English rendered by
Mansoor Durrani
Pages: 56
Maulana Sayyid Abul A'la Maududi
English Rendered by
Mansoor Durrani
Published by
M-trknzi Mnktaba lslami Publishers
D- 07, IJ 1•W 11 Nugar, Abul Pazl Enclave,
Jamla Nn~ul', Ok-h ln, New Di.ilhi - II 0025
Ph: 6() 716'1 , tM 4 41 Fax: 26947858
R~uu1 1: 111111 publishcrs@gmail.com
Wllb, itc• www.m mipublishers.net
English Version of Urdu Shab-e-Bar'at
English version of Urdu Roza Aur Zabt-e-Nafs
English version of Urdu Eid-ui-Fitr Kis Ke Liye
English version of Urdu Eid-e-Qurban
English version of Urdu Meelad-un-Nabi
In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful
Maulana Sayyid Abul A'la Maududi was an
outstanding Islamic scholar; a proficient speaker; an
accomplished author; a thinker par excellence. He
illuminated the Twentieth Century by his endeavours
of reviving Islamic way of life in the Muslim society.
He laid the foundation of an Islamic movement which
is known in the sub-continent as Jamaat-e-lslami.
Maulana Maududi realized that a true Islamic
society cannot come into existence unless the basis
concepts of Muslims, with regard to Islam are clarified.
He chose to educate Muslims from scratch and
authored dozens of books which helped in attaining
this goal. He noticed that because Muslims, in this
part of the world, are living with a huge population
of non-Muslim compatriots, they have been
influenced, consciously or unconsciously, by their
culture and civilization.
Islam is a deen which preaches Monotheism, and
based on this faith attempts to build a society which
retains exclusivity in ~very sphere of life. The
philosophy of Islamic ibadah is different and the theory
of Islamic festival is distinct. Maulana Maududi
illustrated the true spirit of Ramazan. He presented
the real objective behind the only Islamic festivals
namely; Eid-ul-fitr and Eid-ui-Azha. He also laid thread
bare the significance of the other two supposedly
Islamic festivals namely; Shab-e-Bar'at and Eid-e-
Essentially, he presented lectures on each of
these subjects which were subsequently printed in
Urdu, in the form of small separate booklets. Now
the · publishers decided to bring a combined edition
so that readers can take a holistic view on not only
the philosophy of Islamic festivals but also fasting of
It is a great honour for me to translate these
booklets into English. I am convinced that the spirit
and ch .a risma that is present in Maulana's own
language, could not be translated. I still felt it
important to bring forth the true picture of these
subjects before the English educated masses .
I am also aware mf my constraints that are
reflected in the translati1on, but I have sincerely and
honestly attempted to CJo this in anticipation of a
reward in the Hereafter. May Allah accept this meagre
effort and reward me as I desire. It goes without
saying that all deficiencies in this effort should be
solely attributed to the translator.
Mansoor Durrani
New Delhi
December 30, 1998
Fasting and
Among numerous other , spiritual and moral
benefits of fasting, one is to prepare man for develop-
ing self-control. In order to have a comprehensive
understanding of this, one ought to know the Islamic
conception of self-restraint and then how fasting helps
in achieving this.
The meaning of self-restraint is that man's
psyche* exercises blanket control on his body and
its energies, and the requisition and desires of baser-
self** should be in its clutches to make them abide
by its demands. Psyche occupies the same position
in a human body as that of a ruler in his empire. Body
and its different parts are the subordinates of psyche.
All mental and physical powers are meant to be at its
disposal. The rule of baser-self is limited to presenting
t hem to psyche, with request . The final decision rests
with psyche as to how these energies and tools be
put to use and which of t he baser-self requisitions be
uc epted or rejected. If ones psyche is so frail that it
i unable to rule the er.1pire of his body, according to
its wi shes, and begins to take the desires of baser-
..;olf as com mand or instructions, then it becomes a
p roly sed ps yche . ' Such people cannot lead a
uccessful and purposeful life. Those who have left
. ~~~j~:Jli~A.JJ,j
Allah is great, Allah is great. No one but Allah be
wshipped. Only Allah is great. All the praise are
t IVt d for Him-on their way to prayers . The
tnw ph re of every lane, by-lane, market and street
u to be filled with these slogans, by which the
1 tlr t wn would echo. After assembling at the
11 ground, the entire gathering would line-up to
f rm prayer under the stewardship of Prophet
M I Jlllllild Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Then Prophet
M h rnrnod allallahu Alaihi Wasallam would get up to
C~IIV r t rrnon. Unlike Friday prayers, the sermon was
111 v r d aft r the prayers to allow maximum number
f ft I t listen to the most important speech of
t olr lo tJur. This occasion came 'j ust twice a year. In
tl ~ "' &~Ill 1 of microphone, then, first address used
t b~ t t hn gathering of men, then Prophet
t Ct 1 ~ t allnllnhu Alaihi Wasallam would move to that
1 Prl f the r u11d where women were gathered, to
MddrmHI tl ~ .t pnrately. These sermons, besides
rtLIW 11t111 1 nil J JWt • ad ing, counseling and preaching,
would tluuw lluhf ~m II the critical issues, concerning
h i LH11! ·.ot lf"lt'/, w it ch were present at that time. In
,., ' , J. , "" _.._.._, J , J"" I. "" ( ,., "' , "' ""'
Today is the anniversary of the birth of an in-
credible personality, who arrived as a boon for the
entire humanity and brought with him a set of princi-
ples, pursuing which guarantees even triumph and
well-being for every individual, every nation and ~oun
try and the whole mankind. Though this day comes
every year, but this year it has come at such a crucial
time when inhabitants of the earth are more indigent
of the guidance of that sagacious person, than ever
before. It is difficult to say whether Mr. Bernard Shaw
made this statement consciously or not, but what-
ever he stated was absolutely fitting that "Had
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasa!lam been the dictator of
the world, at present, then peace would have been
prevailing in the world." I would go one step further
and say that, though Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam is not present in this world, yet the doctrine
presented by him are available hook line and sinker.
If we sincerely presume his tenets as Dictator, then .
all the evils can be rid, the fire of which has turned
the abode of humanity into hell.
actions will plug the holes, which you think can pop
up in your hypothetical simulation.
This is why Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasattam expended all his energy on the grooming of
such human capital that could put his plan of trans-
forming the world into action in the best manner. He
produced people who ·were God-fearing and pious
under every situation. Who held themselves account-
able to Allah in every sphere of their lives. Who re-
strained themselves from every single deed which
they suspected could make Allah furious with them
and who were willing to dedicate themselves to a
cause which they felt would please Allah. Who could
sacrifice everything which could win them favour of
Allah. In whose heart there was no fear, no greed of
favours or desires of awards from anyone other than
Allah. For whom there was no distinction between
their private and public lives. Who were as pious,
decent, and virtuous behind the veil as they appeared
in front of the whole world . Who could prove to be
trustworthy, if they were entrusted with the respon-
sibility of protecting the life, property and honor of
the servants of Allah. If they took oath on behalf of
their self, nation or government, they would not back-
track. If they were made jurist, they would not be
held cruel. If they undertook commercial transaction
then they would not be declared as crooks. They
might be slow in claiming their rights, but will be
quick in dispensing others. They used their intelli·
gence, prudence, diligence and qualifications for trutt-
and justice and for the welfare and prosperity of hu·
manity and not for deceiving and depriving other~
from their rights because of individual and nationa
After spending full 15 years for the developmen
of such people, Prophet Muhammad raised a task
force of handful of true believers which was pot ·com-
rnitted to the reforms of only Arabian peninsula but
for the mankind of the whole world, and which was
co mprised of people other than Arab nationals also.
Having raised this team, he moved on to make
lrrge scale efforts to bring about social reforms and
in merely eight years, brought comprehensive social,
m.o nomic, cultural and political revolution on the land
u f Arabian peninsula, spreading over 1 5,00,000
qt.J re miles. Then, the same team, which was inte-
r 1ted by him, accomplished its task of reforming
Ar 1bs, proceeded further and showered the grace of
tlw, revolution, which was initiated in Arab, over a
lm 1 part of the then civilized world. These days we
lw 11 the idea of new world order everywhere, but
wu fail to understand that how the very fundamental
llnws which have ultimately turned the old system
1111u urmoil, if still exist in the new system, with a
lllfc r nt fa_ce, can be considered a new order? It
wo uld essentially be the same""System whose bites
i!tll I • tings have pushed us to the deathbed for which
w~ m seeking antidote of the new system. Fear-
hHuuH and apathy towards Supreme authority of
llrth by human beings, national and racial distinc-
t n, political and economic self-interests of nations
a ions and non-god-fearing people ruling the
o nr the real drawbacks which have been de-
It y t11 humanity till date and will continue to
If w lifestyle remains the victim of the same
If rut mns are to be brought about, then only
10 1111 iples through which one of the great-
t iahm of humanity not only guided us, cen-
blll J.lractically showed us reforms.
Oth March, 1942, from A I/ India Radio Station,
ar Lahore}
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Maulana SayyidA.
IJ~IA"Ia Ma~ual)dl ·... ,·
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is .
.the most outsJal:lding Islamic th1nl<eh and writer ofy.'
our time. ,H~ ,devbted his entire life to e~pounding
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