How Noodle Delineation Influences The Urine PH
How Noodle Delineation Influences The Urine PH
How Noodle Delineation Influences The Urine PH
Measurement of Urine pH
First of all, take a urine jar and collect a urine
Figure 3: Repercussion of pH of urine on noodle delineated
males and females sample into the jar. After collecting the sample dip,
the strip into it. After some time, check the pH.
If the color of strip remains the same, the pH is
It is helpful in weight loss. The noodles are low- acidic but if the color of pH turns green, the pH is
calorie food and beneficial for peoples of almost alkaline.
all ages. A lot of advantages of noodles are present
as they are cheap and handy. Noodles can be eating
Project Design
any time. Noodles are made by mixing different
vegetables, chicken, boiled water, salt, and black The intent of the present study was to associate the
paper. Noodles are mostly used in China as a urine pH with the noodles rendering.
IJPBA/Jan-Mar-2024/Vol 15/Issue 1 17
Qadir and Sultana: Repercussion of pH of urine on noodle delineation
IJPBA/Jan-Mar-2024/Vol 15/Issue 1 18