The document outlines topics related to advanced earthquake engineering for a civil engineering course. It includes questions about plate tectonic theory, elastic rebound theory, seismic design considerations for structures like buildings, chimneys and dams. It also discusses topics like vulnerability atlases, retrofitting techniques for masonry and RCC structures.
The document outlines topics related to advanced earthquake engineering for a civil engineering course. It includes questions about plate tectonic theory, elastic rebound theory, seismic design considerations for structures like buildings, chimneys and dams. It also discusses topics like vulnerability atlases, retrofitting techniques for masonry and RCC structures.
The document outlines topics related to advanced earthquake engineering for a civil engineering course. It includes questions about plate tectonic theory, elastic rebound theory, seismic design considerations for structures like buildings, chimneys and dams. It also discusses topics like vulnerability atlases, retrofitting techniques for masonry and RCC structures.
The document outlines topics related to advanced earthquake engineering for a civil engineering course. It includes questions about plate tectonic theory, elastic rebound theory, seismic design considerations for structures like buildings, chimneys and dams. It also discusses topics like vulnerability atlases, retrofitting techniques for masonry and RCC structures.
10224 : Elective-I : Advance Earlhquake Engineering: 7 CE 05 P. Pages : I AW - 329r 'l'ime: I hree Hous rfi riliti ll]11 ilrili l\'lax- l\4arks : 110
Notes : 1. Assume suitable data $,herever necessary.
2. nlustrate yout answer nccessary with the help ofneat sketches. 3. lS 1893-2002 may be consultcd.
I Flxplain plate tectonic theory in detail, rvith hclp ofneat diagrams? l3
OR Explain elastic Rebound theory with near sketch? 13
3 a) Explain conccpt oi- 1
i) Sotl Storcy ii) 'l'orsion & Twisting iii)Continuous load path iu) Geometrical shap€? b) I-,xplain seismic coclficicrr method? 7 OR 1. Find out storey & Base sheau for a 2 storey singlebay OMRF ofresidertial building location IJ in Mumbai olr Hard rock. Fleight ofeach slorey is 3.6 m and span is 4.2 m? subjected ro D. L of2400 kN at top and 3000 kN at other lloors? Assume any other data if needed?
a Explain seismic design coruideration of chimncy? l3
OR 6. Explain seismic design considerdtion lbr Dam with neat figure? l-l StrCTION- - B 7. a) What do you mean by vuherabilit"v Atlas? IIow it is used? 7
b) Explain various Hazrd map & statisrics givcn in Vulnerability Adas? 7
OR 8. a) Explair teclno-legal issue ofvulnembiliq Atlas? 1
b) Explain the use ofNsk Table with example? 7
9 What are various defccts iD masonry slructure? How to rpair them? l3
OR 10. Explain Ductjle provisions for R(l structure as per IS 13920? l3 lt. Explain with neat figures:- i) Column Jacketing ncthods? 1 ii) Wall retrofitting methods? 6 OR 12, Explain rctlolitting ot- i) Beams? 6 ii) Footings? 7