Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
11908933 1. Explain weathering process, types of weathering and role weathering plays in
landform development, 2. Briefly describe fault morphology, 3. Explain endogenic process 4. Discuss
physical geography of your state
11909008 1. Give detail account of geological time scale 2. How does faults originate 3. What is
the difference between fold and fault, 4. Discuss geomagnetism principles?
11909152 1. Explain in detail about origin of Himalaya, 2. What are the meteorites how can
they landscape? 3. Discuss the earth’s interior with emphasis on material property 4. How granites
11909715 1. What is the difference between physical weathering and chemical weathering? 2.
What types of things cause physical weathering? 3. Draw cross-sections of the Earth that shows the
layers of differing chemical composition 4. What is the principle of Uniformitarianism? "
11907655 1. Explain how crustal thickness varies on the Earth and how we know this? 2. What
are the three stages of deformation that all materials go through as stress is increased? 3. What is
the difference between a brittle material and a ductile material? 4. Define the following: (a) Curie
Temperate, (b) magnetic inclination, (c) convection current.
11906740 1. What is the difference between physical weathering and chemical weathering?
2.Define (a) sea floor spreading, (b) continental drift 3. At divergent plate boundary, describe exactly
what is present and what happens at the boundary, 4. Describe Normal fault
11907029 1. Draw cross-sections of the Earth that shows the layers both in terms of differing
chemical composition and differing physical properties (these don't have to be to scale). 2. Describe
continental drift theory, 3. Explain geomorphology, 4. explain midocean ridge system
11905333 1. Explain the following types of faults: (a) normal fault, (b) reverse fault, (c)
transform fault. 2. What are the main differences between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere?
3. What are the main differences between the outer core and the inner core? 4. Explain geosynclines
11903513 1. Give detail account of geomorphic process including important agents 2. Discuss
about the origin of earth’s magnetic field 3. Why Himalaya has thick root and Indian ocean a thin
root? 4. Explain the theory of plate tectonics
11903624 1. Give the detailed account of continental drift theory, what are the supporting
theories given 2. Explain isostasy principle 4. Given insights on convergent margin 3. Explain the
mantle layer of the earth
11901660 1. Discuss about the origin of earth’s magnetic field 2. How does new crust
originate? 4. why does plates move? 3. Discuss physical geography of your state
11917877 1. Draw cross-sections of the Earth that shows the layers both in terms of differing
chemical composition and differing physical properties (these don't have to be to scale). 2. Describe
continental drift theory, 3. Explain geomorphology, 4. explain midoceanic ridge system
11916022 1. Explain weathering process, types of weathering and role weathering plays in
landform development, 2. Briefly describe fault morphology, 3. Explain endogenic process 4. Discuss
physical geography of your state
11914574 1. Explain how crustal thickness varies on the Earth and how we know this? 2. What
are the three stages of deformation that all materials go through as stress is increased? 3. What is
the difference between a brittle material and a ductile material? 4. Define the following: (a) Curie
Temperate, (b) magnetic inclination, (c) convection current.
11913929 1. Explain in detail about origin of Himalaya, 2. What are the meteorites how can
they landscape? 3. Discuss the earth’s interior with emphasis on material property 4. How granites
11911769 1. Give detail account of geomorphic process including important agents 2. Discuss
about the origin of earth’s magnetic field 3. Why Himalaya has thick root and Indian ocean a thin
root? 4. Explain the theory of plate tectonics
11911492 1. What is the difference between physical weathering and chemical weathering?
2.Define (a) sea floor spreading, (b) continental drift 3. At divergent plate boundary, describe exactly
what is present and what happens at the boundary, 4. Describe Normal fault
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