:


• /NAME=filespec

• /PARAMETER=(P1:arg1, P2:arg2,...)


For information on the qualifiers for this command, see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities
Reference Manual.


5.4.8. Deleting a Record from a Startup Database

Deleting a record from a startup database prevents a product from starting up. To delete a record, use
the STARTUP REMOVE FILE command. This command leaves the startup file intact, but the file is
not used in system startup. (The command requires read and write access to the startup database.)


To delete a record from a startup database, enter a STARTUP REMOVE FILE command in the
following format:

where filespec specifies the name of the startup file to be removed.


5.4.9. Preventing a Startup File from Executing

To temporarily prevent a startup file from executing, enter the STARTUP DISABLE command. You
can specify the /NODE qualifier to disable the startup file on certain nodes.

This command requires read and write access to the startup database. Do not use this command to

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

To delete a record from a startup database, enter the STARTUP DISABLE command as follows:


where filespec specifies the name of the startup file to be disabled.



5.4.10. Allowing a Previously Disabled Startup File to

If you have disabled a startup file from executing, you can enable it again by using the STARTUP
ENABLE command. You can specify the /NODE qualifier to enable the startup file on certain nodes.

This command requires read and write access to the startup database. Do not use this command to

To enable a previously disabled file, enter the STARTUP ENABLE FILE command in the following


where filespec specifies the name of the file to be enabled.



5.5. Registering Images that Have System

Version Dependencies
Applications that run on the OpenVMS operating system sometimes depend on the internal interfaces
of a previous version of the operating system. For example, an application might call system routines,
reference system data cells, or system data structures. New versions of the operating system might
include changes that can break applications depending on those interfaces.

Registering an image records information about the image in a file called the image registry. The
image activator, INSTALL, and SYSGEN do not check the versions of images that are recorded in the
image registry.

The image registry allows you to continue to run application images (including main images, shared
libraries, and device drivers) that were linked on prior versions of the operating system. Use extreme
care with this capability. If the image needs to use a data structure that has a changed format, then
results from running the image will be unpredictable and might result in a system crash. Register an
image only if you are sure that none of the referenced system routines, data cells, and data structures
have changed.

The Image Registry facility allows you to register different versions of an image independently. It also
allows you to deregister, analyze, and show images in the image registry.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

5.5.1. Understanding System Version Dependency and

the Image Registry
Applications that depend on internal interfaces are bound to a particular version of the operating
system when the application is linked. Version-dependent images reference both of the following
version numbers:

• The major version number of the operating system

• A set of component version numbers (version numbers of loadable executive images)

When you attempt to run an image, the system checks to determine if the image requires a certain
version of the operating system or of system components. If the version of the running system does
not match the version requirements of the image, the image fails.

The system also checks version numbers when you attempt to install an image using the Install utility
(INSTALL)or connect a device driver using the System Generation utility (SYSGEN).

When you upgrade your system to a new version of the operating system, an image might fail because
the new version no longer matches the image's version requirements. However, an image might
continue to be compatible with the new operating system version, even if it fails the version check.

In OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0, the major version number was not changed; only the version numbers
for the following components were increased to reflect changes in these areas:




As a result, many version-dependent images built in VMS VAX Version 5. x systems (that is, images
that do not reference FILES_VOLUMES, MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, or SECURITY) will run on
OpenVMS Version 6.0 without registering the images. However, version-dependent images that do
reference these components must be registered with the image registry, as explained in this section.

In OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1, no version numbers were changed. However,images

built on VMS VAX Version 5. x systems needed to be registered if they referenced

To continue running a compatible image, you can register the image using the Image Registry facility.
You do not need to register images that are linked as part of the installation because they match the
current operating system version. However, linking an image during installation does not ensure that
system version dependencies do not exist. For information about changes in the current operating
system version that might require you to recompile an image or change source code, see the release

You must inspect and test an image carefully to avoid system crashes and data corruption. Registering
an image does not necessarily make it work; registering only by passes the version checks.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

5.5.2. Using the Image Registry Facility

To register an image in the image registry, run the command procedure SYS
$UPDATE:REGISTER_PRIVILEGED_IMAGE.COM. Enter a command in the following format:

keyword Specifies one or more of the keywords described in Table 5.3, separated by
filename Specifies the name and location of the image you want to register. The filename
parameter accepts wildcard characters.


Keyword Action
ANALYZE Displays version-dependent image names and their subsystem
REGISTER Registers images on the local system.
DEREGISTER Deletes images from the registry on the local system.
SHOW Lists the registry content. To display the complete registry content,
specify a wildcard (*) for the file name.
CONFIRM Confirms that each specified image be added to or deleted from the
registry (used only with REGISTER and DEREGISTER).
TRACE Lists each image file for verification purposes (used only with
HELP Describes the supported keywords and provides examples.

If the image does not have a version dependency, the following message is displayed:
REGISTER-I-SUMMARY n images examined, n have dependencies

In this message, n is the number of images examined and the number of images that have

The following example adds the V6USRAPP image to the registry:
%REGISTER-I-ADDED added V6USRAPP to registry

5.6. Customizing the Help Message Database

The Help Message utility (MSGHLP) allows users to quickly access online descriptions of system
messages from the DCL prompt. Users with write access to VSI-supplied .MSGHLP$DATA files can
customize the Help Message database in more radical ways than general users can. The following
sections describe how to perform the following customization tasks:
Task For More
Accessing $STATUS values for uninstalled messages Section 5.6.1

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

Task For More

Creating system-level Help Message database search paths Section 5.6.2
Deleting VSI-supplied messages Section 5.6.3
Adding comments to VSI-supplied messages Section 5.6.4
Changing text in VSI-supplied messages Section 5.6.5
Adding messages to VSI-supplied database files Section 5.6.6

Before performing these tasks, you should be familiar with the Help Message utility. For a complete
description of Help Message features, basic tasks, and the HELP/MESSAGE command and qualifiers,
see the OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users. Also see that manual
for a description of the files that you must manipulate to customize the Help Message database.

Currently, user-supplied comments or additions to VSI-supplied .MSGHLP$DATA files are not
preserved through the next upgrade. However, your own .MSGHLP$DATA files are not affected by
future releases. You can reuse .MSGHLP files to insert your own messages into future VSI-supplied
database files. Depending on the data format in future databases, you might also be able to reuse
some .MSGHLP files to insert comments.

5.6.1. Accessing $STATUS Values for Uninstalled

Any messages that are not installed as part of the OpenVMS operating system cannot be equated with
a value stored in $STATUS until they are recognized by the system. When the Help Message utility
attempts to translate the value stored in $STATUS or a value specified with the /STATUS qualifier,
the search can fail if the value does not equate to an installed message or a message that was linked
into the Help Message utility when it was created by Digital. You can make your system recognize
such uninstalled messages. These messages include user-supplied messages, third-party messages, and
messages from layered products and certain other OpenVMS facilities.

How to Perform This Task

1. Use the Help Message qualifier /SECTION_FILE=* to include all the OpenVMS supplied
message section files that have not already been linked into the main Help Message program,


This command generates a user-modifiable object library, SYS$LIBRARY:MSGHLP

$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.OLB. Each module in this library contains a pointer to a message
section .EXE file. You can use the /SECTION_FILE qualifier to insert additional modules into
this library. (See the following steps.)

This HELP/MESSAGE command produces results similar to, but entirely separate from those effected
by the SET MESSAGE filespec command. The Help Message utility does not interact with the
Message utility. If you want both utilities to translate the same set of message sections, you must

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

separately code each utility to do so. It is perfectly acceptable to have each utility point to different
message section files.

2. When you use the /SECTION_FILE qualifier to create the object library or add modules to it, the
MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.EXE file is also automatically created from all the modules
in the object library and is placed in your default directory. When you finish modifying the object
library, you must copy the final .EXE file to SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] (logical name SYS

Thereafter, if Help Message cannot translate a status code and the SYS$LIBRARY:MSGHLP
$MESSAGE_SECTION.EXE image exists, Help Message activates it and searches all message
section files to which it points. The impact on Help Message search time depends upon the
number of files searched.

3. Use the following command as many times as you want to add pointer modules for any other
specific message section files to SYS$LIBRARY:MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.OLB and


The default file specification is SYS$MESSAGE:.EXE.

4. Review the contents of the resulting SYS$LIBRARY:MSGHLP$MESSAGE_SECTIONS.OLB



The names of the modules in the .OLB file are derived from strings specified in the /
SECTION_FILE qualifier.

Help Message can search a maximum of 42 message section files. Files are searched in this order:

• The last file activated by a SET MESSAGE command (if any).

• The message section files that Help Message is linked with before it is shipped:





• Any message section files explicitly linked with MSGHLP$MAIN.EXE or with any shareable
image that MSGHLP$MAIN.EXE references.

• Any nonduplicate message section files linked with SYS$LIBRARY:MSGHLP


Message section files are searched in the order in which they are listed in the .OLB file. (Order
is alphabetical.) If the total count of message section files exceeds 42, message section files
listed near the end of the .OLB file might not be searched.

5. If you want, remove any references to message section files in the .OLB file to control which 42
message section files are included in the Help Message search. You might delete a file that you

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

rarely use earlier in the alphabet to ensure that a file later in the alphabet is among the 42 files
searched. For example, to delete the NCP (Network Control Program) messages from the .OLB
file, use this command:


If you delete a module from the .OLB file, you must execute the HELP/MESSAGE command
with the /SECTION_FILE qualifier to generate an updated .EXE file. The qualifier argument can
specify either a new file or a file that is already listed in the .OLB file.

6. When your .OLB file reflects the message section files you want Help Message to search, copy the
final .EXE file from your account to SYS$LIBRARY:.


The following example demonstrates this sequence of events:

1. Link all OpenVMS supplied message section files.

2. Review the resulting .OLB file.

3. Delete the VVIEFMSG module from the .OLB file.

4. Add the file USERS:[TOOLS]NEW_MSGS.EXE to the list in the .OLB file.

5. Review the revised contents of the .OLB file.

6. Copy the final .EXE file from the local account to SYS$LIBRARY:.

Note that the output from the LIBRARY/LIST commands is omitted from the example.


5.6.2. Creating System-Level Database Search Paths

Help Message database files need not reside on the system disk. You can create system logical names
to define one or more Help Message search paths to access multiple .MSGHLP$DATA files in
different locations.

When Help Message is installed, the OpenVMS messages database file is installed by default at SYS
$COMMON:[SYSHLP]MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA. However, this file can optionally
be installed on or moved to another disk. The alternate location must be pointed to by logical name
MSGHLP$LIBRARY. Use this command to define the logical name:


By default, Help Message attempts to look up messages in the default location unless the logical name
MSGHLP$LIBRARY is defined. If you do not use the default database location, include the logical
name definition command in SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM so that the database is defined
each time the system is booted.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

If you move MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA to a new location after installation, be sure to set
the proper protections on the file and directory so that the database cannot be accidentally deleted or
modified. The protections at installation are (RWE, RWE, RE, RE) for the directory and (RWE, RWE,
RWE, RE) for the file.

You and other system users can create additional .MSGHLP$DATA files, as described in the
OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users. None of the .MSGHLP
$DATA files need reside on the system disk. You can add new files to a systemwide default database
search path defined by MSGHLP$LIBRARY, or you can create specialized search paths to include
different configurations of .MSGHLP$DATA files.

A search path definition can include individual file names or can point to one or more directories.
If you specify a directory with no file name, Help Message searches all .MSGHLP$DATA files
currently found in that directory. Pointing to a directory instead of individual files can minimize your
bookkeeping when .MSGHLP$DATA files are added or removed.

To use system resources more efficiently, you can create different search paths for different user
groups, depending on which .MSGHLP$DATA files they need to access. You can also set up different
directories for different types of messages or for different user groups. For example, you could use
three unique logical names to define three different search paths tailored to different user groups:
DEFINE/SYSTEM logical-name-1 file-a,file-b,file-c

DEFINE/SYSTEM logical-name-2 file-a,directory-z

DEFINE/SYSTEM logical-name-3 file-x,file-a,directory-y

The first file you list in a search path is the default database for /INSERT and /DELETE operations
that operate on that search path. By default, all other operations access all files in a search path.
Specifying a directory first in a search path risks setting up a default moving target for /INSERT and /
DELETE operations if files are added to or deleted from the directory.

Users can select an alternate to the system default database by specifying the /LIBRARY qualifier in
the HELP/MESSAGE command. Individual users can also create their own logical name search paths
at the process level.


The following example defines a Help Message search path that accesses .MSGHLP$DATA database
files in three locations: the VSI-supplied OpenVMS messages at USERS:[TOOLS], the user-supplied
directory TEST:[TRY_ME].

5.6.3. Deleting VSI-supplied Messages from the

You can delete VSI-supplied messages from the database to conserve system resources or improve
response time.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

How to Perform This Task

1. Use the /EXTRACT qualifier to create a .MSGHLP file containing the messages you want to
delete from the database. (See the OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help
Message Users for a full description of how to select the contents of the .MSGHLP file.) Some
examples follow.

Use the following syntax to extract all the messages for a specified facility:


Use this syntax to extract one or more messages specified by the search string:

HELP/MESSAGE/EXTRACT=filename.MSGHLP search-string

2. Check the contents of the resulting .MSGHLP file to be sure that it contains only the data that you
want to delete from the database. Edit out any messages that you do not want to delete from the

3. Use /DELETE to delete the contents of the .MSGHLP file from the database. Include /LIBRARY
if the MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA file is not the default database or if it is not the first
file in the search path defined by logical name MSGHLP$LIBRARY.



Save the .MSGHLP file if you might ever want to add the deleted messages back into the database
prior to the next upgrade. You can store the file on tape to conserve disk space. If you delete and
then reinsert messages, these messages are treated like user-supplied messages and are displayed
with change bars.

Any VSI-supplied messages that you delete are currently reinserted into the database at the next
upgrade. You can delete the messages again using a saved .MSGHLP file or you can create a
new .MSGHLP file. Note that if you keep a .MSGHLP file for future deletion purposes only, you
need save only the lines prefixed by 1 and 2.

4. To save disk space, you can compress the .MSGHLP$DATA file to close up any free space created
by the deletions. Use the following command sequence to compress the file:

CONVERT disk:[directory]filename.MSGHLP$DATA disk:


PURGE disk:[directory]filename.MSGHLP$DATA


The following example extracts and then deletes all messages for the DDTM (DECdtm services)
facility from the default database. The last two commands compress the VSI-supplied database file to
conserve disk space after the deletions.


Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

5.6.4. Adding Comments to VSI-supplied Messages

You can add comments to VSI-supplied messages documentation. Comments display with change
bars immediately following the VSI-supplied description. This feature is a handy way to publicize a
site-specific solution for a common problem.

Currently, user-supplied comments to VSI-supplied .MSGHLP$DATA files are not preserved through
the next upgrade. However, if the VSI-supplied message descriptions do not change during the
upgrade, you can reuse .MSGHLP files to reinsert comments after the upgrade.

How to Perform This Task

1. Extract the message to which you want to add a comment. The following example extracts
hypothetical message NOSNO:


2. Edit the .MSGHLP file to add your comment. The .MSGHLP file format uses a unique numerical
prefix to designate the message, facility, explanation, and user action sections of the message
description. Add your comments at the end using a "5" prefix.

1NOSNO, can't ski; no snow

3Your attempt to ski failed because there is no snow.
4Wait until there is snow and attempt the operation again.
5If you don't want to wait, go to a location where there is
5snow and ski there.
5Or, try ice skating instead!

Tips for modifying files:

• Limit your comments to 60 characters per line so that they do not exceed the terminal display

• Use a "5" prefix on blank lines too.

• Do not edit VSI-supplied data. Any such edits are ignored when the comment is added to the

Section 5.6.5 describes how you can alter VSI-supplied data.

3. Update the database by inserting the updated message:


The comment is now displayed following the VSI-supplied message description.



[Edit ACCVIO.MSGHLP to add your comment.]

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System


5.6.5. Changing VSI-supplied Data

You cannot use the procedure described in Section 5.6.4 to alter VSI-supplied information. The
recommended way to permanently change VSI-supplied information is to send your comments to the
OSSG Documentation Group (see the Preface for Internet and mail addresses) or contact a Digital
support representative.

The sequence described in this section allows you to modify VSI-supplied data, with the following

• The VSI-supplied message is deleted from the database and your version of the message is

• The message you modify subsequently displays with change bars to designate it as unsupported,
user-supplied data.

Currently, the VSI-supplied message is reinserted into the database at the next upgrade and the user-
supplied text is overwritten.

How to Perform This Task

1. Extract the message having the text or description you want to change:

HELP/MESSAGE/EXTRACT=filename.MSGHLP search-string

2. Check the .MSGHLP file to ensure that your search did not pick up any messages that you do not
want to change. Delete any such messages that you want to preserve out of the .MSGHLP file.

3. Delete the VSI-supplied version of the message from the Help Message database by specifying
the .MSGHLP file as input. The following command deletes all messages in the .MSGHLP file
from the default .MSGHLP$DATA file:


4. Edit the .MSGHLP file to make your changes.

5. Insert the revised message description into the Help Message database:


Your version of the message now appears in the database with change bars to indicate that it is not
a VSI-supplied message.



[Edit NOFILES.MSGHLP to change the text.]


Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

5.6.6. Adding Messages to VSI-supplied Database Files

The OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Usersdescribes how to create
your own .MSGHLP$DATA files to add new messages to the Help Message database. Keeping your
messages in a separate file can simplify your messages bookkeeping and ensure that your messages
are preserved through future upgrades.

With write access to VSI-supplied .MSGHLP$DATA files, you can alternatively insert your own
messages into the VSI-supplied MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA file. However, messages
inserted using this technique will currently be overwritten at the next upgrade. You can, however, save
your input .MSGHLP files and repeat the insertion process at the next upgrade.

How to Perform This Task

1. Create a .MSGHLP file with your message descriptions in it. (Section 5.6.4 includes an example
of the .MSGHLP file format.)

2. Specify your .MSGHLP file as input to update the VSI-supplied .MSGHLP$DATA file. Assuming
that MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA is the default, all you must enter is:




5.7. Customizing Mail

OpenVMS contains two logical names to enable you to customize the operation of certain Mail
functions on your system. This includes checking the network address format to use and sending
mail directly to a user on an OpenVMS Cluster (rather than through the network) if the sender and
recipient are both on the same node.

You customize Mail by defining the logical name MAIL$SYSTEM_FLAGS as a system and
executive mode logical name. For example:


The value of the logical name MAIL$SYSTEM_FLAGS is interpreted in the following ways:

Value Meaning
1 Indicates that this node is part of a homogeneous OpenVMS Cluster system. In
other words, all disks are accessible to the cluster, and a common SYSUAF file
and a common mail file exist for the cluster.

When this bit is set, the system checks the node to which you are sending mail
to see if it is currently in the cluster. If the node is in the cluster, the system
bypasses DECnet, and the message is written directly to the recipient's mail file.
(Note that the node must be up to determine whether it is part of the cluster.)
2 Directs Mail to set the OpenVMS Cluster system breakthrough flag when
issuing the $BRKTHRU service to notify the recipient of new mail. This flag

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

Value Meaning
is used only in OpenVMS Cluster systems and, typically, only in homogeneous
OpenVMS Cluster systems (in other words, flag 1 is also set).
4 Directs Mail to include the time the message was delivered in the notification
message displayed on the recipient's terminal.
8 Directs Mail to use DECnet VAX address syntax when the system is running
16 Directs Mail to use DECnet-Plus address syntax.
32 Indefinitely retry reading a UAF record when the record is locked by another
user. Default (bit not set) behavior is to return UAFGETERR and not retry.

For example, if MAIL$SYSTEM_FLAGS translates to 7, the system selects the first three flags. If the
logical name does not translate, the default is 0, which indicates that no flags are set.

On VAX systems, if neither 8 nor 16 is in the value for MAIL$SYSTEM_FLAGS,the system checks
to see whether DECnet for OpenVMS or DECnet-Plus is running on the system and operates as if
the appropriate bit were set. If MAIL$SYSTEM_FLAGS accidentally specifies both DECnet and
DECnet-Plus, the Mail utility defaults to DECnet-Plus.

Certain network addresses can be interpreted by the Mail utility as either DECnet-Plus names or
SMTP names. These ambiguous network names have the following features:

• The address does not contain double quotation marks (")

• The address contains an at sign (@)

• There are no periods to the right of the at sign

You can control the default system interpretation of those names with the MAIL$INTERNET_MODE
logical name.

To specify the mail address mode, define logical name MAIL$INTERNET_MODE as follows:


You must have SYSNAM privilege or write (W) access to the system logical name table. The
following table describes the values of address_mode and the effect of each value of MAIL

Address Mode Effect

HYBRID (default) If the node component of the address contains a period (.),Mail uses SMTP
address mode. If there are no periods, Mail uses DECnet address mode.
DECNET Mail always interprets the node component of the address as a DECnet node
SMTP Mail always interprets the node component of the address as an Internet address
specification. The default address mode is SMTP unless you use logical name
MAIL$INTERNET_TRANSPORT to define a different transport (and therefore
different address mode).

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

For more information about using logical names to control the use of internet address modes by the
Mail utility, see the OpenVMS User’s Manual.

5.8. Setting Up the Multipurpose Internet Mail

Extension (MIME) Utility
MIME is the standard used to attach nontext files to mail messages to send them over the Internet.
The MIME utility allows users to read and compose MIME-encoded mail messages on OpenVMS

Understanding the MIME Utility

With MIME, users can encode and send nontext files such as graphics or audio files encoded as plain
text; however, those files are often unreadable. The MIME utility decodes MIME files sent over the
Internet to their original form. MIME also allows users to create MIME-encoded files, which can be
sent as mail messages using the OpenVMS Mail utility.

For more information on how users can use the MIME utility, refer to the OpenVMS User’s Manual.

5.8.1. Defining a Foreign Command

Your only installation work is to define a foreign command to run the utility, for example:


You can establish systemwide defaults for displaying MIME-encoded messages by creating two files:

MIME$MAILCAP.DAT identifies an application to display each locally recognized content-type

of incoming MIME-encoded files. MIME$FILETYPES.DAT associates a content-type with the file
extension of outgoing files.

A user can override those defaults by creating these files in SYS$LOGIN. See the OpenVMS User’s
Manual for details about those files.

5.9. Saving Your Customization

Once you have installed and customized your system, VSI recommends that you back up your system
disk. To do so, follow the instructions in Section 11.17.

On VAX systems, back up the console volume (if applicable). If your computer has a console storage
device, make a backup copy of your console volume in case your original becomes corrupted. The
operating system provides a command procedure called CONSCOPY.COM (in the SYS$UPDATE
directory), which copies your console volume to a blank one.

The procedure for backing up the console volume varies for different computers. For specific
instructions on backing up the console volumes,refer to the upgrade and installation supplement for
your VAX computer.

Chapter 5. Customizing the Operating System

Chapter 6. Setting System Time
This chapter describes how to control system time on OpenVMS systems, describes how system time
relates to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), and tells how to ensure that local system time remains
correct when local time changes, as it does for daylight saving time.

For a complete list of support time zones that are referenced by VMS services, see the VSI OpenVMS
System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task System Section

Setting time zone information OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and later Section 6.2

Open VMS I64

Setting time zone information OpenVMS Alpha before Version 7.3 Section 6.3

Setting time zone information OpenVMS Cluster Section 6.4
Controlling daylight saving time All Section 6.5
Setting time using the Battery-Backed OpenVMS Alpha Section 6.6
Watch (BBW)
Open VMS I64
Choosing languages, and date and time OpenVMS Section 6.7
Saving your time customizations OpenVMS VAX Section 6.8

OpenVMS Alpha

Open VMS I64

Using SYSMAN to manage system Section 6.9

6.1. Setting Correct Time Zone Information on

Your System
Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.0, VSI C RTL implements its default date/time support for
programs compiled with VSI C Version 5.2 and later using a model based on Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC), an international standard for measuring time of day.

Even if you do not use the VSI C RTL directly, you must set correct time zone information on your
system because other system utilities written in the VSI C language might require it.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

6.1.1. Distributed Time Synchronization Service

Your system may be using Distributed Time Synchronization Service (DTSS).DTSS is provided as an
option with DECnet-Plus and the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). If you are using DTSS,
you must not use the procedures described in this chapter. Instead, use the procedures supplied with
DTSS to set time zone information.

6.1.2. Understanding Time-Setting Concepts

Understanding some time concepts will help you see the importance of setting correct time zone
information on your system. Coordinated Universal Time

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is similar in most respects to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Under the UTC time standard,zero hours occurs when the Greenwich Meridian is at midnight. Unlike
local time, which can go backward and forward depending on daylight saving time, UTC always

Local times can be up to 12 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time or 13 hours ahead of it.

Because UTC is independent of time zones, you can use UTC around the world; for example, it is
2:00 UTC at the same moment in Paris as it is in Tokyo. You can examine data that is time-stamped
with UTC values in Paris and Tokyo without performing complicated conversions to deal with local
time zones. Time Zones

Time zones for geographical areas that share the same local time also share the same rule or rules for
seasonal changes between standard time and daylight saving time. Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time

Typically, you make seasonal changes to the local system time (for example, for daylight saving time
and standard time). You usually adjust the local time one hour forward or backward. Time Differential Factor

One of the steps in setting the correct time on your system is to calculate a time differential factor
(TDF) for your time zone.

The TDF associates each local time zone with UTC;it is the difference between your local system
time and UTC. When your system time changes to reflect a local time change between standard time
and daylight saving time, the TDF must also change to compensate for the new local system time. The
TDF changes in the same direction as the local time;that is, if you add an hour to the local time,you
must also add an hour to the TDF. Note, however, that the UTC does not change.

The TDF value is expressed in signed (+ or -) hh:mm format. The Americas have negative
TDFs,while Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia have positive TDFs.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

OpenVMS procedures calculate the normal TDFs for standard and daylight saving time (if any) for
your time zone. These are presented as the default for your TDF setting. VSI recommends that you
accept this default.

You can also use the map in Figure 6.1 to determine the TDF for your time zone. If you prefer, you
can use the tables in Appendix B in the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual to determine the
standard or daylight saving time TDF for your time zone.

To use the map to determine the TDF of your time zone, follow these steps:

1. Find your location on the map and notice the time zone band at that location.

2. Follow the time zone band to the top of the map and note the TDF that corresponds to your time
zone. For example, the TDF for California is –8:00; the TDF for Italy is +1:00.

Some time zones do not have full-hour TDFs. In these cases, find the specific value on the map itself.
For example, if you live in Adelaide, Australia, your TDF is +9:30.

In a time zone with daylight saving time, the TDF for daylight saving time is typically +1:00 from
the standard time. For example, if the standard time TDF is +2:00,the daylight saving time TDF is
+3:00;if the standard time TDF is -7:00, the daylight saving time TDF is -6:00.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

Figure 6.1. Time Differential Factor Map

Time zone rules are under control of each country and are subject to change for political and other
reasons. Printed maps are almost inevitably out-of-date. For up-to-date information, see the following
web location:


Chapter 6. Setting System Time Time Zone Rules

A time zone rule is used to define the short name (usually three letters)for the time zone, the daylight
saving time and standard time TDFs, and the rule for determining when changes are made between
daylight saving time and standard time. The format of the time zone rules are defined in the VSI C
Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS Systems. Setting Time Zone Information

How you set the time zone information on your system depends on the following:

• Whether DTSS is in use

• The version of OpenVMS

• The architecture (VAX, Alpha, or OpenVMS Cluster)

If you are using the Distributed Time Synchronization Service (DTSS), use the procedures supplied
with DTSS to set time zone information. See Section 6.1.1.

If DTSS is not in use, use the following table to determine how to set time zone information.

OpenVMS Version Architecture See

7.3 and later Alpha Section 6.2
7.3 and later VAX Section 6.3
7.2 and earlier VAX or Alpha Section 6.3
All OpenVMS Cluster Environment Section 6.4

6.2. Setting Time Zone Information on

OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and Later
This section contains instructions for setting time zone information on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
and later. For instructions on setting time zone information on OpenVMS Alpha prior to Version 7.3
and on OpenVMS VAX,see Section 6.3.

If you are using the Distributed Time Synchronization Service (DTSS), you must use the procedures
supplied with DTSS to set time zone information. See Section 6.1.1.

Use the procedure SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM to set time zone information.

SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM has some undocumented uses that are not supported
and can lead to inconsistent or incorrect time zone information,For this reason, you should use SYS
$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM only in the ways that are documented here.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

To use SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM, you must have the following privileges

enabled: OPER, LOG_IO, SYSPRV, SYSNAM and CMEXEC. To ensure that these privileges are
enabled, execute the following command:


If these privileges are not enabled, you can encounter errors or incorrect results.

You can use SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM to display current time zone information

or to set time zone information.

6.2.1. Displaying Time Zone Information

After ensuring that the required privileges are enabled (see Section 6.2), execute the following


This results in the following (or similar) display:

AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV is set to "1".

OpenVMS will automatically change to/from Daylight Saving Time.
(in timezones that use Daylight Saving Time)


LOCAL SYSTEM TIME = 20-MAR-2003 13:23:22.21 (EST)
TIME ZONE RULE = EST5EDT4,M4.1.0/02,M10.4.0/02
Change EST to EDT on the First Sunday of April (6-Apr-2003) at 02:00
Change EDT to EST on the Fourth Sunday of October (26-Oct-2003) at

If the AUTO_DLIGHT_SAVE system parameter is set to 0, you may receive a display similar to the

AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV is set to "0" and DTSS is not in use.

You will have to manually change to/from Daylight Saving Time.

You can do this by executing SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM,



LOCAL SYSTEM TIME = 19-MAR-2003 13:02:03.91 (CST)
This time zone does not use Daylight Saving Time.

You may also receive messages indicating that some time zone parameters are not correctly set. If so,
correct the time zone information and rerun the procedure.

6.2.2. Setting Time Zone Information

For local time zone support to work correctly, you must set the time zone that accurately describes
the location you want to be considered as your default time zone. Usually, this is the time zone in
which your system is running. In addition, your system must be correctly configured to use a valid
OpenVMS time differential factor (TDF).

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

After ensuring that the required privileges are enabled (see Section 6.2), execute the following


Do not include any parameters with this command. When the main time zone menu is displayed,
you can select the time zone in either of two ways: (1) by selecting the number in the main time zone
menu that best represents the time zone desired (if multiple time zones exist for the selection you
make, you will have to select the exact time zone from another menu), or (2) by using a search option
that allows you to bypass the time zone menu and search by name.

If you select one of the numbers in the time zone menu, the corresponding time zone is selected.
An asterisk (*) next to a number indicates that more than one time zone exists for that selection.
If you select such a number, an additional menu displays with choices that allow you to select the
appropriate time zone. For example, if you choose the United States (US) time zone from the main
menu, a second menu displays the specific time zones within the United States. You then select the
menu item that best represents the desired time zone.

The following example shows how you would select the Eastern time zone for the United States by
using the menu numbers:

Configuring the Local Time Zone

TIME ZONE SPECIFICATION -- MAIN Time Zone Menu “*” indicates a menu
0* GMT
1* AFRICA 12) EET 23) JAPAN 34) ROK
7* BRAZIL 18) ICELAND 29) NZ 40* US
9) CET 20) IRAN 31) POLAND 42) W-SU
10* CHILE 21) ISRAEL 32) PRC 43) WET
11) CUBA 22) JAMAICA 33) ROC 44) ZULU

Press “Return” to redisplay, enter “=” to search or “?” for help, or

Select the number above that best represents the desired time zone: 40

US Time Zone Menu “*” indicates a menu



Press “Return” to redisplay, enter “=” to search or “?” for help, or

Select the number above that best represents the desired time zone: 6
You selected EASTERN / US as your time zone.
Is this correct? (Yes/No) [YES]:

Table 6.1 lists and describes the acronyms that appear in the Main Time Zone Menu.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

Table 6.1. Time Zone Acronyms

Time Zone Description
CET Central European Time
EET Eastern European Time
Factory Specifies no time zone
GB-Eire Great Britain/Ireland
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
MET Middle European Time
NZ New Zealand
NZ-CHAT New Zealand, Chatham Islands
PRC People's Republic of China
ROC Republic of China
ROK Republic of Korea
SystemV Specific to System V operating system
UCT Coordinated Universal Time
US United States
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
Universal Coordinated Universal Time
W-SU Middle European Time
WET Western European Time

To use the search option instead of menu numbers to select the time zone, enter an equal string (=) at
the menu prompt instead of a number. The procedure then prompts you for the full or partial name of
the time zone you want to select. After you enter that information, the procedure displays all matching
time zones, and you can then select the appropriate one.

Search only for a specific submenu name, such as US or INDIAN, or for a menu entry, such as
POLAND (or partial name POL, for example) or EASTERN. Attempts to search for EASTERN / US
or REUNION / INDIAN will fail to bring up choices for you.

The following example shows how you would select the Eastern time zone for the United States by
using the search option:
Configuring the Local Time Zone

TIME ZONE SPECIFICATION -- MAIN Time Zone Menu “*” indicates a menu
0* GMT
1* AFRICA 12) EET 23) JAPAN 34) ROK
7* BRAZIL 18) ICELAND 29) NZ 40* US

Chapter 6. Setting System Time


9) CET 20) IRAN 31) POLAND 42) W-SU
10* CHILE 21) ISRAEL 32) PRC 43) WET
11) CUBA 22) JAMAICA 33) ROC 44) ZULU

Press “Return” to redisplay, enter “=” to search or “?” for help, or

Select the number above that best represents the desired time zone: =EAST

Search for Time Zone by Full or Partial Name

“*” indicates a menu

Press “Return” to redisplay this menu,

enter “=” to search for a new zone,
enter “0” to return to the Main Time Zone Menu,
enter “?” for help, or
Select the number above that best represents the desired time zone: 7

You selected EASTERN / US as your time zone.

Is this correct? (Yes/No) [YES]

If you enter No, you are returned to the Main Time Zone Menu.

If you answer Yes or press Return to accept the default, time zone information is set. This includes:

• The following system logical names, which are set with the time zone information:






• The following files, which are written so that time zone information can be reset when the system
is rebooted:



The TDF is the difference between your system time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which
is an international standard (similar to Greenwich Mean Time) for measuring time of day. The system
next displays the TDFs for standard and daylight saving time that correspond to the time zone you
have selected, and information about the TDF. For example:

Default Time Differential Factor for standard time is -5:00.

Default Time Differential Factor for daylight saving time is -4:00.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

The Time Differential Factor (TDF) is the difference between your

system time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is similar
in most repects to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

The TDF is expressed as hours and minutes, and should be entered

in the hh:mm format. TDFs for the Americas will be negative
(-3:00, -4:00, etc.); TDFs for Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia
will be positive (1:00, 2:00, etc.).

Note that the system displays daylight saving time information only for time zones that use daylight
saving time. If the time zone you selected uses daylight saving time, you must indicate whether
daylight saving time is or is not currently in effect. Answer Y (Yes) or N (No) when you are
prompted. For example:

Is Daylight Savings time in effect? Y

You are then prompted to enter the TDF. A default, based on your time zone and daylight saving time
information, is provided. In the following example the default is -4:00. VSI recommends that you
press Return to accept the default.

Enter the Time Differential Factor [-4:00]: Return

This results in the following (or similar) display:

If this is a seasonal time change, it may also be necessary to

modify the system time. Generally, seasonal time changes result
in adding 1:00 hour, or adding -1:00 hour to the system time.

When you are prompted, enter Yes or No.

Do you wish to modify the local system time [N]: Yes

If you answer Yes, the following is displayed:

Enter the time adjustment value you would like to add to

the local time. You can enter hours only (hh) or hours and
minutes (hh:mm) The value can be positive (hh:mm or +hh:mm)
or negative (-hh:mm).

You are then asked to enter the time adjustment, usually either -1:00 or+1:00.

Enter the time adjustment value: -1:00

Finally, the TDF and the time adjustment (if any)is displayed, and you are asked to confirm that they
are correct.



Is this correct? [Y]:

If you answer Yes, the TDF is set, and the system logical name SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL
is defined.

If you answer No, you are returned to the TDF information display,from which you can reenter your
TDF and time adjustment choices.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

6.3. Setting Time Zone Information on

OpenVMS VAX Systems
This section presents instructions for setting time zone information on OpenVMS VAX and on
OpenVMS Alpha prior to Version 7.3.For instructions about setting time zone information on
OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and later, and on I64,see Section 6.2.

You use the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM to set time zone

information, including:

• Setting your local time zone, your TDF, or both

• Modifying your system's local time to adjust for daylight saving or standard time

• Displaying the local time and TDF for your system

If you set the time zone and the TDF on one node in a cluster, the values you set take effect on other
nodes in the cluster when those nodes are rebooted.

For your convenience, the instructions for using the command procedure have been split into two

• Setting the time zone

• Setting the TDF

Beginning the Procedure

To use SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the SYSTEM account or enter the following command to enable LOG_IO and OPER


2. Enter the following command to start UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM:


%UTC-I-UPDTIME, updating Time Zone information in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]

3. Press Return to accept the default of BOTH or enter one of the other choices in answer to the
following question:

Configure which time parameter (TIMEZONE/TDF/BOTH/NONE)? [BOTH]

VSI recommends that you set both the time zone and the TDF. If you set the TDF without setting the
time zone, the procedure cannot provide default TDF values.

If you answer BOTH or TIMEZONE to the time parameter question in the command procedure,
continue in Section 6.3.1.If you answer TDF to the question, continue in Section 6.3.2.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

6.3.1. Setting the Time Zone on Your System

The local time zone is the location you want to consider your default local time zone. Usually this
local time zone is the same as the local time zone in which your system is located.

You set the local time zone by making choices in a command procedure.

The system first displays the following information:

Configuring the Local Time Zone
1) Australia 11) GMT 21) Mexico 31) Turkey
2) Brazil 12) Greenwich 22) NZ 32) UCT
3) CET 13) Hong Kong 23) NZ-CHAT 33) US
4) Canada 14) Iceland 24) Navajo 34) UTC
5) Chile 15) Iran 25) PRC 35) Universal
6) Cuba 16) Israel 26) Poland 36) W-SU
7) EET 17) Jamaica 27) ROC 37) WET
8) Egypt 18) Japan 28) ROK 38) Zulu
9) Factory 19) Libya 29) Singapore
10) GB-Eire 20) MET 30) SystemV

0) None of the above

Table 6.1 lists and describes the acronyms that appear in the Main Time Zone Menu.

To select a time zone, follow these steps:

1. Enter a number after the following question; for example, 33, for the United States:
Select the number above that best describes your location: 33

If you enter 0, the system defaults to GMT.

2. If you enter a country that has more than one time zone, the system displays a message and asks
for a confirmation like the following one (if not, skip to the explanation following step 4):
You selected US as your time zone.
Is this correct? (Yes/No) [YES]: [Return]

3. The system displays areas with different time zones and asks you to select your area. Enter a
number, for example, 6:
US Time Zone Menu
1) Alaska 4) Central 7) Hawaii 10) Mountain
2) Aleutian 5) East-Indiana 8) Indiana-Starke 11) Pacific
3) Arizona 6) Eastern 9) Michigan 12) Samoa

0) None of the above

Select the number above that best describes your location: 6

4. Confirm the displayed information or enter another number after the following prompt; for
You selected US/Eastern as your time zone.Is this correct? (Yes/No)
[YES]: [Return]

When you confirm the last statement, the system redefines the following system logical names:

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

• sys$localtime

• sys$posixrules

The VSI C RTL uses these logical names to compute the time zone rules for your applications.
The system also writes this information to SYS$TIMEZONE.DAT. The system uses this file to
reset SYS$LOCALTIME and SYS$POSIXRULES when you reboot.

The system then displays the TDFs for standard and daylight saving time that correspond to the
time zone you have selected:

Default Time Differential Factor for standard time is -5:00.

*Default Time Differential Factor for daylight saving time is -4:00.

* The system displays daylight saving time only for time zones that use daylight saving time.

6.3.2. Setting the TDF on Your System

If you answer TDF or BOTH to the time parameter question at the beginning of the command
procedure, the system displays prompts for the TDF on your system.

To set the TDF, answer the following questions:

1. Select option 2 to display the TDF the system has calculated for you:

Configuring the Time Differential Factor (TDF)

Enter ? anytime for help
[0] Exit
[1] Set the Time Differential Factor
[2] Display the Time Differential Factor

Please pick an option number [2]: 2

The system displays information similar to the following items:

SYSTEM TIME DIFFERENTIAL FACTOR = -4:00 (-14400 seconds).

LOCAL SYSTEM TIME = 22-JAN-2001 10:49:45.20.

2. Select option 1 to verify the TDF displayed or to enter a new one:

Configuring the Time Differential Factor (TDF)

Enter ? anytime for help
[0] Exit
[1] Set the Time Differential Factor
[2] Display the Time Differential Factor

Please pick an option number [2]: 1

The system then displays the following information:

The Time Differential Factor (TDF) is the difference between your

system time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is similar
in most respects to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The TDF is expressed as hours and minutes, and should be entered
in the hh:mm format. TDFs for the Americas will be negative
(-3:00, -4:00, etc.); TDFs for Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia
will be positive (1:00, 2:00, etc.).

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

The system displays the following question only if you set the time zone as well. However, some
time zones do not have daylight saving time; if they do not, the system also does not display this

3. Answer Yes or No to the following question:

Is Daylight Saving time in effect? (Yes/No):

4. After the following prompt, either press Return to accept the displayed default or enter the correct
TDF. (If you have not set the time zone, the system does not display a default TDF value.)
Enter the Time Differential Factor [-4:00]:

The system then explains the need to modify the system time as well for season time changes:
If this is a seasonal time change, it may also be necessary to
modify the system time. Generally, seasonal time changes result
in adding 1:00 hour, or adding -1:00 hour to the system time.

5. To the following question, answer Yes if you need to modify the local system time or No if you do
Do you wish to modify the local system time [N]:

If you answer Yes, the system leads you through a dialogue similar to the one in Section 6.5.3

If you answer No, the system next displays the new TDF:

6. Answer Yes to confirm the displayed TDF or No if it is incorrect:

Is this correct? [Y]:

If you answer No, the system returns to step 1 in this section.

If you answer Yes,the system displays both the TDF and the local system time.
SYSTEM TIME DIFFERENTIAL FACTOR = -4:00 (-14400 seconds).
LOCAL SYSTEM TIME = 22-JAN-2001 10:52:37.36.

6.4. Setting Time in an OpenVMS Cluster

The local time, the TDF, and the time zone must be the same on all nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster
environment. You can use the System Management utility(SYSMAN) DO command to invoke
the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM on one node in a cluster to
perform the following actions for one or more nodes in the cluster:

• Display time zone information

• Set or change the time zone information

Because SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM is different on OpenVMS Alpha systems

and OpenVMS VAX systems, you must take care in a mixed architecture cluster. Set the SYSMAN
environment to operate on all Alpha, I64 or all VAX nodes with the following SYSMAM command:

Chapter 6. Setting System Time


Then, after you have run UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM for one architecture, reset the environment to the
other architecture and run UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM for that architecture.

6.5. Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time

In time zones that use daylight saving time, your system time must be adjusted twice a year. How this
change occurs depends on the following:

• Whether DTSS is in use

• The version of OpenVMS

• The architecture (VAX, Alpha or I64)

• System parameter AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV (OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 only)

If you are using the Distributed Time Synchronization Service (DTSS), DTSS makes the necessary
changes between daylight saving time and standard time. See Section 6.1.1.

If DTSS is not in use, use the following table to determine how to change system time between
standard time and daylight saving time:

OpenVMS Version Architecture AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV See

7.3 and later Alpha and I64 1 Section 6.5.1
7.3 and later Alpha and I64 0 Section 6.5.2
7.3 and later VAX n/a Section 6.5.2
7.2 and earlier VAX or Alpha n/a Section 6.5.3

6.5.1. Automatically Adjusting for Daylight Saving

Time (OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and Later,
OpenVMS I64)
OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and later and OpenVMS I64 contain a system parameter,
AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV, that controls automatic switching between standard time and daylight saving

If AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV is set to 1, an OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 (and later) or I64 system
automatically sets the time forward or back when local time changes between daylight saving time
and standard time.

If AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV is set to 0 (the default), OpenVMS does not automatically change between
daylight saving time and standard time.

The AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV parameter and the automatic changes between daylight saving time and
standard time are implemented only on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and later and on I64 systems.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

For this to work correctly, you must set a time zone rule for your time zone. See Section 6.2 for
information about setting time zone rules on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and later systems and on
I64 systems.

To enable or disable the automatic changing from standard time to daylight saving time, you must
modify AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV. The modification will not take effect until you reboot the system. See
VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems for
information about modifying system parameters.

Automatic changes between daylight saving time and standard time work only on OpenVMS Alpha
Version 7.3 and later systems and on I64 systems. HP recommends that you do not enable automatic
daylight saving time conversion on mixed-version or mixed-architecture OpenVMS Clusters.

For details on manually adjusting for daylight saving time on OpenVMS Version 7.3 systems, see
Section 6.5.2.

6.5.2. Manually Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time

(OpenVMS Version 7.3 and Later Systems, I64
This section contains instructions for adjusting system time between standard time and daylight
saving time on OpenVMS Version 7.3 and later when DTSS is not in use. Use these instruction for
OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 and for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and later and for I64 systems when
automatic daylight saving time switching is disabled (system parameter AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV is set
to 0).

To adjust the local time to daylight saving time or standard time,invoke command procedure SYS
$EXAMPLES:DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM to perform both of the following tasks:

• Adjust the TDF

• Modify the local time by one hour forward or backward

DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM allows you to perform either of the following actions:

• Make the changes immediately.

• Queue a batch job to make the changes at a future time. (This is the most common use of this
command procedure.)

DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM creates a command procedure, DST$CHANGE.COM, in the current

directory. DST$CHANGE.COM can execute on the current node only. To change the time for all
nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster, DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM also creates command procedure DST
$SYSMAN.COM that executes DST$CHANGE.COM by executing a SYSMAN DO command. Note
that to change all nodes, you must run DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM on a node that has OpenVMS
Alpha Version 7.3 or later or I64 installed.

You can run DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM interactively and respond to prompts for input, or run the
command procedure with parameters.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

To run DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM with parameters, enter the following command:


The parameters are described in the following table:

P1 DAYLIGHT Change from standard time to daylight saving time

STANDARD Change from daylight saving time to standard time
P2 NODE Change time on this node only
CLUSTER Change time on the entire OpenVMS Cluster
P3 EXECUTE Change time immediately
QUEUE Submit the job to SYS$BATCH for execution at the date
and time specified by P4
SAVE Save the procedure for later modification
P4 date-time If P3 is QUEUE, date and time that the submitted batch
job is to run, in DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS format;
otherwise P4 is unused

Note that you need enter only the first letter of parameters P1, P2, and P3.

To run DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM interactively, enter the following command:


DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM prompts you for the parameters specified above.

When executing DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM to change the time on all nodes in an

OpenVMS Cluster at a future time, you can specify SAVE for parameter P3. This causes
DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM to save command procedures DST$SYSMAN.COM and DST
$CHANGE.COM. You can then submit DST$SYSMAN.COM to the correct queue.

6.5.3. Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time on OpenVMS

Version 7.2
This section contains instructions for adjusting system time for daylight saving time on OpenVMS
Version 7.2 and earlier.

If you are using the Distributed Time Synchronization Service (DTSS), DTSS makes the necessary
changes between daylight saving time and standard time. See Section 6.1.1.

To adjust the local time to daylight saving time or standard time,you can invoke the command
procedure SYS$EXAMPLES:DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM to perform both of the following tasks:

• Adjust the TDF

• Modify the local time

DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM allows you to perform either of the following actions:

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

• Make the changes immediately. (Usually, however, you would use UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM to
make changes immediately by answering Yes to Question 5in Section 6.3.2.)

• Queue a batch job to make the changes at a future time. (This is the most common use of this
command procedure.)

The following example of DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM shows answers that cause the procedure to
queue a batch job, DST_CHANGE, which will execute when the time changes from standard time to
daylight saving time. Many of the questions are similar to those explained in Section 6.3.2.

In the example, the initial TDF value is -5:00. The local date and time are any time from the date
in 2000 when the change to standard time was made, until1-APR-2001:02:00, when the change to
daylight saving time will be made.

This procedure queues a batch job that changes the system time
and system time differential around a daylight saving time
change. Press the question mark (?) key at any time for help;
hit Control-C to exit.
The Time Differential Factor (TDF) is the difference
between your system time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
The difference is expressed in hh:mm format. The Americas
have negative offsets from UTC, while Europe, Africa, Asia
and Australia have positive offsets from UTC.
* Enter the Time Differential Factor: -4:00
If this is a seasonal time change, it may also be
necessary to modify the system time. Generally,
seasonal time changes result in adding 1:00 hour,
or adding -1:00 hour to the local time.
* Do you wish to modify the local system time [N]: Y
Enter the time value you would like to add to
the local time. The value can be a positive or
a negative (-hh:mm) value.
* Enter the time value: +1:00
The process to modify your time zone offset and local
time (if supplied) can occur now or in the future.
Press Return to run the job now.
* Enter the run time in the DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS format:
JOB RUN TIME : 1-APR-2001:02:00

* Continue? [Y]: Y

Job DST_CHANGE (queue SYS$BATCH, entry 2) holding until 1-APR-2001 02:00

Batch Job DST_CHANGE scheduled to run at 1-APR-2001:02:00
$!!The batch job DST_CHANGE will run on 1-Apr-2001 at 02:00

6.6. Setting Time Using the Battery-Backed

Watch (BBW) (Alpha Only)
The OpenVMS Alpha and I64 architectures maintain the current date and time in the Battery-Backed
Watch (BBW) across power failures and system downtime. The BBW is functionally equivalent to the

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

Time of Day Register (TODR) that the VAX architecture uses. One difference, however, is the BBW's
constraint on the date range.

The BBW provides sufficient storage capability for only a century. The OpenVMS Alpha and I64
systems date range has been redefined as 1957 to 2056 to maintain correct leap-year processing and to
provide for the millennial transition.

In addition, the OpenVMS Alpha and I64 timing mechanisms have been changed to allow 2-digit year
support in the $ASCTIM system service and the DCL command SET TIME. (Prior to this change,
only 4-digit year fields were allowed.) With 2-digit support, you need to enter only the last 2 digits of
a year. The century associated with the year field is derived from the placement of the 2 digits in the
1957-2056 date range. For example:
$ SET TIME = 1-NOV-98

In this example, 98 is the equivalent of 1998.

$ SET TIME = 1-NOV-05

In this example, 05 is the equivalent of 2005.

6.7. Choosing Languages, and Date and Time

You can specify languages other than English. From the list that the system manager defines, users
can later select a language that they want to display.

You can also select the time and date formats for many SHOW commands from a predefined list or
define new time and date formats.

The SHOW TIME command does not include this feature because the SHOW TIME command is
processed completely by DCL, which does not have access to the LIB$ routines necessary to format
the output.

In addition, the SHOW commands for batch and print operations were modified to include, in the
default time-stamp, seconds as well as hours and minutes. These new features were not previously

For example, rather than 15-JAN-2001 10:16:25.14, you can use a different format, such as the
following one:
OpenVMS User Processes at JANUARY 15, 2001 10:16 AM
Total number of users = 7, number of processes = 11
Username Node Interactive Subprocess Batch

Later, users can override the system defaults set up by the system manager and select their own date
and time formats.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

Steps to Change Languages, and Dates and Times

For languages other than English or date/time formats other than the defaults,you must complete these

VSI recommends that you include these steps within the command procedure SYS

1. Define the logical name SYS$LANGUAGES (plural) to specify the list of languages the users on
your system might want to use. (If the language is English, skip this step.)

2. Invoke the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:LIB$DT_STARTUP.COM, which:

• Defines output formats you can use to customize the display of dates and times

• Loads support for languages other than English that you define with the SYS$LANGUAGES

3. Define date and time formats for the system using either:

• User-defined formats

• Predefined formats

6.7.1. Specifying Languages Other Than English

Help/Message language variants might become available in a future release of OpenVMS or on a per-
country basis.

You use the SYS$LANGUAGES (plural) logical to define a list of languages other than English.
(From this list, users can later select a language to be displayed on their processes, as explained in
Section 6.7.4.)

Because English is the default language and must therefore always be available, English spellings are
not taken from logical name translations; rather, they are looked up in an internal table.

For example, to specify the French,German, and Italian languages, you must define SYS


To add another language, for example, FINNISH, you must add FINNISH to the definition of SYS
$LANGUAGES and execute the command procedure again.

6.7.2. Invoking LIB$DT_STARTUP.COM

The SYS$MANAGER:LIB$DT_STARTUP.COM command procedure defines the possible choices
for the following logicals:

Chapter 6. Setting System Time


The system loads the languages you have selected using the SYS$LANGUAGES(plural) logical.

Users can later select their own choice of languages by defining the SYS$LANGUAGE (singular)
logical, as explained in Section 6.7.4.


The system loads output formats that you can then use to specify default system formats.

Users can later define their own formats, as explained in Section 6.7.4.

To invoke the command procedure, enter the following command:


If the translation of SYS$LANGUAGES fails, then English is used. If the translation of LIB
$DT_FORMAT or any logical name relating to format fails,the OpenVMS standard ($ASCTIM)
representation of the date and time is used,that is, dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc.

6.7.3. Defining System Default Date and Time Formats

To define default date and time formats, you can use either user-defined formats, which are shown in
Table 6.2, or predefined formats, which are shown in Table 6.3 and Table 6.4.

To select a format for a date, time, or both, you must define the LIB$DT_FORMAT logical name
using the following logicals:

• LIB$DATE_FORMAT_ nnn, where nnn ranges from 001 to 040

• LIB$TIME_FORMAT_ nnn, where nnn ranges from 001 to 020

The order in which these logical names appear in the definition of LIB$DT_FORMAT determines
the order in which they are output. A single space is inserted into the output string between the two
elements if the definition specifies that both are output. For example, to define systemwide formats:


This definition causes the date to be displayed systemwide in the specified format, followed by a
space and the time in the specified format. For example:

13 JAN 97 9:13 AM

Section 6.7.4 explains how users can select their own date and time formats to be displayed for their
process. Defining Your Own Format

To define your own format, define LIB$DATE_FORMAT_ nnn and LIB$TIME_FORMAT_ nnn,
using the mnemonics shown in Table 6.2. Replace nnn with a number of your choice.

For user-defined formats, VSI recommends that you use values of _500 and above for _ nnn.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

Table 6.2. Format Mnemonics

Date Explanation
!D0 Day, Zero-Filled
!DD Day, No Fill
!DB Day, Blank-Filled
!WU Weekday, Uppercase
!WAU Weekday, Abbreviated, Uppercase
!WC Weekday, Capitalized
!WAC Weekday, Abbreviated, Capitalized
!WL Weekday, Lowercase
!WAL Weekday, Abbreviated, Lowercase
!MAU Month, Alphabetic, Uppercase
!MAAU Month, Alphabetic, Abbreviated, Uppercase
!MAC Month, Alphabetic, Capitalized
!MAAC Month, Alphabetic, Abbreviated, Capitalized
!MAL Month, Alphabetic, Lowercase
!MAAL Month, Alphabetic, Abbreviated, Lowercase
!MN0 Month, Numeric, Zero-Filled
!MNM Month, Numeric, No Fill
!MNB Month, Numeric, Blank-Filled
!Y4 Year, 4 Digits
!Y3 Year, 3 Digits
!Y2 Year, 2 Digits
!Y1 Year, 1 Digit
Time Explanation
!H04 Hours, Zero-Filled, 24-Hour Clock
!HH4 Hours, No Fill, 24-Hour Clock
!HB4 Hours, Blank-Filled, 24-Hour Clock
!H02 Hours, Zero-Filled, 12-Hour Clock
!HH2 Hours, No Fill, 12-Hour Clock
!HB2 Hours, Blank-Filled, 12-Hour Clock
!M0 Minutes, Zero-Filled
!MM Minutes, No Fill
!MB Minutes, Blank-Filled
!S0 Seconds, Zero-Filled
!SS Seconds, No Fill
!SB Seconds, Blank-Filled
!C7 Fractional Seconds, 7 Digits
!C6 Fractional Seconds, 6 Digits

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

Date Explanation
!C5 Fractional Seconds, 5 Digits
!C4 Fractional Seconds, 4 Digits
!C3 Fractional Seconds, 3 Digits
!C2 Fractional Seconds, 2 Digits
!C1 Fractional Seconds, 1 Digit
!MIU Meridiem Indicator, Uppercase
!MIC Meridiem Indicator, Capitalized (mixed case)
!MIL Meridiem Indicator, Lowercase Using Predefined Formats

Table 6.3 lists all predefined date format logical names, their formats, and examples of the output
generated using those formats. The mnemonics used to specify the formats are listed in Table 6.2.

Table 6.3. Predefined Output Date Formats

Date Format Logical Format Example
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_013 !MN0/!D0/!Y2 01/13/98
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_014 !MN0-!D0-!Y2 01-13-98
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_015 !MN0.!D0.!Y2 01.13.98
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_016 !MN0 !D0 !Y2 01 13 98
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_017 !D0/!MN0/!Y2 13/01/98
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_018 !D0/!MN0-!Y2 13/01-98
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_019 !D0-!MN0-!Y2 13-01-98
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_020 !D0.!MN0.!Y2 13.01.98
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_021 !D0 !MN0 !Y2 13 01 98
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_022 !Y2/!MN0/!D0 98/01/13
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_023 !Y2-!MN0-!D0 98-01-13
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_024 !Y2.!MN0.!D0 98.01.13

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

Date Format Logical Format Example

LIB$DATE_FORMAT_025 !Y2 !MN0 !D0 98 01 13
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_026 !Y2!MN0!D0 980113
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_027 /!Y2.!MN0.!D0 /98.01.13
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_028 !MN0/!D0/!Y4 01/13/1998
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_029 !MN0-!D0-!Y4 01-13-1998
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_030 !MN0.!D0.!Y4 01.13.1998
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_031 !MN0 !D0 !Y4 01 13 1998
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_032 !D0/!MN0/!Y4 13/01/1998
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_033 !D0-!MN0-!Y4 13-01-1998
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_034 !D0.!MN0.!Y4 13.01.1998
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_035 !D0 !MN0 !Y4 13 01 1998
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_036 !Y4/!MN0/!D0 1998/01/13
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_037 !Y4-!MN0-!D0 1998-01-13
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_038 !Y4.!MN0.!D0 1998.01.13
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_039 !Y4 !MN0 !D0 1998 01 13
LIB$DATE_FORMAT_040 !Y4!MN0!D0 19980113

Table 6.4 lists all predefined time format logical names, their formats, and examples of the output
generated using those formats.

Table 6.4. Predefined Output Time Formats

Time Format Logical Format Example

LIB$TIME_FORMAT_001 !H04:!M0:!S0.!C2 09:13:25.14
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_002 !H04:!M0:!S0 09:13:25
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_003 !H04.!M0.!S0 09.13.25
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_004 !H04 !M0 !S0 09 13 25
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_005 !H04:!M0 09:13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_006 !H04.!M0 09.13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_007 !H04 !M0 09 13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_008 !HH4:!M0 9:13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_009 !HH4.!M0 9.13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_010 !HH4 !M0 9 13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_011 !H02:!M0 !MIU 09:13 AM
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_013 !H04!M0 0913
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_014 !H04H!M0m 09H13m
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_015 kl !H04.!M0 kl 09.13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_016 !H04H!M0' 09H13'
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_017 !H04.!M0 h 09.13 h

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

Time Format Logical Format Example

LIB$TIME_FORMAT_018 h !H04.!M0 h 09.13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_019 !HH4 h !MM 9 h 13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_020 !HH4 h !MM min !SS s 9 h 13 min 25 s

6.7.4. User Definitions of Language, and Date and Time

A user can specify a choice of language by defining the SYS$LANGUAGE logical. For example:

A user can also specify a date and time format by defining the LIB$DT_FORMAT logical. For

6.8. Saving Your Customization

Once you have installed and customized your system, VSI recommends that you back up your system
disk. To do so, follow the instructions in Section 11.17.

On VAX systems, back up the console volume (if applicable).If your computer has a console storage
device, make a backup copy of your console volume in case your original becomes corrupted. The
operating system provides a command procedure called CONSCOPY.COM (in the SYS$UPDATE
directory), which copies your console volume to a blank one.

The procedure for backing up the console volume varies for different computers. For specific
instructions on backing up the console volumes,refer to the upgrade and installation supplement for
your VAX computer.

6.9. Using SYSMAN to Manage System Time

You can manage system time for an OpenVMS Cluster system with SYSMAN CONFIGURATION
commands. Table 6.5 summarizes these CONFIGURATION commands and their functions.


Command Function
CONFIGURATION SET TIME Updates system time
CONFIGURATION SHOW TIME Displays current system time

6.9.1. Modifying the System Time

Use the CONFIGURATION SET TIME command to modify system time for nodes in an OpenVMS
Cluster system, as well as for individual nodes. You can specify time values in the following format:
[dd-mmm-yyyy[:]] [hh:mm:ss.cc]

You can also enter delta time values. Refer to the OpenVMS User’s Manual for more information
about time formats.

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

In a cluster environment, SYSMAN sets the time on each node to the value you specify. However,
if you do not specify a value, SYSMAN reads the clock on the node from which you are executing
SYSMAN and assigns this value to all nodes in the cluster. In a remote cluster, SYSMAN reads
the clock on the target node in the cluster and assigns that value to all nodes. Note that the time-of-
year clock is optional for some processors; refer to your processor's hardware handbook for more

SYSMAN tries to ensure that all processors in the cluster are set to the same time. Because of
communication and processing delays, it is not possible to synchronize clocks exactly. However,
the variation is typically less than a few hundredths of a second. If SYSMAN cannot set the time to
within one-half second of the specified time,you receive a warning message that names the node that
failed to respond quickly enough.

As a result of slight inaccuracies in each processor clock, times on various members of a cluster tend
to drift apart. The first two examples show how to synchronize system time in a cluster.

1. The following procedure sets the time on all cluster nodes to the value obtained from the local
time-of-year clock, waits 6 hours, then resets the time for the cluster:

$ WAIT 6:00:00

2. The next example sets the environment to NODE21, NODE22, and NODE23, sets privilege, and
modifies the system time on all three nodes:



3. The following example sets the environment to cluster and displays the system time for all nodes:


System time on node NODE21: 19-APR-2001 13:32:19.45
System time on node NODE22: 19-APR-2001 13:32:27.79
System time on node NODE23: 19-APR-2001 13:32:58.66 Resetting System Time After January 1

The Time of Day Register (TODR),which the system uses to maintain system time, has a limit of
approximately 15 months. Between January 1 and April 1, reset the system time; otherwise,the
following problems might occur:

• The first time in a new year that you reboot an OpenVMS Cluster system or a node in the system,
one or more nodes display any of the following system times:

• A year in the past

• A year in the future, which might cause passwords to expire and other difficulties

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

• A correct time, but a SHOW SYSTEM command indicates that the system has been up since a
time in the 1800s

• Even if you correct the system time during system boot, the following problems might remain:

• A SHOW SYSTEM command displays an incorrect up time such as a date in the 1800s

• The error log report (ERRLOG) shows errors for a year in the future

• Batch jobs are waiting for a year in the future

• Files have a creation or modification date in the future

Because the TODR has an approximate limit of 15 months, the system maintains time
by combining the TODR value with a base time recorded in the base system image (SYS
$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS.EXE). The definition of base time is:

01-JAN-CURRENT_YEAR 00:00:00.00

Because all TODRs ordinarily have the same base, multiple CPUs can boot off the same system disk,
and you can use multiple system disks on one CPU; the system sets the time correctly.

When a SET TIME command is issued (with or without specifying a time),OpenVMS performs the
following actions:

1. Writes the current time to the system image file

2. Resets the TODR as an offset within the current year

In an OpenVMS Cluster system (or for a node that is not part of the cluster),when you set the time,
the TODR and the base time in the system image are reset with the values for the new year. However,
multiple systems might share the system image. This does not normally cause a problem except after
the first day of a new year.

The system issues the SET TIME command when it boots and as a part of the normal SHUTDOWN
command procedure.

By December, each node has a very large offset stored in the TODR (from the base time of 1-JAN
of that year). When the time advances to a new year,the system image still has the old year and the
TODR values are still large.

After January 1, if a SET TIME command is issued on any node (or any node is shut down using
SHUTDOWN.COM), the following events occur:

1. The new year becomes the base year.

2. The system resets the TODR on that node.

3. The other nodes still have a large value in the TODR.

After these three events occur, if a node that has a large TODR crashes and rejoins the cluster, its
system time is initially in the next year (applying the large TODR to the new year).This system time is
recorded as the system's boot time. When the node joins the cluster, its time is set to the correct value

Chapter 6. Setting System Time

but the boot time remains one year in the future. Certain forms of the SHOW SYSTEM command
compare current time to boot time; in this instance, SHOW SYSTEM displays incorrect values.

If a system disk is used at different times by different, unclustered CPUs or if different system disks
are used at different times on the same CPU, the system might incorrectly set the time to a year in the
future or a year in the past, depending on how the CPU's TODR and the value recorded on the system
disk become unsynchronized:

• Sharing a system disk across multiple CPUs pushes the time into the future

• Using multiple disks on one CPU pushes the time into the past


The following example uses SYSMAN commands to reset the time on all nodes in an OpenVMS
Cluster system:


In a node that is not part of a cluster, use the SET TIME command and specify a time. If you do not
specify a time, the SET TIME command updates the system time using the time in the TODR.

If you are running the DIGITAL Distributed Time Service (DECdts) on your system, you must use it
to set the time.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts
This chapter describes how to grant access to users on your system. It tells you how to add and
maintain user accounts, and it describes the privileges that you can give and the resources that you
can allocate to the users on your system. It also describes the system management features of the
OpenVMS Mail utility (MAIL).

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Managing system-supplied UAF accounts Section 7.4
Preparing to add user accounts Section 7.5
Adding user accounts Section 7.6
Using command procedures for interactive accounts Section 7.7.1
Modifying a user account Section 7.7.2
Listing user accounts Section 7.7.3
Maintaining the user environment Section 7.7.4
Deleting a user account Section 7.7.5
Restricting the use of accounts Section 7.8
Using login procedures for restricted accounts Section 7.8.5
Setting up special accounts Section 7.9
Managing Mail Section 7.10
Managing system resources Section 7.11

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
Understanding the user authorization file Section 7.1
Understanding the protection of authorization files Section 7.2
Understanding UAF login checks Section 7.3
Understanding system-supplied UAF accounts Section 7.4.1
Understanding account security Section 7.5.3
Understanding network proxy accounts Section 7.9.3
Understanding pages and pagelets Section 7.11.1

7.1. Understanding the User Authorization

The system user authorization file (UAF), SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.DAT, contains user account
records. Each record consists of fields that provide information about the account's user name,

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

login characteristics, login restrictions, and resource control attributes. You specify the account
user name as a parameter to AUTHORIZE commands; the other fields are specified as qualifiers to
AUTHORIZE commands.

The system uses the UAF to validate login requests and to setup processes for users who successfully
log in. You create, examine, and modify UAF records with the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE).

You can assign the following resource control attributes in the UAF record:

• Priority

• Limits and quotas

• Privileges

The following sections briefly discuss these resource control attributes.

7.1.1. Priority
A user's priority is the base process priority that the system uses to schedule computer time for the
process associated with the user's account.

On VAX systems,priorities range in value from a low of 0 to a high of 31. 0 through 15 are
timesharing priorities; 16 through 31 are real-time priorities.

On Alpha and I64 systems,priorities range in value from a low of 0 to a high of 63. 0 through 15 are
timesharing priorities; 16 through 63 are real-time priorities.

The system schedules processes with real-time priorities strictly according to base priority—the
executable real-time process with the highest base priority executes first. Processes with timesharing
priorities are scheduled according to a slightly different principle, to promote equitable service to all

Leave the base priority at the default of 4 for timesharing accounts.

7.1.2. Limits and Quotas

Limits are set on system resources that can be reused; for example, the amount of memory that a
process can use for I/O requests. Most limits restrict the use of physical memory. You set limits for
processes associated with accounts through the appropriate UAF fields. You can change some of these
limits later with DCL commands or by calling system services from programs.

A process passes on its resources to a subprocess (for example, when you create a subprocess with
the SPAWN command) in one of several ways, depending on the resource type. Table 7.1 lists the
different resource types.

Table 7.1. Resource Type Limits

Resource Type Description of Limit
Pooled A process and its subprocesses share the resource on a first-come,first-served
basis until the limit is reached.
Nondeductible A subprocess receives the same limit on the resource as the creator receives. The
creator's limit is not affected.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Resource Type Description of Limit

Deductible A subprocess receives a portion of the creator's resource. That portion is
deducted from the creator's limit.
Systemwide A process and all created subprocesses with the same user name or account share
the total limit on a first-come, first-served basis.

Normally, leave limits at their default values. For the default values for the system and user accounts,
see the sample SYSTEM and DEFAULT user authorization file records supplied with the Authorize
utility on your distribution kit. Also see Section 7.11for a full description of limits and quotas.

7.1.3. Privileges
Privileges determine what functions users are authorized to perform on the system. System manager
functions require privileges that are denied to most users. Because the SYSTEM account has full
privileges by default, exercise caution in using it. For example, if you log in to the SYSTEM account,
you can modify and delete any file regardless of its protection.

Table 7.2 categorizes system privileges and includes a brief definition of the activity permitted with
each privilege. See the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security for a full description of privileges.

Table 7.2. System Privileges

Category Privilege Activity Permitted

None None None requiring privileges
Normal NETMBX Create network connections
TMPMBX Create temporary mailbox
Group GROUP Control processes in the same group
GRPPRV Group access through system protection field
Devour ACNT Disable accounting
ALLSPOOL Allocate spooled devices
BUGCHK Make machine check error log entries
EXQUOTA Exceed disk quotas
GRPNAM Insert group logical names in the name table
PRMCEB Create/delete permanent common event flag clusters
PRMGBL Create permanent global sections
PRMMBX Create permanent mailboxes
SHMEM Create/delete structures in shared memory
System ALTPRI Set base priority higher than allotment
AUDIT Generate audit records
OPER Perform operator functions
PSWAPM Change process swap mode
SECURITY Control any process
SYSLCK Perform security-related functions
WORLD Lock systemwide resources

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Category Privilege Activity Permitted

Objects DIAGNOSE Diagnose devices
IMPORT Mount a non-labeled tape volume
MOUNT Execute mount volume QIO
SYSGBL Create systemwide global sections
VOLPRO Override volume protection
READALL Bypass existing restrictions to read an object
All BYPASS Disregard protection
CMEXEC Change to executive mode
CMKRNL Change to kernel mode
DETACH Create detached processes of arbitrary UIC
DOWNGRADE Write to a lower secrecy object or lower an object's
LOG_IO Issue logical I/O requests
PFNMAP Map to specific physical pages
PHY_IO Issue physical I/O requests
READALL Possess read access to all system objects
SETPRV Enable any privilege
SHARE Access devices allocated to other users
SYSNAM Insert system logical names in the name table
SYSPRV Access objects through system protection field
UPGRADE Write to a higher integrity object or raise an object's
integrity level

Because certain images (such as SET.EXE) require access to the system UAF and are normally
installed with the SYSPRV privilege,make sure you always grant system access to SYSUAF.DAT.

7.2. Understanding the Protection of

Authorization Files
To display the protection codes for any file, use the DCL command DIRECTORY/PROTECTION.

Authorization files are created with the following default protections:

• User authorization file, SYSUAF.DAT

The user authorization file, SYSUAF.DAT, is created with the following default protection:


• Proxy authorization files, NETPROXY.DAT and NET$PROXY.DAT

Two proxy authorization files, NETPROXY.DAT and NET$PROXY.DAT, are created with the
following default protections:


Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts


The primary proxy database that the system uses is the NET$PROXY.DAT file. NETPROXY.DAT
is maintained:

• For use by DECnet for OpenVMS

• For backward compatibility

See Section 7.9.3 for more details about network proxy accounts.

• Rights database file, RIGHTSLIST.DAT

The RIGHTSLIST.DAT authorization file is created with the following default protection:


The procedures for adding a user account are discussed in detail in Section 7.6. Because the UAF
is the prime repository for storing information about user accounts, it is important to understand its
components before you add accounts.

7.3. Understanding UAF Login Checks

This section describes the system checks the login fields of the UAF when a user attempts to login.

When a user activates a terminal (by turning it on and pressing Return if directly connected, by dialing
in to a system and observing the remote connect protocol, or by connecting via a LAT), and that
terminal is not allocated by a user process, the system prompts for a name and password. The user
must enter a name and password combination that exists in a UAF record, or the system denies the
user further access. If the name and password are accepted, the system performs the operations in
Table 7.3.

Table 7.3. System Login Flow

Step Action Result
1. System examines the The system begins with DISUSER. If the DISUSER
login flags. flag is set, the login attempt fails.

Note that setting this flag for powerful, infrequently

used accounts (such as Field Service accounts)
eliminates the risk of guessed passwords for those
2. System verifies primary After checking the current day type, the system
or secondary day determines whether hourly login restrictions are
restrictions. in effect (as defined by the /ACCESS,/DIALUP, /
qualifiers). If the current hour is restricted, the login
fails immediately. VSI recommends that you limit
nonbatch access of the SYSTEM account by using
access times and day types. See Section 7.8.1 and
Section 7.8.2.
3. System passes control to The command interpreter is named in the user's UAF
the command interpreter. record; for example, DCL.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Step Action Result

4. System checks whether If SYS$LOGIN is defined, the logical name
SYS$LOGIN is defined. is translated (in the case of DCL, to SYS
$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM) and that procedure

If SYS$SYLOGIN is not defined, no system login is


If a command procedure is specified in the

LGICMD field and that procedure exists, it executes.
Otherwise, if the LGICMD field is blank, the user's
command file (named LOGIN.COM if the CLI
is DCL), which is located in the SYS$LOGIN
directory, executes automatically (if it exists).

The system will not execute both a command

procedure specified in the LGICMD field and a
user's LOGIN file; if a procedure is specified in the
LGICMD field, the system uses that procedure by
default. You can, however, instruct the system to
execute a user's LOGIN by calling it from within the
procedure specified in LGICMD.

After a successful login, the command interpreter prompts for user input (DCL usually displays a
dollar sign), and the user responds with commands acceptable to the command interpreter. (DCL
accepts those commands documented in the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.) However, the system
prohibits activities that violate the user's privilege allowance or exceed resource quotas.

7.4. Managing System-Supplied UAF

Typically, you use the UAF supplied with the distribution kit. (You can,however, rename the UAF
with the DCL command RENAME, and then create a new UAF with AUTHORIZE.) Allow access to
this file only to those with SYSTEM privileges. See the AUTHORIZE section in the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities Reference Manual for guidelines on protecting system files.

The UAF is accessed as a shared file. Updates to the UAF are made on aper-record basis, which
eliminates the need for both a temporary UAF and a new version of the UAF after each AUTHORIZE
session. Updates become effective as soon as you enter AUTHORIZE commands, not after the
termination of AUTHORIZE.(For this reason, do not enter temporary values with the intent of fixing
them later in the session.)

The Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) provides a set of commands and qualifiers to assign values
to any field in a UAF record. See the Authorize utility section in the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual for complete information about UAF record fields and the
commands and qualifiers used to assign attributes to these fields.

7.4.1. Understanding System-Supplied UAF Accounts

On VAX systems, the UAF on software distribution kits contains five accounts: DEFAULT, FIELD,

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

On Alpha and I64 systems, DEFAULT and SYSTEM accounts are created for you. You can use SYS
Field Service accounts, as explained in Section 7.4.2.

Table 7.4 describes system-supplied UAF accounts.

Table 7.4. System-Supplied UAF Accounts

UAF Record Description

DEFAULT Serves as a template for creating new user accounts. A new user account
is assigned the values of the DEFAULT account except where you
explicitly override those values. Thus, whenever you add a new account,
you need only specify values for fields that you want to be different. You
cannot rename or delete the DEFAULT account from the UAF.

The following AUTHORIZE command creates a new account having the

same values as the DEFAULT account, except that the password, UIC,
and default directory fields are changed:



Section 7.6 gives an example of how to use AUTHORIZE to add a user

account. Section 7.7.4 explains how to create and use additional default
FIELD Permits VSI support representatives to test a new system.

On VAX systems, the default Field Service account has the user name

On Alpha and I64 systems, you name Field Service accounts for specific
VSI support representatives; for example, Mary_Smith or John_Jones.
SYSTEM Provides a means for you to log in with full privileges. You can modify
the record for the system manager's account but you cannot rename it or
delete it from the UAF.

Do not change the SYSTEM account UAF record fields for the default
device, directory, and privileges. Installation of maintenance releases of
the operating system and optional software products depends on certain
values in these fields.

Note any hourly or daily restrictions that you have implemented on

the SYSTEM account when performing upgrades from the SYSTEM
SYSTEST Provides an appropriate environment for running UETP, a User
Environment Test Package, on standalone systems. (See VSI OpenVMS
System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex
SYSTEST_CLIG Provides an appropriate environment for running UETP in an OpenVMS
Cluster environment. SYSTEST_CLIG accounts have no passwords

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

UAF Record Description

associated with them.(See VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual,
Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.)

7.4.2. Creating Accounts On Alpha and I64 systems

(Alpha and I64 Systems)
On Alpha and I64 systems, you can use the SYS
SYSTEST_CLIG, and multiple Field Service accounts. Creating Field Service Accounts (Alpha Only)

On Alpha and I64 systems, you can use CREATE_SPECIAL_ACCOUNTS.COM to create accounts
for VSI support representatives. In creating these accounts, follow these guidelines:

• Create an account for each VSI support (Field Service) representative rather than just one account
called FIELD for all the representatives. Note that you must use the command procedure for each
account you want to create.

• Use account names that represent the actual names of support representatives, not a generic name
such as FIELD.

The following example shows typical dialogue with CREATE_SPECIAL_ACCOUNTS.COM when it

is used to create a field service account:

This procedure creates accounts.
Passwords may be needed for the following accounts:
SYSTEST, Field Service
Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters in length. All
will be checked and verified. Any passwords that can be guessed
will not be accepted.
* Do you want to create an account for SYSTEST (Y/N): N [Return]
* Do you want to create an account for SYSTEST_CLIG (Y/N): N [Return]
* Do you want to create an account for Field Service (Y/N): Y [Return]
* Enter username for Field Service account: john_jones [Return]
* Enter password for JOHN_JONES: * Re-enter for verification:
* Re-enter for verification:

Note that the system does not display the password or password verification that you enter.

Disabling Field Service Accounts (Alpha Only)

You can use the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to disable VSI support representative accounts
when these accounts are not in use and enable them again when they are needed.

To disable an account, use the AUTHORIZE command in the following format:


For example:

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts


The login flag DISUSER disables the account and prevents anyone from logging in to the account.

Reenabling Field Service Accounts (Alpha Only)

To reenable an account when it is needed again, run AUTHORIZE and enter the command in the
following format:


For example:


and I64)
The following example shows typical dialogue with CREATE_SPECIAL_ACCOUNTS.COM when it
is used to create SYSTEST and SYSTEST_CLIG accounts:

This procedure creates accounts.
Passwords may be needed for the following accounts:
SYSTEST, Field Service
Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters in length. All passwords
will be checked and verified. Any passwords that can be guessed easily
will not be accepted.
* Do you want to create an account for SYSTEST (Y/N): Y
* Enter password for SYSTEST:
* Re-enter for verification:
* Do you want to create an account for SYSTEST_CLIG (Y/N): Y
The SYSTEST_CLIG account will be disabled. You must reenable
it (/FLAGS=NODISUSER) before running UETP but do not assign a password.
* Do you want to create an account for FIELD_SERVICE (Y/N): N

Enabling SYSTEST_CLIG Accounts (Alpha and I64)

Although you create a SYSTEST_CLIG account using CREATE_SPECIAL_ACCOUNTS.COM,the

account is disabled. Enable the account using the /FLAGS=NODISUSER command; for example:


Disabling SYSTEST_CLIG Accounts (Alpha and I64)

To disable a SYSTEST_CLIG account again, use the /FLAGS=DISUSER command; for example:


7.4.3. Maintaining System-Supplied Accounts (VAX

Immediately after installing a VAX system, make the following changes in the UAF:

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

1. Disable the FIELD and SYSTEST accounts. Also disable any infrequently used accounts.

To disable an account, use the AUTHORIZE command in the following format:


For example:


The login flag DISUSER disables the account and prevents anyone from logging in to the account.

To enable the account when it is needed, run AUTHORIZE and enter the command in the
following format:


2. Optionally, change fields in the DEFAULT account. For example:


In this example, the default device is set to the name most commonly used for user accounts that
will be added. Likewise, the working set value is set to a value appropriate for most users on the

7.4.4. Using the SYSTEM Account

Use the SYSTEM account only for system functions such as performing backups and installing
maintenance updates. The SYSTEM account has full privileges enabled by default, so exercise
caution when you use it. For example,because you have BYPASS privilege, the system allows you
to delete any file,no matter what its protection. If you enter an incorrect name or spurious asterisk,
you might destroy files that you or other users need to keep. Consider using an account with fewer
privileges for daily system management activities.

If you decide not to use the SYSTEM account for daily system management activities, you can still
receive mail from the SYSTEM account. To do this, log in to the SYSTEM account, invoke Mail, and
use the SET FORWARD command in the following format to forward the mail to another account:

SET FORWARD node::username

For example:


Do not use DISUSER for user name SYSTEM if SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM submits batch jobs.
Disable all access except Batch in these cases.

Also, be careful not to disable all of your privileged system accounts. If you inadvertently do so,
you can recover by setting the system parameter UAFALTERNATE during a conversational boot
operation. See Chapter 4 for information about emergency startup procedures.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

7.4.5. Using AUTHORIZE to Maintain UAF Accounts

Using the Authorize (AUTHORIZE) utility, you create and maintain UAF accounts by assigning
values to various fields within each account record. The values you assign perform the following

• Identify the user

• Define the user's work environment

• Control use of system resources

How to Perform This Task

1. Set your default to the directory that contains the SYSUAF.DAT file,typically, SYS$SYSTEM.

2. Gain access to a specific user record by running AUTHORIZE.

3. Enter the SHOW command (see example) to display a specific user record.

4. Enter AUTHORIZE commands such as ADD and MODIFY to create or change the information in
the fields of the UAF record.

See Section 7.11 for a list of privileges, limits, and quotas that you can specify in the resource control
and privileges fields of the UAF record.


The following example shows a typical user record for a restricted user account. Callouts describe the

Username: WELCH Owner: ROB WELCH

Account: INVOICE UIC: [21,51] ([INV,WELCH])
Default: USER3:[WELCH]
Login Flags: Diswelcome Disnewmail
Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Secondary days: Sat Sun
Primary 000000000011111111112222 Secondary 000000000011111111112222
Day Hours 012345678901234567890123 Day Hours 012345678901234567890123
Network: ------ No access ------- ----- Full access ------
Batch: #########--------####### ---------#########------
Local: #########--------####### ---------#########------
Dialup: ----- Full access ------ ------ No access -------
Remote: ----- Full access ------ ------ No access -------
Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 0

Pwdlifetime: 30 Pwdchange: 15-APR-2000 13:58

Last Login: (none) (interactive), (none) (non-

Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 20 Bytlm: 8192
Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 10 JTquota: 1024

Prclm: 2 DIOlm: 10 WSdef: 150
Prio: 4 ASTlm: 10 WSquo: 256
Queprio: 4 TQElm: 10 WSextent: 512
CPU: (none) Enqlm: 100 Pgflquo: 10240
Authorized Privileges:
Default Privileges:
Identifier Value Attributes

User identification fields contain information used by the system for accounting purposes and
user identification.
Default fields contain the default specifications for the following elements:

• Command language interpreter (CLI) is Digital Command Language (DCL) by default.

• Name of the command procedure to be executed automatically at login time. If the field is
blank, the system uses the default CLI (DCL), and executes SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM by

• Command language interpreter tables (if blank, same as CLI field).

• Device and directory names for default file access.

Login characteristics fields impose specific login restrictions that perform the following

• Inhibit certain login functions.

• Control the days of the week when various types of logins are permitted.

• Control the times of day when various types of logins are permitted.
Resource control fields control system resources by:

• Limiting the use of system resources such as physical memory and CPU time.

• Specifying the base priority used in scheduling the process that the system creates for the
Privileges fields specify the privileges that allow use of restricted and sensitive system
Identifier fields list the ACL identifiers that the user holds and that are recorded in the rights
database file.
Attributes fields list the characteristics specified when adding identifiers to the rights database
or when granting identifiers to users.

7.5. Preparing to Add User Accounts

This section describes what to do before adding a user account.

7.5.1. Choosing an Account Type

How you set up a user account depends on the needs of the individual user. Table 7.5 lists the account
types and their characteristics.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Table 7.5. Account Types

Account Type Characteristics

Interactive This account has access to the system software. Work of a general nature, such
as program development or text editing, is performed in this account. Usually,
such an account is considered an individual account.
Limited Access This account provides controlled login to the system and, in some cases, has
only a subset of user software available. Limited-access accounts ensure that
the system login command procedure (SYLOGIN.COM) and the process login
command procedure(specified by the /LGICMD qualifier in the UAF), as well
as any command procedures they call, are executed. (See the VSI OpenVMS
Guide to System Security for information about writing limited access account
command procedures.) The two types of limited accounts are: restricted and
Restricted Used for network objects like Mail, for network proxy accounts, or
for implementing user authentication systems like smart cards.
Captive Limited by function; that is, only those who perform a particular
function can use it (for example, an inventory system). Anyone
whose job entails inventory control can access your system, but
that person cannot access other subsystems or the base software.
You might also use a captive account to run batch operations
during unsupervised periods or to run applications programs with
information you want to keep private.

7.5.2. Performing Additional Tasks

When adding a user account, you must perform the following steps:

1. Select a user name and password.

2. Select a user identification code (UIC).

3. Decide where the account's files will reside (which device and directory).

4. Use the System Management utility (SYSMAN) to add a disk quota entry for this UIC, if disk
quotas are in effect. You can do this only after you have created the user's account with the
Authorize utility.

5. Create a default directory on the appropriate volume, using the following DCL command format:


6. Determine the security needs of the account (that is, the level of file protection, privileges, and
access control).

7. Establish any login/logout command procedures.

These tasks are described in detail in the sections that follow. When you have completed the tasks for
preparing to add a user account, you are ready to add the account by following one of the methods
described in Section 7.6.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts Selecting a User Name and Password

To determine a user name and password, use naming conventions that take into consideration the
nature of the account. For example, some installations use the name of the person who will use the

Captive accounts, on the other hand, often use a name that describes the function of the account.
Thus, an interactive or restricted account for Robert Jones might have a user name of JONES, while a
captive account for an inventory system might be called INV103289, which gives some indication of
the function of the account but is not easy to guess. Remember to assign unique user names.

For interactive accounts, it is best to let the person using the account control the password. Initially,
provide a password that is not easy to guess. The user will be forced to change the password at
first login. Only the person using the account should know the password. Encourage all users to set
obscure passwords of at least eight characters and to change them frequently, or force the use of
generated passwords with the /FLAGS=GENPWD and /GENERATE_PASSWORD qualifiers.

You can use the /PWDMINIMUM and /PWDLIFETIME qualifiers with the AUTHORIZE command
ADD or MODIFY to enforce timely password modifications. The following table lists the qualifiers
and specific action.

Qualifier Action
/PWDMINIMUM Specifies the minimum password length in
characters (default is 6).
/PWDLIFETIME Specifies a delta-time value. One week before
that date, the system issues a warning message to
the user. On that date, the password expires if it
has not been changed.
/GENERATE_PASSWORD Invokes a password generator to generate user
/FLAGS=GENPWD Allows you to force use of the automatic
password generator when a user changes a
password. Consider using the password generator
for privileged accounts or whenever a user has
access to sensitive data.

For captive accounts, the degree of sensitivity of the data used by the account should determine the
type of password. For example, the password for a payroll application should be obscure, while the
password for a suggestions account might not even be required; it could be null (in which case users
would not be prompted for the password).

Prohibit users from changing the passwords of captive accounts. To do this, specify /
FLAGS=LOCKPWD when you create the captive account. Change the password whenever you feel it
might be compromised (for example, if a person using the account moves to another job).

To change a user's password, use the following command format at the UAF> prompt:

MODIFY user-name/PASSWORD=new_password

See the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information about

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts Assigning the User Identification Code

Assign each account a unique user identification code (UIC). A UIC has two formats: alphanumeric
and numeric.

The alphanumeric UIC consists of a member name and,optionally, a group name separated by a
comma and enclosed within brackets (for example, [DOCO,PRICE]).These identifiers might also
appear as numeric characters consisting of a group identifier and a member identifier in octal (for
example, [11,200]).

Assign accounts the same group number if their owners perform similar work, access the same files
frequently, or use many of the same logical names. See the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security
for a detailed discussion of the user identification code.

VSI reserves UIC group 1 and groups 300–377. Adding a Disk Quota Entry

Disk quotas limit the amount of disk space available to individual users on a particular volume. If disk
quotas are in effect for a disk volume, run the System Management utility (SYSMAN) and use the
DISKQUOTA command to add an entry for the new UIC as follows:

1. Invoke SYSMAN.

2. Define the management environment to be node LARRY.

3. Add a disk quota entry on the volume DISK$USER for UIC [014,JONES].The entry has a
permanent quota of 2000 blocks and an overdraft of 500 blocks.

4. Exit from the utility.


The sum of the quota and overdraft values is the absolute maximum number of blocks allotted to the
user, which in this example is 2500 blocks. For more information about SYSMAN and establishing
disk quotas, see the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. Setting the User Default Device for an Interactive Account

For each interactive account, create a top-level (default)directory (using the DCL command CREATE/
DIRECTORY).In the directory place a login file, login file template, and/or logout file,as appropriate.
The interactive user creates and maintains files and subdirectories in this directory. Make the owner
of the directory the UIC for the new account. Usually, you also use the name of the account for the
default directory.

If you decided on an account name of JONES and a UIC of [014,1], you would enter the following
DCL command to create a default directory for the account on the volume DISK$USER:

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts


The volume on which the directory is established depends on which devices you reserve for
interactive accounts and how much space is available on each.

The default file specification you provide the new account (when you run AUTHORIZE) should
be the name of the device and the name of the top-level directory you used in the DCL command
CREATE/DIRECTORY. Setting the User Default Device for a Captive Account

For a captive account, whether you create a top-level directory depends on the nature of
the user system. If people use files in a particular directory, make that directory the default
directory specification. For example, if the inventory system uses the files DISK$DATA:
[INV]STOCK1.DATand DISK$DATA:[INV]STOCK2.DAT, make the default device specification
DISK$DATA: and make the default directory specification [INV].

7.5.3. Understanding Account Security

The level of security that you establish for an account depends on the purpose of the account and
whether it is shared with other users or groups. For an interactive user account, the default UIC-based
protection is usually adequate.

Protecting Users' Files

The default protection for top-level directories is no world access. However, for new user directories,
you might want to change the default to world executeaccess so that users will not have to change
directory protection to allow other users read access to files in that directory.

Users can further protect their files and subdirectories on an individual basis with the DCL command

Using Access Control Lists (ACLs)

In some cases, such as project accounts, you might want to set up an additional level of protection by
using access control lists (ACLs). ACL-based protection provides a more refined level of security in
cases where different groups or members of overlapping groups share access to an account such as a
project account. ACLs offer a way to grant or deny users access to any security-relevant object.

Section 7.9.2 describes how to set up a project account with ACL-based protection. For more
information about how to set up and edit ACLs, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security and
the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

Using AUTHORIZE to Maintain the Rights Database

The rights database (RIGHTSLIST.DAT) is a file that associates users of the system with access-
controlling identifiers. When a user logs in, the system checks the rights database for the identifiers
that the user holds. You use the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to maintain the rights database by
adding or deleting identifiers as needed.

By allowing a group of users to hold common identifiers,you can create a group protection scheme
that is more intricate than that provided by the UIC-based protection.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Using Protected Subsystems

Protected subsystems provide conditional access to data. In a protected subsystem, an application
protected by normal access controls serves as a gatekeeper to objects belonging to the subsystem.
While users are running the application, their process rights list contains identifiers giving them
access to objects owned by the subsystem. As soon as users exit from the application, these identifiers
and, therefore, the users' access rights to objects are taken away. For more information, see the VSI
OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

7.6. Adding User Accounts

The following sections explain how to use two different methods for adding user accounts:

• The Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE)

• A command procedure

7.6.1. Adding a User Account with AUTHORIZE

Once you analyze the purpose of a user account and decide which attributes and resources it requires,
you can use the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to create the account.

How to Perform This Task

1. Give yourself the SYSPRV privilege:

2. Enter the following commands to set your default device and directory to SYS$SYSTEM and

3. Use the AUTHORIZE command ADD to specify attributes in the UAF fields as shown in the
following example:

Choosing Qualifiers
This section lists the qualifiers that you can use when setting up an account with AUTHORIZE.
Table 7.6 lists the qualifiers under the account attribute that they affect. See Section 7.11.2 for a
detailed description of each qualifier. For a complete list of AUTHORIZE qualifiers, see the VSI
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

Table 7.6. Qualifiers Used with AUTHORIZE

Limits and Quotas1

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts


Login Access Controls
Default values are adequate in most cases.
Default values are usually adequate for accounts not running real-time processes.
By default, users are allowed to log in at any hour of any day. To override the setting of a particular day, use the DCL command SET DAY.
Use this command if a holiday occurs on a day that would normally be treated as a primary day and you want it treated as a secondary day.
See Section 7.8 for a discussion of using these fields to restrict login times and functions.
Not all FLAGS fit into this category.

7.6.2. Adding a User Account with a Command

As an alternative to using the Authorize utility, you can use a command procedure to create user
accounts. The ADDUSER.COM procedure, which is located in the SYS$EXAMPLES directory, is
an example of such a procedure;it supplies prompts and several default values for creating the new

You can modify ADDUSER.COM as appropriate for the needs of your system. To run
ADDUSER.COM, log in to the SYSTEM account and enter the following command:


ADDUSER.COM prompts you to enter values in a number of UAF record fields. If you press Return
without specifying a value for a field, ADDUSER supplies the following default values:

UAF Field Default Value

User name No default; must supply
Owner No default; must supply
Password User name specified
UIC group number 200
UIC member number No default; must supply number
Account name Optional
Login directory User name specified
Login device $DISK1
Disk quota 1000

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

UAF Field Default Value

Overdraft quota 100

The UIC must be unique for the system. For example, each account in the UIC group 200 must have a
unique member number. You can list the UICs currently assigned to users by entering a question mark
( ? ) after the UIC member number prompt. The account is not created until you have answered all of
the questions in the procedure. The procedure has the following final prompt:
Is everything satisfactory with the account [YES]?

If you press Return, the account is created and remains in SYSUAF.DAT as specified. If you enter
NO, the account is removed.

If you press Ctrl/Y before, during, or directly after the system displays the characteristics of the
account(that is, before you respond to the “satisfactory?” prompt), the account, or portions of it, will
still be added.

Make sure users log in to their accounts promptly to change the password.

7.7. Maintaining User Accounts

As system manager, you perform a certain number of user account maintenance tasks, such as
modifying and deleting accounts. The following sections explain how to perform these tasks:
Task Section
Using command procedures for interactive accounts Section 7.7.1
Modifying a user account Section 7.7.2
Listing user accounts Section 7.7.3
Maintaining the user environment Section 7.7.4
Deleting a user account Section 7.7.5
Using BACKUP to remove user files Section 7.7.6
Disabling a user account Section 7.7.7

7.7.1. Using Command Procedures for Interactive

For all accounts, login command procedures contain commands commonly executed at the
beginning of every user session. These commands do such tasks as the following ones:

• Define symbols

• Assign logical names

• Display messages and the time of day

• Set terminal characteristics

• Define keys to perform certain functions

• Set process default file protection (SET PROTECTION/DEFAULT)

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Login command procedures are useful for saving keystrokes and standardizing operations.

In establishing login command procedures for interactive accounts, you have the following choices:
Login Command Description
System As system manager, you normally create and maintain a standard login
command procedure in the system directory (the file is usually named SYS
$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM). You then assign the logical name SYS
$SYLOGIN to the name of the file so that whenever a user logs in, the
procedure is executed.
Individual For any or all accounts, you can specify an additional login command
procedure with the /LGICMD qualifier of the AUTHORIZE commands ADD,
MODIFY, or COPY. You can give the login command procedure any valid file
specification. Whenever the user logs in, the additional procedure is executed
User-specified If system (and, optionally, individual)login command procedures are not
command file implemented, the system looks for a command file called LOGIN.COM in the
user's login directory as defined by the UAF (user authorization file) record
device and directory fields. If the file is found, the system executes it. The
user develops and maintains this command file, which should follow these

• Device and directory names must take the default file specification for the

• The file name and file type must be LOGIN.COM.

You can provide an aid to new users by copying a login command procedure
template into newly created top-level directories. However, to ensure proper
ownership of the file, change the owner UIC (user identification code) of the
file to that of the user. Make this change with the DCL command SET FILE/

Example 7.1 illustrates typical systemwide login command procedures.

Example 7.1. Sample Systemwide SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM Login Command

$ V = F$VERIFY(0)
$ !
$ SET NOCONTROL=Y ! Do not allow Ctrl/Y to exit procedure
$ !
$ ! Allow network jobs to start faster
$ !
$ !
$ ! Enable Ctrl/T handling by DCL
$ !
$ !
$ ! Define Foreign Commands For Installed Utilities
$ !

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts


$ !
$ ! Define a symbol indicating whether the terminal
$ ! is on a dialup port
$ !
$ TT == F$GETDVI("TT","DEVNAM")-"_"
$ DIALUP == ((TT .GES. "TTG0:" .AND. TT .LES. "TTG4:") -
.OR. (TT .GES. "TTH1:" .AND. TT .LES. "TTH4:") -
.OR. (TT .EQS. "TTI5:"))
$ !

As the example shows, you can disable the Ctrl/Y function (which suspends execution of the current
image and invokes the command interpreter) to force execution of the complete login command
procedure whenever the user logs in. Do this with the DCL command SETNOCONTROL=Y. Before
the login command procedure exits, add the DCL command that resets the Ctrl/Y function (SET

Example 7.2 shows typical abbreviations and symbols that a user might define in a login file.

Example 7.2. Sample Login Command Procedure (LOGIN.COM) for a User Account
$ !
$ ! Define abbreviations for often used commands
$ !
$ !
$ !
$ ! Other useful abbreviations
$ !
$ UP == "SET DEFAULT [-]"
$ !
$ ! Set /LOG for all commands

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

$ !
$ !
$ ! End of LOGIN.COM processing
$ !
$ !
$ ! Symbols for network users
$ !
$ EXIT ! End of interactive login
$ SET VERIFY ! End of batch login

Using Logout Command Procedures

The system does not provide for automatic execution of a command procedure at logout time.
However, you can supply one as follows.

How to Perform This Task

1. Create a systemwide logout command procedure that executes whenever a user logs out. (The file
is usually named SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGOUT.COM.)

2. To ensure that this command procedure executes, include a command in SYS

$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM that equates the most commonly used abbreviation of the
LOGOUT command (often LO) to the execution of the logout command procedure.


The last line of the logout command procedure then uses an alternate form of the LOGOUT
command, such as a LOGOUTNOW command. (You can create any command name you like
beginning with LO.) You cannot use the same abbreviation as used for the symbol (in this case LO)
because it will start the procedure again. As an alternative, you could add the following command,
just above the last line:

Note that this technique works in some situations but it is not foolproof;there are many alternative
ways to terminate a process.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

7.7.2. Modifying a User Account

To change a user account's quotas, default directory, password, authorized privileges, or any other
characteristics assigned by AUTHORIZE, use the MODIFY command. You can use the MODIFY
command to change any field in an existing user account. However, a user must log out and log in
again for the modifications to take effect.

1. When a user forgets a password and cannot log in, use the AUTHORIZE command MODIFY/
GENERATE_PASSWORD to reset a user password. For example, the following command
generates a new password for user WELCH:

By default, after logging in, user WELCH must change the password.

2. Any changes that you make to a user's record will take effect afterthe user next logs in. For
example, suppose that user JONES currently has an open file quota (FILLM) of 20. To increase
user Jones' open file limit to 40,you would use the following command in AUTHORIZE:

Any process of user JONES that is logged in at the time that you modify the user authorization
file continues to have a file limit of 20. In order to have an open file limit of 40, user JONES must
log out and then log in again, after you have made the modification to the user authorization file

7.7.3. Listing User Accounts

Use the AUTHORIZE command LIST to create the file SYSUAF.LIS, containing a summary of
all user records in the UAF. By default, the LIST command produces a brief report containing the
following information from the UAF:

• Account owner

• User name


• Account names

• Privileges

• Process priority

• Default disk and directory

Use the /FULL qualifier to create a full report of all the information (except user passwords)
contained within the UAF.

The following example writes a brief report of the UAF to the output file SYSUAF.LIS:
%UAF-I-LSTMSG1, writing listing file
%UAF-I-LSTMSG2, listing file SYSUAF.LIS complete

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

The system displays the same messages when you use the /FULL qualifier. However, a full report is
written to the output file.

7.7.4. Maintaining the User Environment

As the work requirements of your system change, you might have to perform the following tasks:

• Create additional default records to serve as templates for new categories of users

• Delete or disable the accounts of users who leave your site

• Impose login restrictions to limit system use by certain accounts

With the Authorize utility, you can perform these maintenance operations by modifying or deleting
records in the UAF.

Creating Additional Default Record Templates

On systems where all users perform the same type of work, you typically use the system-supplied
default record, DEFAULT, as the template for adding new user records. You might find, however,
that your system supports several different user categories, each category performing a specific type
of work and requiring unique record attributes. Instead of always using the system-supplied default
record as a template and making numerous changes each time you add a user record, you can create
additional default UAF records to serve as templates for each user category.

Before you create additional default records, you must make the following decisions:

• What the individual user categories are

• What attributes are common to each category

• What to name the default records

How to Perform This Task

Once you define a user category and establish which record attributes are needed, you can create the
default record.

1. The following command creates a default record for a category of user that requires a special
captive account:

The command in this example uses the system-supplied default record DEFAULT to create the
record DEFAULT2 and changes the LGICMD, login flags, default device, and default directory

2. You can then use the AUTHORIZE command COPY to create additional records having the same
attributes as DEFAULT2.The COPY command creates a new UAF record that uses the specified
default record except where you explicitly override field values.

This example uses DEFAULT2 as a template to create a duplicate record for the user PALOOKA.
Notice that only the password and UIC values are changed.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

7.7.5. Deleting a User Account

The main problem in deleting an account, especially an interactive or restricted account, is deleting
the files used by the account.

How to Perform This Task

The following steps are suggested:

1. Copy (or have the outgoing user of the account copy) any files of value to the ownership of
another account. Be sure to change the owner UIC of the files to match the owner UIC of the new
owner. You can also use the Backup utility (BACKUP) to save the files to a backup tape or disk.

2. Change the password and log in as a user of that account if you are working from a nonprivileged
account. This avoids inadvertently deleting files that might point to other files of different

3. Delete the account's files and directories from the deepest level up to the top level, using the
following procedure:

a. Locate and examine all subdirectories using the DCL command DIRECTORY [directory-spec
…], where directory-spec is the name of the account's default directory.

b. Delete the files in each subdirectory, and then delete the subdirectory. Note that directory files
are protected against owner deletion; therefore, you must change the protection before deleting
directory files.

c. Delete the account's top-level directory. The command procedure in the next example deletes
an account's files from the bottom level up. Do not, however, execute this command procedure
from a privileged account.

4. Exit from the user account and return to a privileged account. Remove the user's account, using
the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE).

When you run AUTHORIZE to remove a user's UAF record, AUTHORIZE also removes the
user's connections as a holder of identifiers in the rights database. However, if a departed user is
the only remaining holder of a given identifier, remove that identifier to avoid future confusion.
See the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

5. Remove the user's disk quota entry from the disk quota file, if one existed, with SYSMAN.

6. Remove associated mail information by entering the MAIL command REMOVE username. (See
the OpenVMS User’s Manual for more information.)

The command procedure template in Example 7.3 deletes an account's files.

Do not execute this command procedure from a privileged account.

Example 7.3. Command Procedure Template for Deleting an Account's Files

$ ! DELTREE.COM - deletes a complete directory tree
$ !
$ ! P1 = pathname of root of tree to delete
$ !

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

$ ! All files and directories in the tree, including

$ ! the named root, are deleted.
$ !
$ IF P1 .NES. "" THEN GOTO 20
$ INQUIRE P1 "Root"$ GOTO 10
$ IF F$SEARCH("*.*;*") .NES. "" THEN DELETE *.*;*
$ DIR = (F$DIRECTORY()-"]"-">")-F$PARSE("[-]",,,-

7.7.6. Using BACKUP to Remove User Files

If each user has a unique UIC, you can use the Backup utility (BACKUP)to remove the user's files,
even if the files are scattered throughout the directory structure. See the Backup utility section in the
VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information.

1. The following example of a BACKUP command is used to remove files:

This BACKUP command copies and deletes only those files owned by the specified UIC on disk
PUBLIC. The files are copied into a save set named PUBLICUIC.SAV on device MTA0. Note
that the BACKUP/DELETE command does not delete the directory files (file type .DIR) for the

2. To recover lost files, enter the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE command in the following


See Section 9.13.3 for a complete description of how to recover lost files. See the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities Reference Manual for information on using the Analyze/
Disk_Structure utility.

7.7.7. Disabling a User Account

To disable an account without deleting it, set the disable user flag (/FLAGS=DISUSER) using
AUTHORIZE. If the user is logged in, the account is disabled only after the user logs out.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

7.8. Restricting the Use of Accounts

Workload schedules often dictate the days and times your system is used to perform specific
operations. Depending on the nature of the work performed at your site, you might want to control
when certain users are allowed to log in. Use the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to place controls in
the login characteristics fields of the UAF record to restrict the days and times a user can log in and to
inhibit certain login functions.

The following sections describe how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Setting day types Section 7.8.1
Restricting logins to specific times Section 7.8.2
Restricting CPU time Section 7.8.3
Restricting login functions Section 7.8.4
Using login command procedures for restricted or captive accounts Section 7.8.5
Setting priorities for user processes Section 7.8.6

For a detailed description of the qualifiers used to restrict the use of accounts, see the Authorize utility
section in the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

7.8.1. Setting Day Types

You can restrict the use of certain accounts by defining the days of the week as either PRIMARY
or SECONDARY, and then assigning login restrictions to these day types. For example, if you
define the days Saturday and Sunday as SECONDARY days, then any restrictions you assign to the
SECONDARY day type apply to both.

You can assign two types of login restrictions to either day type:

Restriction Description
Time restrictions Limits logins to specific hours of the day
Function restrictions Limit types of login

The default user record defines the five weekdays (Monday through Friday) as PRIMARY days, and
the two weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) as SECONDARY days.

The way you define days and assign restrictions depends on your site. For example, suppose that
on weekdays your system supports a large number of interactive users, but on weekends it is used
for certain operations that require dedicated system resources. By assigning restrictions to the
SECONDARY day type, you can restrict users from accessing the system during the days defined
as SECONDARY. You can change these day type definitions for any account using the following
AUTHORIZE qualifier:


The /PRIMEDAYS qualifier uses a list of day names to define the PRIMARY and SECONDARY
days of the week. To define a day as a SECONDARY day, use the prefix NO before the day name.
Any days you omit from the list take their default value.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

7.8.2. Restricting Logins to Specific Times

By default, there are no restrictions on login hours. You can specify login time restrictions using the
following AUTHORIZE qualifiers:

Qualifier Meaning
/[NO]ACCESS Specifies access hours for all modes of logins
/[NO]DIALUP Specifies access hours for interactive logins from dial up terminals
/ Specifies access hours for interactive logins from any terminal
/[NO]LOCAL Specifies access hours for interactive logins from local terminals
/[NO]REMOTE Specifies access hours for interactive logins from network remote terminals

Interactive users still logged in when the access time has expired receive the following warning
message and have 2 minutes to log out before their processes are terminated by the job controller:

JBC-W-RESTRICT, UAF restricts access at this time, please log out


Note that network connections are treated differently than interactive connections and batch jobs.
See the documentation for the network software you are running for information about disconnecting
established network connections.

7.8.3. Restricting CPU Time

OpenVMS Version 7.3 and later enables you to perform class scheduling using the SYSMAN

You can limit the amount of CPU time that a user receives on the system by placing the user into
a scheduling class.Each scheduling class is assigned a percentage of the overall CPU time on the
system. As the system runs, the set of users in each scheduling class is limited to the percentage of
CPU execution time allocated to that class. Users in a scheduling class can get additional CPU time
if windfall is enabled for their scheduling class. Enabling windfall allows the system to give a small
amount of CPU time to a scheduling class when a CPU is idle and the time allotted to that scheduling
class has already been depleted.

To invoke the class scheduler, use the SYSMAN interface. SYSMAN allows you to create, delete,
modify, suspend, resume, and display scheduling classes. Table 7.7 describes the SYSMAN
command, class_schedule, and its sub-commands.

Table 7.7. SYSMAN command: class_schedule

Sub-command Function
Add Creates a new scheduling class
Delete Deletes a scheduling class
Modify Modifies the characteristics of a scheduling class
Show Shows the characteristics of a scheduling class
Suspend Suspends temporarily a scheduling class

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Sub-command Function
Resume Resumes a scheduling class

By using a permanent class scheduler, a process is placed into a scheduling class, if appropriate, at
process creation time. When anew process is created, it needs to be determined whether this process
belongs to a scheduling class. Since to determine this relies upon data in the SYSUAF file, and the
Loginout image already has the process' information from this file, Loginout class schedules the
process if it determines that the process belongs to a scheduling class.

When you use the SYSMAN command CLASS_SCHEDULE ADD, you can do the following:

• Create a scheduling class

• Identify users in the class, by account name, user name, or UIC

• Specify the percent of CPU time allotted to processes run by users in this scheduling class on
primary days and secondary days and specify hourly ranges on during which the CPU time
restriction applies

• Specify days as either primary days or secondary days, and specify different CPU time restrictions
for primary days and secondary days

• Allow a scheduling class to receive additional CPU time when the CPU is idle

For example:

_SYSMAN> /CPU_LIMIT = (PRIMARY, 08-17=15, SECONDARY, 00-23=30) -

This example performs the following actions:

• Creates scheduling class MAINCLASS

• Adds users in accounts ACCTNAME1 and ACCTNAME2 to MAINCLASS


• Allots processes run by users in MAINCLASS 15 percent of CPU time between 8 am and 6 pm on
primary days (default Monday through Friday)

• Allots processes run by users in MAINCLASS 30 percent of CPU time all day (24 hours) on
secondary days (default SATURDAY and SUNDAY)

• Allows process run by users in MAINCLASS to receive extra CPU time during the specified days
and times when the CPU is idle

Note that you can use the /PRIMEDAYS qualifier to change the primary and secondary days assigned
to a scheduling class.

CPU time restrictions created with the class scheduler do not apply to system users (see
Section 12.4.2).

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

For more detailed information about the SYSMAN CLASS_SCHEDULE command, see the VSI
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: M-Z.

7.8.4. Restricting Login Functions

In addition to specifying hourly login restrictions, you can assign function restrictions to an account
by using appropriate keywords with the /FLAGS qualifier in the Authorize utility. By default, there
are no restrictions. Options are shown in the following table:

Keyword Meaning
[NO]AUDIT [Do not] audit all security-relevant actions.
[NO]AUTOLOGIN [Do not] prevent access except by automatic login
when automatic logins are enabled.
[NO]CAPTIVE [Do not] prevent user from changing any defaults
at login (implies DISCTLY).

[Do not] deny user access to the DCL command

[NO]DEFCLI [Do not] prevent user from changing default CLI
or CLI tables.
[NO]DISCTLY [Do not] disable Ctrl/Y interrupts.
[NO]DISFORCE_PWD_CHANGE [Do not] remove requirement that user must
change an expired password at login.
[NO]DISIMAGE [Do not] prevent user from using the RUN or
MCR commands or from executing “foreign”
[NO]DISMAIL [Do not] prevent mail delivery to the user.
[NO]DISNEWMAIL [Do not] suppress “New Mail . . .
[NO]DISPWDDIC [Do not] disable automatic screening of new
passwords against a system dictionary.
[NO]DISPWDHIS [Do not] disable automatic checking of new
passwords against list of user's old passwords.
[NO]DISRECONNECT [Do not] disable automatic reconnection to an
existing process when a terminal connection has
been interrupted.
[NO]DISREPORT [Do not] disable reporting of login information
(last login date, login failures, and so on).
[NO]DISUSER [Do not] disable account completely.
[NO]DISWELCOME [Do not] suppress “Welcome to . . . ” login
[NO]GENPWD [Do not] require user to use generated passwords.
[NO]LOCKPWD [Do not] prevent user from changing password.
[NO]PWD_EXPIRED [Do not] mark password as expired.
[NO]PWD2_EXPIRED [Do not] mark second password as expired.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Keyword Meaning
[NO]RESTRICTED [Do not] prevent user from changing any defaults
at login.

7.8.5. Using Login Command Procedures for

Restricted or Captive Accounts
Using the /LGICMD qualifier with the AUTHORIZE commands ADD, MODIFY, or COPY
defines the login procedure for a restricted or captive account. A person logging in to such an
account cannot modify the procedure with any of the login qualifiers: /CLI, /DISK, /COMMAND, /

The CAPTIVE and RESTRICTED flags perform the following actions:

• Disable the use of Ctrl/Y (/FLAG=DISCTLY); however, a system manager can enable the Ctrl/Y
sequence for a restricted account by adding the DCL command SET CONTROL=Y at the end of
the login procedure.

• Prevent the use of the SPAWN command from Mail or the useof the SPAWN built-in procedure
from the DEC Text Processing Utility (DECTPU).

Once logged in, a person using a restricted account operates from the DCL level and can access any
available software.

A person using a captive account is locked into the application software where access to the DCL
level is denied, provided the system manager observes the following practices:

• When you need to prompt for and accept direct user input, do not execute the text entered by the
user directly; rather, first screen the input, and specifically permit only the set of characters that is
valid for the intended use. Reject all characters that are not appropriate for the intended use.

Prohibit the following character set from user input, as these characters have special meanings to
the DCL command interpreter:

ampersand (&) and double ampersand (&&)

angle brackets ( <) (>)
apostrophe (')
at-sign (@)
dollar sign ($)
hyphen (-)
quotation mark (")
semicolon (;)
vertical bar (|) and double vertical bar (||)

• Use the DCL command READ/PROMPT in captive account login command procedures because
the INQUIRE command is not allowed.

• Set the subprocess limit to 0 to prevent the user from spawning out of the account. Set both the /
PRCLM qualifier and the SYSGEN parameter PQL_MPRCLM.

A simple login command procedure for a captive account used for an inventory system might consist
of the following commands:

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts



The application program INVENTORY assumes control when the user logs in to the account. Assign
the CAPTIVE flag to the login flags field of the captive account UAF record by specifying the
AUTHORIZE qualifier/FLAGS=CAPTIVE. Section 7.7.4 shows how to use AUTHORIZE to create a
UAF record for a captive account.

Example 7.4 is a command procedure for a highly secure captive account, which restricts the user to
a very limited set of commands. System managers must be sure to deny the account owner any write
access to the login command procedure and its directory. Note also that the security manager would
use the AUTHORIZE qualifier /NOINTERACTIVE when establishing this account.

For more information about captive and restricted accounts, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System

Example 7.4. Sample Captive Command Procedure

$ deassign sys$input
$ previous_sysinput == f$logical("SYS$INPUT")
$ on error then goto next_command
$ on control_y then goto next_command
$ set control=(y,t)
$ on error then goto next_command
$ on control_y then goto next_command
$ if previous_sysinput .nes. f$logical("SYS$INPUT") then deassign sys$input
$ read/end=next_command/prompt="$ " sys$command command
$ command == f$edit(command,"UPCASE,TRIM,COMPRESS")
$ if f$length(command) .eq. 0 then goto next_command
$ delete = "delete"$ delete/symbol/local/all
$ if f$locate("@",command) .ne. f$length(command) then goto illegal_command
$ if f$locate("=",command) .ne. f$length(command) then goto illegal_command
$ if f$locate("F$",command) .ne. f$length(command) then goto
$ verb = f$element(0," ",command)
$ if verb .EQS. "LOGOUT" then goto do_logout
$ if verb .EQS. "HELP" then goto do_help
$ write sys$output "%CAPTIVE-W-IVVERB, unrecognized command \",verb,"\"
$ goto next_command
$ write sys$output "%CAPTIVE-W-ILLEGAL, bad characters in command line"
$ goto next_command
$ logout
$ goto next_command
$ define sys$input sys$command
$ help

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

$ goto next_command

7.8.6. Setting Priorities for User Processes

A user's priority is the base priority used in scheduling the process that the system creates for the user.

On VAX systems,priorities range in value from a low of 0 to a high of 31; 0 through 15 are
timesharing priorities; 16 through 31 are real-time priorities.

On Alpha and I64 systems,priorities range in value from a low of 0 to a high of 63; 0 through 15 are
timesharing priorities; 16 through 63 are real-time priorities.

Processes with real-time priorities are scheduled strictly according to base priority; in other words,
the executable real-time process with the highest base priority is executed first. Processes with
timesharing priorities are scheduled according to a slightly different principle to promote overlapping
of computation and I/O activities.

In the user's account record of the UAF, the default value of a user's priority is 4; for practical
purposes, the minimum value is 0. Ensure that the priority for timesharing users remains at
the default. Note that if you give some users an advantage over other users by raising their
priorities,ragged performance results, because the system reacts sharply to even small base priority

7.9. Setting Up Special Accounts

As system manager, you might need to set up a variety of special accounts, such as automatic login
accounts, project accounts, and proxy accounts. The following sections explain how to perform these

Task Section
Setting up an automatic login account with SYSMAN Section 7.9.1
Setting up a project account with ACL identifiers Section 7.9.2
Creating network proxy authorization files Section 7.9.4
Adding proxy accounts Section 7.9.5
Removing proxy accounts Section 7.9.6
Displaying proxy accounts Section 7.9.7
Controlling proxy logins Section 7.9.8

Section 7.9.3 explains what network proxy accounts are.

7.9.1. Setting Up an Automatic Login Account with

The System Management utility (SYSMAN) includes the functions of the automatic login facility
(ALF). Using SYSMAN ALF commands, you can set up a terminal that automatically logs in a user
to a certain user name. For example, a terminal might be set up for the account INVENTORY, which
automatically logs in a user to a captive account when the user presses the Return key.

First, you must follow the steps described in the previous sections to create the top-level default
directory and to add the account. Then you can associate the account with a particular terminal or port
using the following format:

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

ALF ADD device user [/TERMINAL] [/PORT] [/PROXY] [/LOG]


device is the terminal or port name that you want to assign to a user name. Note that
device must be a terminal name if you do not specify qualifiers on the command
user is the account user name that you want to assign to a particular terminal or port.
/TERMINAL causes SYSMAN to treat device as a terminal name. This is the default behavior.
/PORT causes SYSMAN to treat device as a port name. If the port name contains a
special character such as a slash ( / ) or if it contains lowercase letters that you
want to preserve, you must enclose the port name within quotation marks.
Be aware that anything within quotation marks is written literally to the ALF
database file. For example, if the actual port name contains uppercase letters
as well as special characters, be sure to specify uppercase letters within the
quotation marks. Otherwise, a mismatch will occur between the actual port name
and what is specified in the SYSALF.DAT file.
/PROXY causes SYSMAN to check that device is in the NODE::USERNAME format,
which can be up to 63 characters in length.
/LOG causes SYSMAN to display a message that the device and user have been added
to the ALF database.

To protect automatic login accounts, set the AUTOLOGIN flag in the account's UAF record. This flag
makes the account available only by autologin, batch, and network proxy.

The following example shows how to invoke SYSMAN and assign terminal TTA0 to the
INVENTORY25 account:


When you create ALF records for proxy accounts, the device parameter can be as long as 63
characters. For example:


In this command, VMS:.ZKO.VMSORG.SYSMAN.CLIENT1::SYSTEM is the value of the device


For more information about autologin accounts and the SYSMAN ALF commands, see the VSI
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual and the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System

7.9.2. Setting Up a Project Account with ACL

This section describes how to set up a project account that uses access control lists (ACLs) to control
access to files shared by members of a project group. See the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System
Security for complete details on setting up accounts with ACLs.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

How to Perform This Task

You must first add an identifier to the rights database for the project account. Use the AUTHORIZE
command ADD/IDENTIFIER to add identifiers to the rights database and then associate users as
holders of existing ACL identifiers with the AUTHORIZE command GRANT/IDENTIFIER. All
users who hold the project's identifier can use the disk space of the project account.

You can set up the project account so that disk space is charged to the project, rather than to individual
users, by assigning the resource attribute to the project identifier.

The following example summarizes the steps for setting up a project account:

1. Set up individual user accounts for each member sharing the project account (as described in
Section 7.5 and Section 7.6 on adding a user account).

2. Create the project identifier with the resource attribute and grant it to those users who will have
access to the project account. In the example that follows, the project identifier KITE_FLYING is
given the resource attribute. This identifier is then granted to users GEORGE and LINDORF:


3. Create the disk quota authorization for the project identifier. For example, the following command
invokes SYSMAN and assigns the identifier KITE_FLYING 2000 blocks of disk quota with 200
blocks of overdraft:


4. Create the project directory. For example, the following DCL command creates the project
directory [KITE_FLYING] and establishes the identifier KITE_FLYING as the owner:


5. Set up the necessary ACL and default ACL on the project directory. For example, the following
DCL command places an ACL on the directory[KITE_FLYING] that permits any holder of the
identifier KITE_FLYING to gain read, write, or execute access to the directory; it also ensures that
files created in the directory receive the same ACE (access control list entry) as a default:



Access must be granted through ACL entries, because the owner identifier of the directory and the
files (KITE_FLYING) does not match the UIC of any of the project members; thus, only world access
is available through the UIC-based protection mask. The first ACE of the specified ACL gives all

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

project members read, write, and execute access to the directory; the second ACE gives them read,
write, and execute access for all files created in the directory.

Note that project members are not allowed to delete (or control) files created by others. However,
the members each have complete access to files that they have created in the directory, because the
file system supplies an additional default ACL entry that grants to the creator control access plus the
access specified in the OWNER field of the UIC-based protection mask. This ACE appears only when
the owner of the created file does not match the UIC of the creator.

Thus, when LINDORF creates the file [KITE_FLYING]THURSDAY.TXT, the file receives the
following access control list by default:

You can use the Creator ACE command in the ACL editor to add an extra ACE to the ACL for a file
created within the directory to which you assign the Creator ACE. The Creator ACE applies only
when the following conditions exist:

• The file being created is not owned by the user identification code (UIC) of the process creating
the file.

• The process creating the file does not have system privileges.

See the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual and the VSI OpenVMS
Guide to System Security for more information about the Creator ACE.

7.9.3. Understanding Network Proxy Accounts

A network proxy account allows users on a remote node in a network to access data by way of a
local account on your system. Proxy accounts are useful when you want to grant one or more users
on a remote node access to specific files, but you do not want to give them a private account on your
system. Very often, system managers set up proxy accounts as restricted. You establish and control
proxy accounts with the Authorize utility(AUTHORIZE).

With proxy accounts, you can authorize one or more users on a remote node to enter DCL commands
that access data from a particular account on your system. Proxy accounts allow remote users to
access specific local data (for example,type and print files) without having to log in to your system or
use an access control string. Remote users assume the same file access rights as the local account and
also receive the default privileges of the local account. The following sections explain the procedures
for setting up proxy accounts.

For more information about proxy accounts, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

7.9.4. Creating Network Proxy Authorization Files

This section contains information for network proxies on DECnet Phase IV and DECnet-Plus. For
information about proxies and user authentication when using TCP/IP Services, see VSI TCP/IP
Services for OpenVMS Management.

A proxy account permits an authorized user from a remote node to log in to a local node, as if the user
owned an account on the local node. Proxy accounts are created and maintained using the Authorize

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

utility (AUTHORIZE).See the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for
more information about the Authorize utility.

On OpenVMS systems, the following information is stored in two proxy authorization files,

• On systems running DECnet for OpenVMS, both NETPROXY.DAT and NET$PROXY.DAT

contain proxy information stored using DECnet VAX node names.

• On systems running DECnet-Plus:

• NET$PROXY.DAT contains proxy information stored using DECnet-Plus full names.

• NETPROXY.DAT contains proxy information stored using DECnet-Plus node synonyms.

Deleting either NETPROXY.DAT or NET$PROXY.DAT will result in incorrect functioning of proxy
access on systems running DECnet for OpenVMS Phase IV. Also, many applications such as ALL-
IN-1 rely on NETPROXY.DAT.

The SYSUAF.DAT file, on your local system, must associate proxy accounts with user accounts. You
will probably want to create a “standard access”account in the UAF for proxy accounts. For example,
you could create an account named REMOTE_MKT with limited privileges, which allows access to
certain data files on your local system.

Suppose you have a group of users on your local system who prepare marketing reports and who
rely on input from users on other systems. You would assign the REMOTE_MKT account in
SYSUAF.DAT the same group number and default privileges you assign to the local marketing group.
In this way, the remote contributors could access any data files that are “owned” by users in your
marketing group and that are not protected from group access.

How to Perform This Task

Use the AUTHORIZE command CREATE/PROXY to create and initialize network proxy
authorization files:

7.9.5. Adding Proxy Accounts

Create a proxy account by adding entries to the network proxy authorization file; these entries equate
one or more users on a remote node to users on your home node.

How to Perform This Task

The command syntax for adding a proxy account is as follows:
ADD/PROXY node::remote-user local-user/DEFAULT [,...]

You can allow remote users access to up to 16 total local accounts: 1 default proxy account and 15
alternate proxy accounts. Use the /DEFAULT qualifier to specify the default proxy account.

1. The following command adds a user proxy account:

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts


Assume that you have created three accounts named REMOTE_MKT, PROXY2,and PROXY3
on your home node. The entry in this example permits the user WALTER on remote node HAL
to access data by way of the REMOTE_MKT account on your home node. WALTER can access
any data from his node that REMOTE_MKT can access locally. To access data through either
PROXY2 or PROXY3, WALTER must specify the desired proxy account in the access control
string of the DCL command used to perform network file operations.

Because the remote user receives the same privileges as the local user, do not set up proxy accounts
associated with local accounts that have special privilege. Granting remote users such access powers
poses a threat to the security of your system.

2. You can specify remote users by user name or, for remote systems that do not recognize the user
name syntax, by UIC. The following example allows the user associated with the UIC [360,54] on
remote node RSTS32 proxy access to the GENERIC account on the local node:

3. A number of your users might have accounts on a remote node and require ready access to their
local files. You can create a network proxy authorization file record that grants access to each of
them, provided the user name on your system is the same as the user name on the remote node.
The following form of the ADD/PROXY command adds such a record:

This command authorizes any user on the remote node HAL to access any account with the same
user name on your system.

Similarly, you might want to permit this sort of access for just one user:

4. On systems running DECnet-Plus, the system adds network proxies to the network proxy
authorization file NET$PROXY.DAT using DECnet-Plus full names. For example:

This example adds proxy access from RUBY::DELAPORT to the local accounts DELAPORT (the
default) and SYSTEM.

The system additionally stores node synonyms in NETPROXY.DAT for use by DECnet for
OpenVMS and for backward compatibility for layered products.

7.9.6. Removing Proxy Accounts

To remove proxy accounts, use the AUTHORIZE command REMOVE/PROXY; for example:

This command removes proxy access from RUBY::DELAPORT to the local SYSTEM account.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

7.9.7. Displaying Proxy Accounts

To display proxy accounts, use the AUTHORIZE command SHOW/PROXY. This command displays
only the first 255 characters of the node name,although the command can handle a maximum of 1024

The following examples assume that proxy access from RUBY::DELAPORT to the local account
DELAPORT has been added to the network proxy authorization file as the default. (The second
example shows the DECnet-Plus equivalent of RUBY::DELAPORT.)

1. On systems running DECnet for OpenVMS, the system displays the following type of


(D) indicates that DELAPORT is the default proxy.

2. On systems running DECnet-Plus, the system displays information in full names format:


(D) indicates that DELAPORT is the default proxy.

You can display information in the old format NETPROXY.DAT database by using the /OLD
qualifier with the SHOW/PROXY command; for example:

7.9.8. Controlling Proxy Logins

Whenever a proxy login request occurs, the system verifies that proxy access on the participating
nodes is enabled. (By default, both incoming and outgoing proxy access is enabled for each node.)

On systems running DECnet for OpenVMS, you can change proxy access or disable it totally by using
the Network Control Program (NCP).The DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual describes how
to use NCP to control proxy access.

On systems running DECnet-Plus software, you can change proxy access by using the Network
Control Language utility (NCL). The manual describes how to use NCL.

For information about proxies and user authentication when using TCP/IP Services, see the VSI TCP/
IP Services for OpenVMS Management.

7.10. Managing Mail

When managing user accounts, you might have to manage a user's mail account. For example, you
may want to perform the following tasks:

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

• Change a user's mail profile; for example, change a user name or specify a default print queue for
the account

• Set a forwarding address for a user who has moved to another location

• Disable a user's account from receiving mail

• Customize a user's mail environment by setting flags in a user's UAF record

The following sections explain how to perform all of these tasks.

7.10.1. Modifying a User Record

All users can modify and display information about their own records using various
SET and SHOW commands available within Mail. These commands access SYS
$SYSTEM:VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA, which is a single-key indexed sequential file containing
information for each user.

With SYSNAM, you can change the mail forwarding address for a user (including one without an
account) on the system with the Mail utility command SET FORWARD/USER= user.

7.10.2. Removing a User Record

Typically, once you have deleted a user's record in the UAF, you will also want to remove that user's
information from the user profile database. You can remove a record from the user profile database
with the REMOVE command.

7.10.3. AUTHORIZE Flags and Mail

Certain flags set in a user's UAF record can affect the user's Mail environment. You can set the
appropriate flags in a user account by specifying the following flags with the /FLAGS qualifiers using

Flag Meaning
[NO]DISNEWMAILEnables or disables the display of the new mail count when the user logs in to
the system.
[NO]DISMAIL Allows or restricts the receipt of new mail.

7.11. Managing System Resources

This section contains detailed descriptions of the resource control attributes you can assign to a user
process when creating a record in the UAF.

7.11.1. Understanding Pages and Pagelets

VAX, Alpha,and I64 systems allocate and deallocate memory for processes in units called pages. A
page on a VAX system is 512 bytes. Both Alpha and I64 systems support a variety of page sizes. The
OpenVMS operating system currently uses 8KB (8192 bytes) pages on Alpha and I64 systems.

In most cases, Alpha and I64 systems present to users, and accept from users, units of memory in a
512-byte quantity called a pagelet. Thus, one pagelet is the same size as one VAX page. Also, on an
Alpha or I64 8KB computer, 16 pagelets equal 1 Alpha or I64 page. The following conversion table
shows the relationship between pages, pagelets, and bytes:

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

One Alpha or I64 pagelet = one VAX page = 512 bytes

One Alpha or I64 page = 16 Alpha or I64 pagelets = 16 VAX pages = 8192

Authorize utility commands, parameters, and default values are identical. However, the default values
for process quotas related to memory use might be inappropriate for some Alpha and I64 system

See Comparison of System Management on OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX for more
information about Alpha and I64 system management. (This manual has been archived.)

7.11.2. Setting Limits on System Resources

Each system user is limited in the consumption of such resources as system memory, volatile
(pagefile) disk space, number of processes, and I/O requests. You set limits when you create an
account for the user with the Authorize utility.

Limits control the way in which a process shares its allotment of a resource with the subprocesses
it creates. In addition to restricting the number of processes that a single user or account has at any
given time, the system uses four types of limits for sharing resources. Table 7.1 describes these limits.

When you create an account, you assign values to the limits shown in Table 7.8. These limits are
described in the following sections. Usually, you simply assign the default values for these quotas.
However, see the OpenVMS Performance Management for a discussion of how to evaluate and adjust
the limits in the context of performance optimization strategies.

Table 7.8 summarizes each of these limits, the value supplied in the UAF record for the SYSTEM and
DEFAULT accounts, and the type of limit.

Table 7.8. Limits and Suggested Values for SYSTEM and DEFAULT Accounts
Quota Type Description
ASTlm Nondeductible AST queue limit
BIOlm Nondeductible Buffered I/O count limit
Bytlm Pooled Buffered I/O byte count limit
CPUa Deductible CPU time limit (0 = no limit)
DIOlm Nondeductible Direct I/O count limit
Enqlm Pooled Enqueue quota
Fillm Pooled Open file limit
JTquota Pooled Initial byte quota for jobwide logical name table
Maxacctjobs Systemwide Maximum active processes for a single account(0 = no
Maxdetach Systemwide Maximum detached processes for a single user name (0 =
no limit)
Maxjobs Systemwide Maximum active processes for a single user name (0 = no
Pgflquoa Pooled Page file limit
Prclm Pooled Subprocess creation limit
TQElm Pooled Timer queue entry limit
WSdef Nondeductible Default working set size

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Quota Type Description

WSextenta Nondeductible Working set extent
WSquo Nondeductible Working set quota
LOGINOUT uses the larger value of the AUTHORIZE quota for this account or the corresponding PQL_M*quota system parameters, as
described in Table 7.9.

Table 7.9 shows the names and descriptions of the SYSTEM and DEFAULT accounts whose values
are listed in Table 7.8.The /EXPIRATION qualifier is also described in Table 7.9.

Table 7.9. Descriptions of SYSTEM and DEFAULT Accounts

Account Description
AST Queue Limit Limits the sum of the following amounts:
• The number of asynchronous system trap (AST) requests that a user's
process can have outstanding at one time

• The number of scheduled wakeup requests that a user's process can

have outstanding at one time

This limit affects all system services that accept an AST address as an
argument, and the Schedule Wakeup ($SCHDWK) system service.

If the deferred write option (DFW) is enabled, the number of ASTs

used per file is equal to 1, plus the number of record streams, plus the
multibuffer count. Otherwise, the number is 1 plus the number of record

Note that PQL_MASTLMoverrides the account's value for ASTlm if

PQL_MASTLM is larger than ASTlm.
Buffered I/O Count Limit Limits the number of outstanding buffered I/O operations permitted for a
(BIOlm) user's process.

In a buffered I/O operation, the data transfer takes place from an

intermediate buffer in the system pool, not from a process-specified
buffer. Buffered operations for a user process include terminal I/O,
file system and network I/O, card reader input, and unspooled printer
output. During a buffered I/O operation, the pages containing the process-
specified buffer need not be locked in memory.

Note that PQL_MBIOLM overridesoverrides the account's value for

BIOlm if PQL_MBIOLM is larger than BIOlm.
Buffered I/O Byte Count Limits the amount of buffer space that a user's process can use.
Limit (Bytlm)
This buffer space is used for buffered I/O operations and for the creation
of temporary mailboxes. It also limits the number of mapping windows
the user can create as segmented (or cathedral) windows. Cathedral
windows are primarily useful for reducing the overhead required to read
large files.

Note that PQL_MBYTLM overrides the account's value for Bytlm if

PQL_MBYTLM is larger than Bytlm.
CPU Time Limit (CPU) Limits the amount of CPU time that a user's process can use per session.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Account Description
The time must be specified in abbreviated delta format hh:mm:ss.cc.

CPU is a deductible limit with a suggested typical value of 0 (no limit)

but the value applies only to this instance or to other instances of the
user's processes. CPU is not cumulative across separate sessions or batch

Note that PQL_MCPULM overrides the account's value for CPU if

PQL_MCPULM is larger than CPU.
Direct I/O Count Limit Limits the number of outstanding direct I/O operations permitted to a
(DIOlm) user's process.

In a direct I/O operation, the data transfer takes place directly from a
process-specified buffer. Direct I/O operations for a user process typically
include disk and tape I/O. The pages containing this buffer are locked in
memory by the operating system during the direct I/O operation.

DIOlm is a nondeductible limit. Note that PQL_MDIOLM overrides the

account's value for DIOlm if PQL_MDIOLM is larger than DIOlm.
Enqueue Quota (Enqlm) Limits the number of locks a process (and its subprocesses) can
own. OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS) uses the Lock
Management facility to synchronize shared file access, global buffers,
and record locks. Because RMS removes one lock for every shared file,
local buffer, global buffer section, and outstanding record lock, users who
expect to perform large amounts of RMS file sharing should have Enqlm
set to a large value.

If your process performs extensive RMS file sharing without sufficient

enqueue quota, you could receive the SS$_EXENQLM error message.
Furthermore, if your system performs extensive RMS file sharing and
the value of the LOCKIDTBL system parameter is too low, you could
receive the SS$_NOLOCKID error message. Note that whenever you
increase the value of LOCKIDTBL, you might have to increase the value
of the RESHASHTBL system parameter. (See the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual.)

For shared files, the value of Enqlm should represent the number of files
open as shared multiplied by the number of locks per process per file.

• If you use the default multibuffer counts, estimate the number of locks
as 4 for indexed sequential files and 3 for relative files.

• If you use a value other than the default value for the multibuffer
counts, estimate the number of locks per process per file as 1 per file,
plus the multibuffer count for that file,plus the number of records
locked, which is usually one.

Prior to OpenVMS Version 7.1, the limit for Enqlm was 32767.Setting
Enqlm to this former maximum value automatically scales Enqlm
internally to the architectural maximum value. Thus, in effect, the process
has an unlimited enqueue quota but does not need the privilege to ignore

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Account Description
Use the DCL command SHOW RMS_DEFAULT to display the default
multibuffer counts.

Enqlm is a pooled limit. Note that PQL_MENQLM overrides the

account's value for Enqlm if PQL_MENQLM is larger than Enqlm.
Expiration Date and Time Qualifier that specifies the expiration date and time of the account. The /
(EXPIRATION) NOEXPIRATION qualifier removes the expiration date on the account
or resets the expiration time for expired accounts. The /EXPIRATION
qualifier does not affect the expiration of passwords.
Open File Limit (Fillm) Limits the number of files that a user's process can have open at one time.
This limit includes the number of network logical links that can be active
at the same time.

Fillm is a pooled limit. Note that each open file also requires at least 96
bytes of Bytlm. Note that PQL_MFILLM overrides the account's value
for Fillm if PQL_MFILLM is larger than Fillm.
Job Table Quota Specifies the initial byte quota with which the jobwide logical name table
(JTquota) is to be created.

JT quota is a pooled quota. Note that PQL_MJTQUOTA overrides the

account's value for JTquota if PQL_MJTQUOTA is larger than JTquota.
Maximum Account Jobs Specifies the maximum number of batch, interactive, and detached
Limit (Maxacctjobs) processes that might be active at one time for all users of a single account.

Maxacctjobs is a systemwide limit.

Maximum Detached Specifies the maximum number of detached processes with the cited user
Processes Limit name that can be active at one time. MAXDETACH can also be used to
(Maxdetach) control the number of virtual terminals a user can have. To prevent the
user from creating detached processes, specify the keyword NONE. By
default, a user has a value of 0, which represents an unlimited number.

Maxdetach is a systemwide limit.

Maximum Process Jobs Specifies the maximum number of interactive, batch, and detached
Limit (Maxjobs) processes that can be active at one time for the cited user name.

Maxjobs is a systemwide limit.

Page File Limit (Pgflquo) Limits the number of pages that the user's process can use in the system
page file. The page file provides temporary disk storage for pages
forced out of memory by a memory management operation. Pgflquo
limits the total virtual address space that can be created using the
Create Virtual Address Space ($CRETVA) or Expand Program/Control
Region($EXPREG) system services.

Pgflquo is a pooled limit. Note that PQL_MPGFLQUOTA overrides

the account's value for Pgflquo if PQL_MPGFLQUOTA is larger than
Subprocess Creation Limits the number of subprocesses a user's process can create.
Limit (Prclm)

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Account Description
The process created when a user logs in to the system can in turn create
subprocesses. These subprocesses are all accountable to the user and
share the resources allotted to the initial process.

Prclm is a pooled limit.

Timer Queue Entry Limit Limits either of the following amounts:
• The number of entries that a user's process can have in the timer

• The number of temporary common event flag clusters that a user's

proces scan have

This limit does not govern the creation of permanent event flag clusters.

Timer queue entries are used in time-dependent scheduling; common

event flags are used in synchronizing activities among groups of
cooperating processes.

TQElm is a pooled limit. Note that PQL_MTQELM overrides the

account's value for TQElm if PQL_MTQELM is larger than TQElm.
Default Working Set Size Sets the initial working set size limit for a user's process.
WSdef is a nondeductible limit. If the value specified exceeds the value
of WSquo, the lesser value is used.
Working Set Extent Specifies the maximum size to which a user's physical memory usage can
(WSextent) grow, independent of the system load. This enlargement of the physical
memory for a user is accomplished by the Adjust Working Set Limit
($ADJWSL) system service, and is normally done for the user by the
operating system in response to heavy page faulting by the user.

WSextent is a nondeductible quota. This value should always be greater

than or equal to WSquo. The value is controlled by the system parameter
WSMAX. Note that PQL_MWSEXTENT will overwrite the account's
value for WSextent if PQL_MWSEXTENT is larger than WSextent.
Working Set Quota Specifies the working set quota. This is the maximum amount of physical
(WSquo) memory a user process can lock into its working set. It also represents the
maximum amount of swap space that the system reserves for this process
and the maximum amount of physical memory that the system allows
the process to consume if the systemwide memory demand is significant.
This parameter guarantees the user that the number of physical pages
specified will be available. The maximum value of WSquo is 64K pages.

WSquo is a nondeductible quota. This value should be greater than or

equal to WSdef. The value is capped by the system parameter WSMAX.
Note that PQL_MWSQUOTA overrides the account's value for WSquo if
PQL_MWQUOTA is larger than WSquo.

Chapter 7. Managing User Accounts

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral
System managers are often responsible for setting up and managing peripheral devices such as
terminals and printers. This chapter describes these tasks. For information about managing storage
media such as disks and tapes, see Chapter 9.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Getting information about devices on the system Section 8.3
Setting security protection characteristics on devices Section 8.4
Connecting devices and loading device drivers Section 8.5
Automatically configuring devices for OpenVMS Alpha systems Section 8.6
Managing terminals Section 8.7
Managing modems Section 8.8
Managing printers Section 8.9
Managing tape drives Section 8.10
Managing card readers Section 8.11
VAX specific

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
Device names Section 8.1
Add-on I/O adapter and console names Section 8.2
Device configuration Section 8.6.1
Spooled printers Section 8.9.2

8.1. Understanding Device Names

On some systems, device names follow the format ddcu, where dd is the device code, c is the
controller designation, and u is the unit number.

Local Digital Storage Architecture (DSA) devices use a controller letter of “A” regardless of the
physical controller the device resides on. Preceding the letter “A”:

• All local DSA disk devices are named DUA n, where n is a unique disk unit number.

• All local DSA tape devices are named MUA n, where n is a unique tape unit number.

Use of a single controller letter requires that the unit number for each local DSA device be unique.
Duplicate unit numbers are possible if the local disks reside on different controllers.

If the system is part of an OpenVMS Cluster environment, device names are formatted in one of the
following ways:

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

• If the device is attached to a single computer or hierarchical storage controller (HSC) subsystem,
the device name includes the node name in the format node$ddcu, where node refers to the node
name of the system that the device resides on.

• If the device is to be accessed (or dual-ported) by two computers or HSC subsystems, you must
identify the device with a unique, path-independent name that includes an allocation class.

The allocation class is a numeric value from 1 to 255, which is used to create a device name in the
form $allocation-class$device-name. For example, the allocation class device name $11$DUA8
identifies a disk that is accessed by two computers or HSC subsystems, both having an allocation
class of 11.

• If the device is connected to a SCSI bus and the system parameter DEVICE_NAMING is set to 1,
you can assign the device a port allocation class, a number from 0 to 32767 inclusive.

• If the device is assigned port allocation class 0, its name will be in the form node $ddcuuu. The
device cannot be located on a SCSI bus that is also attached to another CPU.

• If the device is assigned a nonzero port allocation class, its name will be in the form $allocation-
class$ddAuuu. The device can be located on a SCSI bus attached to another CPU, provided the
other CPU has assigned the same port allocation class to the SCSI bus.

For more information about the device name format in VAXcluster or OpenVMS Cluster
environments, refer to OpenVMS Cluster Systems.

For information about the naming conventions for Fibre Channel disk and tape devices, see
Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations.

8.2. Names of Add-on I/O Adapters and

OpenVMS Version 6.2 and higher supports various add-on I/O adapters and consoles. VSI's
AlphaGeneration platforms typically support one or more integral SCSI or network adapters, with the
option of installing additional adapters. Because of differences in device-naming conventions used
by the Alpha or I64 consoles and OpenVMS, depending on the platform, the OpenVMS device name
might not match the name the console displays.

For example, on platforms prior to the EV6 systems (except the GS AlphaServer 140), the console
designation for a SCSI device on the integral SCSI adapter might be DKA100. However, when two
additional add-on SCSI adapters are added, the A designation becomes C, and DKA100 appears as
DKC100 when OpenVMS is running.

This discrepancy in device naming does not exist on EV6 and higher platforms.

Note that even when the console and OpenVMS device names are different, the unique specification
of a device name from the console to the device name under OpenVMS stays the same, provided add-
on SCSI or network adapters are not added or removed.

8.3. Getting Information About Devices on the

Use the DCL command SHOW DEVICES to retrieve information about devices on your system.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

When you invoke the SHOW DEVICES command and do not specify a device or use a qualifier, the
system displays information about all recognized devices.

If a device does not appear in the display, it is not recognized by the system. The device may not be
connected, or the driver may not be loaded. For certain devices, you must manually connect them and
load their device drivers. For more information, see Section 8.5.

If you specify a device name with the SHOW DEVICE command, the system displays information
about the device you specified. If you use certain qualifiers with SHOW DEVICES, information is
displayed about those devices that currently have volumes mounted or that have been allocated to
processes. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for a list of qualifiers that can be used with
the SHOW DEVICES command.

The following examples use the SHOW DEVICES command. Device protection is RWPL (read,
write, physical, logical).

The SHOW DEVICES/FULL examples include both volume protection and device protection. In
addition, if a volume has a protected subsystem enabled, it also appears in the display.

1. The following command shows all devices on the system:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count
$11$DUA9: (SNAP) Online 0
$11$DUA10: (SNAP) Mounted 2 PAGE 83643 3
$11$DUA13: (SNAP) Mounted 0 WORK1 192297 36
$11$DUA23: (SNAP) Online 0
$11$DUA24: (SNAP) Mounted 0 MONITORPLUS 776808 86
DAD0: (TULIP) Online 0
DAD9: (TULIP) Online 0
DAD44: (TULIP) Mounted wrtlck 0 CDBIN06JUL23 97947 1
ROSE$MUA0: Online 0
LAVNDR$MUA0: Online 0
TULIP$MUA1: Online 0
IRIS$MUA1: HostUnavailable 0
OPA0: Online 0
DBA0: Offline 0
FTA0: Offline 0
FTA239: Online 0
LTA0: Offline 0
LTA3401: Online spooled 0
LTA3402: Online spooled 0
RTA0: Offline 0
RTA1: Mounted 1
RTA2: Mounted 0

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

RTB0: Offline 0
TXA0: Online 0
TXA1: Online 0
XT0: Offline 0

2. The following command requests a full listing of the status of the DAD42: RRD40 device. The
device is located on node IRIS in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.


Disk DAD42: (IRIS), device type RRD40, is online, mounted, software
locked, file-oriented device, shareable, error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 146
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL, O:RWPL, G:RWPL, W:RWPL
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 1218000 Sectors per track 4
Total cylinders 50750 Tracks per cylinder 6
Allocation class 11

Volume label "CDBIN06JUL21" Relative volume number 0

Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 15153 Maximum files allowed 152083
Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1
Mount status System Cache name "_$11$DUA21:XQPCACHE"
Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 1515
File ID cache size 64 Blocks currently in extent cache 0
Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 1330

Volume status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water

marking, write-through caching enabled.

3. The following command requests a full informational display about each DG device. This
display shows only the first two devices: the mounted $1$DGA5001: device and the unmounted
$1$DGA5004: device.

Disk $1$DGA5001: (CEAGLE), device type HSV110, is online, mounted, file-
device, shareable, device has multiple I/O paths, served to cluster via
Server, error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 5773
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1
WWID 01000010:6005-08B4-0001-42DC-0001-F000-0111-0000
Total blocks 20971520 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 1280 Tracks per cylinder 128
Host name "CEAGLE" Host type, avail AlphaServer ES40, yes
Alternate host name "CLETA" Alt. type, avail AlphaServer ES40, yes
Allocation class 1
Volume label "5001" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 21 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 19598208 Maximum files allowed 476625
Extend quantity 5 Mount count 9
Mount status System Cache name "“_$1$DGA3105:XQPCACHE"

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 1959820

File ID cache size 64 Blocks currently in extent cache 0
Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 3444

Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water

write-back caching enabled.
Volume is also mounted on VMSROC, PAVER, VMSROL, CLETA, VMSJO, VMSMO,

I/O paths to device 5

Path PGA0. 5000-1FE1-0015-22AC (CEAGLE), primary path.
Error count 0 Operations completed 0
Path PGA0. 5000-1FE1-0015-22A9 (CEAGLE).
Error count 0 Operations completed 0
Path PGB0. 5000-1FE1-0015-22A8 (CEAGLE).
Error count 0 Operations completed 0
Path PGB0. 5000-1FE1-0015-22AD (CEAGLE), current path.
Error count 0 Operations completed 5773
Error count 0 Operations completed 0

Disk $1$DGA5004: (CEAGLE), device type HSV110, is online, file-oriented

shareable, device has multiple I/O paths, served to cluster via
MSCP Server,
error logging is enabled.

Error count 0 Operations completed 0

Owner process Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL, O:RWPL, G:R, W
Reference count 0 Default buffer size 512
Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1
WWID 01000010:6005-08B4-0001-42DC-0001-F000-0120-0000
Host name CEAGLE Host type, avail AlphaServer ES40, yes
Alternate host name CLETA Alt. type, avail AlphaServer ES40, yes
Allocation class 1

I/O paths to device 5

Path PGA0. 5000-1FE1-0015-22AC (CEAGLE), primary path.
Error count 0 Operations completed 0
Path PGA0. 5000-1FE1-0015-22A9 (CEAGLE).
Error count 0 Operations completed 0
Path PGB0. 5000-1FE1-0015-22A8 (CEAGLE), current path.
Error count 0 Operations completed 0
Path PGB0. 5000-1FE1-0015-22AD (CEAGLE).
Error count 0 Operations completed 0
Error count 0 Operations completed 0

8.3.1. Determining If Volumes Need Rebuilding

If a volume was improperly dismounted, it may require rebuilding. Volumes are improperly
dismounted when, for example, the system crashes. Use the/REBUILD_STATUS qualifier with
the SHOW DEVICES command to determine if a volume needs rebuilding. Do not use the /

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

REBUILD_STATUS qualifier with any other SHOW DEVICES qualifiers, except the /OUTPUT

For each volume, SHOW DEVICES/REBUILD_STATUS returns one of the following values:

Value Meaning
Yes Rebuild needed
No Rebuild not needed
Not applicable The volume cannot be rebuilt; the volume is not a disk or the volume is write-
Information Rebuild information is not available; the volume is not mounted or mount
unavailable verification is taking place

Do either of the following steps to rebuild a volume:


• Dismount the volume and then mount the volume again using MOUNT /REBUILD

Device EMUL$DKB500, in the following example, needs rebuilding.

Device Name Rebuild needed?
ADU15$DKA300: Information unavailable
EDIV$DKA300: Information unavailable
EMUL$DKB500: Yes
FTA0: Not applicable
OPA0: Not applicable

8.3.2. Getting Information About ISO 9660-Formatted

You can use the SHOW DEVICE command to retrieve information about ISO 9660-formatted
devices. The following example illustrates the use of the SHOW DEVICES /FULL command to
obtain information about an ISO 9660-formatted CD–ROM. Note that the ACP process name is given
and that the volume status is listed as ISO 9660. The display tells the user that the mounted members
of the volume set are relative volume numbers (RVN) 1, 64, and 65535.


Disk $1$DKA1: (VMSRMS), device type RRD40, is online, allocated,

deallocate on dismount, mounted, software write-locked, file-oriented
device, shareable, served to cluster via MSCP Server.

Error count 0 Operations completed

Owner process "_FTA5:" Owner UIC [FIN,
Owner process ID 20200066 Dev Prot S:RWPL, O:RWPL,
G:R, W

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Reference count 2 Default buffer size

Total blocks 256 Sectors per track
Total cylinders 1 Tracks per cylinder
Allocation class 1
Volume label "VOLUME_1" Relative volume number
Cluster size 0 Transaction count
Free blocks 0 Maximum files allowed
Extend quantity 0 Mount count
Mount status Process ACP process name
Volume status: ISO 9660.
Members of this volume set are $1$DKA1: (rvn 1), $1$DKA7: (rvn 64),
(rvn 65535)

8.4. Setting Security Protection

Characteristics on Devices
You can set security protection characteristics on devices using the following DCL commands:





For more information about these commands, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

By default, allocating a tape or disk device requires VOLPRO privilege. However, you can grant
access to unprivileged users in two ways:

• Set device protection to grant control access to group or world, as appropriate.

• Add an ACL to the device and grant a general identifier to all users who should have access.

Section 9.3.4 has more information about the VOLPRO privilege.

8.4.1. Granting Access to a Specific Device

To grant access to a specific device, use the SET SECURITY command as shown in either of the
following examples:


This example grants world read, write, and control access for the deviceDKA300.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices


This example grants control access for the device DKA300 to users with the CHEKOV identifier.

8.4.2. Granting Access to All Devices

Use the following method to grant a specified class of users access to all devices:

1. Set the security template for a particular device type to allow access to a desired class of users.
Use a command such as the following one, which sets the template for disk devices:



This access will apply to all specified devices initialized in the future.

2. Run the following command procedure:


This command procedure applies the protection specified in the security template to all current

8.5. Connecting Devices and Loading Device

The system uses a software component called a device driverto control I/O operations for a particular
device type. For a device to function on a system, the device must be connected, and the device driver
must be loaded into memory.

The AUTOCONFIGURE command connects all devices physically attached to the system and loads
their device drivers. Using AUTOCONFIGURE saves effort and reduces the possibility of error.

The site-independent startup command procedure, STARTUP. COM, automatically configures

devices, because it includes the AUTOCONFIGURE command.

On VAX systems, the following commands in STARTUP. COM perform autoconfiguration:


On Alpha and I64 systems, the following commands in STARTUP. COM perform autoconfiguration:


During autoconfiguration, the CONFIGURE phase of STARTUP. COM creates a detached process to
perform the following tasks:

• Detect any devices connected to HS x devices (storage controllers)

• Load the drivers for HS x devices

• Make the HS x devices known to the system

• Make disk and tape devices served by OpenVMS hosts known to the system

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

For this discussion, an HS x device can be an HSC, HSG, or HSJ device.

In general, when you add a SCSI disk or tape, you should shut down the system and power down the
machine before you connect the device. When you power the system up, OpenVMS automatically
configures the device.

Some controllers, such as the HSZ series, allow you to quiesce the SCSI bus and then add or remove
a device. When you add a device, you must rerun AUTOCONFIGURE. Note however, that for served
storage devices, your system must be running the CONFIGURE process.

In certain cases, you might want to suppress autoconfiguration of devices in system startup. See the
following sections for more details.

Topic For More

Manually connecting devices and loading drivers Section 8.5.1
Manually connecting devices and loading drivers Section 8.5.2
Suppressing autoconfiguration Section 8.5.3
VAX specific
Alpha and I64 specific

8.5.1. Manually Connecting Devices and Loading

Device Drivers (VAX Only)
On VAX systems, whenever possible, use the SYSGEN command AUTOCONFIGURE to connect
standard devices and load device drivers. However, in some cases, such as connecting third-party
devices, you cannot use the AUTOCONFIGURE command. In addition, AUTOCONFIGURE does
not connect the following devices or load their device drivers:

• Console storage device

• Network communications logical device

• Virtual terminals

In addition to these devices, other devices and drivers might be present that AUTOCONFIGURE does
not connect and load. On VAX systems, use the System Generation utility (SYSGEN) to manually
connect devices and load device drivers.

For more information, refer to the SYSGEN section of the VSI OpenVMS System Management
Utilities Reference Manual and the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual. (The latter manual has
been archived. )

Use extreme care when issuing SYSGEN CONNECT and LOAD commands because the system does
little error checking. An incorrect vector address or misspelled device name, for example, will damage
the I/O database and could cause the system to fail.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

To manually connect special devices each time the system starts up, add these SYSGEN commands
to the site-specific startup command procedure SYCONFIG. COM. For more information, see

Console Storage Device

To connect the console storage device on VAX systems, use the following CONNECT command:


This command may be different on some platforms. See the VAX installation and upgrade manual for
information about the console commands available for your specific platform.

Network Communication Device

To connect the network communications logical device on VAX systems, run the appropriate startup
files for the particular network protocol. For example, three common net stack startups are:



Virtual Terminals
For information about connecting virtual terminals and loading their driver, see Section 8.7.2.

For information about configuring virtual terminals in conjunction with TCP/IP Services Telnet, see
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management.

Event-Handling Device Driver

A VSI-supplied driver named SYS$SYSTEM:CONINTERR. EXE permits real-time processes to
connect to interrupt vectors for quick response to and special handling of real-time events. The driver
is not associated with any specific device type. Refer to the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual
for more information. (This manual has been archived)

The commands in the following example autoconfigure the devices attached to a VAX system, and
connect the console block storage device and the network software device:


Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

8.5.2. Manually Connecting Devices and Loading

Device Drivers (Alpha and I64)
On Alpha and I64 systems, commands for connecting devices and loading their drivers are in the
System Management utility (SYSMAN). All SYSMAN commands that control and display the I/O
configuration on an Alpha and I64 system contain the prefix IO.

Whenever possible, it is preferable to use the IO AUTOCONFIGURE command to connect standard

devices and load device drivers.

IO AUTOCONFIGURE does not connect or load the device driver for the network communications
logical device. In addition, other devices and drivers might exist that IO AUTOCONFIGURE does
not connect and load.

You can connect unattached devices and devices that have nonstandard names, as well as load device
drivers with the SYSMAN commands IO CONNECT and IO LOAD.

For more information, refer to the SYSMAN section of VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual,
Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems

Exercise great care in issuing IO CONNECT and IO LOAD commands. Incorrect use of these
commands could cause the system to fail.

Network Communication Device

To connect the network communications logical device on Alpha, run the appropriate startup files for
the particular network protocol. For example, three common net stack startups are:



Example 8.1. Example

The commands in the following example autoconfigure the devices physically attached to the Alpha
or I64 system, load their drivers, and connect the network software device:



Virtual Terminals
For information about connecting virtual terminals and loading their driver, see Section 8.7.2.

For information about configuring virtual terminals in conjunction with TCP/IP Services Telnet, see
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

8.5.3. Suppressing the Autoconfiguration of Devices

Autoconfiguration of devices saves effort and reduces the possibility of error. However, you might
want to suppress autoconfiguration for the following reasons:

• To customize the order in which you configure devices

• To troubleshoot booting problems

• To allow Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) based workstations to use devices on another
workstation's SCSI bus without causing conflicts during boot time

To suppress autoconfiguration, add the following command as the last line of SYS


If you set STARTUP$AUTOCONFIGURE_ALL to 0 in the last line of SYCONFIG. COM, the
CONFIGURE phase of STARTUP. COM will not execute. As a result, DSSI or HSC controllers
(except for a controller through which the system booted) and MSCP-served devices on remote nodes
will not be available and satellite nodes will not be able to access network devices and boot disks.
This could prevent satellite nodes from booting.

To suppress autoconfiguration, and still configure HSCs and MSCP-served devices on remote nodes,
add the following lines to the end of SYCONFIG. COM:


These commands suppress autoconfiguration but still execute the CONFIGURE phase of STARTUP.

However, if you add the command @SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP CONFIGURE to SYCONFIG.

COM, AUTOGEN will fail with the following error:

%RUN-F-CREPRC, process creation failed-SYSTEM-F-DUPLNAM, duplicate name

This error is caused because SYCONFIG. COM is invoked by both STARTUP. COM and
AUTOGEN. When AUTOGEN runs, the CONFIGURE process already exists (it was started when
SYCONFIG. COM was executed by STARTUP. COM). When AUTOGEN invokes SYCONFIG.
COM, the command you added attempts to start a second CONFIGURE process. This command fails,
causing AUTOGEN to fail.

8.6. Automatically Configuring Devices for

OpenVMS Alpha Systems
Autoconfiguration is the process of discovering the hardware devices on a system and loading the
appropriate device drivers. File-based autoconfiguration is a feature that enables OpenVMS Alpha or
I64 to automatically configure third-party hardware devices.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Beginning with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7. 1, device configuration tables are constructed
from ASCII text files on the OpenVMS Alpha and I64 operating system disk. By adding simple
descriptions of their devices in the appropriate ASCII text file, third parties and end users can
configure supported third-party devices and load user-written device drivers.

The following sections briefly explain device configuration and describe how to use the new file-
based autoconfiguration method to configure supported third-party devices.

8.6.1. Understanding Device Configuration

A device is configured on OpenVMS when system code is able to locate it on a bus, give it a name,
and load a device driver for it. When a device is autoconfigured, all these steps happen without any
user intervention.

OpenVMS discovers devices during the boot process in a bus-specific manner. The discovery process
includes storing data about detected devices in bus-specific data structures. These data structures
are later used to search configuration tables of known devices. The configuration table provides
the information necessary to determine the driver name, the device name, and other parameters for
loading and connecting the appropriate driver.

Prior to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7. 1, configuration tables were built into the OpenVMS kernel
and could not be modified without replacing a system image. As of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7. 1
and I64, the configuration tables are constructed from ASCII text files on the system disk. A system
file(SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$CONFIG. DAT) is provided for all OpenVMS supported devices, and a user
file (SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT) is provided for all third-party, layered-product,
and user-written device drivers. The system reads these files during the boot process and uses the
files to create a set of configuration tables. These tables are used for subsequent autoconfiguration of
hardware devices. Although the tables are built from two files and collected by bus type, they can be
considered one logical configuration table of known devices.

Section 8.6.2 describes how to use the SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT file to

autoconfigure devices.

8.6.2. Using File-Based Autoconfiguration

File-based autoconfiguration reads two files during system boot to build the configuration tables of
known devices:


Both files use the same format, and the data from both files are combined to create the configuration
tables for each bus on the system. The SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT file is read first, and takes
precedence over any duplicate device descriptions contained in both files. If multiple device
descriptions exist in a single file, the first occurrence of the description is used.

The configuration files consist of device description blocks, each of which provides the information
needed to configure the correct device driver for a device.

Each device description block consists of a series of statements starting with a DEVICE keyword and
ending with the END_DEVICE keyword. Between these two keywords, additional keywords define
the hardware ID, the device name, the driver name, the bus type, and any other required or optional

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

The SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT file is an ASCII text file, which can be processed with any utility
that handles variable-length record files (for example, a text editor or DCL commands).

The SYS$CONFIG. DAT file is read-only and should not be modified by users or by third parties. It
should only be modified by VSI, and it might be replaced by OpenVMS upgrades. Inappropriate edits
to this file could result in the inability to boot the system. Adding Descriptions to SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT

Statements in the SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT take the general form:
KEYWORD = value

where the value is a string, a quoted string, or a numeric value. The END_DEVICE keyword has
no associated value. For example, a minimal description of a non-disk device might look like the
DEVICE = "My device"
ID = 0x0005111

In this example, the description indicates that when a device with the hardware ID of 5111 (hex) is
found on a PCI bus, the device named UU should be configured, and the USER$UUDRIVER device
driver should be loaded. This example also specifies that the driver does not want to be connected to
an interrupt vector. (If the bus information had a vector, it would be ignored. )

In addition to the values shown in the previous example, the following implied values can also be

These values usually default to the correct values for a single unit controller. Configuration File Syntax

The following syntax rules apply to the SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT file.

• All white space is equivalent to a single space. Blank lines, multiple spaces, and tabs may be used
for clarity, but they are treated by the parser as a single space.

• All strings are converted to uppercase unless within quotes.

• A quotation mark cannot be passed within a string (it will be deleted).

• All numbers are in the C language format: the default is decimal, octal may be specified by
providing a leading “0”, hex by providing a leading "0x".

• Comments can occur anywhere in the file and can begin with an exclamation point (!). All text on
the line from the exclamation point to the end of the line is ignored.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices Device Descriptions

A minimal device description consists of DEVICE, NAME, DRIVER, ADAPTER, and
END_DEVICE statements. The following keywords are defined for file-based autoconfiguration
device descriptions:

• DEVICE = string

The DEVICE keyword starts a device description. The DEVICE keyword takes a string argument,
which is an arbitrary description of the device being defined.

Example: DEVICE = "NI (Tulip)"

The string argument is used by utilities such as the CLUE CONFIG command in $ANALYZE/
SYSTEM. It should be kept short enough to look correct.


. . .
Adapter Configuration:----------------------
TR Adapter ADP Hose Bus BusArrayEntry Node Device Name/HW-Id
– ----------- -------- ---- -------------------- ---- -----------------
. . .
4 PCI 80949900 60 PCI
80949B50 1 MERCURY
80949BC0 GQA: 3 S3 Trio32/64
80949C30 EWA: 5 NI (Tulip)


The END_DEVICE terminates the current device description, and causes the parser to create a
new table entry if all required keywords have been supplied. No parameters are required.

• ID = {number {, number} | string}

The ID keyword specifies the hardware ID of the device. The hardware ID is a 64-bit quantity and
can be specified by a pair of 32-bit values (low-order, high-order), or can be specified as an ASCII
string of up to 8 characters. If only one numeric value is provided, the high-order 32 bits are set to

Example: ID = 0x00051000 ! HW ID of NCR810 in hex

Example: ID = FLOPPY ! HW ID of Floppy in ASCII

Example: ID = 0x906010B5, 0x113310DF ! 64-bit ID => low-32, high-32

The number of bits used by the system depends on the adapter type. EISA and PCI use 32 bits.
ISA uses 64 bits. PCI can be extended to64 bits by using the FLAGS=EXTENDED_ID keyword.

• NAME = string

The NAME keyword specifies the mnemonic for the device. This is usually a two-character name,
but it can be more.

Example: NAME = PK

• DRIVER = string

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

The DRIVER keyword specifies the file name of the device driver for the device.


• ADAPTER = string

The ADAPTER keyword indicates the bus type of the device. The current adapters are: PCI,
EISA, ISA, TC (TURBOchannel).

Example: ADAPTER = PCI

• UNITS = number

The UNITS keyword indicates the number of units (UCBs) that are created for the controller. If
not specified, the default is 1.

Example: UNITS = 1

• FLAGS = string

The FLAGS keyword shows optional information about how to load the driver. More than one
flag may be specified, separated by a comma (, ).


NOVECTOR Device has no interrupt vector.

CASE_BLIND Causes the ID to be treated as an ASCII string and converted to
uppercase. In addition, the ID from the hardware will also be converted
to uppercase before comparing. This flag is useful for ISA device strings
because the console ISACFG command will not convert the HANDLE
to uppercase. If this flag is specified, the ID must be entered in the
description as a string, and not as a number, or an error will be displayed
and the description ignored.
EXTENDED_ID The flag is valid only for devices on the PCI bus. Normally, only 32-bit
hardware IDs are used for PCI. If you have a PCI board that supports
the V2. 1 PCI bus specification, set this flag. The upper 32 bits of the
hardware ID should contain the subsystem ID and the subsystem vendor
ID. For example, in the following example, 1133 is the subsystem ID, and
10DF is the subsystem vendor ID.

ID = 0x906D1OB5, 0 x 113310DF

If the EXTENDED_ID flag will be used to load a special driver, but the
same ID without the EXTENDED_ID bit will be defined to load a generic
driver, the description with the EXTENDED_ID should be located before
the generic description.
ISA_ON_EISA This flag is valid only when the value EISA is given to the ADAPTER
keyword, and the device is an ISA device. ISA devices should set this
flag to ensure that the value given to the ID keyword is interpreted
correctly. For ISA devices, the system keeps the ID value as an ASCII
string. When the system believes that this is an EISA device, the ID value
is compressed into binary format.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

• PRIVATE_DATA = string

This keyword is supported only when the value ISA is given to the ADAPTER keyword. The
statement may not span lines. If the string contains more than one word, the string should be in
quotes. The quotes are not passed as part of the string. An ISA driver can retrieve this string by
calling IOC$NODE_DATA and passing the function code IOC$K_ISA_USER_PARAM.


This keyword is supported only when the value ISA is given to the ADAPTER keyword. The
BEGIN_PRIVATE and END_PRIVATE keywords can be used instead of PRIVATE_DATA.
They are not used as part of a PRIVATE_DATA statement. When using BEGIN_PRIVATE and
END_PRIVATE, all data contained between the keywords is passed to the driver. The data may
contain special characters like quotation marks. The data may span multiple lines. When multiple
lines are used, the driver will find a line-feed character to indicate a new line.

BEGIN_PRIVATE and END_PRIVATE must be used when trying to convert some entries in
ISA_CONFIG. DAT to file; for example, the statement in ISA_CONFIG. DAT:

USER_PARAM = "some data"

must be converted to

"some data"

The USER_PARAM keyword in ISA_CONFIG. DAT passes the quotation marks, so

PRIVATE_DATA cannot be used to do the conversion.

An ISA driver can retrieve the data between BEGIN_PRIVATE and END_PRIVATE by calling
IOC$NODE_DATA with the function code IOC$K_ISA_USER_PARAM.


The END_PRIVATE keyword can only be used to terminate data that is added after a
BEGIN_PRIVATE statement.

• NUM_VECTORS = number

The NUM_VECTORS keyword specifies the number of vectors that the device uses. The default
if not specified is 1.

Example: NUM_VECTORS = 4

Table 8.1 indicates keywords that can be included in the configuration file.

Table 8.1. Keyword Summary

Keyword Required Description

DEVICE Yes Begins a device description
END_DEVICE Yes Ends a device description
ID Yes Specifies the hardware ID
NAME Yes Device name

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Keyword Required Description

DRIVER Yes Driver name
ADAPTER Yes Adapter type
UNITS No Units Default: 1
FLAGS No Device flags: Default: No flags
PRIVATE_DATA No Specifies private data
BEGIN_PRIVATE No Specifies start of private data
END_PRIVATE No Specifies end of private data
NUM_VECTORS No Number of vectors Default: 1 Rebuilding the SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT File

The REBUILD keyword requests SYSMAN to rebuild the configuration tables attached to each
of the adapter blocks by re-reading and parsing SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT
and SYS$SYSTEM:SYS$CONFIG. DAT. The REBUILD command will always rebuild all
of the configuration tables, regardless of the type of bus. It is then necessary to reexecute the
AUTOCONFIGURE command to load the device drivers for any newly defined devices:


Note that once a driver has been loaded for a device, it cannot be reloaded.

The MC SYSMAN IO REBUILD/VERIFY command causes SYSMAN to read and process the
rebuild the configuration files for OpenVMS. Messages will be displayed for any errors that are
encountered. This command can be used by developers to test new changes to SYS$SYSTEM:SYS
$USER_CONFIG.DAT without modifying the current system.

8.6.3. Supported Buses for User Devices

File-based autoconfiguration is supported for user-written device drivers on PCI, ISA, EISA, and
TURBO channel buses. This section includes additional information specific to configurations. ISA Device Configuration

ISA devices do not provide a readable device ID that can be discovered during bus probing. A user
must explicitly indicate the presence of the device at the console and must also reserve resources for
the device at the console (IRQs, I/O ports, etc. ). Once the device is known to the console, OpenVMS
can then autoconfigure it using file-based autoconfiguration.

ISA devices may be used on either an ISA bus or an EISA bus. If the system has an ISA bus, the
device is configured at the console using ISACFG. If the system has an EISA bus, the ISA device is
configured using ECU. Both console utilities allow the users to reserve device resources. Configuring ISA Devices on the ISA Bus

In previous versions of OpenVMS Alpha, ISA devices on an ISA bus required an entry in the SYS
$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG. DAT file that defined the hardware and the use of the console command
ISACFG to reserve system resources like IRQs.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Beginning with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, the ISA_CONFIG. DAT file is no longer supported.
Refer to Section 8.6.4 for more information. Configuring ISA Devices on the EISA Bus

ISA devices must be manually configured using the EISA Configuration Utility (ECU) which is run
from the console. Devices must have a CFG file provided on a DOS floppy. The CFG file provides a
string (up to7 characters) as the device ID.

See your card manufacturer, or the EISA Bus Specification for details on CFG file format.

The ECU floppy (DOS format) contains an example ISA CFG file (ISA000. CFG)that may be used as
a model for new configuration files. For more information, refer to the EISA Bus Support chapter in
Writing OpenVMS Alpha Device Drivers in C.

Once the ECU has been run, the device can be configured using file-based autoconfiguration.

ISA devices cannot be easily autoconfigured on EISA bus systems on versions prior to OpenVMS
Alpha Version 7.1 because the ID is not copied from the ECU data into the OpenVMS bus structures.

8.6.4. SYS$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG. DAT Unsupported

Support for using the SYS$MANAGER:ISA_CONFIG.DAT file to configure ISA devices was
discontinued in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. If you use this file, you should convert to using the
ISACFG utility from the console and the file-based autoconfiguration method described in the
following sections.

Table 8.2 contains a list of keywords from ISA_CONFIG.DAT and their equivalents in either file-
based autoconfiguration or the ISACFG utility.

Table 8.2. ISA_CONFIG. DAT Keywords and Equivalents

ISA_CONFIG. DAT File-based Autoconfigure ISACFG

Not used ID -handle
IRQ irq x
NODE slot
DMA dmachan x
PORT iobase x
MEM membase x
FLAGS Bit 1 (unsupported)

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

ISA_CONFIG. DAT File-based Autoconfigure ISACFG


An entry in ISA_CONFIG. DAT is matched to internal data kept for an ISA device using the number
specified with the NODE keyword. When you use the SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT file to configure
an ISA device, however, the ID keyword is used to match the block, which defines the device, to data
entered from the console with the ISACFG command. The value given to the ID keyword must be the
same as the value specified with the ISACFG-handle keyword.

Any identification string can be used for an ISA device. It should be eight characters or less. The
ISACFG command does not set the -handle value to upper case, so two methods can be used to force
the value to match one specified using the configuration keyword ID. You can specify the ID value in
the correct case inside of quotation marks (matching the case you used for the -handle value). Or you
can use the configuration keyword FLAGS=CASE_BLIND, which will cause a blind comparison to
be done.

For example, if you use the following in ISACFG:

>>>isacfg -slot 3 -dev 0 -mk -enadev 1 -type 1 -handle MyDevice

you can match that to the following entry in SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT:

DEVICE = "My Device"


Descriptions of the conversion for each parameter in ISA_CONFIG.DAT are as follows:

NAME = xx

Use the NAME keyword in SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT. Use the same value, where xx is the
device code. (The device code is usually 2 letters. )

Example: NAME = ER

DRIVER = driver_name

Use the DRIVER keyword in SYS$USER_CONFIG. DAT. Use the same value for file-based
autoconfiguration. driver_name is the name of the driver in SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES.


IRQ = i

Use IRQ x in the ISACFG utility. You can express four IRQs: -IRQ0 through -IRQ3. Use the
same value used for ISA_CONFIG. DAT. The IRQ is a value from 0 to 15, which specifieswhich
ISA IRQ the device uses to report interrupts.


This example assigns IRQs 10 and 5 to the device.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

>>>isacfg -slot 3 -dev 0 -mk -handle MYDEV -enadev 1 -etyp 1 -irq0 10 -

irq1 5

NODE = n

Use -slot in the ISACFG utility. The slot number (n) does not represent the slot in which the
device resides. It is a logical, not a physical number. However, the number must be between 1 and
the maximum number of slots on the machine. Slot number 0 is not available to users.


>>>isacfg -slot 3 -dev 0 -mk -enadev 1 -etyp 1 -handle MYDEV -dmachan0 1

-irq0 10

This example assigned values to a device represented by slot 3. There must be at least 3 slots on
the machine on which this command is executed. To see which logical slots are being used, enter
the following command:

>>>isacfg -all

DMA = (j, k, . . . )

Use -dmachan x in the ISACFG utility. Values j, k, and so on are values 0 through 7, which
specify the channels of the DMA controller that the device is using to relay information. Use the
same values for j, k, and so on with ISACFG, but assign each one to a different DMA channel.
You can specify four DMA channels, using the keywords-dmachan0 through -dmachan3.


>>>isacfg -slot 3 -dev 0 -mk -enadev 1 -etyp 1 -handle MYDEV -irq0 10 -

dmachan0 1 -dmachan1 3

This example assigned two dma channels, 1 and 3, to the device.

PORT = (aa:b, cc:d, . . . )

Use -iobasex in the ISACFG utility. You can specify six ports using the keywords -iobase0
through -iobase5. There is no equivalent for the length fields b, d etc. The ISACFG utility
assumes that the driver knows the length of the port. Drivers that called the IOC$NODE_DATA
routine with the keyword IOC$K_EISA_IO_PORT to obtain the length in the upper word of the
returned longword should stop examining the upper word. With ISA_CONFIG. DAT, the length
was returned; but with ISACFG, the length is always 8.


>>>isacfg -slot 3 -dev 0 -mk -enadev 1 -etyp 1 -handle AAA321 -irq0 10 -

iobase0 2F8

This example assigned port 2F8 to the device.

MEM = (ee:f, gg:h, . . . )

Use the ISACFG keywords -membasex to specify the memory base, and -memlenx to specify the
memory length. Use the same values for ee, gg etc. and f, h etc. as you used for ISA_CONFIG.
DAT. You can specify three memory regions using the keywordsmembase0 through membase2
and memlen0 through memlen2.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices


>>>isacfg -slot 3 -dev 0 -mk -enadev 1 -etyp 1 -handle MYDEV -irq0 10 -

membase0 80000 -memlen0 20


The FLAGS field in ISA_CONFIG. DAT had 2 meaningful bits:

Bit 0 indicates the device being configured is a SCSI adapter.

Bit 1 indicates that no interrupt is required for the device.

Because it was never possible to use bit 0, it is not currently supported in file-based
autoconfiguration. Bit 1 can be expressed with the file-based autoconfiguration


Use the PRIVATE_DATA keyword in file-based autoconfiguration to represent this value. If

you used quotation marks with the USER_PARAM value, you must use BEGIN_PRIVATE
and END_PRIVATE to continue to pass the quotation marks to the driver. For ISA devices, the
PRIVATE_DATA values can be obtained the same way as USER_PARAM (that is, by using the
IOC$NODE_DATA routine with the IOC$K_ISA_USER_PARAM keyword).

While using ISACFG, you must also be familiar with the following commands:

To return the configuration to its initial state:

>>>isacfg -init

To save your changes:


To delete an entry:

>>>isacfg -slot 1 -dev 0 -rm

To see all the devices currently configured:

>>>isacfg -all

To modify a device, use -mod:

>>>isacfg -slot 2 -dev 0 -mod (etc. )

The following keywords do not have equivalents in ISA_CONFIG. DAT:

-enadev a_number Takes the numbers 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).

It allows you to disable a device so that it will not
be used in resource allocation calculations.
-etyp a_number Defines an entry type for this entry. OpenVMS
supports only the values 0 and 1. It should always
be specified as a 1. It takes the following values:

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

0 Causes the entry to be deleted

1 Single option
2 Embedded multiport device
3 Multiport option device

8.7. Managing Terminals

To manage terminals, perform the following tasks:

• Physically attach terminals to the system

• Set terminal characteristics

• Set up virtual terminals

The following sections explain setting terminal characteristics and setting up virtual terminals.

8.7.1. Setting Terminal Characteristics

Terminal device characteristics—for example, the number of characters displayed on a line—have
certain default values. Changing these values might be necessary, depending on the characteristics you
use with each terminal.

To change the terminal device characteristics, use a SET TERMINAL command with the appropriate
qualifiers in the following format:

SET TERMINAL[/qualifier, . . . ] [device-name[:]]

For example, the following command indicates that the width of terminal lines is 132 characters
and that the size of each page is 60 lines. The /NOBROADCAST qualifier disables the reception
of broadcast messages. The /PERMANENT qualifier allows you to keep terminal characteristics
between terminal sessions. (You must reset characteristics each time the system reboots by adding
these commands to a site-specific startup command procedure. )


For more detailed information about the SET TERMINAL command and its qualifiers, refer to the
VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. Setting Default Characteristics with System Parameters

To change the default terminal characteristics for all terminals on a node, you can specify values for
the system parameters TTY_DEFCHAR and TTY_DEFCHAR2. For more information about setting
and using system parameters, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and Complex Systems. Setting Characteristics in System Startup

To execute SET TERMINAL commands each time your system boots, add these commands to a site-
specific startup command procedure. If your configuration is simple, you can add the commands
to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. If your configuration requires a large number of commands, create

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

a separate command procedure (for example, TERM_SETUP.COM) and execute it from the
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. When the device setup command procedure finishes executing, control
returns to SYSTARTUP_VMS. COM.

VSI recommends that you limit the number of SET TERMINAL commands you include in startup
command procedures. Large numbers (for example, hundreds) of SET TERMINAL commands can
significantly slow down system startup. If you have a large number of terminals, change the default
characteristics using the system parameters TTY_DEFCHAR and TTY_DEFCHAR2 as explained in

You may want to include comments to provide the names of terminal owners, as shown in the
following example.


The following example provides sample commands you could include in your startup procedure to set
up terminal devices:



8.7.2. Managing Virtual Terminals

Virtual terminals allow users to disconnect from a physical terminal without terminating a process; the
process remains active on a virtual terminal. Virtual terminals are used for the following purposes:

• To reconnect to a process when a modem line connection is lost

• To maintain sessions on more than one disconnected terminal

• To use dynamic asynchronous DECnet communication

Enabling Virtual Terminals

On VAX systems, you set up virtual terminals by entering the following commands:


On Alpha and I64 systems, you set up virtual terminals by entering the following commands:


Virtual terminals are identified by the VTA n: device name. After the SYSGEN or IOGEN command
is entered, any terminal with the TT2$M_DISCONNECT characteristic set prior to login is treated as
a virtual terminal

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

LAT terminals (LTA n:) can be disconnected if the TT2$M_DISCONNECT characteristic is set, but
remote terminals (RTAn:) cannot be disconnected.

You can set the TT2$M_DISCONNECT characteristic in one of two ways:

• Enable the feature on a systemwide basis by setting the appropriate bit in the system parameter
TTY_DEFCHAR2. You must use this method for dynamically created terminal devices; for
example, LTAn: devices.

• Enable the feature on a per-terminal basis by using the DCL command SET TERMINAL/

Controlling the Use of Virtual Terminals

You can control the use of virtual terminal sessions in the following ways:

• In SYLOGIN, include a user-written DCL procedure that enforces a system-wide or user-specific

policy for the use of virtual terminals at your site.

• Specify the maximum number of detached processes that individual users can create by specifying
a value for the UAF resource limit MAXDETACH. See the documentation of the MAXDETACH
user quota in Table 7.9 for the implications of using this quota, as well as information about how
to set this quota.

• Using the system parameter TTY_TIMEOUT, specify the length of time a disconnected session
remains before being logged out.

• Restrict the use of virtual terminals by enabling them on a per-terminal basis.

• Restrict individual users from being able to reconnect to disconnected terminal sessions by
specifying the UAF flag DISRECONNECT.

• Create a site-specific LGI callout module that provides the preferred policy at your site.
Information about LGI callouts is in the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual. Using Virtual Terminals for Dynamic Asynchronous

DECnet for OpenVMS (VAX Only)
Virtual terminals are required for dynamic asynchronous DECnet communication. A dynamic
asynchronous line differs from a static asynchronous line or other DECnet line in that it is normally
switched on for network use only for the duration of a dial-up connection between two nodes.
Dynamic switching of terminal lines to asynchronous DDCMP lines can occur if the following
requirements are met:

• Both nodes have DECnet licenses registered and loaded

• Both nodes have the asynchronous DDCMP driver NODRIVER loaded

• Both nodes have DYNSWITCH installed as a privileged shareable image

• The remote node has virtual terminals enabled

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

See the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration for a
detailed description of the procedure for setting up dynamic asynchronous DECnet lines. Determining the Physical Terminal Type of a Virtual

You can determine the physical terminal type associated with a virtual terminal. Because both
direct connect and LAT lines can be virtual, you might not know the terminal characteristics of
a LAT terminal at system startup time. You can set the characteristics of direct connect lines at
system startup; however, you must enter a SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command to determine the
characteristics of a LAT line. (See VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and Complex Systems for more information about LAT software.)

Using the command SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE clears the type-ahead buffer.

The following command procedure determines the physical terminal characteristics of both direct
and LAT lines at system startup. Insert the following lines in your systemwide login procedure
(SYLOGIN. COM). (This procedure assumes that your startup procedure has set all switches and LAT
lines to “unknown. ”
$ IF DEVCLASS . ne. 66 then goto alldone !Not a terminal
$ IF DEVTYPE . ne. 0 then goto got_devtype
$ SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE !Try to determine the device type
$ got_devtype:
$! Can now dispatch on 'devtype' to do different things depending
$! on the type of terminal.
$ alldone:

You can uniquely identify a LAT terminal by using the F$GETDVI lexical function and specifying the
item TT_ACCPORNAM. The function returns the terminal server node name and port name.

8.8. Managing Modems

A modem is a device that converts electronic signals from one data format to another. Modems
usually perform conversions bidirectionally, that is, they can convert the local data into another data
format and transmit the results; modems can also receive and convert data back to the local data
format. Most modems convert data from digital format to analog format, and from analog format back
to digital format.

With a pair of modems, you can transmit digital communications over analog media such as telephone
lines, and then convert the communications back into digital signals at a remote location. Pairs of
modems are used to connect a terminal or a local computer to a remote computer system, and to
connect two remote computers to each other.

The following sections discuss these topics:

• Understanding modems

• Setting up modems

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

• Troubleshooting modems

8.8.1. Understanding Modems

A modem converts a digital signal to an analog signal by modulating the digital information on a
carrier signal; a modem converts analog to digital signals by demodulating – or extracting – digital
information from analog signals on an analog transmission facility such as a telephone line. The two
words MOdulator and DEModulator form the basis for the device name: modem.

Figure 8.1 represents communications between a terminal and a remote computer system, but the
principles apply equally to communications between two computer systems. One modem converts
digital to analog signals on the local end of the analog telephone connection, and another modem
converts analog to digital signals on the remote end of the connection.

Figure 8.1. Basic Modem Configuration

Modems are always used in pairs; each one of the pair can act as both a transmitter and a receiver.

When configuring modems, you must check that:

• The receiving and transmitting modems are wired correctly.

• The modems support compatible analog data formats and speeds.

• Each modem supports a digital format compatible with the attached terminal or computer.

Once a modem connection has been established, you can layer data communications over the
connection. You can layer at least one, and sometimes more, of a wide variety of communications
protocols on the basic asynchronous serial ASCII protocol that most modems provide. Point-to-Point
Protocol (PPP)and asynchronous DECnet are examples of protocols that can operate over a modem

Table 8.3 lists references to OpenVMS documentation that discuss other communications protocols
and topics relevant to the use of modems:

Table 8.3. Related Modem Documentation

Reference Description
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Explains the use of modems to establish a
Management dynamic asynchronous DECnet connection
between two nodes. Asynchronous DECnet is a
protocol that can operate over a modem datalink.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Reference Description
VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Explains the use of modems to establish a serial
connection using the PPP (Alpha and I64 only)
and SLIP protocols and TCP/IP Services.
VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security Discusses how to maintain the security of
DECnet modem connections and dial-in modem
TCP/IP Networking on OpenVMS Systems Explains the use of PPP on OpenVMS Alpha,
I64, and OpenVMS VAX to communicate with
remote systems.
VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Describes the PPP utility and associated
Reference Manual: M-Z commands.
Section 8.7.2 Explains how to configure and manage virtual
VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary> and online help The DCL command SET HOST/DTE discusses
the use of modems to connect to a remote
system. The DCL commands CONNECT and
DISCONNECT explain how to set up and
disconnect virtual terminals.

Direct and Indirect Connections

Part of the job of configuring a modem to a computer or a terminal is to decide what type of access
the modem will have to your computing environment and which serial communications ports best
meet your requirements.

You can choose to connect a modem directly to a host system, or you can connect the modem
indirectly to an intermediate network server device such as a DECserver. Explanations of these two
types of connections follow.

• Direct connection

A direct connection dedicates the modem to a particular host system. This reduces the amount of
access available to the modem caller, and can reduce to one the number of systems that you must
protect against unauthorized access through this modem.

This is often the configuration of choice for smaller computing environments, or for connecting a
modem to a single computer or terminal.

• Indirect connection

An indirect connection creates a pool of modems for a variety of computer systems on the local
area network, including servers that communicate with the host computers using protocols such
as LAT and Telnet. This type of connection makes better use of the available telephone lines but
increases security requirements.

This is often the configuration of choice for larger computing environments. An indirect
connection is commonly used when you use LAT or Telnet protocols to configure a number of
modems, called a modem pool, to share access to a number of computer systems.

With either type of connection, you cannot use the modem if the host or the server the modem is
connected to is not operational.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Figure 8.2 depicts direct and indirect modem configurations. The remote devices T1 and T2 are
indirectly connected to both Host1and Host2 host computers using the DECserver and the LAT
protocol;T3 is connected directly to Host2.

Figure 8.2. Direct and Indirect Modem Configurations

Once you decide which serial communications port to use, either on a host or a terminal server, you
need to determine the connectors and the pinouts for the port and how to wire the modem to the port.
Refer to the documentation for the modem and for the port; also see Section 8.8.2.

8.8.2. Setting Up Modems

Follow these steps to set up modems:

1. Determine connections and wiring pinouts.

The connector and pinout determine the specific wiring adapters and cables you need to connect
the modem to the port. To determine the pinout and the connector on the modem, and the pinout
and connector on the port you are connecting the modem to, refer to the modem and the port

Two common pinouts found on the EIA-232 DB25 connection are shown in Table 8.4.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Table 8.4. Common Pinouts on the EIA-232 DB23 Connection

Pinout Description
Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) Transmit information through pin 2, and
receive information through pin 3, among other
standardized pin assignments.
Data Communications Equipment (DCE) Transmit information through pin 3, and receive
information through pin 2, among other EIA-232
pin assignments.

Straight-Through and Cross-Over Wiring

Descriptions of straight-through and cross-over wiring follow:

• DCE devices communicate straight-through with DTE devices: the transmit pin on each end
of the cable is wired to the corresponding receive pin on the other end. Pin 2 on one cable is
connected to pin 2 on the other cable, and pin 3 on one cable is connected to pin 3 on the other

• Equipment wired with a DCE pinout requires a cross-overto communicate with another
connector wired DCE; pins 2 and 3 on one cable are connected to pins 3 and 2 on the other
cable, respectively. A cross-over is required in certain situations, because two transmit pins
or two receive pins cannot be wired together. As a specific example, you need a cross-over to
wire two DTE devices together, or to wire two DCE devices together.

A cable with cross-over wiring is sometimes referred to as a null modem cable, because a null
modem cable of an appropriate length could logically replace all components of a modem-
based communications connection; that is, it could replace the local serial cable, the local
modem, the intervening telephone circuit, the remote modem, and the remote serial cable.

Table 8.5 describes the most common connectors used to wire a modem.

Table 8.5. Connectors

Connector 1 Description
DB9 A 9-pin connector, containing a row of four pins, and a row of five pins. The
DB9 can have the EIA-574commonly used on PC systems or an older standard
connection used on MicroVAX consoles.
DB25 A 25-pin connector, with a row of twelve pins and a row of thirteen pins. The
DB25 typically uses the EIA-232 pinout and can be wired as Data Terminal
Equipment (DTE) or as Data Communications Equipment (DCE).
MMJ A 6-pin modular jack, which uses DEC-423 signaling, commonly referred to
as DECconnect wiring. DECconnect wiring greatly simplifies wiring devices,
as one need consider only the appropriate adapter for the device connection;the
associated BC16E cabling is wired consistently.
All connectors in this table are available in both male and female genders.

The pinouts and applications for the common connectors are shown in Table 8.6.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Table 8.6. Connector Applications

Connector and Pinout Example Adapter 1

A DB9 9-pin connector The DB9 connectors Use the H8571-J or compatible MMJ adapter.
with an EIA-574 PC- found on most PC,
compatible pinout AlphaStation, and
AlphaServer systems
A DB9 9-pin connector The console connector Use the H8575-B or compatible MMJ adapter.
that predates the on various MicroVAX
EIA-574 pinout systems uses a pinout
that predates the
EIA-574 pinout
A DB25 25-pin The communications Use the appropriate adapters from the following
connector with the ports on many terminals list, 2 or contact a VSI sales representative or VSI
EIA-232 wiring reseller for information on adapters not listed
H8575-A DB25 female to MMJ
adapter, straight-through

H8571-C DB25 male to MMJ

adapter, cross-over 4
H8575-E DB25 male to MMJ,
straight-through 3
An 8-pin DIN (round) Use the H8584-AB or compatible MMJ adapter.
A Modified Modular
Jack (MMJ)
DECconnect socket
This table contains only a subset of the DECconnect adapters available. The adapters listed in this table might not be suitable for your
particular application requirements; additional DECconnect adapters are available from VSI.
The genders listed are those of the connector on the adapter.
Straight-through indicates that the EIA-232 Transmit Data signal is wired to the DEC-423Transmit Data signal, and so on.
Cross-over indicates the EIA-232 Transmit Data is connected to the DEC-423 Receive Data, and vice versa, and that DTR and DSR are
similarly connected.
Straight-through indicates that the EIA-232 Transmit Data signal is wired to the DEC-423Transmit Data signal, and so on.

If your application does not use one of the serial wiring connections shown in the table, you
need to determine the specific requirements of the device, as well as the specific pinout. You also
need to determine the cabling appropriate for the application. Contact your hardware support
organization, your VSI support representative, or your local VSI reseller.

MMJ Accessories
Table 8.7 lists order numbers and descriptions of some DECconnect accessories available from

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Table 8.7. DECconnect Accessories

Order Number Description

BC16E-02 BC16E-10 BC16E-25 BC16E-50 DEC-423 (based on EIA-423) MMJ office cable,
BC16E-A0 available in various lengths.
H8571-C 25-pin male EIA-232 to DEC-423 DECconnect
H8571-E DEC-423 DECconnect 25-pin adapter with jack
H8571-J 9-pin MMJ adapter. Used with the PC-compatible
EIA-574 DB9 wiring.
H8572-00 MMJ cable extender. Allows the direct
connection of two BC16E cables.
H8575-A Female 25-pin DEC-423 DECconnect MMJ to
EIA-232 general-purpose adapter.
H8575-B Female 9-pin DEC-423 DECconnect to printer
adapter. Also used with theDB9 wiring found on
some MicroVAX console ports.
H8584-AB 8-pin DIN to DEC-423 DECconnect adapter.
Most commonly used with various Apple

2. Choose a type of modem control.

As part of connecting a modem to a device, you can add wires to the host port and the modem.
These wires are used to pass signals called the modem control signals.

When you connect to a local terminal for dial out, modem control is not particularly significant:
either the modem is wired or configured to ignore modem control, or the wiring is set up to pass
the modem control signals from the terminal to the modem.

When you connect a modem to a computer, modem control is far more significant, because the
host uses the modem control signals to direct the modem to accept incoming telephone calls. The
modem control signals also enable the modem to signal the host that a call has been received or
that a call has ended. These signals allow the host and the modem to take the appropriate actions
for a particular event.

In addition to their use by modems, modem control signals are also often used to communicate device
status between the host and other serial devices such as serial printers. Various serial printers use
modem control signals as modems do: to indicate to the host that the printer is powered up and ready
to accept output, or that the printer is powered down or otherwise unable to process output.

Table 8.8 contains descriptions of types of modem control that devices can support.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Table 8.8. Types of Modem Control That Devices Support

Type of Modem Control Description

No modem control The host and the modem cannot
intercommunicate the status of the host or
the modem. It is possible to use a modem
on this port; however, this type of port is not
recommended for a modem. Without modem
control, the modem cannot signal the host that
the telephone call has been disconnected and that
the host must take appropriate action: suspend
or log out the associated user process. (See Step
5 for the associated security implications. )
Furthermore, without modem control, you must
set or wire the modem so that it always answers
incoming calls, because the modem cannot
know if the host is able to respond. (This too has
security and modem control implications. )
Limited modem control The host and the modem can intercommunicate
and can take actions based on the status of the
other device. Limited modem control is the best
choice for most applications.
Full modem control The host and the modem can intercommunicate
and can pass an extensive amount of control
and status information. Both the host and the
modem can take actions based on the status of
the other device. Limited modem control, which
has similar capabilities, has largely superseded
this configuration. Limited modem control also
requires fewer wires on the connection, making it
the more economical choice.

Refer to the device documentation to determine the type of modem control signal that the device
and modem support. This determines the number of wires and the wiring connections needed
for communications. The following examples show types of modem control and the wires they

• DECconnect supports limited modem control, which requires two of the six wires in the
DECconnect cabling. The other four wires are used for the following purposes:

• Transmitting data

• Receiving data

• The transmit ground

• The receive ground

• Full modem control requires more than two wires dedicated to the modem control signaling.

• Devices that do not support modem control require no wires dedicated to modem signaling.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

With modem commands or custom-wired cabling, you can force a modem to operate with a device
that does not support modem control. However, this is not recommended for general use on a host
system, because this wiring can potentially result in security problems.

3. Determine the command set used by the modem.

The command set includes the commands used to request that the modem place a telephone call,
the telephone number to be called, and the commands used to configure the modem.

Examples of command sets follow:

• AT command set:
ATDT phone-number


• AT indicates “attention” – to get the attention of the modem

• DT indicates “dial tone”; (PT would indicate “pulse tone”).

• DMCL command set:

DIAL T phone-number


• T represents “tone”; ( Pwould represent “pulse”).

• phone-number represents the phone number you are dialing.

The command set is used to communicate with the modem to request that the modem perform
some action, such as dialing a telephone number and connecting to a remote modem. You
can enter direct modem commands at a terminal directly connected to a modem, or you can
communicate indirectly with the modem using DCL commands such as SET HOST/DTE.

4. Configure the port.

After wiring the modem to the connector on the OpenVMS computer or DECserver, you must
configure the port to recognize and properly operate the modem, and to enable autobaud speed

The autobaud operation detects the speed – the baud rate – of the communications. Including the /
AUTOBAUD qualifier is not required; however, if autobaud detection is disabled, you must configure
both the host terminal or DECserver port, and the modem, for the same baud rate.

The commands you give depend on whether you are using an OpenVMS host system or a

• On an OpenVMS host system, execute the following command interactively, and also place
this command in the system-wide startup file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS. COM:

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices


where TTA0: is the name of the terminal device the modem is wired to.

This command requires privileges.

• On a DECserver, configure the port using the following commands:



where n is the port number.

The commands enable the modem, XON, and autobaud. These commands require privileges
on the DECserver.

5. Ensure security with your modems.

Dial-in lines allow remote, unauthorized users access to your system. You need to maintain
consistent security and good system and user password management to keep your system secure
from unauthorized users.

The following list contains some ways to increase security on your system:

• You can configure a DECserver with a password to prevent a modem from accessing any
other feature. This password prevents an unauthorized user from accessing or seeing any
information about the local network configuration until after the user enters the password. You
can enable this password on specific ports.

• With OpenVMS, you can establish a system-wide password requiring the user to specify
a password before the system prompts for a password. This additional password helps
reduce the security risk caused by users with poor passwords. You can enable a system-wide
password on specific host ports.

• With OpenVMS, you can establish minimum password lengths, and you can enable system-
generated passwords. These measures can help reduce the security risk caused by users with
poor passwords.

• Always use and configure some form of modem control. Without modem control, a telephone
connection that is disconnected for any reason might be left logged into the host, and a
subsequent modem caller will receive the logged-in session without specifying a password.
Also, without modem control, the host cannot request that a modem session be dropped when
certain system events such as a process logout occur.

These and other techniques for protecting your system from unauthorized access are discussed in
detail in the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

8.8.3. Troubleshooting Modems

In troubleshooting any serial communications problems, particularly those problems with a modem,
attempt to isolate the problem as much as possible, testing one component, wire, or device at a time.

Table 8.9 contains some general troubleshooting suggestions, but it is not a complete list. Basic
serial communications test equipment such as a serial-line break-out box, can often help you locate

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

communications and wiring problems. For further assistance, contact your local hardware support

Table 8.9. Troubleshooting Communications Problems

Problem Considerations
Modem does not answer Check that the telephone number being called is
Check that the modem has power.
Check that the host system or device has power
and is operating.
If possible, directly connect a standard terminal
in place of the modem, and test the operation
Check that the host modem control signals are
present, and correctly wired.
Check that the host device is configured correctly
for a modem by using a SET TERMINAL, SET
PORT, or other appropriate host command.
Check the wiring. Look for a broken, miswired,
or disconnected wire.
Look for a disconnected connector or a broken,
missing, or bent connector pin.
Telephone malfunction Using a standard telephone handset, test that
voice calls can be established on the telephone
Is static or other interference noticeable on the
telephone line?
No modem indicator lights Check the power connection.
Check to see that the modem is turned on.
Check to see that the modem has passed
applicable self-tests.
Try swapping the modem for another device.
No response, or garbled response to typing Check that the modem status lights indicate
received data on the transmit line, and transmitted
data on the receive line. This can point to the
miswiring of the transmitted and received data.
You can wire serial cables and adapters straight-
through or with a cross-over.
Check for crossed signals.
Check for incorrect speed detection. Autobaud
detection sometimes sets the speed incorrectly.
On lines that are not enabled for autobaud
detection, check that the line is set for the correct
speed. On ports that support it, check the speeds
for both the transmitted and the received data.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Problem Considerations
Make sure that the port has autobaud enabled, and
that the port and the modem are configured for
the same data rate.
Check for interference or a disconnection in the
Check the wiring for any problems.
Check for any adjacent wiring, power, or video
signals that might interfere with the serial

8.9. Managing Printers

To manage printers attached to your system, perform the following tasks:

Task For More Information

Set printer characteristics Section 8.9.1
Spool printers Section
Despool printers Section
Test spooling of printers Section

8.9.1. Setting Printer Characteristics

Printer characteristics must be set prior to starting queues for the printers. The DCL command SET
PRINTER establishes characteristics for a line printer. The DCL command SET TERMINAL sets
characteristics for a printer connected to a terminal or LAT port.

In addition, if you want to spool your printers, you must do so before starting the queues to be
associated with those printers. For information about spooled printers, see Section 8.9.2.

To execute these commands each time your system boots, add these commands to your site-
specific startup command procedure. If your configuration is simple, you can add the commands
to SYSTARTUP_VMS. COM. If your configuration requires a large number of commands, create
a separate command procedure (for example, PRINTER_SETUP. COM) and execute it from
SYSTARTUP_VMS. COM. When the device setup command procedure finishes executing, control
returns to SYSTARTUP_VMS. COM.

The following example provides sample commands you could include in your startup procedure
to set device characteristics for printers. This example also includes the commands used to spool
printers. You generally include the commands to spool printers along with the commands to set device
$! Set up line printer devices

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

$! Set up LAT printers


8.9.2. Using Spooled Printers

Certain application programs print output by writing or copying data directly to a printer rather than
submitting it to a queue. A spooled printer causes such an application program to write output to
an intermediate storage device (such as a disk) so that the printer targeted to print the output remains
available to other system users while the program is running.

When you spool a printer, you specify a storage device and an output queue to be associated with
that printer. When a process running an application directs its output to the spooled printer, the
output is instead placed in a temporary file on the storage device. When the file is closed, the system
submits the file for printing on the associated output queue. Both the spooling of the output file to an
intermediate storage device and the subsequent queuing of a job consisting of this file occur without
the direct intervention of the user.

If your system runs application programs that might write output directly to a printer, VSI
recommends that you spool your printers. VSI recommends that you also spool your LAT printers to
prevent privileged users from writing directly to a LAT printer. Writing directly to a LAT printer can
cause problems for output queues that use the printer.

Figure 14.9 illustrates a sample configuration using spooled printers. Section describes how to
set up a spooled printer. Spooling Printers

To spool a printer, use the SET DEVICE/SPOOLED command. This command associates the printer
with a storage device (such as a disk) and an output queue.

You must spool a printer before you start the queue to be associated with the printer.

Enter the DCL command SET DEVICE/SPOOLED in the following format:

SET DEVICE/SPOOLED[=(queue-name[:], intermediate-disk-name[:])] output-

You should always specify the intermediate disk and queue explicitly. If the queue you associate with
the spooled output device is a generic queue, a file written to that device is sent to the generic queue,
which in turn places the job in one of its target queues. As a result, a job copied to the LPA0: device,
for example, might not necessarily print on the printer LPA0:, but instead might print on one of the
other printers targeted by the generic queue.

When you select an intermediate storage device, make sure that it has sufficient free space for the
volume of spooled output. If you plan to enforce disk quotas on the intermediate device, make sure
that all expected users have a quota authorized on the intermediate device. The intermediate device
must be mounted before files can be written to it.

After establishing an output device as spooled, you should test the device, because errors in disk or
queue names are not detected until spooling is attempted. This step is described in Section

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

You should create a command procedure to set up your output devices each time the system reboots.
Include the commands to set up spooled devices in this command procedure. For more information,
see Section 8.9.1.

The following example illustrates sample commands used to set up spooled printers. This example
also includes the command used to set device characteristics. You generally include the commands to
spool printers along with the command to set device characteristics in a startup command procedure to
set up output devices.
$! Set up and spool line printer devices
$! Set up and spool LAT printers

Spools the output device LPA0: by associating it with the storage device SYS$SYSDEVICE
and the queue SYS$PRINT. When output from an application is directed to LPA0:, the data is
temporarily stored on SYS$SYSDEVICE until the application completes. This keeps the output
device LPA0: available for other jobs until the application's output is ready for printing. When
the application completes, its output is submitted to the queue SYS$PRINT.
Spools the LN03 device on LAT port LTA331: by associating it with the storage device SYS
$SYSDEVICE and the queue MKTG$LN03_1.
Spools the LA210 device on LAT port LTA332: by associating it with the storage device SYS
$SYSDEVICE and the queue LA210$PRINT. Despooling a Spooled Printer

Occasionally, you might need to disable spooling on a device. For example, the SET TERMINAL
command can be executed only on a despooled output device. If you need to disable spooling to an
output device, use the SET DEVICE command with the /NOSPOOLED qualifier.

You must stop the corresponding queues before you can change the spooling status.

For more information about the SET DEVICE/NOSPOOLED command, refer to the VSI OpenVMS
DCL Dictionary. Testing a Spooled Printer

After establishing an output device as spooled, you should test the device, because errors in disk or
queue names are not detected until spooling is attempted. To test a spooled device, use a command
procedure similar to the following one:

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

$! set the device spooled
$! create a test file
!Add the first test record here.
!Ctrl/Z to exit the file
$! write the file to the output device

8.10. Managing Tape Drives

When managing tape drives, perform the following tasks:

Task For More Information

Get information about tape drives Section 8.10.1
Change tape drive characteristics Section 8.10.2

For information about managing volumes on tape drives, see Section 9.2.

For information about managing Fibre Channel tape devices, see Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster

8.10.1. Getting Magnetic Tape Device Information

You can enter the SHOW DEVICES command to find available magnetic drives on your system.
The SHOW DEVICES/FULL command enables you to retrieve additional information about the
characteristics of a particular magnetic tape device.

8.10.2. Modifying Magnetic Tape Device

Use the DCL command SET MAGTAPE to define the default characteristics associated with a
specific magnetic tape device for subsequent file operations. The device must not be currently
allocated to any other user.

The following examples illustrate uses of the SET MAGTAPE command in conjunction with the
MOUNT command


The MOUNT command mounts a tape on the MTB1: device. The /FOREIGN qualifier indicates
that the tape is not in the standard format used by the operating system. For example, certain
Backup utility (BACKUP) operations require you to mount a tape with the /FOREIGN qualifier.

The SET MAGTAPE command defines the density at 800 bpi for writing to the magnetic tape.
(The density is reset only if the magnetic tape has never been written before. )

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices


The MOUNT command mounts a foreign magnetic tape on the MTA0: device; the
SETMAGTAPE command directs the I/O subsystem to position the magnetic tape to skip four


The MOUNT command mounts a foreign tape on the MTA1: device; the SET MAGTAPE/
REWIND command rewinds the volume.

8.11. Managing a Card Reader (VAX Only)

On VAX systems, the CR–11 card reader reads computer card decks. Users can submit the two
following types of card decks for processing:

• Batch job card decks

• Data card decks

To ensure that card decks are processed efficiently, you must understand their characteristics and
the use of the card reader. The following sections describe which cards you should check before
processing a deck through a card reader, and how to determine which cards are damaged.

8.11.1. Distinguishing the Type of Card Deck (VAX

Before loading a card deck into the card reader, determine:

• Whether the deck is a batch job or a data deck, because their processing requirements differ

• Whether the card reader is set to the correct translation mode

The following sections describe how to make these determinations. Batch Job Card Deck (VAX Only)

A batch job card deck consists of three segments:

• Initial cards

• Program cards

• Last card

The initial two cards in a batch job card deck are the $JOB and the $PASSWORD cards. These cards
log in the user and the batch job to the system. Following the initial two cards are program cards.
Program cards contain instructions that direct the system to libraries, routines, and data needed to
complete the batch job. The last card must be either an end-of-job command ($EOJ) card or an end-
of-file (EOF) card. Either of these cards tells the system that this is the end of the job.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Checking Input

The system cannot execute the job without $JOB and $PASSWORD cards. If you are given a card
deck with these cards omitted, return the deck so that the user can insert them.

Since the card deck contains the user's password, you must ensure that it is always handled with care
to preserve the security of the user's account.

The last card in the deck must be either an $EOJ or an EOF card.

If the last card is not one of these end cards, you can type an end card on the card punch
(12-11-0-1-6-7-8-9 overpunch in column 1) and place it at the end of the deck.

Checking Output

The log file produced by a card reader batch job is queued for printing to the default system printer
queue, SYS$PRINT. To have the log file queued to a different queue, the user can specify the /
PRINTER qualifier on the $JOB card.

If an error occurs while the system is attempting to validate the $JOB and$PASSWORD cards, the
operator communication manager (OPCOM) sends to the card operator an error message that reports
the job card and the error. Data Card Deck (VAX Only)

A data deck contains data that will be either read by a program or copied to a file for later use. The
process that reads the data deck is usually associated with an interactive user at a terminal or with
a batch job submitted by an interactive user. Since the user and process already are logged in to the
system, the first card can contain any data the user specifies. Then, either the program must read the
exact number of cards supplied, or the last card must be an EOF card to inform the program that this
is the end of the data deck.

When a user wants a data deck to be read, you must make sure the user has allocated the card reader.
If the card reader is not allocated, the system tries to submit the deck as a batch job and subsequently
flushes the deck through the reader, rejecting the job.

If the program does not read the exact number of cards (as with the COPY command), the EOF card
must be the last card in the deck, to inform the program that this is the end of the deck. Without
this card, the program waits indefinitely for more cards, and the system prints “card reader off
line”messages on the operator's terminal. If the card deck lacks an EOF card, you can type one on a
card punch and insert it at the end of the deck. Setting Card Reader Translation Modes (VAX Only)

For the system to read input properly, the card reader must be set to the correct translation mode—the
same as the translation mode of the card punch that prepares the deck. The system supports 026 and
029 card punches.

Make sure the following conditions exist so you can set the card reader to the correct translation

• The first card in the deck must be the translation mode card.

• You must know the mode in which the cards were punched.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

To set the translation mode of the card reader for many decks of the same type, use the SET
CARD_READER command. This command is described in the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. By
default, when the system is booted, the translation mode is set to 029.

8.11.2. Running the Input Symbiont Interactively (VAX

To run the input symbiont interactively and take card image input from an OpenVMS Record
Management Services (RMS) file, follow these steps:

1. Enter a command in the following format:


For example:


2. Enter the following command:


Running the input symbiont interactively requires the following access:

• CMKRNL privilege

• Read access to the UAF

• Write access to the default directory of the user

All messages are displayed to the terminal rather than to the card operator.

Chapter 8. Managing Peripheral Devices

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media
This chapter discusses the following subjects:

• Storage media terms and concepts

• Volumes and volume sets

Tasks related to setting up both disks and magnetic tape drives: initializing and mounting

• Disks

Tasks related to disk maintenance: the management of disk space and methods for detecting and
repairing disk errors

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Allocating and deallocating disk and tape drives Section 9.2
Initializing volumes Section 9.3
Protecting volumes Section 9.4
Mounting volumes Section 9.5
Setting up disk volume sets Section 9.6
Mounting ISO 9660 volume sets and groups Section 9.8
Mounting tape volume sets Section 9.9
Dismounting volumes and volume sets Section 9.10
Using command procedures for media setup Section 9.11
Managing disk space Section 9.12
Using the Analyze/Disk_Structure utility to check and repair disks Section 9.13
Using mount verification for recovery Section 9.14
Using Interrupt Priority Level C (IPC) Section 9.15
Using the Bad Block Locator utility to detect media errors Section 9.16

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
Disks and CD–ROMs Section 9.1.1
Extended File Specifications on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems Section 9.1.2
Magnetic tape Section 9.1.3
Public and private disk volumes Section 9.1.4
Tape and disk volume protection Section 9.4
Disk volume sets Section 9.6.1
Disk quotas Section 9.12.1
Mount verification Section 9.14.1

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

9.1. Understanding Storage Media Concepts

The following list contains concepts related to storage media in general:

Term Definition
Device (or Drive) Hardware that allows access to storage media.
Media Physical items on which you can store data.
Volume Logical unit of data storage; one or more media
units. A disk or tape must be mounted on a device
for the operating system to recognize it as a

The following sections use these terms to explain media concepts.

9.1.1. Disk and CD–ROM Concepts

This section defines terms related to disks and CD–ROMs. It also compares on-disk file structures and
explains the ISO 9660 standard. Disk Terminology

Disks are physical media on which files reside. On–Disk Structure (ODS) refers to a logical
structure given to information stored on a disk; it is a hierarchical organization of files, their data, and
the directories needed to gain access to them. The OpenVMS file system implements the ODS and
provides access control to the files located on the disk.

Compact disc read-only memory (CD–ROM) discs and readers used with computers are very
similar to the CD–ROMs used for audio applications. The major differences are that CD–ROM drives
have a digital (rather than an audio) interface, and that CD–ROM discs employ additional layers of
error correction and formatting to encode data blocks.

The advantages of storing data on CD–ROMs rather than on tape or other removable media are:

• You can access data directly, which you cannot do with tape.

• CD–ROMs are much less expensive than other direct-access media. They are typically used for
publishing and distribution.

• CD–ROMs have exceptional storage space capability. A CD–ROM can hold approximately 650
megabytes of data.

Table 9.1 defines terms as they apply to disks and CD–ROMs.

Table 9.1. Disk and CD–ROM Terminology

Term Definition
Sector Uniquely addressable unit. Each sector on a CD–ROM comprises a sequence of
2048 8-bit bytes; on most disks, a sector is equivalent to a block (512 bytes).
Logical block Organizational unit of volume space containing 512 8-bit bytes. A CD–ROM
sector comprises 4 blocks.
Logical block Logical blocks are numbered from 0 to n-1.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Term Definition
Cluster 1 Logical grouping of blocks;basic unit by which disk (not CD–ROM) space is
Extent Contiguous logical blocks allocated to a particular file.
File Array of consecutive virtual blocks 2, numbered 1 to n, plus a set of attributes
with values. A file is either a data file or a directory file. Directories can contain
both data files and directory files.
Volume Disk that has been prepared for use by placing a new file structure on it.
Volume set Combination of several volumes; has the appearance of one large volume.
This usage of cluster does not refer to a set of nodes that form an OpenVMS Cluster environment; it refers only to disks.
A logical block resides at an absolute address on a disk; a virtual block, on the other hand, resides at an address relative to a file.

Information on a disk or CD–ROM can be accessed as logical blocks on the disk or as virtual blocks
of files on the disk. Disk and CD–ROM File Structures

On-Disk Structure (ODS) refers to a logical structure given to information stored on a disk or CD–
ROM. It is a hierarchical organization of files, their data, and the directories needed to gain access to
them. The OpenVMS file system implements the On-Disk Structure and provides access control to the
files located on the disk.

Figure 9.1 shows the hierarchy of blocks, clusters, extents, and files in the On-Disk Structure. The
number of blocks in anyone extent is a multiple of the cluster size. The figure assumes a cluster size
of 2 blocks.

Figure 9.1. On-Disk Structure Hierarchy of a File

OpenVMS File Structure Options

On-Disk Structures include Levels 1, 2, and 5. (Levels 3 and 4 are internal names for ISO 9660 and
High Sierra CD formats.) ODS-1 and ODS-2 structures have been available on OpenVMS systems
for some time. With OpenVMS Version 7.2 on Alpha and I64 systems, you can now specify ODS-5 to
format disks as well.

The OpenVMS Alpha operating system recognizes all the file structures for disks and CD–ROMs
shown in Table 9.2 except ODS-1.On VAX systems, you can mount ODS-5-enabled volumes, but you

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

cannot access ODS-5-specific features. You can use one or more formats to incorporate a volume and
file structure that is compatible with the input/output processing used by the system.

Table 9.2. File Structure Options on OpenVMS Systems

Structure Disk or CD Description
ODS-1 Both VAX only; use for RSX compatibility: RSX–11M, RSX–
11D, RSX–11M–PLUS, and IAS operating systems.
ODS-2 Both Use to share data between VAX and Alpha with full
compatibility; default disk structure of the OpenVMS
operating system.
ODS-5 Both Superset of ODS-2;use on Alpha systems when working
with systems like NT that need expanded character sets or
deeper directories than ODS-2.
ISO 9660 CD CD ISO format files: use for platform-independent publishing
and distribution; supported by other systems.
High Sierra CD A variant of ISO 9660.
Dual format CD Single volume with both ISO 9660 CD and ODS formats.
You can use both formats to access files whose directories
might point to the same data.
Foreign Both Unknown file structure. When you specify a foreign
structure, you make the contents of a volume known to the
system, but the system makes no assumptions about its file
structure. The application is responsible for supplying a

When you create a file, you normally specify a file name to OpenVMS Record Management Services
(RMS), which assigns this name to the file on an on-disk volume. RMS places the file name and file
ID associated with the newly created file in a directory, which contains an entry defining the location
for each file.

When you access a file, you supply the file name, which supplies a path to the file identifier through
the directory entry. The file identifier, in turn, points to the location of the file header, which contains
a listing of the extent or extents that locate the actual data.

Reserved Files on OpenVMS Systems

Reserved files control the structure of a On-Disk Structure (ODS) Levels 2and 5 volumes. (Only five
of these files are used for a Level 1 volume.) Table 9.3 identifies all reserved files, and indicates to
which ODS level they pertain.

The files listed in Table 9.3 are in the master file directory (MFD), [000000]. VSI OpenVMS System
Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems contains a description of
each reserved file.

Table 9.3. Reserved Files

Reserved File File Name Structure Level 1 Structure Levels 2 and
Index file INDEXF.SYS;1 X X
Storage bit map file BITMAP.SYS;1 X X

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Reserved File File Name Structure Level 1 Structure Levels 2 and
Bad block file BADBLK.SYS;1 X X
Master file directory 000000.DIR;1 X X
Core image file CORIMG.SYS;1 X X
Volume set list file VOLSET.SYS;1 X
Continuation file CONTIN.SYS;1 X
Backup log file BACKUP.SYS;1 X
Pending bad block BADLOG.SYS;1 X
Volume security profile SECURITY.SYS;1 X
VAX specific

Limits of Storage and Index File Bitmaps

In previous versions of OpenVMS, both storage and index file bitmaps were limited to 255 blocks.
This size, in turn, limited a volume to approximately one million allocation units, or clusters. Larger
disks were required to have a larger cluster factor to accommodate the limit;for example, a 9 GB disk
required a cluster factor of 18.

Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, the limits of storage and index file bitmaps have been
increased as follows:

Type of Bitmap Limit

Storage bitmap 65535 blocks
Index file bitmap 4095 blocks

The increased bitmap limits have the following advantages:

• They allow you to use space more efficiently with small files.

• They increase the number of files allowed on a volume to the architectural maximum of
approximately 16 million.

The behaviors of the INITIALIZE and BACKUP commands reflect the larger bitmap sizes. Refer
to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for INITIALIZE command details and the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities Reference Manual for BACKUP utility details.

Message Displayed with Earlier Versions

The following message is displayed on pre-Version 7.2 systems when you attempt to access a disk that
was initialized on a Version 7.2 or later system:

%MOUNT-F-FILESTRUCT, unsupported file structure level

The increased size of the BITMAP field is incompatible with earlier versions of OpenVMS.

Check the size of BITMAP.SYS on the disk you want to access. If the size is 256 or greater and
you want to access the disk from a pre-Version 7.2 system, you must copy the data to a disk with a
BITMAP.SYS that is less than 256 blocks. If you use the DCL command BACKUP/IMAGE, be sure
to use the /NOINITIALIZE qualifier.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media Comparison of ODS-1, ODS-2, and ODS-5 Formats

Table 9.4 compares specific characteristics of On-Disk Structure (ODS) Levels 1, 2, and 5.

Table 9.4. Comparison of ODS-1, ODS-2, and ODS-5 Formats

Characteristic ODS-1 (VAX only) ODS-2 ODS-5
File name length 9.3 39.39 238 bytes, including
the dot and the file
type. For Unicode, 236
bytes is 119 characters,
including the dot and
the file type.
Character set Uppercase Uppercase ISO Latin-1, Unicode
alphanumeric alphanumeric plus (refer to the description
hyphen (-), dollar sign in OpenVMS User’s
($), and underscore (_) Manual.)
File versions 32, 767 limit; version 32, 767 limit;version 32, 767 limit;version
limits are not supported limits are supported. limits are supported.
Directories No hierarchies of Alpha: 255 2VAX: 8 Alpha: 255 VAX: 8
directories and (with rooted logical, 16) (with rooted logical, 16)
entries are not ordered 1
System disk Cannot be an ODS-1 Can be an ODS-5 volume not
volume ODS-2volume supported for Version
Page file, swap file, Supported Supported Not supported
dump file, parameter
(.PAR) file, and other
system files
OpenVMS Cluster Local access only; files Files can be shared Files can be shared
access cannot be shared across across a cluster across a cluster.
a cluster However, only
computers running
OpenVMS Version
7.2 or later can mount
ODS-5 disks. VAX
computers running
Version 7.2 or later
can see only files with
ODS-2 style names.
Disk Unprotected objects Protected objects Protected objects
Disk quotas Not supported Supported Supported
Multivolume files and Not supported Supported Supported
volume sets
Placement control Not supported Supported Supported
Caches No caching of file Caching of file Caching of file
identification slots or header blocks, file header blocks, file
extent entries

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Characteristic ODS-1 (VAX only) ODS-2 ODS-5

identification slots, and identification slots, and
extent entries extent entries
Clustered allocation Not supported Supported Supported
Backup home block Not supported Supported Supported
Protection code E E means “extend” for E means “execute E means “execute
the RSX–11M operating access” access”
system but is ignored by
Enhanced protection Not supported Enhanced protection Enhanced protection
features (for example, features supported features supported
access control lists)
RSX–11M, RSX–11D, RSX–11M–PLUS, and IAS systems do not support subdirectories and alphabetical directory entries.
Prior to OpenVMS Version 7.2, RMS limited directory levels to 8 or 16, although PATHWORKS and other programs that did not use RMS
could use unlimited directory depth.

Future enhancements to OpenVMS software will be based primarily on Structure Levels 2 and 5;
therefore, Structure Level 1 volumes might be further restricted in the future. However, VSI does
not intend for ODS-5 to be the default OpenVMS file structure. The principal function of ODS-5is
to enable an OpenVMS system to be a server for other systems(such as Windows NT) that have
extended file names. The ISO 9660 Standard for CD–ROMs

The OpenVMS implementation of On-Disk Structure conforms to the file structures defined by the
ISO 9660 standard. Table 9.5 defines terms related to the ISO 9660 standard.

Table 9.5. ISO 9660 Terms

Term Description
Volume space Set of all logical blocks on a volume containing
information about the volume.
System area One of two divisions of CD–ROM volume space;
includes logical sectors 0 through 15; reserved for
system use.
Data area One of two divisions of CD–ROM volume
space;includes the remaining volume space,
beginning with logical sector 16.

Two aspects of an implementation are required to support ISO 9660 file structures in an OpenVMS
environment:partially recorded data blocks and data interleaving.

• Partially recorded data blocks

ISO 9660 files are recorded in the data area of the media, using extents that consist of blocks. A
block might not be filled with data but also might not be the final block of a file. The OpenVMS
implementation of Files–11 ensures that the system does not treat an unfilled block as the end of
the file unless it actually is the final file block. This is not visible to the user.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

• Data interleaving

Within an extent, data is recorded using file units separated by an interleave gap, which consists
of a specified number of blocks. Data interleaving allows you to control the speed of access to file

9.1.2. Extended File Specifications on OpenVMS Alpha

and I64 systems
Extended File Specifications allows files with Windows 95 style or Windows NT style file names and
attributes to reside on, and to be managed from, OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems. Extended File
Specifications support can also be selected on aper-volume basis.

Traditional and Extended File Names

In an Extended File Specifications environment, you can select either of the following naming styles
for file specifications:

• Traditional file names are allowed on both ODS-2 andODS-5 volumes.

• Extended file names are allowed on ODS-5, but not onODS-2 volumes.

For detailed definitions of traditional and extended file names as well as other introductory
information about Extended File Specifications, refer to the OpenVMS User’s Manual.

The following sections describe the current levels of disk, mixed-version, mixed-architecture, and
network support for Extended File Specifications on OpenVMS systems. System and User Disk Support

Restrictions and suggestions for using Extended File Specifications on your system are as follows:

• You can mount an ODS-5 volume only on an OpenVMS VAX or an Alpha Version 7.2 or later
system. Most applications can access only traditionally named files on a VAX system.

• VSI does not support creating the system disk as (or changing it to) an ODS-5 volume. Mixed-Version Support

Users on OpenVMS Version 7.2 and later systems can take advantage of Extended File Specifications
capabilities. In contrast, systems running prior versions of OpenVMS cannot mount ODS-5 volumes
or correctly handle extended file names.

The following sections describe support on OpenVMS Version 7.2 and on prior versions of OpenVMS
in a mixed-version cluster.

Users on OpenVMS Version 7.2 Systems

Users on OpenVMS Version 7.2 systems can continue to access pre-Version 7.2 files and directories.
For example, they can perform all of the following actions:

• Create and access deep directory structures on ODS-2 volumes.

• Read a BACKUP save set created on an earlier version of OpenVMS.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

• Use DECnet to copy a file with an ODS-5 name to a file with an ODS-2 name on a system
running an earlier version of OpenVMS.

Users on Systems with Versions Prior to OpenVMS 7.2

On mixed-version clusters, some restrictions exist. Users on aversion of OpenVMS prior to Version
7.2 have these limitations:

• Cannot access any files on an ODS-5 volume. This is true regardless of whether the volume is
connected physically on a CI or SCSI, or by an MSCP or QIO server.

• Cannot successfully create or restore an ODS-5 image save set. However, these users can
successfully restore ODS-2-compliant file names from an ODS-5 save set. Mixed-Architecture Support

All Extended File Specifications capabilities are available on OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems.
Nearly all the current ODS-2 disk and file management functions remain the same on both VAX,
Alpha Version 7.2, and I64 systems; however, extended file naming and parsing are not available on
VAX systems.

The following sections describe support on OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems in a mixed-
architecture cluster.

Limited Extended File Specifications Capabilities on VAX Systems

In mixed-architecture OpenVMS Version 7.2 clusters, the following limited Extended File
Specifications capabilities are available on OpenVMS VAX systems:

• Ability to mount and manage an ODS-5 disk

• Ability to write and manage ODS-2-compliant files on an ODS-5 disk

BACKUP Limitations
On an OpenVMS VAX system, users cannot successfully create or restore an ODS-5 image save set.
However, these users can successfully restore ODS-2-compliant file names from an ODS-5 save set.

Users can also perform a disk-to-disk copy from ODS-5 to ODS-2 as long as they do not specify /

For more information, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. Network Support

For OpenVMS Version 7.2 and later, the length of a file specification that can be sent over the
network using DECnet is shorter than the maximum size of a file specification without the use of a
network. Enabling Extended File Specifications Features

To enable Extended File Specifications On-Disk Structure features for a volume on an OpenVMS
Alpha system, you must perform one of the following actions:

Task Reference
Initialize a new volume as ODS-5 Section 9.3.3

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Task Reference
Convert an existing volume from ODS-2 to Section

Creating ODS-5 volumes allows you to take advantage of extended file names for VSI Advanced
Server for OpenVMS clients; you can see and manage these names from OpenVMS Alpha and I64

Extended File Specifications are not available on systems running versions of OpenVMS Alpha prior
to Version 7.2. On these systems, you cannot mount ODS-5 volumes nor take advantage of extended
file names on an OpenVMS file system.

9.1.3. Tape Concepts

The file storage system for magnetic tapes is based on the standard magnetic tape structure as defined
by ISO 1001–1986, which is compatible with several national standards such as ANSI X3.27–1987.

For more information about tape concepts, refer to the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications.

Table 9.6 defines terms that apply to magnetic tapes.

Table 9.6. Terms Related to Magnetic Tapes

Term Definition
Block On magnetic tape, the size of a block is determined by the user. On ODS disks, a
block is fixed at a size of 512 bytes.
bpi Bits per inch; measure used for characters of data on tape on OpenVMS systems.
Also called density.
IRG Interrecord gap; interval of space between blocks.
Record blocking Grouping of individual records into a block, thereby reducing wasted space.
Sequential Organization of magnetic tape data; that is, data is organized in the order in
which it is written to the tape.
Magnetic Tape Internal software process that interprets the logical format of standard labeled
Ancillary Control volumes.
Process (MTACP)
Beginning-of-tape Pieces of photoreflective tape that appear on every volume to delimit the
(BOT) marker writable area on the volume.
and end-of-tape
(EOT) marker ANSI standards require that a minimum of 14 feet to a maximum of 18feet of
magnetic tape precede the BOT marker; a minimum of 25 feet to a maximum of
30 feet of tape, of which 10 feet must be writable, must follow the EOT marker.

The EOT marker indicates the start of the end of the writable area of the tape,
rather than the physical end of the tape. Therefore, data and labels can be written
after the EOT marker.
Data record Within tape files, data records are stored in variable-size data blocks. Each block
storage contains one or more records. RMS provides management of records.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Term Definition
Header labels Set of labels that the tape file system writes on the tape immediately preceding
the data blocks when you create a file on tape. These labels contain information
such as the user-supplied file name, creation date, and expiration date. To access
a file on magnetic tape by the file name, the file system searches the tape for the
header label set that contains the specified file name.
Trailer labels Set of labels that the tape file system writes on the tape following the file.
Multivolume file Additional volume on which a file is continued when the data blocks of a file or
related files do not physically fit on one volume (a reel of magnetic tape).
Volume set The volumes on which a set of files is recorded. Record Blocking

Figure 9.2 shows how record blocking can save space.

Figure 9.2. Record Blocking

Assume that a 1600-bits-per-inch magnetic tape contains 10 records that are not grouped into a block.
Each record is 160 characters long (0.1 inch at 1600 bits per inch) with a0.6-inch IRG after each
record, which uses 7 inches of tape. However, placing the same 10 records into one block uses only
1.6 inches of tape (1 inch for the data records and 0.6 inch for the IRG).

Record blocking also increases the efficiency of the flow of data into the computer. For example, 10
unblocked records require 10 separate physical transfers, while 10 records placed in a single block
require only one physical transfer. Moreover, a shorter length of magnetic tape is traversed for the
same amount of data; thus, the operation is completed in less time.

However, record blocking requires more buffer space to be allocated for your program. The greater
the number of records in a block, the greater the buffer size requirements. You must determine the
point at which the benefits of record blocking cease. Base this determination on the configuration of
your computer system and your environment.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media Multiple Tape Densities (Alpha and I64)

In versions of OpenVMS Alpha prior to Version 7.2, the range of densities that users were able to
set for magnetic tape devices was limited. On OpenVMS Version 7.2 and later Alpha systems and
on I64 systems, that range includes any density that a specific tape drive supports. Because of this
enhancement, exchanging tapes among tape drives with different default settings for density is much

You can set densities using the following DCL commands:


• $ SET MAGTAPE (for tapes only)

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for details about using the /DENSITY qualifier with
these DCL commands.

You can also set densities using the following system management utilities:

• $ MOUNT (with /FOREIGN qualifier for mounted tapes)


Refer to the MOUNT command in the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary and to the BACKUP utility
in the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for details about using the /
DENSITY qualifier. Also refer to Chapter 11 for details about using the /DENSITY qualifier with


The command in this example initializes the media in the MKA500: drive to tk85 density with a label
of TEST.

Densities Supported
The following densities are valid in the command strings for DCL commands and system
management utilities: 800, 1600, 6250, DAT, 833, DDS1, DDS2, DDS3, DDS4, TK50, TK70, TK85,
TK86, TK87, TK88, TK89, 8200, 8500, 3480, 3490E, AIC, AIT, and DEFAULT.

Usage Notes
You cannot use multiple tape densities on one piece of media. In other words, one density applies
to one piece of media. If you do not specify a density, the default density is used; the default is the
highest density a particular drive supports.

Density changes can occur only at beginning-of-tape (BOT). Once media is initialized to a density, the
media remains at that density until it is reinitialized to a different density.

If a density is not supported on a particular device, depending on the drive, the density field either
remains the same or takes the default. If a drive does not support the density you select, the system
displays an invalid density error. Some drives do not report the error and simply ignore your selection,
leaving the media at the previous density.

When media is set to a specific density, the “density” field displayed when you enter $ SHOW
DEVICE/FULL MKA300:, for example, displays the corresponding ASCII string for density.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Magtape JENSO3$MKA300:, device type TZ87, is online, file-oriented device,

logging is enabled, controller supports compaction (compaction,
device supports fastskip.
Error count 0 Operations completed
Owner process "" Owner UIC
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,
Reference count 0 Default buffer size
Density TK85 Format

Volume status: no-unload on dismount, position lost, odd parity.

9.1.4. Public and Private Disk Volumes

A volume is one or more units of storage media that you can mount on a device. The volume is the
largest logical unit of disk file structure.

This section explains the concepts of public and private volumes. Public Disk Volumes

A public volume is a file-structured disk volume that can contain both private and public files. Public
volumes can be either of the following ones:

Type of Volume Description

System volumes Available to all the users on a system
Group volumes Available to all the users in a group

As long as file protections permit it, all users have access to public volumes and to the files on them.

One way to permit users to create and store files on a public volume is to create a default directory
on the public volume for each authorized user. You control access to public files and volumes by the
protection codes that you establish.

A user is free to create, write, and manipulate files on a public volume only under the following

• Volume and file protection allow access, or you have privileges that allow you to access the files.

• The user has appropriate access to a directory on the volume.

• Disk quota permits usage.

The following sections contain guidelines for setting up and maintaining public files and volumes.

Planning Public Volumes

You must balance users' space needs with the system's available mass storage resources. These
determinations depend, in part, on whether you have relatively small or large mass storage capability.
A comparison of the two follows.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Configuration Characteristics
Small mass storage Both system files and user files are on the same
public volume. You might want to set disk quotas
to ensure that user files do not exhaust the free
space on the disk volume.
Large mass storage Keep all system files on one disk volume (known
as a system disk or a system volume), and keep
all user files on separate volumes.

The system disk is kept active reading system

images, paging and swapping, spooling files,
maintaining system logs, and so forth.

The most common arrangement is to have one public volume with system files and the directories of
privileged users, and other public volumes dedicated to user directories, databases, and applications
required by your site.

Whichever arrangement you select, plan each public volume and monitor disk performance once the
system is running:

• Be sure the system disk has enough space for the operating system to boot and accept updates.

• Once the system is running, use the Monitor utility (MONITOR) to analyze disk use to determine
whether disk I/O is balanced across the configuration. VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual,
Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems discusses this utility in detail.

You can often move system files off the system disk and use search lists or logical names to access
them. See VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex
Systems for more information.

In large configurations, you can place secondary paging and swapping files on other devices to
balance disk load. See VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring,
and Complex Systems for more information. The OpenVMS Performance Management provides
detailed information about redistributing system files and achieving a balanced disk load. Private Disk Volumes

A private volume is a file-structured volume that contains only private files.

Under some circumstances, users might want to perform their work on a device that unauthorized
users cannot access. By creating a private volume and mounting it on a device allocated exclusively to
a user's process, you ensure that users can perform their work without fear of interference from others.

Users can often prepare and manipulate their own private volumes. They might, however, need your
assistance if the computer and its peripheral devices are off limits to or remotely located from them.
Users requiring assistance can use the operator communication manager (OPCOM) to communicate
with an operator. See Section 9.5.3 for instructions on answering users' requests for assistance.

9.2. Allocating and Deallocating Drives

This section explains how to allocate and deallocate drives. The only situation in which the
ALLOCATE command is required, however, is when you must retain control of the same volume

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

across dismounts. An example of this is when you alternate between mounting a tape using the /
FOREIGN and/NOFOREIGN qualifiers.

9.2.1. Allocating Drives

Use the DCL command ALLOCATE to logically assign a disk drive or a tape drive to your process.
You might do this if you suspect an error and want to reserve a disk while you repair the error.

The ALLOCATE command allocates only one device to a process. To allocate several devices, you
must use multiple commands.

How to Perform This Task

Enter the ALLOCATE command using the following format:

ALLOCATE device-name[:] [logical-name]


device-name Specifies the drive on which the volume will

be loaded. The device name can be a physical,
generic, or logical name.
logical-name Specifies an optional logical name to be
associated with the specified disk or tape drive.

%DCL-I-ALLOC, _MARS$DUA2: allocated

In this example, the ALLOCATE command specifies a physical device named DUA2:, which
requests the allocation of a specificRK10 disk drive; that is, unit 2 on controller A. The response
from the ALLOCATE command indicates that the device was successfully allocated.


This example shows how to use the /GENERIC qualifier with the ALLOCATE command to
allocate a particular type of device. In this case, the system allocates the first available RA90 drive
to your process.

For further discussion of the /GENERIC qualifier and other qualifiers that you can use with the
ALLOCATE command, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. The OpenVMS User’s Manual
contains additional examples of the ALLOCATE command.

9.2.2. Deallocating Drives

Allocating a device reserves that device for exclusive use by your process. The device remains
allocated to your process until you explicitly deallocate it or until you log out.

Logging out of a process from which drives have been allocated automatically deallocates all
explicitly and implicitly allocated drives;therefore, explicitly deallocating a disk or a tape drive
that has been allocated to your process is not necessary. VSI, however, recommends that you use
the DEALLOCATE command (or a command procedure containing this command) explicitly to
deallocate all the drives you allocated with the ALLOCATE command.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

How to Perform This Task

Use the DCL command DEALLOCATE to explicitly deallocate a disk drive or tape drive that has
been allocated to your process. A complement to the ALLOCATE command, the DEALLOCATE
command logically disconnects a drive from your process and returns it to the pool of devices.

Enter the DEALLOCATE command using the following format:

DEALLOCATE device-name[:]


device-name Specifies the drive on which the volume will

be loaded. The device name can be a physical,
generic, or logical name.

The following example shows how to explicitly deallocate a tape drive or a disk drive:


In this example, the DEALLOCATE command logically disconnects tape drive MUA1: from your
process. The system returns you to DCL level.

9.3. Initializing Volumes

You initialize a disk or tape volume for one or both of the following reasons:

• To delete all old information from the volume.

• To give the volume a structure that is recognized by the operating system.

This structure prepares a volume to receive data and stores it so that the operating system can
locate it easily.

Before you or any user can write files or data to a disk, tape, or CD-ROM volume, you must set up
that volume. The steps for doing this are somewhat different for disk and tape volumes or for CD-
ROM volumes, as explained in the next two sections.

Steps for Setting Up Disk or Tape Volumes

To set up a disk or tape volume, you need to perform two steps. In each step you enter a DCL
command, as follows:

1. INITIALIZE Formats the volume and writes an identifying

label on it. This effectively removes the previous
contents of the volume. (Initializing a volume
each time you use it is not necessary.)
2. MOUNT Provides the user's process with access to a
volume's files or data.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Initializing a disk volume removes links to existing files on the volume, which, in effect, deletes (but
does not erase) the files. To erase the data in a file, use the INITIALIZE/ERASE command.

Do not initialize a volume that contains data that users want to keep. (Initializing a volume each time
you use it is not necessary.)

Section 9.5 contains instructions for mounting volumes. Before you initialize a volume, you might
want to refer to Section 9.4, which contains information about volume protection.

Steps for Setting Up CD-ROM Volumes

To set up a CD-ROM volume using an OpenVMS CD-RW drive, you need to follow these steps:

1. Run CDRECORD.COM Replaces the INITIALIZE command in the the

section called “Steps for Setting Up Disk or Tape
2. MOUNT Provides the user's process with access to a
volume's files or data.

For more information about running CDRECORD.COM, see Section 10.11.

Setting Up Media on a Workstation

For workstations with removable media, users can perform the tasks shown in Table 9.7 unassisted.

Table 9.7. Tasks Users Can Perform Unassisted

Task Description
Load Insert the media into the drive.
Initialize Remove all previous contents from the media. (VOLPRO privilege is required
for most operations.)
Mount Logically mount the media and allocate the device (requires SYSNAM,
GRPNAM, or VOLPRO privilege for various operations). To mount a volume
on a device, you must have read(R), write (W), or control (C) access to that
Perform file Access files and perform the desired operations on them.
Dismount Logically dismount the media and deallocate the device (requires GRPNAM and
SYSNAM user privileges to dismount group and system volumes).
Unload Remove the media from the drive compartment.

For additional information about manipulating removable media on your workstation, refer to the
hardware manuals that accompany your workstation.

On VAX systems, also refer to the upgrade and installation supplement for your computer.

9.3.1. Using the INITIALIZE Command

Use the DCL command INITIALIZE to format and write a label to the volume. To initialize a disk or
tape volume, enter the INITIALIZE command using the following format:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

INITIALIZE device-name[:] volume-label


device-name Specifies the name of the device on which the volume is to be physically
mounted and then initialized. To prevent initializing another user's volume,
allocate a device before you initialize the volume. (Prior allocation is not
required, however.)
volume-label Specifies the identification to be encoded on the volume. For a disk volume, you
can specify a maximum of 12 ANSI characters; for a magnetic tape volume, you
can specify a maximum of 6 alphanumeric characters.

To initialize a public volume, you must specify the /SYSTEM qualifier with the DCL command

INITIALIZE/SYSTEM device name[:] volume-label

For more details on INITIALIZE command format, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.


The command in this example initializes the disk volume DUA2: and labels the volume TEMP.


The command in this example initializes the tape volume on MUB2: and labels the volume TEST.

The OpenVMS User’s Manual contains additional examples of the INITIALIZE command.

9.3.2. Using INITIALIZE Command Qualifiers

Table 9.8 describes a number of qualifiers you can use with the INITIALIZE command. Selecting
appropriate values for these qualifiers and selecting the appropriate position for the index file involve
tradeoffs. The VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary contains more information about each qualifier.

Table 9.8. INITIALIZE Command Qualifiers

Qualifier Description
/CLUSTER_SIZE= number-of-blocks Specifies minimum allocation unit in blocks.
/HEADERS= number-of-headers Specifies the number of file entries, called
file headers, that you expect to have in
INDEXF.SYS, the index file. It controls how
much space is initially allocated to INDEXF.SYS
for headers.(The system accesses the index file
each time it locates a file on disk.)

Each file on a disk requires at least 1 file

header and each header occupies 1 block
within INDEXF.SYS. Files that have many
access control entries (ACEs) or that are very
fragmented might use more than 1 header. The

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Qualifier Description
default value of 16 leaves room for fewer than
10 files to be created before INDEXF.SYS must
extend. Therefore, estimate the total number of
files that will be created on the disk and specify it
here. A good estimate improves performance of
disk access. Setting the number too low can result
in a fragmented index file. However, if you set
the number too high, space allocated to headers
cannot be made available later for file storage and
can lead to wasted disk space. This value cannot
be changed without reinitializing the volume.

INDEXF.SYS is limited as to how many times

it can extend. When the map area in its header
(where the retrieval pointers are stored) becomes
full, files cannot be created and the message
/INDEX= position Determines the location of the index file on
a volume, using the keyword BEGINNING,
MIDDLE, END, or BLOCK: n. The index file
lists the names and addresses of all disk files, so it
is constantly referenced.
/MAXIMUM_FILES= n Specifies the maximum number of entries in
the index file, and therefore limits the number
of files that a volume can contain. Once set, the
maximum number of files for a volume cannot be
increased without reinitializing the disk.
/PROTECTION= (ownership=[:access] Specifies the protection code to be assigned to a
[, ...]) volume. See Section 9.4 for details.
/WINDOWS= n Sets the default number of mapping pointers to be
allocated for file windows. When a file is opened,
the file system uses mapping pointers to access
data in the file. The file system can read one file
segment into memory for each available pointer.

The default value for the /HEADER qualifier is generally insufficient for ODS-2 disks. To improve
performance and avoid SYSTEM-F-HEADERFULL errors, VSI strongly recommends that you set
this value to be approximately the number of files that you anticipate having on your disk. However,
grossly overestimating this value will result in wasted disk space.


This example shows how many entries to allocate in the index files for a largedisk (a small disk
might allocate 2000 entries).


Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

This example shows how to specify the characteristics of a small disk. Note that each directory
and each extension header of a multiheader file counts as a file against this maximum value.

This example shows how to cite a large number of pointers for a large disk of 500 MB.

9.3.3. Initializing a New Volume with ODS-5 Format

You can initialize a new volume as an ODS-5 volume by entering the INITIALIZE command using
the following format. Note that once you initialize the volume, the current contents of the volume are
$ INITIALIZE /STRUCTURE_LEVEL=5 device-name volume-label

For example:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DISK1 mounted on _STAR$DKA300:

The first command initializes the DKA300: device as an ODS-5 volume and assigns the volume-label
DISK1. The second command mounts the DISK1 volume as a public volume.

To verify that the volume has been initialized as an ODS-5 volume, you can enter a SHOW DEVICE/
FULL command; the system displays messages similar to the following:
Disk $10$DKA200:, device type RZ74, is online, allocated, deallocate
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable.
Error count 0 Operations completed 155
Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, file high-water
marking, write-back caching enabled.

An alternative method for displaying the volume type is to issue a command and receive a response
similar to the following:

F11V2 indicates that the volume is ODS-2.

If you plan to add the new volume to a volume set, the structure level of the new volume must match
that of the volume set. If it does not, the Mount utility displays the following error message:
Structure level on device ... is inconsistent with volume set.

9.3.4. Assisting Users in Accessing and Initializing

Initializing volumes for users might be necessary in some circumstances:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

• If the volume previously contained data, the protection code might prevent users from accessing
and initializing the volume.

• If the first file section on the volume has not reached its expiration date, users might not be able to
initialize a tape volume.

• If the volume is owned by anyone except [0, 0], the user must have VOLPRO privilege to override
volume protection. If users do not have VOLPRO privilege, they must ask the previous owner of
the volume or you, as system manager, to initialize it for them.

• If a tape is blank, the user must have VOLPRO and OPER privileges to access and initialize it.

9.4. Protecting Volumes

Protection based on user identification codes (UICs) restricts users' access to volumes. By assigning
access types to volumes, you determine the kinds of actions various groups of users can perform on
volumes. Section 9.4.1 and Section 9.4.2 explain the differences between UIC-based protection for
disk and tape volumes.

For additional access control, you can set access control lists (ACLs) on volumes. Volume ACLs are
copied from the VOLUME.DEFAULT security class template. See Section 12.6 for more information
about ACLs.

Table 9.9 shows the types of access you can assign to disk and tape volumes.

Table 9.9. Access Types for Disk and Tape Volumes

Access Type Gives you the right to...
Read Examine file names, print, or copy files from the volume. System and owner
categories always have read access to tape volumes.
Write Modify or write to existing files on a volume. The protection of a file determines
whether you can perform a particular operation on the file. To be meaningful,
write access requires read access. System and owner categories always have
write access to tape volumes.
Create Create files on a disk volume and subsequently modify them. Create access
requires read and write access. This type of access is invalid for tape volumes.
Delete Delete files on a disk volume, provided you have proper access rights at the
directory and file level. Delete access requires read access. This type of access is
invalid for tape volumes.
Control Change the protection and ownership characteristics of the volume. Users with
the VOLPRO privilege always have control access to a disk volume, with the
following exceptions:

• Mounting a file-structured volume as foreign requires control access or

VOLPRO privilege.

• Mounting a volume containing protected subsystems requires SECURITY


Control access is not valid with tapes.

For more information about specifying protection codes, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System
Security. Chapter 12 discusses protection in general.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

The following sections explain how to perform these operations:

Task Section
Protecting disk volumes Section 9.4.1
Protecting tape volumes Section 9.4.2
Auditing volume access Section 9.4.3

9.4.1. Protecting Disk Volumes

For file-structured ODS-2 volumes, the OpenVMS operating system supports the types of access
shown in Table 9.9. The system provides protection of ODS-2 disks at the volume, directory, and file
levels. Although you might have access to the directories and files on the volume, without the proper
volume access, you are unable to access any part of a volume.

The default access types for the disk volume owner [0, 0] are:


The system establishes this protection with the default qualifier of the INITIALIZE command (/
SHARE). Any attributes that you do not specify are taken from the current default protection.

Ways to Specify Protection

You can change permanently stored protection information in the following ways:

• Use ACLs. The entire security profile (owner UIC, protection code, and ACL) is stored on the
volume. If you change the volume security profile for a volume mounted clusterwide, the change
is distributed to all nodes in the cluster. If you dismount and remount a volume, the security
profile for the volume is preserved.

• Use the DCL command SET SECURITY to modify the default security profile after a volume is
mounted, including UIC- and ACL-based protection.

• Use protection qualifiers with the DCL command INITIALIZE to specify UIC-based protection
when you initialize a volume.

You can also specify protection when you mount disk volumes, but you ordinarily do not do
so because the protection that you specify is in effect only while the volume is mounted. For
details, refer to the Mount utility (MOUNT) in the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities
Reference Manual.

• Use the DCL command SET VOLUME after you mount a volume to change UIC-based volume

The following sections explain how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Specify protection when you initialize volumes Section
Change protection after volumes are mounted Section
Display protection Section

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media Specifying Protection When You Initialize Disk Volumes

This section explains how to specify UIC-based volume protection and ISO 9660-formatted media
protection when you initialize volumes.

Specifying UIC-Based Protection

You can specify protection in one of the following ways when you initialize volumes:

• Use the /PROTECTION qualifier with the INITIALIZE command. For example:


This example specifies a protection code for the disk volume ACCOUNT1 on the DUA7: device.
The UIC of the volume is set to your process UIC.

• Use one or more of the qualifiers shown in Table 9.10with the INITIALIZE command. However,
the protection that you set using the /PROTECTION qualifier overrides any of the defaults set
when you use any other qualifier.

Using INITIALIZE Command Qualifiers for Protection

You usually do not change volume protection after you initialize a volume. By specifying a
protection qualifier with the INITIALIZE command, you can establish the default protection of a
volume. (The default qualifier of the INITIALIZE command is /SHARE, which grants all types of
ownership all types of access.)

Table 9.10 explains the qualifiers you can use to specify disk volume protection when you
initialize disk volumes.

Table 9.10. INITIALIZE Command Qualifiers for Protection

Qualifier Explanation
/PROTECTION The protection you specify with this qualifier
overrides any protection you specify with other
/SYSTEM All processes have read, write, create, and delete
access to the volume, but only system processes
can create first-level directories. ([1, 1] owns the
volume.) See the note following this table.
/GROUP System, owner, and group processes have read,
write, create, and delete access to the volume.
World users have no access.
/NOSHARE System and owner processes have read, write, and
delete access to the volume. World users have no
access. Group users also have no access unless
you specify the /GROUP qualifier.

The /SYSTEM qualifier grants all users complete access. However, users cannot create directories or
files unless you perform one of the following actions:
Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

• Change the protection on the newly created master file directory (MFD), [000000]000000.DIR;1
to allow users to create their own directories under this parent directory.

• Under the master file directory, create user directories that give users write access so that they, in
turn, can create their own directories.

System managers usually choose the second method.

Table 9.11 shows the UIC and protection that the system sets for disk volumes when you use the
default, /SHARE, and other qualifiers with the INITIALIZE command.

Table 9.11. Protection Granted with INITIALIZE Command Qualifiers

Qualifier UIC Protection
/SHARE (the default) [x, x] S:RWCD, O:RWCD, G:RWCD, W:RWCD
x, x is the UIC of the process that performs the initialization.

Specifying ISO 9660-Formatted Media Protection

The OpenVMS implementation of ISO 9660 does not include volume or volume set protection. The
protection specified for the device on which the media is mounted determines accessibility to the ISO
9660 volumes or volume sets.

By default, the device protection is assigned to ISO 9660 files and directories. When you mount the
volume, you can specify additional file protection using the UIC and PERMISSION protection fields
included in the Extended Attribute Records (XARs) that might be associated with each file.

You can enable the protection fields by specifying either of the following items:

• XAR mount option, using the following format:


When you specify the XAR option for a file that has an associated XAR, the protection fields in
the XAR are enabled.

• DIGITAL System Identifier (DSI) mount option, using the following format:

If you specify the DSI option, you enable the XAR permissions Owner and Group for XARs
containing DSI.

For more information about the XAR and DSI options, refer to the OpenVMS Record Management
Utilities Reference Manual. Changing Protection After Disk Volumes Are Mounted

You can change protection by using the SET SECURITY/CLASS=VOLUME command with the /
PROTECTION, /OWNER, or /ACL qualifier to change any aspect of the volume security profile.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Changing UIC-Based Protection

To change UIC-based protection after a volume is mounted, use the SET SECURITY/
CLASS=VOLUME/PROTECTION command. For example:


The protection set in this example allows the system and owner all types of access. Group and world
access types can only read files and run programs. Any category not specified in the protection code
(S, O, G, W) is unchanged.

Changing ACL-Based Protection

To change ACL-based protection after a volume is mounted, use the SET SECURITY/
CLASS=VOLUME/ACL command. To change the ACL, for example:


_$ $1$DSA7:

This example gives holders of the DOC identifier read, write, and execute access to the $1$DSA7:
volume. Displaying UIC- and ACL-Based Protection

You can use the SHOW SECURITY/CLASS=VOLUME command to display protection. For


The following example shows the resulting display:

$1$DSA27: object of class VOLUME

Owner: [1, 1] Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: RWCD,
World: RWCD)
Access Control List:

In the display are the name and profile of the VOLUME class object $1$DSA27.The profile includes
the owner UIC, the protection code, and the access control list (ACL)of the protected object.

9.4.2. Protecting Tape Volumes

The system protects magnetic tapes only at the volume level. You establish protection when you
initialize tape volumes; after that, the Mount utility (MOUNT) enforces the protection that you have

You can use two levels of protection for tape volumes:

Level of Protection Description

Guidelines of the ISO standard The ISO standard, which is the first level of
protection, is encoded in the accessibility field
of the first volume label written on the magnetic
tape. With this protection scheme, you can protect
tape volumes in environments where interchange

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Level of Protection Description

exists between the OpenVMS system and the
operating system that is not OpenVMS.
UIC-based protection scheme supported by This second level of protection is encoded in the
system software second volume label written on the magnetic
tape. Only OpenVMS systems check this scheme;
it is ignored in any interchange with operating
systems that are not OpenVMS.

Standard-Labeled Tape Protection

The OpenVMS tape file system bases its accessibility protection on the ISO standards. This protection
allows an installation routine to use a routine that interprets the contents of the volume- and header-
label accessibility field. Refer to the $MTACCESS system service in the VSI OpenVMS System
Services Reference Manual for more information about installation routines.

Access Types with Default Protection

When you do not supply a protection code during initialization, all users receive read and write
access, explained in Table 9.12.

Table 9.12. Access Types for Tape Volume Protection

Access Type Gives you the right to...
Read Examine, print, or copy files from the volume.
Write Append or write files to the volume.

The security profile of a tape volume is stored in the ANSI VOL1 and VOL2labels written on the
tape. The VOL2 label contains system-specific information. To override the creation of VOL2
labels, specify the /INTERCHANGE qualifier with the INITIALIZE command or the INIT
$_INTERCHANGE item code on the $INIT_VOL system service.

Foreign Volume Protection

The operating system also supports foreign tape volumes. ( Foreign volumes either lack the standard
volume label or have been mounted with the /FOREIGN qualifier.)When a tape volume is mounted
with the /FOREIGN qualifier, users in the system and owner categories are always given full access
(read, write, logical, and physical), regardless of what is specified in the protection code. Using the /PROTECTION Qualifier with Tape Volumes

If you use the /PROTECTION qualifier when you initialize tape volumes, the protection code is
written to a system-specific volume label.

With the /PROTECTION qualifier, the system applies only read (R) and write (W) access restrictions.
(Execute [E]and delete [D] access do not apply.) The system and the owner always receive both read
(R) and write (W) access to magnetic tapes, regardless of the protection code you specify. Protecting Tape Volumes for Interchange Environments

You can protect tape volumes for interchange between OpenVMS and other operating systems.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

The following list contains guidelines for protecting specific types of magnetic tapes:

• With tapes processed on any operating system that supports a version of the ANSI standard later
than Version 3, the system processes accessibility information in the first volume label.

• To process magnetic tapes created on an operating system other than the OpenVMS operating
system Version 4.0 or later, a user must have VOLPRO privilege and must explicitly override the
check on the protection as follows:

• If the tape was created with a specified accessibility, then a user must have the appropriate
privilege and must explicitly override the check on accessibility.

• If the tape volume was not created with such a protection scheme, then a user is granted read
and write access to that tape volume.

• The tape file system allows you to specify values for the fields in which other operating systems
currently write their protection information. Except under the conditions described in the last
bulleted item, the OpenVMS operating system does not process these fields. Thus, you can use
these fields to store the protection values for another operating system without affecting the
system protection characteristics on that particular volume.

9.4.3. Auditing Volume Access

You can enable auditing for the volume object class; the system then audits disk volume access, with
the following exceptions:

• The system does not audit volume creation or deletion.

• The system does not audit access for tapes, ODS-1, or foreign-mounted volumes.

9.5. Mounting Volumes

Mounting a disk or tape volume establishes a relationship between the volume and the device on
which the volume is physically loaded. After you mount a volume, the system knows it exists, and
users can access it. (This section assumes that you are performing the mount operation yourself.)

File-Structured and Foreign Volumes

Ordinarily, when you mount volumes, the system imposes a format on each volume that allows you
to read, write, create (or execute), and delete files. These mounted volumes have the format of the
OpenVMS operating system.

If you specify the /FOREIGN qualifier when you mount a volume, the system does not impose a
format on the media, and you cannot access the files on the mounted volume. Use the /FOREIGN
qualifier to mount volumes with formats of operating system that are not OpenVMS or with private

Because foreign volumes are not file-structured, you must access them as follows:

• Disks – sequentially or by logical block number

• Tapes – sequentially

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

At times, the Backup utility (BACKUP) requires you to mount volumes with the /FOREIGN
qualifier, when you restore an entire disk, for example. For details, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual.

How to Perform This Task

When mounting volumes, follow these steps:

1. Physically mount all disks and put them on line.

2. Enter the MOUNT command (which invokes the Mount utility), using the following format:
MOUNT device-name volume-label logical-name


device-name Specifies the physical device name or logical name of the device on which the
volume is to be mounted.
volume-label Specifies the label on the volume.
logical-name Defines a logical name to be associated with the device.

Once invoked, the Mount utility performs the following actions:

1. Allocates the device

2. Checks to see that the device is correctly loaded

3. Reads and verifies the volume identification

Using Qualifiers with the MOUNT Command

Under special conditions, you must add qualifiers to the MOUNT command; for example:

• To mount a public volume, use the /SYSTEM qualifier with the DCL command MOUNT using
the following format:
MOUNT/SYSTEM device-name volume-label logical-name

• In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, also specify the /CLUSTER qualifier:

MOUNT/SYSTEM/CLUSTER device-name volume-label logical-name

Table 9.13 and Table 9.14 show, respectively, the qualifiers you can use when you mount disks and

The following sections explain how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Use MOUNT command qualifiers when you Section 9.5.1
mount disks
Use MOUNT command qualifiers when you Section 9.5.2
mount tapes
Assist users with mounting Section 9.5.3
Mount a volume with a protected subsystem Section 9.5.4

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Task Section
Convert an existing volume from one ODS Section 9.5.5
format to another
Modify disk volume characteristics Section 9.5.6

9.5.1. Using MOUNT Command Qualifiers When You

Mount Disks
Table 9.13 lists MOUNT command qualifiers you can use to mount disks. The VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual has more information about each qualifier.

Table 9.13. MOUNT Command Qualifiers for Mounting Disks

Qualifier Description
/ACCESSED= n Requires OPER privilege; specifies the
approximate number of directories that will be in
use concurrently on the volume. (This qualifier
is obsolete for ODS-2.) For example, on a large
500 megabyte (MB) disk you might select a value
of 40, but on a small disk you might specify the
following value:

/ASSIST Directs the mount operation to allow operator
or user intervention if the mount request fails.
The /ASSIST qualifier is the default except
during system startup. Encourage users to take
advantage of this feature, which repeatedly alerts
the operator of a mount request until the request
is satisfied.

To disable operator-assisted mounts, enter a

command similar to the following:

/BIND= volume-set-name Creates a volume set of one or more disk volumes
or adds one or more volumes to an existing
volume set. For example:


See Section for details.

/CACHE= keyword Controls whether caching limits established at
system generation are disabled or overridden. For

FILE_ID=60, QUOTA=20) -

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Qualifier Description
mounted on _NODE$DMA0:

This command mounts a device labeled FILES

and assigns the logical name WORK. The /
CACHE qualifier enables an extent cache of 60
entries, a file identification cache of 60 entries,
and a quota cache of 20 entries.
/CLUSTER Requires SYSNAM privilege; specifies that
after a volume is successfully mounted on the
local node, or if it is already mounted with the /
SYSTEM qualifier on the local node, it is to
be mounted on every other node in the existing
OpenVMS Cluster environment (that is, the
volume is to be mounted clusterwide). For

/COMMENT= "string" Specifies additional information to be included
with the operator request when the mount
operation requires operator assistance. For


COMMENT="Vol. in Rack 2."
/EXTENSION= n Requires OPER privilege; specifies the number
of blocks by which disk files are to be extended
on the volume unless otherwise specified by an
individual command or program request. The
cluster size sets the initial disk block allocation;
the /EXTENSION qualifier determines how the
file grows. For example, for a small disk with a
cluster size of 1 disk block, you might select an
extension size of 2 disk blocks:

/FOREIGN Indicates that the volume is not in the standard
format used by the operating system. Use this
qualifier if you want to mount a disk volume with
a file structure other than Files–11 or ISO 9660;
for example (using DISK as a logical name):

/MEDIA_FORMAT=CDROM Mounts a volume assuming the media to be ISO
9660 (or High Sierra) formatted.
/[NO]MOUNT_VERIFICATION Enables or disables the mount verification feature
on disks. By default, the mount verification
feature is enabled. If a device goes off line or
becomes write-locked, mount verification notifies
the operator of the error condition, and then

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Qualifier Description
checks to see that the volume identification
before and after the error condition are identical.

To disable mount verification, enter a command

like the following one:

/OVERRIDE= keyword Inhibits one or more protection checks that the
MOUNT command performs.
/PROTECTION= keyword Specifies the protection code to be assigned to the
volume. Keywords are in the following list:

• Protection code: specifies the protection code

according to the standard syntax rules for
specifying user protection (that is, system/

• XAR: enables enforcement of the extended

record attribute (XAR) access controls (ISO
9660 only).

• DSI: enables XAR permissions owner and

group for XARs containing DIGITAL System
Identifiers (DSI). (ISO 9660 only.)

See Section 9.4.1 for details.

/SHARE Specifies that other users can access the volume.
(However, you must use the /SYSTEM qualifier
to mount public volumes.) Two users can access
a private volume simultaneously if they both use
MOUNT/SHARE. For example:


Using the MOUNT/SHARE command on disks

already mounted with the/SYSTEM qualifier
retains a lock on disk availability even if the
disk is dismounted on a systemwide basis. This
practice is not usually used for the system disk,
but it can occur as a result of invoking a general-
purpose command procedure that is sometimes
used on system and nonsystem disks.

If the DISMOUNT.EXE program is opened by a

user and another user enters the MOUNT/SHARE
command on the system disk, a subsequent
dismount may produce a warning message that
the disk cannot be dismounted. To prevent the
message, install the DISMOUNT.EXE image.
/SUBSYSTEM Enables the processing of subsystem ACEs. (The
command MOUNT/SUBSYSTEM requires the

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Qualifier Description
SECURITY privilege.) By default, the disk from
which you boot has /SUBSYSTEM enabled but
other disks do not. The following command uses
the MOUNT command with the /SUBSYSTEM
qualifier to enable the processing of subsystem
ACEs on the DUA0: device (DOC is the volume
label; WORK8 is an optional logical name for the


/SYSTEM Requires SYSNAM privilege; makes the volume
public, that is, available to all users of the system,
as long as the UIC-based volume protection
allows them access. The following command
mounts the volume labeled WORK and makes it
available systemwide:


/UCS_SEQUENCE= escape_sequence Supplies the escape sequence to select the
coded graphic character set, a requirement when
mounting an ISO 9660 volume for one of its
Supplementary Volume Descriptors (SVDs).
/UNDEFINED_FAT Establishes default file attributes to be used for
records on ISO 9660 media for which no record
format has been specified.
/WINDOWS= n Requires OPER privilege; specifies the number
of mapping pointers to be allocated for file
windows. The default number of windows is set
with the INITIALIZE command. The following
example specifies a modest number of pointers:


9.5.2. Using MOUNT Command Qualifiers When You

Mount Tapes
Table 9.14 lists MOUNT command qualifiers you can use to mount a tape volume. For a complete list
of MOUNT command qualifiers, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference

Unless otherwise noted, you must have VOLPRO privilege to use any of these qualifiers when the
volume is a standard-labeled volume containing protection that disallows your process from accessing
the volume.

Table 9.14. MOUNT Command Qualifiers for Mounting Tapes

Qualifier Description
/BLOCKSIZE= n Specifies the block size for the magnetic tape.
The range of valid values for n varies, depending
on the density of the volume, whether the data

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Qualifier Description
is for input or output, and whether the operation
uses OpenVMS RMS. By default, the system
writes 2048-byte blocks.
/CACHE=TAPE_DATA Requires OPER privilege; enables the write cache
for a tape device if the tape controller supports
one. /NOCACHE is the default for mounting tape

You must specify TAPE_DATA to enable write

caching. The write buffer stays enabled even after
you dismount the tape.
/FOREIGN Indicates that the volume is not in the standard
format used by the operating system.
/HDR3 Controls whether special header labels are written
on a tape volume. This is the default.
/[NO]MOUNT_VERIFICATION Enables or disables the mount verification
feature on magnetic tapes. By default, the mount
verification feature is enabled. If a device goes off
line or becomes write-locked, mount verification
notifies the operator of the error condition, and
then checks to see that the volume identification
before and after the error condition are identical.

To disable mount verification, enter a command

similar to the following:

/OVERRIDE= keyword Inhibits one or more of the access checks that the
MOUNT command performs. For example:


This command overrides the volume

identification field, thus mounting a magnetic
tape on MFA0: without a label specification.
/OWNER_UIC= uic Requests that the specified UIC be assigned
ownership of the volume while it is mounted,
overriding the ownership recorded on the volume.
Or, if you are mounting a volume using the /
FOREIGN qualifier, requests an owner UIC other
than your current UIC.
/PROCESSOR= keyword For magnetic tapes and Files–11Structure Level
1 disks, requests that the MOUNT command
associate an ancillary control process (ACP) to
process the volume.

You must have the operator user privilege OPER

to use the /PROCESSOR qualifier.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Qualifier Description
Keywords are in the following list:


For magnetic tape and Files-11 ODS-1,

ISO 9660, or High Sierra formatted media
being mounted, creates a new process to
execute a copy of the default ACP image for
the specified device type or controller. For
Files-11 Structure Level 2 or 5 disks, allocates
a separate block cache.

• SAME: device

For magnetic tape and Files-11 ODS-1,

ISO 9660, or High Sierra formatted media
being mounted, uses the same ACP process
currently being used by the device specified.
For Files-11 Structure Level 2 or 5 disks,
takes the block cache allocation from the
specified device.

• filespec

Creates a new process to execute the ACP

image specified by the file specification, for
example, a modified or a user-written ACP.
You cannot use wildcard characters or node
and directory names in the file specification.

To use this keyword, you must have

CMKRNL and OPER privileges.

The /PROCESSOR qualifier causes MOUNT to

override the default manner in which ACPs are
associated with devices. For example:s


This command directs MOUNT to mount a

magnetic tape on MFA0: using the same ACP
process currently associated with the MTA1:
/PROTECTION= code Specifies the protection code to be assigned to
the volume for the duration of the mount. See
Section 9.4.2 for details.
/RECORDSIZE= n Specifies the number of characters in each record
of a magnetic tape volume. Use this qualifier
when you mount a volume that has a file without
a second header label (such as RT–11 volumes),
or when you mount volumes with the /FOREIGN
qualifier, to provide RMS with the size of fixed-

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Qualifier Description
length records or the maximum size of variable-
length records.

Two other qualifiers that are important for mounting tape volumes are /INITIALIZE and /
AUTOMATIC, which are explained in Section and Section, respectively.

%MOUNT-I-OPRQST, Please mount volume TEST_FILES in device _MUA2:

In this example, the MOUNT command requests an available RA90 device for the volume labeled
TEST_FILES. After you physically mount the volume in the device named in the response from
MOUNT, the system completes the operation. Note that the device is automatically allocated by

Upon successful completion of the operation, MOUNT notifies you with a message sent to SYS
$OUTPUT. If the operation fails for any reason, MOUNT notifies you with an error message.

9.5.3. Assisting Users in Mounting Volumes

Large sites often have operators assigned to assist users with mounting volumes. Section 2.4.6
explains how users can send requests to operators. Section 2.4.7 briefly explains how operators reply
to those requests.

When a user requests you to mount a specific disk or tape on a device, the following type of message
appears on the operator terminal:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, %%%%%%%%%%%

request <request-id>, from user <user-name>

The following steps indicate the sequence of events:

1. A user requests that you mount the volume TEST_FILES on the device DUA2: by entering the
following command:


2. OPCOM notifies you of the request by displaying a message similar to the following one at the
operator terminal:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 28-MAY-2000 15:47:50.26 %%%%%%%%%%%

request 5, from user MALCOLM
Please mount volume TEST_FILES in device _DUA2:
Shelf slot 6B

3. Once you receive the request, OPCOM delivers a confirmation to the user, in a format similar to
the following:

%MOUNT-I-OPRQST, Please mount volume TEST_FILES in device _DUA2:

Shelf slot 6B

4. After you locate the volume and place it on the device, OPCOM notifies the user that the volume
is on the device and that the task is complete:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media


%MOUNT-I-RQSTDON, operator request canceled–mount completed

Instead of requesting a specific hardware device, such as DUA2:, for mounting a volume, users can
make a generic MOUNT request. A generic MOUNT request specifies a type of device and lets you
find an available device in that class. For example, to mount the volume CITIES on any tape drive
whose name begins with MU, the user enters the following command:

If the user has already allocated a drive whose name begins with MU, the Mount utility requests that
you mount CITIES on that particular drive. If no device has been allocated, the Mount utility allocates
the first available MU tape drive it finds and requests you to mount CITIES on that drive.

Sending Messages Back to Users

After you mount a disk or tape, follow these steps:

1. Use the operator communication manager (OPCOM) to communicate with system users. OPCOM
is a system process that receives input from a process that wants to inform an operator of a
particular status or condition; OPCOM passes the message to the operator, and tracks the message.

To use OPCOM, you must use a terminal that has been designated as an operator terminal. See
Section 2.4.5for instructions.

2. Enter the REPLY command in one of the following forms:

REPLY Command Qualifiers Description

/ABORT= identification-number Indicates that the user request is canceled. (The
“message-text” user's MOUNT command exits with an error
/PENDING= identification-number Indicates that the request has been put in a wait
“message-text” state until it can be completed. This command
implies that the originating request was either
a REQUEST/REPLY or a MOUNT command.
The user cannot enter other commands until the
operator fulfills or aborts the request.
/TO= identification-number Indicates that the request is fulfilled.(Processing
“message-text” continues.)

If a user enters a MOUNT/ASSIST command and the desired device is unavailable, you can
substitute another device. Whenever you must substitute a device, load the requested volume on
the alternate device and prepare the device for connection before you enter the REPLY command.
Use the following format:
REPLY/TO=identification-number “SUBSTITUTE device-name”

You can abbreviate the word SUBSTITUTE to “S” and use uppercase or lowercase letters. After a
space, use the remainder of the message-text space to name the substituted device.


Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

This example shows how an operator redirects the mount operation to the DUA1: device.


%MOUNT-I-OPRQST, Please mount volume MYDATA in device _MKB500:
%MOUNT-I-OPREPLY, Substitute MKA100:
11:44:28.71, request 1 was completed by operator _FTA8:

This is an example of a user's request and the substitution information the user receives. In this
example, the MKA100: device has been substituted for the MKB500:device.

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for a complete list of REPLY qualifiers and their
functions. See Section instructions for entering REPLY commands after you mount a
volume set with automatic switching disabled.

9.5.4. Mounting a Volume with Protected Subsystems

Security is usually based on control rights that are granted or denied to the user. In a protected
subsystem, however, security is based on access controls assigned to the subsystem. The subsystem
acts as a gatekeeper that grants or denies users access to objects belonging to the subsystem.

Unprivileged users can build and manage protected subsystems. You must be involved at two points
in the process:

• To create the necessary identifiers for the subsystem. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System
Security for details.

• To mount the volume with the protected subsystem, which is explained in this section.

Anyone who mounts a subsystem is responsible for knowing what is on the volume being mounted.
VSI strongly recommends that you find out what is on a volume before you mount a subsystem.
Without this knowledge, you might inadvertently subvert system security and jeopardize the privacy
of users' data.

For example, a user with malicious intent who has privileges on one OpenVMS Cluster node might
place an application with a subsystem identifier on a volume and then request an unsuspecting
operator or system manager to mount the volume on another node. Because the application has a
subsystem identifier, the application appears to belong to a subsystem for which it is unauthorized.

How to Enable Protected Subsystems on a Trusted Volume

The system enables protected subsystems by default only on the system disk. For other disks, you
must enable subsystems every time you mount a volume. A person with the SECURITY privilege can
enable subsystems on a volume by using the /SUBSYSTEM qualifier on the MOUNT command.

You can dynamically turn on and off the processing of Subsystem ACEs with the DCL command
SET VOLUME/SUBSYSTEM. This command is especially useful for the system disk, which is not
mounted using the MOUNT command.

The command in the following example mounts the volume labeled DOC on the DUA0: device.
Subsystems on the volume are accessible. The MOUNT command also assigns the logical name

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media


9.5.5. Converting an Existing Volume from One ODS

Format to Another
The following sections contain instructions for converting an existing volume from one ODS file
format to another. Converting from ODS-2 to ODS-5

To convert an ODS-2 volume to an ODS-5 volume:

1. Dismount the volume throughout the cluster; for example:


2. Mount the volume as a private volume, for example:


Omitting the /SYSTEM qualifier causes the system to mount the volume as a private, not a public,

You can check that the volume is ODS-2 by entering a SHOWDEVICE/FULL command and
seeing a display like the following:


Disk $10$DKA200:, device type RZ47, is online, allocated, deallocate
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable.

Error count 0 Operations completed 232

Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water
marking, write-back caching enabled.

An alternative method for displaying the volume type is to issue a command and receive a
response similar to the following:


F11V2 indicates that the volume is ODS-2.

3. VSI strongly recommends that you back up the volume. You cannot go back to ODS-2 format
once you change to ODS-5 except by restoring a backup, as described in Section For


4. Set the characteristics of the disk by using a command in the following format:


For example:


Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

You cannot use the SET VOLUME command to change a volume from ODS-5 to ODS-2.To reset a
volume to ODS-2, you must use BACKUP as described in Section

If a failure occurs after you enter the SET VOLUME/STRUCTURE_LEVEL command, refer to the
instructions at the end of this section.

When you enter the SET VOLUME command, the system verifies that the volume can be
converted by testing for the following items:

• The device must be a disk, and its on-disk structure must be ODS-2or ODS-5.

If the volume fails these tests, the system displays messages similar to the following:
%SET-E-NOTMOD, DKA300: not modified
-SET-E-NOTDISK, device must be a Files-ll format disk
%SET-E-NOTMOD, DKA300: not modified
-SET-W-INVODSLVL, Invalid on-disk structure level

• The disk must be privately owned; the owner process-ID (PID) must be the same as the PID of
the parent process that issues the SET VOLUME command.

If the volume fails this test, the system displays a message similar to the following:
%SET-E-NOTMOD, DKA300: not modified
-SET-W-NOTPRIVATE, device must be mounted privately

• The mount count must indicate that the device was mounted only once, which protects against
anyone mounting the device over a cluster.

If the volume fails this test, the system displays a message similar to the following:
%SET-E-NOTMOD, DKA300: not modified
-SET-W-NOTONEACCR, device must be mounted with only one accessor

After using the SET VOLUME /STRUCTURE_LEVEL=5 command, do not access the disk further
until the disk is dismounted and remounted.

5. Dismount the private volume and remount the volume publicly by entering commands similar to
the following:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DISK1 mounted on _STAR$DKA300:

To verify that the volume has been converted to ODS-5, you can enter a SHOW DEVICE/FULL
command and see a display similar to the following:

Disk $10$DKA300:, device type RX74, is online, allocated, deallocate

on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Error count 0 Operations completed 155

Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, file high-water
marking, write-back caching enabled.

An alternative method for displaying the volume type is to issue a command and receive a response
similar to the following:

F11V5 indicates that the volume is ODS-5.

What to Do if a Failure Occurs

If a failure such as an I/O error or a system crash occurs while the SET VOLUME/
STRUCTURE_LEVEL command is executing but before the command finishes, the volume might
be only partially updated. If so, when you enter the MOUNT command, the Mount utility will display
one of the following error messages:
Inconsistent file structure level on device ...
Structure level on device ... is inconsistent with volume set

If either condition is true, you can enter the MOUNT command only with the /NOSHARE qualifier
(or with no qualifier, because /NOSHARE is the default). When you do, the system displays the same
error message but only as a warning.

To recover from the error condition, reenter the SETVOLUME/STRUCTURE_LEVEL=5 command,

and then dismount and remount the disk. As a last resort, you can restore the backup you made. Converting from ODS-1 to ODS-2

To convert from ODS-1 format to ODS-2 format:

1. Back up the entire disk or disks.

2. Initialize the disk or disks as ODS-2 file structure.

3. Restore the disk or disks. Converting from ODS-5 Files to ODS-2

Two types of BACKUP operations, file and image, support converting ODS-5 file names to ODS-2
file names. (File and image operations are described more completely in Chapter 11.)

In the examples in the following descriptions, notice that when you perform a conversion to or from a
save set, the created as or copied as message is displayed for the converted files.

• Conversions during image operations

• Restoring an ODS-5 image save set to an ODS-2 disk

You can use this method if you have an image backup of an ODS-5 disk, and you want to
restore it to an ODS-2 disk.

In the command line in the following example, IMAGE.BCK is the ODS-5 save set, and
DKA200: is the ODS-2 disk. When you use this conversion method, you must pre-initialize

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

the output disk to ODS-2 and then include the /NOINIT qualifier in your command line in
order to preserve the ODS-2 structure level.



%BACKUP-I-ODS5CONV, structure level 5 files will be converted to

level 2 on DKA200:
-BACKUP-I-ODS5LOSS, conversion may result in loss of structure level
file attributes
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]000000.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]BACKUP.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]CONTIN.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]CORIMG.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]SECURITY.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]VOLSET.SYS;1

• Saving an ODS-5 disk to an ODS-2 image save set

You can use this method to make an ODS-2 image save set of an ODS-5 disk that can be read
by a system running a version of OpenVMS prior to Version 7.2.

In the following example, DKA500: is an ODS-5 disk, and IMAGE.BCK is an ODS-2 save set
on the DKA200: disk.


%BACKUP-I-ODS5CONV, structure level 5 files will be converted to

structure level 2 on DKA200:
-BACKUP-I-ODS5LOSS, conversion may result in loss of structure level
file attributes
%BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]000000.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]BACKUP.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-HEADCOPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]BADBLK.SYS;1 header
%BACKUP-S-HEADCOPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]BADLOG.SYS;1 header
%BACKUP-S-HEADCOPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]BITMAP.SYS;1 header
%BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]CONTIN.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]CORIMG.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-HEADCOPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]INDEXF.SYS;1 header
%BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]SECURITY.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]TEST_FILES.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-COPIEDAS, copied DKA200:[TEST_FILES]Sub^_^{Dir^}.DIR;1 as
DKA200:[TEST_FILES.Sub^_^{Dir^}]Sub^&_~_File_~.Dat;1 as

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

DKA200:[TEST_FILES]This^_is^_a^_Test^{_File_^}.Dat;1 as
%BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]VOLSET.SYS;1

• Copying the contents of an ODS-5 disk to an ODS-2 disk

You can use this method to create an ODS-2 disk from an ODS-5 disk without creating an
intermediate save set.

When you use this conversion method, you must pre-initialize the output disk to ODS-2 and
include the /NOINIT qualifier in your command line in order to preserve the ODS-2 structure

In the following example, DKA500: is the ODS-5 disk, and DKA200: is the ODS-2 disk.

%BACKUP-I-ODS5CONV, structure level 5 files will be converted to

structure level 2 on DKA200:
-BACKUP-I-ODS5LOSS, conversion may result in loss of structure level
file attributes
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]000000.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]BACKUP.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]CONTIN.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]CORIMG.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]SECURITY.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]TEST_FILES.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]VOLSET.SYS;1

• Conversions during file operations

• Copying individual ODS-5 files to an ODS-2 disk

This conversion method allows you to interchange files between ODS-5 and ODS-2 disks.
You can, for example, select a directory tree for a disk-to-disk “copy” operation.

In the following example, DKA500: is the ODS-5 disk, and DKA200: is the ODS-2 disk.
$ BACKUP/LOG/CONVERT DKA500:[*...]*.*;* DKA200:[*...]*.*;*
%BACKUP-I-ODS5CONV, structure level 5 files will be converted to
structure level 2 on DKA200:
-BACKUP-I-ODS5LOSS, conversion may result in loss of structure level
file attributes
%BACKUP-S-CREDIR, created directory DKA200:[TEST_FILES.SUB$$DIR$]

• Saving individual ODS-5 files in an ODS-2 save set

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

You can use this method to save ODS-5 files in a save set that can be read on a system running
a version of OpenVMS prior to Version 7.2.

In the following example, DKA500: is an ODS-5 disk, and DKA200: is an ODS-2 disk;
FILES.BCK is the ODS-2 save set.
%BACKUP-I-ODS5CONV, structure level 5 files will be converted to
structure level 2 on DKA200:
-BACKUP-I-ODS5LOSS, conversion may result in loss of structure level
file attributes
%BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]000000.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-COPIED, copied DKA200:[000000]TEST_FILES.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-COPIEDAS, copied DKA200:[TEST_FILES]Sub^_^{Dir^}.DIR;1 as
[TEST_FILES.Sub^_^{Dir^}]Sub^&_~_File_~.Dat;1 as
DKA200:[TEST_FILES]This^_is^_a^_Test^{_File_^}.Dat;1 as

If BACKUP cannot convert a file name within its existing directory, it converts the file name and
leaves it unconnected so that ANALYZE /DISK /REPAIR can connect it to the [SYSLOST] directory,
where the file has an ODS-2-compliant name. BACKUP also displays messages similar to the
%BACKUP-I-RECOVCNT, 5 files could not be converted into a directory on
-BACKUP-I-RECOVCMD, use the Analyze/Disk_Structure/Repair command to
recover files

In this case, you need to move the file from [SYSLOST] to the appropriate directory. Refer to the
created as log messages to see where the file would logically be placed and place it there manually.

9.5.6. Modifying Disk Volume Characteristics

Use the DCL command SET VOLUME to modify the characteristics of one or more mounted Files–
11 disk volumes. To use this command, you must have write access to the index file on the volume.
If you are not the owner of the volume, you must have either a system UIC or the user privilege
SYSPRV. You must then specify the name of one or more mounted Files–11 volumes.

The following examples illustrate how you can use the SET VOLUME command.


This command requests that data checks be performed following all read and write operations to
the DKA100: volumes.


This command encodes the label LICENSES on the DKA100: volume. Note that, if characters in
labels are entered in lowercase, the /LABEL qualifier changes them to uppercase.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

9.5.7. Speeding Up Disk Mounting

The DISKMOUNT.C program can help to speed up disk mounts at system startup time. The program
reduces the MOUNT image activation time by directly calling the $MOUNT system service.

DISKMOUNT.C does not support mounting of disks connected to an InfoServer, disks served using
DFS, or stripe sets.

This program requires a VAX C compiler. Perform the following steps:


$EXAMPLES to a directory.

2. Define a logical name “SRC$”that points to this directory.

3. Assemble the DISKMOUNT.C and DISKMOUNT_CHILD.C files.


and DISKMOUNT_CHILD.EXE executable image files.

5. Copy these executable images to a directory, preferably SYS$MANAGER on the target system.

For additional information, see the comments in the DISKMOUNT.H file.

9.6. Setting Up Disk Volume Sets

The following sections discuss concepts related to disk volume sets and explain how to perform the
following actions:

Task Section
Create a disk volume set from new volumes Section 9.6.2
Create a shadowed disk volume set Section 9.6.3
Create a disk volume set from an existing volume Section 9.6.4
Add volumes to a disk volume set Section 9.6.5

9.6.1. Understanding Disk Volume Sets

A volume set is a collection of disk volumes bound into a single entity by the DCL command
MOUNT/BIND. To users, a volume set looks like a single, large volume. Volume sets have the
following characteristics:

• Files are automatically located anywhere on the volume set that space is available.

• Disk quotas are enforced over the entire set.

• A single directory structure covers the whole volume set.

Use a volume set to provide a large, homogeneous public file space. You must use a volume set to
create files that are larger than a single physical disk volume. (The file system attempts to balance the
load on the volume sets, for example, by creating new files on the volume that is the least full at the

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

If you want several distinct areas of file storage, with different types of users or different management
policies, you must use a separate volume or volume set for each area. For example, you might want
one volume for permanent user storage, with limited disk quotas and regular backups. You might want
another volume for “scratch” use, which means that the volume has liberal or no quotas and is not
backed up; also, its files are purged on a periodic basis. Each separate volume or volume set must
contain a top-level user file directory for each user who keeps files on that volume.

An advantage of separate volumes is their modularity. If one of the drives holding a volume set is out
of service, the whole volume set is unavailable because of its interconnected directory structure. When
a drive holding a single volume is not functioning, only the files on that volume are not available.

A disadvantage of volume sets is the large size of an image backup of a multivolume set, which might
affect your backup schedule. For example, if backing up each of five separate volumes takes 5 hours
in the evening, backing up these same volumes in a volume set will take 25 hours, which cannot be
done overnight, thus possibly causing a scheduling problem. Guidelines for Creating Disk Volume Sets

When planning disk volume sets, keep in mind the following points:

• You can turn any single volume into a volume set by binding it with a newly initialized volume.
Likewise, you can add another newly initialized volume to an existing volume set.

• Do not include a system disk in a volume set.

Do not make the system disk part of a volume set because updates, upgrades, and optional product
installations do not install correctly, and the operating system will no longer boot successfully.

• You cannot bind two existing separate volumes containing files into a volume set. (The MOUNT
command appears to let you do this, but the result is not a coherent volume set.)

• Enter the MOUNT/BIND command only once to bind a volume set; thereafter, the volume set
association is recorded on the volumes.(See Section 9.5 for details.)

• Once you bind two or more volumes into a volume set, you cannot separate them. The only way to
separate a volume set is to use the Backup utility (BACKUP)to copy sets of directories selectively.
(See Section 11.13 for more information.)

When you mount a disk volume set, the volume label specified in the list must correspond to a device
name in the same position in the device name list.

You can bind two or more disk volumes into a volume set. The first volume in the set is called the
root volume. Each volume in the set is identified by a volume number relative to the root volume,
which is always relative to volume 1.

When a disk volume set is on line and mounted, you can access all files and directories in the set by
specifying either of the following names:

• Device name of the device on which the root volume is mounted

• Logical name assigned to the volume set when it was mounted

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media Using the /BIND Qualifier

Use the /BIND qualifier with the MOUNT command to create a disk volume set in the following


volume-set-name Specifies a 1- to12-alphanumeric-character name

identifying the volume set.

The volume set name must be different from all volume labels within the set, and all labels in the set
must be unique.

The /BIND qualifier identifies a volume set by assigning it a volume set name that applies to all
volumes in the set. The qualifier also identifies the root volume and creates the directory structure for
the volume.

When you create files on a volume set, the file system allocates space for the files anywhere on the
set, wherever the most space exists. When existing files on any volume are extended, extension occurs
on the same volume unless the volume is physically full.

You can add new volumes to a volume set whenever additional space is needed. You can, for example,
bind all disk volumes that are mounted into a volume set on a daily basis. Since this set contains all
user file directories, users do not need to specify device names in file specifications to access files on
any volume in the volume set. In fact, the physical location of a file is of no concern to users of the

Do not bind your system disk into a volume set. System software updates and optional product
installations do not support volume sets. If certain system files move or extend to other volumes in the
set, the system might fail to boot.

You do not need special privileges to create volume sets. However, you must have write access to the
index file on all volumes you are attempting to bind into a volume set; this usually means you also
must have a system UIC, have the user privilege SYSPRV, or be the owner of the volumes.

The following sections explain how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Create a disk volume set from new volumes Section 9.6.2
Create a shadowed disk volume set Section 9.6.3
Create a disk volume set from an existing volume and a new volume Section 9.6.4
Add volumes to an existing disk volume set Section 9.6.5

9.6.2. Creating a Disk Volume Set from New Volumes

To create a disk volume set from new disk volumes:

1. Allocate the necessary devices and physically load the volumes.

2. Initialize each volume in the set.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

When you initialize volumes for a volume set, you can use qualifiers with the INITIALIZE
command to define the volume ownership and protection. Protection and ownership information
is obtained from the root(first) volume. The protection and ownership of the other volumes is

3. Enter the MOUNT/BIND command to create the volume set. The MOUNT/BIND command both
creates the volume set and mounts the volumes. When this command completes successfully, all
volumes in the set are ready for use; in other words, you can now create user file directories.

4. Use the /BIND qualifier only once to create the volume set. Subsequently, you can mount the
volume set with a single MOUNT command.


This example assumes that the volumes to be bound contain no files or data. The INITIALIZE
command initializes each volume in the set. The MOUNT/BIND command defines the volume
set name, MASTER_PAY, and defines the relative volume numbers of the volumes PAYVOL1,

The order of the device names corresponds to the volume labels specified:PAYVOL1 must be
physically loaded on DUA1:, PAYVOL2 on DUA2:, and PAYVOL3 on the DUA3: device.

PAYVOL1, which is listed first in the list of labels, becomes the root volume of the set. The
master file directory (MFD) for PAYVOL1 contains the directory structure for the entire volume


This example illustrates the use of one MOUNT command to mount a previously created volume

9.6.3. Creating a Shadowed Disk Volume Set

The following example illustrates one way to create a shadowed volume set.
MOUNT/BIND=TEST3013 DSA3011/SHADOW=($1$DUA402:, $1$DUA403:),
DSA3012/SHADOW=($1$DUA404:, $1$DUA405:) TEST3011, TEST3012 TEST3013

This command creates a volume set with the logical name TEST3013. The volume set TEST3013 is
shadowed, and each element of the shadowset (TEST3011 andTEST3012) is itself a volume set.

9.6.4. Creating a Disk Volume Set from an Existing

Volume and a New Volume
To create a disk volume set from an existing volume and a new volume:

1. Use the DISMOUNT command to dismount the existing volume. Use the/NOUNLOAD qualifier
to logically dismount the volume from the drive. (The volume, however, remains physically
loaded on the drive.)

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

2. Use the INITIALIZE command to initialize the new volume, specifying the device on which the
volume is to be mounted and the volume label.

3. Use the MOUNT/BIND command to bind the new volume to the existing volume, specifying the
volume set name, the devices on which the volumes are mounted, and the volume labels.

Specify the volume label of the existing volume first; it becomes the root volume of the set.
When you create a volume set from an existing volume, you must specify the label of the existing
volume first because the file system must build on the existing directory structure.

The following example shows how to create a disk volume set (called USERS)from an existing
volume. In this example, the volume USERFILES already contains a directory structure and files;the
volume is currently located on the DUA1: device.


In the MOUNT/BIND command, you must specify the existing volume label USERFILES before the
volume label USERFILES2. USERFILES will be the root volume of the set.

If you attempt to create a volume set from two or more volumes that already contain files and data, the
file system does not issue an error message when you enter the MOUNT/BIND command. However,
the volumes are unusable as a volume set because the directory structures are not properly bound.

9.6.5. Adding Volumes to an Existing Disk Volume Set

You can add volumes to an existing volume set at any time. The maximum number of volumes in a
volume set is 255.

This section contains examples that show how to add volumes to an existing volume set.


In this example, the volume set named MASTER_PAY is on line and mounted and has volumes
named PAYVOL1, PAYVOL2, and PAYVOL3.

The MOUNT/BIND command binds the volume PAYVOL4 with the existing volume set and
makes the volume ready and available for use. Note that, if the volume set MASTER_PAY is
mounted with the /SYSTEM, /GROUP, or /SHARE qualifier, the MOUNT/BIND command that
adds a volume to the set must also specify the appropriate qualifier.

When you add a volume to an existing set, the only volume in the set that you must mount is the
root volume, relative volume 1 (in this example, DUA4:). Mounting any of the other volumes is
not necessary.


Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media



In this example, a set named MASTER_PAY already exists, with volumes named PAYVOL1,

You can add a volume to a set at the same time that you mount the volume set, as this example
shows. Note that the first device/volume pair listed in the MOUNT/BIND command is the root
volume of the set, the DUA1: volume. When you add a volume to a set while mounting the set,
you must list the root volume first.

9.7. Expanding Volumes Dynamically

Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE), introduced in OpenVMS Version 7.3-2, allows you to explicitly
expand a file system if its corresponding storage container has additional space and has been
initialized for expansion. With Dynamic Volume Expansion, you do not need to take an application
offline if that application suddenly needs more storage space. The file system expansion occurs while
the application remains online.

File system expansion consists of the following steps:

1. Reserve additional bitmap space on a disk.

2. Enlarge your storage container.

3. Dynamically expand a volume.

These steps are discussed in the following sections.

9.7.1. Reserving Additional Bitmap Space

To expand your file system dynamically, you must first perform a one-time allocation of additional
bitmap space. To do this, you allocate space to the maximum size that can ever be used on a volume;
OpenVMS imposes an upper limit of 1TB.

You can perform the one-time allocation of additional bitmap space at either of the following times:

• At disk initialization time

To allocate additional bitmap space when you initialize a disk, enter the INITIALIZE /LIMIT
command; for example:

$ INITIALIZE /LIMIT $1$DGAnnn !Allocates 1TB bitmap space

• On a privately mounted volume

To allocate additional bitmap space later, enter the SET VOLUME /LIMIT command for a
privately mounted volume; for example:

$ SET VOLUME /LIMIT $1$DGAnnn !Allocates 1TB bitmap space

Once allocated, the volume can be expanded while the disk is mounted as shareable (MOUNT /

Notes about using these commands:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

• The default size of /LIMIT for both commands in the preceding examples is 1TB, which is also
the maximum size currently supported on OpenVMS. Under special circumstances, you might
want to specify a smaller size.

• Enter the SET VOLUME /LIMIT command to increase the expansion limit of the disk.

• When you enter either DCL command to expand bitmap space, you create a BITMAP.SYS file
that is large enough for all future growth.

• You can allocate additional bitmap space whether or not the physical volume has room for
expansion. The commands for allocating extra bitmap size and for expanding the volume size are
introduced in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2.

• Volumes that use the dynamic volume expansion feature can be used by any AlphaServer or VAX
system running OpenVMS Version 7.2 or higher.

9.7.2. Enlarging Storage Containers

You can enlarge storage containers in either of the following ways:

• By using the HSV controller to add storage. These controllers expand volume size online.

• By using Dissimilar Device Shadowing (DDS), which allows you to combine disks of varying
sizes into a shadow set.

With DDS, which is a new feature in OpenVMS Version 7.3-2, you can shadow one disk with other
disks that are larger than the original one. You can, for example, shadow an RA90 disk with Fibre
Channel disks. The only restriction is that additional shadow members must be at least as large as the
first member. No limit exists, however, on how much larger additional disks can be.

For more information about DDS, refer to HP Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS. Using Additional INITIALIZE Qualifiers for Dynamic

Volume Expansion
For better performance, you might want to create a file system that is smaller than the current physical
size of the volume. If you have a 36 Gb disk, but you anticipate adding an 18 GB disk in the future,
you might initialize the disk with the INITIALIZE /LIMIT command and then enter the following
command to reserve 18 GB of bitmap space:
$ INITIALIZE /SIZE=18000000 $1$DGAnnn

This command initializes the disk at 18 Gb of file system space. You can expand the file system later,
if the need arises.

To increase the expansion limit on volumes already in use, plan to increase the expansion limit during
the next convenient maintenance period using the SET VOLUME /LIMIT command.

When you use the /LIMIT qualifier with the INITIALIZE or SET VOLUME command, you increase
the BITMAP.SYS file by a few hundred blocks, which gives you much greater flexibility in the future.
You can later expand the volume (using the SET VOLUME /SIZE command) quickly if your storage
requirements increase unexpectedly. Increasing the Expansion Limit of Volumes in a Cluster

To increase the expansion limit of volumes in a cluster, do the following:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

1. Verify that all systems in the cluster are running OpenVMS Version 7.2 or higher.

2. If the disk is mounted shareable (if you specified one of the following qualifiers when you
mounted it: /CLUSTER, /GROUP, /SYSTEM, or /SHARE), dismount the disk and remount it for
private use. Do not specify /CLUSTER, /GROUP, /SYSTEM, or /SHARE.

3. Remount the disk as shareable.

The following example shows how to increase the expansion limit of a volume mounted in a


$ MOUNT $252$DUA716: TST716
$ MOUNT /CLUSTER $252$DUA716: TST716

9.8. Mounting ISO 9660 Volume Sets and

To access an ISO 9660-formatted CD–ROM, you can mount disk volumes in two ways:

• Directly, using the Mount utility (MOUNT)

• Indirectly, using the DCL command MOUNT

The Mount utility (MOUNT) builds the I/O database structures that are needed to access ISO 9660
directories and files. MOUNT also verifies the presence of an appropriate ACP to perform $QIO
functions specific to ISO 9660. Currently, you cannot mount ISO 9660 media as a system disk. Refer
to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for details.

For more information about ISO 9660 volume structure on CD–ROM media, refer to the Guide to
OpenVMS File Applications.

9.8.1. Mounting ISO 9660 Volume Sets

ISO 9660 supports volume sets of up to 65, 535 volume set members. At any one time, users can
mount a 255-member subset of the total volume set of 65, 535.

If your volume set is greater than the number of CD–ROM readers available to you, you can swap
volume set members, for example, as you might when you have a single reader with multiple volume
set members.

9.8.2. Mounting ISO 9660 Volume Groups

A volume group consists of one or more consecutively numbered volumes within a volume set.
Affinity between the members of a volume group is established by the fact that the volumes are
recorded together and are subject to the same maximum-volume-set-size parameter.

Each volume in a volume group contains information describing all the files and directories recorded
on all of the volumes in the volume set, up to and including the members of its volume group. For
example, assume that a volume set includes two volume groups:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

• The first group includes Volumes 1 and 2, which were recorded together, prior to the second

Volumes 1 and 2 each contain information only about their volume group; they have no
information about the volumes in the second volume group.

• The second group includes Volumes 3, 4, and 5, which were recorded together at a later date.

Volumes 3, 4, and 5 each contain information about all of the volumes in the volume set, including
Volumes 1 and 2.

How to Perform This Task

When you mount a volume set, you must first mount a member of the highest-numbered volume
group (the most recently recorded group – in the example, Volume 3, 4, or 5), because only a member
of the highest-numbered group has the information needed to mount all members of the volume set.

If you do not follow this requirement, you must dismount all of the volumes and start again by
specifying a member of the highest-numbered volume group as the first volume to be mounted.

9.8.3. Handling Partially Mounted ISO 9660 Volume

OpenVMS systems support partially mounted ISO 9660 volume sets. Data is usually read from all
mounted volumes in a manner that is transparent to the user program.

When a volume-set member is not mounted because the volume set is partially mounted, OPCOM
sends a message to the OPERATOR class DISK requesting that the unmounted volume be mounted.
If you do not honor the request within a specified time period, or if you do not enable the option to
provide for dynamically mounting a volume, the I/O process fails, and an error message is issued.

9.8.4. Mounting ISO 9660 Volumes Using SVDs

All ISO 9660 volumes contain a Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) that uses ASCII (ISO 646-IRV)
as the character set. Both ISO 9660 and OpenVMS file naming conventions use the same subset of
ASCII characters when displaying the directories and file names of a volume.

In addition to mounting ISO 9660 volumes using the default PVD, you can also mount ISO 9660
volumes using a Supplementary Volume Descriptor (SVD).

This capability allows access to an ISO 9660 volume with directories and file names containing
characters from character sets other than the ISO 9660 limited set, which includes only A through Z,
underscore (_), period (.) and semicolon (;).

The author of the ISO 9660 volume set must record the volume with the required PVD, and optionally
with one or more SVDs. Each SVD must contain a unique volume label and escape sequence.

Use the following command syntax to mount an ISO 9660 device using an SVD:

MOUNT device-name volume-label /UCS_SEQUENCE=escape_sequence


Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

device-name Specifies the physical device name or logical name of the device on which the
ISO 9660 volume is to be mounted.
volume-label Specifies the SVD volume label obtained from the author's label on the CD–
escape-sequence Specifies the escape sequence obtained from the author's label on the CD–ROM.

If an ISO 9660 volume contains SVDs with no escape sequence specified, the default character set
is assumed to be ISO 646 (ASCII). This default character set allows the use of the file specification
character set supported by OpenVMS, which includes these additional characters:dollar sign ($) and
dash (-).

Use the following command syntax to mount a volume using the SVD volume label when no escape
sequence is specified:
MOUNT device-name volume-label /UCS_SEQUENCE=""

If an ISO 9660 volume contains SVDs with escape sequences other than ISO 646, ISO 2022 or ISO
13646 (formats on CDs), the character set might not interoperate with the OpenVMS file specification

Refer to the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications for more information about ISO 9660 volume
structure on CD–ROM media.

9.8.5. Handling ISO 9660 Restrictions

Table 9.15 describes problems and restrictions that apply to OpenVMS support of the ISO 9660
standard and explains how to resolve them.

Table 9.15. ISO 9660 Restrictions

Media Affected Description and Resolution
Volume Labels These can contain from 1 to 32 characters. The first 12 characters are used
to produce a unique volume identity. If the label is not unique within the first
12 characters, the volume will not mount and the following error message is

%SYSTEM-F-VOLALRMNT, another volume of the same label

already mounted

How to resolve this problem:

Mount the volume specifying a different volume label and use the /
OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION qualifier. This will override the volume's
label so as not to conflict with the label of an already-mounted volume.
Volume Set Labels These can be from 1 to 128 characters in length. The first 12 characters are
used to produce a unique volume set identity. If the volume set label is not
unique within the first 12 characters, the volume will not mount and one of
the following error messages will be displayed:

%SYSTEM-F-VOLINSET, volume is already part of another

volume set

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Media Affected Description and Resolution

%MOUNT-F-DUPRVN, duplicate volume number already mounted

How to resolve this problem:

Mount the volume specifying a new volume set label with the /BIND=
volume-set-name command qualifier.
Volume Label and The first 12 characters of both the volume label and the volume set label
Volume Set Label are used to produce different lock manager resource names, which are
Duplication then used to coordinate volume and volume set associations. If both the
volume label and the volume set label are the same (within the first 12
characters, including null labels), a lock manager deadlock error occurs and
the following error message is displayed:

%SYSTEM-F-DEADLOCK, deadlock detected

How to resolve this problem:

Mount the volume specifying a different volume label and use the /
OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION command qualifier. This will override the
volume's label so as not to conflict with the volume set's label.
Undefined Record Many ISO 9660 CD–ROMs are mastered without a specified record format
Format Errors because the ISO 9660 media can be mastered from platforms that do not
support the semantics of files containing predefined record formats.

OpenVMS file system utilities (such as TYPE and COPY), language RTLs,
and applications that use RMS for record access may report RMS errors,
utility errors, and language errors when accessing files whose record format
is undefined or appears illegally specified.

How to resolve this problem:

Use the following command syntax at mount time to force all files of type
UNDEFINED to the STREAM record format having a maximum record
length of 512 bytes:


For more information about RMS record formatting, refer to the OpenVMS
Record Management Utilities Reference Manual and the OpenVMS Record
Management Services Reference Manual.

9.9. Mounting Tape Volume Sets

The procedure for mounting a tape volume set is similar to the procedure for mounting a single
tape volume, described in Section 9.5. The number of volume identifiers does not need to equal the
number of device names you specify. In other words, when you mount a tape volume set, you can
specify more volume identifiers than device names or more device names than volumes.

The number of devices you specify directly affects the action taken by the tape file system when
processing continuation volumes in a volume set. For example, when the number of devices is greater
than the number of volumes, the tape files system requests a continuation volume to be mounted on
the first drive from the list that does not have a volume mounted.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

When mounting a volume set, make sure that all the volumes in the set contain write rings if the
user intends to write to any of the volumes in the set. (If even one of the volumes in the set does not
contain a write ring at mount time, all volumes are write-locked; the system is unable to write to any
of them.) Load the volumes on the drives that have been allocated and place the drives on line.

The following sections explain how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Create a tape volume set Section 9.9.1
Mount continuation volumes in a volume set Section 9.9.2
Mount volume sets with automatic switching disabled Section

9.9.1. Creating a Tape Volume Set

If you do not create a volume set explicitly, the operating system creates one when necessary. If you
have not mounted a volume set and a continuation volume is required, the tape file system requests
that a continuation volume be mounted and implicitly creates a volume set. For example, if the tape
file system encounters an EOT mark while writing a volume, it sends a message to the operator
console requesting that another volume be mounted.

After you mount the next volume, the tape file system writes the volume and header labels and then
reissues the pending write requests to the continuation volume. The file-set identifier in the first file-
header label of all files written to the continuation volume is the file-set identifier of the first file
on the first volume. The file-set identifier for volume sets is always that of the first file of the first
volume that is mounted in the set.

How to Perform This Task

To explicitly create a volume set with three volumes, for example, follow these steps:

1. Allocate devices on which you will load the volumes.

2. Initialize the volumes. Specify the density and the access protection in addition to the device name
and the volume identifier in the INITIALIZE commands.

3. Mount the volumes, including the device names and volume identifiers. Specifying a logical name
for the volume set is optional. The system not only confirms which volumes have been mounted,
but also indicates on which drive each volume has been mounted.

The system mounts and verifies only the volumes that are physically loaded on the devices at
mount time. However, the volume identifiers of additional volumes that you specify are not
verified until the volumes are accessed.

4. You can check the densities, volume labels, UICs, and relative volume numbers of the volumes
that are mounted on devices. To do so, specify the SHOWDEVICES/FULL command. If you
specify a generic device code for the tape drives, such as MU, information is displayed for all
drives of that type configured in the system.

To display information for a volume mounted on a specific drive, specify the physical device
code, consisting of the generic device code, the controller designation, and the unit number
followed by a colon.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

For more information about the SHOW DEVICES command, including examples of displays
returned by the SHOW DEVICES/FULL command, see Section 8.3 or the VSI OpenVMS DCL

%DCL-I-ALLOC, _MARS$MUA0: allocated
%DCL-I-ALLOC, _MARS$MUA1: allocated
%DCL-I-ALLOC, _MARS$MUA2: allocated

The commands in this example allocate a drive on which you will load each volume.



The commands in this example initialize the volumes. The commands specify the density and the
access protection in addition to the device name and the volume identifier.


%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TAPE1 mounted on _MUA0:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TAPE2 mounted on _MUA1:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TAPE3 mounted on _MUA2:

The commands in this example mount the volumes. The commands include the device name and
volume identifier.

9.9.2. Mounting Continuation Volumes in a Tape

Volume Set
When mounting a tape volume set, follow the general procedures described in Section 9.9.1. Once
you create the volume set, you do not need to initialize the volumes when you mount the volume set.

Allocating a drive for each volume in the volume set is not necessary. The tape file system requests
that volumes be switched to appropriate drives when continuation volumes are required.

The operating system stores, but cannot verify, the identifiers of volumes you specify but do not
physically mount on drives at mount time. The system later verifies the volume identifiers when the
volumes are accessed.

The operating system supports the continuous processing of mounted volumes in a tape volume set
through automatic volume switching and automatic volume labeling (AVL). Creating Labels

Depending on the following conditions, the file system does or does not create a label:

• If the file system is writing to the volume set, it creates a label for the magnetic tape and initializes
the tape with that label and the protection characteristics set for the first volume of the volume set.

• If the tape file system is reading the volume set, it tries to mount the next tape in the volume set
with that label.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

• If the drive has no tape loaded on it, or the wrong tape, the tape file system sends a message to the
operator console notifying the operator either to mount a tape or to mount the correct tape.

Before processing continuation volumes, the tape file system processes the protection on that volume
(as described in Section 9.4.2). If the file system determines that the user does not have access to the
volume, it sends a message to the operator.

The label fills the six-character volume identifier field:

• Characters 1 to 4 of the field contain the first four characters of the label specified for the previous
volume in the volume set. (If the label is less than four characters, the volume identifier field
is padded with underscores; for example, if the volume identifier is XXX, the padded field is

• Characters 5 and 6 contain the relative volume number for that reel in the volume set.

Note that the system can generate only 99 unique labels for a given volume set.

With automatic volume switching enabled, the operator can load a tape on the next drive allocated to
the tape volume set anytime before the volume being processed reaches the EOT mark. The tape file
system mounts and initializes (if INITIALIZE was specified originally) the next tape in the volume
set and then notifies the operator that the switch has occurred. Enabling Automatic Volume Switching

To use automatic volume switching, you must allocate more than one tape drive to your volume set.
After you do so, the tape file system switches volumes for you automatically by selecting the next
tape drive allocated to the volume set. The tape file system expects you to load the next volume in the
volume set on that drive.

In this example, the volume with the identifier TAPE is mounted on the MUA0: drive. Load
continuation volumes for this set on the tape drives in the following order: MUA1:, MUA2:,
MUA0:, MUA1:, MUA2:, and so forth.



This example shows the use of the /INITIALIZE=CONTINUATION qualifier for mounting
volume sets. It also shows how the system creates volume identifiers for continuation volumes.

The volume labeled MAIN is mounted on the MUA0: drive. The second volume in the set
receives the volume identifier MAIN02 and is mounted on the MUA1: drive. The third volume in
the set receives the volume identifier MAIN03 and is mounted on the MUA0: drive.

To ensure that any volume added to the tape volume set is initialized prior to being written
to, mount the volume with the /INITIALIZE=CONTINUATION qualifier. The default is /


In this example, the first volume in the set is labeled SUN and is mounted on the MUA0: drive.
The second volume receives the identifier SUN_02 and is mounted on the MUA1: drive. The third
volume receives the identifier SUN_03 and is mounted on the MUA0: drive.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media


In this example, a continuation volume with two volume identifiers, SUN and MOON, is mounted
on MUA0: and MUA1:, respectively. If a third volume is added to the set, it is given the identifier
MOON03 and is mounted on the MUA0: drive. Disabling Automatic Switching

If your site prelabels volumes, you must disable automatic volume switching to avoid overwriting
these labels. To explicitly override automatic volume switching, specify the /NOAUTOMATIC
qualifier when mounting a tape volume. (The default is /AUTOMATIC.) Note that if you allocate only
one drive to the tape volume set, automatic volume switching is implicitly disabled.

When a user is reading or writing to a magnetic tape and the tape reaches end-of-tape position,
the system suspends processing and sends a request to mount the next tape in the volume set. For

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 28-MAY-2000 15:23:31.78 %%%%%%%%%%%

request 3, from user PLAW
MOUNT new relative volume 2 (DW0QT2) on MUA1:

The user does not see this message and might not realize that another tape is needed to complete the
read or write operation.


The command in this example tells MOUNT not to supply its own label for the second volume but,
instead, to use the ones specified in the MOUNT command. Sending Messages Back to Users

After loading the continuation volume on the drive specified in the mount request, mount the volume
by entering the REPLY command with one of the three qualifiers shown in Table 9.16. For more
information about these qualifiers, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

Table 9.16. REPLY Command Qualifiers for Continuation Volumes

Qualifier Description
/BLANK_TAPE= identification-number Use with an unformatted volume for write
operations. This qualifier initializes the volume
and requires the VOLPRO and OPER privileges
to avoid a runaway tape or timeout condition.
Either of the following REPLY commands is


The first command does not specify a volume

identifier; the second does.
/INITIALIZE_TAPE= identification- Use with a formatted volume for write operations
number if the volume identifier on the continuation

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Qualifier Description
volume does not match the one specified in the
mount request. The file system reinitializes the
tape and mounts the volume with the new volume
identifier. The tape file system then performs
access checks and initializes the volume as if
the INITIALIZE command had been specified.
Any data on the tape prior to specifying the /
INITIALIZE_TAPE qualifier is lost. The current
terminal must be enabled as an operator terminal
for TAPES.

Either of the following commands is valid:


The first command does not specify a volume

identifier; the second does.
/TO= identification-number Use with a formatted volume for both read
and write operations. During a write operation,
use the /TO qualifier if you want the volume
identifier that is specified in the mount request to
be written on the continuation volume.

For example, to respond to the mount request 3,

mount volume DW0QT2 on drive MTA1: and
enter one of the following commands:


The first command does not specify a volume

identifier; the second does.

Specifying the Volume Identifier with the MOUNT Command

Specifying the volume identifier in the MOUNT command is essential during write operations
because it ensures that the correct volume is mounted on the drive and links the continuation volume
to the volume set.

Omitting the Volume Identifier with the REPLY/TO Command

To preserve the accessibility character on a volume, you must omit the volume identifier with the
REPLY/TO command during a write operation. (When you read from tape, the volume identifier is

If you initialize and mount a volume set in which each volume has a unique accessibility character
that you want to maintain, avoid using the volume identifier because it causes the accessibility
character of the first volume in the set to overwrite the accessibility character on the continuation

For example, to preserve the accessibility character, enter the following command in which 3 is the
request identification number:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media


Once the tape file system receives the REPLY command, the system performs checks on the
continuation volume to ensure that the volume is the correct one. If it is the correct volume with
proper access codes, the system mounts the volume and reissues pending read or write requests to the
continuation volume. If the volume fails any of these access checks, the system does not mount the
volume (or initialize and mount it in the case of a blank tape).

9.9.3. Modifying Magnetic Tape Characteristics

Use the DCL command SET MAGTAPE to define the default characteristics associated with a
specific tape device for subsequent file operations. The SET MAGTAPE command is valid only for
magnetic tape devices mounted with foreign volumes.

Use the following format for the command:

SET MAGTAPE device-name


device-name Specifies the name of the tape device for which

the characteristics are to be set. The device must
not be currently allocated to any other user.

The following examples illustrate uses of the SET MAGTAPE command in conjunction with the
MOUNT command.


In this example, the MOUNT command mounts a foreign tape on the MUB1: drive. The SET
MAGTAPE command defines the density at 800 bits per inch for writing to the magnetic tape.
(The density is reset only if the tape has never been written before.)



In this example, the MOUNT command mounts a tape called USER_VOL on the MUA0: drive.
The SETMAGTAPE command directs the I/O subsystem to position the tape to skip four files.

On local SCSI tape drives, you can use the /FAST_SKIP=option qualifier to skip by file mark or
by record. See the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for more information.


In this example, the MOUNT command mounts a foreign tape on the MUA1: drive. The SET
MAGTAPE command rewinds the volume.

9.10. Dismounting Volumes and Volume Sets

When you finish processing the files or data on a disk or tape volume, use the DISMOUNT command
to explicitly dismount a single volume or an entire volume set.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Use the following format when you enter the DISMOUNT command:

DISMOUNT device-name


device-name Name of the device containing the volume –

either a logical name or a physical name. If you
specify a physical name, the controller defaults to
A and the unit defaults to 0.

If the volume currently mounted on the device

is a member of a disk or tape volume set, all
volumes in the set are dismounted unless you
specify the /UNIT qualifier.

You can dismount a volume on a local node or on all the nodes throughout a cluster.

Before dismounting a volume or volume set, the DISMOUNT command checks for conditions that
prevent the dismount from completing:

• Installed swap and page files

• Installed images

• Devices spooled to the volume

• Open user file (any files not falling into one of the first three groups)

If none of these conditions is found, the volume is marked for dismount. If any of these conditions
exists, the DISMOUNT command does not mark the volume for dismount but, instead, displays error
messages indicating the conditions that exist, the number of instances of each condition, and the fact
that the volume cannot be dismounted.

If you attempt to dismount the system disk after it has been mounted shared, you may see a message
such as the following one, even if there are no user files open:

%DISM-W-CANNOTDMT, AXP27$DKA300: cannot be dismounted

%DISM-W-USERFILES, 1 user file open on volume

The message occurs because the file DISMOUNT.EXE is opened as a “user” file in the course of the
dismount operation. To eliminate the error message, install the file DISMOUNT.EXE.

In some cases, you might want to mark a volume for dismount even though files are open on the
volume. Marking the volume for dismount prevents users from opening any new files, thereby
allowing activity to wind down. You can use the qualifier /OVERRIDE=CHECKS to mark the
volume for dismount even if files are open.

Dismounting with Cached Information

As a performance enhancement, the system stores volume information in memory, including
information about free space on a disk volume, file identifications, quota file entries, and file headers.
This storing of information is called caching. Cached information can include blocks allocated but not
yet in a file, or files created but not yet in a directory.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

The system writes the information in the caches to the disk when you dismount the disk or shut down
the system. If you remove a disk from a drive before the caches are written to disk, the information in
the caches is lost. Therefore, you must follow these guidelines:

• Avoid write-locking a volume while it is mounted.

• Do not remove a volume from a drive before it has been dismounted.

• Do not halt the system without performing an orderly shutdown procedure (see Section 4.8.1).

You cannot dismount a volume if any known file lists associated with the volume contain entries. If
a volume is referenced in a known file list, you must complete the following steps before you can
dismount the volume:

1. Delete all known images associated with the volume using the Install utility DELETE command.
For more information, see VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning,
Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

2. Wait for:

a. All processes using those images to release the images.

b. The system to write writable images back to their files.

Use the DCL command SHOW DEVICES/FILES to determine the status of the files.

The following sections explain how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Dismount a single volume Section 9.10.1
Dismount a volume set Section 9.10.2
Dismount foreign volumes Section 9.10.3
Dismount a volume in a cluster Section 9.10.4

9.10.1. Dismounting a Single Volume

This section explains procedures to follow in dismounting a single volume and also describes some of
the qualifiers you can use with the DISMOUNT command. Dismounting Before Unloading a Volume

Always explicitly dismount a volume or volume set with the DISMOUNT command, or with a
command procedure containing that command, before physically unloading that volume. Always wait
for the drive to unload before you remove the volume. (You can verify that the dismount is complete
by entering the DCL command SHOW DEVICES.)

A private volume is dismounted and unloaded automatically if you log out of the job from which you
mounted the volume. If the system fails, however, the drive is not automatically dismounted.

Note that data loss can occur if you do not explicitly dismount a volume and the system fails. For tape
volumes, data loss can occur if you unload a volume that contains an open file for which file-trailer
labels have not been written. When you remount the volume and attempt to access the file without
file-trailer labels, you receive the following error message:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

%MTACP-magnetic tape position lost

You can access all the files that precede the file whose file-trailer labels have not been written.
However, you cannot access the file that does not have file-trailer labels. Dismounting Allocated Devices

If the device you are dismounting was allocated with an ALLOCATE command, it remains allocated
after you dismount it with the DISMOUNT command. If the device was implicitly allocated with the
MOUNT command, the DISMOUNT command deallocates it. Using DISMOUNT Command Qualifiers

The following table explains the /UNIT and /NOUNLOAD qualifiers.

Qualifier Description
/UNIT Explicitly dismounts a single volume in the volume set without dismounting the
entire set. (By default, the system dismounts all the volumes in the set when you
explicitly dismount a single volume in a volume set.)

Using this qualifier dismounts a volume but does not “unbind” the volume from
the volume set; if you remount the volume, it becomes part of the volume set
/NOUNLOAD Overrides the default automatic unloading of your volume from the drive. With
this qualifier, your volume is logically dismounted from the drive; however, the
volume remains physically loaded on the drive.

If you use this qualifier to dismount a tape volume, the volume remains loaded
on the tape drive and the tape reel is rewound to the BOT mark.

Using this qualifier can save time and eliminate unnecessary handling of a
volume if you plan to remount or reinitialize a volume you are dismounting.


The following example shows how to use the DISMOUNT command. The example uses the /
NOUNLOAD qualifier.


In this example, the tape volume is logically dismounted and remains loaded on the MUA1: device.
Also, the tape reel is rewound to the beginning-of-tape mark. The operating system returns you to
DCL level.

9.10.2. Dismounting a Volume Set

Use the DISMOUNT command to dismount an entire volume set. If you explicitly dismount any
volume in a disk or tape volume set, the entire volume set is dismounted. For example, if you have
a volume set that consists of DUA3: and DUA4: and you enter the following command, the entire
volume set is dismounted:


Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

9.10.3. Dismounting Foreign Volumes

You also use the DISMOUNT command to dismount foreign volumes. The following command
dismounts a volume that has been mounted with the /FOREIGN qualifier on the DUA0: device:


In this example, the volume that had been mounted with the /FOREIGN qualifier on DUA0: is
dismounted and automatically unloaded. The system returns you to DCL level.

9.10.4. Dismounting a Volume in an OpenVMS Cluster

You can use the DISMOUNT command to dismount a volume throughout an OpenVMS Cluster
system by using the /CLUSTER qualifier. The following command, which requires SYSNAM
privilege, dismounts a volume in an OpenVMS Cluster system:


The DISMOUNT/CLUSTER command first checks for conditions that prevent the volume from
dismounting on the local node. If none is found, the command then checks for such conditions on all
the other nodes. If a condition is found on any node, the command sends error messages identifying
the device, the node on which the error occurred, and the error.

For more information about the DISMOUNT command, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

9.11. Using Command Procedures for Media

Many of the operations that you perform on disk and tape media are routine. It is worthwhile to
identify those routine tasks and design command procedures to assist you in performing them.
To become familiar with the syntax used to design and execute command procedures, refer to the
OpenVMS User’s Manual.

You might, for example, want to design command procedures to set up private disk and tape volumes.
The command procedure examples in this section, although general in nature, can serve as guiding
strategies for you. You can tailor these command procedures to meet the needs of your own setup

9.11.1. Sample Command Procedure for Setting Up

Disk Volumes
The command procedure in this section allocates, initializes, and mounts a disk volume. Follow these

1. Use a text editor to create a file named SETUP.COM.

2. Enter the following command procedure, which, when executed, allocates and mounts a disk:

$ ! Place a disk in the drive

$ IF P1 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P1 "enter device name"
$ IF P2 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P2 "enter volume label"

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

$ IF P3 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P3 "enter logical name"

$ ALLOCATE 'P1'$ MOUNT 'P1' 'P2' 'P3'

This command procedure, although very simple, accomplishes the task of allocating and mounting
a disk each time you execute it. It prompts you for the device name, volume label, and logical
name of the disk device that you want to allocate and mount. By assigning logical names to your
disks, you can use this command procedure to allocate and mount devices repeatedly.

You can take further advantage of the power of a command procedure by including a few
additional tasks as well. For example, you might design the SETUP.COM command procedure to
deallocate and dismount the disk. The command procedure example used to set up a magnetic tape
(described in Section 9.11.2)takes advantage of some of these options.

3. To execute the SETUP.COM command procedure, enter the following command:


9.11.2. Sample Command Procedure for Setting Up

Tape Volumes
The command procedure shown in Example 9.1, which is more complex and detailed than the
previous example, is designed to set up a magnetic tape for processing. The ALLOCATE and
MOUNT /FOREIGN commands are included in this command procedure. Using a text editor,
construct the command procedure as shown in the example.

Example 9.1. Command Procedure to Set Up Tape Volumes

$ ! First mount the tape on the drive
$ L1: INQUIRE/NOPUNC PHYS "Have you placed the volume in the drive? "
$ INQUIRE/NOPUNC DRIVE "Which drive is the volume mounted on? "
$ DRIVE = DRIVE - ":"
$ !
$ !
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Enter any of the following commands at the prompt:"
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "DIR (To search for a file)"

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "EXIT (To exit this program)"

$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "FETCH (To perform a BACKUP RESTORE operation)"
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "HELP (To read this text)"
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "LIST (To perform a BACKUP LIST operation)"
$ !
$ INQUIRE SAVESET "Save set name"
$ INQUIRE EXCLUDE "Enter any filespecs you want excluded"
$ !
$ L2: INQUIRE/NOPUNC TO "Where do you want the file(s)? (RET for current
$ LINE := 'LINE' 'TO'
$ !
$ L3: INQUIRE/NOPUNC NEW "Create a new version if file already exists? "
$ !
$ !
$ INQUIRE SAVESET "Save set name"
$ INQUIRE/NOPUNC OUTPUT "What do you want to call the list file? (RET for
$ !
$ L4: INQUIRE EXCLUDE "Enter any filespecs you want excluded"
$ !
$ L5: LINE
$ !

Assuming this command procedure is in a file named FETCH.COM, execute the command procedure
by entering the following command:


In addition to allocating and mounting functions, as in the previous example, FETCH.COM

prompts you for input. For example, it specifically asks you if the tape is on the drive. Also note
that FETCH.COM implements a BACKUP restore operation. It prompts you for specific options on

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

the restore operation. Finally, FETCH.COM explicitly dismounts your magnetic tape volume and
deallocates the drive after your task completes.

9.12. Managing Disk Space

Disk space available for files is finite. You share responsibility with your users for making the best use
of disk space.

The following sections explain disk quotas and describe some methods you can use to conserve and
monitor disk space:

Method Section
Establish disk quotas Section 9.12.2
Purge files Section 9.12.3
Set version limits on files Section 9.12.4
Set file expiration dates Section 9.12.5
Analyze and repair error conditions Section 9.13

9.12.1. Understanding Disk Quotas

A disk quota is a method for maintaining and enforcing limits on the amount of disk space available
to users on a public volume. You limit the amount of space available to individual users on public
volumes (or volume sets) by creating and maintaining a quota file on each volume. Individual users
can similarly restrict usage on private volumes.

Quotas are maintained and enforced on a per-volume basis. Each volume or volume set has its own
quota file. A volume on which quotas are not maintained has no quota file. On a volume set, volume 1
contains the quota file.

With OPER privilege, you (or the user maintaining the volume) supply identifiers and assign quotas
and overdrafts with the System Management utility (SYSMAN). (During normal file activities, the
system automatically maintains usage counts.)

If users run out of disk space during the creation of a file, they receive a system message. If they
cannot obtain sufficient space by purging or deleting unnecessary files, they might contact you to
increase their disk quota. If they attempt to write a file to a spooled printer, they must have write
access and have sufficient quota on the disk associated with that printer.

Disk Quota File

A quota file records all users who are allowed to use the disk, and shows their current disk usage and
their maximum disk allocation. A quota file, QUOTA.SYS, which is stored in directory [000000] with
other system files, requires one block of disk storage for every 16 entries.

A quota file has the following format:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

UIC ( ) Usage ( ) Permanent Quota ( ) Overdraft Limit ( )

[0, 0] 0 333333 3333
[TTD, DAVIS] 15590 333333 3333
[TTD, MORGAN] 1929 333333 3333
[MKT, MORSE] 7650 333333 3333

User identification code (UIC) of each user entitled to maintain files on the volume. UIC [0, 0]
appears in all quota files; use it as a template to set default values for quotas and overdrafts.
Number of disk blocks currently dedicated to a user's files. This number includes the blocks
allocated (shown by the DCL command DIRECTORY /SIZE=ALL /BY_OWNER= uic), plus
at least one block in the index file for every file owned by the user.
Maximum number of blocks on the volume that a user's files can occupy. When the maximum
number is exceeded, the system issues an error message when a file is created.
Number of blocks by which a user can exceed the quota.

Each entry in a quota file includes the information shown in Table 9.17.

Table 9.17. Contents of a Quota File

Item Description
General Identifier Identification code of a user entitled to maintain files on the volume
or UIC
Usage Number of blocks on the volume taken up by the user's files
Quota Maximum number of blocks on the volume that the user's files can take up
before an error message is issued
Overdraft Number of blocks over the quota that the user's files can take up

The maximum number of blocks permitted to a user on a volume is the sum of the quota and the

A quota file is initialized with an entry for UIC [0, 0]. The usage count for this UIC should not change
from 0; in other words, UIC [0, 0] should own no files. Its quota and overdraft, however, serve as
defaults in certain situations; set them to values most likely to be assigned to other UICs as quotas and

How Quotas Are Maintained

During normal use of a volume with a quota file, the system automatically updates the usage counts as
users create, delete, extend, and truncate files. Users without entries in the quota file are not allowed
to create files or allocate space on the volume unless they have the EXQUOTA privilege.

To create new files, a user must have disk space usage below quota (not overdraft). If adding a new
file or expanding a current file exceeds a user's quota, the system prohibits the operation and issues an
error message.

A user with an overdraft might be able to extend an open file after exceeding the disk quota (for
example, during an editing session). A user can extend an open file until usage exceeds the sum of the
quota and the overdraft. At this point, the system prohibits further extensions to the file.

Quota restrictions are not enforced for users with the EXQUOTA privilege;however, their usage
counts are maintained.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

How the Rebuild Operation Ensures Quota File Accuracy

When you mount a volume that was not properly dismounted the last time it was used, the system
performs an automatic REBUILD operation. If quotas are enforced on the volume, this action ensures
that the quota file accurately reflects usage of the disk, under any of the following conditions:

• The system fails

• The volume is physically removed before being dismounted

• A user presses the WRITE PROTECT button

9.12.2. Establishing Disk Quotas

Disk quota operations are enabled by default. However, you can use SYSMAN DISKQUOTA
commands to control disk usage. You can assign disk quotas to users and maintain an accurate record
of disk use for ODS Level 2 or 5 disks. You create a quota file for each disk except the system disk.
The quota file records the current usage and the maximum disk usage for all users.

SYSMAN allows you to access disks that are normally unavailable from your local node. With
SYSMAN, you can obtain a display of all disks on the other nodes, including those that are mounted
privately or used as system disks. You can run DISKQUOTA on any available disk without logging in
to each node. Creating a Quota File

The first step in allocating disk space is to create a quota file for each volume or each volume set. The
absolute maximum number of blocks permitted a user on a volume is the sum of the quota and the
overdraft. Only users with the EXQUOTA privilege can bypass disk quota restrictions.

How to Perform This Task

Creating a quota file requires SYSPRV, BYPASS, or GRPPRV privilege. To create a quota file on a
disk using SYSMAN commands:

1. Use the DISKQUOTA CREATE command and specify the target disk with the /DEVICE qualifier
using the following format:

To use the DISKQUOTA ENABLE command on a disk that has been mounted on multiple nodes in a
cluster, you must first specify the nodes in the SET ENVIRONMENT command.

2. Use the DISKQUOTA MODIFY command to adjust [0, 0] to an appropriate value for the device
using the following format:

If you create a quota file or enable disk quotas on a disk that has files on it, use the DISKQUOTA
REBUILD command to update the disk quota entries with the current usage information.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

3. Use the DISKQUOTA SHOW command to display the quota file using the following format:

DISKQUOTA SHOW owner/DEVICE=device-spec



The first SYSMAN command in this example sets the environment for all nodes in the cluster.
The second SYSMAN command sets up the quota file, QUOTA.SYS, in directory [000000] on the
DUA12: device.

The quota file has one entry, UIC [0, 0], that stores default values for quotas and overdrafts.


The command in this example edits the entry for UIC [0, 0] in the quota file on the
DUA12:device, setting the default permanent quota to 3000 blocks.


The command in this example shows quotas, overdrafts, and usage counts for UIC [0, 0] on the
DUA12: device. Monitoring Disk Quotas

Use the commands shown in the following table to monitor the amount of disk space users consume:

Command Description
MOUNT /QUOTA Use to enforce quotas on a specified disk volume. You must have the VOLPRO
user privilege, or your UIC must match the UIC written on the volume.
SHOW QUOTA Use to determine whether a quota exists for any specific user on a specific disk.
The display that results from the SHOW QUOTA command gives the quotas
used, authorized, and available.

Enter the DCL command SHOW QUOTA using the following format:

SHOW QUOTA/USER=uic (or identifier)

The results of the SHOW QUOTA command depend on whether you have read
access to the quota file:

• If you have read access, the command shows how much disk space any user
on the system has been allocated.

• If you do not have read access, the command shows your own allotment.


User [DOCUMENTATION, MALCOLM] has 2780 blocks used, 7220 available,
of 10000 authorized and permitted overdraft of 500 blocks on DISK$

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

The SHOW QUOTA command displays the amount of disk space authorized, used, and still
available on the current default disk for the present user. The permitted overdraft in this example
is 500 blocks.


%SYSTEM-F-NODISKQUOTA, no disk quota entry for this UIC

This SHOW QUOTA command shows that the user with UIC[DOCUMENTATION, JONES] has
no disk quota allocation on the XXX1: device.


User [DOCUMENTATION, ELAINE] has 27305 blocks used, 2305 OVERDRAWN,
of 25000 authorized and permitted overdraft of 4000 blocks on DISK$

This SHOW QUOTA command indicates that a user has an overdrawn quota. Suspending Quota Operations

The SYSMAN command DISKQUOTA DISABLE (which requires SYSPRV privilege, a system
UIC, or ownership of the volume), suspends quota operations on a volume in the current management
environment; the DISKQUOTA ENABLE command lifts the suspension. You can also suspend
quota operations on a volume at mount time by specifying the /NOQUOTA qualifier with the DCL
command MOUNT. Disabling quotas requires privileges.

Whenever quotas are enabled on a volume – either implicitly with the MOUNT command or
explicitly with the DISKQUOTA ENABLE command – you must update disk quota information
using the command DISKQUOTA REBUILD. In updating the quota file, the system adds new UICs
and corrects usage counts for each user. (Refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities
Reference Manual for more information.)

How to Perform This Task

To discontinue quota operations on a volume:

1. Log in to SYSMAN.

2. Use the following format to execute the DISKQUOTA DISABLE command on each member of
the cluster that is mounting the volume:


3. Exit from SYSMAN.

4. Delete the QUOTA.SYS file in the top-level directory disk:[000000].

Note that the system does not suspend quotas across disk mounts if the QUOTA.SYS file is still

9.12.3. Purging Files

One of the best ways to conserve disk space is to purge the following items:

• Old versions of files

Before purging files, make sure that the most recent versions are the ones you want to preserve.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

• System log files that the system generates automatically, such as the operator log and accounting
log files

• Log files created by the PRINT and SUBMIT commands

Encourage individual users to purge files in their own areas and directories. If necessary, you can
purge files from some or all directories. The following examples show purge commands.


The command in this example purges all files in the directory [JONES] and all the subdirectories
below [JONES] on the $DISK1: device. It logs the files that are deleted (displaying their names on
the terminal as they are deleted).

2. $ PURGE/KEEP=3 $DISK1:[*...]

This example uses wildcard characters to perform global purges and uses the /KEEP qualifier to
retain only three versions of each file.

9.12.4. Setting Version Limits on Files

Another way to conserve disk space is to limit the number of file versions that users can create
in a directory by using the /VERSION_LIMIT qualifier with the SET DIRECTORY or CREATE
DIRECTORY command using the following format:



In the example, files in account [JONES] cannot exceed three versions. If a user in this directory
attempts to exceed the three-version limit, the system purges the file, leaving only the three most
recent versions.

Be careful about setting a version limit on the master file directory (MFD). Because the system uses
the version limit that you set on the MFD on any directory you create beneath the MFD, users might
inadvertently lose important data.

9.12.5. Setting File Expiration Dates

Files–11 uses the expiration date of each file to track the use of the file. The expiration dates aid the
disposal of seldom-used files when you use the DCL command BACKUP/DELETE.

File expiration is a file system feature that is available only on Files-11 Structure Level2 disks.

After you set an expiration date on a volume, the retention periods operate as follows:

• When a user creates a file, the expiration date of the file is the current time plus the maximum
time set on the volume.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

• Every time a user accesses a file (for either a read or write operation), the current time is added to
the minimum time. If the total is greater than the expiration date, the new expiration date is used.
(The new expiration date is calculated from the maximum retention period.)

The expiration date of a frequently accessed file fluctuates between the minimum and maximum
period plus the current date. When you set a suitable interval between minimum and maximum
retention periods, you can balance between accuracy and efficiency in maintaining expiration dates.
Be careful about setting expiration dates; either be very specific, or set the expiration date in the
simplest way.

Certain commands and utilities, such as the DIRECTORY command and the Backup utility,
can selectively operate on files that are expired. For example, you can enter a command like the

In this example, the BACKUP command copies to tape and then deletes all expired files. Users might
not be aware of file expiration dates, so retain the tape for a substantial period of time.

For more information about the Backup utility, see Section 11.13.2.

How to Perform This Task

To enable the setting of expiration dates, enter the DCL command SET VOLUME in the following
SET VOLUME device-name[:][, ...]/RETENTION=(min, max)

where min and max specify the minimum and maximum retention periods for files on the volume,
expressed as delta time values.

If you specify only a single value in the SET VOLUME /RETENTION command, the system uses
the value of the minimum retention period; then the maximum retention period is set to twice the
minimum or the minimum plus 7 days, whichever is less. For example, you might set the retention
period as follows:

The system uses 3 as the minimum retention period. Twice the minimum is 6 days; the minimum plus
7 is 10. Because the system uses the smaller of the two numbers, the retention period is set to 6.

You can simulate the maintenance of “access dates”, which are available in some other operating
systems, by setting the retention periods to very small values (for example, 1 hour). Note, however,
that doing so substantially increases overhead in the file system.

This feature does not automatically remove unused files; instead, it maintains expiration dates to
permit you to develop your own policy for handling files with little or no activity.

If you start maintaining expiration dates on a previously existing volume, be aware that the expiration
dates on existing files are 0 until the files are accessed. Files with expiration dates of 0 are considered

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for details on the parameters and qualifiers of the SET
VOLUME command.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

$ SET VOLUME DUA0:/RETENTION=(15-0:0, 20-0:0)

In this example, the command sets the minimum retention period to 15 days and the maximum to 20

9.13. Using the Analyze/Disk_Structure Utility

to Check and Repair Disks
You can reclaim disk space by using the Analyze/Disk_Structure utility (ANALYZE/
DISK_STRUCTURE) to identify and delete lost files and files marked for deletion. Use this utility on
a regular basis to check disks for inconsistencies and errors, and to recover lost files.

This utility detects Files-11 Disk Structure (ODS) disk problems that have been caused by hardware
errors, system errors, and user errors. ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE performs the following tasks:

• Verifies the Files-11 structure on disk volumes

• Reports errors

• Repairs errors when you specify the /REPAIR qualifier

ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE performs the verification of a volume or volume set in eight distinct

stages. During these stages, the utility collects information used in reporting errors or performing
repairs. However, the utility repairs volumes only when you specify the /REPAIR qualifier.

VSI recommends that you execute ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE in two passes:

1. To report all errors

2. With the /REPAIR and/CONFIRM qualifiers to repair selected errors


By default, ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE directs all output to your terminal. By using the /LIST
qualifier, however, you can create a file containing the following information about each file on the

• File identification (FID)

• File name

• Owner

• Errors associated with the file

The following sections explain ways to use ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE:

Task Section
To report errors (but not repair them) Section 9.13.1

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Task Section
To both report and repair errors Section 9.13.2
To recover lost files Section 9.13.3
To create a disk usage file Section 9.13.5

The VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual contains additional information
about this utility.

9.13.1. Reporting Errors

By default, ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE reports errors but does not make repairs. In this mode,
ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE runs through eight stages of data collection and then, by default,
prints a list of all errors and lost files to your terminal.

One type of problem that ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE locates is an invalid directory backlink.

(A backlink is a pointer to the directory in which a file resides.) If your disk has a file with an invalid
directory backlink, ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE displays the following message and the file
specification to which the error applies:

%VERIFY-I-BACKLINK, incorrect directory back link [SYSEXE]SYSBOOT.EXE;1

How to Perform This Task

Enter the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE command using the following format:

ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE device-name:[/qualifier]

The following command reports all disk structure errors on the DUA1: device:


9.13.2. Reporting and Repairing Errors

To instruct ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE to repair the errors that it detects, enter the /REPAIR
qualifier using the following format:


To select which errors ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE repairs, enter both the/REPAIR and /

CONFIRM qualifiers using the following format:


When you enter this command, ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE displays a description of each error
and prompts you for confirmation before making a repair.


Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

In this example, the command reports and repairs all errors on the DUA1: device.


The command in this example might produce the following messages and prompts:

%VERIFY-I-BACKLINK, incorrect directory back link [SYS0]SYSMAINT.DIR;1

Repair this error? (Y or N): Y

%VERIFY-I-BACKLINK, incorrect directory back link [SYSEXE]SYSBOOT.EXE;1]

Repair this error? (Y or N): N

For complete descriptions of all errors and recommended actions, refer to the OpenVMS Command
Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual.

9.13.3. Recovering Lost Files

A lost file is not linked to a directory. Under normal circumstances, files are not lost. However, files
occasionally lose their directory links because of disk corruption, hardware problems, or user error.

For example, in cleaning up files and directories, you might inadvertently delete directories that still
point to files. When you delete a directory file (a file with the file type .DIR) without first deleting
its subordinate files, the files referred to by that directory become lost files. Though lost, these files
remain on the disk and consume space.

Use ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE periodically to check for disk structure errors such as lost files
on the disk. When you run ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE specifying the /REPAIR qualifier, the
utility places lost files in disk:[SYSLOST] and issues a message about each file, shown in the
example that follows. (Refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual
for more information.)

Another opportunity to check for lost files on your system is during a backup operation. See
Section 11.13.3 for details.


The command in this example analyzes and repairs all errors and lost files on the DDA0: device.

If it discovers lost files on your disk, ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE issues messages similar to the

%VERIFY-W-LOSTHEADER, file (16, 1, 1) []X.X;1

not found in a directory
%VERIFY-W-LOSTHEADER, file (17, 1, 1) []Y.Y;1
not found in a directory
%VERIFY-W-LOSTHEADER, file (18, 1, 1) []Z.Z;1
not found in a directory
%VERIFY-W-LOSTHEADER, file (19, 1, 1) []X.X;2
not found in a directory
%VERIFY-W-LOSTHEADER, file (20, 1, 1) []Y.Y;2
not found in a directory
%VERIFY-W-LOSTHEADER, file (21, 1, 1) []Z.;1

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

not found in a directory

%VERIFY-W-LOSTHEADER, file (22, 1, 1) []Z.;2
not found in a directory
%VERIFY-W-LOSTHEADER, file (23, 1, 1) LOGIN.COM;163
not found in a directory
not found in a directory

All lost files in this example are automatically moved to DDA0:[SYSLOST].

Renumbering of Files in the [SYSLOST] Directory

When a lost file is placed in the [SYSLOST] directory, ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR might renumber
that file so that it has a different version number than it had originally. The reason for the renumbering
is that VERIFY does not know which directory a file has come from. For example, two files from
different directories might have the same name. So that errors do not occur when entering files with
the same name, type, and version, files are created with new or higher version numbers. Once files
have been moved to [SYSLOST], the system manager (perhaps with users' help) needs to examine
these files to decide on the appropriate action for each file. In most cases, the system manager moves
the file to an appropriate directory or deletes the file.

9.13.4. Erasing Old Home Blocks

When you initialize a volume, the initialize operation might not erase old home blocks. These are
blocks that were created by previous initialize operations. If a volume that has old home blocks is
damaged, you might not be able to recover the volume without erasing the blocks.

You can erase old home blocks manually by using the/HOMEBLOCKS qualifier on the ANALYZE/
DISK_STRUCTURE command as follows:


Note that this operation can take up to 30 minutes to complete.

9.13.5. Creating a Disk Usage File

You can create a disk usage file by using the /USAGE. The identification record in the file header
contains a summary of disk and volume characteristics. Following the identification record is a series
of summary records; one summary record is created for each file on the disk. A summary record
contains the owner, size, and name of the file.


In this example, the /USAGE qualifier creates a disk usage file, USAGE_DDA0.DAT, and places it in
the [ACCOUNT] directory.

9.14. Using Mount Verification for Recovery

Mount verification is a recovery mechanism for disk and tape operations. If a device goes off line
or is write-locked while mount verification is enabled, you can correct the problem and continue the

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Without mount verification, a write lock or offline error causes a volume to be dismounted
immediately. All outstanding I/O to the volume is canceled, and all open files on the volume are
closed. Any data not yet written to the volume is lost.

You can also use mount verification to perform switched path on multipath fibre channel or SCSI disk
or tape devices. See Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations.

9.14.1. Understanding Mount Verification

When the system or a user attempts to access a device after it has gone off line, mount verification
is initiated. Usually a device goes off line as the result of a hardware or user error. Once a device is
off line, the hardware (and for some disks, the software) marks the disk or tape as “invalid”, and I/O
requests for that device fail.

As long as mount verification is enabled, the following operations occur:

1. The software marks the volume to indicate that it is undergoing mount verification.

2. The software stalls all I/O operations to the disk or tape until the problem is corrected.

3. The operator communication manager (OPCOM) issues a message to operators enabled for
DISKS and DEVICES or TAPES and DEVICES. The message announces the unavailability of the
disk or tape in the following format:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, <dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc> %%%%%%%%%%%

Device <device-name> is offline.
Mount verification in progress.

When a device goes off line or is write-locked, mount verification sends two messages:

• One message goes to OPCOM.

• The other message, distinguished by the prefix %SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER, goes directly to the
system console (OPA0:), bypassing OPCOM.

The second message is a form of insurance in cases in which OPCOM is unavailable. For example,
if the system disk undergoes mount verification or if OPCOM is not present on a system, you at least
receive the messages with the %SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER prefix. Under normal circumstances, the
operator terminal receives both messages, with the %SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER message arriving

These messages notify you of the problem, and allow you to correct the problem and recover the
operation. When a pending mount verification is canceled by timing out, OPCOM prints a message in
the following format:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, <dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc> %%%%%%%%%%%

Mount verification aborted for device <device-name>.

After a mount verification times out, all pending and future I/O requests to the volume fail. You must
dismount and remount the disk before users can access it again.

Mount verification caused by a write-lock error does not time out.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

Mount Verification and Write-Locking

If anyone write-locks a volume at mount time, the system additionally applies a software write-lock.
To write-enable a volume that was mounted while the WRITE LOCK switch was on, dismount the
volume, write-enable the drive, and remount the volume. Suppose, for example, that a volume is
mounted on a drive with write-lock off, and someone toggles the WRITE LOCK switch. If mount
verification is enabled for the volume, the volume enters mount verification, and all I/O operations to
the volume are suspended until you recover the operation, as explained in Section

At mount time, if the system detects that the caches were not written back the last time the volume
was used, the system automatically rebuilds the file information by scanning the contents of the
volume. However, files being written at the time of the improper dismount might be partially or
entirely lost. See Section 9.13 for details about analyzing and repairing these problems.

With the mount verification feature of disk and tape handling, users are generally unaware that
a mounted disk or tape has gone off line and returned on line, or in some other way has become
unreachable and then restored.

9.14.2. Using Mount Verification

The following sections explain how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Enable and disable mount verification Section
Control timeout periods for mount verification Section
Recover from offline errors Section
Recover from write-lock errors Section
Cancel mount verification using the DISMOUNT Section
Control the number of mount verification Section
messages Enabling Mount Verification

Mount verification is enabled by default when you mount a disk or tape. To disable mount
verification, you must specify /NOMOUNT_VERIFICATION when you mount a disk or tape.

Note that this feature applies to standard mounted tapes, foreign mounted tapes, and Files-11 disks. Controlling Timeout Periods for Mount Verification

You can control the amount of time (in seconds) that is allowed for a mount verification to complete
before it is automatically canceled. The MVTIMEOUT system parameter for disks and the
TAPE_MVTIMEOUT system parameter for tapes define the time (in seconds) that is allowed for a
pending mount verification to complete before it is automatically canceled.

The default time limit for tapes is 600 seconds (10 minutes); for disks, it is 3600 seconds (1 hour).
(Refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information
about system parameters.)

Always set either parameter to a reasonable value for the typical operations at your site. Note that
resetting the value of the parameter does not affect a mount verification that is currently in progress.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media Recovering from Offline Errors

When a mounted disk or tape volume goes off line while mount verification is enabled, you can try to
recover, or you can terminate the mount request. The following options are available:

• Try to put the device back on line by toggling the START or RUN button on disks or the LOAD
button on tapes. If the device has failed, terminate mount verification.

• Take the disk or tape out of the offline and verification-pending state by shutting down mount
verification with one of the three techniques described in Section These techniques
include canceling the mount request, dismounting the volume, and allowing mount verification to
time out.

If you successfully put the device back on line, the mount verification software that polls the disk or
tape drive begins verification in the following sequence of steps:

1. The system checks to see that the currently mounted disk or tape has the same identification as the
previously mounted volume. In this way, mount verification confirms that this is the same disk or
tape that was previously mounted and no switching has occurred.

If the drive contains the wrong volume, OPCOM issues a message in this format:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, <dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc> %%%%%%%%%%%

Device <device-name> contains the wrong volume.
Mount verification in progress.

2. Once mount verification completes, the disk is marked as valid, and OPCOM issues a message in
the following format:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, <dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc> %%%%%%%%%%%

Mount verification completed for device <device-name>.

3. I/O operations to the disk or tape proceed, as shown in the following example:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 28-MAY-2000 11:54:54.12 %%%%%%%%%%%

Device DUA0: is offline.
Mount verification in progress.
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 28-MAY-2000 11:57:34.22 %%%%%%%%%%%
Mount verification completed for device DUA0:.

In this example, the message from OPCOM informs the operator that device DUA0:went off line
and mount verification was initiated. The operator finds that the drive was accidentally powered
down and successfully powers it up again.

The last message in the example indicates that mount verification is satisfied that the same volume
is on the drive as before the error. All I/O operations to the volume resume. Recovering from Write-Lock Errors

Devices become write-locked when a hardware or user error occurs while a disk or a tape volume is
mounted for a write operation. For example, if a disk is write-locked or a tape is missing a write ring,
the hardware generates an error. As soon as the software discovers that the disk or tape is write-locked
(for example, when an I/O operation fails with a write-lock error), mount verification begins.

OPCOM issues a message in the following format to the operators enabled for DISKS and DEVICES
or TAPES and DEVICES, announcing the unavailability of the disk or tape:

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

%%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, <dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc>%%%%%%%%%%%

Device <device-name> has been write-locked.
Mount verification in progress.

You can either recover the operation or terminate mount verification. Your options include the
following ones:

• Enable the drive for writing by toggling the hardware WRITE LOCK switch of the disk, or check
to see that a tape volume has a write ring.

• If the disk or tape drive is faulty, but another functioning drive is available on the same controller,
move the disk or tape to the functioning drive and swap the unit select plugs. (Note that switching
to another drive causes the volume to undergo offline mount verification; once this completes, the
write-lock mount verification continues.)

• Terminate the mount operation by shutting down mount verification with one of the techniques
described in Section

Once the mount verification software determines that the volume is in a write-enabled state, I/O
operations to the tape or disk resume with no further messages. Canceling Mount Verification

You can cancel a mount verification request in one of the following ways:

• Dismount the volume with the DCL command DISMOUNT from a process that is not hung.

• If the device is off line, allow mount verification to time out. The default time limit for tapes
is 600 seconds (10 minutes); for disks, it is 3600 seconds (1 hour).However, you can use the
system parameter MVTIMEOUT (for disk) or TAPE_MVTIMEOUT (for tape) to set the value to
whatever you want. When the time expires, the system automatically cancels the pending mount
verification. Note that a mount verification initiated by a write-lock condition does not time out.

• Invoke a special canceling routine, IPC, from the console terminal.

The following section describes the first method, using the DISMOUNT command, in more detail.
See Section 9.15.2 for details about using the last method, IPC, to cancel mount verification.

Using the DISMOUNT Command

To dismount a volume:

1. Log in at another terminal, or use any logged-in terminal that has access to the volume. (It does
not need to be an operator terminal.)

2. Enter the DISMOUNT/ABORT command for the volume.(To use the /ABORT qualifier with
a volume that is not mounted group or system, you must have volume ownership or the user
privilege VOLPRO.)

If your system is in an OpenVMS Cluster environment, also specify the /CLUSTER qualifier.

When you cancel a pending mount verification by dismounting the volume, OPCOM issues a
message in the following format:

%%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, <dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc> %%%%%%%%%%%

Mount verification aborted for device <device-name> .

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

If you do not have access to the volume, you receive an error message. You can try again if you
can find an appropriate process to use. If your process hangs, the system file ACP is hung, and
you cannot use this technique to cancel mount verification.

3. When the cancellation is complete, remove the volume from the drive. Controlling Mount Verification Messages

In a Storage Area Network (SAN), mount verification takes place for a variety of reasons, including:

• Path switch by another cluster node

• Dropped Fibre Channel packets (an infrequent occurrence)

• Rezone of a SAN, which causes in-flight I/O to be dropped

Mount verification now suppresses the messages that were previously displayed for mount
verification events from which devices immediately recovered. These messages unduly alarmed some

The number of messages logged to the operator’s log is now controlled by two system parameters:

MVSUPMSG_NUM, which specifies a number of mount verification messages

MVSUPMSG_INTVL, which specifies a duration in seconds

If the number of mount verification messages that have been suppressed for a given device
meets or exceeds the number specified by MVSUPMSG_NUM within the time specified by
MVSUPMSG_INTVL, then an OPCOM message is displayed, as shown in the following examples:

%SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER, $1$DGA9999: 5 Mount verification messages have been

in past 51 seconds.
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 18-MAY-2003 13:50:09.72 %%%%%%%%%%%
$1$DGA9999: 5 Mount verification messages have been suppressed in past 51
%SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER, $1$DGA9999: 5 Mount verification messages have been
in past 3 seconds.
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 18-MAY-2003 13:50:13.17 %%%%%%%%%%%
$1$DGA9999: 5 Mount verification messages have been suppressed in past 3

Customers who prefer prior behavior or who would like to increase or decrease the number of
messages that are logged can adjust the system parameter settings.

For more information about these new system parameters, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual.

9.15. Using Interrupt Priority Level C (IPC)

IPC is a special program that issues a software interrupt to gain the attention of the console terminal.
You can use IPC commands to adjust quorum in an OpenVMS cluster, to cancel mount verification, or
to enter the debugger. (The debugger in this case refers to the system-level debugger, XDELTA.)

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

IPC commands are intended to be used only for debugging and laboratory implementation. Use of the
commands might cause unexpected results.

The IPC program converts lowercase letters to uppercase, issues the terminal bell character whenever
it receives illegal characters (such as most control characters), compresses multiple spaces, and
ignores leading spaces.

How to Invoke IPC

1. On both OpenVMS VAX, Alpha, and I64 systems, enter the following command from the console
$ [Ctrl/P]

This command does not echo. Responses to this command will be implementation-specific, which
are indicated in the examples by ellipses:

2. Enter subsequent commands specific to the hardware you are using:

• On VAX systems, enter the following commands:

>>> D/I 14 C
>>> CONT

The first command tells the hardware to generate a software interrupt at level C (#12).

• On Alpha and I64 systems, enter the following commands:

>>> D SIRR C
>>> CONT

3. To exit from IPC, press Ctrl/Z:

IPC> [Ctrl/Z]

9.15.1. Recalculating Quorum

You can enter the following commands at the console to recalculate quorum:

• On VAX systems:
>>> D/I 14 C
>>> CONT
IPC> [Ctrl/Z]

• On Alpha and I64 systems, enter the following commands:

>>> D SIRR C

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

>>> CONT
IPC> [Ctrl/Z]

Although IPC Q commands recalculate quorum in an OpenVMS Cluster, do not use these commands.
Instead, use either of the following to recalculate cluster quorums:

• On OpenVMS VAX systems, DECamds

• On OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems, the Availability Manager

9.15.2. Canceling Mount Verification

To cancel mount verification using IPC, enter the following command from the console terminal in
response to the IPC> prompt:

IPC> C device-name

This command cancels any pending mount verification on the device specified. (A warning is given if
no mount verification was in progress for that device.) For example:


When a pending mount verification is canceled, OPCOM prints a message in the following format:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, <dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc> %%%%%%%%%%%

Mount verification aborted for device <device-name>.

After you successfully cancel a pending mount verification using this technique, you must dismount
and then remount the volume before you can access it again.

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 28-MAY-2000 10:54:54.12 %%%%%%%%%%%
Device DUA0: is offline.
Mount verification in progress.

On VAX systems, you might enter the following commands:

$ [Ctrl/P]
>>> D/I 14 C
>>> CONT
IPC> [Ctrl/Z]
%SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER, _DUA0: has aborted mount verification.
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 28-MAY-2000 10:56:26.13 %%%%%%%%%%%
Mount verification aborted for device DUA0:

On Alpha and I64 systems, you might enter the following commands:

$ [Ctrl/P]

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

>>> D SIRR C
>>> CONT
IPC> [Ctrl/Z]
%SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER, _DUA0: has aborted mount verification.
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 28-MAY-2000 10:56:26.13 %%%%%%%%%%%
Mount verification aborted for device DUA0:

In both examples, device DUA0: is off line, but you are unable to spin the disk back up. No other
drive is available on the controller, so you cannot switch the unit select plugs of the two drives.

Do not enter a DISMOUNT command for the disk because it was mounted as a private volume, and
you do not have access to it. The %SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER message also appears because this is
the console terminal.

9.15.3. Entering the Debugger

To use the XDELTA debugger, enter the following commands from the console terminal:


You are now in the debugger. The X command transfers control to the debugging tool XDELTA
(provided it was loaded with the system by setting the appropriate value in the boot file). If XDELTA
has not been loaded, the prompt IPC> is reissued. For example:


To exit from the debugger, press Ctrl/Z.

For information about the XDelta debugger, refer to the OpenVMS Debugger Manual.

9.16. Using the Bad Block Locator Utility to

Detect Media Errors
The DCL command ANALYZE /MEDIA invokes the optional Bad Block Locator utility (BAD),
which analyzes block-addressable media and records the location of blocks that cannot reliably store

Many newer devices automatically check for bad blocks; therefore, BAD is more useful with older
devices that do not check for bad blocks.

To test the blocks on a volume, ANALYZE /MEDIA performs the following tasks:

• Writes a test pattern to each block on the media

• Reads the contents of the block into a buffer

• Compares the data read back with the data written

If the data does not compare exactly, a block cannot reliably store data.

Chapter 9. Managing Storage Media

When the Bad Block Locator utility locates a bad block, it records the address of the block.
Consecutive bad blocks are recorded as single entries for non-last-track devices. After it finishes
testing the disk, BAD writes the addresses of the bad blocks into a file called the detected bad block
file (DBBF).

Testing a volume for bad blocks destroys its contents. However, you can update the detected bad
block file (DBBF) without erasing the contents of the volume by using the ANALYZE /MEDIA
qualifiers /NOEXERCISE and /BAD_BLOCKS.

How to Perform This Task

To use BAD, perform the following steps:

1. Allocate the device with the DCL command ALLOCATE (to ensure that the device is not
accessed by any other programs).

2. Enter the DCL command MOUNT/FOREIGN.

When the device is mounted as foreign, the system does not recognize it as a Files–11 volume, and
BAD can execute.

3. Enter the DCL command ANALYZE /MEDIA.

Refer to online help or to the archived manual OpenVMS Bad Block Locator Utility Manual for
details on using the Bad Block Locator utility.

Chapter 10. Using Files and
Information Provided in This Chapter
This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Using Extended File Specifications features Section 10.1.1
Controlling access to ODS-5 volumes Section 10.4
Getting file information Section 10.6
Protecting disk files Section 10.7.3
Protecting disk directories Section 10.7.4
Protecting magnetic tape files Section 10.7.5
Accessing disk files Section 10.8
Accessing tape files Section 10.9
Copying and transferring files Section 10.10
Creating CD-ROMs Section 10.11


This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
Extended File Specifications features Section 10.1
Considerations Before Enabling ODS-5 Volumes Section 10.2
Guidelines for Using Extended File Specifications on OpenVMS Applications Section 10.3
DCL commands with files Section 10.5
File protection Section 10.7.1
Tape file names Section 10.9.1
Hard links Section 10.12

10.1. Understanding Extended File

Specifications Features
Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7. 2, Extended File Specifications remove many of the file-
naming restrictions previously imposed by OpenVMS and offer full support for the following file-
naming features. Together, these features provide consistent file handling across both OpenVMS and
Windows NT systems in a VSI Advanced Server for OpenVMS environment.

Feature Description
New on-disk structure Extended File Specifications support the latest volume On-Disk Structure
(ODS): Level 5 (ODS-5). This volume structure provides the basis for
creating and storing files with extended file names.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Feature Description
Additional character set A broader set of characters is available for naming files on OpenVMS.
support Extended File Specifications offers support for file names that use the 8-
bit ISO Latin-1 character and 16-bit Unicode (UCS-2) character sets.
Extended file naming File names can now exceed the traditional 39. 39 character limit up to a
maximum of 236 bytes.
Case preservation Extended File Specifications preserve the case of file specifications
created with ODS-5 attributes. However, the system still performs case-
insensitive string matching.
Deep directory levels To support deep directory levels, the length of directory specifications has
been extended to a maximum of 512 characters.

For more information about each feature, refer to OpenVMS User’s Manual.

10.1.1. Using Extended File Specifications

Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7. 2, RMS allows you to use directory levels deeper than 8 as well
as the new RMS API extensions on both ODS-2 and ODS-5 volumes by default. However, you can
create extended file names only on an ODS-5 volume. Section 9.3.3 and Section, respectively,
explain how to create a new ODS-5 volume and how to convert an ODS-2 volume to an ODS-5

Once you change a volume to ODS-5, your programs can create and read extended file names.
However, by default, DCL (as well as some applications)does not accept all extended names1. DCL
also capitalizes any lowercase file names that users enter at the command line prompt2.

Enabling the Extended File Specifications Parsing Feature

For DCL to accept all extended file names, you must enable the Extended File Specifications file
name parsing feature. On OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems, you can instruct DCL to accept ODS-5
file names on a per-process basis by entering the following command:


After you enter the command, DCL accepts a file name similar to the following:


For more details on setting parse styles, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. The OpenVMS
Record Management Services Reference Manual contains additional information about RMS default
Extended File Specifications features.

Ways to Enable Case Sensitivity

Traditionally, OpenVMS has stored all alphabetic characters in file name specifications as uppercase
characters. In addition, file system operations using file name specifications were case insensitive.

The introduction of Extended File Specifications has allowed system tools and applications to store
and display file specifications containing lowercase as well as uppercase alphabetic characters on
ODS-5 volumes. File name specification operations, however, remained case-insensitive.
Even with the TRADITIONAL parse style, DCL allows some ODS-5 file names; for example, DCL accepts x.x.x.
Some applications also use DCL internally to read file names that users type after an application prompt.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.3-1, it has been possible for tools and applications to distinguish
among file name specifications containing the same alphabetic characters that differ only in case.

You can set processes to ignore or notice the case sensitivity of file names.

Enable case sensitivity only when it is known to be supported by the layered product or application
you are working with.

You can use any of three ways to enable case sensitivity on OpenVMS, as described in the following



If you set your process to CASE_LOOKUP=BLIND and you create more than one file with the
same name differing only in case, DCL treats these files as new versions of the older file and
converts them to the same case as the original file.

In the following example, DKA500 is an ODS-5 disk.

$ CREATE NEWfile.txt
Directory DKA500:[TEST]

If your process is set to CASE_LOOKUP=SENSITIVE and you create more than one file with the
same name differing only in case, DCL treats subsequent files as new files and lists them as such.

In the following example, DKA500 is an ODS-5 disk.

$ CREATE NEWfile.txt
$ CREATE NeWfIlE.txt

Although an ODS-5 volume preserves the case of a file as it is first entered, file searches are
performed in a case-blind manner. Therefore, be careful when you do file comparisons, such as
using DCL string functions like .EQS. and F$LOCATE, in a DCL command procedure.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

If you are using an application that expects case sensitivity, or if you depend on case sensitivity in
your environment, set your process to /CASE_LOOKUP=SENSITIVE. Be aware that using case
sensitivity can create problems if you do not pay attention to your environment.


uses this process default for case sensitivity.

• Setting an Option Within your Application in the NAML Block for Files Opened or Created Using

The NAML block was introduced in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 to support long file
names. Beginning in OpenVMS Version 7.3-1, the NAML block has a new field, NAML
$V_CASE_LOOKUP, to override the process default case sensitivity.

Within NAML$V_CASE_LOOKUP, you can set the following values for case sensitivity:

Table 10.1. Values for Case Sensitivity

Field Name Description

NAML$C_CASE_LOOKUP_BLIND Set by the user to tell RMS to ignore case when
creating, deleting, or searching for files.
NAML$C_CASE_LOOKUP_SENSITIVE Set by the user to tell RMS to include case as a
criteria when creating, deleting, or searching for

If NAML$V_CASE_LOOKUP is zero, or if a NAML block is not used,the current process setting

is used.

• Making a Call to Either $SET_PROCESS_PROPERTIES or $GETJPI Within Your Application

The $SET_PROCESS_PROPERTIES system service sets a simple value associated with a service.
Beginning with Version 7.3-1, OpenVMS Alpha (and I64) have supported the following new
property codes for case sensitivity.

Table 10.2. Property Codes for Case Sensitivity

Property Code Description

PPROP$C_CASE_LOOKUP_TEMP Sets a value for only the life of the image.
The value reverts to the permanent style
on image rundown. Valid values are:
PPROP$C_CASE_LOOKUP_PERM Sets a value for the life of the process unless
the style is set again. The value reverts to the
permanent style on image rundown. Valid values

The new item codes for the $GETJPI system service are the following:


Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

For more information about the $SET_PROCESS_PROPERTIESW system service, refer to the HP
OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.

These item codes return the values that are set by the system service

10.1.2. Setting Users' Expectations of Extended File

A system manager can help users become accustomed to Extended File Specifications by explaining
the differences between ODS-2 and ODS-5 file names. These differences become most apparent when
users change from ODS-2 to ODS-5 styles.

If you pass the following usage notes along, users might find them helpful. These notes are divided
into the following categories:

• New Extended File Specifications characteristics

• ODS-2 and ODS-5 used together

• Architecture-related notes New Extended File Specifications Characteristics

The following notes discuss issues related to new Extended File Specifications characteristics that are
unfamiliar to users.

Be Aware of Volume Structure

Make sure you know whether a disk is an ODS-2 or ODS-5 volume so that you can place ODS-5 files
on ODS-5 volumes.

You can display the type of volume by entering commands similar to the following:


Disk AABOUT$DKA500:, device type DZ25 Disk, is online, allocated,
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable.
Error count 0 Operations completed 155
Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, file high-water
marking, write-back caching enabled.


Disk AABOUT$DSA200:, device type RZ25 Disk, is online, allocated,
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable.
Error count 0 Operations completed 232

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water

marking, write-back caching enabled.

After each command, the Volume Status: that is displayed indicates whether the volume is ODS-5 or

Do Not Use Extended File Names on ODS-2 Volumes

You cannot create a file with an ODS-5 extended file name on an ODS-2 volume.

In the following example, DKA200: is an ODS-2 volume, and the parse style is EXTENDED, which
causes RMS to return an error message.


$ CREATE x. x. x. x
%CREATE-E-OPENOUT, error opening DKA200:[TEST]X^. X^. X. X; as output
-RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed
-SYSTEM-W-BADFILEVER, bad file version number

Case Is Determined by the First Instance of an Extended File Name

On an ODS-5 volume, the case for all versions of a file name is identical; the case is preserved as the
file name was first created.

In the following example, the disk is ODS-5.


$ CREATE myfile. txt

Directory DKA500:[TEST]
myfile. txt;2 myfile. txt;1

Be Aware of Case Preservation but Case Blindness of Extended File


Keep in mind that although an ODS-5 disk preserves the case of a file as it is first entered, it searches
for files in a case-blind manner. Similarly, users must also be careful when they do comparisons, such
as when they use DCL string functions like .EQS and F$LOCATE in a DCL command procedure.

The following example demonstrates the importance of case-blind matching of file names in DCL. In
the program, notice that you specify no argument to do a case-sensitive match but that you specify an
argument to do a case-blind match.

This program uses F$SEARCH to find all the files that have a file type of .TXT. Because RMS (and
therefore F$SEARCH as well does case-blind matching, F$SEARCH also finds files with the file type
.txt.F$SEARCH then uses F$LOCATE to search the file name for TEST. Because F$LOCATE does
case-sensitive comparisons, it fails to match unless you first change the string to uppercase.

$ case_blind = 0
$ if p1 . nes. "" then case_blind = 1

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

$ file = f$search("*. TXT;")

$ if file . eqs. "" then goto not_found
$ write sys$output "Search returns " + file
$ if case_blind . eq. 1 then file = f$edit(file, "UPCASE")
$ if (f$locate("TEST", file) . ne. f$length(file)) then goto found
$ goto loop
$ write sys$output "Found a file matching TEST"
$ exit
$ write sys$output "Did not find file matching TEST"
$ exit

Set case_blind to 1 if there is an argument (and a case-blind comparison can be made).

Get a file ending in .TXT or .txt (because F$SEARCH is case-blind).
If a case-blind comparison was selected in Step 1, change the file name to uppercase to make a
case-blind comparison.
If F$LOCATE finds a file, it will go to found:.

The following example shows the output when you run the program:

$ @test
Search returns DKA300:[FISHER]test. txt;1
Did not find file matching TEST
$ @test case-blind
Search returns DKA300:[FISHER]test. txt;1
Found a file matching TEST

Abbreviated and Full Directory Names Listed Separately with CONDENSED File

Some system utilities and DCL commands, such as DIRECTORY, have a style switch to control how
they display file names.

• If the style is CONDENSED, file names up to 255 bytes in length are displayed. When a file
specification reaches the 255-byte limit, the directory name is abbreviated to a directory ID (DID).

• If the style is EXPANDED, file names up to 4095 bytes in length are displayed.

The following example shows a CONDENSED directory name. The DIRECTORY command
considers a DID abbreviated directory name as different from the unabbreviated directory name and
therefore generates a separate header when the abbreviation occurs.

Directory DKA300:


Total of 1 file.

Directory DKA300:[528, 7036, 0]


Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Total of 1 file.

Grand total of 2 directories, 2 files.

With the CONDENSED style, if the combination of the directory name and file name does not
exceed 255 bytes, the directory name is not shortened to a DID abbreviation.
With the CONDENSED style, if the combination of the directory name and file name exceeds
255 bytes, the directory name is shortened to a DID abbreviation.
When you issue a DIRECTORY command that displays both a full and an abbreviated directory
format for the same directory name, DIRECTORY counts these as two different directories.

For more information about DIRECTORY commands, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. ODS-2 and ODS-5 Used Together

The following notes discuss issues related to using ODS-2 and ODS-5 together in a cluster.

Use Traditional File Names in a Mixed-Volume Environment

To avoid ODS-2 and ODS-5 file name incompatibility when working with both ODS-2 and ODS-5
volumes, and to assure backward compatibility with prior versions of OpenVMS, use only ODS-2
traditional file names.

Error Messages Can Vary Depending on Parse Style

Error messages displayed to users might vary depending on the parse style. Syntax errors that were
formerly detected at the DCL level are now passed on to the file system level, RMS and XQP, for
example, if the parse style is EXTENDED. As a result, the messages users receive for file syntax
errors might be slightly different depending on the parse style and volume structure.

The following examples show varying error messages.

• Examples of TRADITIONAL and EXTENDED styles on an ODS-5 volume:


Disk AABOUT$DKA500:, device type RZ25 Disk, is online, allocated,

on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable.
Error count 0 Operations completed 155
Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, file high-
marking, write-back caching enabled.
$ OPEN /WRITE FILE z. z. z. z
%DCL-W-PARMDEL, invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special
characters \. Z\
$ OPEN /WRITE FILE z. z. z. z

The volume is ODS-5.

The parse style is set to TRADITIONAL.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

DCL returns an error on some ODS-5 file names such as this one.
The parse style is set to EXTENDED.
DCL creates the file.

• Examples of TRADITIONAL and EXTENDED styles on an ODS-2 volume:

Disk AABOUT$DKA200:, device type RZ25 Disk, is online, allocated,

on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable.
Error count 0 Operations completed 232
Volume Status: ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-
marking, write-back caching enabled.
$ OPEN /WRITE FILE z. z. z. z
%DCL-W-PARMDEL, invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special
characters \. Z\
$ OPEN /WRITE FILE z. z. z. z
%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening
-RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed
-SYSTEM-W-BADFILEVER, bad file version number

The volume is ODS-2.

The parse style is set to TRADITIONAL.
DCL returns an error message.
The parse style is set to EXTENDED.
DCL allows the file name, but XQP returns an error.

• Examples of different error messages for the same syntax error:


Disk AABOUT$DKA500:, device type RZ25 Disk, is online, allocated,
on dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable.
Error count 0 Operations completed 155
Volume Status: ODS-5, subject to mount verification, file high-
marking, write-back caching enabled.


$ CREATE a^<b. c>

%DCL-W-PARMDEL, invalid parameter delimiter - check use of special

characters \^\


$ CREATE a^<b. c>

%CREATE-E-OPENOUT, error opening a^<b. c> as output

-RMS-F-SYN, file specification syntax error

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

The volume is ODS-5.

The parse style is set to TRADITIONAL.
DCL returns an error message for a syntax error.
The parse style is set to EXTENDED.
RMS returns a different error message for the same syntax error.

Be Aware of Implicit File Name Output

Be wary of defaults when you allow utilities to create output files based on the file name being
processed. Be sure you know where a file is being placed so you will not inadvertently try to place a
file with an extended name on an ODS-2 volume.

The following examples show files being placed somewhere you might not expect:

• An error results if an application or a utility attempts to write an ODS-5 extended file name to an
ODS-2 (DKA200:) volume; for example:

$ DUMP /OUTPUT DKA500:[DOREO]This^_is^_a^_file. Dat
%DUMP-E-OPENOUT, error opening DKA200:[DOREO]THIS^_IS^_A^_FILE. DMP;as
-RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed
-SYSTEM-W-BADFILENAME, bad file name syntax

The output file specified with the /OUTPUT qualifier defaults to the same name as the input file,
with .DMP as the file type, in the default directory. When the input file specification is an extended
name on an ODS-5 volume, the .DMP file must have a traditional name, because it will be written to
an ODS-2 volume. As a result, an error occurs.

• A batch command file fails to execute if all of the following conditions are true:

• A log file is requested implicitly or explicitly.

• The implicit or explicit log file specification has an extended name (that is, the name is non-

• The log file is to be created on an ODS-2 volume.

The batch command file does not execute because a log file cannot be created. Most frequently,
this situation occurs when the logical name SYS$LOGIN refers to an ODS-2 volume;this is
because log files are implicitly created on the SYS$LOGIN device. In addition, if notification is
disabled, you are not notified that your batch job did not execute.

To avoid the problem, use the /LOG= qualifier and an ODS-2-compliant log file specification
when you submit command files with ODS-5 extended names. Architecture-Related Notes

The following notes discuss Extended File Specifications issues related to system architecture.

Extended File Names Are Not Visible from a VAX System

Although you can mount ODS-5 volumes on a VAX, if you log in to a VAX system, ODS-5 extended
file names are not visible. In their place, you see a pseudoname:

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

• On VAX, if you attempt to display a file name that contains 2-byte Unicode characters, the
pseudoname displayed is the following: \PUNICODE\. ???

• Any other name that is not a legal ODS-2 name is displayed as \PISO_LATIN\. ???

For example, the same directory listings as they appear on Alpha, I64 and VAX systems are:

• On an Alpha or I64 system:

Directory DPA100:[TEST]
Accounting^_data. lis;1 atest. txt;1

• On a VAX system:

Directory DPA200:[TEST]

In addition, the directory depth on a VAX is limited to 8 (or 16, using rooted logicals).

Physical Backups of ODS-5 Volumes on VAX Systems

On OpenVMS VAX systems, BACKUP supports ODS-5 volumes only when you specify the /
PHYSICAL qualifier. The BACKUP /PHYSICAL command causes BACKUP to make a block-by-
block physical backup of the disk, ignoring the structured contents of the disk.

On Alpha and I64 systems, you can use either the BACKUP /IMAGE or BACKUP /PHYSICAL

10.2. Considerations Before Enabling ODS-5

ODS-5 is implemented on OpenVMS primarily to provide enhanced file sharing capabilities for users
of Advanced Server for OpenVMS 7.23 DCOM and Java applications.

Once ODS-5 volumes are enabled, some of the new capabilities can potentially impact certain
applications or layered products, as well as some areas of system management. The new syntax for
file names that is allowed on ODS-5 volumes cannot be fully utilized on ODS-2 volumes. Because
pre-Version 7.2 Alpha systems cannot access ODS-5 volumes, and Open VMS Version 7.2 VAX
systems have limited ODS-5 functionality, you must be careful where and how you enable ODS-5
volumes in mixed-version and mixed-architecture OpenVMS Clusters.

The following sections comprise a summary of how enabling ODS-5 volumes can impact system
management, users, and applications.

10.2.1. Considerations for System Management

RMS access to deep directories and extended file names is available only on ODS-5 volumes mounted
on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 systems. VSI recommends that ODS-5 volumes be enabled only on a
homogeneous OpenVMS Cluster running Alpha V7.2 and later.
The VSI file and print server that evolved from the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) to support the Windows NT
integration features introduced with OpenVMS Version 7.2 on Alpha.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

In versions of OpenVMS prior to Version 7.3-1, ODS-5 volumes could not be used as system disks,
and it was recommended that ODS-5 disks be used in homogeneous Alpha clusters only. These
restrictions have been removed. OpenVMS Version 7.3-1 and higher support the use of ODS-5
volumes as system disks and in heterogeneous Alpha clusters.

If ODS-5 is enabled in a mixed-version or mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster, the system manager

must follow special procedures and be aware of specific restrictions on mixed-version and mixed-
architecture OpenVMS Clusters with ODS-5 volumes enabled:

• Users must access ODS-5 files and deep directories from OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 systems only,
because these capabilities are not supported on earlier versions.

• Users who have created deep directories can view those directories only from OpenVMS Alpha
V7.2 systems.

• Pre-Version 7.2 systems cannot mount an ODS-5 volume nor read ODS-2 or ODS-5 file names on
that volume.

Section 10.2.2 describes in greater detail the limitations of ODS-5 support for users in a mixed-
version or mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster.

Most unprivileged applications will work with most extended file names, but some may need
modifications to work with all extended file names. Privileged applications that use physical or
logical I/O to disk and applications that have a specific need to access ODS-5 file names or volumes
may require modifications and should be analyzed. See the website TBS for a list of fully supported
OpenVMS applications. Section 10.2.3 describes in greater detail the impact of ODS-5 on OpenVMS

Section 10.3.1 contains more information for determining the levels of support for Extended File

10.2.2. Considerations for Users

A user on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 system can take advantage of all Extended File
Specifications capabilities on ODS-5 volumes mounted on an OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 system.

A user on a mixed-version or mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster is subject to some limitations in

ODS-5 functionality. Section lists those restrictions that exist on a mixed-version OpenVMS
Cluster. Section lists those restrictions that exist on a mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster.

10.2.3. Considerations for Applications

ODS-5 functionality can be selected on a volume-by-volume basis. If ODS-5 volumes have not
been enabled on your system, all existing applications will continue to function as before. If ODS-5
volumes have been enabled, you need to be aware of the following changes:

• OpenVMS file handling and command line parsing have been modified to enable them to
work with extended file names on ODS-5 volumes while still being compatible with existing
applications. The majority of existing, unprivileged applications will work with most extended file
names, but some may need modifications to work with all extended file names.

• Privileged applications that use physical or logical I/O to disk may require modifications and
should be analyzed. Applications that have a specific need to access ODS-5 file names or volumes
should be analyzed to determine if they require modification.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

On ODS-5 volumes, existing applications and layered products that are coded to documented
interfaces, as well as most DCL command procedures, should continue to work without modification.

However, applications that are coded to undocumented interfaces, or include any of the following,
may need to be modified in order to function as expected on an ODS-5 volume:

• Internal knowledge of the file system, including knowledge of:

The data layout on disk

The contents of file headers
The contents of directory files

• File parsing tailored to a particular on-disk structure.

• Assumptions about the syntax of file specifications, such as the placement of delimiters and legal

• Assumptions about the case of file specifications. Mixed and lowercase file specifications will not
be converted to uppercase, which can affect string matching operations.

• Assumptions that file specifications are identical between RMS and the file system.

All unmodified XQP applications running on an OpenVMS VAX or Alpha system that access an
ODS-5 volume will see pseudonames returned in place of Unicode or ISO Latin-1 names that are not
ODS-2 compliant. This can cause applications to act in an unpredictable manner.

Applications that specify or retrieve file names with the XQP interface using ODS-5 disks must be
modified in order to access files with extended names.

See OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for further discussion of the support status of
OpenVMS applications.

10.3. Guidelines for Using Extended File

Specifications on OpenVMS Applications
It is essential that system managers perform the following steps before enabling ODS-5:

• Review all ODS-5 considerations. (See Section 10.2.1. )

• Understand the support levels for different OpenVMS(See Section 10.3.1. )applications.

• Segregate applications that do not support ODS-5 or have not been tested with ODS-5 names or
volumes. (See Table 10.4. )

• Review the guidelines for setting users' expectations in Section 10.1.2.

VSI recommends that you enable ODS-5 disks in a homogeneous OpenVMS Version 7. 2 Alpha (or
I64) cluster only.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

10.3.1. Levels of Support for Extended File

To help determine the expected behavior of OpenVMS utilities and commands for ODS-5, the
following levels of support have been established. Each level outlines the acceptable behavior of a
utility or command when it encounters an extended (ODS-5 compliant) file specification.

The levels of support for ODS-5, from full support to no support, are defined in Sections
through Full Support

OpenVMS utilities and commands that offer full support for ODS-5 have been specifically modified
to take advantage of all the features of extended file naming. These utilities and commands should
accept and handle extended file specifications without error while maintaining the case as created4.

In addition, OpenVMS commands and utilities that fully support Extended File Specifications can
accept and produce long file specifications that exceed the traditional 255-byte limit in their original
form5 —without requiring them to be abbreviated in Directory ID (DID) or File ID (FID) format.

The following DCL commands and OpenVMS utilities provide full support for extended file names:

TYPE Default Support

OpenVMS utilities and commands with default support have had little or no modification to take
advantage of Extended File Specifications. These utilities and commands are expected to handle most
When creating the first version of a new file, the case of the new file matches that case specified by the user. When creating subsequent
versions of an existing file, the case remains the same as the original version.
If you are typing a long file specification on a DCL command line, DCL limits the command line length to 255 bytes on earlier versions
of OpenVMS. Beginning in Version 8.2, the limitation of DCL line limits and tokens (individual file names) has been extended with SET

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

of the attributes of extended file specifications (such as new characters and deep directory structures)
correctly. However, file names may be created or displayed with the wrong case.

In contrast with utilities that have full support, utilities with default support rely on DID and FID
abbreviation offered by RMS to handle long file specifications. As a result, these utilities are subject
to the following restrictions related to DID and FID abbreviation:

• Matching operations in an environment where FID abbreviation is used may not always work
as expected. For example, wildcard matching operations may not capture all target file names
because the long file names may be represented in their numeric FID-abbreviated form. This
restriction specifically applies to matching operations that are performed outside of RMS.

• Wildcards and sticky defaults cannot be used with a FID abbreviation. For example, the following
commands are illegal:

$ DIRECTORY a[1, 2, 3]*. txt

$ COPY a[1, 2, 3]. txt *. txt2

Because a FID abbreviation is a unique numeric representation of one file, it cannot be used to
represent or match any other file.

• Creating a file using a FID abbreviation is illegal.

For more information about DID abbreviations and FID abbreviations, see Guide to OpenVMS File
Applications. No Support for Extended File Naming

OpenVMS utilities and commands that do not support extended file names can function on ODS-5
volumes; however, they are restricted to operating with traditional file specifications only. These
utilities and commands should be used carefully on ODS-5 volumes because VSI cannot ensure that
they will function successfully when they encounter extended file specifications.

Table 10.3 and Table 10.4 list the OpenVMS utilities and commands that do not support Extended File
Specifications because of limitations with either handling extended file names or the ODS-5 volume
structure. No Support for ODS-5

OpenVMS utilities and commands that do not support the ODS-5 volume structure cannot handle
extended file names. These utilities and commands should be used carefully on ODS-5 volumes
because VSI cannot ensure that they will function successfully even when they only encounter
traditional file specifications.

Table 10.3 and Table 10.4 list the OpenVMS utilities and commands that do not support Extended File
Specifications because of limitations with either handling extended file names or the ODS-5 volume

Table 10.3. Non-Supported OpenVMS Components (No ODS-5 Support)

Component Notes
Disk Unsupported unless a specific defragmentation tool documents that it has been
defragmenters updated to support an ODS-5 volume6.
Note that DFO has been modified to support ODS-5 volumes.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Table 10.4. Non-Supported OpenVMS Components (No Extended File Naming Support)
Component Notes
Code compilers Cannot use extended file names for object files. However, code compilers can
create applications that support extended names.
INSTALL Known Do not install an image with an extended file name as a known image.
LINK Cannot output an image with an extended file name.
MONITOR Cannot reliably process extended file names.
Network files Do not rename to an extended file name.
Object modules Do not rename to an extended file name.
Page and swap Do not use an extended file name.
SYSGEN Do not write a parameter file with an extended file name.
System startup Do not rename to an extended file name.

10.4. Controlling Access to ODS-5 Volumes

System managers might choose to enforce one or both of the following restrictions:

• Prevent users on a VAX from accessing files on an ODS-5 volume.

• Prevent untested applications from accessing files on an ODS-5 disk. (You can allow certain users
to override this access control on an ODS-5 volume. )

The system manager can impose either of these restrictions by using normal OpenVMS discretionary
controls. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security for more information.

The following sections contain examples of restrictions you can impose.

10.4.1. Preventing VAX Users from Accessing an

ODS-5 Volume
Follow these steps to prevent a user from accessing an ODS-5 volume from a VAX node:

1. Define an identifier (for example, VAX_NODE) to identify users running on an OpenVMS VAX
nod, for example:
%UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier VAX_NODE value %X80010037 added to rights

2. On each VAX node, add VAX_NODE to the system rights list; for example:

The /ENABLE qualifier in the command adds VAX_NODE to the system rights list.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Also add this command to the SYSTARTUP_VMS. COM command procedure.

3. To prevent anyone on a VAX node from gaining access to an ODS-5 volume, place an Access
Control Entry (ACE) on the volume that denies access to holders of the VAX_NODE identifier,
for example:

10.4.2. Preventing an Untested Application from

Accessing an ODS-5 Volume
Follow these steps to prevent an untested application from accessing an ODS-5 volume:

1. Define an identifier (for example, ODS5_UNSAFE) to identify applications that you do not want
to access an ODS-5 volume, for example:
%UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier ODS5_UNSAFE value %X80010039 added to
rights database

2. Attach a protected subsystem ACE to the application with the ODS5_UNSAFE identifier, for

3. To each ODS-5 volume, attach an ACE denying access to the ODS-5 volume to holders of the
ODS5_UNSAFE identifier, for example:

Optionally, you can override the restriction in the last step to allow trained users to access untested
applications by following the remaining lettered steps:

a. Create another identifier (for example, ODS5_UNTRAINED):

%UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier ODS5_UNTRAINED value %X80010038 added to
rights database

b. Assign this identifier to all users, for example:

%UAF-I-GRANTMSG, identifier ODS5_UNTRAINED granted to *

c. Instead of Step 3, place an Access Control Entry (ACE) on the volume that denies access to
holders of the ODS5_UNTRAINED identifier; for example:

This command prevents ODS5_UNTRAINED users from accessing the volume with
ODS5_UNSAFE applications.

d. Remove the identifier from individual users when you are willing to let them use any application
on an ODS-5 volume, for example:

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories



After you complete these steps:

• An untrained user can use an untested application only to access ODS-2 volumes.

• A trained user can access ODS-5 volumes with any application.

10.5. Using DCL Commands with Files

You use the DIGITAL Command Language (DCL)to perform a number of operations on files, as
shown in the following table.

Operation DCL Command

Retrieve disk and magnetic tape file information, SHOW commands listed in Table 10.5
such as device and protection characteristics, and
display this information on your terminal screen
Modify disk file characteristics, such as SET commands listed in Table 10.7
protection or UIC information
Display the contents of a directory DIRECTORY
Display the contents of a file TYPE
Copy files to and from disk and magnetic tape COPY

Most DCL commands require file-structured devices. (The VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary lists
commands that do not require file-structured devices. )

In addition to manipulating files through DCL, you can write programs to assist you in routine file-
manipulation tasks. You can write these programs in any of the languages supported by the operating

To manipulate individual records within files (that is, to access files at the record level), write
programs that include OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS) facilities. Refer to the
OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for examples of RMS facilities used to
manipulate files at the record level.

10.6. Getting File Information

Use the DCL command DIRECTORY to retrieve information about disk and magnetic tape files in a
directory, using the following format:

DIRECTORY [filespec[, . . . ]]

When you include certain command qualifiers with the DIRECTORY command, you can retrieve
information in addition to a list of the names of the files in the directory. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
DCL Dictionary for a list of qualifiers that you can use with the DIRECTORY command.

The following examples illustrate three cases of retrieving information from the [MALCOLM]
directory, which resides on a disk with the logical name DISK$DOCUMENT.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Total of 4 files.

The DIRECTORY command in this example lists all file types of the AVERAGE file and the
version number of each file. The command would also list all versions of these files;however, only
one version of each file exists.

AVERAGE. EXE;6 6 10-APR-2000 15:43 (RWED, RWED, RWED, RE)
AVERAGE. FOR;6 2 2-APR-2000 10:29 (RWED, RWED, RWED, RE)
AVERAGE. LIS;4 5 9-APR-2000 16:27 (RWED, RWED, RWED, RE)
AVERAGE. OBJ;6 2 9-APR-2000 16:27 (RWED, RWED, RWED, RE)
Total of 4 files, 15 blocks.

The DIRECTORY command in this example displays all the file types of the AVERAGE file
and the version number of each file. The /SIZE qualifier displays the size of each file in blocks
used. The /DATE qualifier displays the creation date of the version of the file that is listed. The
VERSIONS=1 qualifier limits the number of versions of the file displayed to one (the most recent)
version. The /PROTECTION qualifier displays the file protection for each file.



AVERAGE. EXE;6 File ID: (4098, 149, 0)

Created: 27-MAY-2000 12:22:26. 30
Revised: 27-MAY-2000 12:22:51. 35 (2)
Expires: <None specified>
Backup: 3-JUN-2000 22:03. 09

Effective: <None specified>

Recording: <None specified>
File organization: Sequential
Shelved state: Online
File attributes: Allocation: 36, Extend: 36, Global buffer count: 0
No version limit
Record format: Variable length, maximum 255 bytes
Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control
Journaling enabled: None
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:
Access Cntrl List: None

Total of 1 file, 36/36 blocks.


AVERAGE. EXE;1 File ID: (7714, 29, 0)


Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Created: 15-APR-2000 10:12

Revised: 15-APR-2000 10:12 (1)
Expires: <None specified>
Backup: 15-APR-2000 22:41

Effective: <None specified>

Recording: <None specified>
File organization: Sequential
Shelved state: Shelved
File attributes: Allocation: 36, Extend: 36, Global buffer count: 0
No version limit
Record format: Variable length, maximum 255 bytes
Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control
Journaling Enabled : None

File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:

Access Cntrl List: None

Total of 1 file, 36/36 blocks.

Grand total of 2 directories, 2 files, 72/72 blocks.

The DIRECTORY command in this example displays a full directory listing of one version of the
AVERAGE. EXE file in the top-level directory [MALCOLM] and subdirectories under it.

10.6.1. Displaying Access Dates

To support POSIX-compliant file timestamps on ODS-5 disks, OpenVMS Alpha Version 7. 3-1
includes three new file attributes:

• ATR$C_ACCDATE—corresponds to POSIX st_atime—reflects the last time a file was


• ATR$C_ATTDATE—corresponds to POSIX st_ctime—reflects the last time a file attribute

was modified.

• ATR$C_MODDATE — corresponds to POSIX st_mtime—reflects the last time data was


Modifications to the file header are recorded as ATTDATE, unless the file is actually accessed. The
REVDATE ACP-QIO attribute is the most recent of the MODDATE and ATTDATE timestamps. A
new ACP-QIO attribute returns the stored REVDATE.

When a file is closed, if “norecord” is set, ACCDATE and REVDATE are not altered. Otherwise, if
data has been read from the file, closing a file updates the file's access date. If data has been written to
the file, closing a file updates the file's modification date.

Because access dates must be written out to disk, there is a performance impact when these new file
attributes are used. The system manager can use the following command to enable or disable access
date support and the frequency for changing access dates:



To limit the performance impact if a file is accessed frequently, update of the access time may be
suppressed if the change is small. A delta time is used to determine when a new access time is

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

See Section for an example of how to set access dates using the SET VOLUME/

Use the SET VOLUME/VOLUME_CHARACTERISTICS command to enable automatic update of
access dates.


The default value for deltatime is 1 second, chosen to comply with the “seconds since EPOCH ” time
interface required by POSIX st_atime. A site may choose a larger delta time to reduce overhead if
1 second granularity is not required.


enable automatic update of access dates. Issue the following commands:



command to disable access date support on a volume. The SET VOLUME/
VOLUME_CHARACTERISTICS=NOACESS_DATES command effects only the node where the
command is issued. Other nodes are not effected by the change until the next time the volume is
mounted. Viewing Dates

The DCL commands DIRECTORY and DUMP/HEADER support the new timestamps. Use the
DIRECTORY/DATE command to see the new timestamps:


The /DATE=ACCESSED qualifier specifies the last access data — the last time data was
read from the file. Two other qualifiers also provide information on the new timestamps. Use
the /DATE=ATTRIBUTES qualifier to specify the last attribute modification date. Use the /
DATE=DATA_MODIFIED qualifier to specify the last data modification date.

10.7. Protecting Files

The following sections discuss file protection concepts and explain how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Display file ownership and protection Section 10.7.2
Protect disk files Section 10.7.3
Protect disk directories Section 10.7.4
Protect magnetic tape files Section 10.7.5

10.7.1. Understanding File Protection Concepts

You can protect data on disk and magnetic tape media at the following levels:

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Level of Protection Description

Device level For information about setting device protection characteristics,
see the descriptions of the DCL commands INITIALIZE,
and SET VOLUME in Chapter 9 and in the VSI OpenVMS DCL
Dictionary. Refer to Chapter 8 for additional information about
peripheral devices.
Volume level The system provides protection for disk and tape volumes. For
more information, see the following sections:
Disk volume protection Section 9.4.1
Tape volume protection Section 9.4.2
File level The system provides protection for disk files and directory files.
For more information, see the following sections:
Individual disk files Section 10.7.3
Directory files that reside on Section 10.7.4
disk volumes

You can protect data residing on disk and tape volumes by using one or more of the following

Type of Protection For More

UIC-based protection codes Chapter 12
Access control lists (ACLs) Chapter 12
ISO 9660-formatted media protection Section 9.4.2
ANSI-standard accessibility protection (magnetic tape only) Section 9.4.2

For the most part, file protection is transparent. Tools exist, however, to adjust the protection of a file.
You can set the protection or modify the ACL of a file if at least one of these statements is true:

• You own the file.

• You have control access to the file.

• You have SYSPRV privilege.

• The group part of your UIC is less than or equal to MAXSYSGROUP.

• You have GRPPRV and you have the same group UIC as the file.

10.7.2. Displaying File Ownership and Protection

You can display ownership and protection information with the commands and qualifiers shown in
Table 10.5.

Table 10.5. DCL Commands to Display Ownership and Protection

Command Use to Display
DIRECTORY/ACL filespec ACL of file
DIRECTORY/OWNER_UIC filespec UIC of owner of file

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Command Use to Display

DIRECTORY/PROTECTION filespec UIC-based protection of file
DIRECTORY/FULL filespec All of the above and other, nonsecurity
SHOW DEVICES/FULL device-name Device UIC and protection
SHOW PROTECTION Default file protection
SHOW SECURITY All of the above

Directory structures do not apply to tape volumes. However, you can use the DIRECTORY command
to search for files on tape volumes. Section 10.9 describes how to access tape files for read and write
operations and also explains the use of the DIRECTORY command for tapes.

The DCL command SHOW PROTECTION displays the current process default protection. This
protection is applied to files created during your terminal session or to batch jobs, where defaults from
directories or previously existing versions are not available.

To use the SHOW PROTECTION command to display the default protection of magnetic tapes, you
must specify the /PROTECTION qualifier with the INITIALIZE command when you initialize the
magnetic tape volume. Otherwise, the protection is not written to the magnetic tape volume. See the
description of initializing magnetic tape volumes in Section 9.3.

The next example illustrates how you can use the SHOW PROTECTION command to display the
default protection characteristics for disk files.


In this example, the SHOW PROTECTION command requests a display of the current protection

10.7.3. Protecting Disk Files

Each file on a disk has its own protection code, which is distinct from the protection that applies to the
disk volume itself. Files residing on disk volumes have the access types shown in Table 10.6.

Table 10.6. Access Types with Disk File Protection

Access Type Gives you the right to. . .
Read Read, print, or copy a disk file. Read access automatically includes execute
access to a specified file or group of files on disk.
Write Write to or change the contents of a file, but not delete it. Write access allows
modification of the file characteristics that describe the contents of the file.
Execute Execute a file that contains an executable program image or DCL command

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Access Type Gives you the right to. . .

Delete Delete the file. To delete a file, you must have delete access to the file and write
access to the directory that contains the file.
Control Change file characteristics, including the protection code and ACL. Special
restrictions apply to changing the owner of a file.

If you do not define a protection code for a file when you create it, the system applies default
protection. If a version of the file already exists, protection is taken from the previous version.

For a new file, the system determines protection in two major ways:

• If the directory where the file is to be cataloged has an associated access control entry (ACE) that
specifies the default protection, the system uses the specified protection.

• If the directory does not have the default protection ACE, the system uses the default process
protection. You establish the default process protection explicitly with the SET PROTECTION/
DEFAULT command, or by default when you log in.

For disk volumes, each file on the volume can have a different protection associated with it. The SET
SECURITY/PROTECTION command and other file-manipulating commands allow you to define the
protection for individual files.

To protect a file completely, you must protect both the file itself and the directory that lists the file. To
protect a file against unauthorized access, specify the proper protection both for the directory that lists
the file and for the file itself. See Section 10.7.4 for instructions on protecting directories.

The following sections explain how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Set default disk file protection Section
Set explicit disk file protection Section
Modify disk file protection characteristics Section Setting Default Disk File Protection

A new file receives default UIC-based protection and the default access control entries (ACEs), if any,
of its parent directory. A new version of an existing file receives the UIC-based protection and ACL
of the previous version.

The protection of a renamed file is unchanged unless you use the RENAME/INHERIT command.

How to Change Default UIC Protection

The operating system provides each process with a default UIC-based protection of (S:RWED,
O:RWED, G:RE, W). To change the default protection that is applied to files created by that process,
enter the SET PROTECTION/DEFAULT command using the following format:



Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

code Defines the protection to be applied to the

specified files. If you omit the code, the access is
set to the current default protection.

For example, if you place the following command in your login command procedure, you grant all
processes read and execute access to any files that you subsequently create:


(Remember that you must execute the login command procedure for this command to take effect.) Setting Explicit Disk File Protection

You can explicitly specify UIC-based protection for a new file with the /PROTECTION qualifier
(valid with the BACKUP, COPY, RENAME, and CREATE commands), as shown in the following
command line:


After a file is created and you have created an ACL for the file, you can modify the ACL and add
as many ACEs to the ACL as you want. The protection specified by the ACL overrides the UIC
protection of the file.

The following examples show how to check and specify protection codes.



The SHOW PROTECTION command displays the current default protection. In this example, the
response shows the system default protection, which indicates that the system and owner have all
types of access, group users have read and execute access, and world users have no access.


DBA1:[SADAMS]IMAGES. DIR;1 object of class FILE
Owner: [SAM, SADAMS]
Protection: (System: RWE, Owner: RWE, Group: RE, World: E)
Access Control List:

In this example, the SHOW SECURITY command displays the current protection associated with
the file IMAGES. DIR.


Directory DBA1:[SADAMS]
Total of 1 file.

In this example, the /SECURITY qualifier with the DIRECTORY command displays the current
protection associated with the IMAGES. DIR file.



Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

In this example, the/PROTECTION qualifier specifies a protection code when the ABC. DAT file
is copied to XYZ. DAT.



In this example, the SET SECURITY/PROTECTION command changes the protection for
an existing file. The command gives the following instructions regarding the file ABC. DAT:
system users have read, write, and execute access;the owner has read, write, execute, and delete
access;group users have only read and execute access;world users have no access.

Control access is implied and unchangeable for system and owner categories but not for group and
world. Modifying Disk File Protection Characteristics

Table 10.7 shows the DCL commands that you can use to establish and modify the protection
characteristics of files.

Table 10.7. DCL Commands to Modify File Protection Characteristics

Command Description For More Information
SET DIRECTORY Modifies the characteristics of See Section 10.7.4.
one or more directories. The
directory protection can override
the protection of individual files
within the directory.
SET FILE Modifies the characteristics of See Section
one or more files, including the
version limits on files.
SET PROTECTION/DEFAULT Sets the default UIC protection Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
on files. Guide to System Security.
SET SECURITY Modifies the security profile Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
of an object. Such a profile Guide to System Security
contains the following and the VSI OpenVMS DCL
characteristics: Dictionary.

• An access control list (ACL).

• A protection code, which

defines access to objects
based on the categories of
system, owner, group, and

• An owner. The system uses

the owner characteristic to
interpret the protection code.
SET VOLUME Changes the characteristics See Section
of one or more mounted
Files-11 volumes. The /

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Command Description For More Information

sets the default protection to
be applied to all files on the
specified disk volume.

For a complete list of the command qualifiers and parameters applicable to each of these DCL
commands, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. Changing File Protection Characteristics

To change or reset the protection characteristics of one or more files, use the following format:
SET SECURITY/PROTECTION = code file-spec[, . . . ]


code Defines the protection to be applied to the specified files. You cannot omit the
file-spec Specifies one or more files for which the protection is to be changed. A file
name and file type are required. If you omit a version number, the protection is
changed only for the highest existing version of the file. Wildcard characters are

The following examples show ways to change file protection.



-RMS-E-PRV, insufficient privilege or file protection violation

In this example, the file INCOME. DAT;3 is protected against deletion. The SET SECURITY/
PROTECTION command changes only the owner's delete access for the file INCOME. DAT;3.
Now the owner can delete the file.


In this example, the SET SECURITY/PROTECTION command changes the protection codes
applied to the PAYROLL. LIS file. To the file, the command gives the system read access; the
owner has read, write, execute, and delete access; and users in the owner's group have read and
write access. Using the SET FILE Command

You can use the DCL command SET FILE to modify the characteristics of one or more files or to
assign an additional name, or alias, to a file. The following examples illustrate ways you can use the
SET FILE command.



This SET FILE command requests that the expiration date of the file BATCH. COM;3 be set to
11:00 a. m., April 15, 2000.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories


This SET FILE command erases disk locations for files that are deleted with commands
such as DELETE or PURGE when applied to all files that match the file specification
PERSONNEL*.SAL and are dated before April 15, 2000.


This SET FILE command modifies the characteristics of the file MYFILE. DAT, changing the
owner UIC and assigning a file version limit of 100. Note that the /OWNER_UIC qualifier
requires SYSPRV or GRPPRV privilege for changing the ownership at the system or group level.


This SET FILE command assigns an additional name, or alias (NEW_FILENAME. DAT), to the
file OLD_FILENAME. DAT. Both the original name and the alias refer to the same file. For this
reason, be careful when you delete files with aliases. To keep the file, but to remove one of its
names, use the /REMOVE qualifier with the SET FILE command. You cannot use wildcards in
the file name. (Refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for details.)

10.7.4. Protecting Disk Directories

Each directory has a protection associated with it. Directory protection can override the protection
of individual files within the directory. For example, if a directory denies world access, world users
cannot look up files in that directory even though the files permit world access.

For directory protection, you can use the access types shown in Table 10.8

Table 10.8. Access Types for Directory Protection

Access Type Gives you the right to. . .
Read Examine, print, or copy a file. If you have read access to a directory, you can
display the contents of the directory with the DIRECTORY command. For
example, if you have read access to the directory [JONES], you can enter the
following command:


This command displays the files contained in the [JONES] directory.

With read access, you can access any file listed in the directory, unless the
protection on that file denies you access. If the protection applied to the whole
directory denies you read access, then you cannot access even those files in the
directory that permit access to users in your group.
Write Modify or write to a directory. However, you must have both read and write
access to a directory to create files in the directory, to rename files in the
directory, or to perform any file operation that involves changes to the directory
Execute Access files by name but not list all the entries in a directory (that is, to use
specific or implied wildcards) when applied to directories. For example, assume
that you have execute access to the [JONES] directory, and you enter the
following command:


Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Access Type Gives you the right to. . .

The system responds with an error message of “insufficient privilege or
file protection violation”and does not list the files in the[JONES] directory.
However, if you know that the file DATAFILE. DAT resides in the [JONES]
directory, you can enter the following command:


The system displays the contents of the file. Thus, with execute access, you
can perform some, but not all, of the operations that you can with read access.
(Access to individual files is still controlled by their file protection. )

As another example, to display the contents of the EXPENSES. DAT file, you
must have read or execute access to each directory in the directory tree, that is,
to the JONES, REPORTS, and JUNE directories:

Delete Delete a directory file. You must remove all entries from a directory before you
can delete the directory file. When you create a directory with the CREATE/
DIRECTORY command, you do not, by default, get delete access. If you want
to be able to delete a directory file, you must use the DCL command SET
SECURITY/PROTECTION to explicitly assign delete access to the owner
Control Change the characteristics of a directory.

Using UIC Directory Protection

You cannot completely protect a file without applying at least the same protection to the directory
in which the file resides. For example, if you deny a user all access to a file but allow that user read
access to the file's directory, the user cannot access the contents of the file but can see that it exists.
Conversely, a user allowed access to a file and denied access to the file's directory (or one of the
parent directories) cannot see that the file exists.

To protect sensitive files, the directory protection alone is not adequate. You must also protect each
individual file contained within the directory. Section 10.7.3 contains instructions for protecting disk

By default, top-level directories receive UIC-based protection(S:RWE, O:RWE, G:RE, W:E) and no
ACL. A newly created subdirectory receives the same protection as its parent directory, but delete
access is removed from all categories.

Guidelines for specifying UIC-based protection on a directory follow.

• To specify UIC-based protection explicitly when creating a directory, use the /PROTECTION
qualifier with the CREATE/DIRECTORY command. You cannot specify an ACL for the directory
before you create the directory.

• To change the UIC-based protection of an existing directory, use the SET SECURITY/
PROTECTION command for the directory file.

• You can limit but not prohibit directory access by specifying execute access but not read access.
Execute access on a directory permits you to examine and read files that you know are in the

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

directory (that is, you know the file specifications) but prevents you from displaying a list of the
files in the directory.

The following sections explain how to change directory protection characteristics and default ACL
protection. Changing Directory UIC Protection Characteristics

The DCL command SET DIRECTORY modifies the characteristics of one or more directories.


The SET DIRECTORY command in this example modifies both the [DAVIS] and [USERS]
directories, changing their owner UICs. Using the /OWNER_UIC qualifier requires SYSPRV (system
privilege). Changing Default ACL Protection

You can override default UIC protection for specified directories or subdirectories by placing a default
protection ACE in the ACL of the appropriate directory file. The default protection specified in
the ACE is applied to any new file created in the specified directory or in any subdirectory of the

The following ACE, which must be in the ACL of a directory file, specifies that the default protection
(for files created in the directory and its subdirectories) will allow system and owner processes full
access, group processes read and execute access, and world users no access:

10.7.5. Protecting Magnetic Tape Files

Because tapes are single-user devices, tape protection is only at the volume level. The protection
codes for magnetic tape volumes are usually assigned with the INITIALIZE command.

You cannot use DCL commands to change protection characteristics on magnetic tape volumes. See
Section 9.5.1 for more information.

10.8. Accessing Disk Files

This section describes how to use DCL commands to access files at the file level, not at the record
level. This applies to reading files on disks, which is explained in this section, as well as to copying
tape files, which is explained in Section 10.10.1.

Although DCL does allow you to manipulate files at the record level, for reasons of performance, you
probably want to use a conventional programming language instead. VSI recommends that you write
programs using the OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS) facilities, which are specifically
designed to access files at the record level. You can write these programs in any higher-level language
that the operating system supports.

To access disk files at the file level, you can use DCL commands. You cannot, however, use DCL
commands to read or write files that are not in the standard formats supported by the operating

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

system. If the file formats are not standard, you must mount the volumes on which they reside with
the /FOREIGN qualifier to have read and write access.

Although the examples used in this section show how to access disk files on RA90 disk packs, they
also apply to other devices.

To read the contents of a disk file, use the DCL command TYPE, which displays the contents of a file
on your terminal. To find the exact location of the disk file you want to read, use the DCL command

How to Perform This Task

If, for example, you want to read the contents of a file named HISFILE, which is located somewhere
in the directory [CHARLES] on a disk device whose logical name is DISK$DOCUMENT, follow
these steps:

1. Look for the exact location of HISFILE by entering the following command:


This command instructs the operating system to search the entire [CHARLES] directory, including
all the subdirectories, for all file types and version numbers of HISFILE.

The following information is displayed on your terminal:



Total of 1 file.

This display informs you that only one version of HISFILE exists, that its file type is UPD, and
that it resides in the [CHARLES. MEMO] directory.

2. To read the contents of this file, enter the following command:


The contents of HISFILE are displayed on your terminal.

10.9. Accessing Tape Files

This section describes file-level access for tapes. When you request access to a standard-labeled
volume or a file, the operating system checks at the volume and file level to ensure that your process
can access the volume or file. The level at which the system checks access depends on the operation
you request and the type of access the operation requires.

When you access a volume or a file, the operating system software reads the volume- and file-header
labels to determine whether access to the volume or file is restricted. Which label is read depends on
the operation requested. For example, if you want to mount a volume, your process must have access
to it.

The protection set on a file determines your access to the file. The expiration date field in the header
can prevent you from overwriting or appending to a file immediately preceding the one in question. If
the expiration date field has not been reached, a file has not expired.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

To overwrite an unexpired file, you must specify the /OVERRIDE=EXPIRATION qualifier when you
mount the volume. Performing this operation requires that you have read or write access.

After a section that explains tape file names are sections that tell how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Locate standard-labeled tape files Section 10.9.2
Use wildcards with tape files Section 10.9.3
Read files on tape volumes Section 10.9.4
Write files to tape volumes Section 10.9.5

10.9.1. Understanding Tape File Names

OpenVMS systems accept two types of file names for magnetic tapes:

• OpenVMS extended names

Use OpenVMS extended names if your files are to remain on media using only the OpenVMS
operating system.

• Standard names

Use standard names if you want to move files to media on operating systems other than

Table 10.9 compares characteristics of OpenVMS extended names and standard names.

Table 10.9. Comparison of OpenVMS Extended Names and Standard Names

Characteristic OpenVMS Extended Names Standard Names
Valid with... Tape and disk volumes Tape volumes
Format filename.type;version filename.;version (Version is
Length 39. 39; 17.;
Valid Characters A through Z; 0 through 9; ASCII “a”7 characters enclosed
ampersand (&), hyphen (-), in quotation marks (" "). Note
underscore ( _ ), and dollar sign that within a file name, DCL
($); wildcard characters asterisk interprets a double set of
(*)and percent sign (%) quotation marks ("") as a single
set ("). If a name has fewer
than 17 characters, the system
pads the name on the right
with spaces to arrive at the 17-
character maximum length.
The ASCII “a” character set is defined in Clause 7. 4. 1 of the ISO 9660 Standard.

10.9.2. Locating Standard-Labeled Tape Files

Before accessing a particular file for a read or write operation, you might want to search the magnetic
tape volume for that file. Use the DCL command DIRECTORY to locate a file or group of files on a
tape volume.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

When you specify a file name for a file residing on tape, the tape file system performs the following

1. Compares the file name with the file header labels of each file until it finds a match in the file
identifier field of the file header labels.

• If you supply a version number in the file name, the magnetic tape file system compares it
with the generation number and generation version-number fields in the first file header label.

• If you do not specify a version number, the system neither defaults a version number nor
checks the generation number and generation version-number fields.

2. The system selects the first file on the magnetic tape whose file name in the file identifier field
matches the specified file name.

The operating system supports neither the directory nor the latest version number concept for
magnetic tape volumes. The system does not search for or list the latest version of a specified file.
The magnetic tape file system cannot increment version numbers of files written to tape; therefore,
two or more files in the same volume set can have the same file name and version number.

Because the tape file system selects the first matching file name and version number (if specified),
the position of the magnetic tape within the volume set determines which file is returned on a
search operation. A search operation begins at the current position, so you might want to rewind
the volume set before accessing a file.

3. The search for a matching file and version number (if specified) continues at the beginning of the
header-label set of the next file. The search ends when the magnetic tape is positioned at the file
where the search began.

If the system does not find the requested file on the current volume, it searches the remaining
volumes in the volume set sequentially and then searches from the beginning of the first volume of
the volume set. If the system still does not find the file name, it reports an error.

10.9.3. Using Wildcard Characters with Tape Volumes

The OpenVMS operating system supports a limited use of wildcard characters in file specifications
for tape volumes.

Table 10.10 explains the use of wildcard characters with OpenVMS extended names and with
standard names.

Table 10.10. Wildcard Character Support with Tape Volumes

Wildcard Character OpenVMS Extended Standard Names Description
Asterisk (*) X X In OpenVMS extended
names, you can use an
asterisk anywhere in the
file name and file type
field to match a field or
portion of a field. You
can also use the asterisk
in the version number

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Wildcard Character OpenVMS Extended Standard Names Description

In standard names, you
can use only a single
asterisk in a field.
Percent sign (%) X In OpenVMS extended
names, you can use
a percent sign in a
file specification only
to match character
positions within a field.
You cannot use the
percent sign in the
version number field.

Unlike OpenVMS extended names, which can consist of up to 39 characters each for the file name
and file type, standard names can have a maximum of 17 characters.

The following examples show how to use wildcard characters in file specifications to search for files
on tape volumes. These examples also show how you can use the DIRECTORY command with tapes.
Note that the DIRECTORY command does not work the same with tape files as with disk files.

1. $ DIRECTORY MFA1:*. *;*

This command instructs the system to search a volume set. Because asterisks are used in the
file specification and the asterisk is a valid wildcard character for both standard and OpenVMS
extended names, the system returns both OpenVMS extended names and standard names. Note
that the system returns tape file names within quotation marks.

2. $ DIRECTORY MTA1:%*. *;*

$ DIRECTORY MTA0:*. %*;*

In these two commands, the search can match only with OpenVMS extended names because
the percent sign is not valid for standard names. In the second command, the file type field must
contain at least one character. Files with no file type are not returned.

3. $ DIRECTORY MTA0:*. ;*

In this example, the DIRECTORY command instructs the system to search for files with both
standard names and OpenVMS extended names that do not have a file type.

10.9.4. Reading Files on Tape Volumes

When you access a tape file for a read operation, the tape is positioned at the beginning of the file
section after the file header labels. When you access a file residing on a tape volume only to read the
attributes in the header labels (rather than the data in the file section), the tape file system returns the
RMS attributes to your process. For example, when you specify the DIRECTORY/FULL command
for a volume, file, or list of files, the tape file system performs the following tasks:

1. Selects the file identifiers from the header labels

2. Returns the file attributes to your process

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

3. Positions the tape after the header labels of the last file accessed

A tape file opened for read access is closed in either of the following ways:

Method Description
Implicitly The file is closed implicitly when the drive encounters a tape mark while the
system reads a file. The tape file system then reads the trailer labels, closes the
file, and positions the tape at the next file.
Explicitly The file is closed explicitly when you finish accessing the file before all the data
in the file is read. The tape file system then closes the file without reading the
trailer labels, and the tape remains at the current position.

Use the DCL command TYPE to read a file or group of files on the tape volume and to display the
contents of the file on your terminal. For example, if you want to read the contents of a file named
TESTFILE.DOC;1 (which you know from your directory searches is an OpenVMS file residing on
the tape volume MTA1:), enter the following command:
$ TYPE MTA1:TEST*. %*;*

You then receive the following display on your terminal:

MTA1:TESTFILE. DOC;1This is a test file.

10.9.5. Writing Files to Tape Volumes

When you write files to a tape volume, the tape file system performs access checks, writes labels, and,
if necessary, switches volumes. Writing New Files That Overwrite Existing Files

If a new file will overwrite an existing file, the tape file system performs the following tasks:

1. Checks the expiration date and accessibility fields of the existing file.

2. If overwriting is allowed, the tape file system performs the following task:

a. Overwrites the header label set of the existing file

b. Creates the file section

c. Writes the trailer labels

d. Writes two tape marks to denote the logical end-of-volume (EOV)

All files following the newly created file are lost.

To close a tape file that was opened for write access, the tape file system issues commands to the
driver to write the labels, followed by a double tape mark that indicates the logical EOV. Appending or Updating Files

When you use DCL to access an existing file for a write operation, either an append or an update
operation is actually performed. The following table describes each operation.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Access Method Description

Append When you access a file for an append operation, the tape is positioned before the
tape mark that precedes the trailer labels. After the file is appended and closed,
all files beyond the appended file are lost. When the positioning is complete, the
processing is handled as if the file had been created.
Update When you access a file for an update operation, the tape is positioned after the
tape mark that follows the header labels. After the file is written to and closed,
all files beyond the updated file are lost. The processing is handled as if the file
had been created.

Note that you can update or append tape files only when the header label contains a value of 0
for the buffer offset length. For more information about how to update and append tape files, see
Section 10.10.

If you do not specify the /OVERRIDE=EXPIRATION qualifier when you update a file, the tape file
system checks the expiration date field on the file before it allows you to write to that file.

In addition, before you append a file, the tape file system checks the expiration dates of both the file
being appended and the file immediately following it. If the expiration date of either file has not been
reached, the magnetic tape file system does not allow you to append the file.


You can use the CREATE command to access a volume for a write operation. The following CREATE
command writes a new file to the tape volume:


After entering a command similar to the one in this example, follow these steps:

1. Enter the contents of the file.

2. Press Ctrl/Z to close the file and write it to the tape volume without leaving the DCL command

10.10. Copying and Transferring Files

With the OpenVMS operating system, you can copy files on disks and tapes both within the system
and across other operating systems. The OpenVMS operating system provides a number of facilities
to assist you in both types of information transfer.

Table 10.11 summarizes the methods you can use to transfer information.

Table 10.11. Methods of Transferring Information

Method Description
DCL command COPY Most frequently used method for transferring
Convert utility (CONVERT) On a local system, allows you to change the
organization of a file from sequential to indexed,
for example.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Method Description
Exchange utility (EXCHANGE) On a local system, allows you to access disk and
tape volumes that are formatted for operating
systems other than OpenVMS. You can use
EXCHANGE to transfer files between foreign
volumes and standard Files–11 volumes.
DCL command EXCHANGE /NETWORK Allows you to transfer files via the network
between OpenVMS and other operating systems.
The command is useful for transferring files
between nodes that use OpenVMS and those that
do not. The file is copied in such a way that it is
meaningful on OpenVMS and other operating
systems as well.
Backup utility (BACKUP) With tapes, the only means of copying entire
directory trees or files that are not sequentially
structured. See Section 11.13.2 for information
about using BACKUP to copy files.
CDRECORD.COM Lets you transfer files to a CD-R disk to
create your own CD-ROM. Available on some

The COPY command, the Exchange utility, the DCL command EXCHANGE /NETWORK, and
CDRECORD.COM are explained in the following sections.

In many cases, you can copy information without physically transporting media. Perhaps you want to
copy files between systems that are not connected by a communications link. If so, you must be able
to move your files physically from one location to another. A convenient way is to copy your files to
a portable volume, such as a tape reel, tape cartridge, or disk pack, and then carry that volume to the
location of the other system.

The following sections describe how to perform these tasks:

Task Section
Copy files to disk volumes Section 10.10.1
Copy files to tape volumes Section 10.10.2
Continue to copy at the end of a tape Section 10.10.3
Use the Exchange utility to copy files Section 10.10.4
Use the DCL command EXCHANGE/NETWORK to transfer files over a Section 10.10.5
Use CDRECORD. COM to create a CD-ROM Section 10.11

10.10.1. Copying Files to Disk Volumes

Before you can copy files to a disk volume, you must perform the following actions:

1. Prepare the volume, as explained in Section 9.3.

2. Because disks are random-access devices, and because files must be listed in directories, you must
create a directory to contain your files on the disk volume after you initialize the volume.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Copying from Disks

The default format for files on disk volumes is Files–11 Structure Level 2. You can also initialize
disks in the Files–11 Structure Level 1 format, which is the format used by other operating systems,
including RSX–11M, RSX–11M-PLUS, RSX–11D, and IAS.

When you copy files from disks to standard-labeled disk volumes, the following items are not

• Directory specifications

• Individual file protections

• User identification codes (UICs)

• Creation times (but the dates are preserved)

• Revision and backup dates and times

You can use the COPY command to copy the highest version of all the files in your default directory
to another directory on that volume.

Copying from Tapes

The default format for files on tapes is the standard-labeled volume. The OpenVMS system supports
sequential, relative, and indexed files on disks, but you can copy only sequential files to standard-
labeled disk volumes. The only valid record formats are variable-length and fixed-length.

When you copy files with tape file names from magnetic tape to disk, specify a standard OpenVMS
file name for the output file name specification. If you do not specify an OpenVMS file name on
output, your process receives the following error message:
RMS-F-FNM, error in file name

This message indicates that the tape file name is not a valid OpenVMS file name.

If you enter the COPY command with the /LOG qualifier, the system sends a message to the current
SYS$OUTPUT device after each file has been copied. To verify that the files were successfully
copied, use the DIRECTORY command.

$ COPY *.* P

The CREATE/DIRECTORY command in this example creates a disk directory file named [PUBS]
on DMA3:, and the DEFINE command defines the logical name P as DMA3:[PUBS]. The
COPY command copies the highest version of each file in the current default directory and in the
directories [PRIMER] and [COMMANDS] to the newly created directory.

2. $ COPY *.* DMA5:[PRIVATE]

For this example, assume that the disk device DMA5: has been allocated to your process and
that a disk volume has been initialized and mounted on that device. Also assume that you have a
directory called PRIVATE already created on that volume.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

3. $ COPY/LOG MTA1:"%&*?!SKI! """ SEASON.DAT

%COPY-S-COPIED, MTA1:[]"%&*?!SKI! """. ;1copied to WRKD:
[MANUAL]SEASON.DAT;1 (120 records)

The COPY/LOG command in this example copies the tape file %&*?!SKI!#" (# means space) to
the file SEASON. DAT on the default disk and directory, WRKD:[MANUAL]. To copy the file to
disk, you must specify a new file name. (The OpenVMS software provides defaults for segments
of the file specification that are not specified.)

Because this example uses the /LOG qualifier, the system returns a message that confirms the file
was copied from the MTA1: tape volume; the message also tells how many records were copied.

4. $ COPY/LOG MTA0:*.* *
DAT;1 (249 records)
%COPY-S-COPIED, MTA0:[]ALLAT;1 copied to WRKD:[FOOD]ALALL;1 (48 records)
%COPY-S-NEWFILES, 2 files created

In this example, the COPY/LOG command specifies wildcard characters for the file name and file
type. Therefore, the system copies the only two files on the tape volume to the disk volume.

5. $ COPY/LOG MTA1:*. * [EX]

%COPY-S-COPIED, MTA1:[]. DAT;1 copied to WRKD:[EX]TEST. DAT21 records
%COPY-E-OPENOUT, error opening WRKD:[EX]"%&*()!SKI! """. ;1 as output
-RMS-F-FNM, error in file name
%COPY-W-NOTCOPIED, MTA1:[]"%&*()!SKI! """. ;1 not copied
%COPY-E-OPENOUT, error opening WRKD:[EX]"SANFRAN%%%""". ;1 as output
-RMS-F-FNM, error in file name
%COPY-W-NOTCOPIED, MTA1:[]"SANFRAN%%%""". ;1 not copied
%COPY-S-COPIED, MTA1:[]C6. JOU;1 copied to WRKD:[EX]C6. JOU;1 (4
%COPY-S-NEWFILES, 2 files created

The COPY/LOG command string specifies that all files on the volume mounted on tape volume
MTA1: are to be copied to the current default disk and directory WRKD:[EX]. However, the
system does not copy files with tape file names, but, instead, returns an error message.

6. $ COPY/FTP sys$login:login. com -

$_ system. bldg. corp. com" username password"::sys$login:login. tmp

This example transfers the OpenVMS RMS file SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN. COM to the remote
file SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN. TMP over a TCP/IP connection while specifying the user name and
password on the remote system.

10.10.2. Copying Files to Tape Volumes

You can use the COPY command to copy files from a disk volume to a tape volume. The procedures
are similar to those for copying files from one disk volume to another. One difference, however, is that
magnetic tapes are sequential-access devices and do not have directories. You must set up (initialize
and mount) a tape device before copying disk files to a tape volume. (The characteristics of tape files
are described in Section 10.9. )

The entire set of Files–11 file names is supported for magnetic tapes. You can copy a disk file with the
following file name to a magnetic tape volume without having to modify the file name:

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories


Most systems that are not OpenVMS do not use file names longer than 17 characters.

Although the OpenVMS system supports stream and variable with fixed-length control (VFC)
records, it encodes these records in a variable-length format on standard-labeled volumes. Systems
that are not OpenVMS do not distinguish stream records or VFC records from variable-length records;
instead, they interpret both as variable-length records. Therefore, do not create either stream or VFC
records on volumes that will be used for information interchange to a system that is not OpenVMS.

The following steps show how to use DCL commands to copy files from a default directory on a disk
volume to a standard-labeled magnetic tape volume. Included in the steps are examples showing how
to allocate, initialize, and use a magnetic tape to copy a set of your disk files.

How to Perform This Task

To copy files from a default directory on a disk volume to a standard-labeled tape volume, follow
these steps:

1. First, allocate a drive as follows:

%DCL-I-ALLOC _MARS$MTA2: allocated

This ALLOCATE command requests the allocation of a tape drive whose name begins with MT.
The logical name TAPE_DEVICE in this case refers to the MARS$MTA2: drive.

The system response indicates that unit 2 on controller A was available and is now allocated to
you. You can now physically load the tape on the drive. Be sure the write ring on the tape is in
place; if it is not, you cannot write to the tape.

2. Initialize the tape by entering a command similar to the following:


The INITIALIZE command specifies the logical name for the volume (TAPE_DEVICE, which in
this case refers to MTA2:) and the volume label for the tape volume (GMB001). The label can be
no longer than six characters. The /PROTECTION qualifier defines a protection code restricting
group access to read and allowing no world access.

3. Enter the MOUNT command to mount the volume and write files to it, as in the following
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, GMB001 mounted on _MTA2:

The MOUNT command specifies the device name and volume label of the volume on the device.
The COPY command copies the highest version of each file in your default directory onto the
tape. The file names, file types, and version numbers of the output files default to the same file
names, file types, and version numbers as the input files.

If you enter the COPY command with the /LOG qualifier, the system sends a message to the
current SYS$OUTPUT device after it copies each file.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

4. You can also use the DIRECTORY command to verify that the files were copied successfully.


This DIRECTORY command lists the file names and file types of all files on the tape.

5. When you finish using the magnetic tape, dismount and deallocate it as follows:


If you do not dismount and deallocate the magnetic tape, the system does so automatically when
you log out.

The following examples illustrate ways of copying files to tape volumes.

1. $ COPY *.* MTA2:

For this example, assume that MTA2: has been allocated to your process and that a tape volume
has been initialized and mounted on that device. The COPY command writes files to the
MTA2:tape volume.

The highest versions of all files in your default disk directory are copied to the tape volume. The
file names, file types, and version numbers of the output files default to the same file names, file
types, and version numbers as the input files.

2. $ COPY/LOG FORTAP.DAT MTA1:"%&*?!SKI! "" "

copied to MTA1:[]"%&*?!SKI! """.;0 (120 records)

In this command for copying from disk to tape, a tape file name is specified as the output file
specification. Note that the trailing space in the file name %&*?!SKI!#"# (where # means space)
is not present because trailing spaces are not significant in tape names.


copied to MTA1:OPENVMS_LONG$FILE_NAME. LONG_EXT;1 (80 records)

In this example, a long file name with a long file type is copied to the tape volume MTA1: with
the same file name and type as on the disk volume.

4. $ COPY/LOG %%. JOU;* MTA1:*. *

copied to MTA1:[]C6. JOU;1 (4 records)

In this example, all files with a two-character file name and a file type of .JOU are copied to the
tape volume MTA1: with the same file name and type as on the disk volume. Version numbers are

10.10.3. Continuing to Copy at the End of a Tape

When you are copying to or from a tape and that tape reaches the end, the system suspends processing
and sends a request to mount the next tape in the volume set. An operator communication manager
(OPCOM) message similar to the following one is displayed at the terminal:

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM, 14-MAY-2000 15:23:31. 78 %%%%%%%%%%%

request 3, from user PLAW
MOUNT new relative volume 2 (DW0QT2) on MTA1:

Because messages are sent only to the operator's terminal that is enabled for tape messages, you do
not usually see this message and might not realize that another tape is needed to complete the read or
write operation.
See VSI OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex
Systems for more information about OPCOM messages.

If automatic volume switching is disabled or if the tape file system cannot mount a given volume, you
might need to mount a continuation volume in a volume set. See Section 9.9.2 for information about
mounting continuation volumes.

10.10.4. Using the Exchange Utility (EXCHANGE)

The Exchange utility (EXCHANGE) converts the format of files, as appropriate, when copying
files between volumes of different structures. EXCHANGE recognizes all Files-11 and RT-11 disk
volumes on OpenVMS devices, as well as all DOS-11 and RT-11 formatted volumes on 9-track tape

For more information about how to use EXCHANGE and for a description of all EXCHANGE
commands, qualifiers, and parameters, refer to online help or the archived manual OpenVMS
Exchange Utility Manual.

10.10.5. Using the EXCHANGE/NETWORK Command

Use the DCL command EXCHANGE/NETWORK to transfer files to and from operating systems that
do not support OpenVMS file organizations. This transfer occurs over a DECnet communications link
that connects nodes that are both OpenVMS and not OpenVMS operating systems.

Use the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command to perform the following operations:

• Transfer files between an OpenVMS node and a node that is not OpenVMS.

• Transfer a group of input files to a group of output files.

• Transfer files between two nodes that are not OpenVMS, provided those nodes share DECnet
connections with the OpenVMS node that issues the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command.

For details on using the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command, refer to online help or the VSI
OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

How to Perform This Task

To issue the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command, use the following format:
EXCHANGE/NETWORK input-filespec[, . . . ] output-filespec


input-filespec Specifies the name of an existing file to be transferred. (Wildcard characters are
allowed. )

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

output-filespec Specifies the name of the output file into which the input is to be transferred.


The command in this example transfers the file MYSYS_FILE.DAT, which is located in the current
default device and directory, to the file FOREIGN_SYS.DAT on node FOO, which is not an
OpenVMS node. By default, the command automatically determines whether the transfer method
should be block or record I/O.

10.11. Creating a CD-ROM

CD-ROM is an alternative vehicle for distributing or backing up files. To create a CD-ROM, you need
a CD-Recordable (CD-R or CD-RW) drive and a blank CD-R disk. CD-R and CD-RW drives use a
laser beam to write (or burn) data to a blank CD-R disk. This differs from the audio compact discs you
buy, which are pressed in a factory from a glass master. A CD-R disk is “write once.” This means you
can write data on it one time only. It is not rewritable.

Read and write-once support for CD-R and CD-RW drives was introduced in OpenVMS Alpha
Version 7. 3-1 on the AlphaServer DS25 system. OpenVMS supports only qualified CD-R and CD-
RW drives. For more information on Alpha and I64 systems and the drives they support, refer to the
appropriate page at the following Web site:

link is to be supplied

The write process creates a CD-ROM in Files-11 format. Any supported CD-ROM reader on a
computer running OpenVMS will be able to read the CD-ROMs you create. The write process does
not create a CD-ROM in ISO 9660 format. For more information, refer to the Guide to OpenVMS
File Applications.

You can create a CD-ROM that contains data file; however, audio recording is not supported at this
time. Writing to CD-RW disks, which are rewritable, is also not supported at this time.

You cannot use COPY commands to transfer files from a hard drive to a CD-R disk. There is a two
step process you must follow and a special program called CDRECORD.COM6 that you must use.

The first step is to create a logical disk and container file on your hard drive. Organize the directory
structure, volume information, and files on the logical disk as you want them to appear on the CD-

The second step is to run CDRECORD.COM to transfer the contents of the container file to a blank
CD-R disk. CDRECORD.COM provides a set of commands you can use to:

• Display information about the CD-R drive

• Set up the logical disk and container file

• Write to a CD-R disk

The CDRECORD software internals were developed outside VSI and are protected by the GNU General Public License Version 2. Copies
of the sources and the GNU license are on the Open Source Tools CD, which ships with each version of OpenVMS and is also on the
OpenVMS web site.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

• Reuse an existing container file

• View online help

To view online help about CDRECORD.COM, enter the HELP command at the DCL prompt ($), as

10.11.1. Preparation
When you are ready to create a CD-ROM, make sure you have:

A CD-R or CD-RW drive connected to a system running OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1 or later and

• A blank CD-R disk.

• The device name of the CD-R drive (DQnn). If you do not know the device name, use the SHOW
DEVICE DQ command. The device name for a CD-R drive is typically DQA0, DQA1, DQB0, or

• The DIAG, PHY_IO, and SYSPRV privileges. If you want to run at a higher priority level, you
need the ALTPRI privilege as well.

To verify that you have the device name for the drive, enter the INQUIRE command followed by the
device name. For example:

The system verifies that DQA1 (or whatever device name you entered) is a CD-R or CD-RW drive. It
also displays the read and write speed of the drive.

10.11.2. Setting Up a Logical Disk and Container File

You set up the structure and data you want on the hard drive, then use CDRECORD.COM to transfer
everything to a blank CD-R disk. You do this by first creating a logical disk on the hard drive that you
can mount, dismount, and generally treat as an actual disk. You also create a container file because
CDRECORD.COM needs to work with the files on the logical disk as a single entity.

For best performance, clean up and defragment the hard drive on which you will create the logical
disk and container file. For more information, see BACKUP/IMAGE in the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual.

Use the SETUP command in the following format to create a logical disk and a container file:
@SYS$MANAGER:CDRECORD SETUP filename LDAn: label nnnn


filename is the name of the container file. Follow the usual rules for naming files and include a file

LDAn: is the name of the logical disk and can have a value of LDA1 to LDA9999.

label is the volume label you want to give the logical disk and the CD-ROM you will write. Follow
the usual rules for assigning volume labels.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

nnnn is the number of 512-byte blocks you want to allocate for the container file. The number must
be a multiple of 4. The default value is 1250000 (640 MB).

The container file must not be larger than the available space on the CD-R disk you are going to write
to. Also, check the available space on your hard drive to make sure you have enough room for the
container file.

In the following example:


TESTFILE. DSK is the container file name and extension.

LDA1: is the device name of the logical disk.

FRED is the volume label of the logical disk and the CD-ROM you will write.

1250000 is the space (in 512-byte units) that will be allocated on the hard drive for the container file.

Once you have created a logical disk and container file on your hard drive, you can populate the
logical disk with directories and files.

10.11.3. Populating the Logical Disk

Mount the logical disk and use OpenVMS commands such as CREATE/DIR, COPY, etc., or Record
Management Services (RMS), to create files on the logical disk. You can dismount and remount the
logical disk any number of times and update its contents as often as necessary. You can also apply
UIC-based security and access control lists (ACLs) to files.

Once you are satisfied with the contents of the logical disk, you are ready to write it to a CD-R disk.

10.11.4. Writing to a CD-R Disk

When you are ready to write to a CD-R disk, do the following:

1. Turn off other applications to ensure that the write operation will not be interrupted. An
interruption might result in unreadable space on the CD-R disk. The write operation must
complete to create a readable CD-ROM. You cannot reclaim the space used by an unfinished write

2. Enter the WRITE command in the following format:

@SYS$MANAGER:CDRECORD WRITE filename LDAn: DAQnn: laser speed priority


filename is the file name and file extension of the container file.

LDAn: is the name of the logical disk and can have a value of LDA1 to LDA9999.

DQnn: is the device name of the CD-R or CD-RW drive.

laser turns the laser beam on or off and can have a value of 0 (enable) or 1 (disable). The
default is 0. Set this parameter to 1 (disable) when you want to test the process before actually
writing to a CD-R disk.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

speed is the recording speed for the write operation and can have a value from 0 to 99. The
default value is 0. CDRECORD.COM automatically determines the maximum recording speed
based on the speed of the drive and the media speed rating. When speed is set to 0 (the default),
CDRECORD.COM uses the maximum recording speed it automatically calculates. You can
override this recording speed by entering a number from 1 to 99.

A CD-R or CD-RW drive might write at one of a number of fixed speeds (for example, at 2x, 4x, 8x,
16x, and 20x). Enter an override speed to set the drive to one of the speeds that it is capable of using.
If you enter an unsupported speed for the drive, CDRECORD. COM picks a supported speed close to
what you specified.

priority lets you increase the base priority for the current process. Increase the priority to
avoid buffer under runs that could cause a failure in the write operation. You can specify a priority
between 1 and 63. If you do not specify priority, your base priority is retained. If you increase
the base priority, after the write operation completes you are asked if you want to reset the priority
to its original level. If you answer no, the increased priority level is retained.

You should know whether or not your drive is required to record at a specific speed. With some
drives, to minimize errors, you might need to record at a slower speed, depending on the ability
of your computer to keep up the pace. You do not want the write operation to pause because the
computer cannot provide the data quickly enough. Some drives can accommodate sporadic recording
activity (“burn-proof” drives). Raising the priority parameter can also alleviate problems.

In the following example:


TESTFILE.DSK is the container filename and extension.

LDA1: is the device name of the logical disk.

DQA0: is the device name of the CD-R drive.

0 enables the laser beam.

12 is the recording speed.

10.11.5. Verifying a Write Operation

After you create CD media, you can verify that the data written to a CD-ROM can be read back and
that it matches the original data. To verify data, enter the VERIFY command, using following format:


filename is the name of the container file and its extension.

LDA1: is the device name of the logical disk.

label is the volume label of the logical disk (and the CD-R media).

DQA0: is the OpenVMS CD device name.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

10.11.6. Reusing a Container File

When you have finished writing the contents of a logical disk to one or more CD-ROMs, you can
delete the container file or reuse it, if you plan to create more CD-ROMs in the future. The advantages
of reusing it are:

• The space on the hard drive is already allocated. It is better to keep it intact, especially if space is
an issue.

• It saves steps.

Reusing a container file DELETES the current contents of the file.

To reuse a container file, enter the REUSE command in the following format:



filename is the name of the container file and its extension.

LDAn: is the device name of the logical disk.

label is the volume label of the logical disk.

In the following example:


TESTFILE.DSK is the name of the container file.

LDA1: is the device name of the logical disk.

FRED is the volume label of the logical disk.

Use OpenVMS commands to create directories and files. Once you are satisfied with the contents, you
are ready to write to a CD-R disk with the CDRECORD WRITE command.

10.11.7. CDRECORD Command Summary

The format for the CDRECORD. COM command line is:

@ SYS$MANAGER:CDRECORD command [parameter1|parameter2|...]

The CDRECORD commands are:


Displays online help.


Displays information about the CD-R or CD-RW drive.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories


Lets you repopulate an existing logical disk and container file.


Establishes a logical disk and container file on the hard drive.


Lets you check the results of a WRITE operation.


Records the contents of a logical disk to a CD-R disk.

Table 10.12 summarizes the parameters for each command.

Table 10.12. CDRECORD. COM Commands and Parameters

Command Parameters
HELP OVERVIEW Displays online help on using CDRECORD. COM to create
INQUIRE Displays online help for the INQUIRE command.
SETUP Displays online help for the SETUP command.
REUSE Displays online help for the REUSE command.
VERIFY Displays online help for the VERIFY command.
WRITE Displays online help for the WRITE command.
INQUIRE DQnn: Device name of the CD-R or CD-RW drive. The first two
characters must be DQ. The third character is an alphabetic
character from A to Z. The fourth character must be 0 or 1.
The default is DQA0.
REUSE filename File name and extension of the container file.
LDAn: Name of the logical disk. Can have a value of LDA1 to
LDA9999. The default is LDA1.
label Volume label of the logical disk.
VERIFY filename File name and extension of the container file.
LDAn: Name of the logical disk. Can have a value of LDA1 to
LDA9999. The default is LDA1.
label Volume label for the logical disk and the CD-ROM. Follow
the usual rules for assigning volume labels.
DQnn: Device name of the CD-R drive. The first two characters
must be DQ. The third character is an alphabetic character
from A to Z. The fourth character must be 0 or 1. The
default is DQA0.
SETUP filename Name of the container file. Follow the usual rules for
naming files and include a file extension.
LDAn: Name of the logical disk. Can have a value of LDA1 to
LDA9999. The default is LDA1.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Command Parameters
label Volume label for the logical disk and the CD-ROM. Follow
the usual rules for assigning volume labels.
nnnn: Number of 512-byte blocks to allocate for the container file.
The number must be a multiple of 4. The default value is
1250000 (640 MB).
WRITE filename File name and extension of the container file.
LDAn: Name of the logical disk. Can have a value of LDA1 to
LDA9999. The default is LDA1.
DQnn: Device name of the CD-R or CD-RW drive. The first two
characters must be DQ. The third character is an alphabetic
character from A to Z. The fourth character must be 0 or 1.
The default is DQA0.
laser Turns the laser beam on or off. Can have a value of 0
(enable) or 1 (disable). The default is 0.
speed Recording speed for the write operation. Can have a value
from 0 to 99. The default value is 0 to accept the maximum
recording speed calculated by CDRECORD.COM. A value
of 1 to 99 manually sets the recording speed (to that value).
priority Changes the base priority for the current process. Can have
a value of 1 to 63. If you do not specify a value, your base
priority is retained. If you change the base priority, you are
asked if you want to reset the priority to its original level.
If you answer no, the increased priority level is retained.
Requires ALTPRI privilege.

The steps for creating a CD-ROM are:

1. Use the INQUIRE command to verify the device name of the CD-R drive. For example:

2. Use the SETUP command to set up a logical disk and container file on the hard drive. For

3. Populate the logical disk by using OpenVMS commands such as CREATE /DIR and COPY.

4. Use the WRITE command to write the contents of the logical disk to a CD-R disk. For example:

10.12. Understanding Hard Links

A link, or directory entry, is an object in a directory that associates a file name and a version number
with a specific file. All links on a volume must represent files on the same volume.

With the introduction of hard link support in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3, OpenVMS supports three
kinds of links:

primary links

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

hard links

OpenVMS Alpha and I64 supports files with 0 or more links. The first link to a file is referred to as
the “primary link, ” and is distinguished by having the directory ID and name of the link stored in the
file header. Additional links are either aliases or hard links, depending on whether the volume the file
resides on has hard links enabled or disabled.

On OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems, you can enable hard links on particular volumes. On volumes
where hard links are not enabled, non-primary links are aliases. If you choose to enable hard link
capability, you cannot create VMS aliases for files on that volume. A volume can support either hard
links or aliases, but not both. The SET FILE /ENTER command is used to create either a hard link or
an alias for a file.

The essential difference between hard links and aliases is in the effect of a delete operation. What is
usually referred to as deleting a file is more precisely deleting a linkto that file. When a link to a file
is deleted, the associated file might also be deleted. Whether a file is deleted or not depends on if the
volume that the file is on has hard links enabled, and if a hard link to that file has been created.

If you have hard links enabled, a file is actually deleted when there are no more links to file. If you
do not have hard links enabled, and you have not created an alias for a file, essentially only one link
to that file exists: the primary link. If you create an alias for that file, and you delete the alias, the file
still exists because the primary link to that file has not been deleted. The alias is just another name in a
directory for this link. Deleting the primary link deletes the file, leaving the alias entries.

Attempting to access a file through an alias link to a deleted file results in a “no such file ” error. With
a primary link and hard links, many links exist. You actually delete a file when you delete both the
primary link and all hard links to that file.

An important related consideration is disk quota. On OpenVMS, the size of each file is charged to
the file owner's disk quota. If other users create hard links to a file, they are not charged disk quota.
The owner may delete any links to the file in directories he can access, while hard links in other user's
directories may cause the file to be retained; the owner will continue to be charged for its quota.

When you enable hard link support on an existing volume, be sure to also execute the ANALYZE /
DISK /REPAIR command to ensure the proper operation of hard links.

OpenVMS supports hard links, or aliases, to directories as well as to files. Most UNIX systems limit
hard links only to normal files.

10.12.1. Hard Link Examples (INIT and SET VOLUME)

You can enable hard link support using either the INITIALIZE command or the SET VOLUME

To initialize an ODS-5 disk with hard links enabled, issue the following command:


To enable hard links on a mounted Files-11 volume, issue the following command:


If you have a volume that has already been enabled with hard link support and you want to change it,
you can disable it using the SET VOLUME command.

Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories


Issuing this command disables hard link support. However, you should be aware that changing from
enabling hard links to disabling hard links may result in some strange file behavior. For example,
assume that you have disabled hard link support as shown in the example above, but you would like to
create an alias for your file FOO:


You have created an alias for FOO. A called FOO. B. Now you want to delete the original file:


FOO. A is deleted. However, if you look for FOO. B on the volume using the directory command, you
receive a “File not found ” error, because the primary link to that file no longer exists. For example:


To fix this problem, or to check the number of hard links to a file, issue the following command:


ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR counts the number of directory entries that references each file, and sets
the link count if it is incorrect. Before creating aliases for files on disks that have previously had
hard link support enabled, be sure to use the ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR command to set the link
count correctly. If you are unsure as to whether hard links are currently enabled or disabled, issue the

Use DIRECTORY/FULL and DUMP/HEADER to report the link counts. To check the number of
links, issue the following command:


Chapter 10. Using Files and Directories

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP
You can guard against data loss or corruption by using the OpenVMS Backup utility (BACKUP) to
create copies of your files, directories, and disks. In case of a problem—for example, a disk drive
failure—you can restore the backup copy and continue your work with minimal disruption.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Formulating a BACKUP strategy Section 11.3
Setting software parameters for efficient backups Section 11.7
Using disks and tapes Section 11.8
Listing the contents of a BACKUP save set Section 11.10
Backing up user disks and volume shadow sets Section 11.15
Restoring user disks and volume shadow sets Section 11.16
Backing up and restoring the system disk Section 11.17
Ensuring data integrity Section 11.18
Troubleshooting Section 11.19

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
Types of backups Section 11.2
The BACKUP command line Section 11.4.1
The Backup Manager Section 11.4.2
Save sets Section 11.5
BACKUP file formats Section 11.6
Volume initialization Section 11.8.1
OPCOM and volumes Section 11.9
Multivolume BACKUP operations Section 11.11
BACKUP tape label processing Section 11.12
Standalone BACKUP (VAX only) Section 11.17.2

See Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations for information about using BACKUP when
your backup medium is connected to a Fibre Channel interconnect.

11.1. Overview of BACKUP Tasks

For BACKUP to effectively guard against data loss, you must back up important data on a regular
basis and be familiar with how to restore the data when necessary.

Besides backing up your own files, directories, and disks, you should also back up your system disk.
If you have a standalone workstation, backing up your system disk is probably your responsibility. If

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

your system is part of a large clustered computer system, an operator or system manager is probably
responsible for backing up the system disk.

The two ways to back up your system disk are:

• Use the menu system described in Section 11.17.1.

• Use a special version of the OpenVMS Backup utility called standalone BACKUP, described
in Section 11.17.2. Use standalone BACKUP if you do not have access to the OpenVMS VAX
operating system distribution compact disc.

Standalone BACKUP is not supported on OpenVMS Alpha systems beginning with Version 6.1; you
must use the menu system provided on the distribution CD–ROM.

Performing an image backup using BACKUP also eliminates disk fragmentation. Fragmentation
can occur as you create and extend files on a disk. If the file system cannot store files in contiguous
blocks, it stores them in noncontiguous pieces. Eventually, the disk can become severely fragmented
and system performance suffers.

To eliminate fragmentation, perform an image backup of the disk and restore the backup copy. When
you restore the image backup, BACKUP places the files on the disk contiguously. Alternatively,
you can perform a disk-to-disk image backup without using the /SAVE_SET qualifier. This creates a
functionally equivalent copy of the entire system disk, on which files are stored contiguously.

Some layered products have their own special backup procedures. For more information, refer to the
layered product documentation.

11.2. Understanding Types of Backups

The following table lists the types of backup operations.

Operation Description
File operation Processes individual files or directories.
Section 11.13 describes file operations.
Selective operation Processes files or volumes selectively, according
to criteria such as version number, file type, UIC,
date and time of creation, expiration date, or
modification date.

Performs selective save operations by using

wildcard characters and input file-selection
qualifiers (for example, /BACKUP, /BEFORE, /
SINCE). Section 11.13 describes selective

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Operation Description
Physical operation Copies, saves, restores, or compares an entire
volume in terms of logical blocks, ignoring any
file structure.
Image operation Processes all files on the input disk. The types of
image operations are:

• An image backup (also called a full backup)

saves a copy of all the files on a disk (or
volume) to a special file called a save set.

• An image restore initializes the output disk

and restores an entire volume.

• An image copy operation initializes the

output disk and copies an entire volume; the
image backup is a logical duplicate of the
contents of the disk.

• An image compare operation compares the

contents of entire volumes.

Because an image copy or backup operation

processes all files on the input volume, you
cannot specify file-selection qualifiers for these
operations. You can, however, restore files and
directories selectively from an image save set.
Incremental operation The two types of incremental operations are:

• An incremental backup saves only those

files that have been created or modified
since the most recent backup that was
performed using the /RECORD qualifier.
(The /RECORD qualifier records the date and
time that the files are backed up.)

• An incremental restore operation restores an

incremental save set. Specify the command
qualifier /INCREMENTAL to perform
this operation. Section 11.16.2 describes
incremental restore operations.

Two types of BACKUP operations, file and image, support converting ODS-5 file names to ODS-2
file names. Refer to Section for more information.

11.3. Formulating a Backup Strategy

When formulating a backup strategy, keep in mind the specific requirements of your site and the
advantages and disadvantages of the different types of backups. Your backup strategy also depends on
the following factors:

• The resources you can devote to backups

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

• The importance of the data

• The volatility of the data

For example, if you have a standalone workstation, a nightly image backup might be your best

Under other circumstances, you might want to choose some combination of image and incremental
backups. For example, daily image backups might be inconvenient if your system always has
interactive users logged in. You could choose to perform a weekly image backup and nightly
incremental backups.

Table 11.1 compares image and incremental backups.

Table 11.1. Comparison of Image and Incremental Backups

Backup Type Advantages Disadvantages

Image Faster to restore than Uses more space and time
incremental backups. Backs up than incremental backups.
entire disk. Requires that no interactive
users are logged in because
of the effect on system
performance and because of
open file considerations (see
Section 11.15.1).
Incremental Takes less time and media More difficult to restore files.
storage space. Still requires periodic image

Before you perform an image backup, note the following items:

• The first time you back up a disk, you must perform an image backup using the BACKUP/
IMAGE/RECORD command before you perform regular incremental backups. The image backup
saves a copy of the entire disk and marks each file as being saved. Subsequent incremental
backups assume that an image backup has been performed; only new or modified files are saved.

If an image backup is not performed first, the incremental backups save more files than might be
necessary to ensure that an incremental restore operation will be successful.

• If you perform an ANALYZE/DISK operation immediately after a BACKUP/IMAGE restore

operation of a disk, the system might display a warning message similar to the following one:

%ANALDISK-W-ALLOCCLR, blocks incorrectly marked allocated

LBN 97 to 105, RVN 1

This can occur if you attempt to perform a BACKUP/IMAGE restore operation where alias file
entries are restored as separate (primary) file entries. (The primary file, which uses the same file
header but allocates different data storage blocks, is also restored.)

However, despite the error message, note that there is no BACKUP error or loss of data.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

You do not have to change tapes or disks during a backup if any of the following statements is true:

• All of the files fit on a single piece of storage media.

• Your site uses a tape loader.

• You have several disk or tape drives available.

In these cases, the backup can be performed by a batch job that runs late at night or at some other time
when interactive use of the system is likely to be at a minimum. Section 11.15.7 contains some sample
command procedures that you can run in a batch job to back up your disks.

11.4. Understanding the Backup Interfaces

Two interfaces are available to the OpenVMS Backup utility:

• The BACKUP command, which is a command in the DCL command line interface

• The Backup Manager, which is an interactive screen-oriented interface

11.4.1. The BACKUP Command Line

To back up files, you must specify what you want to back up (the input) and where you want
BACKUP to place the resultant save set or file (the output). You can also use BACKUP qualifiers to
perform different functions depending upon their position on the command line:

BACKUP/qualifiers input-specifier/qualifiers output-specifier/qualifiers

Table 11.2 lists the types of BACKUP command qualifiers.

Table 11.2. BACKUP Command Qualifier Types

Type Position Effect
Command qualifier Anywhere on the command line Affects both input and output
Input specifier qualifier Directly after the input specifier Affects only the input specifier.
Output specifier qualifier Directly after the output Affects only the output
specifier specifiers.

When you use BACKUP, make sure you place BACKUP qualifiers in their correct positions on the
command line. For more information about the BACKUP command line, refer to the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities Reference Manual. Using Extended Character Sets

Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, which introduces Extended File Specifications, BACKUP can
process file names that have extended character sets. Included are the following formats:

• ODS-2 standard file name

• ISO Latin-1

• Unicode (UCS-2)

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

For additional information about extended character sets, refer to the OpenVMS User’s Manual. Specifying Input Files

For file-based BACKUP operations, you can specify relative input file versions, for example:

This example shows that you can choose the second-from-the-most-recent version of the input file and
assign it a different file name.

With BACKUP, you cannot use -0 as a relative file version to specify the earliest version of the file.
BACKUP processes -0 as if it were 0, saving the most recent version of the file for processing.

11.4.2. The Backup Manager

Backup Manager is a screen-oriented interface to the OpenVMS Backup utility (BACKUP) that
presents BACKUP's capabilities in an intuitive, task-oriented, self-documenting manner. Backup
Manager can ease backup tasks by guiding you through the backup process. No real performance
differences exist between using the Backup Manager and using the BACKUP command line.

Backup Manager runs on:

• Any VSI VTxxx-series video display terminal or equivalent terminal emulator

• VMS VAX Version 5.4 or higher systems, and OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 or higher systems

The Backup Manager interface is based on the OpenVMS Screen Management Run-Time Library
(RTL) routines. Backup Manager Features

Backup Manager can perform the following backup operations:

• Save an entire volume to a save set

• Save selected files from a volume to a save set

• Restore an entire volume from a save set

• Restore selected files from a save set

• List a save set

Three types of online assistance are available with Backup Manager:

• Context-sensitive help

Press PF2 or the Help key to get help about the object at which the display cursor is currently

• Context-sensitive hints

You are prompted for input by a one-line “hint” about the field where the display cursor is
currently located.

• Pull-down help

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Choose the pull-down Help menu bar item for more extensive help on a variety of Backup
Manager topics. Getting Started with Backup Manager

To start Backup Manager, enter the following command at the DCL prompt:

Output from the Backup utility is automatically displayed when an operation starts. You can suspend
output at any time (Ctrl/P) and scroll through it. You can also use Ctrl/T to display status or Ctrl/C to
stop the current BACKUP operation.

11.5. Understanding Save Sets

When you enter a BACKUP command to save files to a tape, BACKUP writes the files to a special
file called a save set. You can also create a save set on a disk using the /SAVE_SET qualifier. Save
sets are classified according to the media on which they reside. Table 11.3 lists the types of media that
you write a save set to.

Table 11.3. Save-Set Types

Media Type For More
Magnetic tape Section 11.5.1
Files–11 disk Section 11.5.2
Files–11 disk on a remote node (network save set) Section 11.5.3
Sequential disk Section 11.5.4

11.5.1. Magnetic Tape Save Sets

Magnetic tape is the most commonly used media for storing BACKUP save sets. It is less expensive
than disk media, and its compact size makes it easy to store. You can use more than one tape device
at a time to save or restore data; this allows processing to continue on another tape while the one most
recently used is rewinding.

BACKUP treats all magnetic tape files as BACKUP save sets. Because you cannot use save-set
specifications as both the input and output specifiers in a BACKUP command line, you cannot
perform a BACKUP operation from one magnetic tape to another.

VSI recommends that you copy magnetic tape save sets to disk with the BACKUP command;
however, you can use the DCL command COPY on magnetic tape save sets that were created with
the /INTERCHANGE qualifier.

Save-set specifications on magnetic tape are limited to 17 characters, including the period delimiter (.)
and file type. The following text is a valid save-set specification:


When restoring data from tape, if you do not include a save-set name with an input magnetic
tape, BACKUP reads the next save set it encounters on the tape. (If you specify the input save-set
qualifier /REWIND, BACKUP rewinds the tape and reads the first save set on the tape.)

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

11.5.2. Files–11 Disk Save Sets

To write save sets on a Files–11 disk, you must include the output save-set qualifier /SAVE_SET.
The /SAVE_SET qualifier indicates to BACKUP that you want to create a save set, rather than a
copy of the selected files, on the output volume. The disk must be mounted as a Files–11 volume; all
volumes in a volume set must be mounted.

BACKUP can read a Files–11 save set as a Files–11 save set or as a sequential-disk save set:

• When BACKUP reads a save set as a Files–11 save set, all volumes of the save set must be
mounted. To read a save set that is not located in your process default directory, you must specify
the directory in which the save set is located.

• When BACKUP reads a Files–11 save set as a sequential-disk save set, you can mount the
volumes one at a time. You must specify the master file directory [000000] in the save-set
specification when reading a Files–11 save set as a sequential-disk save set.

A save set stored on a Files–11 disk is a standard file, however, and can be copied, renamed, deleted,
or backed up.

11.5.3. Network Save Sets

You can create or read a network save set on a Files–11 disk attached to a remote node by specifying
the node name of a remote node in the save-set specification. A remote node is accessible to the
node you are working on (the host node) over a network. The network save set must be located on
a publicly accessible disk (a disk mounted from the remote node with the /SYSTEM, /GROUP, or /
CLUSTER qualifier) on the remote node.

Depending on the volume and file protection at the remote node, you may need to specify an access
control string in the network save-set specification. An access control string includes the user name
and password, and has the following format:
remote_nodename"username password"::device_name:[directory]

The following example creates a network save set on the remote node DOUBLE:
_TO: DOUBLE"username password"::DBA0:SAVEIT.BCK/SAVE_SET

Omit the access control string if it is not required to gain access to the remote node, such as in the
case of proxy network access. Refer to the DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual for more
information about access control strings and proxy network access.

11.5.4. Sequential-Disk Save Sets

Sequential-disk save sets allow you to treat a Files–11 disk volume sequentially, (like a magnetic tape
volume). The primary advantage of using sequential-disk save sets is that you can mount multivolume
save sets one volume at a time. This is particularly useful on systems without tape drives that have a
large fixed-media disk and a small removable disk.

When one sequential disk is full, BACKUP prompts you to mount another disk. You can use more
than one disk device at a time to save or restore data; this allows processing to continue on another
disk while the one most recently used is spinning down.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

You must have the privilege LOG_IO or PHY_IO to read or write a multivolume sequential-disk save

Before creating a sequential-disk save set, mount the first volume of the sequential-disk save set using
the DCL command MOUNT /FOREIGN. Although the disk is mounted with the /FOREIGN qualifier,
BACKUP manages the disk using Files–11 structure.

When you perform a save operation to a sequential disk, you must use the output save-set qualifier /
SAVE_SET. When you perform a restore operation from a sequential disk, you must specify the input
save-set qualifier /SAVE_SET. If you do not specify the /SAVE_SET qualifier, BACKUP displays the
following error message:
%BACKUP-F-IMGFILSPE, /IMAGE specification must only have device name

Do not specify a directory name for the save set; sequential-disk save sets are always entered in the
master file directory [000000]. Even if you specify a directory other than the master file directory in a
save operation, the save set is entered in the master file directory. If you specify a directory other than
the master file directory in a restore or list operation, BACKUP returns an error message indicating
that it cannot locate the file.

BACKUP does not initialize the first sequential-disk volume because the default is /NOINITIALIZE;
however, continuation volumes are initialized. Unless you specify the command qualifier /
INITIALIZE, the following restrictions apply to the first sequential-disk volume:

• The disk must be Files–11 Structure Level 2 or 5.

• The disk must not be part of a volume set.

• The cluster factor of the disk must be 1.

• The free space on the disk cannot be fragmented into more than 100 contiguous extents.

• The index file cannot be extended.

• The master file directory cannot be extended.

Volumes you use for sequential-disk save sets should contain only save sets. You must initialize a
volume that has been used for general file processing before using it as a sequential-disk volume. You
can place a maximum of 12 save sets on a single sequential disk. Use Files–11 disk save sets if you
want to create more than 12 save sets on a single disk.

BACKUP can read a sequential-disk save set either as a sequential-disk save set or as a Files–11 save

• When BACKUP reads a save set as a sequential-disk save set, the save set can be mounted
one volume at a time. The default directory for the save set file specification is the master file
directory [000000] on the disk.

• When BACKUP reads a save set as a Files–11 save set, all volumes of the save set must be
mounted. The default directory is your process default directory. Therefore, you must specify the
master file directory [000000] in order to read a sequential-disk save set as a Files–11 save set.

11.6. Understanding BACKUP File Formats

On VAX systems, BACKUP saves files and directories from Files–11 Structure Level 1 and 2 disks to
disks or magnetic tapes. If necessary, you can use BACKUP to restore the saved files and directories
to Files–11 Structure Level 1 and 2 disks.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

If a VAX system performs image backup of an Alpha system disk, a restore operation causes the
Alpha system to reboot successfully.

On Alpha systems, BACKUP can save files and directories from Files–11 Structure Level 2 or 5 disks
to either disks or magnetic tapes. If necessary, you can use BACKUP to restore the saved files and
directories to Files–11 Structure Level 2 or 5 disks.

The OpenVMS Alpha operating system does not support the Files–11 Structure Level 1 format.

You cannot back up files on ISO 9660-formatted media, but you can restore save sets stored on ISO
9660-formatted media.

For more information about the Files–11 disk structure, see Section For more information
about ISO 9660 devices, see Section 8.3.2.

11.7. Setting Software Parameters for

Efficient Backups
Primary limitations on the performance of backup in save operations are the speed of the hardware
components involved and the layout of the files being saved. You can speed up backup operations
twofold or more by replacing all or some of thes hardware components with ones that perform faster.

Most save operations are limited by the time required to open a file and read its extents into memory.
Hardware or software caches cannot help to improve disk performance because the data is read only
once. Therefore, how files are laid out on disk is important.

File Sizes and Extents

Input file processing in BACKUP results in a minimum of two 1-block read I/Os to open the file and
to read the file attributes. This overhead is the same for small as for large files. Therefore, saving the
same amount of data from large files can be as much as three times more efficient than saving data
from small files.

In issuing one I/O for each file extent or file fragment on disk, BACKUP must break down I/Os for
larger extents to fit the internal buffer size that the /BLOCKSIZE parameter specifies. The maximum
I/O that BACKUP can issue is 127 blocks, or 63.5K. Files with just one extent (contiguous file) can
be saved most efficiently. The more extents per file, the longer it takes to save the file.

BACKUP reads files from disk in alphabetic order by directory path and file name. You can obtain
the best performance by placing files and all their extents on disk in alphabetic order and make the
files contiguous. You can accomplish this by using BACKUP/IMAGE when you do an image save-
and-restore. Most defragmentation utilities do not arrange files in alphabetic order, and, in some cases,
these utilities decrease the performance gains that result from consolidating files into larger extents.

The Effect of File Size on BACKUP Performance

File size can have a great effect on BACKUP performance when creating save sets, copies, and image
backups, but file size has not effect on physical backups. The graph in XXXXX illustrates that, under

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

certain circumstances, a set of small files can take up to 40 times longer to back up than a set of large
files containing the same amount of data. This is due to file system overhead. The four different
curves in the figure show that the effect varies with the type of BACKUP and the components

Figure 11.1. Effect of File Size on BACKUP Performance

File Layout: Fragmentation

Fragmentation can also slow down BACKUP considerably. On HSJ50s, fragmented files can take
over twice as long to back up as non-fragmented files. The effect on performance of EVAs and other
storage arrays has not been quantified but should, nevertheless, be taken into consideration when you
look at performance that fails to meet expectations.

CPU Consumption
With advances in disk and tape drives, backups can run fast enough to consume substantial CPU,
especially when creating save sets. This load can be considerable if multiple backups are run
simultaneously on the same machine. Under certain circumstances, tests with 8 parallel backup
processes can saturate a 4-CPU machine.

Software Tuning
You can gain some performance improvements with the current design of OpenVMS BACKUP by
adjusting system and process parameters. This is not, however, a simple, straightforward task, and you
can expect a performance improvement of, typically, less than 15%. Changing system and process
parameters can also result in worse performance. Disks with different file fragmentation and file sizes
might require different process quotas to save these files efficiently.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Software tuning parameters are only for save operations; they have no impact on restore performance.

Qualifiers That Can Affect Performance

The qualifiers listed in Table 11.4 can influence BACKUP performance.

Table 11.4. BACKUP Qualifiers That Affect Performance

Qualifier Description
/BLOCKSIZE To write a save set to a tape device, always use /BLOCKSIZE = 65,024, the
largest block size you can use with save sets on tape.

Note: To be able to copy save sets from tape to disk, use a maximum block size
of 32,768.
/GROUP Today’s tape and disk drive technology makes the XOR group feature of
BACKUP obsolete. Use /GROUP=0. (If you do not specify the /GROUP
qualifier, the default of 10 is used, which adds 10% more data to a save set).
/CRC Keep the default of /CRC, which does not add extra data to the save set. A 32-bit
field is always reserved in a save set whether you enable CRC or not. However,
adding a small amount of CPU time helps to ensure the integrity of a backup
save set.
/FAST This qualifier does not imply that your backup will go faster! /FAST forces
BACKUP to read [000000]INDEXF.SYS to build a decision table to speed
up the file selection process. If you select only a few files, reading all of
INDEXF.SYS results in unnecessary disk I/Os; in this case, do not use /FAST.
Time a save operation with and without using /FAST.

The /IMAGE qualifier implicitly includes /FAST.

Disk Settings That Affect BACKUP Performance

The disk settings in Table 11.5 can influence BACKUP performance when writing a save set to disk.

Table 11.5. Disk Settings That Affect BACKUP Performance

Disk Setting Description
SET RMS/BUFFER=127/EXTEND=5000 This setting allows BACKUP to use more
larger buffers when writing save set blocks
to disk. The larger extend value reduces the
impact of extending the save set file during a
save operation. Enter this command before the
BACKUP command line.
SET VOLUME/NOHIGHWATER_MARKING Disabling highwater marking reduces the
overhead of extending a save set file. Enter this
command once for each volume.

WSQUOTA is the most sensitive parameter to influence the save performance of BACKUP. While
tuning,, set a high value for WSQUOTA (set it to WSMAX) for the account running the backups. To
change WSQUOTA, use the DCL command SET WORKING_SET command before the BACKUP

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

command line. This is a more convenient way to change WSQUOTA than to change the quota using
the AUTHORIZE utility.

WSQUOTA and /BLOCKSIZE, together, create the in-memory buffers at the start of a save operation.
Refer to the output of /LIST for the actual number of buffers used. Although you might assume that
more buffers are better, keep in mind that BACKUP scans the input disk for files to be saved and
maps these files to the available buffer space. The more buffers you have, the longer this operation
takes. At the same time, the output tape drive or disk drive is idle. The fewer buffers created (by using
smaller WSQUOTA values) tends to result in better overlap of input and output I/Os and, hence,
better performance, especially when the save set is written to a tape device.

Recommended Process Quotas

Table 11.6 indicates how to set process quotas for efficient backups.

Table 11.6. Process Quotas Recommended for Efficient Backups

Process Tuning Impact Pooled Quota? Recommended Setting
WSQUOTA High No • Initial value of 32,768 pagelets

• Vary in increments of 5,000

• Values over 100,000 typically result in worst


• Set PQL_MWSQUOTA to less than or equal

FILLM Low Yes • Equal to 128 (usually sufficient)

• Less than CHANNELCNT - 20

• Vary in increments of 10

• Use larger values if input disk contains

smaller files or is highly fragmented

• Effectiveness limited by WSQUOTA

• Set PQL_MFILLM to less than or equal to

DIOLM Low No • Equal to 100 (usually sufficient)

• Vary in increments of 10

• Larger values can cause disk I/O subsystem

hangs or resets without a performance

• Set PQL_MDIOLM to less than or equal to

PGFLQUOTA None Yes Equal to or greater than WSQUOTA + 25,000

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Process Tuning Impact Pooled Quota? Recommended Setting

ASTLM None No Equal to or greater than DIOLM + 100
BIOLM None No Equal to or greater than FILLM + 100
BYTLM None Yes Equal to or greater than 256 * FILLM + 6 *
DIOLM + 10,000
ENQLM None Yes Equal to or greater than FILLM + 100

How to Perform This Task

To set process quotas for efficient backups, perform the following actions:

1. Use the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to determine the current quota values for the account
you will use for backups. For example, if you are using the SYSTEM account for backups, enter
the following commands:



2. Using the System Management utility (SYSMAN), determine the value of the system parameter
WSMAX, as follows:


%SYSMAN-I-USEACTNOD, a USE ACTIVE has been defaulted on node DIEM

Node DIEM: Parameters in use: ACTIVE

Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum Unit Dynamic

-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- -------
WSMAX 100000 4096 1024 134217728 Pagelets


In this case, the value for WSMAX, as shown in the column marked Current, is 100000. Use this
value to help set the correct values for the process quotas.

3. Use AUTHORIZE to compare the values for the process quotas to the recommended values for
efficient backups, as shown in Table 11.6.

4. If necessary, change process quotas using the AUTHORIZE command MODIFY. If you change
process quotas, you must log out and log in again for the changes to take effect.

Table 11.7 lists a set of process quota values that are appropriate for many configurations. If your
disks are highly fragmented or if your backups will be performed during periods of heavy system
use, you should reduce the values shown for WSQUOTA and FILLM.

Table 11.7. Sample Process Quotas for Efficient Backups

Process Quota Suggested Value


Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Process Quota Suggested Value

ASTLM 1000
BIOLM 1000
BYTLM 100000
ENQLM 1000

The following steps show the commands that you would use to run the Authorize utility and set
process quotas for the SYSTEM account (if you plan to run backups from a different account,
determine the process quotas for that account):

1. Determine the current quota values:

Account: SYSTEM UIC: [1,4] ([SYSTEM])
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 40 Bytlm: 32768
Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0
Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 18 JTquota: 1024
Prclm: 10 DIOlm: 18 WSdef: 256
Prio: 4 ASTlm: 24 WSquo: 512
Queprio: 0 TQElm: 20 WSextent: 2048
CPU: (none) Enqlm: 200 Pgflquo: 20480
%UAF-I-NOMODS, no modifications made to system authorization file
%UAF-I-NAFNOMODS, no modifications made to network authorization file
%UAF-I-RDBNOMODS, no modifications made to rights database

In this example, SYSTEM has the following quotas:


Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

BYTLM 32768

2. Using the System Management utility (SYSMAN), determine the value of the system parameters
WSMAX, as follows:

%SYSMAN-I-USEACTNOD, a USE ACTIVE has been defaulted on node DIEM
Node DIEM: Parameters in use: ACTIVE
Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum Unit
-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
WSMAX 100000 4096 1024 134217728 Pagelets


In this case, the value for WSMAX, as shown in the column marked Current, is 100000.

3. Compare the values for SYSTEM to the values in Table 11.6, and set the appropriate values:



4. Log out and then log in again so that these process quotas take effect.

11.8. Using Disks and Tapes

During the course of your backup operations, you will use both disk and tape volumes. The steps you
normally perform before using a volume in a backup operation are:

1. Determine the device name.

2. Allocate the device.

3. Initialize the volume (optional).

4. Mount the device (for disks only; BACKUP mounts tapes automatically).

These tasks are described in Chapter 9. This chapter describes specifically how these tasks relate to
BACKUP. Note that all disk operations in this chapter also apply to diskettes.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

11.8.1. Understanding Volume Initialization

Initializing a volume completes the following actions:

• Formats it in the OpenVMS Files–11 format

• Assigns it an ANSI label

• Removes links to any existing files (effectively erasing them)

• Writes a tape expiration date and volume protection data to the volume header record of the tape

Initializing a volume removes links to existing files on the volume, effectively erasing the files. Do
not initialize a volume that contains data you want to keep. When to Initialize Volumes

You must initialize a volume for use with BACKUP if any of the following conditions exist:

• The volume is new and has not been formatted in the Files–11 format.

• You want to remove access to data stored on the volume.

• You want to change the volume label, expiration date, or volume protection data.

• The volume contains a non-ANSI or non-ISO label.

Table 11.8 show the three ways to initialize a volume.

Table 11.8. Methods of Volume Initialization

Method For More
Before a backup operation with the DCL command INITIALIZE Section 9.3
On the BACKUP command line with the /REWIND qualifier (for tapes only) Section
On the BACKUP command line with the /INITIALIZE qualifier (for disks only) Section Initializing Tapes

Instead of using the INITIALIZE command and then performing a backup operation, you can
initialize a tape and perform a backup operation by entering one BACKUP command.

How to Perform This Task

To initialize a tape volume on the BACKUP command line, add the /REWIND and /LABEL qualifiers
to the output specifier. The /REWIND qualifier rewinds and initializes the volume. The /LABEL
qualifier allows you to specify the volume label.

Magnetic tape volume labels can contain a maximum of six characters. You can use any ANSI “a”
character in a magnetic tape volume label. The ANSI “a” characters include numbers, uppercase
letters, and any of the following non-alphanumeric characters:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

! " % ' ( ) * + , _ . / : ; < = > ?

If you use any non-alphanumeric characters, you must enclose the volume label with quotation marks.

Label your magnetic tapes according to the data contained on the tapes. The following table presents
some suggestions for labeling tapes:

Label Type of Backup Expiration Date

DLY101 Daily, group 1, volume number 1 Expires in 7 days
DLY102 Daily, group 1, volume number 2 Expires in 7 days
WKY101 Weekly, group 1, volume number 1 Expires in 4 weeks
WKY201 Weekly, group 2, volume number 1 Expires in 4 weeks
MTH101 Monthly, group 1, volume number 1 Expires in 12 months
YRY101 Yearly, group 1, volume number 1 Expires in 5 years

Note that:

• If the tape volume has already been initialized with a label that is different from the label you
specify on the BACKUP command line, BACKUP displays an error message about the label
mismatch. For more information, see Section 11.12.

• If the tape is not expired, BACKUP displays the following error message:

%INIT-F-FILNOTEXP, file is not expired

If you have either VOLPRO privilege or write access to the volume, or you are the owner of the
volume, you can use the DCL command INITIALIZE/OVERRIDE=EXPIRATION to initialize
the magnetic tape.

You can also reenter the BACKUP command line using the /IGNORE=LABEL_PROCESSING
qualifier (refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual).

• If the volume was previously initialized with the output save-set qualifiers /REWIND and /
PROTECTION, you must either own the volume (your UIC matches the owner UIC of the
volume) or have VOLPRO privilege.


Instead of using the INITIALIZE command and then performing a backup operation, you can
initialize a disk and perform a backup operation by entering one BACKUP command.

How to Perform This Task

The two ways to initialize a disk during a backup operation are:

• When you perform an image copy to disk, BACKUP automatically initializes the output disk,
effectively erasing any existing files and volume-initialization data on the disk. To preserve
volume-initialization data on the output disk, use the /NOINITIALIZE qualifier.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

• When you create a sequential disk save set, BACKUP does not initialize the output volume
(by default). You can, however, instruct BACKUP to initialize the output volume using the /
INITIALIZE qualifier.

1. The following command shows how to initialize a disk on the BACKUP command line:

This command initializes DUA2: using the volume-initialization data from DUA1. BACKUP then
copies the contents of DUA1: to DUA2:, effectively erasing any existing files on DUA2. Note that
the files on DUA2: are stored contiguously, eliminating disk fragmentation.

2. The following command shows how to preserve volume-initialization data on the output disk
during an image copy:

This command causes BACKUP to initialize DUA2:, preserving the initialization data on that
volume. BACKUP then copies the contents of DUA1: to DUA2:, effectively erasing any existing
files on DUA2.

3. These commands cause BACKUP to initialize DJA2:, effectively erasing any existing files:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, USER1 mounted on _DJA2:

BACKUP then creates an image backup of DUA1: in the sequential disk save set DUA2:
[000000]DAILY.SAV. If the save set exceeds the available disk space, BACKUP prompts for
another volume. BACKUP initializes the new volume and extends the save set in the master file
directory ([000000]) of the new volume. (For more information about save sets, see Section 11.5.
For more information about the /INITIALIZE qualifier, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual.)

11.8.2. Mounting a Volume

Mounting a volume makes it available to the system. BACKUP automatically mounts tapes when
you use them for a backup operation. Most disks on your system are mounted at system startup. This
section describes how to explicitly mount volumes.

If you are planning to write a save set to a disk, decide whether the save set will be written in standard
Files–11 format or in sequential-disk format:

• If the save set will be written in standard Files–11 format, the target disk must be mounted as a
Files–11 disk.

• If a save set will be written in sequential-disk format (for example, if the save set occupies more
than one disk), the target disk must be mounted as a foreign device by specifying the command
qualifier /FOREIGN to the DCL command MOUNT.

How to Perform This Task

1. Enter the SHOW DEVICES command in the following format to check whether the device is
already mounted:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

SHOW DEVICES device-name

2. Enter the MOUNT command in the following format:

MOUNT [/FOREIGN] device-name [volume-label] [logical-name]


device-name is the name of the drive that holds the volume you want to mount.
volume-label is the alphanumeric identification you assigned to the volume with the
INITIALIZE command. For disk volumes, labels can have a maximum of
12 characters; for magnetic tape volumes, labels can have a maximum of 6
characters. You do not need to add this parameter if you are mounting the
volume with the /FOREIGN qualifier.
logical-name is an optional 1- to 255-character alphanumeric specification that you want to
associate with the volume.

Device Device Error Volume Free
Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks
Count Cnt
DAD$MUA6: Online 0
MOM$MUA6: Online 0
FRED$MUA6: Online 0

This command mounts the tape in FRED$MUA6: and assigns it the logical name DRIVE1.

11.8.3. Dismounting a Volume

BACKUP does not dismount the last volume of a backup operation (unless you use the /
RELEASE_TAPE qualifier). When you finish using a volume, you should dismount it.

How to Perform This Task

Enter the DISMOUNT command in the following format:

DISMOUNT device-name

The following command dismounts a tape in drive MUB6:


This command dismounts and unloads the tape in MUB6. After you dismount and unload the
volume, you can remove it from the drive. To dismount the tape but not unload it, enter the following


Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

11.9. Understanding OPCOM and Volumes

If you have a standalone workstation or easy access to disk and tape drives at your facility, you
probably can mount and initialize your own volumes. At some sites, however, an operator performs
these tasks. Using the services of an operator might be necessary because the drive you want to use is
located remotely or because you do not have the necessary privileges to manipulate a volume.

To communicate with the operator at your site, consult the operator about site-specific procedures.
Depending on how your system is customized, using the operator communication manager (OPCOM)
might be necessary. The OPCOM system process allows you to request assistance from the operator
and allows the operator to respond to your requests. ( Section 2.4 explains OPCOM.)

11.9.1. Requesting Operator Assistance

Please consult your operator about your site-specific procedures. Your site may not use OPCOM or
may use it differently from the examples in this section.

If you want the operator to mount a tape for you, use OPCOM to ask the operator to mount the tape.

How to Perform This Task

Enter either the REQUEST/REPLY or the REQUEST/TO command:

• The /REPLY qualifier assigns your request a unique number to which the operator can respond.

• If your facility is very large, several operators might each have specific tasks. If this is the case,
use the REQUEST/TO command, which allows you to send a message to a specific operator
(identified by a keyword).

If you request operator assistance and an operator is not available, you receive the following message:

%MOUNT-I-NOOPR, no operator available to service request

This indicates that the operator has disabled the operator's terminal. To abort your request, press Ctrl/

You can also use the /[NO]ASSIST qualifier with either the BACKUP or the MOUNT command:

• If a mount request fails and you specified /ASSIST, mount failure messages appear on the operator
terminal (if OPCOM is enabled). The /ASSIST qualifier is the default for both the BACKUP and
MOUNT commands.

• If you specified /NOASSIST, mount failure messages appear on your terminal instead of on the
operator terminal.

• If you are on a workstation but forget to specify /NOASSIST, OPCOM (if OPCOM is running)
requests that the operator load the next volume.

If you have the OPER privilege, you can respond to the request by using another terminal window
to enter the following commands:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

$ REPLY/TO=identification-number "message text"

1. To request the operator to mount a tape, enter a command similar to the following one:

$ REQUEST/REPLY "Is anyone using drive MUA12?"

%OPCOM-S-OPRNOTIF, operator notified, waiting...12:21:12.46
APR-2000 12:26:13.12. request 2 completed by operator OPA0

The /REPLY qualifier assigns your request a unique number (in this case, 2) to which the operator
can respond. Note that you cannot enter any additional commands until the operator responds.

2. The following example shows you how to direct your request to a specific operator using the /TO

$ REQUEST/TO=TAPES "Is anyone using drive MUA12?"

%OPCOM-S-OPRNOTIF, operator notified, waiting...12:40:11.32
%OPCOM-S-OPREPLY, I'M DONE GO AHEAD 2-APR-2000 12:45:26.18. request 5
completed by operator OPA0

11.10. Listing the Contents of a BACKUP

Save Set
BACKUP allows you to obtain information about save sets and the files in a save set. You can display
this information at your terminal or send it to an output file.

Because BACKUP writes save sets in a format that only BACKUP can interpret, a list operation is the
only way to determine the contents of a save set without restoring the save set. You can perform a list
operation in conjunction with any other BACKUP operation.

By default, a save-set listing supplies information about files in the save set similar to the information
supplied by the DCL command DIRECTORY/DATE/SIZE, including the actual number of blocks
used for each file.

You can also perform a BACKUP list operation to list the contents of a BACKUP journal file.
BACKUP journal files, which are created during a save operation by using the command qualifier /
JOURNAL[= file-spec], contain on-disk records of BACKUP save operations and the file
specifications of the files saved during each operation. Section 11.13.4 contains more information
about creating and listing BACKUP journal files.

How to Perform This Task

To list the contents of a BACKUP save set, perform the following actions:

1. Insert the media containing the save set into the drive.

2. If the volume is a disk, mount the disk as described in Section 11.8.2 (BACKUP mounts tapes

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

3. Enter the BACKUP/LIST command in the format specified in the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual. The /REWIND qualifier rewinds the tape to the
beginning before searching for the save set. To list all the save sets on a volume, include the
asterisk wildcard character (*) with the device specification.

To list the contents of save sets does not require you to know the names of save sets on magnetic
tape. Enter the device specification of the drive in which the tape is inserted with the BACKUP/
LIST command. BACKUP reads the next save set it encounters on the magnetic tape and stops
processing when it reaches the end of that save set. BACKUP does not automatically rewind
to the beginning-of-tape marker unless you include the /REWIND qualifier in your command.
Therefore, you can list the next save set (if one exists) by repeating the BACKUP/LIST command.
If no more save sets exist on the tape, BACKUP issues the following error messages:

%BACKUP-F-OPENIN, error opening MUA0:[000000].; as input

-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file

1. To obtain save-set information about a magnetic tape save set named 2MAR1555.BCK in the
drive MIA0:, enter the following command:

Listing of save set(s)

Save set: 2MAR1555.BCK

Written by: POLYANNA
UIC: [000200,000207]
Date: 21-MAY-2000 09:36:14.68

Operating system: OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3

BACKUP version: 7.3

CPU ID register: 08000000
Node name: _SUZI::
Written on: _MIA0:
Block size: 8192
Group size: 10
Buffer count: 3

[USER.SAVE]ANOTHER.DAT;1 1 18-MAY-2000 14:10

[USER.SAVE]LAST.DAT;1 1 18-MAY-2000 14:11
[USER.SAVE]THAT.DAT;1 7 18-MAY-2000 14:10
[USER.SAVE]THIS.DAT;2 1 18-MAY-2000 13:44

Total of 4 files, 10 blocks

End of save set

2. The following command rewinds the tape to the beginning and lists all save sets on the volume


3. The following command combines a list operation with a save operation to magnetic tape:


Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

BACKUP verifies that the volume label is DLY201 and copies the contents of the directory
[PRAMS] to a save set named 2MAR1555.BCK. The command qualifier LIST causes BACKUP
to write save-set information to the file MYBACK.DAT as the save operation proceeds.

11.11. Understanding Multivolume BACKUP

When you save data with BACKUP, the save set often spans more than one volume, creating a
multivolume save set. When this occurs, BACKUP fits as much data as it can on the first volume,
then dismounts it. Depending on whether you specified more than one drive in the BACKUP
command line or if you are using a tape loader, BACKUP then performs the following actions:

• If you specified only one drive in the BACKUP command line and you are not using a tape loader
or operator assistance, BACKUP prompts you to remove the tape that is in the drive and insert
another one:
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2
%BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, mount volume DAILY02 on MUA0: for writing
Respond with YES when ready:

If you are using OPCOM and the /ASSIST qualifier (the default), the following message appears on
your terminal screen:
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2
%MOUNT-I-OPRQST, Please mount volume DAILY02 in device MUA0:
BACKUP requests: Saveset DAILY.SAV, Volume number 02, write ENABLED

After you insert and load the second volume (or an operator fulfills the mount request), BACKUP
continues writing data to the second volume.

• If you specified multiple drives on the command line, BACKUP continues writing data to
the second volume, assuming the drive is loaded, is on line, and has the correct volume label.
BACKUP unloads the first volume and displays the following message:
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2

• If you are using a tape loader, BACKUP continues writing data to the tape in the next slot,
assuming the tape loader has an adequate supply of correctly labeled tapes. BACKUP rewinds and
unloads the first tape and displays the following message:
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2

11.11.1. Multivolume Tape Labeling

In a multivolume save-set operation, BACKUP does not initialize the first volume (unless you use
the /REWIND qualifier). BACKUP does initialize subsequent volumes. BACKUP determines the
volume labels for subsequent volumes as follows:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

• If you did not specify a label on the command line, BACKUP uses the first six characters of
the save-set name to create a label for the first volume (unless you use the /EXACT_ORDER
qualifier, in which case BACKUP preserves the volume label on the tape). For subsequent
volumes, BACKUP uses the first four characters from the label of the first volume plus the
number of the volume in the sequence. For example, suppose you are saving files that require
three tapes and the save-set name is BACKUP. If you do not specify a label, the first tape is
labeled BACKUP, the second BACK02, and the third BACK03.

• If you specified a single label on the command line using the /LABEL qualifier and it matches the
label of the first volume, BACKUP labels subsequent volumes with the first four characters of the
label from the first volume plus the number of the volume in the sequence. For example, suppose
you are saving files that require three tapes and the first tape is labeled TAPE. The second tape
gets the label TAPE02, and the third tape gets the label TAPE03.

• If you specified multiple labels on the command line using the /LABEL qualifier (without the /
EXACT_ORDER qualifier), BACKUP uses the labels you specify. If the operation requires more
labels than you specified, BACKUP uses the first four characters of the last volume label and the
volume number of the tape.

• You can use the /EXACT_ORDER qualifier in conjunction with the /LABEL qualifier to specify
the order in which you want BACKUP to use the labels. BACKUP continues the operation as long
as the label of the tape in the drive matches the corresponding label on the command line. If you
do not specify enough labels on the command line to complete the operation, BACKUP prompts
you to enter a label for the tape in the drive.

As a safeguard against initializing or writing the wrong tape, BACKUP compares the label that
you specify on the command line to the label of the tape in the drive. Section 11.12 describes how
BACKUP processes tape labels and handles a label mismatch.

11.11.2. MOUNT Messages When Backing Up Tapes

The MOUNT utility generates VOLINV messages on continuation tape volumes during backups
when you use devices that have loaders or when the stackers or loaders become empty. The following
example shows messages displayed:

%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, ABCD03 mounted on _$4$MUA3: (HSC70)

%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 4
%MOUNT-F-VOLINV, volume is not software enabled
%BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, mount volume 4 on _$4$MUA3: for writing
Enter "YES" when ready: yes
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, ABCD04 mounted on _$4$MUA3: (HSC70)

Once the devices are put back on line or the media is made ready, the backup session continues or
finishes as expected. This problem will be addressed in a future release.

11.12. Understanding BACKUP Tape Label

After mounting a tape, BACKUP processes information stored in the volume header record of the tape
before writing to it. Specifically, BACKUP performs the following actions:

• Checks the volume protection information to ensure that you have the right to access the volume
in the manner you requested.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

• Checks the tape expiration date to prevent you from initializing a magnetic tape that has not yet

• Compares the volume label specified in the BACKUP command line (either explicitly with the /
LABEL qualifier or implicitly through the save-set name) to the volume label of the tape to
prevent you from creating a save set on the wrong magnetic tape. BACKUP uses the following
guidelines when processing tape labels:

• If you specify a label that is longer than six characters, BACKUP truncates the label to six

• If the volume label is less than six characters long, BACKUP pads the volume label with the
blank character to six characters.

• The first four characters of the volume label either must match the first four characters of
the label specified in the BACKUP command line exactly, or must end with one or more
underscore characters. If the first four characters of the volume label end with one or more
underscore characters, and the label specified in the command line matches the part of the
volume label that appears before the underscore characters, BACKUP accepts the match. (For
example, the volume label ABN_ matches the command line label ABN but does not match
the command line label ABNE.)

• If the fifth and sixth characters of the volume label are numbers between 0 and 9, BACKUP
does not compare these characters with corresponding characters in the label specified in the
BACKUP command line. Otherwise, the fifth and sixth characters in the volume label must
exactly match the corresponding characters in the label specified in the BACKUP command

If the labels match, you have the proper protection, and the tape is expired, BACKUP performs the
designated operation.

If you specify more than one label with the /LABEL qualifier and you do not specify the /
EXACT_ORDER qualifier, the BACKUP operation succeeds if any of the labels you specify match
the tape's volume label. For example, if the tape's volume label is MA1686, the BACKUP operation
will succeed if you specify the following list of labels with the /LABEL qualifier:

If the volume labels do not match, BACKUP displays the following error message:
%BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 1 on _SODAK$MUA0 was not mounted because
its label does not match the one requested
%BACKUP-W-EXLABEER, volume label processing failed because
volume MB1684 is out of order, Volume label MA1684 was expected
specify option (QUIT, NEW tape, OVERWRITE tape, USE loaded tape)

Depending on the option you specify, you can quit the backup operation (QUIT), dismount the old
tape and mount a new one (NEW), overwrite the data on the tape (OVERWRITE), or USE the loaded

If you specify more than one label with the /LABEL qualifier and you also specify the /
EXACT_ORDER qualifier, BACKUP compares the label of the loaded tape with the first label that
you specified with the /LABEL qualifier. If the labels match, BACKUP begins the operation. If the
labels do not match, BACKUP prompts you with the previous message.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Assuming the volume labels of the tapes you use match the corresponding labels on the command
line, BACKUP continues processing until it completes the operation or runs out of volume labels. If
you do not specify enough labels on the command line to complete the operation or if the tape loaded
does not have an ANSI label, BACKUP prompts you to enter a label for the tape in the drive.

If you use blank tapes or tapes that you intend to overwrite, use the /
IGNORE=LABEL_PROCESSING qualifier. This suppresses the previous BACKUP message, which
normally occurs if BACKUP encounters a non-ANSI-labeled tape during a save operation.

For more information about the /EXACT_ORDER, /IGNORE, and /LABEL qualifiers, refer to the
VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

11.13. Backing Up Files and Directories

This section explains copying files, backing up files and directories, comparing files, and creating and
listing BACKUP journal files.

When you use the Backup utility with files, BACKUP processes relative version -0 as if it were 0,
saving the most recent version instead of the earliest version of the file for processing.

11.13.1. Copying Files to Other Files

You can copy files using BACKUP. The copy function of the BACKUP command differs from the
DCL command COPY because it preserves certain file information such as the version number,
creation dates, revision dates, and protection codes (although, by default, the owner UIC of the copies
is the UIC of the current process). Also, unlike the DCL command COPY, you can use BACKUP to
copy entire directory trees, maintaining the directory structure.

How to Perform This Task

To make identical disk-to-disk copies of files, use the following format:

BACKUP input-specifier output-specifier

1. The following command copies the file EMPLOYEES.DAT in the current directory to the
directory [BATES.TEST]:


2. You can also create copies of entire directory trees. For example:


This command re-creates the directory structure of user BATES on the disk named USER2:

3. The following command copies all files in the directory tree [LYKINS...] to the directory tree
[OWLCR...] on the same disk:

$ BACKUP [LYKINS...]*.*;* [OWLCR...]*.*;*

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Disk-to-disk copy operations initiated using the /VERIFY qualifier might attempt to verify files that
are not copied. For example, if an error prevents you from successfully copying a file from one disk to
another location and you specified the /VERIFY qualifier for that operation, the system displays two
error messages: one indicates that the file was not copied, and the other indicates that the file was not

11.13.2. Backing Up Files and Directories to a Save Set

One of the most common BACKUP operations is to save files to a save set. There are several types of
save sets. For more information about save sets, see Section 11.5.

How to Perform This Task

To back up files or directories, use the BACKUP command in the following format:

BACKUP input-specifier output-specifier [/SAVE_SET] [/LABEL=label]

The input-specifier specifies the file you want to back up, and the output-specifier specifies the device
and save-set name.

When you save data to disk, use the output save-set qualifier /SAVE_SET. If you do not specify /
SAVE_SET, BACKUP copies files in standard file format rather than creating a BACKUP save set.
When you save data to tape, you do not need to specify /SAVE_SET; BACKUP treats all magnetic
tape files as save sets. Use the /LABEL qualifier to specify the label of the tape you are using.

1. The following commands back up the file EMPLOYEES.DAT to a save set:


%DCL-I-ALLOC, MUA0: allocated

In this example, the individual commands performs the following actions:

Allocate the tape drive MUA0: and assign it the logical name TAPE1.
Initialize the tape in the drive and assign it the label DLY101.
Save the file EMPLOYEES.DAT to a save set on the tape in MUA0. The /LOG qualifier
causes BACKUP to display the file specification of the file that BACKUP copies. The /
LABEL qualifier indicates the volume label that you assigned with the INITIALIZE

2. To create a magnetic-tape save set named NOV13SAVE.BCK that contains all files and
subdirectories of a directory tree named [LYKINS...], enter the following command:


3. You can also specify a list of files that you want to back up:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP


4. If you are backing up large amounts of data, you can also specify more than one output device:

_From: DUA0:[000000]*.*

In this example, if BACKUP uses all of the space on the tape in MTA1:, it continues writing the
save set on the tape in MTA2: (assuming MTA2: contains a tape that has never been initialized or
one that has been initialized with the label BACK02).

5. As shown in the following example, you can create a Files–11 save set that consists of a single
file; DUA1: is already mounted:


6. To create a network save set, add the node, user name, and password to the output specifier in the
following format:

remote_nodename"username password"::device_name:[directory]

For example:


7. To create a sequential-disk save set on DUA0: named NOV12SAVE.BCK that consists of all files
in the current default directory, enter the following commands:


8. The following example backs up the directory tree [REPORTS...] to a save set:


The /REWIND qualifier in this command line rewinds the tape and initializes it. The /
IGNORE=LABEL_PROCESSING qualifier causes BACKUP to ignore any existing label
information on the tape. Because the command does not include the /LABEL qualifier, BACKUP
uses the first six characters of the save-set name (REPORT) as the label.

9. You can also back up a directory to a disk that is mounted in the Files–11 format. For example:


%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DISK21 mounted on _DUA21:

If the contents of the [PAYROLL] directory exceed the capacity of the disk DUA21:, the backup
operation fails.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

10. If you are backing up more data than the output volume can contain, mount the output volume
using the /FOREIGN qualifier and create a sequential disk save set. For example:



In this example, if the contents of the [PAYROLL] directory exceed the capacity of the disk
DJA21:, BACKUP prompts you to remove the volume in the drive and insert another one. For
more information about Files–11 and sequential disk save sets, see Section 11.5.

Prior to OpenVMS Version 7.2, 32 levels of directories were supported. Beginning with OpenVMS
Version 7.2 on VAX and Alpha systems, the number of levels of directories can be as high as RMS
allows; for OpenVMS Version 7.2 and later, that number is 255 levels.

11.13.3. Comparing Files

A BACKUP compare operation compares a save set with disk files or compares disk files with other
disk files. Perform a compare operation to check the integrity of a file or volume after a copy, save, or
restore operation. For example, you can use the compare operation to compare a save set with original
files or to compare files or volumes copied using BACKUP with original files.

Because BACKUP processes files by blocks, comparing files not produced by BACKUP is likely to
cause mismatch errors in files that are apparently identical.

How to Perform This Task

The two ways to perform a compare operation are:

• You can perform a compare operation in conjunction with a save, restore, copy, or list operation
by specifying the command qualifier /VERIFY. When you specify /VERIFY, BACKUP first
performs the save, restore, copy, or list operation and then compares the output with the input.
When you use /VERIFY in a copy or list operation, BACKUP displays no message when it begins
the compare operation. When you use /VERIFY in a save or restore operation, BACKUP displays
the following message when it begins the compare operation:

%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass

• You can perform a compare operation independently of other BACKUP operations by specifying
the command qualifier /COMPARE. In addition, you can use the /COMPARE and /IMAGE
qualifiers to instruct BACKUP to perform an image compare operation. This operation compares
files on two different disks by using the file identifications (FIDs).

An image compare operation may not work correctly when you create two disks with identical
files by incrementally backing up and restoring the files from one disk to the other disk. This is

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

because BACKUP does not ensure that the incrementally restored files have the same FIDs as the
incrementally saved files. This is true regardless of whether the /OVERLAY, /NEW_VERSION,
or /REPLACE qualifiers are used in the restore command.

1. The following example compares a save set on tape with files on disk. The command directs
BACKUP to compare the contents of the save set 2MAR1555.BCK with the directory [LYKINS].


2. The following example compares files on disk; note the inconsistency in block 16 between


%BACKUP-E-VERIFYERR, verification error for block 16 of WRKD$:

3. To compare two entire Files–11 volumes, use an image compare operation, as follows:


4. To compare a physical save set with a Files–11 volume, use a physical compare operation, as
follows. All disks in a physical compare operation must be mounted as foreign volumes.


5. The following example combines a compare operation with a copy operation:



11.13.4. Creating and Listing BACKUP Journal Files

To keep a record of BACKUP operations, create a journal file. A BACKUP journal file contains
records of BACKUP save operations and the file specifications of the files saved during each

How to Perform This Task

To create a journal file, use the command qualifier /JOURNAL=[file-spec] in a BACKUP save

To list the contents of a BACKUP journal file, enter a command in the following format:


You cannot specify an input or output specifier with a BACKUP/LIST/JOURNAL command. If you
omit the file specification from the command qualifier /LIST, BACKUP directs the output to your
terminal; if you omit the file specification from the command qualifier /JOURNAL, the journal file
receives the default BACKUP journal file name (SYS$DISK:[]BACKUP.BJL).

For more information about creating and listing BACKUP journal files, refer to the description of
the /JOURNAL qualifier in the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

This example shows how to create a BACKUP journal file and list the contents of the BACKUP
journal file:


%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2
%BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, mount volume 2 on _MIA0: for writing
Press return when ready:
Listing of BACKUP journal
Journal file _DB2:[SYSMGR]BACKUP.BJL;1 on 3-OCT-2000 00:40:56.36
Save set 3OCT.FUL created on 3-OCT-2000 00:40:56.36
Volume number 1, volume label 3OCT01

Save set 3OCT.FUL created on 3-OCT-2000 00:40:56.36
Volume number 2, volume label 3OCT02


End of BACKUP journal

11.14. Restoring Files and Directories

A BACKUP restore operation takes a save set and restores it to its original condition. Often a restore
operation is the result of a crisis (you have deleted an important file or a disk has become corrupted,
for example). When you restore files, BACKUP places the contents of the save set in the location that
you specify.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

To restore an entire disk, see Section 11.16.

How to Perform This Task

To restore files, use the BACKUP command in the following format:

BACKUP save-set-specifier [/SAVE_SET] /SELECT=[dir...] output-specifier:


Use the /SAVE_SET qualifier if the save set is on a disk or diskette. The /SELECT qualifier lets you
specify the exact file you want to restore.

If your save set is stored on more than one magnetic tape or sequential disk volume, it is possible to
begin restore and compare operations with any volume of the save set. However, if you are restoring
a save set with the command qualifier /IMAGE, processing must begin with the first volume. (An
image restore operation restores all files to a volume or volume set.) If you attempt an image restore
or compare operation and specify a tape that is not the first volume of the save set, you receive the
following message:

%BACKUP-W-NOT1STVOL, tape 'name' is not the start of a save set

You can use the command qualifier /LOG to monitor the files as they are restored. To restore only a
small number of files from a large save set, press Ctrl/Y to terminate processing once the files you
need have been restored.

1. If you mistakenly delete the file USER1:[WORK.SEPT]INVOICES.DAT but it has been backed
up to a save set named NIGHTLY.BCK, you could restore it using the following command:


2. You can also use wildcard characters to restore more than one file. For example:


The /LOG qualifier displays the file specification of the files that you restored.

3. The following example restores files from the magnetic tape save set NOV12SAVE.BCK to
subdirectories of the directory [LYKINS]:


Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

4. To restore a specific file from a save set, use the input save-set qualifier /SELECT. In the
following example, the file STRAT1.DAT in the directory [LYKINS.GLENDO] was deleted
accidentally. The user, who previously saved the file to a save set named NOV2SAVE.BCK, uses
BACKUP to restore the file to the directory. Next, the user enters the DIRECTORY command to
confirm that the file has been restored to the subdirectory [LYKINS.GLENDO].


Total of 1 file.

5. Suppose you deleted the entire [REPORTS] directory, which previously contained the following
Directory USER3:[REPORTS]
Total of 5 files, 13 blocks.

If you made a backup save set of the directory and subdirectories, you could restore them. For

This command restores all the files in the [REPORTS] directory and the subdirectories

6. To restore all files from a magnetic-tape save set named NOV12SAVE.BCK to the directory tree
from which they were saved, enter the following command:

The /REWIND qualifier directs BACKUP to rewind the tape to the beginning-of-tape before
beginning the restore operation. This ensures that the save set will be restored even if it is located
before the current tape position.

11.14.1. Accessing Files in Deep Directory Structures

BACKUP can access a file in a directory structure that is a maximum of 32 levels deep. BACKUP can
also select a file from within a BACKUP save-set file that was previously in a deep directory (one that
is greater than 8 levels deep). On an ODS-2 disk, however, you can restore a file from a directory that
is a maximum of 8 levels deep. The following example restores a deep directory structure that is 12
levels deep:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

11.15. Backing Up User Disks

This section explains performing incremental and image backups to disk and tape.

Do not use the menu system (which displays when you boot the OpenVMS VAX operating system
CD–ROM) to back up user disks. Use the menu system to back up system disks only.

In addition, if you back up large user disks on VAX systems, BACKUP might need to page and
thereby cause the operation to fail. If this occurs, use online BACKUP to back up those VAX user

11.15.1. Preparing to Back Up User Disks

VSI recommends that you back up your disks with no interactive users logged in and with no
applications running. This is because if BACKUP encounters an open file during a save operation,
it issues an error message and does not copy the file. Also, because of the way BACKUP scans
directories, any activity in a directory (such as creating or deleting files) can cause files to be excluded
from the backup.

The first time you back up a disk, you must perform an image backup using the BACKUP/IMAGE/
RECORD command before you perform regular incremental backups. The image backup saves a copy
of the entire disk and marks each file as being saved. Subsequent incremental backups assume that an
image backup has been performed; only new or modified files are saved.

If an image backup is not performed first, the incremental backups save more files than might be
necessary to ensure that an incremental restore operation will be successful.

You can instruct BACKUP to save open files by using the /IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier on the
BACKUP command, as described in Section 11.18.3. However, open files saved by BACKUP might
contain inconsistent data, depending on the applications that are writing to the open files. BACKUP
reports a message if either:

• The file was modified while BACKUP was reading the file

• The file is accessed for writing on the local node when BACKUP finishes reading the file

However, if the file is accessed for writing from a remote node when BACKUP finishes reading the
file, no message is displayed because BACKUP cannot detect the access.

If a file with the specified version already exists, BACKUP reports the following error message:

RMS-E-FEX, file already exists, not superseded

How to Perform This Task

If several users are on your system, notify them that a disk backup is about to take place. If you have
the OPER privilege, you can notify users with the REPLY/ALL command, as follows:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

$ REPLY/ALL "System Backup About to Begin – Open Files Will Not Be Backed

When you enter this command, each interactive terminal on the system displays the following
Reply received on MYNODE from user SYSTEM at VTA28:23:35:11
System Backup About to Begin – Open Files Will Not Be Backed Up

11.15.2. Performing Image Backups to Tape

As described in Section 11.2, an image backup of a disk provides you with an exact logical copy of
all the files on the disk. You should perform image backups with no interactive users on the system
because of open file considerations (described in Section 11.15.1). Also, system performance can be
affected during the backup process, so it is best to schedule the backup during the least busy times for
your system. You can optimize the speed of the backup procedure by ensuring that certain process and
system parameters are set properly (as described in Section 11.7).

How to Perform This Task

To perform an image backup, use the BACKUP command in the following format:
BACKUP/IMAGE [/RECORD] input-device output-specifier [/LABEL=label] [/

The /IMAGE qualifier identifies the backup operation as an image backup. The /RECORD qualifier
is optional and records the current date and time in the file header record of each file that is backed
up. You must use the /RECORD qualifier if you are planning to perform future incremental backups.
Specify the name of the disk you are backing up as the input-device; do not specify individual files.
The /REWIND qualifier is optional depending on whether you want to initialize the tape. The /
LABEL qualifier identifies the label of the tape.

1. The following example shows how to create an image backup of a disk on your workstation. If the
disk is named DKA100:, and the tape cartridge drive is named MKB100:, you could perform the
image backup by entering the following commands:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DISK$1 mounted on _DKA100:
_From: DKA100:
%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass

In this example, the individual commands perform the following actions:

Initialize the tape in MKB100: with the label WKLY.

Mount the disk DKA100: (BACKUP will mount the tape drive).
Back up the disk DKA100: to the save set FULL02.SAV on MKB100. The /IMAGE
qualifier indicates that this is an image backup. The /RECORD qualifier records the current
date and time of the backup in the file header record of each file that is backed up. The /
VERIFY qualifier causes BACKUP to check the contents of the output specifier against the
input specifier after the files are written to the volume. The /LABEL qualifier indicates the
label of the tape.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

2. If you are backing up a large disk, you may want to use several tape drives for the backup. For

%DCL-I-ALLOC, MUA0: allocated
%DCL-I-ALLOC, MUA1: allocated
%DCL-I-ALLOC, MUA2: allocated
_From: DKA100:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, MNTH mounted on _MUA0:
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, MNTH02 mounted on _MUA1:
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 3
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, MNTH03 mounted on _MUA2:

In this example, the individual commands perform the following actions:

Allocate the tape drives that will be used in the backup.

Back up DKA100: to a save set. The /IMAGE qualifier indicates this operation is an image
backup. BACKUP begins writing data to a save set on the tape in MUA0. If the tape in
MUA0: becomes full, BACKUP initializes the tape in MUA1: and continues writing the
save set. The tape in MUA1: gets the label MNTH02. If necessary, BACKUP also uses the
tape in MUA2.

The /RELEASE_TAPE qualifier dismounts and unloads an output tape device after
BACKUP writes the save set. The /RECORD qualifier records the current date and time in
the file header record of each file that is backed up.

11.15.3. Performing Image Backups to Disk

As described in Section 11.2, an image backup of a disk provides you with an exact logical copy of
all the files on the disk. You should perform image backups with no interactive users on the system
because of open file considerations (described in Section 11.15.1). Also, system performance can be
affected during the backup process, so it is best to schedule the backup during the least busy times for
your system. You can optimize the speed of the backup procedure by ensuring that certain process and
system parameters are set properly (as described in Section 11.7).

How to Perform This Task

To perform an image backup to a disk, use the BACKUP command in the following format:
BACKUP/IMAGE/RECORD input-device output-specifier/SAVE_SET

The /IMAGE qualifier identifies the backup operation as an image backup. The /RECORD qualifier
records the current date and time in the file header record of each file that is backed up. This
information is essential for future incremental backups. The /SAVE_SET qualifier indicates that you
are creating a save set on a disk.

1. For example, if you want to create an image backup save set of the disk named DUA1: on a disk
named DUA2:, you could enter the following commands:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, USER1 mounted on _DUA1:

%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, USER2 mounted on _DUA2:
_From: DUA1:

2. You can also specify multiple disk drives as the output specifier in the BACKUP command line.
For example:

_From: DUA0:

11.15.4. Performing Incremental Backups to Tape

As described in Section 11.2, an incremental backup of a disk provides you with an exact copy of only
those files that have been created or modified since the last image or incremental backup in which
the /RECORD qualifier was used.

How to Perform This Task

To perform an incremental backup to tape, perform the following steps:

1. Perform an image backup using the /RECORD qualifier (see Section 11.15.2).

2. To determine the date of the last backup that used the /RECORD qualifier, enter the
DIRECTORY/FULL command and the file name. For example:

Directory WORK204:[HIGGINS]
LOGIN.COM;31 File ID: (23788,1,0)
Size: 7/9 Owner: [ACC,HIGGINS]
Created: 30-APR-2000 14:37:33.98
Revised: 30-APR-2000 14:37:34.44 (1)
Expires: <None specified>
Backup: 30-APR-2000 20:20:57.37
File organization: Sequential
File attributes: Allocation: 9, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0, No
version limit
Record format: Variable length, maximum 94 bytes
Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control
RMS attributes: None
Journaling enabled: None
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:
Access Cntrl List: None
Total of 1 file, 7/9 blocks.

The date of the last /RECORD backup is indicated in the Backup field of the display. In this
example, a /RECORD backup was performed on 30-APR-2000 20:20:57.37.

If you used the /IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier to back up open files during your last image
backup or incremental backup in which the /RECORD qualifier was used, see Section 11.18.3. If the
files remain open, they will not be included in the incremental backup because their backup date fields

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

are not as recent as the last image backup or incremental backup in which the /RECORD qualifier was

3. Enter the BACKUP command in the following format:

BACKUP/RECORD/SINCE=BACKUP input-specifier output-specifier[/

LABEL=label] [/REWIND]

The /RECORD qualifier records the current date and time in the file header record of each file that
is backed up. This information is essential for future incremental backups. The /SINCE=BACKUP
qualifier backs up files dated later than the last /RECORD backup. The /REWIND qualifier is
optional depending on whether you want to initialize the tape. The /LABEL qualifier identifies the
label of the tape.

The following command is an example of an incremental backup in which BACKUP saves all files
on DRA1: that were modified since the previous BACKUP/RECORD command and stores them in a
save set named 20APR2000.SAV:

From: DRA1:[000000...]

The /LABEL qualifier identifies the volume label of the tape. Also, because BACKUP is performing
an incremental rather than an image backup, it is necessary to explicitly use the notation DRA1:
[000000 ... ] to specify all the files on DRA1. The /SINCE=BACKUP qualifier saves all files created
or modified since the last /RECORD backup. The /RELEASE_TAPE qualifier dismounts and unloads
an output tape device after BACKUP writes the save set and before it performs the action of the /
RECORD command.

11.15.5. Performing Incremental Backups to Disk

As described in Section 11.2, an incremental backup of a disk provides you with an exact copy of only
those files that have been created or modified since the last image or incremental backup in which
the /RECORD qualifier was used.

How to Perform This Task

To make an incremental backup to disk, perform the following steps:

1. To perform an incremental backup, you must first perform an image backup using the /RECORD
qualifier (see Section 11.15.2).

2. To determine the date of the last backup that used the /RECORD qualifier, enter the
DIRECTORY/FULL command and the file name. For example:

Directory WORK204:[HIGGINS]
LOGIN.COM;31 File ID: (23788,1,0)
Size: 7/9 Owner: [ACC,HIGGINS]
Created: 30-APR-2000 14:37:33.98
Revised: 30-APR-2000 14:37:34.44 (1)
Expires: <None specified>
Backup: 30-APR-2000 20:20:57.37

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

File organization: Sequential

File attributes: Allocation: 9, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0, No
version limit
Record format: Variable length, maximum 94 bytes
Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control
RMS attributes: None
Journaling enabled: None
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:
Access Cntrl List: None
Total of 1 file, 7/9 blocks.

The date of the last /RECORD backup is indicated in the Backup field of the display. In this
example, a /RECORD backup was performed on 30-APR-2000 20:20:57.37.

If you used the /IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier to back up open files during your last image
backup or incremental backup in which the /RECORD qualifier was used, see Section 11.18.3. If the
files remain open, they will not be included in the incremental backup because their backup date fields
are not as recent as the last image backup or incremental backup in which the /RECORD qualifier was

3. Enter the BACKUP command in the following format:

BACKUP/RECORD/SINCE=BACKUP input-specifier output-specifier/SAVE_SET

The /RECORD qualifier records the current date and time in the file header record of each file that
is backed up. The first step in an incremental backup is an image backup (see Section 11.15.2).
If you plan to perform incremental backups, you must use the /RECORD qualifier when you
perform image backups. The /SINCE=BACKUP qualifier backs up files dated later than the last /
RECORD backup. The /SAVE_SET qualifier indicates that you are creating a save set on a disk.

1. To create an incremental backup of a disk named DUA55: on a sequential disk save set on a disk
named DJC12:, you could enter the following commands:


%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DISK1 mounted on _DUA55:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DISK2 mounted on _DJC12:
_From: DUA55:[000000...]

2. You can also specify multiple disk drives as the output device in the BACKUP command line. For


%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, USER1 mounted on _DUA0:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DISK2 mounted on _DUB24:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DISK3 mounted on _DUB25:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

_From: DUA0:[000000...]

11.15.6. Performing Incremental Backups Using

PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Servers
An incompatibility between the operating procedures of the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Macintosh
server and OpenVMS incremental backup operations can cause BACKUP to save entire disks or
directory structures, including subdirectories and files.

BACKUP can detect whether a directory file has been modified since the date indicated by the
Backup Date field in the file header. If a directory file has been modified, all subdirectories and files
of that directory are saved for possible later restore operations.

Updating the modification date of directory files is unusual for OpenVMS systems. However, it can
happen if, for example, you rename a directory file from one location to another. In contrast, the
PATHWORKS Macintosh server maintains the modification date of directory files for Macintosh
users; that is, it updates the modification date for each directory change, file creation, and file

Thus, an incremental backup of a disk where PATHWORKS is used to serve files to Macintosh users
may result in saving the entire disk or entire directories (including their subdirectories and files)
instead of just the user files that were created or modified since the last incremental backup operation.

You can avoid saving files unnecessarily in either of the following ways:

• By using the /NOINCREMENTAL qualifier.

On a save operation, you can use the BACKUP qualifier /NOINCREMENTAL to avoid saving all
the files and subdirectories under directories that have been modified. (Some files will, however,
still be saved.) Use this qualifier only if you are sure that you do not want to save all data.

Prior to OpenVMS Version 6.2, the system, by default, did not save the files and subdirectories
that were under directories that had been modified. In OpenVMS Versions 7.0 and 7.1, to ensure
a successful restore, the system saved all files and subdirectories under directories that had been
modified. This behavior, however, sometimes resulted in saving files and subdirectories that
were not needed for later restore operations. The /NOINCREMENTAL qualifier allows you more
control over the amount of file data that is saved.

• By performing a “dummy” BACKUP/RECORD operation on all directory files immediately

before performing the incremental backup. For example:
_$ disk:[000000...]*.DIR;* -
_$ /NOASSIST/COMMENT="Incremental backup of DISK:" -
_$ disk:[000000...]*.*;*/SINCE=BACKUP -
_$ tape:incr.bck/LABEL=incr/SAVE

In this example, the first BACKUP command performs the dummy backup operation, and
the second command performs the actual incremental backup. The first command updates the
Backup Date field for all the directory files. Specifying the null output device NLA0:[000000...]
causes a save set file not to be written. Because no file information needs to be retained from this

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

operation, the /NOCRC and /GROUP_SIZE=0 qualifiers are specified to avoid CRC and XOR
block calculation.

11.15.7. Backing Up Your Workstation Disk

On a standalone workstation, you are probably responsible for backing up files on your user disks.
Section, Section, and Section contain command procedures for making
image, incremental, and interactive backups of user disks on your workstation.

VSI also provides two template command procedures in the SYS$EXAMPLES directory for
you to use in designing BACKUP command procedures. These command procedures are called

If you are not familiar with using command procedures, refer to the OpenVMS User’s Manual. Using a Command Procedure for Nightly Image

The following command procedure performs nightly image backups, backing up all the files
on disk DUA2: to a tape in MUA0. The files are copied to a magnetic tape save set named
FULL_BACKUP.SAV. This procedure is particularly useful for backing up files on a MicroVAX
system or workstation.

How to Perform This Task

To use the command procedure, perform the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have a batch queue available on your system. (See Section 14.3 for information
about setting up a batch queues.) You submit the command procedure only once, and it will
execute daily at 2:00 a.m. The command procedure automatically resubmits itself at 2:00 each
morning; however, you must physically load a tape each day or the backup procedure will fail.
Even if the backup procedure fails, however, the command procedure will continue to resubmit

2. From the SYS$MANAGER directory, create the command procedure as shown and call it

$! Resubmit this procedure –
$ REPLY/ALL - "Full Backup About to Begin. Open Files Will Not Be
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "—> Backup failed"

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP


3. Edit the command procedure to reflect:

• The name of the disk that you want to back up. To back up more than one disk, list each of the
devices in the BACKUP command line. For example, you could substitute the following lines
for the BACKUP command line in the preceding example:


If you plan to perform any incremental backups later, include the /RECORD qualifier in the
BACKUP command line.

• The name of the tape drive that you will use.

• The name that you want to assign to the save set.

4. Write down the name of the save set that you assigned.

5. Submit the command procedure using the following command line (if you gave your procedure a
file name other than SYS$MANAGER:SYSTEM_BACKUP.COM, substitute the appropriate file


6. Be sure to change the tape daily and make sure that a tape is physically loaded on the device that
you specified. When the backup is complete, keep the backup tape in a safe place and do not use
the tape again until after you make another image backup of your disks.

To stop the procedure after you have submitted it, use the DELETE/ENTRY command. To find the
entry number, use the SHOW ENTRY command. For example:

Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status
----- ------- -------- ------ ------
14 SYS_BACKUP TPROULX Holding until 19-APR-2000 02:00
On generic batch queue CLUSTER_BATCH
$ DELETE/entry=583 Using a Command Procedure for Nightly Incremental

You can use a similar command procedure to perform nightly incremental backups of your disks. It
might be more convenient to perform nightly incremental backups and weekly image backups if either
of the following conditions applies:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

• Interactive users are on your system at all times, and system performance is noticeably affected by

• A full backup does not fit on a single magnetic tape, but an incremental backup does. In this case,
an image backup requires the presence of an operator (to change the tape), whereas an incremental
backup can be run as a batch job.

Suppose that you want to do nightly incremental backups at 11:00 p.m., except on Friday night, when
you want to do an image backup. The following command procedure executes an incremental backup
on three disks and automatically resubmits itself to run again the following night, except for Friday

How to Perform This Task

To use the procedure, follow these steps:

1. From the SYS$MANAGER directory, create the command procedure as shown and call it
$! Resubmit this procedure – –
$ TODAY = f$cvtime("today",,"weekday")
$ REPLY/ALL - "Incremental Backup About to Begin. Open Files Will
Not Be Saved"
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "—> Backup failed"

2. Edit the procedure to reflect:

• The names of the disks that you want to back up

• The name of the tape drive that you will use

• The volume label of the tape

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

• The name that you want to assign to the save set

• The day of the week (if any) to be omitted in the incremental backup

In this example, the incremental backup will not be performed on Friday, reserving that day for an
image (full) backup.

3. Be sure that an image backup has been made and also be sure that you continue to make regular
image backups. When you make your image backups, be sure to use the /RECORD qualifier (as
well as the /IMAGE qualifier) in your BACKUP command line.

4. Submit the command procedure using the following command line (if you gave your procedure
a file name other than SYS$MANAGER:INCREMENTAL_BACKUP.COM, substitute the
appropriate file name):


5. Be sure that a tape is physically loaded on the device that you specified. When the incremental
backup is complete, keep the tape in a safe place and do not use the tape again until you make
another image backup. Using an Interactive Command Procedure for Backups

You can use the following command procedure to interactively back up a disk to a magnetic tape.

How to Perform This Task

To use the procedure, perform the following steps:

1. Create the command procedure in your directory:

$ ! Command procedure DAILYBACK.COM

$ !
$ ! Execute this command procedure interactively
$ ! by entering the command @[directory]DAILYBACK
$ ! at the DCL prompt.
$ !
$ ! The BACKUP command in this procedure contains the
$ ! output save-set qualifier /REWIND. Therefore, this
$ ! command procedure always initializes the output tape.
$ !
$ INQUIRE DRIVE "Enter the drive name (without a colon)"
$ INQUIRE SAVESET_SPEC "Enter the save-set specifier"
$ INQUIRE LBL "Enter the tape label"
$ INQUIRE EXP "Enter the tape expiration date"
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "—> Backup failed"

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP


2. Run the procedure and enter the drive, save set, tape label, and tape expiration information.

3. After the specified tape drive is allocated, BACKUP searches the tape's volume header record for
a volume label and compares the label you specified with the /LABEL qualifier. If the volume
header record contains no volume label, BACKUP writes the label and expiration date you
specified to the volume header record and initializes the tape. Otherwise, BACKUP compares the
tape's volume label with the label you specified and ensures that the tape is expired.

If the tape is not expired or the label does not match, the command procedure exits. If the tape is
expired and the label matches, BACKUP writes the expiration date you specified to the volume
header record and initializes the tape. After initializing the tape, BACKUP saves all files in the
current default directory tree that have been created or modified since the last save operation to a
save set with the name you specified.

11.15.8. Backing Up Volume Shadow Sets

Volume shadowing maintains multiple copies of the same data on two or more disk volumes. If you
use volume shadowing on your system, you can form a shadow set by uniting individual disk volumes
(shadow set members). Volume shadowing duplicates data on each member of the shadow set. Per-
disk licensing is available for each disk you will be including in a shadow set. This option is effective
in a cluster where you intend to shadow only a small number of disks. However, if you have larger
systems with many more disks to shadow, traditional capacity (per-CPU) licenses may be more

Limits on the numbers of disks allowed in shadow sets are shown in Table 11.9.

Table 11.9. Number of Shadow Sets Supported

Type of Shadow Set Sets Supported
Single member Unlimited sets
Multimember Total of 400 disks in two- and three-member sets,
or both

These limits apply per cluster. For example, 400 total disks could be configured into 200 two-
member shadow sets or into 133 three-member shadow sets per cluster. If single, two-member, and
three-member shadow sets are all present on a single cluster, then a maximum of 400 disks may be
contained in the two- and three-member shadow sets.

You can use the firmware implementation of RAID level 1 (shadowing) to create shadow sets
using the SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface) disks attached locally to a single SWXCR-
xx controller. The StorageWorks RAID Array 210 Subsystem (SWXCR-EA or SWXCR-EB EISA
Backplane RAID controllers) and the StorageWorks PCI Backplane RAID controller (SWXCR-PA or
SWXCR-PB) have their own firmware implementations of RAID, levels 0, 1, and 5.

SCSI disks connected to these controllers can also be included in shadow sets created using host-
based volume shadowing for OpenVMS. For example, with host-based volume shadowing, you
can create a RAID1 shadow set containing two like disks, each of which is attached to a separate
SWXCR-xx RAID controller located within a cluster. SCSI disks can be configured as shadow sets
when attached to systems running volume shadowing for OpenVMS.

For directly connected SCSI devices that have been powered down or do not answer to polling,
the elapsed time before a device is removed from a shadow set approaches one minute. In all

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

other situations, the elapsed time closely approximates the number of seconds specified in the
SHADOW_MBR_TMO parameter.

Volume shadowing checks for geometries and maximum logical block numbers (LBNs) on devices.
This enables devices such as the RZ28 and the RZ28B to operate in the same shadow set. Even
though their device IDs differ, their geometries and maximum LBNs will match when configured on
like controllers (two HSJ controllers, for example).

When you create a shadow set, individual users access it as a virtual unit. For example, you could
create a virtual unit DSA1 that consists of the disks named DUA1:, DUA2:, and DUA3. Users cannot
access the individual shadow set members directly, but can perform operations on the virtual unit

Because of the way volume shadowing duplicates data on each disk in the shadow set, there are
special considerations for backing up a shadow set. One strategy for backing up shadow sets involves
using the OpenVMS Backup utility.

Do not attempt to back up a shadow set by dismounting an individual shadow set member or by
backing up an active shadow set member. You must dismount the entire shadow set and re-create
it less one shadow set member. If you do not follow this restriction, the resultant backup copy may
contain inconsistent data.

How to Perform This Task

The proper procedure for using BACKUP to back up a shadow set is described in detail in the VSI
Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS manual, and can be summarized as follows.

You cannot perform an incremental backup using this procedure because the backup record date is
overwritten when you add the disk volume back into the existing shadow set.

1. Make sure that all shadow set members are full members; none of the members should be in a
merge or copy state.

2. Dismount the entire shadow set.

3. Re-create the shadow set less one member. The data on the excluded member will mirror the data
on the shadow set members.

4. Mount the former shadow set member for the backup.

5. Perform an image backup on the former shadow set member.

6. Dismount the former shadow set member when the backup is complete.

7. Add the shadow set member that you backed up. Mounting a Disk in a Host-Based Shadow Set

To mount a disk in the StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem in a host-based shadow set, you
must use the /OVERRIDE=NO_FORCED_ERROR qualifier with the MOUNT command.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

The StorageWorks RAID Array 110 Subsystem does not support the READ/WRITE LONG SCSI
commands that are necessary for implementing the FORCED ERROR function in SCSI. Without
FORCED ERROR, you must override that check by the shadowing driver. Assisted Merging in Mixed-Architecture Clusters

Assisted merging, also known as minimerge, is disabled if shadow sets are mounted on an OpenVMS
Alpha node and also on other types of nodes in the same cluster. To reenable assisted merging, apply
the CSCPAT (TIMA) kit to all OpenVMS Cluster nodes mounting the shadow set.

With minimerge disabled, shadowing will continue to function normally. However, a full merge
will always be done when a merge operation is required. A full merge takes considerably longer to
complete than a minimerge operation; VSI recommends that you install the CSCPAT (TIMA) kit.

11.16. Restoring User Disks

Occasionally you may want to restore the backup copy of an entire disk. For example, if the disk drive
fails, you could restore the backup copy to a working disk. By occasionally saving and restoring an
image backup, you can also prevent disk fragmentation.

The way in which you restore a disk depends on whether the most recent backup was an image (full)
or incremental backup. Section 11.16.1 describes the process for restoring a disk when the most recent
backup was an image backup. Section 11.16.2 describes the process for restoring a disk when one or
more incremental backups were performed since the most recent image backup.

11.16.1. Restoring Image Backups

This section describes how to restore the entire contents of a disk when your most recent backup was
an image backup (using the /IMAGE qualifier, as described in Section 11.15.2).

How to Perform This Task

To restore an image backup, use the following procedure.

When you use the /IMAGE qualifier in a restore operation, the disk to which you are restoring the
files is initialized. Initializing the disk removes links to the existing files, effectively erasing them. To
restore individual files or directories rather than the entire disk, see Section 11.14.

1. Mount the disk to which you will restore the files, using the MOUNT/FOREIGN command as
described in Section 11.8.2.

2. Load and mount the volume. If the backup is contained in a Files–11 save set, make sure you
mount the volume in the Files–11 format. If the backup is contained in a sequential disk save
set, make sure you load the volume and mount it using the MOUNT/FOREIGN command. If the
backup copy is on a tape save set, load the first tape.

3. If you do not know the name of the save set, perform one of the following actions:

• If the save set is on a disk, make sure the disk is mounted in the Files–11 format and use the
DIRECTORY command to determine the name of the save set. For example:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BACKUPS] 19APRIL2000.SAV;1 Total of 1

The save set is named 19APRIL2000.SAV.

• If the save set is on magnetic tape, load the tape and then enter the following command,
substituting the name of your tape drive for MIA1:
Listing of save set(s)

Save set: 19APRIL2000.SAV

Written by: SYSTEM
UIC: [000001,000004]
Date: 19-APR-2000 22:03:03.63

The save set is named 19APRIL2000.SAV.

4. To restore the save set, enter the BACKUP command with the /IMAGE qualifier, using the
following syntax:
BACKUP/IMAGE device:save-set-specifier [/SAVE_SET] output-device

If your backup save set is on a disk or diskette, then you must also use the /SAVE_SET qualifier
immediately after the save-set specifier (device:save-set-specifier).

5. If your backup save set is on more than one tape, disk, or diskette, BACKUP dismounts and
unloads the current volume. Load the next volume when BACKUP prompts for it.

6. Use the /NOUNLOAD qualifier to dismount the disk onto which you just restored the files.

The next example shows how to restore an image backup, using the following assumptions:

• The saved files are contained in a tape save set named FULL_BACKUP.SAV. This save set is the
result of an image backup.

• The tape containing the saved copy of the disk contents is loaded on MIA1.

• DUA2: is the device name of the disk to which the files will be restored.

%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DISK1 mounted on _DUA2:

In this example, the individual command lines perform the following actions:

Mount the disk DUA2. The files will be restored to this disk.
Initialize DUA2:, effectively erasing any previous data on the disk. Restore the directory
structure and all the files from the save set FULL_BACKUP.SAV to the disk DUA2. BACKUP
restores the files contiguously on DUA2:, eliminating any disk fragmentation on that device.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

The /IMAGE qualifier restores a logical duplicate of the original disk so that the entire directory
structure is restored and the files are placed in the proper directories.
Dismount the disk.

11.16.2. Restoring Incremental Backups

Restoring files after making an image backup and one or more incremental backups is a two-step
process. First, restore the most recent image backup. Then, restore each subsequent incremental
backup, starting with the most recent.

For the number of directory structure levels you can access see Section 11.14.1.

How to Perform This Task

To restore incremental backups, use the following procedure (note that the first few steps are similar
to the procedure for restoring an image backup):

1. Mount the disk to which you will restore the files, using the MOUNT /FOREIGN command. (See
Section 11.8.2 for information about the MOUNT command.)

2. Load the tape, disk, or diskette that contains the most recent image backup of the disk. If the
backup save set spans more than one volume, load the first volume of the set. If the backup copy
is on a disk or diskette, mount the volume.

3. If you do not know the name of the save set, perform one of the following actions:

• If the save set is on a disk, make sure the disk is mounted and use the DIRECTORY command
to determine the name of the save set. For example:

Directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[BACKUPS] 19APRIL2000.SAV;1 Total of 1

The save set is named 19APRIL2000.SAV.

• If the save set is on magnetic tape, load the tape and enter the following command, substituting
the name of the tape drive you use for MIA0:


Listing of save set(s)

Save set: 19APRIL2000.SAV

Written by: SYSTEM
UIC: [000001,000004]
Date: 19-APR-2000 22:03:03.63

The save set is named 19APRIL2000.SAV.

4. Enter the BACKUP command using the following syntax:

BACKUP/IMAGE device:save-set-specifier[/SAVE_SET] output-specifier

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

The /IMAGE qualifier indicates that you are restoring an image backup. If your backup copy is on
a disk or diskette, then you must also use the /SAVE_SET qualifier immediately after the save-set
specifier ( device:save-set-specifier).

5. If your backup copy is on more than one tape or diskette, load each subsequent tape or diskette
when BACKUP prompts for the next volume.

6. Use the /NOUNLOAD qualifier to dismount the disk onto which you have just restored the files
from the image backup.

7. Mount the disk that you are restoring as a file-structured volume, using the following syntax:

MOUNT device-name: volume-label

The parameter device-name is the name of the drive that holds the volume you want to mount. The
parameter volume-label is the 1- to 6-character alphanumeric identification you assigned to the
volume with the INITIALIZE command.

8. Dismount the media that contained the image backup and mount the tape, disk, or diskette that
contains the most recent incremental backup of the disk.

9. Restore your incremental save sets, beginning with the most recent backup. Use the following
syntax to restore an incremental backup:

BACKUP/INCREMENTAL save-set-specifier[/SAVE_SET] device-specifier

Remember that you must use the /SAVE_SET qualifier after the save-set specifier if your backup
copies are on a disk or diskette.

Continue restoring the incremental backups, from the most recent to the oldest, until you have
processed all of the incremental backups since the most recent image backup. If the incremental
backups are on more than one tape, diskette, or disk, then you must load each one successively
when prompted by BACKUP.

When you have processed the oldest incremental backup, the restore operation is complete.

The next example shows the process of restoring an entire disk after a series of incremental backups,
using the following elements and assumptions:

• The save set for the image backup is named WORK_BACKUP.SAV. This save set was created
using the BACKUP/IMAGE/RECORD command.

• The save sets for the incremental backups are named as follows:


• Both the image and the incremental backup save sets are on the disk named DUA3:, which is
already mounted.

• The disk to which the files will be restored is named DUA2.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, WORK_B mounted on _DUA2:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, WORK_B mounted on _DUA2:

In this example, the individual command lines perform the following steps:

Mount the disk DUA2: with the /FOREIGN qualifier. The files will be restored to this disk.
Restore the directory structure and all the files from the save set WORK_BACKUP.SAV to the
disk DUA2. This was an image backup, so it must be the first save set you restore when you
want to restore incremental backup save sets.
Logically dismount the disk DUA2.
Remount the disk DUA2:, this time as a Files–11 volume.
Restore the most recent incremental backup.
Restore the next incremental backup.
Restore the oldest incremental backup.

Restoring the incremental backups in reverse chronological order is the most efficient way
to restore files. When you have restored the last incremental backup, the restore operation is
complete. Restoring to Target Disk Structures

BACKUP examines the target disk and the save-set contents to determine which save-set entries
to ignore and which target disk entries to delete. If BACKUP encounters a privilege error when
attempting to delete directories or other files from the target disk, BACKUP attempts to change the
protection of the files so they can be deleted.

BACKUP detects modified directory files and will subsequently save the contents of the directory and
its subdirectories to allow proper restoration of renamed directories.

Renaming directories is not recommended. Also, changing security information for a directory
changes its modification date. Thus, a directory might appear to be “renamed” and its contents
included in incremental save sets if the file protection or security information is changed. The addition
of renamed directory contents might increase the size of some incremental save sets.

BACKUP processes the target disk directory structure by directory levels, in alphabetical order. Thus,
circumstances can occur that prevent BACKUP from correctly restoring an incremental save set to
a target disk. For example, the target disk does not have sufficient space to hold newly “renamed”
directories and their contents prior to deleting the original directories and their contents on the target

If incremental restore fails due to insufficient disk space, a possible solution is to apply the
incremental save set a second time (before doing anything else). This causes the first incremental
restore to continue and delete directories and their contents, making more space available on the target
disk. A second solution is to selectively restore files from the save set.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

BACKUP attempts to restore alias or synonym file entries in incremental restore operations that do
not specify multiple processing of alias or synonym file entries (/NOALIAS). In cases where the alias
entry cannot be restored properly, BACKUP issues an error message indicating the alias file entry, its
primary file, and a secondary status of the cause of the failure.

If you specify the /LOG qualifier, then BACKUP issues a message upon successful restoration of alias
file entries.

If you specify the /VERIFY qualifier, BACKUP attempts alias entry restoration during the verify
pass. Otherwise, alias entry restoration is attempted along with the normal file restoration. The reason
for this behavior is that BACKUP attempts to restore all primary files before attempting to restore
alias entries that will eventually reference those files.

11.16.3. Restoring Volume Shadow Sets

Because of the way volume shadowing duplicates data on each disk in the shadow set, there are
special considerations for restoring a shadow set. To restore a shadow set, refer to VSI Volume
Shadowing for OpenVMS.

Because the BACKUP output device (the shadow set) must be mounted using the /FOREIGN
qualifier, VSI does not support a restore operation from an image save set to a virtual unit.

11.17. Backing Up and Restoring the System

Backing up your system disk is critical for the following reasons:

• A system disk could become inoperable if a problem occurs during a software upgrade, update,
or installation. Before you attempt any of these operations, back up the system disk. If a problem
occurs, you can restore the backup copy of the system disk.

• System files could inadvertently be deleted. After you install, upgrade, or update the operating
system or any other software products, back up the system disk. If a system file is deleted, you can
restore the backup copy and continue to use the system.

• The drive that holds the system disk could malfunction. If you have a backup copy of the
operating system and your other software, you can restore it to a functioning disk and continue to
use the system.

• Disk fragmentation could occur if files are stored noncontiguously on the disk. Perform an
image backup of the system disk to a magnetic tape or another disk and then restore the files to
the original system disk. This restores the system disk and contiguously stores files. You can
also eliminate fragmentation by performing a disk-to-disk image backup without using the /
SAVE_SET qualifier. This creates a functionally equivalent copy of the entire system disk, on
which files are stored contiguously. (See Section 11.17.5.)

If you have access to the OpenVMS Alpha or VAX operating system distribution compact disc, back
up your system using the menu system provided on the disc. For more information about using the
menu system, see Section 11.17.1.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

If you use the menu system to back up large system disks on low memory VAX systems (those with
less than 32 MB of memory), BACKUP might need to page and thereby cause the operation to fail. If
this problem occurs, use standalone BACKUP to back up system disks on VAX systems.

If you do not have access to the OpenVMS VAX operating system distribution compact disc, use
standalone BACKUP to back up and restore your system disk. For more information about standalone
BACKUP, see Section 11.17.2.

11.17.1. Starting the Menu System

Use the menu system in this section to back up or restore system disks and user disks if you have
access to the OpenVMS Alpha or VAX Version operating system distribution compact disc.

How to Perform This Task

1. If the operating system is not running, go to step 2.

If the operating system is running, log in to the SYSTEM account. Enter the following command
and press Return:


Answer the questions. When the procedure asks if an automatic system boot should be performed,
press Return for NO. When the procedure is finished, it displays the following message:


On VAX systems, the following message is also displayed:


Halt the system if you see this message.

2. Boot the system:

• On OpenVMS Alpha systems, boot the distribution compact disc.

• On OpenVMS VAX systems, boot the distribution compact disc from the SYS1 directory.

The boot command you use for your computer depends on the type of system you have. For more
information about booting your system, see the installation and operations supplement for your

3. When the system boots, it displays a menu. Choose the menu item that allows you to execute DCL
commands and procedures.

4. At the DCL prompt, you can back up or restore the system and user disks.

To make a backup copy of the system disk, see Section 11.17.3.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

To restore the system disk, see Section 11.17.4. Example
The following example shows how to start the menu system on an OpenVMS VAX system:

>>> B/R5:10000100 ESA0

Bootfile: ISL_SVAX_071
Network Initial System Load Function
Version 1.1

1 - Display Menu
2 - Help
3 - Choose Service
4 - Select Options
5 - Stop
Enter a function ID value: 3
1 - Find Services
2 - Enter known Service Name

Enter an Option ID value: 2

Enter a Known Service Name: VMS071
OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 Major version id = 3 Minor version id = 0
%SYSINIT-E, error opening page file, status = 0000025C
%SYSINIT-E, error opening swap file, status = 0000025C
%SYSINIT, primary PAGEFILE.SYS not found; system initialization continuing
%SYSINIT, no dump file - error log buffers not saved
%SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 00000F64
$! Copyright (c) 2018 VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) All rights reserved.
$set noverify

Copyright (c) 2018 VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) All rights reserved.
Installing required known files...
Configuring devices...
The menu can be used to execute DCL commands and procedures for
various "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk.
Please choose one of the following:
1) Execute DCL commands and procedures
2) Shut down this system

Enter CHOICE or "?" to repeat menu: (1/2/?)) 1

The normal VMS startup procedure has not executed.
Some commands and utilities will not work as documented.

Enter DCL commands – Enter "LOGOUT" when done.

When you enter "LOGOUT" a logout message will be displayed,
and you will be returned to the menu.


Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

11.17.2. Understanding Standalone BACKUP (VAX

The Backup utility (BACKUP) does not copy open files (for example, accounting files or operator log
files). For this reason you should use standalone BACKUP (VAX only) or the menu system (if your
configuration permits) to back up your system disk. You can boot standalone BACKUP into the main
memory of your computer (while the operating system is shut down) and use a subset of BACKUP
command qualifiers to perform a complete backup of every file on the system disk. Standalone
BACKUP is supported only for OpenVMS VAX installations and for backing up and restoring your
system disk. Table 11.10 lists the qualifiers that you can use with standalone BACKUP.

Table 11.10. Valid Standalone BACKUP Qualifiers

Type Qualifier Default
Command Qualifiers /BRIEF /BRIEF
/[NO]INITIALIZE Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities
Reference Manual
/LIST[=file-spec] Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities
Reference Manual
/VOLUME=n None
Input Save-Set Qualifiers /[NO]CRC /CRC
Output Save-Set Qualifiers /BLOCK_SIZE=n Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities
Reference Manual
/BY_OWNER=uic Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities
Reference Manual
/COMMENT=string None
/DENSITY=n Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities
Reference Manual

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Type Qualifier Default

/LABEL=(string[,...]) Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities
Reference Manual
/PROTECTION[=(code)] Refer to the VSI OpenVMS
System Management Utilities
Reference Manual

You should have a standalone BACKUP kit that came with your OpenVMS distribution kit; however,
depending on the type of media you have, standalone BACKUP boots faster if you build it on the
system disk or a user disk. The installation and upgrade supplement for your computer contains
instructions for building and booting standalone BACKUP on several types of media.

This section provides information about building standalone BACKUP on a disk or tape and using it
to back up your system disk. Building Standalone BACKUP on a Disk (VAX Only)

Standalone BACKUP boots faster on disk than it does on tape. For this reason, you should create a
standalone BACKUP kit on disk.

You can build standalone BACKUP on either the system disk or a user disk. If you build standalone
BACKUP on a user disk, the kit occupies more disk space than if you build it on the system disk. This
is because certain files that boot the system already exist on the system disk.

To build standalone BACKUP, execute SYS$UPDATE:STABACKIT.COM. The procedure copies

the files for booting standalone BACKUP to a new directory on the target device that you specify,
creating the directory if necessary. When you build a kit on the system disk, the procedure copies the
files to the [SYSE] directory. When you build the kit on a user disk, the procedure copies the files to
the [SYS0] directory.

How to Perform This Task

Perform the following steps to build standalone BACKUP on a disk:

1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.

2. Enter the following command and press Return:

Enter the name of the device on which to build the kit:

3. Enter the device name of the disk that you are building standalone BACKUP on. If you are
building standalone BACKUP on the system disk, enter SYS$SYSDEVICE. For example:
Enter the name of the device on which to build the kit: SYS$SYSDEVICE:

4. The procedure places the files in the appropriate directories on the disk that you are using to build
standalone BACKUP. It lists the files as they are copied. When the procedure finishes, it displays
the following message:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

The kit is complete.

Performing Image Backups from an RF73 Disk

When you perform an image backup from an RF73 disk (or a disk with a cluster size of 4 blocks)
to an RF74 disk (or a disk with a cluster size of 7 blocks), the Backup utility does not check the file
size when it allocates space for the file being copied. Therefore, if the file has an allocation greater
than the value of the CLUSTER_SIZE attribute established during initialization, BACKUP allocates
one more cluster size number of blocks to the allocation size even though the actual file size is less
than the cluster size. For example, during an image backup, a file that uses 6 blocks and is allocated 8
blocks (which displays as 6/8 on the screen if you enter a DIRECTORY/SIZE=ALfter it is copied to
the target disk.

As a result of this problem, the following files are copied to the image system disk with a blocks used/
allocation size of 6/14 blocks:


This incorrect allocation size causes standalone BACKUP to fail on the booted image system disk.

To correct this problem, recopy the two previously listed files to the same directory after the image
backup, by using the following command (which also specifies the correct allocation size):


To boot standalone BACKUP from a disk, perform the following steps:

1. If the operating system is not running, go to step 2.

If the operating system is running, log in to the SYSTEM account. Enter the following command
and press Return:


Answer the questions. When the procedure asks if an automatic system boot should be performed,
press Return for NO. When the procedure is finished, it displays the following message:


2. Halt the system.

3. Boot standalone BACKUP from the root where the kit is located. The exact commands for
booting standalone BACKUP differ among the various computer models. Refer to the upgrade and
installation supplement for your computer for booting information.

For example, to boot a MicroVAX 3100 computer, use the following format:

>>> B/n0000000 device-name


• n is the number of the root on the disk containing the standalone backup.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

• device-name is the device name of the disk.

For example, if the disk has a device name of DKA400:, and the standalone BACKUP kit was
created in the [SYSE] directory, enter the following command:

>>> B/E0000000 DKA400

For more information about device names, see Section 8.1.

4. Standalone BACKUP displays the following message:

OpenVMS VAX Version Vn.n Major version id = 01 Minor version id = 00

5. The procedure asks you for the date and time. Enter the date and time using the 24-hour clock
format and press Return. For example:


6. The procedure displays a list of the local devices on your system. For example:

Available device MKA500: device type TK50

Available device DKA100: device type RRD40

Check the list of devices. If the list is incomplete, make sure that all the drives are properly
connected to the system. Refer to your hardware manuals for details.

7. When standalone BACKUP finishes booting, it displays an identification message followed by the
dollar sign prompt ($):

%BACKUP-I-IDENT, Standalone BACKUP Vn.n; the date is 19-APR-2000 15:00


To make a backup copy of the system disk, see Section 11.17.3.

To restore the system disk, see Section 11.17.4. Building Standalone BACKUP on a Tape Cartridge (VAX

On VAX systems with a tape cartridge distribution kit, the tape cartridge that came with your
distribution kit contains standalone BACKUP. Use the procedure in this section if your copy of
standalone BACKUP becomes damaged or if you want to make extra copies.

How to Perform This Task

To build standalone BACKUP on a tape cartridge, perform the following steps:

1. Obtain a blank, initialized tape cartridge. Write the name S/A BKUP V7.3 on the paper label.
Insert the label into the label slot.

2. Write-enable the tape cartridge by sliding the write-protect switch away from the label slot.

3. Insert the tape cartridge labeled S/A BKUP V7.3 into the drive.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

4. Log in to the SYSTEM account.

5. Enter the following command:


6. The procedure asks you for the name of the target device. Enter the device name of the tape
cartridge drive you are using to build standalone BACKUP. For example:
Enter the name of the device on which to build the kit: MUA0

7. The procedure displays the following message:

Please place the scratch tape cartridge in drive _MUA0:
This volume will receive the volume label SYSTEM. Enter "YES" when

8. When you are ready to continue, enter YES.

9. The system displays verification messages informing you that files are being copied.

10. When standalone BACKUP is built, the procedure displays a message similar to the following
Ending time 19-MAY-2000 16:44:29.90
Starting time 19-MAY-2000 16:30:39.05

The Kit is complete.

11. Remove the tape cartridge labeled S/A BKUP V7.3 from the tape cartridge drive.

12. Write-protect the tape cartridge by sliding the write-protect switch toward the label slot. Store the
cartridge in a safe place. Booting Standalone BACKUP from a Tape Cartridge

(VAX Only)
If the disk containing standalone BACKUP becomes unusable (for example, if the drive fails), you
can boot standalone BACKUP from a tape cartridge. Booting standalone BACKUP from a tape
cartridge takes approximately 20 minutes.

How to Perform This Task

To boot standalone BACKUP from a tape cartridge, use the following procedure:

1. If the operating system is not running, see step 2.

If the operating system is running, log in to the SYSTEM account. Enter the following command
and press Return:

Answer the questions. When the procedure asks if an automatic system boot should be performed,
press Return for NO. When the procedure is finished, it displays the following message:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

2. Halt the system.

3. Insert the tape cartridge that contains standalone BACKUP into the tape cartridge drive.

4. To boot standalone BACKUP, enter the BOOT command followed by the device name of the tape
cartridge drive that contains standalone BACKUP. For example:


5. Standalone BACKUP displays the following message:

OpenVMS VAX Version V7.3 Major version id = 3 Minor version id = 0

6. The procedure might ask you for the date and time. Enter the date and time using the 24-hour
clock format and press Return. For example:


7. The procedure displays a list of the local devices on your system and, if you have them, HSC and
MSCP-served devices. For example:

Available device DUA0: device type Generic_DU

Available device MUA0: device type TK50

8. When standalone BACKUP finishes booting, it displays an identification message followed by the
dollar sign prompt ($):

%BACKUP-I-IDENT, standalone BACKUP V7.3; the date is 19-MAY-2000 15:50


9. Remove the tape cartridge containing standalone BACKUP from the tape cartridge drive.

To make a backup copy of the system disk, see Section 11.17.3.

To restore the system disk, see Section 11.17.4.

11.17.3. Backing Up the System Disk to Tape

When backing up your system disk, you must understand the functions of the /IMAGE and /
PHYSICAL qualifiers to the BACKUP command before using standalone BACKUP:

Qualifier Function
/IMAGE Lets you create a functionally equivalent copy of the entire system disk. When
restored, files from an image backup are placed contiguously on the system disk,
eliminating disk fragmentation.
/PHYSICAL Copies, saves, restores, or compares the entire system disk in terms of logical
blocks, ignoring any file structure.

For a complete description of the Backup utility qualifiers, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual.

How to Perform This Task

To perform an image backup of the system disk to tape, use the following procedure:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

1. Obtain blank tape cartridges or magnetic tapes that you can use for the backup operation.

2. Write-enable the tape. To write-enable a tape cartridge, slide the write-protect switch away from
the tape cartridge label. To write-enable a tape, insert a write-enable ring in the back of the tape

3. Insert a tape into the tape drive.

4. Determine the device name of the system disk you are backing up. (See Section 8.3 for
information about determining the names of your devices.) To display the device name of
the system disk you are booted from, enter the DCL command SHOW LOGICAL SYS

5. Depending on your configuration, either boot standalone BACKUP or start the menu system:

• If you have access to the OpenVMS Alpha or VAX operating system distribution compact
disc, start the menu system described in Section 11.17.1.

• If you do not have access to the OpenVMS VAX operating system distribution compact disc,
boot standalone BACKUP as described in either Section or Section

6. Enter the BACKUP command in the following format:

BACKUP/IMAGE/VERIFY input-specifier: output-specifier:saveset.BCK/



• input-specifier is the device name of the system disk.

• output-specifier is the device name of the drive that you want to hold the backup copy.

• saveset.BCK is the name of the save set. The name should reflect the contents of the tape (for
example, OCT_31_2000.BCK) and cannot exceed 17 characters in length.

• label is the volume label of the tape in the drive. If the tape has been initialized already, use
the same volume label that was assigned by the INITIALIZE command.

For example:


7. The following message indicates that BACKUP has transferred the files and is verifying the
accuracy of the backup copy:

%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass

8. If your system disk contains more data than a single tape cartridge or magnetic tape can store, the
procedure displays the following messages and prompt:

%BACKUP-I-RESUME, Resuming operation on volume 2

%BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, Mount volume 2 on _MUA0: for writing Enter "YES"
when ready.

If you do not receive these messages, see step 9. If you do receive these messages, perform the
following steps:
Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

a. Remove the backup tape from the drive.

b. Label it COMPLETE SYSTEM BACKUP and include the date and the number of the tape in
the sequence.

c. Write-protect the backup tape.

d. Write-enable another scratch tape and insert it into the drive.

e. When you are ready to continue, enter Y (for YES) and press Return.

f. The procedure displays the following message, which indicates that it has transferred the files
and is verifying the accuracy of the backup copy:

%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass

Each time the procedure displays a mount request, follow steps a through e.

9. If you are using standalone BACKUP, when the backup is finished, the system displays the
following message:

%BACKUP-I-PROCDONE, Operation completed. Processing finished at 19-

15:30. If you do not want to perform another standalone BACKUP
operation, use the console to halt the system.

If you do want to perform another standalone BACKUP operation, ensure

the standalone application volume is online and ready.

Enter "YES" to continue:

Continue with step 11.

10. If you are using the menu system, the DCL prompt appears after the backup is finished. Log out
and choose the Shutdown option from the menu.

11. Remove the backup tape from the drive. Label it COMPLETE SYSTEM BACKUP, number it (if
you used more than one cartridge), and include the date.

12. Write-protect the tape cartridge or magnetic tape.

13. Halt the system.

14. Reboot the system.

15. Store the backup tapes in a safe place.

11.17.4. Restoring the System Disk from Tape

If a problem occurs that renders your system disk unbootable, you can restore the system disk from
your backup copy.

How to Perform This Task

To restore the system disk from tape, use the following procedure.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

The BACKUP restore operation creates a system disk that includes a set of volume parameters
provided by VSI, including a cluster size (disk access scheme). You can change most volume
parameters later with the SET VOLUME command. For cluster-mounted volumes, changes occur to
the nodes on which the SET VOLUME command is issued.

To change the cluster size, back up the system disk to a disk that has been previously initialized
with the cluster size that you want. For more information about initializing a disk, see Section 9.3.
For more information about the BACKUP command qualifiers, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual.

1. Depending on your configuration, either boot standalone BACKUP or start the menu system:

• If you have access to the OpenVMS Alpha or VAX operating system distribution compact
disc, start the menu system described in Section 11.17.1.

• If you do not have access to the OpenVMS VAX Version operating system distribution
compact disc, boot standalone BACKUP as described in either Section or

2. Determine the device name of the system disk you want to restore. (See Section 8.3 for
information about determining the names of your devices.)

3. Insert the first tape of the complete system disk backup into the drive. Make sure the tape is write-

4. Enter the BACKUP command in the following format:

BACKUP/IMAGE/VERIFY input-specifier:saveset.BCK/REWIND output-


• input-specifier is the device name of the drive that holds the backup copy.

• saveset.BCK is the name of the save set.

• output-specifier is the device name of the system disk that you are restoring.

For example:

5. The procedure displays the following message:

%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass

6. If your system disk contained more data than one tape could store, you receive the following
messages and prompt:
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, Resuming operation on volume 2
%BACKUP-I-READYREAD, Mount volume 2 on MUA0: for reading Enter "YES"
when ready.

If you do not receive these messages, see step 7. If you do receive these messages, perform the
following steps:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

a. Remove the backup tape from the drive.

b. Insert the next backup tape into the drive.

c. When you are ready to continue, enter Y (for YES) and press Return.

d. The procedure displays the following message:

%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass

Each time the procedure displays a mount request, follow steps a through c.

7. If you are using standalone BACKUP, when the restore is finished the system displays the
following message:

%BACKUP-I-PROCDONE, Operation completed. Processing finished at 19-

MAY-2000 15:30.
If you do not want to perform another standalone BACKUP operation, use
the console to halt the system.

If you do want to perform another standalone BACKUP operation, ensure

the standalone application volume is online and ready.

Enter "YES" to continue:

Continue with step 9.

8. If you are using the menu system, the DCL prompt appears after the restore is finished. Log out
and choose the shutdown option from the menu.

9. Remove the last backup tape from the drive.

10. Halt the system.

11. Reboot the system.

12. Store the backup tapes in a safe place.

11.17.5. Backing Up the System Disk to a Disk

To eliminate disk fragmentation, perform a disk-to-disk image backup without using the /SAVE_SET
qualifier. This creates a functionally equivalent copy of the entire system disk, on which files are
stored contiguously.

This procedure initializes the output disk, effectively erasing the files on the disk.

How to Perform This Task

To perform a disk-to-disk image backup, use the following procedure:

1. Obtain a disk with enough storage capacity to use for the backup. Make sure the disk does not
contain files you need, because standalone BACKUP initializes the output disk.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

2. Determine the device name of the system disk you are backing up. (See Section 8.3 for
information about determining the names of your devices.) To display the device name of
the system disk you are booted from, enter the DCL command SHOW LOGICAL SYS

3. Depending on your configuration, either boot standalone BACKUP or start the menu system:

• If you have access to the OpenVMS Alpha or VAX operating system distribution compact
disc, start the menu system described in Section 11.17.1.

• If you do not have access to the OpenVMS VAX operating system distribution compact disc,
boot standalone BACKUP as described in either Section or Section

4. Enter the BACKUP command in the following format:

BACKUP/IMAGE/VERIFY input-specifier: output-specifier:


• input-specifier is the device name of the system disk.

• output-specifier is the device name of the drive that you want to hold the backup copy.

For example:

5. BACKUP displays the following message, which indicates that it has transferred the files and is
verifying the accuracy of the backup copy:
%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass

6. If you are using standalone BACKUP, when the backup is finished the system displays the
following message:
%BACKUP-I-PROCDONE, Operation completed. Processing finished at 19-
MAY-2000 15:30.
If you do not want to perform another standalone BACKUP operation, use
the console to halt the system.

If you do want to perform another standalone BACKUP operation, ensure

the standalone application volume is online and ready.

Enter "YES" to continue:

Continue with step 8.

7. If you are using the menu system, the DCL prompt appears after the backup is finished. Log out
and choose the shutdown option from the menu.

8. You can use the backup output disk as the system disk. Files are stored contiguously on the output
disk, eliminating disk fragmentation.

9. Store the original system disk.

10. Halt the system.

11. Reboot the system using the newly created system disk.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

11.17.6. Using InfoServer Tapes to Back Up and

Restore System Disks
On VAX systems, you can back up the system disk to an InfoServer tape and restore the system disk
from an InfoServer tape.

How to Perform This Task

1. Boot the system from the SYS1 directory using the current version of the OpenVMS CD–ROM,
which can be in a reader on the InfoServer or on a local drive.

The boot command you use for your computer depends on the type of system you have. For more
information about booting your system, refer to the installation and operations supplement for your

2. Choose option 1 from the menu system.

3. At the prompt, you can perform the backup of your system disks.

Example 11.1 shows the procedure for backing up a system disk to an InfoServer tape.

Example 11.1. System Disk Backup to an InfoServer Tape

>>> B/R5:10000100 ESA0
Bootfile: ISL_SVAX_071
Network Initial System Load Function
Version 1.1

1 - Display Menu
2 - Help
3 - Choose Service
4 - Select Options
5 - Stop
Enter a function ID value: 3
1 - Find Services
2 - Enter known Service Name
Enter an Option ID value: 2
Enter a Known Service Name: VMS072
OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 Major version id = 3 Minor version id = 0
%SYSINIT-E, error opening page file, status = 0000025C
%SYSINIT-E, error opening swap file, status = 0000025C
%SYSINIT, primary PAGEFILE.SYS not found; system initialization continuing
%SYSINIT, no dump file - error log buffers not saved
%SYSINIT-E, error mounting system device, status = 00000F64
$! Copyright (c) 2018 VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) All rights reserved.
$set noverify

Copyright (c) 2018 VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) All rights reserved.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Installing required known files...

Configuring devices...


The menu can be used to execute DCL commands and procedures for
various "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk.
Please choose one of the following:

1) Execute DCL commands and procedures

2) Shut down this system Enter CHOICE or "?" to repeat menu:
(1/2/?) 1

The normal VMS startup procedure has not executed.
Some commands and utilities will not work as documented.

Enter DCL commands –– Enter "LOGOUT" when done.

When you enter "LOGOUT" a logout message will be displayed,
and you will be returned to the menu.

Process SYSTEM_1 logged out at 2-FEB-2000 23:35:17.52

The menu can be used to execute DCL commands and procedures for
various "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk.

Please choose one of the following:

1) Execute DCL commands and procedures
2) Shut down this system Enter CHOICE or "?" to repeat menu:

11.18. Ensuring Data Integrity

BACKUP has several qualifiers for further ensuring the integrity of your backups. VSI recommends
using these qualifiers if you want to achieve maximum data integrity. This section describes some of
the ways you can increase data integrity with BACKUP. For more information about these qualifiers,
refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

11.18.1. /CRC Qualifier

The /CRC qualifier enables the software cyclic redundancy check (CRC). The default is /CRC; you
must specify /NOCRC to disable checking. Disabling checking reduces processing time, but increases
the risk of data error.

As an output save-set qualifier, /CRC writes the CRC checking code into the blocks of the output save

As an input save-set qualifier, /CRC checks the CRC information in the input save set.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

VSI recommends that you use the CRC. Although it increases processing time, it also improves data

11.18.2. /GROUP_SIZE Qualifier

This output save-set qualifier causes BACKUP to write redundant data to the output save set. This
allows BACKUP to attempt to correct read errors during the backup restore operation. Use the /
GROUP_SIZE qualifier to define the number of blocks in each group of redundant information. For

_From: DKA100:

This command adds a recovery block after every 20 blocks of saved data. This allows BACKUP to
recover a corrupted data block for every 20 blocks of saved data. The value of the /GROUP_SIZE
qualifier defaults to 10.

Although using this qualifier increases the size of the save set and the processing time for the
operation, VSI recommends using the /GROUP_SIZE qualifier to increase data integrity.

11.18.3. /IGNORE Qualifier

VSI recommends that you back up your system when no interactive users are logged in. This is
because if BACKUP encounters an open file during a save operation, it issues an error message and
does not copy the file.

You can instruct the backup procedure to save open files by using the /IGNORE=INTERLOCK
qualifier on the BACKUP command. When you use the /IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier, the
contents of the file at the moment of the backup are saved.

The /IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier is useful for files that are constantly open (and would
therefore not otherwise be saved). However, you must recognize that you might be saving inconsistent
data, depending on the applications that are writing to the open files (for example, open application
transactions or file data cached in memory). Also, because of the way BACKUP scans directories,
any activity in a directory (such as creating or deleting files) can cause files to be excluded from the
backup. In general, it is best to back up your system when a minimum number of files are open.

Also, because of the way the file system works, using the /IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier to back
up open files affects subsequent incremental backups. For example, you can back up an open file
with the BACKUP/IMAGE/RECORD/IGNORE=INTERLOCK command. However, the backup
date field of the file is not updated until you close the file. If the file remains open during subsequent
incremental backups, it is not included in those backups because its backup date field is not as recent
as the last image backup.

11.18.4. /LOG Qualifier

Use the /LOG qualifier to the BACKUP command to display the file specification of the files that
BACKUP processes during a backup operation. For example, if you are copying files in a directory,
you can use the /LOG qualifier to display the file specification of each file copied:

_From: WORK3:[OCONNELL]*.*

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP


11.18.5. /VERIFY Qualifier

Use the /VERIFY qualifier to cause BACKUP to compare the contents of the input and output
specifiers after a save, restore, or copy operation. When BACKUP is executing the verification pass, it
displays the following message:

%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass

If BACKUP finds differences between the input and output files, it issues an error message.

VSI recommends that you use the /VERIFY qualifier. Although it increases processing time, it also
improves data integrity.

Backing Up a Save Set Twice Using /VERIFY Qualifier

The problem described in this section applies to TZ87 and TZ88 tape drives and to TZ89 tape drives.
If you mount a tape /FOREIGN and then back up files to a save set twice, the second save set reports
errors under the following conditions:

• The two save sets have the same name.

• You use the /VERIFY qualifier with the BACKUP command.

• The second BACKUP command has a /BLOCKSIZE of less than 4096 bytes (8*512).

• The save set is not sufficiently large, for example:

For BACKUP /BLOCKSIZE= The Files Must Total at Least

4000 63001 blocks
3580 54001 blocks
Rounded to nearest hundred

Error messages similar to the following ones are displayed:

%BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass

%BACKUP-E-READERR, error reading MKB300:[]SET.SAV;
-SYSTEM-W-DATAOVERUN, data overrun
%BACKUP-E-INVBLKSIZE, invalid block size in save set
%BACKUP-E-INVRECSIZ, invalid record size in save set
%BACKUP-F-READERRS, excessive error rate reading MKB300:[]SET.SAV;
-SYSTEM-W-DATAOVERUN, data overrun

11.19. Troubleshooting
This section describes some common BACKUP errors and how to recover from them.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

11.19.1. BACKUP Fatal Error Options

If, in the course of a backup operation, the Backup utility or standalone BACKUP encounters fatal
hardware- or media-related errors or encounters more media errors than considered reasonable for
data reliability, BACKUP generates the following informational message and prompt:


If BACKUP is running interactively and you used the command qualifier /NOASSIST, you can
enter an option in response to the BACKUP> prompt. If BACKUP is executing as a batch job or you
specified the command qualifier /ASSIST, the operator must use the DCL command REPLY to enter
an option.

The option you choose depends on several factors, as explained in Table 11.11.

Table 11.11. BACKUP Error Options and Results

Option Restrictions Result

CONTINUE May compromise data reliability. Use If possible, BACKUP ignores the error
only if the position of the tape has not and continues processing.
changed since the original error and if
the error does not imply that data has
already been lost.
RESTART Not valid if the output volume is the BACKUP unloads the current tape
first volume in the backup operation. from the drive and prompts for another
volume. After you load another tape,
BACKUP restarts the save operation
from the point at which the original
tape was mounted.
QUIT None. BACKUP terminates the operation and
you can reenter the command.

The following example illustrates the sequence of events that occurs when BACKUP encounters an
excessive rate of media errors on VOL3 and you choose the RESTART option:

1. BACKUP indicates that the magnetic tape has an excessive number of media errors and displays
the following error message and prompt:

%BACKUP-F-WRITEERRS, excessive error rate writing VOL3


2. Enter RESTART.

3. BACKUP dismounts VOL3 and prompts for a new tape. Remove VOL3 from the drive and
discard this tape.

4. Place a new tape into the drive and enter YES in response to the prompt for a new tape.

5. BACKUP restarts the save operation from the beginning of VOL3; no data is lost.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

11.19.2. Tape Label Errors

When you instruct BACKUP to use a tape that has a label other than the one you specified, BACKUP
issues the following message:


%BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 1 on _SODAK$MUA0 was not mounted because its
label does not match the one requested
%BACKUP-W-EXLABEER, volume label processing failed because volume TAPE4 is
out of order, Volume label TAPE1 was expected specify option (QUIT, NEW
tape, OVERWRITE tape, USE loaded tape)

Depending on the option you specify, you can quit the backup operation (QUIT), dismount the old
tape and mount a new one (NEW), overwrite the data on the tape (OVERWRITE), or USE the loaded

If you use blank tapes or tapes that you intend to overwrite, use the /
IGNORE=LABEL_PROCESSING qualifier. This suppresses the previous BACKUP message, which
normally occurs if BACKUP encounters a non-ANSI-labeled tape during a save operation.

11.19.3. VMS$COMMON.DIR File Restore Problems

On an OpenVMS system disk, the file [SYSx]SYSCOMMON.DIR is an alias directory of the
file [000000]VMS$COMMON.DIR. This means that both files point to the same file header.
Prior to OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 and OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5, because it operated on
files in alphabetic order, BACKUP did not properly restore the relationship between the VMS
$COMMON.DIR file and the [SYSx]SYSCOMMON.DIR alias. Although this does not affect the
system disk, it can produce errors with DCL lexical functions.

OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 and OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 corrected this problem. However,
if you restore image backups that were created with an older version of OpenVMS, the problem can

You can check both the save set and the system disk to determine whether either of these has an
incorrect relationship between the VMS$COMMON.DIR file and the [SYSx]SYSCOMMON.DIR

If you delete any files listed under [SYSx]SYSCOMMON.DIR, you must restore the system disk
from the save set, and verify that the relationship between the VMS$COMMON.DIR file and the
[SYSx]SYSCOMMON.DIR alias is correct as described in the section called “Checking the System

Checking the Save Set

To determine if a save set has an incorrect relationship between the VMS$COMMON.DIR file and
the [SYSx]SYSCOMMON.DIR alias, enter a BACKUP/LIST command to display information about
the files contained in the VMS$COMMON directory in the save set. For example, here is the relevant
portion of the output of the BACKUP/LIST command:

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

[000000]VOLSET.SYS;1 0 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]000000.DIR;1 1 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]SYSCOMMON.DIR;1 2 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]SYSLIB.DIR;1 18 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]SYSTEST.DIR;1 1 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]SYSMAINT.DIR;1 1 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]SYSMGR.DIR;1 6 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]SYSHLP.DIR;1 6 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]EXAMPLES.DIR;1 1 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]SYSUPD.DIR;1 4 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]SYSMSG.DIR;1 3 24-SEP-2002 19:31
[]SECURITY_AUDIT.AUDIT 11 3-FEB-2003 15:23
[]BACKUP.EXE;33 273 4-FEB-2003 09:37
[]STABACKUP.EXE;9 486 4-FEB-2003 09:38

If the display lists lost files in the VMS$COMMON directory, as indicated by an empty directory
specification ([]), the system disk information in this save set is affected by this problem. Whenever
you perform a system restore using this save set, you must subsequently perform the procedure
described in the section called “Correcting the Problem” to correct it.

If you have access to the system from which the save set was created, perform the procedure
described in the section called “Checking the System Disk” to determine whether that system still has
the problem. If so, perform the procedure described in the section called “Correcting the Problem”.

Checking the System Disk

To check the relationship between the VMS$COMMON.DIR file and the [SYSx]SYSCOMMON.DIR
alias on the system disk, enter a DIRECTORY/HEADER command. For example:


Dump of file $4$DKA301:[000000]VMS$COMMON.DIR;1 on 14-FEB-2002 09:59:14.02

File ID (15,1,0) End of file block 3 / Allocated 9
File Header
Header area
Identification area offset: 40
Identification area
File name: VMS$COMMON.DIR;1

If the name displayed in the File name: field is VMS$COMMON.DIR;1, as shown in the example, the
relationship is correct, and you need take no further action.

However, if the name displayed in the File name: field is SYSCOMMON.DIR;1, the relationship
is not correct, and you must perform the procedure described in the section called “Correcting the
Problem” to correct it.

Chapter 11. Using BACKUP

Correcting the Problem

To restore VMS$COMMON to its proper state, enter the following commands:



Chapter 12. Security Considerations
This chapter outlines the security features available with the OpenVMS operating system and suggests
procedures to reduce the threat of a break-in on your system or cluster. It also tells how to use the
access control list editor (ACL editor) to create and modify access control list entries (ACEs) on
protected objects. For a more detailed description of security management, refer to the VSI OpenVMS
Guide to System Security.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Managing passwords Section 12.2
Adding to the system password dictionary Section 12.2.1
Setting up intrusion detection Section 12.3
Interpreting a user identification code (UIC) Section 12.4.1
Parsing a protection code Section 12.4.2
Creating access control lists (ACLs) Section 12.6
Using the access control list editor (ACL editor) Section 12.8
Auditing security-relevant events Section 12.9.1

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
What security management involves Section 12.1
Aspects of password management Section 12.2
Ways to protect objects Section 12.4
Construction of access control lists (ACLs) Section 12.6
Audit log file analysis Section 12.10

For full descriptions of all these tasks and concepts, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System

12.1. Understanding Security Management

As the person responsible for the day-to-day system management, you play an important role in
ensuring the security of your system. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the security
features available with the OpenVMS operating system and implement the features needed to protect
systems, users, and files from damage caused by tampering. Effective operating system security
measures help prevent unauthorized access and theft of proprietary software, software plans, and
computer time. These measures can also protect equipment, software, and files from damage caused
by tampering.

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

Types of Security Problems

Security problems on most systems are generally caused by irresponsibility, probing, or penetration.
The tolerance that your site might have to a breach of security depends on the type of work that takes
place at your site.

Environmental Considerations
A secure system environment is a key to system security. VSI strongly encourages you to stress
environmental considerations when reviewing site security.

Operating System Protections

In the OpenVMS operating system, managing system security is concerned with three major areas:

• Controlling access to the system; for example, interactively, through batch processing jobs, or over
the network

• Controlling access to information and resources that are kept on the system; for example, files,
application programs, or system utilities

• Managing the auditing system so security-relevant events are logged, the log file is reviewed on a
regular basis, and the log is kept to a reasonable size

The following sections describe measures to control access to your system and its resources.

12.2. Managing Passwords

A site needing average security protection always requires the use of passwords. Sites with more
security needs frequently require generated passwords and system passwords. Highly secure sites
sometimes choose to use secondary passwords to control network access.

This section describes basic elements of the standard OpenVMS password policy and how to manage
them. For information about how to manage extensions to the standard password policy (also known
as external authentication), refer to the chapter Managing System Access in the VSI OpenVMS
Guide to System Security.

12.2.1. Initial Passwords

When you open an account for a new user with the Authorize utility, you must give the user a user
name and an initial password. When you assign temporary initial passwords, observe all guidelines
recommended in Section 12.2.5. You should consider using the automatic password generator. Avoid
any obvious pattern when assigning passwords.

Using the Automatic Password Generator

To use the automatic password generator while using the Authorize utility to open an account, add
the /GENERATE_PASSWORD qualifier to either the ADD or the COPY command. The system
responds by offering you a list of automatically generated password choices. Select one of these
passwords, and continue setting up the account.

Using the System Dictionary and the Password History List

The OpenVMS operating system automatically compares new passwords with a system dictionary
to ensure that a password is not a native language word. It also maintains a password history list of

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

a user's last 60 passwords. The operating system compares each new password with entries in the
password history list to ensure that an old password is not reused.

The system dictionary is located in SYS$LIBRARY. You can enable or disable the dictionary
search by specifying the DISPWDDIC or NODISPWDDIC option with the /FLAGS qualifier in
AUTHORIZE. The password history list is located in SYS$SYSTEM. To enable or disable the history
search, specify the DISPWDHIS or NODISPWDHIS option to the /FLAGS qualifier.

Adding to the System Password Dictionary

You can modify the system password dictionary to include words of significance to your site. The
following procedure allows you to add words to the system dictionary. The procedure also allows you
to retain a file of the passwords that you consider unacceptable.

1. Create a file containing passwords you want to add to the dictionary. Each password should be on
a separate line and in lowercase, as follows:

2. Enable SYSPRV and merge your local additions:


Defining Preexpired Passwords

When you add a new user to the UAF, you might want to define that user's password as having
expired previously using the AUTHORIZE qualifier /PWDEXPIRED. This forces the user to change
the initial password when first logging in.

Pre-expired passwords are conspicuous in the UAF record listing. The entry for the date of the last
password change carries the following notation:

By default, the OpenVMS operating system forces new users to change their passwords the first time
they log in. Encourage your site to use a training program for its users that includes information about
changing passwords.

12.2.2. System Passwords

System passwords control access to terminals that might be targets for unauthorized use, as follows:

• All terminals using dial-up lines or public data networks for access

• Terminals on lines that are publicly accessible and not tightly secured, such as those at computer
laboratories at universities

• Terminals the security manager wants to reserve for security operations

Implementing system passwords is a two-stage operation involving the DCL commands

SET TERMINAL and SET PASSWORD. First, you must decide which terminals require
system passwords. Then, for each terminal, you enter the DCL command SET TERMINAL/

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

SYSPASSWORD/PERMANENT. To enable system passwords for all terminals, set the appropriate
bit in the system parameter TTY$DEFCHAR2.

12.2.3. Primary and Secondary Passwords

The use of dual passwords is cumbersome and mainly needed at sites with high-level security
concerns. The effectiveness of a secondary passwords depends entirely on the trustworthiness of the
supervisor who supplies it. A supervisor can easily give out the password or worse yet, change it to a
null string.

The main advantage of a second password is that it prevents accounts from being accessed through
DECnet for OpenVMS using simple access control.

Another advantage of a second password is that it can serve as a detection tool when a site has
unexplained break-ins after the password has been changed and the use of the password generator
has been enforced. Select problem accounts, and make them a temporary target of this restriction. If
the problem goes away when you institute personal verification through the secondary password, you
know you have a personnel problem. Most likely, the authorized user is revealing the password for the
account to one or more other users who are abusing the account. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to
System Security for an explanation of how to add secondary passwords.

12.2.4. Enforcing Minimum Password Standards

Security managers can use AUTHORIZE to impose minimum password standards for individual
users. Specifically, qualifiers and login flags provided by AUTHORIZE control the minimum
password length, how soon passwords expire, and whether the user is forced to change passwords at

Password Expiration
With the AUTHORIZE qualifier /PWDLIFETIME, you can establish the maximum length of time
that can elapse between password changes before the user will be forced to change the password or
lose access to the account.

The use of a password lifetime forces the user to change the password regularly. The lifetime can be
different for different users. Users who have access to critical files generally should have the shortest
password lifetimes.

Forcing Expired Password Changes

By default, users are forced to change expired passwords when logging in. Users whose passwords
have expired are prompted for new passwords at login. A password is valid for 90 days unless a site
modifies the value with the /PWDLIFETIME qualifier.

Minimum Password Length

With the AUTHORIZE qualifier /PWDMINIMUM, you can direct that all password choices must
be a minimum number of characters in length. Users can still specify passwords up to the maximum
length of 32 characters.

Requiring the Password Generator

The /FLAGS=GENPWD qualifier in AUTHORIZE allows you to force the use of the automatic
password generator when a user changes a password. At some sites, all accounts are created with this
qualifier. At other sites, the security manager can be more selective.

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

12.2.5. Guidelines for Protecting Passwords

Observe the following guidelines to protect passwords:

• Make certain the password for the SYSTEM account, which is a standard account on all
OpenVMS systems, is secure and is changed regularly.

• Disable any accounts that are not used regularly with the AUTHORIZE qualifier /

• Do not permit an outside or an in-house service organization to choose the password for an
account they use to service your system. Such service groups tend to use the same password
on all systems, and their accounts are usually privileged. On seldom-used accounts, set the
AUTHORIZE flag DISUSER, and enable the account only when it is needed. You can also change
the password immediately after each use and notify the service group of the new password.

• Set appropriate account expiration dates, especially when you know a user has only short-term
requirements for an account.

• Delete accounts no longer in use.

• If you have an account on a system that stores passwords in plaintext (unencrypted), choose a
different password on all of your accounts on other machines. Passwords should not even be
shared between machines that encrypt the password. A compromised machine can be used to read
plaintext on its way into the machine, thereby gaining access to the other machine.

• Do not leave listings of operator logs, accounting logs, or audit logs where they could be read or

• Maintain adequate protection of authorization files. Note that the system user authorization file
(SYSUAF.DAT) and network proxy authorization file (NETPROXY.DAT) are owned by the
system account ([SYSTEM]). There should be no other users in this group. Accordingly, the
categories SYSTEM, OWNER, and GROUP are synonymous. Normally the default UIC-based
file protection for these authorization files is adequate.

The following actions are not strictly for password protection, but they reduce the potential of
password detection or limit the extent of the damage if passwords are discovered or bypassed:

• Avoid giving multiple users access to the same account.

• Separate users into distinct user groups.

• Protect telephone numbers for dial-up lines connected to your system.

• Make all accounts that do not require a password captive accounts.

• Extend privileges to users carefully.

• Ensure that the files containing components of the operating system are adequately protected.

12.2.6. Password History

The password history database maintains a history of previous passwords associated with each user
account. By default, the system retains these records for one year. Password history records that are
older than the system password history lifetime are allowed as valid password choices. When a user
account is deleted, the system removes the associated password history records from the history

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

12.3. Using Intrusion Detection Mechanisms

This section describes how to set up intrusion detection and evasion and how to display the intrusion

Controlling the Number of Retries on Dial-ups

You can control the number of login attempts the user is allowed through a dial-up line. If the
user makes a typing mistake after obtaining the connection, the user does not automatically lose
the connection. This option is useful for authorized users, while still restricting the number of
unauthorized attempts.

To implement control of retries, use the following two LGI system parameters: LGI_RETRY_TMO
and LGI_RETRY_LIM. If you do not change the values of these system parameters, the default
values allow the users three retries with a 20-second interval between each.

Keep in mind that controlling dial-up retries is only a part of an overall security program and is not,
in itself, sufficient to avoid break-ins. An obstacle like redialing is not going to prove an effective
deterrent to a persistent intruder.

Discouraging Break-In Attempts Further

The OpenVMS operating system offers additional methods of discouraging break-in attempts. These
methods also use system parameters in the LGI category.

Parameter Description
LGI_BRK_LIM Defines a threshold count for login failures.
When the count of login failures exceeds the
LGI_BRK_LIM value within a reasonable time
interval, the system assumes that a break-in is in
LGI_BRK_TERM Controls the association of terminals and user
names for counting failures.
LGI_BRK_TMO Controls the time period in which login failures
are detected and recorded.
LGI_HID_TIM Controls the duration of the evasive action.
LGI_BRK_DISUSER Makes the effects of intrusion detection more
severe. If you set this parameter to 1, the
OpenVMS operating system sets the DISUSER
flag in the UAF record for the account where the
break-in was attempted. Thus, that user name is
disabled until you manually intervene.

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security for a full description of these parameters.

Displaying the Intrusion Database

The Security Server process, which is created as part of normal operating system startup, performs the
following tasks:

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

• Creates and manages the system's intrusion database

• Maintains the network proxy database file (NET$PROXY.DAT)

The intrusion database keeps track of failed login attempts. This information is scanned during
process login to determine if the system should take restrictive measures to prevent access to the
system by a suspected intruder.

Use the DCL command SHOW INTRUSION to display the contents of the intrusion database. Use
the DCL command DELETE/INTRUSION_RECORD to remove entries from the intrusion database.

The network proxy database file (NET$PROXY.DAT) is used during network connection processing
to determine if a specific remote user may access a local account without using a password. The
information contained in this database is managed by the Authorize utility.

The following example shows the expanded expiration time field in the new SHOW INTRUSION

Intrusion Type Count Expiration Source
NETWORK SUSPECT 1 21-MAY-2000 12:41:01.07

12.4. Understanding Ways to Protect Objects

The OpenVMS operating system offers two primary protection mechanisms. The first, UIC-based
protection, is based on the user identification code (UIC) and is applied to all protected objects.

The second protection mechanism uses access control lists (ACLs), which employ a more refined
level of protection than that available with UIC-based protection. ACLs can be used to grant or deny
access to individual users or groups of users.

12.4.1. Interpreting a User Identification Code

Your user identification code (UIC) tells what group you belong to and what your unique
identification is within that group.

The Authorize utility assigns each user process in the system a unique UIC in the user authorization
file (UAF). Each object on the system is also associated with a UIC (typically the UIC of its creator).

A UIC consists of two parts, group and member, specified in the following format:


A UIC can be either numeric or alphanumeric. A numeric UIC consists of a group number in the
range 0 through 37776 (octal) and a member number in the range 0 through 177776 (octal). VSI
reserves group 1 and groups 300–377.

12.4.2. Understanding Protection Codes

A protection code controls the type of access allowed (or denied) to a particular user or group of
users. It has the following format:

[user category: list of access allowed (, user category: list of access


Chapter 12. Security Considerations

user category
User categories include system (S), owner (O), group (G), and world (W). Each category can be
abbreviated to its first character. Categories have the following definitions:

• System: Members of this category can include any of the following users:

• Users with low group numbers, usually from 1 to 10 (octal). These group numbers are
generally for system managers, security administrators, and system programmers. (The exact
range of system group numbers is determined by the security administrator in the setting of the
system parameter MAXSYSGROUP. It can range as high as 37776 (octal).)

• Users with the SYSPRV privilege.

• Users with the GRPPRV privilege whose UIC group matches the UIC group of the object's

• In access requests to files on a disk volume, users whose UIC matches the UIC of the volume's

• Owner: The user with the same UIC as the user who currently owns the object. In general, the
creator of an object is entitled to owner access unless explicit action is taken to secure the object
from its creator.

• Group: All users who are in the same UIC group as the object's owner.

• World: All users, including those in the first three categories.

When specifying more than one user category, separate the categories with commas, and enclose the
entire code in parentheses. You can specify user categories and access types in any order.

A null access specification means no access, so when you omit an access type for a user category,
that category of user is denied that type of access. To deny all access to a user category, specify the
user category without any access types. Omit the colon after the user category when you are denying
access to a category of users.

When you omit a user category from a protection code, the current access allowed that category of
user remains unchanged.

Access types are object-dependent and are described in the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security.
For files, the access types include read (R), write (W), execute (E), and delete (D). The access type is
assigned to each user category and is separated from its user category by a colon (:).

The protection code in the following example allows system users full access to an object, the owner
full access except delete, and group and world users no access:

How to Change the Default Protection

The operating system provides each process with a default UIC-based protection of
(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RE,W). To change the default protection, enter the SET PROTECTION/
DEFAULT command, as shown in the following example:

Chapter 12. Security Considerations


12.5. Creating Intra-Cluster Communications

Security Objects
OpenVMS provides SYS$MANAGER:ICC$SYSTARTUP.COM. This command procedure allows
you to customize the ICC characteristics by creating ICC security objects and adding additional
registry tables.

The ICC$CREATE_SECURITY_OBJECT procedure creates permanent ICC security

objects and optionally issues an initial SET SECURITY command for the object. Specify
node::association to create a security object for an association before it exists. For example, specify
MYNODE::BOB_SERVER. Use the special node name ICC$ to create a security object for an entry
in the ICC clusterwide registry.

Before creating an association through ICC, you need the OPEN security attribute on the
node::association pair. A security object created by ICC$CREATE_SECURITY_OBJECT is not
deleted until the system reboots.

The ability to connect to an association is controlled by the ACCESS security attribute on the security

Every process using ICC must open an association. If you have SYSNAM privilege, you can open
associations without calling ICC$CREATE_SECURITY_OBJECT, however the object is not
permanent. No privileges are required, therefore anyone can create access named ICC$ pid* (for
example, ICC$20203F9A_FOO).

ICC$CREATE_SECURITY_OBJECT can also be used to regulate creating names in the ICC

clusterwide registry using the special node name ICC$. For creating names in the registry, the security
access attributes OPEN and CONTROL are relevant.

Note that SYS$MANAGER: also contains file SYS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE so that you can
customize the procedure to your specific requirements.

12.6. Creating Access Control Lists

For most interactive user accounts, the default UIC-based protection is adequate. However, in some
cases (such as project accounts) you may want to set up an additional level of protection by using
access control lists (ACLs). ACL-based protection provides a more refined level of security in cases
where different groups or members of overlapping groups share access to an account.

12.6.1. Kinds of Entries in an ACL

An access control list (ACL) is a list of entries, each of which defines some attribute of an object.
Each entry is called an access control entry (ACE).

ACE Description
Identifier ACE Controls the types of access allowed to specific users based on the user's
identification. Each Identifier ACE includes one or more rights identifiers
and a list of the types of access the user holding the identifier has
permission to exercise. See Section 12.6.2 for a summary of identifiers.

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

ACE Description
For example, the following ACE grants the user Jones read, write, and
execute access to an object:

Default Protection ACE Allows you to specify a protection code for a directory file that is
propagated to all files created within that directory and its subdirectories.

For example, the following ACE assigns a protection code to newly

created files in a directory. The code gives users in the system and owner
categories full access, it gives group users both read and execute access,
and it denies access to users in the world category.

Creator ACE Adds an extra ACE to the ACL of a file created within the directory to
which you assign the Creator ACE. The Creator ACE applies when the
file being created is not owned by the user identification code (UIC) of
the process creating the file, such as when the directory is owned by a
resource identifier.

The following ACE, for example, specifies that any user creating a file in
the directory will receive read, write, execute, and delete access to it:


The Creator ACE applies to directory files only.

Security Alarm ACE Allows you to request that a security alarm message be sent to the
operator's terminal if an object is accessed in a particular way.

For example, the following ACE causes an alarm message whenever a

particular file is successfully read:


The security Alarm ACE has no effect unless ACL alarms are enabled
with the following command:

Security Audit ACE Specifies the access criteria that cause a security alarm message be sent
to the system security audit log file if an object is accessed in a particular

For example, the following ACE causes an alarm message whenever a

particular file is successfully read:


A message is recorded only if ACL audits are enabled with the DCL
Subsystem ACE Grants additional identifiers to a process while it is running the image
to which the Subsystem ACE applies. Users with execute access to the
image can access objects that are in the protected subsystem, such as

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

ACE Description
data files and printers, but only when they run the subsystem image. The
Subsystem ACE applies to executable images only.

For example, the following ACE adds the identifier ACCOUNTING to

processes that are executing a particular subsystem image. The identifier
entitles the processes to access objects owned by the subsystem.


Refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for a complete
description of each kind of ACE. The VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security provides further
details on how to construct and apply ACEs.

12.6.2. Types of Identifiers

An Identifier ACE can contain different types of identifiers. Any of these identifiers is an
alphanumeric string of 1 to 31 characters with at least one alphabetic character. Valid characters
include numbers 0 to 9, characters A to Z, the dollar sign ($), and the underscore (_). The following
table lists each type of identifier:

Table 12.1.
Type Descripton Example
UIC identifiers Based on a user's [GROUP1,JONES] [JONES]
identification code (UIC), GROUP1 JONES
which uniquely identifies
a user on the system and
defines the group to which the
user belongs.
General identifiers Defined by the security SALES RESERVE_DESK
Environmental identifiers Describe different types of BATCH, NETWORK
users based on their initial INTERACTIVE LOCAL,
entry into the system. These DIALUP REMOTE
identifiers are automatically
created by the system.
Facility identifiers Defined by a facility during RDB$ENTRY

In addition to the environmental identifiers, a system node identifier of the form SYS
$NODE_node_name is created by the system startup procedure (STARTUP.COM in SYS$SYSTEM).

12.7. Assigning ACLs

You can place ACLs on the following object classes:

Common event flag cluster
Group global section

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

Logical name table

Resource domain
Security class
System global section

Typically, ACLs are used when you want to provide access to an object for some, but not all, users,
or if you want to deny access to specific, unprivileged users. When the operating system receives a
request for access to an object having an ACL, it searches each access control list entry in the ACL,
stopping at the first match. If another match occurs in the ACL, it has no effect. Therefore, ACEs
granting or denying access to a protected object for specific users should appear in the ACL before
ACEs identifying broader classes of users.

12.8. Using the ACL Editor

The access control list editor (ACL editor) is a screen-oriented editor used to create and maintain
ACLs. Use the ACL editor to define an ACL for a protected object or to edit an existing ACL.

You can use either the EDIT/ACL command or the SET SECURITY/EDIT command to invoke the
ACL editor. In the command line, specify the name of the object whose ACL you want to create or
modify. For example, the following command invokes the ACL editor to create an ACL for the file

If the object whose ACL you want to create or modify is not a file, you must specify the type of object
with the /CLASS qualifier. For example, the following command invokes the ACL editor to create an
ACL for the disk DOCD$:

You can invoke the ACL editor to modify an existing ACL or to create a new ACL on the object. If an
object has an ACL, the ACL will appear on the screen when the ACL editor is invoked.

The ACL editor can be invoked from within a program written in any OpenVMS common language
that generates calls using the OpenVMS calling standard. Refer to the OpenVMS Utility Routines
Manual for more information about using the callable interface to the ACL editor.

12.8.1. Adding an Identifier ACE

An Identifier ACE controls the types of access allowed to a particular user or group of users. It has the
following format:

For example, the following ACE grants user Pat, who is identified by the UIC identifier
[SALES,PAT], read, write, and execute access to a file. The ACL denies Pat delete and control access
because it omits them from the access statement.

The Default attribute of an Identifier ACE allows users to define one or more default ACEs for
inclusion in the ACLs for newly created files in a particular directory. Thus, if you wanted all
files in the directory [MALCOLM] to have an ACE that permitted read and write access to users

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

with the PERSONNEL identifier, you could include the following ACE in the ACL for the file

As a result of this ACE, any file created in the [MALCOLM] directory has the following ACE:

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security for further discussion of the Default attribute
and its effect on the processing of an ACL.

12.8.2. Setting a Default Protection Code

A Default Protection ACE defines a protection code for all files that are subsequently created in the
directory and in any subdirectories under that directory, unless protection is specified for one of those
files individually. The ACE does not apply if a previous version of the file exists (in this case, the
previous file protection is used). This ACE type has the following format:

For example, the following ACE specifies that users in the system and owner categories have read,
write, execute, and delete access to any files subsequently created in the directory, and that group and
world users have no access:

The Default Protection ACE does not apply to existing subdirectories. It applies to subdirectories
created after the ACE is applied to the parent directory.

12.8.3. Generating Security Alarms and Audits

Security ACEs allow you to specify that an event message be sent when a protected object is accessed
in a particular manner. The security Alarm ACE directs the event message to the security operator's
terminal and the security Audit ACE directs the event message to the system security audit log file.

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security for more information about how to use these
types of ACEs.

12.9. Auditing Security-Relevant Events

System managers can select the destination for security-relevant event messages. Alarm messages are
sent to the operator's terminal and audit messages are sent to the system security audit log file. You
can choose to have an event reported as an alarm, as an audit, or as both.

12.9.1. Enabling Classes of Security Alarms

The OpenVMS operating system automatically monitors a certain number of events, as listed in VSI
OpenVMS System Manager’s Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

You can enable additional classes of events by listing one or more of the keywords of the /ENABLE
qualifier to the DCL command SET AUDIT listed in Table 12.2.

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

Table 12.2. Kinds of Security Events OpenVMS Can Report

Event Class Description

Access Specifies access events for all objects in a class.
You can audit selected types of access, both
privileged and nonprivileged, to all protected
objects of a particular class.
ACL Events requested by a security Audit or Alarm
ACE in the access control list (ACL) of an object.
Authorization Modification of any portion of SYSUAF.DAT,
Breakin Break-in attempts.
Connection Logical link connections or terminations through
SYSMAN, DECnet for OpenVMS Phase IV,
DECwindows products, or an interprocess
communication (IPC) call.
Create Creation of a protected object.
Deaccess Deaccess from a protected object.
Delete Deletion of a protected object.
Identifier Use of identifiers as privileges.
Install Modifications made to the known file list through
the Install utility.
Logfailure Failed login attempts.
Login Successful login attempts.
Logout Logouts.
Mount Volume mounts and dismounts.
NCP Modification to the network configuration
database, using the network control program
Privilege Successful or unsuccessful use of privilege.
Process Use of one or more of the process control system
SYSGEN Modification of a system parameter with
the System Generation utility (SYSGEN) or
Time Modification of system time.

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for more information about the SET AUDIT command.

12.10. Analyzing Audit Log Files

The Audit Analysis utility (ANALYZE/AUDIT) enables system managers and site security
administrators to selectively extract and display information from security audit log files. Using
ANALYZE/AUDIT qualifiers, you can choose from among a variety of report formats and select the

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

event criteria to be included in the report. Refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security for a
description of how to use the utility.

Chapter 12. Security Considerations

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue
Manager and Queue Database
Before you can create and start queues, you must set up the queue manager and the queue database.
This chapter tells how to set up and manage the queue manager and queue database for the OpenVMS
batch and print queuing system.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Specifying the location of the queue database Section 13.3
Displaying information about queue managers Section 13.4
Starting the queue manager and creating the queue database Section 13.5
Customizing queue manager failover Section 13.6
Stopping and restarting the queue manager Section 13.7
Using multiple queue managers Section 13.8
Saving and restoring the queue database Section 13.9
Maximizing queuing system performance Section 13.10
Solving queue manager problems Section 13.11
Reporting a queuing system problem to VSI Section 13.12

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
The queue manager Section 13.1
The queue database Section 13.2
Multiple queue managers Section 13.8.1

Note that this chapter contains many references to DCL commands. You can find additional
information about all DCL commands in the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

13.1. Understanding the Queue Manager

To use a printer or batch processing on your system, you must use queues. The queue manager
controls queue activity. The queue database consists of a master file as well as queue and journal
files, which store information about queues and jobs.

Before you can perform any queue operation, you must start the queue manager and create the queue
database. Section 13.5 contains instructions for doing this.

Figure 13.1 illustrates how the queue manager works to manage queue activity in an OpenVMS
Cluster environment.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

Figure 13.1. OpenVMS Batch and Print Queuing System

When a user submits a batch or print job to a queue, the queue manager performs the following tasks:

1. Receives the user's queue request, including information about the type of job, the file name or
names, the name of the queue, and any special options.

2. Stores and retrieves appropriate information from the queue database to print or execute the job.

3. Places the job in the appropriate queue to await its turn for processing:

a. Print jobs are sent to an independent process, called a symbiont, for formatting and are then
sent to the printer for printing.

b. For batch jobs, the job controller creates a batch job process.

One or more queue manager processes control queuing for all processes on a node or in an OpenVMS
Cluster environment. Jobs can be submitted from one node and executed on a queue running on
another cluster node. User processes, symbionts, and job controllers on each node communicate
directly with queue managers.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

In addition, the job controller works with the queue manager to perform the following queue
management tasks:

• Create and monitor batch, symbiont, and queue manager processes

• Restart the queue manager process on reboot

• Handle failover of the queue manager in an OpenVMS Cluster environment

Queue Manager Failover

By default, in an OpenVMS Cluster environment, the queue manager tries to fail over to another node
if the node on which the queue manager is running leaves the cluster.

You can specify the order in which OpenVMS Cluster nodes claim the queue manager process; you
can also limit the nodes that can run the queue manager. For more information, see Section 13.6.

Multiple Queue Managers

To work around CPU, disk space, or memory limitations, you can use multiple queue managers to
distribute the batch and print work load among nodes as well as to distribute the database files among

For example, you might create separate queue managers for batch queues and print queues. Run the
batch queue manager on one node and the print queue manager on a different node. You can also
maintain queue and journal files on separate disks.

For information about creating additional queue managers, including reasons and restrictions for using
multiple queue managers, see Section 13.8.

13.2. Understanding the Queue Database

The queue database contains files that store information used to keep the queuing system operating,
including information about jobs, queues, and the queue manager. The queue database for the default
queue manager, SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, is made up of the following files:

File Description
Master file, QMAN$MASTER.DAT Contains:

• The location of the queue and journal files

• Definitions of forms and characteristics

• A list of queue names

• A list of nodes allowed to run the queue


• A list of queue managers and a list of nodes

allowed to run the queue managers
Queue file, Contains the queue definitions formed when you
create, start, or modify queues.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

File Description
Journal file, Contains information allowing the queue manager
to return to the last known state if:
• A standalone machine stops unexpectedly

• An OpenVMS Cluster node that is running

the queue manager leaves the OpenVMS
Cluster environment

The journal file also contains job definitions.

On systems with multiple queue managers, the queue database contains an additional queue
file and journal file for each additional queue manager. Additional queue files are named in the
format name_of_manager.QMAN$QUEUES. Additional journal files are named in the format

Figure 13.2 shows a queue database containing a master file that lists two queue managers,
PRINT_MANAGER and BATCH_MANAGER. Each queue manager has its own queue and journal

Figure 13.2. Queue Database

SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] is the default location for all queue database files. However, you can
store the files in another location. The next section explains why and how to do this.

13.3. Specifying the Location of the Queue

You might need to specify a location for queue database files other than the default location of SYS
$COMMON:[SYSEXE] for one of the following reasons:

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

• In an OpenVMS Cluster environment with multiple system disks, the default location does not
work because it has a different physical location on each system disk. You need to store the files
on a disk that is shared by all cluster member nodes.

You must also make sure the disk holding the master file, QMAN$MASTER.DAT, is available to
all nodes using the queue database at the beginning of system startup.

• To save space on the system disk or to help improve performance. Moving just the queue and
journal files is usually sufficient.

Ways to Move Queue Database Files

You can move queue database files in either of the following ways:

• When you create the queue database files the first time, create them in an alternate location:

1. Define the logical name QMAN$MASTER in the SYLOGICALS.COM command procedure

(to specify where the master file is to be created).

2. Start the queue manager with the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command, specifying the
dirspec parameter (to specify where the queue and journal files are to be created).

For detailed information, see Section 13.5.

• If you previously created the files in the default location:

1. Stop the queue manager.

2. Copy the files to the new location.

3. Verify that the files have been successfully copied to the new location, and then delete the files
in the old location.

4. If you move the master file, define the logical name QMAN$MASTER on all nodes
(to specify where the master file is located), and add this logical name definition to
SYLOGICALS.COM on all nodes.

5. Restart the queue manager with the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command, specifying the
dirspec parameter (to specify where the queue and journal files are located).

Section 13.3.1 explains how to specify the location of the master file; Section 13.3.2 explains how to
specify the locations of queue and journal files.

13.3.1. Specifying the Location of the Queue Master

To specify the location of the queue master file, perform the following steps before starting the queue

1. Enter a command in the following format:


where equivalence-name specifies the device and directory where the master file is to be created
or located.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, enter this command on every node in the cluster.

In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, the directory you specify for the master file must be available
to all nodes in the cluster. If the directory specification is a concealed logical name, you must define it
identically on all nodes in the cluster; you must also mount the disk on all cluster member nodes early
in system startup.

2. On every node in the OpenVMS Cluster environment, add the command that you entered in step 1

3. If the location you specify is on a disk other than the node's system disk, add a command in
SYLOGICALS.COM to mount the disk. SYLOGICALS.COM is normally used to define logical
names; however, it is important that SYLOGICALS.COM contain the command to mount the disk
holding the master file so that the master file is available before the job controller starts the queue

For more information about defining systemwide logical names in SYLOGICALS.COM, see
Section 5.2.5.

13.3.2. Specifying the Location of Queue and Journal

Specify the location of queue and journal files with the dirspec parameter to the START/QUEUE/
MANAGER command. For example:


This command specifies that the queue and journal files are to be located in the directory DUA2:

In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, the directory you specify for the queue and journal files must
be available to all nodes that can run the queue manager. If the directory specification is a concealed
logical name, you must define it identically on all nodes in the cluster. You must also mount the disk
on all nodes capable of running the queue manager.

The directory location you enter with START/QUEUE/MANAGER is stored in the queue database
master file and becomes the default. Therefore, if you must restart the queue manager, you do not
need to respecify this directory location.

13.4. Displaying Information About Queue

To obtain information about one or more queue managers, enter the SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

1. The following example displays default (/BRIEF) information about two queue managers,
Queue manager PRINT_MANAGER, running, on NODEA::

Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on NODED::

2. Use the /FULL qualifier to display complete information about queue managers on the system or

In the following example, the master file is in one location, while the queue and journal files
belonging to two queue managers are in a different location.

Queue manager PRINT_MANAGER, running, on NODEA::

Database location: DUA2:[SYSQUE]

Queue manager BATCH_MANAGER, running, on NODED::

Database location: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]

Figure 13.3 shows the locations of the queue database files shown in the second example.

Figure 13.3. Locations of Queue Database Files

13.5. Starting the Queue Manager and

Creating a Queue Database
Before you can create queues, you must create a queue database by entering a command in the
following format:

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database



/NEW_VERSION Specifies that new queue database files are to be


Master file
Queue file
Journal file

Specify the /NEW_VERSION qualifier only if

you want to create new database files. If your
queuing system is already functioning, creating
new database files is not necessary.
/ON= (node,...) Allows you to customize failover of the queue
manager. For more information, see Section 13.6.
dirspec Specifies the location of the queue and journal
files, as explained in Section 13.3.2. Use this
parameter if you are creating the queue and
journal files in a location other than the default.

Specify the /NEW_VERSION qualifier only if you do not have a currently functioning queue
database. If you specify this qualifier and you already have queue database files, the system
overwrites your current queue database files.

You normally perform this task only once because when you enter the command, the system stores it,
along with any qualifier or parameter you enter, in the queue database.

The job controller automatically starts the queue manager during reboot unless you enter a STOP/
QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER command. For this reason, including START/QUEUE/MANAGER
in your startup command procedure is unnecessary.

This section describes how to start the queue manager and create the queue database files on systems
and clusters with a single system disk. For systems in a cluster with multiple system disks, including
mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster systems, you must prepare a shared environment, as described
in OpenVMS Cluster Systems.

How to Perform This Task

1. Make sure the values of the system address parameters SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID match
the DECnet for OpenVMS node name and node ID. These values must be correctly defined for the
queuing system to operate correctly:

• The PARAMETERS SHOW command of the System Management utility (SYSMAN)

determines the value of the system address parameters SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID.

• The Network Control Program (NCP) SHOW EXECUTOR SUMMARY command shows the
DECnet for OpenVMS node name and node ID.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

For more specific instructions, see the second example in Section

2. To create queue database files in the default location, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE], go to step 3.

To create queue database files in a location other than the default, follow the instructions in
Section 13.3.1 or Section 13.3.2, or both.

3. To start the queue manager and create queue database files, enter a START/QUEUE/MANAGER
command. This command starts the queue manager process and, optionally, creates queue and
journal files.

If the queue manager does not start, see Section 13.11.1 for a troubleshooting checklist.

The following example specifies that:

• The master file is to located in the directory DUA4:[MASTER].

• The queue and journal files are to be located in the directory DUA2:[SYSQUE]. (The master file,
however, will remain in DUA4:[MASTER].)


$ !
$ ! Add the two previous commands to SYLOGICALS.COM
$ !

For information about creating one or more additional queue managers, see Section 13.8.

13.6. Customizing Queue Manager Failover

By default, all nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster environment are able to run the queue manager, in no
specified order of preference. The /ON qualifier of the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command lets
you specify a list of OpenVMS Cluster member nodes in the order that they should claim the queue
manager process. VSI recommends that you specify an asterisk (*) at the end of the node list to make
sure that at least one node is always available to run the queue manager.

13.7. Stopping and Restarting the Queue

To stop and restart the queue manager, you need to enter DCL commands.

13.7.1. Stopping the Queue Manager

To shut down the queue manager on a standalone node or an OpenVMS Cluster node, enter the
following command:

The queue manager performs the following tasks:

• Aborts all current jobs that cannot be restarted and requeues all current restartable jobs

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

• Stops all execution queues

• Disables autostart on all nodes

• Closes all queue database files associated with that queue manager

Once you enter STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER, the queue manager process remains stopped;
requests to that queue manager are denied until you restart the queue manager by entering START/
QUEUE/MANAGER. (Note that the queue system remains running as long as one or more queue
managers are running.)

OpenVMS Cluster transitions do not change the state of the queue manager. Newly available nodes do
not attempt to start the queue manager (unless you enter START/QUEUE/MANAGER).

Use the /CLUSTER qualifier to stop a clusterwide queue manager. If you enter the obsolete command
STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER (without the /CLUSTER qualifier), the command performs the same
function as STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE. (Use STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE to stop all queues on a
single node without stopping the queue manager.)

13.7.2. Restarting the Queue Manager

The queue manager restarts automatically whenever you reboot the system. However, you might need
to enter START/QUEUE/MANAGER for one of the following reasons:


to restart the queue manager.

• In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, enter START/QUEUE/MANAGER with the /ON qualifier

to modify the list of preferred nodes on which the queue manager can run. For more information,
see Section 13.6.

• In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, enter START/QUEUE/MANAGER to ensure that the

queue manager process executes on the most preferred, available node. If it does not, the queue
manager will be moved to the most preferred, available node without interruption of service. If
you are using the default node list (*), the queue manager will not be moved.

How to Perform This Task

To restart the queue manager, use a command in the following format:
START/QUEUE/MANAGER[/ON=(node,...)] [dirspec]

Specify the /ON=(node,...) qualifier and dirspec parameter only if you want to change the value
you are currently using for the qualifier or parameter. The command you enter to start the queue
manager is stored in the queue database, with any qualifier or parameter you specify. If you do not
specify a qualifier or parameter, the queue manager is started using the node list and location (if any)
stored in the queue database.

If the queue manager does not start, see Section 13.11.1 for a troubleshooting checklist.

13.8. Using Multiple Queue Managers

You can use multiple queue managers to distribute the batch and print work load among nodes and
disk volumes. You need to understand what multiple queue managers are and how to create additional
queue managers.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

13.8.1. Understanding Multiple Queue Managers

Explanations of items related to the operation of multiple queue managers follow.

Restrictions on Using Multiple Queue Managers

Multiple queue managers have the following restrictions:

• Queues running on one queue manager cannot reference queues running on a different queue
manager. For example, a generic queue running on queue manager A cannot direct jobs to an
execution queue running on queue manager B.

• You cannot move a job from a queue on one queue manager to a queue on a different queue

• The operating system allows a maximum of five queue managers in an OpenVMS Cluster

Names of Multiple Queue Managers

The process name for a queue manager is the first twelve characters of the queue manager name. The
default queue manager name is SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER; the default queue manager process name
is QUEUE_MANAGE. If you create an additional queue manager named PRINT_MANAGER, the
process name is PRINT_MANAGE.

Know the process names of all your queue managers so that you can troubleshoot queue manager
problems, as explained in Section 13.11.

Multiple Queue Managers' Use of Queue Database Files

Multiple queue managers share a single master file. However, a queue database with multiple
queue managers contains a queue file and a journal file for each queue manager, as explained in
Section 13.2.

Commands for Managing Multiple Queue Managers

By default, the following commands affect the default queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER or
the queues running on the default queue manager:






The /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier allows you to specify a different queue manager for these

13.8.2. Creating Additional Queue Managers

To create one or more additional queue managers, follow these steps:

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

1. Follow steps 1 and 2 in Section 13.5.

2. To create an additional queue manager, enter a command in the following format:

START/QUEUE/MANAGER/ADD/NAME_OF_MANAGER=name[/ON=(node,...)] [dirspec]


/ADD Creates an additional queue manager in the

existing master file and creates new queue and
journal files
/NAME_OF_MANAGER= name Creates a non-default queue manager with a
name up to 31 characters long. You can create a
maximum of five queue managers.
/ON= (node,...) Allows you to customize failover of the queue
manager. For more information, see Section 13.6.
dirspec Specifies the location of the queue and journal
files, as explained in Section 13.3.2. Use this
parameter if you are creating the queue and
journal files in a location other than the default.

Do not specify the /NEW_VERSION qualifier when you create an additional queue manager:
multiple queue managers share a single master file. An additional queue file and journal file are
created automatically for each additional queue manager.

The command in the following example creates and starts a new queue manager named
[QUEUES] Creating and Moving Queues with Multiple Queue

When you create a queue with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command, specify the name of the queue
manager on which it is to run by including the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier. If you do not
specify the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier, the queue is created to run on the default queue

To move an existing queue from its original queue manager to a different queue manager, delete the
queue with the DELETE/QUEUE command and re-create the queue with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE
command. Maintaining Queue Managers

When entering DCL commands to maintain the queue manager, be sure to specify the /
NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier to specify the queue manager to which the command is to apply.
If you do not specify the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier, the command is executed on the default
queue manager, SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

In the following example:

• The first command creates and starts the queue manager PRINT_MANAGER and creates master,
queue, and journal files.

• The second command creates and starts an additional queue manager, BATCH_MANAGER;
queue and journal files are created for it automatically.

• The default queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER is not defined.

• The SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS command displays information about the queue managers
running on your system, as explained in Section 13.4.

_$ /ON=(JADE,RUBY,*)


Queue manager PRINT_MANAGER, running, on JADE::

Database location: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]

Queue manager BATCH_MANAGER, running, on OPAL::

Database location: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]

Queue manager PRINT_MANAGER, running, on NODEA::
Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on NODED::

Queue manager PRINT_MANAGER, running, on NODEA::

Database location: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]

Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on NODED::

Database location: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]

In the following example:

• The first command creates and starts the queue manager PRINT_MANAGER and creates master,
queue, and journal files.

• The second command creates and starts an additional queue manager, BATCH_MANAGER;
queue and journal files are created for it automatically.

• The default queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER is not defined.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

• The SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS command displays information about the queue managers
running on your system, as explained in Section 13.4.

_$ /ON=(JADE,RUBY,*)

Queue manager PRINT_MANAGER, running, on JADE::

Database location: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]

Queue manager BATCH_MANAGER, running, on OPAL::

Database location: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]

13.9. Saving and Restoring the Queue

Each time you want to preserve changes to your queue configuration, save a copy of your queue
database files. In this way, if your queue database files are not accessible, you can restore the queue
database you have saved; you thus avoid having to redefine forms and characteristics and reinitialize
each queue.

13.9.1. Saving Queue Database Files

To save a record-by-record copy of your queue database files while the queuing system is functioning,
perform the following steps. This procedure saves definitions of queues, forms, and characteristics.
No job information is preserved. (VSI recommends not saving the journal file because timed and
pending jobs might be reexecuted after the journal file is restored.)

How to Perform This Task

1. To save the master file, enter an OpenVMS Convert utility (CONVERT) command in the
following format:


where master-filename is the name of the file to which QMAN$MASTER.DAT is to be copied.

For more information about CONVERT, refer to the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities
Reference Manual.

2. Enter a CONVERT command in the following format to save the queue file:


where queue-filename is the name of the file to which SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN

$QUEUES is to be copied.

3. Use the Backup utility (BACKUP) to save the files created with CONVERT. Use a command in
the following format:

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

BACKUP /LOG masterfile-name, queue-filename device:saveset-name/


For more information about the Backup utility, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System Management
Utilities Reference Manual.

The following example is a simple procedure showing how to save the queue database.



13.9.2. Restoring Queue Database Files

When you restore queue database files, all queue, form, characteristic, and queue manager
information is restored. However, information about jobs in the queues is not restored.

How to Perform This Task

1. If the queue manager is running, stop it by entering the STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER

2. Delete all three queue database files. (You must delete all three files, even if only one or two of
them are lost.)

When starting a queue manager on OpenVMS, the queue manager process always opens version
number one of the queue journal file (SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$JOURNAL;1). For this
reason, when you restore the queue system files with the Backup utility, you must ensure that the
latest version of the queue journal file is version number one.

3. Use the MOUNT command to mount the disk or tape containing the queue database backup.

4. Use the Backup utility (BACKUP) to restore the queue file and master file from the save set you
created in step 3 of Section 13.9. If the master file or queue file is stored in a location other than
the default, make sure you restore it to the correct location or that you specify the new location
when you start the queue manager.

When starting a queue manager on OpenVMS, the queue manager process always opens version
number one of the queue journal file (SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$JOURNAL;1). For this

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

reason, when you restore the queue system files with the Backup utility, you must ensure that the
latest version of the queue journal file is version number one.

When you restore your queue database, you must always restore both the master and queue files, even
if you lost only one of those files.

5. Start the queue manager with the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command. Do not enter the /
NEW_VERSION qualifier: a new, empty journal file will be created automatically.

The following example is a simple procedure showing how to restore the queue database from tape.


13.10. Maximizing Queuing System

The following resources have the most effect on queuing system performance:

• CPUs — CPU speed and availability are important on the nodes on which the queue managers
are running. The more time the queue manager has and the faster the CPU, the faster the queue
manager can process information.

• Disks — Disk speed as well as nonqueuing activity (such as paging and heavy access to the
database) on the database disk can affect performance.

Use the following methods to maximize your queuing system's performance:

• Maintain queue manager processes on the fastest and most available nodes in a cluster. (See
Section 13.1.)

• Create an additional queue manager to run on another node to distribute the CPU load on heavily
used queuing systems. (See Section 13.8.)

• Move queue and journal files to disks with less activity or higher speeds. (See Section 13.5.)

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

Note that moving the master file provides little difference in performance.

13.11. Solving Queue Manager Problems

Use the following sections to help solve queue manager problems:

Topic For More

Avoiding common problems: a troubleshooting checklist Section 13.11.1
If the queue manager does not start Section 13.11.2
If the queuing system stops or the queue manager does not run on specific nodes Section 13.11.3
If the queue manager becomes unavailable Section 13.11.4
If the queuing system does not work on a specific OpenVMS Cluster node Section 13.11.5
If you see inconsistent queuing behavior on different OpenVMS Cluster nodes Section 13.11.6
Reporting a queuing system problem to VSI support representatives Section 13.12

13.11.1. Avoiding Common Problems: A

Troubleshooting Checklist
To avoid the most common queuing system problems, make sure you have met the following

Requirement For More

QMAN$MASTER is identically defined on all nodes in the cluster. Section 13.3
The queue database is in the specified location. Section 13.3
The queue database disk is mounted and available. Section 13.3
The node list specified with the /ON qualifier contains a sufficient number of Section 13.11.4
nodes. If you specify a node list, VSI recommends that you include an asterisk
(*) at the end of the node list.
The system address parameters SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID match the Section 13.11.5
DECnet for OpenVMS node name and node ID.

13.11.2. If the Queue Manager Does Not Start

If the queue manager does not start when you enter the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command, the
system displays the following message:
%JBC-E-QMANNOTSTARTED, queue manager could not be started Investigating the Problem

Search the operator log file SYS$MANAGER:OPERATOR.LOG (or look on the operator console)
for messages from the queue manager and job controller for information about the problem, as

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

Use the information provided with these messages to further investigate the problem, making sure you
have met the requirements listed in Section 13.11.1. Cause
The cause of the problem is the system's inability to find the queue master file. Often the logical is not
defined correctly, or the disk is not available. For example, the following message indicates that the
master queue file does not exist in the expected location:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-MAR-2000 15:53:52.84 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on ABDCEF

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 13-MAR-2000 15:53:53.04 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on ABDCEF
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file Correcting the Problem

On systems with multiple queue managers, search for messages displayed by additional queue
managers by including their process names in the search string. To display information about queue
managers running on your system, use the SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS command as explained in
Section 13.4. Correct any problem indicated in the displayed information.


%JBC-E-QMANNOTSTARTED, queue manager could not be started

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 14-APR-2000 18:55:18.23 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on CATNIP

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 14-APR-2000 18:55:18.29 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on CATNIP
-RMS-F-DEV, error in device name or inappropriate device type for operation

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 14-APR-2000 18:55:18.31 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on CATNIP
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHDEV, no such device available


This command attempts to start the queue manager, specifying DUA55:[SYSQUE] as the
location of the queue and journal files.
The error message indicates that the queue manager did not start.
This command searches the operator log file for relevant messages. The SEARCH command
does not include a second queue manager name, such as BATCH_MANAGE.
This message indicates that the queue file could not be opened because device DUA55: does not
This command, which correctly specifies DUA5:[SYSQUE] as the location for the queue and
journal files, successfully starts the queue manager.

For more information about multiple queue managers and their process names, see Section 13.8.1.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

13.11.3. If the Queuing System Stops or the Queue

Manager Does Not Run on Specific Nodes
Use this section if the queue manager does not run on a specific node in the cluster, or if the queuing
system stops, especially after one of the following actions:

• The node on which the queue manager was running leaves the cluster.

• A new node boots into the cluster.

• You change the node list specified with the /ON qualifier of the START/QUEUE/MANAGER

• You start the queue manager after moving the queue database. Investigating the Problem

Check the operator log that was current at the time the queue manager started up or failed over. Search
the log for operator messages from the queue manager.

On systems with multiple queue managers, also search for messages displayed by additional queue
managers by including their process names in the search string. To display information about queue
managers running on your system, use the SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS command, as explained in
Section 13.4.

For more information about multiple queue managers and their process names, see Section 13.8.1.

The following messages indicate that the queue database is not in the specified location:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 15:06:25.21 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on MANGLR

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 15:06:27.29 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on MANGLR
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 15:06:27.45 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on MANGLR
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file

The following messages indicate that the queue database disk is not mounted:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 15:36:49.15 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on MANGLR

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 15:36:51.69 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on MANGLR
-RMS-F-DEV, error in device name or inappropriate device type for operation

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 15:36:52.20 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on MANGLR
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHDEV, no such device available

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database Cause
The queuing system does not work correctly under the following circumstances:

• If the dirspec parameter specified with the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command (specifying

the location of the queue and journal files) is not translated exactly the same on all nodes, and
the queue manager starts on one of the affected nodes. You typically find this problem in an
OpenVMS Cluster environment when you add a system disk or move the queue database.

• If the queue database disk is not mounted for the node on which the queue manager attempts to

In general, the queuing system will be shut off completely if the queue manager encounters a serious
error and forces a crash or failover twice in two minutes consecutively on the same node. Therefore,
the queuing system may have stopped, or it may continue to run if the queue manager moves to yet
another node on which it can access the database after the original failed startup. Correcting the Problem

Perform the following steps:

1. If the queue manager is stopped, enter START/QUEUE/MANAGER and include the following

• An appropriate list of nodes with the /ON qualifier.

• The appropriate dirspec parameter (to specify the location of the queue and journal files). All
the nodes included in the node list with the /ON qualifier must be able to access this directory.

2. On all nodes specified in the node list (except on any nodes that boot from the disk where the
queue database files are stored), add a MOUNT command to the SYLOGICALS.COM procedure
to mount the disk that holds the master file. You do not need to explicitly mount the disk on a node
where it is the system disk.

13.11.4. If the Queue Manager Becomes Unavailable

The queue manager becomes unavailable if it does not start or has stopped running. Investigating the Problem

To investigate the problem, enter SHOW CLUSTER to see if the nodes on the list are available. Cause
An insufficient failover node list might have been specified for the queue manager, so that none of the
nodes in the failover list is available to run the queue manager. Correcting the Problem

Make sure the queue manager list contains a sufficient number of nodes by entering START/QUEUE/
MANAGER with the /ON qualifier to specify a node list appropriate for your configuration.

If you are in doubt about what nodes to specify, VSI recommends that you specify an asterisk (*)
wildcard character as the last node in the list; the asterisk indicates that any remaining node in
the cluster can run the queue manager. Specifying the asterisk prevents your queue manager from
becoming unavailable because of an insufficient node list.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

13.11.5. If the Queuing System Does Not Work on a

Specific OpenVMS Cluster Node
Use this section if the queuing system does not work on a specific node when it starts up. Investigating the Problem

Perform the following steps:

1. Search the operator log that was current when the problem existed for the following messages.
These messages are broadcast every 30 seconds after the affected node boots.
%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 15:36:49.15 %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user SYSTEM on ZNFNDL
%QMAN-E-COMMERROR, unexpected error #5 in communicating with node CSID

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 15:36:49.15 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on ZNFNDL
-SYSTEM-F-WRONGACP, wrong ACP for device_

2. Compare the node's value for the system address parameters SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID
with the values for the DECnet node name and node ID, as follows:
Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit
-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
SCSSYSTEMID 19941 0 -1 -1 Pure-
Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit
-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----
SCSNODE "RANDY " " " " " "ZZZZ" Ascii


Node Volatile Summary as of 5-FEB-2000 15:50:36

Executor node = 19.45 (DREAMR)
State = on
Identification = DECnet for OpenVMS V7.2

$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 19*1024+45
19501 Cause
If the DECnet node name and node ID do not match the SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID system
address parameters, IPC (interprocess communication, an operating system internal mechanism)
cannot work properly and the affected node will not be able to participate in the queuing system.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database Correcting the Problem

Perform the following steps:

1. Modify the system address parameters SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID or modify the DECnet
node name and node ID, so the values match.

For more information about these system parameters, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual. For more information about the DECnet node name and
node ID, refer to the DECnet for OpenVMS Guide to Networking1.

2. Reboot the system.

13.11.6. If You See Inconsistent Queuing Behavior on

Different OpenVMS Cluster Nodes
Use this section if you see the following symptoms:

• After submitting a print job, you can display the job with a SHOW ENTRY command on the same
node, but not on other nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster environment.

• After defining or modifying a queue, the changes appear in a SHOW QUEUE display on some
nodes, but not on others.

• You can successfully submit or print a job on some nodes, but on other nodes, you receive a
JOBQUEDIS error. Investigating the Problem

Perform the following steps:

1. Enter SHOW LOGICAL to translate the QMAN$MASTER logical name within the environment
of each node in the cluster. If there is no translation on any given node, then translate the default

If the SHOW LOGICAL translations show a different physical disk name on one or more nodes,
you have identified the problem.

2. Check the operator log files that were current at the time that one of the affected nodes booted.
Search for an OPCOM message similar to the following one from the process JOB_CONTROL:

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 14:41:20.88 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on MANGLR

%%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 4-FEB-2000 14:41:21.12 %%%%%%%%%%%

Message from user SYSTEM on MANGLR
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found Cause
This problem may be caused by different definitions for the logical name QMAN$MASTER on
different nodes in the cluster, causing multiple queuing environments. You typically find this problem
This manual has been archived.

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

in OpenVMS Cluster environments when you have just added a system disk or moved the queuing
database. Correcting the Problem

Perform the following steps:

1. If only one queue manager and queue database exist, skip to step 2.

If more than one queue manager and queue database exist, perform the following steps:

a. Enter a command in the following format on one of the nodes where the QMAN$MASTER
logical name is incorrectly defined:


where /NAME_OF_MANAGER specifies the name of the queue manager to be stopped.

b. Delete all three files for the invalid queue database. (On systems with multiple queue
managers, you might have more than three invalid files.)

2. Reassign the logical name QMAN$MASTER on the affected systems and correct the definition in
the startup procedure where the logical name is defined (usually SYLOGICALS.COM).

3. Enter STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER on an unaffected node to stop the valid queue


4. Enter START/QUEUE/MANAGER on any node and verify that the queuing system is working

13.12. Reporting a Queuing System Problem

to VSI
If you encounter problems with the queuing system that you need to report to a VSI support
representative, provide the information in the following table. This information will help VSI support
representatives diagnose your problem. Please provide as much of the information as possible.

Information Description
Summary of the problem Include the following information:

• The environment in which the problem

occurred. For example, does the problem
occur only on certain nodes, from certain
user accounts, or when using certain layered

• How this problem affects your operations.

What site operations are being affected (for
example, printing checks or submitting crucial
batch jobs)? How often does the problem
occur (for example, one printout per month,
several printouts per day)?

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

Information Description
• What events occurred on the system between
the time the queuing system operated
correctly and the time the problem appeared.

• Any workarounds you are currently using.

Steps for reproducing the problem Specify the exact steps and include a list of
any special hardware or software required to
reproduce the problem.
Configuration information For example:

• Is the configuration an OpenVMS Cluster

system, and does it have multiple system

• Do you intend the queue database to

be located in the default location (SYS
$COMMON:[SYSEXE])? Do you intend
the master file to be included in a different
location than the queue and journal files?
Output from the SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS/ Use SYSMAN to enter the command on all
FULL command nodes, as follows:


Type the output file SYSMAN.LIS to verify that

the output for all nodes match.
Location of the queue and journal files If possible, find out the most recent value that
was specified in the dirspec parameter of the
specify the location of the queue and journal
files). If none was specified, the default is SYS
Translation of QMAN$MASTER logical name Verify that the translation is the same on all

Enter the following commands, and include the

resulting output:


If the translations returned from the SHOW

LOGICAL command are not physical disk
names, repeat the SHOW LOGICAL command
within the environment of each node to translate

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

Information Description
the returned value until you reach a translation
that includes the physical device name.
Operator log file output Enter the following commands to search the
operator log for any message output by the job
controller or queue manager:

WINDOW=5 - _$

On systems with multiple queue managers, for

queue managers other than the default, specify the
first 12 characters of the queue manager name of
any additional queue manager. For example, for
a queue manager named PRINT_MANAGER,
specify PRINT_MANAGE as follows:

Information returned from relevant DCL Include this information if entering a DCL
commands command shows evidence of the problem.
A copy of the journal file of the queue database Use the Backup utility (BACKUP)
qualifier to create a copy of the file SYS
provide this copy to VSI.

On systems with multiple queue managers,

include copies of journal files for all queue
managers. Journal files for queue managers
other than the default are named in the format
Copies of any process dumps that might have Enter the following commands to find any related
been created process dumps, and provide copies of the files to


If the problem involves an execution queue

using a symbiont other than PRTSMB or

Chapter 13. Managing the Queue Manager and Queue Database

Information Description
LATSYM, also include process dump files from
the symbiont. The file name has the format
Output from the SHOW QUEUE command If your problem affects individual queues, enter
the SHOW QUEUE command to show each
affected queue.
Any other relevant information For example:

• When was the queue database last created or

modified? Was it created or modified since
the last reboot of the node or nodes?

• Does the IPCACP process exist on the

affected nodes? If not, try to determine
whether the process existed earlier. For
example, check the system accounting

Chapter 14. Setting Up and
Maintaining Queues
If you have a printer connected to your system, or if you want to use batch processing, you must use
queues. A queue allows users to submit requests for printing or batch processing at any time; the
system then prints or processes jobs as resources allow.

Before setting up queues, you need to understand how the queue manager and the queue database
operate and how to create them for the OpenVMS queuing system. These are explained in Chapter 13.

Information Provided in This Chapter

This chapter describes the following tasks:

Task Section
Managing queues on small systems Section 14.1.1
Designing your batch queue environment Section 14.2.1
Designing your output queue environment Section 14.2.2
Planning your queue setup Section 14.3
Creating and starting queues Section 14.4
Restarting execution queues on reboot Section 14.5
Using queue options Section 14.6
Using and creating forms Section 14.6.7
Using queue management commands Section 14.7.1
Managing jobs in queues Section 14.7.2
Solving queue problems Section 14.8

This chapter explains the following concepts:

Concept Section
Queuing process Section 14.1
Types of queues Section 14.1.2
Autostart feature Section 14.1.3
Options for controlling access to queues Section 14.6.1
Job retention Section 14.6.2
Queue characteristics Section 14.6.3
Batch processing options Section 14.6.4
Job scheduling options Section 14.6.5
Banner pages Section 14.6.6
Forms and stock Section 14.6.7
Page and line overflow Section
Initial form feed Section

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Concept Section
Device control libraries Section 14.6.8

This chapter contains many references to DCL commands. You can find additional information about
all DCL commands in the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

14.1. Understanding Queuing

A batch or print job submitted either by entering the DCL command SUBMIT or PRINT or through
an application is sent to a queue for processing. Information about the user's queue request, including
the type of job, the file name or names, the name of the queue, and any special options, is sent to
the queue manager. The queue manager stores and retrieves appropriate information from the queue
database to print or execute the job.

The queue manager places the job in the appropriate queue to await its turn for processing. Only one
print job can be printed on a printer at a single time. However, more than one batch job can execute
simultaneously in a batch queue.

For more information about the queue manager and queue database, and the operation of batch and
print queues, including print symbionts, see Chapter 13.

14.1.1. Managing Queues on Small Systems

Many features available for queues are not required on small systems with minimal queuing needs
(for example, on workstations). If you are managing a small system, you probably need only the
information in the following sections:

Topic Section
Simple batch queue configuration Section
Simple output queue configuration Section
Setting up and starting queues Section 14.3
Choosing and specifying queue options Section 14.6
Managing queues Section 14.7.1
Managing jobs in queues Section 14.7.2

14.1.2. Understanding Classes and Types of Queues

In general, queues can be divided into two classes:

Class Description
Execution queues Queues that accept batch or print jobs for
Generic queues Queues that hold jobs until an appropriate
execution queue becomes available. The queue

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Class Description
manager then requeues the job to the available
execution queue.

The following sections provide more details about execution and generic queues. Execution Queues

Descriptions of types of execution queues follow:

• Batch execution queues accept only batch jobs. A batch job executes as a detached process
that sequentially runs one or more command procedures. The user defines the list of command
procedures when submitting the job.

• Output execution queues accept jobs that a symbiont processes. The queue manager sends the
symbiont a list of files, which the user defines when submitting the job. An output symbiont
transfers data from a disk to an output device. As the symbiont processes each file, it produces
output for the device it controls, such as a printer or a terminal.

The operating system provides a standard print symbiont named PRTSMB, which prints files on
hardcopy devices. The LAT print symbiont LATSYM prints files on output devices attached to
LAT ports. You can also design symbionts for this or any other file-processing activity that the
OpenVMS batch and print queuing system manages. (Refer to the OpenVMS Utility Routines
Manual for more information.)

Output execution queues include the following types:

Type Description
Printer execution queue Uses a symbiont to direct output to a printer.
Terminal execution queue Uses a symbiont to direct output to a terminal
Server execution queue Uses a user-modified or user-written symbiont to
process the files that belong to jobs in the queue.

When you create an output execution queue, you designate it as either a printer, a terminal, or
a server execution queue; you can also specify the symbiont to be associated with the queue.
However, when the queue is started, the symbiont process associated with the queue can override
the queue designation if the queue type specified does not match the type of device.

The standard symbiont provided with the operating system determines whether it is controlling a
printer or a terminal. The symbiont communicates this information to the queue manager, which,
if necessary, changes the type designation of the output execution queue. By convention, a user-
written or user-modified symbiont that does not deliver output to a printer defines its queue as a
server queue. Generic Queues

Descriptions of types of generic queues follow:

• Generic batch queues direct jobs only to batch execution queues. Generic batch queues are
typically used in OpenVMS Cluster environments to distribute the batch work load across several
nodes (see Section

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Generic batch queues are not automatically stopped when a node shuts down. Therefore, they do
not need to be started when a node reboots.

• Generic output queues direct jobs to any of the three types of output execution queues: print,
terminal, or server. Generic output queues are typically used to distribute the output work load
among several like printers (see Section

Generic output queues are not automatically stopped when a node shuts down. Therefore, they do
not need to be started when a node reboots.

• Logical queues are a special type of generic output queue that transfers jobs to another output
execution queue. You might use a logical queue to temporarily redirect a queue when the device
on which it runs is broken.

A logical queue transfers its jobs into the execution queue specified with the ASSIGN/QUEUE
command. For information about setting up a logical queue, see Section

14.1.3. Understanding Autostart Queues

VSI recommends that you use autostart queues whenever possible for a variety of reasons. Autostart
queues simplify startup and ensure high availability of execution queues, allowing you to perform the
following tasks:

• With a single command, start all autostart queues on a node

• Specify a list of nodes (in an OpenVMS Cluster environment) to which a queue can automatically
attempt to fail over

Autostart failover is particularly useful on LAT queues. Because LAT printers are usually shared
among users of multiple systems or OpenVMS Cluster systems, many users are affected if a LAT
queue is unavailable. For highest availability, set up your LAT queues with a list of nodes to which
the queue can fail over, so the queue can continue to run even if a node becomes unavailable.

To use autostart queues, you must perform the following three steps:

Task Description
1 Create the queue as an autostart queue and, optionally, specify a failover list.
2 Activate the queue for autostart. You can do this either when you create a queue, or
after you create one.
3 Enable autostart on a node. You can do this before or after you create a queue.

When you enable autostart on a node, the queue manager automatically starts all
stopped, active autostart queues capable of running on the node. Any autostart queue
that fails over to the node is also automatically started.

Section 14.3 explains these steps in detail.

14.2. Designing Queue Environments

The following sections describe how to design batch queue and output queue environments.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

14.2.1. Designing a Batch Queue Environment

You can design batch queues for a single queue, multiple queues, or OpenVMS Cluster environments.
Each section referred to in the following table contains figures showing sample configurations to
assist you in designing your batch processing environment. Your configuration may combine elements
from several of these examples.

Configuration For More

A single queue for limited batch processing Section
Multiple queues for heavy batch processing, or customized queues for Section
specialized batch processing
An OpenVMS Cluster environment Section Using a Simple Batch Queue Configuration

You can use this simple configuration, which is suitable for limited batch needs, for a standalone
system supporting mainly interactive processing.

Figure 14.1 shows a single, default batch queue.

Figure 14.1. Default Batch Queue

By default, when a user submits a batch job with the SUBMIT command, the job is placed in the
queue named SYS$BATCH. To set up a single default queue on a standalone system, name the queue
SYS$BATCH. Using Specialized Batch Queues

If your users rely on batch processing or have special processing needs, you might want to set up
more than one queue. You can customize batch queues to handle specialized jobs by specifying
performance and resource options for jobs in the queue.

Figure 14.2 shows a configuration of several queues, each customized to process certain types of
batch jobs.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.2. Multiple Batch Queues with Special Resource and Performance Options

In Figure 14.2, SYS$BATCH is the default queue. Normal batch jobs would be submitted to this
queue. The FAST queue executes high-priority jobs that should not be swapped out of memory.
SLOW is a background queue for processing low-priority jobs. These are large jobs with large
requirements for physical memory.

Be conservative when changing base priority and swapping on a queue. Even a slight change can have
a significant negative effect on batch and interactive performance. For example, even an increase of 1
in a queue's base priority can affect performance significantly.

For information about specifying these options for a batch queue, see Section 14.6.4. Using Generic Batch Queues in an OpenVMS Cluster

You can use generic queues in a OpenVMS Cluster environment to balance processing resources by
distributing batch processing across nodes in the cluster. (For an explanation of generic queues, see
Section 14.1.2.)

Figure 14.3 shows a typical configuration.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.3. Batch Queue Configuration with Clusterwide Generic Queue

In Figure 14.3, a generic clusterwide batch queue named SYS$BATCH feeds jobs to execution queues
on each node in the OpenVMS Cluster environment. A job submitted to SYS$BATCH is placed in
the appropriate execution queue to minimize the ratio of executing jobs to job limits for all execution
queues fed by SYS$BATCH.

For example, suppose execution queues MOE_BATCH, LARRY_BATCH, and CURLY_BATCH

all have a job limit of 5. If MOE_BATCH and LARRY_BATCH are executing four jobs and
CURLY_BATCH is executing one job, the generic queue SYS$BATCH feeds the next job to

Refer to OpenVMS Cluster Systems for more information about OpenVMS Cluster queue
configurations. For information about how to create a generic queue, see Section 14.4.3.

14.2.2. Designing an Output Queue Environment

Use the following sample configurations to design your output environment. Your configuration will
probably combine elements from several of these examples.
Configuration For More
A single print queue for limited printing Section

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Configuration For More

Printers of different types Section
PostScript printing Section
Access to printers from multiple systems Section
Multiple printers of the same type Section
An OpenVMS Cluster environment Section
Applications that print output by writing directly to a printer rather than Section
submitting to an output queue
Distributed printing Section Using a Simple Output Queue Configuration

Figure 14.4 shows a simple queue configuration for limited printing needs. This configuration is
appropriate for a standalone system supporting a single printer.

Figure 14.4. Simple Output Queue

By default, when a user submits a print job with the PRINT command, the job is placed in the queue
named SYS$PRINT. To set up a single default printer queue on a standalone system, name the queue
SYS$PRINT. Mixing Printers

If you have several different types of printers (for example, an LN03 printer, an LA210 printer, and
an LP27 line printer), you must set up a separate queue for each printer. The options, such as the
default form or device control library, that you use with these queues will probably differ according to
the printer to which the queue's output is sent. For example, the default form for a line printer might
have a width of 132 columns, while the default form for an LN03 printer might have a width of 80

Figure 14.5 shows such a configuration.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.5. Queue Configuration with Mixed Printers Printing PostScript Files

The operating system does not include software to support PostScript printing. To print PostScript
files, you must have either of the following equipment:

• A printer capable of printing PostScript files, and supporting software

• Software that provides PostScript-to-sixel printing, and a supported printer

For more information, see your VSI support representative. Using LAT Printers

To share printers among multiple systems or OpenVMS Cluster environments, you can connect
printers to a LAT port on a terminal server. Figure 14.6 shows an output queue configuration with a
remote printer on a terminal server.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.6. Configuration for Remote Printers on a Terminal Server

VSI recommends that you set up your LAT queues as autostart queues with failover lists to ensure that
these queues are highly available. Because LAT printers are usually shared among users of multiple
systems or clusters, many users will be affected if a LAT queue is unavailable.

For information about how to create autostart queues with failover lists, see Section 14.4.2. Using Generic Output Queues

If you have more than one printer of the same type (for example, if you have three line printers), use
generic queues to balance the print load among the printers. Figure 14.7 shows such a configuration.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.7. Queue Configuration with Three Like Printers and a Generic Queue

For information about how to create a generic queue, see Section 14.4.3. Using OpenVMS Cluster Queues

Figure 14.8 shows a typical OpenVMS Cluster output queue configuration. For information about
OpenVMS Cluster queue configurations, refer to OpenVMS Cluster Systems.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.8. Output Queue Configuration in an OpenVMS Cluster Spooling Printers

If your system runs application programs that write output directly to a printer rather than submit it
to an output queue, or if you will be using LAT queues, spool your printers. Spooling your printers
causes application programs to write output to an intermediate storage device so that the printer
remains available to other users while the program is running.

Figure 14.9 shows an output configuration with spooled printers.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.9. Queue Configuration with Spooled Devices

For more information about spooling printers, see Section Distributing Printing

The OpenVMS batch and print queuing system enables users to print files on output devices attached
to the local system or OpenVMS Cluster system.

The Distributed Queuing Service (DQS) layered product extends the printing capabilities of the
OpenVMS queuing system to a distributed environment. DQS enables users to print files on output
devices attached to remote nodes in your network.

For more information, refer to the DQS documentation or your VSI support representative.

14.3. Planning Your Queue Setup

You must create queues for users to submit jobs; you must start the queues so that jobs can begin
processing. To set up and start queues, follow these steps:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Step Task For More

1 Make sure you have started the queue manager and created the Section 13.5
queue database.
2 If your configuration includes output queues, set up output devices Section 14.3.1
and create a command procedure to set up the devices on reboot.
3 If you plan to use any queue options, such as forms, characteristics, Section 14.6
and banner pages, determine the qualifiers needed to specify those
options. In addition, define any forms and characteristics you
will use before you create queues. (Because of the length of the
instructions for this step, the corresponding section in the manual
follows the section for step 5.)
4 Create and start queues. Section 14.4
5 Create a command procedure to perform the necessary setup tasks Section 14.5
each time your system reboots.

14.3.1. Setting Up Output Devices

Before creating output queues, you must set up the devices to which the queues will direct output.

How to Perform This Task

1. Install any printers, plotters, and other output devices to which your users will have access. For
information, refer to the documentation provided with the hardware.

2. If you will use LAT printers, create logical LAT ports. You must create a logical LAT port on
each service node to which a LAT printer is to be available, and associate the logical port with
a physical port or service on the terminal server node. To do so, use the LATCP commands
CREATE PORT and SET PORT. For more information, refer to the VSI OpenVMS System
Management Utilities Reference Manual.

3. Set device characteristics for line printers and printers attached to terminal ports. To do so, use
a series of SET commands. For more information, see Section 8.9.1. In step 5, you create a
command procedure to set up your devices each time the system reboots. The commands you
enter to set device characteristics must be included in this command procedure.

4. Spool printers. If you use LAT printers, or if you run applications that write output directly to a
printer, spool your printers. For more information about spooled printers, see Section

To spool a printer, use the SET DEVICE/SPOOLED command, as explained in Section

5. Create a command procedure to set up your device characteristics and spool printers each time
the system reboots. You must include the commands you entered in steps 3 and 4 in the command
procedure. (Include the commands you entered to set up logical ports in step 2 in your site-specific
LAT startup command procedure SYS$MANAGER:LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM.)

If your configuration is simple, you can add the commands to SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. If

your configuration requires a large number of commands, create a separate command procedure
(for example, DEVICE_SETUP.COM), and execute it from SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. In the
command procedure, a SET TERMINAL command must precede a SET DEVICE/SPOOLED
command for the same output device.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues


This example performs the following actions:

Sets parameters for the line printer device

Sets parameters for the LAT printer device
Spools device and creates queue called LPA0
Spools device and creates queue called LN03_1

14.4. Creating and Starting Queues

Create queues in the following order:

1. Execution queues

2. Generic queues

For detailed instructions on creating and starting queues, see the following sections:

Task For More

Autostart execution queues Section 14.4.1
Nonautostart execution queues Section 14.4.2
Generic queues Section 14.4.3

14.4.1. Creating and Starting Autostart Execution

To create and start an autostart execution queue, complete these tasks:

1. Create the queue as an autostart queue and, optionally, specify a failover list.

2. Activate the queue for autostart. You can do this either when you create a queue, or after you
create one.

3. Enable autostart on a node. You can do this before or after you create a queue.



Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues



The commands in this example perform the following tasks:

Creates an autostart queue named LPA0 and activates it for autostart. Because this is an autostart
queue with a failover list, this queue can run on either LILITH::LPA0 or SMITTN::LPA0.
Creates an autostart queue named LN03_1 for LAT printers and activates it for autostart.
Because this is an autostart queue with a failover list, this queue can run on either of the printers
attached to LAT ports LTA3331: on node LILITH or LTA555: on node SMITTN.
Enables autostart on the node on which the process is running. Assume this is node LILITH.
Because both LPA0 and LN03_1 are active autostart queues capable of running on node
LILITH, these queues will start up on this node.
Enables autostart on node SMITTN. If LILITH becomes unavailable, both LPA0 and LN03_1
can fail over to node SMITTN.

Detailed explanations of each task follow. Creating an Autostart Queue

To create an autostart execution queue, use the /AUTOSTART_ON qualifier with the INITIALIZE/
QUEUE command, as shown in the following table:

Type of Queue Command

Output queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/AUTOSTART_ON=(node::[device:] [,...]) queue-name

For node::, specify the name of the node on which the queue is to run.

For device:, specify the name of the output device to which the queue's output
is sent. To allow the autostart queue to fail over to another node and device,
specify a list of nodes and devices, separated by commas.
Batch queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/BATCH/AUTOSTART_ON=(node:: [,...]) queue-name

The /BATCH qualifier creates a batch queue.

For node::, specify the name of the node on which the queue is to run. To allow
the autostart queue to fail over to another node, specify a list of nodes, separated
by commas.

The system does not check the node name you specify as node:: to determine if it is an existing
node name, so be sure to specify the node name correctly.

How to Specify a Failover List

As the table indicates, to specify a failover list:

• For output queues, replace device with a list of failover devices.

• For batch queues, replace node with a list of failover nodes.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues Activating an Autostart Queue

You must activate an autostart queue in one of the following ways:

• Use the /START qualifier in the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command used to create the queue, as

INITIALIZE/QUEUE/START/AUTOSTART_ON[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

• Enter START/QUEUE after you create the queue, as follows:

START/QUEUE[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

Once an autostart queue is activated, it remains active until the queue is stopped with STOP/QUEUE/
NEXT or STOP/QUEUE/RESET. Shutting down a node does not deactivate autostart queues on the

How to Start a Deactivated Queue

To start an autostart queue that has been deactivated by STOP/QUEUE/NEXT or STOP/QUEUE/

RESET, enter START/QUEUE. The queue is then automatically started by the queue manager either:

• Immediately if a node on which the queue can run is enabled for autostart

• As soon as a node on which the queue can run is enabled for autostart Enabling an Autostart Queue

You must enable autostart on a node to start autostart queues. You can do this either before or after
you create an autostart queue. Perform the following steps to enable autostart:

1. For each node on which you want autostart queues to run (including those to which the queues can
later fail over), enter the following command:


Enabling autostart on a node notifies the queue manager to automatically perform the following

• Start all active and valid autostart queues on the node

• Start any active autostart queue that fails over to the node

By default, the command affects the node from which it is entered. Specify the /ON_NODE
qualifier to enable autostart on a different node.

The ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command starts only valid, active autostart queues capable of
running on a node. If an autostart queue does not start when you enter this command, the queue might
not be active for autostart. You must activate autostart queues, as explained in Section

2. Add the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command to your startup command procedure on

each node that is to run autostart queues to ensure that autostart is enabled each time the node

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

How to Start Stopped Autostart Queues

You can start all stopped active autostart queues on a node by enabling autostart for queues with
ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES. Including a separate START/QUEUE command to start an active
autostart queue is not necessary.

When a node reboots, autostart is disabled until you enter ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES. Adding Commands to Your Startup Procedure

VSI recommends that you add ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES to your startup procedure on all
of your nodes. Add this command following the commands that configure printer devices and mount
important disks. Adding the command eliminates the necessity of adding it later, if you need to add
autostart queues or add nodes to autostart queue failover lists.

The following example illustrates some sample commands that you might add to a node's

$! Start the nonautostart batch queue

$! Start all autostart queues

For more examples, see the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM template on your system


14.4.2. Creating and Starting Nonautostart Execution

This section describes how to create and start a nonautostart queue.

The following example creates a batch queue named SYS$BATCH and starts the queue on LILITH:


To create a nonautostart execution queue, use the /ON qualifier with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE
command, as shown in the following table:

Type of Queue Command

Output queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/ON=node::device: queue-name

For node::, specify the node on which the queue is to execute.

For device:, specify the device to which the queue's output is sent.
Batch queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/BATCH/ON=node:: queue-name

The /BATCH qualifier is required to create a batch queue.

For node::, specify the node on which the queue is to execute.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues Starting a Nonautostart Queue

You must start a nonautostart queue in one of the following ways:

• Enter the /START qualifier in the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command that you use to create the
queue, with the following format:
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/START/ON[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

• Enter START/QUEUE after you create the queue, using the following format:
START/QUEUE[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

For each nonautostart queue, you must include a START/QUEUE command naming the queue in
your startup command procedure.

14.4.3. Creating and Starting Generic Queues

This section describes how to create and start a generic queue. Creating a Generic Queue

To create a generic queue, use the /GENERIC qualifier with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command, as
shown in the following table:

Type of Queue Command

Output queue INITIALIZE/QUEUE/GENERIC[=(queue-name[,...])] queue-name

The /GENERIC qualifier specifies that the queue is a generic queue.

For the first queue-name, specify the execution queue to which the generic
queue sends jobs.

For the second queue-name, specify the generic queue to which output is sent.
Batch queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/BATCH/GENERIC[=(queue-name[,...]) queue-name

The /BATCH qualifier is required to create a batch queue.

For queue-name, specify the execution queue to which the generic queue sends
jobs. The execution queue must be a batch queue.

You can also set up a generic queue without explicitly naming the execution queues to which it may
send jobs. Instead, use the /ENABLE_GENERIC qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/
QUEUE, or SET QUEUE for the execution. This method is not normally recommended. However, if
your queue configuration is simple, you can use this method.

The following example creates a generic queue (LN03_PRINT), which lists execution queues to
which LN03_PRINT sends jobs:
$ INITIALIZE/QUEUE/GENERIC=(LN03_1,LN03_2,LN03_3) LN03_PRINT Starting a Generic Queue

You must start a generic queue in one of the following ways:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

• Use the /START qualifier in the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command used to create the queue, using
the following format:

INITIALIZE/QUEUE/START/GENERIC(=queue-name[,...])[/qualifiers, ...]

• Enter START/QUEUE after you create the queue, using the following format:

START/QUEUE[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

14.5. Restarting Execution Queues on Reboot

Information about forms, characteristics, and queues is stored in the queue database. For this reason,
creating forms, queues, and characteristics each time the node or OpenVMS Cluster system reboots is
unnecessary. However, you must start nonautostart execution queues and enable autostart each time a
node reboots. To do so, create a command procedure.

If your configuration is simple, you can add the commands to the site-specific startup command
procedure SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. If your configuration requires a large number of commands,
create a separate command procedure and execute it from SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

Generic queues are not automatically stopped when a node shuts down. Therefore, including
commands to start generic queues in your startup command procedure is unnecessary.

14.6. Using Queue Options

The following table describes options that you can use with queues:

Options Type of queue Reference

Control of access to queues Batch and output Section 14.6.1
Job retention Batch and output Section 14.6.2
Characteristics Batch and output Section 14.6.3
Control of batch processing Batch Section 14.6.4
Control of job scheduling Output Section 14.6.5
Banner pages Output Section 14.6.6
Forms Output Section 14.6.7
Control of line and page overflow Output Section
Suppression of initial form feed Output Section
Device control library modules Output Section 14.6.8

You can implement options in either of the following ways:

• Specify appropriate qualifiers with INITIALIZE/QUEUE when you create a queue.

• Specify options after you create a queue by including qualifiers with START/QUEUE or SET

Table 14.1 lists qualifiers you can use to specify queue options, and indicates the type of queue for
which you can specify each option.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Table 14.1. Qualifiers for Specifying Queue Options

Qualifier Type of Queue Description For More

/AUTOSTART_ON Batch and output Creates an autostart Section 14.4.1
execution queue and
specifies the node or
nodes (and for output
queues, the device or
devices) on which the
queues can run.
/BASE_PRIORITY Batch and output Specifies a base process Section
priority (not the same
as the job scheduling
priority). For a batch
queue, specifies the base
priority for processes
executing jobs in the
queue. For output queues,
specifies the base priority
of the symbiont process.
/BLOCK_LIMIT Output Limits the size of print Section
jobs that can be processed
on an output execution
/CHARACTERISTIC / Batch and output Specifies one or more Section 14.6.3
CHARACTERISTICS characteristics associated
with the queue.
/CPUDEFAULT Batch Defines the default CPU Section 14.6.4
time limit for batch jobs
executed in the queue.
/CPUMAXIMUM Batch Defines a maximum CPU Section 14.6.4
time limit for batch jobs
executed in the queue.
/DEFAULT Output Establishes defaults
for certain options of
the PRINT command.
After you set an option
for the queue with the /
DEFAULT qualifier,
users do not have to
specify that option in
their PRINT commands.
However, they can
specify options to
override the defaults set
on the queues. Possible
default options are as
BURST Section 14.6.6

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Qualifier Type of Queue Description For More

FEED Section
FLAG Section 14.6.6
FORM Section 14.6.7
TRAILER Section 14.6.6
/DESCRIPTION Batch and output Specifies a text string
to provide users with
information about the
/DEVICE Output Specifies the type of Section
output execution queue.
The keywords are as

PRINTER (default)



/DISABLE_SWAPPING Batch Specifies whether batch Section 14.6.4

jobs executed from a
queue can be swapped in
and out of memory.
/FORM_MOUNTED Output Specifies the mounted Section 14.6.7
form for an output
execution queue.
/GENERIC Batch and output Creates a generic queue Section
and names the execution
queues it feeds.
/JOB_LIMIT Batch Indicates the number of Section 14.6.4
batch jobs that can be
executed concurrently
from a batch queue.
/LIBRARY Output Specifies the file name Section 14.6.8
for a device control
/ Batch and output Specifies the name of Section 13.8
NAME_OF_MANAGER the queue manager with
which the queue will be
/NO_INITIAL_FF Output Specifies the qualifier Section
for an output execution
queue; suppresses the
initial form feed sent
to an output execution

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Qualifier Type of Queue Description For More

/ON Batch and output Creates a nonautostart Section
execution queue and
specifies the node (and,
for output queues, the
device) on which the
queue is to run.
/OWNER_UIC Batch and output Specifies the user Section
identification code (UIC)
for the queue.
/PROCESSOR Output Specifies the symbiont Section 14.4.1
to be used with an output
execution queue. The
default is the standard
operating system print
symbiont PRTSMB.
/PROTECTION Batch and output Specifies a protection for Section
the queue.
/RAD Batch Specifies the RAD Section
number on which to run
batch jobs assigned to the
/RECORD_BLOCKING Output Determines whether the Section 14.4.1
symbiont can concatenate
(or block together) output
records for transmission
to the output device.
/RETAIN Batch and output Holds jobs in the queue Section 14.6.2
after they have executed.
/SCHEDULE Output Specifies whether Section 14.6.5
pending jobs in a queue
are scheduled based on
the size of the job.
/SEPARATE Output Specifies required
job separation or job
reset options for an
output execution queue.
Required options cannot
be overridden by the
PRINT command.
Possible options are as
BURST Section 14.6.6
FLAG Section 14.6.6
RESET Section 14.6.8
TRAILER Section 14.6.6

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Qualifier Type of Queue Description For More

/WSDEFAULT Batch and output For batch queues, Section 14.6.4
specifies a default
working set size for
batch jobs executed in
the queue. For output
queues, specifies a default
working set size for the
symbiont process.

The value set by this

qualifier overrides the
value defined in the UAF
of any user submitting a
job to the queue.
/WSEXTENT Batch and output For batch queues, Section 14.6.4
specifies the working
set extent for batch jobs
executed in the queue.
For output queues,
specifies a working set
extent for the symbiont

The value set by this

qualifier overrides the
value defined in the UAF
of any user submitting a
job to the queue.
/WSQUOTA Batch and output For batch queues, Section 14.6.4
specifies the working
set quota for batch jobs
executed in the queue.
For output queues,
specifies a working set
quota for the symbiont

The value set by this

qualifier overrides the
value defined in the UAF
of any user submitting a
job to the queue.

14.6.1. Controlling Access to Queues

Queues are permanent security objects. They are stored in the system queue database together with
their security profiles.

As with a file or directory, you can use UIC-based or ACL-based protection to control access to a

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security for detailed information about establishing
system security. Understanding UIC-Based Queue Protection

UIC-based protection restricts the jobs and the users who have access to a queue. Operations that
apply to queues are controlled by UIC-based protection in the same way that access to other protected
objects (such as files) is controlled.

When you create a queue, the queue is assigned an owner UIC and a protection code. The default
owner is [SYSTEM], but you can specify another owner with the /OWNER_UIC qualifier.

The queue class provides the following default UIC-based security profile:

Jobs are assigned an owner UIC equal to the UIC of the process that submitted the job, unless the job
was submitted with the /USER qualifier. Each job in a queue (and each operation that is performed on
a queue) is checked against the UIC of the owner, the protection of the queue, and the privileges of the

All operations are checked as follows:

Operations that Are checked against...

apply to...
Jobs The read and delete protection specified for the queue and the owner UIC of the
Queues The submit and manage protection specified for the queue and the owner UIC of
the queue.

The following table lists the types of access that the queue class supports:

Access Type Gives you the right to...

Read See the security elements of a queue or a job in a queue.
Submit Place jobs in the queue.
Delete Delete a job in the queue or modify the elements of a job.
Manage Affect any job in the queue. You can start, stop, or delete a queue and change its
status and any elements that are unrelated to security.
Control Modify the protection elements and owner of a queue.

Note that when a process receives read or delete access through a protection code, it can operate on
only its job in the queue. However, when granted through an ACL, read and delete access allow a
process to operate on all jobs in the queue.

Privileges Required
You need SYSNAM and OPER privilege to stop or start the queue manager. OPER is necessary to
create and delete queues, or to change the symbiont definition.

Kinds of Auditing Performed

The following events can be audited, provided the security administrator enables auditing for the
event class:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Event Audited Audit Occurs When...

Access A job is submitted to the queue and when either a job or queue is modified.
Creation A queue is initialized.
Deletion A process deletes a job from the queue or when the queue itself is deleted. (To
enable auditing for queue deletions, enable auditing for manage [M] access to
the queue.)

For more information about queue security, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. Setting and Showing UIC-Based Queue Protection

Use the following commands to set and show UIC-based protection on queues:

Command Description
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/ Specifies the protection of a queue:
• Specify the ownership parameter as system
START/QUEUE/ (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W).
• Specify the access parameter as read (R),
SET QUEUE/ submit (S), manage (M), or delete (D).
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/OWNER_UIC= uic Enables you to change the UIC of a queue. The
default UIC is [1,4].


SHOW QUEUE/FULL Displays complete information about a queue,
including the protection currently set for the
SET SECURITY/CLASS=QUEUE/OWNER= Modifies the owner element of a queue. Specify
uic the UIC in the standard format.
SET SECURITY/CLASS=QUEUE/ Modifies the protection code of a queue. The
PROTECTION= ownership[:access] protection code defines the type of access allowed
to users, based on their relationship to the object's
SHOW SECURITY/CLASS=QUEUE Shows protection currently set for objects of the
queue class.


1. The following example sets protection on a queue, and then displays full information about the

Generic printer queue SYS_PRINT/GENERIC=(SYS_QUE1,SYS_QUE2) -

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

2. The following example gives the owner manage and delete access to this queue and makes user
AGBELL the owner. With manage access, the owner AGBELL can manage the queue, but cannot
modify security information.

Protection: (System: M, Owner: MD, Group: R, World: S)
Access Control List: <empty> Understanding ACL-Based Queue Protection

In addition to UIC-based protection, you can associate access control lists (ACLs) with a queue. ACL-
based protection provides a more refined level of protection when certain members of a project group
require access to a queue, excluding others of the same UIC group or of other groups.

Refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security for detailed information about establishing
ACLs for protected objects. Setting and Showing ACL-Based Queue Protection

Use the following commands to set and show ACL-based protection on queues:

Command Description
SET SECURITY/ACL=(IDENTIFIER=( Sets ACL protection on a queue.
identifier, - _ACCESS= access-type)
SHOW QUEUE/FULL Shows any ACLs set on a queue.
SHOW SECURITY/CLASS=QUEUE Shows any ACLs set on a queue.

For more information about ACL-based security, refer to the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System


1. The SET QUEUE/PROTECTION command in the following example modifies the default
protection of queue SYS_QUE1 to prevent access by nonprivileged users. The SET SECURITY/
ACL command then restricts access to only those members of a project group who hold the
ULTRA_LITE or MINUTES identifiers. Members with the MINUTES identifier have only read
and submit access to the queue. The SHOW QUEUE/FULL command displays information,
including security information, about the queue.


Batch queue SYS_QUE1, stopped


Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues


2. The following example shows how to use ACLs to restrict queue access to members of a
particular project group:


3. The following example shows a queue that has only UIC-based protection, and then gives user
AGBELL control access with an ACL. Control access allows user AGBELL to modify security


Protection: (System: M, Owner: MD, Group: R, World: S)
Access Control List: <empty>
Protection: (System: M, Owner: MD, Group: R, World: S)
Access Control List:
(IDENTIFIER=[INVENTORS,AGBELL],ACCESS=CONTROL) Understanding How Privileges Affect Queues

Certain account privileges allow users to access a queue in spite of UIC-based and ACL-based
protection. The following table lists these account privileges and the type of access they allow on a

Privilege Access
OPER Manage and control access to all queues.
BYPASS Manage and control access to all queues.
READALL Read access to all jobs and to queue security information.
SYSPRV The access specified for users with system UICs.
GRPPRV The access specified for users with system or group UICs.

14.6.2. Using Job Retention Options

Job retention options allow users to retain a job in a queue after the job completes. System managers
can use job retention options to keep information about all jobs in the queue after the jobs complete;
this is helpful when tracking jobs submitted by other users. Setting Job Retention

Users can set job retention, as can system managers. The following sections explain how each can
perform this task.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

User Commands

Users can request that a job be retained in a queue after the job completes by using the /RETAIN
qualifier with the PRINT or SUBMIT command. For example:


System Manager Commands

By default, no job retention option is set on a queue. To specify a job retention option, use one of the
following commands:


You can specify one of the following options:

Option Description
ALL Holds all jobs in the queue after execution (default).
ERROR Holds jobs in the queue only if they complete unsuccessfully.

The following command specifies that the queue retain all jobs that complete with a status other than


For example, if you need to know all batch jobs that do not complete successfully on a specific
queue, set the queue to retain jobs that complete with an error status. You can enter SHOW QUEUE
to display a list of jobs (including their completion status) that completed unsuccessfully. If a job
completes unsuccessfully, this message helps determine why. The displays also include the date and
time at which a retained job completed.

The job retention option you specify on a queue overrides any job retention option requested by a
user for a job in that queue. Figure 14.10 shows how job retention affects a job submitted to a generic

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.10. Determining Job Retention

The following factors determine whether and where a job is retained:

• The retention setting on the execution queue in which the job executes

• The retention setting on the generic queue (if the job is submitted to a generic queue)

• The completion status of the job

• The retention requested by the user upon submitting the job (if retention was requested)

If jobs are retained in queues, periodically delete the jobs that no longer need to be retained. Specifying Timed Job Retention

Users can specify timed job retention. For example:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues


This eliminates the need to delete retained jobs from queues. Encourage users who include the /
RETAIN qualifier to also use timed retention. Changing Job Retention

To change the user-specified retention policy for a job, use the /RETAIN= option qualifier with the
SET ENTRY command in the following format:
SET ENTRY/RETAIN=option entry-number

You can specify one of the following options:

Option Description
ALWAYS Holds the job in the queue regardless of the job's completion status.
DEFAULT Holds the job in the queue as specified by the queue's retention option. If no
option has been set on the queue, the job is not retained.
ERROR Holds the job in the queue only if the job completes unsuccessfully.
UNTIL= time- Holds the job in the queue for a specified length of time, regardless of the job's
value completion status. This lets you retain the job in the queue only as long as the
job is needed and eliminates the need to delete the job from the queue later. The
time value you specify is interpreted first as a delta time, then as a combination
time, and finally as an absolute time. For information about specifying time
values, refer to the OpenVMS User’s Manual.

For example, the following command retains job 172 in the queue until 3 hours after the job
completes. At that time, the job will automatically be deleted from the queue.

To remove a job retention option from a queue, use the /NORETAIN qualifier with INITIALIZE/

14.6.3. Specifying Queue Characteristics

A characteristic is any attribute of a print or batch job that is relevant to your environment. For
example, characteristics for a printer could refer to the color of the ink, the type of paper, or the
location of the printer. Once you define the characteristics for a queue, users can specify the
characteristics they want to associate with their job when they enter the PRINT or SUBMIT

A print job can be processed on an execution queue if the job's characteristics are a subset of
the queue's characteristics. However, if any of the characteristics associated with the job are not
associated with the queue, the job remains pending until you correct the characteristic mismatch as
explained in Section

How to Perform This Task

To specify queue characteristics, perform the following steps:

1. Create characteristics with DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC.

2. Assign characteristics to a queue.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

You manage three LN03 printers in each of the four corners of a building. A generic queue
LN03$PRINT feeds execution queues for each printer. You can define the characteristics EAST,

When a user submits a print job to LN03$PRINT with the EAST characteristic, the job prints on the
first idle LN03 printer in the eastern corner of the building. If the system has queues for printers on
multiple floors, you can further define a characteristic for each floor, for example, FIRST, SECOND,
and THIRD.

Commands for Specifying Queue Characteristic Options

Use the following commands when working with characteristics:

Command Description
DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC Creates a characteristic and assigns a name and
DELETE/CHARACTERISTIC Deletes a characteristic.
SHOW QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS Displays information about characteristics
defined for the system.
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS Specifies one or more characteristics for
SET QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS START/ processing jobs on a queue.
SHOW QUEUE/FULL Displays information about a queue, including
any characteristics assigned to the queue.
PRINT/CHARACTERISTICS SUBMIT/ Specifies the name or number of one or more
CHARACTERISTICS SET ENTRY/ characteristics to be associated with the job.

The following sections describe how to specify queue characteristics. Defining Characteristics

No characteristics are defined by default. To define a characteristic, use the DEFINE/
CHARACTERISTIC command in the following format:

DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC characteristic-name characteristic-number

You cannot define more than one characteristic name to a number.

If your queue configuration requires more than one characteristic name for a single number, you can
define logical names to achieve the same result.

In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, you must define the logical names on every node that requires

If you want to define a characteristic name that is also an existing logical name, read the description
of logical names in the OpenVMS User’s Manual.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

In the following example, the characteristic name SECOND_FLOOR is assigned to characteristic
number 2. The logical names SALES_FLOOR and SALES_DEPT are defined as equivalent to
the characteristic name SECOND_FLOOR. As a result, the logical names SALES_FLOOR and
SALES_DEPT are equivalent to the characteristic name SECOND_FLOOR and characteristic
number 2. These logical names can be specified as the characteristic-name value for any /
CHARACTERISTIC= characteristic-name qualifier.
$ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE_MODE SALES_DEPT SECOND_FLOOR Displaying Characteristics Defined on a System

To see the characteristics defined on a system, enter SHOW QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS.

Characteristic name Number
------------------- ------
SOUTH 4 Assigning Characteristics to a Queue

No characteristics are assigned to a queue by default. To assign characteristics to a queue, include the /

$ SET QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS=(EAST) LN03_1 Displaying Characteristics Assigned to a Queue

To determine the characteristics defined for a queue, enter SHOW QUEUE/FULL.

<Printer queue LN03_1, idle, on HERA::TTA3, mounted form DEFAULT>
/SEPARATE=(RESET=(ANSI$RESET)) Canceling Characteristics Assigned to a Queue

To cancel characteristics assigned to a queue, specify the /NOCHARACTERISTICS qualifier with

To delete a characteristic definition, enter DELETE/CHARACTERISTIC. You must specify the
characteristic-name with DELETE/CHARACTERISTIC.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

If you know the number assigned to the characteristic but do not know the name, enter SHOW
QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS to display the names and numbers assigned to characteristics on the

If the system displays the following messages, a queue or job refers to the characteristic:

%DELETE-E-NOTDELETED, error deleting characteristic

-JBC-E-REFERENCED, existing references prevent deletion

You must remove all references to the characteristic before you can delete the characteristic. For
information about removing references to a characteristic, see Section 14.8.5.

14.6.4. Specifying Batch Processing Options

You can use queue options to control batch job performance and the use of system resources by
processes executing batch jobs.

Use the following qualifiers with INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/QUEUE, or SET QUEUE to set
these queue options:

Qualifier Description
/JOB_LIMIT= n Specifies the number of jobs that can execute
concurrently in the queue.
/[NO]DISABLE_SWAPPING Specifies whether the processes running jobs on
the queue can be swapped in and out of memory.
/CPUDEFAULT= time Specifies the default CPU time limit for all jobs
in the queue. The time cannot exceed the time
limit set with the /CPUMAXIMUM qualifier.
/CPUMAXIMUM= time Specifies the maximum CPU time limit for all
jobs in the queue.
/RAD= n Specifies the RAD number on which to run batch
jobs assigned to the queue.

Although the following qualifiers are not specific to batch queues, they are commonly used to control
batch job performance and the use of system resources by batch processes:

Option Description
/BASE_PRIORITY= n Specifies the base process priority at which jobs
are initiated from a batch queue.
/WSDEFAULT= n Specifies the default working set size for
jobs executed in a batch queue. (For output
queues, specifies the default working set size for
symbiont processes.)
/WSEXTENT= n Specifies the working set extent for jobs executed
in a batch queue. (For output queues, specifies the
working set extent for symbiont processes.)
/WSQUOTA= n Specifies the working set quota for jobs executed
in a batch queue. (For output queues, specifies the
working set quota for symbiont processes.)

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

For more information about these limits, quotas, and priorities, refer to the following manuals:

• The INITIALIZE/QUEUE command in the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

• The OpenVMS Performance Management

By default, a process running a batch job uses values taken from the UAF record of the user
submitting the job or from system parameter settings. If you specify values for any of these options,
processes for jobs executed in the queue will use the values you set unless the user specifies values
when the job is submitted. (A user can specify values for CPU time and for the working set options
default, quota, and extent.)

A user-specified value cannot exceed the value you set for the queue. If you did not specify a value,
the user-specified value cannot exceed the value specified in the associated UAF limit or system

The following sections provide guidelines for choosing values for these options:

Option For More Information

Base process priority Section
Job limit Section
Working set default, quota, and extent Section
CPU default and maximum Section
Swapping Section
Options for memory-constrained systems Section
Optimizing for the Sort/Merge utility Section Base Process Priority

Choose a value based on how quickly you will allow batch jobs to progress. If you choose a value
equal to the system parameter value DEFPRI (typically 4), jobs in this queue will progress at the same
rate as typical interactive jobs. This choice might be appropriate for systems that have an abundance
of available CPU time.

If you choose a value less than DEFPRI, jobs in this queue will potentially progress more slowly than
the typical interactive job. CPU time will be allocated to jobs in this queue only after servicing jobs of
DEFPRI priority.

If a queue is defined for a very special purpose – for example, high-priority jobs – a value greater than
DEFPRI (for example, 5) might be appropriate. However, this choice can have a significant negative
effect on the performance of other users and batch jobs. Job Limit

Keep this value low when using a base process priority of DEFPRI or greater, because each batch job
can affect the performance of interactive jobs. Working Set Default, Quota, and Extent

If you do not specify values for these options, a job uses the value specified in its owner's user
authorization file (UAF) record.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Process Limit Description

Working set default The value to which the working set returns at the
exit of each image. The value should be relatively
small and is usually best left at the value specified
in the user's UAF record.
Working set quota The value that approximates the amount of
physical memory used by each batch job in the
queue in a memory-constrained system.
Working set extent The value that approximates the amount of
physical memory in a memory-rich system.

You should set this to a high value. The working

set extent value is an upper limit for the size
of the working set; the working set cannot be
expanded beyond this value even if more memory
is required by the job. If you set this value too
low, a job might page fault heavily even if the
system has plenty of memory available. To be
safe, choose a working set extent value equal to
the system parameter value of WSMAX, which
specifies the maximum working set size possible
for your system.

In general, the working set quota and extent values specified in the UAF record for each user are
sufficient. However, you can specify more generous or stringent values for a queue, depending on the
purpose of the queue. For example, you can encourage users to submit large jobs (such as compiling
and linking large programs) as batch jobs to reserve interactive use of the system for jobs that do not
require extensive resources, as follows:

• Set a large working set size for batch jobs by specifying larger WSQUOTA and WSEXTENT
values when you create the batch queue.

• Restrict the working set size of interactive jobs by providing smaller WSQUOTA and
WSEXTENT values in users' UAF records. CPU Default and Maximum

You can restrict and expand the amount of time a job is allowed in the CPU by setting CPU limit

Do not set CPU time limit values too low. When a job's CPU time limit is exceeded, the job is
terminated with an error status. If working set values (explained in Section are set too low,
the system might use memory less efficiently but the jobs can still complete normally. However, if
CPU time limit values are set too low, the system might terminate jobs that are making legitimate and
authorized use of the CPU.

For example, you might use a CPU time limit on a batch queue devoted to execution of newly coded
software that could unexpectedly enter a CPU loop. The CPU time limit would terminate infinitely
looping jobs so they do not waste the CPU resource. However, you must be careful to choose a
sufficiently high time limit so normally executing jobs do not terminate prematurely.

Another way to control allocation of the CPU resource is to create a special-purpose batch queue that
shifts execution of its jobs to a less busy time of day when CPU time is more available.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues Swapping
Typically, swapping is enabled on batch queues. However, for a special-purpose, high-priority queue,
you might disable swapping. This provides a favorable status to jobs in this queue by removing them
from consideration when memory must be reclaimed from processes (through the operating system's
swapping and trimming mechanism).

For more information, refer to the OpenVMS Performance Management. Options for Memory-Constrained Systems

On memory-constrained systems, total the pages required for the batch working sets on all batch
queues. Also make sure that enough fluid memory remains for interactive jobs.

Fluid memory can be reassigned from one process to another through swapping and paging. (You can
calculate fluid memory as the space that remains when you subtract the number of pages permanently
allocated to the operating system from the total memory. To obtain these values, enter SHOW
MEMORY.) Optimizing Batch Queues for the Sort/Merge Utility

You can improve the efficiency of the OpenVMS Sort/Merge utility (SORT/MERGE) by designating
one batch queue for sorting jobs and giving this queue a very large working set quota.

You can also set process quotas for greatest SORT efficiency. The values recommended here are
based solely on SORT considerations; you should integrate other system considerations with these to
determine appropriate values.

• Working set extent per process (WSEXTENT system parameter)

For maximum sorting efficiency, use the /WSEXTENT qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE,
START/QUEUE, or SET QUEUE to set this value on the queue to the largest value any sorting
job would ever need. Generally, the smaller the working set, the slower the sort.

If you want to sort large files in batch mode, you need to set the WSEXTENT system parameter to
a large value to accommodate the sort.

• Virtual page count per process (VIRTUALPAGECNT system parameter)

For maximum sorting efficiency, set this system parameter to at least 1000 pages (on VAX
systems) or pagelets (on Alpha systems) more than the maximum working set extent. Although
SORT limits the size of the sort data structure to the process's working set extent, if work files are
required, SORT can use the extra memory for I/O buffers. If this parameter is too low relative to
the working set extent, SORT might be unable to create buffers for the work files when the files
cannot be sorted in memory. Assigning a Batch Queue to a Resource Affinity Domain

System managers can assign batch queues to specific resource affinity domains (RADs) in a NUMA
environment. (See the OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide> for more information about

The RAD value is a positive integer between 0 and SYI$_RAD_MAX_RADS. The SHOW/QUEUE/
FULL command displays the RAD in its output.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

This section describes a sequence of the commands and their effects on a batch queue. A SHOW
command is included in each example to illustrate the batch queue modifications.

• The following INITIALIZE/QUEUE command creates or reinitializes the batch queue BATCHQ1
to run on node QUEBID. All jobs assigned to this queue will run on RAD 0.

Batch queue BATCHQ1, stopped, QUEBID::

• The following START/QUEUE command modifies BATCHQ1 to run all assigned jobs on RAD 1
of QUEBID, and readies the queue to accept jobs for processing:

Batch queue BATCHQ1, idle, on QUEBID::

• The following SET/QUEUE command modifies the batch queue to run all assigned jobs on RAD
0 of QUEBID. Any new jobs assigned to the queue will run on RAD 0. Jobs already executing on
the queue will continue to completion executing on the previous RAD value.

Batch queue BATCHQ1, idle, on QUEBID::

• To erase the RAD value for a batch queue, use the SET/QUEUE/NORAD command:

Batch queue BATCHQ1, idle, on QUEBID::

When you change the RAD value on a batch queue, the jobs currently in the batch queue are not
dynamically updated with the new RAD value specified on the queue. Any executing jobs complete
processing using the original RAD value. Jobs in the pending, holding, or timed execution states
retain the old RAD value on the job; however, when such a job becomes executable, the job is updated
with the new RAD value and runs on the RAD specified on the queue.

14.6.5. Specifying Job Scheduling Options

The queue manager uses the following criteria to determine the scheduling order for batch and print
jobs that are eligible for processing:

1. Job scheduling priority

The queue manager checks the job's scheduling priority. The job with the highest scheduling
priority value is processed first. The job scheduling priority is different than the base process

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

priority or current process priority. The user can specify job scheduling priority with the /
PRIORITY qualifier of the PRINT or SUBMIT command.

2. Size (optional, and applies only to output jobs)

By default, the job size of an output job is checked. Among jobs of identical scheduling priority,
the smallest job is processed first.

The job size is not checked if the queue has been created, started, or modified to use the /

3. Submission time

If the jobs' scheduling priorities are identical, the job that was submitted first is processed first.

How to Perform This Task

To specify job scheduling options, follow these steps:

1. Decide if you want the order of print jobs to be based on size.

2. Decide if you want to set a block limit on jobs to be printed.

Commands for Job Scheduling Options

Use the following commands to specify job scheduling options:
Command Description
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/SCHEDULE=[NO]SIZE Specifies whether pending jobs in an output
START/QUEUE/SCHEDULE=[NO]SIZE SET execution queue are scheduled for printing based
QUEUE/SCHEDULE=[NO]SIZE on the size of the job. (Shorter jobs print before
longer ones.)
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/ Limits the size of print jobs that can be processed
[NO]BLOCK_LIMIT=([lowlim,]uplim) on an output execution queue.
[NO]BLOCK_LIMIT=([lowlim,]uplim) SET
PRINT/PRIORITY=n SUBMIT/PRIORITY=n Specifies the job scheduling priority of the print
SET ENTRY/PRIORITY=n job. The value of n can be from 0 through 255,
where 0 is the lowest priority and 255 is the
highest. Setting Job Scheduling Priorities and Limits

The sections explain how to set job printing priorities and sizes.

How to Prioritize Jobs by Size

To prioritize jobs based on their sizes, use the /SCHEDULE=SIZE qualifier with INITIALIZE/
QUEUE, START/QUEUE, or SET QUEUE. (The /SCHEDULE=NOSIZE qualifier prints jobs in the
order they were submitted, regardless of size.)

In the following example, /SCHEDULE=SIZE (the default), causes short jobs to print before longer
ones on the print queue LPA0_PRINT:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

If you enter this command while pending jobs are in any queue, its effect on future jobs is

How to Limit the Size of Jobs

To limit the size of print jobs, use the /BLOCK_LIMIT qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/
QUEUE, or SET QUEUE. By default, printer and terminal queues are created with no block limit, so
jobs of any size will be printed. You can specify only an upper limit or both upper and lower limits.

In the following example, LPB0_PRINT has a block size limit of 50, indicating that this queue is
reserved for jobs smaller than 51 blocks.

You might also want to limit the size of jobs during certain hours of the day. You can submit a batch
job that runs a command procedure to set a maximum block limit of 500 blocks for a queue at 8:00
a.m. The command procedure might resubmit itself and remove the block limit after 5:00 p.m. each
day. This lets users print jobs of any size after normal work hours, when the printing work load is
lighter. Users can specify the /AFTER qualifier with the PRINT command to specify that a job is to be
printed after a specific time. Changing the Scheduling Priority of a Job

If a batch or print job cannot be processed, it is placed in a pending state and is not processed until the
cause of the pending state is resolved. For more information, see Section 14.8.2.

To change the scheduling priority of a job, use the /PRIORITY qualifier with SET ENTRY in the
following format:
SET ENTRY/PRIORITY=n entry-number

The following example changes the scheduling priority of a job to 50:


Do not confuse the job scheduling priority with the base process priority on a queue. The job
scheduling priority value must be in a range of 0 through 255, where 0 is the lowest priority and 255
is the highest. The default value for /PRIORITY, which refers to the job scheduling priority, is the
value of the system parameter DEFQUEPRI (usually set at 100).

14.6.6. Using Banner Pages

Banner pages are specially formatted pages that you can set up for queues, to help identify and
separate output jobs when they exit a printer. Banner pages also help identify and separate files within

Two types of banner pages are:

• Job pages are banner pages that identify and separate jobs.

• File pages are banner pages that identify and separate files within a job.

Most sites use only a subset of the available banner pages at any given time. The following table
describes the types of banner pages you can use:

Type Description For More Information

Job Pages

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Type Description For More Information

Flag page A single page printed before Figure 14.11
each job.
Burst page Two flag pages, divided by a Figure 14.11
separation (burst) bar, printed
before each job.
Trailer page A page printed after each job. Figure 14.13
File Pages
Flag page A single page printed before Figure 14.12
each file in a job.
Burst page Two flag pages, divided by a Figure 14.12
separation (burst) bar, printed
before each file in a job.
Trailer page A page printed after each file in Figure 14.13
a job.

If you do not need to burst pages of a printer's output – for example, if your printer uses cut sheet
paper – avoid the burst page option. Flag pages, or flag and trailer pages, are usually sufficient for
identifying the end of a job.

Table 14.2 describes the information found on job flag pages, file flag pages, job trailer pages, and file
trailer pages.

Table 14.2. Contents of Job and File Pages

Item Description
Header bar A segmented bar composed of:

For a job flag page:

A single-segment bar composed of:

• Rows of a repeated numeral indicating the sequence of the job in the queue.

• An embedded text string specified by defining the PSM$ANNOUNCE

system logical name. The length of the string is limited to one form width. If
PSM$ANNOUNCE is not defined, the default text string is "VMS Software
Inc." followed by the system version number. (Use "VSI" for shorter form

For a file flag page:

A three-segment bar composed of:

• A central segment identical to the job flag page.

• Flanking segments with rows of a repeated character indicating the sequence

of the file in the job.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Item Description
For a job trailer page:

A three-segment bar composed of:

• A central segment with "END OF JOB" banner.

• Flanking segments with job sequence numeral.

For a file trailer page:

A five-segment bar composed of the following elements:

• Central segment with "END OF FILE" banner.

• Inner flanking segments with job sequence numeral.

• Outer flanking segments with file sequence character.

Note A user-specified string of up to 255 characters using the PRINT/NOTE
Identification Includes the user name of the process submitting the job, the job name, and the
banner job number.
Qualifier phrase Indicates the print, queue, and form qualifiers active when the job was
(file trailer page submitted; nonactive qualifiers (except /NORECORD_BLOCKING and /
only) NOFEED) are not included.
File sentence (file Indicates the following information:
flag and file trailer
pages only) • Full file specification, including device and directory, file name, type,
version, and revision date and time

• File size in blocks

• File organization

• File owner's UIC

• File record characteristics: record type, carriage control, and size of longest
Receipt box (job Contains the following signoff fields: Received:, Date:, and Operator:.
trailer page only)
Job sentence Indicates the following information:

• Job name and number

• Name of queue to which job was submitted

• Submission date and time

• Process user name, UIC, and account

• Job scheduling priority

• Print device name

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Item Description
• Job start time

• Execution queue name

Footer bar A segmented bar composed of:

For a job flag page:

Identical to the job flag header bar except the definition of the system logical
name (PSM$ANNOUNCE) is not used as the embedded string. The default text
is always used as the embedded string.

For a file flag page:

Identical to the file flag header bar except that the embedded text string is "VMS
Software Inc." followed by the operating system version number.

For a job trailer page:

Identical to the job flag header bar except the definition of the system logical
name (PSM$ANNOUNCE) is not used as the embedded string.

For a file trailer page:

Identical to the file flag header bar except that the embedded text string is "VMS
Software Inc." followed by the operating system version number.
Ruler (file trailer A sequence of numbers counting to the end of the form.
and job trailer
pages only)

Figure 14.11 shows job flag and burst pages. Figure 14.12 shows file flag and burst pages.
Figure 14.13 shows file trailer and job trailer pages.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.11. Job Flag and Burst Pages

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.12. File Flag and Burst Pages

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Figure 14.13. File and Job Trailer Pages

Widths greater than 40 characters and less than 200 characters and lengths of any size greater than
40 characters are supported for file and job banner pages. Pages requested for widths greater than
200 characters are formatted and printed at 200-character widths. Lengths less than 40 characters are

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

extended by that form length until the 40-character threshold is exceeded. Margins are not taken into
account when formatting banner pages.

All banner pages format information to the width and length of the default form size of 80 characters
by 51 lines. Therefore, information might be truncated, depending on the form sizes you specify. See
Section for information about controlling line and page overflow.

Commands for Specifying Banner Pages

Use the following commands when working with banner pages:

Command Description
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/SEPARATE= option Specifies one or more of the following job banner
START/QUEUE/SEPARATE= option SET page options:

Users cannot override the job banner pages you

specify for a queue.
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/DEFAULT= option= Specifies one or more of the following file banner
keyword START/QUEUE/DEFAULT= page options:
option= keyword SET QUEUE/DEFAULT=
option=keyword [NO]BURST

Keyword can be either ALL or ONE.

Users can override the file banner page settings

you specify for a queue by specifying the /
BURST, /FLAG, and /TRAILER qualifiers with
the PRINT command.
PRINT/BURST[= keyword] Specifies the ALL or ONE keyword to override,
for the job, the file burst pages specified for the
PRINT/FLAG[= keyword] Specifies the ALL or ONE keyword to override,
for the job, the file flag pages specified for the
PRINT/TRAILER[= keyword] Specifies the ALL or ONE keyword to override,
for the job, the file trailer pages specified for the

14.6.7. Using and Creating Forms

Print forms determine certain page formatting attributes (such as margins, page length, and wrapping
lines). Also, the paper stock specified in the form definition is used in determining whether a job is
eligible to print.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

In OpenVMS, you have the option of using either of the following forms:

• A systemwide default form

If your printing needs are limited, use the systemwide default form (named DEFAULT) for all
queues. Note that you can make changes to the systemwide default form.

• Forms that you create and assign to specific queues

To format output or indicate special paper, you can create customized forms. Users can then
request a form for a print job by specifying the form when they submit a job.

Mounting Forms
The stock of a form affects whether a job is eligible to print. The stock must match the queue's
mounted form. The mounted form is the form of the current job or, if no job is processing, the form of
the last job printed in a queue.

If the stock of a job's form matches the stock of the queue's mounted form, the job is processed using
the options in the job's form. The mounted form changes automatically to the form of the job being
processed in the queue. If the stock does not match the stock of the mounted form, the job remains
pending until you perform special steps. (See Section

Commands for Specifying Forms

Use the following commands when working with forms:

Command Description
DEFINE/FORM Creates a form and assigns a name and number.
SHOW QUEUE/FORM/FULL Displays information about forms available on a
DELETE/FORM Deletes a form.
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/DEFAULT=FORM Specifies the name or number of the default form
START/QUEUE/DEFAULT=FORM SET for an output execution queue.
PRINT/FORM SET ENTRY/FORM Specifies the name or number of the form to be
associated with a print job.
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/FORM_MOUNTED Specifies the name or number of the mounted
START/QUEUE/FORM_MOUNTED SET form for an output execution queue.
SHOW QUEUE/FULL Displays information about a queue, including the
default form for the queue and the form mounted
on the queue.

Systemwide Default or Customized Forms

To use the systemwide default form with no changes, do nothing. The system will automatically use
the systemwide default form, DEFAULT, for all queues.

If you want to change the default form, however, do so before creating any queues that reference the
form. For more information about how to make changes, see Section

To create customized forms, perform the steps explained in Section

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

The following sections provide guidelines for performing these tasks with all forms, systemwide
default forms, or customized forms:

Task Type of Reference

Display forms defined on a system All Section
Display the form assigned to a queue All Section
Change the systemwide default form Default Section
Create a form Customized Section
Assign a default form for a queue Customized Section
Mount a form on a queue Customized Section
Delete a form Customized Section
Control line and page overflow All Section
Suppress initial form feed All Section Displaying Forms Defined on a System

To display forms defined on a system, enter SHOW QUEUE/FORM/FULL. If you know the name of
the form, you can specify the form name as a parameter.

Form name Number Description
--------- ------ -----------
MEMO (stock=DEFAULT) 110 LN03 indented memo format
/WIDTH=80 Displaying the Form Assigned to a Queue

To display the default form for a queue, enter SHOW QUEUE/FULL.

In the following example, the default form is REPORT and its stock is 8_5x11. All jobs processed
on this queue that are not associated with an explicit form definition in the PRINT command have
the default form REPORT. As long as the stock of the mounted form matches the stock of the default
form, all jobs submitted to this queue without an explicit form definition will be scheduled to print.
Printer queue JEAN_PRINT, idle, on BAY::TTA3:, mounted form 8_5x11
<Queue for printer in Jean's office>
/PROTECTION=(S:M,O:D,G:R,W:R) Changing the Systemwide Default Form

A queue initialized without the /DEFAULT=FORM qualifier uses the systemwide default form to
process print jobs not explicitly associated with a form definition. The systemwide default form
corresponds to the form number 0 and uses the following options:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues


Table 14.3 explains these options in detail.

To change the systemwide default form, enter the DEFINE/FORM command in the following format:
DEFINE/FORM DEFAULT 0 /qualifier[s]

To change the default bottom margin from 6 to 4, and the page length from 66 to 55, enter this

Once a queue or job references a form, you cannot change the stock for that form. Change the stock of
the default form before you create any queues. Creating a Customized Form

To create a customized form, follow these steps:

1. Enter the DEFINE/FORM command in the following format:

DEFINE/FORM form-name form-number [/qualifiers]

2. Assign a default form for each output execution queue. Use the /DEFAULT=FORM= type
qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/QUEUE, or SET QUEUE, as explained in

If you do not assign a default form to a queue, the queue uses the systemwide default form.

3. Inform users of the available forms and the queues with which they should be used. You can,
if you like, create symbols to automatically include the form with the PRINT command; for

When you create a form, you can specify any of the qualifiers shown in Table 14.3.

Table 14.3. DEFINE/FORM Qualifiers

Qualifier Purpose
/WIDTH= n Specifies the width of the paper in characters.
/LENGTH= n Specifies the length of a form page in lines.
/[NO]TRUNCATE Discards characters exceeding the line length
specified by /WIDTH and /MARGIN.
/[NO]WRAP Wraps to the next line the characters exceeding
the line length specified by /WIDTH and /

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Qualifier Purpose
/MARGIN=( option= n[,...]) Specifies the number of blank spaces for one
or more of the four margin options: BOTTOM,
/[NO]PAGE_SETUP=( module[,...]) Specifies one or more device control modules that
set up a device at the start of each page.
/SETUP=( module[,...]) Specifies one or more device control modules that
set up the device at the start of each file.
/[NO]SHEET_FEED Specifies that print jobs pause at the end of every
physical page so that a new sheet of paper can be
/STOCK= string Specifies the type of paper stock to be associated
with the form.
/DESCRIPTION= string Specifies a string used to provide information
about the form.

If you create forms only to provide different formatting options (and not to specify paper stock),
specify the same stock type for each form. That way, jobs requesting any of these forms will print on
the same queue without requiring you to enter any additional commands to modify the queue.

Unless you specify the /STOCK qualifier, the form's stock name is the same as the name of the form.

If you want to define a form name that is also an existing logical name, read the description of logical
names in the OpenVMS User’s Manual.


The command in the following example defines the form MEMO as the number 3 and defines
formatting options for the form:


_$ /DESCRIPTION="LN03 indented memo format" Assigning a Default Form for a Queue

If a user does not specify the /FORM qualifier when submitting a job with the PRINT command, the
job uses the default form for the execution queue on which the job is printed.

To assign a default form for an output execution queue, use the /DEFAULT qualifier with

The queue's default form is associated with a print job at the time the job is processed unless the user
specifies a specific form when the job is submitted. Therefore, if a user submits a job to a generic
queue without specifying the /FORM qualifier, no form is associated with the job until it is transferred
to an execution queue.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

If you do not establish a default form for a queue, the queue uses the systemwide default form,

In the following example, the SET QUEUE command changes the default form to LN03_PORTRAIT
for the LN03_PRINT queue.

To mount a form on a queue, use the /FORM_MOUNTED qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE,
START/QUEUE, or SET QUEUE in the following format:

where type is the form name or number defined by the DEFINE/FORM command.

If you see a print job pending because of a stock mismatch, change the stock of the printer to the
requested stock and mount the form associated with the requested stock on the queue, or perform one
of the other steps explained in Section Deleting a Form

To delete a customized form, enter the DELETE/FORM command. For example:

You must specify the form name with DELETE/FORM (not the form number). If you know the
number assigned to the form but do not know the name, enter SHOW QUEUE/FORM to display the
names and numbers assigned to forms on the system.

If the system displays the following messages, a queue or job exists with a reference to the form:
%DELETE-E-NOTDELETED, error deleting form-name
-JBC-E-REFERENCED, existing references prevent deletion

You must remove all references to the form before you can delete the form. For information about
removing references to a form, see Section 14.8.5. Controlling Line and Page Overflow

Under certain conditions, lines and pages formatted by the print symbiont might exceed the length of
lines and pages for a printer. You can use queue options to control line and page overflow.

Line Overflow
VSI recommends that you control line overflow by using form definitions. To do this, you must set
terminals and printers to avoid wrapping or truncating the print line before the physical limit of the
device's width.

The print symbiont uses the form to determine the width of a line. Once the print symbiont has
finished formatting the data, if the width of the line exceeds the /WIDTH setting for the device, the
device driver will use the /TRUNCATE or /WRAP settings (if set) to truncate or wrap the line.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Different forms can have different right, left, top, and bottom margin settings. By using forms to
control page and line overflow, users can switch from one form to another without requiring operators
to stop the queue, alter the device setup, and restart the queue. The queue manager automatically
mounts any forms with the same stock as the currently mounted form. Operator assistance is needed
only to mount a form that has a stock that differs from the stock of the currently mounted form. For
more information, see Section

To control line overflow, create forms using DEFINE/FORM with the /[NO]TRUNCATE and /
[NO]WRAP qualifiers described in Table 14.3.

Page Overflow
To control page overflow errors, use the /DEFAULT=[NO]FEED qualifier with INITIALIZE/
QUEUE, START/QUEUE, or SET QUEUE. This qualifier controls whether a form-feed character is
automatically inserted when the symbiont detects overflow into the bottom margin area. Users can use
the PRINT/[NO]FEED command to override the default feed option specified for a queue.

Users can specify the /PASSALL qualifier with the PRINT command to bypass all formatting,
including carriage control, that the print symbiont performs. The default is /NOPASSALL. Use this
qualifier when the print symbiont formatting might interfere with the desired formatting of the file.
The /PASSALL qualifier causes the print symbiont to send I/O to the device driver with all formatting
suppressed. Suppressing Initial Form Feed

When you start a print queue, a form feed is sent to the output device to ensure that the paper is at the
top of the page before printing begins. The initial form feed causes a blank form to be printed when a
queue starts.

To suppress the initial form feed, use the /NO_INITIAL_FF qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE,

14.6.8. Using Device Control Libraries

A device control library is a text library that contains user-written modules consisting of text or
escape sequences. A device control library module can be used for the following purposes:

• With programmable printers, to insert device-dependent escape sequences that set up a printer for
selected print options such as point size, character set, and bold or italic print

• With programmable and nonprogrammable printers, to insert text at specific points in the
processing of a print job

The three types of device control library modules, distinguished by their placement in a print job, are:

Module Type Placement

Setup Inserted at the beginning of a file.
Page setup Inserted at the beginning of each page.
Reset Inserted at the end of each job. Use reset modules to reset a printer to a known
state at the end of a job.

How to Perform This Task

To use device control library options, perform the following steps:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

1. Create a library and insert modules.

2. Assign the device control library to a queue. (This step is not necessary if you use the default
library name SYSDEVCTL.TLB.)

3. Create one or more forms with setup or page setup modules.

4. Assign reset modules to a queue.

Commands for Processing Print Jobs

You can use the following commands to set up device control library modules for processing print

Command Description
DEFINE/FORM/SETUP Specifies one or more modules that set up the
device at the start of each file of a job.
DEFINE/FORM/[NO]PAGE_SETUP Specifies one or more modules that set up the
device at the start of each page of a job.
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/LIBRARY Specifies the file name of the device control
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/SEPARATE=[NO]RESET Specifies one or more device control library
modules that contain the job reset sequence for

PRINT/FORM Specifies the name or number of the form to be
associated with the print job. Understanding the Order of Device Control Module

Device control modules are sent to the printer within a print job in the following order:

1. Reset modules assigned to the queue. (Reset modules are only used at this point for the first job
printed after a queue is started.)

2. Setup modules specified in the form definition.

3. Page setup modules specified in the form definition.

4. Setup modules specified with the PRINT command.

5. Page 1 of file 1.

6. Page setup modules specified in the form definition.

7. Page 2 of file 1, and so forth.

8. Page setup modules specified in the form definition.

9. Last page of file 1.

10. Setup modules specified in the form definition.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

11. Page setup modules specified in the form definition.

12. Setup modules specified with the PRINT command.

13. Page 1 of file 2.

14. Page setup modules specified in the form definition.

15. Page 2 of file 2, and so forth.

16. Page setup modules specified in the form definition.

17. Last page of file 2.

18. Reset modules assigned to the queue.

The following sections describe how to manage device control libraries. Creating a Device Control Library and Inserting Modules

To create a device control library and insert modules, perform the following steps:

1. Create a device control library by entering a command in the following format:


2. Determine the contents of the module—either the text to be inserted or the escape sequences
needed for the printer setup you want. To determine the proper escape sequences for a printer
option, refer to the operation guide for the specific printer.

3. Create a module file and enter the appropriate escape sequences, carriage control characters, or
text. Create and edit a module file as you would any other text file. Make sure your text editor
does not insert a carriage return or line feed at the end of your file. This will affect your printer

4. Insert the module into the device control library by entering a command in the following format:
LIBRARY/INSERT/TEXT library-file module-file

To add a module to or delete it from a library, you must stop all output queues assigned to that library.

Refer to the OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual for more
information about creating libraries and inserting modules. Assigning a Library to a Queue

To assign a device control library to an output queue, use the /LIBRARY qualifier with INITIALIZE/
QUEUE or START/QUEUE in the following format:
INITIALIZE/QUEUE/LIBRARY=filename queue-name

where filename is the name of the library file that contains the selected modules.

Libraries must be in SYS$LIBRARY and must have the file type .TLB. The default library is SYS
$LIBRARY:SYSDEVCTL.TLB. Use the /LIBRARY qualifier to specify an alternate device control
library. For example:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues


If you specify a value for the /LIBRARY qualifier, do not include the directory, file type, or version
number. The system assumes that the file is in SYS$LIBRARY and has the type .TLB. If you copy a
library file from another node, be sure that the new library has a unique file name.

Operations that request a particular device control library module use the module from the library
specified for the queue. Guidelines for using libraries follow:

• If you have a small configuration of printers and normally use only a few modules, you usually
store all modules in a single library and assign that same library to each printer queue.

• If you use a single library to store modules for different types of printers, make sure that each
module has a unique name.

• For sites with a large number of different printers, you usually create and assign a separate device
control library for each type of printer. In this case, VSI recommends that you give modules that
perform the same function an identical name in all libraries, even though the modules contain
escape sequences unique to the specific type of printer.

If three libraries contained modules that set up a printer for landscape orientation, these modules
might be named LANDSCAPE in all three libraries. This allows you to use the same form on any
queue for which a library contains a module of the specified name, even though the modules might
contain different device-specific sequences.

Use the following command format to display a listing of all modules contained within a specified
LIBRARY/LIST/FULL SYS$LIBRARY:library-name.TLB Creating Forms for Setup and Page Setup Modules

To specify a setup or page setup module for a queue, use the /SETUP= module or /PAGE_SETUP=
module qualifier with DEFINE/FORM. The modules you specify with /SETUP are sent to the
printer when the form is mounted, before each file of a job is printed. Similarly, the modules you
specify with /PAGE_SETUP are sent to the printer before each page of a job.

Users can request the module by using one of the following qualifiers with the PRINT command:

• The /FORM qualifier in the following format:

PRINT/FORM=form /QUEUE=queue-name filespec

When the user enters PRINT/FORM, the form name is checked for validity.

• The /SETUP qualifier in the following format:

PRINT/SETUP=module filespec

When the user enters PRINT/SETUP, the module names are not checked until the job attempts to
print. If there is an error in the module name, the job will not print and the user will not be notified
unless the /NOTIFY qualifier was specified.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues Assigning a Reset Module to a Queue

To assign a module to an output execution queue to reset the printer to a known state at the end of
each job, use the /SEPARATE=RESET= module qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/

Because the /SEPARATE qualifier specifies mandatory queue options, the RESET module you
specify is sent to the queue at the end of every job. The user cannot override this option.

In the following example, the reset sequence contained in the module resets the printer at the end of
each job. It also resets the printer when the queue is started to ensure that the first job prints correctly.

The following example uses device control library modules to process a print job. Two device control
modules are created and inserted into the library file MYDEVCTL.TLB. The escape sequence or text
in the setup module named MODULE1 is sent to the printer to set up the printer before REPORT.TXT
is printed and again before MEMO.TXT is printed. The escape sequence or text in the reset module
named MODULE2 is sent to the printer only once after both files in job REPORT have printed.

!enter printer escape sequences or text for module1


!enter printer escape sequences or text for module2



Terminal queue PDQ_QUE, idle on TOAD::TTA9, mounted form DEFAULT


Job REPORT (Queue PDQ_QUE, entry 619) started on PDQ_QUE

14.7. Maintaining Queues

Once you set up your queues, you must monitor and modify them according to the needs of your site.

Also, setting up queues is not restricted to startup time. During normal operation, you can create
and start queues as your needs dictate. If you decide to set up queues at a later time, refer to the
instructions in Section 14.4.

If you create additional output queues at a later time, make sure to perform the following actions:

• Add commands to set device characteristics to the startup command procedure on the node on
which the device is located.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

• For devices attached to a LAT port, add commands to the startup procedures on all nodes with
queues for the device.

• For additional nonautostart queues, add appropriate START/QUEUE commands to the startup
command procedure on the node on which the queue will run. If you do not add appropriate
START/QUEUE commands, the queues will not be started when the system reboots.

14.7.1. Using Queue Management Commands

Table 14.4 lists commands for creating and controlling queues and tells whether they have the same
effect on all queues or if they have different effects on autostart and nonautostart queues.

Table 14.4. Effects of Queue Commands

Command Effect on
Autostart Queues Nonautostart Queues
ASSIGN/MERGE Moves jobs from one queue to Moves jobs from one queue to
another. another.
ASSIGN/QUEUE Redirects jobs in a logical queue Redirects jobs in a logical queue
to an execution queue. to an execution queue
DELETE/QUEUE Deletes a queue. Deletes a queue.
DISABLE AUTOSTART / After allowing jobs to complete, No effect.
QUEUES fails over all autostart queues to
the next available node in each
queue's node list. If a queue has
no list specified, the queue is
ENABLE AUTOSTART / Starts all stopped, active No effect.
QUEUES autostart queues capable of
running on the node.
INITIALIZE/QUEUE Creates the queue. The / Creates the queue. The /ON
AUTOSTART_ON qualifier qualifier specifies a single node
specifies one or more nodes or or node and device on which the
nodes and devices on which the queue is to run.
queue can run.
INITIALIZE/QUEUE /START Creates the queue and Creates and starts the queue.
activates it for autostart. The / The /ON qualifier specifies a
AUTOSTART_ON qualifier single node or node and device
specifies one or more nodes or on which the queue is to run.
nodes and devices on which the
queue can run.
SET QUEUE Modifies a queue. Modifies a queue.
SHOW QUEUE Displays information about a Displays information about a
queue. queue.
START/QUEUE Activates the queue for autostart. Starts the queue.
STOP/QUEUE Pauses a queue. Pauses a queue.
STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE Aborts current jobs and stops Aborts current jobs and stops
all queues on a node without all queues on a node without
stopping the queue manager. stopping the queue manager.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Command Effect on
STOP/QUEUE/NEXT Stops a queue after allowing Stops a queue after allowing the
the current jobs to complete, current jobs to complete.
and deactivates the queue for
STOP/QUEUE/RESET Stops a queue abruptly and Stops a queue abruptly.
deactivates the queue for

The following sections describe these tasks for managing queues:

Task For More

Monitoring queue information Section
Modifying a queue Section
Pausing a queue Section
Closing a queue Section
Stopping a queue Section
Preventing autostart queues from starting Section
Disabling autostart on a node Section
Stopping all queues on a node Section
Stopping queues before shutting down a system Section
Assigning a logical queue Section
Moving all jobs from one queue to another Section
Deleting a queue Section Monitoring Queue Information

Use the SHOW QUEUE command to monitor the status of queues. To display queue information,
enter SHOW QUEUE in the following format:
SHOW QUEUE [/qualifier,...] [queue-name]

If you do not specify a qualifier or a queue name, the system displays the status of all queues on the
system and all jobs you own. The SHOW QUEUE qualifiers let you select the type of queue and the
amount of information you want to display.

Use the following qualifiers to select the information you want to display:

Qualifier Description
/BY_JOB_STATUS[= keyword-list] Displays queues that contain jobs of the specified
status. You can specify one or more of the
following keywords:


Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Qualifier Description
If no keyword is specified, by default the jobs
of all status are displayed. For more information
about job status, see Table 14.6.
/BATCH Displays batch execution queues.
/DEVICE[= keyword-list] Displays output execution queues. You can select
a specific type of execution queue by entering one
or more of the following keywords:


If no keywords are specified, all types of output

queue are displayed.
/GENERIC Displays the status of generic queues.

Use the following qualifiers to select the amount of information you want to display:

Qualifier Description
/ALL_JOBS Displays information about all jobs for the selected queues.
/BRIEF Displays a brief listing of information about job entries in the queue. The brief
listing is the default for the SHOW QUEUE command.
/FILES Adds a list of files associated with each job to the display.
/FULL Displays complete queue and job information (also displays any ACLs set for
the queues).
/SUMMARY Displays the total number of executing, pending, holding, retained, and timed
release jobs. The jobs themselves are not displayed.

You can also combine certain qualifiers to further delineate the queue information you want to display.

Table 14.5 defines queue statuses returned by SHOW QUEUE.

Table 14.5. Queue Statuses Displayed in the SHOW QUEUE Command

Queue Status Description
Aligning Queue manager is processing a START/QUEUE/ALIGN command.
Autostart inactive Queue was stopped and needs to be activated. For more information, see
Section 14.8.4.
Available Queue is processing at least one job but is capable of processing additional
concurrent jobs.
Busy Queue cannot process additional jobs because of one or more jobs in progress.
Closed Queue is closed and will not accept new jobs until it is set open. For more
information, see Section
Device unavailable Device to which the queue is assigned is not available.
Idle Queue is not processing any jobs and is capable of doing so.
Paused A STOP/QUEUE command has been executed.
Pausing Queue manager is processing a STOP/QUEUE command.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Queue Status Description

Remote Queue is assigned to a physical device that is not connected to the local system.
Resuming Queue manager is processing a START/QUEUE command on a paused queue.
Server Queue processing is directed to a server symbiont.
Stalled Symbiont processing temporarily halted due to device-related problem.
Starting Queue has been started, but the symbiont process is not yet active.
Stopped Queue is stopped and will not process work until started.
Stop pending Queue will be in the stopped state when current jobs have finished executing.
Stopping Queue is being stopped.

To display the forms or characteristics available on a system, use the SHOW QUEUE/FORM or

You can further customize the type of queue information you want to monitor by writing a command
procedure that uses the F$GETQUI lexical function. F$GETQUI invokes the $GETQUI system
service to return information stored in the queue database.

You can use the F$GETQUI lexical function to obtain information about the following types of

Jobs contained in queues
Files of jobs contained in queues

For example, you could write a command procedure to display the total number of blocks of jobs
in a pending state in all printer queues. You must have read access to the job or SYSPRV or OPER
privilege to obtain job and file information.

For more information about the system service invoked by the F$GETQUI lexical function, refer to
the description of the $GETQUI system service in the VSI OpenVMS System Services Reference


1. The following example displays summary information for all printer and terminal queues:

Printer queue HERA_LPA0, busy, on HERA::LPA0, mounted form DEFAULT
<Printer queue on node HERA for a line printer>
Job summary: 1 executing
Printer queue HERA_LPB0, busy, on HERA::LPB0, mounted form DEFAULT
<Printer queue on node HERA for a line printer>
Job summary: 1 executing
Generic printer queue CLUSTER_PRINT
<Generic printer queue for LPA0: and LPB0:>
Job summary: 1 holding
Terminal queue LQ_PRINT, stopped, on HERA::TXA7:,
<Letter quality printer in Bob's office> mounted form
Job summary: 2 pending (445 blocks), 1 holding

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

2. The following example displays the full status and options of all executing jobs:

Batch queue HERA_BATCH, available, on HERA::

Entry Jobname Username Status
----- ------- -------- ------
700 VUE SMITH Executing
Submitted 25-FEB-2000 14:46 /KEEP /NOLOG /NOPRINT /PRIORITY=100
File: _$333$DISK1:[SMITH.COM]VUE.COM;19 (executing)

Batch queue ZZ_BATCH, available, on ZZ::

Entry Jobname Username Status
----- ------- -------- ------
Submitted 26-FEB-2000 11:25 /KEEP /NOTIFY /NOPRINT /
File: _$333$DISK1:[FITZGERALD]PIPE.COM;2 (executing)

Server queue NM$QUE01, available, on HERA::, mounted form DEFAULT

Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status
----- ------- -------- ------ ------
236 NM ROSENBERG 12 Processing
Submitted 23-FEB-2000 08:42 /FORM=DEFAULT /PRIORITY=100
File: _$5$DISK3:[FOLK$.NM]NM$J1991072308340647.WRK;1 Modifying a Queue

You can use the INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/QUEUE, and SET QUEUE commands to change
queue options; as you change queue options, information about the queue in the queue database is
updated. You can use the INITIALIZE and START commands only on stopped queues.

The SET QUEUE command lets you change many queue options without having to stop the queue,
initialize it, and restart it. For example, the following command modifies the running batch queue,

The command in this example changes the job limit for the queue and disables swapping for all jobs
processed in SYS$BATCH. All other options of the queue remain the same. The changed options
do not affect the execution of current jobs; however, all subsequent jobs are executed with the new
options in effect.

How to Perform This Task

To change queue options that cannot be altered with SET QUEUE, use the following procedure:

1. Stop the queue with STOP/QUEUE/NEXT.

2. Restart the queue with START/QUEUE or INITIALIZE/QUEUE/START, specifying the

appropriate qualifiers for your options.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Any qualifiers that you do not specify remain as they were when the queue was previously
initialized, started, or set.

Note that initializing an existing queue does not delete any current jobs in that queue. Any new queue
settings established by the new INITIALIZE/QUEUE command affect all jobs waiting in the queue or
subsequently entering the queue.

See Table 14.1 for a list of the options that you can use for batch and output queues. Pausing a Queue

The STOP/QUEUE command, when used without qualifiers, temporarily suspends the execution of
all current jobs in the queue and places the queue in a paused state. Pausing an output queue lets you
enter print job positioning and alignment commands to the print symbiont. (See Section for
more information about using STOP/QUEUE to control print jobs.)

To resume the execution of a paused queue, enter START/QUEUE. Closing a Queue

When a queue is not available for an extended period of time (for example, when a printer needs
servicing), you can prevent new jobs from entering the queue by specifying the /CLOSE qualifier
with SET QUEUE, INITIALIZE/QUEUE, or START/QUEUE. The /CLOSE qualifier prevents users
from entering jobs in the queue with PRINT or SUBMIT commands. When a user attempts to print or
submit a job to a closed queue, the job is rejected, and the user is notified that the queue is closed. For
%PRINT-F-CREJOB, error creating job -JBC-E-QUE_CLOSED, queue closed, jobs
not accepted

Jobs currently in the queue are not affected.

When the queue is available again, use the /OPEN qualifier to open the queue for incoming jobs. Stopping a Queue

To stop a queue, enter one of the following commands:

Command Description
STOP/QUEUE/NEXT Lets all currently executing jobs complete and then stops the queue. Once
you enter this command, all new jobs are prevented from executing.
STOP/QUEUE/RESET Abruptly stops the queue and returns control to the system. Any jobs that
are currently executing are stopped immediately.

If the queue is not set to retain jobs completed with an error status, use
SET QUEUE/RETAIN=ERROR to do so before stopping the queue with
STOP/QUEUE/RESET. This causes the queue to retain information about
aborted jobs.

For print jobs retained on error, use SET ENTRY/RELEASE/

NOCHECKPOINT to restart the interrupted jobs from the beginning.
Print jobs are restartable by default; batch jobs are not restartable unless
submitted with the /RESTART qualifier.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

For autostart queues, these commands deactivate a queue for autostart as explained in
Section To restart a stopped nonautostart queue or to reactivate a deactivated autostart queue,
enter START/QUEUE. Preventing Autostart Queues from Starting

The STOP/QUEUE/NEXT or STOP/QUEUE/RESET command stops an autostart queue and marks it
inactive for autostart until you enter START/QUEUE. This feature prevents an autostart output queue
from accidentally restarting when a printer is being serviced. Disabling Autostart on a Node

The DISABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command notifies the queue manager to perform the
following tasks on the affected node:

• Prevent autostart queues from failing over to the node.

• Mark all autostart queues on the node as “stop pending” in preparation for a planned shutdown.
This lets jobs currently executing on the queues complete.

• Upon completion of any jobs currently executing on one of the node's autostart queues, force
the queue to fail over to the next available node in the queue's failover list on which autostart is
enabled. (An autostart queue can only fail over if you have set it up to run on more than one node.)

By default, DISABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES affects the node from which it is entered. Specify
the /ON_NODE qualifier to disable autostart on a different node.

Use DISABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES prior to shutting down a node. For more information, see
Section Stopping All Queues on a Node

To stop all queues on a node without stopping the queue manager, enter STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE.
By default, this command affects the node on which the command is entered. To stop queues on a
different node, specify the name of the node on which queues are to be stopped as follows:


When you enter STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE, nonautostart queues and autostart queues without a
failover list are stopped. Autostart queues created or started with a failover list fail over to the next
available node in that list that has autostart enabled. In all cases, currently executing jobs are aborted.

However, you can allow jobs executing on autostart queues to complete by entering the DISABLE
AUTOSTART/QUEUES command and waiting for jobs to complete before entering the STOP/
QUEUES/ON_NODE command. For more information, see Section Stopping Queues Before Shutting Down a System

The following commands are included in the shutdown command procedure SYS
$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM and are automatically executed when you shut down a node using



Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Allowing Jobs to Complete Before Stopping Autostart Queues

STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE aborts jobs and stops all queues on a node; DISABLE AUTOSTART
allows jobs on autostart queues to finish processing before failing over or stopping autostart queues.
If your configuration uses autostart queues, you might want to allow jobs on those queues to complete
before stopping your queues.

In SHUTDOWN.COM, STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE is executed shortly before the node is shut

down. When using SHUTDOWN.COM, you can ensure that jobs on autostart queues have time
to complete before the queues are stopped by specifying the time interval between DISABLE
AUTOSTART/QUEUES and the shutdown.

Use one of the following methods:

Timing Method
Before executing SHUTDOWN.COM Define the logical name SHUTDOWN
$DISABLE_AUTOSTART to be the number of
minutes in the following format:

While executing SHUTDOWN.COM Specify the number of minutes as a shutdown
option as follows:

Shutdown options

Determine an appropriate number of minutes for your configuration, based on the number and type of
jobs in the autostart queues.

If you shut down a node without using SHUTDOWN.COM, you might want to enter DISABLE
AUTOSTART/QUEUES and wait a few minutes to allow jobs on autostart queues to finish processing
before you enter STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE. Assigning a Logical Queue

When a problem occurs with a print device, you can reroute the queue associated with that device to
another queue associated with a functioning device. You do this by creating a logical queue. Use the
following procedure to create a logical queue that redirects its jobs to another queue:

1. Stop the queue associated with the malfunctioning print device by entering a command in the
following format:
STOP/QUEUE/NEXT queue-name[:]

This command inhibits new jobs from processing but lets the current job finish processing, unless
the print device is not operating at all. If the device is inoperable, use STOP/QUEUE/RESET to
halt the queue and immediately cancel all output from the device.

2. Take the device off line.

3. Reroute existing jobs from the malfunctioning print device to another print device by entering a
command in the following format:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

ASSIGN/QUEUE queue-name[:] logical-queue-name[:]

Ensure that the options of the new print device are appropriate for processing the new jobs.

How to Deassign a Logical Queue

To deassign the logical queue, enter a command in the following format:
DEASSIGN/QUEUE logical-queue-name[:] Moving All Jobs from One Queue to Another

Before you delete a queue, you might want to requeue all jobs in the queue to another queue. To do
so, enter a command in the following format:
ASSIGN/MERGE target-queue source-queue

where target-queue is the queue to which you are moving the jobs; source-queue is the queue to be

The ASSIGN/MERGE command moves all jobs currently in the source queue. If new jobs are entered
into the source queue before it is deleted, those new jobs remain in the source queue, and are not
transferred to the target queue. You might want to close the queue to prevent new jobs from being
entered in the queue, as explained in Section, before entering ASSIGN/MERGE.

For ongoing redirection of jobs, use the ASSIGN/QUEUE command as explained in

Section Deleting a Queue

Perform the following steps to delete a queue:

1. Stop the queue by entering STOP/QUEUE/NEXT. (Use STOP/QUEUE/RESET to abort all

executing jobs.)

2. Wait for executing jobs to complete.

3. Requeue the entries still pending in the queue. If you do not perform this step, jobs will be deleted
along with the queue.

4. Remove all references to the queue from generic queues or jobs. See Section 14.8.5 for more
information about removing references to queues.

5. Delete the queue by entering DELETE/QUEUE.

14.7.2. Managing Jobs in Queues

Some routine tasks for controlling the flow of batch and print jobs and for maintaining efficient job
processing performance include the following actions:

Task Reference
Monitoring jobs Section
Modifying job processing options Section
Holding and releasing a job Section
Requeuing an executing job Section

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Task Reference
Requeuing a pending job Section
Deleting a job Section
Pausing an output queue to control print job position and alignment Section Monitoring Jobs

Use the SHOW ENTRY command to monitor the status of batch and print jobs. (For information
about job status, see Table 14.6.)

Use the following format to specify the SHOW ENTRY command:

SHOW ENTRY [entry-number[,...]], [job-name[,...]]

If you do not specify an entry number or job name, the system displays all jobs owned by you or by
the user specified with the /USER_NAME qualifier. If you specify a job name, the system displays
all jobs owned by you or by the user specified with /USER_NAME that match the specified character
string. You can also display a group of jobs by entering a list of entry numbers or job names, or both,
on the command line.

Specify qualifiers with the SHOW ENTRY command to specify the type of job information you want
to display. For more information, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

Table 14.6 describes the job statuses returned by the SHOW ENTRY command.

Table 14.6. Job Statuses Returned by SHOW ENTRY

Status Description
Aborting Executing job is halting prior to normal
completion and will not continue processing.
Executing Job is executing from a batch queue.
Holding Job is being held in the queue indefinitely. For
more information, see Section
Pending Job is waiting its turn to execute. For more
information, see Section 14.8.2.
Printing Job is executing from a printer or terminal queue.
Processing Job is executing from a server queue.
Retained Job remains in the queue upon completion. For
more information, see Section
Stalled or Suspended Job stopped during processing but should
continue when the cause is resolved.
Starting Job is beginning to be processed.
Timed_release Job is being held in the queue for execution at a
specified time.


1. The following command displays jobs owned by user GARDNER:


Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status

----- ------- -------- ------ ------
On available batch queue OPAL_BATCH
611 SET GARDNER 140 Pending
On stopped printer queue LQPRINT

2. In the following example, the /FULL qualifier displays job status information, the time the job
was submitted, the file specification, and the job processing options:


Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status
----- ------- -------- ------ ------
On available batch queue OPAL_BATCH
Submitted 15-JAN-2000 16:12 /LOG=_$5$DUA1:[GARDNER]TEST.LOG;
611 SET GARDNER 140 Pending (queue stopped)
On stopped printer queue LQPRINT
Submitted 21-JAN-2000 16:23 /FORM=DEFAULT /PRIORITY=200
File: _$5$DUA1:[GARDNER]WAIT.TXT;1 Modifying Job Processing Options

You can modify many job processing options by specifying qualifiers with a command in the
following format:

SET ENTRY/qualifier[,...] entry-number

Table 14.7 lists some qualifiers that are frequently used to change jobs. For a list of all the job
processing options you can change with the SET ENTRY command, refer to the VSI OpenVMS DCL

Table 14.7. SET ENTRY Qualifiers for Changing Jobs

Qualifier Description For More Information
/[NO]AFTER= time Controls whether a job is held Section
until after a specified time.
/CHARACTERISTICS =( Specifies the name or number Section 14.6.3
characteristic[,...]) of one or more characteristics
associated with a batch or print
/FORM= form Specifies the name or number of Section 14.6.7
the form to be associated with a
print job.
/[NO]HOLD Controls whether a job is Section
available for immediate
processing or held until it is
released for processing.
/PRIORITY= n Specifies the scheduling priority Section
of the job.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Qualifier Description For More Information

/RELEASE Releases a previously held job. Section
/REQUEUE= queue-name[:] Requests that the job be moved Section
from the original queue to the
specified queue; you can also do
this by using the STOP/QUEUE/
/RESTART Specifies whether a batch or
print job is restarted after a
system failure or a STOP/
Print jobs are restartable
by default. Batch jobs are
restartable only if submitted or
modified with the /RESTART
qualifier. Holding and Releasing a Job

Users can specify that a job be held in a queue before processing by specifying one of the following
qualifiers with the PRINT, SUBMIT, or SET ENTRY command:

• /AFTER= time holds a job until the specified time.

• /HOLD holds a job indefinitely.

You can use the following commands to hold and release jobs:

Command Purpose
SET ENTRY/HOLD Holds a job in a queue indefinitely before
SET ENTRY/AFTER= time Holds a job in a queue for processing after a
specified time. To specify /AFTER for a job on
hold, you must also specify /NOHOLD to cause
the job to be held only until the specified time.
SET ENTRY/NOHOLD Releases a job that is held in a queue for any of
the following reasons:

• A job was submitted with the /HOLD or /

AFTER qualifier.

• A completed job is being held in a queue by

the /RETAIN qualifier. For more information,
see Section 14.6.2.

• A job was refused by a user-written symbiont.

SET ENTRY/NOAFTER Releases a job before the time specified with the
SET ENTRY command.
SET ENTRY/RELEASE Releases a job that is held in a queue for any of
the following reasons:

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Command Purpose
• A job was submitted with the /HOLD or /
AFTER qualifier.

• A completed job is being held in a queue. For

more information, see Section 14.6.2.

• A user-written symbiont has refused a job.

1. The following example holds a job until the specified time and subsequently releases the job after
that time:
$ SET ENTRY 1121/AFTER=12-FEB-2000:17:30

2. The following example holds a job until the end of the current day (00:00:00.00 o'clock) and
subsequently releases the job before that time:

3. The following example holds a job indefinitely and subsequently releases it:
$ SET ENTRY 1234/RELEASE Requeuing an Executing Job

To stop and requeue an executing print job, enter STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE. This command
suspends a currently executing job and requeues it to the specified queue. Other jobs remain pending
in the queue until they are processed.

The STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command stops only the job currently executing in the queue. The
queue is not stopped.

1. A job is executing in output execution queue BETA_LPB0 when the printer on which the queue
is running jams. If no other jobs are pending in the queue, you might want to stop and requeue
the job to a queue running on another printer. Because the printer in this example is jammed, you
might also want to stop the queue. To do so, enter commands similar to the following ones:

The first command stops the executing print job on BETA_LPB0 and requeues it to BETA_LPA0.
The second command stops queue BETA_LPB0.

2. If you are requeuing a job on a batch queue, you must include the /ENTRY= n qualifier. For

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

To hold an aborted job, specify the /HOLD qualifier using the following format:

STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE[=queue-name]/HOLD[/ENTRY=entry-number] queue-name

The /HOLD qualifier places the aborted job in a hold state for later release with the SET ENTRY/

To change the scheduling priority of the aborted job, specify the /PRIORITY qualifier using the
following format:

STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE[=queue-name]/PRIORITY=n[/ENTRY=entry-number] queue-name

Specify the new priority as n. Requeuing a Pending Job

To requeue a job that is pending in a queue to a different queue, enter SET ENTRY/REQUEUE. For


This command moves job 196 to the queue LN03$PRINT. Deleting a Job

Follow this procedure to delete either a pending or an executing batch job:

1. Determine the entry number of the job by entering a command using one of the following formats:

SHOW ENTRY/USER_NAME=username [entry-number]

SHOW QUEUE/ALL_JOBS [queue-name]

If you do not know the job name, user name, or queue name, enter the following command:


2. Delete the job by entering a command in the following format:



A user has noticed that a job is processing in an endless loop. The user is not the owner of the job and
lacks sufficient privilege to stop it. The user enlists your aid as the system manager. You might enter
the following command:

Batch queue JADE_BATCH, available, on JADE::
Entry Jobname Username Status
----- ------- -------- ------
312 ARTWORK HUNTER Executing

Batch queue OPAL_BATCH, available, on OPAL::

Entry Jobname Username Status
----- ------- -------- ------

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Batch queue RUBY_BATCH, available, on RUBY::

Entry Jobname Username Status
----- ------- -------- ------
888 TEMPO ENGLISH Executing
$ DELETE/ENTRY=317 Pausing an Output Queue to Control Print Job Position

and Alignment
Pausing an output queue lets you communicate with the print symbiont interactively. Enter STOP/
QUEUE (without any qualifiers) to pause a queue. Once a queue is paused, you can perform the
following operations:

• Specify the position at which a suspended job is to resume printing. For example, suppose a
printer has a paper jam and the first several pages of a print job are destroyed. You can pause the
queue and restart the job, resuming printing at the beginning of the file.

For more information, see Section

• Specify the number of pages and the type of data for aligning printer forms. For example, suppose
a printer uses a paper stock that is a preprinted continuous-form paper. When you begin printing a
job, you notice the paper is not correctly aligned, so output does not print in the correct space on
the preprinted form. You can pause the queue and print sample data to help you correct the paper

For more information, see Section

To perform these tasks, you must enter STOP/QUEUE after the job has begun printing. Specifying the Position of Print

By default, when you pause a queue and restart it, printing resumes in the current job at a checkpoint
near where it left off. To specify the position at which the current job is to resume printing, pause the
queue, then enter START/QUEUE with any of the following qualifiers:

Qualifier Description
/BACKWARD[= n] Restarts a print queue n pages before the current
page; n defaults to 1. If you omit the value,
printing resumes at the top of the current page.
/FORWARD[= n] Advances the specified number of pages before
resuming printing the current file in the current
job; the default is 1. If you omit the page value,
printing resumes at the top of the next page.
/SEARCH= "search-string" Specifies that printing is to resume at the page
containing the specified string. The search for
the string moves forward, beginning on the page
following the current page. During the search,
consecutive tabs and spaces are treated as a
single space, and character case is ignored. The

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

Qualifier Description
string can be from 1 to 63 characters and must be
enclosed in quotation marks (" ").
/TOP_OF_FILE Resumes printing at the beginning of the file that
was current when the output execution queue

When you must use more than one positioning qualifier with the same START/QUEUE command, file
positioning is performed in the following order:






1. In the following example, STOP/QUEUE suspends the job that is currently printing on the printer
queue JADE_PRINT and places that queue in the paused state. The START/QUEUE command
releases the queue from the paused state. The /TOP_OF_FILE qualifier causes the job that was
suspended to resume printing at the beginning of the file rather than at where it was interrupted.

2. In the following example, START/QUEUE resumes output on printer SYS_LPA0 after advancing
15 pages from the beginning of the file:

To print alignment data to aid in aligning printer forms, pause the queue, then enter START/QUEUE
with the /ALIGN qualifier in the following format:

The following options control the number of alignment pages and type of alignment data:

Option Description
MASK Specifies that input data is masked by replacing alphabetic characters with the
character X and numbers with the number 9. Mask characters let you prevent the
printing of sensitive information. If you omit the MASK option, data is printed
n A decimal number in the range 1 to 20 that specifies the number of alignment
pages to print. By default, one page of alignment data is printed.

You can use the /ALIGN qualifier with any of the file positioning qualifiers described in the previous
section. File positioning is performed before alignment data is printed. After the alignment is
complete, the queue enters a paused state until you restart it by reentering START/QUEUE. Printing
resumes from the point that alignment data started; that is, the task is backspaced over the pages
printed for alignment.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues


The command in the following example requests masked alignment for four pages of output. In this
example, the file for the job that was being printed when the queue was paused is backspaced two
pages before alignment is performed. Four pages of alignment mask characters are printed. Then the
output for the current job is positioned backward four pages, and the queue pauses.

14.8. Solving Queue Problems

The following sections can help you solve common queue problems:

Problem Section
General printer problems Section 14.8.1
Scheduling pending jobs Section 14.8.2
Stock mismatch problems Section
Characteristics mismatch problems Section
Stalled output queues Section 14.8.3
Autostart queues that do not start Section 14.8.4
Problems deleting queues, forms, and characteristics Section 14.8.5
Problems deleting files following printing Section 14.8.6
Problems adding or deleting a module from a device control library Section 14.8.7
Queue is disabled Section 14.8.8

14.8.1. Determining the Cause of General Printer

The following steps can help you determine the cause of general printer problems:

1. Enter a command in the following format to determine the status of the queue with which the
printer is associated:
SHOW QUEUE/FULL queue-name

Table 14.5 lists and describes queue statuses.

2. Enter the SHOW LOGICAL/FULL SMBSRVSHR command to determine whether the logical
name SMBSRVSHR is assigned, and, if it is assigned, its access mode (SUPERVISOR_MODE
or EXECUTIVE_MODE). In most cases, this logical name should not be defined. However, if
SMBSRVSHR is assigned, deassign it by entering the DEASSIGN SMBSRVSHR command with

3. If a print request returns a fatal error or does not print, perform the following steps:

a. Stop the queue by entering STOP/QUEUE/RESET.

b. If the output device is spooled, despool it using the SET DEVICE/NOSPOOLED command.

c. Copy the file you are attempting to print by entering the COPY command in the following

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

COPY input-filespec output-filespec

If the COPY command does not produce output, a PRINT request will not work.

4. If the problem is on a queue using the LATSYM symbiont, try using the default symbiont,
PRTSMB, and see if the problem persists. You can use the PRTSMB symbiont for printers on LAT
ports. However, only one queue at a time will be able to send jobs to the printer.

To determine whether a queue is using the LATSYM symbiont, enter SHOW QUEUE/
FULL. If the queue is using the LATSYM symbiont, the display shows the following words: /

To change the queue's symbiont to PRTSMB, perform the following steps:

a. Stop the queue by entering STOP/QUEUE/RESET.

b. Restart the queue by entering START/QUEUE/NOPROCESSOR.

If a PRINT request succeeds when the queue is using PRTSMB, the problem is with LATSYM or
with the LAT driver LTDRIVER.

5. Attach a terminal at the end of the cable that is being used for the printer. If the data shows up
on the terminal, the Hold Screen key works, and no data is lost, the problem is probably with the
printer (an incorrect setting, for example). If the problem exists with the terminal, it might be
caused by the cable, the hardware interface port, or a hardware port setting.

14.8.2. Making Pending Jobs Eligible for Scheduling

If a job does not execute when expected, the job might have a pending or holding status. The SHOW
QUEUE/FULL/ALL_JOBS command displays the status for all jobs on a queue.

If the job is in a holding status, see Section for information about holding and releasing a job.

If the job is in the pending state, the /FULL qualifier enables you to see the reason why the job is
ineligible to execute. (Use a 132-character wide display to make sure that all the information is

For example:
Generic printer queue REG$GENERIC
Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status
----- ------- -------- ------ ------
684 PROBLEMS CHURCHILL 3118 Pending (check execution
Submitted 7-MAR-2000 17:49 /FORM=DEFAULT /NOTIFY /PRIORITY=100
Printer queue REG$Q1, stopped, on LONDON::NPA1, mounted form DEFAULT
Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status
----- ------- -------- ------ ------
687 PM$SPEECH CHURCHILL 3558 Pending (queue stopped)
Submitted 7-MAR-2000 17:51 /FORM=DEFAULT /NOTIFY /PRIORITY=100
File: _$5$DUA174:[CHURCHILL]PM$SPEECH.TXT;1 (checkpointed)

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

A job enters the pending status whenever the job is not eligible to execute. Table 14.8 lists common
causes and solutions for a pending status.

Table 14.8. Common Causes and Solutions for Pending Job Status
Problem Solution
The queue is currently processing as many jobs as Wait until intervening jobs complete.
it can.
The queue is stopped or stalled. If a SHOW QUEUE/FULL command shows the
queue status as stopped or stalled, determine why
the queue is stopped or stalled.

If the queue is stopped, start it with START/

QUEUE. If the stopped queue is an autostart
queue, use START/QUEUE to activate the queue
the queue.

If the queue is stalled, follow the steps in

Section 14.8.3.
The stock of the print job's form does not match Perform the steps in Section
the stock of the queue's mounted form.
The job was submitted or modified with Perform the steps in Section
characteristics not associated with the queue.
The queue has a block limit set and the size of the Use SET ENTRY/REQUEUE to move the
print job does not fall within the specified range. job to another queue, or use SET QUEUE/
[NO]BLOCK_LIMIT to change or remove the
block limit on the queue.
The owner of the job does not have write access Use SET ENTRY/REQUEUE to move the job to
to the execution queue. another queue, or change the access to the queue
as explained in Section 14.6.1.
The print job is in a logical queue that is assigned Use SET ENTRY/REQUEUE to requeue the job
to a stopped execution queue. to another queue or start the execution queue to
which the logical queue is assigned.
An output job requires an output device that is If the printer supports lowercase printing, use
enabled for lowercase printing. the /LOWERCASE qualifier with SET PRINTER
or SET TERMINAL. Otherwise, use SET
ENTRY/REQUEUE to move the job to an
execution queue that sends its output to a printer
with lowercase printing enabled. Fixing Print Jobs That Are Pending Due to Stock

When monitoring jobs, you might see a print job that is pending in a queue because the stock does not
match that of the mounted form. For example, you might see a SHOW ENTRY display similar to the
following one:
Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status
----- ------- -------- ------ ------

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

133 SET RANDOM 74 Pending (stock type

On idle printer queue SUE$PRINT
Submitted 21-JAN-2000 16:14 /FORM=MANUAL (stock=HQ) /
File: _$5$DUA1:[RANDOM]SET.TXT;5

To fix jobs that are pending because of a stock mismatch, perform one or more of the following

• Make the stocks match by mounting a different form on the queue (for example, using SET
QUEUE/FORM_MOUNTED) or by specifying a different form with the job (for example, using

• Move the job to a queue on which the stock of the mounted form matches the stock of the job's
form (for example, using SET ENTRY/REQUEUE).

• Delete the job (for example, using DELETE/ENTRY).

See Section 14.6.7 for more information about forms. Fixing Jobs That Are Pending Because of

Characteristics Mismatch
When monitoring jobs, you might see a batch or print job that is pending in a queue because the
characteristics do not match those assigned to the queue. For example, you might see a SHOW
ENTRY display similar to the following one:


Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status
----- ------- -------- ------ ------
882 SETHOST RANDOM 5 Pending (characteristics
On idle printer queue $PRINTER_1
Submitted 28-MAR-2000 15:21 /CHAR=(5) /FORM=DEFAULT /PRIORITY=100

To fix jobs that are pending because of a characteristics mismatch, perform one or more of the
following actions:

• Move the job to a queue on which the characteristics match those of the job (for example, using

• Delete the job (for example, using DELETE/ENTRY).

• Make the characteristics match by assigning new characteristics to the queue (for example, using

See Section 14.6.3 for more information about characteristics.

14.8.3. Fixing a Stalled Output Queue

If an output queue is in the stalled state, the device on which the queue is running is malfunctioning.
Check the device and fix the problem. Once the problem is fixed, the queue will leave the stalled

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

If you cannot fix the problem immediately, stop the queue by entering STOP/QUEUE/RESET. While
the queue is stopped, you might want to reroute the jobs in the queue to a functioning queue, as
explained in Section When the problem is fixed, deassign the logical queue and start the
queue by entering START/QUEUE.

14.8.4. Determining Why an Autostart Queue Does Not

If you attempt to start an autostart queue with ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES and the queue does
not start, the queue might not be active for autostart. ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES starts only
active autostart queues capable of running on a node. To activate an autostart queue, you must include
the /START qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE or enter START/QUEUE.

Batch queue KATY_BATCH, stopped, autostart inactive, on KATY::
Batch queue KATY_BATCH, idle, on KATY::

The numbers in following list correspond to numbers in the example:

ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES attempts to start autostart queues on node KATY.

The SHOW QUEUE display shows that the autostart batch queue KATY_BATCH did not
start. The display also reveals that the queue is inactive for autostart; the queue was either not
activated initially or it was deactivated with STOP/QUEUE/NEXT or STOP/QUEUE/RESET.
START/QUEUE activates the queue for autostart.
SHOW QUEUE informs you that the queue is started.

14.8.5. Solving Problems Deleting a Queue, Form, or

If you are having problems deleting a queue, form, or characteristic, make sure you have met the
following requirements:

• When deleting a form or characteristic with DELETE/FORM or DELETE/CHARACTERISTICS,

you must specify the name assigned to the form or characteristic. (The form or characteristic
number cannot be used with the DELETE command.) To determine the name of a form or

• A queue must be stopped before being deleted.

• All references to a queue, form, or characteristic must be removed before you can delete the
queue, form, or characteristic.

If you see a message similar to the following one, a reference to the queue, form, or characteristic still

%DELETE-E-NOTDELETED, error deleting object-name

-JBC-E-REFERENCED, existing references prevent deletion

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

For example, the queue you are attempting to delete might be named as a target for a generic queue,
or the form you are attempting to delete might be specified for a print job. All references to a queue,
form, or characteristic must be removed before you can delete the queue, form, or characteristic.

How to Perform This Task

Perform the following steps to find and remove references to a queue, form, or characteristic:

1. Enter SHOW QUEUE/FULL/ALL_JOBS/OUTPUT= filespec, where filespec is a name

of a file to which the display output of the command is to be sent.

2. Use the SEARCH command to search the output file for the name of the form or queue, or the
number of the characteristic to be deleted. The result of your search will include all references to
the queue, form, or characteristic.

3. If the SEARCH command reveals any queues with references to the queue, form, or characteristic
you are trying to delete, perform the following steps:

a. Use STOP/QUEUE/NEXT to stop each queue with an offending reference.

b. Use START/QUEUE with the appropriate qualifiers to restart each queue without the

4. If the SEARCH command reveals any jobs with references to the queue, form, or characteristic
you are trying to delete, perform the following steps to eliminate the job reference:

a. Wait for the job to complete. (You might want to raise the priority of the job as explained in
Section, so the job will be scheduled for processing sooner.)

b. Perform either of the following actions:

• Delete the job as explained in Section

• Modify the options for the job as explained in Section, or ask the owner of the job
to do so.

The following example includes several commands used to fix problems preventing the deletion of a

-JBC-E-QUENOTSTOP, queue must be stopped to perform operation
-JBC-E-REFERENCED, existing references prevent deletion
Generic batch queue CLUSTER_BATCH

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues


The commands this example perform the following tasks:

The DELETE/QUEUE command attempts to delete the queue.

The message indicates that the queue is not stopped.
The STOP/QUEUE/NEXT command stops the queue after allowing the current job to complete.
The DELETE/QUEUE command again attempts to delete the queue.
This time, the message indicates that references to the queue exist.
The SHOW QUEUE/FULL command shows information about all queues. However, the
only reference to JADE_BATCH names the queue as a target queue for the generic queue
The STOP/QUEUE/NEXT command stops the generic queue that targets JADE_BATCH.
The START/QUEUE command eliminates the reference to JADE_BATCH by restarting the
generic queue without specifying JADE_BATCH as a target.
The DELETE/QUEUE command successfully deletes the queue.

14.8.6. Solving Problems Deleting Files

To delete a file using the PRINT/DELETE or SUBMIT/DELETE command, the clusterwide queue
manager process must have access to the file specified. Otherwise, the file is printed or submitted but
not deleted.

You can ensure that the PRINT/DELETE or SUBMIT/DELETE command deletes the specified files
by mounting the disks on which the files reside clusterwide. To mount a disk clusterwide, use the /
CLUSTER qualifier with the MOUNT command.

However, if your operating environment does not allow you to mount a disk clusterwide, you can
resolve this problem by running the queue manager process on a node that has access to the disk. You
can specify the node on which the queue manager process runs by specifying the /ON= node qualifier
with the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command. For more information about this qualifier, refer to
the VSI OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

14.8.7. Adding or Deleting a Device Control Library

When attempting to add or delete a device control library module, you might see the following

$LIBRAR-F-OPENIN, error opening module-name

-RMS-E-FLK, file currently locked by another user

To add or delete a library module, you must stop all output queues to which the library is assigned. To
determine which queues the library is assigned to, perform the following steps:

1. Enter a command in the following format:


where filespec is the name of a file to which the display output of the command is to be sent.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues

2. Use the SEARCH command to search the output file for the name of the library.

The result of your search will include all queues to which that library is assigned. Stop the queues and
reenter the command to add or delete the library module.

The SHOW QUEUE/FULL display shows the library assigned to a queue only if you explicitly
assigned a library for the queue by including the /LIBRARY qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE
or START/QUEUE. If you do not explicitly assign a library to a queue, the default library,
SYSDEVCTL, is used.

If the module you are trying to delete is in the default library, SYSDEVCTL, you must stop all queues
for which SHOW QUEUE/FULL displays no library. To make sure the SYSDEVCTL library appears
in the SHOW QUEUE/FULL display in the future, specify /LIBRARY=SYSDEVCTL when you
restart the queue.

If you cannot stop the queues immediately, perform the following steps:

1. Use the COPY command to copy the library to be modified into your own directory.

2. Add the module to the copy, or delete the module from the copy.

3. Use the COPY command to copy the library back to the directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB].
As long as you use the same name for the modified library, the library will be picked up by each
queue when the queue is stopped and restarted.

If your site has a large number of different printers, you can help prevent this problem by using more
libraries, so that each library is assigned to fewer queues. For example, you should create and assign a
different library for each type of printer, as explained in Section

14.8.8. Fixing a Disabled Queue

The queue manager attempts to correct any kind of corruption detected. If the queue manager detects
corruption in a queue record, it might disable a queue to isolate the corruption. When a queue is
disabled, the following message is written on the console and in the operator log file:
%QMAN-I-QUEDISCOR, queue’queue_name’ has been disabled due to database

When a queue is disabled, any attempt to modify or submit a job to it returns the following message:
%JBC-E-QUEDISABLED, disabled queue cannot be modified, nor can a job be
submitted to it

If you see either of the previous messages, perform the following actions:

1. Contact your VSI support representative

2. Delete the queue and create a new queue to replace it.

14.8.9. Reporting Queue Problems to VSI

If you encounter a problem with your queues, and you want to report it to VSI, please provide as
much information as possible. Section 13.12 specifies the information that is most useful to VSI in
diagnosing your queuing system problems.

Chapter 14. Setting Up and Maintaining Queues


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