Bunk Bed Safety
Bunk Bed Safety
Bunk Bed Safety
It’s important not to overlook what makes sleeping on an upper bunk special, however:
there is a very real element of risk. Every year, Scouting youth are seriously injured
when they forget to act safely when in a bunk bed. Injuries reported to Safe Scouting in
the last two years include concussions, dental injuries, a broken wrist and a broken neck.
A recent incident highlighted just how serious a bunk-bed-related accident can be. A
youth sleeping in a top bunk woke up in the night needing to go to the washroom. In
sock feet, the youth started down the bunk bed’s ladder. It was dark in the cabin, and the youth slipped and fell
to the floor, hitting his head and fracturing his femur. The injury required surgery, and the youth faced a lengthy recovery.
Follow these safety tips to make bunk bed incidents like this one less likely: