E-Registration CitizenManual New
E-Registration CitizenManual New
E-Registration CitizenManual New
User Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter Section Description Page No.
Amendment Log
11) We need to follow the instruction stated below for creating the password-
Password should contain: compulsory one uppercase & lowercase alphabet, one
number, one this @ # * special character. A minimum of 8 characters are required in
the password e.g., Avantika@423
12) Confirm the password by re-entering it
13) Enter the captcha code shown in the image
14) In case we forget the password, we can retrieve it or create a new one by entering the
answer to the hint question we have selected
15) After entering all the fields, click on the ‘Submit’ button
We have completed the registration process.
1.2 Login
We need to click on the ‘Login’ button from the homepage. Enter the Username, Password,
and Captcha code and click on the ‘Send OTP’ button. Then we need to enter the OTP sent on
the registered mobile number and click on the ‘Login’ button.
1.3 Dashboard
On the dashboard, we see various tabs like Data Entry, Project Details, Scheme Details, User
Management, and Valuation
In the sidebar menu, we can see various buttons for the tabs i.e., Data Entry, Project Details,
Scheme Details, User Management, and Valuation.
Here we see the list of Projects created, we can modify the projects from here. To create the
new project, click on the ‘New Entry’ button.
11) After filling in all the information, click on the ‘Save & Next’ button
Once we save the scheme entry, we can see the entered details in the grid at the bottom of the
page. We have been given edit and delete buttons to carry out those particular activities.
We see the list of entries. Select the Scheme to make Scheme Entry.
After making the Scheme Seller Entry, all the entries will be displayed in the grid at the bottom
of the page. We can edit or delete the entered parties from the ‘Action’ section
Now we need to append various fields i.e., template fields- Related to Property, Party, Payment
Details, Project Details Valuation Details, Property Fields Index 2
For appending the field, select that property field, go to the template field section and select
the required field.
Following the same steps, we need to append all the required fields and then click on the
‘Submit’ button
Once submitted, the entered scheme will be displayed as shown in the image. We can edit or
delete the template. Three buttons are given, namely ‘Test Template’, ‘Preview Template’, and
‘Property/Valuation Fields Suggestion’.
When JDR after scrutiny approves the scheme, the status changes to ‘Scheme Approved’
We can modify the scheme by clicking on the ‘Modify Scheme’ button. We can make the
changes and send the Scheme again sent to JDR for Approval.
Here in the Document Entry Information, we can see the list of already entered entries. To
create a new entry, we click on the ‘New Document Entry’ button
After filling in all the information, click on the ‘Save’ button. The entered property details will
be displayed in the grid at the bottom of the page. We have given three buttons- View
Valuation, Edit, and Delete
Here we see the Template Fields. Fill in the fields and click on the ‘Submit’ button
4.4 Party
In this section, we enter the Party Details. We see the Builder List as Seller/Executor
To enter the new party, we need to follow the steps mentioned below.
1) We need to select the Party Type and Party Category from the dropdowns
4) Select Salutation
5) Enter Party’s First, Middle, and Last Name
6) Mention the UID Consent
7) Mention Alias Name (Optional)
8) Select Gender from the dropdown
9) Enter the Date of Birth from the calendar, age will be auto-calculated accordingly
10) Select the Identification Type from the dropdown and mention the ID Number
The details of the entered parties will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
We need to Set one of the parties as the presenter. We also have given Edit, Delete, and Verify
PAN buttons
4.5 Identifier/Witness
Follow the steps mentioned below to enter the details of identifiers
The Stamp Duty Calculator will calculate the amount. To proceed, click on the ‘Save & Next’
4.7 Payment
In this section, we need to enter the details for the payment made.
After filling in the details, click on the ‘Save’ button. Details will be displayed in the grid
at the bottom of the page.
Draft Index 2-
We need to follow the following important instructions while capturing the photos
1. The photograph should be in color.
2. The photo print should be clear and with a continuous-tone quality.
3. It should have a full face, front view and, eyes open.
4. Photo should present the full head from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin.
5. Center head within frame.
6. The background should be plain white or off-white.
7. There should not be any distracting shadows on the face or in the background.
8. Head coverings are not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from
the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly
9. The expression on the face should look natural.
3) Click on the ‘Take Snapshot’ button and if the photo is correct, click on the ‘Save’
We can see the captured photo and fingerprint of the concerned party or identifier as shown in
the image
We need to follow the steps mentioned in the part A and part B and complete the execution of
all the parties and identifiers. The list of Parties and Identifiers will be displayed as shown in
the image.
4.10.1 Biometric
If we want to perform the e-KYC verification with the Biometric method, we need to follow
the steps mentioned below
1) Click on the ‘Biometric’ button
2) Read and say ‘Ok’ to the Pop-up
4) Select the device- Mantra or SecuGen, Enter the UID Number, tick the box saying you
agree with the Terms and Conditions of the UID Verification, and Click on the ‘Capture
Fingerprint’ button. Then we place the finger on the biometric device, the fingerprint
will be captured.
5) We can see the e-KYC web service response. Mention if we are satisfied with the
Once the verification is completed, we can see the notification that the e-KYC is verified.
4.10.2 OTP
If we want to perform the e-KYC verification with the OTP method, we need to follow the
steps mentioned below
1) Click on the ‘OTP’ button
2) Enter the UID Number and click on the ‘Request OTP’ button
5) We can see the e-KYC web service response. Mention if we are satisfied with the
Once the verification is completed, we can see the notification that the e-KYC is verified
We need to follow the steps mentioned in Part A or Part B and complete the e-KYC verification
of all the parties and identifiers.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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