NACO Internship Guidelines April. 2024final
NACO Internship Guidelines April. 2024final
NACO Internship Guidelines April. 2024final
The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP), launched in 1992, is being implemented by
NACO under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare as a comprehensive programme for
prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in India. Over time, the focus has shifted from raising
awareness to behaviour change, from a national response to a more decentralised approach and
to increase involvement of NGOs and networks of PLHIV. Prevention Services, Testing of
HIV/STI, and Care, Support & Treatment Services are key pillars of all the HIV prevention
and control efforts in India. Phase V of the National AIDS Control Programme is aimed at
reducing annual new HIV infections and AIDS related mortalities by 80% from the baseline
value of 2010. It also aims to attain the dual elimination of vertical transmission, elimination
of HIV/AIDS related stigma while promoting universal access to quality STI/RTI services to
at-risk and vulnerable populations.
The Government has enacted the HIV/AIDS Act, 2017, to provide for the prevention and
control of the spread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome and for the protection of human rights of PLHIV. HIV/AIDS Act has been notified
on e-gazette on 21, April 2017.
NACO receives many applications for internship from research fellow, academicians, and
Students. In the past, many interns have worked under NACP. NACO has initiated the
Internship Programme for young students with a vision to get them familiar with and
understand the various dimensions of policy making & implementation of the National AIDS
Control Programme. It will serve as an exposure for the interns regarding functioning of
National Health Program, which will be mutually beneficial for the organisation as well as
It may be noted that the internship programme is neither a job nor any such assurance for a
job at National AIDS Control Organisation or any other Ministry/ Department of
Government of India. The final decision to engage any candidate in the internship
programme shall rest with NACO.
Process of Engagement
Application: Any prospective candidate can apply to NACO in the prescribed format
(available at Anexxure II) duly recommended/ authenticated by their educational
institution/health organisation. Detailed process is available on the website and updated from
Application can be forwarded through email or through speed post along with copies of
necessary documents.
Timeline: The short listing would be done within four (4) weeks of receipt of application
based on defined eligibility criteria and only successful candidates will be intimated by
Interns shall be expected to report to NACO, submit their joining report and work under close
supervision of the concerned Head of Division (HOD). The areas available for internship at
NACO are listed at Annexure III.
Interns would be required to observe the functioning of the divisions, participate in activities
as well as conduct data analysis & research, write reports, undertake field visit, or carry out
any other task entrusted to them by the HOD. As part of the internship, the selected intern
would be required to submit an internship project report.
Available positions for Number of interns can vary depending on the submitted
internship applications and requirement of NACO. However, at any
point of time, the number of interns shall not be more
than 10.
Enrollment Enrollment for internship will be kept open throughout
the year.
Data Sharing, confidentiality Data access to interns would be granted only after
and non-disclosure submission of data confidentiality undertaking form to the
concerned HoD.
Essential Criteria: Candidates enrolled for Graduate programme under a recognised university
should have completed two years,
Candidates enrolled in regular Post Graduation Degree/Diploma course under a recognised
Desirable: Candidates from institutions having institutional collaboration with NACO &/or
SACS and with M.Phil.
Ph.D Candidates must have the approval of their Institution to apply for the internship.
Prescribed format is placed at Annexure IV
1. Photographs (2)
2. 1 Photo-identity (Voter ID or Aadhar or Passport)
3. Approval letter from the Dean/ Principal of College/ University or Head of the
4. Students from abroad must have valid travel documents and approval letter
from their Institutes
The concerned Head/Supervisor/ Reporting Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that the
work and output agreed upon with the Intern is satisfactorily completed. Interns will be
required to submit a brief internship project report at the end of the internship to the Heads of
the concerned Programme Division to which they are attached. After approval by the Head of
the Division, 3 sets of the project report need to be submitted to Head of the Division to which
they are attached, SI Division and Admin/HR. In addition, soft copies of the same also need to
be submitted to the 3 stakeholders as listed above.
The attendance record and details of work supervision shall be maintained by the concerned
Programme Division.
It may be strictly observed that the conduct of the interns and their access to data shall be the
sole responsibility of the Heads of the concerned Programme Division.
All incumbents shall undertake to maintain confidentiality with respect to NACO data and its
sharing beyond the officers of NACO. Interns can claim no right to be included as an author in
a NACO publication and no interns shall attempt to independently publish reports or articles
using NACO data without approval of NACO and without due acknowledgement to the
contributors at NACO.
The internship programme includes attachment with one of the Divisions in the Ministry. In
addition, the internship programme at NACO Headquarters shall include: (i) A briefing
session with Administration Division on the structure and functioning of NACO; (ii) Visit to
local facilities under NACO/SACS; (iii) Attaching with concerned programme division; (iv)
Briefing session with other programme components under NACO etc.
A joining report will be submitted to Administration/ HR division upon joining NACO. This
will be routed through the programme division to which they are attached based on a checklist.
Date of joining and period of internship will be as agreed upon at the time of enrolment, and
no change beyond one week of agreed date would be admissible.
The interns shall submit an internship project report on completion of their internship to the
Head of Division. The intern may also submit his/her views and feedback on the internship
programme to the concerned Head of Division. All certificates will be issued by
Administration Division based on the recommendation of the Head of the Division to which
they are attached.
Mode of Application
An advance copy of the application along with Covering letter and attachments may be sent by
e-mail to Query, if any, may be addressed to Deputy Secretary at Applications duly filled in and complete in all respect with
required documents should reach at least 4 weeks before the commencement of the internship.
Intern must clearly indicate the area of interest in the order of preference. A candidate can
apply for internship only once during a financial year.
The application for internship at Headquarters must include the following: should be put
up where document discussed
Selection Procedure
All applications will be scrutinised in NACO by an Internship Committee and intimation will
be sent to selected candidates. The Internship Committee may conduct a personal interaction/
interview either through face-to-face interview or electronic media (phone, skype, etc.) with the
applicant and also verify original documents. The decision of the Internship Committee shall be
final and binding and no queries shall be entertained after the completion of the selection
process. Preference will be given to applicants having an excellent academic track record and to
research scholars; and candidates bringing project work relevant to NACO’s activities or
aligned with NACP priorities.
NACO Internship Committee will meet every month. Candidates are required to submit the
internship application by 15th of every month.
Termination of Internship
NACO may terminate engagement of intern at any point without giving any reason
whatsoever, as NACO Internship Committee deems fit based on HoD’s recommendation.
NACO’s decision shall be final in this regard. Intern can choose to leave the programme, if
she/he so desires, giving prior notice of one week to the programme division, NACO to which
they are attached, SI Division and Admin/HR for needful.
Indiscipline and insubordination will be dealt with severely. All rules of NACO will be strictly
NACO believes in rich diversity—in race, gender, age, cultures and beliefs—and we support this
diversity through all of our employment practices. All applicants and employees who are drawn to serve
the organisation will enjoy equality of opportunity and fair treatment without regard to race, colour,
age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, sex, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, gender
expression, national origin.
Annexure II
9. Whether pursuing/completed
course in
10 Knowledge of Statistical
Software (please specify)
12 Internship/Work Experience, if
13 Areas of interest 1.
14 Awards/Achievements/papers
15 Details of extracurricular
16 Proposed topic(s) on which Note: Synopsis on the proposed Topic of Research is mandatory.
Internship is proposed. Please Applications submitted without synopsis will be summarily
attach synopsis. rejected. Up to three choices may be indicated.
I have carefully read the NACO Internship Guidelines and hereby undertake to abide by them and
understand that if at any stage if found to be ineligible or commit misconduct, my candidature will be
cancelled forthwith.
Annexure VI
How the student’s academic pursuit as well as the National AIDS Control Programme will benefit
from this Internship (not exceeding 500 words)?