2021 (March) : Attempt Questions Questions
2021 (March) : Attempt Questions Questions
2021 (March) : Attempt Questions Questions
Financial Accounting 2021 (March). 51
Loss of Goods at Mumbaí through normal pilferage (at list price) 10,000
Opening Debtors al Mumbai:
Cash renmitted by. Mumbai Eranch to HO: 1,62,/435
Discount Allowed to Debtors 13,365
Goods received by Mumbai till close of the year 1,27,000
Provision is to be made for discount on Debtors at 15% on promptpayments at
year end on the basis of years trend of prompt payments. 29,000
Cash remitted by HO to Branch for Expenses
Branch Expenses still outstanding 3741
Manager isentitled to a commission@ 6% of net profits after charging such commission.
Required: Prepare Mumbai Branch Debtors A/c, Mumbai Branch Stock Account,
Mumbai Branch Adjustment A/c, Mumbai Branch Expenses Account and Mumbai
Branch Profit & Loss Account under Stock and Debtors Method.
Mumbai Branch Stock Account Cr.
Sol. Dr.
Particulars Particulars
Balance b/d 76,800 Goods Sent to Branch Ac(Returned) 36,000
1,32,000 Branch Adjustment Alc 500
Goods Sent to Branch Alc
(R1,10,000 +12°1001) (Load on Goods lost by fire)
Branch Debtors Alc 45,000 K3000/120 x20)
Branch Profit &Loss Alc 2,500
(Retums to branch by debtors)
Branch Adjustment Alc 29,000 (Cost of goods lost by fre (3,0 x100/120)1
Branch Adjustment Alc 2,400
(Surplus on credit sale)
K1.45,000 x3150) (Normal Piferage at Invoice Price)
(3,000 x 120,50)
Branch Debtors Alc (Credit Sales) 1,45,000
Branch Cash Alc 74,800
(Cash sales)'2
Branch Adjustment Alc 9,000
(Decrease inTrading Surplus
on Goods returned by Credit
Customers [45,000x30450)
Balance cld:
Stock at Branch (Bal. fig) 7,600
Stockin Transit5,000 12,600
2,82,800 2,82,800
Dr. Mumbai Branch Debtors Account. Cr.
Particulars Particulars.
Balance bld 10,000 Branch Stock Alc(Returns) 45,000
Branch Stock A/c (Credit Sales) 1,45,000 Branch Expenses Alc (Discount) 13,365
Branch Cash Acta 85,635
Balance cld (Balancing Figure) 11,000
1,55,000 1,55,000
Dr. Mumbai Branch Adjustment Account Cr.
Particulars Particulars
6,000 Stock Reserve Alc
Goods Sent to Branch Alc
((76,800 x20/,p0) 12,800
(Returmed Goods Load (R36,000 x20/120) (Opening Stock Load)
Branch Stock Alc (Loss by Fire) 500
Branch Stock Alc 2,400 Goods sent to Branch Alc (load) 22,000
(Pilferage: Nomal Loss) (1,32,000 x20/120)
Branch Stock A/c 9,000| Branch Stock Ac 29,000
Stock Reserve Alc 2,100 (Surplus on Credit Sales)
Load on Closing Stok (12,600/20 x120)]
Gross Profit cld (Balancing Figure) 43,800
63,800 63,800
Dr. Mumbai Branch Expenses Account Cr.
13,365 Branch Profit & Loss A/c 23,108
Branch Debtors A/c (Discount)
Bank Ac (Expenses) 9,000
Outstanding Expenses 741
23,106 23,106
Dr. Mumbai Branch Profit & Loss Account Cr.
Branch Stock Ac 2,500 Gross Profit b/d 43,800
(Cost of goods lost by fire) Insurance claim A/c 2,000
Prov. for discount on debtors Alc'4 1,485 (Cost 2,500 x80/40)
Branch Expenses Alc 23,106
Manager's Commission 1,059
Net Profit transferred to General
Profit &Loss A/c 17,650
45,800 45,800
Working notes:
*, Let cost = 100 Profit on cost = 50, i.e., 50% of 100
So, List Price = 100 + 50 = 150, Invoice Price = 150- 30 (i.e., 20% of 130,=120
", Calculation of Cash Sales: 145,000
Credit Sales (Gross) 45,000
Less: Goods returned by Credit Customers
Net Credit Sales 1,00,000
Cash Sales (1,00,000×74.8/100) 74800
Branch Cash Account Cr.
* Dr.
Particnlc's Particulars
Bank A/c 9,000 Bank Alc (Remittance to H.O.) 1,62,435;
Branch Stock Alc (Cash Sales)' 74,8001 Branch Expenses Adc 9,000
Insurance Claim Alc 2,000
Branch Debtors Alc (Cash received 85,635
from debtors) (Balancing figure)
*, Calculation of provision for discount on debtros.
Total amount of Debtors settled = 85,635 + 13,365 =799,000
Total Debtors outstanding during the year = Opening Debtors + Net Credit Sales
Trend of prompt payements = 1 10.000×100 =90%
Provision for discount on Debtors = 11,000 x 90/100 x 15/100 =1,485
* Stock at branch at its cost means stock at invoice price.
Financial Accounting 2021 (March) 53
Q.4. (a)Question on Partnership: Not in Current Syllabus.
(b) Question on Partnership: Not in Curent Syllabus.
Q. 5. (a) RAJASTHALI Ltd. manufactures a product 'OM using a raw material M1.
The company took Bank Overdraft at an interest rate of 15% p.a. specifically for the
purpose of purchasing 10,000 kg of material M1 at 100 per kg. The purchase price
includes GST @ 10 per kg, in respect of which full credit is admissible. Freight,
loading and unloading charges incurred amounted to 40,800. Interest on such Bank
Overdraft amounted to 25,000. Normal Transit Loss is 2%. The company actually
received 9,760 kg and consumed 9,500 kg. One unit of Finished product requires five
units of Raw Material. Direct Labour Cost amounted to 2,28,000, Direct Overheads
Cost amounted to 57,000. Total Fixed Overheads for the year were 1,20,000 on normal
capacity of 20,000 units of Finished Goods. During the year Sales of product 'OM were
7,50,000 @750.There were no ópening inventories. With reference to AS 2 "Valuation
of Inventory", Calculate the amount of Abnormal Loss (if any), Closing Inventory of
Finished Goods and Raw Material if
() Finished units can be sold @7800 subject to payment of 10% brokerage on
selling price, Replacement Cost of Raw Material is 790 per kg.
(i) Finished units. can be sold @700 subject to payment of 10% brokerage on
selling price, Replacement Cost of Raw Material is 90per kg. (6)
(b) XLtd. purchased machinery from YLtd. on 30/09/2019. The price was 522.50
lakhs after charging 10% GST and getting a trade discount of 5% on the quoted price.
Transport charges were 0.25% on the quoted price and installation charges come to 1%
on the quoted price. To Finance the purchase of the machinery, company took a term
bank loan of 7500lakhs at an interest rate of 15% per annum. Fees of Consultants used
for advice on the acquisition of the Machine 7650,000, Cost of site preparation 4,50,000.
Estimated dismantlingcosts to be incurred after 10 years 2,50,000. Expenditure incurred
on the rial run was: Material 75,00,000, wages 74,00,000 and overheads 73,00,000. Sale
Proceeds of Goods produced during the trial run 2,00,000.
Machinerywas ready for use on 01/12/2019. However, it was actually put to use only
on 01/05/2020. The entire loan amount remained unpaid on 01/05/2020. X Ltd. does not
intend to utilize the input tax paid on capital good.
() Find out the cost of the machine. (3)
(i) Suggest the accounting treatment for the cost incurred during the period
between the date the machine was ready for use and the actual date the machine
was put to use. (1)
(c) SHEENALtd. acquired machinery on lease from BHARAT Ltd. on the following
Lease Term 5 Years, Fair Value of Machinery (useful life 15 years) *30 lakhs, Annual
Lease Rental payable at 75 lakhs, t4 lakhs,73 lakhs, 72 lakhs, 1 lakh at the end of each
year, Implicit Rate of Return (IRR) 15%.
() State with reason whether the Lease is Operating Lease or Finance Lease.
Present value Factors @15% for years 1 to 5 are 0.8696, 0.7561, 0.6575, 0.5718
and 0.4972 respectively. (2)
(i) What. will be the amount of Depreciation for the First year? What will be the
amount of Rental Expense for the First year?
Lessee. follows Depreciation rate @10% p.a. on straight line basis. Lessor
follows Depreciation rate @6-2/3% p.a. on straight line basis. (1.75)
Ans. (a) Raw Material purchased 10,000 kg
Normal Loss @2% 200 kg
Actual quantity received
Abnormal Loss of Raw Materials 9,800 kg -9,760 kg=40kg
9,760 kg
Raw Material consumed
Closing Inventory (Stock) of raw material 9,760 kg -9,800 kg =260 kg
9,500 kg
Calculation Cost of Raw Material per kg:
Purchase Price 10,00,000
Less: Input Tax Credit (i.e., GST) 10,000 x *10 (1,00,000)
Add: Freight, Loading and Unloading Charges 40,800
Cost of Material 9,40,800 940,800
Cost per kg (Normal Cost) = Total kg - Normal Loss 10,000- 200 =796 per kg
Calculation of Cost of Finished Goods per unit:
Raw Material Cost (96 x 5) 480
Direct Labour Cost (2,28,000/1,900)* 120
Direct Overhead Cost (757,000/1,900)* 30
Fixed Overhead Cost (T1,20,000/20,000) 6
Unsold Units of Finished Goods
9,500 75,000
5 =1,900* (Units Produced) -1,000 (sold) =900 Units
Calculation of Closing Inventory of Finished Goods and Raw Materials. According
to Para 24 of AS-2 "Valuation of Inventories", materials and other supplies held for use
in production of inventories are not written down below cost. If the finished products in
which they will be incorporated are expected to be sold at or above cost.
However, when their has been a decline in the price of materials and it is estimated that
the cost of the finished products will exceed NRV (Net Realisable Value), the materials are
written down to NRV. In such circumstances, the replacement cost of the måterials may be
the best available measure of their NRV.
Case (): When finished goods can be sold @800 subject to payment of 10%o brokerage
on selling price. Replacement Cost of Raw Material is 90 per kg.
(a) Calculation of Closing Inventory of Finished Goods:
NRV of finished goods per unit =800 - 10% of T800 =720
NRV > Cost of finished goods per unit =7636
Therefore,Closing Inventory of finished goods will be valued at cost, i.e., at 636
per unit.
Value of Closing Inventory of finished goods = 900 x 636 = 5,72,400
(b) Calculation of Closing Inventory of Raw Material:
Since the finished goods are èxpected to be sold at more than cost, the raw materials
are not valued below cost as per AS-2.
Therefore, raw material will be valued at cost = 260kg x 96 =24,960
Case (i): When finished goods can be sold @700 subject to payment of 10%brokerage
on selling price. Replacement Cost of Raw Material is 90 per kg.
(a) Calculation of Closing Inventory of FinishedGoods:
NRV of finished goods per unit =*700- 10% of 700 =Z630
NRV <Cost of finished goods per unit=636
Therefore, Closing Inventory of finished goods will be valued at:.NRV, i.e, at R630
per unit.
Value of Closing Inventory of finished goods =900 x 630 =5,67,000
Financial Accounting 2021 (March) 55
(b) Calculation of Closing Inventory of Ratw Material:
Sinc the cost of finished goods > estimated NRV and there is decline in the
price of raw material, the raw material will be valued at its replacement cost, i.e,
z90 per kg
Closing inventory of raw material = 260 kg x 90=23,400
(b) () (a) Calculation of Quoted price: 100.00
LetQuoted price before GST and Trade Discount
Less: Trade Discount 5% 5.00
Price after Trade Discount 95.00
Add: Input GST since it is not to be availed @10% of 95 9.50
Price as per Invoice 104.50
IfInvoice Price is 104.50, thern quoted price =100
If Invoice Price is 1, then quoted price = 104.50
If Invoice Price is 522.50 lakhs, then quoted price = 104.50 x 522.50 500 lakhs
Calculation of Cost of the machine () in lakhs
Quoted price 500.00
Less: Trade discount @5% 25.00
Price after trade discount 475.00
Add : GST @10% as the input tax credit is not
to be availed (475 x10/100) lakhs 522.50
Purchase price
Add: Transportcharges @0.25% of Quoted price 100 ×100 x 7500 lakhs 1.25
Installation charges @1% of Quoted price =00 x 500 lakhs 5.00
Fee for Consultants 6.50
Cost of site preparation 4.50
Estimated dismantling cost 2.50
Expenditure on trial runs: Materials 5,00,000
Wages 74,00,000
Overheads 73,00,000
Less: Sale proceeds from production (trial runs) 2,00,000 10.00
(6) Interest on borrowing will be treated as revenue expenditure from the date the
machine is ready for use and therefore, it will be transferred to Profit and Loss
(c) () Present Value (5,00,000 x 0.8696) +<(4,00,000 x 0.7561) + (3,00,000 x 0.6575)
+(2,00,000 x0.5718) + (1,00,000 x 0.4972)
= 434,800 + 73,02,440 + 1,97,250 + 1,14,360 + 49,720
= 10,98,570
Therefore, the given lease is Operating Lease because its Present Value is
substantially lower than the fair value, i.e., 730 lakhs
20 1
(i1) Amount of Depreciation @6% for the first year = 30,00,000 x 3100
Amountof Rental Expense for the first year
(5,00,000 + 4,00,000 +3,00,000+ 2,00,000 + 1,00,000)
5 =3,00,000
Q. 6. Following are the extracts from the Trial Balance of OM T¤T SAT as at 31#
March, 2020:
Particulars Particulars
Purchase 5,70,000 Sales 7,77,500
12% Investments (purchased on 1,00,000 Capital 7,98,100
01.07.2019) Provision for Doubtful Debts (1.4.2019) 10,000
Bad Debts [after recovery of bad Provision for Díscount on Debtors 1,800
debts of 2,500 wlo during 2018-19] 500 (1.4.2019)
Trade Debtors 2,56,000 Outstanding Liabilities for Expenses (Dr) .55,00
Plant and Machinery 4,88,200 Income Tax paid 10,000
(before rectification)
Discount Allowed 2,000
Additional Information:
() Stock in hand was not taken on 31st March but only on 7th April. Following
transactions had taken place during the period from 1st April to 7th April:
Sales 2,50,000, Purchases 1,50,000, Stock on 7th April, was 1,80,000.Goods are
normally sold at 25% profit on cost.
Market Price on 31st March, 2020 was 64% of Selling Price, Estimated Realisable
Expenses 5%.
(i) Goods (Sale Price 25,000) were taken by the proprietor for his personal use
but not recorded. Goods (Sale Price 37,500) were given away as free samples
to Mahesh, a customer recorded in the sales book. On 31st March Goods (Sale
Price 12,500) were destroyed by fire, goods were fully insured but the insurance
company admitted the claim to the extent of 60% of cost only and paid the
claim mnoney on 10th April, 2020. On 31st March, Goods for 750,000 were sent to
acustomer on 'Sale or Return' basis and were recorded as actual sales. Goods
are normally sold at 25%. profit on cost. On 1st Jan. 2020 Investmnents were sold
at 10% profit, but the entire sale proceeds have been taken as Sales.
(iii) Write off further 74,000as bad. Additional discount of 1,000 given to debtors.
Maintain Provision for Discount on Debtors @ 29%. Maintain a Provision for
Doubtful Debts @10%. Included amongst the Debtors is 3,000 due from Z and
included among the Creditors 1,000 due to him.
(iv) It was discovered during 2019-2020 that 25,000 being repairs to Machinery
incurred on 1st July, 2017 had been capitalized and 45,000 being the cost of
Machinery purchased on 1st Oct, 2016 had been written off to Stores and Wages
5,000 paid for its Installation had been debited to Wages Account. A Machine
costing 1,90,000 was purchased on 1st July 2019. Wages 10,000 paid for its
Installation have been debited to Wages Áccount. Rate of depreciation on Plant
&Machinery is 20% p.a. on reducing balance basis.
(v) Printing and Stationery expenses of 55,000 relating to previous year had not
been provided in that year but was'paid in current year by debiting Outstanding
Liabilities for Expenses.
Financial Accounting 2021 (March) 57
Answer the following:
(a) Calculate the amount of Net Purchases, Net Sales and Closing Stock to be
shown in the Trading Account for the year ending 31t March, 2020. (6)
(b) Calculate the total amount to be debited to the Profit & Loss Account for the
year ending 31st March, 2020 in respect of Bad Debts, Discount on Debtors and
Provision for Doubtful Debts & Discount on Debtors. (3.75)
(c) Calculate the amount of Closing' Balance of Debtors to be shown in the Balance
Sheet as at 31st March, 2020. (1)
(d) Calculate the amount of Closing Balance of Plant and Machinery to be shown
in the Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2020.
(e) Calculate the amount of Closing Capital (before making an adjustment for
CUrrent year's Net Profit/Loss) to be shown in the Balance Sheet as at 315t
March, 2020. (1)
Note: Financial Statements are not required to be prepared.]
Ans. (a) Calculation of Net Purchases, Net Sales and Closing Stock:
() Calculation of Net Purchases:
Purchase 5,70,000
Less: Cost of goods taken by proprietor 20,000
[R25,000 x 100/125]
Cost of goods given away as free sample 30,000
R37,500 x 100/125]
Cost of goods destroyed by fire 10,000 (60,000)
R12,500 x 10/125]
Net Purchases 5,10,000
(i) Calculation of Net Sales:
Sales 7,77,500
Less: Goods given as free sample 37,500
Goods sent on approvat 50,000
Sale of Investment included in Sales 1,10,000 (1,97,500)
Net Sales 5,80,000
(ii) Calculationof Stock as at 31st March, 2020:
Stock as at 7th April, 2020 1,80,000
Add: Cost of goods sold during 1st April, 2020
to 7th April, 2020 [*2,50,000 x100/1253] 2,00,000
Less: Purchases during 1st April, 2020 to 7th April, 2020 (1,50,000)
Add: Stocksent on approval at Cost [50,000x100/125] 40,000
Stock at cost as on 31st March, 2020 2,70,000
Stock is to be .valued at lower of Cost or Net Realisable Value. Realisable Value is 64%
of the normal selling price and realisable expenses are 5%.
Let Cost be 100, Selling price is 100+ 25 =125
If Cost is 100then normal selling price is 125.
64% of the normal selling price = 125 x 64/100 =80
Realisable expenses =80 x 5/100 = 4
Net Realisable Value (NRV) =80 -74 = 76
Therefore, NRV of Closing Stock =2,70,000 x 76/100 = 2,05,200
NRV S Cost, soClosing Stock will be shown in Trading Account as 2,05,200
Financial Accounting 2022 (March) 61
(b) Calculation of amount of depreciation to be shown in Income statement:
Cost of.Property, Plant and Equipment 1,00,00,000
Realisable value (80% of 1,00,00,000) 80,00,000
Less: Realisable Expernses (5%of 80,00,000) (4,00,000)
Net Realisable Value of Property, Plant and Equipment 76,00,000
Cost of Property, Plant and Equipment 1,00,00,000
Les: . Net Realisable Value of Property, Plant and Equipment (76,00,000)
Anount of Depreciation .24,00,000
Note: As Nirav Co. is not a going concern and written down value of Property, Plant and Equipment
is not given, therefore given rate of depreciation and method of charging depreciation are irrelevant
in this situation. In such a case depreciation on Property, Plant and Equipment will be the difference
between the Carrying cost and the Net Realisable Value of Property, Plant and Equipment, as Net
realisable value is less.
(c) The transaction that took place between XLtd. and YLtd. on 19 February, 2021
should not be considered as Revenue' as per AS-9, because the said transaction
further contains a Repurchasing Agreement of the samne goods on a future date
(ie, 1*August, 2022). Therefore, the resultant figure of 5,00,000 (ie, 4,00,000 +
25% of 4,00,000) should be treated as Financing transaction rather than Sale and
not be recognised as Revenue, In other words; Revenue IS NIL, as per AS-9.
(a) Calculation of Net Revenue to be recognised in June 2021:
(n lakhs)
Total Revenue received by June 2021 (2,000+ 200). 2,200
Less: Total Expenses by June 2021 (1,000 + 600) (1,600)
Net Revenue 600
The advertisement time expected to be available in June 2021 would be 75%.
Hence Revenue recognised for June 2021 would be 75% of Net revenue i.e., R450
Lakhs (75% of <600 Lakhs).
Note: As per AS-9 for Advertising agencies, media commission is normally
recognised when the related advertisements or commercials appear before the
public and the necessary intimation is received by the Agency.
(e) Sometimes, leases are for specific time whereas sometimes these are without
any timne limit or constraint, say perpetua.
Such leass are of two types:
) Finance lease or (i) Operating lease.
Finance lease is one whereby the Lessor transfers all the rights and obligations
connected with the asset to the other party namely the Lessee involving all the
rewards as well as risks attached with the ownership of the asset.
Operating lease is one which.is not finance lease. In Finance lease, the
agreement is for a relatively longer period or for most of the useful life of the
asset whereas in Operating lease the rights are transferred only for a relatively
shorter period. Even the responsibility to maintain the asset still remains that
of the Lessor. Operating lease agreement usually is revocable also in nature as
compared to the Finance lease.