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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Calbiga, Samar
School ID No. 123365


Teacher: LERMA L. MALATE Learning Area: ENGLISH
and Time: March 12, 2024 Quarter: 3rd
Subject Area: ENGLISH
Grade & Section: Grade 6-(all sections)
A. Content Standards Evaluating Narratives Based on How the Author Developed the Elements
B.Performance Standards The learners will be able to evaluate narratives based on how the author
developed the elements
C. Learning Competencies Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements:

Write the LC code for each 2. Determine elements of a Plot

Code: EN6RC-Ic-6.6
II.CONTENT Elements of the Story
1.Teacher’s Materials pages BEAM-DLP5 Module 37- Evaluating and Making Judgments on Oral Texts
2.Learner’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages English Arts I. 2000. pp 28
4. Additional Materials from CO_Q3_English6_ Module 2
Learning Resources (LR)
B.Other Learning Resources Tarpapel, printed reading materials
IV.PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A.Reviewing previous lesson Please stand for a prayer. (the Learnes will pray)
of presenting the new lesson
Good Morning class? Good morning ma’am.
Let us first sing an action song! (the Learnes will follow the steps of the
action song demonstrated by the
“Hello, hello”
Now let’s have a recap on our lesson Our lesson yesterday was all about…
yesterday. What was our lesson
yesterday? (answers may vary)
Any question regarding the lesson?
B. Establishing a purpose for Today our lesson’s objective is for you (Learners will read the objective in a
the lesson learners to be able to evaluate chorus)
narratives based on how the author
developed the element. Evaluate narratives based on how
(Objective will be posted in front) the author developed the elements:

1. Determine elements of a Plot

C. Presenting Why is it that every time we read a Student: It is because plot is the
examples/instances of the story or watch a movie, we always most important element of the
new lesson look forward for a very good plot? story. It shows the chronological
Anyone? (Teacher will call the student order or sequence of events, and in
randomly) that sequence, we learn better
about the other elements of the
story specifically the characters and
the setting.More importantly, we
also learn the moral of the story
D. Discussing the new In determining the plot of a story, it is A. B.
concepts and practicing new important for you to be able to 6. It is the main a. Characters
skills #1 understand and identify the elements idea of the story
of a story. So before we continue, let 7. The people in b. Setting
us make a quick “look back” on your the story that
past lesson. carry out the
Match the statement on column A that 8. It is the when c. Plot
best describes the term on column B. and where of the
Write your answer on your answer story.
sheet. 9. It shows the d. Theme
sequence of
A. B. events in the
1. It is the main a. Characters story.
idea of the story 10. It tells how a e. Point of Vie
2. The people in b. Setting story is being
the story that told.
carry out the Answer:
3. It is the when c. Plot 1. D
and where of the 2. A
story. 3. B
4. C
4. It shows the d. Theme
5. E
sequence of
events in the
5. It tells how a e. Point of View
story is being

Wow! You did a great job back there!

It is time for you to be ready for our

next lesson.
E. Discussing new concepts Are you fond of using cellphones? Yes, ma’am!
and practicing new skills #2
In the story A Wake Up Call A Wake
Up Call by Ma. Melanie L, Padohinog, (Pupils will read the story in chorus)
let us find out how Elisa manages
screen time on her cellphone. Read
A Wake Up Call
the story in chorus.
By Ma. Melanie L. Padohinog

Elisa is a simple girl who loves

to stay in her room all day. She
spends her time playing with her
cellphone. She only gets out of her
room when it is time to eat. Her
parents would usually scold her
because of her attitude.

“Elisa, will you please go out

for a while? It seems that you are
too caught up with your cellphone.
Can’t you help me in the kitchen?
I’m so busy right now,” her mother

“Wait for a while, Mom,” Elisa

answered. “I just need to finish this
video,” she added. “How many
hours will I wait for you, Elisa? I
need you right now!”, yelled mom.
“For a while mom! I just really need
to finish this”, answered Elisa.
This angered mom. “If you will not
get out of your room in a minute, I
will confiscate your cellphone and I
will not return it to you anymore,”
her mother said. Elisa quickly went
out of her room and said, “I’m sorry,
Mom. I had been unhelpful to you. I
promise I will not spend most of my
time watching You Tube and playing
Mobile Legends. I hope you will
forgive me.” “It’s all right, Elisa. I just
hope next time you will be
responsible enough in using your
gadgets. Remember that there is
right time for that”, mom explained.

Ma’am, it is Character.
Elisa is a simple girl who loves to stay
in her room all day. What element of a
story does this sentence show?

That’s right! This statement displays

the character in the story

Notice that the paragraphs in the story

“A Wake up Call” were grouped in
boxes. What box can answer the first
question below?
1. Who is the main character in the 1. 1 box

Yes, you are correct. The first box can

answer Question #1.What about the
next question? How about the third?

2. What is the problem in the story? 2. 2nd box

3. Why did mom yell? 3. 3rd box
4. What made mom angry? 4. 2nd box
5. What was Elisa’s reaction after mom 5. 5th box
got angry at her?
6. Did mom forgive Elisa? Why? Why 6. 6th box
F. Developing Mastery What is a Plot? Why is it important? A plot is an essential element of a
story that shows the sequence of
(Leads to a formative events. Each particular part reveals
Assessment 3) the character, setting, problem, and
the moral. It is basically the
structure or organization of events
that makes up a story.

What are the six (6) elements of a Plot has six (6) elements:
Plot? 1. Exposition,
2. Conflict,
3. Rising Action,
4. Climax,
5. Falling Action, and
6. Resolution.
1. Exposition is an element of a plot
that introduces the character (s) and
What is Exposition? the setting of the story.

Example: Elisa is a simple girl who

loves to stay in her room all day. She
spends her time playing with her
cellphone. She only gets out of her
room when it is time to eat. Her
parents would usually scold her
because of her attitude.

2. Conflict does not only tell about

the problem in the story but also
How about Conflict?
shows how the character(s)
struggles. Furthermore, it adds
suspense and excitement to a story.

There are five (5) types of conflict.

What are the five (5) types of conflict?
a. Character versus Character
b. Character versus Nature
c. Character versus Society
d. Character versus Themselves
e. Character versus Supernatural

What do you mean when we say Character versus Character -This

Character versus Character? means that one character may
struggle against another.

Character versus Nature- A

What about Character versus Nature? character may struggle against

What about Character versus Society ? Character versus Society -A conflict

may occur between a person and
the forces of society.

What about Character versus Character versus Themselves- This is

Themselves? a conflict that occurs within a

Character versus Supernatural

What about Character versus Forces -A character may fight
Supernatural Forces? against supernatural forces such as
the characters in Philippine
mythology (Bathala, kapre,
duwende, tikbalang).

What kind of conflict does the story This kind of conflict is Character
“The Wakeup Call” have? versus Character.

Yes, that’s correct.

The 3rd element of a plot is Rising 3. Rising Action- These are events
Action. Anyone, what is Rising action? that lead to a climax. These also
increase the tension in the story.
What is a Climax?
4. Climax It may be one or many
problems that create the high point
of the story. It usually foretells the
What is Faling Action? ending of the story.

5. Falling Action It is an element

when the tension decreases and
everything begins to settle down.
G. Finding practical Now that you know the elements of
applications of concepts and plot, it is time for you to deepen your
skills in daily living understanding about it. Are you
ready? Let us try this activity.

Determine what type of conflict is in

each of the following by choosing the
letter of the correct answer inside the
box below. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.

a. Character versus Character c. a. Character versus Character

Character versus Society b. c. Character versus Society
Character versus Nature d. b. Character versus Nature
Character versus Themselves e. d. Character versus Themselves
Character versus Supernatural e. Character versus Supernatural
Forces Forces
1. Romeo teased Kian in front of their
classmates. 1. c. 2. e. 3. d. 4. b. 5. c.
2. Mang Kanoy encountered a
mermaid while fishing in the middle of
the sea.
3. “Will I help Issa though she bullies
me or I won’t lend a hand to her?”
said Mel to herself.
4. People of barangay Pagsubok
experienced landslide after they cut
down trees a few months ago.
5. A thief is keeping himself hidden
from the public after he stole huge
amount of money from a bank.

Great! You have now mastered the

essential elements of a story.
H.Making generalizations At this point, you are halfway done
and abstractions about the with this module. Let’s have a quick
the lesson glimpse of the most essential parts of
the lesson. In order to appreciate and
understand the story, it is important
to determine the elements of a plot.
Most stories have plot.

What is a plot? A plot is a sequence of events.

What are the Elements of Plot? Each plot has the following
elements: Exposition, Rising and
Falling Actions, Climax, and
What is Conflict? Resolution.

A Conflict has five (5) major types

namely: Character versus Character,
Character versus Nature, Character
versus Society, Character versus
Themselves, and Character versus
Supernatural Forces
I. Evaluating learning After answering the previous activities (Pupils will read the story in chorus)
that were given to you, for sure, you
are now equipped to take the next Becoming Friends with a Bully
task. This will determine how much
you have learned in this lesson. By Ma. Melanie L. Padohinog

Everybody let’s read the story “Ha! Ha! Ha! Look! Here comes
altogether. Boy who walks with a limp. Ha! Ha!
Ha!” teased Romeo while laughing
out loud. Boy, is a Grade Six pupil,
who despite his disability still goes
to school. His classmates and school
mates always bully him but he just
ignores them. Boy and Romeo are
not only classmates but also
neighbors. One day, Boy was on his
way home riding on his old and
almost worn out skateboard. He
saw Romeo walking ahead of him.
Not wanting Romeo to notice that
he was behind him, Boy just quietly
followed him. When they reached
an isolated area, Romeo noticed
that Boy was behind him. “Oh, Boy,
do you want to race with me?”, he
shouted while crossing the street. In
an instant, a speedy motorcycle
came from nowhere and hit Romeo.
With just a blink of an eye, Boy saw
Romeo fall on the ground, while the
driver immediately fled after seeing
Romeo knocked down Boy hurriedly
went to check on Romeo. He saw
blood dripping on Romeo’s face
with wound and bruises on his arms
and legs. “Romeo, are you OK?”,
asked Boy pitifully.“Uhh… I feel
dizzy. I can’t move my arms and
legs”, answered Romeo. “Don’t
worry, Romeo. I’ll call my mother to
inform your parents about what
happened to you”, said Boy
worriedly. After a few minutes later,
an ambulance came with Romeo’s
parents. He was right away brought
to the hospital right away. After a
week, Boy was surprised to see
Romeo knocking on their door.
“Boy, I am here to thank you. If not
for you, my parents may not be able
to come straight away. I owe you
my life.,” Romeo said shamefully.
“You’re welcome, Romeo. It is my
duty to help others who are in need.
I am glad that I was able to help
you.”, answered Boy. “I also want to
say sorry for not treating you right
and always making fun of you. In
spite of everything I did to you, you
did not hesitate to lend your helping
hand to me. I’m really sorry. I hope
you could forgive me.”, Romeo said
humbly. “It’s Ok Romeo. I accept
your apology.”, answered Boy
gladly. “I promise I won’t bully you
anymore. From now on, I will be the
one to defend you. Friends?”, said
Romeo sincerely. “Friends!” Boy
replied gladly. “By the way before I
forget, I brought you something”,
Romeo said. “Oh, wow! Is this for
me? Thank you so much, Romeo.
This means a lot to me”, Boy said
tearfully. “I know that you have a
hard time riding on your old
skateboard so, I decided to
withdraw some amount from my
savings account to buy you this new
one. I hope that this could somehow
help you”, said Romeo. “Yes, this
really a big help to me”, answered
Boy. “Come, let’s go out and watch
After reading the story, you will how the sun sets today”, said
complete the Plot Mountain. Write it Romeo joyfully.
in a whole sheet of paper.

J. Additional activities for The elements of the plot can be

application or remediation structured through a diagram.


Read the story and identify the

Elements of the Plot such as:
Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action,
Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution.
Using the given parts of the story,
make your own diagram to show the
elements of the plot. You may use the
given mountain plot below or you can
create your own.
A.No. Of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who

require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work?No. Of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
H. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
No. of Students Present
Proficiency Level

Prepared by:
Student Teacher


Cooperating Teacher

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