Arcflash2 131 160
Arcflash2 131 160
Arcflash2 131 160
Avery-6579 Danger-PD
Avery-6579 Warning-Bus
Avery-6579 Warning-PD
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The 4X6 Danger1-Bus and PD labels would print to the 8 1/2” X 11” as shown in the image below:
The Avery-6579 Danger-Bus and PD labels would print to the 8 1/2” X 11” as shown in the image below:
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Avery-6878 Danger-Bus
Avery-6878 Danger-PD
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Avery-6878 Warning-Bus
Avery-6878 Danger-Bus
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ETAP labels are formatted for the following Brady Label Printers:
l Tagus T300
l Tagus T200
l 300 MVP Plus
l 200 MVP Plus
l DuraLabel 300
l DuraLabel Pro
l DuraLabel 4TTP
You must install the printer drivers for your printer prior to being able to print the labels from your ETAP software. You must also select the Brady or DuraLabel printers as the
default printer prior to opening ETAP crystal reports to ensure that the format is opened using the correct printer drivers.
The following are the catalog numbers for the Brady label rolls for which you have available arc flash label templates in ETAP:
The following are the catalog numbers for the DuraLabel label rolls for which you have available arc flash label templates in ETAP:
The following image illustrates the concept of a pre-printed header arc flash label. The orange or red header already contains the word “Warning” or “Danger” enclosed by an
orange or Red section. ETAP will print to the empty blank space below the header.
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3X6 Atenção1-Barra
3X6 Atenção2-Barra
3X6 Atenção3-Barra
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3X6 Atenção4-Barra
3X6 Perigo1-Barra
3X6 Perigo2-Barra
3X6 Perigo3-Barra
3X6 Perigo4-Barra
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4X6 Atenção1-Barra
4X6 Perigo1-Barra
4X6 Perigo1-Barra1
Avery-6579 Perigo-Barra
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Avery-6579 Atenção-Barra
Avery-6878 Atenção-Barra
Avery-6878 Perigo-Barra
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3X6 Advertencia1-Bus
3X6 Advertencia1-PD
3X6 Peligro1-Bus
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3X6 Peligro1-PD
The Arc Flash Result Analyzer (AFRA) has the ability to bring to view the results of all the different output reports and to filter them based on different conditions of special
interest. The analyzer is a powerful tool for exporting results to MS Excel in any fashion that you want since it allows you to select different input/output fields.
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Project Report
Select which project report(s) you would like to display in the Output Report selection window.
Active Project
This selection is defaulted to the open project file. This will limit you to all the reports generated from this project.
The Arc Flash Result Analyzer has some very powerful sorting capabilities which can be applied using different techniques. The sorting techniques which can be applied are
described below:
You are able to sort the data according to each column or by combination of columns in ascending or descending order. You can launch the sort utility from the Sort Button. For
example, one very useful way to present your results is to apply the maximum incident energy filter and then sort the results by Hazard Category first, then by ID as second criteria.
This process is shown below:
Sorting by a double click on the column name is also possible and sometimes much faster. The image below shows the double clicking process on the ID column.
Note that if you sort the results by the connected bus field, then you can group all the results for the same faulted location. That is all the bus results, source pd, load pd and load
terminal results will be grouped together by the sorting tool.
The AF Result Analyzer has some very powerful copy/paste features to MS Excel. Simply select any combination of rows or cells and right click or press Ctrl+C to copy. Open a
spreadsheet and paste accordingly. The process is shown below:
First select the fields or cells you want to copy and right click and select the “Copy” command:
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Next open a spreadsheet and select the paste command. The data will be transferred exactly as it was selected.
Please note that a better way to send results to MS Excel is to use the Export function.
Export Data to MS Excel from the AF Result Analyzer. With this tool you can perform your filtering of the results and then proceed to export the results to MS Excel by simply
clicking on the Export button. The process is described below:
First click on the export button. The AF Result Analyzer export function editor will come up:
Second enter the name of the MS Excel Spreadsheet that you want to create.
Last, click on the OK button and the analyzer will take care of the rest.
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Please note that you must have installed MS Excel 2003 or higher for this feature to work properly.
The program can find any of the faulted elements listed in the “ID” column. In order to do this, you can select a cell and click on the “Find” button as shown below:
Please note that selecting any other single cell on any row will find work similarly as selecting the cell on the ID column. The find function will not work if you select the entire
row. Please note that the find function locates the element in the active one-line diagram view.
Select the “Bus” check box to display the bus arc fault results in the display table.
Load Terminals
Select Load Terminals to display the results for arc faults at load terminals. The analyzer will report the load terminal results for all scenarios for which you included to generate
load terminal results. Please note that to include the load terminal results in the analyzer, you must generate the arc flash results with the following Options (Preferences) setting
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If you set this option to False (default setting), then ETAP will not generate arc flash results for load terminal locations.
If you set this option to False (default setting), then ETAP will not generate arc flash results for load PD Load Side locations.
View general information pertaining to the devices selected. This information is typically the information that is reported in the input and summary pages of the study reports. The
information displayed for the protective devices and loads may come from the connected bus of that device. Please also note that when multiple reports are selected, the info fields
are taken from the reference report. The following image shows you how to select the reference report. Of course, it is highly unlikely that the input AF properties like the Gap and
X-factor will be set differently for different scenarios. Most likely the variations occur on protective device settings and/or fault current levels or system configurations. This is why
it is practical to include only the reference report input data when comparing multiple reports. You can check or uncheck all the information options to be displayed.
Display the voltage rating of the element. This may be the bus nominal voltage, protective device rated voltage or the load rated voltage.
Display the specific type of bus, protective device, or load (i.e. MCC, Switchgear, HVCB, Induction Mtr, etc).
Connected Bus
Display the bus ID of the bus connected to the protective device or load.
Conductor Gap LL
Display the bus gap of each bus or connected bus. This is the gap between conductors or buses for the equipment at the fault location.
Conductor Gap LG
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault.
Working Distance LL
Display the working distance, which is used to calculate the incident energy, for each bus or connected bus.
Working Distance LG
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault.
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault.
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault.
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault
Display if the bus or connected bus is grounded or not grounded.
Equipment Name
Display the equipment name of the device.
Display the restricted approach boundary of the bus or the connected bus. This is the approach limit at a distance from an exposed energized electrical conductor or circuit part
within which there is an increased likelihood of electric shock, due to electrical arc-over combined with inadvertent movement..
Display the prohibited approach boundary of the bus or the connected bus. This is the approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part within which work is considered the
same as making contact with the live part.
Allowable IE
Display the maximum “Allowable” ATPV rating of the personal protective equipment which is used for tasks at this location. Typically this value should be set to Cat 2 or 4 levels.
The program will generate a warning flag if the incident energy calculated from the arc flash study exceeds this limit. This value of energy is also very useful for plotting on a TCC
curve. The units for this field are cal/cm2.
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Glove V-rating
Maximum Insulated glove voltage rating per ASTM D120-14a (2014) standard. Please note that if your safety program requires a higher voltage rating to be used, then the user-
defined voltage-rated glove feature can be used.
Glove Class
Insulated glove class per ASTM D120-14a (2014) standard.
Equipment location field from the bus info page.
Equipment Tag #
Equipment tag # field from the bus info page
Equipment description field from the bus info page.
This section determines which calculation values are displayed in the results windows. The results displayed are determined by either the output reports selected or the different
analysis filters selected. You can check or uncheck all the result options to be displayed.
The following are descriptions of each field which can be displayed in the results window:
X Factor (ArcFault)
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault
Eave (kV/m)
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault
Arc Energy
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault
Varc (Volts)
N/A to IEEE-1584 methods for further details see Chapter 56- ArcFault
Incident Energy 1
Incident energy accumulated during the first stage (0 to 4 cycles) (cal/cm2). This energy represents the energy accumulated during the subtransient current stage. If you are running
AF using the half cycle method, then this is the only value that will be reported.
Incident Energy 2
Incident energy accumulated during the second stage (4 to typically 30 cycles) (cal/cm2). This energy value represents the energy accumulated during the transient current stage. If
the fault clearing time is less than 4 cycles, then this result may be zero (i.e. the arc fault did not last long enough to accumulate energy during this stage). If you are running AF
using the 1.5 to 4 cycle method, then this is the only value that will be reported.
Incident Energy 3
Incident energy accumulated during the third stage (typically 30 to final fault clearing time) (cal/cm2). This energy value represents the energy accumulated during the steady-state
current stage. If the fault clearing time is less than the steady-state current time in cycles, then this result may be zero (i.e. the arc fault did not last long enough to accumulate energy
during this stage).
PPE Description
Description of the required Personal Protective Equipment required for performing energized work based on the determined hazard category. This PPE is determined based on the
total incident energy accumulated during the arc fault.
The Arc Flash Boundary (ft-in/ m) is the distance at which the energy exposure is less than or equal to 1.2 cal/cm2 (typically the onset of a second degree burn). This boundary is
always determined based on the total incident energy accumulated over all stages of the fault.
Energy Levels
Energy Levels based on either NFPA 70E or user-defined tables. The energy level is always determined based on the total incident energy.
Final FCT
The Final Fault Clearing Time (FCT) is the time at which the final source protective device operates to completely de-energize the arc fault. ETAP assumes that all sources must be
completely de-energized before the arc fault can be completely extinguished.
Ia at FCT
Total Fault Location Arcing current magnitude (without subtraction) flowing at the stage in which the fault extinguished. Depending on the estimated fault clearing time, this current
magnitude is the total current which could flow in the circuit assuming that no protective device has operated. Of course ETAP will reduce the current as each protective device
operates if you use the incident energy subtraction method, but this value is always printed as the total value for reference purposes only.
Source PD ID
This is the ID of the last source protective device to operate to de-energize the fault. For radial systems, this is the first device which operates which is capable of de-energizing the
%Ia Variation
This is the arcing current variation in percent. It is only applied for systems with nominal voltage less than 1.0 kV. The variation is considered for faults at the bus, source protective
devices or load terminals.
Duration of the first stage of incident energy collection (sec/cycles)
Duration of the second stage of incident energy collection (sec/cycles)
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Duration of the third stage of incident energy collection (sec/cycles)
Total Ibf”
Total bolted fault subtransient current for a fault at the bus/source pd/load terminal (kA)
Total Ibf’
Total transient bolted fault short-circuit current for a fault at the bus/source pd/load terminal (kA)
Total Ibf
Total steady-state bolted fault short-circuit current for a fault at the bus/source pd/load terminal (kA)
Total Ia”
Total subtransient arcing fault current for a fault at the bus/source pd/load terminal (kA)
Total Ia’
Total transient arcing fault current for a fault at the bus/source pd/load terminal (kA)
Total Ia
Total steady-state arcing fault current for a fault at the bus/source pd/load terminal (kA)
Source PD Ibf”
Subtransient short-circuit current which would flow through the source protective device for a bolted fault
Source PD Ibf’
Transient short-circuit current which would flow through the source protective device for a bolted fault
Source PD Ibf
Steady-state short-circuit current which would flow through the source protective device for a bolted fault
Souce PD Ia at FCT
Arcing current which flows through the last operating source protective device at the time it de-energizes the fault (kA)
Source PD Ia”
Subtransient arcing current which flows through the source protective device (kA)
Source PD Ia’
Transient arcing current which flows through the source protective device (kA)
Source PD Ia
Steady-state arcing current which flows through the source protective device (kA)
Trip Time
Time it takes the relay to operate (sec/cycles)
Open Time
Rated opening time of the source protective device breaker/contact
PD Ibf at FCT
Bolted fault current which would flow through the protective device during the expected fault clearing time stage (kA)
PD Ibf”
Bolted fault Subtransient current contribution used to determine the equivalent arcing current which would flow/come from this element (kA)
PD Ibf’
Bolted fault Transient current contribution used to determine the equivalent arcing current which would flow/come from this element (kA)
PD Ibf
Bolted fault steady-state current contribution used to determine the equivalent arcing current which would flow/come from this element (kA)
PD Ia at FCT
Arcing current contribution passing through the protective device during the stage at which the arc fault is expected to clear (kA).
PD Ia”
Subtransient arcing current contribution which flows from this element towards a fault at the bus (kA)
PD Ia’
Transient arcing current contribution which flows from this element towards a fault at the bus (kA)
Steady-state arcing current contribution which flows from this element towards a fault at the bus (kA)
Total PD FCT
Total opening time of the protective device for the arc fault (sec/cycles)
Time duration of stage one of the arc fault (sec/cycles)
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Time duration of stage two of the arc fault (sec/cycles)
Time duration of stage three of the arc fault (sec/cycles)
CLF Method
This field displays the method used to determine the current limiting operation time of a fuse. The following table describes the values of this flag:
Value of “CLF
Condition Comments
Method” Flag
No CLF method is If the ‘Current Limiting Fuse Operation’ check box is
used. unchecked or if the regular TCC method is used.
Let-Through Curve
If the Peak Let-Through curves Method has been used
Method has been 1
to determine the FCT.
If the “bottom of the TCC curve method has been
TCC curve is used. 2
used to determine the FCT.
IEEE 1584 If the “IEEE 1584 Equations” were used to determine
Equations are used. the incident energy.
Correction Factor
This field indicates the incident energy correction factor for low voltage calculations.
This field indicates the calculation method selected for the Arc Flash analysis.
Fault Type
This field indicates the fault type selected used for the Arc Flash analysis (3-Phase, LG, or LL)
Filter Results By
This section allows you to filter results based on special conditions which the program determined during the calculation.
Incident Energy
Filter the results based on incident energy values. Only available if multiple reports are being compared.
Worst Case
Show only the results of the scenario which produced the worst-case incident energy exposure for each location.
Show only the results of the scenario which produced the minimum incident energy exposure for each location.
1. If the check box “Incident Energy” is selected, then the Max and Min Radio toggle field should be enabled. The default position of the Incident Energy check box should be
as unchecked. Selecting this box should enable the Max/Min filters.
2. The default position of the filter is set to Max. This means that the filter will find the highest incident energy values for every bus, protective device and or load terminal
amongst all the different output reports (scenarios).
3. The Min Incident Energy Filter is designed to do exactly the opposite of the Max filter. It is looking for the minimum incident energy value (not including “0”) amongst all
the selected output reports for every faulted element.
4. When the Incident Energy Filter Max or Min filters are enabled, the name of the configuration and the output report ID are always displayed. This hleps to identify which
configuration or scenario produces the worst or minimum incident energy values.
5. By DEFAULT the following fields should be checked and displayed when the Incident Energy Max/Min filter is enabled:
a. Total Incident Energy
b. Energy Levels
c. AFB
d. Output Report
e. Configuration
f. Total FCT
g. Source PD ID (even though the image above does not show it as selected)
h. % Ia Variation
6. If the Incident Energy Filter is selected, the “Ref.” toggle radio box on the Output Report window is hidden. However, if you choose to show information from the “Info”
window, it will come from the reference report.
1. If the “FCT Not Determined” filter is enabled and the “Bus” result selection check box is selected, then the program only shows the bus elements for which the program
failed to find a fault clearing time (FCT).
2. If the “FCT Not Determined” filter is enabled and the “Protective Device” and/or “Load Terminals” result selection check boxes are selected, then the program only shows
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the results for the PDs and load terminals for which the program failed to find a fault clearing time.
%Ia Variation
Indicate which locations were determined to yield higher incident energy results because of potential arcing current variation (LV only).
1. This filter is designed to detect problems caused by the posible variation of the arcing current magnitude for an arc fault at the buses. If the program determines that reduced
current may cause worse (or a lot higher) incident energy results, it generates a flag and lists this bus in the results window. The variation is only applied to low voltage buses.
2. The filter will also check for arcing current variation problems for an arc fault at the source protective devices or load terminals. Each one of these locations is treated
separately. This means that the program may indicate that the arcing current variation causes problems for a fault at the main source protective device, but not for a fault at the
bus or load terminals below. Each location is treated separately.
3. The program indicates that the variation flag or warning has been raised by printing the %Ia variation in the column called % Ia Variation. Typically the value will be 15%
which means 85% of the original current was used to determine the incident energy (as recommended by IEEE 1584 guidelines).
FCT by Secondary PD
Indicate which locations have potential coordination problems under arc fault conditions (i.e. first upstream protective device does not trip the first).
1. This filter applies for a fault at the bus, source PD, and load terminal.
1. The filter detects this condition for faults at the bus, source PDs and load terminals. In other words the program generates a warning flag for each location with a clearing time
greater than the maximum.
2. The program displays the message “> Max. FCT” in the Exceeds Max FCT column of the result window whenever this condition is present.
3. The maximum FCT feature must be enabled in the AF page of the short-circuit study case editor for the flag and the filter to work.
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Show only the results for the scenarios which were categorized using NFPA 70E 2004 risk levels.
Level A
Show the incident energy results for locations with energy level “A”
Level B
Show the incident energy results for locations with energy level “B”
Level C
Show the incident energy results for locations with energy level “C”
Level D
Show the incident energy results for locations with energy level “D”
Level E
Show the incident energy results for locations with energy level “E”
Level F
Show the incident energy results for locations with energy level “F”
Level G
Show the incident energy results for locations with energy level “G”
>Level G
Show the incident energy results for locations with energy level higher > G.
Not Det.
Show the incident energy results for locations for which a hazard/risk assessment could not be determined.
Show Colors
Display the colors for each category in the results window of the analyzer.
The default colors for the each of the categories are displayed in the following table:
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Level 4 40 Red
> Level 4 > 40 Red
Not Det. N/A Red
NFPA 70E 2004
Level 0 2 Yellow
Level 1 4 Yellow
Level 2 8 Orange
Level 3 25 Orange
Level 4 40 Red
> Level 4 > 40 Red
Not Det. N/A Red
NFPA 70E 2000
Level 0 1.2 Yellow
Level 1 5 Yellow
Level 2 8 Orange
Level 3 25 Orange
Level 4 40 Red
> Level 4 > 40 Red
Not Det. N/A Red
Level A 1.2 Yellow
Level B 5 Yellow
Level C 8 Orange
Level D 25 Orange
Level E 40 Red
Level F 100 Red
Level G 120 Red
Level H 0 (disabled) No Color
Level I 0 (disabled) No Color
Level J 0 (disabled) No Color
> Last Enabled lvl
Not Det. N/A Red
1. The results window filters out any result which does not match with the levels selected in the incident energy level drop list. This means that if you ran some studies with the
NFPA 70E 2000 and and some other studies with the NFPA 70E 2004 energy levels, but the drop list selection is NFPA 70E 2009, then the program only displays the reports
which were generated using the NFPA 70E 2009 selection in the Paramters Page of the Arc Flash study case editor.
2. The “Not Det” option of the filter shows all the results for which the incident energy level could not be determined. One common cause of this condition is when the program
fails to determine the fault clearing time (i.e. “FCT not determined” condition). This means that enabling the results of the FCT not determined filter will most likely produce
similar results to those of this filter option.
Display Options
This section will be enabled in a future release of the program.
Actual Value
Actual operating values of the incident energy results
Skip if Same
Do not show results if they are the same in multiple scenarios.
FCT Unit
This section determines the measurement unit used to display the fault clearing time. Choose between cycles, seconds, or milliseconds.
Display the fault clearing times in cycles.
Display the fault clearing times in seconds.
Display the fault clearing times in milliseconds.
Before ETAP 7.0, you had to go to navigate through each output report and print each label depending on which report had the highest incident energy. With the Arc Flash Result
Analyzer, this task has been tremendously simplified.
Now you can select to print individual labels from amongst dozens of different reports. The most common case for printing labels is described below:
3. Click on the Label button to open the Arc Flash Label Manager.
4. Select the language and template to user for printing. There are hundreds of predefined templates available and several languages to choose from depending on your location.
6. Send the print job to your label printer (Brady or DuraLabel) or color laser jet printer.
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The following logic applies for printing labels from the Arc Flash Result Analyzer:
1. If the maximum incident energy filter is not enabled and you are displaying results from multiple results, then the selection for printing the labels should be done either
selecting a column or only individual cells from each column. Selecting more than one result for each element caused the “Label” button to be disabled. Please see the image
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2. If the Maximum Incident Energy Filter is enabled, then you can select the labels to be printed in almost any way you want. As long as a single cell or multiple cells are
selected for any element (row), causes the program to generate a label.
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3. Pressing the Esc key on the keyboard allows you to deselect the cells. Pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard allows you to select individual cells, rows or columns.
4. Simply selecting the entire ID column will force the program to generate labels for all elements displayed in the results window.
Custom Labels
Labels are the end result of Arc Flash Studies. Many labels need to be customized according to different regulations or preferences (i.e. CSAZ462, NFPA 70E, NEC, ANSI Z535,
etc). Unfortunately, NFPA 70E has not standardized on any label template and thus there may be different interpretations of the same content.
To enable this button, valid fields must be selected. The logic to select valid fields is the same as printing standard labels. See above under Standard Label for logic on how to select
valid fields.
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A message will appear that the Custom Label database is generating in the Arc Flash Result Analyzer.
Note: This feature might take several minutes to generate depending on the amount of fields selected.
The Custom Arc Flash Label templates and the Custom Label Database are saved in the ETAP folder. (By default, ETAP 7.5.0 is installed in the C Drive.)
The user may also save the Custom Label Database in a user defined location and may access it as shown in the image below:
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Under this location, there is a folder called BACKUP. Inside the BACKUP folder, there are duplicates of the templates in case a user wants to revert back to the original label
In order to open a new template and use the same Custom Label Database generated previously, navigate to the location listed above using Windows Explorer. To see previews of
the label templates, see below under Custom Arc Flash Label Templates.
Once the label database is created from ETAP, the database and the label templates can be stored in any location. As long as the label template is linked to the database, the template
will import all the information from that label database. From there, ETAP is not needed to create new label templates.
Note: Units for each field are updated based on the selection of the Project/Settings/Standards section in ETAP.
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Note: The templates seen below are duplicated for different types of headers. There are blank headers, danger headers and warning headers provided in the AF Custom Label
Templates folder.
Note: There is a preview on the bottom to ensure the correct paper size is selected.
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Note: If the default printer is selected to a standard printer, a message will appear about how the margins are set outside of the printable area of the page. Select Ignore.
Note: The error pertaining to the margins and the printable area of the page will appear again. Select Ignore.
file:///C:/Users/MICHAEL-INGENIERO/AppData/Local/Temp/~hhA07B.htm 28-05-2024