2024 Second Series - Scheme of Valuation
2024 Second Series - Scheme of Valuation
2024 Second Series - Scheme of Valuation
2. Consolidation of soil is the gradual reduction in the volume of partially or fully saturated
soil under sustained loading, which is caused primarily by water expulsion from the soil
pores 1
3. Bearing capacity of a foundation is the maximum load that can be applied on a foundation, 3
before failure or uncontrolled deformations occur
The ultimate bearing capacity is defined as the maximum gross pressure intensity at the
base of the foundation at which the soil does not fail in shear. When the term bearing
capacity is used, it may be understood to be the UBC 3
Loading increments can be done at interval of 0.5 kN and settlement readings are taken at
time intervals of 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16, 25 min and then 1 hour
For clayey soils, the load is increased when the settlement exceeds 70-80% of probable
ultimate settlement at that stage or at the end of 24 hour.
Finally, safe bearing capacity = ultimate bearing capacity / factor of safety The factor of
safety ranges from 2 to 3.
Calculation of Foundation Settlement from Plate Load Test: We can also calculate
settlement for given load from plate load test as follows Foundation Settlement
Calculation on Clayey Soils Settlement of foundation
(sf) = sp x Bf/Bp
Foundation Settlement Calculation on Sandy Soils Settlement of foundation 5 10
(sf) = sp [{Bf(Bp + 0.3)}/{Bp(Bf + 0.3)}]2
Where Bf and Bp are widths of foundation and plate.
9. OR
Obtain about 3 kg of air-dried soil in the mixing pan and brake all the lumps.
2. Add suitable amount of water. (See Note 01 & 02)
3. Determine the weight of the empty mold with the base plate and the collar (M1) to the
nearest 1g.
4. Fix the collar and the base plate.
5. Compact the moist soil in to the mold in three layers of approximately equal mass.
(Each layer shall be compacted by 25 blows). Blows must be distributed uniformly over
the surface of each layer so that the hammer always falls freely. The amount of soil must
be sufficient to fill the mold, leaving not more than 6 mm to be struck off when the
extension is removed. (See Note 03))
6. Detach the collar carefully without disturbing the compacted soil inside the mold and
using a straightedge trim the excess soil leaving the mold.
7. Obtain the weight of mold with base plate and the moist soil (M2).
8. Extrude the sample and break it to collect the sample for water content determination
preferably at least two specimens one near the top and other near the bottom.
9. Weigh an empty can, (M3) and weigh again with the moist soil obtained from the
extruded sample in step 8 (M4).
10. Keep this can in the oven for water content determination.
11. Repeat step 4 to 10. During this process weight M2 increases for some time with the
increase in moisture and decreases thereafter. Conduct at least two trials after the weight 5
starts to reduce. (See Note 04)
12. After 24 hours get the weight of oven dried sample (M5).
The wash boring method of soil exploration is done in the following steps:
i. A casing is first driven into the ground to a depth of 1.5-3 m. A hollow drill rod, with a
chisel-shaped chopping bit at its bottom, is inserted inside the casing.
ii. Water is pumped down into the drill rod that emerges as a strong jet through the small
openings of the bit at the bottom of the drill rod.
iii. The jet disintegrates the soil in the borehole and carries the broken fragments upward
through the annular space between the casing and the drill rod.
iv. This return water, carrying soil fragments, known as cuttings, is collected in a sump
tank through a T-shaped pipe fixed at the top of the casing
v. The hole is further advanced by alternately raising and dropping the chopping bit by a
winch. The drill rod is supported through a swivel joint, wire rope, and a pulley by a
triangular or equivalent frame. The swivel joint facilitates turning of the drill rod.
vi. The process of raising, dropping, and turning of the drill rod is continued even below
the bottom of the casing until the borehole begins to collapse.
vii. At this stage, the casing is further driven into the borehole and extended at the top by
providing additional pieces.
viii. Soil samples can be collected by attaching soil samplers to the bottom of the drill rod,
after removing the chop-ping bit. The soil sampler is pushed into the bottom of the
borehole vertically after cleaning and then withdrawn. The undisturbed soil sample is
brought along with the soil sampler.
ix. Bentonite slurry (5% bentonite mixed in water as solution) may be generally used
instead of water as the drilling fluid, which stabilizes the walls of the borehole.
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