The document contains a Geomorphology exam paper with 10 questions across 4 units. It covers topics like weathering, mass movement, plate tectonic theory, oceanography, fluvial landforms, karst topography and various geomorphological concepts.
The document contains a Geomorphology exam paper with 10 questions across 4 units. It covers topics like weathering, mass movement, plate tectonic theory, oceanography, fluvial landforms, karst topography and various geomorphological concepts.
The document contains a Geomorphology exam paper with 10 questions across 4 units. It covers topics like weathering, mass movement, plate tectonic theory, oceanography, fluvial landforms, karst topography and various geomorphological concepts.
The document contains a Geomorphology exam paper with 10 questions across 4 units. It covers topics like weathering, mass movement, plate tectonic theory, oceanography, fluvial landforms, karst topography and various geomorphological concepts.
4. Define weathering. Discuss the various factors and MDE/M-23 4087 processes responsible for weathering. Also discuss GEOMORPHOLOGY different types of weathering in detail. 5. Define Mass-movement. Describe various types of mass- Paper–I movements with suitable sketches. Time allowed : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80 UNIT–III Note : Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question 6. How Plate tectonic theory is associated with continental from each unit. Question No. 1 is compulsory. All drift theory. Discuss the origin of Himalayas in context to questions carry equal marks. Plate tectonic theory. 7. Define Oceanography. Discuss the factors responsible for Compulsory Question variation in temperature and salinity of ocean water. 1. Write short notes (not more than 50 words for each) on UNIT–IV the following : 8. Illustrate and discuss various processes and landforms (a) Subduction zone (b) Isohaline shaped by fluvial process. (c) Isostacy (d) Oxidation 9. What do you understand by Karst topography? Discuss (e) Salt crystal growth (f) Retreat of glacier and illustrate various landforms formed by Karst processes. (g) Thermoluminescence (h) Orogenetic Movement (i) Denudation (j) Permafrost (k) Cirque. UNIT–I 2. How is geomorphology linked with geology. Discuss in detail how geomorphology evolved as a subject. Give its nature and scope. 3. Discuss the Endogenetic and Exogenetic processes in detail.