Demons Tract Web

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Today the public in general has lost all confidence because they are mentally blinded as to the real

e real state of
that the Word of God is telling us the truth on this subject affairs. Elsewhere, Paul declares it would become worse
regarding Satan and the Fallen Angels, or, as the Apostle in the last days. Here is how he describes it: "This know
Paul puts it, "wicked spirits in heavenly places."—See also, there will be terrible times in the last days. People will
Ephesians 6:12, margin. be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud,
And what has been the result? People have lowered abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
their guard against Spiritism, Occultism, and evil influences without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control,
in general. They have allowed their curiosity to lead them brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited,
to investigate such subjects as Astrology, UFO.s, Aliens, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God."—2 Timothy
Psychic Readers, Hypnotism, Magic, Wicca, Ouija boards, 3:1-4, New International Version.
so-called "games" such as "Dungeons and Dragons, Some say history repeats itself. Well, in this case, that
etc. Others seek out more "sophisticated" (?) sources of is very close to the truth. In fact, Jesus tells us as much:
enlightenment and empowerment over self and others. "And as it was in the days of Noe (Noah) so shall it be
For example, the New Age movement is very popular also in the days of the Son of Man (Jesus returned). They
among the elite, and people turned off by Churchianity. did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given
Today "channelers" have in marriage, until the day that
replaced spirit mediums of Noe (Noah) entered into the
old and "channelers" weekend Ark, and the flood came and
retreats" have replaced Today the public in general destroyed them all...even thus
"spiritualistic seances." has lost all confidence that shall it be in the day when the
The end result is the Son of Man is revealed. (Luke
same however; they think the Word of God is telling 17:26,27,30) Let us learn from
they are communicating us the truth on this subject history. What did happen in the
with dead humans. Actually, days of Noah?
they are being deceived by regarding Satan and the In Genesis, the sixth
demons, fallen angels, who chapter, we read of the
impersonate the dead. Fallen Angels, or, as the conditions of that time.
Other ways that the de- Apostle Paul puts it, "wicked "And it came to pass, when
mons have found expression men (humans) began
in society is through abject spirits in heavenly places." to multiply on the face
and obscene use of horror, Ephesians 6:12 of the earth, and daughters
violence, sex, and materialism were born unto them, that
through the various electronic the Sons of God (angels--Job
and print media of television, 1:6; 2:1; 38:7. Note: they are
radio, videos, billboards, movie theaters, computer soft- different from the men of verses 1 and 2) saw the daughters
ware, 900 telephone numbers, magazines, newspapers, of men, that they were fair, and they took them wives of
music, pulp novels,"virtual reality" technology, Social Media all which they chose." (Genesis 6:1,2) Here we learn
Apps and the Internet. Yes, sadly enough, Hollywood, that during the time from the expulsion of Adam and Eve
Madison Avenue, and the Entertainment Industry, driven from the Garden of Eden, until Noah's flood, some of the
by profits (greed) have mostly left morality, decency, and angels materialized fleshly human bodies and became
anything akin to reverence, swirling in the dust of the ever fully involved with mankind. They became enticed with
accelerating drive for sensual gratification. sin, and sinful desires.
But, are we surprised? Not when we view the situation "There were giants (Hebrew: Nephilim) in the earth
from the Word of God. Paul tells us that Satan is the god in those days, and also after that, when the Sons of God
(ruler) of this world (Acts 26:17, 18; 2 Corinthians 4:4) (angels) came unto the daughters of men (humans) and
and has blinded the minds of the people. Some serve they bare children to them (a hybrid, mutant race, part
Satan directly, but the vast majority indirectly, unwittingly, human, part angelic). The mutant offspring were giants,
physically and mentally superior to humans. They were courts of the Almighty. These are the "spirits in prison" to
brutish, sensual, violent and immoral, and they were all whom Jesus preached at his first advent.—1 Peter 3:18-20.
males. It is likely that the various mythological figures of Now we can understand many Scriptures better than
some ancient cultures are distorted stories of these very before. For example, some people were possessed of
Nephilim, and the condition of society prior to the great demons. Jesus cured many of these. (Matthew 4:24; 8:16,
deluge,which destroyed them all. 28-32; 9:32-35; 12:22-29) Since the flood, these imprisoned
Verses 5-7 and 11-13 relate to us that the earth was filled demons have had to operate through humans to exercise
with violence and corruption continually. The superiority of their evil influence. Other people have been under the
the fallen angels in fleshly bodies with their mutant offspring influence of evil thoughts, like Judas Iscariot (John 13:2,27),
magnified and intensified the degraded condition of the Ananias (Acts 5:3), Elymas the sorcerer (Acts 13:8-10),
fallen human race. God intervened by causing the deluge some Pharisees (John 8:44), and even some christians.
of water upon the earth that destroyed all living creatures (1 Timothy 5:14-16) And many have been deceived into
except Noah and his family. At that point in time, the fallen believing false doctrines.—1 Timothy 4:1-4; 1 Corinthians
angels de-materialized into the earth's atmosphere, and 10:20,21; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.
their offspring were left to drown, thus ending in miserable The Scriptures reveal that Satan succeeded in leading
failure a tragic experiment at government by the angels. astray from God, not only the entire human family, by luring
It is the New Testament that informs us what happened our first parents into disobedience, but he has also misled
to the fallen angels. Please consider Jude, verses 6 and 7: a large number of the Heavenly hosts of angels into sin
"and the angels which kept not their first estate (spiritual, and opposition to Jehovah.
invisible bodies), but left their own habitation (the air, or the On the surface this may appear to be a great triumph of
spirit realm, dimension), he hath reserved in everlasting Satan over the Almighty God; but this is not the case. God
(age-lasting) chains under has always been the Master of
darkness unto the judgment the situation. According to his
of the great day." These Rest assured dear friends, divine plan, he has permitted
angels that left or fell from all this deflection to teach a
their God ordained domain, to God and righteousness great lesson to both angels
sinfully become involved with and men. Experience with
mankind, were compelled to win in the end! When Satan’s evil world will teach
return to their "first estate," mankind the everlasting lesson
spirit bodies, by the flood Satan and all evil of trust, loyalty and obedience
waters.Then God enforced influences are destroyed to our all wise Creator. “It is a
a restriction upon them from difficult exercise which God
manifesting flesh bodies (the forever, then death will be has imposed upon the sons of
chains of darkness) until the Adam to develop themselves
great judgment day of our Lord swallowed up in victory! by it.”—Ecclesiastes 1:13—
(a one thousand year "day"—2 Fenton Translation
Peter 3:8-13). Furthermore, 1 Corinthians 15:54, 55 God’s purpose is to judge
verse 7 explains the conduct all these sinners, "in due time,"
of the fallen angels which both angelic and human, by a
brought about such condemnation: "Even as Sodom company that He is now preparing [the Church], and to
and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, restore to harmony with Himself all who have properly
giving themselves over to fornication, and going after learned their lesson as to the exceeding sinfulness of sin
strange flesh." Notice the phrase in like manner. That and the desirableness of righteousness and of obedience.
is, the fallen angels and the inhabitants of Sodom had We understand that the only exceptions to this rule are
something in common: they both fornicated with strange Satan himself and some who, after having been clearly
flesh. With the Sodomites it was strange in that they enlightened, will deliberately choose sin. Satan has become
were homosexuals. (Genesis 19:1-11; Romans 1:26-32). inseparably connected with sin; and his destruction is plainly
With the fallen angels it was strange or unnatural for spirit declared in the Scriptures, along with those who have so
beings to have sexual liaisons with human beings, and imbibed his spirit so that it is impossible to renew them
particularly strange because angels have no sex when in again to repentance--whether in this Gospel Age or in the
their proper spirit nature.—Luke 20:34-36. Millennium. (Heb 2:14; Mat 25:41; Heb 6:4-6; 10:26-29)
We learn of a further restriction upon these fallen angels Rest assured dear friends, God and righteousness
through the Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 2:4,5: "For if God win in the end! When Satan and all evil influences are
spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to destroyed forever! Then death will be swallowed up
hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness..." The in victory! —1 Corinthians 15:54, 55
Word translated into English "hell" is in the original Greek
language "tartaroo" and only appears here in the New
Testament. It denotes an act, not a place, and it refers Please see the back panel for uplifting materials
to God's confining these disobedient "sons" to earth's that help to explain God's Wonderful Plan to
atmosphere, no longer allowed to return to the heavenly bless all people that have ever lived!
What can I do to be Safe from the
Influences of these Demons?

1. James 4:7, 8:
"Submit yourselves therefore unto
We must first humble ourselves before our Creator. Reverence God,
acknowledging our own lonely and hopeless sinful condition. Sincerely
God. Resist the devil, and he will seek forgiveness and acceptance with Him through the way He has
flee from you. Draw nigh to God, arranged, through faith in the sacrifice of His Love, through the death
and he will draw nigh unto you. of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as our Redeemer. (John 3:16) We
will want to abandon our sinful habits to be cleansed from selfish and
Cleanse your hands, ye sinners,
degrading conduct. Further, we will want to consecrate or dedicate
and purify your hearts ye double our lives to serve Him and His cause at the expense of our own earthly
minded." goals, ambitions, desires and preferences. In other words, to become
an actual disciple of Jesus.—Luke 14:25-33.

2. 1 Peter 5:8, 9:
"Be sober, be vigilant, because
We need to be aware of what is going on around us in the world, to
realize the source of many of our trials and temptations. We need to
your adversary the devil as a have a studied faith supported by Scripture, and to develop sanctified
roaring lion, walketh about, common sense which will enable us to control our emotions, our thoughts
seeking whom he may devour, and feelings. This is so that we can best determine how our heavenly
Father would have us act, and not be deceived or enticed into sinful
whom resist stedfast in the faith,
patterns of thought, conversation, or activity. The truth shall free us
knowing that the same afflictions from false doctrines which tend to dull our spiritual senses. An accurate
are accomplished in your brethren understanding of God's entire Plan for all mankind and angels is essential
that are in the world." to our being well-grounded in the faith.

3. Matthew 26:41:
"Watch and pray that you enter
Prayer is reverentially communicating with God. It is an expression of
our faith that He is, and that He cares for us. It is our faith in Him.
not into temptation (or yield not And watching relates to our accompanying activities of faith. We watch
when in trial), the spirit indeed our various daily environments, habits, conversations, relationships. In
is willing but the flesh is weak." fact, we watch every aspect of our lives to be alert to conduct ourselves

4. 2 Corinthians 10:4,5, NIV:

"The weapons we fight with are
Yes, our warfare is spiritual, yet the real battle ground is in our minds.
We have to remove old entrenched habits of reasoning or reacting that
continually fail to give us the victory we are longing for over sin. By
not the weapons of the world.
On the contrary, they have divine increasing the habit of thinking holy, pure, uplifting thoughts, we gain
power to demolish strongholds. divine power to discipline and direct our thinking patterns. In order
to bring every thought into obedience to Christ we must think about
We demolish arguments and
Jesus, to know what he would approve, and we have to think about
every pretension that sets itself what we are allowing ourselves to think about. We do well to realize
up against the knowledge of God, the consequence of a selfish current of thought.
and we take captive every thought
to make it obedient to Christ."

Whatever our mental weaknesses, let us continue to fight the good fight of faith.
As the great Apostle Paul advised, let us determine to serve the law of God
in our minds and gain the victory over the forces of darkness.
Romans 7:14-25; Ephesians 6:11-18.
Earth's future is as Bright as the Promises of God!

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