1st Chapter Foundation
1st Chapter Foundation
1st Chapter Foundation
Fundamentals of
BT Basavanthappa
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1. About 500 BC Pericles defined health as ‘that state of moral, mental and
physical wellbeing which enables a person to face any crisis in life with
utmost grace of God and facility.’
2. HS Hayman defines health as ‘a state of feeling sound in body, mind and
spirit with a sense of reserve power.’ This perception of health is based on
normal functioning of the body's physiological process, understanding the
principles of healthful living and attitude that regards health not an end of
survival and self fulfillment and a rich, fuller life as measured in constructive
service of mankind.
3. H Blum defines health as ‘person's capacity to function in a way to maximize
potential; to maintain a balance appropriate to age and social needs; to be
reasonably free of gross dissatisfaction, discomfort, disease or disability and
to behave in ways that promote survival as well as self fulfillment or
4. R Dubiois views health as ‘adaption, a function of adjustment’.
5. E Rathbone and F Rathbone formulates health as ‘a wholeness of function,
movements toward self actualization, relating effecting, creative use of
potential, realistic interpretation of experience and co-ordination of
attitudinal, physiological, and behavioral adaptation’.
6. Liver pool school of tropical medicine describes health as ‘the achievement
of a state of harmony between man's internal and external milieu’.
7. Perkin viewed health as a state of relative equilibrium of body and function
which results from its successful, dynamic adjustment to forces tending to
distribute it. It is not passive interplay between body substance and forces
impinging upon it, but an active response of the body forces working toward
adjustment. 3
8. SC Seal defines health as ‘a flexible state of body and mind which may be
TOC Index described in terms of range within which a person may stay from the
condition wherein he is at the peak of enjoyment of physical, mental and
emotional experience, having regard to environment, age, sex, and other
biological characteristics due to operations of internal and/or external stimuli
and can regain without outside aid’.
9. WW Bauer defines health as ‘a state of feeling well in body, mind and spirit
together with a sense of reserve power. It is based on normal functioning of
tissues and organs of the body, and harmonious adjustment to the physical
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TOC Index achieve maximum potential for daily living. Health is the function of nurse,
patient, physician, family, and other interactions.
20. Paplau defines health as ‘a word symbol that implies forward movement of
personality and other ongoing human processes in the direction of creative,
constructive productive, personal, and community living.’
21. World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as ‘a state of complete
physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing and not merely absence of
disease or infirmity.’
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WHO definition is positive and includes more than physical health. It infers
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
that health is an absolute or ultimate state, but all individual cannot achieve the
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
same level of health because of innate differences, some of us are born with
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing some physical and mental differences. Accordingly, the complete wellbeing for
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing all is unattainable goal, with this view the US President Commission states that
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient ‘health is an optimal state of physical, mental and social wellbeing’.
7: Health Promotional Nursing R Dubi also believes that WHOs view on health can never be reached
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge because the person never be so projectly adapted to the environment that life
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment
will not involve struggle, failure and suffering. Human can adapt environmental
10: Nursing Process conditions, but each new adaptation produces new problem that demands new
11: Basic Nursing Skills solution. 4
A concern for the individual as a total system and touches all aspects or
dimensions of health, i.e. physical, mental, social and spiritual.
A view of health that identifies internal and external environment. Health in its
broadest sense is a dynamic state in which the individual adapts to changes
in internal and external environment to maintain a state of wellbeing. The
internal environment includes many factors that influence on health,
including genetic and psychological variables, intellectual and spiritual
dimensions and disease processes. The external environment includes
factors outside the person that may influence on health, including physical
environment, social relationships, and economic variables.
It is an acknowledgement of the importance of an individual role in life.
Health is essential for leading a socioeconomically productive life. The
provision of health should be considered a fundamental human right,
healthcare is an important mean of protecting that right.
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Fundamentals of
BT Basavanthappa
Holistic is a term derived from the Greek word holos, meaning “whole.” Holistic
health views the physical, intellectual, sociocultural, psychological, and spiritual
aspects of a person's life as an integrated whole. These five aspects cannot be
separated or isolated; anything that affects one aspect of a person's life also
affects the other aspects. The environment within which a person lives and the
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
manner whereby the person interacts with that environment are also
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing considerations.
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
It has been described that health as the maintenance of harmony and
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient balance among body, mind, and spirit. Homeostasis is the balance or stability
Relationship that the body strives to achieve among these aspects of a person's life by
7: Health Promotional Nursing continuous adaptation. Internal physiological homeostasis is a balance of the
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge
body's fluids.
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment
Nurses must understand the integration of these aspects of a person's life
10: Nursing Process
in order to help clients through healing processes. Figure 1.1 illustrates the
11: Basic Nursing Skills
holistic perspective.
Exercise and movement
Humor and laughter
TOC Index
Play therapy
Therapeutic touch.
Nurses must be open to new ideas and must not allow holistic modalities
to become just another technology. They must work on developing personal
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healing qualities and become more aware of healing in their own lives. Among
other qualities, a healer:
Models self-care.
Demonstrates awareness that personal presence is as important as technical
Respects and loves clients.
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
Presumes that clients know the best life choices.
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing Guides clients in discovering creative options.
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing Listens actively.
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
Shares insights without imposing personal values and beliefs.
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Relationship Accepts client input without judgment.
7: Health Promotional Nursing
Views time spent with clients as an opportunity to serve and share.
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment
10: Nursing Process
11: Basic Nursing Skills
Illness behavior involves the ways persons monitor their bodies, define and
interpret their symptoms, take remedial measures/actions and the use of
healthcare systems.
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Suchman (1972) identified five stages of illness behaviors that people move
through as they cope with disruptions to health: experiencing symptoms, sick
role behavior, seeking professional care, dependence others, and recovery (Fig.
During initial stage, a person is aware that ‘something wrong’. A person usually
recognizes a physical sensation or limitation in functioning but does not
suspect specific diagnosis.
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Fundamentals of
BT Basavanthappa
If symptoms persists and become severe, client assumes the sick role. At this
point the illness become social phenomenon, and sick people seek
confirmation from their families and social groups that they are indeed ill and
that they should be excused from normal duties and role expectations. The
social group recognizes the illness and may also support continued medication.
Sick role behavior is assumed when you have identified yourself as ill. This
role relieves you from normal duties, such as work, school, or tasks at home.
The severity of the symptoms and anticipated length of illness determine
whether you will progress further along the stages of illness.
Seeking professional care is the next stage. To reach this stage, you must
determine that you are ill and that professional care is required to treat the
illness. Persons who seek professional care are asking for validation of their
illness, explanations for their symptoms, appropriate treatment, and information
about the anticipated length of illness. Health care professionals often bypass
this stage, relying on themselves to identify and treat the problem. This is not
always the best course of action because it is difficult to the objective when
examining yourself.
TOC Index
After accepting the illness and seeking treatment, the client enters this stage.
Here the client depends on health care professional, for the relief of symptoms.
The client accepts care, sympathy, and protection from the demands and
stresses of life. A client adopts the dependent role in a healthcare institution, at
home or in a community settings.
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Fundamentals of Dependence on others begins when patient accept the diagnosis and
Nursing treatment of the health care provider. The severity of the illness and the type of
BT Basavanthappa treatment determine the extent of dependence. In some cases this may be
limited to listening to the provider's instructions, filling the prescription, and
following directions given in the office. However, illness that requires
hospitalization is often associated with dependence on nursing staff and
hospital personnel for activities of daily living, medications, and treatments.
Some people easily make the transition to dependence; others remain as
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
independent as possible even in the face of severe illness. Personal 7
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
characteristics and values play a large role in determining how each of us will
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing respond to the challenges of being dependent.
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
Recovery is the final stage of illness. Dependence is given up, and there is a
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Relationship gradual return to normal roles and functioning. In minor illness, this is usually a
7: Health Promotional Nursing return to the status quo. Severe illnesses may require a newly defined level of
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge optimum function.
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment
10: Nursing Process
11: Basic Nursing Skills
The nature of the illness affects the way persons react to disruptions. An acute
illness occurs suddenly and lasts for a limited amount of time. Acute illnesses,
such as a cold, flu, or viral infection, may be minor and require no formal health
care. Some acute illness, such as strep throat, may require a visit to a health
provider for treatment or even hospitalization or surgery, as in cholecystitis
(gallbladder inflammation secondary to gallstone formation) or pyelonephritis
(infection of the kidney). Although hospitalization and surgery can be quite
traumatic, in each case the person is expected to recover. In acute illness a
person may experience the disruptions of pain, competing demands, and the
unknown. However, an end is in sight. Relief is expected.
In contrast, chronic illness lasts for a long period of time, usually 6 months
or more, often for a lifetime. Chronic illness requires the person to make life
changes. These changes might be regular visits to the clinic or hospital, daily
medications, or lifestyle modifications. Examples of chronic illness include
AIDS, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypertension. Because of the
lengthy period of illness, people with chronic disease often experience periods
of remission or exacerbation. A remission occurs when symptoms are minimal
to none. An exacerbation occurs when symptoms intensify. Clients with chronic
illness often complain about the unrelenting nature of their health problems. A
person with chronic illness may experience virtually all of the disruptions
identified earlier.
Why does one client who drinks, smokes, over eats, and avoids exercise live
into his 90s, yet another client who “follows all the rules” dies of a sudden heart
attack at age 39? Our bodies do not react to the same stressors in the same
way. One factor that may contribute to this difference is the person's hardiness.
was extremely difficult to drag herself out of bed and get ready for work, she felt
much better when she could carry on her normal activities instead of dwelling
on her constant pain and the threat of impending death. Carrying on normally is
Fundamentals of not easy to do, however. It takes a concerted, determined effort to persevere.
BT Basavanthappa Another aspect of hardiness is the willingness to draw on resources within
oneself or from others to break out of old patterns of living when life situations
change. Some people find it too difficult to make life changes, and they just give
up. Hardy individuals are willing to seek out information and take initiative in
dealing with life situations rather than sitting back and letting someone else
control their lives.
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession Some people don't have many resources to call on. When disruption hits,
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
they lack the cognitive, communicative, creative, and spiritual resources that
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
would support them during difficult times. Ironically, some people blossom
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
during times of adversity. Those who see themselves as hardy tend to approach
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Relationship disruptions with an “I can deal with this” attitude.
7: Health Promotional Nursing
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge Everyone has limits. For health care providers, too many demands over too
And Documentation long a period of time can lead to “burnout,” a feeling of being overwhelmed and
9: Health Assessment
demoralized. For clients and their families, dealing with the cumulative effect of
10: Nursing Process
illness and other life disruptions can break down what might otherwise be
11: Basic Nursing Skills
excellent coping skills. Therefore, their responses may not be typical of what
they usually have demonstrated.
Biological Factors: Although biological factors are not entirely within our
control, most people consider them when they describe themselves as “well” or
“ill.” A healthy genetic makeup and freedom from debilitating age-related
changes are certainly desired states, and they tip the scale toward the wellness
end of the health-illness continuum.
Age and developmental stage: Age and developmental stage influence the
likelihood of becoming ill. Certain health problems can be correlated to
developmental stage. For example, over 75% of new breast cancer cases are
diagnosed in women over age 50. As another example, adolescent boys have
much higher rates of head injury and spinal cord injury than the general
TOC Index
public because of their tendency toward risk-taking behaviors, which peaks
during this stage.
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skills to help us deal with illness. When disease, loss, or other disruptions occur
at a younger age than expected, they change our perception of the event and
may present a greater challenge to our coping skills than disruptions that are
Fundamentals of expected. For example, a child's death may seem more tragic than that of an
Nursing older adult. It is important, though, not to discount the impact of disruptions
BT Basavanthappa
that do occur during the period of an individual's life when they might be
expected. For example, a client's advanced age does not necessarily make the
death of a spouse less traumatic than it would be for a young spouse. Losing
someone with whom one has spent most of one's life is an incredible loss,
whether or not it is “expected” at that stage of life.
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
Nutrition: Health requires nourishment, and the most obvious form of
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
nourishment is food. The influence of diet on human health is undeniable:
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing Nutrient-deficiency diseases, such as pellagra and night blindness, are unknown
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing in people who consume a nutritious diet. In addition, many chronic diseases,
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient such as type II diabetes mellitus and heart disease, are known to be influenced
by our diets, and nutrition appears to play at least a moderate role in a variety of
7: Health Promotional Nursing
other diseases, such as osteoporosis and some forms of cancer. As more
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge
And Documentation studies look at the protective properties of some foods (e.g. phytochemicals,
9: Health Assessment antioxidants) and the hazards of others (e.g. simple carbohydrates, trans fatty
10: Nursing Process acids), the phrase “You are what you eat” seems more accurate each day. In
11: Basic Nursing Skills
Kannada language saying that “Oota Ballavanige Rogavilla” (Those who know
proper eating will not get illness).
Physical activity: Healthy people are usually active people. When they are
unable to maintain previous levels of activity, they may perceive themselves as
less healthy. Studies support the benefit of moderate physical activity in
reducing the risk of chronic disease and promoting longevity. As little as 30
minutes of gardening or 15 minutes of jogging on most days of the week can
lead to these benefits. In addition, certain types of exercise have been shown to
reduce the risk of specific diseases, such as osteoporosis and heart disease.
For example, weight training has been shown to increase bone density and
reduce the risk of osteoporosis in women over 40, and aerobic activity, such as
walking, decreases the risk of heart disease. Some studies even indicate that
regular aerobic exercise helps preserve neurological function as we age.
Sleep and Rest: Sleep nourishes health. During sleep, our bodies release the
majority of our growth hormone, which assists in tissue regeneration, synthesis
of bone, and formation of red blood cells. Sleep is also important to mental
health, because it provides time for the mind to slow down and rejuvenate.
Perhaps that is why problems often look much smaller in the morning. In
controlled studies, people kept awake for 24 hours experienced difficulty
concentrating and performing routine tasks. With increasing levels of sleep
deprivation, sensory deficits and mood disturbances occurred. Outside the
laboratory, mild but chronic sleep deprivation is common, particularly among
students, mothers infants and young children, and people in pain.
Meaningful Work: Many people find that work is a healthy way to cope with
stressors. It has been observed in Man's Search for Meaning, that engaging in
meaningful work promotes health and, even in the midst of horrific stressors,
can defend against physical and mental breakdown. The definition of
meaningful work varies, but many share the view creating something that gives
some purpose and meaning. Meaningful work gives some amount of exercises
TOC Index both physical and mental leads to promote health. People also experience
meaningful work as a dimension of wellness. For many people, volunteering,
pursuing hobbies, and engaging in pleasurable activities can be forms of
meaningful work. For example, some find that singing, playing a musical
instrument, or listening to music is particularly healing. For others, it may be
literature, art, studying the intricacies of the human body, playing basketball,
doing counted cross-stitch, gardening, hiking in the wilderness, or even
shopping. Remember that being healthy is not all drudgery, such as denying
yourself the pleasure of hot fudge sundaes and French fries. By supporting
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clients' life work, hobbies, and personal interests, you help them nourish their
spirit in their unique way.
Fundamentals of Lifestyle Choices: People who consider themselves healthy are usually those
Nursing who make healthy lifestyle choices. They are aware of the threats to health
BT Basavanthappa created by cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse, unprotected
sex, and other risky behaviors. Consider the following examples:
Some families place a high priority on health promotion, whereas others tend
to respond to health issues only in times of serious illness.
Some encourage adventure and risk-taking, whereas others emphasize
caution in new situations.
Some families are very open about expressing feelings and disagreements,
whereas others tend to squelch personal feelings to avoid conflict in the
Some families view themselves as capable and successful, others as
powerless victims.
Some families teach good negotiation skills and build a network of family
support and community while encouraging the development of
independence. In contrast, some parents do not have a large repertoire of
skills to share with their children.
Especially when clients are coping with life threatening disease, family
relationships can provide critical sustenance and preserve optimal wellness
during the experience.
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clients respond in ways unlike their families, some make a conscious decision
to break away from culturally conditioned responses.
Fundamentals of People response to illness is also partly determined by their culture. For
Nursing example, people who belong to fundamentalist faiths may interpret illness as a
BT Basavanthappa punishment from God for some sort of sin and bear symptoms stoically as
retribution for their wrongs. People who identify themselves with the New Age
movement may believe that illness is a lesson we give ourselves to teach us
something we need to learn for our spiritual evolution. They may therefore try to
identify the lesson of their illness–for example, “I need to slow down and be
good to myself”–and then attempt to practice it. The culture of health care has
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
traditionally responded to illness with specific therapies aimed at treating a
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
biophysical disorder, whereas nursing, as part of the culture of holism, responds
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of illness.
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
Religion and Spirituality: Religion and Spirituality are closely tied to culture, and
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Relationship clients' religious beliefs and practices can influence their healthcare choices.
7: Health Promotional Nursing For example, some people believe that spiritual beliefs influence the mind-body
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge connection to promote wellness and healing. When healing is not possible
And Documentation
because of terminal illness or external circumstances beyond our control,
9: Health Assessment
10: Nursing Process spiritual reserves can help maintain our view of ourselves as “well.”
11: Basic Nursing Skills
Environmental Factors: The environment can also nourish wellness. For
institutionalized clients, a little corner of the room that is uniquely “theirs,” with
photos and other mementos, can be healing. Other clients may be soothed by
the quietness of a temple, a walk in the country, or even a trip to a shopping
mall! Spending time in any place where they feel harmony and peace and draw
strength can promote clients' health. On the other hand, environmental
pollutants are a common cause of illness.
Finances: It is often said that money doesn't buy happiness. Certainly, this is
true. However, money does buy access to health care and healthcare choices
and thus nourishes wellness. Health insurance is often tied to employment or
income level, and health insurance dictates which providers you have access to
and what services are available to you. Even in countries with national health
programs, the standard care available may not include the services or
medications a person desires. Sometimes healthcare providers wonder why
people do not take advantage of services that are available to them. Why do
they let things go so long before seeking help–or fail to follow-up with
recommended treatment plans? What may seem very reasonable to us as
healthcare professionals may seem totally out of reach or unacceptable to
those needing the help. A client's apparent lack of concern or lack of
compliance to a treatment regimen may be, in reality, a problem regarding
access to healthcare resources. Several factors influence access: proximity to
the resources; knowledge of available resources; financial ability to access
resources; financial ability to make lifestyle adjustments, such as diet or
changes in employment; and trust in the resources that are available. Anyone or
combination of these factors may keep individuals and families from getting
the help that they need.
TOC Index People spend much of their lives trying to maintain good health–eating,
sleeping, keeping our bodies at a comfortable temperature–in general, tending
to our high-maintenance bodily needs. It's a continual process because of the
many disruptions to health we face. Not all of these disruptions are
incapacitating, but all challenge our ability to function and enjoy our everyday 10
lives, and they tend to move us toward the illness end of the health-illness
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Physical Disease: Disease disrupts our lives in so many ways. It may reduce
individual ability to perform his/her life roles effectively or to engage in activities
used to enjoy. The diagnosis of a chronic or life-threatening disease may bring
Fundamentals of shock, fear, anxiety, anger, or grief: Will I become disabled? How will I support
Nursing my family? What did I do to deserve this? How can I bear saying good-bye to the
BT Basavanthappa
people I love? It may also cause clients to question the meaning and purpose of
their lives, to become more inwardly focused, or to embrace life even more fully.
Injury: Injury can cause the same symptoms and emotions as disease, but
perhaps its most disruptive aspect is its suddenness. For example one patient
describes his thoughts in the first days after he recovered consciousness
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
following his cervical spinal cord injury: “The thought that kept going through
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
my mind was: I've ruined my life. I've ruined my life, and you only get one. You
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing can't say, ‘I've spoiled this one, so can I have another, please?’ There's no
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing counter you can go up to and say, ‘I dropped my ice cream cone; could I please
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient have another one?’…. Why isn't there a higher authority you can go to and say,
‘Wait a minute, you didn't mean for this to happen to me’”.
7: Health Promotional Nursing
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge Mental Illness: Clients with mental illness and their families experience a level
And Documentation
of pain, suffering and chronic sorrow that is difficult for healthy people to fully
9: Health Assessment
10: Nursing Process appreciate. In addition, if the illness affects work ability, they experience loss of
11: Basic Nursing Skills income and altered role relationships, accompanied by the costs of various
therapies. Family members may also live in constant fear of their loved one's
committing suicide. Mental illness carried with it a stigma that has been
described as the single most debilitating handicap for people with mental
illness. This stigmatization can also disrupt the health of family members.
Loss: Whether the loss of a job, the end of a romantic relationship, the death of
a loved one, or the loss of youth, beauty, functioning, or identity, loss cuts to the
core of who we are. Most of us cling to a unique identity, which often does not
include gaining weight or getting wrinkles and gray hair, let alone being a
“patient” or losing major bodily functions. When such losses occur, people
typically experience a period of significant disintegration that may continue until
they either find a way to cope with the loss or succeed in reinterpreting the loss
in a meaningful way.
TOC Index
Impending Death: All people know that they have a 100% chance of dying;
however, it is easy for most of them to ignore this finality and live as though
death were only a remote possibility. It has been stated that during middle age,
even without the presence of life-threatening illness, people tend to become
more aware of the compelling reality of death: “One's life is suddenly felt to be
limited, finite. It also becomes apparent that one cannot finish everything; there
will not be time for all one's projects.”
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As a nurse, she/he will care for clients who are living in the shadow of
death. Some may be aware of their condition; others may choose to deny it,
ignore it, or “fight it to the end” by trying a series of conventional and alternative
Fundamentals of therapies. Caring for dying clients makes us painfully aware of our own frailty
Nursing and is one of the most difficult experiences you will face as a nurse.
BT Basavanthappa
Competing Demands: Even in the normal flow of life, there are many competing
demands. Taken independently, they may be easy to handle. Taken together, the
cumulative effect wears us down. In times of illness, the other competing
demands continue. Children need to be cared for. Aging parents may need care.
Bills still need to be paid. Job responsibilities press in. One man with
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
depression reported, “The whole thing bundled together-one caused the other
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
which caused more and it was just a degenerative loop…. One thing feeds
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing another which feeds another and so forth until you just constantly go down.”
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
People ignore health issues because the competing demands are too great.
Relationship Symptoms may even go unnoticed because attention is scattered in so many
7: Health Promotional Nursing directions and there is not enough energy to focus on one more issue. Lack of
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge time makes it difficult to research one's symptoms, schedule a doctor's
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment
appointment, or follow through with treatments. When a loved one's illness is
10: Nursing Process acute, such as a broken bone, the stress is usually bearable. It is surprising
11: Basic Nursing Skills what people can deal with if they can mark off the days on a calendar, knowing
how many days are left of a disruption. As nurses, we sometimes find it easy to
see how people ought to deal with their situations, even to criticize them. But it
is so important to realize that the short amount of time that you spend with
someone in a hospital or clinic or in a home visit is only one tiny fragment of the
cumulative experience that patients and their families experience, sometimes
unrelentingly for years on end. 11
The Unknown: Even normal life changes present challenges. For example, most
new parents bringing their first baby home from the hospital are in for plenty of
surprises. Every new squeak, twitch, and rash raises concern. Think of the
couple who adds to that equation serious health problems in their infant. They
go from anticipating a “bundle of joy” to a new world perhaps involving surgery,
breathing treatments, seizures, feeding tubes, clinic visits, and keeping track of
numerous medications. With some unknowns, there is time to do research and
prepare. For example, if an expectant couple learn via amniocentesis (a prenatal
test) that their child has a genetic defect, then during the remaining months of
pregnancy they can read about the disorder; and meet with other parents who
have had children similarly affected. This can help prepare them to anticipate
their child's needs.
Imbalance: Our sense of justice tells us that when we are good, good things
should happen. When we are bad, bad things should happen. The Buddhist
concept of karma suggests that there is an equitable balance between what
one gives to life and what one receives. Thus when we perceive that life has
violated this rule, we experience the violation as a disruption. Our sense of
balance is perhaps most dramatically disturbed by the death of children. Such
deaths are sometimes referred to as “out of order” because children (of any
age) “should” not die before their parents. Balance is also disrupted when
patients, expecting that their painful and harrowing treatments “should” help
them get better, do not get better.
TOC Index
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one thing in common: people are being “served” that is, diagnosed, helped,
cured, educated and rehabilitated by health personnel.
Fundamentals of Health care is the preventive, curative, restorative and promotive services
Nursing provided by the official and non-official agencies of a country to its citizens. In
BT Basavanthappa many countries, health care is completely or largely a government function.
Health care includes ‘medical care.’ Health care and medical care are not
synonymous. Medical care is a subset of a health care system. The term
medical care refers chiefly to those personal services that are provided directly
by physicians or rendered as a result of the physicians instructions (which
range from domiciliary care to resident hospital care).
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession Health care has many characteristics; they include:
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing Appropriateness (relevance) refers to whether the services is needed at all in
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing relation to essential human needs, priorities and policies.
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Comprehensiveness refers to whether there is an optimum mix of preventive,
7: Health Promotional Nursing
curative and promotional services.
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge Adequacy refers to if the service proportionate to requirements.
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment
Availability refers to ratio between the population of an administrative unit
10: Nursing Process and the (e.g. population per center, Doctor-population ratio; Nurse-Patient
11: Basic Nursing Skills ratio, etc.
Accessibility refers to this may be geographical accessibility, economic
accessibility, or cultural accessibility.
Affordability refers to the cost of health care should be within the means of
the individual and the state; and
Feasibility refers to an operational efficiency of certain procedures, logistic
support, manpower and material resources.
Health care is the job not of a single person, but of a large number of
personnel including medical, nursing, paramedical and allied workers. They
work not an isolation but together as a team. Until the British Rule, health care
in India was ill-organised and based on Unani/Tibbi, Ayurveda, Siddha, and
naturopathy system of medicine. After the advent of British rule and upto 1952,
the health care work was predominantly curative care based on allopathy. It was
available mainly to the city/town dwellers and the rich. The providers of health
care were culturally at a different wavelength than the beneficiaries. The people
never participated in the health program.
TOC Index
The health care delivery system is the complete network of agencies, facilities
and all providers of health care in a specified geographic area. This system
depends on a variety of health care professionals who interact with their
external environment. This environment includes the patient, the patients family,
the community in which the system is operating, the current technology,
government agencies, the medical profession in the community, third party
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participants (e.g. insurance company), and many other forces that affect the
patient care. The major goal of the system is to achieve optimal levels of health
care for a defined populations through adequate and appropriate health care
Fundamentals of services. 12
BT Basavanthappa A health care delivery system is method for providing health services to
meet the health needs of individuals. Health services are usually organised at
three levels, each level supported by a higher level to which the patient is
referred. These levels are:
1. Primary health care: This is the first level of contact between the individual
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness and the health system where ‘essential health care’ is provided, which
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession includes:
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
Health education of prevailing health problem
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing Food supply and nutrition
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Water supply and basic sanitation
7: Health Promotional Nursing M.C.H. and FP services
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge Immunizations
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases
10: Nursing Process Appropriate treatment for common diseases and injuries
11: Basic Nursing Skills
Provision of essential drugs.
context this care is provided by primary health centers and their subcenters,
with community participation.
2. Secondary health care: At this level, most complex problems are dealt with.
This care comprises essentially curative services and is provided by the
district hospitals and community health centers. This level services as the
first referral level in the health system.
3. Tertiary health care: This level offers super-speciality care. This care is
provided by the regional/central level institutions. These institutions provide
not only highly specialized care, but also planning and managerial skills and
teaching for specialised staff. In addition, the tertiary level supports and
complements the actions carried out at the primary level.
1. Primary care: The major purposes of primary care are to promote wellness
and prevent illness or disability. Care is coordinated by the office of the
primary care providers. Traditionally health care system focused on treating
illness rather than promoting wellness. Now however the focus is on health
promoting behaviors such as regular exercise, reducing fat in the diet,
monitoring cholesterol level and reducing air pollution, wellness promotion
activities may be directed toward the individual, the family or the community.
2. Secondary care: Services within the realm of secondary care—diagnosis and
treatment—occur after the client exhibits symptoms of illness. Acute
treatment centers (hospitals) still constitute the predominant site for the
delivering of these health care services, but there is a growing movement to
provide diagnostic and therapeutic services in locations that are more easily
accessed by the population. These are often satellite care centers of major
hospital, where holistic care provided.
TOC Index
3. Tertiary care: The major purpose of tertiary (rehabilitative) care is to
restoring an individual to the state of health that existed before the
development of an illness. When a person is unable to regain previous
functional abilities, the rehabilitation goal is to reach the optimal level of
health possible. For example, a client regains partial use of an arm after
experiencing stroke. Restorable care is holistic in that the physiological,
psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of the person are all addressed in
the provision of care.
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In the hospital there is a nursing team for the care of patients. The team
leader will be the nursing superintendent. She will delegate her responsibilities
to the head nurses who are the team leaders of each ward. She is responsible
for assigning duties to the other members of the team in the ward for the care
of patients there.
It is important that team should be infused with team spirit. The members
TOC Index
of the team should work in a co-ordinated manner. The effort of each member
should synchronize with that of others so as to produce a synergistic effort. In a
team the action of any one has no value of its own. It is worth only in so far that
it harmonises with the acts of others and thus carries the team forward toward
its objectives. To put it differently, in a team no member is superior to another,
no one's actions are more important than those of others; all actions are equal
and complementary.
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Fundamentals of A model is defined as a way of presenting a situation in logical term to show the
Nursing structure of the original idea or object. It is a representation of the original order
BT Basavanthappa of object that gives direction in much the same way that a pattern of dress is to
guide and provide instruction for making a dress.
In nursing practice, a model gives direction for the assessment process and
provides a systematic approach to patient care. It shows the nurse that to look
for and how to provide nursing care. A model also stimulates scientific inquiry
and research to validate nursing theories and concepts and to improve nursing
The essential components of model answer the questions, who does what? to
whom? where? how? why? In the nursing model, these components are as
TOC Index
Values on which the model is based
Client or patient as the recipient of the action
Goals of the action or intervention
Intervention or service provided in terms of framework, the procedures, the
agent, and the source of energy.
These components identify what the nurse will assess and what is to be
done about the health problems presented by the client or patient. Because
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nursing is a service performed for the people, values are important aspect of
the model. The goals established for nursing care must be consistent with
cultural values and beliefs of the patient. The manner in which one views the
Fundamentals of recipient of nursing care is based on one's values about man as ‘a
Nursing biopsychosocial being’, one's belief about health and illness, and one's belief
BT Basavanthappa
about the relationship between the nurse and the recipient of nursing care. A
model also prescribes the method and the actions used to achieve the goal
setting in which the nursing care takes place, and the source of energy involved.
The nurse must be aware that a client with a chronic illness may place
himself or herself at different points on the continuum at any given time,
depending on how well the client believes he or she is functioning for the
illness. According to Neuman (1990) health on a continuum is the degree of
client wellness that exists at any point of time, ranging from an optimal
wellness condition, with available energy at its maximum to death, which
represents total energy depletion.
Halber Dunn (1961) described his model of high level wellness as functioning to
one's maximum potential while maintaining balance and purposeful direction in
the environment. He differentiates, wellness from good health believing that
good health is a passive state, wherein the person is not ill. Wellness on the
TOC Index
other hand, is a more active state, oriented towards maximizing the potentials
of the individual, regardless of the state of health. He also defined processes
that help the individual to know who and what he or she is. The processes are:
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The model is a holistic in nature, allowing nurses to care for the individual
with regard to all dimensional factors affecting the persons state of being as he
or she strives to reach maximum potential.
Fundamentals of
Nursing The concept of high level wellness can be applied to the individual, family,
BT Basavanthappa community, environment, and society. This model requires the individual to
maintain a continuum of balance and purposeful directions within the
environments. It involves progress towards a higher level functioning an open
ended and ever expanding challenge to live at the fullest potential. Last, there is
continued integration of health practices by the individual at increasing higher
levels throughout the life. According to this model healthcare directed at
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
helping a client achieve high level wellness emphasizes health promotion and
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
illness prevention activities rather than treatment of illness.
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient AGENT-HOST-ENVIRONMENT MODEL
7: Health Promotional Nursing Agent-host-environment model was originally developed by Leavell and Clark
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge
(1965) to describe health in a community, but it is also useful in when
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment examining the cause of the disease in an individual. Accordingly the level of
10: Nursing Process health and illness of an individual or group depends on the dynamic relationship
11: Basic Nursing Skills of the agent, host and the environment (Fig. 1.4).
The environment is that everything external to the host that makes illness
more or less likes. Physical environment includes economic level, climate, living
conditions and air, water, food, light, housing ventilation. Social environment
consists of factors that are involving individuals and group interaction with
others, causing physiopsychosocial illness.
TOC Index This model is actually more useful in predicting illness than in promoting
wellness, although recognition of risk factors resulting from interaction of
agent-host-environment is important in the promotion and maintenance of
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The factors that influence health and illness related to the person in terms of
the human dimensions are as follows:
Physical dimension: It includes genetic make up, age, developmental level, race,
and sex. All are parts of individuals, which strongly influence health status, and
health practices.
Emotional dimension: It express that how the mind and body interact to affect
body function and to respond to body; emotion also influences health. Long-
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term stress affects the body system and anxiety affects health habits. Calm
acceptance and relaxation can actually change the body responses to illness.
Fundamentals of
BT Basavanthappa
9: Health Assessment
Intellectual dimension: It encompasses cognitive abilities, educational
10: Nursing Process
background and past experiences. These influence a client responses to
11: Basic Nursing Skills
teaching about health and reactions to nursing care during illness. They also
play major role in health behaviors.
Spiritual dimension: Spiritual and religious beliefs and values are the important
components of how a person behaves in the health and illness. It is important
that nurse respects these values and understand their importance to the
individual client.
Health and illness are two separate phenomena. The types of care for each
are different (Fig. 1.9).
Health and illness are separate but coexisting and interacting phenomena.
On the health continuum the interventions include health promotion for high
level wellness, prevention of disruption in health, detection of possible alteration
in health, and restoration of actual alteration in health. On the illness continuum
the intervention includes prevention of potential disease, detection of possible
TOC Index disease, treatment of common illness, maintenance of stable illness, and
treatment of acute illness.
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Fundamentals of
BT Basavanthappa
The nurses' primary focus, however is health and the physician mainly
emphasizes on illness. Rehabilitation or assistance to peaceful deaths are
interventional that incorporate both health and illness care.
Nursing care however, emphasizes detection of an alteration of those areas
of health continuum, that require the most care, for instance, sleep activity,
comfort, skin integrity, nutrition, and self care. The recognition of the major role
that environment and lifestyles have on both health and illness statures
required responsibility of the people for their own health.
Emotional wellness: Emotions bridge the gap between body and mind. The
individual who is emotionally well understands his own feelings and knows
when to express them appropriately. This person accepts limitations, copes
with stress in healthy ways, has the ability to adjust to change, is optimistic
and happy, enjoys life, and shows respect and affection to others.
TOC Index
Mental wellness: The person who is mentally well is alert, curious, clear
thinking, open-minded, creative, logical and accepting of others. This person
also has a good memory, common sense, and a desire for continual learning.
Intellectual wellness: Intellectual wellness is revealed by an ability to think,
process information, and solve problems. The intellectually well person
questions and evaluates information and situations, is creative, flexible, and
open to new ideas, and learns from life experiences.
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Nurses work with people throughout life to promote wellness and prevent
illness. The highest level of wellness should be the goal of each nurse and every
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Physiological needs: Although Maslow (1954) did not specifically identify the
physiological needs, they are generally accepted to be the needs of oxygen,
water, food, elimination, rest (sleep)/activity (exercise), and sex. With the
exception of sex, all of these needs must be met for the life of the individual to
be maintained. Satisfying the sexual need, while not necessary for individual
survival, is necessary for survival of the human race. The basic physiological
needs must be met before higher-level needs become motivators of behavior.
For example, a person who is truly hungry is motivated by that need, and
behavior is focused on getting food.
Safety and security needs: The next level, safety, encompasses the needs for
shelter, stability, security, physical safety, and freedom from undue anxiety.
Safety needs include both physical and emotional aspects. Illness is often a
threat to safety because the stability of life is disrupted.
Love and belonging needs: The third level of the hierarchy. love and belonging,
incorporates not only giving but also receiving affection, Having friends and
participating with others in groups and organizations are two ways to meet
these needs. Meeting these needs is extremely important fix mental health.
Self-esteem needs: The needs of the self-esteem level are met by achieving
success in work and other activities. Recognition from others increases self- 18
esteem and feelings of pride in one's accomplishments.
Maslow contends that because most people are so busy meeting the
physiological and safety and security needs, little time or energy is left to meet
the love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization needs: thus, most
people are less than satisfied at higher levels of the hierarchy. Even when the
TOC Index
lower two levels are met without much trouble, many people have personalities
and attitudes that make meeting the needs of the three higher levels difficult, if
not impossible.
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providing financially for self and family suddenly becomes the unmet need that
motivates that person's behavior.
Fundamentals of For providing quality care to clients, first nurses to aware of themselves.
Nursing Then taking care of their own needs (Maslow's Hierarchy). Self-care is a factor
BT Basavanthappa in all nurses to be an effective care giver as given below.
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession Self-awareness is consciously knowing how the self thinks, feels, believes, and
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing behaves at any specific time. Being self-aware is a constant process that is
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing focused on the present. A person's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing interrelated and greatly influence behavior. Being self-aware influences a person
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Relationship in several ways.
7: Health Promotional Nursing
Self-awareness may make a person uncomfortable. Awareness allows the
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge
And Documentation person to either accept or alter feelings, beliefs, and behavior. One can learn to
9: Health Assessment be self-aware.
10: Nursing Process
11: Basic Nursing Skills Self-awareness is extremely important for nurses. Nurses must understand
themselves so that their personal feelings, attitudes, and needs do not interfere
with providing quality client care. The nurse who is self-aware is more likely to
make decisions in response to the client's needs rather than the nurse's own
needs. For example, student nurses–and even experienced nurses–are often
anxious about caring for a specific client. By taking some time to practice self-
awareness, the nurse might discover that the anxiety stems from never having
performed the procedure in question. The nurse can then deal directly with the
situation by reviewing the procedure and requesting assistance from an
instructor or supervisor. All decisions about client care must be made in
response to the client's needs, not the nurse's needs.
Self-concept is how a person thinks or feels about himself. These thoughts and
feelings come from the experiences the person has with others and relied how
the person thinks others view him.
TOC Index negative self-concept. On the other hand, a person who is shown caring and
who hears messages such as “Let me help you in a minute.” “Let's try it this
way.” or “Have you thought about…?” will move toward a positive self-concept.
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Nurses helping clients recognize how their own actions can prevent many
of the conditions that cause illness. Choosing to exercise regularly, to eat a
balanced diet, to eat breakfast each day, to control fat content, and to select
Fundamentals of from the basic food groups are good rules for wellness. Choosing to not smoke,
Nursing to practice moderation in the use of alcohol, to avoid all nontherapeutic drugs,
BT Basavanthappa
and to practice safe sex can help prevent many of the conditions that cause
disease and death.
While emphasizing health promotion and client education, the nurse must
also encourage and respect the client's responsibility for wellness. This respect
allows the client to become an active partner in, rather than a passive recipient
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
of, health care. It is not enough to tell a client what can be done to improve
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
health; the nurse must also be prepared to explain why. If a client understands
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing the reason behind an action, the likelihood of compliance increases.
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
Just as nurses are aware of themselves as a whole person with many
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Relationship components, help their clients see themselves and their health care as more
7: Health Promotional Nursing than physical health. Help clients understand how physical, intellectual,
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge sociocultural, psychological, and spiritual health are all related and can lead to
And Documentation
an overall sense of well-being. This is the full meaning of holistic care.
9: Health Assessment
10: Nursing Process
11: Basic Nursing Skills
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over the chest may be viewed as closed minded. Observe those around as
they communicate with others. Notice the differences in posture. Does the
person who stands in good alignment, with shoulders back and head up,
Fundamentals of convey self-confidence and capability? Does the individual whose shoulders
Nursing are drooped and head bowed convey depression, sadness, or lack of self-
BT Basavanthappa
confidence? As continue studies and begin client care, will realize that clients
appreciate having nurses who appear confident in their own abilities and
decision making. When with clients, nurse must be particularly careful of the
way she stand. Remember that nurses posture sends messages about their
attitude and feelings. The client should feel that nurses are confident, caring,
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness relaxed, and willing to listen.
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession Smoking: Smoking contributes to many health hazards and illnesses. It may
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
also be personally offensive to clients. The odor of smoke on clothing or the
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
breath (halitosis) may precipitate allergic reactions or lead to a feeling of
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
nausea in some clients. Most health care facilities have strict rules about
Relationship smoking. Many facilities are “smoke free.” The nurse should never smoke in a
7: Health Promotional Nursing client's room. Furthermore, great care should be taken to ensure that no
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge offensive tobacco odors remain if the nurse uses or is in dose proximity to
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment
tobacco products. In each situation, every effort should be made to enforce
10: Nursing Process all safety rules for clients and visitors. “No smoking” signs should be posted
11: Basic Nursing Skills and strictly enforced when oxygen is in use.
Drugs and Alcohol: A frightening trend is that increasing rate of alcohol and
drug abuse. Drug abuse has become so widespread within the health
professions that impaired caregiver programs have been implemented. Many
states now provide access to treatment for the impaired nurse through the
state board of nursing. Drug abuse can begin very insidiously when a nurse
says to herself, “I'll borrow a pill just this once for my headache.” The second
time is easier, and the downward spiral begins. A nurse should never give or
make a drug available to anyone without the written order of a physician or
other person who can legally prescribe medications, such as a nurse
Nutrition: Nursing is emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding. Nurses
must be able to think clearly and work efficiently. A balanced diet, including
fruits and vegetables, whole grains and cereals, milk and milk products, and
meats or other protein foods, is required for optimal body function. Nursing
students may be tempted to skip meals, omit breakfast, eat snacks, and
follow fad diets. This is never a wise practice. The need for food must be
satisfied before you will be motivated to meet the need to learn or to study.
Always eat a balanced breakfast. Pastries and coffee, although satisfying in
the moment, elevate the blood sugar level only for a short while before the
level plummets. This reaction leaves a person drained, irritable, and hungrier
than before. Try to avoid snacking on junk foods, which contain empty
calories, or those having very little nutritional value. Instead, plan to eat fruit
or high-protein snacks. Plan a routine for mealtimes, and stick to it. Doing so
helps prevent the urge to binge on unhealthy snacks. Also, drink plenty of
water. Water is the body's most important nutrient. A human being can
survive for weeks without food but only for a few days without water. By
weight, approximately 60% of the adult body is water. In order to maintain
proper fluid balance and to facilitate the elimination of body wastes, it is
necessary to drink plenty of fluids. Most authorities agree that the average
adult needs six to eight (8-ounce) glasses of water each day. It is important
TOC Index
to maintain a balance in the diet for optimal wellness.
Sleep, Rest, Relaxation, and Exercise: Wellness implies more than eating
balanced meals, avoiding harmful substances, and practicing good
grooming. Wellness also means taking time to enjoy yourself. It means 20
making time for sleep, rest, relaxation, and exercise.
Sleep is time for the body to replenish its energy reserves and to heal itself.
The amount of time needed may vary with the individual or even with the day.
One person may need 8 hours of sleep after a heavy workday but need only 6
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hours after a less strenuous day. An infant, of course, needs more sleep than
does a young adult. Sleep is necessary to allow the body's organs to function at
their most minimal levels. This period of rejuvenation for the body is necessary
Fundamentals of for total wellness.
BT Basavanthappa Rest, meaning conscious freedom from activity and worry, is just as
important as sleep. Rest is a time of inner quiet and physical inactivity. Only
when a person is relaxed and at inner peace can that person rest.
Relaxation means doing something for the fun of it. That which is relaxing
to one person may not be relaxing to another. Examples or relaxation activities
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness include reading a novel, reading to children, playing cards or other games,
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession fishing, painting, or sewing or other handwork. Many experts agree that the best
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
rest follows planned exercise. During exercise, heart rate and breathing
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
increase, circulation improves, and muscles stretch. Exercise is also a time to
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
free the mind of anxiety producing thoughts. Sometimes after a day's work, a
Relationship brisk walk frees the mind and allows the body to relax in preparation for rest.
7: Health Promotional Nursing
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge Whichever form of exercise, rest, and relaxation is best for you, make time
And Documentation for it in each day, Rest and relaxation as well as regular sleep and exercise are
9: Health Assessment
essential ingredients for wellness and result in reduced fatigue and irritability
10: Nursing Process
and possibly increased resistance to colds, flu, and serious infections.
11: Basic Nursing Skills
Furthermore, the capacity to concentrate increases, which should make a
significant difference in your studies.
Nursing requires making many decisions, some of which may mean life or
death to the client. The nurse must have intellectual wellness to be able to
make the best decisions possible with regard to client care,
It is important that the nurse understand that while everyone's basic needs
are the same, the ways that those needs are met may vary based on the client's
culture. Today's population is working, playing, and contributing to society for
more years than ever before. People are more health conscious, better
educated, and more involved in making health choices than perhaps any
previous generation. Nurses should encourage such involvement and work to
TOC Index dispel discrimination by accepting each person as an individual.
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person relates to others. They are measures of inner thoughts and feelings and
are apparent in actions or behaviors.
Fundamentals of Wellness requires that individuals recognize emotions and control their
Nursing reactions in various situations. By controlling their emotions, nurses help create
BT Basavanthappa a therapeutic environment within which to help clients. Another aspect of
emotional wellness is a positive attitude. An attitude is a feeling about people,
places, or things that is evident in the way one behaves. It can be positive or
negative. Studies have described the role that a positive attitude plays in
helping conquer illness. Many authorities believe having a positive attitude is at
least as important as having the best treatment for an illness. Nursing requires
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
that you see the best in people during the worst of times. In order to survive and
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
function well, the nurse needs to see life as a challenge and as a gift to cherish
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing and enjoy.
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Positive attitude is so important for nurses when caring for their clients, it is
Relationship vital that nurse share their with them. An attitude can become a habit. If nurse
7: Health Promotional Nursing repeatedly think positively, soon he/she will unconsciously and seeing the
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge positive aspects in any given situation. Whereas having a negative attitude will
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment
increase chances of being miserable and unsuccessful, having a positive
10: Nursing Process attitude will help the day go smoother and increase the likelihood of coworkers
11: Basic Nursing Skills being cheerful and willing to help. Having a positive attitude will also help in
studies. It will help open mind and will spill into daily life, making that life more
Nurses play a key role in helping clients find hope and meaning in life, it is
important that nurses understand spirituality. For many, religious practices are
TOC Index an expression of their spirituality. An important function for the nurse is to
respect the religious beliefs of clients, provide clients with privacy to practice
those beliefs, and make spiritual guidance available through the client's
minister, priest, rabbi, or other representative, when requested.
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The English word ‘hospital’ comes from the French word ‘hospitale’ as do the
words ‘hostel’ and ‘hotel’. The three words, i.e. hospital, hostel, hotel, and are
derived from same source, are used in different sense, but basically the
meaning of the word will be the same. For example, in hotel, hotel authorities
take care of the clients, who wish to stay there and client will receive the
hospitality according to their affordability. In hostel also, the hostel authorities
are expected to treat their clients by providing basic amenities and other
facilities as needed by their clients. In the same way, hospital authorities also
receive their clients as their guests and are expected to show more hospitality
than those of hotel or hostel. Likewise all these three institutions are meant for
treating their clients, but style of treatment is different. Now the term ‘hospital’
means an establishment where in temporary space be occupied by the sick or
injured. In other words the hospital is an institution in which sick or injured
persons are treated.
Health care has come a long way since Florence Nightingale tended the
wounded soldiers in the Crimean war, it was largely tender loving care. There
was not enough of treatment and health care; now in some places, there is too
much. Screams of pain used to come from the cut lines of the surgeons
scalpel–because there was no anesthesia in those days. In Florence
Nightingale times healing the sick was merciful service.
Fundamentals of Hospital is an institution for the care, cure, and treatment of the sick and
Nursing wounded; for the study of diseases; and for the training of doctors and nurses
BT Basavanthappa (Steadman's Medical Dictionary).
However, every hospital needs to discuss, critique and write down its
philosophy in clear terms. No statement of philosophy of an institution is
permanent document, it may change according to changing needs and
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As stated in the definition and philosophy of the hospital, its main objectives are
as follows:
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goal attainment. They are statements directing activity toward the achievement
of the departments purposes. 23
Fundamentals of
BT Basavanthappa
As stated in the objectives of the hospital, optimum healthcare services have
the basis of scientific method, and should be applied in a personalized manner
with full recognition and attention to personal dimensions in client needs and is
carried out within a framework of social responsibility. It should be available
and accessible to everyone who needs it through his own community. The
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
optimum health services consists of following elements:
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
Team approach: The care of the needy person will be taken by the team of
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
professional members (doctors, nurses, etc.) and para-professionals
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient technicians under the leadership of medically qualified persons with integration
Relationship and co-ordination.
7: Health Promotional Nursing
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge Contents of service: A spectrum of services that includes diagnosis, specific
And Documentation treatment, nursing rehabilitation, education and prevention.
9: Health Assessment
10: Nursing Process Co-ordination: Clients' care will cover the co-ordinated efforts of all agencies,
11: Basic Nursing Skills which have the required facilities at all levels.
Continuity care: Continuity of client care will be available and rendered by the
particular agency with specific services whenever needed.
Patient care: Care to the sick and injured and restoration of the health of a
diseased person without any discrimination.
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As stated earlier in 1664, East India Company established its first hospital
in Madras for its soldiers and another in 1688 for the civilians. Complete
medical care based on modern medicine spread all over India, mainly through
the efforts of the missionaries, lead to built hospitals.
In 19th century, the first medical school for organized medical training was
started in Calcutta, i.e. the Native Medical School, followed by one more in
Madras. A hospital assistants course of two years duration was started by the
army. The medical school in Calcutta was converted into college in 1835. Later
on Universities, came into existence and took over all medical schools
converted into medical colleges. For which some hospitals at the provincial
headquarters were converted into teaching hospitals and attached to medical
colleges. 24
In late 19th century, the status of nursing that had began in Madras around
1870s started with training of women for improving nursing care in military
hospitals. In this period nursing services were being established in the hospitals
by and large with the assistance of nurses from the western countries. And the
nurses training in regional languages also was started in this period.
In the beginning of 20th century, some more nursing training centers were
started in India. Most of these were started in Bombay, Calcutta and Madras,
the nursing services were concerned with patient care services in the hospitals.
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The last few decades have seen a spectacular development in the health
and hospital consciousness of the Indian public. The general public is now
more alert to its health and in accepting the role of the hospitals in its daily life.
Fundamentals of People have gradually rid themselves of their old prejudices. The patients of
Nursing yesteryear approached the hospital with reluctance, apprehension and fear of
BT Basavanthappa
death; today they enter it willingly with confidence and with hope of improved
health and longer life.
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
Hospitals have been classified in many ways. Each hospital is distinct in its
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing characteristics as it differs in structure, functions, performance, and the
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing community it serves. However, we can classify the hospitals into different types
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing depending upon different criteria. The most commonly accepted criteria for
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient classification of the modern hospital are according to:
7: Health Promotional Nursing Length of stay of patient (long-term and short-term)
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge
And Documentation
Clinical basis
9: Health Assessment Ownership / control basis
10: Nursing Process
11: Basic Nursing Skills
System of medicine.
These are hospitals licensed as general hospital, treat all kinds of disease, but
major focus on treating speed disease or conditions such as heart disease, or
cancer, or ophthalmic, or maternity, etc.
Public hospitals: These hospitals are run by the central or state governments or
local bodies on noncommercial lines. These may be general hospital or
specialized hospitals or both.
Voluntary hospitals: These hospitals are established and incorporated under the
TOC Index
societies registration act 1860; or public trust act 1882 or any other appropriate
act of central or state governments. They are run with public or private funds on
a noncommercial basis.
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Fundamentals of Corporate hospitals: These hospitals are public limited companies formed
Nursing under the companied act. They are normally run on commercial lines. They can
BT Basavanthappa be either general or specialized or both (e.g. Hinduja hospital, Mallya hospital).
Specialized hospitals: These hospitals are providing medical and nursing care
primarily for only one discipline or a specific disease or condition of one
system. In other words, these hospitals concentrate on a particular aspect or
organ of the body and provide medical and nursing care in that field. For
example, tuberculosis, ENT, ophthalmology, leprosy, orthopedics, pediatrics,
cardiology, mental health/psychiatric, oncology, STDs, maternal, etc. The
specialized department, administration attended to a general hospital will not
be considered as specialized hospital.
(b) District hospital 200 (may be raised up to 300 beds depending upon
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An OPD should be within the main body of the hospital. The department
should be located close to public entrance, particularly where public
transportation is provided. The department should also be adjacent to the
casualty and emergency service and admitting unit. At the entrance to OPD
there should be a reception and enquiry counters, with proper communication
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facilities like telephone, etc. The OPD space can be utilized for emergency
services. It is also effective to have clinics of different speciality, X-ray,
laboratory, pharmacy, rehabilitation center, injection room and other facilities
Fundamentals of depending on the type of hospital.
BT Basavanthappa The number and type of clinics will depend on the needs of the patients
served and the interest of medical personnels. In modern days we have number
of clinics, conducted in the OPD such as eye, ear, nose, throat, dental, medical,
surgical, obstetric and gynecology, and mental health clinics, pediatric, etc. And
also we have specialized clinics like orthopedics, genitourinary, neurosurgical,
cardiovascular, diabetics, and so on. 26
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession In an active OPD there should be a laboratory and other diagnostic facilities
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
to have routine laboratory examinations like urine analysis, common blood
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
examination and others; and also diagnostic facilities like ECG, X-ray; and also
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
there should be pharmacy for distribution of drugs which meets the
Relationship requirement of outpatient; and also there should be facilities to get them
7: Health Promotional Nursing injection, vaccine, proper facility.
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge
And Documentation An outpatient department should provide an environment which will
9: Health Assessment
acquaint the patient with matter of health and hygienic practice. For which
10: Nursing Process
suitable posters, can be displayed on the respective units of the OPD.
11: Basic Nursing Skills
The provision has to be made for dealing properly and efficiently with
medical and surgical emergencies for whatever cause. Every hospital must
have provision for receiving and dealing with ‘walking casualties’ very single
fractures, cuts needing suturing, abscess conditions, hard injuries, fractures,
burns, poisoning, tetanus, and other conditions.
Unreferred patients refer to those who have not been seen by and outside
doctor, who present themselves at the hospitals with a wide variety at ailments,
and who regard the hospital as a kind of dispensary.
Referred patients refer to those who have been sent by a family doctor or
health center to the outpatient department of a hospital for a particular service,
i.e. pathological and radiological examination or for consultation for a
Usually all general hospitals have a medical unit. The surgery unit in teaching
TOC Index hospital will be called as a department of medicine. In general hospital, medical
units are usually headed by senior physician with their associates whereas in
teaching hospital, there will be a head of the department and professors, asst.
professors, lecturers and clinical tutors.
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Depending on the size and location of the institution surgical privileges are
granted in accordance with one of the following pattern:
Every doctor with MBBS degree has privileges to operate or assist in small
hospital, in rural area (minor surgeries)
Only surgeons with PG qualification like MS, D. Orth., DM, DLO, etc. are
eligible to perform surgery
General practitioner without surgical privileges are not eligible to perform
In our set-up we have, super specialist surgeons, i.e. MCh i.e. MD or MS
degree designated as surgeon, deputy surgeon and assistant surgeon. In
teaching hospital they can be designated as professor, asst. professor,
lecturers of surgery.
Apart from the surgeons, the role of other personnels in operation theatres,
Le. nurses, technicians is very important. To great extent the optimum use of
the operation theatre also depends on the coordination and cooperation
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Maternity unit is very essential in general hospital. The same unit in teaching
hospital is referred to as the department of obstetrics and gynecology. This unit
or department should serve both in physical set-up and in personnel to provide
every care and comfort for the lying-in mother and her newborn. The maternity
wards can easily be made attractive, comfortable and restful. The extent of the
provision that should be made for institutional confinements is conditioned as:
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preparation for pregnant women for examination and care of supplies and
equipments used during the clinic sessions.
Fundamentals of All prima gravida and multipara may not need admission in hospitals. The
Nursing delivery may be conducted at their own houses if they have proper facilities for
BT Basavanthappa maintenance of cleanliness and other related aspects. Actual admissions must,
of course, be governed by the number of lying-in beds available and if there are
insufficient to meet all requests for admission; priority must be given to women
having abnormal medical or obstetrical conditions.
Hospital services for children usually pose many problems, because most
hospitals are organized to take care for adults. However, every hospital must 28
provide some care for children and for newborn delivered in its obstetrical
service. The nursing, medical, dietary and other services for children require
specialized knowledge and an understanding of children if they are to be
effective. The basic needs of children are best met when they are grouped and
located in a quiet area of the hospital, removed from the most of the hospitals
traffic. The larger the pediatric unit, the better the comprehensive care. If
possible, the children section should be the obstetrical service and the newborn
nurseries. The grouping of children helps in providing effective isolation of
infants and young children and providing suitable recreational facilities.
Generally, children are better grouped by age than by diagnosis, and more
attention should be given to the emotional development of the child than to his
chronological age. For administrative purpose, most children admitted to
pediatric services are between 12 to 15 years or early adolescence.
In designing the pediatric unit, the needs of the two groups must be
considered; those of the patient and his parents and those of the hospital staff.
TOC Index
The special requirement in planning for children includes the provision of a
large proportion of isolation room and facilities for mothers to come into the
hospital with their children. There is also a need for large play rooms and for a
school room. And also there should be a unit for premature infant should
preferably be within the pediatric department. Here a separate, glass walled
cubicle is desirable for each infant. Each cubicle should be equipped with
devices for controlling temperature and humidity (except in hot, humid
climates) and each should be connected to an oxygen supply, although the risks
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1. They separate children who otherwise would be able to fraternize and have a
happier hospital experience.
2. They are relatively expensive to install and keep clean.
3. They diminish air circulation in hot weather and contribute to discomfort, and
4. They reduce the flexibility of the unit.
TOC Index
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In modern hospital much scientific progress is being made and the uses of
diagnostic and therapeutic radiation procedures are increasing.
The medical laboratories may be divided into two groups; i.e. hospital
laboratories, which are concerned with tests for the diagnosis, prognosis and
response to therapy of disease in individual patients, and public health
laboratories which are concerned with the origin, spread and control of disease
in the community. Members of the hospital personnel are interested in
laboratories as diagnostic tool; public health personnels are interested in them
as measuring rods of community health.
The pathologist who carries all the activities with the assistance of
qualified medical laboratory technicians and also to some extent with nurses.
The pharmacy is the department of the modem hospital which has undergone
the greatest recent change and advanced fairly well. The main function of this
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department will include the stocking of drugs and other medical supplies and
equipment, and distribution of drugs and other to different department as and
when they required and also manufacturing of medication in hospital
Fundamentals of pharmacies. Since commercial supplies of materials are relatively less
Nursing expensive, the manufacturing of certain medication is disappearing, but
BT Basavanthappa
preparation of fluid and electrolytes in the hospital in the country.
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness The pharmaceutical services in most of the hospitals in India today
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession represent the functions of procurement and distribution of medicaments by
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
medical stores and compounding and dispensing of medicine on doctors
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
prescriptions by persons hitherto known as pharmacists, generally under the
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
control of medical officer.
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
7: Health Promotional Nursing
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge LAUNDRY
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment
All hospitals are concerned with the dangers of cross-infections and the need
10: Nursing Process
for using only sanitary, germ-free linen. So there is a need of an efficient
11: Basic Nursing Skills
mechanical laundry to ensure the availability of germ-free washed linen.
Laundry is closely associated with nursing service. The person who manages
laundry must be familiar with problems of nursing service, and nursing
personnel should understand the laundry difficulties. Nursing supervisors can
be taken on rounds of the laundry periodically to know the problems. Everything
that laundry does is of interest to the nursing service. Surgical linens are
autoclaved in the surgical area to ensure sterility and further safeguard the
patients. When laundry personnel prepare surgical packs, the specification
should come from nursing. Isolation techniques established by nursing should
be followed by laundry personnel where applicable, and the procedures
sometimes may be taught by nursing. All linen levels are established by nursing
and the nursing services advises the type of linen required for them to work in
wards and other departments.
The functions of the dietary service are determined by these goals. The
proper nutrition of patients requires intelligent purchasing of equipment and
goods, the professional planning of standard and therapeutic diet, scientific
food production and well-planned system of food distribution from “kitchen.”
TOC Index
The morale function will apply equally to food prepared for hospital
personnel, requires consideration of the esthetics of food service including
color, consistency, etc. The way of food distribution also affects the patient
reactions to well prepared food. 30
The nursing department has a right to expect that the dietary personnel will
be trained in correct food handling techniques and will know proper utensils to
use for food serving. It is also expected that dietary department will serve
Fundamentals of correct, complete trays to patients and that the nurse in-charge will be notified
Nursing where trays are ready to be served. All agreed them, that nurses should be hold
BT Basavanthappa
when a tray is delivered to a patient who has to be fed.
The dietary service must expect, that the nursing department will notify
them promptly about diet changes and that not all of the nursing staff will go to
take meals together and leave and patients area without nursing supervision
during meals timing. Nurses are expected to discharge doctors from making
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
rounds at meal times so that there will be no dressing done to patients during
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
that time. It is important that the patients room or ward be quite and peaceful at
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing meals time. Food served is an attractive manner provides an incentive for the
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing patient to eat.
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
7: Health Promotional Nursing
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge
And Documentation
9: Health Assessment The central sterile supply department is supposed to store, sterilize, maintain
10: Nursing Process and issue those instruments, materials and garments which are required to be
11: Basic Nursing Skills sterilized. This requirement may steadily decrease as the use of disposable
items become more economical. The CSSSD should have direct lines of
communication with all wards, operation theatres, outpatient and casualty
departments and to a lesser extent with X-ray and pathology department. Air
control in this department is essential to check contamination through air.
Proper control with indicators for sterilization procedures are essential.
Nursing is a major force in the health and medical team which is so essential
for providing services to the hospital. Nursing personnels consist of
professional nurses, practising nurses and nursing assistant of various types.
The position of nurses in India are staff nurses, ward sisters, assistant nursing
superintendent, deputy nursing superintendent, nursing superintendent and
chief nursing officers, nursing directors, who are used into the hospital nursing
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1. Be treated as an individual.
TOC Index 2. Health care to achieve a better quality of life of dignity in death.
3. Be informed.
4. Privacy and confidentiality.
5. Emotional support.
6. A safe environment.
7. Maintain family ties in times of disequilibrium.
8. An environment where the child experiences continued sense of parenting.
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There are five primary means of organizing nursing care for patients are:
Even though the case method is one of the earliest method of nursing care
delivery, it is still widely used in hospitals and in home health agencies. It is
developed and communicated through written sources, its usage remains in
contemporary practice. Students most frequently learn within this model,
private duty nurses practice with this design, and specialty units, such as ICU,
ICCU, etc. are most often use this model.
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Case method nursing provides for nurses with high autonomy and
responsibility. Assigning patient is simple and direct and does not require the
planning that other methods of patient care delivery do. The lines of authority
Fundamentals of and accountability are clear. The patient theoretically receives holistic and
Nursing unfragmented care during the nurses time on duty. Each nurse caring for the
BT Basavanthappa
patient can, however modify the care regiment. The merits and demerits of this
method as follows:
The nurse can better see and attend to the total needs of clients due to the time
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness and proximity of intractors. Coordination of all aspects of care is the
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession responsibility of the nurse; physical, emotional, medical regimen, teaching and
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing 32
all other aspects.
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing Continuity of care can be facilitated with care.
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Client-nurse interaction/rapport can be developed due to intensity of time
7: Health Promotional Nursing
and proximity of those involved.
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge Client may feel more secure knowing that one person is thoroughly familiar
And Documentation
with the needs and the course of treatment.
9: Health Assessment
10: Nursing Process Educational needs of the clients can be closely monitored.
11: Basic Nursing Skills Family and friends may become better known by nurse and more involved in
the care of the client.
Work load for the unit can be equally divided among available staff.
Nurses accountability for their function built-in.
Many clients do not require the intensity of care inherent in this type of
This method must be modified if nonprofessional health workers are to be
used effectively.
There are not enough nurses to fill the demand of this model; cost-
effectiveness must be considered.
It is difficulty for nurses using this method to become involved in long-term
planning and evaluation of care.
The greatest disadvantage in the case of nursing occurs when the nurse is
inadequately trained or prepared to provide total care to the patient.
Team nursing was developed in 1950s (under grant from the WK Kellogg
foundation) directed by Eleanor Lambertson at Teachers College, Columbia
University in New York city. It has been developed in an effort to decrease the
problems associated with the functional organization of patient care. Majority
of people felt that despite a continued shortage of professional nursing staff, a
patient care system had to be developed that reduced the fragmented care that
accompanied functional nursing.
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leader, team members and patients. Staff and clients are usually divided evenly,
often written unit proximity such as a wing of floor. Comprehensive care for the
client is the responsibility of the entire team, but is led by the team leader who
Fundamentals of should be a registered nurse. Assignments are made according to the
Nursing capabilities of the members and respond to the needs of the group of clients.
BT Basavanthappa
In team nursing team leader, the nurse is responsible for knowing the
condition and needs of all the patients assigned to the team and planning
individual care. The team leader duties vary depending on the patients' needs
and workload. These duties may include assisting team members, giving direct
personal care to patients, teaching and coordinating patient care activities.
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession The merits and demerits of team nursing as follows:
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing Merits
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
It includes all healthcare personnel in the groups functioning and goals.
Relationship Feelings of participation and belonging are facilitated with team members.
7: Health Promotional Nursing
Workload can be balanced and shared.
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge
And Documentation Division of labor allows members the opportunity to develop leadership
9: Health Assessment
10: Nursing Process
11: Basic Nursing Skills
Every team member has the opportunity to learn from and teach colleagues.
There is a variety in the daily assignment.
Interest in client's wellbeing and care shared by several people; reliability of
decisions is increased.
Nursing care hours are usually cost-effective.
The client is able to identify personnels who are responsible for his care.
All care is directed by a registered nurse.
Continuity care is facilitated, especially if team are constant.
Barriers between professional and nonprofessional workers can be
minimized; the group efforts prevail.
Everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the care plan.
Establishing the team concept taken time, effort and constancy of personnel.
Merely assigning people to a group does not make them a ‘group’ or ‘team.’
Unstable staffing patterns make team nursing difficult.
All personnels must be client centered.
The team leader must have complex skills and knowledge, i.e.
communication, leadership organization, nursing care, motivation and other
There is less individual responsibility and independence regarding nursing
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Primary nursing, developed in the early 1970s, uses some of the concepts of
case method. It involves total nursing care, directed by a nurse on a 24-hour
basis as long as the client is under care. As originally designed, this method
requires a nursing staff comprised totally of registered staff nurses. Here one
specific nurse is the client's nurse, at all times directing, planning evaluating and
teaching. The primary nurse is essentially, on call all the time and arranged
coverage when away.
Actually, the primary nurse assumes 24-hour responsibility for planning the
care of one or more patients from admission or the start of treatment to
discharge or the treatments end. During work hours the primary nurse provides
total direct care for that patient. When the primary nurse is not on duty, care is
provided by other junior nurses who follow the care plan established by the 34
primary nurse, that means, eventhough the primary nurse is the director of care
for clients, segments of care are often delegated.
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Although the primary nurse establishes the nursing care plan, feedback in
sought from others in coordinating the patient care. The combination of clear
interdisciplinary groups communication and consistent, direct patient care by
Fundamentals of relatively few nursing staff allows for holistic, high quality patient care. It gives
Nursing job satisfaction, once nurse develop skill in primary nursing care delivery, they
BT Basavanthappa
feel challenged and rewarded.
There is opportunity for the nurse to see the client and family as one system.
Nursing accountability, responsibility and independence are increased.
1: Concepts Of Health And Illness
The nurse is able to use a wide range of skills, knowledge and expertise.
2: Concepts Of Nursing And Its Profession
3: Ethical Aspects Of Nursing
This method potentiates creativity by the nurse; work satisfaction may
4: Cultural Aapects Of Nursing increase significantly.
5: Legal Aapects Of Nursing The scene is set for increased trust and satisfaction by the client and nurse.
6: Communication In Nurse-Patient
Relationship Demerits
7: Health Promotional Nursing
8: Hospital Admission, Transfer, Discharge The nurse may be isolated from colleagues.
And Documentation
There is little avenue for group planning of client care.
9: Health Assessment
10: Nursing Process Nurses must be mature and independently competent.
11: Basic Nursing Skills It may be cost effective.
Staffing patterns may necessitate a heavy client load.
An inadequate prepared or educated primary nurse may be incapable of
coordinating a multidisciplinary team or identifying complex patient needs
and condition changes.
The role and functions of the nurse manager in organizing groups for
patient care are as follows:
TOC Index
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