Weast FigureExperiment 2.05 - Wheatstone Bridge
Weast FigureExperiment 2.05 - Wheatstone Bridge
Weast FigureExperiment 2.05 - Wheatstone Bridge
Physics Lab Experiments with Simulated Data Department of Chemistry and Physics
for Remote Delivery
A. Abstract
The Wheatstone bridge circuit is used to determine the resistances of several resistors.
B. Formulas
R= R0 (1)
This equation is speci…c to the Wheatstone bridge circuit in the balanced condition described
Resistor color codes:
color no.
black 0
brown 1
red 2
orange 3
yellow 4
green 5
blue 6
violet 7
gray 8
white 9
R = (10c1 + c2 ) 10c3
where (c1 c2 c3 ) represents the resistor’s 3-color bands and R is the value of the resistance
in Ohms.
The Wheatstone bridge circuit is used as one of two methods to determine the resistances
of …ve carbon composition resistors. The second method uses an Ohmmeter. The rated re-
FIG. 1. The resistors used in the experiment.
sistances of the resistors are color encoded as follows R = (10c1 + c2 ) 10c3 , where (c1 ; c2 ; c3 )
are the three colors from left to right in Fig. 1.
In Figure 2 below, the slider, S, is moved along the length of a meter long wire, and a
contact button is pressed resulting in the circuit depicted in the schematic of Fig. 3.The
contact button splits the wire into to lengths, LL and LR with resistances RL = LL =A
and RR = LR =A, repectively. In the balanced condition, the galvanometer registers no
current ‡ow.so that Vab = Vad and Vcb = Vcd . Equation (1) then follows from Ohm’s
law. The resistance, R, is the test resistor (or unknown); the resistance, R0 , is a dialable
resistance box. By setting a value for R0 , and …nding the location of the slider in the
balanced condition, i.e., the values of LL and LR , the value of R can be determined.
D. Procedure
1. Set up the Wheatstone circuit in the …gure. Note that the portion of the slider wire
labelled LL is on the side of the set-up with the unknown resistance R.
2. Select a resistor (R in the …gure) to analyze; color decode its resistance and record
this value.
3. Set the R0 resistance (a resistance box) to be about 10% greater than the color value.
4. Move the slider so that the needle on the galvanometer is not de‡ected.This is referred
to as the balanced condition, and Eq. (1) holds.
5. Record the length of the resistive wire to the left and to the right of the slider.
6. Set the R0 resistance to be about 10% less than the color value.
7. Move the slider so that the needle on the galvanometer is not de‡ected.
8. Record the length of the resistive wire to the left and to the right of the slider.
9. Measure the resistance using the ohmmeter. See Appendix I at the end of this docu-
ment for important instructions on the use of multimeters.
10. Repeat this procedure for other resistors.
E. Measurements
F. Instructions
1. Use Eq. (1) to calculate the resistance of each resistor analyzed twice, once with the
(+) data and once with the (-) data.
2. Use the calculated values, RWB , for resistors 1-5 to determine the percent errors taking
ROhmmeter as the accepted value.
G. Calculations