Luis Esparza: Languages
Luis Esparza: Languages
Luis Esparza: Languages
With over 13 years of experience in the CalCenter industry, Iconsider myself
an effective leader who is results, growth and resource oriented. I believe l am an
excellent candidate for any position in any CalICenter diagram due to my skills. I
am able to manage mutidisciplinary teams, motivate and retain the best people,
Phone: (662) 166- 1018
oerb multi-skilled manager and am adept at problem soving, am abriliant Date of Birth: Jan 15, 1993
leader committed to quality, accuracy and efficiency, in addition tomy excellent
customer service, focus, telemarketing talents, communication skills, blended Address: Polonia #4, Las
with my background in coperations or front line expertise. lomas, Hermosillo Sonora
Loma Vista High (2006 -2010)
Amodern high school that provides students with ahighly English eeee
indivldualzed educational program so they may study and
develop the skills they need to become professionals. Spanish e
"Ramona High Community (2011 - 2011)
Atop-notch community college where students may learn how
to plan, create, and execute lifelong projects thatwill help them
in their professional careers
Attention to Detail
Logical Thinking
Hablatel, Listen Trust,CES, Vangtel
(11.2010-06.2017) Time Management
nasateanslation., sales, customer service, tech support, and Communication Skills
Ashesiglobal Creativity
I became a top-tier sales agent as a result of my dedication and attention to
detail, and Iwas promoted after eaming employee of the month three Continuous Learning
months in a row, For my tirst management expernence, in a1oft transter sales
almost two years, covID obliged us to accept alternatve employment offers Analytical Mindset
outside the state due to unforeseen circumstances
(01.2020- 08.2022)
Ater my first three months with CallICentered, Iwas offered the opportunity to take
on as the first QA for a new outsourcing program that had just been developed.
Two weeks following my initial promotion, Ieerned asecond one, making me one
QAdepartment and aleader was given to me by our OM after l had proven to be
valuable asset in my curent position. In that role, l established and maintained
the appropriate quality standards that the customer had recuested. Despite every
the tme, lelevated 7+ aents to leadership roles (a total of 11 agents are n
leadership positions as aresult of my leave), and I was designated the top3 leader
internatlonally in the Medicare Outsourcing Department.