Nursing 2011
Nursing 2011
Nursing 2011
This Prospectus is valid for 2011 only. Regulations and curricula for 2011 may be amended. General regulations and information appear in the General
Information and Regulations Prospectus.
Although the information contained in this Prospectus has been compiled as accurately as possible, Council and Senate accept no responsibility for any
errors and omissions, which may occur. The University retains the right to amend any regulation or condition without prior notice.
The fact that particulars of a specific module or field of study have been included in this Prospectus does not necessarily mean that such module or field of
study will be offered in 2011 or any consecutive year.
This Prospectus must be read in conjunction with the General Information and Regulations Prospectus.
NOTE ...................................................................................................................................................II
CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................III
SCHOOL PREAMBLE .................................................................................................................................................. X
NURSING SERVICE PLEDGE .................................................................................................................................................. X
ADVICE, INFORMATION AND GENERAL REGULATIONS ..................................................................................................... XI
ATTENDANCE OF LECTURES ..............................................................................................................................................................X1
GENERAL INFORMATION ..............................................................................................................................................................X1
SPECIAL SCHOOL REQUIREMENT ......................................................................................................................................... XI
2011 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ................................................................................................................................................ XII
FIRST SEMESTER ................................................................................................................................................ XII
DEADLINES FOR THE 2011 ACADEMIC YEAR ..................................................................................................................... XIII
PERSONNEL ...................................................................................................................................................1
OFFICE-BEARERS AND ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................................................... 1
ACADEMIC PERSONNEL ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
DEPARTMENT OF NURSING SCIENCE .....................................................................................................................................1
UNIT: GENERAL NURSING SCIENCE ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
UNIT: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING SCIENCE ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
UNIT: CLINICAL NURSING EDUCATION: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL.............................................................................................................. 2
UNIT: MIDWIFERY SCIENCE ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
UNIT: MENTAL HEALTH ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
UNIT: SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATIONS OF NURSING ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
UNIT: RADIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
REGULATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................3
COURSE OF STUDY ...................................................................................................................................................3
DEGREES ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
DIPLOMAS ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
CERTIFICATES ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
A.1 ADMISSION ............................................................................................................................................................... 4.
A2. DURATION OF STUDY ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
A.3 CURRICULUM COMPILATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
A4. MODULES CODES AND RESTRICTION MODULES .............................................................................................................................................. 4
A.5 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
A.6 RE-REGISTRATION AND ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES......................................................................................................................... 6
A.7 PRACTICALS ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
B. DIPLOMA IN MIDWIFERY SCIENCE ...............................................................................................................................7
B.1 ADMISSION ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
B.3 CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
B.4 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
B.5 RE-REGISTRATION AND ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES......................................................................................................................... 8
B.6 PRACTICALS ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
C. NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN RADIOGRAPHY (DIAGNOSTIC) (PHASING OUT) ................................................................8
C.1 ADMISSION ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
C.2 DURATION OF STUDY ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
C.3 CURRICULUM COMPILATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
C.4 MODULE CODES AND RESTRICTIONS ON MODULES ....................................................................................................................................... 9
C.5 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
C.6 RE-REGISTRATION AND ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES:........................................................................................................................ 9
C.7 PRACTICALS ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
D.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
D.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
D.3 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
D.4 MODULE CODES AND RESTRICTIONS ON MODULES ..................................................................................................................................... 10
D.5 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
D.6 RE-REGISTRATION AND ACADEMIC ADVANCMENT RULES ......................................................................................................................... 11
D.7 PRACTICALS .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
E.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
E.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
E.3 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
E.4 MODULE CODES AND RESTRICTIONS ON MODULE........................................................................................................................................ 12
E.5 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
E.6 RE-REGISTRATION AND ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES....................................................................................................................... 12
E.7 PRACTICALS .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
TREATMENT .................................................................................................................................................12
F.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
F.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
F.3 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
F.4 MODULE CODES AND RESTRICTIONS ON MODULE........................................................................................................................................ 13
F.5 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
F.6 RE-REGISTRATION AND ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES....................................................................................................................... 13
F.7 PRACTICALS .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
G.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
G.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
G.3 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
G.4 MODULE CODES AND RESTRICTIONS ON MODULES ..................................................................................................................................... 14
G.5 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
G.6 RE-REGISTRATION AND ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES....................................................................................................................... 15
G.7 PRACTICALS .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
H.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
H.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
H.3 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
H.4 MODULE CODES AND RESTRICTIONS ON MODULE........................................................................................................................................ 16
H.5 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
H.6 RE-REGISTRATION AND ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES....................................................................................................................... 16
H.7 PRACTICALS .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
I. MASTER OF NURSING SCIENCE: M. N. SC. 14 NMNS .......................................................................................16
I.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
I.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
I.3 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
I.4. EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
J. MASTER IN PUBLIC HEALTH 14 NMPH.....................................................................................................................17
J.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
J.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
J.3 CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
J.4 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
K DOCTOR OF NURSING SCIENCE: D.N.SC.14DNSC .................................................................................................18
K.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
K.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
K.3 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
K.4 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
L. POST GRADUATE CERTIFICATE ADVANCED NURSING SKILLS 14 PGCAS .......................................................18
L.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
L.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
L.3 CURRICULUM COMPILATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
L.4 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
L.5 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
L.6 REGISTRATION AND ADVANCEMENT RULE ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
L.7 PRACTICALS .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
M. POST GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PHARMACOTHERAPY ....................................................................................19
M.1 ADMISSION .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
M.2 DURATION OF STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
M.3 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
M.4 CURRICULUM FRAME WORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
M.5 EXAMINATION REGULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
M.6 REGISTRATION AND ADVANCEMENT RULE ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
M.7 PRACTICALS .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
SYLLABY / MODULE DESCRIPTIONS .....................................................................................................................................20
AA.1 HEALTH CARE DYNAMICS .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
AA.2 CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL ISSUES .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
AA.3 COMPUTER LITERACY .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
AA.4 COMMUNICATION AND STUDY SKILLS IN ENGLISH......................................................................................................................................... 21
AA.5 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
AA.6 ENGLISH COMMUNICATION AND STUDY SKILLS ............................................................................................................................................. 22
AA.7 APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
AA.8 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING SCIENCE I........................................................................................................................................................ 24
AA.10 GENERAL NURSING SCIENCE .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
AA.11 MENTAL HEALTH .............................................................................................................................................................. 30
AA.12 MIDWIFERY SCIENCE .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
AA.13 SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
BB DIPLOMA IN MIDWIFERY SCIENCE .............................................................................................................................32
BB.1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PRINCIPLES OF NORMAL MIDWIFERY SCIENCE ............................................................................................. 32
BB.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: COMPLICATIONS IN MIDWIFERY SCIENCE ...................................................................................................... 33
BB.3 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: CLINICAL ATTACHMENT FOR MIDWIFERY SCIENCE ..................................................................................... 33
BB.4 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: APPLIED SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATIONS IN MIDWIFERY .................................................................................... 33
BB.5 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ETHOS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE .......................................................................................................... 33
BB.6 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING SCIENCE 1 ........................................................................................................ 34
CC. NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN RADIOGRAPHY (DIAGNOSTIC) ..........................................................................................34
CC.1 APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE .............................................................................................................................................................. 34
CC.2 APPARATUS CONSTRUCTION AND UTILISATION............................................................................................................................................. 34
CC.3 COMMUNICATION AND STUDY SKILLS IN ENGLISH......................................................................................................................................... 35
CC.4 HISTORY, ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ....................................................................................................................................... 35
CC.5 IMAGE RECORDING IMAGE RECORDING I .............................................................................................................................................................. 35
CC.6 MICROBIOLOGY, PARASITOLOGY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 36
CC.7 PHYSICS FOR RADIOGRAPHERS .............................................................................................................................................................. 36
CC.8 RADIATION TECHNIQUE .............................................................................................................................................................. 36
DD.1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH SERVICE MANAGEMENT 1 ..................................................................................................................... 37
DD.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: FOUNDATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ............................................................................................... 37
DD.3 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: DYNAMICS OF ADVANCE NURSING PRACTICE............................................................................................... 38
DD.4 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: OPERATING ROOM NURSING ................................................................................................................................ 38
DD.5 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: OPERATING ROOM NURSING PRACTICAL ......................................................................................................... 38
DD. 6 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: SURGICAL HUMAN ANATOMY ................................................................................................................................ 38
DD.7 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: SURGICAL PHARMACOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 39
DD.8 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: SURGICAL MICROBIOLOGY .................................................................................................................................... 39
DD.9 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH METHODS ............................................................................................................................ 39
DD.10 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH PROJECT ........................................................................................................................... 450
DD.11 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ACADEMIC WRITING FOR POST GRADUATE STUDENTS .............................................................................. 40
EE.1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: CRITICAL CARE NURSING ........................................................................................................................................ 40
EE.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: CRITICAL CARE NURSING PRACTICAL ................................................................................................................ 41
EE.3 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT AND WOUND CARE ................................................................................................... 41
EE.4 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: SPECIALIZED HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHSIOLOGY ........................................................................................ 41
EE.5 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: EMERGENCY MEDICINE.......................................................................................................................................... 41
EE.6 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH SERVICE MANAGEMENT 1 ..................................................................................................................... 41
EE.7 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: FOUNDATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ............................................................................................... 42
EE.8 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: DYNAMICS OF ADVANCE NURSING PRACTICE............................................................................................... 42
EE.9 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH METHODS ............................................................................................................................ 42
EE.10 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH PROJECT ............................................................................................................................. 42
EE.11 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ACADEMIC WRITING FOR POST GRADUATE STUDENTS .............................................................................. 43
TREATMENT .................................................................................................................................................43
FF.1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ADVANCED HEALTH PROMOTION ....................................................................................................................... 43
FF.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PRACTICAL- CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT .................................................................................... 43
FF.3 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: SPECIALIZED HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHISIOLOGY ....................................................................................... 44
FF.4 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ADVANCED PHARMACOLOGY .............................................................................................................................. 44
FF.5 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH SERVICE MANAGEMENT 1 ..................................................................................................................... 44
FF.6 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: FOUNDATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ............................................................................................... 44
FF.7 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: DYNAMICS OF ADVANCE NURSING PRACTICE............................................................................................... 45
FF.8 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH METHODS ............................................................................................................................ 45
FF.9 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH PROJECT ............................................................................................................................. 45
FF.10 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ACADEMIC WRITING FOR POST GRADUATE STUDENTS ............................................................................. 45
HH1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: EMERGENCY NURSING............................................................................................................................................ 49
HH.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: EMERGENCY NURSING PRACTICAL .................................................................................................................... 49
HH.3 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT AND WOUND CARE ................................................................................................... 49
HH.4 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: SPECIALIZED HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ...................................................................................... 49
HH.5 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: EMERGENCY MEDICINE........................................................................................................................................... 50
HH.6 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: FOUNDATIONS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ............................................................................................... 50
HH.7 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: DYNAMICS OF ADVANCED NURSING PRACTICE............................................................................................ 50
HH.8 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH METHODS ............................................................................................................................ 50
HH.9 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH PROJECT ............................................................................................................................. 51
HH.10 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ACADEMIC WRITING FOR POST GRADUATE STUDENTS.............................................................................. 51
II. MASTER OF NURSING SCIENCE .................................................................................................................................51
II.1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MASTER THESIS .............................................................................................................................................................. 51
JJ . MASTERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH ....................................................................................................................................52
JJ.1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN PUBLIC HEALTH ............................................................................................. 52
JJ.3 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: DEMOGRAPHY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN PUBLIC HEALTH ............................................................................... 52
JJ.4 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: DISEASE CONTROL IN PUBLIC HEALTH ............................................................................................................... 53
JJ.5 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MONITORING AND EVALUATION IN PUBLIC HEALTH ....................................................................................... 53
JJ.6 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH SERVICES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC HEALTH .................................................. 53
JJ.7 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ACADEMIC WRITING FOR POST GRADUATE STUDENTS.............................................................................. 53
KK. DOCTORAL OF NURSING SCIENCE ..........................................................................................................................54
KK.1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: DOCTOR OF NURSING............................................................................................................................................... 54
KK.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ACADEMIC WRITING FOR POST GRADUATE STUDENTS.............................................................................. 54
LL. POST GRADAUTE CERTIFICATE IN NURSING ADVANCED SKILLS......................................................................55
LL1. MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ADVANCED NURSING SKILLS ................................................................................................................................. 55
LL.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: CLINICAL ATTACHMENT IN ADVANCED NURSING SKILLS ............................................................................. 55
MM. POST GRADUATE CERTIFICATE PHARMACOTHERAPY.........................................................................................55
MM.1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PHARMACOTHERAPY ............................................................................................................................................... 55
MM.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: CLINICAL ATTACHMENT IN PHARMACOTHERAPY ........................................................................................... 55
NEW PROGRAMMES .................................................................................................................................................57
SPECIAL SCHOOL REQUIREMENT .........................................................................................................................................58
A. BACHELOR OF NURSING SCIENCE (CLINICAL ) (14BNCL) ...................................................................................59
A1. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: .............................................................................................................................................................. 59
A.2. DURATION: .............................................................................................................................................................. 59
A.3. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLACEMENT ................................................................................................................................................. 59
A.4 DELIVERY MODE: .............................................................................................................................................................. 60
A.5 IMPLEMENTATION: .............................................................................................................................................................. 60
A.6 TEACHING AND LEARNING MODEL: .............................................................................................................................................................. 60
A.7. ASSESSMENT: .............................................................................................................................................................. 60
A.8 ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES .............................................................................................................................................................. 60
A.9 CONFIRMING OF THE DEGREE: .............................................................................................................................................................. 60
A.10 PRACTICAL COMPONENT: .............................................................................................................................................................. 60
A11. BACHELOR OF NURSING SCIENCE DEGREE CURRICULUM COMPILATION: ......................................................................................... 60
A.12. MODULE / CODES AND RESTRICTION ON MODULES ..................................................................................................................................... 63
AA. MODULE DESCRIPTORS (SYLLABI)............................................................................................................................63
AA.1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: GENERAL NURSING SCIENCE 1 ............................................................................................................................ 63
AA.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: BASIC HUMAN ANATOMY........................................................................................................................................ 63
AA.3 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: APPLIED HUMAN ANATOMY .................................................................................................................................. 64
AA.4 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY........................................................................................................................ 64
AA.5 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................ 64
AA.6 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH CARE DYNAMICS ...................................................................................................................................... 64
AA.7 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: COMPUTER LITERACY............................................................................................................................................. 65
AA8 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL ISSUES ....................................................................................................................... 65
AA.9 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ENGLISH COMMUNICATION AND STUDY SKILLS ............................................................................................. 65
AA.10 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES ................................................................................................................ 66
AA.11 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: GENERAL NURSING SCIENCE II............................................................................................................................ 66
AA.12 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING SCIENCE MODULE I .................................................................................... 66
AA.13 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: BASIC HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 67
AA.14 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: APPLIED HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 67
AA.15 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MIDWIFERY SCIENCE I ............................................................................................................................................ 67
AA.16 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: FOUNDATION OF SOCIOLOGY .............................................................................................................................. 67
AA.17 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: BASICS OF SOCIOLOGY: PARADIGMS AND METHODS ................................................................................ 68
AA.18 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: GENERAL NURSING SCIENCE MODULE III ........................................................................................................ 68
AA.19 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING II ........................................................................................................................ 68
AA.20 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MICROBIOLOGY......................................................................................................................................................... 68
AA.21 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PHARMACOTHERAPY .............................................................................................................................................. 69
AA.23. MODULE DESCRIPTOR: SOCIAL PROBLEMS .................................................................................................................................................. 69
AA.24 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: SOCIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................................... 69
AA.25 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ORGANISATIONAL/PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY ............................................................................................. 70
AA.26 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MIDWIFERY SCIENCE II ........................................................................................................................................... 70
AA.27 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: GENERAL NURSING SCIENCE IV .......................................................................................................................... 70
AA.28 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: COMMUNITY NURSING SCIENCE III ..................................................................................................................... 70
AA.29 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MENTAL HEALTH NURSING.................................................................................................................................... 71
AA.30 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ETHOS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE............................................................................................................ 71
AA.31 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH METHODS ............................................................................................................................ 71
AA.32 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: RESEARCH PAPER IN HEALTH.............................................................................................................................. 72
AA.33 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY CARE ........................................................................................................................ 72
B. BACHELOR OF RADIOGRAPHY (DIAGNOSTIC) CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK .....................................................72
B.1 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: .............................................................................................................................................................. 72
B.2 DURATION OF THE STUDY: .............................................................................................................................................................. 72
B.3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLACEMENT: ................................................................................................................................................ 72
B.4 DELIVERY MODE: .............................................................................................................................................................. 72
B.5 IMPLEMENTATION: .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
B.6 TEACHING–LEARNING MODEL: .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
B.7 ASSESSMENT: .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
B.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE: .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
B.9 ACCREDITATION OF OTHER QUALIFICATIONS: ............................................................................................................................................... 73
B.10 CONFIRMING OF DEGREE: .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
B.11 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AND ADVANCEMENT RULES:............................................................................................................................. 73
B.12 ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
B.13 PRACTICALS (COMPONENT B): .............................................................................................................................................................. 74
B.14. BACHELOR OF RADIOGRAPHY (DIAGNOSTIC)................................................................................................................................................. 74
B.15 MODULE / CODES AND RESTRICTION ON MODULES ..................................................................................................................................... 76
BB.25 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PHARMACOLOGY FOR RADIOGRAPHERS ......................................................................................................... 83
BB.26 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: RADIATION PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................................ 83
BB.27 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: RADIOGRAPHIC FILM CRITIQUE ............................................................................................................................ 83
BB.28 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................. 84
BB.29 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: APPARATUS CONSTRUCTION AND UTILIZATION............................................................................................. 84
BB.30 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: RADIATION TECHNIQUE IV ...................................................................................................................................... 84
BB.31 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: HEALTH RESEARCH METHODS ............................................................................................................................ 85
BB.32 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MANAGEMENT FOR RADIOGRAPHERS............................................................................................................... 85
BB.33 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: RADIOGRAPHIC PATHOLOGY ................................................................................................................................ 85
BB.34 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: RESEARCH PAPER IN HEALTH.............................................................................................................................. 85
C.1 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C.2 DURATION OF THE STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C.3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLACEMENT .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C.4 DELIVERY MODE .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C.5 IMPLEMENTATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C.6 TEACHING – LEARNING MODEL .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C.7 ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C.9 CONFIRMING OF THE DIPLOMA .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
C.10. ACADEMIC ADVANCEMENT RULES .............................................................................................................................................................. 87
C.11. PRACTICAL (COMPONENT B) .............................................................................................................................................................. 87
C.12. CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 87
CC. MODULE DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................................................................................................88
CC.13 MODULES DESCRIPTOR: .............................................................................................................................................................. 88
CC.14 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ENGLISH FOR GENERAL COMMUNICATION ....................................................................................................... 89
CC.15 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: COMPUTER LITERACY .............................................................................................................................................. 89
CC.16 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: GENERAL NURSING SCIENCE 1 ............................................................................................................................. 89
CC.17 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING SCIENCE1 ........................................................................................................ 90
CC.18 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY.......................................................................... 90
CC.19 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: APPLIED HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ................................................................................................ 90
CC. 20 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: NTERPERSONAL ABILITIES IN HEALTH CARE ................................................................................................... 90
CC.21 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: GENERAL NURSING SCIENCE II............................................................................................................................. 91
CC.22 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING SCIENCE II ....................................................................................................... 91
CC.23 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MICROBIOLOGY.......................................................................................................................................................... 91
CC.24 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PHARMACOLOGY........................................................................................................................................................ 91
CC.25 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MIDWIFERY SCIENCE I .............................................................................................................................................. 92
CC.26 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF WOUND CARE .................................................................................................................. 92
CC.27 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: PROBLEM SOLVING AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN HEALTH CARE................................................... 92
CC.28 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: GENERAL NURSING SCIENCE III ............................................................................................................................ 92
CC.29 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MIDWIFERY SCIENCE II ............................................................................................................................................. 93
CC.30 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: MENTAL HEALTH NURSING SCIENCE ................................................................................................................... 93
CC.31 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ETHOS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ............................................................................................................. 93
CC.32 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: EMERGENCY NURSING............................................................................................................................................. 93
D. POST GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ADVANCED NURSING SKILLS.......................................................................94
D.1 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 94
D.2 DURATION OF THE STUDY .............................................................................................................................................................. 94
D.3 DELIVERY MODE .............................................................................................................................................................. 94
DD. MODULE DESCRIPTOR:................................................................................................................................................94
DD .1 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: ADVANCED NURSING SKILLS ................................................................................................................................. 94
DD.2 MODULE DESCRIPTOR: CLINICAL ATTACHMENT IN ADVANCED NURSING SKILLS ............................................................................ 94
The key mission of the school is to prepare academically and professionally qualified persons for the health needs of Namibia, and to render service,
especially in the domains of preventive and curative health.
My practice will be founded on respect for my client’s humanity, dignity and individuality.
I undertake to treat my clients equally and will not allow that social, economical, political, religious or cultural differences influence the care I render.
To fulfill the needs of my clients, I will endeavor to understand and address it with compassion and empathy.
I accept it as my duty to protect the interest of my clients and to maintain professional secrecy.
I will comply with all moral, legal and professional standards in the execution of my duties and inspire others in achieving our shared vision.
Finally I pledge to maintain the highest level of knowledge and skills and to contribute towards the development of my profession.
Students following modules of study in School of Nursing and Public Health must have at least an 80% lecture and 100% practical attendance. In order to
obtain registration with the Professional Council concerned students must comply with theory and practice requirements as stated by the Councils.
The degree Bachelor of Nursing Science (Advanced Practice) is offered through Distance Education.
Students must register at the University as per the requirements of the University.
1. Nursing and Radiography modules consist of compulsory clinical practice which counts for 50% of the modules
2. Clinical placement in training hospitals will commence from the first year of study.
3. The award of the degree is subject to the satisfactory completion of the prescribed practical hours and the satisfactory completion of practical
4. All clinical documents are regarded as legal documents and should bear the signature of the student and the registered nurse and the radiographer
who teaches the student
5. The practical hours for the year should be completed before registering for the next academic year.
6. Logbook/workbook and or registers should be completed as per instruction.
7. All signatures should be authentic and legible. Fraudulent signatures can lead to immediate cancellation of the students training programme
8. All students need to adhere to the specific rules and regulations of the Ministry of Health and Social Services during their allocation in clinical areas.
9. Students should adhere to the dress code as agreed upon with the School / MOHSS
10. A registration fee of N$200 is payable to the applicable health professions council. Students will be informed accordingly after registration with the
11. The use of cell phones during practicals is not allowed .This is considered highly unethical and interfering in the caring of a patient.
Last day for application of retention of continuous assessment mark ..........................................................................................18 February
Last day for application for exemption(s) .......................................................................................................................................18 February
Last day for Late Registration (Late fee payable) .........................................................................................................................23 February
Last day for approval of exemption(s) ...........................................................................................................................................23 February
Last day for approval of retention of continuous assessment mark ..............................................................................................23 February
Last day for approval of module(s) & qualification changes ..........................................................................................................23 February
Last day to change Examination Centres at Regional Centres (Semester I modules) .................................................................29 April
Last day for appeals (First Opportunity Examinations) (Semester I) ............................................................................................29 July
Last day to submit outstanding documentation .............................................................................................................................19 August
Last day to change Examination Centres at Regional Centres (Semester II modules – 1st & 2nd Opportunity Examinations) ....23 Sept
Last day to cancel enrolment ........................................................................................................................................................30 Sept
Last day for submission of Theses and Dissertations for examination .........................................................................................18 Nov
Semester I modules
Last day to cancel Semester I modules .........................................................................................................................................06 May
Semester II modules
Last day to cancel Semester II modules ........................................................................................................................................30 Sept
Double modules (A double module normally extends over one academic year)
Last day to cancel Double modules ...............................................................................................................................................30 Sept
Semester I modules
Last day to cancel with 100 % credit .............................................................................................................................................11 March
Last day to cancel with 50 % credit ...............................................................................................................................................20 April
Semester II modules
Last day to cancel with 100 % credit .............................................................................................................................................05 August
Last day to cancel with 50 % credit ...............................................................................................................................................02 Sept
Double modules (a double module normally extends over one academic year)
Last day to cancel with 100 % credit .............................................................................................................................................11March
Last day to cancel with 50 % credit ...............................................................................................................................................03 June
General enquiries regarding the School of Health Sciencesand the qualifications offered by the School may be directed to:
Tel: +264+61+206-3828
Fax: +264+61+206-3922
Matters regarding specific MODULES and departments must be directed to the relevant Heads.
Junior Lecturers:
The regulations should be read in conjunction with the General Information and Regulations Prospectus.
The School may award the following degrees:
• Bachelor of Nursing Science (Advanced Practice) via CES 70BNSC (phasing out)
• Bachelor of Nursing Clinical 14BNCL
• Bachelor of Radiography 14BRAD
• Master of Nursing Science 14MNSC
• Master in Public Health 14NMPH
• Doctor of Nursing Science 14DNSC
The School may award the following diplomas:
• Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing and Midwifery Science 14DCNM (phasing out)
• Diploma in Midwifery Science 14DMID
• Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery Science 14DGNMS
• National Diploma in Radiography (Diagnostic) 14DRAD (phasing out)
• Post Graduate Certificate Pharmacotherapy 14PCPT
• Post Graduate Certificate Advanced Nursing Skills 14PCNAS
To register for the Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing and Midwifery Science, a candidate must comply with the following conditions:
- A candidate should hold a valid Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) at Ordinary level or Higher level with passes in at least five
subjects, which add up to at least 25 points, calculated using the UNAM scale.
- English as a compulsory subject and should be obtained (as a second language) grade C or better, or a grade D or better (as a first
- Admission will also be considered for persons who qualify through the Mature Age Entry Scheme;
Note: Annually after registration, every student must furnish the School with proof of current registration as a student with the Nursing Council of
The module of study extends over a period of at least FOUR YEARS (full-time). The maximum period of study is six years.
This programme will phase out by 2011.No new intake
The curriculum of the Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing and Midwifery Science (14DCNM) has been compiled as follows:
Semester 1 Semester 2
NGN 2110 General Nursing Science NGN2110 General Nursing Science
UCN2110 English Communication for Nurses UCN2110 English Communication for Nurses
UCC3109 Computer Literacy (basic) NCH2110 Community Health Nursing
UCI3109 Contemporary Social Issues NEP2112 Nursing Ethos &Prof. Practice
MCH2101 Health Care Dynamics NAB2112 Applied Biological Science
NCH2110 Community Health Nursing
NAB2111 Applied Biological Science l
Semester 1 Semester 2
NGN2210 General Nursing Science NGN2210 General Nursing Science
NCH2210 Community Health Nursing NCH2210 Community Health Nursing
NAB2211 Applied Biological Science ll NAB2212 Applied Biological science ll
SOC2210 Sociology I SOC2210 Sociology I
NMS2210 Midwifery Science l NMS2210 Midwifery Science
Semester 1 Semester 2
NGN2310 General Nursing Science NGN2310 General Nursing Science
NCH2310 Community Health Nursing NCH2310 Community Health Nursing
NAB2311 Applied Biological Science lll NAB2312 Applied Biological Science lll
SOC2310 Sociology II SOC2310 Sociology II
NMS2310 Midwifery Science ll NMS2310 Midwifery ll
Semester 1 Semester 2
NGN2410 General Nursing Science NGN2410 General Nursing Science
NCH2410 Community Health Nursing NCH2410 Community Health Nursing
NEP2409 Nurs. Ethos & Prof. Practice NMH2410 Mental Health
NMH2410 Mental Health
NGN2210 /NAB2211/2212
NGN2310 General Nursing Science
NCH2310 Community Health Nursing NAB2311 co-requisite
NAB2312 Applied Biological Science NAB2211/2212 pre – requisite
SOC2210 Sociology I
SOC2310 Sociology ll NMS2210
NMS2310 Midwifery Science ll
NGN2310 General Nursing Science
NGN2410 General Nursing Science NCH2310 Community Health Nursing
NCH2410 Community Health Nursing NEP2112 Nursing Ethos and professional
NEP2409 Nursing Ethos and Professional Practice Practice
NGN 2310 16 Credits NGN 2210 NGN 2310 16 Credits NGN 2210
General Nursing NQF Level 6 General Nursing NQF Level 6
Science III Science III
NCH 2310 16 Credits NCH 2210 NCH 2310 16 Credits NCH 2210
Community Health NQF Level 7 Community Health NQF Level 7
Nursing Science III Nursing Science III
NAB 2311 16 Credits NAB 2211/2212 NAB 2312 16 Credits NAB 2211/2212
Applied Biological NQF Level 6 Applied Biological NQF Level 6
Science III Science II
NMS 2310 16 Credits NMS 2210 NMS 2310 16 Credits NMS 2210
Midwifery Science II NQF Level 6 Midwifery Science II NQF Level 6
SOC 2310 16 Credits SOC 2210 SOC 2310 16 Credits SOC 2210
Sociology II NQF Level 6 Sociology II NQF Level 6
NGN 2410 16 Credits NGN 2310 NGN 2410 16 Credits NGN 2310
General Nursing NQF Level 7 General Nursing NQF Level 7
Science III Science III
NCH 2410 16 Credits NCH 2310 NCH 2410 16 Credits NCH 2310
Community Health NQF Level 8 Community Health NQF Level 8
Nursing Science III Nursing Science III
NEP 2409 16 Credits NEP 2112
Nursing Ethos & NQF Level 6
Professional Practice
NMH 2410 16 Credits NMH 2410 16 Credits
Mental Health NQF Level 6 Mental Health NQF Level 6
See General Information and Regulations Prospectus for detailed examination and promotion regulations.
Examination Admission:
To qualify for examination admission in a module, the continuous assessment mark for part (A) of the module must be at least 40 % and for part (B)
(practice) at least 50%.
Pass Requirements:
The sub-minimum exam mark for part A of a module is 40%, provided that a sub-minimum of 40% is obtained in each paper and 50% for part B. To pass a
MODULE, a minimum final mark of 50% must be obtained. The weight ratio between continuous assessment and examination mark is 50:50. The ratio
between the theoretical and practical examination is 50:50.
Supplementary Examination:
See General Information and Regulations Prospectus
(Regulation7. 20.16(1)(b –c),(Regulation 7.20.17(1-4).
The minimum duration of this module of study is 4 years, with a maximum period of 6 years for completion. The full curriculum consists of 39 modules in
total. A student wishing to pursue his/her studies leading to this diploma will not be permitted to re-register for various modules within the School of Health
Sciencesif (s/he has not passed a minimum of module equivalents as indicated below:
FOUR (4) modules should have been passed after the first year of registration;
SIX (6) modules should have been passed after the second year of registration;
EIGHT (8) modules should have been passed after the end of the third year of registration;
TWENTY NINE (29) modules should have been passed after the fourth year of registration.
The above-mentioned implies that a student who does not complete within the prescribed duration of study has two years left to complete the remaining ten
(10) modules.
The practical learning experience and clinical teaching prescribed in the (b) section of a module will take place in a variety of health care services. The
practice takes place under guidance of lecturers and preceptors. The clinical learning experience must extend over four academic years.
To register for the Diploma in Midwifery Science, a candidate must comply with the following conditions:
- hold at least a school leaving certificate (with a pass in at least five subjects) or an equivalent qualification;
- hold a three year diploma in General Nursing Science;
- annually, together with his/her application for registration, furnish proof of his/her current registration as a general nurse with the
Nursing Council of Namibia;
- annually, together with his/her application for registration, furnish proof that he/she holds a post as student midwife in the
midwifery service of a Namibian health authority.
See A.5
* Please note that students who are not admitted to the 1year Midwifery programme (may not write examination for Scientific Foundations of Midwifes
The learning experiences and clinical instruction prescribed for the (b) part of Midwifery Science and Community Health Nursing Science I are carried out
as follows:
Community Health Nursing Science I40 hours
Midwifery Science 960 hours
The number of hours of ante-natal care, number of deliveries, episiotomies, vaginal examinations and care during the puerperium will not be less than that
prescribed from time to time by the Namibian Nursing Council.
To be able to register for the National Diploma in Radiography (Diagnostic), a candidate must comply with the following conditions:
- Hold a valid IGCSE Certificate (with passes in at least five subjects);
- English as a compulsory subject and should normally be obtained (as a second language) grade C or better, or a grade D or better (as a first
- Mathematics grade C or D and one Science subject as compulsory subjects;
- A candidate must obtain a minimum of 25 points on the UNAM Evaluation Point Scale to be admitted. However, if the minimum point of 25 is
obtained, it does not necessarily ensure admission. Entrance is based upon places available within the School and awarded on the basis of merit;
- Assistant Radiographers who hold a training certificate of MOHSS with a 65% pass in the Radiation Technique l, and Image Recording I,
respectively and all of the above will also be considered. Candidates who comply with the above mentioned criteria will be exempted from
Radiation Technique I and image Recording I.
- Admission will also be considered for persons who qualify through the Mature Age Entry Scheme;
- Annually produce proof of registration as student with the Allied Health Professions Council of Namibia;
- Candidates must adhere to the regulations as set out at the end of this School Prospectus.
Semester1 Semester2
UCE3119 Comm. and Study Skills in English UCA3119 English for Academic purposes
UCC3109 Computer Literacy (basic) NAB2112 Applied Biological Science
UCI3109 Contemporary Social Issues PHC2102 Physics for Radiographers
MCH2101 Health Care Dynamics PRT2110 Radiation Technique I
NAB2111 Applied Biological Science PIR2112 Image Recording I
PRT2110 Radiation Technique I
PIR2111 Image Recording I
Semester 1 Semester 2
PAC2211 Apparatus Construction and Utilization l PAC2212 Apparatus Cons &Utilization l
NAB2211 Applied Biological Science NAB2212 Applied Biological Science
PIR2211 Image Recording Il PIR2212 Image Recording Il
PRT2210 Radiation Technique Il PRT2210 Radiation Technique Il
Semester 1 Semester 2
PAC2311 Apparatus Cons.& Utilization ll PAC2312 Apparatus Cons.. and Utilization Il
PRT2310 Radiation Technique Ill PRT2310 Radiation Technique lll
PMP2311 Microbiology, Paras.& Pathophysiology PMP2312 Microbiology,Paras.&Pahophysiology
PHE2311 History, Ethics &Professional Practice PHE2310 History, Ethics &Professional Practice
UCA3119 English for Academic Purposes UCE3119 Comm. and Study Skills in English
UCC310 Computer Literacy NAB2111 Co- requisites
UCS3109 Contemporary Social Issues PIR2111 Image Recording
NAB2112 Applied Biological Science
PIR2112 Image Recording
PAC2211 Apparatus Construction and Utilization I PHC2102 Physics for Radiographers
PAC2212 Apparatus Construction and Utilization I PAC2211 Apparatus Construction and Utilization I
NAB2211 Applied Biological Science ll NAB2111 NAB2112 Co-requisite
PIR2211 Image Recording ll PIR2111 Image Recording I
PIR2212 Image Recording ll PIR2112 Image Recording l
PRT2210 Radiation Technique ll PRT2110 Radiation Technique l
PAC2311 Apparatus Construction and Utilization ll PAC2212 Apparatus Construction and Utilization l
PRT2310 Radiation Technique lll PRT2210 Radiation Technique ll
PMP2311/2312 Microbiology, Parasitology &Patho. NAB2211/2212 Applied Biological Science
PHE2312 History, Ethics & Professional Practice PHE2311 History, Ethics & Professional Practice
PAC2312 Apparatus Construction PAC2311 Apparatus Construction
The duration of this course of study is three years, with a maximum period of five years for completion. The full curriculum consists of 28 modules in total.
FOUR (4) modules should have been passed after the first year of registration.
FOUR (4) modules should have been passed after the second year of registration.
SEVEN (6) modules should have been passed after the third year of registration.
The above-mentioned implies that a student who does not complete within the normal duration of study has two years left to complete the outstanding
fourteen (14) modules.
To be promoted to the SECOND year of study the student must have passed at least:
(a) PIR2111 /2112 Image Recording I
(b) PRT2110 Radiation Technique I
(c) NAB2111/2112 Applied Biological Sciences
(d) PHC 2102 Physics for Radiographers
To be promoted to the THIRD year of study the student must have passed at least:
(a) PRT2210 Radiation Technique Il
(b) PIR2211/2212 Image Recording Il
(c) NAB2211/2212 Applied Biological Sciences II
(d) PAC2211/2212 Apparatus Construction and Utilization I
A student will not be allowed to advance to the next year of study if he/she has failed more than one (1) module.
To obtain the diploma, a pass must be obtained in every written, practical and oral examination.
Practical tuition will take place in the X-ray departments of the Windhoek State Hospital Complex under supervision of qualified personnel. A minimum of
2500 hours practical are required, except for candidates who hold a valid MOHSS Certificate for assistant radiographers, only require 1000 practical hours.
Rural placement will take place at Oshakati State Hospital for a period of 4-weeks. Note that this is compulsory for all 3rd.year students.
A student advances to the following academic level of study if the following practical hours are completed:
(a) Year 1 - 470 hours
(b) Year 2 - 1015 hours
(c) Year 3 - 1015 hours
To register for the post graduate Diploma Operating Room Nursing Science, a candidate must comply with the following conditions:
registration as nurse and midwife;
- annually, together with his/her application for registration, furnish proof of his/her current registration as a nurse with the Nursing Council of
- annually, together with his/her application for registration, furnish proof that he/she holds a post as registered nurse in the operating service of
- an approved hospital.
- Degree or Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing and Midwifery Science.
Health Research Project NRP4820 1-2 16
The clinical learning experience and clinical instruction, which is prescribed for Theory and Practice of Operating Room Nursing Science and for Nursing
Management is carried out as follows:
Theory and Practice of Operating Room Nursing Science (NORN 4830) = 960 hours in an operating room of an approved institution.
To register for the Post Graduate Diploma Critical Care, a candidate must comply with the following conditions:
- registration as a nurse and midwife;
- annually, together with his/her application for registration, furnish proof of (s)he current registration with the Nursing Council of Namibia;
- annually, together with his/her application for registration, furnish proof that he/she holds a Post as a post-registration student in the service of an
approved health institution.
- Degree or Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing and Midwifery Science.
The course of study extends over a period of at least ONE YEAR (full-time).
Academic Writing UAE4819 4 16 8 Physical NPAW 4882 3 12 8
wound Care
Health Research Health Research 2 16 8
Project NRP4820 2 16 8 Project
Total credits180 96 84
Health Research Methods NNHR4820
Critical Care Nursing NCCN4850 1-2 8
The practical learning experience and clinical instruction which is prescribed for Theory and Practice of Critical Care Nursing Science is carried out as
Theory and Practice of Critical Care Nursing Science (NCCN4840) = 960 hours in an approved critical care unit.
To register for the Post Graduate Diploma Health Promotion, Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment a candidate must comply with the following conditions:
- registration as a nurse and midwife;
- annually, together with his/her application for registration, furnish proof of his/her current registration as a nurse and midwife with the Nursing
Council of Namibia;
- have at least two years’ experience as a registered nurse.
- Degree or Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing and Midwifery Science.
The MODULE of study extends over a period of ONE YEAR (full time).
Since the Post graduate Diploma Health, Promotion, Clinical Diagnoses and Treatment is offered over one year full-time, two (2) modules should have been
passed after the first year of registration.
Clinical learning experience is carried out on a daily basis throughout the academic year. These practical take place under the guidance of the medical
practitioner and the lecturer and consist of the following:
Estimation, identification, diagnosis, treatment and care of health problems of all systems
To register for the Post Graduate Diploma Clinical Instruction a candidate must comply with the following conditions:
- registration as a nurse and midwife;
- annually, together with his/her application for registration, furnish proof of his/her current registration as a nurse and midwife with the Nursing
Council of Namibia;
- have at least two years’ experience as a registered nurse.
- Degree or Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing and Midwifery Science.
Specialized Human Anatomy and Physiology NHAP4811 1-2 8
Clinical learning experience is carried out on a daily basis throughout the academic year. These practical take place under the guidance of the medical
practitioner and the lecturer and consist of the following:
Estimation, identification, diagnosis, treatment and care of health problems of all systems
To register for the Post Graduate Diploma Emergency Nursing candidate must comply with the following conditions:
- registration as a nurse and midwife;
- annually, together with his/her application for registration, furnish proof of his/her current registration as a nurse and midwife with the Nursing
Council of Namibia;
- have at least two years’ experience as a registered nurse.
- Degree or Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing and Midwifery Science.
HealthResearch Project NRP4820 2 8 8 Health Research Project NRP4820 2 8 8
Total Credits164 88 76
Since the Post graduate Diploma Clinical Instruction (14PGDCI) is offered over one year full-time, two (2) modules should have been passed after the first
year of registration.
Clinical learning experience is carried out on a daily basis throughout the academic year. These practical take place under the guidance of the medical
practitioner and the lecturer and consist of the following:
Estimation, identification, diagnosis, treatment and care of health problems of all systems
Please refer to the General Information and Regulations Prospectus for general regulations as far as postgraduate modules of study are concerned.
The Master course of study takes at least TWO YEARS to complete.
The curriculum for the M. N Sc. (14NMNS) consists of a thesis on an approved subject in the field of nursing or health aspects.
NNMS 5900 – Master Thesis
See General Information and Regulations Prospectus for detailed examination and promotion regulations.
- TWO academic years of part-time course work completed by written examination each year.
- SECOND year completion of course work and proposal development
- THIRD year thesis writing
Health Services Planning and NHPM5980 2 12 9 Health Services NHPM5980 2 12 9
Management in Public Health Planning and
Management in
Public Health
Academic writing UAE4819 2 16 8
TotalCredits:148 76 72
Please refer to the General Information and Regulations Prospectus for general regulations as far as postgraduate courses of study are concerned.
Module Code Hours Credits NQF Level Module Code Hours Credits NQF
Thesis writing NDND 6000 6 tutorials 180 10 Thesis writing NDND 6000 6 tutorials 180 10
To register for the certificate course in Advanced Skills a candidate must comply with the following conditions:
- Registration as a nurse and midwife
- Furnish proof of his/her current registration with the Nursing Council of Namibia.
- Degree or Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing and Midwifery Science.
• Wound Care
• Radiography imaging
Delivery mode
The course is presented by means of accompanied learning including 45 hours face – to – face teaching per year to allow candidates to attend this
module during their off duty times It is expected that this certificate be offered on Saturday mornings.
Advanced Nursing Skills NANS4760 45 hrs per 8 7 Advanced NANS4760 45 hrs per 8 7
year Nursing year
Clinical attachment in NCAN4780 Self 12 7 Clinical NCAN4780 Self 12 7
advanced nursing skills accompanied attachment accompanied
learning in advanced learning
nursing skills
See A5
Minimum 50hours accompanied learning
Delivery mode
The course is presented by means of accompanied learning including 45 hours face – to – face teaching per year to allow candidates to attend this
module during their off duty times .
It is expected that this certificate be offered on Saturday mornings.
Candidates may re - register
Minimum 50hours accompanied learning.
Module Assessment:
To obtain admission to the examination, a student should obtain 50% in the continuous assessment, and pass the examination with 50%.
Final examination:
A two hour written examination is conducted at the end of the semester.
Module Description:
Health Care Dynamics is a semester school core module. It aims at introducing the student to the art and science of professional practice in Health
Science. It is offered in the first semester. The module is divided into two modules.
Health Care Dynamics is a semester school core module. It aims at introducing the student to the art and science of professional practice in Health
Science. This is the school core module offered in the first semester over a period of 14 weeks (2 periods per week). The course is divided into two
Module I: Professional Practice (7 weeks)
Module II: The Caring Relationship (7 weeks)
Module Assessment:
A student is expected to complete three assignments; i. e., one assignment in each unit to make-up for the Continuous Assessment (CA) marks. CA
attributes to 50% of the total marks At least two assignments and a test should be administered during the semester.
The final examination comprises of a 2-hour examination paper adding up to 50%.The question papers consist of one-third of each unit.
Module Description:
This module is divided into three units and is taught over a period of national and global ethics. It helps the students to reflect on the social
moral issues, to discover themselves, in learner-centred, contextual, religious and life related settings, and also stimulates the learners for
critical thinking and help them to appreciate their values and attitudes.
The module also orientates students to the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS; the prevalence of the disease; the social factors that contribute to the spread of the
disease; the impact of HIV/AIDS on students; and the prevention of HIV/AIDS among students by means of paradigm shifting and behaviour change. The
module also aims at making students aware, as well as sensitizes them towards gender issues and how such issues affect our society, Sub-Region and
continent at large.
Module Content
Contemporary Social Issues is a compulsory UNAM core module for all the first year students. It is divided into three units, namely:
Students are assessed on a continuous basis, i.e., 100% Continuous Assessment (100% CA).
They do not have an end of year examination.
Module Description:
The Basic Computer Literacy module is a semester module.
All content in this module will be covered in 42 hours.
• Introduction of the Personal Computer
• Components of the computer
• Practical Introduction to Microsoft Widows
• Introduction to Microsoft Word
• Introduction to Microsoft Excel
• Introduction to Microsoft Access
• Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint
• Introduction to Internet Services
Module Assessment:
Students will be assessed on a continuous basis. Students need to attain a minimum of 40% continuous assessment mark in order to be admitted to the
final examination. Final examination is a three hour paper comprising of reading and writing components each amounting to 50% (total = 100%).
Weighting of 60% is given to the Continuous Assessment marks (CA marks) 40% is given for the examination marks; i. e. CA marks + Examination marks
must add up to 50%.
Module Description:
Communication and Study Skills in English is a core curriculum one year module designed for first year students. The module helps students develop
academic reading, writing, oral presentation and study skills needed to meet the demands of university modules. It provides students with opportunities to
practise the language skills needed at work place.
• Reading
• Writing
• Speaking
• Listening
• Academic speaking – individual oral presentations
• Academic writing, library research – based essay, interpretation and explanation of graphics in writing and academic summaries.
Paper 1: 2 hours
Language functions (Language use in various context)
• Basic reading; skimming and scanning
• Writing sentences and paragraphs
• Listening and taking short notes-General speaking
• Library information skills
• Basic concepts of language usage
• Dictionary skills
• Vocabulary development
• Sentences, paragraphs, punctuation, input linking ideas
• Introduction to reading skills; skimming and scanning, and understanding of text
• Introduction to general listening
• Introduction to general speaking
• Development and application of all four skills (wring, reading, speaking and listening)
Semester 1
Code: NAB 2111
NQF Level: 5
Credits: 16
Contact Hours: 4 lecture periods & 20 hours of practical experience per week
Prerequisites: Nil
Module Assessment:
Eight evaluations will be conducted per annum and for a student to qualify for entry to the examination, s/he must obtain at least a minimum of 40% on
average. Tests will also be given on a regular basis. These may be in form of written, oral or practical. Final examination will comprise of two hour written
Final examination:
Written examinations are conducted at the end of every semester. A year mark of 40% in theory and 50% in practical must be obtained for admission to the
examination. One, three-hour paper is written at the end of the semester. The weight ratio between the theory and practical examination mark is 50:50.
Module Description:
Applied Biological Sciences I, NAB 2111 is a semester module divided into 8 units: It is aimed at equipping the student with anatomical knowledge as well
as biophysical principles in order to apply these in their daily nursing activities in a health Facility or community setting.
Applied Biological Sciences NAB 2111 is a semester module. The module is divided into 8 units:
Unit 1: The introduction to human body and definition of commonly used terms
Unit 2: The Cellular level of human body/Cellular level of organization
Unit 3: The Types of Tissue/the tissue level of organization
Unit 4: The Integumentary system
Unit 5: The skeletal system
- Skeletal tissue
- Axial skeleton
- Appendicular skeletal
Unit 6: The Articulations
Unit 7: The Muscular system
Unit 8: The Digestive system
Semester 2
Code: NAB 2112
NQF Level: 5
Credits: 16
Contact Hours: 4 lecture periods & 20 hours of practical experience per week
Prerequisites: Applied Biological Sciences I - NAB 2111
Module Description:
Applied Biological Sciences NAB 2112 is a semester module divided into seven units:
Module Assessment:
Eight evaluations will be conducted per semester and for a student to qualify for entry to the examination, s/he must obtain at least a minimum of 40% on
average. Tests will also be given on a regular basis. These may be in form of written, oral or practical.
Final examination:
Written examination is conducted at the end of every semester. One, three-hour paper is written at the end of the year. The weight ratio between the theory
and practical examination mark is 50:50.
Module Description:
Applied Biological Sciences II, NAB 2112 is a semester module divided into 7 units: It is aimed at equipping the student with anatomical knowledge as well
as biophysical principles in order to apply these in their daily nursing activities in a health facility or community setting.
Applied Biological Sciences NAB 2112 is a semester module.
This module is divided into seven units:
Unit 9: The Special Senses
Unit 10: The Nervous System and the Autonomic Nervous System
• The spinal cord and spinal nerves
• The brain and the cranial nerves
Unit 11: The Cardiovascular System
• The blood
• The heart
• The blood vessels and routes
Unit 12: The Lymphatic System and immunity
Unit 14: The Uro genital System
• Urinary system
• Reproductive system
Unit15: The Endocrine System
Semester 1
Code: NAB 2211/2212
NQF Level: 6
Credits: 32
Contact Hours: 4 Lecture periods & 20 periods of practical work per week
Prerequisites: Applied Biological Sciences I - NAB 2111 & NAB 2112
Module Assessment:
At least six evaluations will be carried out during the year, (i.e., three tests will be conducted in each semester). In order to qualify for entrance to the
examination, a student has to obtain an average of 40%. In order to pass the examination, must obtain 50% or more.
Module Description:
Applied Biological Science II is a combination of the physiology and Biochemical aspects of nursing and Radiography. It is designed to prepare the student
to develop an understanding of the “normal values” in order to differentiate them from the “abnormal values.”
Physiology and Biochemistry
Unit 1: The biochemical aspects of life
Unit 2: Cardiovascular
Unit 3 Respiratory
Unit 4: The cell
Unit 5: The tissues
Unit 6: The integumentary system
Unit 7: The skeletal tissue
Unit 8: The muscle tissue
Semester 2
Unit 9: The sensory system
Unit10: The nervous system
Unit11: The endocrine system
Unit12: The lymphatic and immune system:
Unit13: The digestive system
Unit14: The renal system and fluid balance
Unit15: The reproductive system
Module Assessment:
Students will be evaluated through written and oral tests, practical tests, case studies and assignments. A student is expected to obtain a minimum of 40%
of year mark in theory and a minimum of 50% of year mark in practice to qualify for the final examination. Final Examination will comprise of 2 x 3hour
papers. The weight ratio between the theory and practical examination mark is 50:50.
Module Description:
The module is aimed at providing a nurse practitioner and radiographer to apply some of the microbiological principles in order to prevent diseases and to
maintain a healthy environment for the patient. It is also aimed at fostering sound principles in pharmacology. It is planned as a foundation to help students
to upgrade themselves and also to master new and additional information. Emphasis will be placed on practical application; where possible laboratory
experiences will be provided.
The MODULE is divided into two modules:
Semester 2
Unit 1: Introduction to pharmacology.
Unit 2: The role of the nurse in drug/medicines administration.
Unit 3: Judicious and rational prescribing.
Unit 4: Drugs affecting cardiovascular system.
Unit 5: Drugs affecting gastro-intestinal tract.
Unit 6: Antiretroviral Drugs
Unit 7: Analgesics.
Unit 8: Psychoactive substances (Psychiatry).
Unit 9: Drugs and the nervous system.
Unit10: Endocrine system.
Unit 11: Chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics.
Unit 12: Biological medicines.
Unit 13: Tropical diseases and antihelmintics.
Unit 14: Toxicology.
Unit 15: Disinfectants and insecticides.
Unit 16: Drugs and the eye.
Unit 17: Diuretics.
Unit 18: Emergency/critical care drugs.
To assess the knowledge obtained from each unit, students will be subjected to writing of regular tests during the year and an end of year examination. In
the event of a student missing to write a test, it is the student’s own responsibility to arrange with the lecturer concerned when she/he can write the missed
Students are also required to carrying out all assignments given.
Closing dates for submitting the assignments are communicated to students.
The module is divided into two sections:
• Section A: Theoretical information on different units
• Section B: Professional skills necessary to function in any health unit
Module Assessment:
Continuous Assessment theory 50% and practical 50%.
A student will also be assessed on two procedures during the last two weeks of clinical allocation.
Final examination:
Written and practical examinations are conducted at the end of every academic year. One, three-hour paper is written at the end of the year.
The weight ratio between the theory and practical examination mark is 50:50.
Module Description:
This module is aimed at equipping the second year student nurse with adequate knowledge, appropriate skills and positive attitudes to provide
comprehensive community health care. The student will be expected to assume responsibility for all actions taken.
The module also aims at equipping student nurses with sufficient knowledge of HIV/AIDS and its management in Namibia, so as to enable them to provide
quality care to patients with HIV/AIDS
Theory (Component A)
The theory component has eleven units:
Unit 1: Community Assessment.
Unit 2: Introduction to infection.
Unit 3: Health assessment of mother and child within the family and community context
Unit 4: Development of a child under 5 year.
Unit 5: Growth monitoring and nutrition of a child under 5 year
Unit 6: Paediatric HIV infection
Unit 7: The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Family and the Community
Unit 8: Diseases affecting children under 5 years of age.
Unit 9: Family Planning with Emphasis on HIV/Aids on the Family and Community
Unit 10:Educational approaches, techniques and materials
Unit 11:Planning and conducting a Health Education or teaching session.
Practice (Component B)
During this period, the student will be expected to:
• Conduct health education sessions/health talks on predetermined topics
• Carry out clinical procedures as set out in the practical register
• Conduct visits to children’s institutions
• Carry out a family study project. The reports on the different visits will be submitted as project assignments on the predetermined dates
• Participate in a family planning session
Code: NCH 2310
NQF Level: 6
Credits: 32
Contact Hours: 4 lecture periods and 20 practical periods per week
Prerequisites: Community Health Nursing Science II NCH 2210
Module Assessment:
The student will be evaluated on a continuous basis. Written and oral tests will be given as well as projects. Final Examination: Two three hour written
papers (NCH Paper I and NCH Paper II). For the student to qualify for examination s/he must obtain 40% in theory and 50% in practical CA The
weight ratio between theory and practical examination mark is 50:50
Module Description:
The module is designed to equip the student with adequate knowledge, appropriate skills and positive attitudes to provide comprehensive health care to the
school child, adolescent and the elderly client. It is also designed to equip the student with skills to utilise the community development process for health
development activities. The module is aimed at equipping the student with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to function professionally in any field
in which she may be working. (Community development, school child, teenager, elderly and communicable diseases)
Practical (B Component)
• Students will be placed in different community health centres and instructed to develop skills needed to
• Perform a full physical examination on aged adult and child
• Make a nurse diagnosis
• Prescribe the appropriate action and/or treatment
• Students will be expected to visit an old age home and will also be sent to the tuberculoses hospital. The purpose of this project is to
• Upgrade the health status of the elderly
• Promote family involved and responsibility in health matters
• Give health education
• Students will be expected to participate in school health services; the aim is to enable them develop skills to
Module Assessment:
A student must obtain 40% of the year mark in theory and 50% in practical assignments to qualify for admission to the final examination. Final Examination
will comprise of one 3 hour paper. The weight ratio between the theory and practical examination mark is 50:50.
The module is divided into two sections:
Section A: Theoretical information on different modules
Section B: Professional skills (practical) necessary to function in any health setting
Section A:
1. Research: Module
Unit 1: Research
Unit 2: Terminology, Meaning and Value of Research in Nursing
Unit 3: Research and Theory
Unit 5: Ethical Considerations in the Conduct of Research
Unit 6: An Overview of the Research Process
Unit 7: Selecting/Identifying Nursing Research Problems
Unit 8: The Literature Review
Unit 9: Refining and Defining the Research Questions or
Formulating a Hypothesis
Unit 8: Quantitative Research Designs
Unit 9: Non-Traditional and Qualitative Research Designs
Unit 10: Sampling
Unit 11: Data Collection
Unit 12: Data Quality
Unit 13: Data Analysis
Unit 14: The Report Writing and Critical Evaluation of a Scientific Research
2. Epidemiology Module
Unit 1: Epidemiology: What is it about?
Unit 2: Epidemiological Methods – Health Information System as a Tool for Practice
Unit 3: Epidemiological Surveillance
The course in research and epidemiology will enable the student to conduct a mini research study while based at a community institution for her/his
“B” mark.
Code: NEP 2112
NQF Level: 5
Total Credits: 16
Contact Hours: 4 lecture periods per week
Prerequisites: Nil
Module Assessment:
A student will be expected to write tests and complete independent assignments. A student must obtain an average of 40% in order to qualify for admission
to examination. In order to obtain a pass in the final examination a student must obtain a minimum of 50%.
Module Description:
This module aims at introducing the student to the philosophical, historical, multicultural, ethical, legal foundations of nursing/midwifery practice and the professional
dimensions of nursing. These dimensions relate to the care of patients suffering from major diseases in Namibia, with special reference to
HIV/AIDS/STIs/TB/Malaria. The module attempts to prepare the student to become a true professional person by internalizing the norms and values of the
profession which are important
The MODULE is divided into two parts. The first part of the module NEP 2112 (1a), is a semester module taught during the first year of study (semester II),
and the second part is also a semester module, (1b) taught in the final year/ fourth year semester I.
Credits: 16
Contact Hours: 4 lecture periods per week
Pre-requisites: NEP 2112
Module Assessment:
A student must write all the scheduled and arranged tests to accumulate a continuous assessment mark and to obtain admission to the examination. The
student’s accumulated assessment mark and the examination mark have a 50:50 weight in the calculation of the final mark.
Module Description:
The module is designed to train students to become professional persons and should thus, have a clear understanding of their duty towards patients, the
service provider and themselves. The content is interrelated and has practical reference to the care that is given to patients in the different units where
students practise nursing. In order to master this module, a student is expected to understand
Unit I: The Ethical Foundation of Professional Practice
Unit 2: The Legal Foundation of Professional Nursing Practice
Unit 3: The Duty of the Professional Nurse Practitioner
Unit 4: Cultural Care in Professional Nursing Practice
Module Assessment:
Students are given five written tests/assignments per year. In a practical situation, objective structural assessments are conducted regularly; including
evaluations in both clinical and Simulation Laboratories. Case studies are done in each clinical setting.
Final examination: Written and practical examinations are conducted at the end of every academic year. A year mark of 40% in theory and 50% in practical
must be obtained for admission to the examination. One, three-hour paper is written at the end of the year. The weight ratio between the theory and
practical examination mark is 50:50.
Module Description:
This module forms a basis for addressing the basic needs of patients/clients. It will enable the student to develop the cognitive, psychomotor and effective
skills to care for individual, vulnerable groups, families and community in totality. This module will also enable the student to develop knowledge and skills to
assess, plan, implement and evaluate the nursing interventions for the basic needs for the patient.
The module is divided into eight units:
Unit 1: Health and Illness Continuum/Concepts of Health and Disease
Unit 2: Record keeping
Unit 3: Provision of Safe Environment
Unit 4: Basic Human Needs
Unit 5 Basic Practical Nursing Skills
Unit 6: The Nursing Process
Unit 7: Self Care Nursing
Unit 8: Basic First Aid
Module Assessment:
The student is evaluated through continuous evaluation in both theory and clinical practice. The student is evaluated on at least five clinical procedures
related to Medical, Surgical and Paediatric Nursing Care, during their placement in the clinical area. The student will also be subjected to writing at least five
tests during the modulE of the year. Assignments will also be given as part of theoretical and practical assessment. A student is expected to have a
minimum of 40% of year mark in theory to qualify for the final examination and a minimum of 50% of year mark in practice to qualify for the final
examination. Final examination consists of a written examination of two papers (three hours each) of theory and simulated practical examination and
problem solving for clinical practica . The weight ratio between theory and practical examination mark is 50:50
Module Description:
The module involves integration of knowledge of anatomical structures, physiology of body systems under study and the pathological processes involved in
the evolution of each disease. The module also covers medical and surgical interventions for treatment (to an extent pharmacological actions), and specific
nursing care for specific diseases (i.e. physical, psychological and social), at primary, secondary (curative care) and tertiary prevention or rehabilitation
levels of the comprehensive health care approach.
General Nursing Science II module comprises of four modules:
• Adult Medical Nursing Care (52 hours)
• Dermatological Nursing Care (6 hours)
• Adult Surgical Nursing Care(30 hours)
• Paediatric medical and surgical Nursing Care (28 hours)
It encompasses both theoretical and practical components:
A Component – Theory
B Component – Clinical/Practical
Module Assessment:
Evaluation will be continuous in form of tests, case studies, projects and OSCEs. A student is expected to have a minimum of 40% of year mark in theory
and a minimum of 50% of year mark in practical to qualify for the final examination Final Examination will comprise of 2 x 3hour papers. The weight ratio
between the theory and practical examination mark is 50:50.
Module Description:
The module is designed to equip the student with knowledge and skills so that the student develops affective, psychomotor and cognitive skills to enable
her/him to provide comprehensive nursing care with respect to specialised areas of health care pertaining to General Nursing Science III.
Paper I
Will comprise of the following units:
• Unit 3: Urinary and Reproductive Systems
• Unit 4: Neurology
• Unit 8: Operating Room Nursing Science
Paper 2
Will comprise of the following units:
• Unit 1: Ear, Nose and Ophthalmology
• Unit 2: Orthopaedics
• Unit 5: Gerontology
• Unit 6 & 7: Oncology
Clinical OSCE
Will comprise of the following:
• Specific procedures regarding different units
• Procedures to enable the student to apply theoretical work in a clinical situation
• Application of theoretical work into the community setting
• Module 7: Mobilization and involvement of the community for health and development action
Clinical learning experience regarding neurology: nursing methodology, unconscious patient, diagnostic tests. Clinical learning experience regarding
orthopedics: nursing methodology, care: wounds, fractures and skin. Maintenance of sensory function and diagnostic tests. Legal and ethical aspects with
regard to the implementation of scientific nursing. Clinical learning experience regarding the reproductive and urinary system: nursing methodology and
wound care. The reproductive and urinary system: nursing methodology and wound care. Clinical learning experience regarding oncology nursing:
cognitive, psychomotor, affective skills. Operating room nursing: cognitive, psychomotor, affective skills, legal and ethical aspects.
Prerequisite: General Nursing Science III NGN2310
Module Assessment:
A student must obtain 40% of the year mark in theory and 50% in practical assignments to qualify for admission to the final examination
A Component: Theory
The theoretical part of it is divided into four units:
Module 1: Management
Module Description
The content of the curriculum has two components: A and B components.
A Component: Theory
The theoretical part of it is divided into four units:
• Unit 1: Management
• Unit 2: First Aid and Trauma Management
• Unit 3: Disaster Management
• Unit 4: Management of HIV/AIDS Patients/Clients in any Health Care Setting and Home
Module Assessment:
A total of six tests will be written throughout the academic year. The six tests will give the aggregate for the year mark. The minimum average to
enter the examination is 40% theory and 50% practical components. One or two tests may be substituted by assignments. At the end of each term a big
test will be written to prepare students for the examination style of questions. The examination will add up to 100% (100 marks) and the duration will be
three hours. The minimum pass marks are 40% for theory and 50% for practical: however, in order to proceed to the final year of study, the student would
require a 50% total average.
Module description:
This module is aimed at introducing the student to mental health and equipping her/him with knowledge and skills to enable her/him understand human
behaviour so as to promote mental health, prevent mental illness within the community setting following the PHC approach, and provide comprehensive
nursing care to persons suffering from mental illness and to support the family. The module also aims at equipping the student with communication and
interpersonal relationship skills in the context of prevention and care of those who are HIV – positive or have HIV/AIDS.
Unit 1: Concept of Mental Health and its determinants.
Unit 2: Mental illness. and its Manifestations
Unit 3: Nursing Skills Specific to Mental Health
Unit 4: Common Mental Disorders in Namibia
Unit 5: Legal Aspects Regarding Mental Illness
Unit 6: Group work as a tool in Mental Health
Unit 7: Taking Care of Families in Mental Health Nursing
Unit 8: Community base Mental Health Cognitive, psychometric and affective skills regarding assessment, nursing mental ill person, counselling and
therapeutic activities. A total of six tests will be written throughout the academic year. The six tests will give the aggregate for the year mark. The minimum
average to enter the examination is 40% theory and 50% practical components.
Module Assessment:
Students will be assessed on a continuous basis through oral and practical tests, community projects, and group discussions. A student is expected to
have a minimum of 40% of year mark in theory and a minimum of 50% of year mark in practice to qualify for the final examination. Final Examination will
comprise of 2 x 3hour papers. The weight ratio between the theory and practical examination mark is 50:50.
Module Description:
This module is designed to enable the student to identify and manage emergencies and abnormalities during
labour, puerperium and in the newborn baby within the cultural, ethical and legal scope of practice at all levels.
The module is divided into four units:
Unit 1: Reproductive Health Services and Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Female Reproductive System
Unit 2: Pregnancy and Antenatal Care
Unit 3: Normal Labour
Unit 4: Normal Puerperium and Care of the Newborn
Students will be evaluated on a continuous basis through oral tests and practical tests, community projects, Interviews and group discussions.
Practical Examination: 30 minutes
Cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills; antenatal-care; history taking; examination; antenatal exercises; counselling and a diagnostic test of the
pregnant woman; ethical and legal aspects. Cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills; normal labour; normal puerperium; ethical and legal aspects;
partograph; immediate care of the neonate; examination of a placenta; advise; postnatal exercise.
Code: NMS 2310
Credits: 32
NQF Level: 6
Contact Hours: 4 Lecture Periods And 20Practical Hours per week
Prerequisites: Midwifery Science I NMS 2210, NAB2211/2212, NGN2210
Module Assessment:
Students will be assessed on a continuous basis through oral and practical tests, community projects, and group discussions. A student is expected to
have a minimum of 40% of year mark in theory and a minimum of 50% of year mark in practice to qualify for the final examination. Final Examination will
comprise of 2 x 3hour papers. The weight ratio between the theory and practical examination mark is 50:50.
Module Description:
This module is designed to enable the student to identify and manage emergencies and abnormalities during
labour, puerperium and in the newborn baby within the cultural, ethical and legal scope of practice at all levels.
The module is divided into five modules:
Unit 4: Complications during Puerperium; Newborn at Risk and the Sick Infant
Unit 5: Healthy Mothers; Healthy Babies; Prevention of Mother-To-Child -Transmission of HIV and Aids (PMTCT) In Namibia
Module Assessment:
Two written tests and one assignment. Each test will add up to 30% of the MODULE mark; the assignment will add up to 40% of the module mark; tests
and assignments together will add up to 60% of the final mark The final examination will comprise of two written papers (Paper I & Paper II); each paper of
three hours duration.
Module Description:
This module is divided into two parts namely, Social Research and Population Development. It is designed to encourage critical thinking about how
sociological knowledge is generated and validated. It helps students to identify different sociological and research paradigms; and to draw distinctions
between different types of social research, gain exposure to different research methods, procedures and techniques and to enhance their writing skills.
It also introduces students to the main interrelationships between population dynamics, socio-economic development and health. It is intended to provide
nursing students with knowledge and understanding of how population dynamics and socio-economic development are both causes and consequences of
health. Specifically it aims to impart knowledge on: basic concepts and indicators of population and development; population and development theories,
population policy and the role of structural determinants of health, such as poverty, education, employment, urbanization and inequality.
Module Assessment:
Two written tests and one assignment. Each test will add up to 30% of the module mark; the assignment will add up to 40% of the module mark; tests and
assignments together will add up to 60% of the final mark. The final examination will comprise of two written papers (Paper I & Paper II); each paper of
three hours duration.
Module Description:
This module is divided into two parts namely, Social Research and Population Development. It is designed to encourage critical thinking about how
sociological knowledge is generated and validated. It helps students to identify different sociological and research paradigms; and to draw distinctions
between different types of social
research, gain exposure to different research methods, procedures and techniques and to enhance their writing skills.
It also introduces students to the main interrelationships between population dynamics, socio-economic development and health. It is intended to provide
nursing students with knowledge and understanding of how population dynamics and socio-economic development are both causes and consequences of
health. Specifically it aims to impart knowledge on: basic concepts and indicators of population and development; population and development theories,
population policy and the role of structural determinants of health, such as poverty, education, employment, urbanization and inequality.
Sociology II is a continuation of Sociology I and is comprised of two units:
• Unit 1: Social Research
• Unit 2: Population and Development
Module assessment: Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x 3 hr paper
Module Description:
This module focuses on developing and broadening the student’s knowledge of midwifery science and enables the student to gain insight into new aspects
and approaches in this field. The student should be able to provide comprehensive reproductive health care during antenatal, labour and postnatal periods
within the cultural ethical and legal scope of practice at all levels
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% : A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50% : 1 x 3 hr papers
Module description
This module is designed to enable the student to identify and manage emergencies and complications during labour, puerperium and in the newborn baby
within the cultural, ethical and legal scope of practice at all levels. Knowledge gained will enable the student to develop critical thinking, proficiency in
psychomotor skills and strengthen affective behaviours required for midwifery practice within the cultural, ethical and legal scope of practice at all levels.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% : A minimum of four case presentations[General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: practical examination
Module description
This module is designed to enable the student to integrate and demonstrate cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills required for midwifery practice,
within the cultural, ethical and legal scope of practice at all levels of care.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]; Examination 50% : 1 x 3 hr paper
Module description: This module contains information that will help the student to develop better understanding of: applied anatomy relevant to
Reproductive Health care; conception and fetal development and physiological changes and hormonal functions during pregnancy, labour and puerperium.
Co requisites: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]; Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper
Module description
This module is designed to enable the student to integrate and apply aspects of ethics and professional practice into midwifery. This includes cultural,
ethical and legal scope of practice at all levels of care.
Module description:
This module prepares the student to practice as a professional nurse practitioner in the community
Semester 2 PAC2212
Paper 1: 2 hours
Circuit protection
Circuit diagrams
Mobile, portable and dental units
Scattered radiation
Semester 1
Paper I: 3 hours
Special X-Ray tables - tubes
Fluoroscopic equipment
Rapid sequence film changers
Specialized equipment
Semester 2 PAC2312
Paper 1: 3 hours
Tomographic equipment
Care: maintenance and tests
Alternative diagnostic methods
Module 2
Introduction and Application of Communication Skills in English
Introduction to English for Academic Purposes ULEA3419
Semester 2 PHE2312
Accountability, inter-disciplinary relations, employer-employee relationships; general interpersonal relations.
Paper 1: 3 hours
Semester 2 PIR2112
Paper I: 2 hours
Silver recovery
Presentation and viewing of radiographs
Storage of exposed film]
Miniaturization of exposed film
Semester 2 PIR2212
Television and Digital images
Recording the television image
Duplication of radiographs
Image subtraction techniques
Macro radiography
Alternative imaging techniques
Laser imaging
Dry imaging
Semester Module
Paper 1: 3 hours PMP2311
Microbiology: Introduction and history; types of micro-organisms; physiology of micro-organisms; human and microbiological interactions; control of
microbiological growth; epidemiology and transmission of disease; non specific mechanism of defense against disease; immunology and specific
mechanism of defense against disease; collection of specimens; major diseases of the bodily systems; parasitology.
Pathophysiology: Principles of pathophysiology; autonomic nervous system pathophysiology; cardiovascular path physiology; renal path physiology; drugs
and the blood; drugs and the gastro-intestinal tract; endocrine pathophysiology; pathophysiology and the respiratory system; ophthalmic and optic
pathophysiology; pathophysiology and the skin; central nervous system pathophysiology; pathophysiology and the musculoskeletal system.
Principles of positioning
Bony landmarks and common terminology
Radiography of the upper limbs
Radiography of the lower limbs
Radiography of the pelvic girdle
Radiography of the thorax
Radiography of the abdomen
Radiography of the skull
Radiography of the vertebral column
Papers I and 2: 3 hours each
Practical and oral examination: 30 minutes
Protection principles
Radiographic examinations of:
- Skeletal systems
- Abdomen
- Alimentary, biliary, genito-urinary, cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- Soft tissue differentiation
- High KV techniques
- Contrast media
Year Module
Papers I and 2: 3 hours each
Practical and oral examination: 30 minutes
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule .21.3(2)]
Examination 50%:[ 1 × 3 hour paper ]
Module description:
This module aims to develop a student’s knowledge, understanding and skills regarding health services management related to the historical and
theoretical foundations of nursing management, the management process related to a nursing unit, professional practice in health care service
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% : A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule .21.3(2)]
Examination 50%:[ 1x 3 hr paper ]
Module description:
This module prepares the registered nurse to practice nursing within the philosophical, ethical and legal foundations of professional nursing practice.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments.[General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: [1x 3 hr paper
Module description:
This module aims to prepare registered nurses to understand and argue on the factors that are dynamic to professional nursing practice in selected clinical
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%:2 x 3 hr papers
Module Description:
To prepare a clinical nurse specialist in operating room nursing practice that would be able to function efficiently in the operating room. The practitioner
must be able to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate all surgical and nursing interventions.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the operating room nursing student with anatomical knowledge in order to apply these in the operating room. This
application entails to be pro-active in the planning for surgery as well as to be able to focus on applicable post operative assessments
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper
Module description:
This module focuses on preparing a nursing specialist in operating room nursing to assist with the administration of drugs (medicines) during the intra-
operative phases of surgery and to assess the effects, and provide applicable health education. This is done in accordance with The Medicines and Related
Substance Control Act (ACT no. 13 of 2003) & The Nursing Act (Act no. 8 of 2004)
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x 3hour paper
Module description:
This module focuses on preparing a nursing specialist in operating room nursing to control microbial growth in the surgical unit(s) as well as to relate
microbial knowledge to patient safety.
All surgical procedure includes:
- Pre-operative visits
- Pre-operation of the operating room, instruments, equipment, suture material and other supplies
- Assistance during an operation
- Transportation of patient to the recovery room and transfer of patient to the recovery room personnel
- Emergency actions
- Record keeping
- Legal-medical risks
- Daily routine in the operating room
- Educational programme to all categories personnel
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments.[General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: (1x 3 hr paper)
Module description:
This module prepares the student to conduct research by applying all the research steps as an individual or a member of a research team. The ultimate
goal is to prepare students to provide evidence based care that promotes quality outcomes for patients, families, health care providers and the health
Module description:
This module is focusing on the completion of a research project in a health related field. The project needs to be independently completed by student with
adequate supervision .
Course Aims:
• Empower students with the capacity to undertake the challenges of academic writing by exposing them to the different rhetorical and stylistic elements
typical of academic texts.
Introduce students to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and will be equipped with the necessary skills to format an academic
paper in APA style.
Assessment Strategies:
Continuous assessment (critical reading assignment, annotated bibliography, 2 tests) will contribute 50% to the final mark. The examination
(1 x 3 hour exam) contributes 50% to the final mark.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 2x 3hour papers .
Module Description:
To prepare a clinical nurse specialist in critical care nursing that would be able to function where ever there are patients with life-threatening problems like in
operating room recovery areas, intensive care units or in general wards
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 100%:
Module Description:
To prepare a clinical nurse specialist in critical care nursing that would be able to function where ever there are patients with life-threatening problems like in
operating room recovery areas, intensive care units or in general wards
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper and 1 practical examination
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the post graduate nursing student with skills to conduct a assessment and a critically ill patient. This assessment will
consists of a primary and secondary survey, an analysis of ECG manifestations, laboratory results, imaging findings and an assessment of the skin integrity
and wounds.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the post graduate nursing student with knowledge and skills to recognize anatomical and physiological changes that could
occur in patients with life threatening disorders. The focus is on the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, nervous and endocrine systems
Module Description:
This module describes aspects of medicines utilized to alter or normalize the body during life threatening situations or medicines that require intensive
nursing care once administered
Module title: Health Service Management I
Code: NHSM4890
Equivalent : NHM7119
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 3hours per week for 28 weeks
Actual contact: video conferencing and vacation schools
Credits: 24
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule .21.3(2)]
Examination 50%:[ 1 × 3 hour paper ]
Module description:
This module aims to develop a student’s knowledge, understanding and skills regarding health services management related to the historical and
theoretical foundations of nursing management, the management process related to a nursing unit, professional practice in health care service
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% : A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule .21.3(2)]
Examination 50%:[ 1x 3 hour paper ]
Module description:
This module prepares the registered nurse to practice nursing within the philosophical, ethical and legal foundations of professional nursing practice.
Module description:
This module aims to prepare registered nurses to understand and argue on the factors that are dynamic to professional nursing practice in selected clinical
Prerequisite: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments.[General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: (1x 3 hour paper)
Module description:
This module prepares the student to conduct research by applying all the research steps as an individual or a member of a research team. The ultimate
goal is to prepare students to provide evidence based care that promotes quality outcomes for patients, families, health care providers and the health
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 2 Hours per week x 28 weeks
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: None
Module assessment: Final assessment of project 100%:
Module description:
This module is focusing on the completion of a research project in a health related field. The project needs to be independently completed by student with
adequate supervision .
Course Aims:
• Empower students with the capacity to undertake the challenges of academic writing by exposing them to the different rhetorical and stylistic
elements typical of academic texts.
Introduce students to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and will be equipped with the necessary skills to format an
academic paper in APA style.
Assessment Strategies:
Continuous assessment (critical reading assignment, annotated bibliography, 2 tests) will contribute 50% to the final mark. The
examination (1 x 3 hour exam)
contributes 50% to the final mark.
Module assessment
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1 x 3hrs paper
Module description:
The main aim of this module is to prepare a competent advanced diploma nurse graduate to provide comprehensive primary health care on a local and
referral level.
Module Description: This module aims at improvement of reflective practical skills in assessing and analyzing health problems.
This requires a profound knowledge of all systems of the human body, including how to obtain a comprehensive disease history, perform
a comprehensive adult and paediatric physical examination, make an accurate diagnosis and manage the most prevailing health problems
in Namibia.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x 3hour paper
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the post graduate nursing student with knowledge and skills to recognize anatomical and physiological changes that could
occur in patients with life threatening disorders. The focus is on the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, nervous and endocrine systems
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50% : 1x3hour paper
Module description:
This module focuses on preparing a nursing specialist to acquire, keep, prescribe and issue medicines. This is done in accordance with The Medicines and
Related Substance Control Act (ACT no. 13 of 2003) & The Nursing Act (Act no. 8 of 2004)
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule .21.3(2)]
Examination 50%:[ 1 × 3 hour paper ]
Module description:
This module aims to develop a student’s knowledge, understanding and skills regarding health services management related to the historical and
theoretical foundations of nursing management, the management process related to a nursing unit, professional practice in health care service
Module description:
This module prepares the registered nurse to practice nursing within the philosophical, ethical and legal foundations of professional nursing practice.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments.[General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: [1x 3 hr paper
Module description:
This module aims to prepare registered nurses to understand and argue on the factors that are dynamic to professional nursing practice in selected clinical
Module description:
This module prepares the student to conduct research by applying all the research steps as an individual or a member of a research team. The ultimate
goal is to prepare students to provide evidence based care that promotes quality outcomes for patients, families, health care providers and the health
Module description:
This module is focusing on the completion of a research project in a health related field. The project needs to be independently completed by student with
adequate supervision .
Course Aims:
• Empower students with the capacity to undertake the challenges of academic writing by exposing them to the different rhetorical and stylistic elements
typical of academic texts.
Introduce students to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and will be equipped with the necessary skills to format an academic
paper in APA style.
Assessment Strategies:
Continuous assessment (critical reading assignment, annotated bibliography, 2 tests) will contribute 50% to the final mark
. The examination (1 x 3 hour exam) contributes 50% to the final mark.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule .21.3(2)]
Examination 50%:[ 1 × 3 hour paper ]
Module description:
This module aims to develop a student’s knowledge, understanding and skills regarding health services management related to the historical and
theoretical foundations of nursing management, the management process related to a nursing unit, professional practice in health care service
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments.[General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: [1x 3 hour paper
Module description:
This module aims to prepare registered nurses to understand and argue on the factors that are dynamic to professional nursing practice in selected clinical
Prerequisite: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments.[General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: (1x 3 hr paper)
Module description:
This module prepares the student to conduct research by applying all the research steps as an individual or a member of a research team. The ultimate
goal is to prepare students to provide evidence based care that promotes quality outcomes for patients, families, health care providers and the health
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]; Examination 50% : 1 x 3 hr paper
Module description
This module aims at producing a competent registered nurse capable in teaching nursing students in giving expert patient care which is based on sound
knowledge and practiced skill. In order to achieve this aim, nursing education must be based on theory and applied in practice. Clinical clinical instruction
can be defined as acting and interacting with students, clients and other health professional in settings where people are in need of health care. This
module will furthermore strive to introduce the student to the philosophical base and principles of nursing education . Learners will be enriched as they
internalize the
attitudes, values and ideals that flow from their educational preparation.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]; Examination 50% : 1 x 3hr paper
Pre-requisites: Degree in Nursing and midwifery or equivalent (Comprehensive Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery)Registration at the Namibia Nursing
Module Description :This module focuses on the facilitation of clinical nursing education by including the strategies and assessment of clinical education
to nurses. In order to achieve this aim, clinical education must be based on theory and applied in practice. It emphasizes the role of the nurse educator as
facilitator in learning and includes the scientific nursing process as framework for problem solving, decision making and critical thinking.
Module assessment:
Continuous 50% (at least 50% of all teaching sessions); Practical Examination which will include 50% of all listed teaching sessions.
Module Description :
This module aims at producing a competent registered nurse competent in teaching nursing students in rendering expert patient care based on sound
knowledge and practiced skill of certain identified modes of clinical instruction. The module aims at acting and interacting with students, clients and other
health team members in the undertaking of teaching practice. Nursing education must be based on theory and applied in practice and include teaching such
skills as leadership and administration, teaching, organizing and controlling staff. The teaching practice includes gaining experience in clinical teaching on
ward level. Opportunity will also be provided to observe nursing lecturers in teaching practice.
Module title Specialized Human Anatomy and Physiology
Code: NHAP4811
NQF Level: 8
Contact Hours: 4 periods per week for 14 Weeks
Credits: 16
Pre- requisite: None
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the post graduate nursing student with knowledge and skills to recognize anatomical and physiological changes that could
occur in patients with life threatening disorders. The focus is on the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, nervous and endocrine systems
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments/case presentations. [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper & 1 practical examination
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the post graduate nursing student with skills to conduct a assessment and a critically ill patient. This assessment will
consists of a primary and secondary survey, an analysis of ECG manifestations, laboratory results, imaging findings and an assessment of the skin integrity
and wounds
Module Title: Health Research Project
Subject Code: NRP4820
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 2 Hours per week x 28 weeks
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: None
Module assessment: Final assessment of project 100%:
Module description:
This module is focusing on the completion of a research project in a health related field. The project needs to be independently completed by student with
adequate supervision .
Course Aims:
• Empower students with the capacity to undertake the challenges of academic writing by exposing them to the different rhetorical and stylistic elements
typical of academic texts.
Introduce students to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and will be equipped with the necessary skills to format an academic
paper in APA style.
Assessment Strategies:
Continuous assessment (critical reading assignment, annotated bibliography, 2 tests) will contribute 50% to the final mark. The
examination (1 x 3 hour exam)
contributes 50% to the final mark.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50% : 2 x 3hr paper & 1 practical examination
Module Description:
Emergency Nursing is a module aimed at enhancing advanced skills for registered nurses. These skills focus on instilling proficiency in basic and advanced
cardiac life support. After completion of this module the registered nurse should therefore be able to assess, triage and intervene in any life threatening
health situation of a client/patient of any age group. Finally, they should be able to collaborate with the multidisciplinary emergency team and provide
support to the family
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50% : 1x 3hour paper & 1 practical examination
Module Description:
Emergency Nursing is a module aimed at enhancing advanced skills for registered nurses. These skills focus on instilling proficiency in basic and advanced
cardiac life support. After completion of this module the registered nurse should therefore be able to assess, triage and intervene in any life threatening
health situation of a client/patient of any age group. Finally, they should be able to collaborate with the multidisciplinary emergency team and provide
support to the family
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments/case presentations. [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper & 1 practical examination
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the post graduate nursing student with skills to conduct a assessment and a critically ill patient. This assessment will
consists of a primary and secondary survey, an analysis of ECG manifestations, laboratory results, imaging findings and an assessment of the skin integrity
and wounds
Module title Specialized Human Anatomy and Physiology
Code: NHAP4811
NQF Level: 8
Contact Hours: 4 periods per week for 14 Weeks
Credits: 16
Pre- requisite: None
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the post graduate nursing student with knowledge and skills to recognize anatomical and physiological changes that could
occur in patients with life threatening disorders. The focus is on the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, nervous and endocrine systems
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1x3hour paper
Module description:
This module describes aspects of medicines utilized to alter or normalize the body during life threatening situations or medicines that require intensive
nursing care once administered.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% : A minimum of two tests/assignments. [General rule .21.3(2)]
Examination 50%:[ 1x 3 hr paper ]
Module description:
This module prepares the registered nurse to practice nursing within the philosophical, ethical and legal foundations of professional nursing practice.
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 3 Hours per week x 14 weeks
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of two tests/assignments.[General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: [1x 3 hr paper
Module description:
This module aims to prepare registered nurses to understand and argue on the factors that are dynamic to professional nursing practice in selected clinical
Subject Code: NNHR4820
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 2 Hours per week x 28 weeks
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments.[General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: (1x 3 hr paper)
Module description:
This module prepares the student to conduct research by applying all the research steps as an individual or a member of a research team. The ultimate
goal is to prepare students to provide evidence based care that promotes quality outcomes for patients, families, health care providers and the health
Module Title: Health Research Project
Subject Code: NRP4820
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 2 Hours per week x 28 weeks
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: None
Module assessment: Final assessment of project 100%:
Module description:
This module is focusing on the completion of a research project in a health related field. The project needs to be independently completed by student with
adequate supervision .
Course Aims:
This course aims to:
• Empower students with skills and knowledge to access and critique academic sources and to synthesize
• information from these sources to assist them in the substantiation and development of their own claims when
writing an academic paper in their respective fields of specialization.
• Empower students with the capacity to undertake the challenges of academic writing by exposing them to the different rhetorical and
stylistic elements typical of academic texts.
Introduce students to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and will be equipped with the necessary skills to format
Assessment Strategies: an academic paper in APA style. Continuous assessment (critical reading assignment, annotated bibliography, 2 tests) will
contribute 50% to the final mark.
The examination (1 x 3 hour exam) contributes 50% to the final mark.
Module description: The Masters degree by research only is aimed at developing a student’s understanding and disposition to be able to undertake
research. The student will be provided with skills to identify and formulate a problem, purpose and objectives. Also collecting, analyzing, organizing and
critically evaluating information and communicating effectively usual skills in the modes of written/oral persuasion.
Code: UAE 5819
NQA level: 8
Notional Hours: 240
Contact hours: 4 hours per week
Credits: 16
Pre-requisites Must be a postgraduate student
Options: Compulsory
Semester offered: First or Second
Course Aims:
This course aims to:
• Empower students with skills and knowledge to access and critique academic sources and to synthesize
information from these sources to assist them in the substantiation and development of their own claims when
writing an academic paper in their respective fields of specialization.
• Empower students with the capacity to undertake the challenges of academic writing by exposing them to the different rhetorical and
stylistic elements typical of academic texts.
Introduce students to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and will be equipped with the necessary skills to format
Assessment Strategies: an academic paper in APA style.
Continuous assessment (critical reading assignment, annotated bibliography, 2 tests) will contribute 50% to the final mark.
The examination (1 x 3 hour exam) contributes 50% to the final mark.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50% :1x3hour paper
Module description (content): This module prepares the student to conduct research as an individual or a member of a research team. The ultimate goal
is to prepare students to provide evidence-based practice that promote quality outcomes for the population, the health care providers and the health
system. Furthermore, to use research findings in promoting and understanding health and illness and to implement effective interventions to promote
Module title: History, Ethics, Philosophy and Theoretical Framework of Public Health Practice
Code: NHPH5980
Contact hours: 2 hours per week × 28 weeks
Credits: 24
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]; Examination 50%: 1 x 3hr paper
Module description:
This module aims to equip students with historical and philosophical knowledge and skills of public health, ethics in public health, the application of Primary
Health Care strategy and health promotion behavior.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50% :1x3hour paper
Module description:
This module aims to equip students with knowledge and skills to analyze and interpret and apply demographic, bio-statistical and epidemiological data as
well as health management information systems in public health planning and management
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50% (1 paper 3 hour)
Module description:
This module aims to deepen the understanding of principles and strategies in disease control and equips students with the skills to successfully establish,
strengthen or to systematically review disease control, building on basic knowledge of major diseases and specific experience in the control of diseases,
and quantitative and qualitative research methods, programmes:
Legislation and health
Health system of Namibia
PAPER 2: 3 hours
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% : A minimum of two tests [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50% : 1 x 3hr paper
Module description:
This module aims to equip students with knowledge and skills of monitoring and evaluation of public health programmes.
Module title: Health Services Planning and Management in Public Health
Code: NHPM5980
NQF level: 9
Contact hours: 2 hours per week × 28 weeks
Credits: 24
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%:1 x 3hr paper
Module description:
This module aims to develop students’ understanding, knowledge and skills related to policy development and management, health care delivery, human
resources management, strategic management and leadership in public health
Policy for change/change management
• Empower students with skills and knowledge to access and critique academic sources and to synthesize
information from these sources to assist them in the substantiation and development of their own claims when writing an academic paper in their
respective fields of specialization.
• Empower students with the capacity to undertake the challenges of academic writing by exposing them to the different rhetorical and stylistic
elements typical of academic texts.
• Introduce students to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and will be equipped with the necessary skills to format an
academic paper in APA style.
Assessment Strategies:
Continuous assessment (critical reading assignment, annotated bibliography, 2 tests) will contribute 50% to the final mark.
The examination (1 x 3 hour exam) contributes 50% to the final mark.
Module assessment:
Thesis 100%
Module description:
Undertake actual field work analysis data and write up research findings.
Module assessment:
Dissertation is internally and externally examined.
Viva-voce examination.
Module description:
The course is done by research only where knowledge, theory and research methods are applied creatively to complex practical, theoretical and
epistemological problems. By undertaking advanced research, this expands the knowledge of the field and is judged by research publications. An
adequate body of advanced information relating to the selected field is independently retrieved and processed. A report should be compiled to
communicate the whole research process.
• Empower students with the capacity to undertake the challenges of academic writing by exposing them to the different rhetorical
and stylistic elements typical of academic texts.
Introduce students to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and will be equipped with the necessary skills to format an academic
paper in APA style.
Assessment Strategies:
Continuous assessment (critical reading assignment, annotated bibliography, 2 tests) will contribute 50% to the final mark.
The examination (1 x 3 hour exam) contributes 50% to the final mark.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% . A minimum of four tests/assignments/case presentations [general rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: one (1) paper of 3 hours
Module description
Advanced nursing skills is a certificate module aimed at enhancing advanced skills for registered nurses. These skills focus on ecg’s selected laboratory
results, wound care and imaging
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% a minimum of four assignments/case presentations [general rule 7.21.3(2)] practical examination 50%:
Module description
The practical attachment to advanced nursing skills aims at the mastering skills required for the theoretical module. These skills focus on ecg’s selected
laboratory results, physical assessment, wound care and imaging
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1 × 3 hour paper
Module Description:
In order to comply with the provisions f the Medicines and related Substances Control Act of 1965 (Act 101 of 1965) and the recently adopted Integrated
Management of Adult and Adolescent Illness program, registered nurses and midwives whose practice requires them to acquire, keep, prescribed and
issue medicines must produce proof of having followed an approved module of study in pharmacotherapy, examination, diagnosis and treatment and
passed an examination on this.
Module Description: This module aims at strengthening the skills in assessment, diagnosing and treatment.
1. Nursing and Radiography modules consist of compulsory clinical practice which counts for 50% of the practical modules
2. Clinical placement in training hospitals will commence from the first year of study.
3. The award of the degree is subject to the satisfactory completion of the prescribed practical hours and the satisfactory completion of
practical registers
4. All clinical documents are regarded as legal documents and should bear the signature of the student and the registered nurse and
the radiographer who teach the student
5. The practical hours for the year should be completed before registering for the next academic year.
6. Logbook/workbook and or registers should be completed as per instruction.
7. All signatures should be authentic and legible. Fraudulent signatures can lead to immediate cancellation of the programme
8. All students need to adhere to the specific rules and regulations of the Ministry of Health and social services during their allocation in
clinical areas.
9. Students should adhere to the dress code as agreed upon with the School / MOHSS
10. A registration fee of N$200 is payable to the applicable health professions council. Students will be informed accordingly after
registration with the School.
11. The use of cell phones during practicals is not allowed .This is considered highly unethical and interfering in the caring of a patient.
Please note: students should buy their own uniform & shoes
1.1 Admission
1.1.1 To register for an undergraduate degree programme a candidate must hold a valid Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) or a recognised
equivalent qualification.
1.1.2 English is a compulsory subject and should normally have been obtained as English as a Second Language at NSSCO level with a minimum C
symbol, or English as a First Language at NSSCO level with a minimum D symbol.
1.1.3 A candidate should obtain a minimum of 25 points on the UNAM Evaluation Point Scale in his/her five (5) best subjects (of which English must be
one) to be admitted to undergraduate studies (cf. 7.3 General Admission Criteria for Undergraduate Programmes in the General Information
and Regulations Prospectus). Obtaining the minimum number of points, however, does not necessarily ensure admission. Admission is
based on places available in modules, subjects and programmes and is awarded on the basis of merit.
1.1.4 The University reserves the right to interview students before admission.
1.1.5 Admission can also be considered for persons who qualify through the Mature Age Entry Scheme upon successful completion of the relevant
examinations as set out in the General Regulations (cf. 7.4 Mature Age Entry Scheme in the General Information and Regulations
A special application form is available for this purpose.
1.1.6 Please read this section in conjunction with the academic conditions stipulated in the General Information and Regulations Prospectus.
1.1.7 Annually after registration students must furnish the School with proof of current registration with the Namibia Nursing Council or with the Allied
Health Professions Council of Namibia where applicable.
1.1.8 Clinical placement of undergraduate will be at different Health Institutions/Facilities including Rural Placements throughout the country.
1.1.9 The award of the degree is subject to the satisfactory completion of all prescribed practical hours and the satisfactory completion of the registers
candidates had to use during their placement in the Clinical areas.
1.1.10 Clinical hours as allocated weighs 50% of the total MODULE work. Clinical allocations are thus a critical Component of the MODULE work.
1.1.11 All documents /registers used in the Clinical areas must be regarded as legal documents and should bear the signature of the student and the
registered Nurse or Radiographer who teach and demonstrate the practical procedure to the student for that specific MODULE.
1.1.12 The Practical hours for the year should be completed before registering for the next academic year.
1.1.13 All signatures should be legible and authentic, any fraudulent signatures will let to the immediate cancellation of the programme immediately.
1.1.14 All students should adhere to the specific rules and regulation of the Ministry of Health and Social Services during their allocation in the clinical
areas; and also adhere to the prescribed dress code during the clinical attachment; and to the hours scheduled for each day at these areas.
To register in this program, a candidate should hold a valid Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) at ordinary level and NSSC at higher level or
equivalent. Candidates should obtain a minimum of 25 points on the UNAM Evaluation Point Scale in five subjects. English is a compulsory subject with a
C-grade or better as a second language or a Grade D or better as a first language. Admission will also be considered for person who quality through Mature
Age Entry Scheme.
Note: Annually after registration, every student must furnish the School with proof of current registration as a student with the Namibia Nursing Council.
The minimum duration for full time students enrolled for the Bachelor of Nursing Science Degree will be four (4) years. The maximum period of study is six
(6) years.
The award of the degree is subject to satisfactory completion of the requirements of the University and the Nursing Council of Namibia. It is imperative that
the Nursing code of practice be strictly adhered to in terms of theory and practice.
This degree will be offered through a face-to-face mode in collaboration with other UNAM faculties and the main stakeholder, namely the Ministry of Health and
Social Services (MOHSS).
Clinical teaching will be done in collaboration with assistance of the ward Clinical Instructors at the Health facilities, whereas some clinical procedures will be
conducted in the simulation laboratories at the School in order to strengthen clinical skills, and also to correlate the theory with clinical practice.
The School will offer the Bachelor of Nursing Science Degree at the Northern and Main campuses. The commencement of the degree is based on readiness of the
School in terms of human resources, physical facilities and teaching material. The School is positive regarding changes within the infrastructure, which are required
for the provision of quality care to the Namibian society.
Only the first year of the degree will commence in 2008. The rationale behind this decision is based on the fact that the current University Diploma in General
Nursing and Midwifery Science is being phased out while the new Bachelor of Nursing Science will simultaneously be phased in.
The teaching and learning model will be based on a student-centred approach which is characterised by self study elements, fieldwork, lectures, projects, individual
and group activities, discussions, and tutorials.
Assessments will be based on the general regulations of the specific school, explained as follows:
(Including 48 UNAM core credits)
Semester 1 Semester 2
Module Code Hrs Credits NQF Level Module Code Hrs Credits NQF Level
General Nursing NNGN351 2+16h 16 5 General NNGN3510 2+16h 16 5
Science I 0 clinical Nursing clinical
attachment Science I attachment
Basic Human NNAB3559 4 16 5 Applied NNAB3552 4 16 5
Anatomy Human
Introduction to HPSG351 4 16 5 Social HPSG3532 4 16 5
Psychology I 1 Psychology
Health Care NNHD 2 8 4
Dynamics 3421
Contemporary UCSI 3429 2 8 4
Social Issues
Computer UCLC 3409 2 8 4
English Communication ULCE 4 16 4 English for ULEA 3419 4 16 4
and Study 3419 Academic
Skills purposes
TOTAL 18 80 16 72
Semester 1 includes UNAM core and school core modules
Semester 3 Semester 4
Module Code Hrs Credits NQF Module Code Hrs Credits NQF
Level Level
General Nursing NNGN3680 2+8h 12 6 General NNGN3680 2+8h 12 6
Science II clinical Nursing clinical
attachment Science II attachment
Basic Human NNAB 4 16 6 Applied NNAB 4 16 6
Physiology 3639 Human 3632
Community Health Nursing NNCH 2+8 clinical 12 6 Community NNCH 2+8 clinical 12 6
Science I 3680 attachment Health 3680 attachment
Science I
Midwifery Science I NNMS 2+8 clinical 12 6 Midwifery NNMS 2+8 clinical 12 6
3680 attachment Science I 3680 attachment
Foundations of NNFS3511 4 16 5 Basics of NNBS 4 16 5
Sociology Sociology: 3532
TOTAL 14 68 18 68
Semester 5 Semester 6
Module Code Hrs Credits NQF Module Code Hrs Credits NQF
Level Level
General Nursing NNGN3780 2+8 clinical 12 7 General NNGN 2+8 clinical 12 7
Science III attachment Nursing 3780 attachment
Science III
Community Health NNCH 3780 2+8 clinical 12 7 Community NNCH 3780 2+8 clinical 12 7
Nursing attachment Health attachment
Science II Nursing
Science II
Microbiology NNAB3659 4 16 6 Pharma- NNAB3652 4 16 6
Midwifery Science II MNMS3780 2+8 clinical 12 7 Midwifery NNMS3780 2+8 clinical 12 7
attachment Science II attachment
Social Problems HSOG3671 4 16 6 Sociology of NNSD3632 4 16 6
OR Development
/Personnel HPSI3631 4 16 6
TOTAL 14 68 14 68
Semester 7 Semester 8
Module Code Hrs Credits NQF Module Code Hrs Credits NQF
Level Level
General Nursing NGN3880 2+8 clinical 12 8 General NNGN3880 2+8 12 8
Science IV attachment Nursing clinical
Science IV attachment
Community Health NNCH 2+8 clinical 12 8 Community NNCH 2+8 12 8
Nursing 3880 attachment Health 3880 clinical
Science III Nursing attachment
Science III
Mental Health NNMH3880 2+8 clinical 12 8 Mental Health NNMH3880 2+8 12 8
Nursing attachment Nursing clinical
Health Research NNHR3820 2 8 8 Health NNHR3820 2 8 8
methods Research
Research NNHR3812 4 16 8
in Health
Ethos and NNEP3820 2 8 8 Ethos and NNEP3820 2 8 8
Professional Professional
Practice Practice
Trauma and NNTE3829 2 8 8
Emergency Care
TOTAL 12 60 14 68
Year 2
General nursing science NNGN3680 NNGN3510MNAB3559
Basic Human Physiology NNAB3639 NNAB3552
Applied Human Physiology NNAB3632 NNAB3639
Midwifery Science NNMS3680 NNAB3559/3552/NNGN3510
General nursing science NNGN3780 NNAB3632/ NNGN3680
Community Health Nursing NNCH3780 NNCH3680
Microbiology NNAB3659 NNAB3632
Pharmacotherapy NNAB3652 NNAB3659
Midwifery Science NNMS3780 NNSM3680
General Nursing Science NNGN3880 NNGN3780
Ethos and Prof Practice NEP3820 NNGN3780
Community Health
Nursing NNCH3880 NNGN 3780
Mental Health Nursing NNMH3880 NNGN3780
Trauma & Emer.Care NNTE3829 NNGN3780
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%; Examination: 50%
Examination: Theory: 1 x3 hour paper at the end of the year
Practical: Objective structural clinical evaluation (OSCE) and problem solving. The weight between the theory and the clinical examination is 50/50.
Module description:
This module 1 introduces the student to competencies essential to the professional nursing. The novice nursing student, who has no background
experience in the nursing practice environment, is provided with basic skills (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) to progress to the competent level of
selected core competencies. These core competencies include assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of basic human needs of
the person, be it an individual, family, group or community. The conceptual framework for this module is based on the major concepts (meta paradigm) of
nursing and includes nursing, health, environment and person as well as education.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%; 1x3hour paper
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the health care student with anatomical knowledge as well as biophysical principles in order to apply these in
their daily health care activities at the clinic, health centre, and hospital and community levels. The anatomical knowledge is presented in such a manner as
to relate structural damages to the pathologies that will be presented in modules in General Nursing Science and Midwifery Science. This module focuses
on the following systems: medical terminology, the human cell , human tissue and the integumentory system.The musculo-skeletal system and the
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%; 1x3hour paper
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the health care student with anatomical knowledge as well as biophysical principles in order to apply these in their daily
health care activities at the clinic, health centre, and hospital and community levels. The anatomical knowledge is presented in such a manner as to relate
structural damages to the pathologies that will be presented in modules in General Nursing Science and Midwifery. The module will also address issues of
multiple organ involvement where it might be necessary to compare derangement in anatomical structures. The focus of this module is on the digestive
system, nervous system ,endocrine system, urinary system and the reproductive system.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessments: 60%
Examination: 40% 1 x 3 hour paper
Module description:
During this module students will become familiar with the major themes of psychology as a discipline. Major areas of psychology such as cognition, emotion
and motivation will be covered.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment: 60%
Examination: 40% 1 x 3 hour paper
Module description:
This module gives a student an understanding of the social basis of behavior in a multicultural society. Students will become familiar with concepts such as:
the self in a social world; social beliefs and judgments; attitudes; types of social influence; group behavior and influence; leadership and decision making;
prejudice and discrimination; aggression; affiliation, attraction and love; pro-social behavior.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50% 1x2hour paper
Module description:
This module aims at introducing the student to the art and science of professional practice in Health Science by means of a core curriculum. It will enable
the student to develop competency in a professional approach and to develop insight and skills in the complexities of the caring relationship. By introducing
the students to Professional practice they will be enabled to understand the art and science of the health care profession. It will also introduce the health
care student to problem - solving and critical thinking in health care practice. This module will also enable the student to understand the holistic approach to
the caring relationship and the importance of developing the interpersonal skills to sustain a caring relationship and develop skills in self care
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment (60%)
2 tests (reading and writing)
2 reading assignments
1 oral presentation
Examination (40%): 1 x 3 hour examination paper
Module description: This module is aimed at assisting students in the development of their reading, writing and speaking and listening skills, in order to
cope with studying in a new academic environment and in a language which may not be their first language. The module also focuses on study skills that
students need throughout their academic careers and beyond. The module serves as an introduction to university level academics, where styles of teaching
and learning differ from those at secondary schools in that more responsibility is placed on the student. The module therefore, focuses on the skills that
students need throughout their academic careers and beyond.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 60%
Examination: 40%
Module description:
The MODULE is designed to cater for the needs of students, who are faced with a task of studying in a new academic environment and in a language which
may not be their first language, or a language of instruction. The MODULE serves as an introduction to university, where styles of teaching and learning
differ from those at Secondary school level as they place more responsibility on the student. The MODULE therefore focuses on the academic skills, which
they need throughout their academic career and beyond.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50% 2x3 hour papers
Module 1
Module description:
Building on fundamental knowledge gained in module 1, this module introduces the student to more advanced concepts that promote the application of the
nursing process in the area of the adult and paediatric medical and surgical conditions that are prevalent in Namibia. The student will have opportunities to
work collaboratively with members of a health care team. Skills laboratory will provide the student with simulation experiences to develop skills related to
intravenous therapy, medication administration by various routes, blood product administration, central venous access devices and chest tube
Module 11 builds on competencies achieved in Module 1.These are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of patient needs that
evolve from adult and paediatric medical and surgical conditions that are prevalent in Namibia. The conceptual framework for this module is based on the
major concepts (Meta paradigm) of nursing and includes nursing, health, environment, and person as well as education.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment – 50% (5 tests per year)
Examination – 50% (1 paper x three hour paper)
Module Description:
This module aims to equip the student nurse with adequate knowledge, appropriate skills and positive attitudes to provide comprehensive community health
care based on the primary health care principles and approaches to individuals, family and community.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%
Module description:
This module aims at equipping the health care student with knowledge and skills with regard to normal human functioning (physiology) and biochemistry in
order to detect any deviation from the normal functioning and thus relate this module to wellness and disease topics. This module focuses on the
cardiovascular- respiratory and the integumentory system.
Module Assessments:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%
Module description:
This module aims at equipping the health care student with knowledge and skills with regard to normal human functioning (physiology) in order to detect
any deviation from the normal functioning and thus relate this module to wellness and disease topics. This module focuses on the nervous -endocrine
system, the renal system, with concepts of fluid and electrolytes, nutrition and digestion as well as the reproductive system. .
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% (minimum 4 tests, assignments, case studies, 1-2
Examination: 50% (2 papers of three hours each)
Module description:
This module enable the student to provide comprehensive maternal and newborn care; apply anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive systems;
manage and refer normal pregnancy and antenatal care, normal labour, normal puerperium, including concepts of prevention of mother to child
transmission (PMTCT), with in the cultural, ethical and the legal scope of practice at all levels.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 60%
Examination 40%.
Module description:
This module is an introduction to sociology for nursing students. While introducing the student to the basic concepts, theories, fields and applications of
sociology, it focuses on the role of sociology in medicine. The MODULE covers in particular the field of sociology and medical sociology
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 60%,
Examination: 40%
Module description:
The MODULE mostly utilizes lecture and tutorial format. It resumes the methodological training introduced into the sociology curriculum with the 1st year
MODULE “Basics of Sociology”. It familiarizes the student with the use of social science research methods to identify, formulate, and study social problems
(class, poverty and inequality; gender inequality; crime and violence; alcohol and substance abuse; HIV/AIDS and other health issues; environmental
problems etc). At lower intermediate level, the MODULE is the second in a sequence of three modules aimed at imparting theoretical knowledge,
conceptual capabilities and practical skills in social research that are needed for adequate professional preparation. Practical acquaintance with the field,
however, will be reserved for a further MODULE at upper intermediate level, in the following year of studies.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50% ( 2x 3hour papers)
Module description:
This module introduces the student to more advanced concepts that promote the application of the nursing process and nursing theories in the area of the
adult in the specialized health care disciplines, i.e. central and peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, genito-urinary systems, ophthalmology,
ear and nose, and oncology conditions that are prevalent in Namibia. The student will have opportunities to work collaboratively with members of a health
care team in the specialized environments of the training hospitals of Namibia. Skills laboratory will provide the student with simulation experiences to
master selected skills before s/he is allocated to the health care environment.
Nursing care of the HIV/AIDS infected client features strongly throughout this module.
This module builds on competencies achieved in previous modules. These are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of patient
needs that evolve from the specialized disciplines prevalent in Namibia. The conceptual framework for this module is based on the major concepts (Meta
paradigm) of nursing and includes nursing, health, environment, and person as well as education.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment – 50%
Examination – 50% (1 x 3hour hour paper)
Module Description:
This module aims to equip the student nurse with adequate knowledge, appropriate skills and positive attitudes to provide comprehensive community health
care with emphasis on: immunization, school child and communicable diseases based on national policies and guidelines of Ministry of Health Social
Module Title: Microbiology
Code: NNAB 3659
NQF level: 7
Contact hours: 4 periods per week x 14 Weeks
Credits: 16
Pre-requisite: MNAB 3632/3639
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50% (1x 3 hour paper)
Module description:
The aim of this module is to equip health care students with knowledge and skills in microbiology in order for them to contribute to the prevention of
diseases and to maintain a healthy environment for the patient or client, families and communities.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50% (1x 3hour paper)
Module description:
This module describes aspects of medicines utilized to alter or normalize the body systems and correct possible abnormalities. The focus is on the role of
the health worker with regard to acquiring and managing proper dispensing, as well as concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 60%,
Examination: 40%
Module description:
The MODULE mostly utilizes lecture and tutorial format. It resumes the methodological training introduced into the sociology curriculum with the 1st year
MODULE “Basics of Sociology”. It familiarizes the student with the use of social science research methods to identify, formulate, and study social problems
(class, poverty and inequality; gender inequality; crime and violence; alcohol and substance abuse; HIV/AIDS and other health issues; environmental
problems etc). At lower intermediate level, the MODULE is the second in a sequence of three modules aimed at imparting theoretical knowledge,
conceptual capabilities and practical skills in social research that are needed for adequate professional preparation. Practical acquaintance with the field,
however, will be reserved for a further MODULE at upper intermediate level, in the following year of studies.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 60%:
Examination: 40%
Module description:
Key theories, themes and case studies on social and economic development will be introduced to the student with the intention of explaining the causes of
underdevelopment and, alternatively, successful development. Classical, modernisation, dependency, organizational, regulations and post-material theories
will be critically examined. Historical dimensions of development will be included in relation to: rise of industrial societies; colonial impacts; the emergence of
the global economy. Themes will be: measuring development and poverty, international aid, Asian economies including China, population, urbanization and
migration, politics and development, NGO and inter-governmental assistance, sustainable development. These will be applied to Namibian contexts,
including explanations and solutions to restricted development in the African continent. Group work will be undertaken.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 60%
Examination: 40% (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description:
Students will gain a basic understanding of the approaches in organisational and personnel psychology. Specific topics will include leadership theories,
interactive behaviour and conflicts, communication, decision making and processes of human resources development such as job analysis, job description,
recruitment and selection.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examinations: 50% (2 x 3 hours papers)
Module description
At the end of this module the student nurse should be able to provide comprehensive maternal and newborn care by equipping themselves; to identify and
manage and/or refer complications and emergencies during abnormal pregnancy, labour, puerperium and the newborn at risks, including PMTCT, within
the cultural, ethical and the legal scope of practice at all levels of care.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50% (2X 3 hour papers)
Module description:
Building on skills gained in previous modules, this module provides the student with opportunities to work collaboratively with members of a health care
team in the health care environments of the training and selected rural hospitals of Namibia. The module aims to equip the student with in-depth knowledge
to enable the integration of the unit standards of professional nursing practice as a clinician, teacher, investigator, and leader-manager in any health care
environment. S/he utilizes knowledge of diverse cultures, perspectives and belief systems to prepare for the role of health service manager. Knowledge is
synthesized from advanced knowledge from nursing and related disciplines into a specialized area of nursing. Critical thinking skills and diagnostic
reasoning is demonstrated in decision making. The student demonstrates the ability to present ideas both orally and in writing in an articulate, literate, and
organized manner. S/he uses current technology in the nursing roles of clinician and leader-manager. The student integrates ethical principles to practice in
the clinical environment. A philosophy of nursing and health care based on personal and professional standards of values, ethics and responsibility is
exemplified. Leadership skills and management processes are executed to maximize client (person) well being.
The Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) strategy aims to improve the case management skills of the student to improve the health care
system required for effective management of childhood illness and to improve family and community health practices.
The conceptual framework for this module is based on the major concepts (meta paradigm) of nursing and includes nursing, health, environment, and
person as well as education.
Subject code: NNCH 3880
NQF Level: 8
Contact hours: 2 + 8 hours clinical attachment per week x 28 weeks
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: NNGN3780
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination – 50% 1 x three hour paper
Module Description:
This module aims to equip the student nurse with adequate knowledge, appropriate skills and positive attitudes to better understand: the aging process, the
practical principles of epidemiology and utilize the results to promote nursing care, nutrition for all age groups and also motivate the student to become
actively involved in community projects/programs.
Module assessment:
Continuous Assessment 50%
Examination: 50% (1 X 3 hour paper)
Module description:
This MODULE is aimed at introducing the student to mental health and equipping her/him with knowledge and skills to enable her/him understand human
behaviour so as to promote mental health, prevent mental illness and provide comprehensive nursing care to persons suffering from mental illness and to
support the family. It aims to equip students with skills of implementing mental care within the community setting following the PHC approach. As well as
equipping the student with communication and interpersonal relationship skills in the context of prevention and care of those who are HIV/AIDS infected or
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50%
Module description:
This module prepares the student nurse to practice nursing as a professional nurse practitioner and contribute to the professional development of registered
nurses as practitioners who practice nursing within the philosophical/ethical and legal framework of the nursing profession.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
Examination: 50% 1x hour paper
Module Descriptor:
The module prepares the student to conduct research by applying all the research steps as an individual or a member of a research team. The ultimate
goal is to prepare students to provide evidenced based care that promotes quality outcomes for patients, families, health care providers and the health
Module Title: Research paper in Health
Subject Code: NNHR 3812
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 4 Hours per week x14 weeks
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: None
Module assessment:
A final assessment of the health research project (100 %) by two supervisors within the Department of Nursing and the external moderator.
Module Description:
This module is focusing on the completion of a research project of at least 15,000 words in a health related field by a final year student. The project needs
to be independently completed by the student but with the supervision of two lecturers.
Module requirements:
Adhering to decided upon schedules is required as well as acting in an ethically manner. This includes maintaining academic integrity and adhering to
regulations and rules as they apply to plagiarism.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% [minimum of two tests and one practical assessment]
Examination: 50% 1x 3 hour’s paper and one objective structured clinical evaluation (OSCE)
Module description:
The aim of this module is to prepare the health care student to act logically and systematically when confronted with patients in life threatening emergency
or trauma situations. The presentation of this module requires that certain basic knowledge and skills related to health care delivery have been already
mastered. The framework of this module is based on the internationally recommended Advanced Trauma Life Support (ALTS) guidelines
To register in this program, a candidate should hold a valid Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) at ordinary level and NSSC at Higher level or
equivalent. Candidates should obtain a minimum of 25 points on the Unam Evaluation Point Scale to be admitted. (A pass in at least five subjects) English
is a compulsory subject with a C- result or better. Note: Annually after registration, every student must furnish the School with proof of current registration as
a student with the Allied Health Professions Council of Namibia.
To be able to register for the Bachelor in Radiography (Diagnostic), a candidate must comply with the following conditions:
Hold a valid Namibian Senior Certificate (NSSC) at ordinary level or NSSC at higher level or equivalent.
English as a compulsory subject and should normally be obtained as a second language grade C or better as second language, or a grade D
or better as a first language
Mathematics grade D or better and Physical Science subject grade D or better
A candidate must obtain a minimum of 25 points in five subjects on the UNAM Evaluation Point Scale to be admitted.
However, when the minimum of 25 points is obtained, it does not necessarily ensure admission. Entrance is based upon places available within the School
and awarded on the basis of merit;
Admission will also be considered for persons who qualify through the Mature Age Scheme;
Annually produce proof of registration as student with the Allied Health Professions Council of Namibia;
The minimum duration for full time students enrolled for Bachelor of Radiography (Diagnostic) degree will be four (4) years with a maximum period of six (6)
The award of the degree is subject to satisfactory completion of the requirements of the University and the Allied Health Professions Council of Namibia.
The award of the degree is subject to satisfactory completion of practical tuition at the training hospitals, namely, Windhoek state hospital complex and
Oshakati hospital, including a rural placement rotation.
This degree will be delivered through face- to- face mode with the other faculties within the University and the main stakeholders namely, the Ministry of
Health and Social Services (MOHSS).
Clinical teaching will be done in collaboration with assistance of the Clinical Instructors at the Health facilities, whereas some clinical procedures will be
conducted in the simulation laboratories at the School in order to strengthen clinical skills, and also to correlate the theory with clinical practice.
The commencement of the degree is based on the readiness of the school in terms of human resources, physical facilities and teaching material. The
school is positive regarding changes within the infrastructure, which are required for the provision of quality care to the Namibian society.
A “phasing in and a phasing out” approach will be followed. The diploma in radiography will phase out, as the Bachelor of Radiography will phase in. It is
recommended that the students should complete all failed and outstanding modules through the distance education mode.
The teaching and learning model will be based on a student – centred approach which is characterised by self study elements, fieldwork, lectures, projects,
individual and group activities, discussions and as tutorials.
Assessments will be based on general regulations of the specific school, explained as follows:
School of Nursing and Public Health
(a) Continuous assessment = 40% (practical, tests, assignments, projects)
(b) Final Examination 50%
Others Faculties
Depending of the specific school’s regulations
This will be based on the general regulations of the University of Namibia and includes collaboration and utilization of external assessors from within and
outside Namibia.
The school will need to revise current approved guidelines to be in line with the new approved curriculum
A student shall be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Radiography (Diagnostic) if s/he has passed all prescribed modules,and complete required
examinations and hours as prescribed.
A student advances to the following academic level of study when at least 2/3 of themodules of the curriculum for a specific year has been passed. If a
student passed only one third (1/3) of the full curriculum of a specific year. S/he may not register for any module on the next level. In all cases prerequisite
for MODULES have to be passed before a student can proceed to register for modules that requires a prerequisite.
9 modules (equivalent to 144 credits) out of the 14 modules prescribed for Year 1
6 modules (equivalent to 96 credits) out of the 10 modules prescribed for Year 2
6 modules (equivalent to 96 credits) out of the 10 modules prescribed for Year 3
All modules prescribed for the curriculum
The above-mentioned implies that a student who does not complete the Bachelor of Radiography (Diagnostic) Degree within the prescribed duration of
study has two years left to complete the remaining modules.
The practical learning experience and clinical teaching prescribed in the (b) section of a module will take place in a variety of health care services. The
practice is coordinated with the guidance of lectures and preceptors. The clinical learning experience must extend over three academic years.
Semester 1 Semester 2
Module Code Hours Credits NQF Level Module Code Hours Credits NQF
Radiation NRRT 3560 2 8 5 Radiation NRRT 2 8 5
Technique I Technique 1 3560
Clinical Radiation NRCR 3560 8 hour clinical 4 5 Clinical Radiation NRCR 8 hour clinical 4 5
Technique 1 attachment Technique 1 3560 attachment
Radiographic NRRP 3571 4 16 5 Radiographic NRRP 4 16 5
Principles Image 3572
Materials Characteristics
Method of patient NRPC3571 2 8 5 Physics for SPHY 2 8 4
Care and Radiographers 3402
Basic Human NNAB 3559 4 16 5 Applied Human NNAB 4 16 5
Anatomy Anatomy 3552
Health Care NNHD 3421 2 8 4 History of NRHE 4 16 5
Dynamics Radiography, 3572
Ethics and
Contemporary UCSI 3429 2 8 4
Social Issues
Computer Literacy UCLC 3409 2 8 4
English ULCE 3419 2 8 4 English for ULEA 2 8 4
communication Academic 3419
and study skills Purposes
TOTAL 28 84 TOTAL 26 76
8 hour clinical attachment equals 4 credits
Semester 3 Semester 4
Module Code Hours Credits NQF Module Code Hours Credits NQF
Level Level
Radiation NRRT 4 16 6 Radiation NRRT 3670 4 16 6
Technique ll Technique ll
Clinical NRCR 16 hour 8 6 Clinical NRCR 3660 16 hour 8 6
Radiation 3660 clinical Radiation clinical
Technique 2 attachmen Technique 2 attachme
t nt
Radiographic NRQC 4 16 6
Basic Human NNAB 4 16 6 Applied NNAB 3632 4 16 6
Physiology Human
Principles of NRAC 2 8 6 Applied NRAC 3662 2 8 6
Apparatus Apparatus
Construction Construction
and Utilization and Utilization
TOTAL 34 80 TOTAL 28 56
16 hour clinical attachment equals 8 credits
Semester 5 Semester 6
Module Code Hours Credits NQF Module Code Hours Credits NQF
Radiation NRRT3 770 4 16 7 Radiation NRRT 3770 4 16 7
Technique III Technique III
Pharmacology NRPR3772 4 16 7
Radiographic NRFC3760 2 8 7 Radiographic NRFC3760 2 8 7
Film Critique Film Critique
TOTAL 24 68 TOTAL 26 76
Credits 100
Semester 7 Semester 8
Module Code Hour Credit NQF Module Code Hours Credit NQF
s s Levels s Level
Radiation NRRT 4 16 8 Radiation NRRT 3870 4 16 8
Technique IV Technique 4
radiation radiation
Technique 4 Technique 4
Research NNHR 3812 4 16 8
Paper in
TOTAL 28 56 TOTAL 32 72
Applied Human NNAB3552 NNAB3559
English for
Academic Purposes ULEA3419 ULCE3419
Radiation Technique NRRT3670 NRCR3570/NRCR3570
Clinical Radiation NRCR3660 NRRT3570
Technique NRCR3560
Radiographic NRQC3671 NRRP3572
Quality Control,
Quality Assurance
and Modern Imaging
Basic Human NNAB3639 NNAB3532
Principles of
Apparatus NRAC3661 SPHY3402
Construction and
Radiation Technique NRRT3770 NRRT3670
Clinical Radiation NRRT3670
Technique 3 NRCR3760 NRCR3660
NRRT3770 /
Radiation Technique4 NRCR3880 NRCR3760
Clinical NRRT3760
Radiation Technique4 NRCR3880 NRCT3760
Semester 1
Module title: Radiographic Technique I
Code: MRRT3560
NQF level: 5
Contact hours: 2 hours per week x 28 weeks
Credits: 16
Pre-requisites/co requisites: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 4 tests/assignment)
Examination assessment 50%:(1 x 3hour paper )
Module description:
This module aims at developing the theoretical and practical experience of fundamentals of practical radiography. It develops the skills necessary for examination of
patients and for producing actual radiographs. It will enable the student to understand and apply the fundamentals and introductory concepts of positioning
techniques and their application in radiography.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Continuous assessment by the lecturer, completion of specific goals in Record of Practical Training book and practical
assessments on site 2 clinical evaluations per semester)
Examination assessment 50% (1x3 hour paper)
Module assessment:
Continues assessment 50% (Minimum 2 tests and 1 assignment)
Examination 50 %: (1 x 2 hour paper)
Module description:
This module contains information that should enable the student to discuss definitions and principles of photographic materials, to understand the
radiographic process, silver recovery and the presentation and viewing of radiographs. The student will be introduced to basic principles of image
production and the apparatus involved. It also contains information that should enable the students to understand and explain all aspects of radiographic
processing, silver recovery methods, presentation and viewing of radiographs, matters regarding film storage and miniaturization.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% (Minimum 4 tests/assignment)
Examination: 50% (1X 3hour paper)
Module Description:
This module aims at equipping the health care student with anatomical knowledge as well as biophysical principles in order to apply these in their daily
health care activities at the clinic, health centre, and hospital and community levels. The focus of this module is on the digestive system, nervous system,
endocrine system, urinary system and the reproductive system.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% (Minimum 2 tests)
Examination: 50 % (1x2hour paper)
Module description:
This module aims at introducing the student to the art and science of professional practice in Health Science by means of a core curriculum. It will enable
the student to develop competency in a professional approach and to develop insight and skills in the complexities of the caring relationship. By introducing
the students to Professional practice they will be enabled to understand the art and science of the health care profession. It will also introduce the health
care student to problem - solving and critical thinking in health care practice. This module will also enable the student to understand the holistic approach to
the caring relationship and the importance of developing the interpersonal skills to sustain a caring relationship and develop skills in self care
• use the MS EXCEL to create electronic spreadsheets
• use the MS POWERPOINT to create slides, transparencies, handouts, and speaker notes
• use the MS ACCESS program to store, retrieves, and organizes information
• search the Internet information relevant to the education and training environment
• use the computer for electronic.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment (60%)
2 tests (reading and writing)
2 reading assignments
1oral presentation
Examination (40%): 1 x 3 hour examination paper
Module description:
This module is aimed at assisting students in the development of their reading, writing and speaking skills, in order to cope with studying in a new academic
environment and in a language which may not be their first language. The module serves as an introduction to university level academics, where styles of
teaching and learning differ from those at secondary schools in that more responsibility is placed on the student. The module therefore, focuses on the skills
that students need throughout their academic careers and beyond.
Semester 2
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 2 tests and 1 assignment)
Examination 50 %:1x 2 hour paper
Module description:
This module contains information that should enable the student to understand the characteristics of invisible ,radiographic and fluoroscopic images, explain
subject contrast ‘radiographic contrast and un sharpness ,graininess, film faults and artefacts and matters referring to the above-mentioned. This MODULE
will compound the concepts of radiography imaging to the student. Practical work in the x-ray department will form part of the MODULE.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% (Minimum 3/assignment)
Examination: 50% (1X 3 hours paper)
Module description:
This module aims at equipping the health care student with anatomical knowledge as well as biophysical principles in order to apply these in their daily
health care activities at the clinic, health centre, and hospital and community levels. This module focuses on the following systems: medical terminology, the
human cell , human tissue and the integumentory system. The musculo-skeletal system and the articulations.
NQF Level: 4
Contact Hours: 28
Credits: 8
Pre-requisites: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%, one 2 hour exam 50%. Continuous assessment is based on class tests, assignments and minimum 7 practical sessions
Module Description:
The aim of this module is to provide the students with basic background in mostly electromagnetic radiation, elementary quantum theory and atomic
structure as well as introduction to dosimetry and particle detectors. This MODULE is a pre-requisite for a module on apparatus construction, offered by the
School of Nursing and Public Health. The module will cover the following topics:
Electromagnetic radiation - generation and propagation, speed, frequency, wavelength, electromagnetic spectrum; elementary quantum theory –
photoeffect, x-ray generation and scattering, line spectra; atomic structure - electroneutral atom, atomic energy levels of hydrogen atom and multi-electron
atoms; atomic nucleus - structure of the nucleus, nuclear forces, isotopes; radioactive decay - half-life, law of radioactive decay, activity of a radioactive
sample; detectors of radioactive particles; X- and Gamma-rays and their interactions with matter – photo-absorption, Compton scattering, pair-production;
homogeneous and heterogeneous beams, x-ray spectra; intensity of x- and gamma-radiation as a function of distance to the source and as a function of the
thickness of the absorber; attenuation coefficients; half-value layer; filters; effects of the different absorption modes on the clarity and quality of a
radiographic image; dosimetry - absorbed dose; exposure; dosimetric devices; maximum permissible doses
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 60%. Two graded assessments in reading and writing skills. One graded assessment based on a referenced
academic essay. One graded assessment of presentation skills. Examination: 50%: 1x 2 hour paper.
Module description: This MODULE develops a student's understanding, and competencies regarding academic conventions such as: academic
reading, writing, listening and oral presentation skills for academic purposes. Students are required to produce a referenced and researched essay
written in formal academic style within the context of their university studies. Students are also required to do oral presentations based on their
essays. The reading component of the MODULE deals with academic level texts. This involves students in a detailed critical analysis of such texts.
The main aim is, therefore, to develop academic literacy in English.
Semester 4
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination 50 %: (1 x 3 hour paper)
Semester 3
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 4 tests/assignment)
Examination 50% (1 x 3hour paper)
Module description:
This module continues the theoretical experience of the fundamentals of practical radiography. It develops the necessary knowledge for the
examination of patients and producing actual radiographs.
Radiographic Qual Contr&Qual A.ssurance Moderne maging
Module title:
Code: NRQC 3671
NQF: 6
Contact hours: 4 lectures per week for 14 weeks
Credits: 16
Pre-requisites: Radiographic Processing (MRRP 3572)
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum of 3 tests/assignments)
Examination 50 %: 1 x 3 hours paper
Module description:
This module contains information that should enable the student to understand the characteristics of the invisible, radiographic and fluoroscopic images,
explain subject contrast, differential attenuation, scatter radiation, film contrast, radiographic contrast and unsharpness, graininess, film faults and artifacts
and matters referring to the above-mentioned. This module will compound the concepts of radiographic imaging to the student. Practical work in the x-ray
department will form part of this module.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Continuous assessment by the lecturer, completion of specific goals in Record of Practical Training book and practical
assessments on site 2 clinical evaluations per semester) Examination assessment 50% (1 clinical evaluation and 1 OSCE)
Module description:
This module continues to link the theoretical component with practical skills and teach the student in the clinical area the techniques required for general
practice in the imaging department.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% (Minimum3 test/assignment)
Examination: 50%
Module description:
This module aims at equipping the health care student with knowledge and skills with regard to normal human functioning (physiology) and biochemistry in
order to detect any deviation from the normal functioning and thus relate this module to wellness and disease topics. This module focuses on the
cardiovascular- respiratory and the integumentory system.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination assessment 50 %: (1 x 3 hour paper)
This module contains information that will enable the student to discuss definitions and principles of imaging equipment, to understand the layout and
construction and basic technical detail of such equipment.
Semester 4
Module title: Radiography, Ethics and Professional Practice
Code NRHE3571
NQF level: 5
Contact hours: 4 lectures per week for 14 weeks
Credits: 16
Pre-requisites: NRHE3572
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination 50 %: (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module Assessments:
Continuous assessment: 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination: 50%
Module description:
This module aims at equipping the health care student with knowledge and skills with regard to normal human functioning (physiology) in order to detect
any deviation from the normal functioning and thus relate this module to wellness and disease topics This module focuses on the nervous -endocrine
system, the renal system, with concepts of fluid and electrolytes, nutrition and digestion as well as the reproductive system.
Module description:
This module contains information that will enable the student to discuss definitions and principles of imaging equipment, to understand the layout and
construction and basic technical detail of such equipment.
Semester 5
Module title: Radiation Technique lll
Code: NRRT 3770
NQF level: 7
Contact hours: 4 hours per weeks x 28 weeks
Credits: 32
Pre-requisites: Radiation Technique 2 (NRRT 3670) & Clinical Radiation Technique 2 (NRCR3660)
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 4 tests/assignment)
Examination 50% (1 x 3hour paper)
Module description:
This module completes teaching the techniques required for general practice in the department and provides the basis for contrast examinations and
interventional procedures.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Continuous assessment by the lecturer, completion of specific goals in Record of Practical Training book and practical
assessments on site 2 clinical evaluations per semester)
Examination assessment 50% (1 clinical evaluation and 1 OSCE)
Module description:
This module continues to link the theoretical component with practical skills and teach the student in the clinical area the techniques required for general
practice in the imaging department.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination 50 %: 1 x 3 hour paper
Module description:
The module provides the basic knowledge and understanding of the biologic effects of ionizing radiation
Module Title: Pharmacology for Radiographers
Code: NRPR3770
NQF level: 7
Contact hours: 4 periods per week x 28 Weeks
Credits: 32
Pre-requisites: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination 50 %: 1 x 3 hour paper
Module description:
The module is designed to enhance knowledge base of the student in the area of pharmacology therapy . Clinical pharmacology is a medical discipline,
which on a scientific basis combines pharmacological and clinical expertise, with the ultimate goal of improving efficacy and safety in the clinic use of drugs.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination 50 %: (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description:
This module provides the fundamentals of radiation safety.
NQF level: 7
Contact hours: 2 lectures per week for 28weeks
Credits: 16
Pre-requisites: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination 50 %: (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description:
This module contains information that’ should enable the student to have knowledge and experience in film critique, apply film critique techniques and
guidelines on radiographs of skull, hand , wrist , foot ankle ,chest and abdomen, evaluate radiographs in regard to technical and diagnostic quality, integrate
clinical practice and classroom education and provide informed strategies for avoiding future errors.
Semester 6
Module title: Pathophysiology
Code: NRPP 3662
NQF Level: 6
Contact Hours: 4 periods per week x 14 Weeks
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: Physiology and biochemistry for health care students (NNAB 3631 & NNAB 3632)
Co-requisite: Microbiology (NNAB 3739)
Module Assessment:
Continuous Assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination 50% (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module Description:
The aim of this module is to equip students with knowledge and skills in Pathophysiology in order for them to relate it to imaging
presentations/manifestations as well as to provide optimum health care education (Secondary and tertiary prevention focused)
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination 50 %:1 x 3 hour paper
Module description:
This module contains information that will enable the student to discuss definitions and principles of imaging equipment, to understand the layout and
construction and more advanced technical detail of such equipment.
Year 4
Semester 7
Module title: Radiation Technique IV
Code: NRRT 3870
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 4 hours per weeks x 28 weeks
Credits: 32
Pre-requisites: Radiation Technique 3 (NRRT 3770) & Clinical Radiation Technique 3 (NRCR 3760)
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% passes mark for each module (minimum 4 modules per annum)
Unit one: Quality assurance
Unit two: Advances in diagnostic imaging
Unit three: Pattern recognition and Role extension
Unit four: Health systems management
Module description:
This module aims at developing research, survey skill, seminar skills, management skills and basic clinical training skills applicable to radiography. It
develops the skills necessary for knowledge of new technological and professional developments and their impact on radiographic practice. It will enable
the student to have an insight into the impact of environmental conditions on the health and radiographic services.
Module requirements and expectations:
Eighty percent (80%) workshop attendance; punctuality; active participation in discussions; make use of lecturer consultation time; take notes during
workshop presentations; acquisition of prescribed material; acquaint yourself with assessment policy; uphold academic integrity.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% [a minimum of three tests /assignments]
Examination: 50% (1x 3hours paper)
Module Description:
The module prepares the student to conduct research by applying all the research steps as an individual or a member of a research team. The ultimate
goal is to prepare students to provide evidenced based care that promotes quality outcomes for patients, families, health care providers and the health
Module title: Management for Radiographers
Subject code: NRMR 3810
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 4 hours per week x 28 weeks
Credits: 32
Prerequisites: None
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% in theory and clinical practice (Minimum 2 test/assignment)
Examination 50%: 2 x 3 hour papers - One (1) hour practical evaluation in the clinical environment
Module description:
This module aims to equip the student with the necessary knowledge and skills that will enable the student to function optimally as a health service
manager at primary health care settings(levels), therapeutic health care and rehabilitative health care levels, and manage any health care setting
effectively and render quality health care (To the Namibia Population). The IMCI strategy aims to improve the case management skills of the health
care worker (student), improve the health system required for effective management of childhood illness and improve family and community health
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment 50% (Minimum 3 tests/assignment)
Examination 50 % (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description:
This is an introduction to the concepts of disease. Pathology in disease as they relate to various radiographic procedures as discussed. Emphasis placed
upon required variations in radiographic techniques in the presence of pathologies.
Semester 8
Module title: Research Paper in Health
Code: NNHR 3812
NQF level: 8
Contact hours: 4 Hours per week x 14 weeks
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: NNHR3811
Module assessment:
A final assessment of the health research project (100%) by the two supervisors within the Department of Radiography and the external moderator
Module Description:
This module is focusing on the completion of a research project of at least 15,000 words in a health related field by a final year student. The project needs
to be independently completed by the student but with the supervision of two lecturers.
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 60%. Two graded assessments in reading and writing skills. One graded assessment based on a referenced
academic essay. One graded assessment of presentation skills. Examination: 40%: 1x 2 hour paper.
Module description:
This module develops a student's understanding, and competencies regarding academic conventions such as: academic reading, writing, listening and oral
presentation skills for academic purposes. Students are required to produce a referenced and researched essay written in formal academic style within the
context of their university studies. Students are also required to do oral presentations based on their essays. The reading component of the module deals
with academic level texts. This involves students in a detailed critical analysis of such texts. The main aim is, therefore, to develop academic literacy text in
• Prospective candidate should be an enrolled nurse registered with the Nursing Council of Namibia and furnish proof of his/her current
• A National Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) or equivalent, obtained in not more than three examination sittings with a minimum of
22 points in five subjects according to UNAM evaluation point scale.
• One of the five subjects should be English with at least a D Symbol(NSSC) or a D symbol in Ordinary level or an equivalent symbol.
• Candidate should also submit proof of relevant nursing experience prior to admission.
• Annually after registration, every student must furnish the School with proof of current registration as a student with the Namibia Nursing
Clinical teaching will be done in collaboration with assistance of the ward Clinical Instructors at the Ministry of Health and social Services (MOHSS)
facilities. Some clinical procedures will be conducted in the simulation laboratories at the School in order to strengthen clinical skills, and to correlate the
theory with clinical practice.
C.5 Implementation
The School will offer the Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery Science at the Northern and Main campuses. The commencement of the diploma is
based on readiness of the School in terms of human resources, physical facilities and teaching material. The School is positive regarding changes within
the infrastructure, which are required for the provision of quality care to the Namibian society.
C.7 Assessment
Assessments will be according to the general regulations and school specific as follows:
(a)Continuous assessment e.g.(practical, tests, assignments, projects) 50%
(b)Final Examination 50%
C.10. Academic Advancement Rules
Re- Registration
A student will not be re-admitted into the School if s/he has not passed at least:
• 4 (Four ) Modules at the end of the First Year of registration; at least 2 Modules should be non-core.
• 14 ( Fourteen) Modules at the end of the Second Year of registration including all UNAM core modules.
• 24 ( Twenty four)Modules at the end of the Third Year of registration
Academic Advancement rules (minimum number modules to be passed for promotion to the next year)
A student advances to the following academic level of study when at least 2/3 of the modules of the curriculum for a specific year have been passed. If a
student passed only one third (1/3) of the full curriculum of a specific year. S/he may not register for any MODULE on the next level.
The above-mentioned implies that a student who does not complete the Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery Science within the prescribed duration
of study has two years left to complete the remaining modules.
From year 1 to year 2:At least 6 modules (equivalent to 96 credits) out of the 10 modules (162 credits) prescribed for year 1.
• Prerequisite for modules have to be passed before a student can proceed to register for modules that requires a prerequisite.
• Co-requisites: In order to continue with a module who has another module as a co-requisite a student has to pass the co-requisite module or
achieved a continuous assessment (CA) mark of at least 40%.
C.11. Practical (component B)
The practical learning experience and clinical teaching prescribed in the (b) section of a MODULE will take place in a variety of health care institutions. The
practice is coordinated with the guidance of lectures and preceptors. The clinical learning experience must extend over three academic years.
Fundamentals of human NNAP 2451 16 4 Applied human anatomy and NNAP 2452 16 4
anatomy and physiology physiology
Interpersonal abilities in NNIP 2452 8 4
88 72
Total credits year 1: 160
Semester 1 Semester 2
Module Code Credits NQF Module Code Cre NQF level
level dits
Principles in Wound care NNWC 2541 8 5 Problem solving and critical NHPC 2542 8 5
thinking skills in Health care
72 72
Total credits year 2: 144
Semester 1 Semester 2
Module Code Credits NQF level Module Code Cre NQF level
General nursing 3 NNGN 2610 16 6 General nursing 3 NNGN 2710 16 6
Midwifery science 2 NNMS 2650 16 6 Midwifery science 2 NNMS 2650 16 6
Mental health NNMH 2610 16 6 Mental health NNMH2610 16 6
Ethos & professional NNEP 2550 16 5 Ethos & professional practice NNEP 2550 16 5
Emergency Nursing NNEN 2621 8 6
72 64
Total credits year 3: 136
Total credits: 440 for the 3years
Continuous 40 %
Examination 50% (2-hour paper)
Module description
Contemporary Social Issues is a compulsory Unam core module for all the first year students. It is divided into three (3) unit
• Orientation to Social Ethics
• Gender Issues
Each of these units is allocated 8-10 lectures over a teaching period of 4-5 weeks.
The class is divided into five groups so that students can choose one which suits them most.
Students can, thus, register for the MODULE with any of the following Faculties:
First Semester:
• Medical and Health Sciences
• Law
• Humanities and Social Sciences
• Education (where applicable)
Second Semester:
• Economics and Management Sciences
• Science
• Agriculture and Natural Resources
• Education (where applicable)
Upon completion of this module, in each unit, the student should be able to:
1. Describe the physical-medical aspects of HIV/AIDS and STD’s.
2. Understand the social factors that contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS.
3. Explain his /her behaviour change towards HIV/AIDS.
4. Identify intervention strategies on campus.
1. Critically discuss the objectives of the MODULE.
2. Identify the meaning of ethics within a multi-cultural, multi-faith and a secular setting.
3. Assess the challenges facing the society.
4. Help the learners to discover the significance of spirituality and morality.
5. Answer the question: What does it mean to be a good person or society?
1. Identify with, and use gender concepts with ease.
2. Use gender-sensitive language and live a life that reflects gender exposure.
3. Reflect on gender relations between women and men in society, and the impact on society.
4. Reduce gender stereotypes in their home and community at large.
5. Examine the impact of gender unequal relations on the spread of HIV/AIDS, gender based violence, myths, stereotypes and believes about
males and females, the education system and many other issues that affect society and community at large.
Module Assessment:
Continuous Assessment (60%):
4 reading tests
4 writing tests
2 oral presentations
1 literature worksheet
Examination (40%):1x3 hour paper
Module description:
This module attempts to assist students to improve their general English proficiency. The main goal of this module is, therefore, to develop the reading,
writing, listening, speaking and study skills of students in order for them to perform tasks in an academic environment. This module focuses on the skills
students need to perform cognitive academic tasks in an academic environment and beyond.
Continuous 60%; examination 40% (1x 2hour paper)
Module Description:
This module will prepare the student to master basic computer literacy skills, use power presentation as a mode of presentation and access the internet.
Module requirements
It is expected that the student attend required numbered of lectures participate in group work and discussions, to comply with the theoretical as well as the
practical requirements.
Pre-requisites None
Continuous 50%;
Examination 50% ( 2 x3 hour paper)
Module description
The module involves integration of knowledge of anatomical structures, physiology of body systems under study and the pathological processes involved in
the evolution of each disease. The module also covers medical and surgical interventions for treatment (to an extent pharmacological actions), and specific
nursing care for specific diseases (i.e. physical, psychological and social), at primary, secondary (curative care) and tertiary prevention or rehabilitation
levels of the comprehensive healthcare approach. The module aimed at assisting the student to develop the cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills
regarding health care. Thus, at completion of this module, the student should be able to provide comprehensive nursing care pertaining to medicine and
surgery for the adults and pediatrics.
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% ( 1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description
This Module is aimed at equipping the student nurse with adequate knowledge, appropriate skills and positive attitudes to provide comprehensive
community health care. The student will be expected to assume responsibility for all actions taken. The Module also aims at equipping student nurses with
sufficient knowledge of HIV/AIDS and its management in Namibia, so as to enable them to provide quality care to patients with HIV/AIDS.
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description
This module aims at equipping the health care student with knowledge and skills with regard to normal human structure and functioning (physiology) in
order to detect any deviation from the normal functioning and thus relate this module to wellness and disease topics. The content in this module focuses on
the histological, skeletal muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory and digestive systems
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description
This module aims at equipping the health care student with knowledge and skills with regard to normal human structure and functioning (physiology) in
order to detect any deviation from the normal functioning and thus relate this module to wellness and disease topics. The content of this module focuses on
the renal (including fluids and electrolytes), reproductive, endocrine and central nervous system’
Credits 8
Pre-requisites None
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% ( 1 x 2hour paper)
Module description
This module aims at introducing the student to the art and science of professional practice in Health Science by means of a core curriculum. It will enable
the student to develop competency in a professional approach and to develop insight and skills in the complexities of the caring relationship. This module
will enable the student to understand the holistic approach to the caring relationship and the importance of developing the interpersonal skills to sustain a
caring relationship and develop skills in self care
Argue the necessity of self awareness and development of self care skills as components of self development.
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% ( 2 x 3 hour paper)
Module description
This module introduces the student to more advanced concepts that promote the application of the nursing process in the area of the adult in the
specialized health care disciplines, i.e. central and peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, genito-urinary systems, ophthalmology, ear and
nose, and oncology conditions that are prevalent in Namibia. The student will have opportunities to work collaboratively with members of a
health care team in the specialized environments of the training hospitals of Namibia. Skills laboratory will provide the student with simulation experiences
to master selected skills before s/he is allocated to the health care environment. Nursing care of the HIV/AIDS infected client features strongly throughout
this module.
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module Description:
This Module aims at equipping the student nurse with adequate knowledge, appropriate skills and positive attitudes to provide comprehensive community
health care. As well as equipping student nurses with sufficient knowledge of HIV/AIDS and its management in Namibia, so as to enable them to provide
quality care to patients with HIV/AIDS
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% ( 1 x3 hour paper)
Module description
The module aims at providing a nurse practitioner to apply some of the microbiological principles in order to prevent diseases and to maintain a healthy
environment for the patient. It is planned as a foundation to help students to upgrade themselves and also to master new and additional information.
Emphasis will be placed on practical application; where possible laboratory experiences will be provided.
Code NNPC 2572
NQF level 5
Contact hours 4/ week
Credits 16
Pre-requisites NNMB2571 (Co requisite)
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description
The module aims at fostering sound principles in pharmacology. It is planned as a foundation to help students to upgrade themselves and also to master
new and additional information. Emphasis will be placed on practical application; where possible laboratory experiences will be provided.
Continuous 50%
Examination 40% ( 2 x3 hour paper)
Module description
This module will enable the student to provide comprehensive maternal and newborn care; apply anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive
systems and the management of women with normal pregnancies when indicated.
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% (1 x 2 hour paper & Case study)
Module description:
The module expands on the knowledge and skills acquired during the pre- final years. This mentioned knowledge and skills relate to general nursing
science, and skills in assessment. The students are introduced to different wounds and the necessary knowledge and skills required to provide the correct
interventions. The module will be presented with the framework of the nursing process.
Module title: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills in Health Care
Code MHPC 2542
NQF level 5
Contact hours 2 / week
Credits 8
Pre-requisites None
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% ( 1 x 2hour paper)
Module description:
This module introduces the health care student to problem - solving and critical thinking in health care practice.
Module Class attendance of 80% is expected as well as active participation in all activities.
Year 3
Credits 32
Pre-requisites MNGN 2570
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% (2 x 3 hour paper)
Module description
This module will enable the students to identify general principles, priorities, and management of common medical-surgery emergencies encountered by
adult clients. This module is designed at equipping the student with knowledge and managerial skills to ensure quality patient/client, family and community
care for optimal health care delivery. It is also designed to equip the student with knowledge and skills to plan and manage health resources effectively and
efficiently and also on how to cope with the consequences of disasters and disease outbreak and to cope with the consequences of HIV/AIDS.
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% ( 2 x 3 hour paper)
Module description
This module aims to provide comprehensive maternal and newborn care by equipping the students with skills to identify and manage and/or refer
complications and emergencies during abnormal pregnancy, labour, puerperium and the newborn at risks, including PMTCT, within the cultural, ethical and
the legal scope of practice at all levels of care.
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description:
This module is aimed at introducing the student to mental health and equipping her/him with knowledge and skills to enable her/him understand human
behaviour so as to promote mental health, prevent mental illness within the community setting following the PHC approach, and provide comprehensive
nursing care to persons suffering from mental illness and to support the family. The module also aims at equipping the student with communication and
interpersonal relationship skills in the context of prevention and care of those who are HIV – positive or have HIV/AIDS.
Continuous 50%;
Examination 50% (1 x 3 hour paper)
Module description:
This module prepares the student nurse to practice nursing as a professional nurse practitioner and contribute to the professional development of registered
nurses as practitioners who practice nursing within the philosophical/ethical and legal framework of the nursing profession.
Contact hours 2/ week x 14 weeks
Credits 8]
Pre-requisites None
Continuous 50%
Examination 50% (1 x 2 hour problem solving &
OSCE [Objective structured Clinical examination
Module description:
The module aims to consolidate critical clinical skills required of a health professional.
to act logically and systematically when confronted with patients in life threatening emergency or trauma situations. The presentation of this module requires
that certain basic knowledge and skills related to health care delivery have been already mastered. The framework of this module is based on the
internationally recommended Advanced Trauma Life Support (ALTS) guidelines.
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50%
A minimum of four tests/assignments/case presentations [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: one (1) paper of 3 hours
Module Description
Advanced Nursing Skills is a certificate MODULE aimed at enhancing advanced skills for registered nurses. These skills focus on ECG’s selected
laboratory results, wound care and imaging
Module assessment:
Continuous assessment: 50% . A minimum of four assignments/case presentations [general rule 7.21.3(2)]
practical examination 50%:
Module Description
The practical attachment to Advanced Nursing Skills aims at the mastering skills required for the theoretical module. These skills focus on ECG’s selected
laboratory results, physical assessment, wound care and imaging
This is a 3 months certificate (40 credits) offered over 1 academic year on part time.
The module is presented by means of accompanied learning including 45 hours face – to – face per year to allow candidates to attend during their off duty
times .
Certificate in Pharmacotherapy [TOTAL CREDITS 40]
Semester 1 Semester 2
Module Code Hrs / week Credits Module Code Hrs/ week Credits
NPCT 4760 45 hrs per 8 NPCT 45 hrs per 8
Pharmacotherapy year Pharmacotherapy 4760 year
Clinical NCAP 4780 Self 12 Clinical NCAP Self 12
attachment in accompani attachment in 4780 accompanied
pharmacotherapy ed learning pharmacotherapy learning
Total credits for Total credits for
semester 20 semester 20
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four tests/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
Examination 50%: 1 × 3 hour paper
Module Description:
In order to comply with the provisions f the Medicines and related Substances Control Act of 1965 (Act 101 of 1965) and the recently adopted
Integrated Management of Adult and Adolescent Illness program, registered nurses and midwives whose practice requires them to acquire, keep,
prescribed and issue medicines must produce proof of having followed an approved MODULE of study in pharmacotherapy, examination, diagnosis
and treatment and passed an examination on this.
Module requirements:
Regular class and practical attendance, acquisition of prescribed materials is compulsory; reading of prescribed material in advance; active
participation in class discussions and practical sessions; assignments handed in on time; successful attainment of the required continuous marks.
Module Title: Clinical Attachment in Pharmacotherapy
Code: NCAP 4780
NQF: 7
Contact hours: 3 hours X 28 Weeks practical
Credits: 24
Pre-requisite: None
Module Assessment:
Continuous assessment 50%: A minimum of four case studies/assignments [General rule 7.21.3(2)]
1 practical examination
Module Description:
This module aims at strengthening the skills in assessment, diagnosing and treatment.